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imagine if you confuse Pokemon together to get God Pokemon well on Smash MC you can and I will be spending 100 days doing just that one server and just released an update where you can fuse Pokemon together for example you can fuse a Charizard with an Agron to create an aggressor I have three goals for this 100 days first is to acquire sixth Fusion Pokemon but one has to be shiny second is to defeat all eight gyms and my last goal is to steal a Pokemon from The War Zone on day one I started off with nothing but a shiny Charmander and some pokeballs this shiny charmander was actually very important because if I could get a shiny Agron then I could fuse these two Pokemon together to get a shiny agrizard charmander you're the chosen one the first thing that I did was go to the fusion room so that I could check out all of the different fusions that the server has and the first one that is featured is an agrizard which is one of the Pokemon that I hope to get except Maya Grizzard is going to be shiny there's also a ravelto zacious a grout jump and many more this la pera is also one that I'm going to be targeting in this video because it's a fusion between Lapras and tortera which are two Pokemon that are relatively easy to capture so then I rtp'd Into the Wilderness and got searching for Pokemon since one of my goals in this adventure is not only to get a bunch of fusion Pokemon but also to beat all of the gyms I wanted to make sure that I had a lot of really strong Pokemon so I went out and tried to catch every strong Pokemon that I could find and the first one that I came across was this Larvitar which will eventually evolve into a pseudo legendary Tyranitar and so I shocked a bunch of pokeballs at it until I captured it and boom just like that we had our second Pokemon a level 22 Larvitar and then I noticed that I'd stumbled across somebody else's base so I went over to check it out and without any permission I was able to walk right into the door I looked in his chest and saw that he had a sea pickle so I decided to take it and use it for um my own pleasure I feel like I should say this though if you do steal from other players on the server you will be banned so do not take after for me or else you'll get banned luckily though it is my server so I can do what I want and I want to steal some sea pickles then I found a master ball Loot and I got a big pearl from it it might not seem like too big of a deal but you can actually sell these big pearls for a lot of money and with that money I can buy Pokemon that other players are selling on the GTS so one plan that I had in mind was to get a lot of money on the server so that I can buy rare Pokemon and fuse them together and getting a big pearl was definitely a good start then I found a forest biome which was very important because that is where turtle expands and turchwig eventually will evolve into Torterra which I confuse with the Lapras to get a la pera and only a couple seconds into searching I found a bay leaf which isn't really what we were looking for but it is another starter grass Pokemon which gave me a lot of Hope and not too long later I it's her twig so that my Charmander at it hit it with a couple of scratches until it was in the red then I threw my pokeballs at it and just like that we had already shared our first half to our first few Fusion Pokemon I nicknamed my turn twig lab rat one and my Charmander Shiny lab rat one because they're pretty much gonna be used as Fusion fodder later on in this video and I stumbled across the village which had already been pillaged by other members of society so there wasn't really too much left in here I did however steal the bell and kept moving and then I randomly stumbled across a score buddy which is not a Pokemon that I was thinking of catching at all in this 100 days but after thinking about it he actually does have a Pokemon that he can fuse with if I can somehow manage to get my hands on an urshifu A cinderace and urshifu can fuse together to create Cinder Shifu and that would be epic and so already we had four Pokemon on the team then I ventured until I found an ocean biome because that is where Lapras will spawn however Lapras is definitely a very challenging Pokemon so I was expecting this to take quite a while so I crafted a boat became Jack Sparrow and sailed off to the Sea and Dad since I was out at Sea I decided to make a pit stop at my toilet when duty calls duty calls and well my editor let me know that while I was taking care of business of course that is when a lap respawned right in front of me when I got back from nuking my bathroom unfortunately there was no Pokemon here so I decided to continue boating outwards and onwards until we stumbled across another one and then it happened I found another Lapras in the wild the problem was it was level 30 and I didn't have any Pokemon to damage it so again I just had to throw random pokeballs at it until I hopefully caught it and a couple pokeballs later it happened I caught the Lapras I nicknamed him ratlab 2. then I got to training my Turtwig the best way that I knew to do that was to warp to the training area here you could battle trainers over and over again to level up your Pokemon and not too long later my Turtwig AKA lab rat evolved into a grotto and not too long after that lab rat evolved again into the Pokemon we've been waiting for a tour Terra and now that I had lab rat number one and two it was time to fuse them now normally it is pretty challenging to get a fusion key which is something that you need in order to actually fuse your two Pokemon together but for the sake of the video I just decided to give myself the keys that I need so with that being said the next thing I did was add my Lapras to the left side my Torterra to the right side added my Fusion key and confirm that la pera is the Pokemon that I wanted I look to the left I saw my Lapras I looked to the right and saw my Torterra and then back my two Pokemon fused and a la pera appeared I was so excited this was easily one of the coolest looking Pokemon that I had ever seen and not only did he look incredibly cool but he's very very strong as well Kai was so excited to use him and probably the coolest thing about these Fusion Pokemon is at level 100 they get their own custom moves for example when the prayer gets to level 100 it learned to move called tropical remap this move does a lot of damage and it also resets the battlefield from any terrain so the next thing I did was go to the training area to grind a bunch of levels for La Pera I trained for a long long time until Lapras hit level 100 then he learned his signature move tropical remap then I saw my big Pro that I got from a basketball loot for just 500 and that kind of made me realize how broke I actually was and I don't know about you guys but I don't like being broke so the next thing I did was go to the boss Tower because here you can get really good loot and now that I had a level of prayer it was relatively easy to make money here quickly got amazing items like a light ball and it's so fast and many more Amazing items even a Dynamax candy there were so many really cool Pokemon in the boss Tower where Not only was it a ton of fun to take out these really high level Pokemon but my money was going up and up like crazy and after not too long of grinding I realized that I had over twenty thousand dollars and a bunch of useful items but I know where to store these items so the next thing I did was set out to find a nice place to build a house then I found it a tiny island in the middle of a pond this is where I was going to make my home base because I thought it would be really cool if you guys join the server and build an entire city around this island if you guys want to join make sure on the Kyogre server and do slash warp siren that's gonna take you right here and my house is going to be right there I also made a little dirt path here so if anybody wants to make this and do a really cool Bridge please do so and after a little while I was able to flatten the entire Island and because of that I had a good amount of materials to actually build my little house the next day all right and after a little while I I made I made something yeah I'm just gonna call it something you guys ever have a dumb friend that sometimes says something like kind of random and you're like wow you know he actually seems pretty smart I feel like that is what happened with this build you see I'm a really really bad Builder but I feel like this might be one where you look at it you're like ah you know what it's not the worst thing ever okay it's it's pretty bad guys listen I tried no I really did I know that there's still like a lot more detail I could do on the walls and like and trimming and stuff but I don't care I just want to go catch Pokemon so yeah this is the house for now um we're definitely going to be improving it at some point but I've been building it for so long that I honestly just don't feel like doing it anymore a couple full inventories and 25 000 later I was ready to start hunting for another Fusion Pokemon I gave my sea pickle a kiss for good luck then I rtp'd until I found a Mesa then I finally found one and the reason I wanted a Mesa so bad is because this is where Aeron spawns and I really need to find a shiny eron so that I can fuse its final evolution Agron with our shiny charmander that will eventually become a shiny Charizard and if we can do that that means that we would have our first shiny Fusion Pokemon my plan was going accordingly because I was finding a lot of erons in the area but none of them were shiny and after spending a couple of days in the area the unthinkable happened I found a legendary Pokemon a Terrakion I was so nervous I didn't really know what to do so I just started flusher balls at it and after about 50 Ultra Balls I finally caught it Terrakion was mine unfortunately I wasn't really planning on using him too much but instead using him to trade for another legendary Pokemon like perhaps an urshifu if I could get someone to try to be an Hershey food for this terracion then I could fuse the Hershey food with his cinderase to get Cinder Shifu so that was my plan I stuck around a little while longer to try to find a shiny Aeron but was still unable to do so I took a break from hunting shiny Aeron and decided to hunt for another Fusion Duo this was the only other Fusion Duo that didn't require a legendary Pokemon it's a fusion between Greninja and dragon pole and it's called dragon ninja and so I set off looking for those two Pokemon to capture eventually I found a swamp I am to where I spent a couple of days there until I had eventually found a Froakie then without too much resistance I got the Froakie into the red and caught him binding dreepy was a similar story I had eventually found an extreme Hills biome but this time I didn't find the first evolution I ended up finding the second evolution a drag cloak this capture proved to be a little bit more challenging because I didn't really have any Pokemon that could damage it without killing it and so I did what I do best and just started chucking Ultra Balls at it and eventually we caught it and now the next step in the process is to get both of these Pokemon up to their final evolution and the best way to do that is to go back to the training area and Destroy these tyranitars quickly my Froakie evolved into Frogadier then finally into a Greninja and draclook evolved into dragon pult and now that I had them both fully evolved it was time to go to the fusion room to fuse both of these Pokemon I entered the computer inserted tractor pulled into one side and Greninja into the other then I put in the key and confirmed that I wouldn't defuse the two Pokemon together to get a dragon ninja he was so cool looking I couldn't tell which Fusion I liked more the dragon ninja or the la pera now you might be wondering siren what are you doing hundreds of blocks in the air well you see this is an acrobat Farm I am actually scared of heights so this is a little bit horrifying but you see if you type in slash skills and chat this menu pops up where you can see all these different types of skills that you can grind on the server and one of them is acrobatics and to gain XP in the acrobatic skill you have to take fall damage this skill in particular is not too essential for Pixelmon but if I can get it to level 100 then I can jump higher and leap further which I think would be pretty fun so to kill time as I looked for a shiny eron I decided to grind this acrobatic Farm until I found the add-on I was looking for as soon as I got to the bottom all I had to do was Slash home one and it would send me back to the top eventually I got my acrobatics level up to level 28 and got some rewards one of them being a random Pokemon so I redeemed it and got a menchino and after a great deal of time after training acrobatics over and over and over again and seeing countless errons as I drop down from the skies eventually it happened I found a shiny Aeron I was really starting to give up hope because no one on the server seemed to have one so I didn't think I would ever be able to accomplish this goal but after telling just one Ultra Ball at it I had caught the Pokemon that I'd been looking for this entire time I was so excited and the very first thing I did was warp to the training area and get both of these Pokemon fully evolved and after shiny lab rat one or two were both fully evolved I went straight to the fusion room to fuse them together I sprinted straight to the monitor added the AG route on the left and the shiny Charizard on the right put in the fusion key and clicked to confirm that I wanted to get a shiny agrizard oh my goodness if this is not the coolest Pokemon in the entire game well I just don't know what is I thought that the regular aggress are looked cool but this black and red version is absolutely amazing I had never been happier the only problem with my three fusions at this time was that they weren't all level 100 yet so I spent the next little while trading up agrizard and dragon ninja until my entire team was level 100 and now that all of three of my Fusion Pokemon were fully trained it was time to take on the first gym now normally you're not allowed to use I believe any Uber tier Pokemon and definitely not any Fusion Pokemon on these gyms but I kind of know a guy who told me that it was okay for me to use Fusion Pokemon against these gems and I wasn't complaining about it the first gym leader was an electric gym leader who led with Galvantula and laid on into this gym battle I had realized that I severely underestimated how strong these gyms were so then I regrouped re-armed and brought in a whole team of six I also trained up the score Bunny and Larvitar that I caught so now they were fully evolved and the second time around was much better City race was actually able to be a ton of help and I ended up beating the gym and with that momentum I moved on on to the next the Dragon Gym I led with dragon ninja and clicked Dragon kunai which is his signature move it does a ton of damage it hits two to five times for 30 damage each and it absolutely shredded the gym it seemed like every single time I clicked it it ended up destroying the enemy and with the combination of dragon ninja and agrizard we were able to destroy the second gym too now on to the dark type gym and by the skin of my teeth we somehow won I honestly felt like I was getting very lucky these battles but I decided to can trying to beat these gyms while I was on a hot streak the next gym was ground type which really favored my la pera and dragon ninja and without too much resistance we managed to take that one out as well I was on a hot streak and was not letting the momentum stop and finally after a very long streak I finally lost a gym battle but I was pretty happy with my four badges then I decided to do something that I don't really recommend but I went out and caught six random Pokemon and then I trained them all to level 100. you're probably wondering why I wasted so much time training these random Pokemon to level 100 while I don't actually care about these Pokemon but I'm going to use a very um cheap and I guess cheeky strategy on the server you see to enter the war zone one of the only requirements is that you have a full team of level 100 Pokemon it doesn't matter what Pokemon they are as long as they fall under the tier limits so I went out and caught a bunch of bad Pokemon trade them up to level 100 for the sole purpose of entering the war zone my goal obviously is not to beat any other trainers that are in here but it's to find legendary Pokemon because legendary Pokemon spawn pretty often in the war zone so my chances to find a legendary are greatly increased and right off the get-go I saw another player and decided to turn and run away I don't think that he saw me though I was pretty nervous even though none of these Pokemon I really cared about just being in the war zone has some sort of Aura to it that was frightening as I was in Warzone someone in chat asked to buy the fusion charge that I was getting from beating the gyms for forty thousand dollars each but being the businessman that I am I never accept a first offer so I countered with eighty thousand dollars for each Shard to which he replied hmm then he said I'm trying to rob him so he ended up buying two for eighty thousand dollars each and I got a 160k for it I only only had 30 seconds left in the war zone and unfortunately saw no legendary Pokemon but on the bright side my plan did kind of work to just go in with a team of level 100s that I didn't really care about then not too long later The Impossible happened well not really impossible it's actually not very impossible when you're in the war zone but I guaranteed a spawned I quickly threw my eradicate at it didn't play any games and chucked a master ball that I got from one of the gyms at it and since master balls have a 100 catch rate I got it Giratina was mine I quickly got out of the war zone went into my Warzone bank and withdrew the Giratina and Not only was Giratina an amazing Pokemon in and of itself but it was one of the Legendary Pokemon that could fuse with another Pokemon that Pokemon being Gyarados so all I had to do was get myself a Gyarados then I could fuse the two together to get a Giratina so Giratina was literally like the best legendary Pokemon that could have spawned for me then I gave husk his two shards that he bought to repay my debts and continued on my adventure I quickly rtp'd Into the Wilderness to find one of the most common Pokemon in the game a Magikarp that is because magikarps evolve into gyaradoses and once I get a Gyarados I confuse it with the Giratina to create one of the greatest Pokemon of all time and not too long later I found exactly what I was looking for that was seriously one of the greatest war zone sessions ever not only did I accomplish my goal in catching a legendary Pokemon but I also made a hundred and sixty thousand dollars by selling two shards I caught the Magikarp with much ease and then went straight to the training area to destroy a Tyranitar and after just one Tyranitar Magikarp evolved this wasn't just any Gyarados no this right here was a prodigy he was destined to become one of the strongest Gyarados Fusion that the server has ever seen and once again I found myself in the fusion room sprinting to the computer to input two more Pokemon a Giratina and a Gyarados even the Sprite for this Pokemon looked amazing and so I clicked it and began the fusion between my two amazing Pokemon and just like that I had acquired my fourth Fusion Pokemon a giant worm but a giant cool worm the more fusions I got the less I knew which one I liked the most because they were all so epic the next thing I wanted to do was go back to challenging some gyms but before I did that I remember that putting Health items on your Pokemon actually helps them a lot and since I'd been to the boss Tower so often already I had so many held items I looked through both of my double chests and picked out a few that I thought would work well I took out one of my three assault vests a life orb a choice specs and a Muscle Band I put the life orb on the Giratina the Muscle Band of the Terrakion the assault vest on the agrizard and the choice specs on the dragon ninja then I gave my sea pickle one more squeeze and headed back to the gyms and after a long hard fall battle we managed to do it we beat the steel gym all thanks to the sea pickle all hail C pickle and so of course I decided to challenge the next gym as well the grass gym was probably the easiest yet as my cinderace and agrizard carried the whole way next up psychic gym my strategy was just to send out my dragon ninja and click Shadow Ball and just like that we beat the psychic gym as well and so now we were on to the very last gym the Ghost Gym I started how I've been starting every other battle with dragon ninja and got to work and just like that we had defeated all eight gems I was so excited we even received a choice specs and XPO a choice band and another life orb and there's no one individual thing that I can thank more than my C pickle let's go I'm sure normally taking out the gym is a lot more challenging than that even though I'm not gonna lie guys I did lose a decent bit of times and then only put the times that I won in the video I'm sure it would be even harder without the fusion Pokemon because you're technically not even allowed to use the fusions on the gyms but anyway we still have two more Fusion Pokemon that we have to acquire if we want to accomplish all of our goals and now that I accomplish my own personal goal of beating all a gyms I got a legendary Crate Key you don't typically get a legendary Crate Key from beating all eight gems but because it was a personal goal of mine in this video I thought it'd be really cool to give myself one of these keys and so I took my legendary Crate Key right click the legendary crate with it and saw a bunch of amazing items start flying above the crate until eventually one item in particular started approaching I had gotten a random shiny legendary and a legendary nature change it's so so a shiny legendary Pokemon game but it was also the strongest and it had one of the coolest shinies and even though it had all of those amazing features that was still not the best part of this Pokemon because Xerneas has the ability to fuse with another Pokemon and not just any other Pokemon debatably the strongest Pokemon in the game azation and so my next goal wish to get my hands on one of the strongest Pokemon of all time so that I can fuse both of these together and after hanging around the server for a little while I was constantly asking in chat to see if anybody had azation until a guy named True by mines asked if I needed his so of course I said yes and asked him how much and luckily he said 250 000 which is exactly how much I had so he sent me the zation and I sent him 250 000 but it was all worth it because now I had a Xerneas and azation and you all know what that means the next thing I did was go straight to the fusion room run up to the computer entering on the left and the Xerneas on the right enter the key and confirmed that I wanted one of the strongest Pokemon ever created azacious zacious was my fifth Fusion Pokemon and he might just be the strongest as well now that I had five Fusion Pokemon I only had one left to complete my final goal and to get my last Fusion Pokemon I wanted to steal it from somebody else in the war zone the only problem with that is you're only allowed one Fusion Pokemon in the war zone and choosing which Fusion I want to bring was a very tough choice so before I decided which Fusion Pokemon I would bring to the war zone I need to go catch five strong Pokemon and train them up to level 100 to make sure that I had the best chance at winning my Warzone battle so why rtped and set out on a new adventure to catch five more incredibly strong Pokemon the first one I found was a routes which would eventually evolve into a Gardevoir next I found a Galvantula next I found a Gligar which would evolve into a gliscore and the next Pokemon I decided to go with was a Skarmory then I remember that I have a Tyranitar in my party so I brought him out and after looking at my five Fusion Pokemon I still wasn't sure which one was the strongest but the one I had most experience with was dragon ninja so I decided to bring him out dragon ninja has swept so many gyms for me that I feel like he could definitely perform the exact same way in the war zone and the time was upon us I had a fully mapped out plan with how I wanted to use each and every Pokemon on my team and I really felt like I was ready to enter the war zone but this time not to cower and hide but instead to Stand My Ground and fight as I entered this time felt a little bit different I knew what had to be done this time I was here for blood I could smell it I could smell a fusion Pokemon looming somewhere in these Battlegrounds and there I saw my first Target and he actually challenged me into battle but I stuck to my guns and was ready for anything Michael Evancho I got off to a hot start by destroying his Blastoise that's somehow he also destroyed the Galvantula and then he sent out a few Hima lucar trace and it destroyed my albantula but since he sent out his Fusion Pokemon it was time to send out mine dragon ninja this was a battle for the ages and I decided to use Dragon Ninja's signature move draconic kunai and it absolutely destroyed the lucar trace in one shot and because I was too respect I had no other option than to continue to click to ikana kunai which on paper might sound like a problem but when your Pokemon is as epic as a dragon ninja it just one shots every single thing and so all I had to do was click that button a few more times and next thing I knew I was the Victor and so of course I decided to steal his Fusion Pokemon Blue card Trace I quickly TP back to my home went into my Warzone bank and withdrew my new Fusion Pokemon lucar trace and although I loved all of my other Fusion Pokemon I'm must admit that this little cars race is probably the coolest looking of them all but that would mean that I had done it I had completed all all three of my goals I defeated all eight gyms I acquired a shiny Fusion Pokemon and I had also managed to accomplish the most difficult goal of them all to get six Fusion Pokemon and as I looked at my six amazing Fusion Pokemon all I could think about was more Adventures to come as there are plenty more Fusion Pokemon to acquire on day one I was just admiring my amazing shiny AG Resort until I noticed that a wormhole had spawned right on top of my house and when I went through the Wormhole I noticed that gravity was almost non-existent whoa oh this place is crazy the biome that I've spawned in seemed to be some really dark deep ocean right next to an end Dimension I had never been in the ultra space Dimension before so this was all very new to me and immediately I found a really cool looking structure so I went to go check it out it turns out that it was a Raiden where boss Pokemon spawn so I decided to challenge it with my agrizard and I was able to destroy it in one shot this place was so scary there were creepy Pokemon flying around in the air but I found these really cool Crystal blocks in a lot of Destruction so I decided to collect them all it turns out that these were actually Crystal blocks and you can use these to craft armor and so that's exactly what I did I crafted a full set of plasma armor there weren't many benefits of it because in Pixelmon you don't typically get into many fist fights but just in case it's better to be prepared anyway I have some amazing goals for this next 100 days since my first 100 days a ton of brand new Fusion Pokemon have been released one of them being probably the strongest in the game you see it's a fusion between the God of all Pokemon Arceus and the devil of all Pokemon Giratina that's right there's a fusion that's called gear Arceus so one of the main goals of this next 100 days is to attain that Pokemon the ultra space Dimension is actually a perfect place to start as well because there's a ton of loot here that will help me collect all of the Arceus plates and eventually I had found my first baseball loot where I got a PP Max which honestly isn't the best loot to get but those beastball loots are exactly what I'm looking for I soon noticed that there was a baseball in each of them and I was getting some pretty cool loot from it and after searching the ultra space dimension for quite some time I still had no luck finding any of these Arceus planes and so I asked in chat what the best way to find them was and a guy named old Ethan said I could buy four of them from him for just one thousand dollars that is a deal that I could not pass up so I tped him to me he dropped the plates and I sent him a thousand dollars now that I had just collected four of the RCs plates I was feeling really confident getting some more and eventually it happened I claimed one of the baseball loots and I got a splash plate I was so excited because that was the first one that I actually found by myself and that motivated me even more to go find them so I continue looking and continue looking until I found another one the Earth plate and then I start to go on a little bit of a roll I found another one the spooky plate now I wasn't getting all of these back to back to back there was a whole bunch of other loot that I was getting in the meantime but I had also just found the flame plate then I found this up plate and I was really feeling like I was on a roll now I had collected nine of the plates and got zero duplicates so far then I found the bicycle plate and finally I found a duplicate I found a second flame plate the last one I found was a metal plate and I was getting pretty tired of this Ultra space Dimension so I decided to call it Quince and just as I was about to leave the ultra space Dimension something crazy happened I found a ferrimosa this is an ultra Beast Pokemon that is extremely powerful you could only find the Ultra beast in this Dimension I was able to get it into the red with my Terrakion and start throwing Ultra Balls at it and after just two tries I did it I caught the ferrimosa now even though thermosa is an extremely strong Pokemon unfortunately there are no Fusions for it yet on the server so even though I would love to use it my plan is to sell it on the GTS to get some money to hopefully buy another Pokemon that can fuse so then I decided to put thermosa on the GTS I listed them for thirty thousand dollars and listed them up for an hour and a half and if you guys remember from the first hundred days I still had ninety seven thousand dollars so I decided to look at the GTS for myself and I found a deal that I just could not pass up there was a celestila that was listed at 35 000 which is pretty ridiculously expensive but I decided to buy it anyway because celestila is one of the rare Pokemon that has a fusion counterpart all I would need to do is find a bee drill yes a Beedrill the thing that evolves from Weedle and so I ran to the nearest forest to go searching for maybe the strongest Pokemon of them all they are extremely rare and challenging to being kind they're definitely not common at all but hear me out the fusion between celestila and Beedrill is actually insanely strong because the fusion itself gets the ability adaptability and what that does is it takes stab moves and instead of increasing them by just 50 it doubles the damage of them so any steel or bug type move that I use with the beelastila fusion does double damage and after just a couple minutes of searching I found a level 6 Weedle this little turd looking Pokemon would eventually fuse with one of the strongest in the game and just like that we caught it oh I went straight to the training area and started getting him a bunch of levels and after just the first fight he got up to level 16 and evolved into a Kakuna then Kakuna evolved into P drill now that I had both of them it was time to go to the fusion chamber to fuse the two Pokemon together I put celestila on the left Beedrill on the right and and clicked to confirm that I wanted the beerless dealer fusion and just like that I got him there aren't too many super strong bug type Pokemon in the game beerless dealer is definitely one of the strongest if not the strongest most of the Pokemon that I use are either fairy type or dragon type or water so I was actually extremely excited to use a bug type Pokemon because I don't typically use them very often so I went back to the training area and grinded some more levels for my belistila there's last couple of levels I gave him rare candies and at level 100 he learned his signature move Celestial sting it's a move that only does 55 damage but it hits twice so it pretty much does 110 damage and because of his adaptability ability that gets doubled so pretty much says 220 damage in the first hundred days I told you guys that if you typed in slash warp siren it would take you to this town to build whatever you guys wanted and I never really got the chance to show it off to you guys so here is the town that you guys built I will admit some of it is uh well maybe not the best spills but it is really nice to see our community building together but anyway the warp is still active so if you guys do want to join this town and build your own home in the village be sure to go ahead and join the Kyogre server and type in slash warp siren to get to the town in order to Summit a Giratina you have to capture all three of the lake Guardians azelf Mesprit and oxy and they spawn in the river biome which is pretty fortunate because my house is in a river biome so my plan was to stick around my house for the next couple of days and see if I can get any of these bad boys to spawn but not only do you have to catch all three of them you have to get their happiness all the way up to maximum happiness and then smack him in the face with the ruby and after you do that you confuse the three rubies together to get a red chain and after you get the red chain you then have to find a gracious orb which I actually already have from the first hundred days and then you just have to find a time space Altar and that is how you spawn in Giratina now I know that was a lot of explaining and probably got confusing at some points but it's all going to start to make sense after we start finding these legendary Pokemon and so I decided to take action I got out my best team I possibly could which was totally not a throw team at all and decided to enter the war zone the war zone is an area where a bunch of legendary Pokemon spawn but if you engage in a battle with another player the winner of the battle gets to steal a Pokemon from you which is why I decided to get a full team of level 100 Pokemon that kind of stink and I don't really care if I lose them and then I found another player in the war zone which was very scary because there was no way I could possibly win a battle with this team so I decided to run as far away from him as I possibly could luckily he didn't seem to chase me at all so I felt pretty safe and pretty much in the clear now the war zone does have different seasons so every two months The Meta changes meaning there's different tiers of Pokemon that you can use every two months and right now it's set to owe you and fusions are not allowed this season if fusions were allowed I would totally just bring my entire team of fusion Pokemon coming here and just shred everybody but for now since I can't bring my fusions into the war zone I kind of am forced to just bring these throw teams I searched and searched and found a ton of random Pokemon that had spawned but was still struggling to find the ones I was actually looking for I only had one minute left in the war zone and was getting kind of desperate so I decided player and it seemed like he was actually pretty friendly and didn't win a battle either so together we waited around for some legendary Pokemon to spawn and then his body joined and he was wearing really scary armor and had a yellow glow to him so I honestly thought that he was going to murder me luckily he did not but unluckily I was running very very low on time until eventually I did and got kicked out of the war zone next thing I decided to do was check the GTS once again and what I found was amazing there were tons of legendaries there were two palkias one Registeel a magerna but the one I was most interested in was the suicune you see suicune might not be the strongest individual legendary of them all but he does have a fusion counterpart so without much hesitation I decided to purchase him I went straight to my PC to get out my new Pokemon he looks so cool and I could even ride him as fast as I wanted although it was really cool to buy all of these amazing Pokemon I was running really really low on money so I had to be very careful with my next purchases no even though I had one half of this Fusion the other side was also not very easy to attain you see the other Pokemon also maybe is a legendary luckily though it's not the most challenging one to get all I would need is a legendary orb and an ice stone because the Pokemon I needed was an Articuno and because I play on a server it's a little bit easier to find these items I asked in Chad if anybody had a spare one and rigsy said he did but I didn't need all three take two back I paid rigsy one thousand dollars for the orb and gave him a screenshot jeez thanks for the legendary or briggsy okay but now that I had the legendary orb all I needed was this ice stone that I got from the first 100 days to combine them together and that gave me the orb of Frozen souls and that is exactly what I need to spawn in Articuno but it's not the last step now what I had to do is actually fill up the orb itself and to do that I had to eliminate 375 Pokemon each time I eliminated a Pokemon it added its soul to the orb and so I went straight to the boss Tower and started destroying Pokemon one after another the reason I went to the boss Towers because every time you eliminate a Pokemon here you get some pretty good items this was a great way not only to grind money but to grind levels for your Pokemon and to get a whole bunch of random items I was getting so many items from the boss tower that I had to go home and clear my inventory multiple times and after a while of grinding you can see that the orb was starting to fill up and after a little while later it happened I filled up my orb come completely and it turned into a Bright Crystal Blue which now made it time to go to the shrine area to spawn in an Articuno before I battled the Articuno though there was one last thing that I had to do and that was to find a Pokemon that could paralyze it so after running around to Spruce by him a little while I found a Pikachu in fact it was actually perfect because Pikachu had the ability ecstatic which means that any contact the Pokemon makes with it might calls that Pokemon to become paralyzed not only that but Pikachu was also very fast and can learn the move Thunder Wave so Pikachu's only usage would be to paralyze the Articuno then I decided it was time I walked up to the shrine admittedly pretty nervous and right clicked it with my orb immediately ordered spawned and I've sent out Pikachu I clicked the move Thunder Wave and missed but it's okay because Pikachu lived the first turn and managed to paralyze the Articuno on the second then I switched into my Terrakion and I didn't want to risk killing it at all so I was just using quick attack to do some chip damage a quick attacked a couple more times until it was in the red then started throwing Ultra Balls and after what it felt like a thousand Ultra Balls I captured the legendary bird Articuno was mine I quickly rushed to get him into my party along with the suicune then I raced to the fusion room and headed straight to the fusion machine there I added suicune to the left Articuno to the right put in my Fusion key and clicked to confirm that I wanted the fusion Pokemon suikuno and just moments later boom there he was probably the most majestic bird you will ever see Not only was it super cool looking but it was also incredibly strong it has the ability ice scale which has all damage taken from special attacking moves and it's incredibly fast and hits really hard and is relatively tanky as well but the best part is it gets a signature move at level 100 called frostbitten flurry which does a hundred damage has 100 accuracy and it even summons hail if I could conjure up a team that benefits from hail this Pokemon would certainly lead the charge after a few here's my sweet Kuno I had a sudden urge to use it in battle and to be honest I had the same feeling for the Beatles the problem was I wasn't entirely sure where to use my Pokemon that is until I stumbled upon at the battle tower the battle tower is a tower with a bunch of floors with trainers on every single floor the catch is you can only bring three Pokemon and the trainers that you battle also only have three the more trainers you beat the more Battle Points you get and with those Battle Points you can go to the battle shop to purchase a whole ton of items such as rare candies PP UPS power items you can even get Fusion shards and fusion cores and non-legendary IV boosts along with a ton of different TMS and all of the Z crystals the problem was I didn't have a third Pokemon to challenge this battle tower with now you might be thinking siren you have a whole ton of other Fusion Pokemon and yes while that is true and I totally could use them I figured that since this is an entirely new 100 days I should probably stick to using the Pokemon from this one and so I set out to find another two Pokemon that had the ability to fuse together I checked out the list of all the fusions and what I thought the easiest one to attain that I haven't yet is the hydrasaur that is because neither of the Pokemon required are legendaries meaning I can actually just find them in the wild and not too much later I'd found one half a Bulbasaur and soon after I caught it I quickly warped to the training area put a lucky egg on the Bulbasaur and activated an XPR and with all that being done Bulbasaur was gaining levels like crazy he evolved into an Ivysaur then into a Venusaur and after that I set off to find a hydraigon and eventually I found a swellas which is the evolution right before hydragon and then we caught him I used the same strategy I did to level up the Venusaur with the hydragon except this time I went after Charizards because I could one shot them really easily and eventually as well as leveled up to 64 which allowed him to evolve into the pseudo legendary hydragon and now that I had both of the fusion counterparts it was time to go to the fusion chamber I was so excited for this Fusion in particular because I thought it was one of the coolest looking fusions of them all and there he was hydrasaur he looks so cool he was pretty much a giant dinosaur with three heads I was so excited to use him in battle hydrasaur has a special attack of a whopping 135 and gets a signature move at level 100 called tri-beam Cannon it's a grass move that does a 160 base power with 100 accuracy however every time it's used hydrasaur's attack and special attack drop by one stage he's also a very tanky Pokemon and gets the ability thick fat which boosts its resistance to fire and ice type moves but now that I had three brand new Fusion Pokemon it was time to trade them up and get them prepared for the battle tower and so the next thing I did was warp to the Pokemon and go down a couple floors into the TM shop here is where I would buy moves for my Pokemon like scald that I could put on Sweet Kuno and after I was done putting all the moves on my Pokemon I went back to the training area and trained everyone up to level 100 and after a good bit of time I was ready Fearless dealer ended up having Celestial sting heavy slam lead sheet of protect on the hydrangeasaur I ended up putting tri-beam Cannon which is its signature move and then I gave it fire blast Draco meteor and Flash Cannon which it all gets from hydragon then for suikuno I put frostbitt and flurry which is its signature move combined with a hydro pump ice beam and Shadow Ball now my team is extremely extremely offensive but that is because these are all three versus three for the items I ended up putting a life orb on the belistila showy specs on the Hydra sword and a choice scarf on the suikuno but with all that being said it was time to challenge the tower now typically with the battle tower you're not allowed to bring in any Pokemon that are over the Uber tier which Fusion Pokemon most certainly are but let's just say I pulled some strings and was able to lift that rule and so I added my three Pokemon it clicked confirm and started the battle the first matchup was against The Mamas line which I clicked heavy Slam against with my blessed and destroyed it then he sat on a legendary Pokemon a qrap but it was almost no match for my belistila as he destroyed it in two hits and last but not least this trainer had a circuitry which again I clicked Celestial sting and killed it in one shot one trainer down a lot to go and Bila Stila was not playing any game he managed to get through the first couple of trainers on his own before finally going down to an Altaria which we Kuno had zero struggles with the higher up the tower I climbed the harder the competition went and I soon realized that even though I had a very strong Fusion Pokemon they were not invincible and after a couple more trainers it finally happened I got taken out by about the 10th trainer after my first attempt I decided to regroup and rearm and bring in the demon himself dragon ninja Hydra sword did great and there's nothing wrong with him but I just feel like with dragon ninja on my side be able to destroy everything and right away dragon ninja was put to work destroying Pokemon so after battling trainer after trainer after trainer I kind of got bored and sent myself a role where I was not allowed to switch out Pokemon and uh well eventually that caught up to me and bit me in the butt when I ended up fighting a Blissey and with my bill is still a dead and all these special attackers left there really wasn't much else I could do and I eventually took the L but dragon ninja was absolutely insane and he took my win streak from about 6 to 61. and as of now I am in first place on the win streak leaderboard with 61 wins in a row so for now I am the best battle tower battler on the entire server let's go I was about to go back to the war zone again to hunt for some more legendary Pokemon but before I went an epic boss slowpro spawned so I decided to take out Biel and steal it and destroy him this was a actually extremely important because not only did I just get slowpro's mega stone but I also got my own mega ring as well this meant that I can now mega evolve Pokemon but I can only Mega Evolve the Pokemon that I have their relative mega stone for so right now I can only do Mega Slowbro which between us isn't really that good if you guys do want to see mega forms of fusion Pokemon that is totally something that I can do but the only way I'll do it is if there's enough comments and support on this video to actually do that because that will be a ton of work and so the very next thing I decided to do was go straight to the war zone with my throw team but this time I went with the Pikachu so that I can paralyze any Pokemon that I want to catch and boy I'm glad that I did because almost instantly after joining the war zone an eternity spawned right next to me so immediately I engaged it in a battle and Pikachu got to work after I got it into the red and paralyzed I immediately started throwing Ultra Balls at him and on the very first try I caught him and so I instantly got out of the war zone and threw out my brand new Pokemon eternitus let's go this thing was so epic at first I wasn't entirely sure what I would do with this Pokemon because in this series I only wanted to use fusions but then I remembered it does get a fusion and not just with any Pokemon but the God of all Pokemon himself Arceus which is a Pokemon that I'd been trying to get earlier on in this hundred days in eternitus fused with an RCS is not only going to look amazing but surely it's going to be incredibly strong and so my next goal was to go and capture in Arceus but that would be a lot easier said than done I was genuinely worried that after I spawned in the Arceus I wouldn't be able to catch it because that actually almost happened with the Articuno and RCS is most certainly harder to catch than that so I didn't want to take any chances and the only way to not take any chances in a Pokemon battle when you're trying to catch the other Pokemon is to have a master ball which is an item that I didn't quite have yet but that is when I discovered that the command slash Bingo is a thing and if you complete one Bingo one of the rewards that you can get is a master ball you can also get a z Crystal RC is played random battle item and if you can complete the entire card you get even better items a rare crate a mega stone crate a fusion Shard Fusion core Z Crystal or a legendary held item but I will say that you only have 24 hours to complete the Bingo or the card itself but anyway after analyzing the card I picked out which row I thought was the easiest to catch and I went with the bottom one lit Leo badoof Pat rat spin a rack and Ice Cube so I set off to go and catch all five of these Pokemon in the hopes that I would get a reward that would help me catch the Arceus the first Pokemon that I found on my bingo card was a spinner rack I paralyzed it through a Pokeball at it and not too long later I caught it literally it was a pretty common Pokemon as well so not too long later I managed to find one of those the next Pokemon I found was a pet rat and eventually I found an ice biome where I found the Ice Cube and last but not least I finally found the God of all Pokemon no no not Arceus there he is this is the last Pokemon that I need for my bingo and after catching him I received a master ball complain that Bingo was actually a lot of fun and it made me kind of want to try to complete the entire thing but the thing is I had much bigger fish to fry such as catching the actual God of all Pokemon Arceus so I went home and grabbed all the plates that I currently have just to keep myself organized and then continued looking for a wormhole spawn and after a little Wormhole to the ultra space Dimension I've been in here quite a lot recently and have started to feel a little bit more comfortable even though it did have a very gloomy Ambience and after searching baseball after baseball I finally got lucky once again and got another plate that I needed the dread plate finding all of these plates was taking an excruciating amount of time while I was searching for more baseball loot I found a four-star raid and decided to take it out unfortunately it didn't give me any Arceus blades but it did give me a destiny not never Stone in a big nugget for some reason now I do feel like in five star race there is a chance that those Pokemon will drop Arceus plates and after a long time of hunting I finally found a five star Den it was a superior I got a ton of really good items from that including another Arceus plate that fell on the ground luckily I saw it because if I didn't I would have just let it go after getting a plate from a raid Den it kept my eyes peeled for other raid ends but I was only battle ones that were five stars and so I ended up leaving the majority of them but what I did not leave the majority of are the baseball loots I was picking up every single baseball loot that I could find and by doing that I had collected another plate that I needed the sky plate eventually I managed to collect 16 of the 17 Arceus plates until one last baseball gave me the final one that I needed the fist plate after getting a countless amount of duplicate plates I've collected every single Arceus plate in the game but I was so excited and now that I had every single RCS played all I had to do was go to the Chalice at spawn I wasn't really nervous at all in this 100 days until about well right now I don't know why but walking up to the Chalice may be extremely nervous but even with all the nerves I decided to continue onward and place in plate by plate into the Chalice until still there was just one remaining the Earth plate I double checked my inventory to make sure that I had my master balls ready until I finally decided that it was time to add a last piece to the puzzle in three two one and there we go the Azure flute popped out of it the observed flute is used to summon Arceus so with it I right click the chalice and selected confirm and there he was an Arceus had just spawned I took no risks at all and immediately chucked one of my master balls at it and of course without failure the Pokeball captured Arceus was mine I was so excited I had just called the God of all Pokemon this one felt a little bit different because I had to do so much work to get him to actually spawn in most other legendaries you kind of just get lucky but with a Pokemon like this where you have to work for hours and hours to finally get him to spawn it just feels a lot better part of me really wanted to keep Arceus as his regular Arceus form forever but another part of me also really really really wanted to fuse him with the eternitus immediately look at how amazing using both of these Pokemon are and immediately it seemed like they became best friend because they started kissing either way it seemed like both Arceus and eternitus were super accepting that they were about to be fused together and so that is exactly what I did I warped to the fusion room and ran straight ahead to the fusion chamber added RC's on the left side a tournamentists on the right side to put in the fusion Crate Key and clicked to confirm that I wanted to fuse the two together one God Pokemon from another to create probably the strongest and most amazing Pokemon of all time arsenatus he was humongous I was not expecting him to be this big but he looked absolutely amazing there was floating Diamond particles around him and the colored palette everything about him was just so amazing not only that but he had a base stat total of 775. he probably has the most OP signature move at level 100 called Divine depletion it's a move that does 120 base power with 90 accuracy and the user regains 40 of all of the damage dealt I honestly don't know if there's any Pokemon that could possibly ever stop this guy this Pokemon truly is the God of all Pokemon eventually I trained him all the way up to level 100 where he finally learned that signature move Divine depletion I went straight to the boss hour to test out how strong my new arsonatus was and what I found was that he was insanely strong he was eliminating Pokemon in pretty much one shot with the move that wasn't even super effective I kept climbing the tower to hopefully find some sort of challenge for arsenatus but the more Pokemon I thought the more I realized there wasn't really anything that could stop him that is until I made it to the final floor and I found myself this was certainly unexpected I seem to be a legendary boss trainer and the challenge is kind of exactly what I was looking for and so of course I decided to challenge him to a battle he went off of the spirit tomb that was level 140 and although I had a full team of legendary Pokemon this 40 level Gap was going to make a huge difference in this battle I decided to leave with my agrazard and gigaton volcano the spirit tomb this guarantee that the spirit team would be burned having his attack for the rest of the battle and even still that wasn't enough for my agrazar to take the spirit tomb down so then I went into my super Speedy dragon ninja to finish the job which he switches into Lucario and I try to counter that with my sweet Kuno after Lucario used a close combat which lowered his defense I went for a frost been flurry which did a ton of damage so mikuno ended up going down and I went back into dragon ninja to finish the job then he switched into Rose raid which was a little bit of a head scratcher for me I wasn't entirely sure how to counter him so I went to bilistila Celestial sting ended up doing a pretty good amount of damage actually and was able to take him out but then he had a fusion of his own a Kyle leki one of the fastest and hardest hitting Fusion Pokemon of them all to then I switched straight in a hydrasaur because I didn't think how lucky had anything that could really touch it and I was right I went for a tri-beam cannon and I destroyed it in just one shot then he switched into Garchomp and I really wanted to keep my hydration alive so I switched into b-list Tila and let it die then I went back into my dragon ninja and used draconic kunai which absolutely destroyed the Garchomp in one shot his next Pokemon was gastrodon and I keep saying him as if it's not me but really it's me so it's a little bit weird I'm not sure if I should say me or him or who but either way he is an imposter and do not trust him nonetheless he had a gastrodon so of course I switched into my grass type Pokemon because that was four times effective against it I clicked tri-beam Cannon and that destroyed him and that was his last Pokemon which meant I was Victorious and as I looked in chat I realized that this wasn't just any trainer this was a Dynamax keeper meaning that if you beat him you get a Dynamax band which is exactly what I got and so I equipped it instantly oh that looks so cool I decided to feed all of my Dynamax candies to my arsenatus until it was the highest possible Dynamax level then I fed the rest of them to my dragon ninja because he's the glass Cannon of the team and he's so cool now I have the ability to Dynamax any Pokemon that I want including this arcernatus but if that is something that you guys would like to see be sure to stay tuned for the next 100 days of fusion Pokemon
Channel: Sirud
Views: 229,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon server, pixelmon server, new pixelmon server, pixelmon, pixelmon mod, pixelmon download, pixelmon update, kid friendly, no swearing, 100 days, 100 days survived, 100 days minecraft, I spent 100 days, pokemon, pokemon in minecraft, lucky block, pixelmon lucky block, legendary lucky block, minecraft pixelmon lucky block, sirud lucky block, sirud pixelmon, sirud pixelmon lucky block, fusion pokemon, fusion, fusion pixelmon
Id: Sbsq_7Gri-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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