I Survived 100 Days as a LION in Minecraft

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lions are the most dangerous predators on the face of the earth and so we added them to minecraft with tons of insane abilities welcome to 100 days as a lion where my two friends poachers have 100 days to hunt me down as a lion will my lion powers be enough to survive let's find out on day one i spawned into the world whoa look i'm a baby lion look at this thing this is so cool oh i'm so cute what okay well i know this is a survival challenge so i'm going to go inside and see what i have to deal with oh it's a lion so those two idiots right there are hunters and i obviously am a lion they have 100 days to kill me in this world and i have to you know well survive so uh the game starts now we gotta get the lion get him okay i'm just gonna run this way we're gonna go up the hill we can definitely dodge them i have a good plan here stop right there now watch i'm gonna go back down into the lion's den and let me grab some of this hay for food grab a bunch of this food yeah they're still up there looking for me grab a few more hay bales and then we're gone oh you see him oh i lost his scent partner okay we got 16. don't notice me oh they're really close there we go we got it off let's get out of here we got it all we got everything useful okay let's go boy stop lying oh he sees me okay we gotta go again over here we're gonna buy the key go little lion go you can make it are they still behind me no i don't think they're behind me i think we're losing them okay perfect yeah there's so many places i can hide now we're gonna keep running straight though for a second let's go into this jungle we'll be safe over in the jungle okay this looks like a good place to call home i can make a little home right here now that we're safe let me tell you a little bit more about my lion and lion abilities first off right now i am obviously a baby lion i mean look at me i'm tiny i'm cute yeah that's all there really is to it i also have only five hearts of health as you noticed i've reduced health right now but a baby lion can also learn some moves let me show you so if i hit a special hotkey you're gonna notice i have an age tree i'm a baby right now i can become a teenager for 500 steaks and then an adult leader and then an omega lion yeah there is five different forms of lion within this mod that we made on top of that if i hit another key you're gonna notice i have a utility tree where i can learn roar lion's breath waterlogged super jump and lion scent gain the ability to detect nearby oars i can literally smell out oars and finally is the combat tree where i get different attacks like a claw my foot lion push stealth attack and lion's wrath yeah tons of awesome abilities that i'm gonna get to use against the hunters to try and survive but it looks like night's falling and so we gotta start working on a basic shelter oh guys there's an advertisement falling from this guy run run okay but for real let me tell you about t3 arena t3 arena is an action-packed mobile 3v3 shooter arena game not only can you battle people online but you can also pick from a wide variety of heroes all who have their own insane abilities i've been playing this game a ton already and it is super super addicting ian unicorn man even get to play together as friends in awesome game modes like team death match crystal assault and payload escort and don't worry if you stink at shooter games unlike most t3 arena provides you with an auto firing mechanic making it easy for anyone to pick up the game if you want to play t3 arena all you have to do is click the link in the description down below for more information this link will bring you to tap tap's website tap tap is a mobile games discovery platform where you can find tons of unique experiences just like t3 arena i highly recommend heading over to tap tap if you love mobile gaming as much as i do they have so many amazing experiences on there you won't want to miss any of them so once again click the link in the description below scan the qr code on screen or head on over to tap tap to play t3 arena i'll see you in the battle soon okay we'll simply just put a door right here and there we go we got an entrance to our base now let's go quickly find some sheep to make a bed okay let's make the bed and now let's sleep the first night away okay day two we have a lot of work to do obviously right now we have a little wooden pickaxe we have a lot of stuff we need to do and obviously we need our base to be better than this we are a lion we need a proper lions then by the end of this we spawned in one but it was kind of instantly attacked by the hunters so because of that we have to make a new one but right now this will do pretty disguised i covered this up just in case zombies came from the cave below but this does give me cave access and there is actually some coal right here on the ground so i can just place a few of these bad boys around and boom now the entire cave is lit up and i don't have to worry about mob spawning pretty useless cave though there we go now let's make our stone pickaxe okay let's get to work on this base shall we so first things first let's go down into the big spooky cave because that's where i'm gonna probably find the oars i need oh another one of you go away okay he's dead here we go grab some iron okay let's get up here let's make a furnace and let's melt our iron okay we got half the iron done let's make a shield cool now i'm already feeling much better make ourselves an iron pickaxe okay iron's done let's go ahead and make some more torches and let's head on down he's dead okay so i've looked around the cave in this kind of area there's a lot of coal and stuff luckily the mobs don't really worry about them anywhere now that we got the shield so yeah we're gonna do a lot of mining bring it all back to the base and then we'll design the bait so we at least have a nice looking den because we're a lion we can't live in a house we gotta live in a den okay so we'll keep the wall up for now but let's start designing this into a den okay so now the den is done this looks a little bit more like a den we got a little hay bed over here slowly this is gonna turn to dead and i'm very happy with this for the night we'll go to bed and uh on to day three and good morning on day three so today it is time to start looking at doing some of our upgrades if we open up the r1 we have claw which only costs five emeralds to do and if we open up the other one we'll see that this one costs two emeralds 32 rotten flesh and a bucket of milk the rotten flesh and the bucket milk are easy but getting seven emeralds between the two upgrades i'm gonna need is gonna be tough to do it we're gonna need a village because villagers like emeralds and i want emeralds so we gotta go find a village trade with them to get the emeralds and then we can get those two upgrades we have our sword and shield so we're gonna quickly smelt up the rest of the iron we got make some armor and then head out to go find a village okay cool we got some armor on so now we're good to go village here i come i spent days four to six simply looking for a village so i could trade for some emeralds and it turned out finding a village was way harder than normal for some reason we found a village so i'm just looking for some villagers that already have some jobs so i can trade with them where's a proper adult job villager where's the adult villagers oh there's one you trade 20 wheat will get me an emerald or 22 carrots okay i don't have either of those that's not helpful sir okay well actually it looks like we can do the hay trades there's actually hay bales around this place if we break these and then go trade this hay we should be able to get the emeralds we need to get the upgrade okay where'd the here's the farmer there we go we just got four emeralds and now we have six emeralds we literally need three more wheat hey bail right there there we go we now have enough emeralds to do the upgrade first we need to get the rotten flesh and the bucket of milk so let's quickly head back to the house which is all the way back there so i'm here and i traveled all the way this way um that's a long way back well let's go okay so we're back at the base i currently have 13 rotten flesh now let's go see if we can find some zombies down here what is that what i had a feeling this had to be something oh my god where did this lead up to oh we're pretty low at the very least i got a diamond and we made it let me quickly while we're out here let me quickly get this milk taken care of where'd the cow go there you are milk you ah now we just need the rotten flesh and now that it's night we just gotta find some zombies yes that should be it 32 we got it we'll head back to our little den we'll go ahead and upgrade these things and then we'll try out these upgrades okay we're back at the base now let's go ahead and let's try these upgrades out first for five emeralds we get claw then for the remaining things we get roar now you'll see my claw ability is an actual attack that goes on my hand that causes the target to bleed for 30 seconds so let's go with let's try out claw real quick let's try it against this skeleton here see how he's bleeding look at that and look at that i didn't even have to unshield he just took constant damage over time that killed him using bleed now let's go ahead and let's try roar okay so we go over to these pigs and we try roar out if i hit numpad one it should give all these things nausea i don't know if it's going to make a noise or not but let's try it okay it made a noise that was cool now i can't tell if it's working or not but i'm gonna have to assume it does when i do that near the hunters they're gonna get nauseous and they won't be able to fight me anymore we have our first two lion abilities done that is awesome so next what we want to do is get our age from baby to teenager but to do that we're gonna need 500 raw stay after unlocking both roar and claw it is now time to age up into a teen lion but to do that is going to be extremely difficult you see i need 500 raw stay to upgrade into adult you know what that means okay so let's go ahead and let's grab all the raw beef this should be everything we need as far as the upgrades concerned right here we are a baby lion one last look at our baby lion form before we change and now i click teen and look we're bigger look at us not full-sized but medium-sized line let's see how we run do we run cool oh look at that we run really cool we walk cool this is awesome oh and look the club this one actually has a claw ability look at that roar so i actually swipe and scratch at my target now that i have 10 hearts and scratch ability i'm actually in a much better circumstance when it comes to fighting the hunters which i'm sure they're hunting me down as we speak now that i'm a teenage lion it is time for me to upgrade my abilities further so i already have the claw ability and i want to get the foot ability because it's like a permanent diamond sword that i can also enchant and that would go great along with my claw that causes bleed so we want to get the foot weapon next which is going to require 10 emeralds and 5 diamonds and that's gonna be pretty tricky to do so uh let's get to work there we go some diamonds on day 16 i was able to find the last diamonds i needed for my foot ability now i just needed to go to a village for some emeralds okay let's look for a villager that's willing to do trades with me now i don't see any villagers near here so let's go up here nothing in there anyone in here nope anyone in this hole yeah he's trapped okay let me see if i can help him get up here yeah now you can have a job let's see if you can get go get yourself a job oh the hunters they're here oh god do they know i'm here i see them they're they're sneaking around they must have seen me what is that what is that what do they do what is that thing um well that uh that wasn't very effective oh my god these watch the cannon i don't think they see me okay let's get back oh god they're blowing up the village with a cannon where are they they still don't see me do they oh oh they're coming up i'm going i'm going for it we bled him we bled him now we'll roar him now he should be nauseous let's go around this way he died he died we got it with the bleed there's only one more oh that's a gun let's go climb here whoa that did half my hearts whoo i gotta be super careful he hits me again i might die i'm going i'm going i'm going he's running right back i don't see him anymore partner oh my god let's get him with bleeding let's get him with bleed no oh he's he's running i think he's running no unicorns here unicorns here i see his name there he is there he is where's the other one let's get him oh that's it even more i'm out i'm out of here we need to go fast after the hunters chased me out of my village i had to go in search of another as i still needed emeralds to get my next attack upgrade and after almost dying to the hunters i definitely needed this upgrade fast okay so i found a village let's see how this one works hopefully i don't get murdered at this village okay let's go this way ooh what are you gonna trade me ooh if i get him 32 rotten flesh i'll get one emerald that's pretty slow and i need 10 for the foot upgrade can i trade with you are you gonna trade with me you are you what are you uh ten clay will get me one emerald now i need ten so it'll be a hundred clay that i need to get which honestly isn't too bad that's exactly what we're gonna do yeah we have enough we've enough to do it okay we have all the clay we need so let's go back to the village and let's trade it for the emeralds there we go we've all the emeralds we need let's go back to the house grab our diamonds and then do the next attack upgrade okay we got the diamonds now turn up the attack menu and we can do the foot upgrade and now we've done it so we can now see we have the foot upgrade in our inventory which works just like a diamond sword so i don't even need this iron sword anymore so i have my sword and my claw ability these are gonna be really powerful and good morning so it is day 21 currently we're still alive and still doing well now now the other day i got attacked in the village by the hunters so i need to get my revenge so i'm gonna go back to that village and show the hunters who's boss okay i'm at the village right now you gotta be careful in case they're here i don't think they are i don't see them on my mini-map so i don't think the hunters are here anymore which means i guess they might not be here but they must have a base nearby because there's no way they got here and unicorn came back so quick if they didn't at least have a base nearby so i have to find that so i know where they're attacking me from i guess they could be anywhere so i'm gonna start by picking a direction so let's go let's go this way i wanted to get revenge on the hunters for attacking me earlier and with my new foot ability i think i could take them on so i searched for their base and it turns out that they stayed at spawn but it still took me till day 24 to find them because who stand spun okay let's make our way back towards the house for right now we're still like 400 blocks away oh they're on my mini map is this their base we may have actually found it hold up okay this is a good treat i can see i can see very well over here look at that so they're currently in their base it looks like this is spawn right yo check this out i've got knuckle dusters oh my goodness ow oh god oh stop stop stop jeez you got a little internal bleeding going on huh oh yeah oh my goodness i figured you know ryan made me bleed earlier so i'm going to make him bleed you know what i mean they're literally in spawn act i just this is the spawn building okay i need them to separate once they separate i can go for the attack don't let them see us okay he's farming okay what unicorn's walking away oh i have a chance here they're separated i'm going for it lion attack oh god come here you i don't fit through the door i have to go around this way let's go oh ow oh those turret i have an idea whoa i'm on the roof i'm on the roof i have an idea ready watch this oh my god one down baby oh i got hit by a trap oh that hurt we got to be careful there seems to be traps around that are hurting me oh another one no i'm stuck oh it slows you oh go this way go this way i can go this way i've killed them all multiple times but they spawn here so this makes it a little difficult let's go back up here let's roar again we can get him here i made a bleed that should kill him that should kill him right oh my god no god no yes okay let's take him out where's the other one oh my god things are glitching out i'm gonna have to leave this fight i think my graphics card is glitching out look did he look like he was flying there okay we're gone we gotta go we're out of here i can't do it with this graphics i don't know if that's even being picked up on the recording software something is bugging out i gotta go and we're home okay so now that we're back to the base look i'll say we were half defeated in that battle okay my graphics card was like glitching out or something but they did almost kill me yeah i need more hearts i need to be a stronger lion a teenage lion is not strong enough we need to go for the adult we're going straight for it but to do it we need 500 raw pork chop and 32 diamonds so i have three diamonds right now so i still need 29 diamonds so i'm gonna work on getting the diamonds first because i feel like that would be the easiest thing to do perfect that gives us nine diamonds which means we got 23 more to go okay so we officially have all the diamonds we need so now all we need to do to finish the upgrade is get 500 raw pork chop and getting 500 raw pork chop is not going to be easy so what am i going to do i'm going to make a looting sword and to do that i need to make an enchanting table which are going to require both diamonds that we got unfortunately and then we get some obsidian which also requires a diamond pickaxe into books but yeah you basically get it we're gonna go let's let's just quickly get the stuff we need for the enchanting table perfect and that's all the diamonds we need now we get the obsidian and there we go now we just need two books here's some sugar cane which we can now combine with our leather back at home and we will have ourselves some books okay let's turn this into paper there we go make a book there we go let's grab the rest of the supplies and let's make this bad boy boom now we have an enchanting table now let's go ahead and let's make a bunch of wooden swords that we can then use as on the enchanter till we get looting okay let's make a bunch of wooden swords now okay let's see is looting there i don't see it so we're gonna go ahead and give this one next nope nope nope and nope okay we ran out of lapis so i can't give up i'm gonna quickly head back to the mine grab some lapis make some more wooden swords and we're gonna keep trying this thing okay so my trick wasn't working so i went and made some bookshelves instead so let's see if these increase because i think these are supposed to increase now let's try nope nope nope nope nope so i tried for looting i used all my levels i literally can't get it no i failed i failed miserably getting it i've burned half the swords too and i uh i guess we're not getting the looting sword we're just gonna do this the hard way okay great look the sun's rising i guess already welcome what we're on 28 well welcome to day 29 and i guess today is gonna be the day we go and murder some pigs okay and i think that's the last pick i needed that's 41 raw pork chop let's head home how far are we we're currently okay only 700 blocks so let's quickly get back to the base and then we're gonna go ahead and i think that's enough i think we can finally turn into an adult so this this could be goodbye to this cute teen form okay here we are let's do this when we go to g we go to level three we can do it you see they both turn white let's do this outside say goodbye to the teenager and hello to the adult look at him he's a bigger version so now i'm even bigger i have 15 hearts of hp i have constant speed 3 and strength 3. so look how fast i am as an adult lion really fast so i'm super fast i'm super strong and i am ready to take down those hunters was that explosion why did i just hear an explosion oh you know what it probably was it was probably just a creeper attacking one of those dudes no no no no i'm wrong i see them on my mini-map they are here i don't want them near my base we're gonna roll them before they find the base we gotta roll them let's go where are they at i see them i see them they're way up here oh i see him how are you doing oh god oh my god oh okay i made him nauseous where's the other one he's at the base he's at the base fire tnt oh what is that that's a mine careful ryan that's a mine at my door okay back off i need to get rid of that mine he's in my basement he's in my base whoa creeper got him oh he's dead he's dead we got him oh okay that is a mine in my base okay no put more still in the area he is still here okay hold up there's a creeper right there i don't know what he's doing oh come on hold up i'm go back in wait what no he dude he just took my enchanter too no oh my god i stole his enchantment table now they're both dead but dude they took my enchanter my diamonds are gone i got one where's my iron my iron's gone too he literally took a bunch of stuff well let's find out what he took and replace it if it's important after the hunters raided my base i lost a bunch of items they took my enchanting table and a bunch of other stuff luckily it only took me a couple of days to get all of it back after that i simply gave the base a slight revamp with a bit more security so i upgraded the base a little bit and it now does this that's a creeper so that's the upgraded dead den 2.0 has a cool fancy door outside that what are we going to do next well i actually have a really good idea i want to unlock the lion's breath ability it's the last ability on the utility tree to gain the ability to detect nearby ores and that's gonna be super helpful in unlocking tons of other abilities so i need to get that as soon as possible so what is step one in doing that we already have roar so next we would need lion's breath which requires a god apple four golden apples and one glass bottle that's what we're gonna do we need to go find some desert temples so we can get this next upgrade done so i'm gonna go look for some temples and we'll see if we can find one oh a temple literally right in front of us there's a temple oh yes we got a temple oh okay i didn't set it off we're good okay yo we got a golden apple we get two okay what we got two more emeralds nice we found two golden apples so that's that's two that we needed and we're out okay how did i get in there did i go from up here is that another one over there oh no i think that's one of those well things oh oh what oh god the hunters are here i can see their name right there ready we're gonna get him with bleed i missed got him with leaf hope the other one's coming go this way let's get the other one with bleed here we go ready there we go oh he's running oh i'm so slow in water no okay it looks like they got away for now i think the other one died so i think i killed one now they know where i am let's just keep going through the desert until we find more temples because uh we need more golden apples and this is the fastest way i can think to get them after getting away from the hunters i still needed two golden apples and a god apple it took me another two days before i even found another desert but it turns out that would be all i need we got a mesa biome oh no oh temple oh my god temple i see one let's go okay any golden apples today okay let's grab the nine tnt underneath and let's see what we got in the chests it's good nothing really that good nothing good okay total waste of time let's get out of here okay we'll keep following the desert so it's actually a pretty big one so there could be at least one more oh i literally see one literally right in front of okay i literally see it yeah totally we're good we didn't just fall in a ditch and almost died okay this one we can go right in the side door break give me the tnt and what do we got this time anything good yeah golden apple we only need one more of those two more fire charges nothing a flint and steel oh i got apple whoa we literally just need one golden apple and we're done we're so close so we found one over there over there and this desert keeps going dude it's huge no it doesn't look like it looks like this one wait it's either a well or a temple right up ahead it is a temple oh my god three dude one deserted three and it's not even that big of a desert let's go please have a golden apple let's go we literally just need a glass bottle and we can do the upgrade and we're out boom we have everything we need we just need to go back to the base and make a glass bottle okay let's throw our furnace down and then i'll get us one glass let's quickly go grab some more wood over there throw the other wood in throw two more sand in grab my furnace let's quickly go find some wood to make a crafting table okay let's grab a piece of wood i got a glass bottle now let's do this next upgrade and now we can do lion's breath which gives us the ability to full heal but becomes slowed for 20 seconds oh it's numpad 2. so right now you can see i'm actually down 10 hearts so if i hit numpad 2 you'll see i'm now at full hp but i have slowness now for 20 seconds but it's not a big deal when i have speed upgrades as a lion the slowness actually still about the same as normal running speed if not a little faster so it's really not that big of a hindrance anyway let's keep heading on home because we got tons of more abilities as a lion to still unlock it took most of day 41 just to get home and when i got home i simply wanted to go to bed however the hunters had other plans all right we got a lion to catch partner okay and we're almost home whoop oh we fell and boom we are home whoo that's a mine that was not here before careful oh hunters all the hunters here i see them up there we're going in we're going to base oh god i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i'm in trouble the furnace there got one with bleed got one with bleed there got one and they're both done look at that just like that dude my new powers are so op and just like that i can just hitting on pad two and we're back to full hp oh man you guys don't you don't stand a chance okay good morning on the next day and uh obviously yesterday we survived the attack from the hunters they know where my base is i didn't have time to i guess fully disguise the outside so it wasn't fully disguised but they know where it is at this point and i think i just gotta pack up and go that's kind of what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pack up and move bases so we're gonna grab the enchanting table back there where we're keeping it for safekeeping and then we're gonna grab all our stuff and just move it to a new base and then design a quick new base that we can use and we'll kind of go from there okay there we go grab this thing let's quickly go pick a spot for a new base doesn't even have to be far it just has to be not here cause i'm gonna keep getting murdered over here so i need to pick a new spot so i'm thinking we simply go to the other side of the mountain boom this cave looks perfect for a brand new base this is gonna be rye guys pride rock two okay so we are an adult lion and we got a lot of work to do so uh let's start digging out the new den there we go look at this now we have this whole staircase down so we can build a whole upstairs area and then this is just like the main den room this is gonna be sick now we're gonna build some walls real fast okay cool we got the entryway done let's just do some more blocking off okay cool the base is carved out exactly how we want it so you're gonna come in here you have two downstairs area and one upstairs area this is gonna be nice and this is gonna be the central den room okay now that we got this part done let's quickly make some chests okay let's throw our stuff in this chest and we're gonna go back and get the rest of our stuff back at the camp okay let's start delivering the stuff back okay the base is completely moved to here and then simply place our bed down this way now we can sleep okay and good morning it is day 43 we've set up the new base kind of over here let's go and let's just start getting the base in order so it's not just a bunch of stone and stuff so we're gonna go ahead and set this area down here is the enchanting area so we're going to put our enchanting table here and eventually surround this with a bunch of bookshelves we're also going to go ahead and upgrade the entrance a little bit and try and make this all stone so it just looks a little more natural than we covered with grass and just disguise it a little more and then that's really going to be the main two goals of the day so let's go ahead and let's make some books first with what we just have on us so let's go ahead we have enough to do at least four of these bad boys we can make one bookshelf there okay so we currently have four different bookshelves so let's go ahead and let's put them in their place one there one there and we'll place one here as well perfect let's go make some more books i'll be taking these and these and these and finally you looks like i was gonna need this leather in the end so let's go ahead and let's make those books now that we can we take the 64 leather we have and now we have two more bookshelves now we just need three more and let's put the bookshelves in their spot there we go and we'll fill in the tops with some wood there and perfect our enchanting room is done now let's head on upstairs and let's go ahead and let's smelt a bunch of cobblestone into stone so that way this place can look a little bit more natural okay now we just let all the cobblestones melt and done there we go let's collect all our stone and there we go now let's replace with all this now let's replace all this cobblestone with stone i'd say that definitely looks much more natural than it did and it would be much harder to come across now that i got rid of the cobblestone and changed down so i'd say that's a mission success now it's just time to go to sleep and wake up on the next day hello on this gorgeous 44th day okay well the sun is shining and that means we have tons of work that we got to get done if we want to keep surviving so now it's time to start working on the next upgrade so what is the next upgrade you might ask well let's look since we want to get lion sent the next one we need to get is called waterlog which allows me to breathe and swim faster underwater and to get it i need 250 feathers and 64 obsidian that's a lot to get a stack of obsidian is going to take around 10 000 ticks and that's if i'm mining constantly but we have no choice we have to get the 64 obsidian so we're gonna have to do that but first let's start by getting the chickens done with because that's easier let's go murder some chickens okay just murdered the last chicken we officially i think that should be enough and now we just need the 64 obsidian and i'm gonna do that tomorrow let's go back to the base and go to sleep okay day 45 it is time to mining for all 64 obsidian this is probably going to take most of the day if not all day into tomorrow i'm not really sure minimum 10 000 ticks which is half a day so we're gonna find out how long this takes uh this is gonna be pretty grindy so uh break the obsidian okay there we go we're finally done 64 obsidian okay let's get back to this here okay we're back it's night time so let's go to bed and let's do the upgrade in the morning okay let's go let's do the upgrade so we're gonna go ahead and grab our feathers up here we have the obsidian and the feathers let's go to our thing and let's unlock waterlogged there we go so now we can breathe and swim faster underwater which we'll go test that in a sec but let's check out the next unlock super jump oh actually that's really easy anyway let's go test a water locked okay here we go here's a spot of water let's try it out let's go swimming oh my god oh my god look how fast i am underwater oh my breathing is like almost it might be even infinite i'm so fast underwater louise can i launch oh my god i can i can launch that's so sick i'm like a dolphin dude anyway i'd say our power works great let's head on back to the base and start working towards that next upgrade so the super jump upgrade is gonna be super easy to unlock all we have to do is head to the nether get some blaze rods then we just need 12 emeralds and a water bucket so pretty straightforward the emeralds are gonna be easy because i have a villager i already trade with the blaze rods are easy because they're blaze rods and the water bucket's the easiest of them all so anyway let's get another portal built and then head to the nether and to the nether we go okey-dokey we're in the nether there's already some block i can x-ray using okay let's find some blazes there we go and first group dead keep spawning please thank you and you will both die and hopefully give me blaze rods right yeah we got three oh hello hey we got four perfect now we need a water bucket and 12 emeralds i spent most of days 49 and 50 simply training with villagers till i got the 12 emeralds i needed for the next upgrade okay we have enough for the next upgrade so let's go let's try it super jump so with this we should be able to jump oh my god do i take fall damage okay still take some fall damage but now i have a crazy jump boost look at that boing i can jump into trees can i leap into that tree oh my god i can leap into these safari trees that is insane guys look how insane that is i'm so op as a lion i mean this looks very unnatural at this point but i'm sure it's fine anyway the main thing i want to focus on is i need a wither star for the next upgrade if i'm gonna be able to do that i'm gonna have to upgrade some more of my lion attacks first so currently we have claw and we have foot but if we can get lions pushed that'll give us the ability to knock things back 20 blocks which is gonna be super useful the 32 obsidian and the 10 diamonds should take one day and the 15 emeralds should take another and i think that's all it should take so let's go find out let's let's get it done over the next two days i mined up the 32 obsidian the 10 diamonds and traded for the 15 emeralds that i needed for the next upgrade and this upgrade was insane it has knockback 20 on it meaning if the hunters get too close i might just send them flying okay good morning let's try out lion push and see how good it is any mob spawning nearby see any yet i want to try a lion push to see what this knockback 20 can really do oh there's a sheep and that sheep has my name on it okay i'll eat you this way i mean it said i'm kind of far not that far though okay either way let's get back up to the base let's see what we have of the actual materials for this next stealth upgrade so we need we have any gold so we have 13 of the gold we need so we're gonna have to do a little bit of mining to get this stealth upgrade complete um i think we'll probably oh yeah you shot you hit him with the flare with the flare gun i can knock him off this mountain watch this needed him off the mountain dude oh no whoa he destroyed me let's go where's the other one i see him oh you're not this ain't gonna work for you buddy go that way yes oh he's running let's get him with bleed and goodbye he's got me i'm dead bass protected and nothing can stop me except for that hole i guess welcome to minecraft 100 day speed days let's fill you in on days 56 and 57 i mined up all the obsidian that i needed i also got all the diamonds needed and some of the gold on day 57 on day 58 i got all the remaining gold and traded with my villager friends to get the emeralds i needed on today 59. okay let's go ahead and do the next upgrade we have everything we need in our inventory which gives us the new stealth attack which when we right click is gonna allow us to teleport forward 10 blocks let's make sure we have an inventory slot for it let's remove our chicken for now let's go and let's do this upgrade and you'll see i have a new stealth attack so when i right click it boom i teleported over here 10 block it has a cool down we'll wait for the cooldown to end i can leap off here and boom i'm over here isn't that great since i'm already out in the wild we're going to go test it on the hunter's base since we're kind of nearby and we're going to go see if they can stop us with a little teleporting action okay i'm kind of near their base see them over there i think they have like looks like cows floating above under that tower anyway we're gonna go ahead and take care of them and put the cows out of their misery so let's go ahead let's test our new teleport abilities we're gonna teleport on that tower and take him out we're gonna teleport up there and send him flying immediately ready and go okay oh yeah he saw me that's not gonna work okay we're gonna have to get up there there's a line at her base oh he's like teleporting to my base or something partner goodbye that's some fall damage okay oh that did a lot of damage okay we're definitely in a battle now let's bleed unicorn man cause he has the gun that did a lot now he's bleeding that's gonna hurt him but stealth behind him didn't even see it coming so you mess with me you get bleeding watch us ready we're gonna get behind them again we'll run up pretend we're running away what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh i'm behind you i'm behind you did you know what was behind you bet you didn't see you both later okay i am super op right now they can't do anything to me he's sneaking up on me no go away think i've proven my point that i am much i'm gonna back off i think i'm proving the point i am stronger than them in this current state so i'm just gonna go ahead and get out of here and head on back to the base it's now day 60 we're gonna work on the next upgrade which is final attack upgrade to defeat the weather is gonna take 64. so you know what this means yeah it's time for a mining montage [Music] okay maybe that was an exaggeration but that's how i felt after getting the last of the emeralds i needed for that upgrade and good morning okay so we can now do the upgrade we have everything we need for the upgrade and a little extra to be honest but that's all we need to get the final upgrade so now we can get lions wrath let's give it a shot i've activated it now you can see in my inventory i have a thing called lion's wrath which completely replaces my foot ability you see this has 14 attack speed and 15 attack damage i don't even need this anymore watch this it's so fast i can spam click this and it does 15 damage everything else is pretty useful though still so we're gonna keep it okay now that we have the lion's wrath ability we can take on the wither we need to kill the weather so we can get the lion scent ability unlocked so let's go kill some weather skeletons for some wither skulls okay here's some weather skeletons oh my god i can just one tap these dudes did he drop a skull no skull yet oh yo they just dropped two i've been killing these things forever and i didn't get any now i got two oh i see it the last one finally we got it yes that is three skulls now we can make our way back finally and go kill this weather okay this should be far enough away from the base where i shouldn't have to worry about this weather killing it let's go let's place this thing down we got our boat ready we got all our attacks ready and here we go that was very anticlimactic okay here we go this is this is for all the marbles okay this is where it's gonna get tricky you are a spicy boy who is avoiding me like the plague let's go this way in the water we move really fast in water so we may be able to get him there the bleed doesn't seem to hurt the wither so i can't bleed the wither we have to keep diving at this thing let's get some distance we got him nice we gotta be better with our hits though we gotta get him more consistently i don't hear a skeleton there we go good now we have ammo where'd he go i hear him okay let's get in the water this is where we can beat him the weather's done we killed the wither do we and we got the nether star yes we can go home sleep till tomorrow mind the oars we need tomorrow and then we can unlock the lion's scent ability okay so we have a lot of work to do so we have to go mine all the oars and combine it with that nether star and we'll be able to get the lion scent ability and after we do that there's only one more tree to finish and that is the age tree where we need to become both a leader and then the omega and then we'll be at full line strength okay so let's try out the lion sensibility i had to take off my shader pack because it wasn't working but without my shaders on it does work let me show you now that i have this on you're gonna see that i look at all of these ores i see the greens are emeralds the whites i believe are iron or coal and then as you go down you can see there's lapis right there as you get even lower you see other colors like yellow which is gold or red which is redstone this game just got way easier now i can just cheat to get my oars good morning on day 68 this is so crazy to look at it's almost overwhelming the amount of stuff i can just see in the ground today we're gonna become the leader lion all we need is 32 emeralds and 128 gold which with my lion scent should be a piece of cake to get let's go try it out that is already 15 gold and we already had seven ingots meaning we only need basically 126 more now let's do the next age upgrade to become a leader and boom we're officially a leader lion we look similar but now we're slightly darker in color you're also gonna notice that look how many hearts we have and we are even faster and stronger than before we now get 25 hearts speed 5 and strength 5. but to get the final omega upgrade we are going to need a dragon egg 500 pork chop and 500 raw beef it's gonna be a massive grind for the thousand meat and it's gonna be pretty hard because i have to go take down the ender dragon get its egg just upgrade into my final form but it's gonna be worth it okay and good morning on day 69 we need to get that dragon egg so we can get our own mega form unlocked the first step is i have to collect blaze rods so i can make eyes of enders let's go to the nether let's collect some blaze rods and then come on back nice and we got two blaze rod okay that gives us six we need four more seven perfect that's all we need look at all this gold this is gonna be perfect for trading this is exactly what we needed and let's trade those and see how many ender pearls we get trade me some ender pearls fellas [Music] oh i walked away for one second and we're done trading hello friends did we get an oh we did we got 22 thank you okay you gotta die now okay let's make our way back home okay and we are back what day are we on 71. okay well we officially can start making our way to the fortress because we have the blaze rods and we have the ender pearls so let's store up a bunch of the stuff we got it gives us 14 irelander to start with plenty more to make let's grab some food before we go let's get going okay i'm not gonna be doing any more x-raying for a little while so i turned the shader pack back on and everything looks amazing again anyway let's go and let's throw our first eye of ender and see which direction we gotta go to get to the end let's go to the top of the mountain and give this thing a throw okay looks like it's this way let's get to that jungle tree and throw another one okay let's go up here here we go throw another one it's going this way oh my god a lion oh yeah i see him oh they're here i got the infinity bow he's bleeding you're not living that one buddy he's done oh my god that does so much damage no no i only saw one so he may just been he made i don't think the hunters were attacking i think he was just in the area i think oh maybe not where did that come from up here he's shooting a cannon oh that hurts that hurts but not oh but it doesn't matter see you later oh no oh man oh they survived one hit of my lion's wrath which apparently has a durability of only 2 000. i did not know that okay with both of them dead though let's keep making our way to the end hey keep going this way oh we finally turned finally we're here let's start digging down here we go we found it we found it break the spawner there we go there we go and we're in the end let's do it okay it is time to fight this ender dragon we are in the end let's go oh we're in trouble nice we're alive okay cool nice now let's get back up on one of the towers so we can keep destroying them okay and this is the last one we need to get let's put a block in this corner nice hey get over here and now we'll just shoot our arrow right there perfect okay that should be all the healy points now the dragon's in the center let's kill him off yeah we sniped him let's go come on coming down to the center here we go we gotta bleed him it's not working it's okay we get it with this we got him down really low next time he lands in the center we'll be able to kill him nice we killed him let's go okay let's eat some food we killed him let's eat some food then we'll get our egg all right partner we got a lion stop oh what are they doing here oh there's one over here i see him i see him i see him i'll push him back partner they took the egg oh they put land mine too okay eat it then we're gonna go through we're gonna chase them get some health back let's go okay spawn back at the bed but the thing is i thought it was gonna bring me to spawn and we would be i'd be able to chase them i can't even chase them they got away with my egg i guess that means i have to sleep for now and uh i'll wake up tomorrow and i guess make a game plan to get it back hello one day 73 so we have really two options on the table and i don't even think one of them is possible but i'm gonna think about it option number one is to respawn the ender dragon kill it again and get another egg however i think i need the egg to respawn the dragon i'm not positive about that but i think that's the case meaning this idea is probably a no go option two is to straight up deal or egg back which is exactly what i'm gonna do question is though where is it time to start investigating i'm gonna make my way over to the hunter's base to check it out cause that's kind of my first guess but i doubt they're stupid enough to put it there okay here we are we're at the enemy's base and they don't seem to be here they put a troll flag and everything okay so they're not here right now and i don't see the egg anywhere i don't know i need it i can't get in so let me break this okay i don't fit so that's that's kind of useless i don't think there's anything in here let's check in this building what's it say you want your egg go to negative 1472 79 and negative 1119. this is obviously a trap they have my egg they gave me a sign to tell me where to find it it's clearly a trap if i want to get to my final line form i have no choice but to fall for this dumb trap so i guess we're gonna start heading to these coordinates let's go within a couple hundred blocks of the coordinates here still don't see a oh i see i see armor i see someone oh i do in fact see a base oh that is surrounded with traps those are fans on the top so i can't go over the top i'd have to go right in the front door i literally see the egg it's floating there oh my look at all the mines no i might actually die here hold up i need some blocks for a sec uh let me go get some cobblestone let's get over that wall and let's check on the egg if we can get to the egg we're gonna just grab it and take it but if it's protected we may not be able to describe i'm going quick here we go okay here we go ready oh i can't even build up i can't build up how do i get into this hold on can i let's go around the side can you f5 they literally have the egg surrounded in a pit of lava and it's on top of if i go in there i can't get the egg they'll literally just blast me as i'm trying to climb up here we go jump on this cobble there we go jump on this we go over the spikes nice we're in now we're gonna get to the egg okay can we tell no i'll die i don't see what they're just gonna blast me and she'll be in the lava if i go there i'm literally gonna die i have to leave i gotta leave if i wanna get that egg without dying i'm going to need elytra you see i'm gonna have to fly in there otherwise they're just gonna shoot me into that lava so let's get out of here and quickly go get some elytra in the end and then we'll come back fly in and steal our egg back i spent days 76 through 79 simply just looking for an end city that had a ship so i could get a lytra i found a few fortresses during my hunt but none of them contained the elytra ship unfortunately i wouldn't find that ship until day 80. oh finally we got one with a ship let's go okay for second i thought this was another dud thank god i'm so fast as a lion let's just get up here as fast as we can and get those a light trip oh yeah we got the elytra grab whatever's in here i don't care what the boots i'll take the emeralds now let's make our way back to the overworld this is gonna take a while but now we're a flying lion on day 81 i simply made my way back to the overworld since it was a pretty long journey okay we are officially back in the overworld i'm a lion who can fly because of my elytra look at that and with these elytra i should be able to get my egg back and turn into the omega lion let's finally try it out okay i see their base in the distance they definitely need some more upgrades because there is way more traps surrounding it but it doesn't matter what traps they put on the ground my goal is to fly up and over to get that egg right there so we're actually going to go ahead and uh build a tower right here and we are going to fly all the way over there here we go we got to do this first try here we go ready and we're going in they don't even know where i'm here yet oh he sees me he's in the middle he's in the middle we can get out of here oh they just shot me down okay we have to take him out okay one's dead let's get him off oh you're going down okay here we go let's go down here land on this block oh they threw it actually that's gonna help me that smoke is gonna actually help me oh maybe not well now i can't see him why would you do that no you're making it worse okay i'm stuck in this smoke i can't okay i'm at the end okay we need to break this block oh i'm shot that's fine that's fine we need to break this and this nice we can do it now let's just break this obsidian quick place we got one he fell again i got the egg i got the egg okay ready and fly no he got the egg you got the egg oh my god i got over the wall we're gone oh they're chasing okay quickly eat some food throw on the armor and then we can kill them and turn around and kill them real quick you're not chasing me one down two down oh he's not down he's almost dead okay we're out of here we're running we're running we're just gonna get out of here we got the egg i'm gonna count this as a win that was the win we got the egg it didn't go perfectly as planned but we still got it let's go and we're home on day 83 perfect okay now that we're back let's go ahead and do the upgrade we have the dragon egg and all we need besides that is the thousand me so now we gotta quickly just do the grind for a thousand meat which shouldn't take too long and then we'll go from there so you know what time it is it's time for a meat montage [Music] okay let's grab all of the meat we can from our chest this should be enough with the dragon egg to turn into the omega lion the final form that we can unlock so let's go step outside and do the final upgrade and look at me i am the uber lion look at my punch i'm on two legs look at this literally look how fast i'm running look at this okay there's their base i got the tnt ready i got the redstone torch we need to blow it up now let's go take them out shall we jump over everything he's mutant what are you talking about oh my goodness oh and we're in baby okay no we're in a trap oh my gosh oh okay i blocked myself in oh they've used it half my heart in one shot i'm not okay i'm not okay you know i gotta i gotta do it let's break over here oh my god there's water under here i can use this we can get on this block there we go place one here place one here and we're out already dude see you later we'll leave a lever here perfect we'll use this and i'm gone boy he's blowing up look at that baby all your items are blown up well it looks like a chest survived well let's see we can set that off oh i'm levitating i'm levitating oh okay you know what i'm taking my win we're gone that was tough that was insane i knew destroying the hunter's base on day 85 was gonna slow them down a ton and it definitely did because i didn't even see the hunters for the next three days and they were running out of time so i must have set them back a lot okay so perfect let's let's start enchanting some of our stuff let's see we can get sharpness three on our lions wrath so already it is much stronger now it's not just 57 or 15 damage it's 17 attack damage so it's now even stronger let's also get some of our armor upgraded so let's start with our diamond chest plate all right partner i'm ready i'm shooting blow it up yep oh they're here they're here oh no they're sitting on tt hold on protect the chest protect the chest oh god i just get it by missile oh no they're destroying my chest oh he missed it i see this no he didn't destroy my chest oh god i'm going over here for this guy oh okay that did a lot where's the other one where's the other guy yeah you like that oh god he's still coming at me oh okay that did a decent bit my protection one definitely makes their bullets do less though use roar let's make him nauseous nice so let's eat i think oh i got hit again where where where where oh i'm hitting it there he is okay my health is too low i'm not gonna fight this oh mile's really low now he just blasted me we're gone unicorn's gun just got rid of half my hp in a single shot i gotta go cause one more bullet to that and i'm dead i was able to recover some of this stuff but most of my stuff's gone rest in peace base but we gotta move on to a new one the hunters now have netherrite bullets and those things are insanely strong even against me as an omega lion i stand little chance against those things luckily for me though i have the ability to smell out oars so for the next three days i used my lion scent to find tons of ancient debris and upgraded all my gear into netherrite okay cool let's go back in the base whoop and there we go so perfect we're doing good we have the full another right armor fully accomplished and we have it with all our enchantments on it so today we're gonna work on getting our enchantment table up and running again and then see if we can get some better enchantments to make some better netherride armor because while protection one and stuff is good i don't know if that's gonna be able to stop all of their netherrite bullets three blocks they're here that bridge was not there before oh my god wait are they oh hold on i need to get in they're breaking in right now watch it oh he blocked it quick oh yes okay the dude did that the right armor stopped so much more of their bullets oh my god that only did a little speck of my health that's much better okay well they're dead um and the race isn't nearby so i think it's gonna be a bit before they're back so for now we're good after defeating the hunters once again with my upgraded armor i only had five more days to survive and lucky for me i wouldn't even have to fight them again until day 96. okay perfect we have an escape tunnel now so that way if we need to we can escape at the back and we won't get trapped in just one front door area otherwise we could really get ourselves in a pickle all right what a rip all right [Music] okay i'd say our tunnel looks pretty good overall what is that oh what is that oh i got it i got it i got it when i get hit by oh god oh i'm living i'm stuck oh go okay we can win this we can win this let's just heal up just in case they try to blow up my stuff we have it oh they tried to just trick me into tnt nice we got him and there he is there's the other one let's get him and go back no he's going to die he's got to die from that right yes there we go yes okay we survived that they blew the heck out of my base but luckily this time we saved the diamonds they didn't actually end up blowing up any of the chests they all end up surviving luckily let's just rebuild this base because i really don't feel like moving at this point again and uh because all i really got to do is replace the floor and i already just built this tunnel and i really don't want to get rid of it so let's just repair the base real quick because i know for a fact this is only the beginning of their attacks as we are getting really close to day 100. the next few days continued with the hunters attacking me again and again and again but still with my armor and full lion upgrades they couldn't take me down that is until day 99 where they tricked me into an extremely dangerous trap if this doesn't kill him i i don't know what's going to kill him because that is so elaborately set okay we're running low on food so they try to shoot my base again let's go let's just kill them for something i'm not even let them near the base where'd they go is that i see a tower up there they're both there they're climbing hey let's get him let's hit him off oh god yeah what's up lions oh okay fellaini fell in oh god oh god oh they just almost blew me up they had a trap set up that almost blew me up okay i need to find a way out of here this is a tough one to get out of they definitely put a rim on this there we go they're up top there i see them get on this tree so they can't shoot me oh that almost killed me though that got me really low oh what oh i lived there with one hp what was that it put me just in the air over here we can kill them here we can kill them here that's unsetting yeah that's unsetting dude we're on day 99 this is literally going to be if i can kill them here just hide under this tree oh god let's get under them they can't do anything if i'm under them below us he's done what do we live we can get him you're done you're done you're done let's go they're dead oh let's go oh we survived we're done what we're done it's day 99 we're done we gathered so much tnt and so many spikes and so much lava for that and it didn't even kill you and uh we don't we don't know what to do now we're just we're done i will say i was down to one heart during that fight are you kidding i was having a one heart oh my god you guys had me on the like if you guys are gonna surrender i'm just gonna wait till day 100 for the sun to come up and that means i win okay well the sun is rising it is almost day 100 and we have officially won 100 days as a lion we were victorious it is day 100 and that means we have survived 100 full days as a lion and the omega lion was too strong to beat thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 4,258,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, 100daychallenge, 100 days as a lion, ryguyrocky 100 days, minecraft lion, minecraft morph mod, minecraft custom mod, 100 days ryguy, sponsored, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: 7iPy0PpBOlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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