I Spent 80 Days Surviving The IRONMAN Challenge | Project Zomboid SUPERCUT

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project zomboid is a pure survival Sandbox game in the fact that it's up to you to survive how you want do you want to kill zombies and clean out entire towns maybe instead of that you Loot and stay under the radar or you might want to see how far you can make it relying only on yourself and the items you create which is exactly what I set out to do with the Iron Man challenge in which the only items I can use are the ones I make myself from the clothing on my back to the weapons I use it needs to come from me whether by foraging or crafting the only caveat to this is that I can use tools to craft items that can't be created otherwise which would normally soft lock me like hammers saws and propane torches this also includes food items literature and meds so join me as I start with literally nothing and become a self- sustaining Survivor all within a 5H hour super cut I hope you enjoy welcome everyone everyone to the Iron Man Challenge and project zomboid today we are joined by grug we are starting with nothing so I'm hoping that we can start off as a zero and become a hero we are kind of you know in the middle of nowhere we do have a farmhouse right next to me which I am going to be looting but yeah we are nowhere near any towns or cities which is for the better because these zombies are also special infected which are pretty scary so this is kind of like our nice little beginner box for us to get our feet planted in the ground and get started with a nice little tool kit speaking about feet we need shoes badly so I'm hoping that by the end of this episode we can have ourselves some some real fun shoes all that's left to do though is check out this nice little place while avoiding any hazards or glass shards if I step in a pile of glass while looking throughout this Farmhouse that is going to be a game over situation I know because I've had it happen to me oh on top of that we have a nice fresh corpse here which is actually really good for me so yeah I'm going to go ahead and not take her clothing and instead fashion it into raw supplies so we can craft our own stuff so thank you ma'am you are helping me out a ton uh do we have any food inside the uh the kitchen uh no no food anything in the back here or pants which I guess we can rip up into clothing and while we are doing that we should go ahead and make ourselves some uh some thread make thread from eight sheets that'll be uh helpful later not right now but it is good to have another shirt for us to rip up even more clothing for us to rip up these corpses are going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me room which I could actually use really quick right I can't use the broom as a weapon and swing it around but I can use it as a crafting material to make my own spear with bada bam I'll take it it ain't the best but hey it makes me feel a lot better speaking about crafting stuff I almost forgot we should make ourselves a quick all loin cloth it ain't going to do much for us right now but you know it kind of helps me get into the mood of being the ultimate caveman I mean come on it looks pretty damn good all right with the spear I look like I'm ready to hunt down a mammoth time for the upstairs now oh yeah we got some freaking Skittles oh that's awesome oh yeah nothing like some 10-year-old Skittles to go down the old Hatcher roon I'll take them that is non- perishable food that I can always eat later I think it's time to go check out the shed down here though and of course while we're moving around outside I'm always going to have the foraging mode enabled just in case if we find something nice nice I'm hoping we get some tools out of here but you know your guess is as good as mine large bolts metal pipe a saw okay and some duct tape don't mind if I know a screwdriver wow this Farm is absolutely loaded huh that seems to be it other than a sheet here which I can then turn into a nice old sheet bag I told you making those two sheet ropes would have been helpful the sheet bag is objectively terrible though it only has a 35 weight reduction with eight capacity but is but it's the only bag I can use as of right now so I I'll take it we take those I would say the only thing we're missing right now is uh some basic stone tools and a damn pair of shoes so what I'm going to do right now is enable the foraging mode and hoping that I come across either a large Stone a chip Stone any one of the stones so we can craft ourselves a hammer and then we can get the ball really rolling so wish me luck this might actually take a bit to look around for come on RNG Give Me One Singular Stone and I will leave you alone we're probably going to get some scratched up feet very soon so I just want to prepare you mentally for that there's nothing I can really do about it oh yep there it is uh okay that's a scratch on our forearm and that is a zombie coming in after me right now huh well it's a good thing we have this spear yeah that's our first kill back on the lookout for some Stones okay then I have a plan B um instead of trying to find Stones what I'm going to go ahead and do instead is search for tree branches because there is a small chance that I find a stone in another way other than foraging oh yep that's going to be a scratch on my foot I really need shoes I need them badly please I I appreciate all the food you're giving me game but I I I I I need some basic crafting supplies right now okay wow I guess I'm just extremely unlucky uh we spent like a a good chunk of the day forging did not find anything but that's fine because there is another way that I can get these resources so let me show you I just stepped in glass oh that is one thing I did not want to happen it's so hard to see this glass okay this is not good um this just made my life 10 times worse are you kidding me you know it is what it is uh I was planning on sleeping tonight but I don't think we can sleep with this excruciating Agony all I have to do right now is remove the glass bandage it up with some rip sheets and pray hope beg plead that I can find a stone a branch and then we can get the ball rolling but for right now we are absolutely mangled beyond recognition hungry thirsty in pain not good but anyways as I was going to show you we can remove vegetation and as we search through these clumps of grass we have a chance of finding an item like right there it increases our foraging skill and we found ourselves I think a few more berries this is how we're going to get everything hopefully orangg could also just screw me over but we're going to be doing this for the rest of the night anyways because um yeah I'm not going to be able to sleep so wish me luck and I'm just going to go on a big old spree hey that's another level of forging we got ourselves a few basic supplies nothing that I really need but one thing that I am kind of happy about we got ourselves a little froggy oh look at that little guy oh my God you're going to be my friend from now on from here on out it's going to be grug and uh your name's going to be uh filbert you're going to be my little buddy for as long as I'm alive which is probably not going to be long because I screwed up my my my my feet oh beautiful it's raining as well come on just a single branch is all I ask for I can't forge in this condition all right it's raining pretty hard I think we call quits for the day uh I can go ahead and eat these Nettles and parsley they're not going to hold me up for too long but it is something I guess I'll see y'all in the morning when it's a little bit brighter and I have less of a chance of getting jumped out in the middle of the night this is such terrible weather to be in by the way grug is just contemplating his entire life right now as he should be I'm looking outside right now it's day two my legs are absolutely mangled and it is just storming today I love this game I absolutely love it when it just shoves the middle finger right in my face I'm just trying to live my best life you know subsisting off the land but the land obviously doesn't like it I I really need to find these materials it's Do or Die folks I've never been this desperate for a single tree branch in my life oh we got a dead squirrel in here God there's a lot of dead animals huh I don't think we're going to get lucky trying to find a tree branch in here so I'm going to go hurry up drop up our stuff uh probably grab a quick bite to eat cuz I am very hungry and see what's cooking on the menu today M I'll have the oregano and the violets those are the only things I can eat safely right now everything else is uh yeah I don't really want to risk it so let's just see if we can find ourselves the tree branch that I need oh so desperately come on oh I just did I just step in more glass no it's just a deep wound that's infected bleeding and scratched that's fine just just rub it just oh my God the zombies are no zombies here oh you got to be kidding me this is not a good time for zombies to be here yeah that's right just cuz I'm weak don't mean I ain't a Chad bam that's what I thought okay problem has been dealt with uh kind of scary I am going to be ripping all these zombies clothes into their base components because that gives us a little bit of tailoring skill check that out and I I need a bunch of tailoring right now anyways back on the search for some firewood those are Twigs okay kind of close to tree branches I think we're getting warmer oh that's a well that that's actually a really nice well um wow that's that's really nice don't mind if I do I didn't even realize this Farmhouse had a well well that that's gamechanging for us this is definitely a good place to be then come on it says it's common here obviously it ain't that common it also could be just be the amount of pain that that I'm in affecting my chances of finding firewood okay you know what I'm just going to go and rely on the good oldfashioned uh rip grass out of the ground and hope I find branches this way you never know o we got ourselves a sturdy stick okay come on it's literally the upgraded version of that one more one more one more how hard is it to find a single branch in the damn Woods well uh it's technically day three I just leveled up my forging yet again it's at a solid four I have gotten everything but a single tree branch right now uh the good thing is that we can eat some of these grape leaves and some of these violets to kind of hold off my insatiable hunger because I can't start a fire right now because I don't have any Dam tree branches it's a it's a very bad situation to be in but at least I can go to sleep right now it's morning the storm is done if we just find a single tree branch I can do so much I just stepped in the glass again didn't I I'm not doing all right right now that oh man I I need shoes brother well let's just drop off everything we have in there look at all the food we have if only I could I we we have two stones we can make a chip Stone this so good all I need right now is a single branch and I can get the ball rolling and we can get out of here like we're a damn Legend just a single Branch I'm going to go out and Forge and hope and cross my fingers that I can find it out here it's it's the best chance we have right now oh another Stone okay we're getting Stones now what I need is a tree branch just one yes we're back in it all right all right all right all right right all right first things first we're going to make ourselves a stone Hammer bada bam we got ourselves our first freaking tool of the day and as soon as we get back to our nice little base camp I'm going to go make the second thing we need oh that is so nice finally things are looking on up for us up next I want to make myself bop bop bop a chip Stone just like that gives us two and we can make ourselves a quick old knife hell yeah yeah we got ourselves a knife and a hammer and now what we can do is uh butcher up these birds and animals for leather yeah it's happening oh my gosh but before we go ahead and do that I need to make a needle so in order to make one of those we're going to need some nails but this is where the hammer comes in because it gives us the ability to disassemble basic Furniture also we have a saw I forgot about the saw this is where the saw comes in clutch but there we go we got ourselves some nails and now we can craft ourselves a needle yes oh it's happening and before I continue disassembling this place which I will in its entirety like a nematode from SpongeBob I need to make us some damn shoots and I also need to patch up my wounds now which I can do bada bam we can finally stitch up our feet just like that oh what a beautiful day yeah sure it's still infected but just just walk it off right I'm sure it'll heal just fine oh hell yeah we can walk normally we can jog we're as fit as a fiddle and in order to stop this tragedy from ever happening again looking at you glass shards on the floor that I stepped in twice we can go ahead and butcher these small animals for leather but bam we got ourselves some leather strips which we can go ahead and turn into leather really quick and make ourselves some fur boots check these babies out W and not only that I'm actually going to make a couple more uh things here actually I I just went ahead and turned all of the uh animals into leather giving us eight leather strips which we can go ahead and make into two leather B bam bada boom which we can then turn into a nice skin tunic oh yeah looking good looking good all right this is our first set of equipment and I I I'm feeling great now I'm feeling fan freaking tastic so let's go grab all of our food now and I think it's about time we fix our other problems now all I got to do is uh disassemble a bunch of this furniture right now in hopes that we can get our hands on a plank which we can then drill and then start up a quick rudimentary fire with there we go there's our plank let's go drill that bad boy and then turn the scrap wood into scrap chips so we can go ahead and make a quick campfire kit I've been starving this entire time so it's going to be nice to get some food in us you know okay these two frogs are not filbert this is filbert okay I wish I could name him but that's filbert right over there these two though are free gam so let's go slice up some frogs into filets go grab some extra wood to throw on the Fire and like this bad boy with our Notch wooden plank and our sturdy stick yes we're progressing at break neck speeds now all right time to go cook up our food we got some frog meat some random bugs and critters we can cook up termites and some Wild Eggs oh yeah meat's back on the menu boys can you smell it in the air there oh that's going to be the good stuff I won't be eating the um the bugs immediately because those do last for quite a while but the Frog meat yeah actually I think the Frog meat is good whenever so let's go have ourselves some Wild Eggs delish oh so nutric I needed the I needed these calories really badly I think all we got to do now is sit down kind of relax a bit go read up some of these magazines we found and go to sleep like a damn King all right uh that's going to be it for these magazines I might as well add them in as fuel for the fire because why not okay so I think what I'm going to do with the rest of my day is look around for some more tree branches right I need more my my thirst for tree branches is not over yet because I want to create a hand X and with the handex I want to craft up a nice little unab Bunga Club so if I could find a tree branch somewhere out here it'd be perfect and I'm hoping now that we're you know a little bit more agile and limber we'll be able to find it just fine another Stone still no uh still no tree branch it we're on our third day here I was really hoping I would have found one but I might just need a call it quits I mean I've been looking around for a while I've been finding a lot of stones I love how they pop up as soon as like I don't need them and the one thing I do need is nowhere to be [Music] seen this is really giving me Deja Vu of the otherw werness series where I just need one single thing and I just don't get it I would really like to get this last thing before I move out and it would be really cool and it' really fit with the caveman theme but holy hell is this a lot of work oh Jesus there a zombie right there what what whoa where all you come from get out of here he anyone else oh yeah there's actually quite a few over here what the heck okay well uh yeah that happened he yeah y'all Scar the crap out of me oh there goes that's exactly why I need a a better weapon than a spear and I'm not about to leave this place when these zombies can become like superheroes I just need one tree branch I am half tempted of pushing one down myself if it if it if it needs to come to that please cilantro not what I need I I honestly think we go to plan B uh at this rate we've been looking around for eons all we're finding is like you know not tree branches so I'm just going to go back to where our Farmhouse is and I'm going to I'm just going to go start sipping through the grass and hopes that I can find a single one all I need is one and then I'll be happy with my whole situation so let's just begin no no tree Ranch in sight but we did get enough food to I think start up another fire in the morning so I guess I'll see y'all then you know things could be going a whole lot worse right now I could be starving I actually am but that's going to change very soon why do I have a cherry in there I think things are just going to be fine let's go cook up the Frog meat for later and that rodent meat is going to hit the spot right now delicious all right time to find that damn Branch I don't have a lot of faith but hey you know I'm filled up on food I I'm I'm great in morale I think this is the best time we're going to find one look we already got ourselves a leak oh oh there it is oh thank you it it's been so long finally we can make it and we can make ourselves a stone axe oh that is you do not know how long I've waited to get this all right let's go head back to our base we back at base camp I guess kind of like a base I am planning on moving far away from this area but now I'm going to equip the stone Axe and chop down a small little tree here right this one can go boom we have ourselves a log now you might be asking why do I need a log it's quite simple we're going to make a damn wooden Club yeah this is what I've been waiting for the entire time bada Bingo wooden Club ACC ired time to absolutely dunk on these fools yes I am extremely happy I was finally able to um pull pull that off okay so let's go grab a quick drink to eat and I think for the rest of the day today I'm just going to go ahead and disassemble everything within this Farmhouse and tomorrow it's going to be a grand day as I try to make my Exodus to the quain town of Riverside grug think about to life and then grug realized life doesn't wait for grug and today is going to be the day we leave this Farmhouse once and for all In Search of the promised land which is going to be all the way here where grug is right now Over Yonder to these set of homes here and more importantly this bridge right here also this Pond right here is um yeah it's kind of let's not talk about it anyways it's about time we get on going out of here now while I was sleeping I went ahead and did a little bit of foraging so we have ourselves a few things to eat right now like this tomato these grape leaves and we can turn this dead bird into a wee bit of leather now that our tummy's full we can go grab ourselves a last Swig of toilet water and we're going to be often added judging from suntime we have the full day to go and explore oh yeah and if you're wondering drink I did remember to grab uh filbert so he is with us I almost forgot about him but I'm I'm glad I took this little goober along for the ride another thing is that uh I'm I'm going to realize how big the map is in project zomboid because we're going to be doing all of this on foot so moving from like Riverside to mulrow is going to be hell on Earth for us but hey it's a good workout and grug needs to be fast and strong to survive fast to outrun the zombies and strong to hit the zombies what do we got inside this car wreck though a rubber band okay I'll take it and what else here ooh Some twine don't mind if I do that's actually epic yeah we can turn that into a whole bunch of good stuff okay what about this car here nothing it was worth a shot as we do approach the road we might come across a few more zombies in the area speaking of zombie there's a skeleton right there now I would would love to fight them but right now we really don't have the resources nor weapons to you know worry about this many that's a screature okay we got to skad he just alerted half the damn town to our location that's fine everything's cool cool as a cucumber grug knows his way around the woods so we just don't look back and everything should be a okay unless the zombie start sprinting at us oh man there's a lot here it's fine if we cut in through these Woods here we should come across our first Target for homes and then we can hurry up l it and get on out because we're on a bit of a time crunch right now there it is right up there our first house uh tough zombie is that a fire axe wow that's really lucky sucks that I can't use it though I'm just going to have to Bonk you in the head now good day goodbye I'm going to be looting this very quickly ooh that's a lot of food okay okay okay we we we take those what else we got b b uh nothing else okay let's get out out of this we're going to be speed running these homes b b hunting volume 4 electrician Volume 5 both of those useless right now okay wow not a lot here huh got some boots with nothing inside of it that is a shame up next we have ourselves ooh a free magazine in the trash but we got ourselves a juice box oh banana flavor that's still good I'm sure grug would love a banana drink that sounds really good actually I'm I'm kind of jealous I'm actually extremely jealous of what's grug getting right now I mean we are getting just some fine cuisine now I do have to be a bit cautious about going inside these home as there are zombies like this idiot here that are trying to stop me from looting my stuff good day oh I love the bonking stick though I have a feeling that this bonking stick isn't going to last much longer so I'm going to go ahead and retire it right now because we have ourselves a free hand X to use there we go that should help out our inventory a bit that's another Doomsday prepper magazine hunting and mechanics volume 1 ooh that's really good not only that but we have ourselves some salt a sippy of water though there is a pillow inside here and since we just got the twine we could actually craft ourselves an improvised backpack which is going to be an improvement over our sheet bag yeah you know what I'm going to do that right now give me that son of a hell yeah this bad boy has 15 capacity and 60 weight reduction which is very good for grug so let's equip this new one and check that out damn that's looking nice okay time to loot everything in and we solve our looting problem and our over encumbrance problem with uh one Fell Swoop well there's only two more homes left and then we are going to be done with the Looting bit and then after that I'm going to see if I should just stay around here for the night or if I should go on a nice little Expedition anyone in here o someone was making some PB and JS don't mind if I do take that oh peanut butter is A vibe right now especially since we've been losing weight like crazy eating a little bit of that will keep us going for a while I'm going to eat that when I'm actually like super duper hungry though we have ourselves uh smithing for intermediates which uh yeah I'll take that if I had the space which I do technically but I am running very low ah not having a car is going to be the worst part for sure okay well I don't care right now last home and then we're done for this whole neighborhood right Yoo grug has come to steal your stuff preferably high calorie dense food so I can survive winter oh my God there's a zombie in here okay whoa settle down I should be the one telling myself that okay that happening to me kind of makes me realize I'm I'm kind of doing stuff all willy-nilly and I need to take a chill pill a massive chill pill because if that zombie was a wrestler he would have just went oh yeah he could have just thrown me right back through the window and made my life a living hell we're in now so that's all that matters with a electronic mag a rotten pork chop rotten carrots and a sewing kit with a needle and thread wow where were you in my first episode well I already got the needle but I will take the extra thread o hold on here I could add padding to our little skin tunic here and make it a little bit more resistant to uh bit and scratches you know what that ain't a half bad idea I'll do that really quick we got the threads but that gives us an extra percent of protection and it also levels up our tailoring skill right there see we're like a quarter of the way there now uh not really worth it though I kind of missed the old aesthetic aesthetic of grug but I'm going to roll my punches but yeah that's going to be it here and so I'm going to go use the uh the good old grug time calculator and it looks like it's around noon right now honestly looking at the distance right now I think I could make it if I Sprint we could definitely make it to this cabin and then once we make it to the cabin I'm thinking we just cut right across into the next home tomorrow cuz we'll have more than enough time to do that yeah you know what that's exactly what I'm going to do time to activate super speed mode oh another car wreck up here and we've also made it very close to our Target so as soon as we cusp around the corner and hit this spot I'm going to just cut straight through the woods and head over there for the rest of the night but first let me go see what this uh car wreck has to offer you never know there could be some like glove box beef jerky somewhere in here no there's nothing in here okay well it was worth a shot just like that we found ourselves our new home for tonight it has a nice little cottage with a couple of sheds in the back I'm honestly more interested in in the sheds but I do want to clear this place out before I uh you know decide to stick around here there could be a zombie lurking in these parts nope no zombies okay so what do we got electrician volume three yada yada plastic cutting board canned corn okay that's going to be food for today delicious I love canned goods and let's grab ourselves a sippy of water that's seems to be it here though though I don't really care about the house what I care about is the sheds right next to it propane torch propane torch propane torch give it to me smithing magazine okay that's pretty good uh a few bits of clothing I can rip up a full-on desktop computer hold on hold on I have an idea what that one actually wait SpongeBob we're not cavemen we have technology I'm sorry I had to I saw the opportunity and like a like a predator animal I I just I had to pounce on it all right it was the ultimate setup all right what else do we have here I'm getting kind of tired broccoli seeds I can find a use for that sometime soon and that's it okay well I'm kind of disappointed in what I found so I'm going to go take up my frustration with the massive bot Montage ah nothing quite like disassembling an entire house for a minor amount of carpentry XP we're almost at level two everyone and I think to finish it off we can just destroy this bed right here bam that is the last Bop for the Montage we got ourselves 32 Nails out of that so I'm going to mark that as a win according to grug time it is 6: to 8: a.m. so we better uh we better start hauling right now though before I do I do want one last big sippy from the sink and a quick little bite to eat I'm thinking we have ourselves some tuna for tonight yeah there we go that should keep us fed and good for the future though we are hemorrhaging weight so that's going to be fun to try and figure out but once we get to a river we can finally start fishing and that is when life is going to get easy for me so all I'm going to do is enable search mode and walk our way on over towards the new zone for us and I think I'm going to make a base in that area as well I've been there before and right up here with this garages I think would be a perfect spot for a base away from our main project which is going to take a little bit to actually get established oh my gosh there's a bunch of stuff in here look at all these arrows grug is just winning at life man where were these tree branches before can I ask that oh this is this is beautiful I love this keep this up I might not even get out of these woods with all of these trinkets I love the woods it's so funny because in every other series The Woods would be like a bit of a deterrent for me it'd be like a last resort going in here but now that I'm grug outdoor extraordinaire I feel right at home I feel safe in the woods it's like a like a like a nice little blankie covering my my body can you blame me when I'm finding tree branches up the wild where were these before I needed these so badly hey that's another level of foraging check that out already to level five we are finding so much stuff in the woods here I love the woods I love all the things it gives me now that I actually have feet protection this has been a very peaceful strill and I think we are getting finally close to our Target yeah we're about halfway there we're making pretty damn good time according to uh the grug sun technique [Music] alas we have made it over towards the garage in good time as well because I am not doing good when it comes to moodles now the whole reason why I did come to these garages is if you don't know there are a lot of copies of the same garage like throughout the world of project zomboid they're kind of like pre Fabrications right and inside of these there's a pretty good chance that we have ourselves a couple of freaking barrels this is awesome because with these bad boys I'm going to be able to make b b Bop a metal drum which we can use to collect water and do charcoal stuff with this is the only way we can actually make charcoal naturally so having that is massive and it's also just a nice little spot that I think we could probably fix up the only problem is a lack of water but we can fix that for now uh let's go loot through this place we might find something nice a gravel bag a regular Tire okay nothing too crazy empty bucket and that is it well uh I don't really care about that what I really care about are these barrels okay this is what's going to be awesome the only problem is that they weigh 10 kilos each but what I can do is set one up outside of This Barn here to collect water later and I'm going to save this other one for our actual home and to make charcoal with which is going to be a little bit from now because we got to make it there and I have to loot all three of these homes and kind of clean this place up for now I think this can be a nice little spot so I'm going to go hurry up and drop off all of my non-essential Goods right inside here including a lot of like the bugs and stuff the reading material and the skill books now my inventory looks a wee bit better let's go check out those three other homes because I really do need a big sip of water right now don't worry I'm in my element all right I'm a hunter gatherer I have my spear at the ready we're about to make some massive amounts of bread all I got to do is uh kill any residents inside grug has come to conquer your world and take your valuables let's see what we got food food food food food dense food high calorie lard no nothing there is a farming manual though I guess I'll take that this house looks like it has an occupant inside oh yeah yeah I don't know how many are inside but there's definitely one so let's kind of play it cautiously okay we saw what happened last time give the you know give the whole place a couple of knocks all over to make sure it's just them and let's sneak in the back meet your maker nice and you're up next ma'am Hello Goodbye a good old labotomy to the Head ought to do it in for you now what do we got inside here oo o alcohol and ships oh just what a boy could have asked for yes some good oldfashioned alkal that'll be good for depression and so many other good things uh I don't think we got much else inside here though some purple paint yada yada clone a nice little box here with some military clothing free XP and lastly some sneakers though actually these stretcher beds would be really good portable sleeping options right they're not a tent but they only weigh like 5 lbs each and I could bring one on the go to when I scout out for my nice forever home up here yeah yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm taking these with me matter of fact I'm going to leave one in my in my garage base and then I'm going to leave one at the at the Riverside they only weigh yeah 5 lbs each literally no problem for me I I can I can carry that easy so let's Save the Last home for tomorrow as I drop off all these goodies today and I think I'm going to go clean up the garage for the rest of the day as well you know make it look nice remove all the vegetation that's kind of clogging it up and make it more like a home even for grug this is absolutely despicable ah welcome there Greg has been enjoying his time fixing up this nice little garage we have ourselves a nice warm campfire and because we decided to clear out all the vegetation within our nice little home it's still kind of messy I mean there's still a corpse right up there but it does look a hell of a lot better than when we last left it but yeah we found ourselves a bunch of dead animals particularly three Dead Squirrels now I'll be real we're losing weight badly so I'm actually going to convert all of these squirrels into food that we're going to cook up right now because um I I'll be real I cannot keep up with the life I've been keeping the though these rats and birds however I will be butchering for leather because I kind of want to make myself a nice skin Cape I think we've earned it and I think it's the only way we can progress there we go new piece of clothing means grug is progressing nicely check that out oh we look so cool now it's time to go cook up our delicious and oh so nutritious squirrel meat with that being done and taken care of though I'm going to go head over towards the last home and then I think we ought to do a little bit of a scouting Mission over towards the the river I'm guessing there's going to be quite a few zombies here as it connects right to the uh the country club golf course so we need to be prepared for anything oh yeah that's going to be a good house to loot all right homes that have garages are an instant win in my opinion hey new level of sprinting let's check it out I'm excited oh I'm hearing quite a bit actually actually oh looks like they were having a bit of a birthday party ain't that cute eat my Quarter Staff hi ha there we go I guess I had to say it like at an uneasy rate ah finally we're getting some combat gosh this quarter staff is really good by the way I love this thing to bits the only problem about a lot of these wooden weapons is that they are very fragile but it makes sense right they're extremely cheap to make but that ain't going to stop me from using them let me go take a look look around the area just in case if there are any more okay I'm not seeing much I am hearing like around two in there which we can take out pretty easily like that ooh wow that is scary business that's why we got to check our Corners how am I going to do this one now well there we go how do you like that one okay our thing broke time to SK out of lside and finish this guy off with an ax hit blunt force trauma for the win rug says you two are next all I got to say is you better have saved some cake for old grug here I was just kidding that's a free cupcake oh my gosh it's still good 10 years later as well ain't that a blessing huh thank you all so much I it truly is a blessing to be here what else do we got a mouse trap that is a that that's a free trap right there we can use that to trap animals with so I will take it what else do we got nothing else no like fatty foods or anything like that nope free toilet water though big sippy and a closet with two rope and a saw what the hell hey don't mind if I do we can turn that rope into twine super easily but that seems to be it for these homes here it's about time we get adelon back drop off our stuff and get prepared and ready to do a bit of a scouting Mission oh wait hold on almost forgot we got a garage here we're in he hello there goodbye what do we have more rope wow we have a lot of rope here and a free generator uh I don't think a grug knows how to use that just yet so we're going to ignore it so let's go Gear Up and prepare for the rest of the day we're about halfway through and I'd like this to be a start of the day type of operation cuz it's going to take a while to get there so I'm going to go spend my time disassembling furniture There we go that's another level of caret Tre and do you know what that means right we can finally make ourselves a bow now sadly I'm going to need to find scissors in order to make fletchings all right back to it ow I just scratched my hand picking up the glass it's fine it's only our left one and it'll be worth it gosh there's so much glass here come on look at this oh I just got okay that's not good but that's fine I can just remove that with that uh oh man the glass can just go right out here why am I putting it outside here I should put it in a damn container but I'm I'm done scratching up my feet I just need to remember that it's there at least it's not inside I'm I'm kind of dumb I'm kind of stupid what a fantastic day I did a little bit of inventory management so we are very low on carry weight and the main reason is to carry this stretcher bed with us on our nice little trip cuz I feel like having a spot to sleep at with a good rest modifier is going to be very important on top of that I think I'm going to go ahead and take this second metal drum and equip it as a secondary so we can bring it on the go we are still underweight and I think this is the best uh scouting Run that I can do right now and it looks like we're going to need to fight a few zombies just in the front area alone that's the problem is that there starts to become a lot of zombies uh up near this area and that's why I don't want to follow the road because it'd just become a big battle royale if I did that so come right on over to these fence lines and I'll show you what I'm made of skeleton I'm going to go grab a quick little sippy from this uh house and then we'll continue working our way on down we're almost on the road a few more zombies around here especially that wrestler zombie that's kind of scary but we should be just fine let's just take it calm take it quiet in no rush I'm prepared I'm strong I'm fit but alas we continue and I think that's going to be most of the zombies at least up until the river and then it's going to be smooth sailing hopefully please we've made it and now all we got to do is follow this bad boy down and we [Music] profit here we are oh my gosh we actually made it folks and it doesn't seem like there's a lot of zombies around here either but this is as good as it's going to get so let's go set up our nice little metal drum down here it don't really matter where exactly yet because I can't just pick it up like a piece of furniture and place it back down like nothing and that'll save us some uh carry capacity but voila we've made it let me go eat myself some of this rodent meat for the road drink some funny water here and eat some lemongrass to soothe my tummy now you might be wondering why the hell did I make the entire like pilgrimage over to a bridge of all spots and I will show you after I take care of these zombies here there's actually quite a few and um yeah they're not going to be able to stick around here for too long H something's got to go all right now the fense combat is nice it it's fantastic actually but the real reason on why I'm here is we can actually disassemble these concrete roadblocks now you might be asking yourself what do I get from disassembling these concrete roadblocks right well it's quite simple my good sir we get Stones look at all those stones brother we're going to be drowning in them and it's a full Bridge of this stuff I mean we are just this is going to be how we get into smithing because in order to make a furnace we need 15 stones guess what we got the stones now don't we um I'm thinking we could finally start to set up some rudimentary uh smithing next episode though I am going to need a couple more hamers so that might have to wait for a bit but hey we'll get there sooner or later so I did a little bit of uh mining off camera I would say a lot has changed since you last saw the grgy boy here and the whole reason on why you are experiencing a uh big old time warp yet again is because I muted all of my footage but the footage is still there so I'm going to walk you through just about what happened and then we can begin once y'all are uh you know caught up at the finer details in life so let's get it finally establishing contact with the new base Greg went back to the garage to grab everything else that was left behind on the way he fought a few hordes with one having a pair of scissors this opened up a new Avenue of damage particularly the ease of making leather and arrow fletchings the trip back was uneventful and all of the loot was unloaded it was time to turn this camping spot into a home so using the nearby stones rug bulk crafted Stone axes and went to town on the trees after many were faed we finally had enough to build a tiny 4x4 this took a lot of time so during the meantime to gain some weight back grug went spear fishing cooking them every now and again that's about it well I hope you're uh caught up now today's going to be another pretty big day as I really want to work towards getting a forge setup but we still need a few tools most importantly we need a hammer for the Anvil and we also need another Hammer to actually Smith things so I'm hoping by sneaking over with my bow and arrow that I just recently made we can dip into the woods and loot some of these homes right next to the golf course and maybe even this garage down here and I'm hoping begging that we get a hammer and if we don't we could also cut through the golf course and hit up the warehouses down over here so we have quite a bit to do today we got this combat rod around Seven Arrows and a free bow to use and while I'm at it I'm going to go ahead and take a few more fletchings that we were able to make because if our arrows break I can make some on the fly yeah there we go seven Arrow shafts 32 fletchings that should be more than enough we'll also bring ourselves a bag of chips and drink out of our water barrel soon to be charcoal Barrel I'm expecting it to be pretty bad but that's exactly why we got this bad boy right here this should make our zombie slaying a hell of a lot more streamlined grug really is in his elements right now the true hunter gatherer bow and arrow in hand ready to destroy anything that comes within his path oh there's a zombie here okay well this is going to be the first time you're going to see me shoot this bow and arrow that I made so let's uh give this bad boy go yeah you never stood a chance get skewered while we're at it I should probably remove these dirty bandages they're just kind of uh you know they're just kind of in the way and it's good to just get them out of there how about we also go see if our stitches have healed uh nope they're they're just scratched actually okay that's an improvement we can actually remove our stitches now hell yeah I kind of got a little bit of a limp now but that's going to be for the better for later while I am moving down I'm going to be munching on lemongrass to soothe my uh tummy ache we are are currently right here so if I took a right and followed the road down I could hit up this Workshop area and if I take a left and I loot some of these homes I can loot some residential homes so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to loot the first four homes around here so long as there aren't a lot of zombies and then after that I'm going to double back and hit up this garage here we are not here for endurance fights because one I don't have a lot of weapons and two I only have six to seven arrows so so you know I really don't want to bite off a bit more than I could chew so far so clear though it's kind of giving me some bad vibes but we'll continue right on down oh looks like we've uh we've gotten the aggra of a couple of zombies here do you think you'd stand a chance that is exactly why I decided to take Archer for grug here we're a natural with this bow and as so long as our weapons don't break we're going to be dunking on these idiots for eons oh there's actually a big horde over here well uh we've already kind of committed so bring it on I would love to see you try oh God that's a runner isn't it stay back nice it works out just fine I'm actually really surprised at how many hits I've shot with this bow and arrow so far usually I hit them like three times in the chest but R just just has it in the bag Hello Goodbye ready or not I'm coming in it's real quiet but with quiet comes danger now another cool thing about these homes were that the previous occupants were Filthy Rich which means that there's going to be loot for days around here and even if it's in the form of dead rats that's free leather not only dead rats but this place has a carpentry book which is something I needed badly y'all got any food oh a bar of chocolate and another dead mouse and how could I forget the beef jerky anything in the garage a box of nails that's pretty epic and in this refu there is a metal bar I'm actually going to start taking these metal bars with me of course if I run out of room I'll ditch them immediately but we're getting to the point to where we are getting very close to smithing and getting any metal equipment and tools to smelt down into my own workable iron is going to be needed that's it for downstairs let's go check the upstairs now hello goodbye see you later nothing a gun case with a rifle I can't use no Hammer but I'm not going to let that uh dissuade me from continuing to search these places oh a hunting guide for the advanced though that's that's reading knowledge despite being a bit rudimentary in practice grug is a is a m is a scholar of a man of course I'll take those that's the first house done with though I am looking down a wee it and I am seeing a ton of zombies so I think I'm going to cut it in half and I'm only going to uh to loot the first two homes here and then double back maybe the shed as well and then loot the garage and call that a day I don't want to bite off more than I can shoe right now because if I get overwhelmed it it could end end in disaster like look how many are just outside here it's absolutely insane the amount grug has to deal with right now it's a good thing I got my bow and arrow why am I holding it like a rifle rug hasn't really gotten down the archery thing yet okay you got to give him some slack there you go buddy Point Blank shot oh gosh okay it went right into his chest that's the problem with the bow come on second time a charm Aim Fire you two down there just Blair witching it at those windows I got a bone to pick with you and that bone is this Arrow going straight into your head I'm unstoppable this is where the power starts to creep into grug's veins uh the only problem is in close quarts combat I am definitely not using a bow there is a one shot use and then you're on your own but please give me a hammer would you ask and ye shall receive leave all right I am hearing some oh maybe we should clear out the area before I get too far ahead of myself huh yeah that that wouldn't that wouldn't hurt would it okay well oh my God you eat it oh that was kind of scary grug kind of pooped his pants a little but let's go see what's you know going on inside this wonderful home here for of wonderful things a free granola oh they they got to the granola bars yeah the the canned potatoes are also going to be an easy yoink I'll eat those right now that that's a that's a really good lunch right there full of carbs damn this place is nice it has Windows on the Second Story Builder Bobby would be foaming at the mouth right now sheesh though the question Still Remains on if there's anything useful in here come on do the kids have hammers the kids do not have hammers the problem is is that I need two hammers in order to do my thing two all right emphasis on two come on no nothing though there is a free thing of duck tape and hey I'll take those that's it for this nice little home it was fun while it lasted I'll probably be back here to uh upgrade my carpentry XP when this place is a little bit safer but I think it's about time we double back and go check out the garage it's going to be a long walk from now so we ought to just get it while the get's good gosh look at grug go like a modernday Robin Hood stealing from Once rich now dead people and giving it back to himself who is objectively more poor running amongst the wind tussle among trees I also got to say these uh these roads are really clear I am just very surprised I mean this used to be a golf course by the way that's the funny thing you can actually see one of the golf ball holes down there but the world is so overgrown it just looks like another freaking Forest to me this is all supposed to be Fields here and just look at it there's there there's nothing that even says golf course now I am getting a little bit tired and a little bit thirsty so the question does come up of whether I stay at this garage for the night and then continue on back maybe l a little bit more it's it's really up to uh it's really up to the draw at this point but we've made it I think this road down here is going to lead right to where I need to be yeah that's a garage if I've ever seen one hello there grug has come to kick your ass idiot this bow is really nice I got to say the only problem is I don't have a lot of arrows if I fight a group of zombies these arrows are going to going to go to waste we only have six of these bad boys so we got to make every shot count and if I do miss a shot which I can check this out if I shoot into the wall the arrow actually flies into the wall pretty cool huh yeah it's very easy to lose an arrow if you like just shoot into like say uh you know the wood somewhere and it lands and where the hell did it go it it literally just got set into the back rooms if you find an arrow while you're going through level zero please tell me where did that actually go where's my AR oh thank God it's right here okay archery explanation aside I got to check out what's in here no alarm that's good it's dark as hell let's see what we got b b b a pencil a sheet of paper can I craft a pencil I can't craft a pencil nor a pen sadly we can't Mark maps with charcoal but I think I'm going to go ahead and take this pencil just so I can mark down my map I mean come on putting x's on houses you've looted before marking down your house and writing grug happy Zone with a big old smile it adds character okay he you know what I think I'm going to save this for later let's see if I can find like a chair I can sleep on really quick I need it badly it's dark as hell I think this place up here might be a store room for us so let's see oh we got a break room that's a big sippy ooh not only that but some dog food I think that is a good qualif fire for breakfast yeah what a good day you know the cool thing about being grug is that you don't really care what surface you sleep on and how about we help ourselves to a can of beautiful and delicious dog food high and calories very filling grug stomach happy okay now that it's a little bit brighter we can actually see what the hell is going on around here which is beautiful for me I mean it sure it's foggy and all but hey it's it's a better than being out where I was before okay that's locked what's in here locked as well I know my way through a couple of locks and it's quite simple really why did I use my elbow there you know what I I I do stuff good okay if it works it works right now what the hell is in this trunk uh rubber band I'll take that tire pump not really useful uh okay overall not that bad let's go check out the second Little Garage here please tell me I can enter it no uh there's actually nothing in here from what I see just a table and a shelf so not that useful what's more important is what's in here please be a hammer that's all I want that's I'll I'll be a happy boy is that medieval medieval Weaponry for I'm sorry I kind of had like a stroke there like a like a little bit of an aneurysm but that's medieval Weaponry for simpletons we found it in a piece of trash as well this right here is is how we breach the Gap from the Stone Age to becoming a knight of the round table I have yet to build the round table but that's going to be a work in progress shut up I'm having a moment over here anyways this book opens up a bunch of new recipes for us for when we actually do level up our metal working skill sadly it doesn't go off a smithing and it goes off a metal working so I still need to find a welder mask but very soon we might actually be able to make some swords and maces and bad axes Viking stuff you know uh sadly no hammers yet I was really hoping for a hammer here folks come on just one is all I ask for anything down here maybe toolbox a jack tire pump screwdriver anything in the trash I got to check the trash more no hammer huh we've checked out everything here I'm going to give it a big old sad face because there was nothing one thing we could do is move our way down to this yellow building here that might have a hammer I actually don't know if there's going to be anything good here but we've made it over and is that alcohol I see maybe this isn't going to be a sham let's just check the back really quick a couple of bathrooms he's in here get ready aim fire oh oh what the hell you good ma'am how is a crawler doing that uh mouse trap that's good we take those and a tarp that's not that bad we can make ourselves a tkit with that bad boy uh the only problem right now or more importantly what I'm thinking of making is another improvised backpack all I need to do that right now is a sturdy stick which I can get very easily and some twine which I can also get very easily matter of fact we can make some twine right now off of the clothing we got off this lady here so let's go rip up all this clothing disassemble this round table here or these chairs give me a single plank please when life gives you lemons you make lemonade and that allows us to carry so much more and it also allows me to uh put away the stuff that I don't really need and put the more important stuff like the medieval Weaponry in my main bag hell yeah and it also gives me an end to take all this red wine oh I love bars so much chips and beer for days wow we have a we have a lot of stuff now so I'll mark this bad boy as being searched we do have a couple more Shacks which I will check out so let's see we are getting tired and a wee bit hungry and sad so I'm thinking we stay here for the night disassemble all the furniture here to build up our skills and then move out in the morning hit up a last couple of a few homes and cross my fingers I get my hands on a hammer knock knock open and up nice damn it I was really hoping there would have been a freaking hammer in there I got really excited when I saw the the the the the the big shelf well we got one more so who knows a it's a stupid gazebo who wants that I wanted a hammer oh what what what a what a oh that just that just spit in my mouth that okay maybe I'll just help myself to a to a small liquor Greg has I called him Greg grug has earned this this just make grug feel good yes delicious now we're in working condition you know what you know what probably be better instead of like grinding my carpentry level I should just drunkenly read the manual that I just got huh that's probably smarter I'm going to go sit outside so I don't get bored and I'm just going to just going to read I just stepped through a freaking glass last thing what it goes through automatically I swear I barely click it and it just goes through but I'm going to go to sleep upstairs and I guess I'll see yall in the morning I don't know if I'm going to go ahead and uh you know do everything gosh that sucks well at least it isn't from a zombie in order to save up on time I'm just going to be cutting straight through the woods we've made it back to the neighborhood welcome everyone time to go check out those two homes and uh kind of like cataclysm I'm going to drop off the bag that weighs me down right now I'm going to go in clear everything out make sure it's safe and then only after that will we check out what's going on here it's fine grug is a very stealthy man he's not stealthy that the draw the bow just drew like two of them over why are there two necromancers what the hell well now there's zero died the way they lived a bunch of dweebs give me back my arrows thank you oh also a metal working magazine there we take those but hello there and howdy Party People it is I grug the Destroyer this bow is really good I'm glad I took the archery tra holy hell I'm just I'm just freaking dunk okay I'm just freaking D okay it takes a while to load as well dunking on these idiots yeah not really good to fight in a group but when you're taking on small you know little pockets like these I see nothing better goodbye make sure there's no groups of zombies that are going to uh you know jump me while I am indulging within The Fountains of Y looking good let's go check out the other Home Scout it out and then we begin the Looting process I know this one's going to be good because it has a shed not only that it's just a really beefy house in general I'm hearing some zombies around where are you there's one in there I also see a group in the garden there is I repeat a girl in the garden nothing a combat rout can't handle that's going to be two see you later Bob the Builder oh my gosh what a what a little tank there you go anyone else in here want to get dunked down it's free oh yep two two here a tough zombie and a listener let's lead them over to the fence line ooh that's a runner that's scary I got to kill you now yep no not risking it see you later hope you had a good life nothing my good old Rod can't handle oh gosh there's a lot coming in here all right time for the bow stop holding it like a rifle grug it takes a while to load when you are extremely panicked which is a problem but uh aim once fire once that's one down oh that's a lot that's a lot come on reload faster grug not like you're in a rush or anything but it's starting to get a little bit feisty hurry up turn around 360 no scope bam nice how long does it take for you to load the St thing grug I know you're scared but you got to hurry this on up that's another head shot keep on getting those is just easy does it we only have two more arrows left one more I whiffed that one that arrow is gone that Arrow just got set into the back rooms no chance I'm finding that later that's another and it broke my arrow I got one more for you aim and fire I hit him in the stomach okay well I hate to do this to you but see you later come on come on God damn it y y you're breaking everything okay okay I'm just going to stroll my way on in don't mind me as I look for hammers no hammers in here that's oh that's a Master Zombie okay maybe I should probably pull out the bow again on there eh okay we finally cleared this place out I I I I want to I want to drink of water we're going to go to sleep here probably disable that damn alarm as well yeah yeah that that can't go get out of here put away our two broken arrows see if there's any good you know reading materials or stuff around here and more importantly Hammer Hammer Hammer freaking ice hockey stick of course useless you know what's not useless though that leather jacket I could actually rip that into clothing thank you L Gourmet magazine I'll take it yeah no Hammer we got food though oh we do have food okay well I guess I'll go to sleep and we can go loot the new place tomorrow I think I already have fishing phone volume one so I don't need that in my Restless dreams I see that tool claw hammer you told me I'd find it in one of these closets but it never came uh grug woke up a little bit early so I decided to read and now it's about time we go grab a quick bite to eat we're done reading that book finally a quick drink of water and we'll be on off to the final home and if we don't find it what I might do next episode is is just cut corners and just cut right through into that warehouse over there that's going to be a bit of a stealth Mission though but I need that second Hammer if I want to start smithing so we're going to have to pull it off and maybe we can even get our hands on a welder mask come on this is going to be the one I'm feeling it look the windows aren't even broken so that has to be a good sign nothing in the car that's to be expected come on I should probably look around this house first okay back door is completely busted I'm going to go drop my backpack right here and we're going to go in with our four arrows any food no other than some brown sugar I'm going to eat that fully delicious house is looking clear Mighty quiet you might say rope and pliers not what I came here for but I'll take it nonetheless rope I feel like is a very useful thing to have all around no good literature other than Tailoring volume too that uh am I ever going to get there though I'll take it we have the space for it nothing anything in the closet come on kids love their hammers no gosh these homes have so many damn closets and I'm just I'm just not getting lucky what else can I say right now I think that's going to be it here folks well next episode is definitely going to be me setting up my furnace to at least be prepared for metal working so I'm actually going to need to double back over towards this set of homes here to grab that last Barrel because I want I want one to collect water and I want one to do charcoal with and then we can finally hopefully find a hammer and welder mask up here and that's when the real fun and the grinding begins next time you see me I'm going to be back at base camp I'm going to have a waddled my way all the way down there ah nothing quite like a couple of bros hanging out ain't that right filbert we were just gossiping about the what is there to gossip about in the zombie apocalypse anyways welcome back everyone to another episode of project zomboid and I did a little bit of inventory management of our previous uh looting trip today is going to be the day that I finally set up my smithing crafting Zone which we are going to need a stone furnace an anvil and a metal drum for which we will have very soon though before we do I do want to show youall my uh my little Inventory management right now so we have ourselves a pile of non parach goods and in here we also have some more food inside this bag a lot of it is rotten I'm going to need to clear that out soon enough but in here we have our materials all that good stuff and a few tools and in here we have all of our books more importantly medieval Weaponry for simpletons that is freaking massive for us but yes let's go head over grab that metal drum and I will be right on back and then I think the only way we get ourselves another Hammer if I do need need it is going to be B down here which I might not need another Hammer though I'm not 100% sure so we're going to go craft up everything and if we do we're going to go hit up this spot and if we don't we're going to start metal working ain't that exciting it's a bit past to noon so we ought to hurry this on up because this is going to be a long trip ahead but alas here we are we've made it to the road which means that the home should be right down oh that's a big hord of zombies There's a brute in there o hell no I can't have this guy live and I'll be real brute Zombies Run and they also can throw you very far so the only way I'm going to beat this guy right here is with fence cheese oh God he saw me okay that's not good that's not good there's a lot of zombies around here if he catches up I'm done for oh God where's the fence where's the fence why there so many zombies here is he still following me I don't know if he is is I am scared I am I am oh he is there's two there's two where's the fence oh God run faster grug okay we're fine oh that one's just a feral that's not a scary hop on over stun her right now okay we dealt with the problem that was terrifying now I kill you 10 times over who else wants some holy hell I saw my life flash before my eyes right there hey but we've made it back so I'm going to go ahead and take the barrel as soon as I wake up and while I'm at it I'm going to go ahead and take a few of these arrows apart the ones that broke last episode refurbish these bad boys into real ones and then eat my leak and then I'm going to go forage for the rest of the day of course not like running around foraging just removing vegetation type of foraging and then as soon as it hits day briak I'm taking my damn barrel and I'm getting the hell out of this place once and for all ah do you hear that the nice old crackling of a campfire the night went by pretty well and we have ourselves quite a few dead Critters to cook up and eat I have quite a bit of leather at home so I'm not really worried about butchering these into leather anymore what I want right now is food high calor dense foods to be exact so I'm going to go cook up everything inside here and just relax a bit because as soon as we get our way on back out it's going to probably hit the fan a lot worse and you smell it in the air eat the that bad boy right now that'll fill up my stomach and now we can go ahead and take this Barrel equipping it as a secondary so we're not underweight awesome we're ready to leave then so I guess we should look around one last time to see if there's anything I'm missing that gravel bag would be pretty epic I'm taking that with us uh we could use that for a bunch of crafting same thing with the bucket I could craft like a well with that maybe later there's a lot of opportunities we've already read all the magazines inside here though but but I will take the empty pop and tin cans as I can convert those into scrap metal should I get enough but I think that's about it here it did its job and it sheltered me for a few days but now the bird must fly from The Nest into his own Penthouse and uh while I'm at it I kind of want to rip up all the clothing on these zombies rip sheets are like the glue that holds me together and it's free right now I don't need to go too far to knock grab it I think it's definitely worth it yeah look at all those dirty rags I left behind as well we can shove that in our bag and we can continue on ADD it I just want some more just in case if I do craft some more stuff later hey that's another level of sprinting and while we're at it I'm going to go ahead and just put a big old X through home and adding in a solid knot home right on top of it very sloppy but it is in character just so I know that that's we've abandoned the garage all of my eggs are going to be in the bridge base basket while we aren't done with the like initial log cabin and we don't have a roof nor insulation nor a single working door it's a fixer uper and I have grand intentions about this place but yeah we finally got our metal drum back so this one is going to be the the mything Barrel so let me place that bad boy right here next to all the metal items I will be you know smelting away now that we've placed that I'm going to go ahead and empty out this metal drum here and replace it next to the river on this side so what I'm thinking with this type of cabin right is this side is going to be the the metal working side right I'm not actually going to wall this spot in I'm instead going to place a couple of like support beams here and here and then we're going to add in a roof on top of it so it's going to be like a little like awning I don't know exactly the word for it but like you know it's going to have the roof over it but nothing else kind of like a you know like like a lean to type deal I think it'll look really cool we can set up our anvil in here it's going to be very classy and then next to here I'm thinking we place a nice staircase so we can actually move up and do some stuff on top yeah I like that a lot we'll place our Barrel I guess over here maybe we can make a nice little dock or fishery Zone sometime you know there's a lot for me to do and I'm very excited let me drink some more funny water and eat some lemongrass to dispel it and now that we're done with that the three things that we are going to need to do now is make ourselves an anvil which we're going to need a hammer a log and five workable iron for and lastly a stone furnace which is to melt the metallic items and last L some charcoal so I think I need like I forget how much logs I need we need five logs to turn into charcoal and then once we're done we light up the barrel with the lighter and we wait I guess we ought to go make ourselves some I forgot about all the fish I had in the campfire that is all rotten huh that's kind of sad well we could at least use it for fertilizer at a later date matter of fact we could do that right now later so let me drop off all this rotten fish over there go make ourselves a couple of St axes which we should have the tree branches for right here also I figured out another easier way to go ahead and make uh Whatchamacallit tree branches with that is actually really smart and I should have thought about it before but let's say if we make a couple of axes right now we remove these bushes here every time you remove a bush you basically get a tree branch per thing and it's barely any damage off the axe so you could get infinite amounts of tree branches which is what I have right here we have like six of these bad boys on standby life's going pretty good that's going to be another five tree ranches for the road so yes we have just about every basic resource we could ever need now which is awesome and the best thing is they also account for firewood on top of it so life's going pretty good time to chop down a couple of trees I think I'm going to steal from the neighbors we're going to need five logs for the charcoal and then I also kind of want to build a poster for all of our rotten goods and then maybe once we get to level three we can go back to the rich homes and build ourselves a door that's going to be 12 logs that should be more than enough for us the only problem is we're hungry and we're thirsty so I'm going to go grab a quick drink of the funny water soon we're not going to have to drink from the funny water anymore which is going to be pretty damn massive but for now we will eating a lemongrass of course to counteract it and now I'm going to go ahead and start up the charcoal making progress I just got to fill up this metal drum here and start up a quick little hobo fire yeah it's going to take a while to make charcoal so we'll let that burn for the whole day damn look at us we're moving on up in the world I'll lead a bird to that now that that's cooking up and getting real toasty I'm going to go ahead and move all of this firewood back over towards my base because there's a lot of logs we need to pick up around here and it's a lot easier just setting up a pile right down here there we go we got 11 logs in total let me go saw up two of these into four individual planks grab a few Nails out of our bag here we should have more than enough you know what I'll set it up next to our barrel for now it'll be it'll be it'll be it'll suffice there we go now let's go grab all those rotten fish and make ourselves some compost one man's trash is uh the plant's treasure I guess oh it is storming out today folks but welcome back let's go check this charcoal drum now remove the charcoal out of here and B Bingo we got ourselves some homemade goodness all right all right all right up next let's go ahead and craft ourselves that beautiful furnace we're going to need 15 stones for it but it is going to be oh so worth it there we go is that enough that is more than enough we'll get a few more just a few extra Stones just just to have a around right I'm so glad I decided to move up here getting 15 stones just foraging naturally would have taken me at least 3 hours so that has saved me so much time but let's go make ourselves the second component in this little scheme I got to go in oh yeah we got ourselves a furnace let's go add in some charcoal now bada Bingo drop off our extra Stones I don't know like right down here that'll be a good spot for it oh yeah this is going to be a good one okay charcoal is going to be added right now bam that's a full bag right in there let's go grab all of our random metal pieces now we don't have that much but it should be more than enough to get started at least to make our anvil shove these bad boys on in there I don't know about the pop cans or the tin cans but I know the bar and crowbar will definitely smelt down and now what we got to do is light this bad boy with a rip sheet and my lighter boom you smell that in the air that's the smell of progress now if we take a look at this furnace info it's going to take a while to actually get hot enough to smelt down the goods right now it's barely there so we're going to need to wait for the heat to increase if we had Bellows we could increase the heat a lot faster but we're going to have to waste a lot more fuel in order to get simple stuff okay so I forged around a little bit got a few more unknown berries that I'm just going to go ahead and compost right in there we also got ourselves another bird that I can butcher really quick but right now I am just waiting for this to heat up a little bit more the metal inside is very cold the furnace is slowly increasing heat it's at 12% now it's increasing and let's see if we have anything else to smelt away I I doubt I carried much metal stuff with me at least we're getting somewh uh we were a little bit queasy so I ate some lemongrass I'll eat the bird and how about we spend the rest of our day uh reading reading is good we can also keep an eye on the campfire while we are reading there's no zombies nearby For Miles I think that's going to be good all we got to do is sit down and read and wait for this uh this stuff to start to really get going look at that heat it's increasing it's cooking up oh I think any minute now the stuff is going to get cooked any minute any minute any minute come on yes we have three workable iron oh hell yeah that's not enough though we need five in order to um in order to make the Anvil oh dang it that that's a lot that's a that's a lot of workable iron stuff uh what can I do here we could make a beine back over towards the set of homes over here and see if I can find any more tools we also do have ourselves b b Bop an extra saw but I doubt that'll get me too far you think we could cook down Nails I mean I have quite a few nails that I probably don't need right now you think we could also cook food inside here please tell me we could cook food that'd be really cool no we can't it was worth a shot okay okay we need a little bit more workable iron inside there and we should be all good might as well just dump in a few more come on this has to to be the one I don't want to put in too much one more one more one more one more ah you know what I'm just going to throw in the 20 nails and go to sleep and when we wake up we'll see if it's uh we'll see if it worked out for us I really hope it worked filbert I really do hope it worked come on come on come on four workable iron still huh yes there it is five workable iron okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay finally finally finally where is my hammer and we need ourselves a log and we can finally craft the final thing there this was definitely a waste of my time I could have done a whole lot more but we have all of our resources right work iron 4.9 out of 5 no we don't well you know what I'm doing tomorrow then it ain't good enough yet huh I guess we're going to go head over and try and find ourselves some more metal stuff to take apart there we go it's bright enough out let's go drop off our books and go finally get this last component that I also desperately need all right I'm going to go ahead and make a couple of combat rods for weapons all right let's do this I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be we're going to be on the lookout for o ooh Tin Can Tin Can we'll take that but we're going to need a bunch more we're getting that mdal today I wish I would have done this before cuz this would have been a heck of a lot better of a expenditure on our time I really stood around doing nothing there just twiddling my thumbs for for for the longest time but here we are back at Ground Zero do y'all got um any accessories on you that I might be able to burn off like silver gold I can try it but I'll take only just a bit because it does weigh quite a quite a lot and I don't know if it will actually smelt down for now I'm only keeping my eyes out for like vanilla stuff like the tin cans empty pop cans all that stuff thirst house for it though I can't believe we're breaking it into houses just for like the tin canned junk around here oh I I wish I would have remembered what's ooh ooh that's not good are you outside she's outside okay nothing to worry about then matches that's good a frying pan that'll be good metal working right there I bet I tell you what now yeah oh there's also some pepper I missed Good Start Good Start great start I might say oh we got a pot over here a pot of soup that's that's going to be really good metal working right there give me that got ourselves a big sippy I can't disassemble any metal working stuff for now because I don't have the welder mask or propane torch for it got some tweezers I could definitely smelt down not sure about the razor that's more like plastic oh you know what while we're at it I'm going to be taking some door hinges and door knobs I I kind of want to make a kind of want to make a door for us and I bet I could smelt these down as well yeah I'm going to try it damn it I'm going to try it what's popping I'm here to take your stuff there's a free 10 can though and a few extra door knobs and door hinges uh okay this one was a bit of a bust but we got a few things so I'm not like super worried about it I think we ought to just head back try these in the in the field of combat and we'll know what we can loot for later right we have a few accessories we have the door knobs we have a we have a whole bunch of stuff so it'll be fun to figure out what the hell's going on anyways let's try and race back so we can beat the time on our Forge because we don't have a lot of time left then I want to make it now come on go fast the gr we need that XP we also need to not waste my resources as [Music] much okay we've made it back how's the furnace looking it's still has fuel okay moment of truth let's just dump in literally everything we've gotten so far uh gold rings everything is going on in actually I do want to save a couple of door hinges and door knobs so I can make my own door should I need too now we wait for the good stuff to happen no zombies are coming up behind me good good there it is that's one working iron two three working iron okay okay okay okay now all we got to do is equip our log and Hammer bop bop bop free Anvil oh it's happening it is happening today we're going to drop that bad boy off right here did that that didn't use my hammer we're good we've made it to the middle age folks oh my gosh let me see it right now bless bless up next we make ourselves some tongs yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we make ourselves some smithing tongs bada bam and we can actually make metal items now oh hell yeah okay first thing I'm making cooking pot this is why I didn't want to take like any of like the like the stuff I could have made so far right bada bada bam we can also make ourselves a hammer once we get enough ranking on it let's go ahead and make ourselves I don't even know yet a frying pan we can make some goodies with that now oh this feels good I i' I've done it I've bloody done it we have we have ourselves a foraging system it don't got it a lot of like the flavor like sound effects and all but this works let's go fill up this empty cooking pot and have actually you know what I will create I'll create a kettle for me uh we still have a lot of workable iron here and with this Kettle we can go ahead and filter in the good water yes dude yes oh I'm so freaking hyped now we actually made ourselves a a a a a working foraging system I am so damn happy with myself and I didn't even need to use the hammer that I did get so that that whole thing about me being worried about it being taken up was a lie so let's go hurry up start up a nice little campfire please start come on game and then when that's going I'm going to be uh fishing for a little bit one more yes there we go honestly I think next episode what I'm going to do is get some more uh metal working stuff going and then we're going to go hit up B up the warehouse is here in search of a weather mask so I can start to forge other stuff and also keep an eye out for literature so I can open up more crafting recipes because there are like 15 total smithing mags that I can get and we only know the tip of the iceberg we can craft up straight axes if we know enough oh can you smell it though actual pable water we no longer need to drink the funny water I am so happy with myself I'm feeling really good now let's go do a little bit of uh a little bit of fishing for the rest of the day and I filbert my dearest boy I actually did something today we're making a name for ourselves out there and um I think next episode we ought to update our outfit because I I don't think the current outfit we have suits where we are at with the technology tree I think we I think I think we've worked ourselves up a peg but yes we still have a lot to do a lot of dangers to face one it's getting colder very quicker you can see the fall col is really starting to come through it's going to become winter and I need to prepare very badly for that with non- perishable food warm stuff all that good stuff but for now I can take salus in the fact that we are one step closer to that dream wait a minute we are no longer cavemen we do have technology we have officially moved on into the Iron Age yeah it's pretty epic and in order to prepare myself for that I think we ought to pay a visit to a big old spot right up here the the warehouse where we can get a bunch of supplies but before that but before that I think we need a bit of an outfit change we are no longer cavemen okay we have a fullon forge setup going a house with you know ample amounts of goodies in it so yeah what we're going to be making is some new clothing for us AKA a nice tunic which we need thread a needle and some fabric for which we can get pretty easily so before we go ahead and do that we should go wash ourselves off just a little bit to make sure we are all clean and ready to uh to change our outfit there we go I think the first thing we have to update is definitely the boots so let's go grab these leather strips from our bag turn them into leather and make ourselves some medieval boots bada bam we got a new set of shoes now check out them bad boys but that ain't it up next I think we ought to make ourselves some pants some Rust pants which we need fabric for and in order to make fabric we need two sheets one thread and a needle which we can do very easily thankfully I did decide to take some ripped sheets with me so it's going to be very easy to make check it out two sheets turning that into a fabric roll and with that fabric we can go ahead and make ourselves some pants boom yeah we're moving on up no I don't think we stop there I think we continue right on ahead making even more sheets more thread in order to make more fabric up next is going to be the corset shirt yeah there we go and uh in order to finish things off we of course need a tunic though I kind of want a uh a colored tunic you know I think we've earned that much so we're going to go ahead and make some D pots which we can do with our pot that we have which requires three red berries one mortar and pestal and a cooking pot with water okay that that's easy coming up first mortar and pestle bam up next three berries which might be pretty hard to get but we can go ahead and check our compost pile which has none that we need but that's fine because we can go ahead and search for berries in our forging menu which shouldn't take that long at all we're we're basically a pro when it comes to berries so I I see no problem with it all I need is three and I'll be a happy man wow there's a lot of stuff other than berries in here that's for sure it uh it might be false so we might not be able to get berries anymore which would be pretty damn sad come on nope we still got berries not the kind we need but I'll take them ooh olives as well a lot of Olives update I did did not find any berries and the berries I did find are not the type I need but we did get ourselves some olives which we can go ahead and eat right now that's pretty delicious and it'll suffice for breakfast we also have ourselves a few more Critters we could eat up for later also let me go drop off our other clothing in that corner there I'll do a bit more inventory management when I have the time I think we ought to go fishing for the rest of our day today and by morning we'll be out bright and early to look for some red berries or blueberries I I could go for other ore o an old box hold on here wa oh loot box yo check it out we got ourselves a medium hook packet and not only that we have ourselves a waly oh my gosh there's fishing loot boxes now hell yeah well we got a nice little packet just in case if I need it for later I really need to manage my inventory a little bit better huh anyways back to fishing that was that's really cool though well it is the morning welcome back and we have ourselves quite the catch for dinon today we're also boiling up some water but more importantly we're cooking up some trout which um are actually very unhealthy for me but we can go ahead and cut those bad boys into FS after they're done cooking yes fresh cooked crab what a good day what a fantastic day it is today it's one of those berry picking days if you ask me anyways SP of fam we got our fish let's go slice these bad boys up so they're not as depressing and have ourselves some high caval dense fish food 13 bits of goodness okay we're stuffed I'm ready let's go find some more things now by things I mean berries I would really like some berries right about now oh free onion that's another level of foraging that gives us an even higher chance of finding a single stack of red berries please come on I know you want to give it to me never mind all they gave me was a zombie that's fine easy ass oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on you're supposed to die with that one ma'am all right what about this one what about this one oh my God she's just eating all my arrows ma'am could you stop that please you're scaring me you're scaring grug die finally and you broke my freaking they took three damn arrows what were what are you made of well uh you know that's I guess XP for me go take apart the arrow and rebuild another thankfully it's not that hard to remake them back to the berry grind blueberries okay you know what I'll take it I'll take it I'll I'll I'll take I'll take blueberries I I would much have rather preferred red grug is more of like a red type of person cuz you know red mean faster but I I'll take a blue I'll take I'll take a cool blue sophisticated cool clean cut blue okay yeah I don't want to stick around here for too long let's go ahead back while foraging just in case and go ahead and craft ourselves some uh some dye I just also realized we could craft up a nice soup ooh o that that might be pretty good I think we yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we're sophisticated now we can make actual meals but before that I need to make dye so let's go grab our mortar and pestl mix it with that cooking pot to make a pot of blue dye boom wow didn't even use up all my bear Beres sucks I won't ever eat these cuz they're poisonous but I'll keep them around for the die okay we got the D pot now let's go make ourselves a couple of sheets for the fabric warming up this D pot so we can properly use it bada bam die fabric blue we got that and we can make ourselves a nice blue tunic a yeah W look at me oh I'm feeling it I am feeling it and I'm not even done there okay I'm done with the blue dye though we don't need that anymore I'm going to go ahead and make us a nice hearty stew for the challenge ahead this will be a this will be like a morning breakfast type of deal you know but yeah let's go warm up the water add in some River crab add in some pepper and some Onion River crab and onion soup what a good day to be grug let's go cook this bad boy up oh yeah this is it I think we ought to drink it while it's hot I mean come on just drink that grug soup up I I can't I can't believe we're actually in the Iron Age you know this this this confirms that we have actual clothing we have a smithing furnace the only thing we're missing is Medieval Weaponry which I can make in the future so while this fire is still going and I'm going to go ahead and boil some more water and I'm going to show you what my next goal is going to be of course leveling up my smithing would be nice but on top of that we can go ahead and make ourselves some swords medieval Weaponry you know some of the good stuff which is all going to be behind this book so I'm going to spend the rest of the day sitting next to my fire reading my books and I will see you in the morning to when we make it over to the Met Zone that's where the fun begins all right I'll see y'all then grug is completely unbothered by recent events well it's early morning I thought I'd might as well go ahead and cook up some food while I'm waiting you know for for the trip ahead of course uh the weather's been terrible but because grug is an Outdoorsman it shouldn't bother him all too much I just wanted to pack up you know a tiny bit of food for the for the long road ahead it it's good to have some rations and I think we ought to have some right now delicious I don't really want to head out while it's night time so I'm going to wait just a tiny bit longer longer hopefully the weather will get better and we can leave then and go off on our little trip grug don't really like this weather but I know one thing's for sure filber is flourishing anyways I think it's about time we move we're currently soaking wet we're a bit hungry but we have a few bits of food to you know Chomp on on the way uh the the quicker we get out of the storm the better it is going to be for me so my first step before I head over completely I think we're going to go ahead and set up at this little workshop here I think that'll be a really good impromptu base and then we can rest up until the storm is over and then slowly sneak our way over to the warehouses warehouses warehouses it's as good as planned as I'm going to get oh I got to say the storm Ambiance is something else though that Thunder is just booming woooo listen to that oh man oh yeah by the way I'm going to go ahead and Mark this down on my map because I can dismantle this uh this vehicle later for metal Parts should I get the propane torch today so I'm going to mark this with a nice little Trash Can symbol right in the middle there we go so I know exactly what's going on we're about halfway there to the nearest shelter so we're making pretty good time and would you look at that we finally made it over this will be a nice little spot for us to uh rest up for a bit oh I need the rest and while I'm inside I can actually showcase you what I am working towards with uh my whole goal for metal working I read the smithing manual while it was still raining out so if we make our way over to metal working you can see we can assemble arming swords daggers War axes messers hooks Spears Iberian maces hammers all we got to do is up our metal working and cast ourselves an anvil this is going to take quite a while to do but it should be well worth it oh yeah can you feel it in the air uh I'm going to wait till this storm is over before I even contemplate heading out so I'm just going to go ahead and dismantle some stuff around here you know work up our carpentry XP just like that we can make ourselves doors finally that's pretty exciting isn't it yeah doors are pretty red the best benefit of all though is the extra Nails we get on top of it I'll be taking these door knobs and door hinges for later for now I kind of want to maintain a light load as light as I can at least it's it's good it's good it's going to be a while from now so yeah I guess we can go ahead and clean this place up a bit maybe find something nice while we are waiting honestly I'm doing this just for more food and hopefully in the morning it will be nice enough out for us to uh you know get a move on we survived yet another day I did a little bit of foraging removed some of the vegetation around here and we have ourselves quite the bit of food I don't think we need to worry about anything other than weight loss of course I'm going to be dropping off all the berries and mushrooms that will probably get myself killed I'll go ahead and eat like the violets and grape leaves first and then we're going to go ahead and start to butcher up all these squirrels and rats for snacks later let's actually let's just go ahead and do that now oh yeah meet's back on the menu we also have ourselves a cherry some cilantro I really wish I would have brought my uh cooking pot with us cuz we could have we could have did a lot here but yeah this is kind of like a nice little base away from home it it's it's a good checkpoint for us is what I will say so let's go drop off everything that we can cook up light up this fire with my bow drill come on grug you've done this countless times before you should be a pro at this please just one fire oh my gosh I'm actually going to get stumped by this huh a single fire oh come on one fire is all I ask for there we go okay I had to make a couple extra sturdy sticks for that but that's you know extra fuel for later and now we can go ahead sit down cook up all the insects the insects are going to be very much needed for winter time those are actually going to be the only things I can eat during winter so having them right now is fantastic oh we even got ourselves some eggs what a good day huh ooh yeah yeah and four bits of rodent meat lightweight but very filling let's go eat our fish Fila better hot let's warm it up just like that boom full to bursting a little bit exerted we'll rest up and we're going to be ready to make the Trek through the woods yeah it's Time come on grug you should be a little bit more excited I sure am not I despite me liking the woods so much cutting through this is going to be a little bit fishy but we can follow the roads up to this corner here and then we can cut in right through yeah I like that let's get going don't mind me I'm still gushing over grug's new outfit I love it I love it to bits and it just it just feels oh wow that's a lot of zombies huh anyways like I was saying I really like grug's new outfit it it really suits him I feel okay wow these guys are tough huh not as tough as a stick though yeah eat it idiot yeah nice try I've been around my fair share of zombies now the question is if we should continue up this way or if I should instead double back around and head up this way which is objectively going to be more quiet yeah you know what I'm going to go back the other way around screw that looks like someone failed the Iron Man challenge as I expected it is much clearer this way than it was anywhere else there is a small little wreck up here which I am going to mark because I'm going to need to learn the location of these scrap cars another trash can for that anything inside this spot before I uh mark it for death it's locked well keep your secrets then I I don't care you're scrap to me at the end of the day so let's see here yep this corner right here is where we shoot into the woods that way I hope this goes well uh High vegetation areas with you know potential zombies around the area usually never does but it's it's the best it's the best one we got also another junk vehicle right here into the woods I guess wish me luck I'm going to need it wow actually the woods up here very nice and clear I like this I really like the Fall colors as well um not as condensed as I thought it would be which is definitely a benefit for me cuz I can just swerve right in between these bad boys like I've been here for my whole life which I have been I've actually been here my whole life we should be just about halfway there and might I say it's smooth saling check this out so much so I might get a little bit of forging in I mean why not the more resources the better and there are no zombies for miles out here oh never mind there are some zombies here now that is a wrestler that's scary business I'm going to go ahead and take up my bow and arrow for that one don't worry I can sneak up right behind her and she won't expect a thing Bo I love this bow so very much so and there it is is right up there the warehouses warehouses Ware homes is oh we just got to fight a horde okay let's see what we got let's Okay one wrestler a bunch of tough zombies I can take them one for the Eyes Two for the nose give me back those arrows I need to reuse these things as I shoot you okay you have to understand this is a very dire situation I don't have a lot of arrows so the quicker this gets done oh gosh the better ah yeah that's right I'm a melee brawler as well you thought I was just a ranger class hell no I got I got dual special b b yeah okay two more give me back my arrows while you're at it yeah that's right whether you like it or not I'm taking this place over oh I was supposed to kill you but you know that's fine the second shot usually does a trick and then there was one got God dang it ah you're making my life so much harder than it needs to be there we go I'm hoping that we get the supplies that we need to craft ourselves some real mean Machinery by Machinery I mean we're just going to make some swords okay which we uh which we really need a propane torch for because I need to level up my metal working skill so that's exactly what I'm going to do and I'm hoping we get ourselves that propane torch in this building here first things first we got to make sure the surrounding area is clear so I don't you know get jumped by a few zombies like these three idiots right here that's why we got our bow one two oh okay more like a two two three oh it feels weird getting to an actual like civilized area in the map you know like the most we've ever had for civilized was the uh the small little neighborhood I don't know grug's kind of out of his element now I I kind of miss the woods but then again I'm I'm kind of excited and not excited at the same time there are three zombies right now let's take them out with our bow it's good that we get out and start kicking some zombie but you know really all these zombies are just extra skill points for grug and his bow [Music] skill there we go that took three three arrows to kill that damn zombie and one that I missed H sometimes the boat can be a little unreliable but we've cleared out all the ones in front of here and we can finally go ahead and loot the warehouse the Moment of Truth oh man what am I going to get today hopefully something good I I really do hope it is not having a car really um really make small trips like these which would be you know just like a whole one day thing for anyone else into a fullon Expedition for grug so I'm hoping we can you know make it worth our while let's go see what we got now it's a big old warehouse and now that we have finally made it inside said Warehouse I should probably go ahead and explain what I'm going to be doing here oh god oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can't do that ma'am oh she's running as well okay we're fine we're fine we're fine aside from that terrifying jump scare I'm going to explain what I'm going to be doing here number one we're going to be looting all of the crates in hopes that we find ourselves a a club Hammer b a propane torch and C a welder mask after that I may or may not go ahead and check out the warehouse up there that is optional though and then after that or if I decide not to do that I'm going to go ahead and start to dismantle crates shelves and everything in between in order to capitalize on our carpentry and a metal working skill currently we have a three times multiplayer on my metal working and a five times on my carpentry so I want to capitalize on that as much as possible anyways let's finally begin looting after I help myself to a nice uh piece of rodent meat I'm really hoping we find ourselves some good stuff out of here um oh okay that's the propane torch taken care of wow you know what that I'll take that after um after all the Unlucky stuff that I've have had happened to me before and like other series that that's a blessing let's just keep our eyes on the prize I mean you have plaster powder for days so many tools and supplies the best thing is is that after you're done with it all you can disassemble all of these crates pick them up for your own base and just just just win at life I mean we're getting seeds out of here eggplants including Metal Sheets which is actually really damn good I'll be dropping them on the floor for now though the nails I will take though sorry uh my my whole plan kind of got sidetracked for that one feral zombie he scared the absolute tar out of me oo that's another propane torch I'll actually take it because each propane torch has its own fuel anyways the last thing I still need right now is a welder mask game so if you could give that to me that'd be pretty cool though I will also take anything else he got like the duct tape all right time to speed this looting process ooh is that what I think it is well we got ourselves a the set of bellows you know what that means we can go ahead and increase the heat on our Stone furnace when we get back a propane tank which I could use to refill my propane torches but that thing weighs like 10 lb so I'm not going to be taking it damn we're getting some good stuff here and there's our there's our welder mask we're not even done looting like a third of this Warehouse by the way oh I love this to bits okay we're getting the ball rolling now um I'll also be taking the scrap metal because we need actual Oodles of that because if I show you right here in order to make an anvil that's just meant for weapon purposes I'm going to need a propane torch with 10 units and 35 scrap metal so yeah we we we need quite a bit but now that we got like everything that I wow I literally got everything I I came out for and there's still so much stuff to loot on top of it uh we're going to start to speed up the Looting process though uh I'll let youall know if I find anything super crazy but for now it's just going to be like seeds and stuff like that you know just real benign stuff like nails yet another propane torch and just tools for days I'll take the plier I don't think I really need anything else but now that we do have a metal working mask and a propane torch I can start to dismantle these metal tools for scrap metal which is going to be pretty damn epic cuz I need 35 Plus in order to make myself some weapons so I'm going to drop these on the floor and once we're done looting this entire place I can go back and pick them up and scrap them up for later ooh especially the Metal Sheets we can turn those into four metal scrap each as well so we we have quite a bit of resources here honestly if grug was smart I I should have just based up here but uh you know we we we we've already committed to our spot the most we can do now is just uh go on multi-day Expeditions over to the the the big resource Hall and my are there so many resources there two cordless drills another Hammer I don't want to take up too much space in my second bag cuz a lot of it is going to be scrap metal another propane tank gosh this place is absolutely loaded I'm also hearing some zombies on the other side of this uh garage door I don't like that I don't like that at all I'm not really in the condition to uh fight the zombie but if I just sneak outside really quick plant a quick arrow in the side of his or her head and just end it there that would be good okay hello goodbye oh you're going to be one of those huh okay second time there we go oh there's three more it's a good thing we got three more arrows oh c is what I would say just hit one shot in your damn life grug come on they're going to kill us all all right it's time for the combat Rod give me 5 Seconds and all three of you will die horribly sometimes you got to get personal with these damn idiots okay this is going to get a little bit dicey oh come on now one at a time there we go okay we got them all down now it's as simple as a wacka bable game that was kind of scary but we settled it I love these combat rods so much the only problem is they are very low on condition so I usually have to ditch them after uh did I get all my arrows back no there's still some on that dead body sorry I got really sidetracked from that H back to looting oh wait do we have a club Hammer I think we already do have a club Hammer yeah we do okay I don't need another then drop that on the floor gosh not only did we get what I needed but I'm basically getting double of what I needed like we have two Club hammers two propane torches this is nice I mean it's not really useful all I need is a one but knowing did I have an option to go back to is nice I think we have finally looted all that this Warehouse had and given the amount of resources we just got out of here I don't think we need to loot the top one just yet uh I'm I'm doing fantastic when it comes to supplies right now actually so what I'm going to do right now is head my little butt upstairs after I grab these seed packets re-equip my improvised backpack and hop upstairs to where we can go to sleep on a very comfortable and very streamlined plastic lawn chair and might I say what a good morning it is today so we just got done with like the second part in our plan and now that we've looted just about everything we're going to initiate the second part which is basically dismantling everything from the these metal shelves to those crates down there I'm going to start off with my metal working skill because I want to get it to at least level two given that we've read a book and we have a you know multiplayer for it and I'd like to get my carpentry to level four because I have a five times multiplayer on that one so I think it's about time for one of the biggest Bop montages yet for the rest of the night let's get it and there it is we are extremely bored a little unhappy and a little bit over encumbered but we finally were able to dismantle just enough to get to level two metal working and level four carpentry which means I can finally make a damn door though we are still a far cry away from being able to uh you know being able to make a set of stairs for a roof to our cabin but we're slowly working our way on up anyways now begins the big task of collecting scrap metal though the good thing is is that I can use say like these saws here and I can dismantle them getting like ah let me see five scrap metal each so it shouldn't take that long at all given how many tools we have around here and I also need to make sure I'm not dismantling the tools that I am using right now as well that's the last thing I would need ah here we go crowbar that'll be a good one screwdriver sure why the hell not hell like it when you do the tire pump that's another 13 scrap metal bringing us up to 23 I also do remember uh being able to turn small Metal Sheets into uh scrap metal so I'm hoping that we could turn these normal Metal Sheets into scrap metal no but I can make a metal workbench ooh that would look pretty freaking baller I'll take it I'll take three Metal Sheets for the road and that leaves us 4 lb to work with for just uh scrap metal I did dismantle some of this stuff up around here giving us yes some two small Metal Sheets that's good and another two up here including just one out right with these four I can turn all of these into metal scrap there we go that's another 20 giving us 44 which means we can go ahead and cast ourselves an anvil I'm going to go wait on this one though cuz I feel like said Anvil weighs a bunch and I want to just top off the rest of my inventory with scrap metal I'm going to I I I I want oodles right now or just stuff to melt down in general okay we got ourselves around 67 scrap metal to work with which is going to be more than enough to start off our metal workking dreams all we got to do now is head all the way back to our base which is going to be a multi-day thing because uh the grug happy Zone going all the way over over to the warehous is it's going to take a couple of days at least so I guess I'll just do like a small little one over to make sure I'm not missing anything right now and if I'm not uh we ought to just get on going though I should check what time it is right now uh okay pretty late out according to grug time it is just about night time so here's what I'm going to do instead I'm going to go dismantle some stuff until it gets dark I'm going to go ahead and eat my last ration and as soon as it becomes morning we're going to go outside and leave this spot once and for all I'll probably be back later though bam welcome back to another day despite being extremely bored and severely depressed and having neck pain from sleeping on a plastic chair for the night we're doing pretty damn good our bags are filled with goodies and the only thing left to do is head back to our base it's going to be a long walk but we should make it there hopefully before nightfall and uh speaking about long travels back and forth now that we've gotten ourselves quite the uh collection of farming supplies I think we ought to set up a farm once we get back especially since we won't get a car for a long time in the series uh setting up a passive food income like farming is going to be very helpful because I'm I'm spending days out here you know in the brush in the woods and so coming back to like a fully grown farm crop would be pretty damn nice and we have a quite the uh quite the few options for stuff so I think that'd be fun to do I don't know there's a lot of ways we could take this right now but the main one I'm really looking forward to is uh making ourselves some damn weapons now sadly I won't be able to make anything too crazy just yet as a dagger requires three metal working really the only things we could make right now is an Iberian mace a spear and a Rond Del de bger all we got to do right now is head on back through the woods it's a good day for it it's actually a really crappy day for it it's currently like midall so I'm expecting winter to hit very soon which kind of reinforces the fact that I really need to get to level six carpentry if I want an actual home that's not filled with snow you know gosh that's going to be a long ways away though which kind of leads me to the idea that I think after I head back I start to set up another forging zone for our weapons and we can hopefully make ourselves a weapon with the lackluster skills we have right now we prepare for a massive raid for literature you know all that smart text and I'm thinking the possible targets for that could be the bookstore down in this small town over here or the school and bookstore up in Riverside either one is going to take a multi-day trip and is going to require a bunch of resources and supplies but I think we can pull both of those off equally well this is going to be grug's first winter so I am scared for his uh you know survival look at that as well we made it over to the golf course path all we got to do right now is cut in through okay we've made it over to the golf course uh pathway so now all we got to do is make it over to I'm going to say I think we can make it home right now it's around 9:00 right now according to the Sun so we're making pretty good progress on this trip so far gosh while I am on this like big old Trek back to our base camp one thing that I got to say is going to be the MVP for today this road at meat right here is like the limbus bread for grug this stuff has been keeping us just chugging all the way through with a full stomach and I would be in a lot worse of a situation without it so you know MV P going into those like three squirrels that I found in the grass and murdered they are the fuel that keeps grug running oh yeah by the way we can finally dismantle these uh car wreck so I'm going to be coming back here probably at a later date in order to do that cuz we get ourselves electrical and metal working experience from it with supplies so do I have this one marked down I should have it marked down as a trash can yes I do but oh getting that propane torch and welder Mas combo really open opens up the world for grug now and I'm I can't wait to craft our own medieval Weaponry we're going to have to start off with small stuff you know small and easy stuff like daggers and Spears but it is very exciting nonetheless and I can't wait till we actually get back ooh Can You Feel the excitement in the air grug sure can't cuz he's he he he's uh he's in a very bad place right now oh we finally made it back to the bridge and my oh my do I have the ticket let's go add in these Bellows here please tell me I can add them in maybe I just drop them off inside put in container okay I hope that works use on Stone furnace to increase heat we got it right there I don't know how those exactly work just yet I'll figure that out very soon but now that we have that dropped off let's go ahead and cast ourselves bop bop bop and Anvil this is going to take a little bit but it'll be well worth it Bingo look at that bad boy 40 lb yeah it's a good thing I didn't take that with me okay okay okay uh let's go drop off our scrap metal in this little corner here now this can be the storage spot for all the uh metal working stuff for now there we go drop that all off and down beautiful while I'm at it I'm going to go ahead and make ourselves the metal workbench as well boom hell yeah we can dismantle stuff we can also place it this is a really big workshop for old grgy here but it'll work we'll drop it off right here in this corner bam we can use this as a way to store materials as well look at you go grug Oh my he grw up so fast it feels really nice to actually have a spot to drop off all these weapon materials and and and the like up next we should probably go ahead and uh drop off all of these seeds near the composter and water barrel I think this will be a good spot for it and speaking of furniture I'm thinking tomorrow is going to be just a pure preparation day so we're going to be setting up a farm we're going to be building ourselves a few weapons just you know getting our feet planted in order to prepare for the big literature raids oh I got to say though there's so much stuff to do in such little time let's also move this Anvil finally over and place it at a bit better of a spot I'm thinking right there beautiful Anvil has been dropped and that allows me to go ahead and craft up some stuff is what I would say did I did I grab a club Hammer by the way please tell me I I I had to have brought a club Hammer I did not okay well that kind of sucks I won't be able to get um foraging done then until I get it I kind of forgot about that yeah well at least we got the Anvil down and we got all of our supplies down I think this would be a very good spot to end the episode we didn't do that much today but it is one step further into getting somewhere very nice so I think next episode is going to be pure preparation one I need weapons two I need tools three I need to go back to this warehouse and grab the club Hammer that I missed and uh get ready for the big raid you know I ask myself this one filbert where the hell did that club Hammer go and how did I lose it oh that's going to set us back a couple of years despite it being rainy things are going pretty damn good for grug we have a brand new Anvil and we are one step closer to creating our first metal weapons and somehow someway out of everything I've gotten I forgot to grab our club Hammer after I grab my club Hammer that is miles away to the north we are going to uh start to prepare for an ultimate expedition to either the quank town of Riverside or this small town down over here I'm not too sure yet but the one thing that I do need right now is literature so uh before it gets any more laid out we should probably go deal with our moodles we're going to you know spend a littleit bit of time to practice a little bit of self-care grug needs it after having just walked miles back and forth now before I did actually go to sleep I went ahead and caught a small catch of fish so we're going to be not hungry at all let's start this bad boy up and cook ourselves some fish now oh yeah it's going to be real good eatting after they're done being cooked I can go ahead and uh slice them into filets ooh and while we're at it you know what I could do how about we make ourselves a good soup I mean we have pepper we have oregano we have lemongrass I think we can make something absolutely busting all I need is all this cooked fish so we can slice these into fillets and add them to our soup yeah we're making a real hardy stew today we got herbs we got Spice we have pepper we have oregano and a couple of fish fillets on top check that out that's that's a good meal right there and the rest of these I'll just slice into Fila and carry with us on the way bada bam let's drink up this delicious soup eat a couple more fillet so we're not losing weight beautiful and lastly filling up our empty Kettle so we're not going to be thirsty all right aside from our depression we are as fit as a fiddle I will see y'all back at the warehouse it's going to be a long trip for sure this Justin grug has made it to the first break stop I wanted to stop here for a little bit to you know get out of the rain regain some stamina and prepare for the next uh plan which is going to be clearing out the roadway down this way I kind of want these uh Golf Course roads to be as safe as possible as I don't want to get jumped out here so I think following some Uncharted Territory in order to reach our access point is going to be nice so we're probably going to have to fight a couple of zombies and grug is going to need to be well rested with spear in hand nothing can stop us now other than a massive hord of zombies like that one right there speak of the devil it's fine I got this all charted out we're going to stay right behind oh get in the window we're going to stay right behind this window sill as soon as they enter we stab them right in the back of the head it'll be like an advanced game of wacka I hope you're ready uh they sure are like clockwork see we don't have to be dumb when we fight zombies we can be very smart and we can capitalize on it we'll go rip up all the clothing on these Zombies for free XP uh we'll just leave our corpses in front of here for now I don't really need to move them that's not the point the only thing I want to do right now is get from point A to point B and you know what let's go attach some uh let's go attach a random Fork on this zombie to our spear why the hell not it's streamlined we're in the metal agent you know if it works it works now this is it a weapon to surpass Metal Gear all right I feel a lot more confident with my with my Fork spear you guys better be ready it's like a pitchfork but like a little baby version oh man I'm not ready for this at all there's a there's a few zombies down over here let's give it a good old shout you know get them all riled up a bit make sure there's no sprinters coming in for my cheeks and we're just going to start to slowly clear them out with our Fork spear shut up shut up right now I can't let you live yeah nice wow this thing is th this Fork is really good holy hell oh it broke I kind of flew a bit too close to the Sun for that one but while it did last it was very powerful time for the bow that's going to be it for this road up here don't worry folks we should be almost there just got to take care of a few more zombies I whiffed that one completely but I see where the arrow went please don't scream oh my you just took a shot to the Head ma'am ma'am are you okay oh she's not okay ah okay that was kind of scary wow why did a head shot not work there we made it let's go no zombies attacked me in the woods this is going extraordinarily well for us now I can finally grab that club hammer and make sure I grab it because uh we kind of got here in the nick of time it's about to be night so we're probably going to stay here for the rest of the day you know rest up a bit oh thank you there is okay I'm going to favorite this one as soon as I grab it okay we're not going to leave home without it and hold on can we make iron arrowheads out of Saw nail Hammer Club Hammer oh you know what we'll might as well go make us some more arrows as well this bow is probably going to be the best thing ever so we can make those real easy with these nails this club Hammer is going to be perfect for us yep that's going to be a favorite we can make arrows with this we can make weapons with this without this bad boy grug ain't going to be a running so let's go make ourselves some sturdy sticks now and make ourselves nine more arrows it is pretty expensive but it is well worth it given what that bow has done for us and now that it's dark out it's given me the perfect segue to sleep on one of my favorite things a good oldfashioned lawn chair oh we're living the life oh what a what a good night's rest and while I was sleeping I kind of had a revelation does grug the name truly suit grug anymore I mean we are no longer caveman I know I'm still using a stone Hammer but that's going to change very soon I think we ought to give our eles a new name in that name everybody is going to be gruger the first explorer of the lands Trailblazer for Humanity not that Humanity can really continue cuz it's just grug out here or now grgy but before I leave I'm going to go ahead eat ourselves a fish filet which should keep us very well fed saving this one for later so we can go ahead and grab ourselves some extra scrap metal I feel like that is always important so let me dismantle one of these make sure it's the rake that's going and pack it along with us the only gripe that I do have is that we remain under the threshold of uh of under 15 lbs in our main inventory because as soon as we go over that our run speed is going to get us killed so we'll just grab a couple of Metal Sheets let's see here giving us more than enough scrap metal to work with all right I think it's about time we get going on back home though I could possibly grab a few few more things hold on here we have our second bag and if I play this correctly I might be able to pack rat everything away an extra 9.7 kilos that ain't much right now but that sure is going to add up later let's get the hell out of here now I'll be back I will always be back for yet another day but today is not that day today is the day I go back and finally prepare some armaments man grug's legs are going to be seriously built by the end of this we finally have made it back and what can I say that whole trip just back took up almost the full day so that kind of reinforced is the fact that careful planning is going to be crucial in this series but we finally are back where I belong and we have the carpentry skill we have the the metal working skill I think the only thing left to do is uh get this bread wholesale and even before I start with uh you know foraging I need to organize myself this is disgusting you see that right there that pile of scrap metal yeah then ain't going to fly so what I'm going to do right now is equip our saw and Hammer drop off this bag that we needed for the return trip I also decided to rename the improvised bag so I know which one is which and here we have gr's Exquisite bag and replaceable you know that's my replaceable bag but yeah let's go make some Stone axes chop down a few trees and get ourselves a bunch of Timber what a good day for it now that we've uh you know dispatched of almost all of these axes I'm going to go ahead and fish for the rest of the day we're exhausted we're a little bit you know tired so I think that'll be the best thing to do we're slowly uh you know bringing back the Civilized World chop by chop all we got out of that is a small carp and a big suubi oh my gosh I know you can't find these in Kentucky but oh my God that's a big boy I I I kind of want to keep him your name's going to be chesus you're going to join filbert right next to me all right now that we have that out of the way gosh chesus you're such a big boy look at you so big and strong and I bet you're wellfed as well but yes now that we have the firewood uh after we cook up some uh breakfast for today we're going to go make ourselves a bunch of furniture so this place looks less like a pig diey and bada bam our fish filet is cooked giving us 51 hunger for the day our weight right now is very nice all right now that we're done with that let's go ahead grab these logs here let's go saw these bad boys into planks so we can actually process them and make ourselves a damn door okay it's been a long time coming boom Oh look how civilized we are now we have a door and not only that I want some damn storage in my life so let's go ahead go into carpentry and start to craft ourselves bop bop bop wooden crates there's going to be one right here we're going to double stack that bad boy drop off all this random metal junk inside right in there bada Bingo yeah we're we're we're gaming got gosh it's actually so nice we can finally pick up around here we're not even done there what I'm going to do next is go ahead and uh retrofit this place inside here so let's go grab what I need which is even more planks because now that we finally got to level four carpentry we can even craft ourselves a floor oh we can get floors we can get a chair composters bookshelves cases yeah the whole world has opened up and I think right now what I need is some damn flooring okay I'm sick of I'm sick of this grass it gets everywhere and it's tough nice look at that up next we we need to get some better storage okay putting stuff in bags ain't going to cut it anymore what I want in my life is a damn table and I'm going to get just that H the more I'm looking at this the more I kind of want to move some stuff around so right now what I'm going to do I'm going to move the stretcher bed down over here and we're going to replace that with a table right in this corner here boom look at that oh man we're gaming oh we broke our Stone Hammer well I guess we could scrap it use it for firewood and uh oh okay I just grug that's not how you open doors grugg is trying to figure out the whole civilized lifestyle that's fine though we can go ahead and make another uh hammer pretty easily there we go New Hammer new me up next what I'm thinking of doing is uh moving I guess a stretcher bed down a tiny bit here right in this corner here giving us a little bit of room in between adding in a couple of crates in here lastly a display counter here because why not I can make it right now and bada bam there we go we got this done and to finish off this whole place we're going to go make ourselves a wooden chair right in the corner here with some nice shell coming off the side here oh my gosh that is terrifying anyways the the shelves are going to be meant for uh for literature I'm sorry uh big suubi I forgot your name already uh I don't think I have room for you in here that's one minus 136 hunger no no no no I can't he's my friend fish are friends not food though I am awful low way it's fine he can stay outside he's an outside pet okay only filbert stays in you can stare longingly at the water where you once belong there you go sir okay man look at this place though it's coming together all I got to do is um yeah do a little bit of inventory management because right now this is uh not it Chief there we go now stuff is a little bit more managed and check this place out this is comfy we have our nice little table with you know reading room we have our new shelves up here with my boy filbert on top we got a bed that is definitely going to get replaced in the future we have our nice little produce area where we're just saving up on food this is really nice what I think I'm going to do for the rest of the day is go ahead and make ourselves a spear to go fishing with so what I'm going to do for the rest of the day is uh spend a wee bit of time fishing right fishing is always good fishing is great especially when I can catch big old monsters like that man sleeping this comfy almost makes you forget that I don't have a freaking roof anyways today is going to be the final day at least for this episode and but let me tell you we've saved the best for last today I want some new toys to play around with and while we can't make too much right now I sure as hell can start to dip into the Iron Age drip so today what I'm going to do is cast and Forge ourselves a weapon to surpass metal gear which is going to be the mace this thing is going to devastate these Undead hopefully so what we need right now is a ma head and a wooden shaft we can go ahead Forge up the ma head right now B bam and make our elves the wooden shaft bada boom creating ourselves our first real weapon and not only that I'm not done yet I want to make myself a dagger as well so let's Forge a dagger guard oh never mind we actually can't forge a hilt yet without wood glue which I don't have at all well that's just going to have to be fine for now but another thing I could do is Forge ourselves a hooked spearhead shape ourselves a long wooden shed draft from this log right here and make ourselves the hook spear boom Can You Feel It in the Air oh man look at that thing that's got some reach to it but I don't think I'm going to take it on our trips at least for now that's a nice spear though that is a fantastic spear it's a little bit too big for me right now but one thing I am excited about is well is the Iberian mace check this thing out yeah that'll do real nice the only thing I missing right now is a belt but we need two tailoring for that so that's going to be uh quite the ways away but we can slowly work up towards that matter of fact we might have a tailoring book nearby I would love a belt right about now we have a two volume twos never mind well at the very least we have ourselves a new weapon a couple of new weapons a massive like 12 foot long Spear and ourselves a big old bonking maze head so I'll count that as a win I think grgy is going to take creative control and we're going to just work on the house today this will be a good oldfashioned farmsteading video I mean those are always fun right and so my goals for today is to kind of clean up the outside of this place a little add in some Farms add in some trap lines get some passive food income incoming and also gain some weight we're only 70 kilos which makes us still underweight and um we don't want to be underweight when winter is coming and that's exactly why I'm catching myself all of these fish so we can bulk up right now rather than later all right first things first I'm actually going to work on our tailoring level just a tiny bit because if you see right here we are very close to at least getting to level one and then level two will be a little bit harder to get but we'll make some progress so I'm going to go grab my old uh skin tunic inspect this bad boy and remove all the patches adding them all back in just like that bada bam that's going to be level one tailoring which is halfway to making a leather belt pretty damn exciting though it's going to take a little bit longer all right now what we ought to do next is look at our moodles which is going to be hunger and depression can't really fix the depression right now but I sure as hell can uh grab some fuel for this fire so let's go grab ourselves some fuel from wood here starting up this fire once and for all cooking up all that good stuff come on okay it doesn't really want to go through that's fine there we go just barely did it I'm exhausted and hungry but it'll be well worth it let's wait for that good stuff to cook right on up making sure we grab it before it burns oh yeah Meats back on the menu boys oh another thing I need to make now is another Stone knife our old one broke this should keep us fed for basically the rest of the episode so I am very excited bada bam over 50 lbs of fish time to slice these fillets up bada bam 16 fish fillets weighing 30 lb we'll might as well eat this up right now oh yeah that'll get us over the uh underweight threshold for sure oh stop jumping the your house grug that's not how you use the door we'll be dropping off the rest of our food uh in one of these crates for now yeah this one will do for now okay now that that's done we can rest up for a bit sit on the ground and go chop down a few more trees as I really want to set up some more uh smithing zones right we only have a little bit of workable iron and I want to start up some more charcoal so what I'm going to do right now is empty out this metal drum and add in in some logs there we go that should be more than enough b boom there we go now that's lighted we can go help ourselves to some charcoal in the future and while we're at it I think I'm going to start to remove all this grass here in an attempt to make a nice little farm out here and everyone knows a good Farm starts with a proactive green thumb and we also are getting foraging stuff out of here which is very much worth it all right we had a night terror but it is uh basically day two let's go help ourselves to some more B fish filets we're still just steadily gaining weight but I'm hoping that that'll change in the future very soon well yeah we got our first task done we've cleared out a nice little patch for our Farm the only problem that I see right now is I don't have a shovel nor do I have a Trel to actually Smith so you know it's a bit of a problem but I have a pretty good idea on what to do one we could just use our hands and number two which is going to be much more fun we can go ahead shove literally every metal item we've gotten so far including the Metal Sheets we'll save the scrap metal for other stuff though shoving all of this shoving all of this into our Forge here adding in some fuel and starting this Stone furnace up Bingo that's rolling that's going to warm up everything and while I think this is cooking up right now what I'm going to do is head over towards the fence line that we saw earlier and go ahead and dismantle some stuff I think it should be right around up here I just want as much workable iron as possible and this spot right up here is going to be easy access a especially when grgy here has the exact tools for the job oh yeah we're going to be getting so many resources out of here please maybe it's a 30% chance but with each one of these we get a metal bar to work with so let's do like this whole line down here and I think that'll be [Laughter] good oh my God what the hell did you come from Jesus Christ oh God okay back to it then is what I would say if I wasn't a psychopath oh man I didn't realize there were zombies down here I mean that's kind of a given but I think a grug here as the tool for the job let's see what we're rocking a zombie crawler should be no problem for my Iberian oh I I whiffed that one completely but yeah we have a mace now it's kind of slow and I'll be real it's kind of crappy but that's to be expected with our first starting weapon right it's supposed to be slow kind of like grug in Way But as time goes on we can make our way over towards the beautiful and awesome War axes and most importantly The Messer sword which I still need a whole bunch of metal working for so yeah we're going to go kill some of these zombies up here I don't really like them chilling around the area especially so close to you know grug's playground we're just taking a little bit of proactive Pest Control you know yeah nothing wrong with that at all he b b he b b he b b swing oh that's a brute zombie I need to put you down right now ooh ooh that's not good okay we're good we're good we're fine we're fine there's three more we got this I really don't want to whiff with this thing oh the Master Zombie is evolving the zombies next to it that's not good I need to put this guy out of his misery right now we're getting the bow out oh that's another BR zombie okay we're good we're good we killed it I need to kill that damn I need to kill this damn Master Zombie right now now okay problem has been dealt with oh that is a scary man that is that is a very scary man it's a good thing we had that bow and this mace is not really the best in terms of condition I'm probably going to need to make a multiple of these matter of fact I might head back to base camp right now and grab my comically large uh spear it's all clear and we can finally begin our bot Montage all over again in peace this time might I add never mind I lied thanks for the hunting knife though I can smelt that down real nice boom okay we're done let's go grab these metal bars let's get the hell back I don't know how many we actually were able to get from here but this is uh this was scary that that that that feral zombie running at me was Nightmare fuel I hated that but we survived all right and we got a nice selection of metal bars I'm pretty sure there's a few more in the tree line but we we have like nine bars which is 13 lb worth I think that'll be more than enough for now so let's head back to our forging Zone and pop this stuff right on in yeah nice while we're at it let's go have a quick little drink of water and a bite to eat the good thing is we have a rodent meat and wild egg stir fry ready to rock so all I need to get that started is a log for fuel and a stick to start this bad boy up come on grug please there we go we're not animals all right grug deserves to eat with utensils now we have oh I broke I broke the spoon oh well a good good thing is we can smelt it right back on down that's fine maybe we're not that civilized yet but this food is going to be delicious when it's done oh yeah that right there this is made with love dig right in my grgy boy that should fix all of our woses and problems and now all we got to do is sleep and um tomorrow we're going to just absolutely bulk cook those spoons up I need a up our skill somehow some way well another day another dollar uh I I really wish I could know what day it is right now it's actually pretty light out right now wow it it it's been so long though I feel like we might be on like day 20 day 30 your guess is as good as mine the only thing I need to do right now is continue to hop on that grind set and right now I think we ought to make a just a bunch of spoons or maybe some other stuff we don't have like a saucepan we don't got one of those let's make it you know what else we don't have a lot of uh I guess we could make a bunch of iron ingots and then smelt it down all over again oh we'll make ourselves a screwdriver yeah there we go it's a very terrible screwdriver but it's grug screwdriver so we're going to replace that with the old one we had yeah that one can go in the uh furnace what else could we replaced right now actually that seems to be it for now well uh I guess yes iron ingots it is there we go we are able to make around 50 iron ingots which is pretty damn good and we're just going to cook it all back down all over again because why the hell not this is how it works that got us to almost level four smithing we can totally do this right now come on just a little bit more we'll just make iron ingots as they're being popped out yes smelt destroy and then smelt again a process of creation that only boosts scrs IQ bada bam that's another level of smithing and you know what I can do with that now I can go ahead and make myself my very first Hammer bada bam it's such a terrible Hammer but this Hammer is mine and that's what it's all about making your own tools we no longer need this Hammer you did your job but you're going to be put right back into the uh into the cycle That Never Ends but I think that's all we're going to do right now we could power level smithing but we have nothing really to look forward to unless we get a manual so I'm going to hold off on that for now and I think we ought to start with a a nice little farm so follow me over here all the way to I mean we should probably eat a couple fish fls right now especially since it's going kind of bad you know I I got to get as many calories out of this as possible but yes we should have ourselves a fine selection of seeds so we're going to grabb these and since we don't have a Trel or any way to start it up we are going to have to dig with our hands so in order to prepare for that I should probably boil up some uh rags and get them all sterilized that's only a couple of rags and a couple of bandages but that should be should be more than enough so I think we ought to start off with uh some carrots those are Hardy and a banana tree why the hell not let's do this it's about time we start digging these furrows with our hands we're going to be spacing them by one so the risk of disease is negligible it's not going to be the most uh you know efficient way to do this but it'll have to work and that's all we can do right now as we've scratched up our hand we can bandage that up with a sterilized bandage though oh never mind I need a lot more seeds for a fruit tree level seven farming skill yeah that ain't happening what about broccoli oh never mind I see what I need to do so with like this whole uh like food overhaul mod that we have I actually need to read the instructions on the back of these carrot seeds to figure out what's going on grug's a pretty quick thinker there we go now we can learn how to sew stuff yes we're going to be so smart we'll start off with carrots and lettuce how's that sound look at you go grug 14 days to grow um I need level three farming skill for the lettuce but as sure as hell can start with some carrots yes they're going to grow big and strong ah we can do broccoli as well beautiful beautiful beautiful let's plant some of those and then let's go drop off all these seeds I don't have a really good spot for it so what I'm going to do is make ourselves a few axes here we'll get a couple thankfully we had like 100 dirty rags back in our shelter here so I just need to grab this whenever but now that we have that we can go chop down a tree and get a crate down to where I can store my seeds uh nicely woo and plop down a wooden crate right actually I have a better idea yeah right here in this corner boom this is where all of our seeds can be and uh I'm going to be dropping off the planks here because I have a pretty good idea I kind of want to fence this in this can be my this can be like my little farm you know we'll do that in the morning though uh I'm just going to be fishing for a little bit longer seeing if I can get any food and then we ought to go to sleep Oo we got a loot box we love to see those I mean the rest of this fish is cool as well but come on let's see what we got loot box nothing damn it it was worth a shot I guess it's to sleep then oh I can also drop off the stone Hammer I don't need it anymore I got a normal Hammer now you can tell this is grug's Hammer because I'm going to favorite it new day new me uh currently grug's weight is a solid 72 so we are gaining though we have run low on fish fillets to eat so we're going to need to do a little bit of fishing and while I'm at it can I dig some more furrows no my hands are too damaged right now but I think we we ought to switch our um our efforts right now we got some Farms rolling but I I'm not going to settle there what I think we ought to make now is make a few stick traps I want to set up a nice little trap line down the river aad I think that would increase our uh our production value by a bunch and since we have a bunch of worms especially from our compost which I'm going to be able to grab soon it's going to be well worth it so let's go make a couple of sturdy sticks grab some twine out of our c cabin and make four Stick traps hell yeah with those stick traps we should go grab all the worms we've ever had which is just a solid four you know what that'll work I'm thinking we set it up right here at this Bend right we can mark this with a nice little boat so we don't get lost this is going to be Trapper Zone beautiful all we got to do now is scaddle our way on down and drop them off there I want it to be pretty far oh there's some zombies okay well I think it's about time you meet my best friend my new best friend Iberian mace number one oh God that's a Master Zombie oh no no I can't no no no no you need to die right now that's a scary man I can't have him alive there we go anyone else no good I'm going to rip up all your clothing while I'm at it don't mind me and then I'm going to pick up this Zombie's pair of jeans and I'm going to patch it for them free of char so I can get XP yeah anyways we have finally made it over to the spot where I'm going to be setting up my live traps it's it's a nice little Cove it's kind of uh distinguishable from everything else so let's go place all these bad boys down number one number two number three and how could I forget number four placing worms in every single one of these I'm hoping that this is going to be a useful expenditure I I'm guessing it'll be and if even if it isn't I I can at least say I tried right right we have five more worms so we could reset this just one more time oh hey and check that out we can actually dig furrows all over again okay so let me uh dig just a few more bits here uh we'll do one here we'll do one there and we will do one right in front of there it's a nice little 3x3 grid oh I need to water the plants oh jeez I almost forgot okay okay okay okay okay oh they're they're parched they need it they need the water badly oh my poor babies are parched don't worry I know exactly what to do let's just uh sew the rest of these seeds down let's go Smith up another cooking pot here so we can use that and this can be our water bucket for now bada bam there we go now all of these bad boys are going to be good look at that they're well watered and they're happy little plants in my happy little Zone okay well uh now I kind of want to show you what I want to do with the rest of these planks this is going to be a bit longer of a thing but I do want to slowly um you know s surround this whole fence area with fences right this is going to take a bit but slowly and surely we'll get a nice fence around here and this place will start to look like a true Farmstead honestly I think what we ought to do is uh grab this long spear head over towards the uh the road clear out some of the zombies and test how this thing does in martial combat it's a very big spear but that's good when the zombies are running at you the reach oh it's slow but it is very powerful okay oh she didn't hear me it's good okay that's another in your torso ma'am are you good okay that's a third in her torso she's just becoming the human pin cushion and that ends it off oh yeah these two will do just fine big wrestler let's see what we got okay you know what it's slow um I kind of want to test out some other stuff really quick though we'll take out the uh the rest of these up here that is a wrestler let's try not to get too close of course we have we have the reach Advantage is what I will say ooh okay is what I ah okay we're fine dad kind of got a feel for the spear I'll be real it's kind of no it's actually extremely slow and uh unwieldy but I do have one more option that we might be able to to make at least for the finale of this episode and that right there is going to be a Warhammer I can only make the old variant right now but we can go ahead Forge up a Warhammer bada bam and assemble this bad boy all it requires is one carpentry and one metal working which is exactly what I have bam okay how's this thing uh how's this thing want to play I got to say one thing this is oh this is grug style right here the the Mason hook spear are cool but this is what grug truly needed let's go test it out on a couple of zombies yooo you over there Master Zombie uh I have a bone to pick with you all right let's see how good this thing is this might be it ooh ooh I like it it's crunchy it's very crunchy but I think with the power of my bow and this Warhammer combined we're going to make this world Bend its knee to grer will B okay I'm really whiffing these boom okay you know what it's Hammer Time wo oh I love this thing yeah I I I think we're ready folks I think we're ready next episode grug is going to take on civilization itself the big city we have a trap line set up we have a farm going things could not be going better and more importantly we have a weapon that I think will bring us very far well today is going to be the day the day we finally go on a massive raid for literature because uh I'll be real the one thing that is kind of holding us back is the amount of grind this is all going to take in the future so getting some books to learn new recipes get new items and just speed up the grinding process is going to be fantastic we set up a farm and a trap line so now I'm going to hit you with the details first of all I decided that Riverside is probably going to be our best bet specifically the school and if we don't find anything at the school there is also going to be a bookstore right here and my whole plan on getting there is to follow this River all the way down now this is a very long river so what I'm thinking of doing about halfway through is setting up a quick little uh I guess base camp you know a home away from home somewhere to where I can rest up and get a full night's rest so by the time I get here I'm not tired and I'm thinking we drop that bad boy right here but the first thing we need in order to like really prepare is a tent the cool thing is that we can definitely get a tent kit right now if we get four small ropes into two sheets which I can make small ropes from these bark strips from the Twigs so let's just bulk these up bada bam that gives us uh two which we can make two small rope with and I should have some inside here as well beautiful we do have 11 bark strips bada bam bada boom one more small rope we're going to grab that on top of our sty sticks and now all we got to do is hop into our rag container craft up a couple sheets and we have ourselves a portable camping kit hell yeah it only weighs 3 lb and it's going to be perfect for us I'm also bringing a saucepan with water so I can go ahead and uh purify water as we're going on this trip we have our weapons particularly this old Warhammer and if stuff gets crazy we have a secondary hooked spear in here yeah you know what I think I'm just about ready the only thing that I want right now is a bit of food which thankfully I did catch some fish while waiting for this day to come so all we got to do is start this bad boy up cook up all this delicious fish oh yeah I'm ready let's eat breakfast breast right now mostly because of the weight requirements and just get moving down this Riverside it's going to take quite a while but it does feel nice knowing that I can actually sleep on the way you know a little bit of a planning really goes a long way in this type of scenario oh and of course how could I forget foraging on the way I mean you never know we could find something nice oh hold on here all I just heard the uh the Trap go off I mean I was just doing a little bit of forging you know looking around a bit and uh I I heard a trap no way did we get ourselves something to eat oh man y we got a bird oh there's another one oh man this is working really damn well holy heck I wish I had some worms to put on there oh I do I do okay let's go set this bad boy back up check it out isn't that exciting I'm so happy this these things work do we got another bird oh a dead crow hell yeah okay well well well I love to see the fruits of my labor going through that put a smile on my face we'll save these dead birds to eat for later for now we just got to keep on moving I got to say uh doing a little bit of foraging on the way is definitely the vibe I haven't really gotten anything too crazy but we are just about 2/3 of the way there I mean it's it's a long road ahead but we're slowly making it down this way and hopefully by the time I get to my designated Waypoint it'll be dark enough for us to set up base camp oo check it out as well we got freaking Tomatoes uh did we get the seeds from it we do that's awesome and I think that'll be a perfect lunch for us right about now oh I love it when you find wild stuff out here yeah that's a great snack filled with a bunch of nutrition if we check our map we are just on the cusp so just a little bit more and we'll make it there licky split quick and welcome to the spot we have finally made it yep beautiful what what a good spot as well it's a nice Bank on a big old River I can do all my fishing all right yeah let me um remove some of the grass out of this area make this a little bit more presentable set up our tent maybe a nice little fishing Zone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm actually pretty excited about this there we go this should be good enough let's go pull out our tent drop off this bad boy I'd say like right here I don't know if we have enough for a campfire kit just about yet but that should be fine for now let's go drop off the unknown berries and mushrooms and we are going to be keeping the rats and squirrels uncooked because uh they actually stay longer now do we we have enough for a campfire kit right about now huh we might be able to though would require us to have some rip sheets which I honestly forgot about so we might have to go without a fire for now which is fine I'll just help myself to a uh you know nice old fish filet and remove some more of this grass around the area o actually never mind one thing we could do is make a spear really quick and go fishing for some socks there is a pretty good chance we get some and uh that might be the only way we uh get ripped sheets right now come on give me a sock now we're just catching copious amounts of fish that we can't even eat right now dang it how hard is it to catch a sock in here come on activate that inner foraging in you no we won't get it okay that's fine we have a bunch of stuff here we'll drop that off on the floor we'll eat that later do we have anything in this loot box nothing of course not why am I why am I not why am I surprised and welcome back it's about midday I kind of screwed up my sleeping schedule a bit so I think I'm going to stay here at the camp at least for 2 today and then we can make it over to the the the town tomorrow what I want to do right now is uh I might have to actually rip up some of my clothing ah dang it or I guess we could poach some zombies off the road we're honestly not too far away yeah you know what let's go poach some zombies we got a freaking Warhammer let's drop off our replaceable bag here go slice all these uh fish into filets and get ready to cook those up later I mean we are at 74 lbs right now so we are getting very close to not being um encumbered which is very exciting for grug we won't be underweight anymore we'll be thriving instead of starving oh I really don't feel safe in these woods but the moment I see an undead freak I'm going to smash his head into Oblivion don't see a lot of zombies on this road which is a pretty good sign at least for me traveling across the area now I am curious because I do need a zombie to kill I need some uh rip sheets so I can craft my axe you know I spent this entire trip like avoiding Zombies by following the river and the one time I actually do need zombies who appear on the road there there's just not a single one it's about to get dark out come on I mean it's good that we're getting the scouting done now and now that I know that this road is relatively clear and usable but still come on on ah there it is there's a police Zombie Thing up here okay that's what I've been waiting for and these are police zombies as well so they shouldn't be running crackheads nice hello there grug would like to show you the new law of the world yeah oh I love this Hammer so much it it that's a good Hammer this we are going to become a god amongst men I can I'm already feeling it you know hell you and is that it that seems to be it well that's all I really needed thank you for the clothing I don't really have a use for gunpowder yet so I'm not going to be taking any of these but that is pretty damn cool isn't it it's getting really dark though so um I should really hurry this up we got around 40 sheets so that's that that's that's fine by me it's about time we head back let's see uh what direction we can go we can just basically go straight down okay cool be I will see y'all back at base we finally made it back and we can go ahead craft up ourselves a stone axe I'm going to be dropping the dirty rags on the floor keeping the good ones on hand and you know just dropping all the stuff that I don't need man I really wish I would have brought some sleeping pills so I went to sleep in the storm uh we finally got our campfire set up and this place looks a little bit more like home but oh oh man was this kind of crazy anyways we got our food cooking up it's going to be delicious we're going to bulk e these bad boys the Salmon's going to take a little bit longer but this can keep us fed for uh for for for for much longer there we go 74 kilos just about there I'm going to be so excited and the salmon is also going to be B done hell yeah can I go back to sleep no I'm going to have to just look lur around here a little bit well I might as well go fishing all right it's bright enough out so let's go eat some fish filets up we have more than enough food to last us the entire trip thank you for everything you provided temporary base camp I'll be back at a later date but right now it's it's time to get a move on we're going to be following it straight up ahead and hitting up Riverside now we made it I also realized that I brought the spear with me you know what we'll might as well use it as a weapon it's a it's a decent enough one to get the job done matter of fact I'll bind a chip Stone to it make it you know a real stone age uh Bruiser yeah check that bad boy out I mean sure we might be a little bit Advanced but nothing can beat the spear in terms of sheer combat ability oh gosh it's been a long time since I've seen a town it's probably been a full month like in game it's been insane that's another level of sprinting we're already at level three which means we can outrun basic sprinters yep there are the zombies There's a necromancer a child zombie well grug don't discriminate a good zombie is a dead zombie the only ones that I'm really scared about are the runners right those ones will throw me for a loop and get me killed like this wrestler zombie right here he if he gets a good hit on me we're done for so kill them right now there we go all right you two come on ooh this might might get a little bit oh that's a creature kill him nice oh let's get a little bit of distance though I don't know how many that just detracted gosh it's always the screaming ones I swear okay just three easy peasy oh gosh you just hey wait wait wait wait wait is there a necromancer around here that zombie just got back from the dead hell no that that don't fly around here what was that oh that's Terri terrifying okay group of zombies up there one feral one wrestler that two ferals actually we're going to be going around that one this one we are going to have to fight though come on just you just you beautiful you see the cool thing about sprinters is that you just let their momentum kill themselves with your spear right all I have to do is hold this bad boy up they're done for all right their momentum is going to get themselves killed which is fantastic for grug survival gosh it's been so long since I fought zombies feels good you know feels really good it's it's been a while since I've actually like looted properly but there we are look at that oh there are homes here can you believe it civilization oh that's a brute okay okay let's get ready this is going to get a little bit funky that was scary um if she would have if I would have whiffed that I would have died I I actually need to play play it a little bit more cautiously around those brute zombies we're going to be using these fences to our advantage right now I don't really care about the loot inside of these homes right I just want to make it to the school today and I think that'll be uh counted as a epic win the good thing is that we can now use these fences to our advantage which is going to be needed uh make sure no one's coming up around us and take them out accordingly nice and I I think the road up to the school let me check the map really quick is literally right up there we can definitely do this yeah it's been a while since grug has been in power I've always been running my whole life now look at me this chip Stone sphere by the way is really damn good rug really knows how to make him last okay I think we follow that uh little Alleyway into the school so we need to take care of another few zombies I think it's about time for the bow and arrow oh there's a runner right there okay okay okay okay keep it calm keep it cool give me the Warhammer watch out for the lunge we're good b i whiffed that oh God okay o get away get away get away that's kind of scary that's actually extremely scary don't worry about a thing we got this in the bag as soon as she comes up I'm going to slam her damn head in BO Booyah yeah that's right it's going to take a lot more than that to kill old grugy boy pop the fence like a t Tactical Pro hop it right back on over these zombies won know what hit them me actually I'm going to hit them it feels good to be in the city I'm finally sading my my blood lust for the undead that seems to be it for that group up there so we have free clearance all the way over to the school now ain't that exciting there are a couple of zombies down here and I mean I don't like I don't like to leave a job half done you know I think that's the last thing we need right now so goodbye good day saara yeah they never stood a chance but all it takes is one feral to ruin my day so we can't get too cocky but I can also become a little bit more confident in our abilities now that we have the uh the tools necessary for the job oh yeah smooth sailing from here on out okay that guy's kind of scary he's going to head around the long way around hey better better hey better better swing oh there it is though the dilapitated rundown school it feels nice we've actually made it this far huh I I I I don't know what else to say I hope they have the books necessary though that's one thing I desperately need are proper books and there's another group of zombies up here with a necromancer no master zombies so they won't be able to evolve themselves start off with the bow take off the Sprinter boom nice okay that leaves four of these The Necromancer might be Reviving them so I need to be a little bit cautious about that okay they're a little bit closer now we pull out the melee now we got to take out this Necromancer before she revives anyone hit him with the onew smackeroo is that going to be it here I think it is two more right up there nice I am hearing some commotion indoors I'm also going to drop off this chip Stone now pull out the Warhammer that I hear a lot behind there hold on one second oh yeah they're going to be coming on in this might be this might be scary oh that's a big group of them nothing my bow and arrow can't handle though is what I would say if I could hit my damn shots all right here we go number two ha damn it grug's always been more of a personal kind of fellow look at that I've mastered the way is offense combat it was told in the manuals you see yeah I hope that's going to be most of the zombies indoors I doubt it though but the only way to know for sure is uh peeking on inside now huh ooh Mama Mia let's see okay pretty empty I see the library across let's not get too uh Carri it away though okay it could hit the fan literally at any minute that's post-apocalyptic night scrap pauldron hand Groves that's what I love to see I hope we get a bunch of those types of magazines outside of um out of the library and if not we could hit up the bookstore on top of it any food inside here that was left over no just a bunch of rotten ters that was worth a shot to check out anyways ooh there is a sack though that's pretty damn epic we can drop off the sack inside a replaceable bag that oh God where did you come from oh wo little little shinky bugger huh H I'm hearing a lot of Mojo inside here that I'm not too big of a fan of we we got a single paper clip in this trash here what kind of zombies outside okay just a normal one there we go wow I absolutely brained that idiot okay damn give me some more crits like that okay zombie in the hall it's very hard to see these zombies inside the school Halls by the way with all the vegetation and junk in here we are getting a little bit tired though so I'm probably going to to stay at this school for the night so I think when we're done with this we're going to go rest up in the uh nurses the nurses room there we go God this Hammer hits I mean I it sure as hell should this is a big boy Hammer there we go okay let's rest up and then we can go check out the uh the library all right let's see what we got here rubber bands perfect I'll take it staplers adhesive tape you know what we don't have adhesive tapee at home that might be useful what else we got crossword magazines yada yada dance magazines I forgot a grug can kind of boogie boogie woggie indeed paper clips perfect material for fishing hooks uh anything in the trash just a few dead rats okay now the Moment of Truth oh buddy boy this is it all right that's Advanced smithing I needed that metal working skills oh Angler magazines Doomsday Preppers we can craft crossbows now oh we okay so what do we need Super Duper much right now so I need level 5 to six carpentry level four to five metal working okay good to know yeah nothing good in here for now let's see what's in this next one hello is there a zombie in here just just cover in my bases you know I I would hate for someone to come up and destroy me I'm not going to let heard interrupt my fun electrician volume one I'll take it you know what why not I mean we have a full like book to carry this stuff around so anything that I take right now it's going to be a a net win for us oh there there's carpentry volume 4 I doubt I'll ever get there but why the heck not we'll take that medieval Morning Star oh we already have that red performance manual uh smithing magazine volume one just basic kitchen utensils kind of useless but it's good that we can find those oh come on o o o o ooh cheese I can make cheese that's good a can opener jar lid ice pick I'll take those fishing volume two that's going to be an easy yink as well okay that's one shelf taken care of so many magazines and that's the five to six carpentry that we needed ooh yeah this is going to be good honestly I think next episode what we can do is just grind up our stuff inside here you know disassemble all these tables get all that going through yeah yeah oh I was kind of hoping for some more doomsday manuals though uh doomsday prepper Volume 2 already got that couple of Lan's auto manuals metal work volume 3 needed that beautiful we can even make cornflour and noise makers I you never know grug might get into uh like Electronics one of these times oh I'll even take forging volume 4 cuz that's 7 to eight skill which I will take um anything else up up up just keeping an eye out for some good oldfashioned stuff hunting volume one I'll yoink that oh man I was hoping we would have got more like Doomsday you know manuals but alas today is not that day well I think I'm going to go ahead and end the episode here we set out we finally made it to the school library and here we are there's still a lot to loot and there's a whole bunch of stuff for us to do in town anyways I'm going to go make my way over to the nurse's office have ourselves a quick little snacky in the form of some fish filets we are 75 kilos going up so next episode we're also not going to be underweight anymore what a good day peace out everyone well this is where we're going to be spending the night tonight uh it's comfy we have finally made it into the heart of Riverside and we just got ourselves quite the collection of books uh it's getting pretty laid out if I were to check outside right now so I think we're going to spend the rest of today just reading magazines in the corner let's actually see how much time we have left yeah not too long at all anyways today is going to be a big day as I'm going to stay here at this school until at least I can get to level six carpentry that's quite the high task but I feel like we can definitely do it inside here one thing's for sure I'm not going to need to worry about food the only thing I really need to worry about is uh getting this bread I want to get through the magazines first because they are the most easily read and you can just uh dispose of them after you're done and just like that we wake up a smarter man I read almost every single magazine here and the ones that are very important is definitely the crossbow I can finally make a metal and wooden crossbow which is pretty damn awesome these few smithing magazines sadly I knew a lot of these uh recipes before and also post-apocalyptic Knights volume 1 and two this allows us to make metallic armor which is going to be pretty damn awesome since we're kind of going for that whole you know medieval Vibe I'm going to drop off all these magazines inside a random cupboard as I don't really need them anymore the main reason why I wanted to do that is to clear up some space inside this bag so I can carry some more junk with us oh I really wish I had a flashlight though it is so damn dark in here but there's going to be a bunch to loot through I'm going to be checking all of the you know trash bags all of the desks and hopes of finding something nice that's another post-apocalyptic night volume oh man we're going to learn so much today yep there you go another Wasteland Warrior for Spears a free soda pop in there okay that's free food uh shiv magazine which I already have these these school children are violent holy heck oh complex disassembly that's going to be good yoink yeah nothing really else to write home about in these I mean each one does have a chance of giving us something nice I would really like some more smithing mags that's really the whole reason why I came here ooh that's a new one backyard smelting for dumb well I think it's a far cry to say grug is a you know big old dummy but I'll take it whatever makes my life easier aside from a few smithing magazines though we kind of got what we came here for and we're not even done yet as I'm going to need to just absolutely power level uh our our our skills after so these desks are going to need to go very soon uh I really I really wasn't expecting much down here oh I really wish the lights were still on in this game sadly they are not so it is very hard to see but it's it's also because it's storming like hell out so this is this is actually the best time to you know kind of hunker down outside for a bit okay hey new level new me I'll let youall know if I find anything cool aside from these you know magazines no just farming volume one A Wasteland Warrior volume that I already read oh a hunting guide XP multiplayer for 1 to2 I think I already have that I do okay never mind a free lollipop yo that bad boy oh I love 10 year old candy I'm sure the ants left enough for grug to eat oh another one o piece of candy that's going to be great for my depression though I feel like I'm just going to stay depressed because I'm going to be reading for the rest of the day so it's not like I'm going to get any more ha here okay what do we have in this one I like the desk layout makes me feel confident we're just going to like speed loot this oh is that chocolate hey no I saw I saw chocolate where was that chocolate right there beautiful ooh that's going to be that's good calories portable lightweight food God gosh I'm I'm actually finding more food out of here than I would have expected these these kids really like to sneak snacks into their desks okay now these are the ones I was talking about because these like little Like Preschool daycare looking spots they have those small bookshelves down there which is going to be our best chance of finding any more magazines right now oh car butchering in a nutshell did not have that one thank you random child no nothing in that bookshelf and lastly we have this small bookshelf here volume 4 carpentry first aid Volume 2 some soap and masonry for beginners I'll yink that one I do love me some reading material but that's going to be it for this one folks and now I think I'm going to segue into oh never mind oh I love I love desk chocolate but other than that we are going to start to uh segue into our next goal I guess and that is to read both the metal working and carpentry books that I have and try to get to a high enough skill to where I can build myself a roof so I'm actually going to be posting up right outside here right this is a nice little area for us to set up because one there's a roof and on this roof I'm going to go set up a uh campfire and in order to get a campfire going I'm going to need to disassemble some stuff on the floor make some wood chips I'm probably not going to set it up right now as it's absolutely terrible out and not only that but I will be helping myself to a couch for us to sleep on oh yeah I found it we're we're going to go take one of these couches now this will be what we will be sleeping on for the rest of the day and once we set all this up I think we ought to go Harvest up some of those animals that I foraged earlier and get some lunch and/ dinner going boom now that that's cooking we can go butcher these animals up and cook up some fine cuisine meets back on the menu we'll save the other two for later and I'm going to spend the rest of the day sitting outside in the beautiful expanse reading some books oh no okay so I woke up and I think winter has arrived oh no okay that's not good at all Brothers um so this kind of exemplifies my fear uh a lot of fear for the future oh Jesus that's not good we don't even have a roof on our cabin right now oh okay okay okay okay it's fine we have a little bit of food I I can do a little bit of forging I think right now what I need to do is just continue reading my my carpentry volumes we should have enough clothing on our back to not freeze the death in the middle of the night but my gosh this is terrifying I'm actually going to go ahead and make a small little uh pair of ripped sheet socks it ain't much right now but it is something even the boxers and I'm talking gloves I need a bundle up okay so I guess it's about high time we start power leveling carpentry let's get back in the book we have enough food and supplies to last us until this thing is done I'm really hoping that winter will just kind of be a pushover but uh uh oh man that's that's kind of scary folks I mean we we have enough food so even if I can't get away with foraging right now uh we can rely on some of the stuff we've scavenged inside the city that is one benefit that we have coming in here but that's going to be the first carpentry volume taken care of because we now have a times8 multiplier for our carpentry which is fan freaking tastic and I'm not done there what I want to do next is read up b b bpop metal working volume three is what I would say I might not be able to read this just yet yeah never mind I can't it's too complicated for grug's uh mind well I can read some of these magazines you know that that's pretty good yeah all of these are red now so we can drop them off on the floor and it looks like the weather has went back to uh rain which is good that's actually fantastic for me I was extremely worried there so it looks like we're just on the cusp of winter so we we still have't enough time is what I'm trying to say let's go eat this rent meat drop off a replaceable bag inside here we're not we're not really done inside this place just yet and let's begin with a big old Bop Montage all the way to carpentry level six I need it I'm going to get it and I want it it's finally morning and if you could tell from that massive Montage getting to level five carentry took quite a bit of time even with an eight times multiplier that's insane so yeah it's a good thing I read that book anyways uh on another good note we're finally not underweight we are at a solid 76 kilos which is fantastic so in order to like break things up a bit cuz I've been doing a lot of staying inside I thought why don't we go ahead and visit the gigart nearby it should be this green building right there first and foremost let's go check out the gigart I'm bringing my big old Pike spear just in case if I do need the reach Advantage it's been a while since I've left this school all I know is to expect the worst but grug needs some food in his system and you know there's not a lot of forest out here despite nature being overgrown so the the only way I see we get us some food is by visiting the grocery store which should be straight ahead oh yeah another thing I really want to get and uh hopefully I remember is I want to get a mattress from one of the houses IND doors because I can go ahead and with a little bit of carpentry skill build my own bed all I need is a single mattress so I might have to Yo one out of there one of these times 1 2 3 four zombies one coming in from the side no problem for my big boy spear it's very hard to swing around but my gosh does this bad boy have the range yes oh okay actually never mind I I am regretting taking this uh I'll be real this thing is very slow and it actually locks down my character uh that's not good it's fine uh I try to give the I try to give the spear a second try it's just not it it's not mobile enough compared to this Warhammer right this Warhammer I I can I can smash in a zombie's face in 5 seconds and keep up my little you know my little shimmy sham strafes so I can actually back away from danger when it entails you literally can't beat it this thing is so good oh wow we got some stuff in here motion sensor don't mind if I do that that' actually be awesome could you imagine grug setting up like a flame trap with a motion sensor oh that's way too ahead in the future for grugy but let's see okay burritos are sadly rotten but we have a bunch of oh oh this is it canned sardines rice cereal condensed milk corn freaking candied fruit slices this is this is a dream come true now a lot of this isn't high calorie dense lightweight foods like I was hoping matter of fact the only ones to come close to that is the cereal and candied fruit slices but I will actually help myself to some canned peaches right now because I am kind of hungry this stuff will keep me going and it also makes us uh unhappy I mean happy there we go sorry I'm so used to being unhappy I just equate it to being my normal emotion nothing too crazy in the back here we do have some flour it'd be really nice to actually bake my own bread that would be pretty damn awesome let's see what we need though we need a rolling pen an empty bowl salt yeast yeah I don't think we'll get that anytime soon plus it weighs like one full pound no it's fine we have a bunch of shelves here we just got to kill all the uh zombies around the area first and foremost I won't be here too long you you need not worry about me that's a lot of zombies oh man it's a good thing I have this Hammer meant for smacking I was wondering where all the zombies were and it looks like our question has been answered it's a good thing that we have these wind cuz I am just dunking on Le uh you two can stay there while I go ahead and loot they're not really much of a problem uh yeah we're not going to get anything from the produce sections TV dinner ramen noodles love those uh sprinting zombie coming in at me that's not good let's get ready to bat his brain right on in kabooya oh I was really hoping that would have been a one shot god damn I hit like a truck I will say that oh you now ooh Oo we can make Shields that's that's pretty freaking epic that is so epic that is so extraordinarily epic you do not know how happy I am for that oh man that's good that's really good I came searching for copper and Gregory here is he's leaving with gold what else can I say I'm going to have to read that very soon also I did not realize they added an ATMs when was that added that's pretty epic you know what else is epic smashing in a zombie's brain and one smack of my hammer get bonked come on there has to be some non perishables yes that's what I'm talking about ketchup 1,400 calories only2 lbs that's the kind of stuff that I need give me some more food like that game though I did make food very rare purposefully you know to kind of uh make us like forced to do a little bit of self sustenance but also at the same time not make eating food entirely worthless it's still worth it to check it out but you know we're not getting crazy hauls out of it like we normally would okay that's going to be it for these main areas here is that a tarp that is a tarp that is going to be a yoink on my end we can craft up an easy tent out of that bad boy all right anyone else around here that needs to be dunked on I'm guessing they're upstairs oh yes they were nice try almost got me there in here we also have a single piece of scrap metal nothing else what I'm going to do really quick is grab all the canned food and put it inside a big old box that we can take for later I think that would be a pretty good idea because despite it not giving us a lot of calories it still is food at the end of the day and if winter is coming I need every bit I can get especially since I don't have that many insects not as much as I would have hoped for oh you know another life hack that I could do really quick we're getting these like sacks of cabbages and corn and while they're not useful on their own what I what I can go ahead and do is open these bad boys up and take the sacks from inside cuz these sacks are useful in a lot of stuff I can make socks with them I can make clothing I can fill them up with fertilizer that's pretty massive and I just thought of it on the fly so I I'll take as many sacks as you got partner this is going to be our full Hall from the entire gigar uh solid selection of food it ain't bad that's for sure and this might seem a little bit unhinged and a wee bit crazy but I'm going to eat this entire thing of rice raw just whole because it has 3,000 calories worth and I really want to keep my weight up so down the hatch you know what they say that's bul and season brother yeah I'm not going to take everything here for now but I will be taking the highest calorie food just a few cans with us just something to take along for the road there we go ah and you know what I'm going to go check out this home really quick I really want my hands on a mattress right now so I can make my own bed I feel like that's pretty damn useful that is one good thing about starting 12 months into the Apocalypse Zombie skulls are basically made of like a mush now you know all that decay doesn't really do well for your old flesh bits hello there ma'am you're kind of scary would you want to you know what she's on a mission and who am I to stop her wow she's just hauling nothing but respect I wish I could have that kind of motivation in my life holy heck okay we'll go enter the house through this discret window here nice we're in the bathroom and here we have ourselves a bed ooh this book teaches the added mechanics from the L Gourmet Revolution mod that's pretty good I only came here from the mattress anyways I just got to figure out how to take the matress it's been a while okay never mind I just uh figured out that you can't actually pick up mattresses for some reason I thought you could but the only way you can actually do that is by making it or fing get in the world so we could make this mattress which is five sheets five pillows five thread uh you know what I think it's actually possible kind of sidetracked what I was trying to do but we should should have enough zombie corpses back at home to do just that so I'm not super worried maybe next time we get back we'll work on making you know a bed let's start to Mosey on our way back to the school then whoop never mind never mind never mind on second thought I still need to get to level six carpentry we're not there yet and I want to get there very badly and it just so happens I know one of the best Returns on disassembling in this game and that's disassembling these large Oak beds one of these bad boys should bump us up by quite a bit so right now we're at 417 let's dismantle this bad boy boom and now we're at 521 pretty massive and every house has like a few of these bad boys and this is like the only way I'm going to get to level six carpentry so I'm I'm I'm honestly just going to go on a bit of a looting run you know there there's still a lot for us to do and I'm I'm a bit scatterbrained but if I can at least get to level six carpentry before the end that would be massive so that means we're just going to go from house to house destroying these mattresses oh there's a horde up here uh Necromancer a few zombies a normal cop one anything in the backyard no okay easy picking then oh that that that damn Necromancer is Reviving them oh oh no that's a that's a master one okay that's kind of scary it's time for the bow ah okay we're good we're good we're good we we took him out oh this bow is a lifesaver and get the hell out of here oh I freaking hate those Master zombies they turn them into sprinting like crackheads if you give them enough time terrifying is what it is absolutely terrifying and now that we've taken care of those idiots we can go see what's cooking on inside here anything good in the kitchen area Rec can of sardines I love to eat those easy food nothing else in here that that that don't matter because the real reason why I'm here is or for these beds boom what the hell are you doing in my lawn this is private property oo new level of short blood that's a surprise that's actually the first time I've leveled up something at least in the weapon category which is Untold of in most of my series we also have ourselves in empty gas can oh my that is that is quite the good yoink I'm going to take that uh anything in the closet no bathroom nothing no extra bedrooms oh that's just a poopy one I don't need that kind of mattress I need the good ones well we tried I think it's about time we head back to the school and we just Mass disassemble all those desks all over again we have the entire bottom floor to do so it shouldn't be that bad [Laughter] nice oh finally it took quite a bit of time but we finally got to level six carpet Tre you know what that means right of course you do that means we can finally build a set of freaking stairs hell to the yeah and I think this is going to be a fantastic time to end the episode I'm not super worried about Metal working mostly because I have that massive fence line back at home that I can disassemble so you know no worries there and I can always come back here at a later date I I I just I just really want to go home this is private Li out and we'll see where we can continue in the future with grug's journey peace the hell out everyone it's currently a little bit past noon and I think it's about time we blow this Popsicle stand we have a bag filled with skill books and a bag filled with other bits and bobles we're leaving here like kings and uh leave here I will because we just got to level six carpentry which finally means that good old grgy boy is going to be able to build my cabin completely and if you couldn't tell I'm pretty damn excited for this uh I really wanted to build this roof for the longest time so it's going to feel nice to finally do it though there is still a long journey ahead of us as I'm going to need to travel back all the way to our nice little campsite and then follow the river all the way down which is going to take a few days the good thing is that we cleared out most of the zombies in the area so running back and forth between these areas is literally not a problem at all I think we got a really good system for uh travel especially since we're going to be on foot for the majority of the series enough rambling though let's kick it into Maximum Overdrive is what I would say if these zombies didn't want to mess with me ah it it's better we kill them right now so the next time I come through this area we don't have to deal with these jerks come on oh God oh my God okay you see that's what I'm talking about that was scary that was I kind of oh I kind of putop myself a little there um I think one of those bastards was a was a wrestler okay where are you oh I saw my I I saw I I I saw grug's life flash before my eyes and now that that zombie is finally dead and I got a bit of a reality check we can enable Maximum Overdrive yet again gosh these zombies just don't know when to give up oh these combinations are brutal man please give me my arrows there we go I had to pull them out of my back B that that that's what was holding us back I'm not I'm not messing with those wrestlers in melee combat anymore unless there's a fence nearby this bow is meant only for the special infected but hey we made it back to base camp Oh am I glad to see this place we can finally take a little bit of a chill pill I'm a bit exhausted and I'm a bit hungry and it's very close to being night time so let's go catch some fish I'm pretty sure all the stuff on the floor is going to be yeah it's all rotten fish other than the salmon wow and the perch okay that stuff stays good for a while never mind we might be able to make something work here let's go slice up these fillets Chuck these bad boys in the fire adding in some fuel there we go now isn't this comfy aside from all the uh you know trash and litter around this area this is kind of like a second home for me and there we go fish fls have been cooked they're not fresh which is fine by me that is still good to eat though I am still hungry and sad so I'm going to go ahead and uh catch some more fish hopefully we got a full night's rest but uh we caught no fish that time around which is fine we still are gaining weight so it's not that much of a problem but you know kind of sucks cuz uh being hungry makes me encumbered a little bit more which I'm actually going to solve by pouring out a little bit of water here stop it okay I poured out too much you know what we don't need water water's for Chumps I'll get water when I'm done making the 9,000 M Trek back to my real base so the real work can get started wish me luck this is going to be a very long trip a trip that I will constantly Forge through because you never know what kind of goodies you can find on the forest floor even though it is winter so I'm not really expecting to find much other than more grasshoppers that's perfect winter survival food because uh insects actually don't have a um expiration date you can eat them literally whenever we made it back to the Trapper Zone and it looks like all the traps have been triggered so we'll see if we got anything oh yeah we got ourselves some something I I heard that go off come on now anything oh we're getting dead birds and dead crows all right check out this this is this thing works like clockwork let me tell you that much also another thing I would be absolutely lost without uh without the times to walk to uh thing these trips are extremely long but there we go I'm I'm extremely happy that these things are actually working so let's go pop down some more worms and uh see if we can get some uh good stuff later I really need a damn travel or like some type of shovel instrument so I can Farm worms a bit easier because this these birds it's like a daily four Birds every day gosh I love that so much I'll be back later and you know what we're going to try a little bit of a a little bit of an experiment I have this grasshopper here and I think I'm going to try to you know bait this trap with a grasshopper birds like insects so I'm sure that'll work just fine three dead crows one dead bird I'm going to be able to butcher these up cook them up real nice you know what else is real nice making them back to my damn base oh what a good day let's go drop off the uh the dead animals in here maybe some parsley hell we might be able to make a nice stir fry uh I'm looking at the uh ingredients right now and that might not be the you know what i' like to experiment a little bit let's add in some pasta a little bit of cereal a lollipop and some chocolate M you know I I do love my sweet ramen noodles just like Grandma used to make well gosh that is actually ranom but we'll drop that off in there drop off the rest of our food and here we get we did pick up a few things while foraging and we can finally build ourselves a damn roof before it snows again there we go we uh emptied out most of our bags dropping off a whole host of food inside here a full 20 kilos of mostly non- perishables that'll help us survive at least like a couple of weeks and then on top of that our Farms seem to be doing all righty despite it being a bit cold they're flourishing they're well watered and very soon we will have ourselves some corops to do a little bit of trapping with it's getting pretty late though so I think I'm going to spend the rest of today reading some of the magazines I haven't really went through yet it's good to just get these out of the way right now and then the morning is going to be a whole bunch of tree chopping tree processing and then getting ourselves a roof on this bad boy and I I want want to add in a nice little like awning on top of this as well it's going to look really cool hopefully I actually don't know how well this is going to look the only way to find out is it survive until morning ah what a good day to be hungry depressed thirsty very cold I really need to get this ball rolling right now um I'll be real I went fishing for like a Solid 5 hours did not catch a single fish winter has really arrived so we're going to need to kick into we're going to need to kick it up a notch let's hurry up and get some fuel on this fire before I die horribly making some Stone axes in the process I don't have a lot of time to be LLY gagging around now what I need to do right now is take care of my basic needs cook up my dry ramen noodles and our dead birds and and just solve our moodal issues ah there we go this fire is going to solve all of our food issues and our coal issue for now this should go for like a solid 3 hours and we can go see how these uh dead birds cook up while also boiling up this water so it's actually pable yes good we got our water back bada boom and now all we got to wait for is the uh the birds to cook up and our beautiful dry ramama noodle candy stir fry there we go we cooked up some dead Birds what yeah I mean you can't go wrong with a couple of dead birds all right few dead crows eat them like their like their pieces of candy I definitely oh that one was juicy oh oh okay you know what food is food and we're still hungry so let's go wait for this uh dry ramen noodle stir fry to finish up minus 20 unhappiness this should make the depression go right away isn't that right grug yep ymer full the bursting all freaking righty up next we're going to chop down a few trees we made like five axes and I think we ought to chop down those big boy ones first we need a bunch of planks to build with sorry trees it's not you it's just me well that's all six Stone axes could really get us which is more than enough logs to finally get the planks needed to build ourselves a damn staircase I really need to build this roof so let's go saw these bad boys up I'm going to need 15 planks in order to build this bad boy that's 12 let's go grab all the others giving us a solid 60 planks to work with we got a few more logs out of it but I decided to save the other logs just for forging alone because one cool thing that we can do is when it hits the fan we can make nails out of this workable iron which is freaking massive so we're not going to need to you know search around town for nails because we can just make our own damn it yeah we'll craft up ourselves around 50 nails that should be a pretty good amount for now and now that that's finally done let's go craft up ourselves a freaking staircase oh my God it's happening we're going to drop this bad boy right here yes rooftop axis it's happening let's go grab the rest of these planks and uh you know finally top this bad boy off no longer shall Gregory be exposed to thine elements for I am above just sleeping in the snow I am to be cuddled inside the warm hearth fire of my base my completed cabin and it's happening today oh yeah and we're not even done there we're going to be uh building out like a small little awning to the side as well it's going to look pretty damn epic is what I will say one two a three and four we're not done here just yet I'm I'm just very curious to see if this actually worked if it did we're going to be gaming oh it did well this is actually a small cabin for us now no longer will I be in the elements the only thing that I'm missing is a wood stove and we're not going to get those for a while at all and another thing I might honestly do is move this metal workbench upstairs it don't really fit with like all the Vibes in here you know and I would much rather put something else that's more important but right now we are excessively exhausted and ridiculously tired while being hungry so I'm going to be fishing for the rest of the day in a vain attempt of finding any food at all it's extremely rare now cuz it is you know winter but grug's got a try all right just like gambling all it takes is one good fishing day to make it all worth it we're we're we're a step away from gold hey you know when I made that comment about finding gold I lied I I fished the entire night not a single fish the only fish I have left is that little goober right there and he is currently rotten Beyond any regard we have enough food to last us a little bit I that don't bother me right now what bothers me is that we're not done building a freaking dream home right about now so let's go collect up all the nails we had before I mean we'll might as well use the ones that are already pre-built instead of wasting our precious resources and continue to build out the roof there we go okay it only took eight but you kind of see what I'm going for now right because all we have to do now is hop down here grab a few extra planks we're going to need so many more and then Place some support beams on each side like this bada bam and bada boom and we have like ourselves like a nice little like roofed in area isn't that pretty cool I might honestly extend it by one more yeah you know what I will I will gosh this is going to look so cool by the time I'm done with it I'm so excited it's been so long since I've built and and and after the Builder Bobby series I I was never the same all right now that is a nice little awning check out that little bad boy it looks you know yeah but I can definitely Spruce this up just a tiny bit more because now what I'm going to do is surround all of the outside walls on this roof with a nice short fence yeah just like this right we're going to be going along each side it's going to require quite a few planks but the one thing I can do at least right now is set up all of the corner ties for us later yeah there we go that's going to be all the wood we have right now so it's going to be back into the uh Lumberjack mindset this lumberjacking life is some extremely hard work by the way I I really need to I really need to find a magazine for better axes this is just not doing it we shouldn't need that many logs though mostly because uh fences only required like two planks each one so that ain't the worst but my gosh could it be better 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 all right you know it it's something it it is something this is my home now I like the little fences around here I thought I'd keep this kind of like as just a big old roof I'm not sure if there's really anything else we can do right now but I think setting up some like composters up here make this you know like a bigger storage area would be the vibe what's important is that we finally got this down so I think we've earned a little bit of food and a little bit of rest at least for the day though one thing I will do is move the rest of the logs over for easier access there we go we got 9 for the road and now it's about time we sleep in our mostly finished home the only thing I kind of want to work on next is refurbishing this bed here right everything else kind of goes with a Vibe other than the workshop and this bed here so what I'm thinking of doing right now is moving this Workshop upstairs and rebuilding the bed to be a little bit more rustic is something you might say yeah there we go and we can have like a nice little bit of a storage on this corner here maybe some rain collectors down there it's really damn dark but I think it's really starting to come together anyways I will see y'all in the morning welcome and how do you do to day number I I don't even know what day it is anymore I wish I could but I don't have a watch all I know is that I've killed 279 zombies and my favorite weapon is the combat rod and I'm losing weight again uh winter time uh kind of kicking my butt I'll be real we might need to go on a bit of a food run very soon uh I'm looking at my reserves not the best and I was actually going to go ahead and start to cook up some of the uncooked uh insects we've had for a while I don't know anything to kind of you know stop the ever marching looming threat of starvation it'd be pretty epic but you know for now we're chilling we can go cook up these uh insects delicious gives me some XP not going to be eating them right now because they are depression machines but it's good to have them pre-cooked and ready for for for use for now let's go eat ourselves some peaches now that we have that done I might make a quick little little speed run down over towards to where those uh traps were I might have been able to trigger some and it's worth the shot oh here they are please tell me we have some food I I need it and we'll go check to see if the grasshopper worked did the grasshopper work yes it did awesome we we got some dead crows out of here all right we're still chilling these bad boys they're going to keep us fed for a long time you you must understand I I need more I need to I I I need a Trel so bad I cannot make a Trel well you know sometimes sacrifices are needed in order to feed myself I'm going to go ahead and start to dig some furrows with my hands and helps that we find some worms it it it's this desperate now okay yeah keep on giv me the millipedes okay um our hand is scratched we can just bandage that up nice new level of first stage let's go add in these two millipeds to catch some more stuff later four dead crows is a pretty good haul though that's going to be food at the very least we can cook these bad boys up and not die you know of starvation anytime soon bam dead crows freshly cooked 11 hunger each that'll be my food for quite a bit here drop that off in our bag and now I can finally tell you about what I'm going to do next which is going to be replacing this gross bed here was something a little bit more streamlined and so what we're going to need in order to make said bed is a mattress which we need five sheets five pillows and five units of thread that's a lot the good thing is is that we can make sheets and pillows pretty reliably uh really all I need right now is actual Oodles of R rip sheets so I'm going to go on a bit of a kill spree in order to acquire said sheets the beautiful thing though is that we have a bunch of free zombies to absolutely dunk on in order to uh acquire our rip sheets yes this will do nicely we're going to need so much clothing it's not even funny that's a that's a wrestler I learned my lesson with you before sir the one good way to deal with the wrestler is with a solid arrow shot right in your freaking head eat it there you go gosh I love this bow one of the most reliable weapons we have so far it it just gets the job done it gets it it gets it done quickly reliably puts them down in one well-placed shot though I do want to move on to crossbows you know I think that'd be a very apt progression of our character hello there goodbye now that the uh threats have been taken care of let's see how many rip sheets we got out of this Hall a solid 50 matter of fact what I could start to do right now is make some uh Bop threat R and just start bulk making these sheets we can currently make five right now which I'll take yeah not so bad we also do have ourselves 69 dirty rags inside here let's see if that'll be enough to go ahead and craft up everything we need which is going to be thread five pillows five sheets so I'm going to need to make how many more sheets it's as simple as 1 2 and three okay we need some more twine which I can go ahead and easily take from this rope here bada bam that'll give me like yeah 10 twine literally no problem let's continue making those uh pillows two more please just five thread easy that is so freaking easy okay we're actually going to be able to make a bed a real bed a bed that I can truly call my own just like that bada bam make ourselves up a mattress this took a lot more grinding than I thought it would have and now that we have a mattress we can go ahead and build our ourselves a bed I knew moving up these logs would have been the ultimate vibe there we go eight planks more than enough and just like that and we're going to place this bad boy in this orientation right here let's get this stretcher bed out of here though this thing's disgusting why have a gross stretcher bed when you can have your very own Custom Tailor Made grug bed boom all right we have ourselves a fully furnished cabin and I think this will be a better spot than any to end the episode despite you know the wins we've had today we're still kind of losing winter time sucks eggs we don't have that many resources now and it's only going to get worse from here on out so we're going to need to find out something nice I might go ahead and power level my metal working next episode so we can go ahead and craft up ourselves some new toys out of the literature we had before this is private line out This truly is a simple home for some simple folks welcome back everybody to another episode of project zomboid you might be asking what book am I reading and I will happily answer that it is metalworking Volume 2 today I want to kind of gear up and fix the old drab look a grug and progress even further into the metal age I'm not done with just making warhammers I I want something more after we're done reading this metal working book here we're going to hit the ground running go on a massive disassembly spree with our propane torch and hopefully get enough metal resources to move our way on up in the world I I really want to turn this place into a castle if we can help it and uh getting some armaments to turn the uh City you know looting raiding runs into a safer experience is going to be needed isn't that right filbert don't think I forgot about you but we're done with the book after I'm done eating this dead crow we're going to go head outside and head right on over to uh the country club outskirts now I would just disassemble fences for the XP but in order to make the scrap plated vest and Kilt we are going to need Oodles of metal sheets and I think the only way we're going to get some Metal Sheets is by disassembling the nearby car Rex I actually knew this time was going to come so that's exactly why I marked each wreck I came across down so it's going to be easy XP from here on out ah I love the Country Club it it really does feel like a nice walk in the park now that we've cleared out most of the ones on the road and this should be our first victim right up here it's time for you to die boom what do we get oh yeah that's exactly what I'm talking about Metal Sheets metal bars scrap metal I'm going to be taking all that the only problem I see right now we don't have a lot of juice in this propane torch which I've also planned for that one as well and the best thing is propane torch fuels actually really easy to come by especially when you are very close to the rich neighborhoods all we got to do is find ourselves a propane grill take out the tank and refill it surely one of these homes here has to have a grill I mean who doesn't like a burger on a nice cold winter evening and in case we find any opposition to grug's goals we got the good old schwang hammer schwang swanging schwang Hammer we got any over here I'm I'm sniffing something out oh okay we do have a grill but that is a charcoal grill disgusting gross get the hell out of here matter of fact scrap it grug hey thanks for the middle sheet so it's off to the next home then oh yeah while we are going through this whole like Zone again I am going to be grabbing all the garbage bags from these trash piles as I do want to set up a few rain collector barrels it's not really needed as I live right next to the damn River but you know it it adds some flavor to a base and I'm all about that flavor I'm all about that spice you know how it is and there's also a small chance we get a good magazine oh my gosh well like this a big old group of zombies two wrestlers in one oh hell no it's time for the bow hey I'm not risking that not at all and the good thing is that we are a pro with this thing they literally stood no chance and now that the main threats are taken care of you can smack them just like this boom bam B you know that is one thing these zombies will never be not resistant to and that's a good old smack from a 5B hammer it really maxes out that brain trauma you know it really turns their brains into a nice red paste also while I am here I'm going to be stripping some leather strips off these zombies shoes we have the scissors for it so it is an easy way of getting a bunch of leather the there is also a hand ax inside here I think I'm just going to dismantle this right now uh I can't use it so it's better at being scrap but uh the real reason why I came here is to see if yall got a grill back here that is a no okay up to the next home then surely one of you like the clean burn you get from propane you know it it's it's a clean burn very uh delicious and also better than charcoal oh I see a grill back there and it looks like that bad boy's a propane grill oh yeah Mr Crabs right there right there right there right there right there am I glad to see one of these guys before I do that though I should probably take out that group down there this propane tank is going to weigh quite a bit so it's better just to deal with these idiots right now ain't that right grook is a crackshot I I I I I've not missed like once this episode and I know I'm jinxing Myself by saying that but come on on you guys got to try a little bit harder than that but also don't try too hard because I know how easy it can hit the fan it is just about night time so we're going to need to wrap this up pretty quickly but I don't see why we couldn't go check out you know a few small sheds inside here freaking nail gun that's epic can't use that though uh yeah nothing else that's really good we might as well loot this home on top of the grill but finally now that we've killed you know all the zombies I can show you just exactly what we can do right now so if I were to say oh come on back to it if I rightclick this propane grill here I can remove said propane tank just like that and we have ourselves a fuel source to replenish my propane torch with oh isn't that nice the only problem it weighs like 10 lb but it's pretty damn worth it matter of fact it's so worth it I'm going to equip this bad boy as a secondary and bring it along with me okay time to check out this house here y'all got like some uh you guys got any food for me in here maybe some extra trash I'm a big fan of trash but a bigger fan of high calorie dense butter and lard uh no we got nothing in here other than three cans of food actually massive thank you oh I love to see that anything else though maybe some nice literature for me oh ooh nothing that I really need right now other than the hunting guide for the advanced which I will yoink yeah that seems to be it here though nothing else that like really jumps out at me well thank you for your uh propane tank I guess I'll be off and uh dismantling your your cars now don't mind me just doing my thing now where were we boom new level of metal working couple of Metal Sheets in here well worth it look at all that good stuff we got here and the best thing is we can just go ahead and refill a propane torch thus lowering the amount this propane tank actually takes uh I think that's going to be it for us right now so I'm going to go ahead equip my replaceable bag grab the rest of these Metal Sheets and I will be back at the base camp uh you know what on second thought I don't think I'm done here just yet we got some food we have a bit of stuff I'll be real it's going to take a lot of Metal Sheets to uh get our scrap armor so I'm going to chill here for the night and see if there's anything else I can really dismantle I mean we have the fuel we have everything else needed for the job surely these homes have a bunch of like metal stuff we can dismantle of course there is there's like fridges and stuff all around yeah oh yeah it was worth it just from that one fridge alone we have ourselves another metal sheet this is going to be epic though I am going to need to drop off the propane tank for now that thing weighs like six freaking PBS I'll grab it on my return trip back you think dismantling the uh ovens would give us some scrap metal as well yes it will cool beans well I'm going to go to sleep cuz it is very dark and in the morning we can continue this endeavor welcome and how do you do to the next day it's a little bit dark out so I'm just going to blare witchet in the corner for a little bit but I'm feeling pretty good we're about a seventh of the way to level four metal working which is where the fun begins and I I I think today we can definitely make it to that easy and the best thing is is by the time we do get there we're going to have more than enough uh scrap metal to make exactly what I need but these small Metal Sheets do help a lot we currently have three Metal Sheets 17 scrap metal and 11 small Metal Sheets which we can craft into larger ones but it requires like four each so there's a there's a bit of a give and take between each one we got what we needed here though and I think one more home of resources should be enough for us to be fully equipped and ready to head on back so let me hop in here find where that special fridges and dismantle this bad boy for free XP and goodies bada boom all right five Metal Sheets 18 scrap metal 13 small Metal Sheets that should be more than enough to get us started which means it's it's about time we start to head our way on back home we're back I can finally take off the welder mask and drop off our goodies now right here in this crate should be a very good spot for it and now all I got to do is get our metal working skill up by One More Level so you know what time it is it's going to be back to doing the bot Montage which actually does mean the welder mask is going back on yeah you thought I was done here oh no no no it's only just beginning there we go we had a little bit of a resistance at the start but I handled them with my Warhammer that brings us up to level four metal working and while I'm at it I'm just going to go ahead and uh rip up all this clothing as Rip sheets are a hot commodity over in the old grug civilization so getting as much of this as possible is going to be needed of course ripping up the shoes as well I'm going to need Oodles of leather it's a good thing we decided to wrap things up because it is storming really damn badly out but the beautiful thing about my home now is that this son of a gun has a roof so I guess I'm just going to chilling here for the rest of the day I really don't want to go out while it's absolutely terrible out I think we can just lose ourselves and a nice old book and wait for it all to blow over oh winter has arrived I went to sleep with it uh raining and now it is just it's snowing but look at our carrots oh my gosh they're ready oh oh my gosh it's harvesting season it it really is harvesting season oh my gosh give me these carrots they're ready for Harvest do I get the seeds from them right now oh oh grug's going to be okay we don't get the seeds right now we're going to need to hold off on these carrots at least for now but oh my gosh we have we the farm works I can eat carrots oh what a what a good day you know it might be raining I might be freezing my tits off right now but we got carrots you know what I bet we could use these for could you show up we could use these to trap some stuff later okay okay okay okay well first things first I'm going to eat a couple of these carrots right now you know help help out for some breakfast and uh save the rest for trapping in a little bit here so I think we're going to start it off with a scrap vest and then move it on over to a scrap Kilt oh yeah we're getting armed today so let's hop outside it's a beautiful winter day and craft up ourselves the first bit of armor we have ever made it's happening yes armor it has been acquired where that son of a gun sadly for The Kilt we still need four more Metal Sheets which I can actually do right now if we uh B convert this uh scrap metal into a small metal sheet turn these small Metal Sheets into a large metal sheet and then with all the combined we can craft ourselves a kilt B bingo I mean it's not the most pretty looking thing but it is armor nonetheless it's a start okay we still need to find the pauldrons and all that jazz but we're slowly getting there Rome wasn't built in a day you know the only problem is we do need to ditch our skin cape in order to wear this uh vest which I might honestly ditch the uh the metal vest for right now as the extra insulation is going to be needed there's not a lot of ways for us to uh get that good stuff so I'm I'm going to leave this out here though so when we do go out on a looting run I can you know armor up a bit okay up next I think we should make ourselves a shield oh yeah bam check that bad boy out we combin the wooden shield with the Warhammer the world is going to know true pain when they come across old grgy boy We Are One Step Closer to becoming a fully-fledged knight you know we're we're still in the we're still in the early ages but we're making it let's go drop off our clothing on this table and I'm trying to figure out what else I can do today I guess we should set up some more trap lines now that we have the carrots we can use to bait in animals with huh you know when I think of a carrot I think of a rabbit so I think the Trap that will have the best chance of catching said rabbit is going to be these wooden cage traps which is surprisingly cheap with only five nails and three planks each I can get that so easily hold hold on here we're going to saw the rest of these bad boys up and just go straight to town also I should probably wear my um my skin tunic right now it is exceedingly cold I just wanted to see what everything looked like with the vest and uh Kilt I hope we can get some more armor in the future though we can craft up ourselves around seven wooden cage traps which goes quite handily with our six carrots let's go set these bad boys up we're going to trap these rabbits wholesale all right not a single one is going to survive if I can help it man the weather is terrible but it is nice I enjoy winter quite a bit okay everyone small problem these carrots here they have disease I checked all the other ones those are good I just wanted to like double check so I think we're going to go Harvest these carrots as well because you know they're going bad but food is still food and that gives us 11 freaking carrots oh my gosh time to Waddle our way all the way through to the uh trapping Zone winter has really arrived huh this is oh man and not only is it snowing right now it's also raining on top of it can this get any worse it it probably can I should I should shut up we're going to set them up along this Shoreline here space them out by one well uh the rain dissolved the snow so it's no longer the winter wonderland let's just bait all of these traps now with carrots and we'll go check these bad boys out in the morning oh yeah we have so many freaking carrots and the best thing is you don't even use the full carrot to bait these like I'm I'm using these right now I'm only cutting off like little slivers oh this is going to be massive for us no doubt about it okay we can finally head back though uh should I leave some carrots here honestly yeah I'll I'll drop off some carrots there those going to be my um rabbit trapping carrots time to head home it is terrible out at least I'm safe inside my mind welcome uh it looks like the snow has one this is no longer a joke I'm happy I finally got my roof down and while I was reading some fine literature inside another thing that I realized is that I'm not really limited to just making armor Now by getting to level four metal working that has opened up Pandora's Box for us because now we can assemble War axes swords Spears the only problem we're still a little bit ways from getting a sword mostly because we need wood glue in order to forge a hilt but one thing a grug is not limited by is an axe a war axe the hammer is cool and all but I'll be real grug looks more like a viking than anything right now so I think a compliment mentary axe would do pretty damn good upgrades people upgrades all we got to do is Forge up an ax head carve up a wooden shaft and the rest my friends is history let's assemble ourselves at warx now this is a combination that will destroy the competition oh my gosh we are reaching levels of grug that have been unreachable for a long time Farm's going great and on top of the farm we have ourselves a trap line which I'm going to go ahead and check out like right now uh dropping off this old Warhammer cuz I I no longer need it oh check it out okay three have been triggered this might be actually how we get our weight back let's go check these bad boys out now check it what do we got Dead Rabbits oh my gosh we we're thriving even in winter time what else can I say three Dead Rabbits check out that nutrition the carrots I do know only last for like 3 days so um we need to hold off a little bit on that but damn is that good now one sad thing that I am seeing right now is that these small like minus three hunger carrots that I've already used to trap I can't reuse them to trap I need brand new carrots after it so I'm going to eat all these carrots up really quick that can be a good lean breakfast adding those this is going to be how we sustain ourselves for quite a while we'll just eat the leftover carrot bits that's like a it's like a snack that the chef would make right but more importantly three Dead Rabbits that's massive more importantly we have ourselves three Dead Rabbits which means um I think grug ought to make himself a nice rabbit stew maybe add in a little bit of carrot on top of it this is going to be so good sadly these carrots aren't seeding just yet so I'm I'm going to have to wait a little bit longer I feel though I might Harvest one more and then save the other three for um for seeds and now we have all the ingredients we could ever need let's butcher these bad boys up we're going to grab our cooking pot and we're going to make a nice stew this is going to be the first like real bit of food grug has ever made which is good because uh we are back to being underweight it's extremely sad but we have passed to the threshold yet again which makes sense it is winter time but that don't matter let's add in some more rabbit meat carrots maybe some spice with the salt uh a little bit of beer okay I know people do that a lot when it comes to cooking some herbs parsley beautiful and last but not least a little bit of cilantro we're going to be eating like kings this is the most comfy I think I've been so far we have a nice fire it is finally winter time out and we're cooking up a nice Hardy stew filled with delicious spices that you can't get anywhere else this is going to take a little bit to cook up but it'll be well worth it can you smell it in the air all those spices working together and just an amalgamation of Good Vibes I think as grug is just mowing down on this delicious deew PE peace the hell out everyone all grug is doing right now is staring into the fire the fire is warmth the fire is Comfort especially in such an unforgiving World welcome back everyone to another episode of project zomboid uh with the fire going out starts up a new chapter for grug we have ourselves a beautiful axe which I can slash zombies head open with and not only that but I think we need some more literature so today I'm probably going to head all the way back over to the town of Riverside and hit up the hardware store post office and bookstore and hopes of getting some more magazines that I've been missing uh for for a while now also while I was waiting I did make up another rabbit stew that we can eat on the way this should keep us fed up until the point we actually get to uh the spot and that means I'm going to go start this bad boy up so we can have something to eat later and it'll be a quick one two to cook this bad boy up literally no problem bam we can take it on the road with us it's about time we get that bread I will see y'all until then okay that was actually pretty quick we made it back in record time now that we're here I'm going to finally go to sleep we'll hopefully wake up at a pretty decent time we can eat our stew and then it's into town from here on out okay um I woke up I am currently freezing to death right now actually so we should probably hurry up and start up a quick fire uh we woke up at a pretty not good time but it's better than dying right now so we'll go drop off those two start up a quick friction fire so I don't die of hypothermia please start the damn campfire there we go oh took a little bit but we got there just in time as well we are freezing the elements are so bad but I know one thing that can warm us up is some good oldfashioned meat soup that was a little bit of a scare but we're warming up again it should warm up even more in the morning so you know it ain't that bad it really isn't the rabbit meat soup is done and we can drink that up and feel real nice I'll actually drink half right now and eat the other half in the morning I think that'll be the vibe actually no we'll eat it all right now cuz cuz I need a I need some water in my system there we go bada boom we have water now and we're going to drop this log on top of this fire as well so it can continue into the wee hours of the night there we go now it's time to sleep all right what a perfect time to be alive it's a little bit foggy but setting up that campfire helped us not you know die in the middle of the night because of the freezing temperatures now one problem that I do see is that if I do go on a m massive looting Hall I'm going to need to drop off our Shield because I need the other bag to carry around stuff with I don't know just a little bit of food for thought as I am heading over towards my potential death I don't know how bad Riverside is going to be um especially in the Town Center so that's something for uh me and you to figure out gosh I hate being underweight we we weren't underweight for like the shortest time and now it is back in full swing it's something grug truly can't escape that's also why I am excited to finally come back into town because the chances that we find some melted ice cream butter lard cereal stuff like that is a lot higher which means grug's body weight gets to make him last a little bit longer in the upcoming winter this is only the start right Winter's going to get a hell of a lot worse after oh is that a zombie well I do need to try out my axe oh my gosh this is it I no chance with with the power of the shield and axe combo a real battle brother is there really anything you can do to stop grug now we're going to March into this town and we're going to conquer this thing Bit by Bit O wow this thing swings so fast it's it's very handy this there's a lot you can love about this combo right now get out of here you're lucky I can't Shield bash your El your life would be a hell of a lot worse we can't get too sidetracked with these zombies though as my main plan is just to make it over towards the hardware store hopefully get some wood glue I would love some wood glue right about now because that's what's really holding us back from making you know swords daggers the really cool stuff oh man I'm already in love with this thing this might be grug's new main weapon for quite a while I mean it just it gets the job done it has more range then the hammer it hits different the only problem is that it weighs 2 kilos and it is breaking rapidly oh my gosh that condition is not the best but it should last at least until we're done looting this entire place out hopefully hopefully there are a lot more zombies than I remember that's for damn sure oh man I'm just cleaving through these hordes I really hope this axe doesn't break that would be so sad I guess I should probably start to use my boots then huh when I can a good old stomping maneuver does save us quite a bit of condition and it's just as satisfying grug has made it to the school though I'm actually going to hop inside the school to uh get a bit of a refresher we are extremely close to the hardware store though like like a brisk walk away I'm guessing there's going to be quite a bit of competition to uh get through there though and oh yeah and you know what grug's Aging for a fight all right oh that's a wrestler didn't even matter wow I just put you right down in your place huh buddy that's got to suck oh man we're not letting anyone live at the end of the day they're just victims to grug but I will avoid these fights up here for now because I don't have a lot of condition on this axe I really got to ration this absolute Bruiser ow oh my oh nothing you can do about it buddy I'm so sorry for your loss and right after we cut through this Alleyway we should be at the spot oh there's a few zombies and by a few I mean a few hundred bet you forgot I had this bad boy okay please hit your shots grug this is not a time to miss horribly come on one shot one kill there we go that's what it's all about one more for the road two more for the road okay I I guess you just like eating arrows then that's fine that's what I thought homeboy just ate like three Arrow shots absolutely Bonkers but yes the bow is a very nice equilibrium between using my axe which I do need to rashing out now good day sayara and bye-bye we've been killing these zombies so badly that he's getting sad just just dishing out the damage it's not an even fight it never was look at this guy right here oh that's actually Necromancer hey stop Reviving The Zombies that was kind of scary we disposed of the problem though one Arrow did break sadly but that's pretty good of a track record oh we are just almost there I see it right up there nails and nuts that's what it's all about and there's only one zombie in the way of me and winning make that zero now what the hell do we have in here oh gosh it is so nice to be inside um crafting for idiots volume three disassemble gun disassemble metal armor I'll yoink that bad boy dead rats empty bottles bicarbonate soda can be used to make a cure for plants that's probably useful for our carrots sealant metal pipe Metal Sheets yada yada I can get a bunch of this back at base the only thing I was really looking forward to o h potato and peanut seeds that's pretty epic a Mason Trel a wrench couple of iron ingots around here metal Cutters uh I'll take the metal Cutters those could be pretty Epic sadly nothing that I really needed I I really need some wood glue man I think that's going to be the one thing we don't find like ever stuff's rarer than gold it was worth a shot okay it it was just not the right shot we're we're going to be right down the road from uh some more buildings though but it's going to be mainly literature from here on out wow you these zombies really just like messing with me huh yeah you know what screw it I'm just going to use the axe for the rest of this trip we'll might as well just go full in melee warrior style though I will try and stealth around a little bit as grug is about as stealthy as a elephant in the room but I'm also strong as one example number one I just cleaved them and half there's nothing left of his brain it truly is like a it's like a it's like when you take a wedge out of a watermelon you know there's nothing left it's going to be a closed casket funeral but hey if we cut down this middle Road here through the U oh you're coming in fast oh there's there's a lot of you okay I have an idea don't worry don't worry don't worry they are faster than me but that's until grug enables Maximum Overdrive yeah bring it on I'm fast I'm furious I'm so fast you're slow you're dumb you're stupid eat it boom that's what it's all about I knew what I was getting into you think you can you think you can kill grug that easily oh no it's going to take a lot more than that buddy yeah new level of Axe you know what that means more damage boomop B Bingo uh medieval saber don't have that diagram though don't mind if I do I love how I'm finding more literature on the streets than like actual stores at this rate I just find that really funny this is where most of my dreams are either going to come true or are going to come tumbling down what do we got backyard smelting protect yourself I already have both of those it's cool that that it's there though what do we have in these garbage piles nothing just bags I have like 10 at home so I'm not worried about that hunting guide for beginners I'll yink that gosh they are really going in up there they can do their thing though uh I already have a lot of these books come on where's the good stuff a lot of the stuff is stuff that we've already had I really don't think we're going to get lucky here folks no wow we actually got more stuff out of the trash on the ground than an actual place filled with literature funny how that works you know what it will scratch that I'm going to go to sleep in one of these uh Hotel bedrooms upstairs I really don't want to risk it while it's night time I I am confident in grug's ability to kick ass and Che bubblegum but but I don't really want a death wish just yet you know I'm not like exactly there yet maybe in a little bit though what a fantastic morning we read a little bit of the hunting guide for beginners uh everything else went by pretty peachy let's see how it is outside nice and bright as bright as winter time can be it's kind of it's kind of depressing out here but we work with what we have right anyways I saved the best for last uh this uh this bookstore is probably going to be the most jam-packed infested Place we've been to in a while so I just want to prepare yall for a fight for my life kind of like that right there you know just think of that but like times three well that was the quickest party I've ever been to holy crap this back parking lot is going to be the back of the store the only problem problem is that the bookstore doesn't have a back entrance so we're going to need to figure out how to fangle ourselves in but I think the best call is clearing out all the nearby zombies and just going in through the front so I'm going to use like all 10 of my brain cells and I think the best way of getting in right now is going to be fighting every single zombie we come across and just barging our way on in through the front yeah that should work ooh there's also a ice cream shop up there I'm all right with a little bit of a detour if that place has ice cream that's going to be perfect for grug in his weight problems so please tell me yall have ice cream in here it'd be really cool come on okay a cone you know what I can work with that more importantly okay a couple of cones but I need some more stuff than just waffle cones despite those things being delicious a pair a single pair oh there it is melted ice cream that's pretty epic yes you know what a single ice cream out of this entire thing just made this whole detour worth it I I I can leave a happy man now thank you goodbye oh there's also a pharmacy here oh there's so many good spots that I forgot about it's been a long time since grug has been able to just loot you know this is the closest to normal zomb wood we've gotten in a while and it's all for that sweet sweet sustenance come on one at a time please single file they're going to break through that very quickly so I want to take out as many as possible before they do that's a lot can I hit them through the window okay there's one there's one there's one they're through that's one at the end of the day it should be more than worth it when I open up the back room into the kitchen and I get myself a solid amount of butter in butter related products did I ever tell you how much I enjoy a nice fine churned butter 10 years into the apocalypse so come on oh M okay marshmallows that's good that's probably high calorie how would is that oil can I drink it I can't drink the oil okay it's absolutely disgusting of a thought but that's calories we take those canned tuna carrots that are rotten I'll take the tuna I'll eat that right now all that leaves is the bookstore and the pharmacy there's a lot of blind spots and a lot of different zombies that can absolutely ruin my day like that feral zombie right over there all it takes is one well-placed zombie and that's going to be it for your boy the good thing is that this axe still strikes through but it is about to break but it was able to get us to the uh Pharmacy which does have a good chance of having some snacks we came for literature we're staying for the calorie gain vitamins yeah yeah yeah orange soda that's what I'm talking about that's the good stuff oh they got those that's chips just some maps any more goodies in here I think that might be it nope another orange soda who loves orange soda grug loves orange soda and now it is time for the Enigma bookstore the door has been busted down un ceremoniously but the shelves do be stocked oh this is it this is it make Anvil Stone furnace metal drum actually already knew all that baking tray cooking pot I'll take it why not volume one gosh everything we're finding when it comes to like magazines and stuff we've already read which is one of the saddest things how how hard is it to find a an armor manual around here post-apocalypse next volume one baby look at that we can make pauldrons scrap Greaves vests helmets Kettle Helms yoink yes okay we can finally armor up fully now not only that what else we got in this beautiful place volume three which allows us to make hunting knives axes and shovels oh we can make shovels that's that's so good I better that is so good grug's going to break into a little bit of a dance right now we're going to hit the rip pops that's massive that's so good oh this one trip just made the entire city worse worth it all right this is the last spot as well we also got volume one in deconstruction angler magazine volume 1 which allows us to make a fishing rod volume two of that which we already have and the herbalist boom b b Bingo we're going to be leaving this place like kings I think that deserves one thing and that's a complimentary orange soda going down the old Hatchet Rooney 400 calories and a very happy grug aside from from hitting up one more Diner down south I think it's about time we get the hell out of here that's really all I came here for and we got everything that I could have ever wanted other than a few more smithing mags but you know what can you do right I guess the one thing I could complain about is not finding any wood glue that's going to hold us off from making any swords anytime soon if we could ever make swords in the future which I sure hope we can but do you know what would make me grgy happy is if I found myself some butter within this fine dining establishment come on you know you want to give it to me where are the goods oh don't think I see that pancake mix that's that's good that's good that's good that's free calories oh welcome there feral zombie you really came out of nowhere get the hell off me oh there's another Grabber down over here oh make that two Grabbers well two for the price of one it seems I need to make more ax Maxes holy crap this thing is so good uh a lime pineapple fruit Jam yoink that's calories that'll be cooking recipes for later I think that's just about it here though anything else that I really want to check out today no we got just about everything the only other spot that I would like to check out sometime soon is this Market down here but today is not the day for it it is we're making it over to that place well it should be a straight shot from here I'm not super worried about zombies there's barely any spawn up here matter of fact I am so confident in that that I'm going to speed up a little bit while walking down this way here's our thing that we cut through there should be a small fishing store down this way as well though there are a few hordes in the area from what I remember at least up like where the fishing spot is so we definitely need to play things a little bit more you know cautious ious ly but I am very excited to see what we get here uh ooh maximum energy uh ooh more lures don't mind if I do take those oh wow binoculars in a deer call I know with binoculars in a slingshot where which are both things I can make we can go hunting for small games so that's going to be another food source an active food source then again the fishing store is just the appetizer that's a lot of freaking sprinters hold on one second here oh that's terrifying it's a good thing we've dealt with springes before all we got to do is hop in here there we go and that's going to be our warax broken I don't have any duct tape so we are going to have to retire that for now it's a sad day now all we got to do is make it over to the market matter of fact I'm just going to I'm just going to go ahead and run over to where the market is and hopefully avoid a bunch of those ferals up there hi okay that's one dealt with let's just hug the outside of this oh my gosh there are so damn many right now it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's cool you know why it's cool because there is a small fence that I can manipulate back over here drop off the bow keep her moving they are right on my heels come on haul it faster grug ah damn it okay I scratched myself but we made it over play a little bit of fies here no problems wo that's what it's all about man ah okay I think I'm going to go ahead and uh end the episode here after I kill these last two uh zombies please don't get up thank you very much so all right we survived we made it over the only thing we can do now is Loot and then head our way back home peace the hell out everyone grug is currently just chilling in the middle of a heap of Gore on a solid Friday afternoon how about you gosh I really need a shower H don't mind me I'm just going to go rip up all this clothing while I am here to try and get to tailoring level two though it is getting very dark out so I think I'm going to do that while I'm actually inside this bar here we're going to have to sleep on a you know wooden stool today with a busted down door but it's the best we have currently oh wow they added in an ATM machine in here as well uh don't mind me though I'm just going to go ahead take a little bit of alcohol to help me sleep and gain some calories and I'm just going to go chill in the uh bathroom for the rest of the day you don't need to worry about me I will help myself to your Bourbon and now that this place is clear I'm going to go read all my magazines and level up my tailoring so we're not bored during this long night you know I really hope that my uh my carrots at home are doing okay it's been a long time since I've seen them we're not exactly done yet with all these smithing magazines so so I'm just going to go ahead and read the rest while it is a little bit bright out as I'm probably going to stay here for at least another day or so as I'm really jonesing on getting to tailoring level two we got it up by around a solid 25% during that night so now that we're done with that what do we actually have here terms of food some bourbon some wine which I sadly can't open up yet because you need a cork screw in order to open it and I have not come across one so that is basically dead weight to me the stuff I can take however is going to be the beer the peanuts which is literally it giving us a solid three beer bottles one beer can one bourbon and one peanuts I'm going to eat the peanuts right now fill up our cooking pot with some water disassembling this table fashioning a wooden Mallet out of this plank that we've just acquired it's not the best weapon but it's just going to have to work for now okay I I really should have prepared a little bit more but this little bonkin Hammer should do the trick for now which means grug is more than ready to tackle the dangers outside and oh my gosh is it foggy out uh I don't really like this at all we just got to make sure we're going slow and steady on this one okay no funny business that's a wrestler that's exactly the type of funny business I've been talking about yeah no thank you die thank you oh yeah I forgot there was also a like little food market up here oh it's been so long since I've been up this part of town we might honestly find some rice over here and More Zombies of course a hello is anyone else inside there now that's the good stuff we have a candy cane Mac and cheddar dry Ramen juice boxes of banana flavored goodness dried split peas rice canned potatoes canned fruit cocktail okay we're winning this calls for our replaceable bag to be pulled out we're going to leave this place with filled Pockets damn it I mean check out that Hall and this isn't even the main spot the main spot is going to be right oh my gosh this weather is very ambiant this feels like I'm in a silent hill game what the hell but yes the the main target is going to be that bad boy right there these types of supermarkets will have literally everything you could ever want in your entire life I mean check this bad boy out we got shelves in the front which have food a clothing store in the back for tailoring and more importantly an entire area in the back which has farming supplies that's a lot of zombies down there and it's really damn dark I I slept at a weird time huh well I think this is RQ to go check this out in the morning then I'm going to be grabbing uh a few bits of pants here leveling up our tailoring and I will see yall back in the bar in the morning [Music] heyo we're back I would love to tell you what time it is right now but gregery with the absence of any watch has lost the concept of time the one thing I can be sure about is that we are one trip away from getting to tailoring level two and if you don't know that's pretty freaking epic because it means that grug will finally be able to make a leather belt that's massive that's going to be awesome and I'm going to do this right now so join me as I add patches onto this pant and then remove them immediately afterwards this is my life this is all I've been doing for the entire night and you know what it works bada bam this marks a whole new chapter in my life and speaking about new chapters I should really remove these bandages but in order to craft a belt we're going to need six leather strips which we do have they're just dirty and then a single nail which we can get very easily there's a reason why I bring a hammer and screw driver with me wherever I go bada bam there's our nails now give me that belt I've earned this oh there it is all freaking righty I almost ripped it up into leather strips but thankfully I did not this feels so nice by the way to finally have like to finally have more than a single item on my hot bar is it's one of those things that you truly do miss when you go without it for so long oh that is so awesome and I think the only way we can really celebrate that is by eating this entirety of these dried split peas raw just just straight out of the bag it might make me a little bit sad but I have alcohol for that now it all works in a cycle you would not believe and now we can finally start to gain some weight over the stuff that we've lost before oo it's a b it's a clear day out all right that's the kind of weather I like to see how much time did we waste none at all we we woke woke up during the dawn damn stuff is going really good for us right now so much so that I'm going to prepare a little bit more as I'm seeing a bunch of zombies outside I need another m is what I'm trying to say there we go now we got double trouble I would like to use my normal like metal Hammer as it is better but grug doesn't make quality stuff right now it's very much you know kind of like a stamped in type of Steel would not want to use it in the W of combat I would much rather rely on a nice fine mahogany for that that'll be the majority of them taken care of and after this idiot gets absolutely eviscerated by my hammer we can finally loot to see what kind of foods we have here I better see some real nice stuff farming seeds radishes I'll take the radishes and maybe the farming manual could be useful empty corn oil that is one of the most depressing things I've seen I would have loved to just chug that chocolate cocoa powder yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what do we have here batteries meat cleaver yada yada more more carrots that is so good pop lug wrench with nothing else in the back rooms definitely not the worst Hall don't know if it was worth traversing like half the town of Riverside to get to though but I'll mark it as a win so much so that I think we're going to call it here and we're going to start to head back to our base the path old grugy is going to take might be a bit unorthodox but I think it'd be best if I just cut straight right through the woods down here hit up the road cut through that road and hit up the golf course hit the golf course do the little loop-de-loop and pole probably sleep here for the rest of the night and then make it back to the Happy Zone where we can finally craft up ourselves some real fine stuff I guess I'll see y'all then we finally made it to the diner all righty just on the first tick of uh tiredness as well which is is fantastic for me from the looks of it it is going to be dark like literally 10 minutes from now so I'm going to go spend the rest of my time just chilling inside here probably disassembling random junk and moving around all about while doing something a little bit more proactive in order to gain weight we're already sad so I think going ahead and eating all of this rice right now would be a Justified action nothing like those condensed calories am I right or am I right boom we are severely depressed now but we are a full boy now you might be asking why I did that to poor grug that answer is also simple all I got to do is chug a beer on top of all this depression take a full night's rest and in the morning you couldn't even tell what was wrong with me all I can say is Down the Hatch well would you look at that what did I tell you the depression is gone with the simple Swig of some alcohol you can fix just about every problem don't take that advice in real life though that just creates a very unhealthy habit okay healthy habits aside it is extremely bright out which I think is a perfect representation of all grug's future despite his dirty and disheveled appearance from the countless amounts of brains he's bashed in our future is as bright as ever and really the only thing that's going to stop me is like 20 brutes in a row and I don't think that's going to happen I should really shut up though it can be very easy for zombies to Ambush me in these Woods I don't trust them as far as I can throw them especially around the golf course while I'm at it though I decided to backtrack just a little bit up North this way I wanted to get a little bit more scrap because we have an extra 5 lbs in our second uh bag here so why not get a as much out of this whole shind dig as possible boom four scrap metal four small Metal Sheets and one large metal sheet we can fit all that in our back and not only that we can make scrap metal from all this unusable metal okay we'll do that oh yeah look at that multiplier 64 scrap metal huh I don't think we have enough room to fit this around but I'll take as much of your stock as possible I mean we're not that far away from base okay we might need to drop a few things here and when I mean that I mean just dropping this notched wooden plank these sturdy sticks and all this useless clutter that I don't need I'm going to make this work damn it come on I have an idea what we can do is use the last bit of our propane torch fuel here and convert these small scrap metal into small Metal Sheets here I think that's going to be better than just carrying it around with us let's see five compared to point4 yes it is okay so we're just going to convert all this right now into into small Metal Sheets so we can carry it easier I'm such a genius you know what it's good for now I just need to hurry on back home before I dig myself an early grave yeah see that's what I'm talking about the they're in the damn trees just let's just go let's just go we're leaving we're leaving we're going now whoa why are there zombies over here what the hell well we've made it back everyone so welcome and how'd he do I'm just wondering why the hell there are zombies currently harassing me that's fine I needed the supplies anyways but what the heck they just migrate their way over here weird well thanks for the leather items though this will go well to me making my cool stuff later and uh I think we can finally drop off our replaceable bag at least currently for here and then continue on down murdering everything in my way do you really think you can just stumble on my property and expect to not be vanquished Like This Vermin you are hell no it's about time all of you figure out the tax for invading my personal space and it's your shoes I want them you're going to give them to me other than you wrestler zombie I have a better plan for you so I'm going to shove this zombie over run around real fast avoiding the the the deathful Gaze of this idiot and we're going to be using these concrete barriers here to uh you know level the playing field oh that was a close one try again later that'll show you get the hell out of my garden you can bash down my doors you can destroy my architecture but as soon as you step foot inside my little zen garden that's when we have problems what the hell I just can't believe the G on these idiots well that spells the end for the most of them anyways time to uh you know clean up a bit you know one thing's for sure getting a door down probably one of the most nice feeling things after that whole interaction oh come on when will you learn that your actions do in fact have consequences well thanks for the shoes though nice I wonder how Filbert's doing that old Rascal always getting into crazy stuff it sure is good to be home though oh man I really missed this place we could finally drop off all of our food items that we've gotten most of them because we are running out of space well ain't that a nice little Pantry mix I'm finally confident in the amount of non- perishable foods we have that whole trip was really worth it but before I do decide to call it quits for tonight I do want to dismantle the rest of the shoes that I got off these zombies I think the one up there had sneakers though so we don't need to worry about that because uh tomorrow is going to be the Armament process if you remember from last last episode we finally figured out the recipes for scrap armor which means only one thing we're going to become a fully armored night it's happening today and then I think we build our damn Castle I I I really want to build at least like a castle maybe with like a mode around it's going to be a big project but I think we could definitely pull it off with the resources we have currently but before I go ahead and do that we need to get a full Knight's rest and also replace our propane torch this bad boy is low on fuel but we do have a secondary one up here which is filled yeah all right I'll see you all in the morning then ah what a truly beautiful morning to be alive the sun is semi bright out and I can go ahead and re-equip my old Warhammer on my belt this time around I think the best way to start off grug's morning is a is a shower I'm freaking filthy you know there truly is nothing as peaceful as just chilling out on the Riverside living in next to my fishy friends and harvesting my farm before we do make my you know armor and make me look like a fully fledged night I do want to go ahead grab our leftover carrots that we left behind and go set up some more trap lines I am very curious to see what kind of uh goodies our traps have given us and if it's a zombie we have the proper tool for that bad boy as well woo check it out three traps have been triggered that's going to be three rabbits for the stew pile hell yeah let's go make sure the rest of these are all trapped and ready to rock now add in those carrots and we can go check that bad boy in the morning I I should make some more soon shouldn't I I'm thinking about it and that would be a pretty good use of our time ah it'll be fine let's just go lug these rabbits back home because now if we go check our beautiful carrot seeds here it says that they're seed bearing so this means if I har Harvest these carrots up right now we get seeds with it that's pretty damn awesome it ain't that many but it sure is something to use for later and that that gives us 29 carrots holy crap I don't know if I'm going to be able to go through all these bad boys we definitely need to set up another set of farms very soon but for now we'll drop it off back in our little crate here and now that we have all of that done and settled with let's go make some damn armor I've already dropped off all of our base materials inside these two crates here so all we have to do is craft it up and I think to start off with we need to make some damn shoulder pads so let's get a left scrap shoulder pad up with a right one to accompany that bad boy we're going to hold off on wearing all this until we're completely done by the way I am very curious to see what this looks like up next I think we ought to make ourselves some pauldrons give me that bad boy as well boom up next we got some Greaves the leg pads on top of it and how could I forget the scrap Kettle helmet on top of it all oh yeah boom this should be a full set I don't think I forgot anything we ran out of fuel so I'm going to need to go back to grab that propane torch later but let's see how this looks first up pauldrons on shoulder pads going on right on top of it boom boom G equipped shoulder pads on as well leg pads on scrap vest also on last but not least we have the kettle Helm botom boom look at us yeah we're vibing and not only that we got ourselves a Warhammer and axe combo we're going to be able to use let's go check out that protection oh wait that that is a protected boy ain't nothing getting through here other than our arms we sadly didn't have enough for the armored hand but that's really damn good and while we're not going to be wearing this uh you know all willy-nilly because this thing weighs like actual tons wearing this entire set of armor we can wear it if we want to go on a big old action run so I'm going to leave my entire set of armor down here and I can say confidently that we have become a scrap Knight not exactly there yet but we're we're getting there and honestly what I think we do next episode is bolster up our food production we finally got the means to make a shovel so that means infinite worms we can make actual Infinity amounts of uh bird traps we can bolster up our Farms it's going to be a really fun episode anyways if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share and subscribe for more peace the hell out everyone gosh could you look at all of this protection suck said it will help against the blistering cold welcome back everyone to the Iron Man challenge with this storm going on it's really damn loud out so I'm going to go back inside we're going to go set up a few extra trap lines try and get food to where it's not a problem anymore after we settle out those food issues I think it's about time we begin constructing a big old wooden Castle for grug here it's going to be a pretty big project but it would be one of our main goals I would say so yeah as we're taking Shelter From The Storm I'm going to go ahead and drop off all of this armor because it's freaking heavy I'll be coming back for it later but right now is not really the time to be wearing all this stuff I much rather prefer my skin Cape which gives us an insulation Factor there we go back to that civilized grgy look is it any better out no not really but uh I got some rabbits to cook so it'll have to do for now we're just going to go ahead and make a quick rabbit stew and a rabbit stir fry gosh it is terrible out it's really taking a little bit for me to like realize but yikes well I guess that's just winter for you our food is done hell yeah let's go eat up one of these right now save the others for later I'm also just cooking up the rabbit meat raw right now this one can be unprepared just give me that bed boy and that should give us enough food to last us throughout the day now that we have lunch and dinner secured what I'm going to need next in order to survive this winter is going to be copious amounts of worms we did figure out the recipe for the shovel in order to get the worms but we still need one more smithing level so don't mind me as I just go to my station and I just bulk crafted up uh copious amounts of uh you know what we're going to need a lot of nails how about we we make a bunch of nails that actually wasn't enough and we went through all of our iron other than these ingots here so I guess we got to start this Forge back up then there we go we got some iron ingots cooking and some metal bars we're not done there though I want to head over to where I was disassembling the fence line and grab ourselves some metal bars to cook down even further all right let's make this one quick before it gets too cold out yeah that's a new level of metal working hell yeah this should be more than enough metal bars to uh get the bar rolling the weather is still terrible surprisingly we're not dying of the extreme temperatures somehow someway but let's see how many metal bars we got out of this whole thing a solid 15 if you include the 10 in my bag and the five in my main inventory yeah yeah that's enough for me we're we're done here I need to head back now that should be more than enough to smelt down and repurpose into some other goodies so into the furnace you go 27 metal bars just like that we made it through another day uh the weather still not really the best but we're just going to have to work with this we'll go help ourselves to a fresh slab of rabbit meat and now we can go check on that furnace to see if the stuff has smelted down and it has giving us 90 lbs of workable iron while nails are always good I kind of want to look for the future and if I am going to set up a castle here I'm going to need those big double doors right so I'm going to need four door knobs and eight door hinges because that would allow us to make two large double doors which I think would be a perfect candidate for a nice wooden gate for the wooden Castle there are the two door hinges and we actually can't make door knobs well I guess that's something we're going to have to get uh in the town that's fine we don't really need those just yet let's just continue making uh Nails I guess there it is new level of smithing which brings us to level five now we can finally make the shovel that I've been waiting for this entire time oh this is so nice give this to me right now I've earned this bad boy check it out absolutely piss poor condition but it's mine and you know exactly what that means free worms and with this recent technological advancement I think the only thing we can do for the rest of today is dig for worms I'm not going to stop at all I will not let snow nor sleep nor hail stop me from digging a Fortune of food and more importantly baiting supplies grug is going to go quite a ways away as to not solely the lands that we have sewn so far I think right out there where that Forest is would be a good spot and we're just going to we're just going to dig and never look back update everybody digging for worms now gives you excessive exertion so this might be a little bit of a problem we got ourselves two red worms a few centipedes and some snails so it it's a good start but I need so much more than this if I'm going to set up a base camp Oh man when did they add an exhaustion to digging furrows that kind of messes up everything I'm not going to let that stop me though all grug needs to do is sit down for a hot minute and I'm good as new let's do it you hear me it's going to take a lot more than that to put me down okay it can definitely put me down we're so tired that we won't gain any more exertion back so we got a small Hall definitely not what I was hoping for but that'll be enough bait materials to at least survive you know and now that that's done I'm going to go ahead and craft myself an axe not for combat but for carpentry though I will also use it for combat cuz it's a freaking awesome weapon because fun fact in order for this whole project to work out correctly I'm going to need a bunch of lumber oh wasn't that one hell of a montage and it's morning so you know what time it is time to make a bunch of stick traps we have nine twine right now and about half the forest chopped down for us to use at our Leisure yeah all we got to do is saw these bad boys up turn every single one of these bad boys into sturdy sticks 72 should be more than enough as we can make ourselves a solid 18 stick traps I'm going to do this out in the field because those definitely weigh more than um what I have so I guess we'll see if we caught anything make sure we take uh the carrots with us to retra the the big ones and we'll be all set oo okay not too many uh traps triggered but we did get one which is a win in my book let's go retra the others there we go now that all these traps are set up we're going to go make a whole bunch more oh yeah it's happening and you can't do anything about it 18 stick traps let's set them all up Bo dot if this doesn't catch us enough food I don't know what will we got to bait all these bad is up right now so I'm going to go dig some more furrows around the area because I can right now and hopefully we'll have enough stuff to bait these animals with what can I say I take my food procurement very seriously so we have around 25 pieces of bait to use this should catch ourselves a fine Hall of birds that we can just throw on a campfire to eat time to check this bad boy at a later date but that should be more than enough and now we can chop down some more trees for the rest of it another day another fire we got a log pile starting to collect up on that bridge but uh it's a lot of work it really is just trying to survive our uh our broccoli Farm is growing but it's not SE just yet so I don't want to harvest them currently on the fire we have a nice carrot and rabbit meat stir fry which I'm going to eat and then I think we're going to go check out the Trap line dig for some more Furrow so we have enough bait to actually last us the whole time and begin the process all over again it's a lot of work out here but I am relying on just the food I've been getting from trapping alone which is a win in my opinion and hey check that out one trap did break but we got four trap triggering so we're just going to check them and drop on a mpede right on after yeah that'll keep us fed we're putting in minus five hunger snails and we're getting minus n dead crows out of it so it is very much worth it not only that but we leveled up trapping and these rabbits are just juicy little things not a bad haul for a single day two Dead Rabbits two dead crows H the more I'm thinking about it I spend a lot of time out here digging some Furrow so in order to streamline my life I'm going to chop down this tree really quick so all these bad boys into planks and set up a wooden chair out here in the field so I can sit down and take a rest in order to get my stamina back up for more uh digging that should increase our workload by quite a bit since sitting on the ground is not as helpful as sitting on a chair it is now another day the log pile has grown quite a bit though there is still a lot more to Lug around but I think we ought to start to uh develop the initial plan of our Castle I won't be able to get it done you know just yet but I can at least get a good out out line of what I want to do and I definitely want the bridge to be the entrance to this Grand wooden Castle I want it to Encompass at the very least up until that composter or this fence line here going down and around that way which is going to take quite a bit and I really don't know if we're going to be able to pull this off correctly I guess that's something for us to figure out the dead crows looking fan freaking tastic for eating we eat the crows for now and save the rabbits for later today let's go check the Trap line okay the bird traps have not been triggered but oh my that is every single rabbit trap set off grug's eating good for a while folks God dang I'm going to need to go back and grab some more carrots to trap with holy hell I think we're winning I think we're winning and look at that our cabbages are going well as well those are seedlings bam new level of farming and not only that we got to sell some seeds out of this bad boy boom 15 seeds 15 broccoli sadly I don't think rabbits or squirrels eat broccoli so this is just going to be a me type of food which is completely fine cuz we can engorge ourselves pretty damn well anyways let's go ahead back and go trap that bad boy up 1 2 3 4 five and six uh bird traps not as useful and I honestly might want to just try and grow some car in the winter it might not even work but come on look at that Hall those are some big freaking rabbits we are going to be keeping these Dead Rabbits un butchered as they last around 10 days when they're in that form compared to when you do butcher them and cook them to where it's only like four or five days I want to make these I really want these to go as far as possible when we have it right cuz we're set on food for a long time we also have ourselves the non-p perishable reserves we're going to be fine and I think that gives us more than enough of an excuse to start to begin some building projects anyways like I was saying this is going to be the main entrance and we're going to have a big old Square all around it after and I think we're going to start the actual building right where this meets the river now in order to build this and not be like overwhelmed with the amount that we're going to need to do I am going to need to move in our farm just by a tiny bit like the composter and water bin those have to move in and buy a little bit more and honestly what I'm going to do with this metal drum is just empty it out and replace it upstairs it'll be much more of a comfy of a home up here we can also grab some of the compost that we made from the fish it's not that much but it is a pretty good amount of compost drop that bad boy off there and the rest of these sacks with it all right time to move this bad boy down a tiny bit more I actually can't remove this composter um until it loses the compost inside well that kind of sucks that'll be a while from now then you know it's fine it's fine it's fine at the very least we are going to be able to move in a bit because uh with a square you know castle look it's going to take quite a lot of planks so I kind of need to downgrade a little bit if I am going to complete this fully and I think we draw the line right at this crate here so it's about time we saw literally every single one of these logs up and set the groundwork to this place the main entrances are going to start here and here the only problem is that there is some River here so I'm going to need to go ahead and fill it in with some wood floor then we're going to follow this all the way down until we get to the composter right here this can be basically the whole corner of it and we're going to cut in there which means we have a honestly the more I'm looking at it and how many resources we're actually going to need to spend in order to make this thing I'm going to cut it in by just a tiny bit more marking in the corner at about right here which gives us 14 tiles across this way and we're going to need to do 14 tiles across that way this is going to be a big castle I might need to do a bit of a rectangular Castle the more I'm thinking about it but let's just get it started [Music] there we go we built out this other side I don't know if it's going to be exactly symmetrical but I decided to leave in this like little pond on this side cuz I think it just looks really freaking cool we got that corner set up and then last but not least we just got to build it out quite a ways down which we're going to go ahead and do in the morning cuz it is super duper dark all righty it's morning and that means we need to set up the other side of this we're starting to get the corners all down so it's kind of taking shape I'll be real I should have thought about this uh head of time before I went ahead all willy-nilly but I think we can make this work up next we're going to go down I would say till about I think right here would be really good that gives us a lot of land to work with a little baby pond in there as well yeah yeah you know what I'm digging it I am digging it and then after we can build up some stairs make some parapets and I think it's just a big enough project to take a crap ton of time but not big enough to where I'd be spending my entire life doing it so let's just make sure we got this done correctly okay the two walls will be right here and over here that should link up properly if I didn't screw it up but I think this would be a good spot to the episode today and we have ourselves a very long-term goal to work towards it's going to take so many damn so many damn trees are going to die but yeah this is going to be a pretty big project isn't it anyways welcome back everybody to another episode of The Iron Man Challenge and today we are going to try to build grug's very own fort SL castle and I'll be real the one thing I want right now are door knobs currently the only place to get them is this little neighborhood up here so we're going to go ahead armor up and take their damn door knobs and then after that it's going to be building copious amounts of building so much building we're going to get sick of it by the end and my oh my are we ready for a fight check out that protection I mean it has been a while since I've been able to just chop some zombies in half with my axe oh it feels good good feels great don't it it's kind of like mowing the lawn the zombies keep coming back but I can always just cut the grass every week or so and deal with them accordingly isn't that right Grabber zombie yeah I know I'm right okay I'm looking at this right now and we are very tired which is not exactly the best for fighting I really should have went tomorrow but we're already here so full send it I mean if it's a lack of offense power we sure can make up with it in terms of Defense I could actually tank so many zombies unless they decide to bite me on my hands which is kind of in line with my luck Honestly though I'm not exactly worried unless there's like a brute zombie around these parts what was I worried about oh yeah nothing time to take these door knobs for myself now just as any great Castle would have we're going to need two gates which means we need four door knobs there we go we got four door knobs and I'm not really done here I kind of want to loot ahead just to buy a couple more homes maybe we could get some high calorie foods who knows and I might as well take advantage of it just in case there aren't any crazy zombie types out of course just a few normal ones other than this Sprinter that's coming in very fast settle down okay wow this ax is just I mean it really was meant for split and wood but it does just as good of a job against skulls as well we are so freaking powerful now can I just say that right now just even while being tired we just isn't really a competition anymore I just feel kind of bad but it'll be well worth it as soon as I get my hands on some uh food hello there sir goodbye he and a thing of mustard you know what I'll take it I'll take it I don't really want to explore the rest of this place as I hear zombies upstairs and um I am extremely tired now so I think it's about time we leave toodles we finally made it back and with these door knobs we can set up the front gate which is good because I didn't know like the exact spacing of these I'm going to go drop off my armor though because this thing weighs like a abs absolute butt ton and now that we're back in our civilian Garb we can go right ahead and yo these door hinges these planks and drop down a nice double wooden door I think this right here is going to be the best word yeah yeah yep right in the middle right here it's happening the main gate will be established very soon boom check out that bad boy and we're not even done there we're going to get another right down here boom okay now what we got to do is uh start to place down some more of these wall frames and really get this uh outside looking more like a work in progress another day another dollar we should probably go get some breakfast right now and one thing that I did figure out is that one dead rabbit or at least one and a half should be good enough for a full day's worth of food so we're going to go butcher up these two pieces of rabbit meat dry drop them bad boys on the fire and then go Harvest up our last cabbage plant check that out boom eight broccoli actually they were broccoli not cabbages but you know what I mean and speaking of rabbits I am going to go ahead and take our last six carrots and go check out um our trap line up North but hey check that out two bird traps got triggered and two rabbit traps got triggered not bad at all this sadly does Mark the end of us being able to bait these uh trap crates with carrots though so whatever we get out of here is going to be the final bits that we'll ever have I'll be back in a couple of days don't worry about me we've taken care of every single one of grug's problems other than his sadness so it's back to the old grind set let's go collect all the logs nearby and see how many walls we can actually place down we got a big old stack of 25 logs which is going to be around 81 planks you know what time it [Music] is not bad not bad at all we went through a full ax so that's that's probably around another 60 70 80 log I'm just going to continue chopping down the forest because why the hell not I'm going to need the logs anyways and in order to keep up with the lumber Market I decided to uh skip the whole warax part and go straight for a Danish warax which if you didn't know it's about as twice as big it's a big old swanging weapon which means it'll chop down trees hopefully better you're going to Rule the Day trees actually it's about the same but it's a lot cooler to chop down a tree with a massive two-handed warax anywayss ha you smell that that's the smell of progress and the lack of a huge swath of forest land this used to be a forest by the way now it's just a clearcut land what a beautiful sight I think it's about time we grab all these logs and we gather them in the middle and I think that'll be all we can do for today you know I'm looking at this massive pile of logs and then how many logs are actually still outside and I I kind I think I kind of went a little bit Overkill it started snowing again despite it like melting a day before the weather's been kind of volatile but that's not going to stop me let's go see how many planks are in this massive conglomerate of logs it's so much that I can't even see it all this is going to take a little bit to saw through huh we have around 250 plank so that's pretty good why does the weather hate me a minute ago it was very nice out for the morning and now it's just hell on Earth again well I need some food so we're going to start up a quick fire and butcher up a couple more rabbits to eat one and two you know this weather might hate grug but that's not going to stop me from completing this outline today so I guess it's going to be a bot Montage mostly because the storm is loud as hell all righty we got the entire outline secured check that out and now all we got to do is uh honestly what I'm going to do right now since we have an abundance of planks is I kind of want like the little like Towers you know up under each like corner of the castle so I'm going to disassemble these two bad boys and we're going to build it out by like one more in each of these Corners here so what I'm thinking right is we build it out by one and then we close it in like that yeah that way it gives a little bit more flavor to the castle I'm going to I'm going to do that to all the other sides it's another morning so you know the drill the weather's terrible out we can go ahead eat some of this rabbit that's still fresh and now instead of placing the frames we're going to go ahead and upgrade them but you can see what I'm going for now now that we actually have the corners built out a little bit it's starting to really look like a c cast right slow and steady wins the race all we got to do now is upgrade every single one of these walls you know I severely underestimated how much work this is going to take but I'm dedicated and Filbert deserves a home that is a real home that is deserving for us yes that made sense but we're about halfway done with the whole you know building out the castle thing the only thing we have left to do is this last section up here and we'll be golden I actually burned through every single log we had up there by the way so I had to gather a new pile of logs from the uh chopped down forest earlier now we are a bit hungry and we're a bit cold so I'm going to start up a quick campfire cook up some more Dead Rabbits you know how it is and just kind of relax for a bit because we're going to go right back into the mines very soon so I just I need like a few minutes to myself this whole process has been really hard on grug's health both mentally and physically building a castle is surprisingly hard work who could have believed that right after we're done cooking up these rabbits I'm also going to go check our trap lines to see if we got any more food that way we've been doing very good with just the rabbit meat Alone by the way this stuff is so filling the only problem is we are you know kind of being inflicted with a bit of rabbit starvation because we aren't gaining any weight at all despite being filled build up with our tummy but we do have a we do have a way to fight that back and that's with copious amounts of bourbon four things of bourbon will be like 6,000 calories so we do have that let's go check the traps now I'm curious oh two bird traps are down and not a single trap crate well that sucks but hey we got some birds I just really hope we can make it through the winter so I can go back to to that fishing grind that was where the real money was at oh those fatty acids I miss them already you know what I don't miss copious amounts of hard labor wish me luck well let me have a ruler and a saw and a board and I'll cut it I'll climb up the ladder with a hammer and a nail and I'll nail it well we work so hard to build a little house together in the snow or the rain or the ice cold wind no matter what the weather we're [Music] together welcome everybody to my very own slice of paradise I finally finished the first area which is really damn nice check it out it's a fully enclosed structure but no no no no no no we're not done here yet as I want to add on a second story to the little corner areas and I want to build a floor all the way across as well which is going to require quite a bit of uh quite a bit of planks but first things first we need ourselves a staircase which I'm going to go ahead and place right here mostly because uh that'll already place a walkway for us and we can go around it just fine but yes we are finally up here and so begins our new task of building all the way across one over yeah it's going to take a little bit but I'm ready for anything I just really want to make sure I don't fall down when I do this this is starting to get pretty dangerous and if I were to fall off building a castle it'd be very poetic but very sad at the same time we also need more planks you know what let's go get some more planks Booyah another thing we really need are nails we only have 131 left and we started with around 800 800 Nails have like basically gone into this for so far which makes sense that's actually a pretty good amount but we need some more the good thing is that we do have an excess of uh workable iron so my whole plan is just to uh bulk make nails for the rest of our life here that's going to be it let's see how much we can make 530 you know what that's more than enough for now oh yeah before we do build I almost forgot we need to Lug All the lumber over inside here because uh yeah 12 is not going to cut it and just bringing the logs back and forth takes up like the entire day so I guess I'll see yall in the morning when when we have a big old log pile you know I don't know how many days it's been I am very surprised that winter is still going it's been a long time we got a nice amount of logs on the pile but there's also still like tons down there but we can grab those later for now I think we have more than enough logs to fully build out the flooring across the roof and then after the flooring we're going to need to go up another story to build the towers all around the area for now I'm just cooking up some some of these dead birds for us to eat we'll make grug the happiest but we're starting to get desperate with what little we have there we go wow that one dead bird has so much minus hunger we're going to save that for later and we're going to eat the crows right now while they're warm and they still make me not happy uh not unhappy there we go well we had our 5minute break back to that grind set oh you were such a lucky boy filur for not having to do any of this all righty little update we're about halfway through and I just figured out like a genius plan because what I've been doing is been going up the staircase running all the way around when I could but what I could be doing instead is making some uh sheet rope from these ripped sheets down that I uh saved earlier and then once we get to the other side I can just drop down a quick old fence line and I won't have to go all the way back and forth to uh reach these different areas which is freaking massive for me yeah just like that and then we can add in an escape rope bada boom all right that streamlined stuff very nicely oh I'm so freaking smart that's going to help out so much all right uh back to the big old Montage then we still got a whole bunch to do now oh man we finally pulled off the top area and now all we got to do is surround the entire outside with fences did I say how much work this was actually going to take but yes we finally did the top area so now all we got to do is fence off almost all the outside and then uh also build up some walls on each of these Corners here which I'm probably going to do first and foremost but yes I'm loving the Vibes of it so far I mean look at this it's a big old freaking Castle hell yeah all right we're not even done here that's the best part first things first uh we need to go grab the rest of the logs on the floor and bring them on and shut up lady I'm trying to have my moment boom now that we have all the logs gathered we can saw these bad boys into planks and then build up each individual Tower so this is going to going to take a little bit of time but it'll be well worth it let's get it boom boom bam boom finally we're done with the four like little Tower thingies that took a lot longer than I expected a lot of this has taking a lot longer than I expected um but it's going to be worth it and now begins like the kind of funky part because one I'm going to need to place a staircase down and two I'm going to uh need to build up a roof really quick and then a fence line around oh man the amount of just trees I've slaughtered to build my castle but it goes in with you know I think we can call Gregory a sir at this point you know he's doing what Nobles would and that's chopping down an entire forest for uh you know for a really cool freaking Castle to keep them safe from Raiders what else can I say this has really taking shape what I mean I I'm liking it so far but it's not done yet we got to get all four of these uh things done now so basically what what I'm going to do is build a staircase walk upset stairs this is where I need to be actually very cautious because one trip and I will die I I will actually die but yes we build up here and then we completely floor it off and then after we're done flooring each one of these uh little Tower thingies we're going to need to build a little like guard Tower thingy it's going to be a lot of work but it should be worth it so long as I don't crash and burn and die horribly so I guess I'll see youall till then the snow is melting by the way I think winter is officially over and it's not just you know turbid weather I think we can genuinely say that it's done with now so that's pretty cool anyways where was I well we got one down so you kind of see what I'm going for now we're going to be doing that on every single one of these bad boys and I also decided to put an escape rope up on top so I can actually climb up whenever I want want to isn't that pretty cool yes the there are many others we need to do this is just the beginning but we should have enough planks and enough willpower to see anything through is what I will say ow okay I just accidentally forced opened a uh a fruit cocktail instead of opening it normally and I scratched my hand so that's why I have that Co come on that was such a waste of food yes I've been tapping into my uh non- perishable reserves mostly because I want to get this done but I am pretty sure we can go fishing now because you know the snow's gone which means that it's free real estate but I need to go collect some more wood it's it's slowly getting there you know slow and steady wins the race well another 30 some logs down the old chipperoni this I I'm genuinely curious to see how many like how much wood this is taken I'm like hour three on building this thing and I I don't know how long this will take but we are getting closer you know step by step it's all about those baby steps we we also might need to go on a bit of a metal run soon because I only have 500 nails that seems like a lot but it is not a lot when I'm going to have to as like a final like cherry on top surround all these lower Walls by a single fence so yeah we still quite we still got quite a bit ahead of us but I'll tell yall when I finish off at least of these things here at times like these I really wish I had like some kind of wheelbarrow or something to haul planks with going back and forth constantly is so painful it is one of the most painful experiences because I have to go all the way around this Castle in order to like to jangle a staircase the correct way and it's quite a bit of work you know you know put exhausted and ridiculously tired on top of it but all my Blood Sweat and Tears will go somewhere damn it and then we had one more all the other sides are looking good even if they don't pop up on this angle they are up to uh condition so yes we're almost there just a little bit more and we'll be done with with our forever home grug you got this buddy we'll have ourselves some more soup and then once we get this final little Tower done the rest is going to be easy street with just a bulk made fences it's going to be a good time going to be a great time compared to whatever the hell we've been dealing with here I'm going to be so happy when this is complete all righty that's going to be the final Tower check that out and then all we got to do is a walkway but it's going to be a little bit so we can actually get this walkway done with I feel there's going to be a lot of problems here but I'm extremely happy now that we finally got like the the the bulky stuff out of the way you know and now it's just going to be a simple one two and three but I do know one thing we do not have enough nails to complete this whole job I I I will admit that much right now uh we we are very far from it actually so uh tomorrow I'm going to go on a bit of a metal run it shouldn't be that much of a problem as I uh I know exactly where to get it and I know exactly where to smelt it down Ain't No Rest For The Wicked that's for sure we woke up at a really weird time my sleep schedule's honestly been all over the place recently so I'm just going to wait till it gets a little bit light out for us to go find that metal maybe I should go start up the uh charcoal furnace right now just so we got that running and then we can go smelt down some more metal there we go we got that running as well and now that it's light enough out we can go out and uh dismantle some metal bars where is my propane torch now right here cool beans oh that's a hord oh that is a massive hord what the hell okay I don't even have my weapon right now what the heck hold on what okay that's just a feral but what are they sending hit squads after me now what is this don't do this don't do this ma'am there you go wow I really you really want me dead that badly huh it's been a while and your boy is itching for a fight holy hell you see that oh my okay wow gruger has uh really become a force to be reckoned with huh Jesus and uh while I'm at it I'm going to shout a couple of times nearby these fences because I don't I don't trust it as far as I can throw it and the last thing I would want is to get bit while disassembling this fence here I you know there's not a lot of times I would cry playing a game but that would definitely be one of it so I'm just going to give it a you know couple of shouts here and there make sure the zombies hear me and that I'm actually safe here before I begin we'll give that like 10 seconds to digest all right we're good I'm a little bit scared but we got this far let's just get this bread yeah there we go give me the metal bars I need it for nails well I think we have enough metal bars to uh to solidify the rest of the game so I'm just going to grab these and I'm going to head back a couple of zombies did jump out but I was prepared and I fought them accordingly thank everything that was holy I mean if I get bit I could probably finish it off at this point so I'm not super duper worried but it'd be a massive morale blow you know oh come on only eight metal bars and let's drop off these metal bars in here and then uh uh I guess I think we need to chop down some more trees we're kind of low on uh planks you know what we'll go chop down some trees why not while we're waiting for that all right that should be enough our axe broke so that's all we're going to be getting I think it's time for the allmighty fence montage and then we're done here folks uh I do want to clean up this area a bit because you know there's a bunch of grass everywhere and I want to set up like a little farming Zone just so we know we have it and then I think we'll be all set so I guess I'll see yall till then it's GNA be a lot of boops oh it's it's it's actually a really bright day out we're almost there about halfway and then it's smooth sailing from here on out oh I'm very happy with grug you know I think we really made it the distance and it's only up from here man literally up cuz I have to go up the stairs or I guess sheet rope in order to to [Laughter] build bam we did it oh that took too much time but we're done the weather's pretty terrible out and I'm going to go set up a quick little farming Zone on top of it you know what we we did it we did it and that's all that freaking matters holy hell we actually pulled it off we built a wooden Castle this this is it man this is it the only thing we need to do right now is clean up some of the vegetation on the road and set up a quick little farming Zone and we're done baby so I guess I'll see y'all then I can give you one last tour of this place and it's going to be great I will see you in a second now that is a castle oh welcome everybody to grug's official Castle tour it don't have much in here it's a very much Bare Bones project but um I'm still really damn proud of it and I should be this took a lot of time but here we are here's the main Courtyard of the castle there's actually not too much to explore around here but we have some state-of-the-art Road Pathways which I cleaned up painstakingly for the most part and over here we have a nice little cut in from the river did I mention that we completely cut off access because we are on this bridge this is both a very good defensive and tax worthy uh location you got to pay grug's toll in order to pass through not only that we have a close proximity to water due to being near the river so we have a nice set of farm plots which we can easily set up with carrots potatoes and go trapping for days and if we're bored with trapping it is spring yet again we have went through winter so we could just go spear fishing isn't that pretty rad and not only that we have ourselves our community lounge with filbert himself sitting next to the campfire don't get too close buddy H he likes to joke around in here we have grug's personal quarters a very comfy rustic cabin and outside we have his little workshop it's pretty messy but it got the job done and let's say there are zombies trying to Siege the castle that's fine we have state-of-the-art rope technology to lead us up to the the defensive Towers we got four of these bad boys you can host up with your bows and crossbows and rain down hell from above let's actually go hop up and see who's up here oh if it isn't Jeremy with his Berry collection what a funny guy ah look at the Grand scale of this Castle I like it you know it very much fits grug and I think and I think this would be a perfect place to end the series we started off as a little scared man with glass in his feet and look where we are now if I really wanted to I could definitely self- sustain until the end of time we we basically we we won okay and I think it's about time for grug to finally live out his life as the royalty he was meant to be anyways this took me a lot of time to build so if you did like this episode in this series it'd really help out a lot if you liked favorite it and shared and subscribed for more anyways this is private lime out and we are within grug's own castle peace the hell out everyone yes
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 107,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid base building, project zomboid guide 2020, project zomboid, zomboid, project zomboid map, project zomboid base, project zomboid wilderness, project zomboid wilderness survival, ironman challenge, project zomboid ironman, project zomboid ironman challenge, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid lime
Id: hIyDXwRrQek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 346min 13sec (20773 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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