Can I survive A VAMPIRE Apocalypse In Project Zomboid | 30 Days of Night Supercut

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project zomboid is a game about zombies slow shambling Stupid Zombies which are a pretty big threat in the context of the game with the monotony but instead of getting that experience for the 10th time I wanted to try something a little bit more different vampires fast intelligent and terrifying getting some inspiration from the 30 days a night film I set out to try to recreate that basic film for one the world has been plunged into Eternal darkness which means resources like electricity and flashlights are an necessity second of all the world is cold very cold to where staying out for a prolonged period of time can be harmful and finally the new enemy is fast enough to outrun you at a full Sprint strong enough to throw your character to the ground and cunning enough to open doors and windows if this sounds like a lot it is and so my goal is to survive a single month avoiding these fraks all within a 3-hour super cut for your viewing pleasure enjoy well welcome everyone to project zomboid and today we're going to have to survive 30 days a night today we're joined by Sunny Earl and we are also joined by probably one of the worst types of zombies I've created and so we're going to need to use everything in our Arsenal to survive which currently is just a singleand torch and some batteries which we can attach to our belt and turn on for ease of use other than that we are a lumberjack who's strong Brave and an Outdoorsman now how much will that actually help me out for survival is yet to be determined but um fighting these uh zombie SL vampire things is um pretty damn difficult wow we we got a dash key right off the bat I mean we don't have a single drop of food but but from the looks of it that car looks like it's ready to rock I I would be very happy if that actually did start um that feels a little bit too easy though I'm not even going to complain we also got a digital watch off of one of these dead corpses here uh there's a lot of dead corpses for good reason and if pipe wrench holy crap okay I'm feeling pretty damn good um the thing is with like fighting these things uh I've I've tested extensively their um Power and all that and it's quite literally impossible to fight one with your bare hands so having a weapon is really damn helpful other than that we do have some sheets here which I'm actually going to go grab really quick Bop B Bop and then we're going to be turning two into sheet ropes in order to make a quick little bag now it's not going to be able to hold too much but it is a heck of a lot better than having nothing at all I guess we go outside oh boy it's it's pretty damn terrible out and our flashlight is pretty damn low quality as well but let's go see if we can start this um this car up real quick uh please have gas it is currently -6 it does just a tiny sliver that's a pretty good sign but we're going to need to continue on ahead oh oh man it is brutal out let's just hop on over to the neighbors I can't see crap right now oh there's a zombie there um as long as they don't get the jumping on me we should be a okay hey buddy you going to open up the window here I'll open it for you okay we can take him up pretty well and let's hurry up and hop inside oh damn I do hear more in here I don't like that at all these things are very powerful so I can't let it get the jump on me and I am crossing my fingers that there's only one if there's more than one we're dead oh [ __ ] okay take her out oh my God see as you see these things are really damn difficult to deal with okay we got her on the stun lock she's done with as long as we don't miss she's dead that's exactly what I'm talking about though they are terrifying this lady also did have a revolver on her which I will take I'm going to need that revolver I'm going to need it badly oh man definitely a lot better than this pipe wrench we need a two-handed weapon with range now any food a dead rat it's better than nothing matter of fact I'm going to go cook that up right now yeah just pop it in the oven we'll have that go for a little bit okay it also looks like this place is partially barricaded as well I am really considering just starting up our sports car and trying to drive as far as possible away and maybe over towards the bar I feel like the bar would be the best bet for us right now you know have a nice cold one and wait for it all to blow over awesome dead rat acquired depression condensed it's the only food we have though oh check this out okay never mind we have ourselves a mua hunting knife and a baseball bat okay I'm feeling pretty good as good as you can in this God maybe we should wait for the storm to end that's a really thick storm man well let's go head over to our original home and then hop over towards the one up North and then loot that and then I think we're going to wait for it to blow over a bit because I think the blizzard is kind of reducing our visibility by 10-fold thankfully we can just hop from spot to spot and warm up real quick okay I just need to make sure no one's going to be in front of that house when we do decide to go out there let's do it remember we have to survive 30 days in this [ __ ] hole so um you know prepare yourself it's going to be a long one we're in oh oh man man oh wow okay I'll take a screwdriver I think it's inside with me oh no it's right out there we need to lock that door right now lock it okay we got it locked oh [ __ ] that's not going to last real long okay let's hurry up take the beef um we also need to take the um battery yeah yep yep yep beautiful oh oh there's also peas there I want those gind split peas good good good good take it take it take it take it take it all I don't that door is not going to last long at all matter of fact I'm going to section I'm going to put this um table right in front of there just so we have a little bit longer to uh loot this place there is more than three out there and that terrifies me there we go that should give us enough time to take a little peie around this area and maybe find some better stuff I don't want to be here for too long uh bandage is nice eye makeup sure we'll take it might as well doesn't weigh that much and that's it okay let's get the hell back to our original spot and wait for this blizzard to end godamn it's brutal outside lock the door shut the window turn off our light and we're going to just going to pick a nice little spot to uh cry ourselves in I just want to make sure that both doors are locked right now and if we can section off the windows with these um sheets it ain't much but it's like placing a blanket over your head as a kid you know oh man I already hate this series it's going to be 30 days is a lot man as long as we keep the doors locked and the area secure I don't see how this could go wrong man but there we go we got all the curtains shut off and we also need a water container we we we we don't have that much food if I'm be completely honest it'll be okay let's just wait for the blizzard to end inside this nice little corner here the cool thing is is that we don't even need to worry about um not sleeping correctly cuz it's it's always night you know it's always going to dark as hell Soh that's one thing we can not worry about hey actually while I was waiting it seems that the blizzard has stopped a bit it's light enough out to where I can kind of see what's going on if I look hard enough but it's still pretty uh it's still pretty um it it'd be pretty easy for them to get the jump on me still though so we still need to be pretty cautious but let's go check out the next home down this way that house right there oh there's two of them that see us okay we have this fence line here so it's not that much of a problem ooo oh my God you're so fast stop God damn it we got it yes [ __ ] you ah bring it actually don't fighting you guys oneon-one is terrifying but I'm going to have to fight you anyways so get over here right now over here chuckle nuts get ready swing there we go we just have the timer swings correctly and we can only fight one at a time it's that simple we're in lock the door we're safe for now let's see if we got anything good in here nope not a please any types of food in the kitchen zilch we also might be close to the hardware store matter of fact I think it's right down there but um the trip there scares me we don't have a good flashlight nor do I think we have the tenacity to actually make our way over there without dying horribly but one thing we can do is check out that home up there you can barely see it in the distance but it is 100% there and we still have this fence line here that we can hurry up and run back to should it hit the fan we also have this car here give me a gas can holy [ __ ] thank you God wow that's really good I really can't die now oh this also has gas it's looking good it also has keys oh but it's not as good as mine I am so scared right now dude I I actually hate it here I feel like my life is my life is 100% in danger we have gotten gas which is so nice we also have a stabby tool which we will definitely use let's check out this last home here rendevu back at our original base and then we can figure out what the heck hangs on going around here just need to make sure this place is clear before a zombie jumps me or a vampire they're vampires they're superhuman vampires they bully me I am literally strong and they're throwing me around like a rag doll dude come on sunny boy you got this we got this okay this place is clear let's see if there's any uh food that I would like to uh provide me grapes hey you know what we're hungry right now we're going to save those grapes for later though I'm going to be eating this rat it's going to make me a little unhappy but it's all that we have and I kind of want to save the good stuff ooh fish Fil-A nice and we also have ourselves some pasta fresh uncooked okay uh oh I could have added the oh we o hold on we can make we can make something we can make this work we got some uh pepper here matter of fact I'll I'll Chuck in all the pepper you got the pepper let's add some fish filet let's go cook that bad boy up at our original base of course I don't want to do it here but I will be checking out some of this a saw that's pretty damn useful that's one benefit of being strong you can carry a lot with you you know and I think that's it overall pretty damn worth it I was I'm actually very damn happy we got our hands on a gas can usually um I don't have that kind of luck we've been very lucky and unlucky with our first three fights almost ending in my death I also disabled scratch infection and the only way that I can actually get infected and die is if I get bitten that's the one thing that I need with this such with being so injury-prone anyways while we are here I want to hurry up and gas this bad boy up for later crossing my fingers that we have enough to uh move on around this place and we also have a map just don't go oh I I don't plan on going there be brave I love you we might go there though that that might be doable actually that's where chicken man died that's that's exactly that that's the exact building chicken man died in okay so how much gas we got just a sliver still it might be enough for us to make our way over towards the bar but we can drop off our saw I kind of want to keep the um the Ruger and the gas can on me as well that's pretty damn helpful and I also do want to see if we can add in some split peas into our stew here aha we can cool beans oh man man this I feel safe in this spot as long as all the doors are locked but anyways let's go add in some you know split peas we'll might as well take it easy and let's uh pop it on in the oven and cook it up oh man delicious and oh so nutritious let's wait for that thing to get all good and let's fill up our empty water bottle here as well just like Mama used to make pasta nice and while we're at it we're going to go make another with some more split peas and and some locally produced pepper cool beans and we'll we'll add in some more split peas if we can dump two in there that'd be perfect awesome we'll be cooking this for the road just like that and we'll save the rest of this for later the cooking pot is a very nice tool to have especially when it's very hard to find food in this place okay other than that though I think we're going to go uh rest up for the night we're probably getting a little bit tired matter of fact we can sleep right now so I think I'm going to go shove myself into the closet and I will see y'all in the morning or I guess not morning because it's always night but time morning yes okay never mind it's not morning we actually had a night terror so we're anxious now uh it's fine we don't need a full night's rest as long as it's uh looking a little bit better outside oh it's really not oh man I really wish this flashlight did a little bit more to help me but God damn this thing sucks but I bet these uh the these headlights are banging no they're really not not they're not banging either oh jeez we're just kind of out in the elements huh we still got a lot to do here you know and I'm not going to let that stop we got a lot of homes to investigate let's just hurry it on up cuz it is kind of cold out here I'm also hearing something around here and so I'm going to be using this fence to my advantage this is my best friend now you neighbor over there I see you I'm highlighting you right now come right over I'll come over to you okay she sees me let's hurry up hop over the fence wo I'm not I'm not risking it get over you you bastard nice as long as we can do that we'll be fine they might be powerful but they still bleed H yeah there's another home right down there and with homes comes fence lines which I will use to my every ability God I love fences fences are my friend they they're my bestest friend you know what else is my best friend light visible light oh oh the adjustment from Outdoors to indoors is just impeccable sadly there's not much in this place other than a dead corpse under a pile of trash probably got sucked dry oh we got a hammer though that's pretty damn awesome and a battery with a nice little TV magazine I'll be taking that as well uh another dead body oh oh my oh what the hell okay sir uh this guy had a Magnum Research desert Eagle on him why' you die when you have I he doesn't have any ammo okay oh dude that's a freaking that's a hand Cannon and a half it doesn't have ammo though so it's paper weight we already have a gun with ammo but what I will take is that box of 12 gauge and the 223 I I have a pretty good feeling that we'll come across some 12 gauge later down the line and we also have ourselves some rice dog food canned carrots that's that is all perfect for us anything to help us survive right now is very much appreciated matter of fact I'll cook that Rice right now while we're waiting oh we also got a meat Patty in here nice I'll be uh adding in some of the fish filla that we had and we can have that for lunch later beautiful fish fillet and rice and we'll be taking that meat Patty as well turn it on and we'll be all set and ready to rock what else do we have here rolling pin sauce pan nothing else let's go cook this bad boy up ooh mama I'll be eating it later though because we're not exactly hungry and we do need to ration out our food extremely rare does not mess around I hear a zombie I hear a zombie out there I don't know where it's at but I 100% hear it I hate this feeling I don't know where it could be but it's I definitely heard it dude hey chuckle nuts where you at I hate this I want to check out that shed but God knows where that thing could be okay we just take it take it easy this is not a rush I don't want to get myself killed either though it's fine I'm not going to get killed this is oh wow we have a car here as well come on right there right there right there no you can't get up stop that okay run away there could be another one around the area I don't hear anything else it was just her okay we got her crisis averted sadly this car does not have any gasoline in it but wow this one also has keys as well what why am I getting so many damn keys I I don't know what like my luck is really good and also not good at the same time I don't know how that works but I I'm not I don't care as long as we're getting the goods you know please they asked to be something cool inside this little like Workshop area nothing that's that's equally just as cool though because um finding something is a lot more terrifying in my opinion now while I am sitting here at the curb of the spot here I do see a fire truck that I really want to check out if we can get our hands on a fire ax Sunny's going to feel right at home and dispatching vampires we just have to make it over and hope that there's no zombies nearby but I don't see any in my very low peripherals so I'm hoping that it's going to be clear we're in ooh Riverside map that's pretty good this thing also has gas holy crap that's really good and a bandage I think we're safe enough to siphon out some uh fuel right now so let's go do that how much we got here oh this thing is filled that's what I'm talking about okay okay okay awesome sauce I think that deserves some fish filla rice goodness running through my system we'll be uh dropping off the saucepan because that does weigh us down and I think we're going to check out a few more homes here I'm feeling pretty confident at least one more I'm not seeing a lot of zombies in the area so I think we can be afforded this right now and we also do have some fence lines that we can use haphazardly but still use now I am hearing some zombies inside here so let's just see what's going on before we decide to hop on in I I I hear them opening doors inside that oh my God there's a lot there we got to go oh my God go go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ] run okay we're good we're out we're gone we're gone we're gone we're running our asses all the way back oh there's at least 10 in there dude nope nope nope nope nope not for me not for me not for me all the way back we made it back we got some extra loot I'd say that's a that that that that's a success that's a great success let's go hurry up drop off our stuff and drop off everything inside this car here we have enough gas to leave town now 100% this run is going too damn well to die here no way it followed me okay it's right there we're going to hurry up switch seats to the back here okay I have an idea I have an idea we need to equip our baseball bat right now oh you know what no [ __ ] this I'm going to we're leaving [ __ ] that no no no we're gone I should have looked at the map I really should have looked at the map we're just going to leave town we're we're leaving uh if we can make it to the shoot dude it is so hard to see the roads right now but we'll just try our best oh I should have really studied the roads before I did this man is it okay I think it's fine we should have enough to at least make it to the uh the bar and hopefully at the bar there's not that many zombies nearby I just ran that [ __ ] over that's fine we're we're just going to continue heading down this way God damn these things are so fast where the hell am I I don't know where I'm at there's one that did follow me actually there's multiple there's multiple that followed me okay by multiple there's a lot more then okay we can start this up and just run them over we we're going to open up the window we're going to bash this thing yeah yeah yeah eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it nice there's one down okay there's only the two that are around me now we can stop our car reliably I don't I did not want to waste all the gas I don't know where the hell I went we overshot it a little bit we should be able to rebound pretty easily let's hop outside and let's take out the other two here one two they're done we did it oh my I'm going to go drive back over towards the uh the bar we we overshot it by a little bit just just by a tiny bit we should have enough gas to get our way over there and then we can stay in that general area and be a okay we know where we are now I it's really hard to navigate when it's dark as hell out there we go we're at the bar oh my the the the best place in the whole wide world uh this zombie did decide to follow me so what we're going to do is um come on yep just like that whop whoop little little itty bitty okay we just killed her like that and it was just her we're good we're golden we're vibing we just got to hop inside this bar and make sure that these headlights are off so we're not wasting any um any car battery and then we need to see what the heck hang's going on in here come on it's safe there's alcohol for days here oh Mama Mia and I think I spy with my little eye a little duffel bag on this dead corpse here ah nice okay things are looking on up for us we got ourselves a duffel bag which is a hell of a lot better than our little sheet bag here we also have an abundance of alcohol food hopefully chips lighters a whole bunch of good stuff for us I'm feeling a whole lot better now and now we have a nice little base of operations it's far enough away from Riverside to where I don't feel in danger and I think if we play our cards right we'll end up AOK okay I don't know how long Sunny's going to make it but hopefully it'll be 30 days 30 days a night H I'll see y'all later peace out nothing quite like having a smoke behind a bar counter in one of the most unsaved places ever Sunny's doing pretty damn good really damn good we got ourselves a nice little stockpile of alcohol and we did get this other duffel bag on the previous episode which has some shot shot shells in it now we don't have a shotgun nor do I think we'll find a shotgun anytime soon but what I'm thinking of doing is actually using the second duffel bag as a container to hold my food in because we did get quite a few pieces of alcohol and other bits and bobles that we can uh just shove right in it will be nice having a second bag so we can manage our inventory just a little bit better but I actually want to base up at the market right above the bar I enjoy the bar but I don't feel safe here at all so yeah we're going to grab as much as possible and we're going to move right on out and hopefully not die horribly actually we're getting a little bit tired so what I'm going to do instead is lock the back door grab this wooden chair swipe all the alcohol that's just laying around here and drink ourselves to sleep behind the same bar counter this should enact some really good happy times and knock us out like a dead horse ah what a beautiful rest that was and it seems to to be snowing outside well uh it's about time we explore some of the rest of the areas I'm kind of worried scratch that I'm very worried but we'll see what happens we got our baseball bets so there's not a lot we should worry about right right how dark is it outside hey that ain't half bad at all holy crap we can actually see what's going on here and immediately I see two uh two vampires let's see if we can get the attention of one and uh dispatch them accordingly hey idiots you you over there come on I really don't want to get too close to you but I really want to see what that lady has oh I'm I'm regretting this already come on idiots dummies yes this way okay we need to go we need to start hauling they're faster than me we need to we need to Sprint we're good turn around bark you before you get back up oh thank gosh okay we got it that could have been bad that's why we need fences in this world anyways what did you have H just a duffel bag with pants nothing too good but we'll take the extra one and shove it inside our bag because we can make this one main bag and have the normal duffel bag be a nice secondary matter of fact what we can do is leave this bad boy here grab it later yeah things are actually pretty damn light out and it does help that the street lamps are on as well Illuminating our uh whole journey but anyways I want to check out the food market and I want to check out the grocery store so we're going to try and avoid the um H we're going to have to actually clear the out but what we can do is get their attention run back over towards little fenon area and cross our fingers they don't jump me because fighting them in a one-on-one open field is a it's a recipe for disaster so come on you there with the face yeah over here come on lady oh I don't like getting this close to you time to run ah I wish I was faster because she's definitely faster than me hurry up up the fence turn around she is right on my butt cheeks what Bango what Bongo go nice we just have to continue that so we don't get caught lacking with these things let's actually take this back alley route as well this could hit the fans so we got to be ready for a fight whenever and I honestly should be ready to uh get some damage I hear one we just got to be ready for a fight okay there's a lady here hey oh we got it okay we need to time that perfectly if they get to jump on me it's game over oh man this is safe though let's see if the back door is unlocked please it is no one's inside cool beans let's see what we have in terms of food stuff chocolate chips better than nothing and we also have a nice little onlooker let me help you out with that yep just like that nice we also have some cars up here which we could check for gasoline as well this air is actually pretty clear so I'm pretty happy about this let's see if there's uh any good food here we got some grapes ooh candy packaging granola bar mac and cheese and a muffin I will help myself to that right now actually that sounds pretty damn good o delicious and oh so nutritious hot sauce I'll be taking that as well it's a last resort but I will be taking it anyways and that's it an entire um store had a single candy package of granola bar and a muffin just absolutely wonderful let's go check the laundr as well you never know there could be something good inside the snack machines also I see a denim shirt I'll be taking that extra protection right now would be perfect we do lose the uh The Lumberjack shirt but it is uh but it's definitely worth it for uh protection especially in this series other than that there's uh nothing else here okay now we can go check to see if any of these cars has gasoline because with gasoline we uh we Prosper a heck of a lot more come on give me the goods nope just a bunch of maps which we will read so we can kind of get a better idea of our general area what about the second taxi no gas but it does have a wrench and a hand torch wow another one let's remove the battery in our old one and exchange it out hell yeah or even better we could dual wield hand torches double the power I don't think that's actually how it works but it'd be hilarious if it did we would become the human sonar hey check this out though this car actually does have some gasoline okay okay okay pretty good sign let's see what this Kentucky Herald truck has first it's locked we can change that really quick uh just a credit card anyways let's go siphon out some gas getting as much of this as possible is going to be really damn nice for us oh this thing is filled to the brim oh that's perfect though um with us taking that gasoline we're going to have to onand a knife so I'm hoping we don't have to use uh melee in this scuffle ahead anyways now it's time to see if this uh store has some some goodies inside of it the shelves are pretty ransacked but that doesn't mean there's any like hidden muffins or trinkets in here come on vegetable oil that's calories sadly I really hope it doesn't have to come to drinking olive oil fresh but I'm ready to risk it for the biscuits we also have a cockroach peanuts TV dinner tea bag and some more white beans hell yeah chalky chips instant popcorn and a whole freaking stick of butter and some eggs oh damn that's good okay those eggs will those eggs will go the long distance and lastly we got some denim jeans with a shell suit jacket I'll actually take the denim jeans I think the denim is slightly better yeah we'll take the denim jeans nothing inside this janitor closet and more importantly we got the back storage oh guess what we are we're a goddamn lumberjack guess what those are those are axes oh hell yeah we going to go full Vampire Slayer now what else we got in this place brown sugar pasta okay just just about nothing else I mean really God damn those are some nice weapons okay baseball bat I'm sorry you're going to have to go away I'm guessing they're both one-handed weapons yeah they are okay well I think we're going to go for the uh the pack Hatchet it looks to have a pretty girthy head on that oh yeah that's what I'm talking about the range is a little less than desired but um I can't complain I am honestly thinking that this can be our base it's uh pretty close to Riverside it has a pretty defendable area all we have to worry about is um the occasional Wanderer so how about this I think we uh shack up inside this place we're going to need to find a bed later but I think we can do that pretty easily let's drop off our food bag here and let's go take care of the uh populace hey there lady how are you I'm just going to sneak up to you really quick I I'm going to rush her I got it sh oh God okay we got it oh my God that was that was a little bit stressful she's dead though we cleaved her in twine her face has been chopped in half oh that was a little scary but I think we do base up in this place it's a little worse for wear but I enjoy a he of a lot more than our bar so I'm going to go take our sports car and drive it down here this is actually the same base location I did in my spoon Lord series for a good reason because it's pretty defendable and speaking of defendability I'm going to try and take these two zombies up here and then bring them back over towards the bar so we're going to just walk normally try and get their aggro and then make a oh she is 100% faster than me I'm going to I'm going to do a little bit of a a little bit of something else we're going to go into here lock the door there we go ah you're in my domain yeah nice try door's locked [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God okay she got the jump on me there but I'm the one who left alive holy that was a lot more risky than it needed to be let's go take out this other one now and not open the door yeah yeah yeah come on lady I ain't got all day please come right on over come on I'm right here there we go she's on me go go go go go we need to alt Sprint to this one there's no chance I'm not alt sprinting we're going to run inside lock the door and hopefully she goes through a window hurry up lock it please there we go through the window please the window is 100% open the real estate is f freaking tastic here let me tell you ma'am I am a really big fan of this Hatchet really glad I picked Lumberjack as well I mean it kind of makes sense okay you use a goddamn wood axe if you want to dispose of vampires if you're not using a uh if you're not using like a wooden steak you know you got to cut them in half you got to cut their like face off you got to cut their heads off so a good old axe has a lot of slashing and hacking power to do just that anyways let's go take our nice little sports car here fill this bad boy up to the brim just like that and let's take for a spin oh that's so much more gasoline now we're cooking and it's so nice that my lights are actually working now but we should try to maintain a pretty quiet stature as I'm trying not to attract half the town to our location we can gas up later for now I just want to bring it up close so we can you know drop off the loot a tiny bit easier yeah we'll drive it right up here beautiful good spot for it and the world is none the wiser okay we got a lot lot of stuff in here but before we do that I want to organize some of the insides here this is going to be I think my main living quter so I'm going to stack up all the boxes into that corner and then get the shelves a little bit better as well but before we do that we need to empty out every single box here and shelf as well there we go and now we can relocate them into better areas there we go we got this place a little bit more organized which allows us to actually drop off some Goods so now we have the two shelves there and our nice little box container thingy here and so what I'm thinking of doing is taking this fridge here and having this be our main way of uh storing food sadly we don't got a lot of like tables and stuff right now but we can get that as time goes on for now this is just a nice little work in progress of our base right I'm thinking of having our fridge here a nice two tile table down this way and then a bed right in the corner here it'll be pretty cramped but it will be home nonetheless we don't have a lot of food so uh we don't have to worry too much about not having enough space this fridge should uh cover all of our bases pretty damn well and so we're going to shove every single thing of food here into this fridge which we do have quite the number of and then we can uh drop off all of our other junk in their respective boxes as well I want this place to be pretty organized this stack of boxes here can be reading materials and Maps this one can be tools we'll be keeping this hammer and screwdriver because those are the most universal and the extra Tomahawk but everything else can go into here and this last one here can be weapons which we have quite a few of not the best weapons but they're a lot better than nothing including the pistol I don't really feel confident in my ability to use that too well just yet I'd much rather get my hands on a shotgun but there we go we've organized it a little bit and now we're going to go hurry up into this outdoor area here to grab the rest of our junk including the Cockroach I would never forget about you oh yeah we actually still have quite a few materials here that we're going to be able to eat heck yeah let's make sure we lock the back door before we uh decide to continue with our little thing here but I think this is going to be pretty nice spot for us you know I I'm feeling feeling pretty nice this is starting to look like home just got to drop off everything else right now and while we're at it we'll might as well eat our delicious dried split peas soup just like Mama used to make well we're very tired but we've kind of got this place looking pretty nice the last thing I want to do is fill up our water bottle and drop off our duffel bag into our main bag we can keep that for looting later but for now we don't need it oh another thing I kind of want to remove a lot of this trash we have here don't really want it taken up you know our main real estate there we go got to keep this place looking nice nice we do have a trash bin here which we can shove this trash into and then delete it like that oh a trash can is beautiful matter of fact I'm going to take this this thing is really useful you know what we'll might as well go clean up this spot as well matter of fact if we get some Nails on us we'll be able to uh barricade every single window here there's quite a bit of cleaning to do but I feel we can make this place like a little bit respectable yeah we'll leave the trash bin right here and since it's only 10: a.m. we'll go uh do the rest of our thing as well time to dispose a lot of these dead corpses here trying to keep this place looking nice you know there we go this place is looking a heck of a lot better now I would like to pick up those uh glass shards there but I can't right now cuz we don't have gloves and I really don't want to scratch up my hands but this place is looking a heck of a lot more serviceable now that we did a little bit of TLC on it anyways I'm going to spend the rest of the day sleeping on our little uh stool which is not really comfortable but before we do do that I want to make sure every single door here is locked the last thing I would want is for any one of these things to open up the door and get me while I am trying to sleep so doing a little bit of that should help us out anyways I will see y'all in the morning I would really like to say that I slept like a baby but with a with with a stool like that I can only imagine what pain I've been going through it it's still blizzarding out by the way we're not actually going to go through the back route mostly because I don't want to get jumped when we do go outside I'm going to go around and through the front entrance anyways I want to get a few more tables and I've kind of already dedicated this episode for establishing a nice little base camp so what we're going to do is we're going to go grab our sports car and we're going to go drive down over to the uh over to the bar to grab a few tables so let's hurry up and do this before it gets any worse out oh man man this weather is brutal we are a Sunday driver so we need to be a little bit cautious about that but anyways we're going to go hurry up ooh hello there well well well looks like we got a little visitor I'm not actually going to fight you get over here I'm going to run you over sir I really don't want to I don't want to take the risk so this is going to be the way you die oh my genius is unrivaled yet again okay let's go hop our way in now I forgot I locked the back door of course I did well we can go around we just need to get out of this uh weather right now it is currently -5 come on you big baby bastard and we're inoo God that's bad out and before we do anything else I'm going to go open up that back entrance just like that okay and I'm going to shut it again just in case okay so what I want out of here is uh this table right here actually I'm going to take a couple of these bad boys they're pretty damn nice and we can shove them inside inside our car seats as well one table per seat sadly there isn't any like sleeping Furniture in this place it's just all tables but I will be taking the tables because these are going to be pretty damn nice we can use them to uh set up some makeshift barricades though I am so disappointed we can't take that pool Q stand God dig it it damn it that would look so cool whatever that's fine also how long has this been chilling here what the hell oh damn I completely bypassed this wow that's a full tool kit okay that's pretty damn awesome what else we got here a tarp hold on we might be able to do something here with that tarp we could make a tent kit all we need is two sturdy sticks in four staks which we can 100% do oh we totally can okay I have an idea we're going to be using our axes after that to make a nice little tent kit which should make sleeping a heck of a lot better we got all the furniture we need we'll be also be taking some of these cardboard boxes just for uh the H of it and the shelves those shelves look great oh yes yes yes today's a good day we're going to get the hell out of our base okay that's pretty good we had to leave a table but we have a pretty good selection to work with let's get back now and I must say having this uh car to go back and forth makes life a heck of a lot easier and the return trip a heck of a lot safer I locked the back door of course I did a damn it okay we're safe from the elements now we're safe oh man where was I now okay there we go we got some more stuff set up we have our nice little section for a bed if we ever do get a hold of that but more importantly I want to get this tarp and I want to make a tent kit before we end this episode we should have all the materials we need all we need to do is chop down a few trees so we can use our axe just for that now I would be lying if I didn't say I was terrified to go out here in the um in the elements to do this but I got to do what I got to do right oh this I I feel in danger I don't like doing this but we have to let's just hurry up chop down the trees and then get the heck out of here there's one give me the tree branch and give me the logs okay hurry up grab it buddy we're going to grab the tube we're going to go back to see if that's enough woo we made it now we can grab our saw and saw these logs into planks and then turn those planks into sturdy sticks oh I'm starting to realize another thing we need a we need a knife to make Stakes we don't got a knife do we we have this wha hunting knife but I don't think we can use it no we can't well I guess that's another thing we'll have to get for now we can just uh leave these planks and sticks right in here including the saw for later it was worth a shot at least and it's something to look forward to if we don't just find a uh a tent or anything else in the meantime well the power hasn't went out so that's a pretty good sign of the future welcome back everyone to another episode of project zom bled and it is terrible outside -5 terrible it's also really damn dark again you know what I think it is okay let me bring y'all inside really quick it's 1:00 p.m. right now so the street lights outside aren't going to be on so I think this is going to be a series where we stay up during the quote unquote daytime and wake up during the night time because that's when the street lamps go on so I'm going to stay I'm going to park my butt right down here and we're going to wait until it is a lot better out because screw going outside in the elements when this is the norm mm- nope not for me no sir locked and what better way to go into that magical Fantasy Land than this bottle of alcohol right here puts you right to sleep oh bye-bye bye-bye oh yeah it's kicking in real fast now good night I slept for too long but this is going to test our Theory it's 2:30 in the morning I need to get my sleep schedule correct next time but let's go have some grapes and ha check it out it's a hell of a lot better okay so we really do need to go out during the night well today I think I'm going to pay a nice little visit up north to the fishing shack I think that'll be a really good spot we got our axe here so as long as we stay smart about this we should be a okay though we do have to hurry up because we will freeze our butt off out here and wow look at that there's actually a trailer right up there and of course right in front of it is a zombie if we get the jump on him that's going to be even better cuz he won't have the chance to turn around and fight me go go go go go no damn it stay back okay that could have that could have been that could have been really bad but we uh we pulled through it never gets easy fighting those things hey check it out we got bir Burgers oh my check these out we got fries we got ketchup that'll that'll keep us going for days what else we got here more fries ah kitchen knife right here beautiful now we can make the um we can make the tent kit uh chevr NY key an apron okay and that's it well I'd say that that makes the entire trip pretty damn worth it now with that knife we can craft more Spears and there also is a very nice looking car right here who knows it might have some gas for us another hand torch and another battery I'll take both of those that's really damn awesome it does not have gas though it was worth a shot oh okay never mind wow um speak of the devil we don't have to get that 10 kit anymore we just got one for uh for free that works I'll take it yeah God D it a damn and we also got some free non- perishable food in here my luck has been really damn good and I think that is because we went through the most terrible time with our previous Series so now the game is feeling a little bit better bad for us but I also don't want to risk it at the same time hello there oh do I really have to fight you oh she fell idiot I thought I was going to die there but alas we're alive this one actually has power on oh well well well I mean I am a fan of axes but if you give me a machete come on you know I'm going to take it give me that bad boy we can also make Stakes with these things holy heck I just found my new best friend a freaking machete we have some tackle here that we I don't know why he even took that it's not like we're going to be able to go fishing in this series we also have a welder mask will at least take the welding mask because it allows us to do a lot more crafting with it then we have a car up there that I would like to check out and maybe just maybe after we check this out we can take a little visit to the police station and get our hands on a shotgun good old 12 gauge buck shot of Rooney do if we got one of them bad boys we'd be living the dream we could do some drive-bys and really make make these zombies pay so I freaking love the vibe of the series still and I find it really damn cool on how much electrical light actually helps us out right I mean if the street lamps aren't on this place is pitch black and it makes me very worried for when the power does go out remember we have to survive 30 days in this crap so um what's it going to be like when the power goes out and it will go out I might get really lucky and have it only be on the last day but it's still going to go out also hello there hurry up follow me ooh let's hurry it on up I with these things right they speed up as they get closer so they they run like normal sprinters at a distance and we have a chance of escaping them but as soon as they come in like a 10 tile range they ramp It Up by 10 and they do a full Sprint and it is one of the most terrifying things known to man now I don't know a lot of things but that that that still doesn't take away from how scary it is okay you must understand God I love our character design it's very dirty of a look and I love that so much you know just the the old washed up coat he looks like a like like a main character to a silent hill game you know that that's kind of The Vibes I'm getting from Sunny he just has a really cool design it's also really dang dark but as long as we do our nice little sonar thingy we should be fine making it towards the gas station without bringing to much attention to us there might be a lot of oh there's one inside I don't like that at all okay are there any outside that I need to worry about as well it's getting really dark oh I should have slept at a at a later date I don't see any right now um I'm here to say hi please don't kill me I'm coming he died oh my God okay that one was actually walking see the thing is right is that there is a 1% chance that there will just be a random walking one and that's with the cataclysm settings there's nothing I can do to change that yeah most of the zombies will be the super fast brute ones but there are a few that are you know normal thankfully we did come across that one right now in any other case we would have we would have been jumped there this place is Barren really Barren there's not even there's not even cigarettes here dude that's it home slice that's it a lot of tarps I've been finding so many damn tarps but that's fine I don't really care about that what I care about you know is securing the good old gas station you're alive aren't you yep okay let's hurry run nope I'm not having any part of that right now nope nope nope NOP nope lock the door shove oh my God God damn it okay this this cooker also swings very slow I don't like that oh my God this is bad I don't like this thing it's going to get me killed it's so slow I am sorry you weigh a lot maybe I'll come back for you later you are very powerful but um in this series we need to swing as fast as possible if we're going to actually fight those things now that we got oh man it is so dark I kind of want to head back I really want to head back right now let's check our map to see how far we need to go though uh not too far that's actually pretty damn far we're in a bit of a we're in a bit of a pickle it'll be okay we got this all right once we get we need a we need a generator we need a how to use generator magazine as well oh it has gotten exponentially darker what the oh ooh ooh I don't like this at all it's actually so funny in how that works with time though with night time being the best time because that's when all the lights are on but there's not that many zombies so we should just be able to cruise our way on down drink some alcohol wait for it to actually be night time so the street lamps will turn on then and only then we will go outside okay we're safe bada bingus and the best thing is that we now have something to sleep on that isn't terrible I I know it's it it's revolutionary right we got ourselves something that we can sleep in pretty nicely let's go drink some more alcohol we'll have a beer can but what I will do is create a spear with this Branch here that's that's going to be a Vibe yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah especially when this is going to be an instant kill we might as well have it on hand and then we ought to drop off the rest of the stuff here like the welder mask and this assortment of other tools that we have here the long crossbow boats are really nice if we get a crossbow that's going to be game changing oh man kid you imagine but that's going to have to wait another day we'll drink our beer and we'll go to sleep and just like that due to the sheer power of alcohol we've made it to day four 4 30ths of the way there to through the challenge will it get harder yes will it get easier no why did I say that to reassure myself that I probably won't be able to do this we'll wait inside here for a few more hours and head out as soon as the Night Lights kick on which should be right now at 8:30 come on nope they are still off 1,000% 9:30 the lights kick on nope man I'm starting to think that um that it was a bit of a fluke nothing has improved it's actually gotten worse believe it or not why was it so light last episode and why do I miss it so damn much whatever you know what we're going to go to the goddamn police station today no rain nor sleep nor hail can stop me from making my rounds even if I am surrounded by complete pitch black darkness and all it would take is one zombie to get aggro on me we're doing it we're winning this the biscuits are with the gravy God please save me oh we got it as long as we hit them before they jump me we should be a okay even though my heart races every time oh my we are walking straight into their territory I wish it was a little bit easier to spot them out out and everything that would make me feel a lot better we just got to follow the street lights it's that simple and then we can take a nice little rest inside the gas station please save me convenient gas station location oo it's it's nice seeing light it's it's very blinding as well hello there how did you get here let me um let me help you out there buddy just like that oh it's a good thing we took you out before you got any more Rowdy you know those firefighter pants might be the vibe yeah okay that's a Vibe I like that Vibe and my God if I'm going to die inside the 30 Days of Night hell Zone I want to look cool so I think the gas station should be the police station should be that direction I can't see it but it's probably there I I actually see it right there just just barely illuminated in the darkness cool beans and all around it are zombies as far as the I can see I love zombies I I feel s it's suffocating to be in this situation by the way God why is it so dark I miss episode 2 dude I I miss it a lot I remember when it was very bright outside and I didn't have to worry about those kind of things now I miss those days well what we can do here right now is take this gas can and fill it up you know that's that's something you can always look forward to let's let's take some fuel before everything goes to [ __ ] ah wo it's it's actually wow it got really bright I guess 12:00 is the is the best time to go outside this is fun to think of also he sees me we are hauling ass we are hauling ass fast so fast you would not believe shut the door we have this window here dispatched disposed and it's very it's very laid out so 12 oh my stop it oh my you scared me lady please stop where did you come from ah I just going for my dick get away please I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate you I hate you okay how bad was it it was just a scratch you ruined my freaking jacket dude I can't believe you now remember this is this is why I have scratches infection disabled I'm vibing I'm also not vibing my my heart rate has gone up by quite a significant margin how do you feel ma'am that that you put me through that no I I really want to hear I want to hear you say sorry to to me who got absolutely abolutely scared chess from that little Kur fuffle you pulled there God dig it it damn also it's so bright out now oh I missed this light okay so there are times of when we need to go outside and that time is 12:00 a.m. right on the dot Witching Hour beautiful time for it the moon is out all the night lights are out I can see everywhere is deafening actually this light holy [ __ ] it's so bright that that's freaking awesome dude oh man how I missed that so much and we we made it to the police station w we got a night stick there that's that's a weapon we'll take it up also we can take this uh bottle here and we can actually fill it with gasoline pretty cool huh it is nice having this water but I feel like gasoline is a lot better we'll leave this here for now for now I want to see what we got cooking in this police station Armory anyways let's get slapping bada bam and let's getra Okay I was about to say Kraken but that's actually already open uh uh uh wow we have pants you're really spoiling me game oh never mind more 12 gaug shells it's all ammo but we don't need ammo we need a [ __ ] gun dude come on you can't do this to me I mean I'll take the 9 Ms and the that's a lot of 357 Magnum that's a lot of that's that's that's a ton of 9 mil okay what else we got here we might actually be able to get a gun if there are some police cars over here but we are exhausted so I'm going to go rest up in here for a little bit I'm just very happy that we were able to loot this at the very least anyways I see you bastards down there and I would love to have a word with you oh 12:00 really is the vibe dude it's so bright I love it here yeah follow me okay she's fast she's faster than me so let's hurry up run inside boop boop lock come at me at the window please ma'am thank you see I like it when they have the sense to do that beautiful you pass with flying colors manam just on how to act correctly hello I that door was not open the last time I checked I forgot there was a back door oh God this is terrifying me I'm not going to do this actually this is how you die this is how you die in a horror movie going into the the little claustrophobic hallway see what we're going to do instead is go around and get the aggro and Lead it back around okay we're starting to learn we're adapting we're overcoming I see you cop zombie you actually might be normal yeah okay it is normal see like the special ones like I think the firefighter zombies and the cop zombies uh they can't be the brutes which are running and since they aren't running they can't have the um the super speed like [ __ ] McGee over there which is it's a small limitation but I feel like the way you actually would be able to circumvent it if you are going to do the series is if you set everything to sprinters which is something that I forgot to do anyways we got ourselves a Franklin Key not this car but this van over here electrox sounds like a reputable company we'll be checking out the trunks just in case if there's an extra gas can here nope okay let let's try a little bit of uh little bit of some some inside this station wagon here ha the hatchet is a skeleton key it actually is it is it is a fantastic skeleton key doors no problem Windows no problem hotway ing there's a problem other than that no problems and we only have some safety goggles here you know I'm pretty happy with that we got like six boxes of 9 mil we also have a whole bunch more here there's definitely an increase to the amount of uh vampires down there I don't want to I don't want to [ __ ] around with that I don't know how I'm going to count counteract with that but I don't really care about that that Jack all I really care about is getting as much supplies as possible and I would love to fill this water jug up with gasoline before the power goes out and then we can leave that the gas station and it'll be pretty damn nice I mean look how cool that is though like come on you got to appreciate cocoa water overhaul for doing this it's it's it's a really cool Vibe oh oh oh no oh no we got a few visitors okay let's start hauling she is on my cheeks I hear her breathing down my neck when when did y all show up hello well that doesn't matter just come through normally ah you open the you open the window for me what a nice person wow why can't more people be like that that I almost I I really almost crapped my pants there also it's getting very close to when the lights are going to go out and I scared of that I just want my gas it's that simple really why is there so many now where did you come from oh it's a birthday boy it all makes sense now oh that explains everything please okay it's locked I think he got caught up on a window here oh he did oh he's going back around why are they so conniving stop it stop being so smart I I need to worry about if that other lady is going to go through that way thank God she didn't you with the face oh you're you're going to make this hard on me aren't you what we might be able to do is remove the glass out of this pain here and she ah she she got it she got she got she got a whiff of that she got a whiff of what I'm selling and you picked the door out of all [ __ ] places you picked a door oh that's a death trap for me why did that get me she was right there and I I have an idea we can we can run through these windows right so my plan let's clean this window pane up smash it all the way as well make sure no one else is coming up behind me because we can charge through it like that so all we have to do is get her aggro ma'am and then hurry up and run through no problems right she she's actually so fixated on the door I'll be able to jump up right behind her and clog her brain in twine I don't know how I'm clogging it did you eat your weedies she was oddly built different I guess it doesn't make sense we are hungry and we are tired there's another birthday boy down there and you know what [ __ ] it we might as well go kill him oh you're a fast one but I'm faster you know I I I ran track in high school you really stood no chance against me Hello Goodbye man I really do think this is the vibe though we can just Sprint through Windows willy-nilly no problem so how about we go do that to this window as well and we have two ways we can go through 1,000% worth it especially when my life is always on the line anyways now that the area is clear yet again we can go grab our freaking gasoline take fuel from the empty water jug holy crap we can that's that's some fuel dude we're going to be here for a while filling this up but we fill this up we get back home I'll feel a heck of a lot better you know the more I look at it though this um this water jug with fuel really looks like a piss jug and I'm sorry for implanting that idea into your mind as well I don't even know what I'm saying anymore I'm just trying to say something while I'm just desperately filling this up we are getting cold by the way it's - 21 Jesus but hey we got that [ __ ] bread look at that 30 lb we're cooking with now you know we got some important cargo here I locked myself out of the own gas station am I an idiot am I dumb am I am I a little stupid yes yes I am I can say that with confidence so let's unlock it and let's wait a little bit mostly to warm up from the cold cuz that is getting us okay there we go we're tired we're hungry we need to get home now another thing I'm keeping an eye out for is how long these um these lights last for right that that's going to be pretty important cuz I want to create a decent sleeping schedule and knowing when these things turn on and turn off is essential for our survival because this visibility is beautiful I I miss it so much compared to what we had compared to the [ __ ] that we had to deal with previously okay these lights oh artificial light light pollution is the only reason why we can live right now this anyways we're actually pretty damn close to the gas station so we don't have much to worry about but it's nice that we are stockpiling quite a bit here so I'm going to I'm going to call the day a a flying success all right we accomplished so much today we got gas we got we got more gas we we have copious amounts of gas look at all this gas gas gas all right I'm pretty happy we actually got home now and now we can just go sit outside inside the comfort of our own home and actually see when the um power goes out we'll go help ourselves to some we'll eat some ketchup today we do need some more food um looking at it and this is definitely not 30 days worth of food at all really it's it's pretty damn brutal so I think I'm going to go sit outside for the rest of the day and we're just going to O there's an ambulance up there we might actually get some good supplies I mean we are tired but if there's no sign of a threat nearby I will gladly take a look and who knows we might get some really nice medical supplies which we need very desperately especially since it actually matters in this series to where we can survive any scratch just not a bite I feel like if a vampire bites you me come on it's game over and even in 30 days a night it was actually just um if you got any blood contact so that would include scratches but to save my sanity with how cracked these things are and so we're just going to go sit right here look on outside and we're going to see how long it takes for the lights to shut off today ah okay so it seems that it is getting a bit darker here it doesn't seem to shut off this is very much an anomaly it is 10:00 a.m. right now and so what I'm thinking it is is that whenever the lights actually turn on when it's night they stay on because the world stays dark so I think we just go to sleep at 10: actually it's getting darker it is 1,00% getting darker isn't it no I'm going to have to figure that out later for now I think I'm pretty damn happy with what we've gotten so far it's definitely needing a little bit more experimenting of when these lights turn on and when they don't I'm going to go catch some z's and I will see y'all next time peace out and so we wake up at the witching hour and Alive man with a definitely longer beard welcome back everyone to another episode of the 30 days a night challenge we're doing a okay okay it's only going to get more difficult from here on out but uh yeah I think today we're actually going to go ahead right on over down past the gas station and over towards this L-shaped building here because right here is going to be a Hits video store and at that hits video store we should be able to get some VHS tapes and a TV to uh kind of you know flesh out our base a little bit more and to get some more skills while the electricity still lasts we are a little bit anxious because I did have a night terror but going out there and do the horrors of the night should be a lot better we woke up at a really damn good time it's 12:00 p.m. so visibility is at an all-time high so without further Ado Let's uh let's go into the long dark oh and I've already stumbled my way into a zombie oh we took her out really damn easily though uh that's the thing with fighting these things I'm not scared of them actually I am scared of them on a one-on-one because if I don't land those hits correctly they will destroy me in every single way possible these vampires are superhuman strength so all it actually does take is just two to jump me and that will be the end of my story which that isn't really a good feeling at all hello would you like to follow me over towards the gas station just don't miss it's that simple nice we got her anyways I want to go chill at the gas station for a little bit you know warm up a tad and uh just just just try and take a bit of a chill pill dude this this series is very stressful you know what let's also use our spear here if you think about it this wooden Spar is basically just a very long wooden steak right so what better way to kill a vampire than what this bad boy I still call them zombies on accident but I'll get used to the terminology soon enough well we're all warmed up so let's just continue on down I'm I'm really hoping that we get some really good VHS tapes from the store and it goes without a hitch you know I oh oh wow you know I was complaining about not finding a pistol that I could use this 9 mil with but lo and behold it was just on this corpse over here I'm not sure how good of a shot we are but I mean a pistol might might just be what we need to turn a 2v one into a 1 V one so I'll take it we are using the breida gun pack so there's a pretty good chance that we're going to be able to use this Bera right off the bat we are going to be saving it for later though because if I do fire a gun well well well hello there [ __ ] hey that's no fair you stop stop it no bad bad oh my God this is throwing me around like a [ __ ] rad doll stop it stop it with the shark technique never before in any Series has a one-on-one between a zombie been that difficult and that is exactly what I'm talking about um there are some more down there I'm going to I'm going to try and stop inside this twiggies though cuz we are freezing our tits off right now please let me in lock that door anyways like I was saying we're not going to be using the Beretta right now because if we were to shoot this we would attract half the damn City to our location it is breas so the weapon range is a little bit more lenient but I don't want to risk it right now anyways we got some freaking BG they're rotten I I I want my luck to finally be good this series because almost all the time we've been getting alarms we've been getting a lot of alarms and whenever I do decide to do plans like this there almost always is an alarm to accompany it so I'm hoping that we're just going to be able to make it to the VHS store grab the TV grab some Woodland Adventure videos and and watch it until the moon blows up and we get daylight back also that is a very nice Chester Field coat can I have that oh I like it it's a little bit more dark but it does have more protection and it doesn't slow us down as much as you see right here I'm I'm going to take it dude yeah I mean if we can't get our fries we can at least get the ketchup and I'm going to be locking every single door here so we don't get jumped by the denisons of the night out there there is five five that is way more than I can handle yes sir we so what else do we got inside this fine establishment here spios top-of-the line burger joint fire extinguisher we can take that we probably will be using Molotov sometime in the future so having one of those right now would be pretty damn nice let's see what else we got here oh kitchen knife beautiful I love those nothing nothing nothing ooh chicken nuggies don't mind if I do those they aren't rotten okay I just wanted to double check cuz um I would much rather die to a vampire than die because I ate some rotten chicken nuggies that just sounds like a terrible way to go out okay let's lock the back door and how about we use this window right over here as a trap for these things we need to use the environment to our advantage if we if we want to succeed in the series it it's the only way we can so uh hello there come on I want to get your argro as far as possible so I have enough chances to run away with my life you know that whole shebang come on please okay there we go she's following me we're probably actually we're going to need to Sprint oh they are so fast man so very fast maybe I'm just slow I don't know anyways it's time for you to die ma'am G hey you broke my freaking spear you know how much that thing cost me cost me a whole Branch that's fine I'm a more of I'm more of an axe guy anyways I hate how they're all looking in the wrong directions that makes my life so much more difficult you wouldn't even know man God why can't life be easy you know I I guess actually I could answer that myself and it's because I don't make it easy look how volatile they are she's just zooming in another Direction what the heck how the hell am I supposed to combat these things when they're looking in the wrong direction idiot idiot sandwich there we go okay she's on me uh both of them are going to be on me we need to start hauling over towards our nice little uh oh I hear their footsteps right behind me we're good we're safe so please come on over and I shall give you the time of your life it seems like it was just her that followed me she had some designer glasses wow w we W and then there was one of course he turns away to make my life a little bit harder oh it's getting dark as well we need to hurry this on up okay we'll headit up the hit vids we'll get the heck out of Dodge so please follow me I'm right here come on there we go we got it we need to start we need to Sprint o both of them are on me there we go hop on through we're fine come right on over please this is this is my only Solace right now bada bam bada boom all it costed was half of our um sanity it is getting darker sadly the lights um being on it only lasts for like a very small moment so that's a bit of a problem but I think we should be able to make it over to the hit vids and make it back home we just have two more to deal with and then we're we're in the home stretch there's a one and number two has mysteriously moved away I don't I don't like that at all okay that's fine let's go um let's go take this uh station wagon key who knows it might be filled up with gas that'd be pretty cool if it was oh this bad boy has a full tank okay we might have to drive this back when when we're done raiding up to hit vids damn that's a good sign now all we have to do is uh fangle our way on back over and we should be a okay I think we've taken care of most of the vampires in the general local I don't see any in this ominous back alley H do we want to smash a window yeah [ __ ] it I'll smash a window I don't see any zombies in in do so there we go hello oh [ __ ] you trying to get the jump on me huh you bastard oh there's another get ready [ __ ] he got me get off you bastard that could have been bad that that could have been that could have been terrible okay let's continue to do our thing now I am hearing some banging in here no one's coming up behind me let's hop on in let's just be very cautious okay she's outside you over there lady I know you see me over here let me let me Smash this window yeah right right in here I'm kind of scared that the back door's going to open but I need to take her out just for for safety measures you know and we're going to remove all the glass here so if we do need to jump through like an action man we can do just that let's take it easy we might be indoors but that don't mean we're safe just yet you know with these types of zombies it it can hit the fan at at at a moment's notice and I am not ready give me that mayo though what else y'all got here was it just Mayo you just serve copious amounts of mayo here oh bacon okay I'll take some some some bakeron D let's see what else we got in here dead body normal more importantly I need to make it to the hit vids the hit vids is quite literally right down the street oh my God lock those doors okay they're hungry who can blame them I sure can't oh you see me open the door slash nice we got him she's busy noming on the that dead corpse we don't have to worry about her Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy on my way we've made it okay let's see what we got here Albert Wellen nice Woodcraft episode 5 that's exactly what I'm looking for oh I can't believe I made it blood in the hood I'm so happy we made it to the VHS store I'm I'm very happy about that I I am so damn happy what what else we got in here give me some Classics like I don't know Car Zone ooh all over again I love that film what a classic uh give me that poster as well yeah forgotten element poster give me that bad boy the moderators season 2 episode 4 we also have ourselves a TV that we're going to be able to take as well mother's boy be that that That's a classic as well just Timeless lives taken Perfect action movie television give me that right now door flash I don't see her we're good there is a desktop computer there I kind of want that really bad um oh I I want that a lot I'm taking that desktop and in order to counteract that I'm going to need to leave my pistol and the Forgotten elements poster inside my duffel bag here we're only slightly encumbered it should be fine as long as we're not heavily encumbered you know let's go take this last pause poster and let's also eat this entire thing of mayo as well that should bulk us up enough to where we can carry this no problems yeah yeah that's what I'm talking about we're stuffed let's uh hop back outside and let's um let's leave I'm done here I kind of want to check out some of these other things but also at the same time they are following me I locked both right okay thank God I did yeah we're going to avoid that we're not we're not we're not going to associate ourselves with that because rather than going through the front why are you in the corner sir let's hope that they don't bash down that door quick enough there you go beautiful okay anyways like I was saying rather than going through the front we can instead hop right in and through the back now we're thinking now now now now our gears are working now our brain box is at at a th% um actually I don't I don't I'm going to leave I nope I don't want I don't want to do this anymore I'm leaving mm we're done here I'm going to take my uh station wagon and we're going to get the heck hang out of here probably going to attract a few to the location but that's fine by me I just I want to get home with the loot that we have and I don't like being encumbered at all so let's start this bad boy up come on ah there we go and let's drive it on back towards our base camp we're going to be attracting a few zombies but that should be a okay I am willing to take that risk to get home safely and with the new car I love cars having multiple cars makes me feel very nice so let's pull right on o that's a that that's I don't want to hit that though let's pull right on in the back wait a little bit to make sure no one followed us and then we can hop outside yeah right here will be pretty good let's just uh stop right here we'll wait a few seconds ah there was someone let me start this car up and just run you over oh was a birthday boy and it was just him who followed me cool beans we can finally stop our car turn off the headlights and get back inside to where it's nice and we don't have to worry about dying horribly man that was that was very stressful I did not like that whole encounter at all but we got out of it just fine and guess what we got ourselves a freaking computer all right we got the gamer setup all we really need is a bed but who needs a bed when you got a freaking computer we also got ourselves a t Vision here that we can place right on the side dual monitor set up in the 9s [ __ ] yeah brother and you know what another thing we can do I'm going to I'm going to take this um these metal wall shelves here and we're going to place them right off the sides here and this is where we can keep our VHS tapes how does that sound heck yeah that's what I this is this is starting to really turn into a home a forever home a home that I'll probably die in but that's okay we got a couple of posters as well we we can place those Bad Boys Around Here Yeah start to make it look lived in you know yeah there we go you can't really see them that much but they're there they are there okay I I actually like this a lot we also have our pistol here which we can reattach as well sadly not much in the food department but that's a okay so um yeah I think for the rest of the day what we're going to be able to do here is just chill inside and watch some nice movies we don't have that many but we do have a episode of Woodcraft so we're going to go turn this bad boy on insert episode 5 of Woodcraft and play it we've earned this break okay with the amount of crap that we just went through I think we deserve it you know we get to watch it we get to watch a few movies we got to treat ourselves or else we're going to go insane you know heck yeah we we got half a level of carpentry there beautiful another thing I want to do is um clean ourselves off we are filthy dude like just rancid filthy but but this should lighten up all of our clothing to be at a respectable Pace yeah dude I like that a lot okay so what I think what we're going to do tomorrow is we just checked out the um the video store area but right down here this Green Building is a food market and I do enjoy quite a bit of food so I think that's going to be the vibe we're going to down this entire bottle of wine and go to sleep very quickly I'll see y'all in the morning well it's 8:00 p.m. I'm awake and while I was sleeping I'm hearing some commotion outside so I heard him coming down around this way it's still really damn dark out but the lights should turn on Midway through our little looting spree so it should be no problem where is this guy now I heard him wandering I hear him I don't see him oh hello oh my God you got very close to killing me sir you were inches away me centimet away from dishing out Justice to my body it's starting to uh lighten up a bit though which is good we're actually G to wait until the street lamps turn on today I I'm just going to wait a bit they should be on real soon and as soon as they are I'll be able to feel safe outside because right now I don't and I am completely fine with reading a bit of material to have that time pass by ah now this is more lik it it's still a little bit dark but it's just light enough out to where I feel safe so yeah we're going to go hit up the gas station and then we're going to go hit up the food market right below the twiggies we 've already done a bit of a job uh clearing it out so it shouldn't be that much of a hassle the only hassle I see is encountering zombies on the way which is uh something we can't really help come on I know you already see me oh we hit it oh man it is it is there is just a very very small sweet spot for you to hit but when you do hit it we can take them on in a one-on-one situation as long as the cards play in our favor and hey look at that we've actually leveled up our sprinting to level one hell yeah that's what I love to see let's go rest up inside this gas station real quick and I honestly might take my machete back as well we'll just throw that in my normal bag and we'll go equip our food bag right now the thing that I realized is that despite it swinging very slowly I can also use it to make Spears and sharpen stuff with which is pretty damn nice so I don't want to go you know I don't want to go on without it anyways we are approaching Ground Zero here and we ought to be ready for a fight or multiple fights oh it 100% is but I want to go to Milk andmore all right I I want a lot of food here oh the lights just kicked on and it is oh 12:00 seems to be the golden hour for us to uh move on and loot stuff and it allows us to see every single adversary in our way let's see if we can sneak up behind this guy and uh kill him before he oh that was a close one he almost got me he should have been a little bit quicker let's go check some of these cars before we um go into the milk and more store that kind of Rhymes milk and More Store okay it does not have gas if it would have had gas I would have like actually laughed out loud because of the amount of drivable cars that we've gotten so far ah damn the van is locked I would smash the window right now but we are in unfamiliar territory and I would rather not get jumped by five different zombies because of one small action you know I'm willing to bite the bullet a little bit and just uh only loot the stuff that I can access right now which is a whole lot of nothing we're not getting much here uh we do have a Rosewood map which I will take and I will read milk andm store we're almost there just a tiny bit more I also see a fence down there which I will use to my advantage should I need to but I'm hoping that we're just going to be able to hug this wall here and get in without too much of a hassle please let this be a normal field trip we're in let me lock the door just to uh you know stop any Intruders and let's see what kind of food we got here we got some mushroom soup we're going to be be taking as much as possible here we don't have enough food to actually last this 30 days so getting as much food right now is going to be very important hello thank you for using the windows and not the door it makes me feel heck of a lot better window yeah that's what I'm talking about you're my man let's go window boys oh I dread the day I have to fight more than one of you in in an enclosed area why did I go through the why did I I I clicked once um ouchie it's only our left hand but still ouch oh my God we locked ourselves out huh whatever let's just bandage ourselves out here but hey we're back in and I will take one scratch rather than um a bite or a laceration you know oh jeeez that seems to be it for the fridges here but let's see oh damn we really need a microwave so we can cook some of this stuff but that is a lot of prepared food we have there we're going to be able to cook that up we'll be able to make it into real fine Cuisines all we really need is a um is a a microwave oh and also a single peppermint takes away 10 hunger holy crap what are they loading those things kidney peas we have a lot of peas and beans and and rice a lot of carbohydrates which is something you really can't uh sleep on so I think next episode we're going to go raid some um some normal homes for microwave maybe go raid some storage Lots near the warehouse areas in Riverside and then to and then after that we go raid up a storage facility so we can get like a in a real bed down and then we should be able to get some you know get it really nice I am pretty sad not taking any buckets though cuz we are going to need some some of that in order to carry a lot of water when the water does go out anyways that's it that's it for this spot we got almost 12 lbs of food which is a massive wi in my opinion we'll eat this entire thing of sugar right now actually oh delicious and definitely not harmful to my kidneys let's get the heck out of here it's gotten very dark out so as long as we follow this route up through this way that's a twiggies down there you can barely see it we should be fine I'm going to be using every single sense that I have not so much my visibility and my sight but a lot more emphasis on my hearing we can't use Touch because this is a video game oh I really do like our system of uh traveling though you know just hopping in between each like individual building to warm up catch our breath after running away like an idiot it's very systematic and it's very nice I'm I'm actually enjoying this series quite a lot other than the stressful amount of zombies here and despite they're not being too many zombies it still carries the same amount of tension where are you coming from oh my God owie ow okay you pushed me over you oh oh exactly like I was saying oh that's my leg that's my shins God why is it so hard to see you okay I I I I I need your skirt please I I need to bandage this up oh man that hurts we have a noticeable limp in our gate now and that's not good oh it is so much darker at a normal day here but we are almost there just a little bit more and that is another reason of why we should kill the stragglers on our uh path when we can because encountering them in the middle of the night is a lot more terrifying we got food we got VHS tapes I did everything I wanted to do today without much of our problem thank you game we had a little bit of a hiccup you know we got a little bit of a limp but I think we're going to turn out just fine we made it we are finally home let's go drop off all of our goodies now I really want that microwave I think we're going to leave all of our legumes and all of our carbs right inside the freezer here doesn't make too much sense but don't question it I'm not that organized we'll help ourselves with some cheese and I think I'm going to go end the episode here we have survived just about a full week uh we still have a lot longer to go but I feel like Sunny actually has Us in the bag we've stayed in Riverside for quite a while so I think it's about time we go on a bit of a field trip and so the plan for me today is to drink this entire bottle of wine and chart out our course that ways hopefully getting some well- needed supplies from those areas but before we do go ahead with that I'm going to go fill up every single water bottle we have just to prepare and I'm going to save this meat Patty to eat later other than that we're going to wait for the booze to kick in and hopefully get a good night's rest and wake up at a pretty late date ah nothing like sleeping in a tent in a building really gets those camping Vibes you know well as long as it gives us a good night's rest I'm not really complaining it should be light out yes it is okay we're not going to be taking our sports car because I feel like it's going to be very loud instead we're going to be taking the good old station wagon with a full tank of gas this bad boy should get us from point A to point B pretty damn easily the only problem that I currently see is um it's really hard to figure out where the hell the roads are you know it's just all blinding amounts of snow but I'm going to pick a direction and hope it's a correct one yeah we can we can figure it out while avoiding anything that comes after us on the way I don't want to go super deep into Riverside because that's when things start to get pretty damn dicey but going out on a nice into the outskirts maybe raiding the warehouse and all that might be the vibe also I picked a really bad time to go out that's fine we're going to hit up the couple of farm homes and then we're going to go down over towards the warehouses and maybe just maybe we might pay a visit up towards the super remote regions up this direction oh is that a trailer I see hold on hold it for a minute don't mind if I do we just have one more person to take care of oh over here idiot yes fall right into my trap okay okay okay uh this is a really damn good sign it also has a screwdriver here but I don't really care about the screwdriver what I care about is we have a freaking trailer that we're going to be able to use with this bad boy right here our potential increases by so much so let's hurry up Zoom around it and go grab that bad boy for later use the only problem I see right now is moving some of this junk out of the way but what I will do is just playfully nudge the trailer out of the way it's that simple bada bam only dented my car in that and bada boom we got ourselves a trailer hell yeah now I don't know how much that's going to slow me down but having a trailer is just nice they're also pretty damn rare So coming across one this early is a real Boon to be had so we're going to be taking a turn into this driveway here and we're going to be banging up a left gosh it gets really dark out in the boonies huh I don't like that at all so our first stop is this garage here so I'm going to run these two things over open up our window and give them a good little Bonk in the head bada bam bada boomoo let's actually keep the car running when we do go outside um just in case if we do need to skidadle really quickly oh man I really picked a bad time for it but let's hurry up hop on in we're in uh let's see if there's anything good in here fertilizer useless in a winter run and there's nothing here as well it was worth a shot let's make sure to close our window and continue down this road over here yep we've made it over towards e home I don't know how many vampires there are that's kind of terrifying I'm hearing a lot actually this um ooh ooh I'm hearing a lot of footsteps right now let's see two okay two ain't that bad let's uh let's pop up in the window really quick and give him a good old slash and that they're always going to remember oh Drive buys are the vibe I think that's both of them taken care of we're safe enough to stop our car here and stay the rest of the night here as well so let's close up our window shut off the car turn off the headlights and leave this guy actually had an annotated map on him which I will take now we're going to be hugging this building here mostly because everywhere else is dark as crap so I'm just going to open up my way on in shut the door behind me and lock it we've made it inside now before we actually do go ahead and loot everything here I'm going to be clearing out this whole place to make sure that there's no one around to uh jump me and I will also be taking this uh round next spider for that extra 10% scratch defense now we can't get lulled into a false sense of security because the start went really well any minute there could be someone behind one of these doors and they could instantly destroy my life even with a pretty decent scratch protection across the board it can still hit the fan but thankfully this place seems to be in the clear now what do we got here nothing other than a short sleeve shirt hey we got a baseball bat in this one that's that's pretty damn good I'm actually really damn surprised we came across that usually you don't find weapons in homes like this and downstairs we have a tailoring book a dirty bandage which I will take and some tailoring supplies as well only a thread there's actually no sewing needle which is a which is a bummer but I can live without it let's go check out the kitchen lastly hey check that out corn beef that is very high in calories we also got a Vesper Goblin um that sounds that sounds like a pretty damn cool uh cool ride and lastly we got some table salt if it gets real desperate we can eat that but I actually did decide to pack some food on the way so we're going to go help ourselves to this meat Patty that's kind of bad but it's still cooked and so it'll give us all the nutrition we would ever need feeling a little sad this is a pretty good tradeoff for a full stomach and I think I found oh there's another zombie here oh nice try God I just karate chopped you to the next Dimension ma'am I am so sorry for that one but also not sorry cuz that was cool as [ __ ] anyways I actually found the um the the vehicle the Vesper Goblin here it's a nice little slick trim machine here hop on this bad boy does it start holy [ __ ] it does yo I think we take the I think we take the goblin oh could you imagine oh oh Mama Mia this thing's actually really slow I can't believe out of all motorcycles we found a [ __ ] moped of all things I mean I guess it works you know that's pretty damn cool but um I don't know how I I don't think I'd be able to rock it too well you know and it's also slow as hell compared to our station wagon and not as defendable so we'll be leaving it and plus we already got our trailer but it's good to know that we do have a nice little getaway car yeah okay while still is pretty damn dark out I want to go check out The Farmhouse down this way as well ah ooh that one's actually barricaded that's a Survivor home that's a good sign and also a bad one cuz there might be a lot of monsters nearby and let's just say visibility is not on point right now oh yeah I'm hearing some in there so before we uh you know before we uh tackle the Beast how about we go check out the shed over here you know down scale it a little bit holy crap that's a generator that's really good all I need is how to use generator and we will be cooking we'll have electricity for the rest of the series I'll have to take that for later anyways it's time to open up Pandora's Box here I'm already seeing a lot of corpses inside and I'm hearing a lot I'm also hearing something outside oh there's a couple of them in the distance there I have an idea we need to get their attention and P it towards the fence there we go they're on me go go go go go go go Sunny go for the damn fence we're fine we're in the clear we're in the home stretch oh yeah as soon as you get into my domain it's game over we swing this axe so fast now we're we're becoming a bit of a demigod but I don't want to get too confident we need to remember that we are just as mortal as everyone else you know and in these current lighting conditions anything can happen so anyways let's um let's unb barricade this window here which we can pop open with our claw hammer that we thankfully have taken and let's throw ourselves into the world of survival horror no one's down here that's a good sign let's keep our axe out and we're going to clear out this entire place before we uh start doing anything here I'm hearing quite a few people here and that doesn't make me feel too safe oh I hate it here door Flash no one's in here I hear multiples door flash okay ah I forgot you can shot get off please thank you ah stop it ah thankfully that door's locked oh I think it's just one more open slash nice try catch me with that idiot sandwich yeah how'd that feel all right we did it also these these guys are spoiled man they got a they got a freaking TV also is that a red lamp yo that is some Moody lighting I am taking that yoink what else do we have here toothpaste light brown hair dye I should probably wash myself off as well oh check this out wait where am I seeing this is that on the floor we have a bolo knife a shovel and a wood M but where is that coming from it's that coming from the was there a floor stash here that's my guess I I don't see anything else I could allude to it okay I'll just mark this crate as a floor stash I'll take the bolo knife that sounds awesome oh yeah that's a big freaking machete I like that unlike the cuar this thing actually swings pretty damn fast and doesn't weigh that much but for now our pack Hatchet is the best for us and our character oh Mama Mia we got a freaking avenge baseball bat combat knife akm bayonet survival hatchet oh I am taking all of this with me it'd be crazy if I didn't yeah food stuff bag more like cool stuff's bag we're grabbing all these bad boys and I might take the Winkler survival hatchet as well that seems to be a really good axe but damn that that's a good Hall and we're not even done looting this place yet let's see what else we got here we got farming for beginners screwdriver soup I'll take that couple of corpses nothing on them other than some Umi fenov okay that's that's a good uh flu medicine thingy we got some painkillers that seems to be it for this place let's get on back over towards our car now we got to drop off all these goodies I'm actually really damn happy that we decided to take a little G over here cuz we got some fantastic stuff and the best thing is we can just shove it all into this trailer here oh yeah look at all those weapons we've gained I'll be keeping the granola bars because those are really good survival food but the canned stuff can go in there as well and to celebrate our current Victory we'll have ourselves a full onion surprisingly this doesn't make me sad um I guess you could just Nom on an onion like an apple and be a okay actually I'm pretty sure a lot of people do that maybe I'm maybe I'm the one that's weird for getting sad for eating whole raw onions onion eating aside it's about time we head our way on over towards the warehouses if I remember where the hell we were supposed to turn we're definitely not supposed to be here nope we've took a wrong turn and now I am stuck on grass get out of here lady I am very powerful inside a car you really underestimated me in there you know what maybe I should stay here for tonight um yeah you know what [ __ ] this I want it to be bright out if I'm going out and looting I don't I don't want it to be this damn dark so yeah we're going to stay inside here for like a few days or at least until we can sleep and have it be a decent day out nothing wrong with chilling indoors for a bit hell yeah we got everything we could ever want like fullon granola bars matter of fact we should be using this time to watch some pay-per-view television let's see if uh life and living has anything good you never know and it's a lot better than sitting in complete darkness nope there's nothing here it's time to go to sleep ah it's 8:00 p.m. we're going to go help ourselves to a granola bar and rejoice in the fact that we have survived 8 days almost a whole third through this series oh man how time flies hopefully going outside now is a little it's not better it's not better at all it's actually 10 times worse out of it's um blizzarding out it'll be fine screw it it the lights should turn on when we're when we make it to the warehouse right right right yes indubitably let's get going we're done here all right headlights are on S as long as we don't run straight into a hoorde on the road here there should be no problems okay little update I've already straighted myself on the grass and there's a zombie currently bashing down my station wagon this is how I die I'm starting to think about it I can't even move come on Sunday driver why God I hate Sunday driver me and all my homies all hate Sunday driver there are so many zombies on the road right now but it is getting lighter out you know our car is starting to put out a little bit higher of a of a tile range that's pretty cool I wish I knew where to turn right now I would love to check my map but I don't think we can be afforded that I think we've okay right there right there right there I see it just start hauling we're almost there come on you bastard okay we've made it it's it's it's actually really light out now oh this is beautiful we're going to turn around we're going to zoom in through the parking lot and hopefully there's not going to be too many that are going to be on our butt cheeks if we hug the side of this place we should be a okay yep no problems here just just just just just just uh your old Sunny Boy coming in through here oh my there are so many here never mind we're leaving oh I am in danger oh there are so many holy crap I can't even see to do this [ __ ] light man I think this is how we die a Sunday driver's actually gipping me over there's so many holy [ __ ] turn around right now turn around right now turn around oh my God holy tromboni that's a lot that's a lot of monsters dude and I'm stuck on the grass where the [ __ ] am I N this is it huh this is how old Sunny Boy eyes well we'll might as well open up our window start slashing at them should they come close come on if you [ __ ] want to fight you can get one bring it I'll slash all of you out of this car do you know who the [ __ ] I am I'm The Lumberjack baby oh it's like a blender right now yeah I will literally slash all of you to death come on Bring it on I this is my armor I am a knight I don't care about my car anymore just as long as I'm taking all you [ __ ] out with me yeah that's what I'm talking about oh this axe is so good I think that's it I think they're all dead I think I killed them all I just brute forced it it's that simple really if uh if that many things wants to kill you you just use your car it's I think I've cracked the code everyone that's all you have to do is just just kill every now I'm wondering how bad um our cars looking after that one kind of took a bit of a hit there and by a little bit I mean a massive hit but it's a little bit brighter so let's go check to see if there's anything good on these uh corpses here we've killed like 10 all in one go thanks to the car we won't be able to do that too often though matter of fact I feel like if oh yeah um the Hood's completely jacked and we don't have the tools to repair that we can at least Le go check out this warehouse now and uh hope we get something good we might have to stay out here for a while please don't tell me that the lights turn off that's that's the last thing I need please let's just see you know what's inside this place now get inside so we don't freeze to death that you know that that's rule number one is just not not to freeze not to die horribly thankfully the entrance is right here and we can get a nice little break from that [ __ ] [ __ ] lock both doors Let's help we find something good in here and not um a quick death not like these folks anyways um okay big Warehouse full of big opportunities but there's also probably a lot of little gremlins hiding behind some crates here actually not wow we've made it and we've already gotten ourselves a wrench which we will probably need to repair our car later so I will be taking that I can't believe we've made it we've made it to to the promised land full of all the buckets we could ever need give me a sledgehammer please I would love a sledgehammer oh o o o h okay a [ __ ] tactical Warhammer hello there how does this look don't mind if I do I might have to pull out the cool stuff bag already that's a that's a big boy Hammer oh that's the kind of hammer you use if you want damage but pack Hatchet has been my best friend it has slain every single foe that I've come across and I'm not about to abandon it now hey we also got some Nails which we can use when we get back to our base to finally defend it and I will be taking every single bucket so we can fill it up with water at a later date I think it's about time we pull out our cool stuff bag to grab all the goodies here oh [ __ ] yeah we got ourselves a propane torch that's what I'm talking about that's a good that's a good sign we're going to put that in our cool stuff bag immediately really the only thing we don't have here is any food but I'm I'm willing to go without it for a bit oh there are crates for days here it is it's a good day to be me I mean isn't this just a beautiful site just crates as far as I can see I'm actually really damn it happy with the amount of weapons we've gotten just out of this whole bit ooh we also got ourselves an ax nail Hammer that sounds pretty that sounds pretty good that sounds like a good bash weapon yeah all these sound like great bashy bash weapons hell we even got ourselves a normal Hatchet it looks completely forign and with the amount that we have otherwise we also got a gun cleaning kit and another tomahawk and I'm also hearing someone really going to town on a dead corpse outside I'm going to let them do their thing you know who who am I to um intervene in that person's personal affairs we got another hand Hatchet oh we got a canteen as well and we have our final thing here just uh oh Mama Mia that's what I'm [ __ ] talking about that's that's what you love to see that's that's why we come here you know that yes thank you thank you so much I can't believe we got a actual sled Hammer oh that is a boon that is such a boon give me that right now thank you Game hey we also got some duct tape with that duct tape what we'll be able to do is finally use it to make some more improvised armor so we're going to go hurry up rip up this person's clothing into usable material and we're going to make some padded armor yeah that's going to help us out by so much so I just want to thank you really quick ma'am for giving me your uh clothes so I can rip them up and purpose them into uh defense implements yeah it just it just helps so much you would not believe so we got right padded armor we got our left padded armor making us really damn resistant to um anything that might try and attack us we got layers baby like an onion but we're not just any onion we're P onion of the onions let's go make a trip back to our uh trailer and drop off the rest of our goodies that we got so far I'll be keeping the sledgehammer on me because God knows when we're going to get another one like that oh it is snowing really bad out we got to head inside right now though the the wind sh is absolutely horrific but in order to uh save up on light we will be hogging this wall here because it is the most light there are no Street lamps for Miles here but I want to make it to that other building down there so it's about time we start hauling it's currently -14 out it's not going to get better oh God they are on me I hear them ooh ooh ooh I don't like that the door's locked oh no go go go go we need we need a h we need a h we need a h she is right behind me oh I just heard her behind me oh I hate that turn around okay there's just one if if it's just one we can take it don't miss yes we didn't oh thank God any more coming in after me no that's it you know what um I I think I think I think we've done enough today you know we found a lot of cool weapons we found so many cool weapons and I think we've earned a break I'm I'm I'm going to take a little chill pill well we took a bit of a chill pill and by a chill pill I mean I've spent a total of 2 minutes here we're going to eat our granola bar we're going to go back at it we're going to loot that damn Warehouse we're going to go back home grab the generator because I forgot that and then it should be all hunky dory all we got to do is remain a bit hunky dory and things should be a okay oh man it is this place is um it's absolutely frigid out the whole -6 it is a fullon blizzard right now but for some reason that also makes the visibility in the area good I don't know how that works but it does so right now it it's as good as it's ever going to get I don't care if it's cold this is beautiful compared to what we had a deal with before and all we have to do is take out some of the nearby competition and get our butt indoors before it gets any more worse out matter of fact I'm just going to hurry up Rush behind you cleave you in half before the other guy recognizes you come on one more there we go he's dead we get ready nice we got them we're we're getting the hang of fighting these things off all we have to do is oh it's both of them are locked um okay that's fine we can head down around this way then I want to get inside oh it just got really dark oh ooh ooh ooh that that is a big shift okay maybe we don't go down that way oh I kind of missed the fog can the fog come back that was it's really night and day let's just BR Force our way in okay I don't care it's that simple ah we're in Let's uh turn on these lights and let's uh let's let's see what we got cooking here oh I am very sad that that blizzard didn't last any longer that was a really nice amount of um light that we had coming in through there but now we don't have that the hatchet's about to break I'll take the uh propane torch though so far there's nothing too crazy in here and then you know there's a few corpses this guy had some uh beate on him opium it does not form addiction suppresses coughs that'll be good if we get a cold metal pipes ballpen Hammer uh actually nothing in here the the other Warehouse had way more fruitful stuff this one is kind of lacking also I hear you in there are you going to open the door or I'm going to have to open it for you okay you stay right there I'm going to drop my cool stuff bag and I'm going to fight you open slash nice it's all about timing and I figured it out we're starting to uh really increase our power but that doesn't mean we can't um get complacent you know gosh we're getting so many duffel bags all we need are two though so I'll be ignoring that one what else do we have inside this Warehouse other than it just being filthy and it looks like a massacre happened here we got a little like closet here with a paintbrush wowers also have some uh little counter here there could be some good stuff I doubt it but it's worth it to check it out anyways other than that there's just a bunch of more trash is a second story that we might check out but for now let's continue taking a look here oh lunch box nothing in it sadly I was we got a sponge wowers well if there's nothing in the actual construction part of this place there might be some good stuff inside these locker rooms I'm hoping that there will be a bag a good bag a messenger bag which is not as good as the one we have and one more shirt let's go check the other side then I'm going to turn on the lights for you if that's okay n it doesn't seem like we have anything good in here either bags are really hard to comeb by nowadays maybe the break room has something good come on give me some fine cuisine I will be taking that microwave that's actually jackpot for me oh I freaking love microwaves I've went so long without a microwave there's no food here other than that one cockroach but the microwave is a real treasure I think that's going to be it for this place we can just take a little look around because this is a massive building filled with massive amounts of potential and massive amounts of loot hey we got some gloves on this guy as well I'll be taking that that brings her protection up just a tiny bit more which I am all for oh you know want another thing we could do we could go grab I'm going to take this plant as well we might we'll might as well grab all the stuff here all right we we got to make our place look nice you know put that in the cool stuff spot but more importantly this place has a water dispenser which I will take empty out all the water in of course and then uh use it to our advantage after we uh include this guy clean him up and then do our thing is what I would say if there wasn't this guy here hello don't turn around please thank you goodbye goodbye oh I got he's going to get back up stop it there we go we got him let's go take the bottle off this thing now and we're going to need to empty it out because this thing weighs like 20 freaking lbs just like that really water the carpet oh oh oh my God what' you come from stop oh my [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh can I lock that I'm going to lock that I'm going to grab this water dispenser I'm going to place it in front of that [ __ ] door oh oh I I did not need that in my life but she's dead Give me give me my rightfully earned jug now I'm glad that we can defend against them oneon-one pretty well and our character shoves them away without much of a problem but I can't rely on that 100% because it is very easy for me to get grabbed or thrown around from behind and then jumped is there anything up this way nope so I do see some workbench tiles down there that I do want to check out uh those are some new tiles I haven't seen those before so I'm wondering if you could loot them oh you can that's pretty [ __ ] cool sadly there's nothing in it and I actually think that's going to be it for this place I mean we could pick through the corpses but I feel like that's just going to give us a lot more work than what we need right now I want to be pretty cautious here cuz any one of these things could still be alive and they could jump me just like that lady did before hey we got some chips that's pretty nice we're going to need a lot of chips so many chips so many freaking chips we need to prepare for when the power goes out because I don't plan on moving around too much when it does so where are the lights in this place again I don't think we're going to get the answer to that oh it's so dark but we're we're almost there we're almost done looting this place and then we can finally get back home let's hope uh that this last bit is going to going to be worth it and then we're going to take our gosh dang station wagon we're going to get the heck out of here come on give me something good though oh check that out we got an oil filter now one thing we can do with an oil filter later is if we get a solvent trap adapter we can turn that into a suppressor which would be pretty damn awesome oh a tactical sickle I'll be taking that and that seems to be it for this place okay so we're going to go hurry up we're going to go head back over towards our car we're going to drive out of here oh I hate it here but it is pretty light out now which is really damn nice we're going to be going around though yeah we're pretty damn tired right now so fighting a vampire is completely out of the cards for us and so I would much rather just come in from the top over here and then head our way down thankfully our vehicle didn't take too much abuse and I feel like we'll be able to we'll be able to take it the distance though I probably will need to take my sports car if we do go out yet again oh my God I walked straight into a monster and it got a scratch on me oh this is not good oh God thank you for thank you armor that armor really came in clutch please die I know I'm very exhausted there I I walked straight into that one it's so dark you can't help it sometimes well we've made it to the car that's all that really matters oh Mama Mia let's uh start this bad boy up and get the hell out of here it looks like our padded armor took the hit there as you can see from the condition so I am really damn happy I decided to go ahead and take that with me okay let's start it up and let's get out I hope I need to I need to look at the map right now so if we follow it up straight North we'll be able to hit up the road take a right and then turn out normally Cool Beans please don't strand me out here like before that's the last thing I need out of everything I really regret taking um Sunday driver Sunday driver [ __ ] sucks like look at how fast we're going this is not even funny how fast we're getting here okay there we go now now we're on the road oh I think we are I I don't know it is all snow yep yep yep yep yep stop sign that's a good sign is what I would say if I if I knew where I was going still that that's a parking lot we're still in the parking lot oh there are so many in the parking lot here if if I get stranded right now I am I'm I'm toast but I do see a power line here so that's a pretty good sign of the road being here I think we're safe never again will I go down this path never again that was um that was so terrible so so so terrible I I would I would not wish that on my worst enemy let's go home now everyone oh is that a shotgun hold on on whoa if that's a shotgun I am I am killing you right now sir I don't care how many I have to slash through if that's if that's a shotgun I want that I I'm going to get it I'm going to get it I will I will literally run you over I don't care how tired I am a shotgun would be beautiful right now do not underestimate me in my car abilities okay you might have me at a disadvantage when I'm out and about on foot but in the car I am a different man completely okay we have him pinned I think there's no no others coming after us let's hurry up grab it and leave so let's hurry up take out the business there we go give me that Model 870 shotgun please thank you very much Oo we made out like Bandits let's hurry up close the window we are getting actually very cold hypothermic even and let's go turn on our car heaters oh yeah that's why we got that bad boy there that'll keep us warm and chilling until we can get our way on home that was this was a very risky day but I feel like it's paid off we got ourselves a shotgun we got ourselves an abundance of melee weapons and I can't wait to get this all home get it deposited and then tomorrow we'll be able to fully barricade our place which is going to require a lot of planks and a lot of nails which we should have now I just hope I'm taking the right direction right now um I don't know where the freak I am we took a wrong turn of course we did God damn it it's so hard to see well back on the open road this time let's try not to miss our um our turn is what I would say if I wasn't going to go for the um for the generator that we missed I almost forgot about that yet again even though I mentioned it at the start of the episode yeah so let's hurry up and go down just a tiny bit more and go grab it could you please stop interacting with me is is our trailer [ __ ] locked right now it feels like it's locked there we go okay we're back in work in order so let's take the turn down this way and we can rest here for the night as well we should have enough food um we are still raising our tits off by the way so let's hurry on up Park in here get inside right now make sure we turn off everything so we don't um scr the electronics of this thing stop the car and move on in 71° beautiful that was one hell of a haul we got ourselves a lot of good materials there so yeah I'm going to go to sleep now I think I've earned it and then hopefully in the morning we can make our way back towards our base defend it a bit and you know get it looking real SPI span and nice I'll see y'all in a bit aha here we are it's 12:00 I think it's a beautiful time for it we're not freezing we're pretty depressed but that's okay given our circumstances it's still dark as hell out let's hurry up and finally get on back who would have known that such a small little trip would have led to a multi-day journey it's funny how that kind of stuff works out you know but hey I'm feeling good Sunny not so much but it uh oh God okay that's bad ouchy that's fine both of us aren't feeling that good anymore I I don't want to go outside anymore it's it's snowing so bad I'm going to feel I forgot the [ __ ] generator I am really not winning today at all um out of any other Series this small little looting task wouldn't have taken more than a day but with these uh type of situations in this whole scenario it's quite literally taken us days to go from like let me let me show you really quick it's taken us days to go from here to here and back we've actually survived almost our 10th day so this is um insane anyways let's let's go take the damn generator okay I'm going to want that even though I can't use it right now because we don't have the magazine for it I really should have taken generator knowledge that's fine at least we have it and we'll drop it off in our passenger seat we have so much supplies and so much stuff that we're going to need to drop off and I'm ready let's hurry up drop it off and finally we can go home without a hitch I'm hungry I'm sad I'm exhausted I'm cold I want to go home I'm going to be so happy when we go home oh it's going to feel like I just I just I just won also I almost missed our turn yet again that's how dark it is any other series I would not miss it but in this one things change and it doesn't help that we also have um Sunday driver which makes things 10 times more painful um you know I wasn't a fan before but this series alone has put Sunday driver on my [ __ ] list for um perks terrible it it should give you five points not one this thing Sunday driver makes cars so useless whatever I just can't wait till we get back into the area where there's street lights and it gets really bright out and it's it's all Sunshine rainbows and lollipops okay we've made it to the bar and right down past the bar is going to be our place the market we're going to park this near the back of our base and we're going to drop off all of our goodies then oh and it's so bright already I can already feel the Good Vibes coming in right now let's uh park it right up here and let's stop it we've made it home everyone we did it oh I missed this place anyways let's go um update our place there's not much else we can add to our main room here so I think we're going to start to uh deck out our clothing place now you know it's it's it's a bit worse for wear but a little plant in the corn corner should make things just a little bit happier and and maybe we drop off our microwave over here inside this corner right here this can be the micro Corner the microwave corner where we can cook all of our food in a timely manner I'm just so happy we've made it back home let's also fill up this uh water jug as well while the water is still here and that should save us for the rest of the year and we'll drop this off in the corner all right this going to be a nice little water container Place yeah it's looking nice let's drop off all these cens as well and this normal water bottle oh yeah another thing we've gotten [ __ ] shotgun that's a good one as well that that thing could this thing could mess some vampires up and if uh you know if if we do go out in a blaze of glur it's going to be with this bad boy oh yeah we got 60 shells to work with with the shotgun we are oh this thing's going to destroy some stuff matter of fact I'll keep that on my back we're strong enough to to keep it there yeah that could come in handy on a rainy day you never know we're also going to retire our Gerber pack Hatchet it's on its way out and we can't repair it so you you did your job but um it's about time I retire you you know what we have weapons we have tools now we have everything we could ever want other than food our food is still kind of lacking you know I would like to get some more in the future but now that we actually have a microwave we can make a whole bunch more recipes just as long as the power still L we really do need the um generator handbook so I think next episode we're going to pay a visit to the school and we're also going to pay a visit to the postal office in Riverside and cross our fingers that we can get our hands on that generator manual because then we can sit peachy indoors for the rest of our days here and we can you know enjoy life and everything it has to offer but before that we need to grab everything we can right now which is a lot of stuff oh jeez a real Hefty load indeed so Hefty we're going to need a second box just to drop off all these weapons right now I mean that is that is quite the number and right now I'm really feeling the Winkler survival hatchet I feel like that'd be a good one for us yeah I like this thing it's real spunky we'll be putting that on our belt there we go we dropped off all of our Loot and I think it's about time I showcase everything and then we begin the long and arduous process of chopping down a whole bunch of trees with our random assortments of hatchets and barricading this place to be a fortress anyways let me show youall what we've got cooking right now we've got a whole bunch of Water Supplies a water jug three buckets of water two cantens and five water bottles which should last us the month and as we go inside through this way we've got our main area we got um our first melee weapon box has quite an assortment of weapons and then we have our gun box not a lot of guns but we have a bit of ammo and as you see right here we've got our miscellaneous tool tools and all that we got our main tools sledgehammers hammers all the stuff you could ever need I'll be taking one of these we also got our reading material one our bag one and then we have a small bit of first aid not much though so yeah that's this is my home so far I think it's looking pretty damn nice now that we have all that out of the way it's about time we uh we go chop down some trees get some logs and saw some stuff up so we can finally barricade this entire place here I sadly didn't take too many boxes of nails but one should do the trick and all I want to do is put three Planks on each one so that's going to require 14 logs in order to uh block out sight completely we we still have quite the quite a bit of work ahead of us but what we can do is enjoy some bacon and we're going to go bulk cook these eggs I know this is not the best way to cook it but um yeah we're just going to pop them all in the oven and uh call it a day and oh God these are going to be good look at that boiled eggs done those eggs are going to keep us going for quite a while and come on we got to help ourselves to some bacon as well delicious in the microwave truly is the gift that keeps on giving and that way we can go through our perishables as well first so those eggs are going to be on my list and now Begins the most dangerous task and that's chopping down trees and getting these logs back this is going to require some balls to pull off mostly because it can be very easy for one of these things to jump behind me but as soon as we get it done with I'll feel a heck of a lot better let's begin the arous process of chopping down these trees and getting them in my base there we go we failed all the trees and now we can launch these into our bag and our main inventory and start to bring them back this is going to take up a bunch of inventory space so I'm hoping that there's nothing out here that will jump me me all right so we're going to need one log per window as one log gives us three planks each so we're just going to drop it off at each window so it's a lot easier to keep uh track of so we're about 1/4 of the way there let's go grab another uh shipment W it is negative 21 out by the way everyone it is frigid right now let's drop off the next two and the other three so all we need is five more and we'll have this place in our grubby mitts okay we got all the logs we need I believe and now we can finally head in and start the barricading process this is going to be so nice once we do pull this off there we go we have every single log ready to be sawed down and applied to our window I did have to drop my hammer so we could include one more but once we get this done I'll feel pretty happy about my base and I'll feel a heck of a lot more confident we're also going to need a new battery for our hand torch first we're going to be starting up here and we're going to be working our way down ah yes here we go now it begins 14 we did it we're really exhausted we're ridiculously tired but I can say with confidence that we've secured the market fully barricading it and making entry just a tiny bit harder so yeah um next episode actually has to deal with um this generator that we've gotten here of course we can't have it indoors but we'll drop it off right now but my plan is to go check out the school and to check out the post office in Riverside in hopes of getting a magazine since hopefully we'll be able to get enough supplies enough fuel enough water and everything to Honker down for the rest of the 30 days and hopefully things will go a okay I'm very happy with how we've secured this place we could double layer it but for now this is good anyways I'm I'm happy with how things have went so far it's about 5:00 p.m. and we've survived about 11 days and almost killed 100 zombies Welcome Back everyone to Sunny's not so fun adventure yesterday we just got done barricading this entire place and today what I really want to do is make our way over towards the Riverside High School and the Riverside postal office in hopes of getting some good literature and more importantly the how to use generator manual now we're going to be taking our car for this one I know crazy but I feel like this is going to be the best bet because we can use this also as a bit of a defense tool so we're it's about 5:00 p.m. and it's pretty damn bright out it's not the worst but we're going to be driving down towards the old gas station and filling this bad boy up so we are going to be working at 100% And while we fill this up we can keep an eye out for any uh things that might go bump in the night we are quite the distance away from uh from the school and I don't even know how I'm going to be able to get to the uh postal office without that going absolutely terrible for me but that's something we can figure out as we drive on in the school should be pretty clear I'm hoping I I'm praying that it's clear but um we can always do the old uh driveby Hatchet technique if it isn't you know the only thing that I wish is that I knew where the uh the roads were because this is uh this is something else entirely man yeah don't mind me just driving on through now if I remember correctly the school should be up down this way yeah yeah yeah yeah hey you remember that oh good memories here oh yeah that's that's where I got jumped by that group of like 10 surprisingly I didn't die that entire time and right here is the school come on over or I could just uh I can meet you in the middle how's that sound there we go anyways let's roll up our window turn off our headlights and stop the car we've made it to the first attraction of the day and while we're here I'm going to be checking out some of these vehicles cuz you never know what could be inside these who knows there might be some goodies oh wow there some pretty decent mechanical supplies that I don't really need but still it's fun to gawk at H we got nothing here and a whole lot of nothing here let's uh let's head on in now I am a bit scared of entering the school because indoor areas and sprinting zombies never go well for me it it usually ends up with me getting jum I can actually point to a few instances where that happened in the series it's pretty quiet other than that basard right up there is he wearing a bulletproof vest I'm going to leave I'm going to leave him to his thing there's quite a few in that front entrance oh yikes and a half that's okay cuz the only reason why we're here right now is to access some books trapping for beginners mechanics we'll take that we can read that just for the fun of it oh man we're not really getting much out of here are we one whole book going to my inventory another book another not needed book electricity for beginners that's pretty good that's it oh wow wow that was not good I kind of forgot that I set everything to extremely rare so the chances of me coming across a how to use generators manual is exponentially decreased I still have faith I hope if we don't find one we'll just have to sit in the corner with the flashlight we still have a lot of desks and stuff to go through so I'm I'm not you know I'm I'm I'm not downtrodden by it we we can also look through the trash which also might have it as well so got a yo-yo a toy flashlight we can remove the battery out of that one what about uh what about containers as well I'd love a new bag you know hiking bag even more word search magazines oh we got a school bag on the floor here um not better than my duffel bag though I will be taking the books though those are really good to fight depression also does this doodle actually have a doodle no it doesn't what a lie I was hoping for for for some art but alas we can't get that lucky not a single thing inside this classroom here what about the gym I mean probably not going to find a book in the gym but there might be something just as good I mean there's a lot of trash so let's turn on the lights here and let's go take a little look around this area I think I might have just attracted The Horde instead oh no let's just make sure every door is locked just in case you know we don't want anyone to uh come in and say hi Oh I didn't realize this connects to the other area wow I'm guessing this is the outside door so we'll lock that as well what's in here oh we got food come on give me some something a single sack that's not food there's got to be something left in here oh no the hot dogs are rotten no not the hot dogs not the nuggies ah it's truly a fate worse than death frozen bacon a meat Patty and that's it for this uh whole kitchen better than nothing well don't mind me sir I'm just going to be checking some of this trash here just for the smallest chance that I do get a generator manual out of these I don't intend to uh cause you any disruption in your daily activities Oh we got some bbb's or BB gun um I wouldn't dare use one of those against these things but we'll take it for shits and giggles that's the first story kind of done I would like to check out this top area uh looks like he's really going to town so maybe we don't have to worry about him or maybe we do he he stopped eating oh my God there's two there's two there's two there's two we need to go go go go go go go go go go go go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] go for the car go for the car go for the car it don't matter what car open up the window and fight them out here huh let's get ah oh my God that was close I was not expecting two there all right what did you have oh you had a flight jacket yeah that'll do that'll do it that that that would that would 100% do it oh jeez that was a little bit too scary there I almost lost my marbles in order to prepare for that next time I'm going to lock both of these doors is someone walking up on me I swear I heard some footsteps no we're good we're going to go smash these windows and we're going to have this become my like little barrier okay we're going to run through these if we come across another one and that way if we do come across more than one we have a little bit of a fall back Zone with these types of crackhead vampires we need to use all the cheese we can get our hands on I mean we're talking nacho cheese right the liquidy kind that gets everywhere and becomes Napal if you throw it on someone we're getting that cheesy but anyways I'm still looking out for a generator manual and maybe some food inside the teacher Lounge no manual and no food either just just a book on how to cook food oh that is um that is ironic hey man I see you over there you want to say hi I'm going to go shut these uh these two front doors before you can say anything though just in case there we go make sure both of them are locked I'm going to double check okay cool beans we're going to go let yall in now so I can take care of you at at a safe distance and I did lock them okay that's good it'll take her a little bit to get through that door so we can take out the rest of these right now before you decide to go and say hi wow there's a lot here we'll be able to check out the uh the hardware store as well okay we're going to open slash immediately oh oh it's just a normal one H that's that's a that's a fresh air that that's some fresh air sadly there are going to be normal ones like that every now and again but I'm not I'm not too angry over it saves me a lot of Heartache yeah yeah yeah yeah I think we hit up the hardware store matter of fact I think hardware stores might have a chance of spawning in the manual as well if we're lucky enough so who knows anything is better than uh what we're getting right now you know we'll have a quick smoke it's always good to get a little distressed every now and again as we are heading upstairs by the way this uh this could get really dicey is all I'm going to say right now there could be some monsters up here that didn't hear all the struggling that I just went through so we ought to just be prepared for a fight like we did before for and if there are a group of them we run into a classroom and hopefully get them mixed up on these desks over here gosh we're going to have so many crossword magazines to do we're going to be a freaking grammar genius by the end of this come on please give me a generator manual that's all I need right now I don't even know if desks can have them but I am I I am just desperately holding on to the hope that that there might be like a 1% chance that there is one of these it's funny how that works you know all of your hopes and dreams depends on one single manual and that's to see well and to have light oh man we're not getting too lucky with it either it's fine it's fine we still got a little bit left and if we don't get it here we can check out the hardware store so what I think I'm going to do now is we're going to go check take a little chill pill we're going to go relax and then we shall begin the hardware store Traverse I actually have pretty decent faith that even if we don't find a cool generator manual at the hardware store we'll come across uh we'll come across something good you know and while we are here I'm just going to go make sure that this back door is locked because I hear something in the back of there mm not for me I hope it doesn't mind me cooking some food and chilling here for a bit it won't be a minute it actually will be it takes quite a while to get this food cooked there we go full meat Patty ready to rock and then we're going to go sit on a chair and then we'll go check outside hopefully the uh the lights will have turned on and it won't be super dark oh yeah another theory that I've heard on why sometimes it can be very bright and very dark at times is uh the cycles of the Moon it makes sense that a full moon would give us a lot of um you know a lot of leeway to work with oh it is very bright out I think we capitalize on it we go out right now oh I missed this light look at it even though if we are a bit tired I am 100% willing to take that risk it is just look at it this is beautiful I know we're a bit tired but that should be okay come on bring it on yeah we're freaking axe man we're an axe God as long as we're not exhausted on top of it there should be no problems here this light is beautiful I I miss it ever so dearly and I okay that was a trade-off stop ah we got you oh that one was a little bit more scary but oh oh oh what is that in your back I hear another one coming up behind me o hello goodbye we're also finding magazines inside these mailboxes we could get lucky and find one hello oh there's another o start hauling start haing she is C up hop over the fence like that B bam never stood a chance oh yeah gosh even if we are tired this is the best time to go out and about I I I need to schedule my times a bit better but what was that in oh spetnaz tactical shovel yeah we'll take it we'll take it but before we do go ahead with like you know looking at that hardware store I do want to take a quick Gander at these mailboxes here I I am that desperate to find a generator mag I know my chances aren't the best but it's it's the best we got right now you know and who knows nope nothing okay let's go to the let's let's go to the hardware store and another beautiful things we have all these high fences here which we will be able to use to our advantage is it just you ah you're a normal one thank you thank you oh okay that's not a normal one that that's an abnormal one get ready to fight you swing yeah we got it oh I figured out your code you stand no chance against Sunny now but we still can't get too cocky because all it takes is two to end my life H just remember that two is all I need for for me to die because they don't get shoved over and it's very hard to juggle them we are very close to that hardware store and I don't see that much opposition for me right now we do have a couple of these idiots and they're looking all in the same direction which I hate so much it just makes my life a little bit harder ah beautiful he turned around that's what I love to see man thank you for your service oh making my life a little bit easier all right you're next oh we whiffed we whiffed we whiffed that's that's bad ah God damn we're good ah that always gets terrifying the good thing is is that we have such a high level and axe skill that we are able to defend against most of those things now we are getting very tired but we are so so so very close I think we risk it for the biscuit we go all in there's only one more guarding between me and my freaking store I want it I need it I'm GNA get it I'mma get it I'mma get it I'mma get it good HH no alarm either let's lock the door behind us and let's go check this place out Nails yeah yeah yeah come on where are the goodies give me the goodies an empty bucket uh ooh a nail Hammer we have like 12 of those a normal Hammer we have like 20 of those a rake I'm starting to feel like this is a this was a bad call a tactical Warhammer that sounds pretty cool we'll take a tactical one Garden saw screw driver screwdriver ballpen hammer jeans duct tape okay we'll take the duct tape splitting ax that's what I'm talking about that that's that's real that's real good I'll take that over my Winkler Hatchet right now yeah look at this freaking axe it's meant for splitting skulls is that it and some Nails okay the nails are nice we'll take all that yeah I guess that's it and instead of sleeping at the school for tonight I think we're going to go into one of the residential homes so we can get a big double bed get a full night's rest and hit the ground running in the morning yeah this house will do they don't need to be that special just something simple for us let's lock the door well this place is clear at least and we do have ourselves some food some rice that's still good I'll eat that right now it might make us a little bit unhappy but I'm willing to take the hit and a couple of extra cans of food we need as much as possible so I will be taking as much as possible I think it's about time we go to sleep we'll be waiting till like 12 or 8 before we actually do and then we'll call it a day yeah I want to wake up during Prime Time hours yet again cuz those are so beautiful actually I always forget but we can just set an alarm for like let's see here yeah for like 9:00 that'll be a good one okay let's go to sleep now we got our alarm set so if we do over sleep we can wake up on time just a little bit tired I think we're ready to head over to the postal office this is going to be the most dangerous run but I think we got it it's a beautiful day out I can see more than 3 ft in front of me it's we're not going to get any better light than this okay this is do or die we're getting that generator manual today or not today um it really depends on the game and how it's feeling come on generator manual it should be right above here if we head down this Main Street with not too much activity going on okay so we're going to go hop into the back of Riverside suits and follow the river down over towards there which should lead us to the postal office while also not incurring the wrath of God and by wrath of God I mean mean Wrath of uh these [ __ ] things oh we that was a that was a Slammer of a hit that was a home run o another thing we can go check out is this nice bar up here it's not you know the main attraction but since we're up in town we'll might as well go see what we can see oh we got another buddy here okay as long as it's just you and I don't need to go into panic mode and I don't whiff yeah we got it nice yo we had a coffee cup on them that I can't use we just killed ourselves a Starbucks employee uh let's see what we got here we'll always be checking the trash and um everything in between as well more importantly there should be a lot of alcohol in this place and a lot of chips as much as we can you know physically carry of course it's all good stuff that's calories that's food and if we're going to be spending the rest of our time waiting for the 30 days to end we're going to need a lot of alcohol to fix our depression needs as well yeah give me more I love that stuff give me the goods uh that's it though uh no more alcohol here but there might be some food in the back this way that I didn't even think of checking out ah more beer yoink about seven bottles of alcohol total that will last just a quite a few days now we begin the process of moving our way on down it should be in that parking lot right up there oh yeah I see the corner right there we're getting to ground zero this is uh what determines if I have a pretty decent time staying for the rest of the 30 days or if I just kind of of struggle man I hope this is going to be a good one one whole manual that's a box that's a metal work that's for beginners you know in a normal run generator for beginners is one of the hardest things to come by and now that's not different that I'm a little bit sad I'm actually [ __ ] distraught over that I'll be I'll be honest with you I was God damn it I I I hate the fact that getting a generator relies on that single manual but alas we just have to deal with it uh we'll just get as many batteries as possible then God of all times to find it randomly this would be the one man we're going to be checking every single piece of trash here if we can help it and that small bookshelf there who knows nope just a magazine well we'll be checking literally everything here you know I'm not I'm not out of the fight yet who knows it could still be up here also this place is clean compared to the bottom floor damn is a janitor still working here literally Untouched by man or I guess Untouched by unman not really man anymore is it oh my God my alarm's going off please of all times this is not the time we got another crossword magazine that's fun so many crossword magazines and books I mean we'll be taking them and some tape all right that's it uh we tried our best we we we did not succeed far from it really the hardware store was pretty much a bust all we got was a single new a the that the school was a bust this was a bust the only thing that really gave us some supplies was a was a was a freaking bar oh oh oh hold on hold on hold on I see that guy with the bag out there and something attached to his belt wow we might have we might have come across a little event here yeah come right over I want that stuff I want it and I need it so I'm going get it I'm going to get it from you I'll take this Shell's ammo straps some military camo pants and a hiking bag which is all that I really am hyped about that's freaking awesome so now we can hurry up to drop off our main bag open up our hiking bag and take everything inside here it'll give us two extra pounds to work with which doesn't seem like a lot right now but that does add up yeah there we go and we'll also take the hand hatchet with us now we are getting very cold so I'm going to hop back into the uh postal office to warm up a bit as well there we go back into the long dark it seems hey lady I know you're going to see me so why don't you do it right now yeah yeah there you go come on I can't [ __ ] up the swings oh we [ __ ] up we [ __ ] up [ __ ] that's another bite butter armor protected us God damn it what took the hit this time that was our right padded armor this time God that padded armor is so good and it looks like that thing [ __ ] bit me looking at the um the scratch protection ooh ooh ooh it's a good thing we had our armor yeah let's see those fangs go through like 3 in of cloth and duck tape you idiot imbecile buffoon trite but I think it's about time we wrap it up and we try and get on back oh oh is that a cz75 pistol with a Trion SRO Red Dot site oh how do you do sorry baa but um I found a new best friend on this random corpse here I think we ought to [ __ ] some vampires up we have quite a few weapons now a lot of weapons now that I'm thinking about it I I think we could take them on we have a bunch of shotgun shells I think we set up in um in a remote location probably not going to be using my base but we're going to be using a location and we're just going to load up and just start start slashing start hacking start destroying these things yeah we're just about in the home stretch all we have to do is take care of uh this lady up here bring it on come on yep easy right yeah there we go we've really figured out how to kill these things and it's very nice to do this when when when like the lights are out I don't know if you can actually see like full moon cycles as well the reason why it might be pretty damn nice out as well is because of the cloud cloud coverage somehow I don't know how that works but I do see some cloud coverage so maybe going out when the clouds are out is actually the best Vibe I'm so damn happy we took the car by the way it it it makes my life so much easier and I think we can take it out pretty reliably now without too much of a hassle so yeah it's about time we head on back uh won't be checking out a lot of these areas is just going to be driving through pretty sad that I didn't find a generator manual but I think we'll just have to we'll just have to work without it I think we can do that it's not too much of a downside I mean if it goes down to it we could always just uh you know we could always just leave our flashlight on or hell even better yet Park our car inside you know make a nice little entrance with our sledgehammer and just park our car inside with the headlights on that would work as well pretty scuffed of a the inside sounds super [ __ ] scuffed but that that could work as well there there's a lot of options for us you know it's not lost yet we do have a few visitors that seem to have followed us should be no problem bop bop both of them dispatched of home sweet home ah okay I think I'm going to end the episode here if you guys have liked this episode be sure to like favorite share subscribe for more in next episode I'm probably going to set some stuff up and we might see if we have enough food to last us the full 30 days cuz if we do I'm probably just going to sit down Hunker and wait and then maybe at the final day we can take our shotgun we can take our pistol we can take our car and we can lay waste to some zombies SL Vamp players I I still call them zombies out of habit but we have quite a bit of food so I think we have a good enough stockpile the only thing we are missing is um we don't have a we we don't have a way to get electricity but I don't think there's any way I could get that we have enough batteries I'm sure yeah we could also always take the batteries outside of the cars I think we'll be fine peace out we've been alive for 12 days and we got the loot I think we're approaching our final step with this challenge so what I would like to do is repare for the blackout theoretically of course I don't I don't know if the electricity is going to go out before the 30 days a night ends but just to prepare I would like an abundance of food while we did get some on our trip and while we do have a crap ton inside our fridge here I don't know if it's 30 days enough type of food you know so my plan today is to head over to the gigart and to hit up some of the vehicles to grab some batteries I'll explain that later but for right now what we want to do is drop off all the goodies that we've gotten so this includes the weapons the food and the literature with that we're going to be able to clear out our inventory and get back to where we were before lightweight and looking good we'll also eat this meat Patty that we made last episode now before we actually do go to sleep what I want to do really quick is go extract some of the batteries from the outside here while it is still pretty damn bright and so now I get to explain on how I am going to get set batteries basically all we do is go up to a vehicle here pop open the mechanics pop out that oh I need a screwdriver yoink pop out that radio and then we can dism manle these radios and if you don't know you get a battery per radio cuz they are battery powered thus each vehicle that we come across is technically One battery for us and one battery can last us a few days so I want to get around 20 before I call it a day and with the route that I have charted out for our little gigart raid we should get around that hopefully it really depends on how many cars we come across oh wow that's a lot of oh oh what the we might have to go clear these things out before I go to sleep I don't like how close they are to my proximity the good thing is that we do have our beautiful laat here so all we need to do is run in there close a door and lead them through the windows oh hello there I did not see you coming in oh nice try I'm going to split your face in twine though the good thing is that with the cop zombies because this is a limitation with the cdda mod I can't change these uh special types of zombies so they're going to be normal walking ones I'm just going to call this a bit of a boon but all the other ones around them aren't going to be walking okay there's three coming in after me right now we need to start hauling o those shouts are loud and proud but that's fine because so am I I just want to make sure that this is locked make sure it's double locked okay and we s in front of our window and we bring them on over boom Bango hongo oh dude the splitting X is so good ah yes come right on over we have a vacancy for idiots like you okay I whiffed that's not good oh God damn ow ow stop that [ __ ] oh man you got my freaking foot whatever we got another two here yep come right on over I ain't got time for yall I am so beat up and it's and it's just my extremities beautiful this is what I like yeah give me some more of that action what are you doing ma'am hello I'm right here please come right over thank you we have killed all the the zombies in the area bringing us to over a 100 zombie kills or vampire kills I always mix them to up because I'm so used to saying zombie now I did spy with my little eye a shotgun on one of these bad boys and also there are a couple more up there but they are pretty far away well hello there spaz 12 you say with a fixed stock yeah oh my name is lime what's your name oh yeah dude this thing rocks okay I Model 870 you were cool and all but you're not that cool you know I I I hate to say it but uh you're getting replaced I'm going to unload all of your shells because every bullet counts in the series and I'm going to replace you uh there is another zombie with a shotgun what kind of shotgun is that oh that's a double barrel dude that is perfect vampire slaying material and that thing kills demons as well you know okay we got to take care of this guy please don't [ __ ] up yes we got it as long as you get that first hidden it it's history but hello there cop zombie I would love to see that what is that Stoger Co oh a Glock 17 you know I did say I was a big fan of the cz70 but the Glock you can't go wrong with the Glock hello thought I heard a zombie coming in after me but it must have been the wind so we got a coach gun here so before we do wrap it up for today I'm going to go over take out the batteries here then we'll go in this little safe house and we'll do the gun stuff cuz I do want to make a Last Stand episode not like Last Stand doesn't die Last Stand but I I want to use my guns before the series ends you know come on yoink that radio disassemble it and the rest is history let's get on home now after we grab some more of these radios I just grabbed the one from there and I also want these two I kind of forgot that I didn't grab these I am also freezing my kts off by the way so if we could hurry this on up that would be perfect but I do need all these batteries I need them badly man batteries are so hard to come by if you don't have vehicles yeah there we go and now we hurry up and make a beline home because I am freezing ah home sweet home lock that door and now we can do some fun stuff so just in that little Kur fuffle we've gotten ourselves on 11 Batteries Plus another three giving us 14 which is really damn good to begin with I feel like we need like five or six more cars and it'll be golden we've also gotten ourselves a Model 870 a rer GP 100 which we've already had we are running out of room for these things I'm going to place these on the Shelf here but more more importantly we've gotten ourselves a p14 and a Glock 17 which I am a big fan of Glocks are Timeless classic come on take a look at that [ __ ] thing oh that thing that that weapon [ __ ] the best thing is that we have another what four boxes of 9 mil plus another 55 so that's around like 250 rounds of ammunition we still need to go through pretty good pretty good and then we also have our I mean the coach gun is an absolute Vibe and it does more damage and it's probably more accurate as well I mean come on dude look at this thing if I want to kill vampires I use the double barrel shotgun right I am right I'm I'm I'm using the coach gun I I know the spaz 12 is cool and all but I just the double barrel hits different for me I don't know why there we go we're looking pretty damn good we got 71 shotgun shells 55 9 mil rounds I definitely want to go on a massacre but today is not that day today or tomorrow we're going to go on the search for food and by the time we're done washing ourselves off it'll be a pretty good time to go to sleep so I'll see y'all in the morning ah we find ourselves waking up at the beautiful time of 700 p.m. we're going to go help ourselves to some uh boiled eggs that we need to cook again for some reason which should take less than a second in our beautiful microwave oven delicious and oh so nutritious there we go I don't know why we needed to cook it twice but that gives us a little bit more hunger lead a couple of these and then we ought to go head right on out this is going to be a big day today we're also going to be taking our sports car so we don't have to run all the way back cuz this is um quite the distance out matter of fact if we check our map here we're going to need to go from here to I would say like around this area which we haven't even discovered yet so it's going to be a long and arous journey we got to go pack some eggs for the road now that I think about it I'd say four should do the job we have our cool stuff bag to put stuff into we got an extra Hatchet we got our Glock ready to rock okay it is dark as hell out but that's not going to stop me from enjoying myself let's start this bad boy up turn on the headlights and get the heang out of here the good thing is that there's no more zombies nearby because we've uh We've screamed we've shouted I think we've rooted all the ones nearby away so while the visibility isn't the best I think we'll be able to Traverse our way around this area just fine I say as I maroon myself onto a grass patch of death oh wow another trailer how long's that been there why are there so many damn trailers and we're going to go stop it I would say right in front of this beautiful laundr matat of course uh waiting a bit just to see if anyone does come up to say hi nope we're in the clear all right looking good we're making real good progress today let's keep our Hatchet out and let's take this Cal and cool because visibility is not the best I see you in there buddy all you see me as well I'm going to lead him into the lrat here yep right in here don't don't don't go through the door you bastard yeah thank you for understanding oh I also hear a zombie inside that bathroom there I'm going to open the door and slash immediately Bingo oh nice try you got to be a little bit quicker than that buddy yeah gosh Lumberjacks are so powerful not only can I defend myself against the damage but oh the swings are just on a whole new level man it's as long as we fight them one-on-one we should be fine but as soon as a group chases us uh I don't know what to do let's not think about that cuz it is really [ __ ] dark right now I can't I can't see a thing man we got a few Vehicles here that I would love to check out should no one jump me right now let's just hurry up pop these open and get on out yes yes yes good give me those radios let's just disassemble all three of these inside the safety of our neighborhood there we go but that's another three batteries for the road oh my it just gets darker okay um man I'm really starting to regret ever living here maybe it's cuz we have low battery ah that'll do it that'll do it okay we'll remove it and replace it with the new one then out with the old in with the new okay that helps that that did not help it is just it is just dark as crap I think we go back inside I I don't want to risk my life in this type of environment I can't I can't I can barely see 3 fet in front of me we are sitting our ass down inside this laundromat until it is 12:00 mm-m not for me noers may I offer you an egg in this trying time I will have an egg myself oh it's so delicious I don't want to turn on the lights because that can't attract uh things to the area we'll wait till 12:00 alas it is 12 we have waited a full 2 hours let's see how it is now please ah this is what I'm talking about ooh yeah gosh I love this visibility so much the amount of confidence that I get I I can I can I can I can tackle the world in this type of environment man 12:00 is truly the best time for it can you believe it sir oh he can't and he just oh man he he he's so happy he's tripping on himself even oh okay there's quite a few here let's get ready for a tumble now that I got my visibility back in full force I am not scared of you at all yes yes yes oh nice try got to try a little bit harder than that buddy oneon-one we can definitely take these things so let's see if we can grab the aggro this idiot here okay there's two after us uh that's going to be a launder matat situation we are going to full Sprint over here loop around really quick get in lock the door wait at the window beautiful that's what I'm talking about God I killed him through the window he never stood a chance I feel really bad for that one okay let's rest up get our Sal back we're back in work in order oh it's so bright and so nice you really think you can fight me Cowboy okay he can he can okay cowboy has moves ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oh my God okay oh don't [ __ ] with someone who has bell bottoms and right down there bottom right corner of my screen that's going to be the gigart we're making it oh it's getting darker already man I'm going to miss this light come on okay she sees us both of them see us that's not good that's not good we need to start hauling ass right now we are so far away we're going to be uh bobbing and weaving in between these cars to try and break them up a bit okay they are very close proximity we need to hurry up run around lock it come near the window smash it oh they took the door anyways no they didn't crack it like a slim gem nice nice nice this is a this is very exhausting work but I got to I got to move on man we are losing Daylight by the day man or I guess NightLight it's not really daylight but it still matters man there really is like a 2hour period to where it is the best okay well we've cleared out everything here I just want to make sure that there are no things in the area we're going to go back and grab all of these car radios but more importantly I want to make it to the gigart right now I need some food in my system oh God there's another trailer as well what the hell also there are oh there are two here okay okay one of the cop zombie oh there there's three actually ooh hey swing ah home run God can we get more hits like that you you're next Buckaroo come on swing ah shoot oh my God that was also a home run I'll be taking that hemostatic powder it never gets easy the good thing is that we're such a god with the axe that um that our character can defend against scratches and it also helps that we have a really good scratch and bite defense as well but I think we've cleared this area out there are a few more stragglers let's hurry up try and take them out before they become a problem later so uh your next chuckle nuts come on you with the face with the no face I have officially scraped off your face wall zombies next come on then oh he's it's a walking one beautiful oh I love it when they walk at me at a Brisk Pace makes me feel Superior because I'm faster I kind of know what these vampires feel now and why they want to kill me I'm going to hurry up run over ow you push me back even oh you you you little [ __ ] uh-uh I don't fly you here you freaking pushed me back whatever let's go check out these cars it's locked it's unlocked oh this had a Riverside map in it that's pretty damn awesome we'll be taking that and let's see what's in the trunk a ham radio cool I'll disassemble that right now ah another radio okay we can just we can also equip them as secondaries and then remove the battery like that and then drop them on the ground it takes about the same time so it's really up to you of what you want anyways uh let's go hop inside this gig here and see what we got cooking okay and I don't know if there's any leftover Shoppers nearby so far so good I think we have this place in the B let's make sure that this back door is locked and let's go see what's in this place ooh a full egg carton that's that's already like a few days worth of food that is Grand we'll equip our cool stuff bag and drop off any food items we find in here I'm hoping that we have enough to survive through 30 days that's that's a dream anyway potatoes dried beans okay I'll take those vegetable oil while that isn't food that I would like it's food nonetheless is this uh okay that's to the back entrance the back area didn't have that much but you know it's all about the front area in these gig Mars you know they are very much uh show everything type of business so I'm hoping that we can find some good stuff like minced meat but not rotten come on give me oh there's a strawberry cake sliced but it's rotten you can't do that to me game I would love that right now oh okay we got a few visitors here let's we'll smash the window open we got a bunch of Windows to work with here so I would love for them to try me yeah oh oh oh oh go he almost got me with that leg sweep o pineapple it's uh almost rotten so we're going to eat that right now I feel like most of these perishables are yeah they're all bad they've all gone rotten it only the pineapple remained those damn tropical fruits oh God lock the door lock it it oh okay let's lock that one as well there we go I'm not going to let them in we're on a bit of a time crunch now we need to hurry it on up oh tortilla chips beautiful just just take it all take it all take it all they they are going to get their they I I I I I I need to I need to think about this oh what am I going to do what am I going to do oh just take everything okay we if it bashes down we run for the back door okay I'm not going to let them stop me from me um looting everything here oh they're going to get in there really quick dude are they in they're in they're in they're in start hauling ass buddy okay okay okay okay no problem it's all good we're going to go around and we're going to try and lead them back through the um the windows that they oh so ignored they are a very much door type person aren't they hey you know that's fine I respect it just just don't lead me into my death please let's hug the wall here cuz this is the brightest it's going to be I hear something in the distance okay there's just one there's just one hello God you're fast I hate you die in a hole die in a f fire oh man I hate these ones let's remove the glass hop back in if we need to leave I will action charge my way through they're both in that corner over there hello there sir I would like to talk to you about your car's extended warranty did you know that your car filed in 2006 is currently light rep patment okay wow this uh this gigart employee wasn't [ __ ] around okay sir I mean hey whatever it takes to defend your establishments I I know I'm kind of like stalling here but here's my plan of what happened there's a bunch of corpses in this gigart this employee had his revolver he had a few boxes of ammo he made a Last Stand taking out as many bastages as possible and then he shot one more but he didn't complete the rest of his cylinder see there's five in the chamber so this man went out shooting I bet what a legendary gigart employee sadly he went down swinging hate to see it happen but I will be helping myself to your Tomatoes now sir okay we got some milk I'll I'll drink that right now now that's probably going to go bad very quickly I'm surprised the milk is still good more cheese butter orange soda yo-yo sadly I can't eat the crayons and is that it um oh oh I see a burrito oh that's going to be good okay well I mean we didn't get too much out of here as much as I'd like and these are just offices up here I think we can ignore that but yeah we got ourselves quite the selection of foods I mean that that'll last us at least like 3 to 4 days that's that's pretty damn awesome the egg carton alone made this entire trip worth it we got a wrench and that seems to be we're getting tired we're getting a little bit depressed I think it's about time we wrap it up we go take as many batteries as possible and we get on back over I'll probably go on a um a bit of a Massacre Next Episode or at least wait a bit and try and see how long we can take our supplies that we have here now I kind of done everything that I needed to for this series you know we've gotten shelter we've gotten food electricity is a nogo because of how rare the um the manual is and I think we have enough supplies to where we can last 30 days right it's about time we take a break and I think we can we can safely sit on our pile of supplies and wait it out for it all to blow over all we need to do is bring these supplies back to our nice little uh market and we'll be in the home stretch oh yeah we're going to we're going to have enough batteries to last us the entire trip once we get done with this really damn happy we decided to go this route and through that parking lot and this is just another reason why Riverside is the best location it's just so good you can't beat it man the pride of the mighty Ohio indeed uh we won't be out here for too long now I forgot that it's -7° probably not the best uh to be out and about with I'm going to make a beine back we can go rest up for a bit and then we'll grab the rest of the batteries there's not that much left matter of fact we have 14 right now I think we'll be fine but I do want to check out the rest of these let's just head back grab the last few batteries and um and profit and win and become the best there ever was rest it up and warm let's get back at it oh you can even check out the Rex as well oh give me that half broken radio then it's better in my hands than yours dismantle that bad boy and we got ourselves another battery we are getting very tired so our um our combat ability is not looking good but we only have two more vehicles and I think we ought to call it a rra bop bop there we go we got everything we can need let's drop everything else take the two batteries giving us dot dot 17 to work with okay we are vibing I'm going to go head back we didn't get in too much crazy stuff today but it was still stressful as hell Let's uh let's make sure our heater's on while we are maneuvering between the street uh there's a lot more if I crash I die by the way what the [ __ ] is in your is there a [ __ ] Sledgehammer in you oh my god dude whoever did that is way cooler than me whoever did that's the real main character oh man that just makes me the side character who has a power to shove a malls into you that far did he use a handle because even if he used a handle that's even more surprising what the [ __ ] okay not thinking about that we don't got much in the back of here so let's hurry up stop it oh okay there's there's someone here let's hurry up pull out our splitting ax and chop these ow [ __ ] he got me through the car that is the one problem okay how bad was it please die please [ __ ] die ow okay there's another walking one okay that's a scratch oh you got me in my groin you [ __ ] okay that's all of them dead though let's hurry up and hop on in I'm done here oh God dang it dude of all place is my groin oh man whatever we got ourselves a lot of good stuff today 17 batteries what plus another da da we should have more around here another 11 oh that gives us 28 that's literally a full month supply of batteries we're we're in the clear okay we got food for days matter of fact I'm going to cook every single not cooked thing right now just so we can have it so what is that it's literally just a egg carton that's fine we'll go cook that up right now I think we'll be able to survive now even if uh things get a little bit rough I think we'll be good and we have enough batteries 28 should be more than enough to survive anyways I'm going to end the episode here and I think I'm going to Turtle mode it next episode and then probably pull out my guns and go on a bit of a joy joy ride you know how I said I wanted to do like a you know Final Stand before we end off the series uh I kind of want to think ahead with that and so before we actually do go ahead with uh that plan what I want to do is head out into the parking lot here and create a bit of an obstacle course just before we do we have a trailer here which we can load up with logs and I actually plan on moving down around this way setting up a big old fence line and then we can begin it with the advantage in our favor of course that's going to require adequate amounts of sleep and Recovery especially after last episode's kurur fuffle so yeah in order to prepare we need planks and we need Nails we already have all the tools we need like the saw and Hammer we got a box of nails before so all we really need are the planks and while I am still really damn tired I thought right now would be the best time to actually head out and get the logs right now so that we may begin the process of chopping each one of these bad boys down b b b b Bop and it broke okay next one b b b b okay there we go we got ourselves a whole bunch of logs here and our splitting ax is on its way out so we're going to leave it here anyways we've gotten our nice Hall of logs that we're going to be able to load up into our trailer here oh actually another thing that we can do I'm going to leave this here for at least for tonight we're going to go to sleep and we're going to go wake up in the morning and I want to show youall something that I've learned about and it's going to be pretty damn cool ah there we go it's 1:30 so it should be pretty damn bright out again anyways let's continue to hop back over towards a nice little log pile and continue at it it is -20° f and I also just realized I left the heater running in the car overnight oh please God don't be out of juice okay it is oh thank gosh I was really worried there for a sec also the heater doesn't seem to be working in this thing um probably cuz one of the windows is busted that's fine but we can actually use a sheet rope that I did make a ahead of time and we can use it to stack these logs into log piles which makes them easier for me to transport pretty damn cool huh huh yeah bada bam see now we got a three log stack and it only weighs nine compared to how much one would weigh before and we have a bunch of these so I am very happy with what we' got so far and that's all that we can make with those sheet ropes but there we go we've got five three log Stacks which should be around 15 plus plus another three in here giving us the full uh weight of this trailer here so now we're going to go take our vehicle and we're going to drive it down and then we're going to begin the process of making a bunch of fence lines so we can make our last stand a lot better than it would actually be so I think we do it right at the gas station I think that'll be a good spot for it we can lead them back pretty easily it's a pretty accessible main route all we got to do is kill all these things on the road to it yeah there we go and we've made it to the gas station oh God there's a guy coming in after us oh nice try that's another level up and our ax skill as well okay this place should be all ours now let's close up the window and let's begin the carpentry as you see we can make some wooden fences here we need level two carpentry oh crap you know what I bet we can get that I I bet we could get that pretty quick hold on hold on hold on hold on we're not out of it just yet okay that's it uh this gas station is now now going to be used as a carpentry grinding area yes yes yes we will be able to make this no matter how long it takes and hey you know the more time we spend grinding the better it's going to be okay we've disassembled as much as we could for this spot now let's head over towards uh the police station yeah kind of forgot that you need level two and Carpenter in order to do stuff that's cool oh yeah take a look at all these desks just waiting to be disassembled okay next spot Burger Shop is up next oh oh yeah these uh picnic tables are going to give a bunch of XP not to mention we still got the inside to absolutely ransack as well bait shop is up next okay we're about 34s of the way there I think we could hit up one of these homes right up north of this bait shop and then we can finish it off I honestly was not expecting uh needing to do this but it'll be worth it in the end cuz then we can make a nice cool fence line and then we can go guns blazing with our double barrel oh look there's a gnome there as well that's a good sign of the future okay there we go we're in let's lock all the doors just to make sure no one comes up behind me and then this house is going to be leveled like the nematodes and SpongeBob okay then there's one last spot but this is a bedroom so I kind of want to leave it so we can go to sleep have a good night's rest and then we can hurry up run back right on over but I do want to check this spot out hey look there's a generator sucks you can't use it because uh we don't got the manual but uh there we go we took a nice little rest and this should be our final level yeah there we go now we can make our fences cool freaking beans and we are a bit hungry today so I did find a bottle of ketchup and I will help myself to that right now oh delicious and also uh David you're coming with me this is important there we go okay so what I'm thinking is that we incorporate the corner of the gas station I call the this onion okay we're going to have multiple layers of fences around the main corner of the um gas station and then we shall capitalize on that also it just got really bright out oh man that is that is really damn nice anyways let's go drop off all these logs that we've gotten and begin the process of course with David at the Helms and him barking up a tree we will uh prosper there we go the first layer is done and I think we do one more layer on the inside over here because it is going to require less and less to do it here so in terms of resources I think we do the double layer inside this way yeah that'll save us some uh some space Oh my God oh my God where the [ __ ] did you come from stop stop oh my [ __ ] off oh oh we just got saved there by our armor what the hell I was not expecting him to come in so close okay what was that to oh jeez oh he would have went straight for my groin as well oh my what the hell okay okay that was God I love padded armor oh thank if that would have been it I would have been so sad okay well we're almost done with this whole thing I was just taking out my logs I was not expecting someone to come that close to me but the last we're alive bada bam the third layer is done now we could go one more on the outside but that is going to require a lot of materials and I don't think we have that amount of materials so what I'm going to do is I'm going to finish off these Corners with these planks and then call it a day so we're going to go flare out the corners and you know kind of make them a little bit harder to come in from the Angles and then I think this uh this is going to be battle ready for a good Last Stand of course we could always go back through the back of the gas station and leave out one of the windows should it hit the fan so I'm not too worried but yeah we we're going to add like little little like little flares here and there okay that looks pretty damn nice I like this barricade all right it's a nice fence line I believe in its ability I don't think I can do anything else here though I think this is just it though before we do go ahead with this I do want to park our uh station wagon here now that we're not going to use it anymore right next to this window here ow there we go that is a real nice fit okay let's uh let's get on home now I'm pretty happy with this uh little construction project okay I think uh we're about ready just to hunker around down I'll I'll let youall know when the power does go up but yeah I'm I'm just walking through and realizing this is going to be my last time here huh oh man I I hope I think we have enough food to last 15 days I I yeah we definitely do okay well I guess um I'll see you guys then I'm just going to be chilling here and watching some some television that we got here we only have a few but we can always re run them over and over again until our brain melts away and so I sit drinking copious amounts of alcohol watching the television with the hours just passing by we're in it for the long call let's go well it's currently day 25 and the worst has happened the power has finally went out we have uh spent quite a while inside here as you can tell we've gotten a very very long hairstyle now it seems like the Scruff here wasn't even cutting it um other than that things are still going really good we still have an abundance of non perishable food and we are warm enough for it to last outside even if it is what like1 so yeah there's really not much we need to worry about right now the water also did go out so we're going to need to worry about that but since we have you know like an entire jug of it I'm not super worried and I think things are going to be just fine so yeah I guess guess I'll see yall later I'll just continue leveling up my reloading because that's all you can really do in this uh situation just wanted to let you all know what's going on before we make it to good old day 29 well I think it's just about time for us to uh to go on our nice little Joy Ride we have our gas station fence line set up and if that don't work I decided to make a Molotov which will be really damn fun anyways I think we're just about ready we've survived for 27 days 20 hours and very soon it's going to be the full 30 days so we might as well uh you know go off the bit of a bang and run away hopefully survive we have a whole bunch of 9 mil we got our uh revolver and as you might see I decided to go for the uh spaz 12 against my own will I really wanted to use a double barrel but if I'm going to be if I'm going to be relying on the those two fences and they're going to be coming in I want something that I can just go po you know especially with the shotgun so that's why we have that anyways we're going to go to sleep it's a pretty damn good day for it we've went through quite a few batteries but we have an entire stockpile I'm just very damn excited to finally you know fight back a bit hopefully we're going to be almost 100% reliant on fences by the way and drive-bys drive-bys are going to be the vibe okay well we're going to eat a few candies here and I will see y'all in the night the night that everything changes okay well you know not the brightest I can kind of see what's going on in front of me is I don't know begas can't really be chooses and I do want to use at least some of my guns before the series ends I I I've spent so long trying to stockpile them it would be wrong not to so let's head on over to the gas station we'll let off one shotgun blast and if any don't come by we'll hurry up hop in our car and driveing into town just a a little bit more yeah God it is pretty damn dark though I don't like this at all maybe we should wait like an hour or so but for now we'll just hop right in front of here keep the headlights on keep it shined in and let's hop into our nice little blockade here gosh this thing is so nice made with my own two hands yes oh it is so bright in here yeah we can wait till like 9 for it to be official well it's 9:30 and I just realized that car is clipping massively oh jeez we're a little bit hungry but hopefully if it's a little bit brighter I'll be pretty damn happy come on we'll eat our mint candies um you know what I'll take it I'll take this yeah this is this is as good as it's going to get especially with all the uh lights out as well yeah so uh let's fire off uh a warning shot here bring it on oh that's so cool I just realized your holes fall to the ground is oh yep I see one I see one oh our first customer Hur up let's get behind our fence so it doesn't jump us because that is a problem oh I see him right down there I think I just popped its head off with this freaking Glock damn I'm a good shot I feel kind of bad for that I was hoping there would have been more I mean we we'll go check out the spios maybe uh you know that'll change things up okay we're near the spios I don't see anything out of the ordinary but we ought to be ready for a fight nonetheless now I do know that there is a small playground on the side over there I also do see some some monsters let's see if we fire off a shot and if any come after us I'm a little bit worried I'm going to keep out my spaz that's how much I am worried we're good okay I see two down that's I think we'll be able to do something here matter of fact what we can do is before we trigger all the ones down there to come after us we're going to smash all these windows up and we're going to rush through it and then use this as a bit of a barrier it should take them quite a while to get through and this way we can you know kind of use the environment to our advantage especially after um our whole plan with the gas station didn't really pan out there we go this is beautiful and it's going to take them all to get through as well yep here they come we'll PL our Glock to start off with taken care of good stuff me there you go boom anyone else nope seems like we're good okay that's another few taken care of we have so many freaking pistol rounds let's just keep on coming just keep going let's run up fire off a shot they are on me okay let's go go go go go go go go right now eat it bastard ooh nice try that's one done come on then oh I'm so glad I took the spaz the spaz is so nice okay there's another one coming down here get ready aim fire let's keep her going boys we got another 56 shotgun shells where that came from I don't think we're going to use our pistol off and I think we just use a spaz 12 here the spaz 12 kicks some Royal ass dude right thereo than that one got in close that was a little bit worrying another one down there make sure no one's coming up behind us while she's coming up dead okay we got another fence line here we're here to kick ass and choose some bubble gum let's fire off a shot see if any come after us down here I do see a construction worker and he seems to have gotten a whiff of my gun here yep it's just him okay take shots nice dead man this Main Street is very quiet though I don't don't like that at all and these trees are just nerve-wracking they're right there I see two of them oh there's another one right there there might be uh his buddies might be coming up yeah there's one down there uh let's get into the open a little bit here pull out the shotgun Gone With the Wind nice turn around okay there's one coming up there we'll take you out first or actually you there we go up the fence turn around shoot you destroyed okay good stuff is there anyone else coming in after us no I think we're good that's a really cool motorcycle right there wo nice try oh yep there's a military one coming in through there dead dead anyone else come on oh I'm passing out damage for everyone today good freaking stuff that was a oh a crash axe that sounds pretty freaking cool and we also got our hands on a military backpack which you know what I'll take I mean who doesn't en enjoy a final episode upgrade right and we've gotten ourselves a little bit of time here we we can eat some food it's going pretty damn good for us so far though and my God is it getting right out brother okay there we go we got everything all right we're looking pretty damn good we'll eat up some uh mac and cheese and continue on our way down we're getting near the post office so we're probably going to see some more uh some more action matter of fact let's go into the residential neighborhood right now let's keep our Glock on the ready anyone here here show yourself right now this is actually where we first started oh man what a good time we had huh yeah this is where we started actually that was exactly where we started oh I hear another one right behind me let's hry pop the fence I am not risking it where is he at yep right down there no one else is coming in after us let's keep her hauling on down now time is money dead good stuff okay there's another two coming in down from there we got our fence line here we should be just fine let's get ready oh [ __ ] that was close God damn you came out of nowhere nice make sure no one else is coming up around us take her out good stuff okay how many more shells we got we got a few more oh that one was too close man we we we got really lucky oh [ __ ] man okay okay we're good we're good we're good let's let's H let's let's head up back to this Northern Area reload regroup how many more shells we got we still got 32 we're good fud G okay let's keep our head on a swivel we're not out of it yet there's another two right there oh they just keep on coming they just keep on coming take him out with the Glock they're that that one right there is scaring me nice she's dead anyone else coming around here nope okay let's H up reload our Glock make sure okay wait for him to hop over hop over ourselves turn around blow his brains out there we go up the fense oh [ __ ] you nice oh oh she's on Rice it's getting really damn dark now so we ought to be ready for a fight okay I see another one down there I'm just I am so worried right now oh my that one was too close too close for Comfort right there let's reload our guns all the way back and let's see if we can continue at that we we pulled off some good moves there though man what the hell I don't know how long we're going to continue this uh let's see okay we'll we'll stop at 300 I mean 200 kills if I can kill 200 of these things I'll feel pretty damn happy I don't know how close this thing is okay he's on the other side so you know I'm going to do really quick I'm going to go run around make sure everyone is dead and we're going to you know walk our way in shut the door behind us see you later buddy all right we're good the weather is definitely gotten a lot darker I miss um I miss the old weather already I hear another one inside this this room here I don't know where it's at though I'm guessing it's in one of the bedrooms I'm going to pull my Hatchet for this one what room are you in oh it's on the outside here okay then how about we don't fight it and we just shoot it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hello hello there thank you goodbye she's dead okay that's probably going to attct in a few more let's get ready for a fight stay near the fence stay agile stay vigilant oh yeah I see them barreling through the tree line over there yep oh that's what you got to watch out for man it can turn on a diam in an instant with these things matter of fact it almost did nice we got a revolver there this other one's coming up it's just you damn it okay we whiffed all those plotter Glock nice dead I love the Glock the revolver not so much we are pretty damn low on shotgun shell so I don't know how much longer we're going to be able to you know continue the fight okay we got two coming in no coming in from the south take you out oh yeah here they come here they come just keep them that bay good stuff we're we are very low on ammo so I'm not going to be I'm not going to be able to continue this for much longer I think after we kill this last group up here we uh we turn to ta and run we've tried our best we've taken out as many as possible let's see if we can snipe this one off her yeah there we go okay I think we're done here [ __ ] there's another one up the fence turn around gone okay we only have five more shotgun shells I don't feel confident not having anymore but we'll try you know we'll we'll try our best but it's 340 we've killed 208 zombies and we're about to survive I think we uh I think we call it there and we don't push our luck any further we are so far away from our car if it hit the fan we would die horribly but what I will do before we end it off today as I'll pull out my Molotov cocktail and I think it's only right that we burn um burn our first house down right it's kind of poetic in a sense there we go actually the Flames died but um please think in your mind that it did something and that it was very cool and cinematic yeah just just think about that okay um we're done here here I don't want to stick too long around here we are low on ammo and I don't feel confident in my glock or Magnum abilities to continue the fight and here we are sadly I never got to use the uh the fences but that's still really damn cool and I I'm going to put it in the thumbnail cuz I put a lot of work into that fence of not having it pan out anywhere is really damn sad okay let's get on home now anyways um I just want to say thank you for accompanying me on this journey me and sunny we have uh we we've done quite a bit and now I think it's about time we just chill for the rest of the day let's hop on in shut the door lock it and let's help ourselves to some wine and try and wake up in the morning I don't know if the daytime's going to really you know quell the vampire threat but at the very least we can go out safe during the daytime right and anyways I will see y'all in a bit as this booze kicks in and we go to sleep for our final days until it is fully 30 days [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 368,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, Pr1vate Lime, private lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 tips, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid modded, project zomboid impossible start, project zomboid hardcore, project zomboid insane, insane, difficulty, impossible
Id: oY4l7x_q_Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 16sec (11896 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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