I Survived 100 Days as a POKEMON in Minecraft!

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imagine for the next 100 days your pokemon have to save the world from evil legendaries i was exploring my minecraft pokemon town planning on filming my 1500 days of minecraft pokemon until something different happened as i was flying on my arceus a warm hole opened up and suddenly i got sucked inside teleporting me to a completely different world and just like that i landed inside of a completely different world almost like it was in my past uh where am i in it what's up with my oh no oh what do you know i became a pokemon at first i thought i was dreaming but no i was the real deal i'm a legendary mew not to mention i had a new startup pokemon a level five cyndaquil hey uh you must be my best friend together we will conquer the world no nose we can't do that we gotta help people oh dude yeah you're right we were both hungry so i scavenged around the area searching for food i noticed that i was on a massive island in the middle of nowhere not to mention everything just fell really old and suddenly a legendary entei appeared and cynical decided that it was a good idea to attack it with flamethrower as soon as we realized that did absolutely nothing we ran away i headed to the nearby trees and grabbed some food ate it and went to sleep on day two that woke up and in the distance was a professor running at me i didn't know what he wanted but i was not about to get captured inside of a pokeball no no that's not good hey come back i need a mew for my findings who wants to find out what's inside of a pokeball huh not me go single girl let's show them who's the boss you can talk my theory it must be correct hold on i'm not going to hurt you you can hear me yes of course the sky lit up last night and my theory was right i'm honestly surprised that he wasn't confused when he heard a talking pokemon come on follow me we have a lot to talk about well anyways i wasn't sure where he was taking me but i followed him inside the village and this place had a bunch of town members and different merchants at the center was the town hall as we walked inside i was greeted by the region captain professor you expect me to trust a pokemon that you found on the beach yes i have a good feeling about this one don't you remember what happened to the last person we trusted what would happen again he can help us with our mission okay maybe this wasn't going my way i was a pokemon and had no idea what i was doing here we have a great enemy to our region one that has been causing chaos over our land get some sleep before your mission begins you're gonna need it come on moose let me show you around the town i wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about if there was others just like me but the greater enemy was lingering over this world i just had to figure out who it was well anyways we were starving so cynical and i ate some ramen and fell asleep the professor gave us a town home to stay in so i quickly moved in to my new place unfortunately cynical and i couldn't afford to buy any furniture so i went around the village meeting the town people this place had its very own community including a doctor different types of shopkeepers move tutors sketchy salesmen and even bicycles can you believe that you ever seen a pokemon on a bicycle moose come with me it's an emergency professor what are you doing here i followed the professor up a giant mountain and there he told me what happened there once was a great being a god of all pokemon one that created this island a home while the creation trio protected the world and kept it balanced god put in charge five noble pokemon with the purpose to help protect each region what an evil being emerged from the shadow dimension causing corruption in our world and taking control of our guardians now the humans fear of being hunted and worry about the safety of the jubilee village i trust you two with this mission investigate the obsidian highlands and find out where the corruption is coming from of course you can trust us with this mission professor good soon you will come across the old settlements and for all of us to succeed we must be reunited the next morning i headed out to the obsidian field lance cyndaquil and i had a long way to go before we could uncover who's behind the rage of these pokemon i gotta say this place is absolutely massive the world is filled with different communities of pokemon living in different parts of the nope so area and i got battling we kept defeating packs of caterpies six sagoons veggies and a few more it was a few close calls but nothing we couldn't handle and with the help of my potions i kept cynical safe i even found my first shiny anyways in no time cynical leveled up hitting level 13 oh ability unlocked what is this it turns out while being a pokemon i also level up and learn new abilities now that was interesting so i tested out my ancient power ability on the nearby pokemon then my lightning bolt on the water pokemon next was flamethrower on the grass types and this one this was just absolutely insane i had an explosion ability which does this now that was a huge explosion in my final ability with psychic you do not want to mess with the new that knows this move not even zashian stands a chance [Music] this place was filled with different types of pokemon once i finished catching the majority i saw a bridge in the distance as i crossed the river it led me to the next area moose that mountain is huge i found my way traveling up a mountain i defeated a bunch of geodudes and gravelers along the way but cynical did have some trouble but i managed to help her out with my very own pokemon moves take this you really want to mess with cynical yeah that's what i thought what you gonna do huh once i got to the top it was a showdown i battled a boss pokemon with my cyndaquil and well this happened he absolutely wrecked me then he tried to attack me but i quickly ran as fast as i could oh no that's not good cynical just fainted i feel bad putting cynical up against the boss like that but luckily i found a base camp at the top of the mountain and in no time i healed my pokemon cyndaquil i think you need a name hmm i'm gonna call you cindy as i continued my adventure throughout the second area i came across a glowing purple light coming out of a hole this was called the ray den inside are mysterious creatures incapable of gigantomaxing so we're just a little bit under leveled to take on this dynamaxx pokemon while traveling through the forest i caught a bunch of different pokemon including scyther and this pink caterpie which gave me the achievements pokemon and pink then i caught water types in the ocean and that's when a legendary manatee spawned i tossed a bunch of pokeballs and after many fail attempts i ended up killing manaphy with my ancient power oh and while exploring the stone beach i went into one of my favorite pokemon chuckle who doesn't love this guy hey y'all want some rocks cyndaquil also found an ultramaril and once i caught it i unlocked the tainted grill achievements along the way i found more berry trees but cyndaquil kept stealing them from me we were finally able to start our berry farm back at jubilee village cindy we are officially farmers yes when everyone is sleeping wait what and while we were sleeping our base camp was invaded by an evil creature [Music] giratina showed up in front of me he attacked cyndaquil causing her to faint so i quickly jumped into the battle i used my ancient power to get his attention while keeping distance over his barrage of shadow balls you think this will stop me i will bring an end to this world soon my corruption will spread eventually releasing my creations into this world oh no my rock fans are in danger super shackled to the rescue shackle jumped in to help me he caught giratina off guard with his ancient power ability causing the evil being to vanish away i love rocks well at this point we're being hunted by this evil gear tina nope we got back to training we defeated a bunch of pokemon and cyndaquil finally reached level 14. evolving her into cool lava now that cindy was stronger getting to level 20 was a piece of cake wow this cake tastes amazing that's exactly what i'm saying this is my secret recipe just so we could save some cash we went inside in nearby mine we mined up a bunch of wars and even pokemon we haven't seen before we got back to base camp to create an anvil and some furnaces i crafted two diamond pickaxes and started making my very own pokeballs it was pretty simple using a hammer and then combining it with a lid afterwards i came across a pokemon running away from a boss since when do pokemon hunt each other it doesn't make any sense no please no don't hurt me cindy use your flamethrower to keep this stall raptor distracted while i stunned him with my lightning bolts combined with ancient power in no time star after fainted and disappeared hey you okay buddy yeah that was scary i was just trying to give the star after berries and the next thing you know something took over and he attacked me that's very strange the professor mentioned pokemon acting weird since the evil being wait you know the shadow myth follow me well look at that evie caught us off by surprise supposedly he knew about the myth of geratina the evil one whom is trying to corrupt this world i wouldn't be surprised if he's behind all of this anyways we arrived at a small cave and inside there was an old grandma did you bring your friend evie yes graham graham they just saved me from fainting to a boss star raptor oh what did i tell you about causing trouble let me heal you up i wasn't causing trouble the star raptor's eyes changed and just like the myth i see i could sense your aura moose you're not from around here are you um how did you know that all i remember was just falling through a portal and then long story short graham graham told us about the myth which correlated to the story that the professor mentioned to us looks like garetina was starting to get a bad reputation around here on days 15 to 17 while graham graham was telling us about a history and weird ear that she had lost something sinister was happening she knows about the singularity you must stop her what do you suggest we do she's a grandma trust me if they get a hold of your dear they will start getting closer to the truth now go fine i'll take care of it i know just the trick damn game was telling us that her mussuing weird ear has history with the evil being and therefore can help locate him fine we're there need a big tree he will guide you to garadita's location so we went on an adventure and along the way we caught a few new pokemon i arrived at the big tree and there it was a suite and weird ear i sneaked around and threw my pokeball instantly catching him let's go buddy i see graham graham told you to find me how's she doing uh she's good but we need your help oh you're here for him well i know just how to get to him except it's gonna be a long journey so it looks like everyone is gonna have to hit that subscribe button and watch till the end hey everybody it's an emergency professor uh what's going on the commander needs you back at jubalife village immediately dope we'll headed to the village and this is my first time meeting the commander he's in charge of this place and is known to be the most powerful trainer on this island it's with great honor to meet you moose our holy tree is at risk a noble guardian has turned against his own guard uh what noble guardian are you talking about a new form of scyther one much bigger than you might think now go protect the tree at all costs then on days 18 to 20 we arrived at the holy tree but this person was terrified it's too strong forget about the honey tree oh hold on a second what are you talking about there was this massive bug it's going to step on us okay now that was weird but this dude legitimately seemed terrified kind of had me worried anyways once i got to the noble food bowl or whatever you call this thing the warden was there help the noble cleaver has never acted like this i come from a generation of axolotl warriors something must be interfering [Music] the noble cleaver was destroying the holy tree we both ran in to the fights firing our flame through her to get cleaver's attention now this was kind of sucks because we could accidentally burn everything down but at least we were being careful the noble cleaver kept using his slapping ability and every time i dodged him he would run to the wall and base itself therefore giving us a chance to do some damage then the cleavor started using his rock throw badly damaging cindy the rocks kick bouncing around the battlefield constantly knocking me back as the clever lunged at me i dodged just in time causing the cliver to be dazed again finally i used my psychic power lifting cleavor in the air while cindy kept engulfing him with flamethrower as soon as cleaver dropped i used explosion putting an end to the noble guardians curse [Music] i finally got back the jubilee village and the commander was extremely happy best of all graham graham finally had a place to stay instead of living inside of a random cave with evie well done i officially promote y'all to recruits here are some rare candies and xp items now go take on some raid dens for a real challenge the commander gave us a new mission so the professor took us to the next location this place was called the crimson marlins it gave me a swampy type of vibe welcome this place can be very unforgiving be careful out there of course chuckle and cindy are having a blast in the swampy water look at them such interesting pokemon anyways i started catching the nearby pokemon such as toxil grimer eggins poliwhirl and a bunch more in the swamps well there we were standing in front of this raiden i touched the purple light and immediately engaged in the battle against a giant free bass cindy i hope you got this watch this moose that did absolutely nothing honestly the raid battles wasn't that bad i managed to defeat the boss in no time so we continued the commander's challenge picking on a bunch of raiden battles first i fought a toodle which i did barely any damage to next i took on zubat this time it wasn't that bad but continued farming the raidens and another time we reached level 30. we woke up to the professor freaking out his friend at a man the leader of the diamond settlement was in danger then we were responsible for saving him so he tossed the map over he was last seen we began traveling to the swampy biome along the way we caught a bunch of new pokemon such as this little turtle named judo a mudkip and even a shiny whooper then a legendary pokemon spawned inside the swamp aisle i found this majestic spectrier on my first pokeball throw i caught my first legendary cindy we finally did it welcome spectreer to our family well what do you know we fell for a trap a baby giratina showed up and summoned five boss pokemon he tried to get us killed but cindy and my team stayed strong we battled each boss one by one eventually defeating them with our powers we even got rare items and plenty of levels oh and my caterpie even evolved into a metapod and then a butterfree the next morning we found the location except it wasn't a professor's friend instead a mr mime mr mime [Applause] he told us that we must catch eleven alter pokemon and in return he will give us a prize we started the quest and with the help of my ultima real we located each pokemon starting with alter bagon and shelgon camping on top of a mountain then alter battle toy near a bog inside the swamp i found an ultra froakie and even a frogadier during the night i found an altar homage ordered by his father duoblade so i caught them both next was alter zoru which was absolutely adorable and to finish it off we found an ultra porygon in porygon 2 living inside an abandoned ruins after catching the altar pokemon mr mime gave us a prize a map which will lead us to the diamond settlements and there we will find a hidden clue to the leader's location but once we arrived everything was destroyed and we were too late moose come here what is this huh you found something looks like an artifact of some sort that right there is a clue the evil being must have got here before us with the help of weird ear and my psychic powers were able to use the artifact to locate an underground diamond mine this entire place was filled with diamonds i just couldn't resist mining some up hello you finally found me i managed to escape from this atrocious shadow figure that destroyed my home hey that professor told us to come find you he was just very worried good old professor i love that guy anyways i need your help please rebuild the diamond settlement and i'll help you with your mission we made a deal we started rebuilding the diamond settlement so adamant could help us we kept the blue theme for the tents added pathways with torches around a bunch of decorations and some trees to make this place feel just more alive good job this place looks better than before thank you all and all of you can stay as long as you want i gotta say once everybody moved in this place was awesome there were plenty of diamond settlement members and lots of people to buy items from i even purchased myself a bunch of ultra balls and potions ah moose i have a gift for you the 10 over there will be yours and i have a secret quest investigate the end for me a legendary pokemon awaits you thank you uh which legendary are you talking about well uh that that's the thing no one has been to the end we only have heard about the eternal max myth but if you catch this legendary it will help you stop the evil being the next morning i'm in an al kazam i was able to use his telekinesis to communicate with me hello human looks like you're stuck inside of a pokemon well yeah i i know that so what's the secret quest that anime speaks of there is a corruption in this island the same place where gerudina has emerged from i'll guide you but be aware of the risk inside you will find a stronghold with the portal to the end al kazam led us to guarantee his lair and the outside had corruption yet everything looked purple as we got inside i could sense the corrupted energy we finally made it to the main room i think giratina wasn't here so this gave us the chance to sneak past and lock eyes with the end portal anyways al kazam stayed back while we jumped inside and got teleported to the end we ended up fighting the ender dragon our fire attacks didn't work so i switched to using lightning bolt combined with ancient power and once the dragon landed i used my psychic move as we defeated the inner dragon it exploded into pieces spewing out xp for days once the egg dropped i went over to it and that's when the legendary eternamax spawned you dare step inside my dimension i am the one that will destroy the world i didn't know what this dude was talking about but i threw my ultra ball at him and on the first try i caught him so much for a destroy of the worlds and then the ox is spawned so i caught him too well looks like now a tournament is forced to help us seriously how did you do that it doesn't matter we just need your help dope we left the end with a tournament and he decided to start helping us i'm gonna need both of y'all to start picking up the pace a tournament gave us dynamaxx fans and when in battle it would allow us to use the g-max move it's time for y'all to meet the kung fu brothers the kubfu brothers who i'm not even sure how he knew these two we headed to a circulated area and there we met the kubfu brothers both located in a tower representing a fighting style you're ready to become uncomfortable yes i'm ready now let's get fighting eating the cub food brothers was an honor it turns out they're celebrities known for their kung fu skills they might look small but trust me they can do this welcome to our dojo it's an honor to meet you we are all about your adventures then you must know that giratina is trying to corrupt this world yes we are here to help you but only one condition you must fight both of us these two really thought they had a chance for me well they tried kicking me in my face so i used psychic to lift the bolt up in the sky it ain't sure powered them away i told you never mess with the mule i'm not even trying it now that was awesome we're ready to help with the kubfu brothers on our side we were unstoppable it turned to max then told us to keep training first in the tower of darkness to evolve to a shifu single strike then tower of water to evolve into a shifu rapid strike on the way back to the diamond settlement i explored the nearby ruins and that's when it hit me moose welcome to my island i see you're doing good for yourself the moose outfit was getting a little bit old don't you think what no not at all bro that's my thing you're the chosen one i picked you to stop giratina we are counting on you as a god i cannot interfere or else judgment day will come y'all did a phenomenal job everyone here loves the koopa brothers head to the next region at tomorrow morning and here is your reward wow i don't know what just happened but we ended up in front of the commander and he was giving us booster carts how does that even make any sense um you got anything cool no just another caterpie hey what's wrong with cutter bees as i pulled a pikachu cord i unlocked an apparently i could now morph into a pikachu afterwards the professor took us to the new region called cobalt coastlands this was giving me vacation vibes and who doesn't want a pina colada on the beach your quest for the temple of sinnoh begins there we can summon the timekeeper as our final way to stop the evil being so in the meantime search for the fire clan leader she loves hanging around jesus and growl lifts well we didn't get the chance to enjoy the beach but we headed up a mountain to find the new historian pokemon cindy spotted them in the distance and i quickly snuck up on the growlithe and caught it with my ultra ball on days 53 to 59 i became best friends with blaze this is suey and growling team i got us a mission we were attacked by strike gardevoir she grabbed that hussuya growleth and ran off good job gardevoir just as i expected father this will prevent them from reaching the fire clan leader anything for you evil being we were hunting down every single strike pokemon until one of them could give me information about blaze this is silly and growlithe i located the strike evie pack i snuck up on them and used my psychic move then capture them with my pokeballs i arrived at the trees nearby the shore to find strike curlia enrolled spin on top of the shore rocks finding a strike sneasel trying to hide from me and lastly the same location of the history and growlers there was a strike vulpix which was trying to camouflage but that didn't work out so well listen i'm giving you a new home with me now spill the beans about the gardevoir okay fine i didn't see anything you don't want to see me mad the strike gardevoir works for geratina you'll see that wasn't so hard nope we found the strike gardevoir near an abandoned ship and there was blaze trapped in a cage cindy ran in and engulfed the strike gardevoir with her flamethrower i grabbed my ultra ball through it and caught her i broke the cage and released their friend blaze let's build our own village here we will stand our ground in honor of blaze we turn the first ship into an actual house with a bed kitchen and storage room as for the second ship we decorated it completely different we added paths cool ocean floats and decorated the beach to make it look like a relaxing vacation spot isn't this nice what a beautiful sunrise hey another emergency let's go one day it was fun while it lasted and professor told us to find the molten arena there we can catch all sorts of fire type pokemon and meet the fire clan leader now swimming across was going to be tricky i couldn't let cindy down so i searched for his sweet basket legions that spotted them and used my diving skills catching both forms then we swam on the backs of our basket legions we arrived at the moulton arena i caught a magmar magmortar and nine tails and even a hissuin arcanine and then found a pink rhyhorn which was pretty rare i gotta say and finally we met the fire clan leader blaze where have you been mother it turns out helena was the mom of a lost history and growlers and we just happened to catch him the corruption begins on day 66 to 72 molina gave us a new mission to locate a firestone to use on blaze though we traveled to the coal coastlands and began battling pokemon planes got a few levels then we kept training this area was filled with new types and we began catching some new pokemon such as santa scorch and it's toxicity not a bad find i gotta say the coastlands definitely had some tough pokemon cindy guess what center scorch and toxicity can both match santa scorch was not messing around it made this dynamic slow poke look absolutely weak now for toxicity he turned into this massive rock star salamander tacticity and the last thing you want to do is get struck by its lightning the kung fu brothers were finally ready lee turned into an urshifu single strike form delivering powerful punches at his enemies while poe became the rapid strike form and he's able to annihilate any ray den using his kicks as i explored the ocean i found a pack of his and quill fish guarded by very intimidating hissuin over quill and the worst thing you could do is get poked by a bunch of needles anyways i swam with a pack and threw my ultra balls catching them both finally we found a firestone as we used it on blaze it began evolving into a historian arcanine then cindy reached level 36 and evolved into a museum typhlosion now she was a fire and ghost type just look at those purple flames then on day 73 to 79 things got a little bit heated you won't believe this but a team of three trainers showed up and tried catching cindy you're coming with us typhlosion you belong to the misfortunes now i battle charm the leader of misfortunes quickly wiping out our team with cindy so much for a bunch of bandits apparently these three had a reputation for stealing valuables anyways appelina led us into the heart of the volcano i got into a battle with the legendary heatran the one powering the volcano i sent in cindy but we were extremely under-leveled after taking down heatran's health i kept throwing my ultra balls and finally caught in now you can officially keep heatron safe he will help power up all your fire type moves each train gave us to charcoals which increases our fire tax by 20 more damage oh not this again rc is teleporting me to the clouds the god showed me the truth giratina was finally in control of temple of sinnoh he summoned the alga timekeeper thiago fired its attack at guarantina but it did nothing something started corrupting the alga transforming it into its origin form it's happening the corruption is spreading with the alga's war of time he destroyed the temple of sinnoh causing an eruption the lava flowed down the mountain on its way to destroy jupiter village arceus teleported me at the front of the battle with her flames and they threw rocks at diago's legs but it first took this massive beast down i even tried is my lightning bolt and psychic but the alba was resistant to my powers cindy was badly hurt i had no other choice but then keep using flamethrower on the timekeeper as i threw my ultra ball diago's magic just wore off and i captured him the timekeeper was finally free of its curse and ready to stop giratina look the sky is clearing up yup and geratina is retreating but he'll be back we stopped the lava from getting the jubilee village and what do you know our building skills came in handy the town members used their fireworks lighting up the sky with colors it was a celebration the next morning commander gave us a bunch of rare candies as our prize plenty to level up my team and make them stronger the mission isn't over yet giratina has more evil plans and you still have two more regions to explore before reaching the pearl settlement we made a quick pit stop through the corona highlands and there was lots of powerful pokemon on this mountainous region professor gave us a mission to locate the 19 spirit pokemon in this region only then will the three legendary spirit watchers reveal themselves the spirit watchers they're the only ones aware of giratina's weakness dope i went searching the regions catching spirit vaporeon toxipex and milotic by the river along with the other pokemon i then found spirit leafeon shroomish and brelum in the moonview arena i located the spirit ev and its pack i caught the leader the spirit sylveon alongside the friends jolteon and flareon near the snowy region i located glacion and umbreon then i found spirit espeon with porygon 2 and mimikyu at the celestica ruins lastly i found the ancient quarry home of the dragon types including gujarats salamances flygons and the spirit drippy evolution line including draglock and dragopoltz with the help of the spirit pokemon that was able to find the spirit watchers but they were missing spirit reggie leckie they were in charge of keeping balance to the temple of suno but with giratina's corruption they're at risk moose you have proven yourself worthy we are the spirit watchers we see the future and keep balance between good and evil with giratina's corruption our powers are weakened we will guide you but we cannot interfere let us join you we will show you your future so i caught both of them to help me find the location of spirit reggio leckie and then i caught a hissui in voltorb and electrode to complete the corona thailands now all we needed was the pearl clan and the commander gave us insights to find the proclaim leader but it wasn't going to be easy and very cold [Music] welcome to the alabaster icelands with where your toes will freeze off this won't be an issue in order to find the proclaim we needed help of a hassuian zoroark so we went searching through the avalog's legacy catching avalog pillow swine and other ice types then i found an ice cave right next door we jumped down and at the very end of the cave there was massive ice rocks next to them was just suing zoru and the parents it's suing zoroark welcome travelers to our ice cave we hope you find it comfy i'm gonna need you to guide us to the pearl clan i shall show you the way we arrived at a massive waterfall and next to it was a small cave that we swam to and inside was irena their pearl clan leader prove to me who you are if you win the pearl clan will assist you and guide you so i challenge yorita i sent out cindy and instantly melted through her ice type pokemon after the battle we traveled to the pearl settlements and helped direta rebuild the place making it look completely brand new we needed a way to find the spirit regiolecki and with the help of irena she guided us up the mountain past the massive waterfall finally arriving at the snow point temple the door opened up and we reached the legendary reggie lucky spirit [Music] i apologize for my actions i couldn't control my powers we must stop geratina without palkia we are weakened kiritana origin is very powerful but his full form is not complete in his ultraform the evil being is bound to the shadow dimension causing his powers to be cut in half a few super effective moves used at once should take him out especially with the help of dialga diaga showed us where to find the history and bravery so we can fly into battle we got to lake equity on top of the mountain i found a small island with a cave outside was guarded by the historian braveries and rowlets in the distance was the legendary lake guardian ooxy moose quick catch bravery and head to the temple of shadow with the help of dialga you can stop giratina from controlling palkia there is so much you don't know you will find out in the next 200 days for now stop the evil being or he will release the lord of shadows yup you heard that right lord of shadows on these 98 to 99 we flew over to the sino temple sneaking up on giratina i fired my second attack causing guarantina to be trapped cindy and dialga both used their moves to damage giratina he had him pinged and suddenly he vanished he appeared behind tiago and used his dragon wash ability it was super effective against the alga so i used my last resort transforming into a pikachu quickly using my electro ball attack to stun guarantina dolph i sent out tournaments and finished the battle with the tournament on day 100 with the defeat of garetina the corruption was beginning to restore and that's when arceus showed up well done moose you have restored only a fraction this is just the beginning i present you with the eternamax form now go stop the lord of shadows arceus was talking to me about traveling to the shadow dimension now this is gonna be an amazing two on a day journey so subscribe and click the 100 days playlist on the screen to binge watch my other 100 day movies trust me even at tournaments approves
Channel: Moose
Views: 2,990,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, pokemon, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, moose, 100 days hardcore, minecraft hardcore, moose 100 days, I survived, 100 days, pixelmon, 100 days minecraft, 100 days challenge, i survived 100 days, hardcore minecraft, 100 days as a pokemon, I survived 100 days in minecraft, 100 days survive, minecraft pokemon, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft mod, pixelmon 100 days, 100 days in pixelmon, pokemon in minecraft, pokemon minecraft, moosecraft, bronzo, fozo, maxcraft
Id: 9K_Kr8S8t9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 1sec (2521 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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