I Survived 1000 Days As WARDEN MONSTERS in HARDCORE Minecraft! (Full Story)

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on day one I spawned in as a baby Warden spider I watched as there were countless other spiders climbing around wa is this our spider Colony sure is son soon you will learn to love this place your new home a large hole then formed in the middle of our home and wither spiders started to swarm inside the warden spiders tried putting up a fight but with the Wither spiders deadly wither bites they stood no chance no I then looked over over and saw a large wither spider standing in the chaos the war between the Wither and Warden spiders has begun we will expand our territory from the Nether and claim the Overworld for ourselves I looked around and saw that most of my people had now been withered it was killing them no my shout alerted witherfang oh baby spider such a shame that you will live such a short life wither Fang spit out with their venom at me but my dad jumped in the way just in time Dad boo run now being the only Warden spider that wasn't withered I knew I had to leave retrieve him now on day two I was crawling as fast as my eight legs could the Wither spiders were right behind me and were closing in fast get back here Warden spider oh no how am I supposed to lose them to make things worse I ran into a dead end that only only LED straight up I guess I have to learn how to climb because I was a spider this came as second nature to me look at me go I was climbing up the wall still needing to lose the spiders until I reached a clearing thinking quickly I hid behind some stone blocks while the withers kept searching up ahead I think he went this way pH that was close um what's behind me I slowly turned around only to be face to face with a large deadly snake uh-oh on day three I was looking like snake food please don't attack my people my father they're in trouble you should have known better than to come here the snake bolted forward and started to attack me I tried my best to dodge him but he was extremely fast and strong I had half a heart left one more hit and I was done for right before the snake could deal his last strike one of his babies jumped in the way wait pops he's just a baby just like us all he wants to be is with his family again I could tell the father snake was thinking until he said fine spider we're my child I shall help you I only know of the jungle spiders though so I shall take you there and once I do we are done thank you suddenly the Wither spiders from before broke into the nest oh no they began to charge in but because of the snake they stood no chance with his fast movements and poisonous attacks they were done for come quick we must go before more show up on day four the large snake brought me over to an entrance of a jungle what am I supposed to do here go forth from here you'll find the others I listened to him and made my way through until I found a clearing that revealed a large forgotten spider Temple using my climbing abilities I made my way up to the top okay this was easy now what ouch what happened after a Second Glance I realized I was now in front of the Earth's spider tribe Don't Panic foso stay come a warden spider what are you doing in my realm my people we're in trouble the Wither spiders took over our Colony I was afraid this day would come I need your help please help us oh yeah young one if you wish to access my help you must prove yourself worthy worthy what does that mean the earth king started to attack me he had a powerful ground slam which gave him the upper hand oh no I can't lose to this guy I have to try I charged in and bit the King on the face as hard as I could which sent him back bravo bravo I then started to slowly lift in the air uh what's happening in a Flash I grew into an adult-sized Warden spider I gained five more hearts and now can shoot webs like the rest of my people I have given you my blessing I just wanted to see if you had what it took to fight all of a sudden another Warden spider entered looking weaker than ever oh my goodness are you okay the kingdom has fallen he died because of his wither effect and I knew I had to go and find my dad dad before he met the same Destiny on day five I ran back towards my ancient city home I entered a cave and hopes to find it but on the way I heard the sound of dad stay back you shall die I was about to charge in but before I could reach them the baby snake from before jumped in and started to help my father stay away from him the snake had some guts but I knew he needed some help I ran in and started to fight the Wither spider with him son his attacks were strong but since I was an adult now he stood no chance I used my webs and was able to get the Wither spider stuck in place then bit him one last time and defeated him what are you doing here after you talked to my father about becoming stronger and helping your people it inspired me I've been following you ever since until now huh well if that's the case it's good to have you on the team my name is Foo and I'm slyther so son listen you are the last chance in winning this war do you understand me all other Warden spiders have been withered all but you yeah Dad but no butts son I can see you've grown stronger and it looks like you have found the first of the five spider elders elders yes each one you find will grant you a blessing that can give you incredible abilities like no other if I find all of them then I can be strong enough to win the war against the Wither spider I then brought my dad and slyther with me and together we found a large web tree deep in the forest it's time to build on day six slyther and I worked together on making ourselves a safe space to stay if we were going to survive against these wither spiders we had to have somewhere to call our home I Ed my spider climbing abilities and web swinging to my advantage which allowed me to collect webbing from the top of the tree as a spider I could walk on top of webs so I made a nice nice web Bridge across the nearby ocean so we could travel throughout the world easier I promise dad I will do what I can to make you better thank you son you must now go and find the next spider Elder King UA where can I find him he is a good person he resides far off on the shoreline on an island called spider Isles find him then you will grow stronger on day seven I followed my dad's instructions and was searching the shoreline I looked out far into the ocean not knowing how I was going to get to my destination not all spiders can swim and I knew I definitely couldn't curse me crew what is that I looked over and saw a pirate punching a bunch of barrels um are you okay spider stay back or I'll carve your eyes out I'm not going to hurt you dude oh well I'm just here sinking in me misery my own crew betrayed me me took everything I've had including my prize possessions I'm sorry to hear that I looked over at his pirate ship and had an idea wait I'm trying to reach spider Isles can you take me there oh perhaps a favor for a favor if you retrieve me dear items my steering wheel my lucky rotten apple and my parrot feathers I shall take you on your quest those are your lucky items okay you know what deal now where can I find your crew on day eight I followed the captain's directions until I reached a pirate Pillager outpost on a beach so this is his crew the captain be a joke he didn't see our Theory coming boys yep these guys are a bunch of jerks I was able to spot a chest in The Outpost surrounded by a bunch of treasure I'm guessing that's what I'm looking for knowing I couldn't take them all in a fight I had to think smarter that's when an idea sparked I used my new weap ability and shot out webs randomly throughout the nearby Field Perfect all right you got this foso hey you a beast kill it boys yeah the Pirates then all started to charge at me wait for it wait for it now I jumped out of the way causing the Pirates to jump and all fall in my web trap take that you losers curse ye when we get out we'll kill you yeah yeah I've heard that before I then swung over to the treasure chest and saw all of the captain's items perfect I walked back over to the captain and gave them all back to him thank goodness I don't know what I could have done without me lucky rotten apple let's go spider he then quickly put on the steering wheel of his ship and we sailed off on day 9 to 10 the captain and I sailed out far until we reached spider Isles yep I'm pretty sure this is the place good luck Foo I'll be waiting here I split up with the captain and walked throughout the plains until I was met with a large Kingdom wao I think this is the home of the OCTA I walked inside and quickly realized something was wrong there were spiders but they were in cages that doesn't make sense run huh as I was distracted a scorpion jumped in and stung me from behind ah a scorpion have taken over the Octor Kingdom you are a trespasser here yeah CH die the Scorpion charged and kept trying to sting me I tried to run away but more started to come in I was greatly outnumbered having to think fast I use my web powers to form a web sphere around me okay uh now what the Scorpions were trying to all break through I guess the only way to go is down I mine straight down just in time time phew we will find you on days 11 to 12 I was mining straight down until I dropped into an underground tavern what is this place all of a sudden I could see a group of octus spiders hiding out a warden spider here to see our downfall are you no of course not I was here because I needed your help well I am afraid I cannot help you I have my own kingdom to worry about those nasty scorp Ian came by led by their Queen and took over everything me and my people have worked for the octs are no more rumbling sounded off throughout the caves until a giant Queen scorpion broke through the roof ah so this is where the warden spider went and look where he led me oh no they followed me with no other choice I charged in and started to fight the queen scorpion her poisonous attacks were extremely tough tough every time she'd hit me I felt more and more out of it but I knew I had to fight for these people I shot my web which made the Scorpion stuck then after countless bites she was growing weak the king Aqua then rushed forward and bit her with a bite that looked very powerful it killed the queen because of this all the scorpions in the Kingdom walked out and left wao my goodness a kingdom we are back thank you kuoso follow me I think I know how I can help you on days 13 to 14 King OCTA brought me over to his throne room it was good to see his kingdom restored because of your bravery and selflessness I shall give you my blessing as a spider Elder the Octo spider walked up to me and bit me ouch what was that for my body then began to change and I gained five hearts and my fangs gained a poisonous tip and grew larger in size I have venomous bites now precisely do you think this will be powerful enough to fight those Withers not a chance little one the withers have a special wither attack that greatly weakens their prey it's called the Wither effect being their leader wither Fang's wither effect is much more powerful any unlucky mob that is hit with wither Fang's attack will have the Wither effect until they are dead there has to be a way I can stop it my dad he has it and he's looking worse by the day well there is one way to stop it you must kill with a Fang only then will all of his effects be removed thank you King OCTA go out to my nearest tree farm there you will find a fruit with it hopefully you can slow down the effects that your father is experiencing but hurry fast Warden spider you don't have much time on days 15 to 16 I listened to the king and reached his nearest Tree Farm I then looked forward and noticed the crystal fruit that the King was talking about I thought I was going to take it with ease but I noticed that Captain silver hook took it for himself hey that's mine it looks like it's mine ly I'm a pate what did you expect out of frustration I attacked the captain we both started to fight each other he pulled out a strong sword that did lots of damage to me knowing I started this fight out of pure rage I decided to calm down enough what can I do to get that fruit from you well spider me crew left me so I don't really have anything to lose at this point well what if I gave you something a home a place where you can meet new people and maybe even a new crew the pirate was thinking and I could tell he liked the idea he threw me over the fruit and together we headed back to the ship to sail back home on day 17 to 18 I made it back home with the captain I quickly crawled in and found my dad lying in his bed son here Dad quick eat this my dad did as followed I will check on you in a bit okay I then went out and started to make Captain silver hook his very own house since he was a pirate I knew I had to make it ship themed with it I made a nice web bridge that connected it to land y this looks great ly thank you me boy in return take this the captain threw me over some of his iron it's only like 5% of the treasure I found but uh it's something thanks with it I crafted myself a set of iron tools Foo I'm feeling quite better now dad you're walking seems like the fruit helped a lot I was meaning to tell you but while you've been gone I've heard a lot of explosions going on nearby it's been worrying me explosions where exactly have you been hearing them from on day days 19 to 20 my dad brought me over to a clearing down below we could see a large nether Ravine torn throughout the floor oh my goodness I watched as wither spiders climbed out of it and started making their way into the Overworld it seems as if wither Fang's forces are growing stronger by the day speak of the devil across the wide Canyon was wither Fang talking to someone how did you live lose the nomadics again how hard can it be to find a mushroom spider sir I I uh do you not understand we will get rid of all other spider species that's our mission go out and find them no mushroom spiders that has to be where the next spider Elder is I watched as witherfang went back down into The Nether and his General went off in search of the next Elder if I follow follow that General then I'm one step closer to my next blessing on days 21 to 23 I was out following the general he was really fast because I think I lost him no come on where could he have gone I kept walking up the path and quickly found a mushroom biome well I think this is the place wait a minute why is everything destroyed did the general do this I then heard a yell from inside and went to invest Sate a mushroom spider I demand to be let out at once hey you what happened here wait it's a trap what just then the general landed right next to me I knew you were following me you insect I shall capture you too the general charged in and started to attack with my new poison bite I was definitely hurting him but he was able to turn the nearby grass into wither blocks and they did a lot of damage to me ah I was low on hearts and knew if I kept fighting I was done for that's right spider surrender you are coming with me on days 24 to 26 the mushroom Elder and I were taken in a prison deep within the nether I looked around and saw that this place was guarded by a lot of Wither spiders great now what once wither Fang gets here he'll be happy to put you both down himself the general walked away and I knew we only had a short period of time to figure out what to do I tried my best to break out but the blocks were unbreakable come on come on relax young one stand back okay I did as the Elder said and I watched as he used his powers which made him shrink down to a tiny tiny spider wao the Elder then walked out of the cage through the bars now on the other side side he flipped the lever letting me out that was awesome how did you do that ah I started floating from his bike and before I knew it I upgraded again I now had five more hearts and had a strange surge of Power Fill within me now you too can use this follow me it's time to escape on days 27 to 29 the mushroom Elder and I use our new ability to shrink down and walk throughout the prison this is awesome since we were so small none of the Wither spiders were able to catch on this ability was very useful that is until a loud alarm went off alerting them of our Escape they are small now catch them uh-oh time to run the both of us started to run as fast as we could and after some time we ended up running throughout some nether tunnels jeez is this what the Wither spiders have to live in we ran and eventually made our way to an opening that held a nether portal that's our chance to leave let's take it we both made our way straight to the portal you first the mushroom Elder went inside and made it through I was about to do the same until I was hit with an explosion ah you think you can escape do you a Wither Beast started to attack me it would send out large blasts of energy towards me and even summon lightning from the skies I did everything I could against it but at the end of the day it was just too powerful for me I then had an idea I shrunk down with my new ability confusing the Beast with my size I was able to run along the floors and shoot the beast from multiple angles where are you I'm right here I shot him one last time defeating him from its death dropped another Ruby pickaxe sweet I picked it up and headed through the portal on days 30 to 34 I arrived on the other side and found myself in front of a withered Village wo how did this happen I looked around at all of the villagers only to see them withered and hurt ouch ouch this sucks Foo this is getting worse by the day wither Fang needs to be stopped I know good luck I must return to my people now I hope my blessing was able to help I left the mushroom spider and went throughout the village trying to help them in any way I could even all their crops were dead I was about to replace them when I heard a huge rumbling I turned only to see wither Fang emerge from a nether crack oh no he found me bozo is it I've heard about you the last healthy Warden spider trying to take down my forces trying no I will take down your forces m believe foso that is all you can do but me and my people have been in the depths for too long the only spiders who are cursed with a Red Roof you get to enjoy the infinite Blue Sky well not any longer we shall take that away from you and replace it with the redness we have been cursed upon I won't let that happen I won't let you win I already have been home lately would be a shame if you left it on guarded oh no dad knowing I had to get there fast I left immediately leaving wither Fang behind in time foso in time on days 35 to 38 I made it back to base only to see it being under attack oh no I rushed in and quickly saw a giant figure helping defend it it was the giant snake leave this place at once you foul creatures get them Pops I rushed in to help out in any way that I could the snake and I were fighting back to back and helping each other out as best as we could I use my webs to slow them down while the snake used a strong attack and defeated them we're almost done just as I finished that sentence one of the Wither spiders bit the giant snake he was withered and dying no I took down the last spider and knew that the snake Slither dad was not going to make it on days 39 to 41 slyther and I brought his dad under the shade of the tree Dad Dad no please I'm sorry for running off I just wanted to be big and strong like you it's okay son it's okay you'll be even stronger why why would you come here and save us like that you didn't have to that's because I didn't have to doesn't mean I shouldn't listen boo you've grown a lot I'm impressed this though is far from from Over You must find the flying spiders flying spiders who are they a few days ago I didn't know but I recently saw them flying just south of here they can help you the flying spiders the next Elder must be there thank you I left the snake and slyther alone I then turned to see slyther dad die Dad no I promise I won't let you guys down I started days 42 to 44 by going around and building up our base defenses something like this can never happen again I built up walls traps anything that will throw those wither spiders in a blender okay I think that should do it afterwards I went over to make sure my dad was okay thankfully he was but he looked like a ghost I don't have that much longer don't worry foso I swear I will help you rid the world of these evil wether spiders my dad would want me to well then we will together the two of us ventured off to Captain silver Hook's ship silver hook IR foso don't you worry I'll take charge of being head of security around here I just wish he had me crew to help me don't worry just give it some time now time to find those flying spiders on days 45 to 47 slyther and I set off South personally I had no idea where we were going but Slither he used the sense of smell as a snake and was able to point us in the right direction it's this way I followed him until we started to find signs of cobwebs everywhere yep we're getting closer this has to be where the flying spiders live we then turned a corner and saw a spider Hideout what shocked me was that these weren't the flying spiders but instead these were my people the warden spiders it didn't take long for me to realize how weak each and every one of them looked oh my you must be Foo yes I am you all look so hurt we are most of the group has already passed those left are on their way as well Slither these people they need food and Care can you help them back home of course I can I'll just have to trust my instincts on where to find these flying spiders the flying spiders they live high off the ground mainly on Treetops I know of a large one nearby maybe that's worth taking a look at yeah you're right take them back slyther I'll go check out this Treetop on days 48 to 50 I ventured out and was able to spot a Tall Tree I then noticed a flying spider um okay since I didn't have the same power I slowly but surely made my way to the top of the tree once there I was met with a main Courtyard area wait a minute you guys are spiders why do you look like don't say it don't say the b word we are spiders and our legs are just smaller than the rest uh right I was hoping to speak to your Elder I need their blessing H you think it'll be that easy do you follow me Walker Walker that's rude I was then brought over to the main Elder flying spider ew who let this walker in again with the name look I'm here because I need your blessing you need my blessing how cute no no but the Wither spiders if I don't stop them not my problem now leave at once we then heard a loud flapping sound followed by rumbling what's that a giant bird flew overhead killing one of the flying spiders instantly afterwards it left Let's Make a Deal foso that bird has been causing my Colony massive problems lately us flying spiders are weak and depend on our speed to avoid problems but that bird also has flight and is faster than us so if you use your brute strength to take that bird down then uh I'll give you that upgrade deal the Elder flying spider then signaled one of his men swing on I started to fly out and I shot my web onto him and was flying through the air underneath ah just don't drop me on days 51 to 53 the flying spider brought me over to the bird's nest okay take the bird down get the blessing you've got this foso another loud CA was heard before the bird revealed itself uh nice Birdie the bird started to attack me immediately ah cut it out it was definitely trying to eat me I was running away while continuously shooting it with webs I tried to bite at its feet and poison it but it quickly caught on and kept its distance that's when I tried to shrink down but with its enhanced Vision it didn't help me at all okay uh what do I do now team no a swarm of flying spiders then flew in and started to fight off the bird this kept it busy giving me enough time to surprise it I ran over to it and bit it as much as I could with my poison bite I can tell it was growing weaker and weaker the Beast was down ha take that good work Warden spider maybe being a walker isn't so bad thanks I think on days 54 to 56 I was brought back to the flying spiders Throne Room huh you know maybe I underestimated you fzo yeah no kidding word has been spreading of your bravery most spiders like to hide but you are inspiring by fighting back for what's rightfully yours I wonder is that the right thing to do the Elder spider then walked up to me and granted me its blessing I started to float up high wait is it going to happen am I going to fly my body began to change I gained five more hearts and now could walk I already could do that this is so humiliating you you really thought we would let you fly get real spider that's for us only but check again your new ability is quite deadly if you ask me after a Second Glance I realized I now had a poison Sonic Boom wo I shot it out and the flying spider Elder was right this thing was awesome good luck foso and do us a favor save our blue skies on days 57 to 59 I was making my way back to base when I heard the sounds of monkeys they were coming from a nearby Fortress hey leave us in our bananas alone you lunatics I followed the sounds and quickly saw a group of monkeys being attacked by withered pillagers must expand NE I don't even know what that means hey stay away from them the withered pillagers turned their attention onto me and started to attack I then felt a surge of power within me and Unleashed my full poison Sonic Boom on them the attack was so strong that in one hit the poison completely took them out awesome wa thanks for that man you aren't going to like plant spider eggs in our head are you what no of course not thank goodness those morons came by and ruined our home we've never felt more insecure in our lives well why don't you come with me I know of a new new place that would suit you guys perfectly on day 60 to 65 I returned back home with the monkeys I looked around the web tree and saw that the warden spiders all got there safe with slyther help I built the monkeys up some nice homes to stay in and connected the area with webbing for my fellow spiders I know it's not the jungle but I hope you still like it yeah it's great and all we just miss our leader the Wither pillagers they killed him and now we don't know what to do AR curse this large ship I looked over and spotted Captain silver hook complaining to himself if I had a crew this would be so much easier wait a minute guys follow me I brought the monkeys over to the captain about a crew how about them wait a minute you can't be serious you think these monkeys can work under me they're monkeys hey you better watch it pal take it or leave leave it Captain I left them by themselves so they can talk and figure things out I then walked over to my dad to check on him hey Dad Foo is that you my vision it's gone blurry yes it's me just stay strong okay just remember you are making me so proud I hope I am just then a warden spider walked up to us is everything all right no on the way here we came across something something bad it looked like the weather spiders set up a large mining operation nearby what are they mining towards thank you it's worth a look on days 66 to 70 I went out and was able to find a large nether stronghold but in the Overworld oh my goodness their mission it's almost complete that's right men keep mining away we need to get to that stronghold Yer today I saw the general wither commanding wither spiders to mine away below the ground stronghold what stronghold are they mining to keep going the end spiders aren't just going to appear here for us end spiders wait is that where the final Elder is located so they're trying to get to the end the general then started to look up and suspect something was wrong I can sense you I know you're here Warden spider great I walked out and was face to face with him my you've grown haven't you it doesn't matter I'll kill you myself wither Fang will be so proud of me the general charged in and began his attack like before he was extremely powerful his ability to change the nearby environment was hurting me a lot I shot my poison Boom at him but he was able to dodge them as well we kept fighting and at one point it felt like it was never going to end thanks to my web shot ability though I was able to get him stuck and finish him off with the poison boom ha take that I looked and noticed the Wither spiders all ran off I left for base if the last spider Elder is in the end then I'm going to need some help on day 71 to 74 I arrived back at base I walked over and saw slyther eating my father how's he doing Foo he's not doing great at all well I found out how we can stop all of this and it's the end lower your Sals ladies what the I walked over and saw the captain with his crew of monkeys that's right you Skelly Wags I ain't paying you to do nothing y y we're Pirates now baby they looked like they were working perfectly huh Foo I heard you talk about the end if the final Elder spider is there I I can handle the transportation excellent the captain then ran off good luck foso I'll take care of your dad just hurry it doesn't have much longer on days 75 to 77 I made my way back to their mining operation on my way down I was able to find the stronghold that they're making their way towards I went slowly inside until I came across the end portal room to my surprise it was already fully activated oh no did they make make it in time before me I was about to jump in until I got pushed back by a Wither Guardian ouch come on only those sponded with the winner shall go through okay then bring it the guardian and I both fought valiantly its attacks were strong but thanks to my shrinking ability it was having a hard time countering me with one powerful bite I was able to poison it and knock it away while stunned I ran over to the end portal here goes nothing I made it on the other side phew that was close throw over the anchor ladies we got ourselves a new crew member Captain with this ship me boy we will find those last end spiders in no time I looked over and saw the captain with a brand new end ship that was flying in the sky awesome on day 78 to 80 the captain and I were flying throughout the end hey man uh with the monkey's help of course yeah that's right we were soaring throughout the skies until we stopped at a large end Island that had a kingdom I think this be the place ly I got off the ship and decided to go look around the captain was right all around the kingdom lied and spiders hey you I approached one but as soon as I got to it the spider teleported away they can teleport hey I then tried it again and again come on guys I just wanted to talk come back be careful what you wish for I turned around only to see a crowd of end spiders staring me down uh listen I come in peace that's for us to decide one of the spiders then ran over to me and used his powers teleporting us away on days 81 to 85 I was teleported inside of a large end room I think think I'm going to throw up G what a newbie where did you take me I need to talk to your Elder just then a giant and spider slowly emerged from the roof uh hi walking in this place is a death wish those from the Overworld are not welcome here I didn't know but listen there is an evil one that's bigger than the both of us he comes from the nether I've heard about the expansion but sadly that is the Overworld problem no I promise if nothing's done it will soon be the end's problem too all I need is your blessing and that's it we have other issues right now our end Golem has gone completely Rogue he was made using our special end crystal that's what's important to us not this silly War fine uh how about this if I get the end Crystal then you can give me your blessing you think you can take on our Guardian Golem huh you over worlders are naive fine be my guest Warden spider on days 86 to 90 I went out in search of this so-called Guardian Golem I mean come on how powerful can a Golem really be he's right behind me isn't he I turned around and there he was not just a regular Golem but a giant one that's a detail they shouldn't have left out the Golem and started to shoot out at me and attack attack his power was coming straight from the purple Crystal on his head ouch this guy hurts the crystal must be really really powerful I tried my best and even swung around to avoid some of his attacks it would shoot blasts at me but I would shoot back green right back at him hope you enjoy the poison this fight was definitely one of my hardest but thankfully I was the strongest I've ever been I shot my poison Sonic Boom aiming right at it and just just like that the guardian was down with only the crystal lying there on the ground you have done it my my surely you are worthy the spider then walked over and granted me my final blessing I floated up high in the sky and upgraded one last time I gained 10 more hearts and notice my poison Sonic Boom upgraded and was now explosive I did it I'm ready to take on wither Fang on day days 91 and '94 I returned back home with the captain and his monkeys foso there you are your dad he he wants to talk to you I ran over only to see him lying there almost lifeless Dad Dad listen you have to hold on a little longer I'm ready I can finally defeat witherfang I can stop all of this that's good son I'm just so proud of you thank you Dad just hold in there and son I'm I'm I'm not going to make it what no no no you have to we're almost there just just hold on a little longer I can feel it I'm slipping foso it's up to you stop all of this do it my power will be there with you dad my dad then slowly looked over to me and bit me this caused me to gain five hearts and grow little in size no what are you doing Dad be brave son I'll be right there watching he then passed away no it's up to me now saddened over my loss I made my dad the monument that he deserved one that all Warden spiders will remember I will win this fight dad if it's the last thing that I do the warden spiders will win on days 95 to 99 I made my way over to the nether Ravine with slyther and the captain this is it guys we have to do this for our fathers for everyone for everyone this ends now charge the three of us ran into battle I used all of my upgrades to charge through the Wither spiders Slither went around and was able to do some poison damage as well that's right you Skelly wigs hit them hit him good yeah yeah we're hidden the captain and one of his monkeys made a really good team foso we got this you must fight witherfang now I looked down and saw him waiting there Cal on day 100 I landed on the platform right in front of witherfang you you've taken everything from me this world it deserved it do you know what it feels like to be locked below the surface below everything we were prisoners but not anymore I won't let you win witherfang and I began our fight he was extremely tough every bite he did dealt five hearts of damage I did my best and fought back and even used my web swinging to my advantage that's when he shot me with one of his wither blasts which caused my hearts to start withering away oh no any second now you will be defeated and once you are I will take down your friends too no I got up and fought back against them as much as I could it's time I then perfectly shot my newest sonic boom and used it on wither Fang causing him to step back no this can't be your mission is over with one final boom wither Fang was defeated letting my colony and many others to live in peace on day one I spawned in as a warden worm deep within my desert ancient city I looked around only to see my Warden people being attacked by a bunch of Monster Hunters are they after us I ran throughout the battlefield and watched as the hunters started to hurt and capture my people as if they were just doing it for fun that's two points I'm going for three as I was distracted I was spotted by one of them he rushed into attack and I thought I was done for until our Warden Elder jumped in the way and took him down we can't let them capture you my boy you are special and we're created so that we can put an end to these Hunters me but how just then a much larger Monster Hunter slammed down in the center of our city where is that Warden worm I Oden will hunt you down just like the rest of this world's monsters so that I can be the most powerful Hunter yet you need to leave now and find Aaron he will know how to make you strong enough to save our people Odin then notice the two of us and Rush forward only to unleash a powerful attack on my Elder no go now I ran for my life leaving all of my people behind capture these pathetic monsters and get me that worm on day two I was slithering through the caves as fast as I could with monster hunters chasing behind me they shot at me using their advanced hunter gear oh no I'm trapped you know we enjoyed taking your people down and once we have you H our power will be used to kill the rest of the monsters in this world I'm not a monster out of my frustration I began to mine deep in the ground wo I can burrow oh no you don't get the drill using this new found ability I began to mine a path to get me out of this cave it wasn't long until I heard heavy machinery and realized there was a drill mining right after me I then mined out of a Wallside only to find myself inside of a strange Nest home what is this place there you are the Monster Hunter began to rush in but out of nowhere dropped down a very large Griffin beast on day three the Griffin started to fight off the Monster Hunter easily destroying his machine the hunter ran up and tried his best to hurt him with his Weaponry but the Griffin sliced him with his claw and sent him back he had incredible agility and strength and would even use his wings to summon deadly gusts of wind around us no no the Griffin then landed on the hunter taking him down for good wao you you saved me I thought I was safe but the bird turned towards me and approached with anger wait uh I don't mean you any harm this is my home and you are not welcome here I was backed into a corner and thought I was done for please look I'm looking for Aaron okay my people they're in danger well it's true you must be the creature of the war orens have spent years creating fine I'll help take you where you need to go on day four the Griffin flew me high up throughout the lands but all I was seeing was pure chaos the world was full of deadly Villages and outposts filled with cages of different beasts animals you name it the hunters are doing this this is horrible this is the world now with Odin and his people at large All Creatures of any kind are being hunted down and stripped of their freedoms including your wardens we then landed within a desert ruin with a strange Warden Eye artifact sat at its Center go and pick it up okay I listened and once I touched it my entire body began to shake I gained five more hearts and grew larger in size becoming a stronger Warden worm wao this is the first of five Warden Eye fragments they Grant any being incredible beast-like abilities when equipped I am Aon and have helped the wardens in their Quest on creating you they believe your strength can be enough to stop this well if these items increase my strength then I will go out and find all of them rustling then sounded off and out of the bushes is rushed an advanced hunter there you are we have all the wardens under our watch and when I bring you in I will be rewarded on day five the advanced hunter rushed in and began to attack he summoned two more arms and now had four very sharp swords oh no but with my new upgrade I now have the ability to shoot out deadly skull Venom at him ha take that we fought each other blow for blow he was not an easy opponent as he shot out poison all throughout the area but I knew I could not let my people down with one final skull Venom attack I was able to fully take down the hunter yes upon his death dropped a note that said order to let that worm find those weni artifacts go out and find the kroak empire before he does the croak Empire huh that must be where another one is I knew that there were going to be more Hunters after me so Aaron and I started to forge a new Hideout within this desert ruin I made my very own home inside of a sand cave while I also made Aaron a small Nest lying on top of a tree as Aaron and I were admiring our new work I saw a sand block fall near my cave oops oh no what was that I walked over only to see a tiny Warden hiding in fear no please don't hurt me I barely was able to escape from those Hunters I have nowhere else to go escape where exactly did you escape from on day six the tiny Warden brought me within the nearest forest until we reached an outpost much larger than the ones I'd seen before I watched as as countless Hunters were inside upgrading their weaponry and right next to them were rows of cages holding wardens and my Warden Elder let us go ah shut it I have to get them out of here I was about to run in blinded by my rage but just then Odin entered the courtyard everyone listen this Warden worm is a threat to our clan do you not understand it can grow to be the strong strongest among all beasts in this world this is why we must obtain its scales so that we can forge Weaponry with power like no other but we will need backup he then walked forward and ignited a platform causing lightning to summon all around him in one huge burst dropped down a knight Bounty Hunter Magnus I know you've never failed a hunt which is why I need you to go and find that worm very well leave it to me oh no this isn't good I need to find the croak Empire fast you mean that Kingdom of frogs I know where that place is come on follow me on day seven the tiny Warden led me deep within a swamp but we were quickly met by a moat is that polluted swamp water gross I then looked across and waiting on the other side was the croak Empires okay but how do we get across I think I have an idea follow me I used my burrow ability allowing me to dig deep underground thankfully I was able to mind blow the mo and make it safely on the other side however as I exited I found myself in the middle of their entire Kingdom maybe I Min too far H oh WWB uh those words are really getting creative with their Creations huh huh yeah no kidding we know why you're here you will not get that word I fragment I then looked up and lying on their tallest tower was The Warden Eye please I need it just then I heard a very loud and in a huge Splash landed their king frog I am Emperor croak we see that fragment has good luck to our people we have lost too many to those Hunters well I'm trying to stop them there has to be some way I can get it from you you know this Empire loves us show I think I have an idea on how you can prove your worth on day 8 Emperor croak brought me back to the center of their Kingdom with a crowd of frogs watching the rules are simple if you can get to that Warden fragment you win I think or can do that you have to get past the king okay deal horns then sounded off and the Frog King began to attack me he used his high leaps to his advantage and pushed me back away from the tower ah P off I fought back using my skull Venom on him and tried my best to get to their Tower unfortunately he would shoot out deadly water attacks at me and even shot his tongue out swallowing me hole let me out of here wait a minute I have an idea I continue to fight the Frog and waited for him to shoot his tongue again here goes nothing he shot me out come on ah I did it I reached the warden fragment I picked it up causing me to upgrade once more I gained five Hearts grew in size and now had the ability to do explosive bites at my enemy awesome I went back to the Courtyard towards the king Emperor croak is very impressed you earned it but without this fragment my Kingdom's luck is gone you know I think I have an idea on days 9 to 10 I gathered up all the frogs in the croak Empire to come back to my base thank you for offering shter to my people until we stop those men Odin will stop at nothing to take us all down yeah I know I just don't get why he hates us so much I'm not quite sure but what I've heard is that he lost someone very close to him but it's just a rumor who could he have lost we continued to walk out of the swamps and back towards the desert until I Heard a Voice coming towards us the sky became clouded as flames appeared and a figure Rose from the ground you I thought I smelled a warden worm around here oh no leave leave now the frogs and the tiny Warden all left back towards my base you you're trying to hunt me down what you Hunters are doing it's not right not right you are monsters beasts you don't know any better especially you wardens oh yeah well I'll show you Magnus then charged straight in he spun around and slashed me with his very large sword ah with just one hit I was knocked down to only a few Hearts oh no he's too strong I got to get out of here I began to burrow down into the ground but Magnus ran down the tunnel straight behind me get back here he was about to catch me but thankfully I dug straight underneath a pool of lava it fell and separated the two of us count your days you worm they are numbered on days 11 to 12 I made my way back to base and saw that all of the frogs and the tiny Warden made it here safely thank goodness I got to work building up a place for all of the Frog people I made sure to theme it around their Kingdom so that they could feel just at home after that I quickly was able to build the tiny Warden their very own tiny home as well wow Foo this is amazing oh and that reminds me I wanted to show you tell you something what is it the tiny Warden then used her Warden senses to locate and pull out from the ground all of the surrounding ore around our base we are wardens remember I can sense everything wo that's awesome thanks with the tiny warden's help I was able to find enough iron to make myself a set of iron tools awesome Foo I'm glad you made it back safely and by the looks of things you're even stronger now I am Aaron thankfully well if you're up for another journey I found where the next Warden fragment is you did yes now come on I'll show you on days 13 to 14 I followed behind Aaron until he brought me to the top of an icy Mountain at its peak were strange pillars surrounding a Wen ey fragment but something was wrong it's frozen that's right this fragment is useless unless we can melt it and there is only one way to do so how Aaron led me to the side of the mountain overlooking the rest of the tundra deep within this land lies a very dangerous ice beast but with its help we just might be able to thaw this fragment be warn he is not friendly great he then flew away with the Frozen fragment to keep it safe at our base and I continued into the tundra until I saw a fire that's not normal I approached and started to see that the fire was coming from a burning Tundra Village it was being raided by the Monster Hunters oh no on days 15 to 16 I watched as Monster Hunters began to Corner some defenseless Tundra creatures please no wait one of the hunters swung and killed the creature without a second thought I have to stop this I charged in and used my new explosive bite to attack them they turned to fight back but I was quick and was able to take all of them down with my abilities yes I looked around at the burning Village and just when I thought I killed the last Hunter one of the home's walls exploded outwards e we finally meet face to face Odin you have to stop this all of it you're hurting countless innocent lives lives you guys are just monsters he leapt into the air and tried to slam down onto me summoning lightning everywhere stop look I heard you lost someone close to you I'm sorry but you can't just take it out on us you know nothing about me my father he was the greatest hunter to ever live he taught me everything everything from skinning a rabbit to slaying Beast like you then one day on a hunt he never returned he was killed by one of you monsters you beasts ended his life and now I will do the same to all of you he threw one of his axes directly at me and I was barely able to dodge out of the way I got to get out of here I made a break for it but just when I was about to make it out of the village I felt the ice crack from underneath huh I will avenge my father if it's the last thing I do on days 17 to 18 I fell down and into the center of an ice temple ow where am I the area looked abandoned and almost completely forgotten except for ah there was a Tung of a creature hiding behind a pillar hey I'm not going to hurt you you you're not one of those Hunters they took my family from me I know I'm sorry I'm trying to stop them but I have to find an ice beast in order to do so Oh you mean the yeti Follow Me Wait Yeti he led me over to a very dark cave entrance deeper in the temple so he's in here y I began to slowly creep inside until I was totally encased in darkness and then as I recovered from the hit rushing out of the darkness was a huge ice yeti on days 19 to 21 the powerful Yeti jumped towards me in a rage swinging at me with his giant fists hey I began to fight back using my explosive bite attack but the yeti was so strong he barely seem to Flinch I tried to run and gain some distance but he would keep burrowing towards me before forming a ball of ice that kicked at me ah stop it I'm not here to fight you no I can't do that I need your help in unfreezing a warden fragment help Hunters attack because of you now leave my home please Yeti the Monster Hunters attacked my Village they took me away from my family they need to be stopped the yeti calmed down fine if you want help I show you but you do the rest show us what both of you follow on days 22 to 26 the yeti led us out of his icy caves until we came to a large lava in ice Lake unfreeze fragment the item you need here in the lake yes under the lake you must find it okay here I go I began to dig deep down tunneling under the pool searching for any clue of the Yeti's item but as I dug I accidentally mined in another icy cave with spikes falling down okay uh wrong way I continue to dig having to dodge around more traps and being careful not to dig too close to Lava pools eventually I found it another Cave opening but it was no longer icy and in the center was a pedestal holding a potion of molten magma this this has to be it I rushed up and grabbed the potion this will definitely unfreeze the Frozen Warden fragment on days 27 to 29 I went back to my base potion in hand and seal with me I found that Aaron had built some sort of containment pillar for the Frozen fragment hey here you go good work but it'll take some time to set things up while while he was doing that I went and got enough materials to make seal their very own home to stay in thanks foso it's nice to know his creatures have each other's backs agreed I ran back to Aaron and saw that his containment area was now filled with hot magma okay I'm guessing it's ready I then watched as the Frozen fragment began to melt and crack until it finally thought yes I grabbed the fixed fragment causing me to become even stronger ER I gained five more hearts and felt my body grow now I could use my size to shake the ground around me with a powerful slam attack awesome so is it true rumors quickly spread that Odin's father was killed by a beast yeah and now he's letting his rage blind him it just doesn't make any sense his dad was known as the world's strongest Monster Hunter things aren't adding up Folk what do you mean stop it what was that I ran out of the base to see that there in a cage was my Warden Elder oh my goodness you're okay I'm getting you out of here now I ran up to the cage and noticed that she looked weak my dear boy no get out of here it's a trap what before I knew it Magnus appeared leaping down between me and the Elder at as he did giant walls of metal formed around us trapping me in you were you aren't going anywhere on days 30 to 32 I was face to face with Magnus in his metal Arena you used my Elder as bait yes and you fell for it there's no running this time he rushed in to attack me spinning around wildly with his sword and shield take this I use my new power slam ability causing the ground beneath us to erupt the attack definitely hurt Magnus but the blast also hit my Elder oh no I need to be careful Magnus used the opening to Kick Me Back Then followed up with multiple sword attacks as I was cornered I was starting to get lower and lower on hearts and he kept blocking my attacks I can't give up I use my explosive attack to push Magnus back but his hits were just way too strong Magnus then landed a blow that almost knocked me out it's a pity they want you alive you're coming with me my vision went blurry from the fight and I started to pass out on days 33 to 35 I woke up changed to a strange platform in the middle of a room full of Monster Hunters ah I feel so weak Warden worm you really thought you'd put an end to my Empire what did you do to me more so what did you just do for us we have taken some of your scales and with it we will upgrade our Weaponry so that we can move on to the next part of our plan next part quiet hunters get to work in this one put him with the others we have what we want a couple of hunters walked forward and began to escort me deep underneath their Outpost it wasn't long until I was thrown into a cage in a room filled with my wardens Foo I'm so sorry I tried to warn you it's okay we're all alive that's what matters Odin is planning something though we need to get out of here and fast yeah good luck pal these people only see us as entertainment here entertainment just then the opposite side of my cage opened up what the I walked out only to have the door slam behind me and to see that I was in a massive arena with Monster Hunters looking down at me oh no oh on days 36 to 39 I looked around the whole Coliseum I need to find a way out of here I then heard another cage open on the opposite side and walking out of it was a tall amethyst Golem fight fight fight whoa whoa whoa whoa wait we don't have to listen to them we can work together and get out of here get out of here impossible sirry it's either you or me no how it feels the Golem then started throwing amethyst shards at me I dodged them only to realize they turned into tiny amethyst Golems what the they ran at me while he continued to attack with his massive arm we began to fight as he attacked me continuously ah stop it fight me the Golem stomped on the ground and sent forward shards of amethyst that hit me on the head no we are not monsters a in my frustration I Unleashed an extremely powerful Warden boom destroying everything around me wao what close the cages don't let them Escape in the midst of the destruction I noticed that there was a way out I got to get the wardens and get out of here on days 40 to 44 I escaped with all the warden straight out of the Hunter's Outpost thankfully we were able to make it safely back to base that was close before doing anything else I made sure to get enough materials to build up all of the wardens their very own ancient styled home and done oh Foo I'm so proud of how strong you've become the warden Elder collapsed right in front of me why is this happening Foo what's wrong Aaron the hunters they must have done something to her she looks so weak if we don't do something soon she might not make it but we have to help her I have an idea on where we can get an item that might help her but we have to hurry Odin we we had no idea that he would Escape I trusted idiots with one job one and now that worm is back out in the world no matter those of you who are still worth the air you breathe Forge your weapons once my axes possess that worm's power he won't be a problem anymore on days 45 to 47 I went as quickly as I could with Aaron until we arrived at some sort of desert dungeon but the entrance was sealed shut great now what I'll fly up and look around Aaron took to the skies as I looked more intently at the entrance I noticed that the door was being held up by two pillars that sunk into the ground that's it I tunnel bullet the door and straight through each of the pillars breaking them down one by one when the last one was broken the entire entrance collapsed and was opened up you did it the two of us ran inside only to see the dungeon's vast dark interior wo there that's the item we need I looked up and saw that in the center of the chamber was a large Tiki sitting in the center and behind it laid the golden the totem of healing that's it I began to hurry towards it but as I moved forward I heard a click under my body uhoh the whole room began to shake and suddenly the entire floor dropped down exposing a large elaborate parkour towards the center and if I fall I'd land on deadly spikes great activate defense mechanism I then noticed that the tall Tiki in the center had come to life it started to launch Elemental attacks around the platforms okay focus I have to get that totem on days 48 to 52 I started to jump between the floating platforms heading towards the totem but the Tiki heads were spouting Flames directly at me I jumped away to one of the platforms just before I saw a rock flying right at me it hit me head on and I almost fell straight off knock it off intruder stay back bolts of lightning started to flash throughout the room making it even harder to jump across but I knew I had to do it here goes nothing I jumped and finally made it on top of the center platform but as I did the tikis all dissembled into three individual ones they began their attacks each wielding a different elemental power I began to fight back when one of them seemed to recognize me wait wait wait wait hold up hold up are you the Wen worm yeah I kind of need that totem to save my Elder well why didn't you say something us tikis don't have very good eyesight you know we know about your quest to take down those hunters and we totally agree with it oh oh uh follow us you should see this the tikis led me into a separate room of the dungeon and there was a map we've been guarding this bad boy it's should lead you to your next Warden fragment wait really yeah yeah yeah those crazy Hunters have been trying to get into this place for ages to get it that's why we had to secure the entrance oh sorry about that yeah forget about it you can take the map in the totem just stop those Hunters on days 53 to 56 Aaron and I rushed back to our base I ran directly into where my Elder was resting and placed the totem of healing next to her this caused the entire room to instantly start glowing yes yes in a burst of vibrant light my Elder stood up and looked completely healed my goodness thank you those Hunters didn't treat us well at all I didn't think I was going to make it I'm just glad you're okay Ma you really have grown so much I'm so proud of all you have done for Our Kind the work isn't done yet I just got this map that leads to the next Warden ey fragment it looks like it shows something called the Grand Forest ah that Forest is a dangerous place you must be careful I know but it seems like I don't have a choice I need those fragments to stop Odin on days 57 to 59 I was making my way to the Grand Forest and I stopped only to see a massive tree line wao I then heard screams run run I ran towards the trees to see that on the edge of the forest was a town of smaller tree people but they were being raided by the Monster Hunters oh no the hunters were using their new and improved weapons to cut down the homes and tree people with ease they weren't kidding they upgraded their gear hey Hunters over here the wooden worm get him I rushed into battle and fought off as many of the hunters as I could I I use my abilities to hit multiple of them at a time but they were much stronger than before you think we are a challenge you have no idea how strong Odin has now become no I started to fight harder than ever before using my power slam to knock out a group of them and then my explosive bite to take down the final one with only a few Hearts to spare the Tree Village was saved that was close you have saved us weird creature I can tell you're not from around here yeah I'm visiting this Forest looking for a Warden Eye fragment oh if you want that you must travel to the forest core can you lead me there for saving my home absolutely on days 60 to 63 I followed the tree person as they led me deep into the Grand Forest until we met a clearing revealing a lost kingdom the fragment should be in there the core but I shall go no further I pushed forward inside the main entrance and found an ominous clearing there high up in the branches was the warden fragment yes now just to get it why have you come here Warden worm who said that I looked out and appearing through the trees was a tall Triant I am scull guardian of this fragment I need that fragment Scot for what to stop the hunter Odin I presume yes he has to be stopped it's the only way no you will do no such thing scog suddenly rushed towards me in a rage wait on days 64 to 65 scog moved in and started to attack me he was so powerful and used the elements of nature to his Advantage he would stomp on the ground and cause jaw likee plants to appear and hit me I knew I had to fight back stop this we're on the same side skog was fueled by rage and kept hitting me he would reach into the Earth and cause roots to shoot out towards me why why don't you want to defeat Odin be quiet he was about to attack again but I ran in and bit into him with my explosive bite this caused scog to stumble back and briefly stop attacking Odin his actions are wrong but it's all his father's fault it's my fault what wait your Odin's father but how Odin followed in my footsteps as my goal was to become the greatest hunter to ever exist I would exceed my goals and reach higher and higher SL playing hurting animals and creatures treating them like nothing but monsters but then on one fateful hunt I was cursed into becoming the very thing I hunted I knew my people would never accept me back so I couldn't return I came here and over time I have finally realized that the beasts we have hunted have emotions as well so you didn't die to a beast you became one Odin should know didn't know that his own father has turned into the very thing he hates but maybe if he knew he would change he hates the beasts because he thought you died to one scog suddenly smashed at the branch above dropping the fragment maybe just maybe you are right worm you may take the warden fragment thank you I ran up and grabbed it and this caused me to grow in power again I gained five more hearts and now I could rain down down bursts of Sonic Boom energy from the sky I felt so much stronger than before on days 66 to 68 I was on my way back to base with scog when suddenly Odin's lightning struck and he was now right in front of us you really thought you could escape from me I'll give you cred it if there's one thing we both have in common is that we both don't know when to give up Odin wait he ran straight towards me with his Sonic Boom charged axes but scog jumped in the way taking the blow Odin began to attack as hard as he could hacking into skog's tree body I could tell scog didn't want to but he began to defend himself Odin you need to stop this Odin and scog continue to fight until scogg hit him back with his route attack but Odin countered with a very heavy hit now you shall die Odin son it's me your father he stood there stunned that can't be true my father he was a hunter I was but my rage turned me into this son these creatures have feelings lives that we are just taking from them you have to stop this now I can't believe this you may have been my father before but you are not him today wait Odin slung with the final heavy blow that killed his father no I knew I had to run as I quickly burrowed straight down and away from Odin I have to get the final fragment I have to on days 69 to 71 I tunneled all the way to my base and saw that all of the wardens looked healthy again they were even all working throughout the base helping my other friends the Elder noticed me and walked over this Foo is what being a warden is all about we are protectors our people are meant to keep all of the world's creatures safe this is so amazing I was admiring all of them when suddenly I heard the tiny Warden panicking Foo boo hey what's wrong are you okay yes yes I am I was just roaming around outside the base when I saw some Monster Hunters they made a camp nearby what did you find out well I overheard them talking about the final Warden fragment but it is in possession of Magnus and I know exactly where he lives great can you tell me on Day 72 to 74 I roamed around the Overworld until I reached a clearing and there it was magnus's keep the huge walls and battlements were guarded and well too fortified for me just to dig through huh I need to find another way in safely I know it's around here somewhere uh what was that I walked over to the noise and saw an armored Enderman come on come on where did I put my sword hey man are you okay no I'm not I lost my sword how am I supposed to be an Enderman Knight without my sword wo wao it's okay wait a minute I have an idea if I find your sword would you teleport me inside of that keep over there you my friend have a deal on day 75 to 77 I began to burrow around the area the Enderman said that he just went mining it has to be around here somewhere I then dug into a large cave on a mound of stone was the Enderman sword yes I started to move closer but then I realized that the cave had large cracks in the floor filled with lava no how do I get across I looked around the room and noticed that the roof of the cave was made out of ton of loose gravel perfect I shot my Sonic Venom ability striking the roof and causing all the loose blocks to fall because of this the large cracks in the ground were now filled with gravel allowing me to walk across safely I picked up the sword and quickly tunneled my way back to the surface and reunited with the Enderman night oh yes thank you thank you of course now can you get me inside of that keep oh yeah with ease on day 78 to 80 the Enderman Knight teleported us far below magnus's keep inside a dungeon room okay now to get that fragment and get out of here I started to walk through the dungeons heading up the main Outpost but I was quickly stopped when I saw cages filled with the Tundra creatures I saw earlier feel so weak you you guys are seals Family come on let me help I use my warm abilities and broke open their cages thank you w and warm of course stay here I'll be right back from there I went up through the keep making sure to avoid any hunter guards that were on post it wasn't long before I entered a main Courtyard room and in the center held the final Warden fragment yes I walked up and picked it up causing my body to change one last time I gained 10 more Hearts grew larger in size and was now a very large Warden worm I did it on days 81 to 85 I was leaving the room but was interrupted by Magnus walking out from the Shadows you really have come back for more haven't you I do have to to say I am quite impressed with your Escape but I am magnet the best Bounty Hunter there is no one escapes my capture he charged in and began to attack me I'm here to show you how wrong you really are I fought back this time using my newly found abilities because I was a fully upgraded Warden worm I was able to summon a tornado of Sonic Boom energy Magnus felt my newly found strength last time he was able to overpower me but now he was no match no no with one final hit I was able to fully take down the nighti hunter ha take that from there I quickly gathered the tunder creatures outside and started our journey back home but as we started our travels I heard a loud oh no what can that be on days 86 to 90 I separated from the creatures heading straight for the horns but the sight that met me was absolutely horrifying I watch rows of Destruction caused by the newly upgraded Hunters trees were burned grass was dead and there was Smoke everywhere under the name of OD the final sweep has begun go through the lines and make sure there isn't a single living creature from there Hunters started to go out and kill any animal that they can find no this has to end and it has to end now on days 91 to 94 I hurried back home to make sure all of my friends were safe thankfully the hunters hadn't found us yet Foo you found my family yeah I did I I told you I would help you out to keep the rest of his family safe I quickly went out and built them homes right next to him thank you with the Hunter's new plan we need a place to hide in and feel safe agreed I then went over and saw Aaron and my Elder in a conversation foso thank goodness you're okay the Hunter's plan it's begun I know I saw all of it if they do this to the entire realm it will never be habitable for any of us we have to storm their Outpost now and we have to take Odin down on days 95 to 99 Aaron and I stormed the main Hunter Outpost there was a whole row of hunters in the front waiting for us with Odin standing high above commanding them I knew you'd show yourself finally here to meet your fate no I'm here to stop you have it your way men attack the Monster Hunters rushed in towards Aaron and I and started to slice us with their axes Aaron took to the skies summoning gusts of win to take down groups of them at a time while he was fighting I also rushed in and used all my abilities I gained along the way in my journey I summoned my Sonic Boom tornado bit at them anything to take them down with Aaron and I's teamwork we were able to take down most of the group I looked up and watched as Odin stood in his Empire as lightning struck all around him he's waiting for me go I will hold the rest of them off on day 100 I made it in the center of the courtyard where Odin was standing today is the day you finally learned your place in this world no today is the day you learned how wrong you've been you will regret your actions and when you're gone this will the world will be a better place Odin got frustrated and rushed in to attack yeah his Weaponry was way heavier and stronger than his other hunters and every hit he dealt did a massive amount of damage with his deadly Weaponry he was even stronger than before ah I fought back shooting out any ability that I could think of I can't let everyone down he was very fast and I could tell he had a lot of experience as a fighter I will not let a well take this from my clan I kept fighting until I released my Sonic Boom tornado one last time but this time it was completely surrounding him what is this your end I shot at him with all of my abilities as he started to grow weaker and weaker no no with one final attack OD Was Defeated yes now it's time for us creatures to live in peace on day one I spawned in as a baby Warden shark I was in an underwater ancient city and watch as my fellow Warden sharks were being attacked by an army of drowned what's going on son over here I saw both of my parents and quickly started to make my way over to them quickly we must escape before just then a swarm of drowns shot up from the depts capturing my parents Mom Dad no the drown King then emerged from the Swarm and I quickly hid to avoid his detection another domain falls to the drown come my Army let us conquer the next this can't be happening as The Horde swam away from the ancient city I chased after them I have to save my parents I continued to follow them into the next day until I found myself in front of a a massive underwater Fortress there were drowned everywhere how am I going to get past them I then noticed my parents at the top of the building in front of the drowned King irritating creatures you shall be free no longer bow before the might of the drown the King shot a powerful blast and suddenly transformed them both into drown sharks no the drown King heard my cry and snapped around another one bring me that Warden shark my parents then immediately shot towards me with the intent to kill oh no I have to get out of here I was too small and weak to do anything but swim away with my zombified parents closing in right behind me by day three I was swimming as fast as I could but my parents were catching up I was trying to use the nearby kelp to lose them but nothing was working think Foo think I noticed the nearby cave and dove in just before my dad could land a bite I'm finally safe just as I was beginning to relax the entryway was destroyed revealing both of my parents no please it's me your son they were about to attack me when suddenly a dolphin swam in between us my parents lunged at him but he was able to easily evade them and hit them with a special attack follow me little Warden shark I was graced with the incredible speed from the dolphin and we quickly swam away finally escaping my drowned family once we were in a safe space the dolphin introduced himself as Raiden I'm glad to see that one Warden shark survived the attack I've been spying on the drowned king for a while now and witnessed your city fall then you saw my parents get turned into monsters I have to save them he told me that I was far too weak to fight anything let alone the drown King's Army I know of five ancient hearts of the skull each one you possess will make you stronger in different ways but I only know where one of them is if I find them all then I'll be strong enough to defeat the drown King and save my parents where do I begin the next day Raiden led me through a cave until he came across an opening that led to a large Temple we went inside and found a heart of the skull sitting on a pedestal in the middle of a room perfect I then swam towards it boo wait as I grabbed the heart the area began to shake violently before drowned Guardians broke through the temple walls we were completely surrounded and things looked hopeless but then I felt something growing from inside of me I grew into an adult-sized Warden shark and gained five more Hearts I felt so strong as the Guardians began to attack I realized that I had a powerful Warden bite they were strong but with my new ability I was able to eventually take them all down man and with no Hearts to spare see this is why you're so important Foo you are the only one who can use these skull cards and with them we can finally end the drag Brown King's Reign together we left the temple but we're quickly interrupted by a rumbling noise wait Brayden do you hear something we both turned around only to see a massive wave barreling towards us swim we tried to swim as fast as we could but found ourselves Swept Away into a powerful wave causing me to pass out on day five I slowly woke up in a Cove ah what happened I noticed that my hearts were really low did that wave almost kill us Foo I sense another wave on its way we have to shelter ourselves now you're right I quickly noticed a sunken ship in the cove and collected materials from it before making a set of stone tools I was even able to find some emeralds and iron in the chest from there I got enough materials to start making myself and Raiden a large underwater shelter I even added a wall alongside the coast to prevent any other tidal waves from hitting us just as I finished I heard a a large slam looks like you finished just in time foo I then noticed my Hunger was getting low using my new bite ability I went around the bottom of the ocean and hunted down some fish this ability is amazing I wonder if each heart of the skull will give me a new one as I finished eating Raiden and I heard a noise coming from the surface I looked around and saw a huge wooden object what can that be I swam up on day six and peaked out of the water to see the massive ship floating in front of me it looks like it's full of pirates I then looked over and saw the captain talking to none other than the drowned King yeah it be a deal then the water surface now belongs to you Captain deadbeard take this book and guard it with your life if it is combined with the sacred skull artifacts then our Dr cars can be broken which can't happen the king tossed the pirate Captain a Str strange looking book wait if I have that then I can save my family and be on the lookout for a baby Warden shark he escaped my new pets pets those are my parents I got angry and swam closer to the boat but suddenly was Pulled Under the surface ah what's happening I noticed that there was a large patch of magma blocks I began taking damage this isn't good luckily I was able to break free before I lost too many hearts when I reemerged though I saw the ship sailing away no I couldn't let them get away I have to get that book I continued to follow the ship into the next day until it eventually docked by land finally now to sneak on board unfortunately there was no way for me to reach the deck from the water while searching for an alternative route in one of the Pirates spotted me ohy that's Wen shark beo here A bunch of pirates then rushed out from the ship and started shooting at me ah I have to get out of here I pushed myself back into the water and quickly swam down while dodging their bullets ugh I need to get stronger before I can take them on just then I noticed a clown fish watching me from behind some kelp hey buddy do you know don't eat me the fish bolted away hey wait I'm not going to hurt you no way I'm not falling for that finally I cornered the little guy in a small cave hey man I'm not hungry okay I'm just looking for some hearts of the skull do you you know anything about them you mean you're not going to eat me the fish seemed suspicious of me but then swam closer H yeah okay sure I know about a heart but if I help you then you got to help me with something deal what do you need help with on day eight the clown fish brought me to a coral reef oh wow this place is beautiful my home is down there and I was taken over by the drown if you help me retrieve my joke book I'll take you to the heart I'm a clown fish I need my jokes we began to swim down when I saw a movement behind the coral what the suddenly drown eel swam right for us oh no I went in and fought them their attacks were tough but with my new Warden bite I can tell it was severely damaging them after a little while I was finally able to take them all down wow thanks man these waters are getting dangerous to be honest the first non- drowned guy I've seen in a while yeah well you're the first fish that I haven't wanted to eat you should stick with me US survivors got to stick together right I could tell that the clown fish was grateful both him and I went inside his small broken home before I went into a nearby chest just as he said there was his jokebook thanks Warden shark I don't know what I would do without this the name's Marlton of course now you said you can show me towards the next heart the clown fish nodded and started to lead the way on days 9 to 10 we reached a strange crevice in the middle of the ocean wao what is this place Marlton brought me further down until he beelined out of nowhere hey why would he just leave me was this a trap I heard a loud noise coming from the bottom of the cave and decided to follow it I reached an underwater cave tunnel while traveling I managed to find some iron alongside the cave walls with it I smelted some and crafted myself some iron armor and tools for my journey who knows what's ahead I kept going until I reached an opening this has to be where the sound was coming from all of the sudden a huge creature slowly started to rise behind me I turned around only to see a giant killer whale staring me down ah the killer whale said nothing and immediately started to attack me leave my home at once I tried to fight back but I could tell my bites weren't doing that much damage to it okay I'm leaving I was swimming away and the whale was charging right behind me on days 11 to 12 I managed to find a small crack in the cave wall I quickly went through it which bought me enough time to escape the killer whale phw that was close I kept going until I found an underwater room that was holding the second heart of the skull wow I guess Marlton was telling the truth I swam over and picked it up my scales then changed and I gained five more Hearts I feel so much stronger my celebration though was cut short because the killer whale blasted through one of the cave walls you've got to be kidding me the whale charged in but thanks to my increase in strength I was putting up a way better fight the whale even noticed this and started to flee away yeah that should teach you not to mess with the warden shark I was leaving the crevice when Marlon reappeared oh there you are thanks for the backup back there uh sorry I had stage fright I guess it looks like you've gotten stronger I told you I know where it was I just wish I still had a home come on Marlton I think I know a perfect spot for your new one on days 13 to 14 I began building up Marlton 's new house at our Cove he was quite small so I wasn't too worried about the size of it and done how do you like it say thanks foso this place looks great all that's missing now is a small stage to do my little comedy shows I can't wait that sounds amazing I quickly left to go check on Raiden but to my surprise he wasn't home I wonder where he could be I thought back to the pirate and knew if I wanted to find that book I would have to find a way to get on land I looked at the shoreline and for some odd reason I had the urge to walk on the beach once I did something began to happen thanks to my second upgrade my body changed and two legs sprouted out giving me the ability to walk I began taking my first steps okay this feels weird I was making my way further away from the ocean filled with excitement I was the first shark with legs awesome my excitement got cut short because I began to realize that I couldn't breathe my heart started depleting and I needed to get back to the water fast oh no what do I do with no water in sight I knew that I was done for right before death a villager ran in and dumped a bucket of water onto me oh that's so much better hey thanks for the save wow you are an ugly one aren't you look I saved you so don't kill me of course I won't would you happen to know a way around this breathing problem I'm facing here I may have something follow me ugly shark the the Villager and I hurried over to a Coastal Village I was holding my breath as long as I could he introduced me to another villager in a robe I explained my problem to him and he pulled out a special potion well I do have this permanent potion of air breathing it's useless to us cool uh can I have it then um no idiot I want emeralds I'm a villager oh right thankfully for me I found some days ago the Villager then dropped me the potion I drank it and immediately felt way better better awesome I was quickly interrupted by the sound of a dolphin can this be I left the Villager homes and made my way to the coast sure enough Raiden was there waiting foso there you are and you have legs anyway uh listen that pirate ship we saw earlier I've been following its Trail and it's currently docked at a shoreline close by it is maybe with my new legs I can stand a chance I left the shoreline and quickly followed Raiden sure enough the pirate ship was exactly where he said it was if we're able to get that book that holds the Cure we can reverse all of this I have an idea let's just hope it works on day 17 to 18 I used my newly acquired legs and jumped aboard the drowned pirate ship I looked around and noticed all the Pirates were sleeping huh I need to stay quiet then I snuck my way into the Captain's Quarters just to find the captain himself snoozing in his chair right next next to him was the magic book I guess this will be easier than I thought oh no no ma I don't regret me Life Choices you'll never understand me that was close I crept closer and grabbed the book what a that blast Edward and shark be in me quarters and he got legs uh-oh I quickly ran out onto the deck but found myself cut off by the drowned Pirates they all attacked me and I did my best to fight them with my Warden bite I even knocked some into the water where Raiden was waiting to finish them off just then Captain deadbeard came out of nowhere and knocked me back I tried to bite him but it seemed to have little effect and I soon found myself surrounded by his men so you thought you could just take me book and leave did he trapped I had to think fast I yelled H out to Raiden and tossed the book overboard no the captain then knocked me out before turning to see Raiden escaping with the book GES you'll pay for what you've done Warden shark I woke up the next day to find myself locked in a Cell standing right next to me was a little baby whale oh my goodness are you okay little guy hey mister no I haven't had water in days he didn't look like he would last much longer why would those Savages do this by to strengthen our army of course the drown King and I have big plans you would even turn this poor baby whale into a monster what care be it all mine as long as I help the drowned King I get to rule the Seas above with no competition suddenly the whole ship began to shake violently uh what's going on yeah it be that cursed Beast again water then started to pour in as the ship began to crack seeing a hole the baby whale and I quickly escaped into the Open Water we both turned around to see that a giant drowned jellyfish had crushed the ship and dragged it under the surface he doesn't seem friendly the jellyfish must have noticed us because he immediately began to swim in our Direction on days 21 to 23 the drowned jellyfish tried to attack the baby whale I stepped in and use my bite on it it looks like even my bite was Stronger because this jellyfish was definitely taking some damage the drowned King will be happy once you're dead I spoke too soon because his attacks hurt a lot ah I thought I was done for when all of the sudden the Giant Killer Whale I saw previously jumped in it started to attack the jellyfish as well with our combined strength the jellyfish stood no chance and was soon defeated you found my precious baby mama I'm just happy you guys are safe now I'm sorry for trying to hurt you before I thought you were worked for that horrible drowned King he took everything from me well I'm doing everything in my power to stop him if you guys need a safe place to stay then I have the perfect place for thato you summoned me I have been informed that the warden shark took the book I ordered you to protect with your life I but your drowned jellyfish attacked me and excuses kill that shark it's him head or yours all three of us returned back to The Cove on days 24 to 26 I quickly found a nice spot for them and made them their own home that was roomy for their size looking at the entire Cove I knew that this place was coming along nicely thank you so much for your hospitality I was about to say you're welcome when I was quickly interrupted by a joke all right all right what do you call a fish with no [Music] eyes keep working on it buddy I noticed he didn't have a full audience watching but with the amount of fish we were saving I knew that that would change soon I swam over to Raiden and he was happy to see that I was okay I've done lots of readings on this book for the Cure in order to make it looks like we'll need three different skull items the skull magma seeds the skull bone and the skull tendril each seem like they're going to be harder and harder to get so you should still upgrade as you find them good idea where's the first item the skull magma seed is in an ocean that is much hotter than the rest the nether I know of an abandoned portal but you must get the rest of the resources if you wish to activate it sounds like a plan to me where is this portal on days 27 to 29 I was going to various locations to find the leftover ingredients using my new amazing legs I went on the shoreline and was able to grab myself a flint to make flint and steel after that I found the right amount of obsidian down below an underwater cave and luckily there were enough diamonds for me to make a pick and collect the obsidian I then made my way over to where the portal was located this is too easy I put the blocks on the portal and was about to activate it when would you look at this the last wed shark running away from its Destiny you you hurt my parents you've hurt many different lives in this ocean I will do what I have to in order to stop you don't you already see that it's too late I have this ocean in my grip once I have you it won't stand a chance all of a sudden a bunch of other drowned were summoned around me knowing that I had no other choice I ignited the portal and escaped I made my way on the other side of the portal and knew that I had to act fast I quickly pulled my pickaxe out and started to mine the obsidian behind me once the portal was broken I knew that I was safe for now I looked over and saw a giant lava ocean and made my way over to it since I was part Warden it meant me that I was immune to Lava I was about to make my way inside of it when hey hey hey you can't in a man wa calm down do not tell me to calm down you understand how hotheaded I am especially after those new lava guys came here and started taking my stuff all a Striders are never letting anyone roam in these oceans again your stuff yeah us Striders we love our golden warped fungus but we haven't had any since man I can't even remember Let's Make a Deal I bring you your golden warped fungus back and you let me into your oceans what do you say on days 33 to 35 I made my way through the nether looking for the golden fungus I followed the strider's instructions and made it to a tall looking Tower I wonder who stole their food right before I made my way inside I was quickly stopped by a horde of lava drown you guys are here too every attack they hit dealt some serious fire damage to me I attacked bite after bite until I took down the last one from the looks of things he dropped a key I picked up the key and then noticed a locked door I wonder where this leads I opened the passageway and made my way up the tower I made it to the rooftop and there was someone there waiting for me who dare disturb me so are you the one who took the strider's fungus the skeleton didn't listen to me though and began to attack it shot out attacks that withered my hearts away I tried to get close to bik but it always had the upper hand with its long range what am I supposed to do suddenly I looked over and saw that the skeleton was guarding the third heart of the skull perfect knowing that I was low I made my way over and absorbed it like last time I had a huge sensation of power that emerged within me I gained five more hearts and now had a sick Trident the skeleton continued to attack but with my new Trident I was able to throw it at her greatly weakening her with one more throw throw the skeleton was down I then looked down and saw that she dropped the golden fungus lava ocean here I come on days 36 to 38 I returned to the Strider and gave him his golden fungus oh yeah baby this is the stuffff you are loud entry now that I was in the ocean I swam My Way Through Being able to explore many new areas I followed my instincts until I was met by a lava ocean nether City the place looked really run down and even had Vines hanging low off the roofs a loud Rumble started to fill the area and that's when I looked up and noticed a bat on one of the towers hey is everything all right oh I didn't realize anyone was here I used to be able to enjoy the view of my beautiful town and now it's a mess because of these blinding Vines wait how can you see you know what never mind I know why you are here W chock you seek the first ingredient the skull magma SE to Aid you in your quest I shall give it to you but only if you help me get rid of these things sounds like a deal I swam around and looked up how am I supposed to reach those I then came up with an idea using my new Trident I was able to throw it at the vines which caused them to break I threw it one by one until eventually all of them were gone thank you so much a deal is a deal the bat then dropped down and handed me over the first ingredient for the Cure the skull magma seed perfect the next day I exited the nether through another portal and I found myself in a new cave I decided to explore for more resources and found diamond ore to craft myself a full set of armor sweet I then made my way out and immediately noticed movement to my right uh who's there I heard it again and turned to see my parents swimming right after me oh no I didn't have time to react and was attacked by both of them Mom Dad I don't want to fight you please I have to get out of here I struggled and quickly swam away but they were closing in right behind me wait a minute I think I have an idea follow me guys on days 42 to 44 I arrived at my base and they were still right behind me someone help Raiden swam out he then built up a cage perfect I swam as close as I could to it and at the last second I turned causing my parents to swim right into it Braiden then closed in get off phew that was a close one thanks bold move foso what now now we just have to cure them hold on I noticed that there were more fish than the last time I was here what gifts oh they're all here to see my comedy shows I looked around the base and all of the other fish seemed to be happy and laughing with each other I guess this place has become a safe space from the hores of the drown King I got to work with others to build up houses for all the new residents well all all but one a seal approached us and seemed to be having a problem I hear you're looking for a heart of the skull I've been separated from my team but if you find them for me they'll be able to help you tell them Johnson sent you I agreed not only can I get another heart of the skull but I can help out another sea animal Raiden swam over because he overheard I'm coming too we traveled into the following day as the waters began to get colder the Quick Change in temperature seemed to be too much for Raiden and he wanted to rest I jumped up on land and placed down a campfire to warm us up thanks for the warmth Foo I won't be long I can tell something was off hey are you okay no I am an old broken dolphin Foo when the drowned attacked my kind my son he was turned against me all I could do was swim away I lost the one thing dearest to me and I'll stop it nothing to see the drowned King defeated I'm so sorry Raiden once I've grown strong enough we'll defeat him together as we continued our way through the tundra River we suddenly saw drowned running straight for us oh no wait they're swimming past us where are they going ow a barrage of snowballs began to rain down on us ow ow ow it was too much and both of us were frozen Thompson take this Intruder to the holding cell on days for 48 to 50 I found myself stuck in ice with two weird seals staring back the seals broke the ice around my face and began yelling at me why are you helping the drowned where is your king hiding he has completely ruined our organization here and we will stop at nothing to stop him hey hey I'm not with them I'm trying to defeat the drowned King the seals didn't believe it and kept interrogating me ah uh Johnson he sent me Johnson I'll be he's telling the truth truth Navy Seals Navy Seals oh they broke me out of the ice and I realized that Raiden was missing where is he the seals seemed confused and explain that they only found me what I ran back outside but he was nowhere Insight you know there's a camp just down the river converting fish life into the drown and if I'm being honest we have a suspicion that that is where the next heart of the skulk is located maybe he was there I have to save him I jumped into the the river and swam towards the camp Once I arrived I saw drowned everywhere I was about to swim in when a freaky drown Beast burst into the camp Intruder kill I tried to fight him but my attacks were barely doing anything this guy was just way too strong for me he was dealing so much damage how am I supposed to defeat this thing H the Navy Seals suddenly jumped in and started beating the monster back yes it looked like we we were going to win but the Beast jumped up and slammed down cracking a hole in the ground that sucked me through wait no on days 51 to 53 I got up to find myself trapped in a maze of ice where am I I wandered throughout the Halls until I reached a giant room filled with platforms above a void I better not fall down there there was an important looking door of skull waiting on the other side I guess I got to use my Shark legs I began jumping from platform to platform it was hard and I almost fell oh that was close finally I managed to make it across safely I tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge that's when it hit me the door was made out of skull could it be that easy I tried using my Warden bite and the door opened as I entered through I saw a heart of the skull waiting for me on a ped medal grabbing it I immediately gained five more hearts and even grew a little in size I felt so much stronger and had a new ability perfect now time to take down that giant drowned monster I emerged from the depths the next day and saw the Seal team still battling they looked like they wouldn't last much longer I jumped in and took a hit for one of the seals it did some damage but I still had plenty of Hearts time to test this bad boy I Ed my new lightning shout ability which summoned a lightning bolt on him and sent him reeling back while he was stunned I took a few bites out of him and before he could react I finished him off with another lightning bolt I feel so much stronger now as he fell he dropped a strange skull bone on the floor I ran to pick it up and realized it was the second of the three parts I needed for the Cure the Seal team thanked me for the save and offered to come back to the base we can help protect your people from the drown awesome we'll need all the help we can get sire a warden shark has just defeated our main Camp he is Within Reach of the Cure this is an outrage how dare this shark defy my will get me Captain deadbeard at once we're changing the plan on days 57 to 59 the seals and I returned to base and I quickly got to work creating a nice icy area for them to stay at this Cove was really starting to come along they thank me for their new home and immediately began patrolling the base for trouble it's nice to finally have some security around here I looked over at Raiden's home and knew that I still needed to find him where are you buddy I decided to venture out and see if I can find any clues as I was looking around I saw a dolphin watched up on the shoreline wait Raiden what happened to you foso I'm so happy to see you are okay when we got separated I got scared and started to search around for you but when I did I got followed by an entire ire Fleet of pirate ships but thankfully I was able to lose them I'm just glad you're okay just then we heard yelling and turned to see the fleet off in the distance oh no they found us I went out on the following day to confront the Pirates I surfaced ready for a fight back off or I'll eat every last one of you wait I just want to make a deal a deal you've tried to kill me the drown Captain explained that he was only working for the drown King to betray him I don't care about the other drown we pirates only care about ourselves and treasure yeah and why would I care the last item you searching for be hidden with a legendary secret booty and I be needing the shark's help to get it I get the loot you get the treasure it be a win-win I didn't want to trust him but knew that I needed that cure more than anything I jumped on board and the pirate brought me over to his quarters before showing me a a map x marks the spot our treasure lies at Skull Island and ye are the only way inside on days 63 to 65 captain deadbeard and I docked at a dangerous looking Island we began walking towards a cave those that enter without a shark's bite never live to tell the tale well that doesn't sound scary at all I entered and started to go deeper inside I wonder why this place is so feared suddenly I heard a loud growl I turned around and saw a giant deadly shark the shark started to charge in and attack me ah back off man I'm one of you it didn't listen though and just wanted to kill me I had no choice and threw my Trident at him which defeated him I guess that should show you that Warden sharks are more powerful I looked down and noticed that it dropped a key maybe with this we can get into the treasure room I continued deeper into the caverns I eventually reached a larger room with a lot locked fish shaped door the key I placed the key in its eye and the door opened up and Captain deadbeard stepped through about time yeah yeah it's good to see you too we walked further into the cave together until we walked through a passageway that revealed an entire room filled with various Treasures wo in the center of it was a pillar that held the final part of the Cure the skull tendril I ran over to grab it with this I can finally cure my ah ah foolish Warden shark never trust a pirate soon the drowned King will be here you'll be dead while I rule the surface in peace he ran over and pulled the lever sealing me inside no suddenly I heard terrifying noises from deep below uh what is that I'm not going to stay around and find out I tried biting my way out but it wasn't working and the noises were getting louder think think in I concentrated real hard and used my newest ability I summoned a lightning bolt down into the bars destroying them ah I'm free even though that pirate betrayed me at least I have the final piece to the Cure now time to go save my mom and dad I returned to base as fast as I could Raiden I did it I got all the cured items perfect foso quick hand them to me with the book I can make the purifier I handed the items to Raiden and he quickly threw me back something it was The Cure I picked it up and went to my drowned parents I hope this works I put it down right in front of them and it began to suck the curse from them turning them back into Warden sharks son you saved us Mom Dad we are so proud of you I'm glad you're okay my parents explained that while they had been cursed they learned of the drown King's secret operation he is up to something foso please be careful we are all in trouble the next day I made my way back to the king drowns base my parents said I would find out more deep underground I noticed that there were many drowned roaming around so I did what I could to be as stealthy as possible I found the way down and snuck my way around until I spotted the drown King talking to one of his minions sorry sire we can't find the skull wave the skull wave idiot if that Warden shark gets to it first he'll be able to free the entire ocean from my spell at once I won't let that happen we must enter the deep dark the deep dark in other words the warden's Dimension the only way there is through an ancient city great no matter I have to find a way to before he does this is how I'm going to stop the drowned King I knew the only way to figure out more about my Dimension was to search my old Homeland the last time I was here was when it was completely taken over now it was completely desolate I noticed the portal in the middle this is great but but how am I supposed to open this just then I got shot from behind ah I turned around to see Captain deadbeard before me your Escape made me look like a fool in front of the drowned King for that I'll make sure you never leave this city alive the captain charged at me and started to shoot at me with his explosives it's time for payback I attacked him too we dealt blow for blow but his attacks were really strong suddenly I had an idea I waited for him to attack again and as soon as he did I threw my Trident through his explosive deadbeard was gone and it looked like he dropped a treasure chest I placed it on the ground and suddenly a bunch of treasure started spitting out of it wao among it was a weird looking orb I have a strange feeling I swam up to the portal with the orb and it fully ignited the middle portal in the ancient city wo deep dark here I come on days 81 1 to 85 I entered the deep dark okay I just need to find the skull wave but where could that be I continued searching until I saw a giant skull worm fighting off the drown King oh no he found a way in I was about to help but he quickly was able to defeat it it's not here I must keep searching the drown King left without noticing me I quickly made my way over only to see that he was right there was nothing here mama I heard a noise and turned around only to see a small little deep dark mob saddened over the loss of the worm my goodness was this your mother yes she was trying to keep our Dimensions safe but that evil drowned man has come and has started to kill everyone for what he wants well that's why I'm here I plan to stop him but first I need to find the skull wave the skull wave that's what my mama was trying to hide from the evil drowned man I know where you can find find it follow me we must move quick on days 86 to 90 my new friend and I went swimming deeper into the deep dark we were swimming for a while until we found a temple located in the middle of an ocean this is where the skull wave should be located I told them to stay here while I go in to further investigate I swam inside and found a pedestal waiting for me but wait a second after a Second Glance this was the final heart of the skull I took it I gained 10 more hearts and GRE GRE a lot more in size I noticed that my armor also got transformed into full waren armor a new item appeared in my inventory there it was the skull wave I was about to celebrate when I heard a loud commotion outside I swam back out only to see my new friend panicking Oh we must go quick I think the drown King is on his way you're right Steve come on let's get out of here my new friend Steep and I left the dimension and made it back to base I can tell that that he was weirded out by the sunlight not used to it are you no not at all but looking around at this place you've built up I think I'm going to grow to love it I was happy to hear that and decided to build him a small home right next to mine he was so young I knew that it would be my responsibility to help raise him I swam over to my parents and told them the good news son you could not have made us happier this isn't over yet though the drowned King is strong we can't let our guard down they're right if we want to attack it has to be now and it has to be you I think it's time I left the co only to see the drown King and his army there waiting for me so Warden shark I know you have the item I will not let you do this your time of running this ocean is over what you did to my parents to countless families out there it is unexcusable and soon you will learn to regret it no it shall be you that regrets ever facing me in my Army his army started to swim towards me to attack just as they did I pulled out my skull wave item and ignited it this caused a huge Soundwave to emerge throughout the water curing any lost soul back to who they once were eels jellyfish sharks all of them were back to normal kill the shark I swam in and started to attack all of the drown there were a lot but with my new upgrades they stood no chance against me bite after bite trident after Trident they were all going down like flies as I killed the last one I noticed the drowned King retreating oh no you don't on day 100 I was swimming after the king before he stopped and floated in the center of an arena you took everything from me no I took back what was rightfully mine the ocean let's end this the drown King and I both charged into each other his attacks were really strong every hit he dealt took away a lot of my hearts ah I thought I was strong enough I was getting low and he was about to kill me oh no any last words you stupid shark leave him alone out of nowhere Raiden appeared saving my life thank goodness you're here let's finish this together Raiden and I both went in and started to attack the king at once the battle was long and one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do but with Raiden by my side our damage combin mind was overwhelming him CSE you just like that the drown King was defeated we did it Raiden the ocean is our home again on day one I spawned in as a baby Warden snake I quickly noticed that I was inside my ancient city with all of my people slithering around my little boy look at you welcome to your new home just then the entire city began to shake what's going on our City portal activated and was shortly followed by a bunch of void zombies they immediately started to run through our kingdom and kill my people yes yes our Conquest for the Overworld has officially begun a void zombie then charged in and began to hit me ah but my mom stepped in the way and started to fight it off mom boo leave now I love you I watched as the void zombie killed my mother no the baby Warden snake we must kill it too oh no the void vulture then used a special ability on me which summoned void spikes from above as soon as they hit I was blinded ah because of this I accidentally fell down a deep pit ah don't let him get away ah ah ah where am I come young one who said that I followed the voice with my vision slowly coming back this then revealed a much older Warden snake in front of me who are you I am an elder and I can sense your fear our people my Mom they're gone of course I'm afraid I don't know what to do calm stay calm it seems as if the ancient city portal has finally opened up again this isn't good again what does that mean the Elder snake started to Slither away through the Lush cave hey uh come back we reached a clearing and far off on the other side of it was a scale not just any scale a warden scale said to grant our species with Incredible abilities go grab it deep down I knew I needed it if I I wanted to stand a chance against those void mobs I followed the Elder's instructions and was about to collect it when out of nowhere a lush tarantula dropped from the ceiling oh no on day three the tarantula charged in and started to attack I tried my best to fight against it even trying to bite at it every chance I had but with one giant hit the tarantula hit me aside ah oh no I'm done for stay back the Elder jumped in and started to fight it off he had Incredible strength and abilities with one more attack the Elder successfully took the tarantula down you did it go grab the scale I did as ordered and went forward to pick it up because of this my body began to change I gained five more hearts and turned into a larger Warden snake I even have little Warden antlers now because of this I now had an amazing Warden SL ability wo great work young one there is said to be five Warden scales in total each dropped down from past Warden snake Warriors if that's the case I'll do whatever I can to find all five so I can take down that void Army Where Do We Begin on day four the Elder and I ventured out far throughout the Lush caves until we came across a nice opening to the Overworld wo I think this would be a perfect place for our new home I went out and was able to make myself a set of stone tools from there I got the right amount of materials to make my very own snake house I knew the Elder would be right by my side so I made him a nice little home as well now I just need to find those other scales and fast those void mobs want nothing but destruction but why why would anyone want that well little one a long time ago there was a war between the Overworld and the void creatures the Overworld was destined to lose but thanks to us wardens we were able to create something a turning point in the war with this creation it sucked and dragged all the void mobs through inside a prison of Eternity supposedly this void Army works for someone or should I say something and it wants revenge if it makes it through there's no winning against them oh my goodness my tiny Warden antlers then started to go off wao my antlers can do that I better go see what's going on on days 5 to 6 I follow the noise until I arrived at a large wooden Dam on top of it lighted a camp is that that a platypus and a goblin leave my home alone cave Goblin why are you even above ground to begin with some purple guys came in and kicked me out this place is mine now wait purple guys does he mean the void Army I need to find out more hey leave the Platypus alone I ran in which caused the goblin to stop uh run ah what the heck get back here I chased the goblin all the way until he was cut off by a mountain Cliffside aha leave me alone no way man you said some people took your home talk now fine yeah I saw some purple zombie people walk through my base and with it they spread around some purple goo as well saying they needed to take down the rest of the warden species oh no I need to find the rest of those scales fast scale I sold one of those a while back to some desert people idiots now I'm rich because of it wait really listen if I help you get your home back do you think you can show me where this scale is H deal on day seven I was escorted by the goblin Trader down a weird Cave of sorts it's not that weird we made it to his home which was now fully taken over by the void goish blocks the void it's spreading come on we got to keep Bing away yeah yeah get the right amount of materials yada yada okay if we want to win this fight we're going to have to be silent and tactical judge oh you've got to be kidding me I charged in with the goblin Trader and together we started a fight off the void minions they Ed their deadly void attacks but because of my new upgrade I was putting up a way better fight with one more slash the void Walkers were both down for the count ha nice I I then watched as the purple void blocks began to disappear so when we take down their kind the land changes back too good to know he hey thanks snake here I'm a goblin of my word the traitor then threw down a goblin Compass this will take you to where I traded the scale wao thanks but be careful the people who took it are very dangerous on day eight I followed the goblin Compass leading me deep within a desert it didn't take long until I came across a giant hollowed out fossil inside of it held an entire town wa Who ah a snake attack wait no a bunch of tiny cactuses all emerged from the buildings though and started to attack me with their tiny Spears hey guys cut it out snake Beast you have been captured what no I haven't that didn't even hurt as our prisoner I shall escort you to our King I walked along the cactuses until we reached a desert looking Throne Room sitting on it was a king settle down caum what brings someone like you here snake I'm here looking for one thing the warden scale our precious scale it serves our kingdom good luck we would never just give it away just then I realized the scale was being held up inside of the room hey there has has to be a way I can get it from you guys the king then walked out to the entryway of their town and I followed far off on the other side of this Desert Valley reside the sand scorpions they have been nothing but trouble to us always attacking just to kill take them down and I will consider giving you the scale on days 9 to 10 I followed the caam's instructions until I reached a creepy desert Cavern entrance did I think this through I made my way deep underground until I found the large desert scorpion they found us no aha take this I charged in and started to attack him ha this fight was too easy it's almost like he's not fighting back wait why isn't he fighting back please just leave us alone what why I thought you guys were evil monsters the caum said uh the caum they are the real monsters we used to live in an amazing fossil Empire one day they stormed in and kicked us out ever since then they've been trying to kill the rest of us oh my I looked around and saw all of the other desert scorpions they all looked so weak you really are telling the truth aren't you those caum lied to me don't worry guys I will do what I can to help you get your home back by taking down those cactuses then I'll be able to take that Warden scale for myself on days 11 to 12 I teamed up with all of the desert scorpions and we were making our way back to the caum when all of a sudden hey there they are ahead of us was a fierce looking line of caum in the middle of the desert field are they waiting for us ah so you found out the truth I called on you to help us dispose of this desert waste and here you are teaming up with them for that you shall pay the consequences charge the tiny and cute caum Army then out of nowhere transformed into a much larger deadly one oh no they all charged in straight towards us this is for my people we clashed and all began to fight the cactuses would shoot out dangerous Thorns at us but with my newly found attacks and the Scorpion's poisons we were putting up a fight no this can't be long live the caom and just like that all of the cacti were defeated boo thank you so much for helping us now my people are free from those monsters and we can finally live our lives in peace on days 13 to 14 I helped the Scorpions and brought them back to their rightful home it has been too long since we've rested here we couldn't have done it without you I'm just glad I helped I then went and picked up the warden scale with its power I turned into an adult sized Warden snake I gained five more hearts and was now able to do a warden snake strike wa on top of that both my antlers and Fang had grown larger awesome foso if you ever need anything just let us know you know I might take you up on that offer with that I left the Scorpions to their new well old home but as I was walking back I noticed some weird void blocks corrupting the nearby ground oh my it's spreading a lot more this can't be good on days 15 to 16 I followed the void blocks throughout the land the longer I followed them The Wider the path got I'm getting close just then I arrived at an ancient city Not only was it above ground but it was massive what are they planning what gives they got to Ste with all this back breaking work why does the portal have to be this big supposedly the one underground was too small for the boss to get through their boss supposedly this void Army works for someone or should I say something oh no this can't be good listen closely you Walkers I do not want any more setbacks we have a warden snake on the loose and vula will be here soon to claim the skies we must take down that snake and this world will be ours this vula must be the boss they're referring to and from the sound of things he is giant I quickly looked around and noticed there were a lot of void Walkers everywhere but deep down I knew that I had to find out more all right Foo here goes nothing on days 17 to 18 I was sneaking my way throughout the ancient city okay just whatever you do don't get caught I waited for void Walkers to walk by then made it to a hallway right in time after carefully looking around I noticed the room and inside of it held a warden scale but what's wrong with it why do I always get God Duty I want to do the fun stuff but no Larry has to keep watch over the sacred dead skin I mean come on l Lally no Warden would be stupid enough at all to sneak in a place like this uh this is awkward the void Walker started to panic I can't let him alert anyone I got to get out of here oh no you don't using my new snake strike I was able to cut the void Walker off and take him down this ability is sick I then walked over to the warden scale and realized it was damaged how did this happen I need to find out how to repair it especially before their plan succeeds on days 19 to 20 I made my way back home with the shattered scale Elder there you are listen I found out more about what those void Walkers work for his name is VMA VMA oh no the legends of him are true then the void Dragon will be among us foso this is not good void Dragon oh no we need to stop them fast fast wait what's going on here I watched as more animals were running around and are those new homes correct young one the void has spread far and wide more and more creatures are being pushed out of their homes they need a place to feel safe well I'm glad they're here then look I need to show you something it's a shattered scale I'm not quite sure how this is even possible oh my well there may still be hope to repair this scale but will need to find out how hey guys I don't mean to be that guy but I uh kind of overheard your conversation I see you trying to put an item back together huh yeah I am do you think you can help me well if you noticed I'm a piglet and I know of a forge deep in the nether the forge of sacred heat but I uh I do have to warn you it's a very dangerous Journey if you go north from here you should find a portal already activated okay uh thanks uh wish me luck wait I didn't tell you where to find the forge n he'll figure it out on days 21 to 23 I entered the nether portal okay now where is this Forge I kind of left before the zombified piglin told me anything about it good job foso I then was interrupted by a piglin who was fighting with a magma plant get lost you idiot hey I ran in which caused the magma plant to hop off yeah thanks for the save I was just venturing through trying to find something that stupid thing attack me out of nowhere of course I'm trying to find something too it's called The Forge of sacred heat oh I know all about that place I can show you where to go but only if you do something for me first saving you wasn't enough uh okay what listen you help Vinnie with his problem he'll take you to the voage you go out and find me a special type of fruit the magma Apple I'll show you where you need to go fair enough Vinnie just tell me where I can find what you need okay listen closely on days 24 to 26 I followed the piglins instructions deep through a lava passageway looking for a Magma Tree deep under the ground I kept walking through the tunnels until it revealed a large underground magma Cavern wo far off on the other side lied the Magma Tree perfect now just for one of its apples I tried to go over and pluck one but I then heard a rustling that stopped my actions a magma monkey entered the clearing and yelled ooh o leave my fruit alone before I could say anything the monkey rushed at me and used his speed to quickly strike me ah hey that hurt I started to fight back using my Warden strike I was Far stronger than the monkey but I didn't want to kill it finally I landed a good hit on him which sent him scurrying up the tree okay yep he's strong he's definitely strong I regret my actions the monkey then threw down a magma Apple to me cool I left the clearing and headed back to Vinnie this day is amazing I feel so great all right all right follow Vinnie now on days 27 to 29 Vinnie led me to a mountain that is the largest nether Mountain I've ever seen come on follow me we crossed through a walkway and made our way inside of it once we got to the top we saw an entrance that led to the heart of the forge this is it this place is the hottest area in the Nether and it's all from that furnace I looked over and noticed a large furnace far off in the center of it okay now to fix this scale I walked up and threw my shattered Warden scale into the forge but nothing happened I thought this was supposed to repair it only those that beat the Heats may use the for I'm sorry what oh yeah I forgot to tell you there's some big monster you got to kill good luck on days 30 to 32 the heat monster and I clashed it began to launch magma blocks at me ah hot hot I tried my best to avoid them but they quickly turned the floor into lava he had the advantage of range so I had to get close I used my snake strike to launch myself close and hit him once I was at a good distance I thought I would have the upper hand but he slammed his body into the ground taking a lot of my hearts away I can't give up not now I struck the Beast more and more and with one final hit the monster fell to the ground letting out a large blast of heat I did it I then looked over and saw the newly forged Warden scale yes I picked it up causing my scales to harden my body grew even larger and I gained five additional Hearts because of all of this I realized that I had acquired a new ability which allowed me to summon a large snake thing to slam into the ground wo this will be very useful hey you did it now uh you mind taking me back to the Overworld on days 33 to 35 I made it back to base with my amazing new friend Vinnie hey Vinnie you made it I got my hands on a magma Apple now I don't look like a freak like you wait I'm so confused do you guys know each other yeah what cousins you didn't know now I do knowing Vinnie would need a place to stay I quickly went out and got the right amount of materials to make a NE themed home and done I hope you like it like it I love it this is Vinnie's new Bachelor Pad after I finished his house I started walking over to the Elder when the ground began shaking what is going on Help The Moldy purple disgusting dudes are attacking our home oh no I have to help show me where on days 36 to 39 I arrived at a village and just like they said it was being fully taken over by void mobs oh no oh leave me alone your breath is horrible why are they attacking this place randomly it doesn't make sense no matter I have to stop them I rushed in and started to fight off the void Walkers separately they were very easy to fight but all together ah this is tough I use my newly found ability though which helped me take out a few of them at once take this I kept fighting until there was only one left you didn't even know it but we we're just a distraction what what did you say the void Walker died and suddenly everything around me started to rumble oh no what's going on I looked far off in the distance and watched as a beam shut out right into the sky oh my goodness the ancient city portal it's ready on days 40 to 44 I slithered as fast as I could I can't let them release fulma I can't I arrived and everything was storming all around the city yes yes come through BMA take what is rightfully yours you stop this now stop this never our void Dragon Overlord will be here and once he arrives there will be no hope for you the void vulture then swooped down and began to attack me ah I have to stop him and shut this entire operation down before it's too late the vulture had very strong void attacks and even dealt blindness on me I knew what I was fighting for though not just the wardens but for everyone I fought back harder than I ever had before using my newly found abilities to my advantage no stop with one more attack I hit the vulture so hard that he fell to the ground shut this thing off now don't you see it's too late the voids shall win the vulture died and the entire area began to shake oh no it's happening in a large explosion the ancient city portal was opened oh no yes I am finally free no no I wanted to go and fight but I was too weak from both fights I just endured I slowly started to pass out as I watch the void Dragon take flight throughout the Overworld Skies destroying everything in its path Oho foso ah my head where am I fulma he's out they've done it Elder they've calm yourself I know I know this is bad but not all hope is lost I followed the Elder snake throughout a swampy looking area where are you taking me ahead of us light a village but something looked wrong I believe I found where the next Warden scale is foso in this very swamp there is supposedly a sorcerer who has used banished Magic on this very Village using the scale so if I find that sorcerer I find the scale with VMA out and about you must be your strongest if you're going to stop him my dear boy please hurry quickly before it's too late for this world I will I promise on days 48 to 50 I made my way into the village everything felt so weird about this place even the villagers did I like potatoes no carrots no potatoes did they lose their brains I took one more step forward which triggered all of them to stare at me uh hi attack the in no the villagers didn't listen though and began to charge in I knew something was wrong and didn't want to hurt them but I had to fight back take him down in the name of sorcerer wit wait what I ran out back into the swamp land when hey hey who are you I looked over and there was a Muddy Pig calling out to me from a nearby cave hey what is going on out there this Village my home it's been taken over by an evil sorcerer known as sorcerer wit he's used some kind of staff to m control all the villagers oh no and I'm guessing I know exactly what's powering the staff okay look I need to stop him I can show you where he lives but just beware he's a very dangerous man on days 51 to 53 I was brought back to a large looking sanctuary of sorts is this it yep good luck I am definitely not going in there gee thanks I went inside and quickly noticed the amount of M mobs that were there seeds feathers Wings subscribe to fow hey maybe not all of them are so mindless subscribe I kept walking until I stopped inside of a large room of sorts on the end of it lied the sorcerer a warden snake why would someone like you enter my Palace I looked at the staff he was holding and just as I thought it was being powered by the warden skin scale that scale you have I need it huh like I would ever give it to you look around do you see the amount of power I possess I don't care there's a lot more at stake here I'm not leaving here without it oh really well I will just mind control you too then the sorcerer then used their staff in my mind started to drift away on days 54 to 58 my vision came back to me ah where am I after a Second Glance I realized I was inside of an arena of sorts welcome to your mind Warden snake wait we are in My Mind Correct we shall fight and if I defeat you in combat your mind will forever be mine I will be in possession of a warden snake no the sorcerer then started to use his staff at me he shot out various types of attacks each of them hurting a lot I knew though that I couldn't lose not with everyone counting on me I used my Warden snake strike every chance that I could and can tell the sorcerer didn't know how to counter it you pick the fight you won't win I hit the sorcerer one last time and took him down no on days 59 to 62 my vision came back to me I was in front of the very weak sorcerer with his wand on the ground I smashed the staff destroying it and turning it back into a warden scale I'll be taking this then from there I upgraded I gained five more hearts and now had a very dangerous spiked tail wo I'm massive I then looked around and quickly realized all of the animals inside of this place were now free thank you snake you did it you saved us all on days 63 to 65 I made my way back inside of my cave I was excited to tell the Elder the great news but I soon realized that something was wrong the void it had spread throughout all of my home making all of the mobs here sick and some even dying how oh we need to get out of here now there is no use in moving foso vma's presence is very much known causing the void to spread like this throughout all the Overworld I have to stop him but I can't just leave you guys like this here follow me the Elder brought me over to his house and handed me a book this book holds the location of the light orb if you gather it it should hopefully fight off the void here giving us that Fighting Chance then I will do what I have to and get it good now you must hurry because if you don't all of us will die on days 66 to 68 I followed the elders books instructions until I was able to find a large bright Palace I'm guessing this is the place I snuck my way through inside looking for the light orb a dark small scary tunnel huh I wonder where that leads my attention though then got caught by a glimmer of light across the way I looked over and just as I thought there it was the light orb but sad it was occupied by two void Walkers dude if we get this light orb vula will be so pleased with us I know let's grab it the void Walkers both walked up and attempted to touch it but incinerated in the process what the only those not in touch with the darkness can use this ore let's hope you're right I went up and thankfully I was able to grab it sweet I was making my way to the entrance when the entire area started to shake oh no out of nowhere vula crashed down through the main entryway and we were now face to face well well well so my Army has told me the truth there is a warden snake out trying to stop me I will never let you get away with this your army your mission I will stop it you are foolish to think so I was imprisoned for what felt like eots your kind has no idea the pain the suffering I felt this world needs to pay for it by ding to my void never we will see about that the Monstrous void Dragon reared back and let out a massive breath of void that hit me ah there's no way I'm going to be able to defeat him right now I had to escape but where I remembered the tunnel I made my way to it while VMA tried to attack me again but thankfully I barely made my way inside that was close you can run for now on days 72 to 76 I arrived back at base with the orb in hand I noticed that the void here was just getting worse I need to find a good spot to place this thing and fast I made my way to the center of the base and placed it down this sent out a huge wave of a bright Aura the darkness shall never Prevail a giant pillar rose up from the ground and the void blocks in the immediate area began to all vanish nice I guess this thing really hated the void thank goodness now just to update the Elder wait where is he I looked around the base and realized that he was nowhere to be found Gino have you seen the Elder yeah I did the guy actually left you something but when you got all freaked out that he was gone he then dropped me a note and I picked it up and started to read it the final scale I found it there's not much time I need you to meet me there you must come with haste foso the final scale thanks Gino this is great news I I need to get going this guy always shows up for a day then heads out I don't get it on days 77 to 80 I made my way across the land jeez how far is this place eventually I arrived at a cave entrance that had been carved into a large mountain this must be it I made my way through the cave and came to a wo it was a giant ancient cave I had never seen such beauty in my life the Elder is here where am I going to find him I began to Slither forward when a warden Guardian called me from aside who goes there only those of warden kind may enter the ancient city I am of the warden kind and was told to come here if that is true then we must be sure what the guardian shot at me with a powerful Warden shout ah I quickly ran up to him and struck him with my Warden strike take this ah you possess the warden snake ability you are a warden you are granted entry thanks now I just need to find the Elder and the scale on days 81 to 85 I entered inside the main Corridor waa this place is massive I made my way through until I reached the center and there waiting for me was the Elder snake there you are what are you doing standing up there the fifth scale young one it is here wait really where I'll go get it and no Soo it is here it is me my body will supply it wait what no no that can't be true what does that mean will you be gone yes but just know that I'm so proud of you our entire species is I have known all along that this day would come and it was never easy but deep down I know that I'm leaving this world with someone who is worthy of saving it wait Elder no but just then the Elder began to rise up slowly farewell Foo the entire room began to shake and then in a flash of white the Elder was gone in his place was the final Warden scale thank you Elder I won't let you down I walked up and picked it up because of it I began to fully transform I grew even larger in size and gained 10 more Hearts I feel so strong I now could let out a powerful Warden snake boom because of my shout something began to happen what's going on on days 86 to 90 I looked around and was surrounded by five different large Warden snakes wo are you you guys young Warden snake how far you have come we are the warden Warriors I looked over at the last platform and sure enough there he was the Elder snake fulma and his void reain of Horrors is getting stronger and it is surely taking over the Overworld as we speak what do I do guys how do I stop him young one let the Warrior's Essence run through your scales only then will you truly be able to stop VMA good luck Warrior don't let the world down I won't I promise on days 91 to 94 I was traveling back to base but realized that everything in the world was turning into void oh no it's happening everything was purple even the sky this isn't good I need to hurry I slithered on as fast as I could until I reached my cave don't worry everyone I am going to stop this if it's the last thing that I do please Foo if you don't hurry soon we'll die just then I heard a loud roar sound off in the distance it's vula and it's time that I finish this on days 95 to 99 I followed the loud dragon Roars until I found myself in front of a giant Kingdom I I looked up towards the top of it and buulma was there wreaking havoc take this Kingdom my Walkers show these people what an eternal prison shall feel like I watched as countless villagers were running away from the void Walkers terrified please stay away oh no I have to help them I ran in and started to fend off the void Walkers before they really gave me a challenge but now after everything I'd been through I took them down extremely easily take this I defeated the last one and heard the loud roar again I looked up and watched as vkma started to cause his own damage I need to stop him now on day 100 I was now face to face with vula you pathetic snake you think you stand a chance against me you think you can take away my life's Mission if I don't then who will the dragon then started to fly around me and attack with his large size it was very hard to avoid its hits he would shoot out very powerful beams of pure void energy and with every hit it took away a lot of my hearts I have to fight back I can't give up since he was flying around I made sure to shoot my new Warden shout at him then while he was close I hit him with every attack that I had I won't let you in I can't let you in I know that I'm leaving this world with someone who is worthy of saving it I can't lose I can't VMA kept trying to attack me and I perfectly waited for him to open his mouth then once he did I shot my Warden shout directly inside this caused something to happen what's happening no no no vkma fell and blew up he was now gone and the entire Overworld can now live in peace on day one I spawned inside of a large skull burial site as an ancient Warden I looked forward only to see that there was a large Grand Warden standing in front of me what's going on my ancient boy you have no idea how special you are but we are not safe we must go before he arrives who arrives I followed the grand Warden rushing out of what looked to be my skulp temple only to reach a main area where the largest cosmic dragon I had ever seen was destroying my kind do not let him get to the Ancient One all of my people were doing everything they could to defend against the dragon why would they do all of this just for me but he was strong and completely obliterated them all where is the ancient Warden I must kill him so that I can rightfully be the ruler of this realm shooting stars then blasted down from the sky summoning down a cosmic Army listen that evil dragon will stop at nothing to make sure that you are dead you must go and find all of your ancient Parts only then can we stop him he then slammed into the ground summoning a strange portal in front of me find the ancient claw then all else will be explained wait no don't let him escape on day two I fell through the portal only to see that I was inside a strange skull maze an ancient Claw is here without a second thought Cosmic men started to pour through the portal right behind me get back here I began to run throughout the maze doing my best to lose them it was very tricky and even held parkour courses throughout it where is that ancient claw I heard multiple of the cosmic men throughout the Maze and knew that I was completely surrounded but just then a strange feeling filled from within causing me to shoot out a Sonic Soundwave wo I can see through walls I really am ancient with my newfound ability I was able to slip by my enemies one by one until finally I reached the main doorway sitting high up in the center of the room held the warden claw how is this supposed to help me stop that Dragon I started to walk inside but in a huge blue burst through the wall summoned a cloaked figure the ancient waren here for the claw I presume how did you know that get him oh no on day three the cosmic minions began to charge straight towards me but were quickly cut off by the cloaked man stand back he started to use his mythical powers to protect me against their brutal attacks I could tell that he knew how to properly fight but I couldn't just stand there and let him get hurt the claw my boy get hit I listened and went to pick the claws up because of this it attached to my body I now had large and sharp Warden claws giving me five more Hearts oh yeah I use my new found attack to help me fight back against the last Cosmic minion with one final slash the cosmic man was scared and ran away in fear we will be back you you helped me why because ancient Warden I am your creator you are one of many ancient creatures that I have brought into this world each holding great power and keeping everyone safe but the cosmic dragon he wants to change that by killing all of you if he does then he can obtain your power and use it to truly take over the world no I can't let that happen just then a sick Warden entered inside the room the grand Warden he needs you oh no I have to help on day four I left the crater behind and followed the tunnel's path until I found a huge battle torn area where my leftover wardens were hiding in where is the Grand Warden I then heard explosions sound off and I went over only to see him fighting off a large Cosmic Beast I ran into the battle doing my best to slash at the Beast every chance that I could he was a fierce opponent and launched a very heavy attack on the two of us we will be back for you ancient Warden the cosmic dragon will be the world's ruler the beasts left oh my goodness they're all doing this just so they can kill me thank goodness you're alive yeah but a lot of our people they died just to save me we need to find somewhere we can all hide and fast on day five I found a safe Skull Valley for us wardens to stay safe in I got enough materials using my strong Warden claws to make myself a set of stone tools from there I built myself and my fellow wardens our very own ancient styled homes I made sure mine was in the center and high up so that I can Overlook my people and make sure that they were all safe good job finding the ancient claw as the ancient Warden you can grow to be the strongest ancient creature by finding the rest of your ancient Parts each grants you incredible abilities as my grand Warden finished his sentence we both heard a loud explosion go off in the distance what was that I have to find out wait don't go I ignored him and went to investigate the noise on day six I followed the explosions until I saw a Golem Kingdom being absolutely destroyed Golems ran for their lives but were quickly taken out by more of the cosmic minions this is terrible you shall die my attention got caught by the cosmic dragon he was fighting against the Kingdom's ancient Golem the Golem was doing his best but the dragon's pure strength was too much for him leave my people alone you are a monster I began to run into help but as I did the dragon completely decimated him no because of this his ancient power started to transfer over to the dragon now the only other ancient mob that is left is that warri w he is destroyed my power will be Limitless stop searching the dragon took to the skies and his men quickly followed I ran throughout the destroyed Village only to see pure destruction I saw a baby Golem crying to himself hey are you okay the dragon he took my family away from me I'm sorry look I'm trying to do whatever I I can to stop him I just need to find my other ancient Parts wait a minute I think I heard something about a warden horn being held not too far from here that can be the next ancient part I need to find it and get stronger can you tell me exactly where you think it is on day seven I followed the Golem's directions deep into the closest desert until I finally found a lost desert city I started to walk in but as I did the ground below me gave out where am I I finally realized that I landed deep underground next to a hideout Camp full of citizens and a small night Fox wa wao what is the meaning of this I'm sorry I'm here looking for the ancient Warden horn oh that thing good luck good luck what do you mean he then brought me over through the cave tunnels until we reached a clearing that led inside the kingdom everywhere I looked was filled with threatening musical guards make sure there's no one left the people you saw hiding out were all residents here protecting the ancient Warden horn we've all been pushed out by the conductor the who he's the one using your horn for his bidding but if we take him down then I can help my people get their homes back back well I'm sure getting to him won't be easy do you have any ideas on day eight the fox Knight and I were sneaking through the city making sure not to be seen by any of the guards I used my Warden sense allowing us to avoid them every chance that we could it wasn't long until we found a main Castle he resides in here we both found a weak spot in one of the walls and with my Warden claw I broke right through it after walking in I saw that there was a man standing on a large stage with a flame on his head sit down everyone the show is about to begin I looked around and noticed that he had a large crowd of musical guards watching what is he going to perform well you don't look like my usual audience he turned and noticed us causing me to see that he was using my Warden horn hey that's mine this horn allows me to conduct my shows the last residents here didn't appreciate them I don't care it belongs to me you kicked those poor people out of their homes and will pay for that very well I guess it's time for my new performance to begin on days 9 to 10 the conductor began to perform causing the entire stage around us to rumble a very elegant song began to play and because of this his musical notes began to attack us how is this even possible I don't know the fox and I tried our best to outmaneuver the conductor's song but he was really good at his craft he could summon singing fish out of thin air and even encircle us with musical waves to trap us this is so annoying we have have to get to the center I began to slowly but surely make my way to where the conductor was don't you dare ruin the show I then got close enough and was able to slash right at him again and again with a few more of my hits the conductor was down for the count I did it my music will live on he dropped the ancient horn and I picked it up because of this I upgraded I gained five more Hearts grew larger in size and now could burst out a powerful ancient boom this is awesome with the music ended the knights then seemed to snap out of a trance the conductor must have been mind controlling them with his music what the where am I with him gone my people can finally live safely in their homes again all thanks to you hey you helped too you know huh if only you see I wish to one day be the world's best night one that anyone would fear well why don't you join me I'm sure that if we work together we can make sure that that happens on days 11 to 12 I made it back to my base with Phil and I built him a nice night guard Tower in the front of our city all my life I've been wanting to prove my worth as a KN and with you Foo I just might as I left Phil's house and was venturing deep into my basee I noticed a warden spider he was mining skull from my people's base hey what givs uh the Chick Up the spider was startled and started to run away hey get back here on days 13 to 14 I started to chase the warden spider throughout the caves of glowing crystals he was fast and agile but I was slowly starting to catch up look I'm sorry but I needed your skull my leader he needs it what can't we just talk this out but as I said this I chased the spider into an open Cavern with a massive Ravine wait the spider didn't listen and spun out a web that pulled him straight to the other side no now how am I supposed to get him oh come on get back here finally I made it across and through the ne set of tunnels only to exit and see a large Cosmic Empire full of the cosmic dragon's forces oh no there was cosmic energy spreading throughout the floors and when I looked all the way at the top there was a platform for none other than the cosmic dragon himself he took to the air and flew around his Empire calling out to his men our newly made device is finally ready now with just one single Warden I can set their Essence out and track down the ancient one that is not good I can't let him find any Warden kind I looked down to see that the warden spider was running straight into the cosmic Empire no get back here on days 15 to 16 I began to sneak through the Empire myself but I knew I had to be careful come on come on where did that spider go yeah oh no I ran towards the sound just in time to see that the warden spider was being confronted by The Cosmic Beast what a perfect little coincidence you're coming with me no he isn't I rushed in and began to try and fight him off I attacked him with my ancient boom and it definitely hurt him but he still attacked with such ferocity I felt much more evenly matched but his attacks still hurt a lot suddenly the warden spider used an opening to entrap the beast in his webs wo what the hurry it's not safe here we got to y we both ran until we made it far enough away to feel safe again what is going on why did you take our skull I I just really needed some skull for my main skull leader it keeps him alive and the ancient skull he uses isn't enough anymore wait did you say ancient skull that's one of the items that I need maybe we could work out a trade oh yeah sure I can bring you to them but just know that it won't be easy on days 17 to 18 I went with the warden spider until we reached another Cavern and at its Center was a tunnel heading straight down into darkness my whole civilization is just down there okay well how am I supposed to get down there oh yeah you're not a spider uh here you go the spider lunged forward and bit me ow that should do it you temporarily have Warden spider abilities now have fun he jumped out over the dark tunnel and swung a web to repel down into it slowly okay Foo don't panic I jumped out and shot a web out how do I control this thing I swung around wildly until finally steadying myself above the tunnel phew I then started to slowly lower myself down inside I really hate heights and this is not helping when I finally started to notice the tunnel opening I saw a ton of warden spider eyes looking up at me um hi as I reached the floor I heard a voice echo out into the chamber H the ancient warden in my home I looked back to see a huge web was spun across the walls and on it was the lead skull spider I never thought I'd live to see the day we would actually meet on days 19 to 21 the skull spider was looking down at me with weak but caring eyes I know what you are here for he moved aside to show he was in possession of the ancient skor I am very old and I have looked over the spider for centuries this precious skull it's the only thing keeping me alive I'm sorry but I need it too is there anything I could do to help you well there just might be one thing that could sustain my life in place of it really what is it the spider brought me towards a tunnel that eventually LED out into the sunlight and just across the area on the surface was a crazy looking laboratory there a Mad Science scientist makes copious amounts of potions with the DNA of my spider kind he has a skull potion that could suffice in feeding me all right I'll get it but be warned Foo none of my spiders have been able to stop him you might not make it out alive on days 22 to 26 I slowly made my way inside of the laboratory trying not to be spotted I didn't see the scientist anywhere but I did find a room full of lab equipment and there sitting high up on a shelf of potions was a bottle glowing with skull perfect now how to get it down I centered my chest towards the top shelf and took a deep breath in here goes nothing I used my skull corn attack trying to knock down the potion but I missed and knocked over a ton of other ones on the floor uh-oh hold Dam Earth break into my laboratory running angrily into the room was the mad scientist an ancient Warden oh how precious an even rarer ingredient for my experiments he rushed in to defend his lab he would swipe at me with his mechanical arm so I tried to back away and use my skull corn but he would then hurl potions at me ah he was extremely T and quickly outsmarted me in every single way how am I supposed to beat this guy when I finally got off my attack I had an idea and knocked more potions down that collided into him causing his body to change what have you done um sorry this didn't slow him down though as he continued to attack in his monstrous form it was a tough fight but I was aent eventually able to take him down I went over and grabbed the skull potion all right time to get out of here on days 27 to 29 I returned to the skull Warden spider and gave him the skull potion ah you bested the scientist he drank it in one Gulp and even though it was so small the potion caused him to grow even larger that feels so much better the skull is yours the spider moved to the side giving me a clear view of the ancient skull yes I ran up and grabbed it causing me to grow even stronger I gained five more hearts and as the skull rushed through me I realized I had gained a new attack I could now dig down and burst violently out of the earth I could burrow awesome you know all of your work here has reminded me that I'm not going to be here to protect my people forever one day my spiders will need someone to lead them and I think you might be the one to do it on days 30 to 32 the skull spider led me deep within a civilization and into a skull Arena full of webs without the ancient skull it's only a matter of time before I'm gone but you foso will lead my spiders and all the other wardens as the ancient Warden it is your Destiny I will do it for all of the wardens and all of ancient kind but the question is are you worthy the skull spider then rushed in and began to attack what the he continued to fight me but this time I was ready we started to trade hits as he would launch webs and poisonous attacks at me I retaliated with my claws and we both were taking some heavy damage are you strong enough to keep our people safe he flung even more webs around the arena almost completely surrounding me back off I quickly used my new ability to dig down into the Earth and burst out right underneath him knocking him back with one powerful blow you have vested me now I truly believe that you are strong enough to lead my spiders go be the ancient Warden and unite us all on days 33 to 35 I made my way back to my ancient city base with the warden spiders marching behind me I was about to gather materials when I looked and saw them starting to build with their own webs I joined them in building their very own spider home in the city wo you guys are pretty good at building with this stuff huh oh yeah and we will do whatever it takes to help keep this place safe and protected sounds like a plan my my foso look at you you already stepping up to our true calling which is it's to unite and Lead all the warden kind you have only seen a fraction of what your powers can really do just then I felt rumbling under my feet as if it felt like the whole city was beginning to shake what is going on in a flash a mystical looking Shrine was summoned into our base wo isn't that the same book the ancient Creator had I cautiously approached it as I felt a strong pull to pick it up once I did I began to read it as my mind was filled with knowledge and the Creator appeared before me on days 36 to 39 my vision came back and it felt like it was only me and the Creator in an ancient Crypt you have done well to survive this long poo but you are still not strong enough enough yet I'm doing whatever it takes I know that is why I am here to tell you about the next ancient part the ancient Warden heart where where is it you will find it within a volcano in the depths of the fiery nether but no ordinary one a deep dark biome resides there as well when you find that you'll find the scul nether volcano well I need to find it fast the Creator vanished without another word and I was left there in my base as my vision returned to me I immediately left my base and hurried back above ground but as I did I was completely ambushed in front of me was the cosmic Beast with a group of their men what no oh yes ancient Warden I have Finally Found You The Cosmic Beast and the other men began to attack me all at once no with one more powerful strike I began to feel weak on days 40 to 44 I awoke trapped in a cage and hanging above rows and rows of seating all around in the seats were tons of cosmic minions this is not good the cosmic Beast then started to approach my cage from the stance there is no es escaping this time we've got you and soon the cosmic dragon will be here you're done for no I'm basically dragon food trapped in here I got to get out I clawed away at the cage but it was no use I felt completely helpless until a blast of Sonic energy broke the bottom of my cage what was that I looked looked over to see the grand Warden what are you doing here saving you come on we need to go now we started to run but before we could get anywhere the cosmic dragon was flying in oh no on days 45 to 47 the cosmic dragon crashed down in front of us are you trying to escape back off let us go you should be careful talking to me like that as you're soon to be ruler I could make your death very slow and very painful you are a coward you don't deserve to roll over anyone the cosmic dragon charged in about to hit me with a powerful attack when the grand Warden stepped in the way he took the hit much better than I would have but it seemed to hurt a lot you must must leave now Foo but I can't leave you behind huh you aren't because I'll always be with you the grand Warden threw an attack that pushed the dragon back go leave the wardens and put a stop to this he dropped a dark nether star towards me and then ran in to face the cosmic dragon alone they began to fight as the dragon took blow after blow I picked up the item and began to use it just as I looked up to see the Dragon kill the grand Warden no suddenly the item summoned a nether portal behind me and I had no choice but to escape through it on days 48 to 51 I landed in a strange Rocky biome in the nether the grand Warden he sacrificed himself just for me I have to avenge him and find that deep volcano keep it down I looked over and saw some magma snails cowering in fear oh I'm sorry I'm not going to we aren't scared of you loser it's that a wizard piglin in his stupid Gauntlet he forced us out of our home really but why can you show me where I followed the magma snails as they led me through the Nether and took me across a large pool of lava look there he is I looked up and directly in front of us on a Netherrack Beach was a tall piggin wizard destroying the homes of the snails where is my gold hey man calm down this isn't your home we could talk about it calm down calm down one of these snails took my gold and I will not calm down the wizard piglin began to charge a magical attack uh-oh on days 52 to 53 I realized that the piglin was trying to attack the snails oh no you don't I tried to defend them by using my Warden boom on him but he would reach up with this magical Gauntlet and summon Rift into the air to attack me ah even teleporting in gas like creatures what kind of magic is this I pushed forward and used The Brute strength of my claws to fight him but he was quick and I didn't want to hurt him please don't you think that we can resolve this I'm not leaving without my gold I looked up past the wizard piglin to see a magma snail standing on one of the destroyed homes hold it what what's going on fine all right I have your gold dude here jeez I knew it dude why would you take that guy's gold look at our homes now it was shiny man back off well I'm just glad no one had to get hurt now to find that deep dark volcano a deep dark volcano huh I know exactly where that place is on days 54 to 56 the wizard piglin used his magical Rifts to teleport us to the base of the deep volcano as I looked up at it I saw that it stood out in the nether even the lava was made out of molten skull wa you done sight seeden come on it's this way I followed the piglin all the way up to the top where I looked down to see pure Darkness below oh okay so I'm supposed to go into its heart but how like this the piglin hit me from behind where am I I looked around at my new surroundings I was in an enclosed space and before me were platforms above more skull lava only one way to go I began to LEAP between the platforms being careful not to fall down below as I went the platforms began to get smaller and smaller come on I'm so close yes I finally made it across to see that I was in the heart of the deep volcano but something didn't feel right on days 57 to 59 I began to look around the room in search of the ancient heart wait is this it that is correct I turned around and appeared in the entryway was an intimidating skull Golem this is the ancient heart you seek Warden but it must be fulfilled okay how do we do that I need it to silence I knew that one day the ancient Warden would come to this place looking for the heart but if you want it you must fill it I then noticed around the room were three pools of skull lava that were connecting to the tubes of the heart so I just need to fill the heart correct while I test your dedication begin on day 60 to 63 the skull Golem rushed forward to attack me wa I dug into the Earth to dodge his attack and appeared next to the first pool of skull here goes nothing I blasted the pool of my Warden boot causing the skull to shoot up and into the pipe the heart then slightly filled it worked clever but still two to go the Golem continued to attack me and I tried to use my abilities to my advantage but so was he I barely ran past it and shot into the next pool filling the heart again who are you to be strong enough to stop the cosmic dragon I am the ancient Warden I launched another Warden boom attack towards the Golem he dodged it but because of this my attack back hit the last pool filling the heart because of this the heart shrunk down to size and fell to the floor well foso you have proven to me your dedication please take your reward I ran up and grabbed it causing me to grow even stronger I gained five more hearts and now I could summon Sonic spikes from the ground that blinded my enemy awesome on days 64 to 68 I used the grand warden's item to make another portal out of the nether but when I appeared in the Overworld everything around me was corrupted by cosmic energy oh no there you are slamming down into the area was the cosmic Beast how did you find me after you made a fool of me we paid your little ancient city of visit your people are ours and they told us exactly where you went no the Beast barreled towards me to attack we clashed as our massive forms began to bra we started to trade blows as I could tell he was attacking with pure rage his claws launch me back taking me down to just a few Hearts ah no no Grand Warden to save you now you're right but I'm doing this for him and all of the wardens I left forward and used my new ability to cut down the cosmic beast in one final attack yes now I have to hurry home on days 69 to 72 I returned back to my base to see that everything was destroyed I didn't see a single soul left in the whole city all of the wardens everyone gone hello foso over here I ran over and saw that Phil was alive standing in front of his guard Tower Phil I'm sorry I wasn't oh no it's my fault I let everyone down you wardens are here to protect everybody and I just wanted to protect you all I couldn't even do that you can't blame yourself the cosmic forces are way too wrong now and that's why I need to find the last ancient piece only then can we save everyone the last piece I remember talking to the Grand Warden about it a while back he he said something about a warden catacombs Warden catacombs yeah and I think I know exactly where it is on days 73 to 74 I went with Phil as we ran through the cosmic corrupted Overworld until we found it the Warden catacombs entrance Yep this is it the grand Warden had a lot to say about this place but uh I guess he never said how to open yeah I wish he was here to tell us now suddenly a huge bat flew down from the ceiling and stuck me back you won't be getting in there this is my home all mine hey stay away from him Phil ran into attack but was swatted away we began to battle as the bat would leap around digging their claws into me I fought off with my abilities but they would also cast out shadowy darkness that Blinded Me Now time to fade just then Phil ran right in front of me Phil wait I said stay [Music] away he screamed out and transformed into a much stronger Knight he now had a much larger Cleaver to fight with and even his armor improved he swung with one attack of his new weapon and sent the huge bat flying back slamming into the catacombs entrance not fair I'm getting out of here the bat scurried out of the area but as they did Phil's hit had caused the entrance to break open yeah go Phil on day 75 to 880 the two of us entered into the catacombs and saw that the hallways were lined with tombs of wardens we made it to a final room where resting in the center was an even larger tomb so uh now what just then raising out of the tomb was the spirit of the grand Warden you finally made it my boy I don't understand how how is this possible I know you must be confused but no I'm so proud of the dedication you have shown throughout this journey soon you will be strong enough to face the cosmic dragon with the power of the final ward in peace and it lies here and where is here exactly look around you foso the ancient soul is The Souls of all wardens that came before and now they must become one with you what in a bright flash I was teleported into a shadowy arena with only me and the spirit of the grand Warden that was until an armor of spiritual wardens appeared all around us on days 81 to 85 all of the spirits of the past wardens started to move closer to me withstand their Onslaught and they will accept you multiple of them charged in and began to attack they looked so frail and old but their attacks packed a punch ah attack after attack they hit me as I was trying to swing back at them and defend myself some of them were knocked back but more just kept coming hold your ground foso hold my ground that's right I need to let them become one with me I stood and let the spirits rush through me as I felt them merge inside wow that felt weird now the last test me the grand War Gord rushed into attack his attacks were so strong and it felt so weird fighting him but I knew what this was for ha he then rushed forward and was about to crush me but I quickly dug under the arena and was able to LEAP up and strike the grand Warden Spirit from behind then in one final blow he was knocked back and looked at me proudly you have done well my boy now lead them well his Spirit merged into me as well and because of this I felt all of the ancient Souls Empower me I gained 10 more hearts and was now the most powerful Warden ever I did it on days 86 to 90 I was making my way back to base with Phil when we heard shouting up ahead get back in your cage I looked out and saw that the cosmic dragon and his forces were putting everyone in sight in cages and those who resisted died no be quiet you all a waste of my time that ancient Warden is hiding like a coward I'll take this world for myself whether he likes it or not where are you now ancient Warden I need to stop him but first we need backup we have to see if there's anyone left at home you're right Phil we need all of the help we can get let's go rally the troops on days 91 to 94 I made it safely back to base with Phil as he found and gathered up all of the scared Warden spiders thank goodness you guys are okay all right everyone it's time we fight that Cosmic Army I I'm sorry foso I just don't think that we can do this you have kept us safe so far but look around hey this destroyed the entire base we can't stop them no guys we can together then in a huge burst of blue light the ancient Creator appeared in the middle of us all your Warden leader is Right Creator I will stand with you in this fight foso the cosmic dragon must be stopped here here you're right here here all the warden spiders were now most motivated with hope and started to cheer it's time to end this on days 95 to 99 we all made it to the massive Cosmic empire together the path forward was filled with more minions than ever and up on his High Throne was the cosmic dragon how pathetic you brought all your little friends to fight with you go my Cosmic forces and devour them his Cosmic forces started to pour in from everywhere and Rush towards us Phil ran in and led a group of warden spiders to battle he would cut down each minion with heavy blows from his cleer and I watched as the ancient Creator bought groups of them alone go Foo face the cosmic dragon and show him the power of the Ancients I'm on it I tug down into the ground ground and made my way to the top of the structure on day 100 I erupted from the ground in front of the cosmic dragon so you really believe that you can stop me yes and I'm going to right here right now you fool I've destroyed every other ancient being what's one more we began to fight as his massive form came lumbering towards me I was so much stronger now so I wasn't scared I would blast him with my Warden boom and used every opportunity to try and blind him with my leaping attack the dragon roared into the air and it felt like the gravity of the entire galaxy was holding me down I can't move he then struck me with this Claws and I was so low on Hearts no one get rid of you I'll have control of this entire reality and I can reshape it to my leg so long ancient Warden the dragon came into strike one last time but I dug down just in time to Dodge I then appeared behind him placing him between me and the edge of his Empire you know I won't let you do that this is for all of the ancient beings and all Warden kind h yeah I fought back against the dragon hitting harder than I ever had before I used all of my new abilities whenever I could and can tell that the cosmic dragon was starting to get overwhelmed by my upgrades no impossible how how with one final hit I took the cosmic dragon down I did it the cosmic forces were defeated and this reality could finally live in peace
Channel: FoZo Movies
Views: 411,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jdDMNsqsAps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 41sec (13181 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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