My First City in Cities Skylines 2 is COMPLETE!

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hello everyone I'm kibitz and welcome back to City skylines where the city has been expanding exponentially and we have practically industrialized the entire map so today we are going to be completing the city and going to the stars but before we do that we're going to continue to raise our population as high as it will go and although we are capped on the amount of money we can have doesn't mean I'm going to just leave resources behind me because we're capitalists and we don't leave opportunities on the table even when we have literally no need for them and it cripples future Generations we need numbers to go up all right so let's start buying some tiles then where we have some goodies we'll collect all those up and then see what is buried beneath well we have some Farmland all over the place awesome Timber out the wazu and then a bunch of mining minerals down over by the city we made last time along with the big oil oh yeah lots and lots and lots of oil and I want it all brother so step one here is we're going to start yoinking the shiny rocks and also coal yeah we're going to start mining these Hills have valuables and those valuables belong to kibs Enterprises okay good so let's start building our roads out there and get ourselves our rocks and stones I suppose we could also like flatten some of the terrain a little bit make it a little easier to build factories and whatnot looks like we could easily just flatten this out here there we go build a road beside it and pop down a little mineral mine but how will it work kind of zoning over top of like a really weird looking Hill like this like what will happen with the terrain let's just do something temporarily and find out oh that's some interesting but Aesthetics don't matter it's all about just getting as much as possible so let's build a road up there not sweat the zoning tiles cuz it doesn't matter anymore and then this whole Mountain's just covered in goodies right it is fantastic the little roads can go out this way the one mine can just yoink everything then we just don't stop until all of the blue is ours and all that's left on the terrain is our Rocky scar of Industry Ying up all the minerals and rocks we can it it really does scar the land though it is a little spooky but I I tried doing some stuff with the terrain but yeah they just no Shadows that show like I tried flattening stuff out and doing something weird here but no doesn't matter everything's muted everything's consumed the resources are Mr KBS now and we got a bunch of mines for both the minerals some for coal and then some are just collecting rocks because rocks are important it's All About Numbers going up right and right now we're getting zero Lumber and only a little bit of rocks and stones wait no actually we're getting a ton of stones but it doesn't matter cuz we still need so many more good thing is that The Rock industry type stuff can be set up literally anywhere and we can just get more stones and more stones and more Stones uh the only thing that's actually concerned is having enough workers for all this like a mine like this takes up somewhere in the range of like zero workers cuz it's unrented okay that's find a functioning one and here yeah 151 workers and looking at our population here we have uh 0.1% on employment so workers are kind of the hot commodity and then just to taunt you the game shows you all the children and seniors that aren't even working even when the economy needs them like what a waste why can't we just hire them anyway we can you can just call them like internships and it'll be for like work experience and stuff like that and we don't have to pay them oh it would be great but unfortunately we don't have that kind of policy yet in city of skylines too maybe we'll get there in the future anyway we got all the minerals that we can there are there any more around here don't think so there's something like way up there but I don't know if that'll be economical there's a bunch over there that we can get later and no instead we're just going to go get how about oil yeah let's get some oil next oh what's this Mr kib's already built some roads over here to collect it you better believe it can never have too much oil even though our oil production is uh out the Wazoo and yet numbers still must go up what can I say I live in a society what do you want me to do be satisfied with what I have and not want [Laughter] more could you imagine all right next on the agenda we have some more oil just over here and I left a nice big old space to scoop from oh yep that's going to look hideous yeah that's like a blatant scar on the world but it is what it is what are we going to do not collect the resources I don't thinko and then there's some more oil just down over this way which of course we had to go and grab what's next on the dropping block then Lumber oh but wait what's over here oh a stone monument a historical site that could give us unparalleled insight into Humanity's past what an annoying road block what the heck I'm working here like we cannot spare a single tree out of all the industries in our city the lumber industry is suffering the most although you guys might think I'm heartless sometimes I do care about some of the people the shareholders okay and I would Harvest every tree in the world if it increased corporate profits another 20% that's why you'll understand that I still want even more green is next on the agenda well green vegetables and textiles got quite a bit of that stuff around and most notably right next to our main city here and like I'd love to have more offices but the numbers man the numbers like we need 800 tons what's up with that oh and livestock I had no idea we need like 900 tons oh well that's an easy problem to solve though similar to the rocks and stones you can go ahead and just set up a livestock Farm wherever the heck we want so in places like this I guess we can get like our vegetables and our textiles here and then when we get to like more open areas like way over here we can start getting more wheat though even I have to admit I would really like just to make this more City like why did there have to be green space there oh we just need so many more offices our office demand is insatiable like they always want more Office Buildings but got to do this and also we can't have everything be offices because apparently they need like high skilled labor in order to collect vegetables like brother it's a tractor well actually then again I have absolutely no idea how anyone could fix something like that so maybe you do have to have some brains but no matter it's set up now and it's not changing and I went ahead and gathered all the rest of the farming too just extend the road that goes across the highway here adding in a little uh Highway off ramp there so Vehicles could go to all these industrial places they could go farming they can go collect more Stone the oil get the trees what have you and then all of the wheat and livestock they could deal with and the numbers looking better now Wait what how they looking worse somehow we just need more logs still actually these numbers don't look better at all I have to admit this must be like an employment thing right like if we zoom into one of these they they have workers what maybe things will like fix themselves in a while though I I am quite surprised I even went ahead and added in the Little Bus Loop here so people can go from worker subunit 6 the poor neighborhood and then go work in the fields over here yeah I suppose it just takes time and while I had the time been working on some other things like adding in post sorting facilities scooping up the oil over here that is on fire that doesn't look very on fire I have to say and yeah just harvesting whatever else I can wherever I could though there is still a little bit of oil left up there and this oil is all covered by like our infrastructure and there's some mining down that way but yeah until we see some of our production numbers shift I don't think we're going to set them up just yet instead it's time to look into space travel so in the transportation tab we can create a Space Center sure pack Space Center is both a spe Museum as well as an active Command Center and rocket launch platform these attract tourists and increase the effectiveness of Industries and offices I.E gets us more money don't mind if I do and how big is this thing what was it public transport technically yes air travel I suppose you would say and there it is which gives 10% extra demand for electronics plus 60 meals what's meals like Park attractiveness that's so weird why would they call it meals maybe the best food is actually in space I don't know then an extra 10% demand for software interest in University another 10% and 10% City attractiveness wow quite the little tourist attraction and I have the perfect spot to put it so most of our population is living over here and over here right a giant fireworks display you could say well hopefully not hopefully it it lands in all that ja anyway we want everyone to see it so we're going to have it right over here so hopefully it actually fits please fit oh it's like actually perfect strangely perfect spooky all right so I guess uh the Rockets will wheel themselves out to the platform here and off they go wait it says space chirp I thought this was a chirp X okay we corporate stuff going on there I suppose any upgrades for this nope no pollution noise pollution cool now we're going to leave that there for a long time I think cuz I want to finish setting up the rest of this city before we launch rockets or before they go like across here and crash down and you know kill everybody speaking of killing everybody what what's going on here pollution what we've never had pollution on that side of the river oh you can't see the pollution on the water oh oh it just took that long to actually they start scooting over H well that's not good or is it wait if these places have air pollution they're still happy does that mean it's fine oh no polluted air8 so it will never be like level five or anything but overall City happiness here is still very very high it doesn't even tip the scales having any kind of pollution like this that gives me some ideas then if pollution doesn't matter see we've kind of had a bit of a problem where we have this giant red wave of pollution going over this way right and we divided up this entire city build between residential and office and commercial on this side on the dividing line of where the pollution is but I don't really want to build more commercial or industrial I want more population and we have just this giant space here so you know maybe some citizens really really really want single family homes right so maybe that's just in a giant thing of pollution oh yeah oh yeah oh they want their single family homes they're moving in doesn't even matter that there's pollution they can whine they can complain some of them will die and that will be fine because that will get our meain number metric up the population number oh that oh wait hold up that means we're going to grit up this whole area everything around here and it may condemn the lives of thousands to fatal medical problems but look number go up but at least with the time they have they can enjoy industrial subunit 3 so it is an industry Zone that will just have some population here look they got the little football field to get their concussions a couple Parks wow skateboarding whatever little Medical Clinic even though most of them will probably die before they make it there and yeah it's a perfect little town to boost our population a little bit so yeah most of it is just low residential and same deal over here a lot of low density housing some shops some schools over here even more low density right beside the oil field because it's already as polluted as it could possibly be so what more can they complain about right and then over here at the spe launch Center I've tried to do a little bit of decorating to make it look more cool but it's not quite there just yet like we have a recycling center cuz I thought like whatever these are look kind of cool besides here and then there's some parking for guests radio Mas or Telecom Tower just to communicate with the satellites and stuff and all that kind of jazz yeah we'll see kind of how all of this zones in and then maybe we'll start launching some oh wait one last thing all this over here this is all commercial too we needed more offices okay we had to have have them so now it's going to be the weirdest city ever we're going to go from like high density to Farmland to super high density to an oil field to low density with you know a rocket ship in between cuz you know City skylines video game fun stuff let's go hold up hold up hold up it's only been a little bit here and some of the population is coming on in and they're all going to die a terrible terrible death but hey these guys will be fine the main thing I wanted to do though was fix our rocket launch platform I had a fantastic idea to make it so much better simply put we're just going to move it a little bit further into the bay I think that's really all it needs so we'll make like a key around it make it look all official and stuff like that and it will be beautiful so we'll just kind of build out like here and whenever you're building keys in this game you can build a key directly next to the water but let me assure you you will lose your mind very very very quickly and I do not recommend it uh easier way to build a key though is to build a bit of a trench you build out the land first then since we know exactly what we're building here we'll put that down right now just a little bit forward so the rocket launch platform is kind of out to sea then we'll get the roads so we can see where we want to build them precisely and start building the trench we'll go down just a tiny tiny tiny bit there we go that'll be fine then build the trench all around here and if we do this properly there we go we start to get a key in there and it's so so so much more simple and it makes it all look just so much better looks way more official I feel like it's technically more safe having the rocket kind of launching out in the sea itself like sure if it blows up debris is landing all over the city but that's not going to happen right right oh and it also gave me a little bit more room to add this in a radio telescope I have no idea when we unlocked this but must have been forever ago but in the education tab we had this in the research tab here and this just increases graduation chance and looks really good next to a rocket facility at least I think so does it probably actually work that way no but again Aesthetics but from here out I just have a lot more tinkering I want to get done and then we're going to the Moon and by a lot of tinkering I mean a lot of tinkering I have been zoning up the entirety of the city for the last I don't know how many hours just to bump our population as high as it would go and utilize the space as well as I possibly could and now we have Towers everywhere the city is more skyscraper than low density it's amazing and that kind of made some other changes as well we had that Farmland here that kind of looked weird in between between the city towers and yeah it's gone rule of cool sometimes things look better and I like this so so much more especially when a rocket launch is here then more people can enjoy the show or die in the debris field it's fine oh and one other thing I found out is that there is a bit of a problem with having your citizens live in pollution they abandon the buildings and then once they abandon the buildings the buildings collapse and people don't really like collapsed buildings but then the cycle continues again because then someone new will move in and our population goes up in fact not only our population but our budget has gone to the moon like we were at about $350,000 per month before but now we're almost at half a billion dollar a month and what's even more strange is that I actually lowered taxes for most people to get more zoning in but then we made more money but now that we have so many people in the city let's raise these back up a little bit and for once I just want to see the half a billion dollars per month number oh that's the good stuff most likely industrial right right petrochemicals hell yeah concrete for whatever reason now Beverages and a bunch of money from software we weird oh or maybe it's because I went around the rest of the map and I gathered up every other resource I possibly could so maybe that's helping out the industry quite a bit probably has something to do with it but it doesn't matter to me anymore because now we're going to the moon it's time to start launching the Rockets let's turn that on then our rocket should wheel itself out here oh no it literally just appears on the Launchpad okay oh my God and here we go no countdown or anything it's time to go to the Moon beautiful right in the center of the city for all to enjoy our first rocket launch all the traffic is all like stopping here because they want to watch the rocket go don't blame them it's not because the traffic is actually poorly managed there it's fine and where are we going where is the Moon in this world over there or maybe it's a satellite going to orbit who knows just don't crash over the rest of the city okay those are my office buildings they make me a lot of money that would be inconvenient if they all blew up oh and we can use a cinematic camera heck Yad for that beautiful shot of us going toward towards the Stars leaving our capitalist Utopia behind in search of Greater profits in space or apparently whatever ever good meals they happen to have out there and what on Earth is it doing it's doing a flip I was kind of kidding about like the the rocket crashing scenario I don't I don't think that's how these usually work okay you do you brother and it's gone all right there's one other thing I've been wanting to do for a long time here with our city that's that I want to see it at night and oh my God uh there a bit of a flashbang a little abrupt oh but the moon if it was there it would be beautiful look at all the corn flakes in the sky one of those little dots are rocket ship or maybe it's many of those dots depends if it actually made to orbit this is beautiful when you actually look in close at the cities the lights on these office towers are gorgeous you can actually see inside them properly too wow the cars even have lights that's so neat it's like you're playing a whole different game well except with the traffic running over everything else just under the sidewalk over the person yeah okay it's still cityia skylines oh my gosh though this is so cool these are all lit up flers are all lit up except there's a power outage on that side of the city no it's just not loading in what about other stuff like our Industrial Area Yep looks like an industrial area parking lots very spooky at night and what about the airport where is the airport hello oo it actually looks good at night big fan quite nice to see as we send this city off and start work on the next one because I I think that is going to be all for now but don't worry we'll be back playing the game in no time so remember to subscribe for more and until then I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and bye-bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 124,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 gameplay, cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines 2 new city, cities skylines 2 first, imkibitz, kibitz, kibz, cities, skylines, skylines 2, cities skylines, cities skylines 2 beginner, building downtown cities skylines 2, starting cities skylines 2, cities skylines 2 expansion, cities skylines infinite money, cities skylines 2 infinite money, cities skylines 2 money, cities skylines 2 suburbs, cities skylines 2 performance
Id: xoj21uxmPOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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