I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I was an elemental dragon sitting inside of my castle I was King of the Dragons I can't believe I'm king of course you are you're the only Elemental Dragon in existence with your ability to control the elements of water Earth fire wind ice and thunder All Creatures respect you oh thanks Mom suddenly the Ender Dragon bursted into the room time to take what's mine the dark dragon cast in the most unbelievable Cursed Magic onto my mom killing her instantly mom no no you'll pay I charged in ready to avenge my Fallen mother as an Elemental Dragon I had the ability to control multiple different ancient swords I tried to use my flame sword ice sword and lightning sword but my Ender Dragon sister was just too powerful despite my efforts the intruder's dark Powers were too strong the mysterious Dragon cast in another dark spell that transformed me into a baby five hearts in my head fell dizzy no I have to stop her before I could fight back I passed out on day two I woke up in a dungeon where the dark dragon was watching who are you let me go you don't remember me your sister and I'm taking what's rightfully mine suddenly Lila summoned a massive monster and vanished before my eyes I had to fight back if I wanted a chance to live I tried to use one of my Elemental abilities but to my shock I could only use my fire sword did she weaken my elemental powers although I only had a flame sword it had the ability to light the enemies on fire and knock them back a decent amount I tried my best to avoid its venomous bites but it managed to land an attack on me I didn't have as much health as before and it was dwindling down fast I was definitely fighting a losing battle iPhone thought but the monster was too powerful I ran for my life and the monster chased after me I ran until a lava pit stopped me in my tracks looks like it's time to fly I use my wings to navigate myself over The Lava pit while the monster fire projectiles at me from the other side I had to be sure not to get hit otherwise I was done for I dodged and weave the projectiles and the pillars of lava until I managed to escape through the other side I have to get my powers back and reclaim the throne but how on day three I managed to escape Lula's dungeon I feel so lost what should I do just then I noticed the sun began to set I knew the mobs were about to be out for the night so I searched for a cave to rest then finally I just need to close my eyes what are you doing in my Nest I turned around and discovered an old fire dragon standing before me the dragon began to blast me with his incredible fire abilities I tried to fight back with my own fire sword but I didn't stand a chance against him I pleaded with him in hopes he would stop attacking me plea please stop I'm the king yeah right the king is capable of using all the elements not just fire suddenly the ground began to tremble we rushed outside to discover that our cave was part of a volcano this place is erupting run on days four through seven the fire dragon and I were flying for our lives trumps of Earth and fire fell from above and the two of us invaded it the best we could suddenly the fire dragon was hit wounding him badly oh no I'm coming no there's a town nearby and if you don't do anything the lava is going to Scorch it okay I'll try to stop it I took to the skies and spotted the town in the distance the lava was already getting closer I started by digging as much dirt as my claws could dig and began to build a wall but I couldn't gather and build quickly enough there's no time to evacuate everyone did I fail I felt as if I let all of my subjects down I had to do something out of sheer desperation I managed to use a water attack causing the lava to turn into obsidian I'm an elemental dragon I use my new water powers to get rid of the rest of the lava and save the town I returned to the fire dragon and he watched me in shock you can use water and fire you really are the king could you help me regain my Powers the dragon bowed his head to me I Cyrus the Blazing about to help you master the element of fire on days eight through ten I began my training with Cyrus to master fire a worthy Dragon needs a worthy Den your first assignment is to make a base I'm on it Cyrus tossed me tons of materials and I took to the skies and Scattered out the perfect spot for my new base once I found it I got to work I wanted to build a new Castle one that reflected the elements of fire earth water and wind that I possess one day I'll be the King again and everyone will admire this place I showed Cyrus my work and he seemed to like it and gave me mysterious food as my prize I Chow Down and suddenly felt a new power searched through me I grew bigger and stronger and my teeth got sharper I was now an adult Elemental Dragon I had 20 hard I feel amazing with my new Strength I decided to go hunting for some food while I was out I noticed Lilith flying overhead where is she going I followed my Ender Dragon sister until she landed in a nearby Village hello worthless citizens No Way Lady without hesitation Lilith killed the Villager in a single blow oh no I have to help I stepped in to intervene leave them alone ah my foolish brother has arrived face my breath Lila summoned a massive flying monster and took to the skies it came barreling at high speeds hitting me with Brute Force I quickly regained my footing and equipped my flame dragon bone sword and began attacking he was quick but not fast enough to avoid my strikes I lit him Ablaze dealing massive damage to his health as soon as the fire was extinguished I'd hit him with my water spray sludging to the last bit of life he had left he fell to the floor and I followed behind him thanks to my new Strength I took out the Beast and saved the village my sister is crazy powerful I have to master the elements and help as soon as possible on days 11 through 14 I flew back to the base to continue training with my fire master I'm ready to begin the next step sorry kid you still aren't quite ready for that yet first you'll need to go to the Nether and retrieve the lava elemental power from a fire Elemental how am I supposed to get there follow me I followed Cyrus and he led me to a mysterious nether portal it looked like it had been there for ages this will take you where you need to go are you sure it's safe there Cyrus struggled and tossed over tons of food a crafting bench and a small stack of iron for me to craft better equipment put these to use so you don't die out there I put down a crafting bench then made myself armor and even an iron sword this should do the trick after all was said and done I embarked on my journey through the portal and immediately began searching for the fire Elemental where do I even start as I was looking around I was approached by a group of piglets and over the gold huh I don't have any gold get him boys the piglet group charged enemy and I had no choice but to fight I used a combination of my fire dragon bone sword and water attack to knock out the piglens one by one they tried to retaliate with their golden swords but they were no match for the king of the dragons with one final blow I had defeated all of the piglens sweet I struck gold I continued forward on my journey to find the fire Elemental searching across vast lands and fiery Lakes I couldn't spot them anywhere suddenly I saw something in the corner of my eye and chased after it hey I need to talk to you they started to fly away so I began to tail behind it and eventually trapped it at a dead end why are you following me you're a fire Elemental right kind of I guess I'm a blaze well I'm the king of the dragons and I've been tasked to kill you in order to get some of my powers back whoa whoa whoa hold on what the king of dragons I worship you bro I'm assuming you're looking for the lava elemental power if you're trying to kill me wait yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for you don't need to kill me for that silly I can just give it to you the fire Elemental tossed over my prize wow thanks you should come live with me in my base whoa you're moving a little fast there bud but I'm down the name's Francis on days 15 through 17 we headed back to my base master I found the lava elemental power and even made a new friend you're now ready to be trained in the art of fire everyone seems to think to think that all dragons are fire resistant but it's actually a skill that's developed over time time isn't exactly something I have a lot of first you must walk across a bed of hot coal second you'll need to sleep in a pool of lava and lastly you must defeat another that's insane I could never do that you have no idea what the extent of your power is after our conversation Cyrus led me to the area to begin the first test ouch keep it up you're almost there next was the pool of lava I couldn't help but stare at the boiling goop this seemed like it would melt my scales off there is no way I'm stepping in there it's all in your head just eat the lava power that you got from Francis it'll activate your latent powers and give you just enough resistance to withstand the heat after eating the lava power I began to feel my body slowly cool down whoa It's kicking in already I held my breath and braced for impact jumping into the lava I still felt a burning sensation crawling up my skin ah oh it's hot but more like a hot bubble bath Cyrus handed me a map with the location of the being I had to fight for your last test you must go to the area marked on the map and defeat the monster only then will you be able to harness the power of fire once again I'll do my best I had finally arrived at the spot Cyrus mention in the distance I spotted the monster all right let do this he began summoning lightning and terraforming the area surrounding us I took off to the sky to avoid getting caught in the blast after gaining some distance I immediately began spraying him with my water ability but it wasn't as effective as I hoped swooping in closer I slash it in with my fire sword dealing massive damage he began returning large-scale attacks taking chunks of my health at a time I mustered up all of my strength into one final attack and slayed the Powerful Beast I felt a strong sensation throughout my body I gained five hearts and an incredibly strong fire ability on days 18-21 I had finally mastered my fire powers I figured it was time to find another master so I headed back to my base to prepare for the journey ahead upon arriving a group of the Ender Dragon's minions were waiting for me looks like I get to show them what I'm made of the group of enemies came barreling towards me I took advantage of my wings and flew away from them and charged in from above I tried to use my new flame abilities but they seem to avoid all of my fiery projectile attacks due to them being mutated Enderman I was only able to hit them with physical slashes from my sword they continued to teleport away from my reach but I was starting to understand their pattern I was beginning to win but the goons suddenly stopped fighting me instead they shifted their focus to Francis I ran in to stop them but I was too late they picked her up and started teleporting away get me back my friend I frantically flew around searching for the two until I arrived at one of Lila's spaces I stuck behind them and watched as they handed off Francis to another goon good when the queen arrives we'll lure out the Elemental Dragon and kill him it's a trap I'm something before the queen arrives turned around in real time was running out oh no it's over suddenly I felt a strange sensation within me and conjured miniature tornadoes I instantly sent them towards my sister the tornadoes flew up and threw Lilith off course whoa did I do that no time my queen the goons ran out after her leaving Francis alone Francis come on over Roger that while they were distracted the two of us escaped on days 22-24 Francis and I returned to the base where Cyrus was waiting I'm glad you're home safe I wish I could help more but my work here is done seek out your next master and good luck thank you for everything Cyrus headed back to his den and I decided it was time to do some more work on the base I started by working on a room for Francis I made sure that everything a fire Elemental could want including plenty of different kinds of another blocks it's just like home glad you like it after that was done I did the same for the water tower this would help a ton to keep an eye out for intruders as I was looking off the top of the tower I suddenly noticed a flying entity approaching me what the heck who are you my name is Thea I sensed a disturbance in the air and followed it are you the source young Elemental Dragon I did summon some mini tornadoes I explained to her that I was the dragon king and that my Powers were weakened but in intense situations they would sometimes reawaken if that's the case then I can help you reclaim your wind element you got yourself a deal on day 25 the ni flew to the sky when suddenly a storm began to pick up the scene dangerous should we turn around not you must navigate this decide you'll learn the key to using your wind abilities anything to get my powers back I continue to head alone as Theo watched the further I flew in the rougher it got to stay on course I tried my best to hold on but the wind kept blowing stronger come on Max you're almost there suddenly I lost control and got swept away by the powerful winds ah everything went black when I woke up though I was in front of a mysterious air temple in the sky was this what my master was talking about just then I spotted a wind Elemental fly by hey come back here I followed them into the temple ahead on days 26-28 I followed the air Elemental onto a mysterious Temple what's this all about the wind Elemental damaged in its place a vision of my mom appeared in front of me hello Max mom is that really you you failed me despite having all your powers I still fell to your sister's hand what my mom would never say something like that who are you suddenly she transformed into a horrific ghostly monster and charged to me the two of us clashed in the sky in a battle of Epic Proportions the ghost was able to shoot gusts of wind at me stealing massive damage each hit he managed to land I had to do my best to evade it otherwise I was toast whenever he got close I slashed down the monster with my flame dragon bone sword next I retaliated with my fire Mastery and tried to chip him down with burn damage but even that wasn't enough to take out the undead monster I thought with all of my might and with everything Cyrus had taught me over our training but it was no use despite my efforts I couldn't win the Beast was just too powerful no I can't stop now I look deep inside of myself and suddenly felt an amazing power unleash I felt the element of wind come over me I gained five hearts and now had the ability to shoot air projectiles die imposter I use my new wind power to retaliate at the monster I shot Gus a powerful win bringing the ghost closer and closer to his demise it didn't take long for them to submit to my overwhelming strength I did it suddenly my winmaster approached me congratulations Max you've mastered the elements of wind on days 29-31 I parted ways with Thea and returned to the base when I arrived I decided to do some expanding I started with a treasure room to hoard all of my valuables a great King has great wealth I can't wait see all the different things I find on my journey just then Francis ran in well some of your citizens are in trouble Max to the rescue I took to the skies and search for the people in Peril when I found them they were being attacked by lilis Dino guards I swooped in and took out the guards one by one although they outnumbered me they weren't prepared for my elemental powers I blast them down one by one until nobody remained thank you King for saving us but our town is destroyed we have nowhere to go don't worry come with me I returned to the base and built a town for all of my people to take refuge I wanted my base to be a place where everyone could take shelter from the Wrath of the queen I even added a garden with plenty of food to feed myself and the villagers thank you so much you really are a brave King oh thanks just then one of the other villagers ran out of their house in a frenzy everyone take cover Queen Lilith is heading this way not on my watch on days 32-34 I flew through the skies and finally managed to encounter my sister what do you want there's certain Elemental Dragon has been causing my menstrual maybe I should have just killed you when I had the chance I'm only causing trouble because you killed mom and took the throne news flash Lilith I'm taking it back I'd like to see you try Lilith began to attack me with her powerful dark magic I was ready to show her just how strong I'd become she started by striking massive amounts of lightning down onto me which destroyed the biome beneath us too many hits from our attacks would surely end me so I had to be careful I evaded her the best I could and retaliated with my fire and win masteries whenever I managed to get in close I slash her down with my flame dragon bone sword unfortunately without all my elemental powers I didn't stand a chance I fought and fought but she was too powerful she suddenly casted a dark spell onto me causing me to get withered my health was slowly draining away at this rate I'm finished my health slowly began the drain more and more I was forced to flee to safety to survived everything I have on days 35-38 I returned to the base in bad condition hurry drink this Francis gave me a potion and I drank it down before I succumbed to the effects of the Wither that was close I have to keep mastering the elements if I want to stand a chance while that potion used up a lot of seaweed can you gather some more you got it I took to the skies and found a nearby ocean to start Gathering it seaweed is really plentiful so I had plenty in no time great now I better head back just then I began to get sucked deeper into the ocean I looked around and realized I'd foolishly swam over magma blocks I gotta get out of here I swam with all the power I had but I couldn't escape I was drowning I thought I was finished when suddenly a hammerhead shark swam by and casted a magical spell they gave me water breathing what the I was surprised to see an Elemental Dragon drowning can't you breathe underwater usually yes but my water powers are weak say no more my Marin will train you in the element of water her on days 39-40 I began my training with Marin starting with an underwater obstacle course to master water you must be able to navigate it ready go I began to swim through the obstacle course clearing ring after ring the more I practice the more I realized I was beginning to gain speed by the time I crossed the Finish Line I now gained dolphin's Grace whoa what else can my water powers do next Marin took me to a spring where we had a nice view of the surface she then casted another spell on me and removed my water breathing why did you do that you must learn to master your underwater endurance and gain the ability of water breathing on your own well if you say so I kept myself under water and held my breath for as long as I could unfortunately it was a lot harder than it looked are you sure this will work trust the process I repeated this for what felt like days but gradually it got easier and easier after a lot of work I gained permanent water breathing I didn't excellent work now just for one more just then a dark entity appeared before us ually please the entities swam up to Marin and teleported away so I immediately began to search for them on days 41-42 I searched for the entity and found Mariana's Trench as I went I kept running into Oak signs telling me to turn back sorry sign but I'm on a mission I have to save Marin I threw caution to the wind and continued onwards as I moved it became so dark it was hard to see where I was going I was about to lose hope when suddenly I saw a light shining in the distance awesome that's lucky I followed it and quickly realized it was an angler fish I quickly swam away before the bloodthirsty Predator could spot me just keep swimming just keep swimming I found a cave to hide in and settled myself down deep inside it phew before I could get comfortable though I was swarmed by water bugs ah good time guys I continued swimming through the cave when I found the entity head Marin trapped the dragon followed I guess I had a two for one deal without warning they attacked me the entity had the power to wield incredible water magic he shot massive streams water at me relentlessly leaving me little room to breathe I retaliated with all my other elemental powers but my fire attacks were weakened by the water around us leaving me down an element I continued to push through doing my best to evade The Entity while firing magical attacks of my own but I was beginning to get outmatched I thought I was done for when suddenly I used crazy water magic and gained five Hearts whoa I was now able to fire powerful beams of water back at the entity the two of us used our water magic and Clash lasers together to see who overpowered the other first luckily I was the one who did Edge using my newfound Powers I took out the entity once and for all once they were defeated I quickly swam over to Marin and freed them from their prison I can proudly say you've mastered water take this for your treasure room it was a blue lava Crystal Shard wow it's beautiful on days 43-45 I returned home and added the blue lava Crystal Shard I received from Aaron to my treasure room my horde is growing once I was done I started working more on the main structure of my base I build up the walls of the castle and added more room so that it would be truly representative of an Elemental Dragon King next I started to work on a watering hole for all of my people to enjoy once I was done all of my villagers played in the pool and had a lot of fun this is wonderful King please take these emeralds and armor as a token of our gratitude oh you don't have to I accepted their gifts and suddenly caught a whiff unlike anything I'd ever smelled before what is that it smells wonderful I started to follow the unknown smell to see what it could be on days 46 through 50 I follow the source of the smell to discover a guy sitting on a boulder uh what are you trying to do trying to deliver this pizza on a boulder it's not a boulder it's a rock right if I help make the rock move can I have some of that pizza sure dude I tried to focus on my inner Earth element If I Could Just Awaken it I'd be able to get my delicious greasy prize suddenly the ground began to shake beneath me I'm doing it just as I thought I had it I only managed to lift a single block what just then a dark armored Scout walked up and sent the boulder flying in a single move thanks dude the pizza guy dropped a mysterious green Crystal as well as some pizza as he flew off what's that it looks powerful I went to grab the artifact but the dark armored Scout snagged it first that was pathetic you call yourself a king who are you and can I have that on days 51-54 oryx took me to the Badlands biome to begin our Earth training what are we doing out here foreign ly the ground began to shake beneath us and one of the kangaroo inhabitants started to yell earthquake good thing I could fly sorry Max is disabled on This Server work through a splash potion at me which took away my ability to fly what survive the earthquake and you'll understand a thing or two about the element I wanted to argue but the ground beneath me was already beginning to crack if I wanted to survive I needed to think quickly I hopped around avoiding all the crevices that opened into the ground below I had a few close calls but I was making good progress almost out of here just as I thought I was gonna make it the ground below me crumbled causing me to plummet into the earth below on days 55-57 I woke up inside of a mysterious Cavern oh I gotta get out of here I began hearing a low growl echo through the cavern I'm not alone down here I walked forward and was met with a massive crystal stone Golem standing before me the Beast didn't like me lurky in its home so it charged into attack the massive Golem had a club made of gems which he used to smash into me and deal loads of damage I retaliated with all of my Elemental masteries including wind fire and water but he was just too powerful even for an Elemental Dragon this guy was just way too tough for me to handle I need to get back to the surface but how am I gonna do that without my wings I was cornered until I felt a sudden surge of power grow within me just then I unlocked my earth powers and gained five Hearts nice just in time too with my new Earth abilities I was able to lift myself out of the cavern using the ground beneath me giving me the chance to escape depressed great work man died but you did you did good job org then tossed another potion at me returning my ability to fly he also dropped me the artifact and some pizza as a reward wow thanks just when I thought things were looking up Lila's Army arrived at my location on days 58-61 Lila's Army charged towards us with a mighty Force orc and I had no choice but to fight back we immediately shook the Earth beneath their feet launching blocks of sand in all directions dealing massive amounts of damage and throwing some of the army into the pit Oreck used his Earth Magic to gain some distance and continue attacking I began firing my ice beam and bulldozing through the minions one at a time but it didn't seem like it was enough they just kept coming this is easy peasy just when we thought the onslaught was coming to an end the last bit of the army switched their focus to Oreck they began to overwhelm him continuously slashing and wounding him before he could retaliate I immediately rushed into oryx Aid firing devastating beams of ice I defeated the remaining soldiers but I had arrived too late I could tell Oreck was fatally injured orick no looks like this is the end of the Maxi pool no hang on a little longer it was an honor to be your master the throne and protect these lands with his final breath Oreck died no oh Lilith will pay for this on days 62-64 I returned to the base with a heavy heart and revenge fueling my soul to better put my mind to these I began building an earth-inspired area in honor of my Earth Master inside of it I built a Memorial dedicated to Oreck and his bravery I'm gonna take back this Kingdom for you auric once done I suddenly felt a cold breeze rushed through the base what's happening the blocks around me began to freeze changing my entire base into ice what the heck I flew up and looked around to see if I could spot the disturbance after close inspection I noticed a tiny Frozen scorpion having a little too much fun looks like we have our culprit I then flew over to confront him hey you Jake this place back to normal no way not unless you play a game with me first a time for game do you want your people to get sick well no ah I guess I don't have a choice on days 65-67 I followed the Scorpion to a new area where he had an obstacle course set up if you want your base to return to normal you'll have to cross this bridge without slipping no flying allowed what happens if I lose can you base is my new ice skating rink then I'll just have to win without hesitation I began walking across the bridge trying my best not to fall into the pit below unfortunately for me the further I got the more narrowed the bridge became just take it slow Max you're almost there I continued onward very narrowly avoiding falling multiple times I was getting close to the end yeah no you can't win the Frozen scorpion was getting annoyed that I was about to beat his game so he started to blow a blizzard in my direction cheating the wind was too much and I couldn't hold on I slipped and fell into the pit below I didn't landed deep inside of an ice cave where a giant Frozen scorpion was waiting please don't eat me eat you why would I do that uh cause I lost the game game wait a second today the little Frozen scorpion then came down nervously to confront the larger one I'm sorry about my son he's always stirring up trouble oh he's your son yeah no problem now Timmy hand over the ice crystals to the nice dragon man for all the trouble you put him through but Mom now Timmy the little guy that reluctantly handed over the Ice Crystal he was using on me once I had in my hands I felt my Powers growing even stronger I even gained five Hearts whoa I guess this game was kind of like my ice training suddenly I began hearing howling from outside of the pit I flew out to find more blueless goons ready to fight let's see how you guys like this I tried out my new power that the ice scorpion gave me slowly freezing the pack of dark wolves I managed to stop a few in their tracks while the others put forward to attack they persistently tried to use their three heads to bite me but I was able to fly far enough out of their reach to avoid them you my Earth Magic I killed off a few more then switching back to my eyes Crystal I defeated the last Dark Wolf once all the goons were taken care of using my new ice abilities I figured I was now a master of ice one more element to go on days 71-74 I was heading back to the base when I spotted some signs raise happening now first place gets a map to Thunder Mountain that sounds like the perfect spot to master my final element need that map I flew through the entrance of the racetrack and discovered it was taking place on Rainbow Road whoa this track really complements my scales I took my place on the starting line with my opponent he was just some Plumber guy from Italy so I felt confident I could win you're going down [Music] the race began and the two of us spread across the rainbow tracks we were neck and neck it was anyone's game until suddenly the Plumber guy threw a banana peel on the track I hit it and it caused me to slow down that's where you throw Ed stuff the peel caused a bit of a setback but I stayed on his tail until we were nearing the Finish Line I had to close the gap quick wind element go I used the power of wind to propel myself forward keeping me enough of an edge to win the race and the map grand prize I'm one step closer to mastering the final element on days 75-79 I returned to the base and noticed that all the ice was gone I guess the Frozen scorpions defrosted this place as I looked at the base one of my residents came up to me thank you for throwing the Ice King we wanted to give you this for our gratitude they tossed over loads of diamonds these will be useful thanks I use my new materials to craft some diamond blocks for my treasure room finally wealth it's Fit For A King now I think I need to cool off I decided I wanted to make a nice area to reflect my new Mastery over the element adding a whole new Tower made by scales next I expanded the main structure even further gradually making the place feel more and more like an Epic Castle Fit For A King it's almost done just then Francis floated up to me this place is really coming together I hope things stay as they are now I have a bad feeling that Lilith is going to attack soon don't worry once I master Thunder this will all be over I won't let anything happen to this place or the kingdom Thanks Max I parted ways with Francis and set off towards Thunder Mountain for my final test on days 80 through 84 I arrived at Thunder Mountain in search of my final Master after some looking I found a cave with a thunder dragon inside excuse me leave this mountain at once it's dangerous here no please I'm King Max I've come to master the element of Thunder your I'm Astor the great the only way to master the last element is to overcome the Thunder Guardian the fiercest creature to whoever roam these lands I'm up for the challenge how do I summon them azer took me to the peak of the mountain and gave me an iron sword why am I doing this you'll see soon the clouds gathered in the sky above and Rain began to fall heavily above us uh this seems dangerous just then a massive bolt of lighting struck me but I managed to survive the hit you are worthy Good Luck Good Luck Aster left and I heard heavy footsteps approaching me over the peak a massive Thunder gorilla emerged it was the Thunder Guardian the Thunder Guardian lunging me with all of its might and I braced myself for battle the oversized monkey was able to create an electrifying Thunder attack and then zap me for massive damage I tried to fight back with my other elephants but the storm seemed to empower the ape he continued his Onslaught and I couldn't keep up I was beginning to feel overwhelmed when I had a familiar feeling inside of my chest that lightning what did it do to me the feeling grew stronger and stronger until I gained five hearts out of nowhere an incredible electric powers the elemental King is back I use the power of the storm to my advantage and fought back with my own electric powers the two of us Zapped and Zapped at each other trying to prove who the superior thunderbuilder was as our electric attack flashed together I harnessed all of my power to overcome the strength of the monkey after a long fight I managed to take the guardian down I did it the sky cleared and Esther came back out from hiding congratulations Max you have mastered lightning as well as all of the other elements take this as your prize he handed me an orange crystal for my treasure room and I knew what I had to do next the time has finally come I'm gonna take back the throne on days 90-93 I was flying back home until I was stopped by a strange player oh whoa a super rare shiny charizard gotta catch em all uh I'm an Elemental Dragon not a Pokemon yeah right go Pikachu the small yellow rat jumped out in front of me and immediately Zapped the surrounding area well I guess I have no choice the electric rat started to Zab me with his Thunder attacks he may have been small but he was incredibly powerful I started to use all kinds of Elemental attacks to try and see what would work the quickest I started by blasting him with my fire Mastery but even the burn damage wasn't enough to slow the Pikachu down next I used wind and water but they seemed even less effective than the fire huh I wonder what Earth will do I tried my Earth Mastery and to my surprise it seemed to do massive damage to the electric Mouse ground attacks is super effective I use my new Edge to overwhelm the Pikachu once he was low enough in health I switched to my electric moves to finish him off with one final strike I had defeated Pikachu oh no my Pikachu I gotta find a Pokemon Center quick after achieving my victory the weird player ran off ah that was interesting with the strange encounter being finished I continued back to the base when suddenly Francis rushed over to me little if is attacking the base hurry on days 94-98 I had finally arrived back to see the destruction of our base and Lilith looming over the wreckage Lily pay for this I'm just afraid of you even though you have mastered all of the elements I have one more trick up my sleeve Lilith used her magic to teleport each of my masters into cages let them go say goodbye to your precious teachers with a single blow she killed every single one of them and gained all of their powers no within seconds Lila's body began to transform she grew even larger and stronger challenge me if you dare I'll be waiting at the castle with her powerful new form she turned around and flew away that was the last straw you're gonna pay for this I couldn't stand looking at the sight of my wrecked base without a second thought I began repairing to the best of my ability with the last pieces set in place I had finished rebuilding our home it's not perfect but it'll have to do with the final preparations complete I set off to finish this once and for all on day 99 I arrived at the castle it seemed like all the guards had been expecting my arrival out of my way I began blasting my way through them leaving no one to block my path I charge into battle with my Spells at the ready using my electricity I zapped all the guards that stood beneath me I attacked with each and every one of my elemental powers and slayed the Army in waves destroying each enemy that approached me their numbers had quickly dwindled down to zero I was way stronger than before and the proof was right in front of me as I was about to reach the entrance a giant monster appeared I will not let you back force my way through the evil entity barreled towards me with the intent to kill bringing absolute destruction to the area around me luckily I was able to dodge their attacks or it could have seriously hurt I began spraying him with my water power and lifting the ground below using my ice abilities I managed to slow him down I immediately took advantage of the situation and released my strongest ability to bring the fight to an end after a hard-fought battle I had finally won against the final guard geez that guy was really strong on day 100 I'd arrived at the throne room where Lilith lay in wait back so soon do you have a death wish I'm here to take back the throne and avenge everyone you've killed you've always had here complex look at this the two of us clashed in a battle of Epic Proportions Lilith now had incredible Powers she had absorbed for my late Masters so I was up against my greatest foe yet she blasted away paying no mind to her surroundings the castle walls began to fall all around us as she shot lightning down onto me from the sky above I did my best to dodge her and retaliate with my Elemental Magic the Ender Dragon didn't know what hit her as I powered through with all of the different elements I had obtained on my journey it was brother Vs sister and I wasn't about to give up now come on brother is that all you've got managing to dodge her Hefty attacks Lilith blew a massive hole to the ceiling taking advantage of the new route she had opened up I took to the skies and began firing down upon her she followed me outside and we continued our battle her onslaught of lightning powers and Fireballs seemed never-ending but I pushed through and evaded the best I could the two of us fired away with all the magic we could muster the longer the fight went on the more worn down my sister became I didn't let up I could fight and fight for everyone who had fallen by her claws with all my elemental powers combined I poured everything I learned into one final shot for Mom for my masters for everyone her reign of terror was finally over I defeated Lilith I did it I'm King of the Dragons once again
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 2,383,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mu1LDJRgZDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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