We Used a NUCLEAR SUBMARINE to Survive a KRAKEN in Stormworks Multiplayer!

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all right tuna I'm gonna give you nice pets here look pet the puppy oh my goodness you're cute so cute what are you doing you know what's not cute don't you do anything to my dog don't kidnap we're taking Tuna on an adventure oh okay wait what are we doing submarine okay I don't think tuna is meant for submarines that does not seem sick okay I guess we're going see look look I'm a professional tuna's aboard okay so what's your big plan here today we're going underwater and we are gonna be hunting the cracking is that a rocket on top of this oh look at that it's a warhead don't look at that yet does it it doesn't seem the safest thing that you should do even though it is the Kraken and it wants to kill us are we really gonna hit it with a warhead yeah definitely look tuna is a board oh yeah do we have any lights uh I think so right here boom tuna is officially floating um yup tuna magical powers and bring tuna in here okay dude this is a awesome looking control room all right I'm gonna go ahead and start uh activating some cameras here oh dude oh dude this is sweet okay what do I do it drives it drives wait I already drag on let me get thing here okay here here you know what I know how to drive this thing I just figured it out you you drive for a second wait Drive you're gonna let me drive this I you trust me with this I'm gonna hop in this and oh oh to the right I think we got a crack in uh spy that's hold on let me get eyes on him get in my my free cam real quick uh spy that is that's a crack and I could that's a fishing vessel okay how do I how do I use this um I mean we we kind of do need to test this thing out wait is that remote control oh my gosh it is wait so you're actually in a camera controlling that right now yeah um I don't know if I'm gonna be able to hit a little uh you know fishing cracking I mean if you come close to it oh my goodness I'm going straight that wasn't me you should get over there we should we might need the rest let's go do a rescue I mean if you hit a kraken with that missile there's no way it survives right definitely not but we're gonna have to rearm but let's go make sure these people are all right are there any more weapon systems aboard this thing oh yeah press spacebar oh my goodness there's an auto Cannon hold on let's go make sure these people are all right oh you we're making sure they're okay you're shooting though I'm not that's I'm shooting medical packs over to him oh yeah because the medical packs like them on fire oh my goodness that thing is completely destroyed uh why are the sirens why does this happen every time we start that's the police that's the police uh I think we should get back to the dock grab tuna and grab another missile wait where is two all right Dana tuna grab tuna all right let's go all right you uh armed up ready to go we got tuna with you yeah whoa that's not tuna what do you mean it's not tuna that's not too that's a corgi oh diet well you know what we're gonna call this one 2.0 I can't even say it tuna tuna wait what happened to tuna one up UNO um did you lose my dog no not that um oh they all have sea legs you know they probably went back to Shore Swim definitely I can it is a little loud in here how do I let you lost tuna had I let go of the dog I don't see him anymore it's on it's clear it's on my back uh press e uh so we're gonna go out to the ocean okay search for the Kraken I'm just taking a look around do we have any bathroom facilities in here uh spy um maybe yeah there's an equipment room uh we should probably grab some of this stuff like first aid kits flares oh uh spear gun probably need that oh I found the bedroom there's a bedroom in here I'm going to the back yeah I feel like I'm gonna open up the wrong hatch and water's just gonna pour in I'm cooking food in here um horse open dock magnet what are you doing spider lights in here is this it that's it I'm in the bedroom okay lock and hatch all right wait really you took the bedroom you can't even get in here all right well then I'm gonna go lock the cockpit and you're not gonna be able to no yeah that's what I thought behind the door oh that sounds like a personal issue oh there's a lock on this all right you know what I'm gonna start this up we gotta get moving here no civilization on uh cameras on uh you ready I am ready all right we are uh good power limiters at its correct amount and let's get moving we gotta get to deep seas um so do we have a plan for this so the auto Cannon shoot up oh what just happened what did you do nothing what did you do what no that wasn't me what why did the nuclear submarine just explode I don't know where I am I see black um okay we we probably need a new one and we probably just uh created a environmental hazard in here but yeah okay don't worry about tuna 2.0 okay so do we want to talk about what happened there um yeah it was the dog I think tuna hit the wrong button and exploded so he launched the missiles we uh we made tuna stay at a dog care facility for now yeah he's safe totally not lost that seat hey what you told me he went to a dog care facility he did the seat does not count the sliding dog shelter oh my goodness I just can't even with you right now it's fine look how fast this thing is though yeah uh this is uh it's pretty impressive we're going under oh what a say it like that I don't yeah about to say you said it as if you were taking a poop as you were you know going under well we are dunking into uh the world's toilet dunking on the haters right yep look at this thing this is really really impressive I like this how did we afford this you know this is a Jank exploration corporation that that's pretty cool uh-huh did did we uh did we use obi's credit card I I found one on the table might have been his honestly surprised that he gets approved for this amount but yeah it's fine um how far are we from the bottom of the ocean I think that computer there tells you uh oh wait which one in front of me uh oh bottom right here 220. 220 all right so we need to go down uh the weather conditions everything's just got to be right for this uh to work yep we gotta call the Kraken and then we blast him so how would you want to hit the Kraken with the Warhead on top like how does that work um I don't know okay that's a that's a really good confidence there spy what happens if the Kraken hits the Warhead while it's attached uh that might be an issue by the way we have an enemy ship uh at our about one o'clock take this yup this is totally I think I hit him logical yeah we're just shooting yeah that's great we're pretending it's a kraken well Krakens like sunken chips right this is true shooting oh we definitely don't want to lose this Submarine underwater definitely not that would suck yeah I heard that recently uh go ahead keep hitting it oh my goodness is it honking at us it might be because we're shooting they're probably screaming friendly what are you doing ready Oh I thought you were about to Ram it I was like spy let's not do that oh my goodness that was frightening that was so cool this thing moves so fast underwater yeah okay we're about 230 feet from the bottom is that right hey did you see that little island out to the right like I feel like that would be near like a kraken layer right oh that's definitely a cracking layer okay go under and let's just speed this okay here we go under yeah buddy now full power let's do this this is maximum power oh my goodness it is so fast dude Dennis that's super impressive oh gosh we're getting close to the bottom uh yeah let's try to try not to hit the bottom so I'm gonna let you be responsible for shooting the missile because I don't trust myself I mean you hit the small boat crap you're gonna need to drive okay well honestly shouldn't we set stationary here we gotta Attract it oh that's true okay uh do your cracking call um oh why does that sound like a dying will cause that's what they're attracted to they're attracted to dying Wells yep well we can just turn the sonar on I mean that'll oh that works oh you've seen dots on the sonar oh it's a boat but what are those other two I think the dots typically are red like red Predators you know what I mean oh maybe all right so let's just set under here let's I mean have a cup of tea and we'll just we'll wait yeah definitely it's kind of freaky I don't like that there's windows in here yeah well yeah if that cracks open that's not gonna be good you know there is diving equipment in the back by the way oh maybe we should put that on uh I mean if you say so cough cough cough I'm gonna go grab it first there's only one no apparently there's only one of those well guess what there's only one of as well honestly it's blocking my vision so I don't want to wear it right now hey got a fire extinguisher I mean we might need that too yeah okay let's do this um on the map I see how fishy it's the fishy that's over here no it's not it doesn't pick up fish what's up Far East coming towards us yeah it's a new one because we had the ones behind us we had the one north of us it's coming towards us on oh it is coming over here it is moving isn't it all right let me look oh no it's to the right isn't it I see the fishies I think it's a fish spy I don't think it's a fish and there's a big fish over there they don't make sonars detect fish for reasons oh is that not a thing I looked right maybe the little ones near us but one is coming this way fast yeah it is definitely getting closer um okay look back to the right that's my launch button just in case uh one okay I don't oh look to the right there's something over there what are you oh my goodness okay uh should I turn this up turn right turn right and shoot it shoot it's the Kraken oh my God it's a missile oh yes you should let me back up I'm gonna back up fast it's faster than our submarine okay okay shoot it a bunch oh no it comes towards us I'm launching uh yeah you should probably wait till it does its attack I think it's getting in position here oh oh okay hold on let me aim towards it wait until the last possible moment as it's approaching you can't miss that way right because it launches right off the top yeah okay um except it might hit us if we do that uh that's a risk I'm willing to take that is so cool I don't think I've ever seen it swim it's trying to figure out how to attack us it's trying to hit us from the sides yeah it keeps resetting yeah uh oh maybe it's damaged maybe it's it's fleeing uh okay we're gonna chase it down now Chase it down we gotta get this thing calamari on he's oh he's he he keeps he's wanting to hit us on the side yep you say calamari that's a big old calamari how should we approach this spy I'm just gonna launch the missile oh you could probably honestly shoot it back down uh okay honey sitting there should I all right yeah let me just get danger close to him okay danger close I I say you just oh you're gonna hit him I mean yeah we do have propellers on here dude he is we're in Pursuit it's running okay okay uh you ready with that missile yep wait wait oh geez all right wait wait wait wait wait I'll tell you when you got your finger on the launch button yeah I do hey do it do it do it launching do it oh my goodness he's gonna launching okay oh my gosh oh my goodness oh okay it's it's in the air it's in the air okay I'm gonna surface and then I'm gonna stay above it wait where'd he go wait is that it right there right there yeah don't hit the island it ran where'd it go oh try to get eyes back on it how much uh how much time in the air do you have I don't know I'm still flying where'd he go it ran oh I see it okay it's I'm gonna sit right over it uh I'm basically over it right now it's to my right it's to my right I see it I see it hit it small oh no oh go back up okay I'm gonna I'm gonna pursue it uh okay it's rearing up spy it's about to attack it's important attack uh on on is doing stuff okay it's right to my right still I can't see you I can't oh the South Island okay the island all right we're to the left of the island okay I see you turn it's so hard to see turn to the left uh oh did you just burn out oh I think it burned out oh no oh that's gonna explode isn't it oh oh yep it exploded okay oh all right interesting uh back into Attack Mode you know what we're gonna Ram it Ram it Ram it and auto Cannon it you watching I'm watching wait why'd you stop he's he's actually kind of smart whoa we got water coming in what do you mean we got water coming in we're having to hit water shooting it look at that I just ran through it did you you damaged it I think we oh it didn't kill it okay go back down it's my we are currently on fire do you still have that fire extinguisher I do I do where's the fire uh I thought I saw some fire in the front um okay oh my gosh it's so bouncy is there is there a lot of water in there right now I don't know I'm stuck behind a door we're in pursuit of this here we go I don't care okay trying to put it out we're gonna run up is that his butt hole or what is that that's its mouth oh okay I didn't know what to call it oh my goodness I just hit the C4 oh oh spy are we trapped spy the engines have stopped the water there's water coming in uh oh um oh there's a fire uh spy do we have any repair okay we need to close this door close this door oh my goodness he's attacking the sub is he okay we don't have a cockpit anymore it's now officially full of water don't look don't let that open okay close it dude he's smothering us on the floor oh no what uh oh my God yeah okay look for repair equipment um is there a home and let us sell Willy no do not open the cockpit up uh okay there's uh stuff behind this hatch but it's it's broken wait what's broke repair stuff yeah right behind the ladder oh no uh okay can we get to it somehow oh equipment I found it okay you got a repair torch let me see what do we got in here we got a hazard equipment we've got radar there's an underwater torch would that work yeah yeah okay grab it okay spy there is a slow leak in the main cabin here uh spy can you please bring that over here and start repairing the door look wait I don't see it look dab wait you don't see what there's no oh move your big butt okay uh on oh there's so much water coming in I'm trying okay I gotta I gotta I got a torch here okay does this not work unless you're underwater I mean it is called underwater porch is he still holding us down uh uh spy we okay pump in pump out uh pump out water like the bilge pumps are broken now I'll repair it I can't it won't repair oh no despite we can steal ourselves in here come on okay okay come in still the door okay there's no holes in this side but is there an escape hatch uh about that um I don't think so this is the most helpless feeling I've ever had Force open button I don't think you want to force something open oh it's definitely we can swim to the top it's only 200 feet is that like explode your head level or I don't know but I got a spear gun okay all right uh here we go get ready three two one go oh my goodness I can't see okay go climb out on the ladder oh my goodness okay Spirit Boom go to the center spy you probably just made it Angry I think I hit it okay all right we got this it's kind of high but not really all right we're good we're good what is it doing oh it's coming back it wait what's it going to attack now gonna eat the submarine oh that was our research that was our expensive sub do you think we should nuke the ocean I mean yeah in order to kill that thing probably yeah we'll leave the submarine here and you know I mean technically there is it's the nuclear-powered submarine which I'm pretty sure just cracked open in the ocean yeah that's not good so we know what that means right yeah we should probably uh swim away this is an environmental hazard uh that's just happened uh you honestly were the cause of that uh you should have hit the Kraken with the Warhead it ran out of fuel is that what it is yep okay
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 323,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: submarine, kraken, kraken stormworks, kraken easter egg, stormworks, stormworks natural disasters, stormworks kraken, stormworks karken tutorial, stormworks kraken attack, stormworks kraken sinking ship, stormworks build and rescue, sinking ship simulator, camodo gaming, camodo gaming stormworks, stormworks gameplay, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks ship, stormworks tsunami, stormworks tsunami shelter, stormworks ship survival, kraken survival, spycakes, stormworks submarine
Id: _oOe931ShHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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