Can I Survive A NUCLEAR Winter In Project Zomboid | Supercut

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patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter oh oh no anyways have you ever wanted to suffer playing Project zomboid more so than you already have where instead of dealing with a hot Kentucky summer you will be dealing with a nuclear fallout with all of the accompanying fun which includes radiation cryogenic temperatures and zombies that evolve over time from the residual toxic atmosphere meaning the once shambling zombies will become inhumane superhuman sprinters very quickly they also resurrect from Death after a full day so yeah it's a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy watching me go on my journey throughout the wastes as I try to survive a bonafied nuclear winter all within a 3-hour super cut I hope you enjoy hello there I would love to talk and introduce you to our situation but right now I am freezing to death fast all you need to know is that it's very very bad outside and I need to move quickly we're starting with a bandana a single Geer counter and a hand torch and that is all that we're going to have and priority number one right now is to get some layers quick so um yeah today we are joined by Coleman brgs a normal guy doing normal things in a not so normal circumstance I'm going to wear as many layers as possible and hopefully we're going to be able to get enough clothing in this building here to uh to not die and I think that's all the zombies indoors so let's go wear this jacket and I can actually introduce you a little bit better to our circumstances there we go we're no longer freezing to death indoors Outdoors it's a different story but um somehow someway a nuke has dropped and uh plunged the world into a very very cold and not fun area there's toxic fog radiation and zombies that will constantly evolve and revive themselves so matter of fact what I'm going to do right now is just take a couple of preemptive measures and you know shove these random corpses inside trash and bags alike it does take a day or two for them to revive but being proactive on that doesn't hurt at all this is a pretty terrible spawning location absolutely no food in the kitchen and lastly there's a laundry room that doesn't have anything okay we don't have much at all but the one thing we do have is human Spirit good old Coleman brgs here is strong athletic a hunter a fast learner and a runner which should hopefully help us out once the zombies start to run after a certain day they're not going to run right now they're all going to be relatively weak so I can easily bully them but after a certain point it is going to get very bad and uh the one notable negative trait is that we have radiophobia so if I get get IR radiated that means I'm going to get extremely panicked for good reason and matter of fact let's go attach our Geer counter to our belt right now overall not that bad but it does seem like we've uh eaten up a couple of RADS which is not good oh it is extremely cold out there I'm going to need to plan this out I am barely warm enough to continue any further so I think the way we're going to have to do this is just hopping from house to house before the cold can catch up with me so let's see if we can make it over to that Shack to try to grab a weapon oh you got it buddy that horrific wind chill is nothing on you okay we're in we got nothing inside here I don't know a lot of things but the one thing that I do know right now is that we have spawned in Riverside and I think that building right up there is going to be the school which is not a bad Target for one we could get bags two there's books and three there might be a nurse's office with with medical supplies so I think it's uh Coleman's best chance right now I don't need to be too scared of the zombies as uh you know they're slow stupid and weak at least for another 7 days until they figure out how to use their leg muscles so these two no problem see no problems at all and now that we finally made it to the school I can look around and cross my fingers we get lucky I'm going to mainly be looking out for battery and extra layers to put on our person we are only chilly with it being a solid 23° inside which is not the worst that's actually really good especially when you compare it to the outdoors with it being - 32° H at least we're not going to die from hypothermia and not only will we not die but it looks like we're about to thrive that's a nice little duffel bag don't mind if I do it kind of goes with our jacket as well yeah we we are really rocking green today and it looks like we do have a couple weapons in the gym a nice baseball bat not bad at all what else we got here uh I mean yeah of course I'm going to take that all in one little spot really nice uh is the rest of this building cleared out looks pretty safe on my end I'm going to worry about that later for now let's go check out these lockers and I'll let you know if I find anything nice books and a beanie and is that a spiffo flashlight oh hell yeah it's probably not as good as my handed torch but I mean you got to rep the merchandise when you see it right and that also gives us another battery yeah it does the same job if not better and while I'm at it I will be taking that beanie as much as I did like the bucket hat the beanie has a lot better insulation for it so it'll be worth it in the long run Oo we even got the nice sneakers as well in here we got an empty classroom filled with a dead corpse and a couple of bags on the floor and is that what I think it is now that that is a nice backpack and even though the duffel bag is better I think we rock the drip I mean if Coleman is going to die we're going to die with a nice backpack all right so the main thing for me right now is to try and find any food and or water I need it bad so far we have not found any at all just random flashlights for more batteries we got a couple pens I'll take one a zombie hord that definitely sees me now all right bring it on as I've been saying these zombies are no threat to us yet um it is only day one so expect the difficulty to get a lot worse when they start developing superhuman senses and uh start running at me like crazed freaks but before that happens we're going to be uh we're going to be we're going to be chilling very nicely get out of here now b boom that's all of them and it looks like the storm has also subsided zombie group aside I did spot a nice police officer zombie with a night stick and a revolver with around four bullets that's actually really nice for us and I am going to take that if you can't tell from the cross here I decided to add in another little mod that makes guns a little bit more useful in order to balance out how rare I made the weapons and ammo and all it does is add in an actual physical representation for a bullet so I can manually aim and hit zombies in the head without having to rely on RNG I'm not going to Showcase it right now because shooting a gun would be ringing the dinner bell for for me for now we just got to focus on looting so far though it's kind of looking like a bustoo okay little update I spent most of the day looking around the area and what I found is kind of pitiful we found a 10 garbage bags a single battery pop and some dirty rags when I mean the loot is extremely rare I mean it uh and usually I wouldn't be this worried but our character is hungry and thirsty thankfully we can't cover the thirst for today with our pop but the bad thing that I am going to need to uh figure out soon is that uh most of the water in sinks and in these water dispensers are tainted so I'm going to have to boil and sterilize the water myself if I want to drink anything two it's getting extremely late which means I'm going to need to sleep and there are a lot of corpses lering this place so I'm going to go loot the rest of the first story grab as many garbage bags as possible and shove the zombies inside said garbage bags so we can prevent them from resurrecting uh the more we do that the better things are going to be and I think we could probably spend the rest of the night inside the break room yeah yeah it's nice and comfy in here and then I can figure out how to deal with my other basic needs in the morning for now I I need to start disposing these damn things they're all over the place just pick up the corpse and shove them right into these garbage bags we can find out a better way to dispose of them later you know this is kind of like a very impromptu bandage fix so I don't get jumped in the middle of the night while I sleep and it works so let's do it to the rest of the zombies in the area we have a bunch of bags so I'm not really worried about that and finally I can rest for a little bit and pop open the single pop I'm going to drink half of it right right now I'll drink the other half in the morning oh this rationing is going to get really bad but despite that we have survived yet another day Welcome to Hell we've killed 39 zombies so far and I still need to secure this damn place we secured this upper half pretty well but down near the cafeteria and near those entrances I was a little bit more sloppy and instead of putting them inside garbage bags I mean they it does look very nice to see like all the zombies these all wrapped up like a little Christmas gift I think it'd be better just to shove them inside lockers for now and then I can you know figure out the rest there's so many zombies though and I still need to like look after a lot of this area like this spot here the nice nurse's office which has a lot of supplies anti-depressants sleeping tabs and more importantly potassium iodide which lowers my radiation matter of fact I should probably go check my radiation levels it's still sitting at a solid 8.1 so I am not worried I'm going to mainly turn those on whenever we come across uh storms or the like because they could be irradiated really good to have medicine this early though which means I don't have to really worry about uh clearing out the pharmacy just yet which means all we got to focus on are these zombies which keep on finding their way inside it is exhausting but I'm sure it'll be worth it for a secure school so what I'm thinking we do right now is just go clear out most of the zombies and then we'll find out ways to dispose of them after oh they're so many matter of fact it's the same ones I killed entering this damn school yeah you really can't give them a lot of time to justatee or they will just come back and be another problem for you later but all that matters is that we we are slowly clearing it out bit by bit step by step that is really gross ma'am there we go and there's another police officer and now I just got to go shove their corpses and lockers do any of you have uh any way to start fires no not yet that's fine into the locker you go then and don't mind if I do grab that key off you ma'am thank you very much you can keep your night stick on you I got a a bunch of baseball bats still and all I'm doing is just filling up each and every one of these lockers it's a good thing they got two per tile which means two bodies per uh per Locker at the very least when we're done here I won't have to do it again as I did disable respawns so it does kind of uh help out that we do clear out the zombies early while they're weak and establish a safe area as that means we have a general safe Zone that won't be filled with super zombies later I really wanted to create a challenge where time and uh setup really does matter so it does feel nice knowing that our little uh little contributions now will probably save my life later after we're done here I am going to go check out the uh the upstairs and then finally we can take a look at the library okay I think that's most of them I think there are a couple in the area that are you know link ining around but we can find them later I really don't want to waste any more time as our our basic human needs are kind of kicking our butt right now so let's see uh really hoping we get some kind of like junk food inside these desks and or soda preferably soda oh we got chips okay okay okay that is the kind of stuff I'm looking for just in time as well as our character is uh currently very hungry we also have forging volume one and metal workking volume one at least we won't be uh out of reading material for a while I'm going to eat those chips right now I I we can't be afforded it and I'm also going to drink the rest of our pop there we go it's a little things that count screw you ma'am where did you even come from oh that's a good thing I kept my eyes peeled now we are out of uh water so that is another thing we're going to need to worry about crossing my fingers we get some soda and even if we don't my next uh goal is going to be reaching the um the gigart which should have some basic supplies for us ooh we also have some cookies okay good thing those don't ever uh degrade hell yeah and all these flashlights are going to be extremely nice this is a very battery based run so finding those super early is really really really really good almost as good as finding chocolate in that previous desk that I almost forgot to mention any soda though I would really like some no oh and it sounds like we're interrupting something hello that that I think that's I think that's right across oh that person is really going to town whatever they're doing in here hey wait there's nothing down here is it downstairs then hey cut that out wait I think they actually did hello where the hell are these things are they in between the bookshelves I think they are hey over here buddy get out of there I can't see you what the hell oh okay there's there there's a zombie down here that is really wigging me out like I know there are corpses in here but what the hell oh well I guess they did shut up so that's all that that's all you can ask for and it seems like reading material in here is going to be good I'll go sift through like the important stuff later I really don't have a lot of reading on my mind I'm mostly concerned about food and starving to death but it it would be nice to you know get like a nice generator magazine no no gen mags of course one could win wish anyways don't mind me as I go ahead and finish what I started by looting the Upper Floor ah it's a nice day out though uh how's our radiation looking still 8.1 beautiful I don't think we need to worry until it gets like to the thousands and is that all the zombies out here I'm going to go check out the vehicles real quick why not and also these two zombies uh they're going to be shoved inside the trunk because I really don't want to bring any trash cans over these baseball bats are putting in a lot of work I will say that anyways into the pits you go there we are do we have any food inside these glove boxes now that's that's a oh oh a key with a little bit of gas okay even better maybe I won't shove random zombie corpses in here it don't have much feel to it and it looks really banged up but that is a nice Boon for the future I may have to whip this baby around to the gigart later wow this thing really sucks huh but it but it sucks in a good way I guess o and we have ourselves a lighter okay that's awesome that that's another thing that I really needed wow we are and this one has a key as well oh what the hell why why don't I get lucky in any other my runs uh matches too I'm really glad I decided to check that out hell yeah and a first aid kit with the the suture needle and bandage yoink those two and then we can finally finish what we started while munching on some chips delicious okay I accidentally went through a window trying to dispose of the corpses out in the front you hate to see it but it was a good thing we decided to go loot the uh loot the nurse's office it shouldn't take that long to heal because we can disinfect it that is a little bit of a b though at least we didn't have gloves so nothing got scratched up you know and you know what give me that varsity jacket I want it it has a little bit more insulation and it's also in better in condition so thank you uh your prize uh the same fan as the others right into a bag tagged and bagged boom finally I can breathe without the uh fear that zombies will resurrect and Hunt me down in the middle of the night and look at that we got another free granola bar oh this random assortment of junk food should keep me well fed actually not well fed alive until I can make a an expedition out to somewhere that's a little bit more promising um anything in here soap sponge tailoring Clips nope another bar of chocolate a red and blue pen for map marking capabilities and finally looting this room marks the end of us searching the school so I I think it's safe to say that this area here is now our home until further notice it's nice spacious the only thing I really need to work on is uh sealing it especially if toxic fog comes around I'm going to need a you know an air sealed place that I can set up a nice campfire for warmth to boil water other than that though oh this door's actually barricaded I'm probably going to need to break that down because having rooftop access would be nice but I think this would be a good good spot to end the episode we killed let's see how many 69 zombies surviving our first a day and 11 hours we still have a lot of problems so I think what I'm going to do next episode is try to reach the gigar In Search of food and or pop other than that I would really like an axe a hammer basic tools and supplies like that so I can start to make my own campfires the zombies are going to get stronger they're going to get smarter and they're going to get a hell of a lot more scary anyways this is private lime out well it ain't much right now but I can kind of call it home we are on our second day and uh right now the one thing that I do need to worry about is actually getting food and more importantly water so after I numb on this granola bar we are going to need to just go out and immediately start start moving we don't have a lot of supplies and our life is basically on a uh a ticking timer random zombie in our school aside I did find another cool little feature about this school that will make a corpse disposal a lot easier right now I can't make a fire because I don't have any way in how to reclaim wood I I would need a hammer an axe or something in order to do that but what this school does feature is a set of dumpsters which I can easily throw corpses in and delete them the good oldfashioned way don't ask me in how this works but having those dumpsters nearby is going to make hoorde clearing and Body Disposal a hell of a lot easier we also do have a very nice ATV right down here but sadly I don't have any way of uh starting it because I don't have keys so that's extremely sad um other than that though well hello oh there don't mind if I do take that and also while I'm at it that's a free trauma bag right there as well okay wow these ATVs has some great stuff in them I'm actually going to keep that trauma bag so I can stuff it full of food after we're done with our little grocery run and speaking about grocery runs that's what I need to do right now because it is a solid -30 out right now and it's not going to get any better so the gigart is going to be like literally right up here and would you look at that we got the gigart okay never mind I am going to need to kill these zombies let's try and keep them grouped up so I can uh find their corpses later there we go oh I'm such a Bruiser with the baseball bat now the one good thing is that this is going to play like a normal apocalypse uh difficulty for at least the first like 10 days or so and that's when we need to worry about Sprinter zombies anyways I need some damn food and water so what do we have in here canned corn I don't have a can opener yet but I'm sure I'll find one granola bars more canned goods dried chickpeas one soon to be dead zombie and now that we've looted the back area with little to nothing we have a new threat right at the entrance that is a pretty sizable group of zombies I'm going to see if I can just uh sneak right past them and loot the uh stocked shelves near the front but I'm guessing that we're probably going to need to kill them anyways so you know what let's just do it please come in single file lines though this is not going to be a fun one damn okay that wasn't bad at all I am probably going to need to dispose of the corpses but for now I'm looting so what do we got a grill brush chips rice crackers another zombie that just doesn't get the memo dried white beans an empty Kettle and sadly I'm not getting a uh I'm not getting a lot of soda I I really need some soda right now because I don't have any way how to like o o never mind a garden saw that's that's really nice okay I do have a small idea on what I could fashion up to make a uh a quick fire all we need right now is a stone Hammer which I should be able to forge pretty easily let's go grab all the food that we've gotten so far though and shove it into this duffel bag here I can drop it whenever I get into an encounter also before I go any further let's check our radiation levels still at an 8.1 beautiful okay we're not done here yet oh yes that's what I'm talking about it's a single bottle of water so it isn't going to help us for a while but that can delay the inevitable for us to set up our own uh fire in order to like actually clean up that stuff a little bit better and so far we're still getting even more food I think we're going to leave this place with a pretty hefty Hall oh yeah no doubt about that especially when there's butter still stocked up on the fridge though that won't stop me from looking longingly at the destroyed burrito and cheese sandwiches I will never be able to taste sadly nothing upstairs aside from a dead zombie but looting the Giga Martin did give me a pretty hefty haul enough to last us at least like a a week or so in game we got an assortment of canned goods that I actually can't open so that is useless to me we also have some chips and more importantly the dried chickpeas white beans and rice we can really bring those to go the extra mile so yeah we're leaving like Bandits you know what I might do I might go loot the parking lot and see if I can find a stone because if I can get a hammer I will be able to set up a quick campfire system to you know cremate the zombies with so let's drop the bag down I'll leave it at the entrance for ease of use and I'm just going to clear out the nearby area a little bit further and of course go loot the cars in the lot as well ooh and this guy had a couple of matches that's why I always got to check the corpses okay we got an annotated map which town is that West Point yeah I'm never going to go there but it's still pretty cool I would really like a map of Riverside so I can actually like take a note of where the hell I am just a rubber Bandon this there and there's nothing except a screwdriver in here which is actually a tool that I really needed we have two pieces of the pie right now all I need to finish it is a hammer so I am definitely going to stay around here for a little bit to see if I can grip one off the parking lot there we go make sure all that's all the zombies that it is and now I'm just going to enable search mode and see if I can find a single Stone not hard at all I had to take off my mask because that was obscuring my vision so after I take that bad boy I think all that I really need is a tree branch that's going to be a little bit harder to find and I'll be honest I am half contemplating just chopping down a tree with my baseball bat to get it a little bit early maybe we can get lucky in this little patch of forest though you never know come on you know you want to give me a tree branch game nope just as zombie okay you know what I'm just going to have to call it a wrap here um I can dispose of zombies at least inside the gigart right now our characters getting way too cold to be out and about and I really don't want to catch a cult so I'm going to spend the rest of the day just finding a room to shove all the zombies in so they won't you know get back up and murder me I don't really like doing it this way you know picking up corpses and shoving them inside like random closets and fridges but it's going to be the best way especially because if I just let them revive they are going to revive stronger I I can dispose of them properly later when I have the uh you know essential Fire Starting equipment right now that is that is not it so it's into the fresh produce aisle for you boom I would think that's a good majority of the corpses disposed of there are a couple of like little standouts like here and there but uh it should be fine relatively I don't really see myself going back to the gigart so it's kind of a very rough and quick thing to do one last corpse inside the fridge though there we go okay now we are very hungry and very depressed so I think it's about time I put on my mask and get moving back to our school so I can uh you know drop off uh where did I put it oh right there the goods and hopefully by the time I get back and am rested up we will have found a tree branch someway somewhere for now we're back indoors and safe with a pretty nice goodie bag to show that we've actually been productive it's not enough to make me feel safe about my you know long-term survival but if there happens to be like a toxic fog or a quick anomalous storm we can definitely hunker down within here and be a it is only 600 p.m. though so I am going to spend the rest of today looking around for a single tree branch within the back of the schoolyard because right now that stone Hammer is the only thing that will keep me alive for the long term so let's hope that we get one or or anything really I'll take a normal Hammer if there is one around the area as well I just really want a way to start a damn fire oh there it is okay it took me literally like 10 seconds of walking out to grab one hell yeah and with that we can craft ourselves a stone Hammer bada boom and that changes my plans for today as as well because now I can finally cremate corpses all I need to do is collect some firewood and the beautiful thing about this school is that there is an abundance of uh of of wood namely all of these conveniently placed School benches that are just asking to be disassembled so until I get jumped by a random zombie out in the Frozen Wasteland it's going to be easy street from here on out and the best thing is is that even if I do fail and I get scrapwood out of these disassembly projects I can still use said scrapwood to fuel my Fires for hours so after we're done with all of this what I really want to do is clean up all the corpses and actually set up a nice like pit burning area yes it's finally coming together [Music] and that that right there was probably the most productive day Coleman has ever had let me go show you the amount of damage we did to deal to the cafeteria after I grab a quick little bite to eat which you know what I'm feeling chips right now it is snowing out so let me go check my guer counter really quick now the way that I do think that this radiation mod works is that I will only accumulate radiation during uh certain radiation storms and I think we've been lucky to not hit any of those just yet but when we do we do have a nice little stockpile of uh pipe bombs still funny how I found that but more importantly potassium iodide so uh yeah this is what I did to the cafeteria and we have so many damn planks to go around so first things first I definitely want to make a quick campfire kit maybe even a couple and it's better that I make them out of the planks right now because campfire kits weigh less than the actual materials you're building them with so we got one there I think we'll have three overall and we'll just have one outside to just be for corpse burning there we go there's number two and oh there's a zombie right here well you're going to be a good tested dummy to see how well this goes anyways on to campfire kit number three this one will be the one that I use so we'll keep that in my bag and also stack in some scrap wood to continue the fires and right now I think the best spot for a corpse burning pile is going to be the back of the school because there's fences all around me which lowers my chance of being jumped randomly while I have an entire inventory filled with the undead so let's go place the fire right out here in the blistering cold adding in the fuel right now and now my whole job is to stack all the corpses on top of it it's probably going to take a little bit is what I'm trying to say so it's a really good thing that we already have them conveniently placed in these garbage bags all we got to do is burn it and I really hope this works out the way I'm intending this is going to be a pretty big task though okay scratch that idea it's actually hard to stack on the garbage bags and I'm pretty sure if I take a zombie outside of the garbage bag right now it will get back up and try to murder me matter of fact I'm going to test it right now to see if I can stack up the corpses and I'm just going to have to be ready for a fight so let's see what happens okay yes okay they get right back up as soon as they're back that was what I was kind of worried about okay on second thought I'm just going to bring these garbage bags over to the uh the the dumpsters outside I think that'll be a little bit easier for us oh I was really hoping I would have been able to make a corpse pile but there is one good thing that will come out of this and I will showcase that soon for now I got to delete these zombie corpses right here at these locally sourced dumpsters and you know what that zombie group is pretty damn close to my school so I think it's in my best interest to kill these zombies and to turn these idiots here into a future corpse bur pile so let's see if I can kill them in like a general area so I don't have to Lug them around too far there we go now I can set up a fire fuel it up and stack on the corpses okay we got attacked by another horde zombies coming up nearby and that should give me enough bodies to pile up on this nearby campfire that I made to actually make it worth my time yeah you know what this is doing a public service right now to to to Future me that's how I'll put it though I will say it is kind of hard to like stack the corpses on top of the campfire because they definitely don't go where you want them to go but I'm hoping by packing them tightly you know enough that the fire will spread and get them all for the most part and if they don't we always have plan B The Good Old Blue dumpster and the more I think about it the more I'm starting to realize that that massive horde was just the zombie number that I killed out in the parking lot and they just got back up and I'm laundering now so it does feel nice that I'll be able to finally put them to sleep but this is as like compact as I'm going to be able to get it so let's start up a fire and see how that goes goes for him we're going to go let that gate for a bit I need to use this new fire to go get some more water I mean I might as well multitask and get as much bang out of my buck for each fire because I do only have a single set of matches and a small lighter so what I'm going to do is grab my empty bottles all of them and try to fill them up with as much water as possible we don't really have much water in this school but one of the main things about it is that we have so many sinks I don't think we will need to worry too much about it I mean look at all these toilets surely some of these will have a small amount of water within them gosh this is really desperate already going to the urinals but hey we got a bunch of filled water bottles so let's go boil that water and purify it and it does look like our little cremation thing worked for the most part honestly I think we might need an entire ring of fire in order to like assure that all these zombies Die yeah you know what I might do that we have so many damn like campfire things that I think it'll be fine so let's go throw our water on there and go make a few more kits okay here we go we got another four kits so I'm going to go set them up in like a nice little like ring for me yeah there we go now it should really burn them whale oh and it looks like there's a new thing that was just added in you can only boil water in water bottles with a microwave okay that kind of complicates things whatever let's just uh extinguish the fire for now I do remember there being a kettle over at the gigart so I might go make a quick little run over there yeah yeah yeah it won't take that long hopefully I'll be back in in a few seconds yoink see you fine customers later okay there we go not bad at all and now I can finally fill up this empty Kettle here and hopefully with this thing I'll actually be able to boil our own water there we go now I have clean water to drink and honestly I'm going to go grab the rest of these corpses right now and just uh and just shove them inside the dumpster I will uh actually burn massive hordes but like right now I think it's more cost effective to throw them in the dumpster and be done with it and then finally next episode I'm probably going to need to stay in for a little bit as we are going to need to deal with the storm pretty soon in my opinion matter of fact I'll go check my radiation levels make sure that's at the same it is beautiful perfect okay let's go grab the rest of the corpses that didn't burn and get the hell inside and finally we have the last corpse I'll be honest today did not really go according to plan it was a very chaotic time but at the very least we are making progress we have a renewable water source is it's not really renewable but we do have a new source of water and you know we're slowly starting to figure out what works and what doesn't with zombie disposal anyways I'm probably going to end the episode here we're going to go grab a quick little bite to eat and we're going to go grab some sleep next time I am probably going to work on clearing out even more zombies in the nearby area as if I peek out from Outdoors there are a few new groups and I also did spot a massive ball of zombies up near the gigar so what I'm planning on doing with that is bringing out our uh our revolver and our pipe bomb and hopefully with a little bit of grit and tenacity I will be able to uh you know clear out a large chunk to where this place can be a little bit more safe than it is uh for now I'm just going to go grab a nice little bite to eat and I'm going to go grab some sleep and we've killed 131 zombies it's probably going to go up and honestly it's going to get worse as time goes on peace the hell out everyone lights on radiation still under check neck pain at large anyways today is the fourth day of the nuclear winter Challenge and uh it's going to be a big one as I want to clear out the nearby zombie hordes though in order to do that we're going to need a few more tools because all we have right now is a single pipe bomb a revolver with four bullets in it and two baseball bats that is quite literally it and the one last thing that I would want before I do get started is uh is a Molotov cocktail which we need gasoline and a glass bottle for I also need a bite to eat I'm pretty hungry so Let's help ourselves to some butter actually so I can you know stay up on the weight gain oh yeah I forgot to mention the weather is looking fantastic no toxic fog no anomalous storms and no radiation storms so it's going to be the best day to pull it off all I need right now is a glass bottle and then after that we need to find a vehicle with some uh gasoline left in it so now Begins the fun part of just sifting through hoping that we do find one soon and there it is an empty whiskey bottle with which is even better than a wine bottle okay step one done step two we have to go to the parking lot for and it looks like this first vehicle does have a little bit of gas okay actually I need to check how much later for now though I just want to fill this bad boy up with gasoline and I definitely filled up the wrong one you know what we can fill up both that's okay all that matters is that we now have a bottle of gasoline which I can easily turn into a Molotov cocktail now I won't have to burn the corpses after I'm done killing them all I just have to be wary not to you know burn down the entire school okay how much gas does this car still have oh wow it it actually has a lot left about 22 L worth okay man we we've gotten really lucky with the car spawns here I don't think it has keys though so I am going to need to uh yeah move it every now and again but that doesn't matter all that matters right now is for us to get psyched up and ready to take on a zombie horde it is only the fourth day so zombies aren't going to be running just yet and if they do it's going to be extremely extremely rare but that doesn't mean that it won't be a problem in the future I mean look right in front of us there's a group of five right down there there's another group of four it's not good stuff so I just kind of want to nip the bud around my base camp especially before it becomes a bigger problem and now that we have a Molotov cocktail a pipe bomb and a revolver and ammo I think the only thing that's left to do is uh clear it out real nicely and now I can finally show you what this aiming mod is all about I I guess I should just shoot one of them right now get most of the zombies all wrangled up in an area and uh yeah you know dispose them like that anyways as I was saying I now have a cross here and as you see it's green right there and if I if I really want to take my time and try to uh destroy one of these zombies a correct way I can sit aim and and point it right at that guy's head shoot just like that you can kill a zombie easily Isn't that cool I don't know why it shot at the actual bullet usually there are um projectiles but that doesn't matter right now what matters is that I start wrangling up these zombies to be uh blown up and or eviscerated with fire let's see how big of a group we can get we we'll pop off another shot right up here and then we'll save the other two for later boom see that that is so cool I missed terribly but that doesn't take away from the fact that that I can actually aim for their damn heads now making any gun like pretty worth it even at a low aiming level anyways let me aim another shot and fire boom okay I missed again gosh I am I'm not really hitting these it's okay the gun is meant to be more of a distraction than anything else right now I just got to remain hyperfocused on all of the zombies that are coming in I I highly doubt that there will be a sprinter zombie this early but I am keeping an eye out just in case and I will hop this fence at no hesitation whatsoever just uh you know making sure that this doesn't end terribly for me and then once I'm away from the school at a very far distance I'll throw the molotov and then finish it off with the pipe bomb right on top of it yeah they don't know what's coming to them and while I am doing this I should really make a habit of checking my uh radiation levels I don't know if the radiation storms give off like a notification but I just don't really want to risk it because that would be the worst way to go out to forget to turn on my Geer counter trying to save on battery life and then you know vomiting out my own intestines it doesn't sound very fun so that is something that I will need to check periodically come on everyone we we got a long ways to go right here in front of this house is where I will shoot my my final shot please hit this time there we go that's what I'm talking about that's the beauty of this aiming mod that I have hopefully we can find more guns and stuff later but that is exactly what I was talking about see that's a massive horde just chilling in front of our house so that's what I really wanted to take care of while the zombies are weak stupid pitiful and rotten as always oh there's even a few that are wearing like tinfoil hats huh that's a cool event honestly not the worst idea I'm pretty sure there is a certain type of radiation that you can actually deflect using tin foil they had the they had the right idea but you know execution in the zombie apocalypse is a little bit different so I'm going to go spice them up with a little bit of fire and then finish it all off with a big old pipe bomb yeah actually should we start off with the no no no no no Molotov cocktail first so the corpses burn Accord accordingly so let's grab this and throw this thing as fast as possible so I don't waste all of my lighter stuff anyways going to throw that right on there boom nice I I love this new aiming mod by the way it makes killing zombies so much easier and now that that's done I'm going to go put away my beautiful little lighter here and Wrangle up the zombies so they don't you know burn down the entire neighborhood okay let's run a little bit down and Aim slf Fire B boom see you idiots later I might have overthrown that one no that was a bullseye oh and the corpses are going to burn as well killing like five different birds with one stone here oh that was definitely the most satisfying pipe bomb kill I've ever had in the history of project zomboid now we just got to deal with the rest of these uh not too many to be honest so I think I can kind of like Bonk a few and just kind of lead them through the gauntlet pretty easily just got to make sure not to walk into any fire that would be catastrophic we got to find more pipe bombs more often holy crap that worked out extremely well and another cool thing about the fire is that it slowly depletes A Zombie's health so all it takes is like a single Bonk to onot these zombies oh yeah oh yeah they never stood a chance and their bodies are going to be removed with it matter of fact I might try and kill them near the uh other body here and try and you know save up on me disposing them later this might actually work it is going to work actually ah the good old fire taking it all out once again let's see those bodies crumble oh yeah there they go it only took a minute's worth of time and I will say that was the most successful plan I've had in a while there's not a lot of zombies left and I think think we can really just uh trash and bag the last of these idiots they're not too far away yeah yeah why don't we do that right now it makes me really wish I had a crowbar right now because I'd be able to pick up these dumpsters and move them to you know populated areas but it's good to get the exercise ooh and garbage disposal aside I have a really good idea we know that vehicle right there has a lot of gas and I also know that in this Northern parking lot area I have a very Mint Condition truck with a key how the hell did you get inside here sir oh come on I got to really secure this place little Intruder aside though I'm going to go head up to the Northern or I guess this direction parking lot grab ourselves a vehicle and then move it around to the one that has gas so I can easily fill up a car and I know purple car has it but I think we take the white truck which is in objectively better condition and thankfully a new update allows you to siphon and refill cars using bottles so it isn't going to be a lot but it will be enough for me to go from point A to point B oh yeah this thing drives nicely I almost slammed into a light post there let's not do that and I also forgot that there was a corpse in here so you know what easy access to the dumpster then hop and one last thing that I am extremely grateful for is having a room that is completely air tou if I didn't have this door I would need to worry about toxic fog leaking through the building and infecting me but because we do have it um I feel pretty safe sleeping at least we know that we won't get poisoned in the middle of the night anyways I will see you on day five and welcome to day five the radiation hasn't progressed our batteries are extremely low yeah they're still there so let's take care of them first preferably close to the dumpster so I don't have to run back and forth for like a few hours hey new level of Maintenance actually I should probably showcase my skills uh preferably not in the middle of combat but after it we have gotten a few bits of skill increases since I've started this game there we go and I also hear one more inside so where the hell are you man oh this way was not expecting that well come join the dumpster Club nice and I will admit that the one downside to dumping these corpses in the trash is that they do take up a lot of time just grabbing the corpses and moving them even like with their character action speed it it's taking a very long amount of time compared to just throwing a Molotov cocktail in the middle of a horde I really need to normalize those things but just like that there isn't a single trace of a zombie nearby I'm going to go sneak my way inside and show you what I'm going to be doing on the map so right here is our base and right now my goal is just to check out every single neighboring home in this little square I think that's a pretty good start and the main things that I am looking out for are padded clothing that might spawn on top of beds obviously more food and maybe even some more weapons and or radiation meds so let's start with the homes down here with that one zombie in the middle and work our way all around and already I've spotted something that would do extremely nice in this run that right there that's a propane grill and it doesn't run off the electricity not only is it not a fire hazard for me but it is also extremely portable okay I might take that and slap that within my little school like right now but first let me loot this home here which has a single rotten Paar in it anyways on to more important things let's yoink that propane tank equip it as a primary and get this bad boy indoors before I forget about it hell yeah now let's go slap this bad boy right inside here now don't do this in real life uh but but for this series I can make an exception slap that propane tank in there and we have a renewable to cook food I've also spotted a couple zombies in the back of the school that I need to kill really quick as well don't know how they get in but they find away like this whole area is is literally fenced off where where did you even come from and not only that there's another one right across the corner hi prepare to die the only possible theory that I have is that the zombie senses are increasing and there are a few select like number of zombies that are hearing me from a very far distance and slowly migrating their way over that or a zombie probably walked through this open door here your guess is as good as mine I'm not going to let that stop me from looting the rest of these homes though it's still 11:00 a.m. out so it it's still bright and early on to the next home really hoping we find some food out of this one and that we shall is that a can of corned beef which is already good because we don't need a can opener but more importantly a can of carrots a can of chili and some cereal oh yeah that is fuel for my soul no meds no clothing next oh yeah and I also forgot here are our current skills we have a level two in sprinting a level two in sneaking level two in Long blunt one in Short blade one in maintenance 2 and a half in carpentry one in aiming one in reloading wow you really know how to interrupt me ma'am come on oo wow there's actually three three dead that is and Counting nice I'll dispose of them when I'm done looting these two homes up first what do we got a first aid kit some duct tape and a screwdriver all useful a zombie inside here that would have definitely jumped me and rotten processed cheese well this is going to be as good of a spot as any to dis oh slow down there what the hell oh I didn't even get a jump scare sound from that like I was saying okay there's another this would be a very good spot to dispose of a corpse into the refrigerator unit for you then just wait till someone cracks that bad boy open oh the look on their face it'd be Priceless next house rain boots wow that is really good on wind and water resistance but it makes me run slower at the same time so I'll take it but I won't wear it right now cuz I'm not you know really freezing to death that might change in the future the herbalist even better but right now I don't need them they're just going to be more of an hindrance to me sadly no cool jackets and I'm guessing no food as well oh I lied there are some canned carrots and a filled up saucepan of water with drinkable water within it and also Al a meat cleaver that's technically like a uh makeshift axe so I'm going to yink that as well drop the bat take that in here we have an engineer magazine dead wrong I that would be really cool goals to get electricity uh painkiller is a razor and um is that a sewing kit no it's a sewing kit without the fun stuff but more cereal hey don't mind if I do oh this breakfast stuff is going to keep me running for days two more houses three more zombies and one extremely nice leather jacket anyone else in here just a dead body well you can't win them all oh is that a scarecrow huh you don't see those every day I'm going to keep note of that scarecrow it'll probably get lonely out here so having a friend would be really nice almost as much as it would having fingerless gloves hell yeah okay last house and then I'm going to have to turn down that way and also all these zombies like still chilling within the area really like gives you an idea of how important like just killing these zombies are with fire like grouping them up killing them because even after that massive Inferno there are still quite a considerable amount of zombies here so what do we got in here wood glue awesome a free firebomb better sadly no food on to the next [Applause] one now this home right up here is going to be the last one in like the fenced in areas so hopefully this has some good stuff but I still am hankering to check out the Flor down this way maybe I'll save it for another time though overall though this day has gone extremely well let's let's hope it doesn't turn into a tragedy by a random zombie indoors so show yourself right now if you're in here I should probably knock even though the zombies can evolve to open doors it's you know good to be safe I know you're in here ma'am yeah I knew it all along now what what kind of trinkets were you hiding in here chocolate and crackers okay that is a sizable Bounty and not only did he give me that but he's giving me the space to dispose even more more of his comrades oh ooh ooh and books ooh ooh and posters to spruce up my base okay no this is a little bit of a treasure horde matter of fact I'm going to take these cardboard boxes if you don't mind as well yeah yeah I think I'm going to call it here I think next episode I can uh work on you know securing the lower areas and maybe trying to find a blowtorch up at the hardware store up there tomorrow but for now I think uh I think I'm going to play it easy we got ourselves a firebomb a large amount of food and supplies and now all we got to do is pick up the last few corpses and shove them in somewhere where they won't get back up to murder me and despite it being a bit monotonous and slow to dispose of these corpses especially the ones that I don't use fire on it is um kind of appreciated at least in my regard I usually take this game at an extremely fast pace so having to kind of like Double Down and make sure all the zombies are actually dead and you know in spots that they can't kill me anymore has kind of given me a bit of a bit of a chill pill you know and it feels good because I go extremely fast in a lot of these so it feels nice to uh to to take it easy until you know that the radiated weather comes in and I run out of medication to stop the uh radiation with then things can go a little bit quicker but for now we're cruising so let's go shove the these last few corpses inside like this fridge here and who what is this oh I almost missed that what the hell jackpot no way this guy was holding off an entire Armory and his he was covered up by the trash he had like a little blanket on okay wow I guess it is an extremely good reason and why I should be taking things slow you don't find that every day okay let's grab this one corpse grab that ammo and make out like a Bandit a free shotgun with two shotgun shells a free 9 mm box and a free 45 ACP box more importantly 45 ACP means a filled up revolver oh yeah the Big Iron it's back let's make it back to our break room Spruce things up a bit and uh call it a day there I really do feel like we can turn this break room into a second home probably going to clean it up later though next time I definitely want to get my hands on a propane torch so I can work on actually sealing up this entire school to be airtight and safe from toxic fog well uh that didn't sound too good at all but I think our character did sleep right through it anyways welcome back everyone to the nuclear winter challenge is that the helicopter event yeah that's definitely the helicopter well looks like we're staying inside for tonight uh it looks pretty clear out so I'm guessing we did sleep through the first anomalous storm which is actually pretty sad anyways uh while I was sleeping I went ahead and organized my inventory just a tiny bit more and I am extremely happy with the amount of food we have and the whole plan today is to go check out the hardware store as soon as it's actually possible which is not now so I guess I'm going to sit down prepare to take our duffel bag and uh just wait it out crossing my fingers that it doesn't bring in too big of a horde not to mention if the game decides to throw toxic fog or a radiation storm at me uh that would be tragic all right it's actually time to sit down and wait for this thing to shut up we haven't come across a radiation storm thankfully though I'm expecting one to come pretty soon and that was definitely a zombie breaking in multiple zombies I hate the helicopter event oh man well I guess if the zombies are already inside we can you know kill them yeah I see you come on yep they just really want to make things hard on me huh get on the ground and is that it no they're still oh come on I just cleared this place out and if that wasn't bad at all they're coming in different entrances as well perfect I love it here just when you think you have something good the helicopter comes up to ruin it huh could the helicopter really hurry up and get out of here right now I am fighting for my [Applause] life though it does feel like I'm going to have to throw our firebomb very soon yeah no it it definitely feels like that honestly screw it the helicopter already knows I'm here bring it on it's a good day out for it oh man I really underestimated how many zombies would have been brought over by the chopper event huh might as well bring the them up and burn them down it's a good thing I'm a crack shot with this revolver though all right we just got to keep our eyes peeled for a sprinter at this point and hopefully I'll be able to kill the majority of the zombies in the area ooh that's a nice gas mask sir hey I might I might have to snipe him oh oh yeah I am you know what maybe bringing 50 plus zombies in the area wasn't that bad of an idea I just got to find out a way and how to separate this guy from the you know zombie pack I I want to shoot him preferably without burning his corpse uh his gear would be extremely nice right now okay right there right there perfect Shot line it up and fire nice okay okay you know what I'm feeling it I'm feeling it I'm feeling it uh it's a good thing we did have said firebomb honestly all this helicopter is doing is making my life in the future Easier by putting me through some hardships right now I think that's uh uh good chunk no oh my Lord they just keep on strolling in huh okay we're going to have to Wrangle these zombies up a little bit more it is day six and I'm honestly surprised we haven't come across a sprinter yet though I really don't want to jinx that one either so how big of a group we got now pretty sizable all I got to do is not trip fall fumble and die horribly easier said than done and I will say how lucky it was for us to find the extra ammo and weapons like the the day before the chopper event hit uh I wish I could have saved it for another you know situation there are definitely a few within my school that I'm going to need to like find and uh rangle out but I think the majority are with us right now oh yeah oh yeah that's a big old zombie or so I think the only thing that's left to do is uh take a queue from all these ashes we're coming across and get this party started ah bless the world and its abundance of firebombs because if the world is just going to freeze over I'll might as well warm it up myself hit hit hit hit hit nice okay that's a big flame big damage and a very big morale boost seeing all of these bozos light up and Flames feels good feels good now Begins the fun part of babysitting this now flaming pile of zombies and letting them die out themselves it's -30 right now by the way it's extremely cold I just have to be extra cautious about not letting any zombie that is currently on fire anywhere near the school that would be a game Ender for me right about now I spent so long trying to turn this damn place into a shelter and the chopper of it just trivializes half of it in a second it's a good thing the zombies are now dropping like flies holy crap that that that is really satisfying to see just their bodies just get instantly painted down what kind of like an artist in that regard you know just instantly dropping down some some black paint on this white canvas feels good feels really good you know what's even better getting a free little bon in and running away ah nothing like giving a couple of burned corpses traumatic brain injuries because they're you know skulls are basically mush at this point and that is a zombie horde taken care of for the most part it is 5:00 p.m. so I wasted a good chunk of the day now Begins the fun part of finding all the little you know sneaky ones that have definitely wormed their way into my you know safe house to to try and kill them and then after that begins the even more fun part of picking up all these corpses in the main lobby and you know moving them out and burning them all right I I know at least one zombie got inside all I will ask is where the hell are you okay first up is going to be grabbing an extra campfire kit thankfully we already have one made after that some scrap wood and now I got to you know try and pick up these zombies drop them in a pile and dispose of them not before I go check out the fruits of my labber where is that cool zombie at right there I see him oh yeah don't mind if I take literally everything here we got a stalker cloak stalker boots a stalker jacket beer a trap box a freaking knife Yeah Christmas has came early wow that's a big knife yeah yeah you know what I think I can rock it especially since our bat is on its way out anyways but more importantly we have a gas mask I don't know if this actually works with the mod that I have but it'll be well worth it okay now we look a little bit more appropriate to the setting now a lot of this uh gear is actually not too good on insulation so I am going to be keeping our leather jacket and our jeans because that does give us more insulation but everything else makes me look like 10 times cooler let's just set up the fire right here and if I remember correctly I can actually stack on corpses if I use the walk to command and make sure I'm on the right tile before dropping the corpse and if that is the case this is going to be a heck of a lot easier and I guess we're going to learn together so yeah we we got to drop the corpses like right on top of the tile and that should work out hopefully and if it doesn't honestly another thing I could do is just make a quick Molotov cocktail and just Chuck it right on the uh the pile so one way or another these zombies are getting disposed of today okay we got to hurry this on up the corpses are getting back up and it is becoming uh more of a problem I mean I can just slap them down but it just shows you how proactive we need to be in taking care of these corpses we got a pretty sizable body count so I think as soon as we clean out the inside here I'm just going to light it and see what happens hopefully banishing all of these zombies to the nether realm if it doesn't work out um I always have plan B and that is just a Molotov cocktail ready to rock I I do have to keep an eye on these zombies though oh yep another one got up okay come on they're really messing with things here I think we ought to just start it right now the the more time we waste the more you know zombies are going to get up and I already have a sizable uh you know amount of zombies so it it was good knowing you all but I think it's time to see if this fire works out hey and it does I just got to kill this zombie before she gets any ideas yeah stay on the fire there we there we go okay that burned all the corpses awesome now I just got to figure out what to do with the rest of these zombies and honestly right now I'm just going to shove them inside the containers and uh you know we can burn burn them at a later date it's good to know that that does work out though and I forgot to mention we have killed 255 zombies so far at the very least I do know that uh cremation is the is the vibe and not only is cremation the vibe but so are we God we look so cool now and I guess another way that we can kind of kill zombies is leading them over the fire and then just killing them and they should just combust internally so get out here ma'am easiest disposal of my life hopefully that zombie Burns if it doesn't I'll have to dispose of it in the morning anyways there are like three more corpses and doors that I refuse to uh sleep on and then I will see y'all tomorrow oh and does look like we've eaten up a little bit more radiation we were just at 8 and now we're at 72 what happened there how did I get that okay that's a little little little ominous it's still at a pretty decent amount though I might just keep that on I'm just going to keep an eye on it because that definitely did jump up in uh in number it's a good thing we picked up that potassium iodide when we did or else I would start to really contemplate making a crazy trip over towards the uh the pharmacy I'm going to go grab some sleep and I think in the morning we're going to go move over to the hardware store all righty it's finally day five our radiation is still at 72 and uh we can finally begin on what I said we would at the start of the episode and that is finally moving our way down and over towards the hardware store if we cut through this little Alleyway here we should have direct access all I got to do right now is kill this horde that um that I wasn't able to dispose of yesterday and I'm going to kill them nearby the fire so when I do head back after a long days of work I don't have to you know run around too much all righty I will see you find corpses later it is almost to -40 so I really can't you know know afford to stick around for too long uh once we get past this fence line though I am going to play a little bit more stealthily as I don't really want to dispose of every single zombie in the area all Coleman is looking forward to is that hardw war store right there and maybe some of the nearby buildings because why not there's only five zombies in front so it should be pretty easy anyways is there any snack in here before I go no well you already know the deal then it's slap in time oh there goes our bat man I'm really sad that these baseball bats break so quickly I'm going to keep it around for now because I might be able to turn into a nailed baseball bat anyways we are finally inside our flashlights coming on and now it's time to see what is actually lurking here I'm really hoping we get our hands on a welder mask and hopefully a propane torch with those I am going to be able to air lock our base and if we don't get it we're just going to be out of luck that that's really all there is to it so we got a fire extinguisher actually not a bad thing to have when I'm using fire often might save my life if I accidentally get caught we got nothing in the tool boxes we got a shovel okay that's another way of disposing zombies and also a secondary weapon we can easily use that to you know dig out Graves and throw zombies in it WD 40 a free metal sheet Don't Mind If I Do fishing tackle a wrench I don't think I have a wrench yet and we don't really have enough to Warrant bringing out the trauma bag oh that's a good Hammer not bad a leaf rake lug wrench and a hand torch honestly as much as I do like the spiffo flashlight it is massive maybe I'll grab it another day though uh buping hammer wrench planks sadly not what I came here for oh man you know what that's that's pretty damn sad that's really sad at the very least I can dig out Graves now and um we'll might as well go check out some of the nearby buildings as well and maybe I might be able to slowly move my way over towards the uh Whatchamacallit towards the pharmacy probably not today but you know that is something to keep in mind do we got any food oh I hear zombies oh actually quite a few in here yeah I don't really like that no no um they actually got to that door pretty quick I think one of them may be a sprinter let's just loot through this place really quick and go out the back before oh yeah they're coming through quick nope I would much rather fight the zombies outside and more importantly near a dumpster tagged and bagged took a little bit of time but we were able to pick them all up and shove them inside this dumpster here I'm going to call the uh the restaurant a bust I already looted all like the important back areas so I'm guessing we're not going to find much else uh the only other place that I would want to check out right now other than grabbing that bottle because that's a future Molotov is uh the buildings connected to the hardware store we might get lucky um I'm really hoping we get some cigarettes because I can't find any I am I'm just sad I'm extremely sad and it and it's really annoying when you have to move bodies for like a good chunk of it free annotated map uh free duct tape scissors word search magazine eye makeup wow honestly the only thing of use that I'll I'll ever get out of this building are the the office cubicles not even a single bite of food okay what about Spitfire fashion that sounds more you know in my uh in my b Park we might find some winter gear in here no no okay maybe I do check out one more spot and that spot is going to be whatever the hell is inside here oh we got boxes good sign with absolutely nothing inside them ooh we got a pretty cool scarf face mask in there um a lot of insulation but I'm honestly a big fan of our uh of our gas mask it makes me look very cool so I would I wouldn't give it for the world a long sleeve t-shirt though not bad not bad at all all right next door and already it's looking a lot better than any building we've looted so far that is two free cans of pop and that definitely warrants the trauma bag being pulled out it's also really nice that this machete uh works with one hand only sadly oh I can repair it not bad okay this is going to be my main weapon for a hot minute then any more food rock candy awesome oh we can still Salvage this yet okay what do we got on these shelves flour I don't know how to turn that into bread so that's useless to me oh I hear a zombie oh my gosh you sounded a lot closer than you actually were ma'am what a little sneaky bugger I'm just waiting for them to start like sprinting at me like crazy you got we got chips peanuts tea bag tomato paste lard and an extra water bottle okay about 4 lb of food give give or take that that'll keep us going for another day so hey why don't we go check out some of these cars in the back here you never know I'm really just hoping for another pipe bomb those things are really awesome oh oh my God I just checked our gerer counter just just just just a little bit and we just ate up so many RADS okay okay wow that was terrifying okay let's see how let's see how volatile these pills are and how much we get out of each use um okay I used one okay we're back at zero awesome and and and we have like at least 12 uses out of one bottle okay that was scary that was terrifying what spurred that on oh I must have walked into a really bad pocket oh nope nope going right back in oh yeah it's looking bad outside okay well well might as well get comfy inside now everyone oh oh my God that I need to I need to keep my guer counter out more often that could have been a game Ender right there it doesn't tell you like when the radiation is out either okay I'm glad that it works I'm glad that my Radiation Medicine is also you know working pretty well I'm wondering if I could just make a little speed run all the way back to our base though cuz if it's going to be out here for the rest of the day I might want to do do that yeah you know what I I might try and just run all the way back to our base if I can help it I'm going to leave all the corpses out I'm just going to you actually I don't know you know we can do it we can do it we should be fine and if I have to use another rad okay it stopped the radiation stopped okay you know we we learn something new every day okay I can take a bit of a chill pill and I can like focus on disposing of the rest of these zombies now and I also have to just treat the outside as a threat anyway anyways we're going to grab these corpses shove them inside somewhere where the where are these zombies coming from hello I do see a free hunting knife there though so uh you know it is nice that you give me something back oh man I got to hurry this on up oh and the radiation is back okay um I should probably just run back to base at this point gosh that is scary that is that is really scary especially when I equip it back on my belt it like gets unequipped so it's extremely hard to like know if I'm like eating them up or not 3 2 1 go yep don't mind me just going to grab my things and I'm going to leave uh the rest of the zombies I can kill later don't really care about we got a hul right now and I'm calling it right now next episode we need to make our way all the way towards the uh the pharmacy there's no if SS or butts about that anyways I am going to endend the episode here we did did a lot today we survived the chopper event we we cleared out a massive horde we were able to loot the hardware store and we got a few extra goodies and we also got our first real dosage of radiation so yeah you know that's fun Coleman brugs looking a lot more cool out hey there welcome back last episode we had a little bit of a scare with radiation so I'm going to dedicate all of today to trying to get more medication just for that we were checking out some of the buildings down in the city center but in order to reach the pharmacy we are going to need to go deeper AKA I would say about right here we did clear out some of the zombies nearby but most of them are still filled up with zombies so we're going to need to play it pretty calmly it is 8:30 though so we should probably head out and get going we got our machete and a couple of extra weapons just in case and immediately I'm just going to go back inside so it's obvious that there is a little bit of radiation left I don't know what really prompts it but I'm definitely not going out right now I did uh go ahead and clear out most of the zombies in the front so we aren't going to need to worry about them you know getting back up well I I guess we can just be comfy inside here and maybe do a few things around the house clean up a bit anything really at the very least it's safe and plus it gives me a chance to kind of spruce things up around here AKA adding in a couple of wall shelves and the chance to collect some more drinking water matter of fact I'm just going to bring this thing with me yeah there we go and uh while we are doing that another thing I kind of want to test out is uh seeing if this uh this Grill does kill me or not if I turn it on I don't think it should and it shouldn't burn down the entire place so I guess we'll see okay cool no it just works like an indoor stove awesome and now that we've purified the water I can hopefully add in this new purified stuff giving us a little bit of a stockpile yeah not bad at all okay okay okay that's that's actually awesome I'm going to keep the saucepan around for when we go outside so I can you know passively collect water on the way I'm going to go check and uh if it's still radiated I'm just going to wait inside here a little bit longer no it's good beautiful okay I'm going to keep this thing on on my second uh hand and we just need to move my plan is to cut through the gigart parking lot which should be relatively clear unless you count that massive group of zombies that I'm just going to walk right around oh never mind it looks like we're getting a fight and the zombies are starting to Sprint okay that's terrifying oh that's that's not good that's not good at all okay kick it into Maximum Overdrive Coleman oh it's a good thing they suck okay okay okay yeah okay that's the Evolution for you wow that is terrifying I'm starting to think it's not going to be easy for me well you're dead please die Dodge that smash you in the head and you're up next buddy okay stuff has hit the fan we were able to clear them out just fine though think I'm going to go try and kill the rest of this horde uh while also keeping an eye on our radiation it's a good thing that this is a one-handed weapon anyways uh the rest of you zombies it's your time to die come on and there is one more Sprinter in there so we should oh there's actually a couple of sprinters what a way to start off today's episode huh already fighting Sprinter zombies and it just shows you that the uh the rest of the series is going to be hell from here on out they're all dead though let's hurry up pile them up and start up a quick fire I don't want to spend all day doing this oh that's more radiation of course it is oh man this is this is becoming extremely um painful to deal with okay not only are we dealing with like zombies that are now sprinting at us but this radiation will not leave me alone I really need to make it to the pharmacy okay I'm going to spend a little bit of time indoors to just kind of relax a bit I did install a mod that allows me to open up canned goods with knives and other tools because that makes sense so we will be able to do that for now I'm just going to eat some cereal hopefully this this stuff kind of you know CBS down so I can actually move and do my thing there are like two more zombies up north I might try and hurry up and just start the fire right now yeah you know what I will no I think it's going to stick for the rest of the day well if that's the case I'm going to have to go out really quick and uh stop it I think this is one of the stronger weather because we are getting you know passive radiation from just to being inside so all I want to do is just add on like a single bit of toilet paper and hurry up and light the damn thing so let's get everything equipped and just head out and do it real fast there we go and bada boom and we're actually not eating up too many I might move out right now cuz this is this is as good as it's going to get um I'm going to leave it muted so I don't detract any zombies and right now we're just going to cut through the gigar oh man what a good start to the episode huh uh it seems like with every succeeding episode it just gets worse and worse for Coleman here not a lot of good things for for him in the future it seems but that's fine as long as we have this very powerful machete to kill any sprinters that roll up on me we should be just fine though I do fear on when every single zombie becomes a sprinter I don't think it's going to be every single zombie we have a 50% like degree of range so I think by the end of the 30 days about 50% of the population will be sprinters which is pretty damn bad but not the worse okay let's go check out some of the cars in the parking lot here and see what they got nothing screwdriver tissues nothing a level of light footed and another baseball bat okay that's pretty awesome yo that I might actually use that right now to save durability on my machete um we're not eating up too many RADS right now so I think my plan is to cut through indoors and then lead out zombies through the windows so I'm a little bit more safe yeah let's do it all right you three I'm I'm on a bit of a time crunch here okay just one Sprinter that's good and it looks like she's just tripping a whole bunch and getting uh stomped on by the walking zombies good good good I I like them clumsy because it gives me a damn chance to survive this nightmare there we go two down bop bop boom let's go check the trunks really quick just in case there aren't any like cool bombs no it doesn't seem like it ooh empty gas can though that's what I love to see that's actually awesome and and uh while I'm at it I'm just going to kill this lady here sorry not sorry bada boom how am I looking I think we'll be fine if we're at 270 yeah we're going to be all right it's a very uh light storm it seems we're about 50% of the way there and um we might get lucky with some cigarettes as well um our character has been depressed for the most part because I can't find any cigarettes which has been really um slowing me down so maybe we can get lucky inside here now doesn't seem like it I swear my luck has been terrible lately it's just uh it's just been downhill for for a while I'm going to exercise my right to shove zombies within random confines to not have to deal with them later and I'm going to enjoy it uh that seems to be it here though no cigarettes man what a bummer it is 400 p.m. so I am going to need to uh you know think of a plan quickly let's see how far the pharmacy is away okay it's actually like right across the street so what I'm thinking of doing right now is setting up a kill like kill pen for the zombies we have cubicles here so if I uh set these up correctly we might be able to gain the system a bit and uh survive this nightmare now that we got sprinters um I really want to play it safe you know so let's grab these set them up in the middle and get a couple of uh kill boxes going if I have to spend the night in here I will uh we have enough supplies to last us a bit though I might end up hungry anyways my plan is just to set up the uh cubicles like down here and then hopefully adding in a second layer and then as soon as that's done I'm going to run out scream lead them all inside here kill them with my baseball bat that's the plan anyways we'll see how well it actually works there we go it's all set up I'm going to go check my radiation one last time to make sure it's not like over 300 yeah it's still it's still going up up steadily but it's nothing too bad oh this is going to be fun and by fun I mean not fun at all this is a this is a very dangerous situation but I got to make it to the pharmacy today so let's scream shout make sure all the zombies know where I'm at run back in and get ready to uh Stomp Them Down actually not that bad okay it looks like the chopper event did uh did solve things pretty well W good stuff me that's like 10 zombies taken care of I do see a nice little hunting knife that I'm going to take and now that we've killed most of them we need to move take a little look around it looks pretty nice okay boom we're going to clear out the rest of the zombies like when it's a little bit later in the day right now all I care about is entering the farma hey there idiot get out of here but there's another Sprinter easy peasy um nice medical coats what three more zombies no problem and just like that we're in only took like 20 dead zombies and a little bit of uh stress going through my system but we handled it pretty well how am I doing if we're over 300 I might okay we're still doing all right it's at a very steady rate and now Begins the fun part of grabbing any useful medical supplies band uh painkillers might be useful we are getting a little bit tired so I might take some vitamins very soon right now I'm looking for anti-radiation medication I'm actually going to take some of these right now down the old Hatcher roon we'll take five and that should set us up for a good chunk of the day I should also be taking anti-depressants the more I think about it I'm a very sad person without cigarettes other than that though I'm not really spotting a lot of the stuff that I actually needed which is sad uh we do have a pop I I'll drink that right now but but where where's the uh where's the good stuff come on give me the red stuff get it red no it doesn't look like we're getting any we got a little bit of food though and we still haven't checked out the back of this place so we might still get lucky also extra water awesome so what do we got here sleeping tablets uh beta blockers anti-depressants dtpa and potassium I died that's what I'm talking about okay that's some good stuff right there nothing else let's go check the back of here bandage scalpel suure needles might be useful anti-depressants beta blockers yada yada um I might need to find a way into the back room here it is locked off the the final zombie did have a key on them awesome now let's see what's in here more medical supplies not the stuff that I need and more water you know what it wasn't a complete wrap we did get get a bunch of water and we also did get dtpa and another bottle of pottassium iodide so that'll hold us over for at least like a month worth of time if I play things safe now all I got to do is uh stack the zombies inside you know not resurrect areas and uh do the same thing at the office and then we can finally go back to our school and sleep I really wish I took uh dextrous for this series or at least removed uh smoker because we have not gotten lucky with cigarettes at all man it's it's been desperate so I guess I'll see you in a bit it's just going to be a lot of boring corpse disposal because you know it's kind of needed in this series especially seeing how scary they can get later even if we got to do the tried andrue method of finding garbage bags and throwing them in there it works damn it it works okay we've uh disposed of most of them I think there's still yeah one more corpse here I'm sure we can find a nice little spot for you as well sir I don't care if there's like a one or two that I miss just that the majority of them won't be coming back anytime soon I'm going to go loot whatever's in this place here it looks to be a toy store which is absolutely useless to me uh maybe there's some books no no just toys well uh ferbert you're coming with me no zombies nearby let's do [Music] it and safe how much did I eat up there we were at 3:45 before we're at 346 okay I think we've uh definitely earned a little bit of medicine I don't know which one's more potent but I'm guessing the dtpa is probably like the good good stuff you know so I'm going to take another little bit of potassium iodide maybe take a couple more uh anti-depressants uh before I go to sleep and drop off all of the goodies that we've gotten and I guess we can also mark down the uh the pharmacy as something we've looted so far we've taken out quite a big chunk of to the map hopefully it'll uh continue just like that and so I welcome you to Day N and immediately what I'm going to do is take a little bit of potassium iodide I don't know how much this lowers my radiation by so if it brings it to zero I might try and push the envelope of taking the medication just to make it last longer than it possibly should we're not going to be doing anything crazy for today I think what we ought to do is just loot some of these homes down here you know something a little bit less intense on my body I also got to say the best thing about living in this school is how big the building is so we can you know lower our uh exposure oh there are zombies in here okay hey hello there how are you who how long have you been in here you you little freaks I hate how they run at me now I used to feel safe you know doing like big big horde clears but now it's kind of throwing a little bit of spice in the mix you know we're just to doing a public service time to give these zombies the good oldfashioned school treatment and now that my character is not depressed because of all the anti-depressants we've been taking I can move stuff extremely quickly oh picking up zombies and disposing them feels so much better when you're when you don't have to deal with uh depression might have to take those books later actually I'll drop them on the ground for us to read later okay let's keep our uh keep our body moving though so now we can actually move on through and uh I think if we use a bit of fence Fu that zombie horde will be nothing to me uh as long as they're not sprinting of course let's do this yeah time is only going to waste itself if I spend all day you know moving around like an idiot Bring It On gosh if this is tell telling me anything it it's telling me that I should have invested more Molotov this is just insane they're all dead though so let's go check the indoors what do we got a kitchen knife a spoon hey do yall got like gasoline in here that' be epic honestly uh my strategy right now might just be getting the hell out of Riverside I don't think there's really anything left for us oh man the more I think about it the more I just kind of hate it here the only thing I can hope for is that by killing the zombies it resets the revolution okay what do we got in here probably nothing but it's it's worth a check ooh a Remington model 700 not bad being able to snipe zombies from afar is uh something really good actually especially if I'm going to going to be able to slap on a suppressor you know hell yeah sadly no food though like that is the main thing that I'm really sad about is like the lack of food I think we ought to go check one more building and then we're just going to hop the fence right over into our safety zone I've been checking the radiation and this seems to be like a pretty benign day uh matter of fact if I check it right now yeah we're not getting any so this is perfect weather for it and I really don't want to waste the day so I'm coming on in now you better have some cereal for me or or something please rotten avocados a can of tuna okay instant popcorn even better and is that a cooking pot of water that it is okay that's what that's that's what I love to see that's going to be able to hold so much water and most of it is drinkable right now anyways and in the bedroom we got a Beretta ooh I I could actually maybe repair that later I'll take it with me uh that that's a free gun especially with the ammo maybe we should loot one more house I mean we're still connected to the school right ah screw it why not okay and we are eating up radiation again so I am going to need to move indoors right now and hey we got another Beretta in here oh no that's a desert eagle never mind that's a little bit more useless to me it's funny how many guns we found when guns really aren't that helpful we got a band and inside this closet here a jacket and some rope not exactly the best but we got a little bit of stuff out of it man I really do have to figure out when these like radiation storms are active because right now it just seems like random chance on whether I'm going to get screwed or not maybe uh if I find a radio with the emergency broadcast system I'll be able to you know figure out when but right now I'm just really you know thrown out to the wolves I am still surprised in how these zombies find their way inside my house now you know what I figured it out I figured out why I keep on finding zombies it's kind of obvious their senses of hearing and eyesight are getting so good that they're hearing my activity from like miles away and they're just slowly making their way to my location at this rate I don't think we're going to survive more than a week okay we R dropped off most of the stuff though so I'm going to introduce you to my new plan and it involves Empty Bottle oh that's cool and a massive horde right in front of me can can a guy ever catch a break here is that too much to ask for damn I swear these zombies just come out of the damn woodwork I've cleared out that like the the perimeter of the school like 10 different times now but that's not going to stop me from disposing of the zombies we've just killed like an hour ago and my whole plan for that is to Simply siphon out a little bit of gas out of this car here and make myself a Molotov cocktail you already know where this is going I'm going to deal with that group later right now I got a bigger priority bulk destroying this big old pile of zombies Molotov cocktail equipped lighter equipped and I'm just going to throw it right on top of there and that should deal with most of the zombies hopefully please yeah it'll it'll do it uh it might spread a little bit that's fine as well just so I don't have to deal with you know them later and now that that group is relatively taken care of uh I didn't get those four down there but that's not that bad uh I got to go clear out the ones that I just killed in front of the dumpsters definitely got to make more Molotov though that is the best way of disposing them and and it doesn't waste a lot of my time either compared to the dumpster or the campfire method oh actually before I do dispose of these zombies and like begin the really boring process you all did mention that there was a second bag in front of this ATV which has chips and gummy bears okay that's that's awesome bada boom I made that hoorde disappear and I think this would be a very good spot to end the episode we got medicine I'm starting to like get a a little bit more comfortable with the radiation and realizing that 300 probably isn't the worst and um it's not it's not storming anymore I am definitely going to need to try to find a uh a radio that has the emergency broadcast system on it to maybe you know catch them before I go out and eat up like half a Cancer's worth of a radiation but other than that we have medicine to go so I'm not like really strapped for any resources we have a good abundance of food a massive abundance of water and and with killing all those zombies we have made our place a little bit safer so yeah I'll see you next time peace out everyone you know ferbert I've been risking my life pretty often I think it's about time we take a bit of a break good old Coleman brgs here is on his ninth day and if you couldn't tell for my conversation with my new best friend we're going to be uh just doing a little bit of TLC around our base I don't want to go outside and even though we're going to waste a little bit of time what I'm going to be doing instead is barricading this place to be a little bit more safe because right now it is not safe the windows are bashed down there's blood all over the place trash litters the streets and you know this isn't fit to be a place for me one thing's for sure it's going to be a lot of work we do have the tools for it though first things first I'm going to check my radiation good up next we're going to need a lot of materials so I'm going to go collect some wooden planks around the school and drop them right on top of here we only have a level two in carpentry so it might be pretty hard to pull off but I'm sure we can scavenge what little we have right in here and that is going to be most of the usable wooden planks that come from the cafeteria now you might be asking why am I you know just chilling at base and wasting time if the zombies evolve and it's going to be even worse the next time I go outside and it's quite simple one I think I play the game way too quickly and I die really fast as a result so I kind of want to use up some of my Food Supplies I mean that's what food is for delaying the inevitable and if I'm like a if I'm like a little chipmunk that keeps on collecting food and putting themselves in danger I'm never going to be able to see the use of that food so why should I risk my life when I have everything I could need right now instead I'm going to focus on myself is what I will say in reality I'm a big fat coward but a coward with a lot of planks and quite a lot of food as well so much so that I'm not really worried for now that can all change in the future though I guess that kind of leads me to my next little thing I should start to look for a little bit of like self- sustenance because the one cool perk that I did decide to take for Coleman here is Hunter which allows me to raft an assortment of traps now we're in a city so we're not going to get your usual you know game like squirrels or rabbit but one thing that there is an abundance of is Birds let's see if we can go find some twine and actually set that up real quick yep here we go we got a little bit here and that seems to be it I think it'll be worth it and that seems to be it it's enough to make at least like one or two traps so let's go grab a couple worms saw up a couple of sturdy sticks and set those up on the rooftop and then after that we're going to go get some sleep and next we're going to have to disassemble a lot more furniture create our only stick trap and set it up we're we are going to need more twine for sure but it's a start and I can collect some worms later heck yeah it's Little Steps like this that are going to send us off the greatness though I do wish I would have realized how important twine would have been before I'll go trap that in the morning for now it's time to sleep and it looks like something is brewing okay well it's a good thing I'm inside I definitely don't want to go out the radiation is good and it looks like we have gotten our first uh emission that's fun I think it's okay for us to step outside I'll might as well look at the the pretty red sky though I do know if we go outside right now we will die horribly oh that is a that is terrifying well it's a good thing we decided to hunker down for today I would really like to slap some Planks on those windows though uh we have the same plan as before we're just not going to be able to bait our traps just yet right now I'm just going to disassemble just about everything and I think a good uh supply of wood would come from the library here we haven't really looted the library since the start of the series so we also might find some good books for us H it's worth it anyways we got to clear out these shelves okay not bad we cleared out most of the bookshelves the only one that's actually left is the one that has a corpse in it mostly because I don't want to move that guy around and before I do start beginning uh deconstructing I'm going to go read a quick book so I can get the most bang out of our buck what I'm trying to say is that we're going to be spending the rest of the day actually reading carpentry Volume 2 and an assortment of random skill magazines we found we don't have a lot of resources in the school as big as it seems so making sure sure that our character can get the you know best bang for our buck is going to be nice so long as I have food I can be afforded the small little Retreat from horror itself ain't that right ferbert yeah I love that guy at times like this I really wonder why I decided to take slow reader oh also it looks like the anomaly storm ended so I might go outside really quick if it's not a radiator and grab some worms yeah it's looking good I'm really happy I decided to actually stick through with this place as I don't see any zombies for Miles we we finally like achieved peace in in in a way I just really need to build a new damn door and windows but that sort of thing takes time and time is something I am all too familiar with it's a solid -25 outside so this is a perfect time for it oh it's funny that - 255 is actually warm for us now it's funny how uh that kind of perspective changes over time not bad at all we were able to salvage 20 worms out of that whole thing we're going to save the bulk of them for emergency rations but I will be spending a little bit on our trap up on the roof right now now we're too tired so we're going to go grab some sleep and then we can finally begin like the big leg work of this episode I know I've said that a lot but you know it takes time oh and this is the wrong door this one would you look at that we're still alive the one thing that I am kind of scared about is we are losing quite a bit of weight so much so that my character is now underweight instead of uh you know being at a normal amount I'm not going to worry about that too much and if it does get a little bit bad we we got the lard matter of fact I'm going to have lard for breakfast we have a lot of high calorie stuff left like the chickpea so we can definitely prolong the inevitable and would you look at that we're back to double crosses radiation is still good I don't see any zombies outside my doorstep it's time for a montage and with a day's worth of time we have amassed quite the uh the mass of materials we got a bunch of door hinges a bunch of door knobs and around 30 planks 32 actually and my whole plan is to just seal off the entrances and try to make the areas that I move within the school a little bit safer which also means locking down certain areas that really aren't worth uh the hassle like the cafeteria here there's way too many wind Windows to defend so my plan for this area is just slap on a door here barricade the doors and the same goes for the gymnasium other than that I'm going to be building doors at every single spot that has been destroyed which is a few doors here and there but I am going to be leaving the ones that you know exit to uh that exit to different areas of the school so I don't ever get locked in and now begins that fun time first things first let's slap on the doors it requires four planks one door knob and two henches each and I hope we have enough nails for it that is the one thing we really don't have let's just begin anyways boom there's our first door it's terrible but it'll it'll help defend us and you know what screw it I'm going to work through the night and then we can go to sleep the day after we'll might as well finish this off especially since there's no zombies nearby I say as someone comes right out of the woodwork to Mur murder me no more of that thank you oh screw right off man gave me a little heart attack let's slap on this door before any more get any bright ideas and that is all the doors we're going to need to worry about up next we're going to have to slap on some wooden barricades we're going to be doing three per major entrance and door uh we're probably going to need to disassemble a lot of stuff in classrooms but let's see what we have for stocks 15 planks yeah we're going to need more for now we can go ahead and barricade most of these windows and entrances down yeah we're going to need a lot more planks I am going to leave one door like ready to rock though of course locked so zombies can't open it but that way we can still leave and do our thing the one good thing thing is that you know we are low on planks but there are a couple classrooms that we can just easily get a bunch of planks from so it's like not the worst I'm just going to need to be doing a lot more disassembly so it's a good thing our character is not sleeping but the one thing I will do is grab a quick bite to eat and then uh yeah it's going to be another time oh yeah I forgot these bozos got back up after you killed them once oh that that might have been tragic you really forget like the smallest things when your mind is going off autopilot our character is extremely exhausted so let's uh let's try and push him down to the ground and give him the good old stomping special we've been making really good progress though matter of fact I'm just going to stay on the mic now that we've uh done a majority of it there we go anyways we have done quite a bit of work we barricaded out the cafeteria and we're about to finish it off for this one I really underr estimated how many planks we were going to need to burn through for this by the way but I think we've uh secured most of like the ways a normal zombie would come in we do still have like a few small like little doors that they might be able to squeeze through but we have a lot of Planks on the Windows which is where most of the stealth zombies are going to be coming in from so I'm going to count the the defense of this place a success we have the main entrance is secured and we have like you know the cafeteria and G nasium blocked off from any wandering trouble I really need to eat and then once we're done eating I'm probably going to spend the rest of the day reading yeah we still have so much food I'm just going to shove these dried white beans right in my mouth delicious boom and not only are we full of bursting we're also gaining weight I really wish I had a little bit more twine for our traps and that is the last thing I want to check before I end enter a coma with how tired we are it'd be really cool if we could self- sustain with bird traps you know that'll give me a nice little goal to work towards Moment of Truth no that is a bummer are we getting radiation out here still uh we have not gotten any storms recently so I think it's just about passed yeah I'll be honest last episode I was pretty damn demoralized about about our situation as anyone would be but taking a nice little step back you know focusing on the small things in life and what we've accomplished so far has brought me back morally so I think we're going to be doing something big next time and uh that big plan is going to require a little bit of uh prep work for one we're going to need to sift through the trash to find some empty bottles and secondly I'm going to need to fill up our truck with the rest of the gasoline so where did I drop that gas can inside my little house here right there beautiful and do we have any empty glass bottles that I'll be able to yink we have a single glass bottle technically too if you count my water bottle which is what I'm going to be doing right now I'm going to dump my water inside here and use that because a glass is worth its weight in gold it is the best water bottle but a Molotov sounds a lot better so that's two so far not bad I would like one more so let's hope we can get lucky with uh one of these trash piles here sadly we do not I checked the entirety of the school in some of the surrounding areas trying not to go out too far because of our you know drowsiness but two bottles should be more than enough we're going to be making a couple of molotovs right out of the back of our favorite car with a bunch of gas gasoline hopefully still in it I've been using it a lot so yeah we still got 21 out of 33 so we're going to be filling up two bottles with gasoline and then siphoning out all the gas left into our truck because I want to make it to the gas station near Riverside and seeing how we are about 13 days into the apocalypse I'm guessing quite a big chunk are going to be running at me so we need to be prepared to kind of use vehicular combat that these six truck you see right there that is my War Chariot okay and I will drive this thing into battle and kill every single zombie I can in order to achieve greatness and with the power of the fire we shouldn't be doing a lot of disposal afterwards so what I'm literally going to do is drive up near that area honk the horn a few times the heightened sense with the zombies should attract a a large chunk of them to my location and then all I got to do is pop open the window Chuck a couple fire bombs out and we are cooking the only thing that could possibly go wrong is our car like breaking in the middle of the fight and or a big radiation storm coming in to where we need to you know shut off our plans for the night but other than that I think we can pull it off we also have a bunch of guns that we can use for Drive buys and if that doesn't work out I can always just lead them to a different location go around stealthy and grab the stuff there oh yeah it's all coming together I'm really hoping that we can get some good supplies out of the market in bar I mean at the very least there should be alcohol which is something all I am for okay I think that's it how much gas do we got in this truck now not a lot but it's a pretty sizable amount anyways and the most surprising of all I have not been hit by any radiation today so hopefully it keeps up that uh that pattern and by the time I'm all set and ready tomorrow we're just going to be able to start it off like clockwork for now Coleman brgs has earned himself a stew you know what I'm feeling a little bit uh feeling a little bit daring today I think we should definitely treat ourselves a little bit plus we really didn't do much in terms of progress or combat we just kind of stayed at home and it is very comfy but anyways we got a big old cooking pot of water so let's see what we can actually cook up here yeah there we go I knew that water would have come into use now that we got a cooking pot filled with water let's make ourselves a real nice stew with some rice I might be able to add in some chickpeas oh yeah this is going to be delicious and it beats you know eating get raw let's see here oh yeah we're going to be able to make this thing delicious first things first some random pasta coming right on in bada boom we got dry ramen noodles in there let's add in some stock that sounds really good oh did we use a Boolean Cube yes we did okay let's add in some crackers oh yeah this is going to be some delicious stuff dried chickpeas go right on in there tomato paste you know what it might spr it might Spruce it up a bit why the hell not and let's finish this bad boy off with some beans okay we got dry ramen noodles and bean soup with Boolean freshly uncooked let's go put everything else away yeah I don't really want to add in peanut butter it might make it a bit more Savory but I'm not a psychopath oh this is the first Warm meal we're going to have in a while but I'm probably not going to eat it until it's go time but I can cook it so let's go fire on that Grill and enjoy one last meal before I uh get a little bit s silly hopefully I don't gas and kill myself this way because it still kind of wigs me out that I can just use a propane grilling doors but it's about halfway done to cooking let's wait a little bit more and bada boom it's done I love cooking I really want to make a chef character in the future but that is some good stuff we're going to be saving that for tomorrow though we're extremely tired and uh we got ourselves a really nice soup that I can warm up in the morning well we had our little break now it's about time to get silly once again the radiation is still pretty manageable and we have survived 13 days killing just around 400 zombies with our bare hands not only that but it's a clear day outside with just a tiny amount of radiation truly just a small amount of spice and uh that that's probably good because I have to do a couple of things before I go out on my big quest which is to make it to the bar/ market area in Riverside and maybe if we're feeling a little bit daring we can go check out the gas station and try and get some medication there but before we do that we can help ourselves to some dry ramen noodle and bean soup with Boolean scarfing down our first real meal in a half month and once that's done we can go ahead and craft up a nice little little accessory for our revolver and that would be an improvised bottle silencer if we're going to be heading out and using our guns I want to make as little noise as possible especially because this is day 13 so a good amount of zombies will have superhuman senses so you know trying not to make as much of a footprint as possible is going to be nice plus it makes the gun look really really goofy but it works so I guess the final thing we need to do is just wait until this radiation goes take our truck and head right on down and honestly this could go one or two ways either one the gas station area is infested with hordes of zombies and I need to do like a uh bit of a kiing system with our Molotov cocktails and burn down all the zombies or B it's relatively secure and I can sneak in grab our stuff and get out I'm crossing my fingers it's going to be the latter but with how advanced to the zombies are getting it's probably going to be the former all that's left to do is uh cross my fingers that this truck can save our life honestly I wouldn't even try to do this plan if I didn't have a D6 truck for the horsepower alone so we can go off-roading potentially out running the sprinters and if it didn't have a good engine but it does so this is going to be our Chariot the only thing that's left to do is uh get moving I'm a little excited but I'm more than likely terrified about what's to come these are now Advanced zombies so it's not going to be fun but I might go check out this ambulance really quick we can unlock it and go check it out really quick what do we got o a nice trauma bag that's pretty awesome nothing too crazy though so we're just going to continue on at it we don't have a lot of gas so I really can't afford any waste of time unless I see a kid it out Survivor Zombie with a new gas mask there there are quite a few zombies here uh quite a few that are running and it doesn't help that I'm driving around this big truck I'm going to see if I can actually steal that Zombie's gear before we continue any further it's going to be a little bit risky but if I pull it off right it'll be worth it we're not getting any radiation right now so I just got to figure out how in the hell I'm going to be pulling this one off he's right there he's right there let's aim fire and I will be grabbing his loot later for now we're going over to the the market and it definitely looks like it's going to be a fight type situation actually it's not half bad here the only problem is that a lot of the zombies have advanced uh memories so they're going to be following me for Miles let's go check out the gas station area as well once we get over there I think it's about time we take out the trash in a Mad Max way this time so let's see how many are in front of here yeah way too much though there is a really cool Survivor Zombie down there but I don't think it's going to be worth it yeah no we already got our cool little Survivor uh there are like 30 sprinters chasing me right now so you know what it's time the only thing I can hope for right now is me not crashing into anything and getting swarmed or this car dying it has an 84% uh condition engine but if this thing dies with all these zombies following me it's going to be really bad so let's drive in circles round up all these freaks in one area and once we do that we're going to Chuck down the molotov and play the waiting game and while I'm at it I might as well shoot off a couple of times that'll attract a bunch more and I think we finally rounded up most of them in the area pop open this window and once we get a nice distance away at a safe area we're going to throw down the molotov and get this party started okay it's dropping uh hopefully it'll hit oh no okay we're going to have to drive through that's fine out of the way idiots okay now we should get the majority of them burning and we have just created a fire tornado of sprinting zombies this is getting really dire but we did pull it off I am so happy we have a vehicle vehicle comp is actually one of my more favorite things to do with sprinters I could not imagine myself doing this without a vehicle it it would be impossible oh this is getting a little bit scary and while it is pretty terrifying to like you know be a part of it is really interesting to look at just looking at like a flaming horde of zombies tell me you've never seen that in Project zom blade and the worst part is that it's only getting larger because a lot of the zombies do have you know superhuman hearing at this point they're hearing me from miles out and they are coming far and wide like look at this this this whole wave right here wasn't here I'm pretty sure they I'm pretty sure those few like right below me came from the damn City to check out what's going on here whatever though so long as we have the gas we're just going to be driving at a safe distance bobbing and weaving building up our post-apocalyptic Survivor skills oh no this is the worst timing for this ever are you kidding me right now that is an a mission and there is still a massive flaming horde of zombies on my back okay I have a plan then uh do I have a plan no I don't I really don't have a plan right now this is the worst timing for it ever this is this is actually the worst okay okay you know what the only thing I can think of right now is to drive back into town leading this mass of hoard of zombies away from this location and crossing my fingers that none of the Flaming massive H is up and crossing my fingers that the massive flaming fast hoard of zombies God there's so many coming in here okay we just need to drive through town right now um we're definitely going to lose a few things oh what a crazy sequence of events huh let's hurry up and get inside before this emission hits and turns my body into goo with that little setback aside I think we pulled it off pretty well we didn't die I don't know how banged up our truck is but we didn't die so I guess I'll see yall in the morning as I just kind of R inside here it's one good timing as well without like saturated the red is I definitely think if I would have stayed out for longer than another minute I would have died let's go help ourselves to some uh canned pineapple yeah yeah yeah yeah and uh we're going to go to sleep just like that welcome to day 14 just about we survived we're still gaining weight and I went ahead and used some of my time to use as you see I crafted up a makeshift nailed baseball bat so I was able to save up on the condition of this thing so I can use it a lot more I also went ahead cleaned out my inventory a bit and got my trauma bag ready to go on a looting trip so as soon as it becomes light enough for me to go out with without any bad radiation we're going to go head out okay no this is a perfect time for it I am really hoping that our whole little Kur fuffle yesterday took care of most of the zombies at least the ones that were around the areas that I was going to loot it's -4 by the way that is terrible and it looks like we just attracted all the Sprinter zombies from our car oh yeah by the way it's -40 it is absolutely terrible for it but let's just try TR to keep an optimistic mindset and avoid contact with the infected and hold on a minute that's a really nice looking uh motorcycle I'm going to go give this a little bit of a check and uh maybe it might have a little bit of gas sadly no gas but it does have a key in it if I can find some gasoline up near the uh store I'm definitely going to take that motorcycle for myself do you know how cool I would look in that thing oh man o and I almost forgot we did kill that one geared zombie up on the road a little bit more okay maybe this maybe this whole trip will be worth it definitely not here but this place is pretty cleared out now that we've uh went through it I might go check this store out on our way back especially if we find a generator manual because reading all the vhs's at the hit vid store would be massive okay uh little bit of a problem there are a bunch of sprinters coming in after me please open the door okay we're safe I was about to pull My Revolver out but we were able to be saved I kind of wish I took my car at this point H it's a lot more stressful being out on foot especially when their senses are so honed I'll be looting the VHS store in a bit uh I I don't really have any reason to do that yet though ah you know what it wouldn't hurt to take the good vhs's anyways I might never come back here so just grabbing them right now might be nice oh also a nice little stick of gum not bad at all if only we had a generator and a magazine to go with it is it still good outside yes it is so that means we got to keep on moving here's what I would like to say but another three sprinters have gotten funny ideas ah I'm going to clear them out later dude this is such a struggle right now oh man no rest for the wicked at all here though as much of a downer as I am there are a few small little gifts that I get given um and that's going to be the cool geared zombie that I shot yesterday I am really curious to see what this guy has on him and it might make the entire trip worth it who knows there's only one way to find out and that's to find out where I killed him oh here he is Hey sir how about you come with me a little bit farther away from the action nice gas mask you got there buddy also this guy had some good stuff on him holy crap I'll I'll be taking a lot of this stuff okay not bad I don't think this will actually help us out too much but it is a nice change up hell yeah actually you know what I really like our gas mask maybe in the future I can find a new one let's let's keep her moving on the bright side the vest does give us a whole lot more options to attach a magazine knives oh that's pretty awesome actually and hey there ma'am that is some cool gear you got on yourself mind if I take that like back like bag oh yeah I'm sure you wouldn't mind at all okay nice we got a few extra little bags now but more importantly we made it to the market with a new level of sneaking de boot okay I'm pretty excited I'm really excited actually mostly because it looks like our plan worked there's not a lot of zombies around here and uh we can loot relatively safely so what do we got here a saw canned of food corn beef rotten milk broccoli seeds Okay that's actually really awesome because we can start up our own Farm canned sardines a snow shovel hey that's not a bad weapon to use chips and instant popcorn that's the kind of loot I was really hoping for with this whole store I don't really care too much about the tools I care very much about the food this stuff is worth its weight and gold like that jar of peanut butter and lastly an extra key that seems to be it and while I'm at it I am going to go check these uh cars for gasoline and any of them I would really like some so I could power up that bike we saw earlier and drive that bad boy around you know the best thing about the snow shovel is that I can immediately Dig A Grave right next to these idiots and dispose them in the same like little day aloop I got to use this more often and with that horde taken care of we're going to go check out the food market with things being finally clear again let's see what we got candy slices mushroom soup we also have ketchup peanut butter chocolate up the wazo this this is already worth it the amount of food and supplies that we've gotten has definitely paid off in my favor so much so that I might need to tap into our second bag in order to carry everything with us actually I'm going to go do that right now and all we're going to do is make this trauma bag our big old food bag which is currently boasting a whole assortment of foods and now that we finally looted this spot the last one that I really want to check uh is going to be the bar oh and it does look like we've been eating up radiation the entire time okay that's not good you know what else isn't good this guy who just who just tried to do like a Dodge roll on me get out of here stop that stop that what are you doing you're embarrassing me okay um let's hurry up and just to move down to the bar uh if I have to take a little bit of radiation medication I can afford it and while I am outside let's check this uh this car here no gas bummer I'll take the duct tape though already I'm seeing some good stuff on those tables alcohol cigarettes cigarettes am I happy to see you I'm going to go help myself to a quick little smoke I've earned it and I've also earned everything else inside this building alcohol chips it's all mine oh yeah we are going to be leaving today like a bandit matter of fact I don't think we're going to have enough supplies to bring all of this good stuff back oh we got we got so much here yeah we're probably not going to have to worry about making Molotov for a long time and the best thing about this bar especially on like extremely rare loot settings is that even though things are rare a lot of the spawns in this area are on top of the tables anyways so it doesn't even matter how rare the loot is cuz you're guaranteed like chips and beer at at the very least so so yeah we are leaving stuffed full of good stuff and with that I think it's about time for us to head back to the school and to drop off everything it should be a pretty easy street right back on down though we are going to have to probably fight a few things and then next episode I am going to be working on a nice little rooftop Farm we're not going to be able to water our stuff too well which will be a problem matter of fact I'm probably going to need to make water runs in the future but we'll figure that out in the future all right for now I just need to worry about me and honestly I might move out of here we've looted just about everything this place has to offer bar the gas station area and police station ooh do I want to check out the police station that is a good question you know what let's do it we have eaten up a lot of radiation so I will be taking a little bit of medication okay up next I really want to check out the bait shop I know I did say I was going to go home but I honestly think we should leave Riverside I don't think there's going to be much else left for us here we've looted all of the cool spots so my plan is to make a nice little base on the on the Riverside so I don't need to worry about water and I have like a nice little area to where I can start doing survival stuff and you know trying to like live longer than a month and and hopefully inside here we can find some fishing supplies and oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah right there boom we got what we came here for which makes the last area I want to check out for this episode the police station this one's going to be a little bit more hit or miss but I do want to check it out I am getting a little bit greedy with the amount of loot we have and how long I'm pushing it out but I really don't want to stay here too much longer I know I did spend all of that time like fortifying the area but at this point like I don't know if it'll be worth it also holy crap this this car is loaded hold on here oh no gas though okay that's fine that's a free Beretta with pretty good condition I'll take it sadly I won't be able to drive that back let's just make a be line over towards the police station right now and update about the police station and gas station I'm not going down there there are five different sets of hordes I wouldn't last a minute okay I'm going I'm going to call it here we got a lot of stuff I need to go home right now yeah I am not pushing it any further I'm going home we are we are going to turn right around go back to the school all we got to do is make it back alive easier said than done when you're eating up RADS as fast as I am screw it it's do or die we're making it back to the school uh any more sprinters coming in after me no we're good another two zombies uh one of them is sprinting we can take them out okay there's twooo take them out boom Bop oh you you're supposed to die with that okay we're good let's keep her moving out of the way man I got places to be oh I really shouldn't have pushed it so far okay okay there's only two following me we did make it to the fence line let's take him out with the knife and keep on moving okay we're good we did it and safe that was kind of stressful that was actually extremely stressful but we pulled it off pretty well how many RADS did we eat 314 not that bad actually okay I'm going to end the episode here we got a bunch of supplies I'm probably going to throw it in the back of our truck actually I should I'm I'm going to do that later okay I just survived a really stressful looting run and a really stressful plan with the molotov next episode we escape from River Side the more I realize we're not really prepared to leave just yet we do have the food we do have the supplies but the one thing that we are truly lacking is gasoline mainly gasoline so I think we are going to have to uh look around for a mint conditioned car with a full gas can before we leave but I can go ahead and take initiative on dumping everything into our truck I think the truck is still going to be our best vehicle so let's go check the condition and see how much that thing can carry around oh hello there ah funny seeing you here let's go see how bad it is actually not bad at all I got out of that entire plan pretty good the only thing that we do need to work on is the trunk which can't really carry too much matter of fact it can only carry 57 lb I think that'll be pretty good let's dump off all of our food we have a lot of food to actually drop off all righty we cleared out the fridge and we got it all in the back of our truck which is about 30 kilos worth of food now we got to sift through uh the rest of this it's it's actually going to take a little bit and I am going to be using this duffel bag B never mind I won't be using the Stuffle bag I'm going to be uh taking literally everything out of it and I will be saving it for when I actually do leave later for now we just got to like shove a lot of stuff into like the glove box and a seat and the remaining trunk capacity so we're only going to take the really important stuff and I'll probably leave a bunch of this behind thankfully we don't have a lot of things to our name most of this is just random junk that we've picked up along the way and really this is going to be one of the easiest moves of our life I don't think I'm going to be taking any of the guns other than the Beretta which I don't even have a magazine for yet so that's kind of useless but I will be taking the grill with us this thing is uh worth its weight in gold so let's go drop it off and I will fill you in on our next plan and that plan is to get obviously gasoline and maybe a few last bits of food I I know I have a lot I I have a lot a lot but I would like a little bit more so I'm going to go chart out our our course and our course is mainly going to uh consist of looting the parking lots that I've been to before trying to siphon out any little bit of extra fuel we got we got a gas can here and I would actually like a second one before I do head out I'm going to go hit up the parking lot right here the building here and all of the cars on the road down that way if we don't find the gas here so actually the more I think about this plan the more simple it becomes uh there is a little bit of radiation out how bad is it inside a car oh okay so getting inside cars does stop radiation that's good to know uh I guess we can wait a few hours until this you know blows over for us to move out and when it does it's go time looking at our radiation intake right now it's go time we did it take in quite a bit but I am going to wait until I hit around 600 RADS in order to see if our medicine will cover that I've been kind of dancing on that to see if I can you know get more use out of my medication so if I do find a vehicle that does have a lot of gasoline in it I am going to drive up my truck in Park right next to it so I can fuel it up really quickly I I'm guessing that there is going to be a a vehicle with a filled up tank here I'd be surprised if there wasn't out of the way park ranger I got things to do important things like checking this car for gas nope nope oh no it looks like it's going to be a fight then oh I love fighting sprinters it's my favorite pastime yippee also nice helmet man okay that's a big hord taken care of now it's time to go check for gas before these idiots get any bright ideas and get up okay this one has a little bit of gas how much in it though three not bad I can just siphon that out with our gas tank then I also really want to go check out that dude's uh that dude's whole whole fit it might actually be better than our other stuff right now plus motorcycle helmets are extremely rare so I might just take it for the novelty uh the jacket is not better than ours but the motorcycle helmet is better if it didn't replace my cloak that is H you know what I'm feeling it let's wear a motorcycle helmet at least for today it's a nice little change of pace though I'm really sad that I can't wear the uh the hoodie with it ah it'll be fine we'll go put this in our police duty gear and move on no gas no gas gas no nope no none nope none zilch woo we do got a runner though I almost shot that would have been bad okay that was a little bit scary uh still no gasline surprisingly we are getting very unlucky when it comes to that maybe we'll get lucky with some of the cars down here I've actually never been down this way so it might be a little bit of a surprise I mean that van right there that looks mint condition I would be surprised if there isn't any gasoline inside that thing but the only way to find out is to move our way down towards it how's my radiation perfect one I mean not like perfect but good enough really no gas in this thing oh you're kidding wow no gas I just got saved what the actual hell oh my that was scary that was a bite sound ah okay we're not checking we're not checking cars that way anymore that was too scary there's gas in here though okay this might be Mint Condition okay okay okay wellow I I I need a minute that was that was actually terrifying saved by my damn armor and with that I am done with the motorcycle helmet I would much rather have my cloak which does give me bite and scratch defense on my neck which is something I think I need yeah yeah no wow that was we're going to need a new jacket as well how's our protection looking really good other than our right upper arm okay let's go drive down our truck and siphon out the gas and then then in the morning we're getting the we're getting the hell out of here I'm I'm done here I have spent more than enough time in this hellscape and that scare is all I need to leave I really God it's always when I check the damn cars every single time if I would have gotten bit there I would have Rage Quit just shows it just shows you armor is pretty damn important I'm usually the type of person that says drip over drowning but in that regard if I would have dripped I would have drowned I mean I'm still dripping but I'm not drowning with the drip I'm I'm not making any sense right now and it's because I've had a near death experience okay let's just go fill this damn thing up before any others get any bright ideas and before I even go ahead with that I'm double-checking any zombies coming in yeah there's one see it's always those little stinkers though they're usually running at this point like this guy here settle down oh god oh this is getting scary this is getting extremely scary please kill it okay nice let's run away a bit did she just fall and trip under the truck okay that makes my life easier thank you ma'am God this is like a clown car in here what the hell is that it no no no there's more all right wow what a what a day ain't that right sir anything good on you no okay if that's going to be the last of them let's just hurry up siphon out the grass and get the hell out of here this is going to take a little bit and that scares me just let me get my gas damn it that's all I need I wish there was an easier way to do this man whatever slow and steady wins the race though not too slow as to give the zombies a chance to uh get back up please fill this up like your life depends on it Coleman because it does how much gasoline is in this damn thing I've went back and forth like five to six different times and this thing still has gas to go I mean we're not going to need to worry about gasoline for for a long time okay this thing's all filled up let's drop off the gas can I actually I might not be able to and then we are going to sleep it's extremely laid out it's extremely cold the last thing I will check checking 360 is how much gas is left in here and if it's worth it to pursue it any further let's see a seven things of gas gosh that would be so nice but at the same time I value my life let's get out of here we we we we came what we got what we came here for which is a lot of gas so much so that we won't need to worry about refilling and I'm going to go back to my school go to sleep for the day and as soon as it becomes morning we are leaving this city we got just about everything useful out of it other than the uh the post office area which I am going to be sad about but I can live without it it's not like we have the gasoline to spare for a generator anyways though honestly that does sound really nice you know what I'm not done here we're going to check out one last store before I do leave and that is going to be the post office I'm getting extremely greedy but if I can get the generator magazine the place where I'm going to has a gas station which means indefinite amounts of gasoline if I can just make it over you know what that's exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow and would you look at that it's a new day we've cleared out most of the path because we did raid the pharmacy and if the pharmacy is here the bookstore is going to be like right there so it should be a pretty straightforward Mission and I'm hoping we get ourselves a generator manual out of it that that is bare oh this is terrible Maybe uh maybe I think about this let's see how bad it is outside okay not that bad not that bad I am going to take a little bit of medication though we we we've hit like 600 and just like that we're back to zero I really need to like push this medicine to the Limit I'm starting to like realize that we can do that but this fog isn't going to stop me I can still see their heads in the fog if I look hard enough we just got to get moving it's -43 right now just to give you an idea of how bad it is actually you know what no screw that I'm not going on foot I'm going to drive up there who am I kidding I I killed most of the zombies it shouldn't be that bad of a drive and it's a hell of a lot better than going on foot through through hell itself yeah we're moving with the truck I just have to be extra cautious about not going over 1,000 rotations per minute on the car because that's what really attracts a lot of zombies so if I can just like tap the W key and Coast my way on down should be fine this is so stupid what am I doing why am I doing this to myself you know what I'll tell you why I'm doing it it's for a better future out of the way please don't ruin my car I'm probably going to park in the back of these stores near like the river area yeah right here would be a good stop let's get out and give this zombie a warm Knox County welcome and up next we have to find the bookstore entrance I I think it's one of these buildings we just have to be cautious on not walking into an ambush see you see that's what I'm talking about scary stuff right there good thing I door flashed yeah screw you I saw that coming a mile away yeah Riverside is no longer safe with the amount of sprinters just in the area it's obvious that we need to move so where is the bookstore um it's one of these stores it's definitely connected I think it's the one down here yeah I see it right there bottom right let's just hug the windows and move our way stealthily through dead no that's an office building it it is barricaded that's fine because we have the lockpick we're in let's hry up and get in here before it gets any worse out we're in okay let's look for that damn manual carpentry books cooking books just a whole bunch of books a few magazines that I have already read and it's just books no magazines that's kind of depressing but there is one more location we can loot though it is going to require a little bit more walking the place I'm referring to is going to be the post office it's not too far down this way it we just have to cross the the hotel area and we should be able to make our way over there this is going to be our final Hail Mary if we don't get anything out of the post office I'm going to cut my losses and just leave I've been way too overzealous in getting the good stuff and I feel like there's going to be a limit to it soon but I do have to say the call of the generator manual is too hard to resist man I need it in my life so badly and at this point we've come too far to die now damn it I'm getting there and a little bit of radiation and diffuse zombies will not stop me on my quest especially when I have fences on my side what say you idiots I love fences so much oh makes Sprinter combat so much more doable and the next building right after this hotel is going to be the post office that actually went a little bit too well though I guess it does help that we've killed a few hundred zombies here before and the chopper event brought them all over the place I'm going to slip my way on in now ma'am don't don't worry about me all I'm going to think about is the generator magazine that I'm going to get right out of this building here come on mechanics volume Five nope nope not it no no generator mag well I'm a man of my word we're done here let's goe back and and get the hell out of town not before stopping at this bar though hey look at all the alcohol here you think I'd miss this for a minute hell no this alcohol is mine okay now it's time to leave this place for real this time I mean come on it's hard to pass up like five different full wine bottles when you know this place exists and and it it was worth it if anything that solidifies our survival for another like week or so if I can get the hell out of town which is exactly what I'm going to do now thank you beautiful town of Riverside for accommodating Coleman brugs but you scare the hell out of me and it's time for me to get the hell out of here and to chart our course for our new home you probably already know what like place I'm thinking of I go here often and this is the time that I actually survived there it's way out in the boonies and it should give me more than enough time to start off my homesteading needs just follow me out of this godforsaken nuclear hell hole that was Riverside we've picked it pretty clean though also fun little fact about Vehicles you can turn on the AC or heater inside your vehicle to warm or make your character colder for me it's going to warm me up because currently if I don't have it on outside is a solid 32° so we're keeping the heater on we're we're almost there though and then I can finally probably not actually rest up for a little bit there are going to be a few zombies I need to kill but getting there is going to be our main goal so I welcome you to my little Slice of Heaven it's not exactly there yet with quite a few zombies being around the area by quite a few I mean like a few hundred I'm actually going to back up here and I'm going to do a little bit of a driveby to kill the sprinters at least but we made [Music] it yeah they should take care of a a good chunk of the the the annoying ones at least hold on one more boom okay let's get the hell out of here reload a little bit I just really need to take take care of the sprinting ones oh God there's actually quite a few zombies here okay okay well this is going to be our final battle then uh for the episode I mean not for my life hopefully okay you know what I have a better idea I'm going to go drive down a little bit and I'm just going to give them the old slipperooni and I can work on clearing those zombies out later the gas station isn't actually my Slice of Heaven it's the start to my Slice of Heaven so yeah let's just Barrel through here try and lose the undead as fast as possible and then Coast all the way to where I'm actually going to be staying for tonight anyways that General Store will be the building that I stay at for uh quite a while I just have to clear out a bunch of uh Sprinter zombies that are currently making their way towards my location right now and then I can kind of introduce it a little bit better man I a force to be reckon with with these knives okay how many more zombies we got here six or seven left to go I'm going to go save the rest of my dur ability on our knife our stalker knife and I'm going to use the shovel here actually the snow shovel I'm going to save the metal shovel for a corpse disposal all righty let's see what they got I can answer for you they got nothing and that marks the final zombie that were actually aggroed on me okay I'm going to go end the episode here we got out of Riverside we got a we got a filled up truck with supplies and we have a potential future home next episode is going to be me looting around the general area clearing out all of these dead corpses and making this place a little bit more homely because right now it doesn't really have that but we have access to a River we we're out in the middle of the sticks we have a nearby generator in the future this is as good as it gets I'm still recovering from that from from that really close scare peace out everyone yep don't mind me just doing God's work Coleman brgs has killed 550 zombies surviving around half a month and today we are going to be moving in to our brand new home it's a bit bit of a fixer upper but I'm sure we'll be able to make it work but right now what's more important is disposing of the zombies so I'm going to do just that and boom that is going to be all the zombies that we've killed to get here there still is going to be that massive horde down the road but we can worry about that later I'm really happy that I found out how to uh bury zombies with the shovel here it's going to it's going to make my life a lot easier you can't see the graves that I dig but they are definitely there anyways it's time to check out our new house the general store and it sounds like we have a visitor well it's a good thing we got two more spaces in that grave of mine yes come right on over ma'am the real estate is fantastic in this day and age simple ass ah you really messed up now it's finally time to fill up this grave fully and let's fill it up yeah five less zombies to deal with and now I can finally show you what's going on and what good timing we are extremely tired hungry and sad as you see inside our new home we have topof thee line facilities shelves with food and an ATM so we will never have to worry about uh money ever again we also have some meds strawberry seeds I was actually really surprised that there was meds here battery cordless phone okay I was kind of hoping for like bags of chips we got a wooden Mallet and that is quite literally it on the first story it also sounds like there's a zombie upstairs o we also have a nice little janitor closet with the pipe wrench not a bad weapon to use I'll be using that for storage later upstairs we have a zombie knocking on a door I think he's inside the living room right now hello there sir sir oh where is oh he's in the bathroom okay now I got to find a space to like dispose of you at come on die for me please thank you we'll find a spot later I'll just shove her inside a garbage bag for now but yeah this is our nice little home it has a lamp television nice little bookshelf little kitchen office area really the only problem right now are the blood stains and that window being open because you know toxic gases can leak in there oh two broken windows I haven't really seen any toxic fog yet though that might actually be a little bit broken well I guess we won't have to worry about that for a little bit then but yeah this is home I'm probably going to sleep in here for tonight and then we will move all of our stuff upstairs in here sadly no generator magazine on the bookshelf I was kind of like holding out a little bit of Hope for that it it was a very you know it it was a pipe dream but you know we can always dream anything else here no not a single thing that's fine we can add in our own stuff and I forgot to actually loot the cardboard boxes here flow two packets of potato seeds Okay that's epic that that actually boosted up my spirits quite a bit not bad I'm going to go to sleep now it's time to work we really have no excuse to not be organized because you know we're moving completely and I get to actually place all of my loot individually so let's try and make this place you know at least organized there's no trash up here so it should be pretty easy to do I got to go grab everything though which is going to take a few trips back and forth not to mention the occasional zombie and radiation we have to deal with outside it's looking good out here and there's no radiation a perfect time for it don't mind the weather - 38 is actually pretty mild with this challenge you know what isn't mild though about seven or eight different zombies let's kill them now before I get jumped by them when I'm moving oh that's a lot of sprinters okay I think we finally reached the point where around 50 % of the zombie population are now just running freaks the the challenge has just gotten exponentially harder is what I'm trying to say it's a good thing that this place comes with its own little fence line to make this whole process oh my God that's a lot more than I was expecting okay flying a little close to the Sun there oh without this balcony I would have been screwed I hate it here get one hit run away before they can lunge me run around just like that and I've played them like the bunch of fools that they are easiest okay maybe not the easiest four kills five six kills in my life okay now you're just making fun of me dude stupid zombies and stupid corpse disposal imagine getting up after a day after Coleman brgs is done bashing your head in with a massive snow shovel couldn't it be me at least we've streamlined this whole process to be just an average day in zom boy know well that's that taken care of uh there's another horde that I did see down near the snack market so I am going to need to bring down another horde as well we're not done just yet I might as well dig up these graves in preparation for it right now as well I just need to remember where they're at because you know the snow covers up everything we'll set like four here and I think that'll be more than enough to dispose of the rest of them oh we're going to be getting real silly today oh there's quite a few this is going to get a little bit hairy well it's time to test my metal against a bunch of sprinters let's hope this doesn't go wrong and I hope they trickle in at a very calm and cool rate that would be very appreciated no they're not they're just going to run in like the crackheads they are this is getting scary dude I hate this okay hop the fence one vonk go right over to the next one okay not too many followed me I just I just can't can't get hit from behind right now F all it takes is one wrong move and one misplaced scripter to make my day a living hell like this idiot here we're good easiest kill of my life okay time to do that another three to four times and I should be uh just just safe that was smooth though man who would have known that a big plastic snow shovel would be such a good zombie killing weapon they don't build them like they used to that's for sure this is Peak 1990s Kentucky and hopefully we only have one more big wave of that and I can work on my house you know that's the whole reason why I came out here game is to like take a chill pill from the hustle and bustle of murder but here I am yet again murdering I think that's going to be it for the zombies and now it's time for the chores at the very least I do get to loot through these dead corpses to see if there's anything cool on them like this Mossberg 500 for free shotgun shells don't mind if I do I'm probably never going to use this but the shotgun shells alone make it worth it uh everything we get off these corpses I'm going to place on the table and I'll grab it for later I've definitely seen a couple of knives and stuff here as well and give me that bulletproof vest that that's actually really good though my prepper vest it does give me more stuff doesn't it never mind I'd rather take my prepper vest for my cool little hot slot Keys it's cool all right other than that we got two extra hunting knives not bad at all I got to level up my short blade so I can start using these things a little bit more uh dangerously that's it though so now it's time to pack all these bozas up and shove them inside our pre du Graves while also checking for radiation that's that's pretty important as well we're good it's a beautiful day out that's all of them taken care of I just dug a bunch of graves around the outside but we did get a pretty good payment for it and that's a few protective items and some clothing it's always good to remain optimistic even when the circumstances are dire and now that I feel a little bit more safe about my situation not really though I will show you why in a second there are definitely a few packs of zombies outside but as a great man once said I'll do it later that great man is me by the way let's focus on getting all of our stuff inside outside inside yes give me all of the goodies fill up my pockets to the brim watch me as I waddle my way to Freedom into greatness that's all I got right now we have so much food I I don't have to worry about that for the rest of my life probably holy crap and you know what you know what else we got we got a fishing net trap I should probably set that up somewhere nice I'll do that when I like actually go fishing full sale so I can have the bait with me damn we're doing all right I got to say I'm I'm I'm happy I'm pumped this is this is going to be fun I get to live out the rest of my future Days in relative ease until I decide to go out and get mauled by zombies or maybe right out my yard who knows for now I'm vibing all I would really want right now is some electricity to watch these freaking tapes with and I had to jinx it about that front yard Comet okay I really hate it when they trip in front of me it makes things a lot more stressful whatever I can take a quick grve for you bring it on just think about the positives at least I don't have to go to them later nice trip bozo okay I'm just kidding though please don't go hard on me I'm I'm a very fragile man this never will end will it I just want one day one day to myself that is all I ask for God please stop giving me your strongest battles there we go things are clean once again we did spend a few hours doing that but we're about halfway done grabbing all of our stuff so I'll take it and most of the space is actually coming from the patented George for G barbecue which I will be putting inside my base I will never let go of this damn thing it is it is the best thing that I have right now and I will cherish it like a nostalgic memory we got anything in the seat of course we do we got a bunch of stuff time to sort through our inventory and get some damn Shi and also eat food I forget to eat a lot of times gono so we'll shove this in here here this in there drop that off and set up some important architecture boom this place is looking pretty good we still got uh some stuff inside my inventory like a few MPL things but I can easily find spots for that matter of fact I'm going to show you a little Showcase of my place so this this is the main lobby I don't use this spot but I thought I'd showcase it the majority of my stuff is going to be upstairs as we head up we have a gas can on a box with flow inside it I actually forgot to do anything with that and here I have my farming SL fishing supplies looking pretty good I do really want to plan on setting up a farm and I have a perfect spot for it here is my like General weapons area over here in this little box corner is going to be my tools and Supply area kind of lacking right now and that is because I like carrying my tools with me it makes stuff a lot easier and while we're we're doing this I'm going to smoke over here we have our uh fuel I guess Zone I put it in the oven because it's kind of fitting so our lighter matches and batteries cuz I count that as fuel for my life over here I have all of my delicious food we have so much I actually took up the entirety of the fridge and how about we treat ourselves to some wine today other than that inside the freezer we got some rice and some water nothing too crazy over here we got our patented George for guy Grill ready to cook us up some Delicacies in here we have a few magazines a few books nothing too crazy but it can be a good time waster we got our vhs's in that corner there over here we have our meds and inside we got our bed there's nothing in it except for my boy ferbert which is all I need so yeah it's it's pretty cozy don't really like the open window situation but we'll figure that out later when I wake up tomorrow we're going to be doing a little bit of looting I've earned it damn it and what a better day for looting than a nice foggy day I want to headit up the bait and tackle store and this little diner here I'm not really expecting much I'm just doing it to you know peek around a little bit the gas station with how many zombies are around it is off limits at least for today I've done enough killing it's time I search around for some good supplies and while we're at it I should probably load up My Revolver just in case this thing will save my life if I get caught out in the middle of the uh you know field without a real way to fight sprinters I can pop off six shots run over to my nice little hidey hole and it should give us enough time let's hope that the fog doesn't screw me over or that any new zombies have wandered in the area looking good so far I should probably check the radiation as well beautiful I really need the emergency broadcast system so that's another little side goal for us I'm going to be checking a lot of like the radios and stuff just to see because you never know this oh you can't make that up dude oh that is good that is really good right write that write down that number everyone 103.8 oh how's the weather looking today what that is insane sadly I can't program my Geer counter to have that but if I find a walkie-talkie that's that's so cool oh okay I needed that little win we take those I take those in stride if we take this radio out of the car does it transfer over anyways cuz I want oh my gosh it's Nega 40° by the way yikes okay let's let's do this pretty quick then I don't want to be out here for too long but I'm taking that radio for myself yes good I'll find you another radio later okay this one's a little bit more important there we we go and let's go check it out 103.8 can't forget it and it carries over awesome sauce I'll keep that at a low frequency as I peruse to our little dining location I really want to see if it tells me when toxic fog rolls up that is I'm still so excited I am so so so freaking excited let's go check out the what what is this place called the beef Roundup oh that's a good name for it hello I'm just coming on in now sir I will be disassembling your entire future if that's okay with you is it cool we'll just hit him with the tried and true garbage bag technique for now uh later I can focus on burying them I just don't want him to get up while I'm doing important things anything in the bathroom no anything in the closet a light bulb nothing that's fine at the very least this is a source of nails and a source of carpentry supplies also I definitely missed the broadcast system it plays every hour so I need to have this thing equipped the entire time oo that's a big group of three zombies with one of them being a little sprinting crackhead that's not good let me uh let me fix that real quick with my shanken knife yeah okay we're good we're good we're good sorry that God I I can't be doing this right now man what you want some too ma'am I like knives knives are cool they're plentiful and I find them all the time and it's even more common because we have spawned in basically 2 months into the apocalypse anything in here no nothing what about inside the bait shop I have good feelings about it I mean like right off the bat there are two water collector barrels not that they're useful because you know it only snows out and you can't collect it with snow but it has fishing line and fishing rods for us to use oh Coleman I think it's about time for your fishing G how much water do we have in here 10 out of 400 125 out of 400 not bad I'll have to remember where this is cuz this is a good source of water we also have a second radio which I'll probably take right now to replace in my car I think having a radio in my car is something you really need so I'll yoink that anything upstairs though there's a nice TV vitamins an alarm clock baking pan and a single can of tuna I'll eat that right now that sounds pretty damn Delicious I'm going to wait around to see if this thing has anything to say though KNX power grid blackout -32 minimum -43 maximum -24 mild wind from the north clear skies periodical cloudy spells light fog this is going to be so nice we're going to be able to do so much I hope it detects whether there's radiation or not I really hope it does cuz if this thing detects like when there's rad ration out in the days we're going to be set tomorrow's going to be a thick fog that's all we got right now I am going to need to make it a habit to check this whenever I leave in the morning I also preset this radio with the same system so we should be good to install one into our truck I am I am so smart I am so cool and you know what's even better if you didn't realize I am always going to be carrying a shovel inside my tool bag so whenever I needed to Expos of zombies I can do it on the Fly which is something that I am a massive fan of it makes my life a lot easier is what I'm trying to say hey where'd you blowing from stupid town I'm sorry that was really uncalled for I'll give you a nice grave there we go nature can finally heal anyways let's grab our two radios install one in our truck and finally get to resting up and homesteading next time I can already feel it this is going to be a new chapter for good old brugs here at least until I get bored and I decide to go out on a crazy trip to the gun store though saying that I will need to clear out the gas station which is going to be a little bit of an undertaking I remember there being minimum 50 zombies there then again that's for future me to figure out things are going great things are going good and it's only going to get better hey there this is normally the part where I would say how long I've have survived but it's still the same day as it was last episode it's 12:00 p.m. and we have a lot of things to do thankfully I have planned this all out in my head so today is going to be pretty digestible in terms of plans let me show you on our map so number one we need to get silly once again I have gotten silly a lot but it's time to do that for real this time there are a bunch of zombies near this little gas station here and I want them dead so I can feel safe in my home once we're done with that I want to make a food house I I would have called it a greenhous but it's not really green it's brown so I just called it a food house and I want to set up a nice little potato farm and on top of that potato farm I want to tap into some more passive income as well so we're going to be setting up our fishing traps hopefully by the end of this episode we should have a safe and a very productive home and it begins with a little bit of Carnage and a good breakfast of chips yeah we've already checked out the emergency broadcast system so we know that there's going to be no emissions radiation could still definitely hit but I think it's going to be a pretty good day we got our nailed bat we got our knife and if things hit the fan a little bit we got the heat now it's time to see how bad things truly are down here and how many holes we're going to need to dig and already that's a filled up grave site okay out of all the swings that one looked especially gruesome now it's time to dig them a grave ha on to the next group of five and it looks like we're going to be drawing from that pool right there it's time to get stabbing and by stabbing I mean running for my damn life there are four sprinters right on my back right now W get dodged oh I missed oh my gosh this is like a I do not like how clumsy this entire sequence has been man so many trips turns and Falls okay we're good calm and cool baby ooh where did those two come from man what I for I forget that these zombies have really good memories Dodge that nice try bozos I missed that again I am not in my stride this is not my moment ah there goes my freaking bat I like stabbing things it makes me feel safe the one thing I don't like is digging more Graves these bodies aren't going to bury themselves though so Coleman just has to suck it up and Chuck them inside they're forever home not bad at all it's back to the status quo with a few less zombies to deal with now you might be wondering why am I going to turn this building here into a food house or how I can even grow crops I'll be honest I don't know if I can grow crops in this mod but this little I guess what what is it like a little like awning no not awning I no awnings are on the second floor this like this building here I'm just going to call the building is uh recognized as an interior as you see it's 33° in here despite there being like no walls if I step out it's 24 so my plan is to retrofit this entire thing to become like a bit of a greenhouse and I hope that the higher temperatures will actually make this a little bit more farm likee and a little bit more hospitable for my plants and the fishing obviously is self-explanatory as there's a massive River if only I had a boat man that'd be so nice for now we're going to have to put our whole plan at a bit of a standstill because our character is drowsy so what I'm going to do right now is grab all the gear I left outside here and start to clear out some of the Interior buildings and getting the materials I need so that includes disassembling literally everything inside here and then I'm going to move over to the beef Roundup I would like nails to repair my baseball bat indefinitely and now that I know that the general area is safe I can do it without too much of a worry but I will be keeping my head on a swivel at the very least it's extra firewood boom and so today marks our 19th day alive we are still losing weight but we're doing all right for ourselves and I think we've definitely earned ourselves a nice cigarette so a few things changed with that whole little Montage we did successfully disassemble everything in the diner but one thing that I am going to not do is repair our baseball bat because we only have 19 nails so right now nails are a pretty finite resource that I would like to save for later so instead of using a baseball bat as our main weapon I'll be using this pipe wrench saving our shovel to bury the undead this shovel is more important than anything else that we've gotten just because of that utility Factor alone and before we do head out to try and clear out more of the gas station area I am going to check our weather to make sure everything looks okay okay pretty decent temperatures mild wind not bad up period of weather okay thunderstorm imminent in 5 days well we got 5 days I was expecting something a lot worse I like having a radio it reminds me that I can rely on technology even on this uh not so fun challenge without any lights is there any radiation outside no there is not so aside from the absolutely terrible weather this is a good time to go out hopefully today we'll be able to make it to the gas station and I won't have to worry about that for a while but judging from this one zombie just chilling like in the front of here I'm guessing it's not going to be that easy get out of here you freaking animal anyone else oh yeah no there's definitely others into the snack machine with you good sir you should consider yourself lucky that's a lot better of a fate compared to what I'm about to do to the rest of these idiots I say that but deep down I'm scared this fog is really wigging me out man whatever let's not let that take away from our focus our mission our duty as a Survivor and that's to eradicate every single zombie pocket until the gas station and then anything after that is not under my jurisdiction this is not a race until radiation starts to hit then I might start to pick things up a bit despite having fought two sprinters at once on more than one occasion juggling them is really scary because all it takes is one wrong move and I may not be alive after set point I don't see any more zombies continuing down this way of course the fog doesn't really help my vision but I think no no it's not clear oh that's a lot that's a big group of them out there and there's a decent group down there let's take out that group first yeah a stop eating my knife ma'am that is not polite of you and it looks like that alarm brought in a few sprinters get the hell out of here okay that's technically a blessing as long as I can manage the situation already uh any more moving in my area this is so nerve-wracking brother I feel like any minute the Sprinter is going to come out of the fog to ruin my life I am still recovering from that whole car Escapade when I left the town yeah see that's exactly what I'm talking about two freaking sprinters Right Out of Nowhere Man it doesn't matter if they're clumsy little guys they're they're still scary consider yourself lucky that I'm using the shovel against you Heathen I'm surprised Coleman doesn't need a cigarette at this point gosh how many are there dude this was supposed to be an easy day you know easy in and out obviously that couldn't be any farther from the truth the one thing that I am trying to do right now oh I should have I I might actually have to kill this guy as blunt but the one thing I'm trying to do is to kill the Zombies in groups so I don't have to look around the field for them after I'm done killing them all so I can easily dispose them all in you know one go and that is a mint condition jacket hey you know what maybe all these zombies running around aren't that bad that is really nice thank you sir that makes my armored self feel a lot better about taking a hit radiation still good as well let Back to Basics [Applause] and I will say these zombie skulls have been getting a hell of a lot thicker since I've last fought them they are taking quite the beating and another thing I would really like to say before I got you know jumped always keep an eye on your surroundings when you're playing with sprinters all it takes is one little blind spot and your life will end up not live live in actually so it's always good to just keep your head on a swivel like any second you can any second you're not looking is another second that a sprinter could sneak up and steal your life Essence and hopefully this will be the last big group before I get to the gas station probably not though knowing how this whole thing works but I like to remain optimistic still no radiation by the way I'm guessing that the radiation hits in waves now because there was like a solid week in game to where I would just get hit by little doses of radiation so it's really good to know that it's kind of in seasons and I don't have to worry about it like 24/7 for the rest of my life okay there's two more zombies there we're still so damn far away from the gas station it's unreal at around 5:30 I will call it quits and focus on burying the undead because that does take quite a while kill him no ooh nice try hit him with the too though okay there's a third one of course there is why wouldn't there be at least Coleman is fast though oh we're a speedy little guy good stuff me good stuff this kinchen knife sucks I won't be taking that actually yes I will it might be usable in recipes yoink I really don't know why I'm fighting so hard to get to this gas station by the way I don't even have a generator to where it would be use useful so what the hell am I doing no I need to leave I need to leave ma'am ma'am you are currently ruining my vibes the weather system did not say anything no no no we're going screw it screw it screw it I don't care about her I need to get home right now I swear if it lasts more than the day for me to dispose of the zombies I'm going to be very mythed I'm going to be very peeved you were going to hear from me from a very harshly toned letter please get home before this thing sets in a I love it I love it at noox County you know and that zombie has such a high memory that it's following me all the way down to my stupid little base I think we're safe until the Thunder hits so I'm I'm going to give you a personal shiv you little butt muncher oh nice okay that was scary whatever I'm going inside we're in it for the long haul so I guess I'm just going to sit for a minute oh we can read you know that'll be a really good time to get a little bit of reading in yeah yeah yeah we might as well make make it as comfy as possible right nothing quite like reading a book in the middle of Hell itself really good vibes you know okay and it looks to be done we read quite a good chunk though it's still a little red outside so I'm just going to have to like play it a little bit safe but I really just want to bury the bodies before I continue and then after that I think we're going to call our clearing out job a success is we didn't make it to the gas station like I had hoped but we made it down pretty far and I'll be honest I don't really want to risk my life is it good outside it's good good because we don't have that much time better start packing in those bodies quick Coleman time is of the essence oh my God I'm so glad they didn't speed up time while doing this screw you screw you screw you I was about to comment I mean we're basically done here well time to dump you all in with the rest of them we're after this group is done we're gonna be done though oh we're GNA be a pro and if this whole thing blows over you know if like radiation just simply stops existing we can get a really good profession as a gravekeeper oh I'm so I'm I'm so I'm so I'm so happy this is finally done by the way this entire thing has been just been stressful because there are trees on both sides and there are definitely still zombies in the trees I'm going home and we're going to focus on our farm and fishery tomorrow I will see you then I'm done here and hopefully next time the emergency broadcast system won't lie straight to my face toodles it's a new day and in my sleep I realized I forgot one thing and that is my cooking pot of water I I left it back at the school so that that's kind of a bummer which means I'm going to have to use water bottles to water my plants I am so happy I decided to base near the river by the way or else watering the plants where the water is out in this run would have been painful because I can't catch stuff with the with the rain collectors remember it's snowing so that's out of the equation I'm really happy I decided to go this way so yeah it's about time we set up our nice little farm let's grab our supplies all of our little fishing trinkets as well oh yeah it's going to be fun and of course the Trel is is there anything else that I'm missing we have what one thing of broccoli one thing of tomatoes two things of potatoes potatoes are going to be the best plant for us and yeah that's it I'm really excited this is going to be fun and I get to show you my plans now first things first let's set up our fishing nets because that's going to be the easiest to put down one here and one there it doesn't matter how far like placed between they are it just matters that they're kind of close together up next it's about time I turn this little gazebo I'm going to call it a big gazebo into a big farm and the way I do that is by exposing the ground underneath so what we're going to need to do is pick up every single one of these oak wood floors it's going to take a while but that's what montages are for let's get this bread and don't mind me as I lump this green garbage bin back inside this little spot with us because without it this whole trip would take a lot longer all I got to do now is shove all these floors inside and dispose no that's my shovel please God no I need that but yeah I'm going to shove the floors in there and I can delete them this way that's step one done and like an onion this gazebo has a lot of layers so we just peeled off the top layer now we got to get into the second layer and then finally with the last layer I can plant the plants so yeah it's going to be the same thing but this time we're disassembling so I don't have to worry about proper disposal and this is going to be a really good spot to get resources from as well this is going to take significantly longer though yeah I think I'm going to space them out like little 3x two like Farm plots and I'm going to space them out as far as possible so it gives us the best chance of at least one crop surviving I need one to survive so I can get seeds for the next Harvest if there will be a harvest I don't know I'm I'm really just winging let's wing it even harder though there we go we got three sets of 3x tws and it's not the best looking but it should do the job just fine we got a big old pile of planks and resources as well it's about time for us to dig out our furrows I'm going to start off pretty small with this because I don't want to ruin all my crops in one go I just want to plant like we'll plant four plants of each plant and see how it goes you know I I'm really worried about the disease and all that jazz but I want to plant as much as possible so when the stuff does grow we're going to be chilling you know what no no no it's fine because staggering out grows is probably going to be good as well so I don't get all my food at once okay let's go plant down the stuff and see how it goes I am a little bit excited but also worried at the same time one thing of potatoes one thing of broccoli one thing of tomatoes I might get a little bit of fishing in see if we can catch ourselves some dinden you know get get some more self-reliance going but before that happens I need to go water each plant okay we were able to water two plants now it's time to fish if you guys didn't know fishing at 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. gets you the best chance of catching a fish so our chances are pretty high right now let's equip our rod and see if we can get anything good I'm really excited and if I can get myself a fish right now that'd be great I did read the manual so we will have a small bonus if I do get any throw that sucker out there and let's see if we can catch ourselves a fish oh yeah this is where it's at catching a radiated fish that'll give me cancer in 10 years but it's okay because I've definitely received enough to give me cancer anyways so at this point two positives or no two negatives make a positive woo we got a big one that's a that's a big catfish okay not bad not bad how how big is it 3 kilos worth that's dinner just wait till I grill that baby up and we get ourselves a nice roast going I'm going to eat that whole thing all can we catch one more fish for tonight oh we got a small perch as well okay that's going to be it for fish two fish in one day not bad at all especially when it covers our dinner expense okay let's drop off the fishing rod inside our like little Outdoors bin here and now it's time to water the rest of our plants down hell yeah there we go all of the plants are watered and right now they are healthy let's hope that keeps up and now it's time to cook up a fish dinner and while I'm at it I can also use that fuel to fuel up now it's time to cook us a fish dinner I'm so excited over this I can't do anything too crazy with it because I forgot to bring my cooking utensils like the buffoon I am but I can just shove these bad boys right inside the grill we're going to keep them whole let's turn this sucker on and have ourselves a nice meal one for the dinner one for the breakfast okay the water bottles have been purified so I can drink that right now and all we got to do is wait for this fish to cook up this is the first time I've had a good fish dinner we got enough fuel to last for 18 hours by the way we're good let's have ourselves a catfish first hell yeah down the old Hatcher roon M fish can't beat it and we'll have this for the morning and I think this would be a good spot to end the episode we cleared out some more zombies and more importantly we set up our fishing Zone and our food house and we'll probably make it to the gas station today and do a whole bunch of fishing after peace out everyone nothing like immediately waking up and Downing a small perch mornings don't get much better than that welcome everyone to the nuclear winter challenge Coleman brugs has killed 664 zombies surviving for 21 days and I kind of want to survive 30 though before we do that we need to clear out the gas station once again last time we got around here before things got too too bad and before I do decide to run down and go check things out I think we're just going to drive our truck down and see how bad it truly is and if it's still really bad I might just Molotov clear the rest of these hordes and that way I don't risk my life running back and forth to our food SLK killbox house yeah you know what that's a pretty sound idea especially when we still have some water bottles that we can empty out and some gas to siphon out I think two Molotov should do the trick I got to say the cost efficiency for making these gas Molotov is really good we only used like a six of this gas can for two whole Molotov which is like a potential of over 100 zombies killed oh yeah before I do head out we should probably go check out the weather broadcast tell me your secrets Magic Man blackout decent temperatures clouds thick fog it looks pretty good I don't see any mention of crazy storms other than in 3 days that's ominous that's a lot of time though and by that time we're going to be basically Survival Man okay let's go drive our truck down and see how bad things truly are then oh wow they were not lying when they said thick fog H how's our truck looking as well anyways you know the deal if there are hordes of zombies we're going to throw down a Molotov and drive in little circles until they all burn to a crisp I'm hoping that my efforts did not go to waste though and judging from the innumerous amount of zombies currently running for my location it really didn't work out well there's always there's always plan B I hope you like fire you freaks there we go and now all we got to do is let them burn it might take a little bit and I do have to avoid a good majority of these zombies but I think our truck is going to survive the torture also no promises on keeping the the gas station safe there are so many zombies to where I need to just worry about my own life you know how am I going to pull this one off well I guess our current goal is to just uh not Bank up my truck as much and hope that these guys burn very fast and very cleanly so I don't have to honestly the gas station uh oh my God that's a lot more than I was expecting the gas station is collateral at this point man what the hell do I do uh I'm going to drive through through the fields up and around this way God please God please so this is how I die huh in a field in the middle of some fogs surrounded by countless amounts of zombies at the very least it is open here so I can run circles around the zombies so long as I don't run into them Point Blank Range okay let's throw that second Molotov this is our last stand if it fails here uh it's game over oh cool I ran over a single sh and that slows down my car enough to almost get me killed you know I thought this place would have been really safe it's in the middle of nowhere but for some reason there are hundreds of zombies in the fields currently waiting to rip me to shreds fun fun fun fun fun for the whole family the kids the whole package yeah you know what feels really good driving back to the front of the gas station and seeing how many zombies are just chilling in front of it I I hate superhuman hearing sprinters the coming in from Miles man I'm going to drive back home uh it it should be a long enough drive out to where they shouldn't bother me too much this was a failure this was an absolute failure I have doomed this side I'm not going to go down this road anymore it's that simple oh God please man I hate the fog okay okay this is this is all on me this is my fault I'm going to drive back to my funky little base and I'm just going to go fishing for the rest of the day I'm going inside until it looks nice yep no I'm going to go read a book everything that I have done up until this point has been an absolute disaster I don't even know why I decided to do that no I'll tell you why I decided to do that it's because I wasn't expecting So Many Zombies here I I'll be honest I was expecting 50 but judging from the Silhouettes and the fog there was like 150 I'll see you I'll see you tomorrow and if my house burns down uh it is what it is and now that it's finally clear outside we can see how bad my little Escapade doomed my situation hey you know what I shouldn't be so pessimistic I was about to say oh maybe they're dead no no their memory is so good that they're actually passively heading their way to my location and it took a total of 5 minutes for that to happen whatever let's go to the killbox it's the only way I'm going to dispose of these bastards oh yeah they just decided to move their way on in I really can't catch a break in this series nope nope none at all breaks what are those sorry you might you might have confused this for a different Series where the zombies aren't superhumans I don't think we're going to survive here everyone well I've I've already invested so much it's the only thing we can do is fight if you couldn't tell I'm kind of peeved I am extremely peeved at least I can take my frustrations out on these Undead freaks that was my house man stop breaking the windows can't have anything in Knox County not even a house oh and it also looks like their health is super human as well I've hit this man I've hit this lady like 10 times in the head with a pipe wrench and she finally went down so not only are we dealing with you know superhuman Sprinter zombies that that can detect me miles away and congregate in the smallest of locations but they also take an absolute beating to kill come on the rest of you I I got things to do today I I I would have really liked to go fishing though I think the only thing we're going to be fishing for is an early time to death you know what I reap what i s I brought this upon myself and this challenge was never supposed to be a walk in the park yeah man that's cool it's it's not like my house that's here or anything not that you've already busted down the front door and made yourself at home of course I wish I had a gun I wish I had multiple guns I wish I had a flamethrower right about now sadly the only thing I do have is a couple of pieces of metal and a half functional revolver we do have like around 50 bullets for it which is pretty cool but that's about it oh they've also decided to migrate their way up North as well or whatever this direction is oh beautiful if I didn't have enough to worry about it's it's good to know that they just keep on streaming in at least I won't have to worry about fighting these zombies in the future this is really starting to just feel like a mountain slide of trying to keep these zombies at Bay it it's not looking good all I might actually die here I forgot these zombies are strong now so it's a lot harder to push them back this is like the Mount Olympus of destroying corpses I thought we were good and I thought that whole little plan would have rounded up what little of the zombies were left and I would have been able to take them out and one Fell Swoop so this place could be secure but I'm looking around and I'm literally back to square number one all all of my efforts really feel like they did not help out at all like they just keep on finding cracks and crevices to shove themselves into and here I am being the good old exterminator fighting a NeverEnding war of these pests and freaks yep nothing quite like it at all fun times for for everyone yep nothing quite like it there are so many zombies hey remember when I said that I thought my efforts weren't really helping out and I was back at square one I lied I'm back at negative square one I went down a single inch and there are so many zombie hordes that I don't think I'm going to be able to like withstand this like physically I don't think Coleman's body is prepared for this it's it's such an emergency that I pulled out the stalker knife of all things they're going to break my plants oh come on I just grew these things man Yep this is this is this is this is it oh yeah just keep on whiffing like that Coleman we're going to we're going to be fine everything's going to be cool all righty I think this group of 15 is going to be the last of them that I can see right now I don't know if there's any more in the trees there probably is though so we just got to clear out the rest of these oh I hate it here there are so many corpses here already I mean we we're getting watches that's pretty nice honestly I might start to level up my electrical skills and these guys are definitely uh helping that out we got to look at the positives you know sure there might be hundreds of zombies sieging my house because of a very misplaced plan that underestimated how many would have been in the middle of the countryside but now that we've killed all these zombies and fought for our lives we got a few digital watches they just keep on coming out of the woodwork man I swear oh but that that's another horde that just decides to stroll on in we I don't even know if we're going to be able to bury all the corpses here after that's done I'm going to bury this small little chap of our lives under 6 foot of dirt 6 feet 6 feet of dirt yeah yeah yeah yeah just a few tons worth I just really want this to be over man don't you love the smell of a 100 different corpses in the morning it sure keeps me up at [Music] night oh cool they're getting back up already ah I actually can't escape this is this is my hell this is my tomb it's already 9:00 p.m. there are so many corpses I can't dispose of them in time this is hell this is actually hell yeah Little Slice of Heaven that was the fattest lie I could have ever told anyone this is going to be my undoing is what it's going to be okay let's try and bury these as fast as possible we don't have a lot of time for this I just can't deal with another horde that like spawns right in front of my feet so we need to do this quick oh no they're just getting up that's cool that's fine you know that's get down there we go come on just stop stop please I I can't do this I actually I physically can't I can't do this but the sheer fact of me having to weigh the cost of burying the bodies with them getting back up with them having ex ex I can't do this with them having exponentially better hearing and memory so they track me down for Miles like blood hounds I just can't keep I can't keep up with it anymore I just need to shove as many of these inside their graves as possible before they decide to get up and ruin my life one by one it will all be disposed of the only thing that I'm seeing wrong right now is that if our character gets sleepy in any way if we have to go to sleep I'm just going to have to kill all these zombies all over again which is not going to happen because I don't have the jump on them anymore I just need to bury these as soon as possible the ones in front I can deal with later the ones in the in the fence line where my only safe place is I have to kill them now oh and there it is there's our first tier of sleepy if this continues to stack on I'm going to have the worst possible experience that anyone could ever experience in their life it's okay I'm I'm still optimistic we did almost get scratched and I'm sure our protection's not looking good but we just got to keep an optimistic mindset at least at least they're all not going to get up as sprinters at least only 50% of them will not accounting their strength their endurance their health I'm going to stop talking I'm just going to continue to bury I don't know what to do anymore man I I I am I'm running out of like ideas I think what I need to do is I need to go up to the fishing place the bait shop I'm going to sleep there for the night and in the morning I can fight them actually no the storm's coming in 3 days I'm I'm going to cross my fingers it doesn't come in tomorrow if it does uh it is what it is I'm going to go to sleep please please stop getting back up I'm trying I'm trying trying so hard and maybe I can round them up a little bit better I'll see yall then we're going to go to sleep hungry by the way I forgot to pack any food it'll be fine we have cigarettes that's all I need for food and of course one of the digital watches I had has an alarm so we don't even get a good night's rest a good night's restr what is that I'm sorry I don't know what that is oh not even that it's it's an alarm clock oh that's even better thanks thank you thank you for doing that for me okay let's do it time to clear out the whole neighborhood yippee can you tell how excited I am from my tone of voice I can't wait to see all the zombies I killed last night to to be ready to murder me today but you know what man I'm done here all right all right you guys want it the hard way huh yep oh settle down all right come on then y'all want y'all want a tussle y'all wanted a piece of this you wanted a piece of the Coan package A wise man once said it we ball I am concentrating so hard right now there are so many sprinters I don't even know where they're coming from at this point they are just coming they're just appearing out of thin air at this point I can't do this anymore I'm getting weaker the endurance is kicking in I'm trying my best right now I really am God please this might be it this might be this might be the old end of Coleman here oh if I can't kick it up a few more notches this has to be it no they just keep on coming they just keep on coming from every direction there's actually no end there are so many corpses littering the field I'm exhausted no this is this is actually it oh yeah nope um wow this is how I die huh I actually have nothing to my name now that was everything I just there are still so many I don't know how to feel any anymore I just lost literally everything everything I've built up my anti-radiation medication I'm not going to survive out here I have a single roll of duct tape and a dream that is that is it well I mean we got some weapons here that's that's nice I'm going to go attack these zombies out out out of the car I'm glad I can still do melee Drive buys I'm just I'm just still surprised I got kicked out of my own house do we got anything good I mean a large backpack is nice I do like the line backpack but I need to I just need to focus on Survival at this point there's no more funny haha heha moments okay I do have a little bit of anti-radiation medic creation so it's not the end of the world God Coleman has seen some stuff we are not in the best situation our our truck still works I was not expecting that many zombies there were never that many zombies in any run we're playing off of 1 month later Zombie Pop but that should not matter compared to how many zombies were actually there I guess we can make one last hell Mary to the military surplus store if I can clear that out at least I'll have I'll have something to work off of that's the only thing I can think of right now at this point I I'd be okay if I died i' lost everything man yeah there's no other like really good idea I have I think we just make it to the military surplus this is either going to be a turn for all Coleman brgs or it's going to be my death either which one that entire Siege demoralized me to my core we'll see where it goes I also can't afford to take a hit with this truck right now if I hit a zombie the engine might just fail and I'll die looking at the amount of zombies that are just chilling here now I don't know if there's any place that's left for us that's left for Coleman here it it's not looking good at all whatever we're about halfway there and then maybe things will look a little bit better for us who knows I'm I'm open up to anything at this point at least we have Heating in our car this is Du die by the way if I don't pull off this plan it's game over anyways I I lost so much food and there are so many zombies I would need an Arsenal in order to take it back so maybe if the stars align I might be able to get a bunch of ammo weapons and supplies and I'll be able to you know make history happen that's the dream and that's also a really nice little wagon or the thing that I can take my brain is not doing the best right now oh yeah did I mention that there's going to be a thunderstorm soon I love it here I'm pretty sure it's actually starting right now oh yippe yippe all righty here we are let's try not to make too much noise as I'm going to have to fight off every single zombie you see here um my plan is just to shim me back and forth with the window open doing our little driveby that is the only plan I have is it going to work out probably not we're going to I guess we'll see right and we're going to go like a little bit forward every time this is the only way we do this at this point oh no it's not looking good nope please nope our our car sto out it's it that's it that's game over yep that I I yeah holy crap we're just going to die in the car yeah we got bit let's get game over I tried my best I really did we did not survive 30 days the the hearing and the senses on the zombies they got way too strong there was nothing we could do they were actively hunting me down and that is the end of the challenge this has probably been the most disappointing by far like even more so than Claudette because Claudette I at least I felt like I was in power the entire time during this challenge I was struggling I should have I it is what it is
Channel: Pr1vateLime
Views: 127,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pr1vateLime, pr1vate lime, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid build 41 ep 1, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid day 1, zomboid, project zomboid, zomboid build 41, project zomboid first day, project zomboid 1 day, project zomboid 1 day challenge, project zomboid broken bones, project zomboid broken leg, project zomboid impossible, project zomboid impossible challenge
Id: Fn8bWJ40lbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 14sec (13574 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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