The Nuclear Power Plant is MELTING DOWN?!! - Satisfactory

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hello everyone i'm kibbitz and welcome back to satisfactory we're last time we built the shell of our base and are getting ready to fill it with all of the space elevator parts however we can't mess with that at all today because we have a problem something's going wrong with the nuclear power plant and we're losing megawatts brother which is really annoying because last time we finally got rid of all of our nuclear waste and turned our power plants back on and everything was running fine for like hours and hours and hours so now we're in the great position where we have to scooby-doo this whole mess and find whatever problems exist while leaving it running because we can't find the problems if the thing's not turned on but if the thing's turned on we're gonna be making nuclear waste out the wazoo so you know just tons of fun to be had okay number one most important thing are we actually backing up on nuclear waste that is of course mission critical so we have the two lines down here that go over to our plutonium factory and if they are full we're in a bad spot but what now this is even more confusing though how are we not making all of our power but we're still processing all the waste that doesn't make sense if we're not overproducing waste then does that mean we're under producing nuclear fuel rods or is there like a backup how is other stuff oh how is other stuff looking [Music] almost fell what is this why is that line so busy busy well i think we may have just found our first clue a little bit of nuclear waste here a little bit too much but everything's still going fine like everything seems to be fitting on the line here like this is emptying it's not backing up i don't get it this is a very weird one what about back here yeah same deal it's like just about to be backed up over here but no it's holding its own that's not though hey i'll take that extra 2500 megawatts thank you very much and also probably clog my system no biggie whatever we're troubleshooting right now so let's follow this even further back and oh well well well well well wow no the whole clock is getting pushed right to the back here but are any of the reactors actually stopping from this like we're losing a lot of power a lot so i'm expecting to see at least a couple of these clogged up completely but everything's still technically running we can't keep getting away with this oh fun fact we not so these or yeah these four are getting clogged up and they're overclocked so that's 25 000 megawatts right there big wow well you know out of all the things to go wrong this is actually a pretty easy one to solve because our plutonium lines are still holding up which means we just have to reroute some things specifically rate down to our super secret nuclear waste river i.e our other nuclear waste line that's from the other reactors on the other side of the plant yeah because this one is like pretty much empty and also the other reactors that poop out onto this line aren't overclocked so we can definitely feed a little bit extra into here so all we got to do is like a hot swap of belts here this belt just has to go to here and through a merger so if we have extra nuclear waste we can just throw it onto this line okay so three two one go okay good good good good dude i'm so slow please no please excellent all right that could have been a lot worse now just throw that excess waste in here yeah just really had to be quick with that because it would just back up a lot more waste over here and could crash our systems no you know everything seems to be fine so maybe we just manually grab this waste as well [Music] hmm yeah let's just do that oh man having flashbacks to the chernobyl stuff just with you know 1715 nuclear waste on me just you know another day right just another day but main thing is that's gonna be a huge fix for our system but i'm sure that's not gonna be the last problem yep i leave it alone for five seconds to live my life back to 320 let's go honestly why actually i know what i have been messing around with this thing for a while on my twitch live streams and i'm having a lot of problems with sulfuric acid and the pipes the pipes here are getting backed up all the time all of the time and none of these machines are running right now look at this huh oh because yeah this is backed up yeah yeah yeah yeah i don't know why like it should not be possible because how we have this set up is we have sulfuric acid coming in here it's like 300 we need 400 sulfuric acid for all of these blenders to run so since the four blenders make 25 sulfuric acid each we just feed that back into here with a 300 pipe there we go we have the sulfuric acid we need but somehow somehow this keeps getting full i don't know why very confusing so i've tried some things like i added on like a buffer over here and it didn't work yeah this is this is full right now this is full why flush it ah goodness so yeah i've come over here i've messed with things i flush the system every so often but still every so often it keeps happening so i i don't really know exactly what to do well there is one solution but i'd really prefer not to do that because let me tell you it's not gonna be fun and it's gonna be a big headache huh and you know what's weird after having that problem happen i've ran into a new one one i never would have expected guess what you won't guess i know you won't i wouldn't have a guest and i'm a genius we ran out of concrete out of all the things concrete really we have all of this pipe network and our problem is concrete why why is this running on 29 efficiency well i traced the issue you won't believe this it's hilarious so we have the concrete being made over here right it's these refineries by the train cool it makes like i don't know exactly how much concrete but a lot right enough to make everything work see it's fine it's only running at 38 percent though why is it only running at 38 50 ish efficiency what's going on kind of teased you a bit there but no hydration but look i did set this up there's the two water extractors right over there follow the line all 600 pipe or so you would think the trader i guess i messed with the pump or something but there's a 300 line ruining everything but you know at least it's a simple fix so one more problem kind of off the docket meaning the last issue i know about currently is the sulfuric acid problem keeps building up keeps clogging the system keep having to flush can you even see it happening right now so what is the plan there well we're gonna have to sync it it's the only way we're gonna have to gather it up and sink it fortunately there are alternate recipes for canisters so we can just make the canisters out of iron plates and copper sheets so that's great and it's just gonna be a heck of an annoyance bring this all together but the more i think about it the more i think it's gonna help out substantially because what we have to do first here is we have to combine all of these outflow lines together combining these all together we'll get more of the sulfuric acid kind of moving around a bit so that should help things really just by ironing out discrepancies still everything would fill up it would be a disaster but like the storage tank we made actually helped for a little bit but yeah just a band-aid we gotta think this and then there's the problem where we might take too much sulfuric acid out of the system and then that's a whole other can of worms so probably for the next forever i'm gonna have to monitor this and find like the sweet spot for where to have this valve so we'll start this at like a hundred sulfuric acid per minute and if that's too much we lower it too little we raise it and what's another pipe to the system right oh boy okay so any excess sulfuric acid is packaged and sent out to an awesome sink done hopefully forever maybe honestly we'll just probably have to wait another 10 hours because these problems take a while to like reveal themselves but hey we're moving back up now about 350 from the 316 hey 360. good so yeah we'll kind of tackle the problems as they happen but man if there's one piece of advice i could give you if you're gonna work on nuclear and like do this whole plutonium setup nonsense it's build extra capacity for everything like add on a fifth blender when you need four and run it at like 10 percent just just to make sure everything actually works it does mean many hours later and i've been watching i've been waiting i've been looking for clues and everything looks good i think we fixed it i think we fixed the sulfuric acid thing but we still have a problem but first let me just show you something i've been looking at these numbers and i don't think i explained them but they're pretty important but when you click on a machine here it has this little bar graph and this is like it's up time like how often it's running it's like 99 very good runtime for this thing 99 great and the machines that were causing issues back over here we're at like 20. and now they're at 99 so all the sulfuric acid things are running great this is good this is fantastic then where's my power where is it where is it i should be at 380 thousand megawatts brother when we first turn this on that's where we're at why are we dipping give me my megawatts i need them and i want them give them to me now so we're on the hunch and we're gonna start back at the source so nuclear waste still fine the line over there not backed up meaning we're all good so perhaps just maybe it's actually our nuclear fuel rod production in here and wow i haven't been in here in a minute and it is looking awesome i can't wait for beams though oh boy anyway how are we looking 97 that's a good number we take those 97 all right all right all right middle one 81 could be better but honestly it's still pretty good if it's around like 60 that's when we have a a big problem another one at 80 percent 97 and 97. yeah like the 80 are just because we're using overflow right like all of the items are flowing in from one side and then the two middle machines aren't going to run as well this is to be expected but maybe it's a problem with the green boys honestly i'm like 90 sure this is the problem if anything and i would be blatantly wrong 97 efficiency this is running great so we are making all the nuclear fuel rods we need that's not the problem the problem must be out with the nuclear reactors or at least that's my next thought okay inspection day reactors best behavior anything going weird anything little funky how you guys looking pretty good yeah 360. is there an efficiency graph zero what but it's literally running right now i guess the efficiency graph is different when it comes to nuclear reactors maybe well we have a hundred to check on so it's like we'll find out pretty quick here okay though these are looking good wait okay a theory is right b the water it has to be the water right we know the nuclear waste isn't backing up we know the nuclear fuel rods are being produced at a sufficient rate it's the only other variable there is a trader in the pipes where where is it somewhere lurking it's not feeding our reactors their sippy drink how we looking over here well well well you are not looking good bud you don't have water bud why why no no 200 water did i do another one of those like mark one pipe mistakes again please please no wait there's two of them that aren't filled properly oh no oh no no it can't be okay it can't be it can't be i have to hold out hope for my sanity that there isn't a mark one pipe in there i [Music] no i'm gonna go with option b something's wrong with the water extractors we'll start there and then we'll make our way back into messing with um this as i get down here though i'm looking at these pipes still and they're all at 600 like they're all fine i've been keeping an eye to see if any are empty but i'm not seeing that so getting a little scared it can't be the pumps past kibs you would have made sure that these are fine yeah these are all gonna be fine i'm certain uh 300 pipe that's just stuff combining okay is there weight no no water extractors i bet actually wait if anything maybe some just don't have power shards yeah logical conclusion also simplest thing to deal with let's start with that because we had to overclock all of these or else if we didn't we'd have 2.5 more water extractors than you already see and that was never gonna happen but knowing me i would probably get bored doing all these water extractors and i probably forgot just a step yeah that's that's a past kids thing to do and it apparently is a past kim's thing he's done ah that is such a relief wait wait what is this why does that go nowhere what what i don't what's the harm in overclocking these think about it kids just overclock them and hey maybe they make too much water and hey don't worry about it these ones though for sure need to be overclocked they're combined together into a 600 pipe and they're lying and you know what this all makes sense now because when this whole thing started it was running perfectly fine because all the pipes were full but as it kept running these pipes ran out these couldn't produce enough water and the power went down i am sherlock holmes wow then again if i was sherlock holmes i wouldn't have made this mistake in the first place but give me this okay but i guess since we found a couple here i'll go through the rest and see if any others are messed up and then we'll check on the power and then we should be back to normal so we're all good now with these and i have to say i think that is the last problem i can't really imagine any others aside from like a 300 pipe in here but why would i swit no i don't imagine me doing that that's not a past kim's thing he would do okay so then i'll just give it i don't know like half an hour here and we'll check the power again and we should have our full 380 000 as we kind of wait things out though i've been scooting through and i found another little tiny problem that you wouldn't really expect but check this out we have the right amount of water now i know for sure i literally traced the same line back but says no water for like half a second there so you know what's happening is the machine keeps on stuttering which is a huge problem but is not as big a problem as i actually thought we're flying i think this will be a problem though but it's an easy fix we just turn that off a little bit like right off let that fill back up and have that go back and that will be okay now it's just because this whole system's been stuttering for a long time um wow that was a very quick recovery in the paragraph though look at that only took like half a moment there and we're back to 384 perfect we're free i've been working on this nonsense for so long i thought it was this little water thing but no no no no it was the power shards well good job me we've saved the day from ourselves anyway though that problem's fixed and i think we're gonna end things off here so sorry for the shorter episode i'm working on a big project in the background right now but for now have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 235,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory, satisfactory update 4, satisfactory drones, satisfactory plutonium, satisfactory gameplay, satisfactory update 4 gameplay, satisfactory update 4 let’s play, satisfactory nuclear, satisfactory new update, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, satisfactory how to, satisfactory let's play, satisfactory tier 8, satisfactory experimental, kibitz
Id: EcwaigXaDE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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