I Spent 100 DAYS in LUCKY BLOCK Minecraft PIXELMON!

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I'll be spending the next 100 days in Lucky Block Minecraft Pixelmon each day I get to open one lucky block and these lucky blocks can contain any Pokemon from a Pidgey to a Mewtwo and the one rule is we can only catch Pokemon that come from Lucky Blocks our lucky blocks will get stronger throughout the challenge to give us Shiny Pokemon and even legendary Pokemon towards the end but we have some goals to complete along the way we need to get our whole team up to level 100 take down the powerful fire type gym leader who has two legendary Pokemon and finally take down a mega evolved boss Pokemon we complete all our goals to win the challenge watch until the end of find out and please if you enjoyed this video at any point and haven't already subscribed please consider subscribing as it helps me out tremendously and I'd really appreciate it and here we are on the smash MC Zekrom server if you guys want to come play Pixelmon and find me on the server the IP is play.smashmc.com and I'll get into showing you guys around this server in a second but first things first we need to get our starter Pokemon because we do have this shiny charmander here but it did not come from a Lucky Block so it's time to get our real starter Pokemon oh and I just can't wait till later when we're opening uncommon rare and epic Lucky Blocks that's gonna be crazy but here we go guys let's get our archimon worse I'll be honest but you know what a sentrant we'll take that that is our real starter Pokemon and there we go Centric has been caught so Charmander I love you but we gotta say goodbye because here we have our real starter Pokemon we got Central you know let's just name him Bob but now that we have our starter Pokemon I can show you guys around the server a little bit and the smash MC Hub is perfect it's got everything you need here is the Mart where we can buy a bunch of items and stuff you know what speaking of items let's actually buy a few Ultra Balls that's way too many there we go eight but that's not even the best part if you come over here and jump we have access to a full-blown TM shop where we can get any TM in the game pretty much all divided by type and next up is the training room work guys we're gonna be spending a lot of time you can take on various trainers here of different level sea level 55 level 50 this one's level 40. and we need to get our whole team to level 100 so that's gonna take a while and here is the boss Tower which is great for grinding money for grinding items but most important importantly taking on Boss Pokemon as you can see these are only common level bosses let's see if we can find any other ones here we have an uncommon boss Kingdra and here's a rare boss hitmontop oh unfortunately though I don't think Mega boss Pokemon spawn here so we're gonna have to find them another way to complete that goal but now that I showed you guys the server I think I'm just gonna spend the rest of the day training we have to like find really low level wild Pokemon sure that we can be a level 8 hoo-hoo right surely let's go Centurion and Bob is level nine that is what I'm talking about baby okay we are making progress so it's a new day now and I spent the whole night grinding and got centered up two levels yeah it's kind of proven to be a pain starting with a sentient but um it's okay we'll make it work we also have a new lucky block to open today and as you might have guessed the first 25 days are common Lucky Blocks next 25 are uncommon blocks next 25 are rare lucky blocks and to end off the challenge we have epic Lucky Blocks let's waste no more time here we go a Rockin roller okay I'm actually not too mad because that's Pokemon that's gonna help us with the fire gym like we need as many rock type Pokemon as possible so you know what I will take it I don't think you've ever seen a Pokemon team this strong but don't worry it's gonna get way better by the end of the video but our next order of business should definitely be leveling up our team wait no no no no is this a mega boss it is it is a Mega Venusaur legendary tier boss are we on day two what I don't know how to tell you guys this but uh there is actually a 0.0 chance we win hold on can I clear this out let's try to see him that is actually so sick though Shiny Mega Venusaur boss I mean okay let's just try it look at that he's level 50. legendary bosses are always 40 levels above you so when you take them on at level 100 they're level 140 which is just insane at least we can damage it you know a quick attack there we go we did the smallest bit of damage I'm honestly happy but yeah like I said there is no chance we take this on he's level 50 but I mean come on dude you just gotta try it right so we have fallen to Mega V this sword if we had won somehow we could have just completed a goal on day two but don't worry Mega boss I will be back for you and hopefully the next time we see one we are more than prepared with level 100 Pokemon all of that I think I just had a genius idea because you know the big problem is our Pokemon are so weak that it's like hard to train them up but here we go we could just buy 10 rare candies just like that and come on let's just at least evolve Bob let's have Bob reach his final form it has been such a long journey Bob we have waited for this moment forever and there we go Bob evolved into for it guys we are really set for victory but now it's actually so much easier to train our Pokemon like I feel like we can actually use for it in battle how much does quick attack do perfect we can two shot the dratinis all right sweet I don't think training will actually be that bad anymore so I'll just spend the rest of today training as well I want to try and at least get a bulldore like both of our Pokemon evolve then we'll be fine okay there we go rock and roll evolves at 26 in pixel monitors I have no idea but here we go it's what I'm talking about babies you know what we may not have like the best team but at least they're fully evolved we need to RTP because it is time for us to actually open two Lucky Blocks it actually took me like a full day to evolve rock and roll so we gotta open our day three Lucky Block as well let's start with the left one here here we go come on a mime Junior it definitely sounded a lot more excited than I am but you know what we'll take it something I haven't mentioned yet is that each lucky block has a 13 chance to upgrade to a stronger Lucky Block so we can technically open uncommon rare or epic lucky blocks in our first 25 days here we go second Lucky Block oh wait that's not half bad that is not bad at all in all tarya I will take that let's actually go our first like you know semi-decent Pokemon alturia is pretty solid and it also resists fire move so this is another Pokemon that could help in the gym fight it's also level 40 as well which is just so nice being already trained up and coming up on this Village here it's got me thinking about our next order of business because I think we need to build a house and we need a house because we need somewhere to store all our lucky blocks because if I were to die in Pixelmon now from like falling off a structure or touching lava anyway you name it and all my lucky blocks will get dropped on the ground and any player can come and pick them up and I don't want anyone stealing our lucky block so let's come over to this guy and buy some wood which kind of wood do we want though that's the real question let's do 30 dark oak logs in like 39 o'clock sure let me grab some of these stem blocks I feel like I can make a cool floor out of them but now it's time to find a biome in a spot where we want to build our house and oh wait something like this could be cool like on a Mountainside in a mountains biome like what if I cleared out some of this land here it's got a bunch of natural trees around it that's actually really cool you know what I'm gonna go for that idea let's actually try that out all right so we got the land all cleared now so let's go ahead and claim it we go from over there all the way to over here I think that should be more than enough land and sweet we are all good to go so now we can just start building I have no idea what I want this house to look like foreign [Applause] well it took me a few days but the house has been built we got this weird little path here I don't even know what I was going for but I feel like the interior you know this could look a lot worse got a bunch of flowers up here you know I think it looks pretty good but the star of the show is the chest and we can now safely hide our lucky blocks obviously we'll keep our common blocks with us but most importantly it's time to open some more blocks because it is now day eight meaning we have days five six seven and eight to open up so hopefully we get something good but let's find out right now come on baby first Lucky Block is oh in a lowland Raichu wait that's actually really decent I'll take that it's a fast special attacker great typing electric and psychic not great defensively but that's besides the point here we go next Lucky Block is a reuniclist that is a fully evolved psychic Pokemon dude that is great as well these lucky blocks are really starting to heat up dude I'm getting hyped all right we still have two more to go let's see come on baby shark okay not too interesting I think we can find the chops like in the biome that we're in but you know what we'll catch that and for the final Lucky Block right now we have ourselves hey yo we got our first upgrade no way guaranteed shiny poke unless it upgrades again which would be crazy but here we go guys come on that I broke it nothing happened the server lagged we got a shiny bear tick though okay not bad at all I mean it's a shiny it's a fully evolved Pokemon I will definitely take that there we go our first shiny of the video is a bear tick but we of course still have plenty of Lucky Blocks to go and plenty of shiny Pokemon to see and I think this is the team we'll go with for now obviously we could swap Machop for Bob but I don't know I kind of want to use Bob as long as we can but now that our team's actually getting semi-decent it's gonna be a lot easier to train up our Pokemon and that is exactly what we're about to do let's try to get some levels on the entire team here see if we can't get the whole team to the level 40 50 range dang bulldore just got smoked oh when I just realized we're gonna have to find someone to trade with in order to evolve boldor because boldor is not a level up Evolution it's a trade Evolution and that can this guy has an Arceus on his head what like who cares what I'm talking about this dude is wearing a God on his head that is the craziest thing I've seen today all right but anyways we're gonna train up I'll catch you guys after so we just finished up training and look we got the whole team up to around level 40 to 50. got bear tick reuniclist and Altaria up to 50 and the rest are just like 40s mid 40s and stuff but it is now day 14 meaning all that training took me a while we got six lucky blocks to open so let's make our way back to our house and just start placing these blocks down and now we're almost halfway through the common Lucky Blocks meaning it's almost time to break into the uncommon rare and epic Lucky Blocks but not quite yet so here we go guys six Lucky Blocks come on can we get something crazy let's see if we can get an upgrade we get ourselves a Mr mime okay which honestly is not the best at all I'm gonna try and be excited about that okay come on we need like water ground or rock type Pokemon to help with the fire gym leader and we get a komala as a normal type that is definitely not gonna help it's a cool Pokemon though I do like Kamala and we need something amazing that is a hundred percent help us out in the gym battle a Lapras we could actually make gigantomax Lapras 2 that is definitely an option and it looks like the sun is coming up we are on day 15 so we have to open another lucky block all right so here we go let's just get some of these done we get ourselves a sauce Buck weekend a uncommon block we get an upgrade let's actually go I was hoping to get at least one from this batch and we got it let's okay come on moving on now we get ourselves a cub chew I mean we already have a bear tick so like we're not gonna do much with a cub tube but it's okay here we go come on we get ourselves a mock actually that's a pretty solid Pokemon I will take that it's not amazing or anything it doesn't really help us with fire types but you know what you know it's fully evolved I will take an I'll 100 take this uncommon Lucky Block remember this can upgrade to a legendary Pokemon Lucky Block come on baby and that is a great Pokemon to take on fire Pokemon with a shiny Draco Bish dude don't mind if I do but this here is a water dragon can type Pokemon we resist fire four times so I feel like we should definitely put this on the team Altaria I am sorry but dracovish is definitely taking your spot and Bob I'm sorry Bob as much as I love you you made it to day 15. I think we gotta swap you out for Lapras because we might as well try to prepare as early as possible for the fire gym I think our next order of business should be evolving one of our Pokemon and that Pokemon is none other than our beautiful boldor right here this Pokemon actually evolves with trade so we need to find someone on the server to trade our Pokemon and hopefully they'll actually trade him back to us and not steal him that would make me very sad so we'll make our way here to the Pokemon Center where's the trading machine I think it's up here yeah here we go so let me just ask people on the server if they can help me real quick and it looks like we have found someone who is willing to help hello janasary 31 hello all right so let's select bulldore and click ready and look at that our beautiful bulldore is evolving unfortunately yeah he's not ours right now but look at that we have a beautiful gigglet these actually humongous oh my gosh and now we simply trade back the more Pico but look at that we have ourselves a gigglet thank you so much for the help and it is now the dawn of a new day meaning we have a new common Lucky Block to open please we're opening one block if we can get an upgrade that'd be insane let's see oh wait that's not an upgrade but that is not bad at all a deralidon Pokemon actually has a g-max form as well so you know what that could be kind of interesting I guess someone gave me an owl creamy too named I love artist say thank you whoever did that I can't delete this though I would just feel bad let's just put them in box 100 there we go guys I am really trying to think what our next order of business should be because we only have nine more common lucky blocks left before it's time for uncommon and part of me just wants to spend the next nine days training our Pokemon so that way we can move on to the uncommon lucky blocks and then start getting some Legendary Pokemon on our team because with uncommon blocks we'll only have to upgrade once to get rare lucky blocks and then we can really start building our team up for the fire gym so honestly I think that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna spend the next nine days training so I'll catch you guys once the team's a little stronger and it's time to open some lucky blocks all right and bear tick is level 63 the whole rest of the team is pretty up there now got 63 42 58 57 54 49s yeah no I'm not bad at all but most importantly it is day 25 or I guess night time of day 25 you know what I want to do this somewhere else too we got nine final common lucky blocks to go through and after this we are on to phase two of the challenge being The Uncommon blocks I am way too excited for that but we gotta end this chapter strong come on common Lucky Block show me something crazy let's start over here we have a love disc that is just so terrible I can't oh my God that is probably one of the worst Pokemon you can get from the lucky block I'm just gonna be completely honest all right next up we have a go-go for a second I thought that was an upgrade because like nothing appeared you know what I will take that loved us could maybe help out in the fire gym but most likely not moving on though we have ourselves a goribus another water type okay I will take that I'll take as many water types as possible let's see the next Lucky Block is going to be another Lapras come on man don't give us any dupes we do not want Duke Pokemon that is something we want though in Empoleon baby the emperor penguin of course I am catching that dude that is so lucky here we go our four final common Lucky Blocks let's make this happen we get a Darumaka that could be very powerful darmana tan is such a good Pokemon next up we have a all right but do get in the Pokeball fine coming up next we have ourselves an upgrade so we do get an upgrade from that batch I was honestly getting really worried but the final common lucky block of this challenge actually is going to be a d Denny all right not too shabby I can't think of a better way to start off the uncommon Lucky Blocks than win in uncommon Lucky Block so here we go baby three two one I was so excited and it's a shiny bullet bug I mean gmax orbital is a thing but like I'm really not trying to see it I'll be honest so let's head back to our home though because we need to make a pit stop and pick up our uncommon Lucky Blocks oh my gosh dude these Sprites of the Gen 9 Pokemon always throw me off like they don't have 3D models for some of the Gen 9 Pokemon yet so they just use their Sprite and this is just this is creepy I think here if we swap and pull you on on the team for bear tick that actually sets us up way better for the fire gym I don't really see anything else that helps like goribus maybe but I don't really want to use a goribus I don't want to be the first person on YouTube to use a goribus that's not gonna be me and we got like a base over here wait is that a whole tinkerton no way a 3D model I'd be a lot more excited but looks so funny oh no wait that's real right it's not like a statue from this person's base is that a real Mega Absol boss it is okay this is a Mega Shiny Mega boss actually see the Sparkles coming off of it let's I mean guys we're about to get absolutely destroyed but you know what we gotta try it guys look at the level it is level 98. now I will say if somehow we are able to beat this I don't think we will be then we will have one of our challenges for this 100 days completed so all we have to do is take on a mega boss Pokemon and that's what this is but unfortunately I mean we have ice shards so we can damage it at least look at that look how much damage we did beautiful we just need to revive Lapras like 19 more times and go for ice shark we got this GG let me just go for a rock slide please don't kill me and knock off just obliterates giggleth that's the thing about these boss Pokemon man if you find them when you're not prepared like you are just gonna get destroyed I just realized too we're doing some damage with the sand stream I should have sent out way sooner or on to our final Pokemon alolan Raichu like I said there is no way we are beating a Mega Absol boss like this yep bye bye GG Mega Absol we've already seen two Mega bosses this challenge I know the second we actually need one like we're not gonna find one well wow oh my God all right everyone waved by to Mega Absol that was fun but yeah we just got destroyed all right since we lost so bad to that Mega Absol I decided to spend the last three days grinding up our team mostly like Empoleon and dracovish because they were like lower level compared to the rest of the team but that means we have three uncommon lucky blocks to break come on it would be so hard to get our first legendary Pokemon right now let's see if we can make it happen come on we're starting right here baby we get a shiny Fortress after that though we have ourselves a shiny swabloo we already have an Altaria come on game wide no more dupes please but our final uncommon Lucky Block is going to be oh wait I will take that a shiny alolan Marowak okay that is actually really really solid no complaints from me at all let's go baby but look at Chad Jay just joined the server okay that's kind of scary I really hope Jay doesn't want to like battle or something because he is always trying to sneak up on me dude I do not like it oh there's the teleport okay well we gotta see what he wants right I think we have to see what Mr J wants oh boy hello Mr poor Jay how are you oh well what the fiance office I do want to challenge you to a battle oh you're gonna say that I knew you were gonna say that let's get this going you said stealing a Pokemon whoever loses the battle loses a Pokemon and you have a shiny ryola all right well hold on I I do not like this matchup I'll be completely honest so Riolu kills himself all right are these the strategies you've been working on bro like what's going on exit Okay so Rio Nicholas goes down my first casualty the Thunderbolt takes down the scissor let's go baby all right I'm beating new by one Pokemon and one more Aqua Jet does this do it hey get down the Braviary Mr J I am so sorry uh which Pokemon I'll I'll take that shiny ryola because it's like the best nature and everything oh my God about that hey I am I am more than happy to take it hey let's go my very own shiny rile dude look at the shiny I just caught GG Mr J yeah let's go baby we shut down Mr Jay look at this shiny ryola too beautiful addition to the PC I mean technically we can't use it it didn't come from a Lucky Block so we'll just you know put him in his little corner right now it is absolutely pouring I think we're just gonna go ahead and wait the rain out so here we are with a new day meaning we have a new uncommon Lucky Block to open you know what we have not opened a lucky block in our house yet I can't think of a better place to break a lucky block in our own home here we go and it's a it is a shiny Togepi all right you want me to be completely honest that's probably just gonna stay here yep in the PC right there I'm kind of exciting if I want to build like a staircase up here you know and then like a second floor in our house I think we got room for it that could be kind of cool but we will see because we have something to do first so real quick if you take a look at our money we are broke we only have twenty four hundred dollars so here's what I want to try let's make a quick little trip here to the boss Tower and look we have a common boss glitch score hopefully we can beat this yeah it's level 65. I think these common level bosses are just five levels above your highest Pokemon and since we have dracovish at level 60. that puts these common bosses at 65 my screen is going crazy sometimes at the end of battles Pixelmon just goes crazy yo we have a rare boss goaler oh no I think they're fighting it first no those were supposed to be my rewards but what do we got up here a Mantine and a man to buzz we might be able to take on a boss mandibuzz it's level 80 oh boy oh that's gonna be bad come on giggle it hang in there no don't miss Rockside why are you missing why are we missing our moves no please don't die okay unfortunately this battle isn't going as good as I thought it would Ice Beam connect okay Lapras maybe Lapras can save us here Ice Beam hits again there we go unfortunately Lapras goes down okay we have a huge chance here Napoleon please put one on for the team if we go for a medal I don't know that does nothing dracovich come on with ancient power can this do it though that's the question ancient power hits mandibuzz goes down let's see all our rewards and not like the best rewards in the world I mean we got an exp candy l so I'll collect all of those but the reason the boss Tower is so good for grinding money is we can actually sell all of these items we picked up and it racks up pretty fast oh we have boss lie Parts on this level I feel like those should be like pretty easy to beat right like how much can a Lie Part actually do to me I'm just gonna go for super Fang again like I don't even care then we'll just mix in a little ancient power from jacobich just barely gets the kill all right one more should do it and there we go live part goes down trekovic really carrying the team we got a Shiny Stone from that not bad oh we could actually use that to evolve of our Togepi if we want oh so I guess toga kiss is on the table as a usable Pokemon but what do we got up here cincino and the barrel oh my God the centino just one shot in my Raichu okay since you know can you do me a huge favor and just stop attacking that'd be that'd be amazing goes for slam does it kill there we go and we missed though unfortunately only this since you know isn't as easy to take out come on just one more no we just have to hit it one more time all right giggle it this is up to you buddy hit him with the mud slap taken down the Boston Chino oh we got a dynamex candy and a protein okay I am taking that let's go unfortunately though no mega boss Pokemon spawn here in the boss tower all right but after our money grinding session we got ourselves 6781 smackaroonies that is what I'm talking about but most importantly we have two uncommon lucky blocks to open will we get our first upgrade to a rare Lucky Block well let's find out right now guys here we go oh and it is a shiny harping definitely would have rather like a Diancie you know but you know what it's okay but when it's turning night time we're gonna have to open another lucky block again soon here we go baby yeah a looney oh actually I am totally okay with that Ludicolo is a great special attacker but most importantly it's a water type it could help in the fire gym and speaking of the fire gym let's talk about it and here is the man of the album look at outfit oh my gosh but also level 100 I actually did not know he was gonna be level 100 all right but the one thing I really wanted to talk about is the rules right here on screen pay attention to that second rule there we can only use a maximum of two legendaries or Ultra beasts so ideally we get two like water or Rock Type legendary Pokemon we build our team and come and challenge this man look at that mustache oh my gosh I think we need a few legendary Pokemon before we take them on but the facts we can only use two legendary Pokemon means that our Pokemon from common and uncommon lucky blocks are just as important and here we are with a brand new day meaning a brand new uncommon Lucky Block however we got some business to take care of guys I'll tell you what that is as soon as we break open this block a palpitode this is Pokemon for the fire gym I made water and ground are both super effective against fires you know what let's go let's go and we take that but we Guess level 100 and the mega balls pull hundred so in order to finish off like any of our goals we need to be around level 100. the problem is I don't want to waste time grinding up a Pokemon I'm just gonna swap out for a legendary later on so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna pick to level up to level 100 and I think these are the four candidates we got palpatoad Draco fish and gigolith and Lapras Lapras is super bulky we got Stealth Rock on giggle it and if we can get a choice car if dracobish is a monster with vicious friend so I think it's time to get training I'll catch you guys when our team is a level 100 and now our four Pokemon are up to level 100 we got Seismitoad all ready to go shrinkovich has a pretty decent move set now with fish's friend in Dragon Rush you got surf on Lapras as well and earthquake on gigolith I think pretty good but of course we have a bunch of Lucky Blocks to open and now all of the blocks are placed we have two more Uncommon blocks before it's time to upgrade and then we're open in rare Lucky Blocks which contain legendaries but let's see what we got we get a shiny Tepig we get a shiny Grotto oh a carracosta okay I'll take that it's a water rock type that could definitely help in the gym battle we have our very first rare Lucky Block that is a guaranteed legendary Pokemon okay let's get through these first I am so excited well enough another we could get two legendaries here but we get an age of Slash in Arcanine a swa blue a macargo it just slash is another great Pokemon however I don't think it'll help out too much we have a popplio and a feraligator back to back oh we got a Porygon too okay that is just fine with me but if we get another upgrade from this patch I am gonna go crazy we get a smear goal but get an Audino we get a Quagsire that could be so good in the gym battle you know we already have a Seismitoad but that is definitely an option and a Pidgeot okay so I'll be honest not bad at all we actually got some pretty decent usable Pokemon from that like especially for the fighter gym too like a feraligators oh my gosh do you guys know what it's time for our first two rare lucky blocks of the challenge and after this we got two more days of uncommon blocks then we're on to rare blocks Forever Until of course we upgrade to Epic on day 75 but here we go first we're lucky block you're actually kidding we just got an eternitus from our first rare Lucky Block there is no way one of the best come on what are we gonna get from this one though hey tab being that is such a good Pokemon for the gym battle oh my gosh let's go maybe we are actually in business right now so right away let's take the Alternatives and tapu beanie slap them on the team definitely need some new moves on tap beanie yeah we need like flamethrower or something on eternity dude even The Uncommon Pokemon Quagsire is so good that is such a w let's go baby dude let's go I still cannot believe we just got an eternitus for these final two days of uncommon blocks honestly let's just see if we can work on this staircase project and make a second floor to our house you know let's turn our house into a home if the play here is get like 20 oak logs and like 20 dark o clocks okay well I really went all out with the Home Improvement here look we have like a glass floor up on the top look at this too we got a nice little glass ceiling as well we got a Healer a crafting I mean honestly it's really not much but I think it's sweet I mean this is probably the coolest house I've built in one of my 100 days challenge so there's something but I'll tell you something as well we have our two final uncommon lucky blocks to open and after this guys we are on to the rare Lucky Blocks until day 75 so let's make it count our two final uncommon blocks come on because a Terminator that is actually super interesting I've definitely never caught that Pokemon in Pixelmon before this is the first for everything there we go but our final uncommon block of the challenge is going to base oh what a way to end it off a shiny star management we already do have a Darumaka but honestly man I will take it no complaints there darmana tan is caught you know what that means let's head over here and take our rare Lucky Blocks baby and now we are really in business so here we are with a brand new day and you guys know what that calls for we have our first rare Lucky Block well first rare Lucky Block not from an upgrade to open up here which means another legendary Pokemon I can't wait to we get to the shiny legendaries as well oh no oh why does type null have to count as a legendary dude that is not very good that is not very good I'll be honest probably one of the worst things we could get from a rare Lucky Block well you know what it's better than like half of the other junk in our PCS you know what I'll take it and you might be asking yourself you know why don't we just go take on the fire gym now well unfortunately for us eternitus is actually banned in the gym battles so I kind of want to hold off until we get another legendary that can help us out but tapovini on the other hand is going to be extremely helpful in the gym battle so I think it's about time to get tapufini up to level 100 and after tapufini is level 100 then we'll have only one more Pokemon to get to 100 before we complete our goal of having a full team at you know I'm not even gonna say I've said level 100 way too many times and just like that tapu Feeney is level 100 let me just exit out the battle there that way we go baby now we're only one level 100 Pokemon away from our goal of having a whole team of level 100 but it is now day 62 meaning we have 11 rare lucky blocks to open 10 11. there we go baby this is gonna be a lot of legendary Pokemon but where do we start from where do we start the left the right or right here in the middle let's do that three two one vote first rare Lucky Block is a nuke Rosemont okay that gonna help us in the battle I have no idea next Lucky Block is a red sheep Drago that could definitely help out it resist fire move so maybe let's keep it going let's open three one two three oh my God well the Zara Aura is cool I'll catch that for sure but a cosmog and a Cub Food oh my gosh I mean I guess it's not that bad we could evolve this cosmog and we could evolved this Cub Food but like come on you could have just give me Hershey food or like a solgaleo here we go let's keep it going we got a Pocoyo that is so good for the fire gym oh my gosh that might have to go on the team I'm not gonna lie here we go though we got no way we got our first epic Lucky Block upgrade that is insane that's gonna be a shiny legendary Pokemon but let's get through these rare blocks first we have a Xerneas oh my goodness that is so op bring that here next up we have a raiku okay oh geez second gen that's a great one next up though we have another epic Lucky Block what is going on bro okay come on baby next up though is a hobo I'm more of a Lugia fan honestly but I'll take a hobo that's pretty sweet but now we have two epic Lucky Blocks these are guaranteed shiny Legends please shiny Lugia please I mean it's a sweet shiny not the coolest legendary but hey Volcanion like lucky block for now we have what's a shiny Shaymin okay I guess the server lag but there we go shiny Shaymin is ours as well I still think the star of this show is a hundred percent Palkia I think we're gonna go ahead and swap halkia for eternitus this just seems like the smart decision we got a gym battle coming up I'm still worried we're gonna find another Wild Mega boss Pokemon where we're not prepared so what do you guys say we make the final step in our preparation before the fire gym leader and get our final Pokemon of our team of six up to level 100 of course being hulkiest I'll catch you guys when Palkia is level 100. and just like that Palkia is level 100 and our whole team is level 100 so we can go ahead and knock the goal of having a level 100 team off the list now we can just focus on the fire gym Weiner and the Mega Pokemon Boss Matt grinding took us up to Day 72 so we have nine rare are lucky blocks to open and here we go only four more rare blocks until we're moving on to the Epic Lucky Block section and that's perfect because I think I want to remake the team for when we take on the Mega Pokemon boss here we go nine rare Lucky Blocks let's do oh my gosh we are in a desert in our first three lucky blocks are like three Pokemon you'd find in a desert Reggie uh Groudon in Heatran that is insane I cannot believe we just got a Groudon if we get a Rayquaza from any of these Lucky Blocks that's gonna be insane let's see real quick if we can't just get another drought on all right no complaints I'd like something else but hey it's a Groudon all right I will definitely take that we get a type null again a Cali Rex and a Terrakion the ragion is definitely a powerful legendary I can't say the same about type Knoll here we go final two rare lucky blocks for now let's go boom if we get an upgrade we did get an upgrade in Epic Lucky Block come on Shiny Rayquaza please please no oh another shiny shame through the game is trolling me oh my gosh another shiny Shaman that's that's not helping us at all guys I think it's finally time to take on the fire type gym leader but here we are guys at the fire gym leader we have made it this far it is time to test our team level 100 look at this team we got Heatran Charizard incineroar Volcanion nine tails and Blaziken obviously Blaziken and Charizard can Mega Evolve that is very terrifying here we go guys we are in this giggleth versus Volcanion okay this is not the lead that I wanted I do not just want to die in one shot I want to get my stealth rocks up this is looking extremely rough I won't even lie Blaziken comes out yep close combat kills us there's absolutely no chance we win on our first attempt all right you know what GG sir all right so uh we kind of got smoked but I I'm not giving up okay I forgot about Sans dream on gigolith we need to switch into giggleth on the Charizard so he does not have the Sun and I definitely can't let Palkia get as low Health as I let it on the Volcanion we need to find another way to deal with that oh and drinkovich has water absorb okay we can definitely swap into drakovich for free one thing I should actually check is the GTS are there any cool items on here yeah let's check around on this GTS punch show me like a choice scarf that's all I really want ooh a life orb 10 grand Ability capsule for 20 grand though and I think we really need the item Choice scar for our dracovish and now we wait and ryodan says they have one let's go oh thank you so much let's go all right this is gonna help us out tremendously but what do you guys say we give this another try and take on the fire gym leader it's time to get our revenge we got a bit of a new Strat now we got lumberries on the whole team we got dracovish with the choice guard but also we know that gigolith has sand streams we can use that to easily combat the Sun but hopefully we can have giggleth stick around enough let's lead off with Seismitoad and here we are we leads off with the Volcanion so obviously we want an earthquake here he could just switch into Charizard I'm gonna risk it though yeah he doesn't go into Charizard thankfully and we go for the earthquake it's weakened by the Shuka bear I think we can bring out Palkia on this yeah let's go for that and get a fire off an earth power and it's gonna take down volcano there we go Charizard comes out and he sets up the sun can we live one hit here we just go for spatial friend Charizard misses Focus plus do we win we just gotta wait for Charizard to mega evolve to see how much damage spatial rent does and Mega Charizard goes down we have beaten the eighth gym leader oh my gosh polkia totally putting the team on its back let's go baby and so we've completed our goal of taking down the fire type gym leader and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than to open up our final four rare Lucky Blocks I did miss a few of the days when I Was preparing for the fire gym and stuff but it's time to catch up and open our final four rare Lucky Blocks let's see what we're gonna get a Kyurem from the first one which I will definitely take here miss so sick next up we have oh Jirachi I mean I love using Serene Grace Jirachi but for our final two we have another Palkia maybe we can put that on the GTS try to get some money or something who knows but our final rare Lucky Block before we move on to the Epic shiny legendary Pokemon lucky blocks away have boom and what a way to end it often by getting an upgrade let's do a baby shiny legendary Pokemon shiny Lugia that is actually just perfect dude yes okay I'm definitely putting that on the team because as I mentioned before I want to remake the team for when we challenge the mega boss Pokemon because while we could only use two legendaries in the gym leader fight we can use as many as we want against the mega boss I want to go ahead and just check out our PC I think we should swap Lugia maybe for Lapras we also have two groudons I totally forgot about those maybe one should at least go on the team I feel like groudon's maybe just a big gigalith so giggle it you've done your job but I'm sorry time for you to go into the PC I mean all things considered we have a lot of really good Pokemon yeah we went internatists we have a Xerneas honestly I kind of want to throw zero Aura on the team for now but more importantly we can pick up our 25 epic Lucky Blocks as we move on to the next phase and the final phase of the challenge but now we officially have a full legendary Pokemon team okay I know zero ore is a mythical trust me guys it is really not that serious one thing I will say is I would love love to see some more shiny legendaries on the team so let's go ahead and add one little goal ending ending challenge with a full Mega boss Pokemon with so let me just get to training up my one and only shiny legendary shiny Lugia and oh my God this Pokemon has no good moves okay never mind not now we gotta get a few new moves on Lugia but I will see you guys when Lugia is level 100 and Lugia is now level 100. I actually did not take as long as I thought but it is day 79 now meaning we have four epic lucky blocks to break and hopefully we'll find our next shiny legendary team member in these four blocks so here we go baby let's see what we get from the first one and oh my God I mean what's better than a Palkia a shiny Palkia I mean I think we can find a spot for that on the team it's only fair Palkia gets to be shiny after that gym performance moving on though come on can it get any better now we get a Shiny Jirachi okay we get all the shiny forms of Pokemon we already have let's see something new that is a new Pokemon Shiny intake we have not gotten an Entei this entire challenge that is pretty sweet but our final Epic big lucky block for now come on man show me something crazy and it's a zarude which isn't terrible it's just not like my first choice but Paul Kia you have done a lot for the team it's time to become shiny you know what I think I'm gonna put shiny Entei on the team too I don't think I really ever use Entei when I use legendary Pokemon you know what let's get let's get shot I mean he's such a cool Pokemon he's got he's got I gotta get these Pokemon up to level 100 both shiny Palkia and Entei and hopefully this doesn't take a long time just like Lugia that was like a pretty easy level 100 and just like that Entei and Palkia are both level 100 let me just end the battle there we go guys two more shiny legendary Pokemon at level 100 and that grinding put us all the way up to day 86 meaning we have seven additional epic lucky blocks to break here and possibly find another team member we got seven lucky blocks here I like our odds can we get a Shiny Rayquaza please come on baby we get ourselves a shiny magearna not terrible at all just really interesting let's keep it up though we get ourselves the devil Shiny Giratina baby that is actually so it's one of the best shiny legendaries for sure just off the way it looks but let's keep it up here we get ourselves a shiny Terrakion that is powerful I love the shiny palette the red and the blue just looks so good on terracion but let's keep it up guys guys here we go oh my God it is not a Shiny Rayquaza but a shiny Groudon I feel like that might have to go on the team and replace our normal Groudon but I don't know who knows here we go we have a shiny type Knoll I'm not even gonna talk about that that's just can I beat it up yeah that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna beat that Pokemon but two final epic blocks here I think we can build our final team now may be wrong though we get a shiny necrozma and a shiny Zapdos to wrap that up and wow dude yeah let's go ahead and put shiny Groudon I think we also need to use Shiny Giratina but I'm actually Gonna Leave the final slot of the team open and you may have guessed it but Groudon is now level 100 as well as Giratina here and now we only need one more level 100 shiny legendary let's see if we can get our final team member with these next six Lucky Blocks but I really hope we get something out of this batch of blocks cause we're about to lock in our team for the Mega Pokemon boss fight so let's see come on we're starting over here oh that is a great way to start oh my gosh shiny zashi I mean you actually can't ask for a better Pokemon than that you really can we even need to open these blocks after getting a shiny zastian I mean come on let's see though we get a shiny tapu bulu shiny tapulele come on keep it going Articuno we get a shiny Verizon and a shiny Ho-Oh to go with our shiny Lugia not bad at all and I think I'm definitely sticking with the shiny zashian so why don't you say we get our final shiny legendary up to level 100 here we go and just like that sashian is level 100 baby let me get out of there and we officially have a full shiny legendary level one Squad I mean it just does it get better than this we do get to open three epic lucky blocks though so let's see what we get oh we got a shiny tapufini let's go that's an upgrade to our tapufini we have a shiny marshadow though and a shiny Lugia as well I mean I'll take another shiny Lugia but guys it is now time for the hardest part of The Challenge hunting finding and taking down a mega Pokemon boss and this boss Pokemon can spawn anywhere but we need to make sure it's a legendary or ultimate level boss so it's mega evolved so it's officially been a day of searching for the Mega boss and look something I just realized is we have three master balls which I'm pretty sure we got for beating the eighth gym leader but I mean that's cool we'll try to Mesa biome I don't think I've ever looked for a boss Pokemon here there's actually a few Mega Pokemon that can spawn here that's Mega Aggron Mega Houndoom Mega Metagross mega Salamence Mega Steelix and Mega Tyranitar so I mean let's just say if we find a boss in this bio it is not gonna be easy to be oh and here's the later on okay Mega Aggron come on I'm gonna manifest that let's fight a mega Aggron oh and we actually have a Lucky Block to open up as well good thing I didn't forget it's another shiny oh oh more like oh no get it get it get it guys I won't even lie it is looking brutal it is now day 98 and we have not seen a singular Mega boss here I'm really hoping we didn't blow our chance when we lost to the mega bosses early in this challenge but it is night time of day 98 I actually need to open two lucky blocks for 97 and 98. I'm gonna take whatever comes out of these Lucky Blocks as like an omen for the future if they're good Pokemon we're gonna find a mega but if not then uh I think we're out of luck but here we go on the left we have a oh a shiny Spectra you know what I'll take it not bad at all but next up we have ourselves oh a shiny Landorus you know what I will definitely take that they're not going on the team but honestly that gave me some confidence I think we can find this Mega oh oh that's it that is a shiny mega Salamence boss wait let me get to battle with it please I want to start the battle please don't despawn if we can get into battle with this guys we might be able to win this challenge let's go for an extreme speed right off the bat but we are in the battle let's go here we go let's go to Giratina he has been going for fly so maybe we can intertwine with a Shadow Force hold on wait this might be the play if he keeps spamming fly we're gonna keep being able to attack for free with giratina's Shadow Force no way no way we just outplay a mega Salamence like this Giratina has full HP guys Mega cell um's in the red it just takes one more attack and it would fall Force couldn't that boss goes down it was level 140. let's take our money we get a focus sash some exp in a Salamence mega stone but most importantly we have completed our Vital goal of the challenge and we've made it to day 100 so let's open our final two lucky blocks and honestly thank God those were the last two because um those were kind of trash but we have completed all our goals in the challenge and with that we have completed all our goals in beating the lucky block 100 days Challenge and if you enjoyed it don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Arpus
Views: 180,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arpus, arpus pixelmon, arpus pokemon, arpus minecraft, pokemon, minecraft, pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, minecraft pixelmon, arpus minecraft pixelmon, I Spent 100 DAYS in LUCKY BLOCK Minecraft, I Spent 100 DAYS in LUCKY BLOCK PIXELMON, I Spent 100 DAYS in LUCKY BLOCK Minecraft PIXELMON, lucky block pixelmon, lucky block minecraft, 100 days lucky block, lucky block 100 days, 100 days minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days pixelmon, pixelmon 100 days, lucky block minecraft pixelmon
Id: z2UDxm7aAIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 15sec (2835 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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