We Are NEVER Coming Back to This Haunted Lake Again…

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all right Kim you got the tents yep got them right here perfect I've got the sleeping bags and Ruby you got the firewood um was I supposed to bring that Ruby don't tell me you forgot to bring the firew that's like the most important part of camping oh I just got these fishing rods and these marshmallows what you brought marshmallows instead of firewood how are we going to be warm during the night yeah and Ruby marshmallows are useless without firewood we can't even turn them into s'mores now oh yeah I guess you're right we can't toast them over the fire oh my gosh okay well it should be fine there's a lot of trees around here I'm sure we can just get our own firewood but guys I think our campsite is just over here this way we just got to follow this path over here and check it out there it is there's our campsite wait who's that oh hi there sir hey children what are you doing here oh uh we're just going for a camping trip what what are what brings you here oh nothing I'm just uh you know just here to hang out why his toes out guys this this guy's kind of weird anyway I just wanted to let you guys know that this lake is a rumor to be haunted by a bunch of people who don't like and wait what this lake is haunted by a bunch of people who don't like visitors yeah right it looks pretty empty to me yeah we got a pretty good deal on it there's like no one around it this time wouldn't be too sure but you know things happen just be safe uh yeah yeah thank thanks for the heads up we we'll definitely be be safe can you not get that close yeah be be real safe be be safe yeah yeah yeah we'll we'll be very safe anyways we're going to go set up our tent now thanks for the warning I guess uh see you guys who who was that guy I have absolutely no idea and and he's just staring at us right now uh let's just get our tent set up quickly so we don't have to deal with him anymore yeah let's just PL her down all right let's go ooh this tent is looking so awesome we're going to be able to have so much fun in here we got all of the beds and then we can even make our little campfire over here it's going to be SI yep and it's done it looks awesome on the inside guys wa hold on let me in let me in I want to go on wo whoo guys I'm teleporting in the tent wait cim what type of tent is this thing uh it's uh it's you know it's one of the good tents wa it's so much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside this thing is crazy yeah that's why I bought it where did you even get this thing from uh some sketchy guy in the back of an alley but that doesn't matter we got a huge CH let's go guys guys guys we got to decorate this place we got to make it look absolutely awesome here Ruby take your bed cam take your bed I'm calling uh this side of the tent over here for myself this is my side I call this side o okay okay here guys we got to make this the most epic tent ever I think the first thing we should probably do is replace the floor right now it's just made out of dirt that's going to be kind of uncomfortable to walk around o o ooh what about some Spruce Wood oo spruce wood could look pretty nice I'm pretty sure we're in like a spruce Forest right now so Sprucewood match the theme all right Spruce Wood it is this is going to look so good and no way what what are you no waying to already look behind you there's a cockroach yo yo yo what is that uh uh Ruby behind you there's a cockroach in the tent w w guys we got to burn it we got to burn it come here cockroach yeah take that take that wait don't don't burn the entire tent get it out get it out get it out we got to get rid of the cockro oh there we go we got it but guys let's get rid of this fire oh gosh our tent is going to burn down okay there we go I think we got it we're good don't set the tent on fire R it was a cockroach I had to do what I had to do but oh gosh we better be careful guys we're literally camping that's what camping is all about there's like a bunch of weird animals in the wild and a bunch of insects but anyways our tent is actually looking pretty good ooh guys I'm going to make my corner over here the most epic corner of them all I'm going to put a bunch of camping gear next to my bed I'm going to have the most awesome Corner in the world I'm going to put a carpet next to my bed so my feet can be comfy are you kidding me babies what the heck are those baby cockroaches oh no guys I think we kind of have a cockroach problem hold on we got this though we can just burn them the babies probably don't have a lot of Health can someone closed this door the door is closed I don't know where they're getting in from are there any holes in the tent I think that cockroach just farted green stuff came out of him e e okay but guys I think we should be good for oh my gosh there's another one right over here are you serious this is actually so annoying I'm going to double Doris in here it just farted again and what you're putting another door I'm not sure if that's going to help but anyways I'm going to put a bunch of my survival gear next in my bed I'mma to put some of these Road Runner boots with some of this crocodile chest plate check it out guys tell me this isn't the most epic survival gear of the survival gear is survival gear that looks all right and wait Ruby are you trying to fish the Cockroach what are you doing maybe we can use it as bait or something oh yeah we can use it as bait for fishing but hold on a minute I got to get the rest of my survival gear going hm let me see o I'm going use the spiked Turtle helmet it's going to be pretty nice and okay what type of pant should I use ooh what about the cave centipede leggings these things look pretty awesome yo check out my set I'm building a wall around my thing so you guys can't stare at me while I'm sleeping no Kim I want it to stare at you while you're sleep oh oh you can open it ooh nice o nice what are you planning to do exactly Dash is weird I'm going to jump scare him while he sleep wait I'm going to jump scare Ruby right now Ruby look behind you oh what are you kidding me stop doing that guys come on let's just focus on making your t look better and yeah yeah I think this wall over here you got going is pretty cool I'm going to grab some of these blocks as well and build one on my side or ooh wait in fact I'm going to build mine out of glass it's going to look super cool and modern let me put some of this re forc glass blocks around over here ooh my corner is looking sick not as sick as mine it's almost done being built too damn your are literally being built out of fence kits you can open them that doesn't mean you should open them I'm definitely going to prank him when he's sleeping at night but anyways let me put a bunch of these purple glass panes all around over here this is actually looking awesome and wait a minute guys we've got one corner over there in our tent where none of us are living I know exactly what we got to build there we got to build a kitchen where we can have like pancakes and stuff in the morning you guys know how good pancakes are when you're camping wait that sounds amazing I don't know why but whenever you eat pancakes while you're camping they're always like 10 times better than if you were to eat them at home we definitely got to have a little kitchen area there okay let's do that first things first though I'm going to keep working on my area over here wait guys should I add a TV in my area or would that be a little bit like uh un campy like it might be kind of Overkill yeah what about a computer I still got to play some video games while camping bro are you camping or are you glamping what does glamping even mean camping but Glam you know fancy and stuff what is Glam is that like is that like jam but like no it just means it's fancy oh my gosh okay okay but hold on a minute I don't know what else to put in my room here Kim what are you putting in your room here let me take a look at this and wo there's a very big door it's pretty cool looking and okay I see you got your armor here what this is your survival armor yeah this looks like hobo gear what is this stuff your shoes are literally they have wings on them exactly so I can Fly Away what the heck okay okay well I'm going back to my area over here H what other stuff am I going to need for camping ooh I know what about a fishing rod that's probably going to be pretty important you know in case we want to fish in the lake oh yeah I read about this Lake I heard it's really good for swimming o yeah there's probably also going to be a lot of fish in there it's going to be sick oh wait guys hold on you know what other stuff we're going to need for survival gear what about a grappling hook this is going to be like the ultimate survival gear in case we ever need to get out of a cave or something really a grappling hook check it out I'm grappling in the top of our tent let's go yo wait wait guys I'm I'm kind of stuck here how do I get down I'm kind of scared just climb down bro how do I climb down oh gosh oh gosh wait hold on guys uh I think I need to go on this fence who wants to see me climb a fence just do it it's not that hard okay let me down oh oh I just climbed that fence I just climbed that fence like a beast I mean sure I guess it's not that hard you just fell what are you talking about okay okay climbing offense definitely takes some skill but this grappling hook is definitely going on the item frame there we go and H what other survival gear is going to be important ooh o guys what about a spy glass in case we're like going hunting for any mobs and we're going to want to like see them from far away ooh there going to be pretty clutch wait Ruby I'm looking at you right now wait what don't don't look at me I'm trying to figure out what to wear now we see the wild Ruby in her natural habitat can you wa D we should hunt for wild Ruby I'm pretty sure they taste good leave me alone ooh good idea we should put down bows in case we want to go hunting ooh good idea good idea we're going to need some bows let me go ahead and grab a bow o I'm going to grab a crossbow and also a few arrows I'm going to put all of the arrows inside of a barrel right over here so there we go that is looking pretty good and let me put down the crossbow right over here yo guys my survival gear is looking awesome you know you don't need that much gear right no no no Ruby we're out here in the nature we got to we got to defend ourselves from the elements just going to wear some comfy clothes what what if like a bear attacks you um then we can run away ooh o wait guys I know what I'm going to put for the last pieces of my survival gear what about some flint and steel and a flint knife check it out I got a flint shank come here Kim dude check it out I got a flint shank this thing is awesome I can shank your armor stand yeah yeah oh oh I'm sorry about that get out I'm sorry I'm sorry I was testing it out are you kidding me test it out somewhere else you just broke my armor I'm sorry I'm sorry but anyways guys I think my survival gear is done guys we got to work on the kitchen now oh yeah we got to make homemade pancakes it's going to be sick this isn't our home and oh my gosh guys we have more cockroaches in here take them out take them out guys how are we going to build a kitchen if there's going to be cockroaches everywhere we literally put a door there I think we need to like have some sort of wall to make sure the Cockroaches don't get in I think we need some more security what about an arrow turret there we go this will stop all the Cockroaches uh H okay I think that'll probably work come on guys we got to focus on the kitchen and o yeah guys the pancakes now that we got this turret here it should take out all the Cockroaches here let's go ahead and start building the kitchen out of some ooh what about some smooth Stone we can put some smooth Stone down here like that we going have like some countertops here ooh this looking pretty fancy oh cool wait who brought the grills I got it o all right all right we got to put some grills down this is going to be awesome wait are you sure we should have the grills indoors yeah yeah yeah we we we'll make a chimney just don't worry okay there's a very fancy tent but guys guys we also need some pancakes let me go ahead and grab a few of those and ooh check it out we already got some pre-made pancakes we should put these in a fridge so we can have them tomorrow oh I have a cooler I have a cooler o o let's put in the cooler all right all right let's just put that in over there like that we can have a bunch of Pancakes we got like seven Stacks guys what other food do people eat while camping o dash I've got the perfect idea wait what what is it check it out is that bacon oh that is actually a great idea all right that is going in the cooler I'm going to take out some of the pancakes to make room for the bacon there we go and O guys if we're going to have bacon we also need some eggs wait that's a really good idea um I have eggs all right all right everyone let's put some eggs in over there looking good and all right what other cing food cooked chicken sausage that is a great idea yep yep yep good idea oh and what about salads I guess we can have a little bit of salad but guys what about some chocolate cake this stuff is going to be so good wait put that in it can be next to the marshmallows ooh let's go let's go and oh wait wait actually hold on guys let's take the chocolate cake out what about instead of cake we make some s'mores let's get some bread there we go we're going to make some s'mores with some bread and marshmallows oh wait we also need some sticks let's take out one of the pancakes to make room for sticks uh s'mores are usually made with graham crackers DH crackers bread same thing uh okay all right but check it out guys this kitchen is looking awesome this is a very nice kitchen yep yep yep it's looking looking sick let's go ahead and build this little countertop area over here again and let's also go ahead and grab a few chairs let's put them right over here like that so we can all just sit around the kitchen countertop and eat yo this is actually awesome this is such an awesome tent guys this is actually the most decked out 10 ever let's go it doesn't even feel like we're camping anymore uh guys why aren't the tur taking out the Cockroaches okay I think the Cockroaches just live with us now no well GG's I guess we're just going to have to live with them hopefully they don't get inside of our pancak that would be so gross I'm going to get rid of them right now but guys it's night time what should we have for dinner oh yeah true it is night time hold on do we have anything inside of the cooler that we can eat for dinner and um guys it is all kind of like breakfast and dessert food uh anyone got any ideas for dinner H maybe we should go fishing for dinner oh wait you're right you're right I heard this lake has a lot of good fish and are you kidding me dude there's so many bugs in here yeah guys I think we should just leave the tent for a little bit maybe we can let all of the bugs leave and we got to go fishing everyone grab their fishing rods let me grab mine right over here let's go I'll take my floaty too all right sounds good and guys there's kind of smoke coming out of our uh the tent right now I'm not sure if putting the grills inside was the best idea no it's a great idea yeah it's like a little chimney don't worry about it I guess that works but anyways guys we got to hit the lake I'm pretty sure it's just right over here this way ooh look there's a dock over there let's pull up to the dock we got to do some fishing wait guys we should make this a challenge whoever catches 10 fish the fastest they they win ooh okay okay I'm down I'm down 10 fish is going to be a lot but I'm pretty hungry I could probably eat all of that let's see I'm going to cast mine over here I'm casting mine over here this way I'm going get the most fish hey cam you put yours too close to mine take it away take it away I threw mine first brother no you did I threw it first bro your lines are crossing damn yeah look our lines are literally Crossing give me my fish come on oh oh wait I just got one oh let's go I got one rock CAU cam told you that spot's mine wait how do I how do I bring the fish in Ruby you just pull it back in what are you doing I'm trying pull harder pull harder I think you got a big one it didn't work and one fish gam did you bring an enchanted fishing rod yeah I'm a pro dude that is so cheating you're not allowed to Enchanted fishing rods me and Ruby you're using normal ones out here yeah I brought my rod from home guys when do you know when the fish is on there uh uh Ruby you just have to watch it and when the thingy goes down you got to pull it back come on come on I got to get a fish soon I haven't had one in a while oh oh I'm getting one oh oh let's go I just got a salmon okay um does that count as one of the fish that we're catching yeah yeah whoever catches 10 fish first wins hold on Kim how many are you at uh I'm at two right now and that's three what you're at three oh no oh no you know what hold on I need to sabotage uh I'm just going to push you in the water there there you go DH damn I think you tripped in the water what was that no you literally picked me up and that's four what no that wasn't me hey you took one of my fish Dash oh wait I did I'm too bad I guess All is fair in the fishing competition look give me my card back it's mine it's mine you should have been more careful with it no it's my card you know what I think about your Cod Ruby take this take this wait wait wait stop it stop it stop it stop it you better be careful it's a free-for-all leave me alone I'm just trying to fish wait guys look there's some Lobster down there hold on so I'm going should go grab one of those lobsters ooh we should have lobster for dinner tonight and uh cim what are you doing got to be in their natural habitat what the heck are you doing dude I'm fishing bro since you're going in the water can you grab one of the lobsters and wait ruy what are you doing are you like swimming all over the lake my shoes let me do this this is why I packed them wao that's what your shoes do okay that is kind of cool but oh I still haven't gotten any fish are you kidding me I guess I'm just going to have to wait longer I got to be patient and just stand still and wait for fish to pull up and wait a minute hold on what's that thing over there in the distance what the heck is that uh uh guys guys hold on hold on call the fishing contest off I think I just saw something weird in the distance did you guys see that oh you want to call it off now that I'm on my 10th fish no no no guys guys I'm not joking I'm actually being serious I'm pretty sure I just saw someone behind one of those trees over there did you guys see that was that a bear Dash are you just trying to distract us from the competition you know I've already won right no guys guys Kim yeah sure you want I'm not trying to distract anyone Ruby I'd get out of that water if I were you I don't think it was a bear I saw like a like a human figure over there behind the tree he's right there he's right there do you guys see that I can't see that far I love my glasses at home I don't see anything over there and I have good Vision are you sure you're just not tired or something no no guys I'm not joking I literally saw it with my own two eyes it was just there and I saw it twice oh wait wait Ruby I I I I think what he's trying to do is scare us oh wait he must be trying to distract us from the competition let's keep fishing no no guys I guys I'm I'm not scaring you I'm telling you I actually saw something Plus cam you already got all the fish it is getting kind of spooky I I think we should just go back to the tent and eat uh yeah yeah yeah are you believing what that old man told you earlier oh no I didn't even think about about that old man maybe the old man was right oh come on don't be so silly let's just get some firewood and get cooking okay yeah I guess let's get cooking and wait wait we're going to cook on firewood we're not going to cook inside on our grills n it tastes better that way the fresh wood makes food taste so much better what okay well guys I think we should just eat inside tonight don't you think you know cuz because we saw that scary guy no we're we're camping we need to cook outside and glac just get the Stars yeah here I'm just going to start setting up the campfire and you get the firewood and what I have to get the firewood Ruby you're the one who forgot it well I'm setting up the rocks you get the firewood I'll set up the chairs what you guys are really sending me to get the firewood okay can one of you guys come with me though I'm I'm kind of scared after seeing all that in the forest earlier are you actually scared guys I'm not joking I saw it with my own two eyes yeah she'll be fine just take that what you're not even going to come with me what no I've got to set up the chairs oh my gosh okay fine fine I guess I can go get some wood maybe I was just seeing things maybe my friends are right it is getting kind of late I am a bit tired I'm just going to go this way over here to get some firew there's a lot of good trees over here o wait a minute hold on this tree over here looks pretty primed for the taking I'm just going to chop this one down over here we're going to have so much firewood let's go let me just chop down this tree I'm going to grab all of the pieces of the tree I don't want to leave one single piece remaining that way the tree is not going to fall and it's going to look very very bad here we go let me just climb up a little bit and grab this piece of wood and now I just got to grab these pieces of wood down here let's go I got nine logs I think that should be enough for a campfire all right anyways I think this should be enough and what the what are those over there why is there two pieces of yellow stuff just floating in the sky that was kind of creepy I think I'm just going to head back to the tent I'm going to kind of freak out around here what what what is That Yo Yo there's a guy chasing me what the heck I got guys guys guys there's something in the woods there's something in the woods huh what's going on dash right there right there it was just chasing me and uh where did it go guys hold on it it was just there there was some guy with a head pumpkin on his head and he had like like weird stuff on his back he was chasing me yeah yeah yeah totally I get it I'm not joking guys there was a creepy guy chasing me after I got the logs I saw some things in the air it was like two pieces of yellow particles and then and then a guy chased me Dash it's not time for scary stories yet give me the wood what I'm oh my gosh do you guys really not believe me we've at least got to set up the fireplace before we start telling scary stories what this isn't a scary story guys okay fine I got nine pieces of wood this should be enough there you go Ruby I'm sure you just saw a bird or something it's fine it was not a bird birds don't put pumpkins on their heads that would be way too heavy for a bird I'm sitting on this chair over here I'm not going close to the forest anymore I'm I'm staying right next to the tent over here guys stamina is going to be so good and oh wait I think the campsite lights just went out wao okay this place is looking so much darker now that there's no campsite lights that means that the only light source now is fire guys does anyone have any torches no uh I brought lanterns O Okay Okay lanterns would do but hold on guys we should probably just get to cooking our fish I'm putting mine in the pan over there I let's just eat and go to bed I'm getting kind of scared what no it's time for scary stories and look I even brought my Enderman Lantern what the heck is that that oh my gosh okay fine fine one scary story and and then we're going back in the tent hear that yeah yeah yeah uh who should go first I don't have anything I already said mine mine was a real scary story H I think I might have a story oh gosh all right hopefully it's not too scary once upon a time there were two people Johnny and Jane and wait Johnny and Jane okay okay so far it seems like it's a pretty good start Jane would wear a yellow ribbon around her neck every single day and Johnny would ask why do you wear that and she just says oh I just do okay well one day after they got married she leaned in and said do you you want to know my secret uh what's our secret it's getting kind of scary is a yellow ribbon like um like a snake or something she untied the ribbon and her head fell off oh gosh that is kind of scary um guys I I I think we should just go back inside now that that was a pretty good story um I I don't think I'm even hungry anymore let's just put this fish in the cooler and just uh just go eat FR you you haven't even told yours I literally told mine mine was a realistic scary story you still have all of this fish left well you left that so much detail come on just tell us more about the story okay well if I tell her are you guys going to believe me sure I guess if it's believable oh yeah I love immersion okay okay well here we go guys realistic scary story one day there was a group of three friends going camping and then they set up their tents and then they went out to the lake and while they were fishing one of them saw a weird monster in the forest and the other ones didn't believe him this sounds familiar uh it doesn't sound familiar at all and what why did they listen to him I don't know they were being pretty stupid I will say but then after that the one friend who did see the weird monster wanted to go back into his tent he wanted to just go back into the tent sleep for the night and then just go back home the next day but his friends insisted that they set up a campire and guess who they sent out to get the firewood who did they send they sent out the friend who saw the weird monster how good they so that friend who saw the weird monster went into the woods and started getting some firewood just you know like normally getting firewood when suddenly he saw some weird yellow things in the air they look like two yellow particles maybe they were eyes I don't know what they were what and then suddenly from behind him approached a big scary monster with a pumpkin on his head and it chased him out of his Forest a that's horrifying yeah yeah does that sound familiar to you guys at all uh you guys getting anything no I've never heard this story before well well you guys want to know what happens next you guys want to know what happens next the friend who saw the monster came back to his other friends and told them all about it but they didn't believe him so they started cooking some fish on a campfire that they set up and then the monster came and ate all of them I'm cooking fish right no yeah guys that's what's going to happen to us if we stay outside we got to go back in the tent the monster's going to eat us you don't know that dude this is a campsite no one's going to be here like a monster or anything do not remember what that weird guy over there told us he warned us maybe he was right dude that guy also had his feet out and he was smelling both you and Ruby yeah that's true his toes were out well guys you never know some crazy people sometimes say the truth okay okay I'm full now we can go back to the 10 if you want Dash finally all right well guys let's go back to the 10 I say we just sleep this night and and just not go outside anymore maybe we can go back outside during the daytime tomorrow when there's no more scary monsters yeah let's just um stay inside now that story scared me a lot I'm tired good night guys guys guys hold on wake up every did you guys hear that what was that what was that uh uh guys there was just a really really loud scream sound outside of our tent it was like just outside of our tent it was so loud did Ruby Bur what was that noise no that wasn't me was that a bear that was definitely not a burp it could have been a bear but uh guys I do you think maybe this could be linked up to that monster I saw maybe this is him maybe this is the sound that he makes stop trying to scare me this isn't the right time for that I'm not telling a scary story this is the truth guys I actually saw that monster that scary story I was telling at the campfire was true just put on your armor we have to go check outside wait wait you want to go check outside guys I I don't know about that I think we should just uh stay in here for now did you not hear what just happened outside uh if it'll show you that there's nothing outside and I can go back to bed we should go outside and look nothing outside Camp did you not hear the crazy scream there's nothing there's not going to be anything outside Dash we're in a campground what explains that crazy scream then sry that something's going to try to eat our tent maybe it's like a bear or maybe you farted in while in your sleep what no no okay maybe it's a bear but guys I don't know this might be linked up to that thing I saw earlier I'm just saying you are really paranoid about that what dude there was a guy chasing me with a pumpkin on his head how am I not supposed to be paranoid uh-huh uh-huh just get ready and we'll go outside and we'll show you that there's nothing out there oh my gosh okay fine fine if we're going outside though I'm pulling out all my weapons let me grab all my armor real quick me put all this stuff on I'm pulling out this axe as well yeah let me grab my crossbow there we go this monster was going down I am ready all right I'm ready let's go come on I got my trusty bananas oh gosh cam I don't think bananas are going to be enough to stop this monster I guess let's go if it's a bear it'll be fine it is not a bear it's definitely something more than a bear guys Bears don't make those types of Screams and uh uh guys you see those yellow particles over there I saw that last time when the monster was chasing me they're right there again look look oh this and uh uh cam cam I I I wouldn't be looking at those that closely if I were you oh wait they they just disappeared maybe you're AIC and bees uh cam I don't think bees look like that uh guys can we go back in the campsite no we have to check out to make sure the tent is safe oh my gosh okay fine fine let's just do a quick circle around the tent yeah guys guys look there there's nothing here let's just go back in the tent here hold on before we go back in I'm going to make a trail so if there's any bears they follow the food away okay wait actually that's not a bad idea but I don't think it's a bear still and the crows are stealing them guys I think we should just take a quick walk around the park and I could show Dash that there's nothing here what no we're not going around the park we're definitely going to see the Monster then guys let's just go back to our house uh uh guys you're seeing that right don't don't tell me you don't see that there's literally the monster right there he's burning our tent yo okay I believe you now come on let's attack oh gosh oh gosh beat him up beat him up he's trying to light our tent on fire guys we got to put this out get away from my tent yes grand monster get out of here oh gosh it's going back to the lake where's it going I don't know but Dash I'm sorry for believing you we should go back inside now see guys I was telling the truth everyone back in the tent back in the tent oh my gosh guys he is definitely trying to mess with us he literally lit our tent on fire he knows that we're here and I don't think he likes visitors guys the old guy was right the old guy was right I don't know if I can sleep anymore well it's gone now I think our best chance is just to sleep and then go discover something in the morning and okay okay honestly I kind of agree with that maybe this monster only comes out during the night time yeah maybe if we sleep and make it daytime then the monster will go away okay let's just go to bed then yeah hopefully we don't hear any loud screams that wake us up again oh gosh wait hold on is the second door closed oh yeah okay there we go we got both the doors closed all right good night guys good night good night good morning guys and uh wait what happened to our tent yo what happened happen did a bear get in here or something oh Dash did you Sleepwalk again uh no no guys this definitely wasn't me but wait do you see these purple particles here guys I think maybe this was linked to that monster from last night this was no bear look at my side of the tent oh no everything got destroyed and our kitchen no it's missing everything my wall is our food still here um uh let's see let's see okay it looks like our food is still here but guys our tent got trashed I think that monster was inside of our tent last night while we were sleeping Oho are you serious serious wait that's so scary I didn't wake up at all oh no oh no he was here with us what does this guy want from us maybe he wants us to leave but I'm not done camping yet oh gosh but guys it should be daytime now maybe we should go outside maybe we can find some of these items that he stole from us like half of my weapons on my item frame are missing oh my gosh and wait my fish is gone all right yeah let's check outside hopefully we can find our stuff maybe it was just like a bear maybe although I don't know what oh gosh uh guys why is everything on fire what is this wait is this a trail of fire oh my gosh guys this was no better the monster was definitely here what do we do well we have to go investigate it's daytime so I don't think we'll see him do we have to go like find something okay okay that seems like a good plan maybe we can find where this monster is coming from and we can just beat him up cuz we all do have our weapons still right wait Kim do you have your armor uh no he saw all of it oh my gosh okay we need to get your armor back I guess let's just look around guys why don't we follow these Pathways over here okay um I'm going to put out the fire too so they don't spread to the trees yeah let's just keep following the path all right and oh wait it guys it looks like the fire ends right over here is this how far the monster went what happened I'm not sure well the fire went the other way so maybe we can go that way okay okay here let's check the other side everyone look around we got to look for any suspicious Things o maybe keep an eye out for those yellow things again maybe there's going to be some more of those I don't know those might only come out at night true but everyone keep your weapons out just in case we see anything okay I'll keep my fishing rod out I guess come on dash hurry up I'm coming I'm coming I'm just being really careful this will lead us to him for sure right and uh I don't know about all that guys it looks like the Fire trail ends right over here what do we do maybe we could just take a look around where did we last see him and wait a minute guys the last place we saw the monster was in the lake remember he ran off to the lake that's where we got to look all well what are we waiting for come on we have to go find him oh gosh I can't believe we're actually doing this we have to see if he's actually real and then maybe we can report him to the police or something what Ru what do you mean if he's actually real I thought we already made that clear by now he is definitely real but here I'm pretty sure the last place we saw him was just over here he was running from over there and he just like flew across the lake I've never seen someone that can fly before other than a bird so this guy is definitely some sort of crazy monster it's not a human oh gosh um wait should we swim over there and what K you're just going in the water I don't think that's really a good idea there has to be something in here I'm I'm going to take a look around I have water shoes so I'm going to go too okay okay that actually seems like a good idea I guess I'll come as well I think my armor should keep me warm in the water let's go okay there we go oh yeah check it out my armor gives me like water breathing that's awesome oh cool wait guys right here look there's like cockroaches and lobsters right here and wait what I think those are just like normal water mobs and wait a minute guys look there's also a little cave down here with an opening over there guys we should go check this out that's what I was talking about come on okay guys maybe this is the monster's home I'm pretty sure he did go this way and ow ow ow why does the water here hurt what the heck Dash I think I found out why the water hurts look at the lobsters trying to go through the water they're immediately dying what the is this like poisonous water or something oh no um guys I don't think we can jump in the water over here I don't think I can walk on this water either yeah but wait guys look there's like little rocks that we can jump on what what if we try parkouring from the rocks to the other side maybe we can find something at the end oh okay let's um just try it it looks pretty simple yeah this seems pretty easy what's that noise um I don't know this sounds very creepy guys I think we should be really really careful I do not want to fall into that water and find out what happens come on we just have to get to the other side we have to investigate okay okay I I guess we can do that this parkour is pretty easy but guys what if this is like the monster's home this is where he went when he flew in the lake earlier well I don't think he's going to be here cuz it's the day remember we only see him during night besides we need to get Cam's armor oh yeah true that is a good point but wait a minute guys look there's electron over there at the end oh yeah yeah what's there what's there hold let's take a look at this maybe this is going to give us a clue to what this monster guy is and um it says the lake blank blank blank what what does that mean the lank is really delicious wait wait hold hold on guys I think this like a riddle the lake is okay well the two words probably that's that first blank is probably the word is right cuz like two letters and then you know is maybe and then uh what's the next word the lake is um 1 two three one one how many letters is that it's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even what's a word that's seven letters that fits the space Saturday the lake is Saturday Kim that makes no sense but there's also another blank over here the lake is Monday okay well I I don't really have any clue what this is let's take this book though we can bring this back to our tent with us and oh oh it looks like there's an exit over here we can use this to get back up to the surface wait let's just leave yeah yeah let's get out of here I thought we were going to have to do the parkour all the way back again I'm glad we don't though and uh wait guys hold on have we been to this part of the campsite before oh look at all these mobs I've never seen this waterfall before there's so many Trident wait a minute guys do you think this could be linked up to the monster maybe this is his real hiding spot what if he's a drowned that's hiding behind a pumpkin mask and he only comes out at night because during the daytime it's sunny and then he'll he'll burn to the sun maybe these are his minions or something wait a minute you're right U guys I I I think we should just go back to our campsite honestly I'm not going to lie no no no we have to find we have to figure out what this message means wa well cam you literally have no armor how are you going to fight well well you have full armor so why don't you just give me a piece and I'll be fine what but then I'm going to be missing a piece yeah but I'll be missing three oh my gosh okay fine fine fine cam I'll give you my uh pants there you go awesome all right well uh let's get to fighting oh gosh all right well we should be able to do this it's only drowns let's go come on come on come on wait take out one of the ones with the the Trident maybe we can get that and use it as a weapon and they're hitting me with the trons the trons are so painful okay okay we got to take these guys out come here come here come here beat them up beat them up beat them up yeah wait did you drop the Trident no uh maybe we could try again Ruby are youing a fishing rod on him I'm trying to is that your only weapon here Ruby take my crossbow this will be more useful okay I'll use this axe on them take that let's go there's so many of these guys what the heck ow I'm so low I need cover I need cover oh I got you I got you I got you okay okay I'm back I'm back I healed up all right time to take these guys out let's go cam did any of them drop a trident oh gosh there's so many down here I got a tridon I got a Trent let's go let's go okay now we all have weapons I got to take some more cover though I'm very low there's Babies to there's so many drowns oh my gosh okay hold on my axe is doing some good damage on him I'm just going to keep hitting him with this let's go wait why are some of the Trident going back to that one oh wait Ruby it's probably an enchanted Trident no I think she means the one in the cave look he's massive wait wait there's one in the cave what are you talking about and uh what the heck is that thing yo yo I think that's their final boss over there oh gosh he's aiming to oh he just threw a trident at me what the heck that's when did that one get there I think if we beat that one we can beat all of them I think it's like their leader or something oh I'm so low I'm at one heart I'm at one heart I got to go I got to go get some fish get some fish I'm getting some okay I just ate all of my fish do you guys have any extra oh thank you thank you oh that TRD it is so painful I'm hiding behind the trees I'm hiding behind the trees I'm missing my arrow shots it's really hard to see from back here I'm just going to eat some fish and charge come here stupid drowns come on fight them all we have to get rid of these babies they're so annoying come on come on there's a bunch over here I'm going to work on these guys over here come on take that take that yeah if I hide around this corner the big guy isn't going to be able to hit me let's go the baby has a Trident are you serious oh I think I H the C by accident come on come on here we go here we go there's only a few left over here in the front careful careful being in the water oh gosh oh gosh guys we got to be careful of being in sight of that big guy he's going to throw his giant Trident at us but there's only a few Dr left and the big guy come on we got this we got to push forward we got to push forward everyone go underw I think the Trident are a little bit slower underneath the water the water works as a good cover come on come on come on and oh no are we really going to fight that guy that thing is massive we have to we have to fight him we don't have a choice Dash oh gosh okay okay here we go here we go we got to take these guys out guys what if that big drown is the monster and if we take him out then he won't bother us anymore maybe that we we there's only one way to find out come on come on there's only a few left down over here we got this okay okay I'm I'm going to start aiming at him oh yeah Ruby hit him with the bow hit him with the bow come on come on we got to take out these last two over here wait hold on we can take these guys out later first we should get up here guys how do we get up here wait can someone pick me up yeah I got you I got you come here someone put me up here someone put me up here let's go come on come on and oh oh I'm up oh gosh I'm up here with him alone G come here I'm going to bring you up I'm going to bring you up hold on hold on I'm coming I need help I need help ow he's a he's tring at me pull up pull up pull up let me lift you up and there you go all right we got to fight this guy Ruby pull up too I'm trying I'm trying to shoot from over here actually wait yeah stay there use your bow on him okay here we go here we go come here you stupid drowned take this he's so fast it's really hard to aim oh my gosh this is not a normal drown he's not even burning since he's inside of this cave and the sun isn't reaching him try to keep him in one spot maybe that'll help me come on come on let me just hit him ow ow wait guys I think we got him let's go and wao look at all the rotten fleshy dropped that's really huge rotten flesh waa okay this guy dropped a lot of stuff and wait a minute hold on what is that over there you guys see that thing over there in the corner it looks like he dropped something that's Enchanted wait I think it's an enchanted book wait pick it up pick it up okay okay I guess let me grab that W my inventory is just filled with a bunch of Flesh and wait guys yeah it's another book it's another book hold on a minute let me take a look at this and uh wait a minute guys I think I found out what the next word is what is it what is it the lake is haunted that's the next word oh no oh no and then there's a bunch of weird characters take a look take a look oh no what guys I told you you should have listened to me at the start the lake is haunted oh what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do what do all those symbols mean are we cursed now okay okay well guys guys there's still one word that's missing there's still one blank and it's two characters long the lake is haunted uh um I I I'm out of AAS the lake is haunted is uh that doesn't make sense what what could this be the lake is haunted too the lake is haunted to to to what what the lake is haunted um me that okay that doesn't really make a lot of sense maybe if we just take another look around the campsite we'll we'll find out what the next word is and oh no you guys really want to look for more clues yeah that's our only option I think we should just go back and pack up our 10 no no no we have to find out what the last word is yeah otherwise these guys are just going to keep on haunting other people oh my gosh okay fine fine I guess we can keep taking a look around the campsite hm which parts have we not looked in yet we've looked inside of the lake we looked inside of this waterfall area here ooh guys what about up on the mountain up there I don't think we can get up there I'm sure we can we just have to go around I have an idea guys we can use the fishing rods or actually I'm pretty sure the pants you gave me allowed me to climb walls whoa what the I forgot about that wait wait hold on now that you're up there try using a fishing rod to fish me up and oh oh I guess I guess that works too yeah you can just climb up yourself all right all right I'm coming up let's go guys why did you just swim up the waterfall and oh oh that that that that would have worked as well actually hold on wait no this is more fun climbing up walls I'm just going to slim up the waterfall don't worry cam I got you I can make this faster let me just hook you on my fish fishing rod Dash I'm literally already up here all right all right but anyways now that we're up on this mountain let's take a look around is there going to be anyone around here hello any monsters hello guys I don't see anything no me neither maybe we can get a good view of the park and H yeah maybe we can see some other stuff that we missed and wait a minute guys hold on you see that cabin over there have we been there already wait there's a cabin there I I don't think we've been there I didn't see that on any website either wait guys maybe that's where the campsite owner lives maybe we can go ask him what's going on okay we got to go confront this guy come on come on come on this way I'm just jumping down in the water let's go all right but anyways guys here we go it looks like the cabin is just right over here wo this place looks pretty old oh gosh guys there's more cockroaches here this place definitely has a cockroach problem yeah this is kind of weird but let's just step over the Cockroaches and check out the inside of this building maybe we can find some help and uh wait guys why am I sing what's going on what's going on I think this is quick sand help help help and oh oh thank goodness you picked me up but uh guys I think all this red stuff here is quicksand we got to be really careful how are we supposed to get inside can we C Crouch walket or something I'm not sure if Crouch rocking is going to work let me give it a go and oh yeah yeah you can't Crouch whenever you crouch you just like you don't go on the quick tent maybe we can parkour our away and then oh no Ruby Ruby ah help me help me help me help me let me pick you up there you go let's just um stand on the turn yeah we got to be really really careful I'm pretty sure I can make this jump though so I'm just going to oh goodbye guys what how are you oh right cuz you have those wall climbing pants okay hold on let me try making this jump is this going to be possible let me in it oh oh guys I made it that's possible okay let's go all right all right and oh oh Ruby you're went to it there's more quick standand over there there you go I got you whoa what is this place look there's water dripping from the ceiling this place is kind of gross this is really gross put on that fire there's so much dust guys guys let's look around this place and just get out this place is disgusting and whoa look there's a chest over here with a shulker box on the bottom of it what is this oh it's another book wait really wa okay okay hold on a minute guys what if this book has the last clue we we got to take a look we got to take a look what does it say what does it say let me open it let me see and uh guys it says the lake is haunted by and then a bunch of random characters again what does that mean what who's it haunted by who's it haunted by maybe if we keep on finding Clues we'll understand what those letters mean yeah but Ruby there's no more blank characters it's the lake is haunted by and then there's no more blanks I don't know but wait there's a fire here doesn't that mean that someone was here recently oh wait actually you're right there couldn't have just been a fire here with no one around oh gosh someone must have lit that fire maybe we can try going through these paintings is there any hidden rooms around here okay I I don't know what's going on here there's like no one here are these bookshelves doors and oh I'm in the quick s again oh my gosh stop falling in the quicksand wait let's check all these barrels is there anything in here and no okay all the barrels look empty oh gosh guys what do we do I think we just go back to the campsite and pack it up there's nothing else for us here to find anymore yeah I think we found everything that we need to let's just get out yeah we got to report all this evidence that we have now to the police or something this campsite is so messed up and uh I fell in the quick sand you put me back in you put me back in oh there we go don't worry I'm immune to quicksand check it out wa wait you can climb it cuz of those pants that's awesome yeah these pants make me immune to quicksand come here Ruby I don't think ru's immune though thanks but um wait we have evidence we should report this place to the police yeah yeah yeah we could probably get this place shut down with all of this evidence that we have these books are some solid evidence yeah let's just go back and pack up the tent and yeah yeah I'm pretty sure our tent was just over here this way oh gosh we got to go back around the lake around the lake I'm going across the lake see you guys but Ruby you're really going into the lake after all we found it's the f just swing to the tents I'm sticking on land I am not going on the lake especially not alone all right we're back in the tent we're back in the tent guys let's just pack up all of our belongings and get out of here you don't have to tell me that twice all well that our belongings that still are here that is we got all of our stuff stolen um here I guess I'm going to pack up all of these things over here let me grab my grappling hook my spy glass my flint and steel ooh I'm going to need all my arrows in here as well those things are not cheap I get my floaty and my bed and I guess I'll just leave everything else oh gosh yeah wait Kim do you think we have time to pack up the 10 probably not plus I could just buy a new one I think we should just leave this one here all right yeah that seems like a pretty good idea but anyways does everyone have everything that they want to bring home yep I'm ready yep I've got everything and oh we didn't even get to use the marshmallows oh gosh and what wait yo wait hey who are you what are you doing at our campsite oh hey welcome back it's me I'm the grounds keeper how's it going wait you're the grounds keeper to this place well hold on a minute what are you doing in our tent this is kind of weird you're not supposed to be in here oh nothing I just caught wi that you guys are trying to leave leave so soon I didn't even get time to eat you wait wh what um eat uh wait how did you know we were leaving what is he talking about eating us well did you not read my books what your books wait uh guys are these his books wait you you knew about this monster the whole time monster no no no no no I am the monster wait what wait what uh uh guys what do we do what do we do wait is you hey you can never leave this campsite now that I'm here oh no uh guys he was the guy with the pumpkin on said he was the monster everyone run run run to the entrance to the entrance run leave leave leave get away get away get away go go go uh uh guys we we got to leave this campsite we got to leave this campsite I'm pretty sure the front entrance is just over there that way we got to go L's haunted lak's haunted R run run run run R oh my gosh who would have guess that he's the monster the grounds keeper of this place is the monster are you serious oh gosh oh gosh he is right there he is right there Ruby run run run you're last in line we got to go we got to go R I'm trying I'm trying I'm slow oh my gosh what the heck he's right there everyone go go go we're almost at the front entrance we're almost at the front entrance he's hitting me he's hitting me help me help me help me help me uh wait a minute guys why is the front entrance gated off like this yo yo yo uh he's right here he's right here guys I think he blocked off the front entrance are you serious what are we supposed to do now don't you know once you enter this campsite you're never leaving what the he guys we got to find a way to escape we got to find a way to escape maybe we can break that gate over there does anyone have a pickaxe wait Das use your axe good idea good idea hold on hold let me go over here is this ax going to do any damage to this thing and guys guys I literally can't do any damage are you serious come on come on and it's too strong wait what's this I think we need a key card wait there's a key card meter over here okay maybe if we get a key card we can open it up oh wait guys over here at the front desk area maybe we can get a key card from here um any key cards here hello I don't think key cards would talk back to us corned yourself already we did not corn ourselves guys through the glass through the glass we got to break the glass hey you just damaged my property you stole Cam's armor but wait guys I got an idea wait you do what is it what is it well guys he's the ground keeper what if we kill him he might drop a key card to get us out of here wait a minute you're right he probably has the key card hey uh Joe we're about to beat you up come here good Lu trying to kill me Mighty have tried but failed what the heck okay guys what do we do what do we do we we we all attack at the same time you use your ax I use my tredit Ruby use a crossbow okay okay let's try let's try it guys we got to take this guy out the same way we took out that big drown Dash I can't hit him you're in the way I'm literally behind him just hit him how did you get that trident I think the Trident is doing damage guys come on everyone keep hitting him keep hitting him oh uh he just struck himself with lightning what the heck was that you know what I'm getting bored of this time to go into maximum power maximum power guys guys what is he doing what is he doing good luck trying to beat me now oh no guys guys is it just me or did he get two times girl what the heck we should run we should run just keep on finding him Ruby I think I think we should run I agree with Cam guys back to the cave we got to hide in the cave I don't think he can even fit down there now since he's so big the cave what cave what cave are you talking about the cave with the parkour guys guys guys over here this way I'm pretty sure we can just go through that exit that we exited from I've got your friend what what wait uh cam did he get Ruby I don't hear Ruby anymore Ruby Ruby uh Ruby are you around here oh no I think he captured Ruby guys he's go he's home he's com oh no I cam I think Ruby got captured I see her over there she got picked up by the big crazy guy you're luck trying to leave without your friend what the heck oh no cam what do we do she got Ruby we have to save her I don't know but we got to save her though come on we've got to go find her and yeah I'm pretty sure they went into this cave underneath the water and uh Kim uh why is there so many mobs down there now what the heck is all that oh no there's so many mobs that they've all got pumpkin heads oh gosh are you kidding me I think that creepy monster guy spawned them in okay well we got to take these out come on come on let's go take that stupid skeleton yeah oh gosh they're climbing up the scaffolding they're climbing up the scaffolding C I think we just go down there yeah I'm getting rid of a few with my TR hold let me use this fishing rod I'mma fish some of them up here let's go oh wait actually I still got a flint and steel I'm going to use some of this on them let's go take this yeah there's so many mobs there was so many more than I thought there was oh gosh that was probably a bad idea that was not a good idea I got to get back up with the grappling hook there we go yes I made it told you the grappling hook was going to be clutch and I'm going down now yeah come here SC I'm going to use the grappling hook to bring some of the mobs up to me yeah take that boom easy and okay I think we got all of these first few mobs down here but oh gosh there's probably a lot more and wait is that Ruby over there at the end help me oh gosh he got Ruby trapped in a cage we got to beat this guy up you're never going to get your friend back good luck trying to leave now oh no oh no uh gam he's got a trident again you have a trident too right you guys got to do a trident battle Yeah Yeah I have the better tried an old man yeah old guy you better to lose who are you calling old okay wait wait I have a plan I have a plan how about I just rush him with my grappling hook and start whacking him with my steel Axe and then you distract him with the Trident I think that's our best bet come on let's do it go go go go go come on come on all right here we go grappling C on the wall come here old man you're about to go down come on we have to fight him come on come on come on grappling hook and then grappling hook wait I think I can bring him over to us with the grappling hook come on come on in okay I don't he's too big I don't think it works ow oh I just brought him over take this let's go come on guys you can do it we're going to save you R don't worry ow ow St I know this hurts old men you about to go down this is what you get for trapping Ruby take this and this and this let's go how much health does this guy have I don't know we got to get rid of him and wait a minute cam the poisonous water do you remember how deadly that was to all the lobsters that tried swimming in it we got to push this old guy into it yeah come on come on come on come on push push push push push come on come on we got to push him in the water take that and we got him in let's go oh I forgot this water actually hurts come here wait we actually did it let's go and wa why did he drop a bunch of coal I don't know but look right there the key he dropped the key card but wait it's kind of in the poisonous water I have an idea let me use my fishing rod to grab it there we go hey let's go we got the key card all right we have to go get Ruby now actually wait hold on it's kind of swinging that way let me get it again there we go now I got it guys guys don't forget about me and oh wait yeah right we got to go save Ruby don't worry Ruby we're on the way I'm so glad you guys got rid of that guy yeah but guys this place is still probably super haunted we should just get out here now that we have this key card we can finally leave this place yeah let's leave all right we finally made it to the front entrance hopefully this is actually the correct key card let me just try it on the door real quick here we go and check it out it actually worked let's go we're free what are we waiting for let's leave finally we're out of that campsite that was a horrible camping trip we're never coming back here again I'm never going on a vacation with new planet Dash what that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash
Views: 409,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, aphmau, cash, nico, cash and nico, omz, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, We Are NEVER Coming Back to This Haunted Lake Again…
Id: 1ZowGoTZ2U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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