I Survived 100 Days as a COSMIC DINOSAUR in HARDCORE Minecraft

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on day one I spawned in as a baby T-Rex all around me was my Lush dinosaur home and everything was so peaceful and full of my people son I'm so happy that you're finally here Dad but then a massive void Rift ripped open in our home and stepping out of it was a void T-Rex what's going on I've been waiting for this moment for years you trainers with the strength of the Void my power will grow he ran up and attacked a group of dinosaurs corrupting them instantly into the void the now voided T-Rex did as he commanded and rushed towards my father Dad no as I ran to help him a shooting star fell from the sky directly on top of me from its impact the Stars caus mic power infused Within Me causing me to transform into a cosmic baby dinosaur what just happened to me I had a sense to look up making me see five other shooting stars falling down to other parts of the world the cosmic Universe chose him now impossible a car rushed straight towards me but my father ran up and slammed him attack leave my son alone booso you must leave now he cut off my father with an attack corrupting him too no dad on day two I was on the run from The Horde AV void dinosaurs but felt so weird I then found myself on the edge of a deep Chasm wo there was nothing but Darkness below but far behind me came charging in my people oh no jump little one what who said that do it now oh gosh okay here we go what under my feet was a cosmic platform did I make this I started to jump across the chasm with my amazing new platform ability as the void dinos shot at me with void energy wo with one final jump I made it to the other side I then watched as a car approached the other Edge all of your stupid people are mine now even your father why why are you doing this to us you know nothing your people all deserved this and with the void by my side nothing will be like left then out of nowhere a strange Cosmic portal opened up behind me enter now I can't just leave my father but I was then pulled in by force ah where am I the ancient Corridor was filled with cosmic energy and floating at its Center was a shadowy hooded figure we have very little time foso it takes immense energy to Hold Us in this realm I am the cosmic Essence pull together by the universe itself and it seems like the galaxy has chosen you me why just then large amounts of cosmic and void energy started to spread throughout the room the reason is still unclear but you must know a war is brewing between these two forces Cosmic and void a car is the world's largest concern his Rage with the void combined it's unmatched okay but why why is a car doing all of this he's a dinosaur like me the cosmic entity then fell to the ground as the cracks worsen that is still unknown but you are here to help stop him and maintain balance with the void I looked back and the portal I came through started to flicker we are out of time go and find the cosmic Gill [Applause] Stones suddenly I was back in the Overworld but somewhere I didn't recognize there was an orange glow far off in the distance and it looked like it was out in a medier crash site I saw that there in the crater was an orange crystal wait can that be a cosmic Crystal but then I noticed a group of void cavemen that were running straight towards it oh no no the void has spread to them I have to get the crystal I ran into the crash site as all the void cavemen started attacking the crystal hey they all then turned their attention towards me um this was a mistake destroy Cosmic uh-oh the caveman began chasing me around the crater slashing void attack straight at me I got to do something out of panic I let out large Roar sending the caveman back I took off through the opening and jumped towards the Crystal and as I touched it I felt its cosmic energy infus within me I gained five more Hearts became a larger dinosaur and now I could unleash a cosmic Roar in one powerful attack I took out a whole group of them wo I can get even stronger I wonder why the Galaxy chose me orange cosmic energy then started to flow throughout me causing the crystal to shoot out wait uh get back here I ran after it until it led me to another Mountaintop that was floating and spread around were five Cosmic pillars wo on day five I made it up the island while the orange crystal placed itself onto one of the pillars it then became a float in Planet all right so there's four more those must have been the Stars I saw crashing down earlier with that I got to work building my very own dinosaur home and done perfect as soon as I finished I saw a beam of cosmic energy shoot out from the center of my base good work on retrieving the first Cosmic Crystal Foo it wasn't easy the void it's starting to take over everything I want to help take take it down but only if I can save my family while I do it boo that might not be a possibility we have to find a way uh what is that I looked back over and saw a boar running through my base destroying everything what the the boar then started to rush towards me dead Roger bad sorry you can get a little crazy sometimes even more since my home was taken did you say taken by who on day six the goblin brought me all the way to his tribal home but there was corruption everywhere just like my home void goblins and more void T-Rexes were all lined up looking out as a car called out years ago my own dinosaur people turn their backs on me but now look at my power day by day the void will spray and I will make sure nothing is left he let out a powerful Roar causing void energy to shoot out into the sky the dinosaurs turn their backs on him but why I know you useless goblins hold a special rule in this Village one that can bring me straight to the purple Cosmic Crystal now where is it a crystal we can't let him get that R well you're in luck good old rook and Roger happen to know exactly where that is can you take me there yeah I can help you but you'll owe both of us he led me to an ancient cave nearby and it had a long tunnel leading to the Rune the run's right here but in order to get it you must overcome the cave of Trials on day seven I heard the void creatures getting close I guess we don't have a Choice here we go I ran in with the Rook right behind me the first obstacle was a massive spiked pit and I instinctively jumped and made a cosmic platform to us to spring across hey that was easy watch out suddenly falling from the ceiling was a giant boulder we ran down the tunnel with the boulder getting closer and closer until we made it I ran up and grabbed the room as the boulder shattered yes thank goodness who knows what a car would have done if he got it as he said this I looked past him and saw the horde of void creatures barreling through the cave no we're trapped hold on Rook then threw his weapon across the room and hit a hidden switch on the wall causing the cave ceiling to open secret exit come on I used my Cosmic platform to jump up and leap into the vertical tunnel as the three of us escaped escaped the void horde man that was a close one yeah no kidding you really do have some special powers don't you yeah you're telling me I then pulled the Rune Out and because of this a pathway of light became visible this has to lead to another Crystal on day eight I left ruk and Roger and followed the glowing path into a hilly tundra biome and there was another meteor crash site but no Crystal why did it bring me here suddenly time itself seemed to shift rapidly as the sun and moon above started to frantically change okay what is going on oh yeah the Mad cackle was coming from a castle I hurried over and entered only to see a rabbit bouncing around the room he was extremely fast and could also teleport around wait is he using cosmic energy oh boy did I find the jackpot some purple rock gave me powers unlike anything I've seen before I'm On Top Of The World hey oh are you shouting at me I'll show you your big nose freak the rabbit began to channel cosmic energy and attacked no wait I had to dodge his crazy attacks as he was bouncing around everywhere I said stop with one powerful Cosmic roar I pushed him back look I need that Crystal you're using you mean this Crystal n- uhuh the rabbit dropped a purple Cosmic Crystal down in front of him yeah that's it I ran up to grab it but he took it back dude if I don't get that Crystal the void is going to take over everything including here all right then how about this you may have it if you can beat me at my favorite game on days 9 to 10 I went with the rabbit to the starting line of a tundra race course all right beat me in a foot race and the Crystal is yours dude you can't be serious three 2 1 go he took off down the course leaving me in the dust hey the rabbit was very fast and bounced over some saplings take this with his Cosmic magic he forced them to rapidly grow into fullon trees what he can control whole time I used my strong Jaws to bite through them cutting them down and did everything I could to try and catch up but as I got close he then used his power again to force a bridge to grow old and fall apart I summoned a cosmic platform to LEAP across the broken bridge you can't get rid of me that easily finally we were near the Finish Line as a turtle started to cross the path the rabbit shot out his energy aging the turtle into a giant ancient one but he began to freak out spinning around in its shell he then slammed into the rabbit throwing him off the course now's my chance yes I did it no impossible hey man a deals a deal give me the cosmic Crystal this is so stupid fine take it he threw over the crystal to me and I grabbed it causing the cosmic energy to empower me I gained five more hearts and could now summon Cosmic shards from the sky awesome on days 11 to 12 I made it safely back to base with rook and Roger hey foso uh thanks you know for letting us stay here we really have nowhere else to go of course I then took the time to build him up his very own Goblin home with a pig pin for Roger of course I then saw that the cosmic Crystal had found its place next to the one on the platform causing a new purple planet to appear wo are each of the crystals from different planets that must be why their powers are so different as I was looking at the crystals I heard an unfamiliar voice in the distance dinosaurs everywhere what is that I followed the noises outside of the base until I reached an odd graveyard there laying in the dirt was a f T-Rex head please help what the you you're alive how I'll be honest man I have no idea but when I came to I had all of the rest of my parts then a bunch of rasal plants came out and stole all of my bones wait plants did this where on days 13 to 14 I ran around the area searching for the fossil's bones when I came across a tiny plant with a bone in its mouth hey I shot out my new cosmic shards attack which spooked the plant so much that it dropped the bone okay that fossil head said he lost five other pieces but where I kept searching around finding another Plant High up in a tree and another one hiding in a pool of water give me that hey get back here I hurried after the fourth one as it ran into a clearing got it now now just one more to go but all around me suddenly appeared more and more of the little plants then out of nowhere was a much larger one why have you come here you guys are the one who stole my friend the large Plant started to shoot out plant life at me ah what the heck leave us at once I just want somewhere for my children to be safe what are you talking talking about the mother plant stopped fighting and motioned me to a hill as we looked out into a jungle far beyond but something was wrong the jungle was made out of sand that is not natural and in the center of it all was a familiar yellow glow the next Cosmic Crystal our jungle home wasn't always like that and now it's being ruled by a tyrant it's all right I will go and get your home back but only if you give my T-rex friend back his bones on days 15 to 16 I headed into the sand jungle walking past cacti and jungle treats hey watch it what's that I crept closer to the noise and saw a group of lizards and Cactus people were facing off over a pile of resources this is our pile and you know it but we collected it both of the groups started to fight each other but then a large crab appeared at the top of the pile silence in Claw is waiting these resources for his Sandy Empire and he will not wait another second king claw as I said this the crab looked over and noticed me hey you funky looking dinosaur you don't belong here uh-oh I tried to turn around and run but more crabs came out of the sand right in front of me I was surrounded I'm here for the cosmic Crystal okay I need it Cosmic Crystal huh this guy sounds crazy take him to the King on days 17 to 18 I was escorted by the crabs out of the corrupting jungle and into the Desert Oasis we continued into the courtyard of a sand castle and at its Center was a crater with the yellow Cosmic Crystal there it is isn't it mag magnificent I looked up and jumping down from his castle was the largest crab I had ever seen look I need that Crystal no this thing has completely changed my life once I was a small crab with nothing totally defenseless but after this Crystal landed here on top of me I found power and purpose to rule this Sandy jungle as my own tropical Kingdom you don't understand I no you don't understand I will now show everyone what it's like to be small I was frustrated by his words and let out a powerful Roar I'm not going to ask again I need that Crystal so you have chosen violence very well on days 19 to 20 King claw rushed into fight as we did he would use his massive claws to back into to me with the crystal by his side he was no joke no ah stop just stop this our Real Enemy is the void the only enemy here is you he was about to slam down onto me with the final attack when suddenly a pulse of void light erupted from Beyond the castle walls it corrupted the terrain instantly and a void insect appeared no the void it's here the moth flew towards us and another void pulse corrupted part of the castle killing some of the sand creatures no King claw started to run toward the MTH and so did I in another powerful void pulse the entire sand castle was corrupted and I was taken down to almost no heart I feel so weak no my kingdom with all the destruction going on I passed out on days 21 to 23 I awoke in a strange void Forest oh my head where am I I tried to run but as I stepped forward I was frozen by some kind of void Magic ah I then heard a Roar and turned to see that stomping towards me was a car you let me go so be it the circle of void magic faded away around me I was about to blast him with a roar but he easily countered me I am not afraid of you or anything for that matter not anymore especially now that we have the yellow Crystal why why are you doing this you're a dinosaur like me you hurt our people our family family those people are anything but that especially to me when I was just an innocent child I was the smallest around or some would say the weakest all others didn't even see me they would only laugh until one day they left me behind an outcast to your soall family I was filled with nothing but anger and hurt until one day I heard it a power like none other something that would make me be seen make me stronger than everyone else the void a car moved even closer lording over me I vowed from that day everyone will see just how strong I am void energy started to rumble around us as his anger made the ground Shake I quickly blasted him in the eyes though I took this opportunity to Sprint past him and run into the void Forest M go and take down that PE for good on days 24 to 26 I was running through the void Dimension just trying to find a way out until I came across a horrifying Fortress one with a terrifying creature hovering over it that's it that's the void then I noticed a bright yellow glow coming from inside the cosmic Crystal it's in there I rushed through the structure and finally made it in a chamber that held the crystal I was about to grab it but then one of the Giant Eyes appeared in the window and instantly the void moth was summoned in front of it not you again we began to fight as the moth would attack with void energy casting magic that would slow me down I can't lose I can't I blasted the moth with my Cosmic abilities and made a break for the yellow Crystal I grabbed it causing its energy to infuse into me I gained five more hearts and was now much stronger ah ah I Unleashed my new attack a stream of cosmic asteroids towards the moth and with that I took him down yes I then heard a car Roar off in the distance oh no he knows I got the crystal I got to get out of here the cosmic Crystal suddenly rose up and started to fly around the room in a huge blast the crystal created a rift back to the Overworld that's my way out out here goes nothing on days 27 to 29 I walked out of the closing portal right into my base looking up just in time to see that the crystal found its place on its own Cosmic pillar wo a yellow Planet how many planets are there hey dude I noticed that the fossil T-Rex had gotten all of his bones back hey yeah thanks to you I sorted out my differences with those dumb plants and they gave me back my body sweet well let's get you a place to stay I built him up his very own Jurassic graveyard in our base then I heard the sound of a creature approaching my home and as I went to confront them I saw a tiny crab wait King Claw is that you yes without a crystal I have returned to my regular small body well let let me give you a new place to live I took the time to build up the king his very own sand castle and moat there you go there's one thing I must show you follow me he then led me out of the base to an abandoned Shrine I had never seen when we fought one another I thought I recognized your Cosmic powers and then I remembered it was here maybe this is connected to my Powers somehow I walked into the center of the shrine and began to focus on the cosmic energy I had absorbed so far because of this something began to happen on days 30 to 32 I was summoned to another Cosmic Shrine high up in space there arriving just before me was the cosmic Essence little one you have to move faster hey I'm trying the enity with the wave of his hand teleported us to a desolate landscape look I've seen seen this already I know what the void can do just watch I watched as a small Fox wandered too close to the rift and was corrupted by it you see the void can be very tricky and deadly it spreads to control its victims but if they're corrupt for too long the host dieses that's not good wait is my family okay The Entity casted something towards me causing me to see a vision of my people Dad they are fine for now foso but they grow weaker by the day my vision came back to me as I was back at The Shrine with the entity you can save them and release them from the void's grasp but only if you find the cosmic sanctuary if you are able to Rally all your people together the sanctuary will reveal itself to you well how am I supposed to do that but before I can get an answer I was teleported away from the C Cosmic Shrine and was hurling towards the ground ow I looked around and saw that I was just outside the gates of an intimidating void encampment this looks like the vision The Entity showed me my father must be here I started to investigate inside noticing that all around this place had a lot of flames what the I peaked past a destroyed wall and saw a courtyard with all of the Void T-Rexes stay alert someone else is here I got to stay quiet I continued through the encampment trying to look for what to do I'm supposed to Rally them all in one place but that feels about impossible right now that was when I noticed a tall tower where I could stand above the courtyard if I call out to them then I can get them all to surround me I have to get up there but as I made my plan one of the nearest walls burst down to reveal my void corrupted Father Dad I knew you would show your face here eventually please Dad listen to me the void it's corrupting you it the void has done nothing but Empower us it's shown us the truth with a car's rule the world will know not to resist no wait he slashed towards me ruthlessly with his void empowered abilities I knew that I had no choice but to fight as our Cosmic and void attacks clashed my dad then struck me back with his attack hurting me a lot that Tower it's my only chance get back here he tried to hurt me every chance he could but I Unleashed another attack as I summoned a cosmic wall to block him and jump using my platforms until I reached the top of the tower power I let out the loudest Cosmic roar I could muster all of the Void dinosaurs looked up towards me as I caught all of their attention now what I rushed out of The Outpost as the horde of void dinosaurs followed behind me and him I was running completely blind that was until an orb of pure cosmic energy formed in front of me I guess I got to go that that way on days 39 to 41 I followed after the orb for what felt like forever until it led me to a hidden mountain side where it flew out and revealed the cosmic Sanctuary wo the horde of void dinos and my father were not letting up though as they continued to attack I tried to dodge as I got closer and closer to the sanctuary doors but there were just too many of them yeah I was so low on Hearts I felt like I could barely move your fight against the car will be your end you should have embraced the void not turned to this this void it's going to destroy everything dad you my son are a disgrace finish him they were about to attack but I was so angered by his words that it built up until I let out a large radial PL last it knocked all of them back giving me an opening once inside the sanctuary the room was full of energy and there was an active circle of cosmic magic at its Center on days 42 to 44 I ran in the magic circle there you are no more running I stood and waited for them to get closer and closer come get me they all leapt in to attack but I dodged out of the way as they moved into the magic circle and something began to happen Cosmic magic began to move around the room as the energy built until they were all purified it worked you you freed us son we didn't have control over any of our actions I didn't even have my own thoughts I Dad it's okay I understand I'm just happy you guys are okay but then I heard a voice shouting from outside the building what was that me and my father ran outside of the sanctuary to see a skeletal Dragon was flying overhead it was breathing down Cosmic flames and burning everything in sight hey that Dragon I've seen it before it recently attacked the void Outpost and it's made up of all cosmic energy that's why there were Cosmic Flames it must be connected to the next Cosmic Crystal I must burn the world to defend myself defend itself wait is the dragon the green Cosmic Crystal the dragon flew away using its Cosmic Wings to propel itself into the sky no how are we supposed to find it now on days 45 to 47 I brought my dinosaur family all the way back to our our base wow foso you've done so much I'm so proud thanks Dad from there I gladly went on to build all of the dinosaurs their homes made specifically for them they all seemed to be so happy to feel safe again I wonder if I could bring them back from the void is there a way to do that to everyone else first I need to find that cosmic dragon did you say cosmic dragon uh yeah oh boy I I love dragons I know everything about them they love High mountaintops you know and I know where the nearest one is cool where where oh come on pal let me show you the two of us left and we're traveling until we were stopped by a horrifying sight the void Fortress it's now in the Overworld and it was spreading the void everywhere no it's here now the void it's taking over everything spread and consume on days 48 to 52 I started to run towards the void Fortress Foo wait I didn't listen and knew I had to stop this the otherworldly creature was shooting out condensed void beams that would corrupt the landscape in an instant a car stop there you are he leap down aggressively I'm surprised you actually escaped the clutches of the Void before but never again he Unleashed a void Roar towards me but thankfully I dodged out of the way it doesn't have to be this way a car we can figure this out figure this out I was seen as nothing look at you the cosmic dinosaur you're what the destined one here to stop me well I'm here to make sure that never happens he Unleashed another attack but this time it hit ah I was extremely low on Hearts now I I can't die here out of nowhere a green Cosmic Rift opened up between the two of us the cosmic dragon he has to be close we need to go I knew that the fossil T-Rex was right and started to leave that's right run Foo because the next time we meet it will already be too late on days 53 to 56 we arrived at the foot of Mount Veri wait this mountain it's from another planet I then heard the Roar of the cosmic dragon and flashes of lightning how are we supposed to get up there I then looked down and saw a group of mountain people running towards us wo whoo our home our home has been taken Cosmic dinosaur thank goodness you're here look I'm here to help can you lead me to the peak right this way we followed behind the mountain people as they took us up the trail and through their Rocky home but it was all burning with green Cosmic fire that Dragon we have to get him to stop this this they finally led us over to a tall wall in their Village and began punching it guys what are you suddenly the wall opened only to reveal a path through and all the way up the mountain those who could prove their Worth to know ferlick can see the peak for themselves on days 57 to 59 the fossil TX stayed behind with the mountain people as I started to scale the path in front of me the platforms were dangerously far apart and in some of the gaps Mount verick seemed to test me with barriers of rock ah I had to wait and time my jumps perfectly to make it across until the final wall Rose ahead of me out of my way with a mighty Cosmic roar I broke through the final wall and made it successfully to the peak we did it I then looked around at my new surroundings and saw saw that the peak had been fully taken over by the green flames and the dragon made a den above me the storm raged on as the green cosmic dragon came into view stop this you are supposed to help us I need your power to stop the void he didn't listen though and started to rain fire down towards me I am lost what is my purpose his Flames started to Scorch the ground below blasting it out from under me ow I was thrown inside of the Dragon's Den and now was face to face with it on day 60 to 63 we began to battle as his Flames clashed with my Roar he would fly around constantly summoning minions to empower him I shov them back though with my Cosmic abilities just in time to notice that the den was supported by three stone columns I ran over and took down the first one in a burst of cosmic energy don't destroy my home the dragon became much more aggressive now and so did his minions I ran over and just barely broke down the second com asai was hit by a ton of his minions no get back they were all said flying so it was just me and the dragon but my heart I was low this is what you get for destroying my home what that is what you were doing to the mountain people I what in his hesitation I struck the last colum Bringing Down the ceiling of the Dead on top of him my purpose is not to defend myself no your purpose is to help defend the world all of the world worlds especially from the void please join us then I yield Cosmic dinosaur the dragon then transformed back into the green Cosmic Crystal I grabbed it and its energy infused into me I gained five more hearts and because of my immense cosmic power I could cause the Earth to Quake around me I did it yes on days 64 to 68 I made sure the mountain people could rebuild their homes before the fossil T-Rex and I left we were able to make it back to base and watched as the green Crystal had placed itself with the others and summoned a blue planet sweet one Crystal left I looked around my home seeing all of my new friends and family happy and there operating next to me was the cosmic Essence now this is what it looks like to use Cosmic power for good job well done Foo thank you I just can't help but feel bad for a car though he was just never shown this kind of good but I'm afraid that he's too far gone now he and the void need to be stopped at all cost I then heard ruk shouting out into the base chasing after Roger frantically sorry sorry everyone Rook what's going on I don't really no he's been acting weird lately weird you say yeah he only acts this way when oh no His Kind must be in trouble His Kind where where are they the Nether on days 69 to 73 Rook commanded Roger to dash forward as he created a nether portal in the base wao we all went through appearing in the dimension but as I looked around everything was being corrupt no I knew the Overworld was bad but the nether too Roger sniffed the air and suddenly jerked Rook down a passageway wa wao I ran around the corner with them to see a group of nether BS slowly dying to void corruption we have to do something I ran to the nearest one and started to focus my cosmic energy remembering how it purified my people I cast my kic magic towards the hoglin but it looked much meaker and it was no use no what's going on around the area multiple void spores began to form they're the reason the void is spreading here I did everything I could even though my Powers felt weakened I was able to take out the void spores one by one until they were all destroyed but the area still remained corrupted the nether is supposed to be shut off to other dimensions that's why your Cosmic Powers a weake why is the void so strong here yeah uh-huh oh really what is Roger saying apparently all the creatures of the nether are looked over by their Lord but Roger's cousins say he's abandoned them and they don't know why what they do know is where his Palace is really all right who is this Lord they call him the Demon Lord on days 74 to 77 ruk and I left in search of the Demon Lord when we finally saw his demonic Palace the only way in was across a long bridge spanning pools of void lava I can't imagine this guy would be happy to have a simple chat right yeah you think we began to march across the bridge when a flock of firebats flew in our way you are in the demon Lord's territory turn back now sorry but we can't do that I have to talk to him I was hoping you'd resist get them all the bats started to swarm around us on the bridge their attacks would burn and they were so annoying ruk and I would fight them off as he swung his weapon around wildly and I would use my weakened Powers but they weren't enough this is for abandoned Rogers cousins Rook ran to attack more bats and so did I I stepped for forward and chomped down a group of the bats with my powerful bite taking out the last of them but I didn't realize one of them was able to get Rook Rook they were flying up and took him straight into the palace on days 78 to 80 I wasted no time running straight into the palace after my friend it didn't take long for me to reach the central audience chamber and there standing menacingly was the the Demon Lord but he was purple just like the void hey give my friend back I heard that the cosmic dinosaur was running around in my noain I just didn't think it was stupid enough to also make demands you do know what I can do right I'm not afraid to take you down to save him oh little dinosaur I know far more than you think with a snap map of his fingers the Demon Lord summoned not only Rook being held in a cage but the final Cosmic Crystal what I've been around longer than any other being T-Rex I've lived since ancient times by always choosing the winning side and right now the void is winning by far so a car has entrusted me with this red Cosmic Crystal well you're wrong I can prove to you that you should choose the real Winning Side with us prove you cannot prove anything in an instance the Demon Lord teleported me to a different area of his castle I was now in his dungeon Battleground and he reappeared but this time much larger in size you don't stand a chance you will die here on days 81 to 85 the enlarged Demon Lord and I began to fight he would blast me with strange energy and cause his spinning daggers to attack on their own I was doing the best I could to fight back but my power was still not hitting hard enough so this is the power of cosmic pathetic I was knocked down to really low Hearts like I said I always choose The Winning Side he was about to strike me down with one final hit but that's when I remembered my journey my friends all of the people that are counting on me he not with the most powerful Cosmic roar I had ever released I knocked him back across the room with the full force of my Powers what that should be impossible just like I told you before you are wrong another Cosmic Roar shrunk him down to the size he was before and whatever weakening effect the nether had on me was gone no no with one final blast I was able to completely purify him yes that means if I Channel my Powers enough I can purify the void we both both were teleported back to the audience chamber with the red Crystal and Rook was released on days 86 to 90 ruk came over to me as we looked towards the purified Demon Lord I I was wrong about you T-Rex about everything h i neglected my own world he but I won't anymore you have shown me the true power of cosmic please take your reward gladly I went up and touched the cosmic Crystal causing it to empower me I gained 10 more hearts and now became the most powerful dinosaur ever good luck now Cosmic dinosaur as ruk and I left the Demon's Palace I noticed that the void corruption faded from the nether yes Roger Rook ran off as I quickly followed behind him we were able to make our way back to Roger and the other bores the void it's no longer corrupting them either thank goodness what is he saying he said that he I mean we are very thankful Foo of course now let's get back home on days 91 to 94 we traveled back through Roger's portal but all of it was destroyed all of my friends and family were huddled around the cosmic pillars the only place not touched by the void so Tad I started to run towards them just as I saw the final Cosmic Crystal find its place on the last pillar a red planet was summoned and because of this all of the pillars shot beams of cosmic light out into space the cosmic Essence then appeared hovering above all of my people hurry foso stand here everyone had cleared out from the center of my home as I ran over and stood in the pillars because of this a beam of pure cosmic energy shot down onto me the cosmic light empowered me making me grow even stronger I was now the strongest Cosmic being I looked around and the pulse of light purified my entire home to what it once was but then a horrible feeling washed over me as a car and an army of void goblins were just outside of our home I found you oh no on days 95 to 99 a car and his army Advanced into my base I see you actually have your own little family again well good thing I'm about to take it all away all of the Void Army ran into attack I didn't want to hurt them though but there were so many of them everyone round them up so Foo can purify them my father and I began to Corner a group of the Void Army between the pillars in the base go on get in there as we put them all in the center of the pillars the cosmic Essence teleported the rest in a bright flash now right I focused all of my energy on another powerful Cosmic warar which purified all of the Goblins at once but a car he escaped where is he don't let us slow you down foso go and stop him on day one 00 I ran out and found a car at the foot of his void Fortress give me more power they have taken back my Army stop this you are far too late Foo I'll show you the void entity shot down a beam of pure void that struck a car causing him to grow even stronger time to end this we began to fight as his void Powers were were stronger than anything I had faced before I used all the skill that I learned on my journey but it didn't feel like it was enough his void Roar was too strong making me extremely low on Hearts A Car it doesn't have to be this way you can stop this to stop me you're going to have to kill me suddenly a large flash of cosmic light burn burst out of nowhere and the cosmic Essence was floating in front of the giant void eye in a single attack the essence destroyed the void what no I then used the opening to call down a massive Cosmic star it landed right on a car defeating him with him and the void gone this world can finally be safe again
Channel: Fozo
Views: 1,941,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days In Minecraft, Cosmic, Dinosaur, Cosmic Dinosaur, Minecraft Cosmic, 100 Days Cosmic, 100 Days Dinosaur, 100 Days Cosmic Dinosaur, Minecraft DInosaur, Minecraft Cosmic Dinosaur
Id: 8XM6pJU-HPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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