I Survived 100 Days In The Bermuda Triangle On Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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yep i'm definitely dead paws this is me about to get eaten by a 500 000 pound sea beast and you see that thing way up there that's me getting launched across the ocean by a tornado regardless you know what i did not ask for this i was just chilling then a bird hit my plane and next thing you know my plane's going for a nice swim i just wanted to have a peaceful flight but instead here i am in the bermuda triangle and let me say this place is so easy to survive and yet totally so easy i mean just about every day there are massive tornadoes that come right for me and you know what's even better than that they have sharks in them but if that wasn't easy enough for you to survive in here there's ghost pirates come near one of those ships and the next thing you know you're wishing there's a sea beast there attacking you here it is so easy to survive because it's basically impossible to survive so having lost the fear of death i just started not caring i jumped off a 1 000 foot cliff and this felt normal to me i swam in front of a megalodon just so i could name a jellyfish and this felt normal to me i even mined bedrock with a shovel and this felt normal to me in this 100 days i become a true florida man build a giant ship discover the lost islands hidden within the bermuda triangle will i survive or be lost at sea for good this is 100 days in the bermuda triangle day one here i was all alone but then i spotted a ship in the distance guys we are we are saved on day one would you look at that hopefully there's some friends on the ship yeah what in the world is that thing is that a great white right there of course there's a jellyfish of course yeah i forgot to mention jellyfish are here and there are a ton of these things with half my body paralyzed i managed to swim and find a shipwreck bruh it's taking 10 years to break this thing after a long struggle i managed to break some wood make some tools with sticks and then started drowning them i can't breathe yup totally totally drowning there in life there comes a time where you have to take a risk so i dove down and search for an air pocket and that's what i found bro okay that was too close i almost died on day one what's up fish this place is actually looking nice down here after nearly dying i swung a pickaxe at stones for the night and somehow i found some frozen chicken down there as well you know why is there chicken down here you know i'm not complaining free chicken okay i'll take it and while i was mining i found the sponsor for today's video big thanks to dragon city for being the sponsor of today's video if you haven't heard of dragon city this is an epic free-to-play game where you can collect a thousand different dragons and build your own dragon empire i mean why would you not want to build your own empire especially with dragons like come on to get even more dragons you can breed two to get a new one hatch them and feed them you can train these dragons to make them opie and then take them into battle and dominate if you want to come out on top you'll need to collect food gold and gems to expand your city and unlock new levels also there's always stuff going on each week there's several events and also a battle pass to discover where you can unlock new rewards and get new dragons but you know what's even crazier there are youtubers in this you can get a socks for one dragon along with dream george not found and wisp dragons that dream dragon is looking pretty sick not gonna lie so what are you waiting for that's the real question here this is some top tier stuff and it's free click the link in the description to download dragon city and get a special free reward of 15 000 food 30 000 gold in a very rare black metal dragon big thanks to dragon city and now back just surviving in the bermuda triangle when i rose to the surface in the morning you know what's surrounding me sharks a lot of sharks wow isn't this great i i am dead wow that that's great nice knowing you but then i had a revolutionary idea i crafted a boat why did i not think of this earlier i finally got a taste of freedom and then remembered there was the green ship i got some wood left over from a nearby shipwreck and ended up finding a chest with a golden apple in it i threw some fish in the furnace and ate the golden apple okay what the heck is that thing that is a big dolphin okay hopefully over here we'll find some friends this ship has people on it hey are you guys subscribed yeah i don't think they're subscribed i got closer to the boat and that's when i realized these people were pirates so you know what i did gave them a taste of their own medicine i just borrowed from the rich and gave to the poor but you know what not all treasure is gold and diamonds believe it or not i wanted to take the greatest treasure the captain's hat i waited till dusk to make my attack and listen to what sun tzu once said appear weak when you're strong so i held out a chicken leg to attack my enemies but little do they know this thing's been frozen for a whole millennia i blocked and hit back until i was the last one left okay that's just great there's like ten more of course there's ten more of these dudes oh shoot i i'm out i'ma head out here there was so much of these dudes but i managed to take out the captain and finally i took out the rest of the pirates and was spoiled with the riches i'm telling you this place was dang daring where do you see this yo we got die look at all these diamonds oh my gosh we are dang okay i'll take it the heck is the lost island that sounds like we got a voyage out of us and then i crafted a diamond pickaxe morning came and i mined the ship for the resources it had then explored around a little more and found a treasure chest filled with diamonds and gold but more importantly i found a prisoner on the ship yo what the heck what are these pirates doing to this dude what he is he's a fisherman he's just trying to mine his own business out here in the ocean some pirates just like picked him up for no reason and that's when i came up with the idea to start a crew okay this may have been a bad idea not gonna lie okay this this can be larry right here the first member of the crew a true legend this guy will go down in history i'm telling you i wasn't just a kid lost at sea anymore now i was a kid playing dress up with a sword who forced someone onto my boat we sailed the seas coming across eels and sharks and explored through crazy shipwrecks i walked onto this one ship and felt like i just entered a scene in the quiet place i crafted a diamond sword and then iron armor and this happened okay what the heck i just got launched in the air bro what the heck is that thing giant sea beasts those are in this and they are very deadly i waited for it to go away and then return to the ship i fought off everything and almost died but i remembered i was the main character so i basically survived with one heart left but my crew made up larry on the other hand uh he had eaten on the first day so uh yeah but besides that i made it to the lost island turns out this wasn't any ordinary island it was a hangout for the ghost pirates and probably the worst thing i could have ran into literally but you know what i did made lemons with lemonade but wait you wait you can't do that oh shoot you know i took a couple steps onto that island and got shot okay bruh this this place is not safe yep nope i am leaving nope for a half a heart i am literally i'm done okay get me out of here this place is cursed i boarded a small ship and spent my time fishing because i was not dying today you like rain i don't it started raining and i discovered i could mine sails which i could then use to make my very own ship yeah this discovery changed everything but yeah the next day there was a tornado kinda coming right at me what do you know look at this great weather out here today you know can't just be a nice chill day on a fishing boat a minute sooner this boat would be sky high right now i sailed away and waited for the storm to pass and then made my move yo we are sneaking onto this ship okay sneak level 100 dang look at all this stuff you know as i was doing this i felt a great joy getting back at the pirates for shooting at me for literally no reason you know i'd just been in a plane crash and that's the first welcome i get on an island i looted this ship day and night i took all of the sails and the wheel to steer then i just left on the next day like nothing even happened oh shoot there is a pirate there okay uh you did not see a thing dang look at that dolphin jump jeez the heck after sailing for the day i ran into a small island where i could set up camp and build a boat and that's when i discovered dude i suck i suck at building boats why are boats so weird why i was a terrible boat builder i spent day and night working on this boat i placed the flooring then made more flooring and made some more flooring yeah yeah i had no idea what i was doing to be honest with you yo look at this thing is that an act of war the heck i think he's threatening me well that just happened i worked on the ship all day and all night and things were finally starting to come together pretty well i built the mast and placed the sail okay why is the sail so annoying okay i'm done i'm done i'd say it's good this is looking nice then it started raining on me you know i don't mind a little rain i don't freak out over that but when a whole tornado pops up in front of me i got a bit annoyed bro all i wanted to do was build a boat just a boat so i could sail the seas yeah it seems nature had a funny way of saying i don't care about your problems you'll get through it after the storm the ship was finally complete i sailed throughout the day and came across another ghost ship yo we're lucky this ship isn't empty jeez nope definitely definitely not empty definitely not empty turns out during the daytime these things turn invisible so i had to rely on my intuition and took out the invisible pirates night time came and i took out the remainder of the pirates so i got to loot all the ship of its treasure hey another member of the crew i see okay yeah yeah if you knew what happened to the last member he'd be running right now terrified after capturing the villager i sailed the sea fighting ghost pirates for the rest of the day and looting from these pirates was so easy just felt wrong i became the richest man on the sea very quickly after voyaging across the sea for several days i came across another island okay we have found land okay this could be this could be good or very bad jeez this place is massive of course there's a giant pirate ship yeah right when things are going good i see a giant pirate ship nice bro look at that sea beast what are you doing man let's let's pay it a visit okay this this was a bad idea definitely a bad idea the seabees started doing this to me i didn't know if i should be scared or confused so i ran out of air and ended up getting mining fatigue somehow and out here found some normalcy with some natives living on the island oh they have a library oh shoot get books what the heck is that this a dinosaur bone guy what bro there better not be some ancient like creatures out here man i'm telling you i tried mining the bookshelf but i had mining fatigue so i couldn't and when it went back outside it started raining and then came across the pirate crew okay these they're not attacking me hopefully these dudes are chilling okay definitely not chill definitely not no chill they have why does no one have the rain started to pick up so i took cover in a village house and gathered some books you guys did not see a thing okay i found an enchantment table got more books okay yeah they definitely saw me the next day i went back outside and fought the pirates i went to board their boats next thing you know i'm getting dragged away by a tornado the tornado ripped through the island as i sat and watched chilling in the ocean oh dang their boat is getting destroyed well that sucks for them no not the dolphins what bro this is crazy this is actually crazy what no i am off the ground this is not good this is terrible look how high up i am yo what the heck it's a it's a villager no he's he's ascending look at this dude he has reached a level no villager ever could bro what the heck is that okay okay i am i'm in a simulation right now i think okay whales bruh it's literally a circus in the sky right now the heck are you doing after feeling like i hallucinated all that the storm started to pass and i made my way back to the shore okay i do not know what just happened though we have reached peak florida man status just now i was trying to get on my boat but it didn't let me and right below me was a giant shark i debated leaving but i really didn't like those pirates like nah so i crafted diamond armor in a diamond halberd and named my crewmates boatman because why not i i don't know what else to name and be honest and the next day it was war i made a diamond shield and killed a sea beast but this was only my warm up i boarded the pirate ship and fought off all of them yo there is so much pirates oh my gosh okay nope nope not that dude nope you're not hurting me this is a whole lot of pirates oh i was not expecting this and finally we got the dub i explore around what's the left of the ship and mine the sail so i can make my ship bigger the rest of the night i spent taking a nice walk around the island and yeah there can't be any peace no peace at all i got hit with fire okay what was that honestly i'm not even gonna question it anymore apparently this island has dangerous tribes on it as well which at this point of course of course it does i waited some morning to see what was up there and they were waiting for me i wasn't the hunter i was the hunted and when i went to attack it did not go so well yo these guys took halloween to a whole another level why okay why i was forced to eat an enchanted golden apple how the tables have turned okay at least i'm not dead now their halloween was ruined and i got a free mask i found out what the point of the mask is the mask let me be undercover so thanos's son over here doesn't attack me but you know what he didn't need to anyway because there was a giant tornado coming right for me but it had a brilliant idea big dude versus tornado i broke the big dude's throne along with his ego so now we were on the same level and then i taught him the ways of water and clues flowing down a hill straight into a tornado of demise the next morning he dropped a mask i found washed up on a rock and having this thing allowed me to spawn tribal guys with their masks and just when i thought it was all over i saw this bro there there is another one okay this game hates me why and this time i had an idea i am gonna make this guy a crew member and that's what i set out to do i took out some travel guys so i get their mask but this happened oh no this is yeah this is bad this is bad and the tornadoes there okay that's great i had a horde of 20 tribal members attacking me and there was another tornado on its way so yeah basically dead i ran in circles until i lost them and then took them out i sat there talking about life with this chief guy and i kid you not this guy was lifted up by the tornado this guy is actually flying what never would i have thought someone something this big could get lifted well well he is gone look at him oh this guy follows the whole earth better go flat oh my he almost died what hey this guy has one hp my gosh this guy is a legend i built a boat and returned to my ship the next day to find it still intact somehow and i ventured out on my goal to make the big dude a crew mages the plan was to place rails and have the big dude make his way onto the ship with a cart but problem i needed a lot of iron so for the next several days i looted pirate ships fought through storms gunshots and the dangers of the sea i found treasures from iron to nether stars until i eventually made it back to the island i started placing blocks to the big dude and then place the rails for the rest of the day and no yeah of course it didn't work i should have seen this coming honestly i mean he's over a thousand pounds and i'm putting him in like a little cart i spent several days trying to find a way to get this big guy on a cart but nothing was working but there was still one way water and a lot over the next several days i literally made a river going from the big dude to the ship and eventually we made it oh my finally okay that was exhausting now we have another crewmate jeez our ship's like practically invincible now look would you look at that it is actually working okay you know there's something i really didn't realize this is a ship and i could add absolutely anything to it so i added an airship to the ship and had a new goal abduct cows find cows on the island bring them onto the airship and fly them back to the boat that was the goal but first i gathered a ton of wood cause why not and went to sleep the next day i went outside and there the cows were waiting to be abducted onto a ship in the bermuda triangle yeah yeah if they're lucky they won't get caught up in any tornadoes but that so far we're not doing so good with that okay it's actually working the cows the cows are flying i just realized if this if i had pigs on here would be a lot funnier the cows have officially made it on the ship and yeah the next day woke up to a nice sunset on a private island no no not at all i woke up right next to a waterspout tornado thing like heading right at me well of course i'd expect nothing less than a giant whatever that is coming right for me i got away from that island and unlock some powers turns out for seven gold blocks this big dude allows you to shoot fire everywhere i sailed for the day and tested out my abilities on pirate ships look at that right there oh my geez this is crazy after saving the villager and bringing it aboard this might have actually been the first smart creature i found this guy sprinted off my boat bro honestly i don't blame him you know imagine walking onto a ship and you see this i would i would be scared i'd jump off that boat too not gonna lie the next day i wanted to add some coral to my ship so i dove down fought off this thing drowned and in the end turns out you needed water to place coral i sailed to sea for the day dodging sea beasts and found a small island there is a farm here i chopped the trees mined some dirt and the next day of course found a giant seabee circle in my island i swam as fast as i could back to the ship and now the sea beast was jumping i do not understand these things this thing just stuck around so i decided to just ignore it and built an aquarium the next day i crafted some bookshelves built the rest of the aquarium and started on an area i'd later use for an enchantment room oh yeah the cows forgot about those dudes started breeding them and i kinda maybe accidentally put one in a cage hey if i hadn't he just fell overboard so i basically saved it well i want to drive away my boat but turns out the water just floated through the aquarium so yeah there went that i was a person in need of wood so i sailed the seas getting stung by jellyfish and finally found a shipwreck out here i destroyed the ship as much as possible until i saw this thing looking at me whoa there chill pal eventually the big snake ran away so i went back on board and had the big dude do his magic as i was sailing i almost died to a jellyfish forcing me to eat a golden apple crab no more dang jellyfish these are so annoying i'm on a boat how am i even getting stung i decided to do something productive and finally set up the enchantment room right you know what these things that honestly they don't even phase me anymore i'm so used to these giant snakes the next day i repaired my items and made some designs around the enchantment room yo this is looking clean wow this is literally a ship with a whole house on it i had it all but i couldn't enchant i needed lapis so i dove beneath the sea almost drowning and mind in mind and mine and mine a bit more and i returned the next morning to enchant with the lapis i'd found i got sharpness 3 fortune 1 and efficiency 3. and then i forgot if i take off my mask the big dude will basically disintegrate me so i tried enchanting it and it didn't work out i enchanted my armor and was now shiny i had to take out some cowl so i could get leather to make wooden crates which means i can get more cows on the ship i set sail the next morning and came across another island okay we have found land and we are crashing yep i'm a terrible i'm a terrible captain i got permission from the big dude if i could go on the island and when i did this place looked like something out of a fairy tale this place had these little glow things and they were everywhere i went around playing tag with a sword and was expanding the crew for every mask i got okay why are these here this place even had a farm and a giant creepy skeleton filled with skeletons bruh chill okay i have more important things to do right now i was attacked from every angle and got trapped in a skeleton head for the day and when i went outside i became a professional mountain climber yeah i broke ankles i didn't even know i had but managed to keep walking until i found a cool pathway bro you know this leads to something when you've got fly traps everywhere after getting ate and alive i eventually found a mineshaft area that was filled with diamonds hey let's go you know if my plane didn't crash i'd just be on the couch right now somewhere but now here i am becoming a billionaire stranded on an island okay that is a lot of stuff geez shipwreck island that sounds terrifying but of course everywhere i went destruction followed quickly a storm was right outside the island oh it's a tornado oh wait shoot the boat oh no i'm getting back there my boat got swept away by the storm no look at the cows it's gone bro the dolphins okay they gone but i've been trained for moments like these i was in the middle of a tornado but calm it was like meditating during a rock concert but eventually i kept swimming and found my ship those are the cows okay they're floating a dang jellyfish bro i can't i literally can't see anything literally there it is finally finally yeah this island is cursed i am not going back hopefully this shipwreck island is better i stayed away from the storm and found myself back in the cold waters where i could get a breather bruh what what just happened why why does this happen to me it was the next day it was time to upgrade the ship i crafted a steam engine that runs on coal yo oh my we are flying now jeez and we crashed of course of course we crashed besides that i wanted to make a farm on the ocean so i placed some dirt place the wheat and then this happened all right nope i'm not dying today these sea bees are whack why for the next several days i sailed towards the shipwreck island facing the harsh environment oh shoot we have made it go for this don't die i i'm mining fatigue of course and you know this island was actually looking really cool until i realized this was a maze bruh really i'm starting to feel like i'm in squid game right now literally and it got worse this thing appeared alright yeah i'm definitely in squid games why does it get worse and worse never better the dragon wouldn't stop fighting me so i had to do it finally bro these things are so annoying but it was about to get even more annoying because there was a giant maze ahead of me all right time to get lost and there's zombies there great that's respect please don't tell me of course there's giant plants in a maze well of course there is i spent the night exploring through the maze fighting many many plants and of course i got lost you know i can just build over this right now yeah i have no idea where i'm going literally no idea you know what i am out of this thing bro i'm back at the beginning of the maze i was getting real tired of this maze so you know what i did i went back on my boat crafted a ton of tnt all right this maze this maze is done for i'm taking out the maze well that did not do much at all wow so instead i just lit the maze on fire oh yep burnt myself okay we are finally starting to make progress in the maze well would you look at that a platinum greatsword sounds pretty great the next day i chopped down some of a shipwreck and barely managed to escape without getting hit by a tornado you know am i lucky or unlucky at this point like i keep having tornadoes hit me i caught my breath after sailing away fed the cows and spent the day just sailing out in the sea questioning my life choices on how i got here these dudes interrupted that time so i showed no mercy i tried to show no mercy but i couldn't figure out how to park a boat this thing isn't fair like i can i can do this all day i found another netherstar then a golden apple and some more diamonds before returning to the ship for the night the next morning i fed some cows tried planting a crazy plant and fixed up my diamond items but i had an idea since i had another star i could make a beacon and a beacon on a ship that would be pretty op so today i went mining got myself some obsidian stocked up on the lapis in mind around gathering as much resources i can carry the next day i rose to the surface smelted the materials i got then crafted a beacon i turned my emerald and gold into blocks and built a pyramid boom let's let's go this is insane now we got resistance the next day i enchanted my platinum greatsword with sharpness 3 and i continued to sail the ocean until i came across a giant shark i summoned out the crewmates and these dudes were scared these dudes are scared of water really okay i mean i wouldn't want to be swimming with a shark too to be honest i went for the swim and saw nothing what the heck is that okay a tornado then decided to attack me so i returned the crew to their pokeball and got the heck out of there yo look at this guy running in place he fears nothing the next thing i know i woke up back at the pirate island but this time i had power in my own crew oh shoot we meet again this is the part this is the part i'm gonna get revenge on these dudes oh shoot that is a lot of pirates okay nope boom bam bop holly cue the dramatic music i don't remember there being this much pirates last time more and more pirates were coming out of nowhere and the storm finally passed but now the pirates were invisible bro what the bro what just hit me invisible pirates dip that's great and went back to the ship because i had no food i spent the rest of the day fishing i talked to the big dude the next day it was time to take over me and my crew dominated the island oh shoot that is a lot of pirates okay get them oh hey let's go yo chill out as i got closer to the building there were tons of them but we pressed on oh get them why why are there so many of them geez and finally i made it to the top yo that is a big treasure chest i was starving and ended up coming across a small house that saved my life this place had all the fish you could think of in some books we have done it look at all that treasure that was a dub the chest was filled with so many gold blocks and emeralds that it took the whole day to minimal on the next day i explored around some hidden passages yeah what the heck is this place but i really didn't find anything until i went into the skull okay why am i climbing into this golf this is okay that looks kind of promising not gonna lie a map to atlantis finally some place that doesn't sound like it'll kill you yeah i definitely spoke too soon on that one storm cloud started rolling in so i got out of there before this could happen since i was basically a trillionaire now i started to work on another layer of the beacon okay yeah i'm out not getting flung across the sea again nope i sailed until i lost sight of the storm and worked on finishing up the beacon it took the whole day but eventually now i had a full beacon so i could have strength and regen on wherever i went the next day i realized something i had a ton of gems left over so you know what i did made another beacon yo i'm basically just like flexing at this point this day i sailed with the wind and swam with the sharks i wasn't scared of the sharks because they were scared of me i spent the rest of the day watching the sunset because tomorrow was going to be a day to remember the next day i started off my day blasting a seabees with fire which was basically at this point my equivalent to a coffee in the morning but today was a great day actually you know i made a friend yeah was that a seahorse oh i am def i'm definitely getting a sea horse that's a sea horse no come back yo how's it going let's see what's the seahorse doing out here in the bermuda triangle okay i'm naming this dude jaborus the horse wait wait no no wait chill jabor's no it was a shard a dang shark thatcherhorse divorce was the main course i ended up taking out the shark and cried an ocean of tears i will never forget you jabbourse the next day i got some sponges and tamed another seahorse but they will never be like gibberish the horse right this dude what do we name this dude bluey ratatouille the buoy that's what i'm naming them yo look at how fast they swim what this thing is like way faster than the ship but unfortunately it didn't let him on the ship so once again my happiness was short-lived the next day was very strange i was sailing around like i usually do and found a sea beast on a ship just chilling i don't know if these pirates thought they could one-up me because they they definitely did i was not messing with them i got out of there you know and after sailing some more i found an ocean monument and turns out me and the sea beasts have a common interest destroying the little ocean monument people i dove out into the water with a door and i took it out like it was another day at sea i explored around the monument door by door so i don't drown these things were so annoying after staying under water i realized land was more of my thing so i went to the surface the unit was there waiting for me tornado ready to throw me again across the ocean but eventually the storm calmed down bruh this storm better not kill me bruh finally the storm is chill drowning was very annoying in this so i tried to get the respiration enchant so i could breathe underwater but with my luck i never got it the next day tornado walked up to me said leave so i said make me and the tornado definitely did make me so i got out of there and just followed the map to atlantis what in the world that is a lot of shipwrecks i feel bad for those captains maybe i'll find some friends out here i jumped into the water it turns out this place was the spot all wrecked ships drifted to kind of sorcery is this fire doesn't disappear just burns you the sails were still attached to the ships so i looted them so i could make my ship even bigger well i tried to loot them bruh why do i keep falling bruh are you serious this is aggravating this is so aggravating why in the world is a horse swimming okay that is a lot of horses now why after several long days i got out of there with the sails and was falling apart mentally and physically i sailed the seas again going with the wind and followed the map for several days and eventually i found land boys we have made it atlantis is here okay wow this place actually is pretty nice i am impressed is that a mermaid oh my i dove down into the water and of course there had to be a twist why is there a megalodon i should be asking why wouldn't there be a megalodon i swam to a piece of wood in the water but the shark was circling me i waited there for the day and decided to make a run for it eventually i made it to the ship and on the next day i had a plan i moved the ship closer to the shark so i would get the effects from the beacon and we faced off okay this was this was stupid why am i why am i fighting a shark this was a dumb it's literally eating the wood dude bruh i am get dead get this thing away from me get away shark i ran away and then ran closer to the shark hitting it i could finally say it was over i thought i was how am i alive i thought i was dead just now after defeating the megalodon i ended up finding a chest filled with emeralds and gold looted it and brought it back to the ship the next day it was time to celebrate on the land of atlantis right now the whole world thinks i've just disappeared in a plane crash little do they know i'm out here on an island filled with mermaids what the heck is going on i cannot move okay okay i'm getting sketchy vibes right now never mind those are not mermaids nope definitely not mermaids yep turns out i got catfished by some mermaids that are actually snakes trying to kill me of course of course it couldn't be peaceful everywhere i walked i was pulled in and had the face off against whatever this thing is bruh i cannot jump i literally have to mine all the way to wherever this thing is pulling you to turns out this was a death island look at this thing bro not this again day and night i fought off the mermaid things and today i went into a building this place was filled with them i don't even like the singing at this point like it was okay at first but nah dude eventually i took them all out and made it to the top of the building okay all this for one chest this chest better be good siren flute what the heck bro you're telling me i gotta listen to their singing everywhere i go now i used their own weapon against them and swam down the tower now today 99 and i had an amazing idea yo you see this big colosseum thing what if i put the big coliseum on my boat i spent the whole day mining around this little tower thing and eventually made it possible to add to the ship okay my ship is we are definitely breaking the laws of physics here and now it was day 100 i conquered all the mysterious places within the bermuda triangle and brought them all along with me in a big ship that's it for today if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like and subscribe because next time we're going to area 51 and big thanks to dragon city for sponsoring this video don't forget to click the link in the description down below to download dragon city and claim your epic rewards all for free what what are you waiting for you stop and download it it's literally right there
Channel: AmazedOne
Views: 969,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days minecraft, 100 days minecraft bermuda triangle, minecraft, 100 days, amazed one, 100 days hardcore minecraft, hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore, i spent 100 days in minecraft, 100 days modded minecraft, modded minecraft, 100 days bermuda triangle, 100 days minecraft amazon rainforest, minecraft hardcore, 100 days sahara desert, 100 days mount everest, i survived 100 days minecraft, hardcore mode, minecraft 100 days ocean only world, 100 days ocean, triangle
Id: anuWAjPr_ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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