200 Days - [Zombie Wasteland]

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previously on 100 days i made some basic supplies get stoned almost died made a farm made it better found a villager for stole it as my own made a zombie killing machine that works really well caused it terrain zombie part more zombie killing machine instructed a brand new base added a ton of trap this one looks pretty cool also i did this on day 100 but just wait till day 200. wait what dude you're supposed to be standing over there did you even read the script have you defeated the demon lord what the heck is a demon lord did you crush the ice golem what about ascending to doom towers with what and what is an ice golem oh and did i mention there are over 500 champions no but honestly it sounds kind of awesome what is this you can do all these things and crazy amount more if you download great shadow legends on your phone or computer explore millions of champion combinations and master countless tactics as you take on raid bosses dungeon runs campaign battles and pvp arena matches oh yeah did i mention there are over 500 champions oh and did i mention there are over 500 champions yeah i literally just read that in the book but i bet you didn't know about pharaoh the infamous what the heck is a fire inflammatory was one of the most challenging dungeon bosses fire used to be a knight of vulkar but he committed registered what is regicide try to defeat the fire knight to collect the treasure a great way to get the best weekly rewards is to join a clan and fight the clan bot also pro tip the fastest way to level up your champions is by farming the campaign raid is adding a new rotation of the doom tower which i definitely want to finish this month you want a massive head start in raid all you have to do is hit the link in the description new players will get an epic hero chenoru who is especially good for doom tower 200k silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard so you can summon epic champions as soon as you get in the game also huge shout out to forge labs for inspiring the series if somehow you don't know who that is he's a youtuber that makes videos much higher quality than my own so if you like mine you'll love his anyway check out his channel after watching this video alright here we go and what on earth is that noise right off the bat i just hear zombies groaning outside my base what is this straight off the bat on day 101 i noticed that my castle had a growth i have no idea what the heck this thing is after some quick investigation i realized this was a room identical to the room i had originally spawned in when generating this there must have been a glitch where it spawned in again because i don't know anyway i mined it out and gathered all its blocks i don't know if you guys remember but at the end of day 100 i exploded a boatload of zombies using my good friend tnt it created a massive crater in the ground and i can't say i love the design so i had to do what i always do when i have a problem cover it up and pretend like it never happened for basically the entirety of day 101 i just spent fixing up odds and ends you know tidying up things and whatnot since my wool armor was pretty close to breaking and it was causing me to freeze i was in desperate need of some new clothes i ransacked all the chests in my castle but i couldn't find any wool so i hiked back to my old base to savage to the chip savage through the chests that's not even a word there wasn't any wool there either so after a little exploring i found an old moldy tent and tore it down i didn't have much lumber so i spent the rest of day 102 chopping down oak trees i left my zombie shredder a little messy so i decided to tidy it up a bit i don't really have a good storage system in my base and by not having a good storage system i mean i don't have any chests whatsoever so i converted all the logs i had gotten from day 101 to chess after trying out a few different locations i realized that my loot was the most valuable of my possessions because loot is literally my possessions that's like what it is so i should probably keep it safe and what spot is safer than underground however there wasn't any great spot for an underground storage system in my base unless i got rid of that portal so i got rid of that portal then i started construction on my brand new chest room [Music] after working all day i was about halfway done but the moon had risen and i had zombies on my mind i ran out to my zombie annihilator and pulled an all-nighter slashing zombie flesh oh no are they breaking the door up there no i don't think they can break the doors right oh man that is sketch he's just right there there's two of them oh and they're breaking this door uh let's just make sure it's secure um this is not good they can just get in all right iron door and there we go now i'm safe oh man there are a ton up there dude look at that it's just filled with them how many is that it sounds like a ton though oh man i had to figure out a way to slay all the idiots stuck at the top of my watch tower so i ran to my old base and looted the chests looking for anything that could help me i found nothing now that i knew these zombies could break wooden doors i replaced all my wooden doors with iron doors there's no way those nerds are getting me now you guys remember the cows i got from that old abandoned fort from last video and everyone thought that the spawners were cow spawners well you'll be happy to hear that i put them in a cage where they'll never roam free to get i mean they have a nice home now there was sufficient daylight to work in i decided it's probably the best time to finish my underground storage system waking up on day 105 i came to the realization even though i technically finished my storage room i never put any items in the chest so i spent the better part of the day relocating items from my chests over i never realized how many zombies i've really killed until i started moving the rotten flesh from my zombie farm to my storage room i filled up an entire double chest with this stuff and still had loads more i spent literally all of day 106 and even some of day 107 filling up my storage room i have a lot of items hunger was an issue so i started a small farm around my storage area you guys remember at the starting of this video just eight days ago when i said i covered up that hole with the tnt apparently i never finished covering it up so that's what i did on day 108. i got a lot of comments saying that these heating coils don't work when there isn't a ceiling so i removed them from my base because there's no point the cows were repopulating faster than my farm was producing wheat so it became apparent that i was in desperate need of some more wheat i crafted up a few hoes got my water buckets and seeds and channelled my inner former you know they do call me farmer joe for a reason and gotcha mid-farming montage i started freezing to death and i realized that one of my armor pieces had broken so i traveled to the nearest tent tore it down and recrafted some new wool armor okay back to farming [Music] [Music] yo look at that it's a stupid farmer coming over to the farm finally by day 111 i had finished my massive farm i love it i really wanted better armor so i went out exploring to try to find either some sort of armor loot and a chest or paper that i could use to make bookshelves for my enchantment table i ended up going to this dungeon that's pretty similar to the dungeon that i almost died in on day what was it like two or three all right let's see what's down here um oh there's grass in here that's interesting oh what it's like a jungle tree hold on oh no no no no no no no no no no oh so many keep spiders oh man dude i'm at half a heart wow um maybe i shouldn't go down these maybe maybe that's just a sign that i should never go down one of these ever again all right i'm going back down i think i might be able to survive i'm just gonna go the other way this time oh yes chests all right let's p we got some oh another book and some gold oh dude that spider gave me a heart attack all right it's not attacking me it's fine the problem here is all the spiders are cave spiders so they give me poison and the poison is just the worst brings me to half a heart all right oh another spider spawner all right not bad not bad free xp might as well take it and i think it's lagging got him once and oh man oh no oh no he got me oh no no no no he got me he got me all right get this guy okay walk it off i want to kill that last spider in there oh no no no no no oh no he's going to get me oh man i'm so low i'm so low i got to kill him that was way too close stuck at half a heart scared to death spiders and zombies surround my little room i waited out the night and once it was day i carefully dug my way out well it was day 112 and i had just barely escaped from my doom adventure is much more dangerous than i thought but i didn't care i kept exploring anyway another one of those dungeons never going down there again day 113 i went down in another one of those dungeons this might be a really dumb idea um actually it's definitely a really dumb idea but i really want to find some treasures oh first off already got a chest enchanted golden apple all right let's go what is this room what the heck oh no it's night that's not good i need to sleep oh no no no no no no okay i killed him i was in the goblet stuck with the zombie that was way too close that is quite a few zombies yep that's that's a lot um oh and they're entity cramming look at the body parts are just flying through all right well time to die oh man oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no gotta eat my golden apple where did they come from no way they keep coming they keep mommy they keep coming no [Music] that was way too close i'm so glad i had that notch apple on me after another close shave i decided i should probably get out of there quick so like any good mole rat i dug myself out dude those guys are loud up there oh man no no oh i gotta eat another golden apple okay let me out let me out let me out no zombies get out of my way how i can't get out i'm gonna kill them no no i'm gonna die i need another golden apple oh it turned to ice nope okay okay okay we're good oh man day 114 i made an incredible discovery what is that yo it's a zombie horse what oh it is so fast at first i was just amazed by this giant fossil that i found but check out this zombie horse this thing's insane it goes so fast that's like three times faster than a normal horse all right what's this fossil thing all about i'm gonna i'm gonna go inside oh and just stone okay i don't know what the heck this thing is but this horse is incredible this thing's insane like hey zombies oh you're trying to get me oh too bad i'm way too fast day 115 i mostly spent writing my trusty steed looking for anything unusual anyway i was a little tired of exploring so i started to migrate back home by the next day i had finally made it back to my base and the first thing i wanted to do was name my zombie horse oh i know instead of zombie horse it'll be zombie porsche genius what the heck he's just in a line look at that he's like i made a little cage for this nerd that way he couldn't run away then i kept multiplying my burger supply i also realized that the farm was looking a tad unfinished so i started fixing it up a [Music] bit [Music] after making it look all nice and epic i remember that it's actually possible to craft a grappling hook yeah a grappling hook this is so cool how the heck did i forget about this all right let's test out the grappling hook do it there um okay hold down shift and i jump oh okay that's how i swing got to figure out all the controls zombies trying to get to me nope ha i can just jump over the wall how do you like that nerd oh i'm going to scale this tree oh man this is great i wonder if i can pull nitwit with this let's try it out yep definitely can as you guys know the reason i have to wear the wool armor is to keep me from freezing to death but what if i told you there's actually a way to wear better gear that still keeps me warm i discovered that one of the mods i had installed actually does that it allows me to make underwear and apply it to my armor so i can stay warm to craft it you need a ton of strings slime balls and magma blocks all things i can get pretty easily and oh yeah leggings warm liner and i can just combine these with my normal armor i already have quite a few magma blocks and slime balls so now all i needed was string and why now adventuring looking for dungeons because most of them are covered in cobwebs which i can break for free string the next day i realized i didn't have any torches to light up the dungeons so i hopped back on my zombie portion road home to grab some colon sticks walking around the structure i broke every cobweb in sight eventually i had broken them all and i was going to go down to the dungeon but then i got scared and also realized i might have enough string as it is so i don't even need to go around there using the string i had gotten i was able to craft some warm boots liner so i applied it to my iron boots i then searched through every chest i had looking for any string that i had previously left behind i found a little bit but it wasn't enough to craft another piece of liner and i knew that when the moon rose spiders would start spawning so i spent that night in the zombie shredder eventually i got enough string to craft liner for my iron leggings and chest plate however i was gonna need even more liner than that to keep me from freezing at least in the night daytime was just barely warm enough so i wouldn't freeze now you might be wondering joe why do you care if you freeze during the night just stay through all the nights and you won't have to go through all the trouble of getting warmer armor well my fellow idiot very simple i have big plans very big plans i'm going to sweep the nation with my brand new revolutionized zombie killing method but in order to kill thousands of zombies at once i need to be awake at night so just be patient and you will see the morning of the 120th i noticed that there were a ton of zombie porsches around wow there are a bunch of these weirdos what i guess what happened is the zombies spawn riding on one of these guys and then in the morning the zombies despawn and the zombie horses stay there so that's what happened i rode around until i found another dungeon and collected all the cobwebs until i had enough to craft a helmet liner now i had liner on every piece of armor however for some reason that still wasn't enough to last me the frigid nights oh yeah i also slaughtered a bunch of cows on day 121 i went out exploring for reasons that no one can be sure of oh but look at that i found another one of those dungeons okay let's go in i guess oh wait the game crashed now i have to load a backup oh man no now it's day 119 because my most recent backup was from two days ago whatever let's just pretend that never happened and call it day 122 okay i think it's okay because technically i still survived that time so anyway i wanted to start a brand new track but first i had to take down the rapid fire arrow and fireball dispensing system because it doesn't look that good having a literal wall of dispensers on the side of my castle this new system would still use the leftover fireballs but in a slightly different way you guys will see right after this building montage [Music] oh no i'm out of redstone [Music] flame on oh yeah i started off day 126 by brutally murdering 90 of the cow population in this entire world i decided after having so much fun i should probably balance it out with a little bit of fear so i went and found another dungeon this time i entered the dungeon and well just watch all right now that i have iron armor maybe i'll be a little safer um because like wall armor barely protects you it's not even armor basically it's just like clothes sweet oh no oh man that scared me he was hiding up on the ceiling like a ninja and this guy's trying to kill me but he doesn't realize that i have iron armor now i'm gonna kill these guys oh man how many are there okay and there's another spawner in there come on let me best let me in i gotta break the spawners fast all right we're good two books that have been written in all right let's read that book that i got nope let's i'm done reading this oh man this is getting really close i think i barely survived that oh man this is even with full iron armor i almost died after almost dying multiple dimes while down there i decided i should skedaddle so i dug myself out now what in the heck is all that oh that that's what the noise is it's zombies okay um all right that was only two oh there's a bunch of zombie horses up there goodbye goodbye oh goodbye what the heck are you doing you're just like dancing up there and goodbye now you're all dead perfect i basically just rode around for the rest of the day looking for anything cool i could find here's a quick snapshot slideshow day 128 i found yet another dungeon guys i really needed string to keep me warm okay anyway here are the exciting parts oh i can see one already time to die idiot and there's another guy okay he's dead this guy's dead it's fine and what i can just jump through the cobwebs at 100 miles per hour oh man so many spiders oh okay i'm actually really low on health okay he's dead no what no no no no no no i can't hit him i can't hit him why can't i hit the spider i can only shoot him what why can i not hit him okay that was way too close i'm so lucky i had the notch apple since i almost died in there i decided to navigate my way out oh man there's so many zombies here actually dude that is a ton of zombies holy cow okay uh oh yes i do have tnt let's go okay oh man i'm starting to freeze to death but this is worth it i'm gonna blow up all those zombies okay i gotta sleep oh man the limbs are flying everywhere this is epic the next day i went back down there because there was still a part i hadn't explored man i'm so glad i did too what i found shocked me i had no idea i was gonna be able to get this no way that's insane i can't believe there are bookshelves here just a random room full of bookshelves which are the exact thing i need for enchanting no way this is so epic i had no idea this was even in the game oh man this is actually so perfect i finally made it back to my castle on day 130 and immediately wanted to enchant i had been getting mad amounts of xp levels from killing all these idiots so i knew i could get some pretty fancy armor i used all the books that i had gotten the previous day to make bookshelves and put them around the table but first i used all the stacks of string i had gotten from all those dungeons to craft up as much liner as possible then i applied it to some brand new diamond armor and now it was ready to be enchanted after enchanting my brand new armor i still had quite a few levels so i grabbed all my extra books and started enchanting those as well i used up all my level enchanting so i spent another night down in the zombie shredder i gained almost 60 levels of experience from that one night down there 60 levels this thing's insane i spent most of day 131 enchanting the rest of my armor i wanted full diamond armor so i decided to go mining until i found diamonds once uncovering those shiny blue rocks i headed back to finish off my armor set i spent that night in the zombie annihilator grinding those shiny xp orbs die idiots the next morning i used all my xp to enchant the remaining pieces of my armor and a whole bunch of books there's no chance of me dying now right i noticed the wheat was looking nice and fresh so i ran over to the farm and harvested it [Music] dude that is so much weak oh man i got a ton i got back to my castle just in time to cook up a few hundred zombies i love this game and man i love burning zombies this game is just so much fun i woke up to the horrifying sound of zombies moaning and groaning outside my castle i investigated and there were about a hundred million zombies all in the one part of my castle that has zero traps oh well i'll fix that later for now i had bigger plans i began baking my cobblestone straight into plain old normal stones so i could make stone bricks now with those stone bricks i was gonna do something incredible let's start another montage oh yeah i think that looks pretty good haha just kidding let's work some more on it that was crazy this took me 10 days to make i had no idea what an ambitious project this was gonna turn out to be this was this was insane would you look at that it is finally done oh yeah you guys are probably wondering what the heck this thing is anyway this thing is what's going to get me through the next 66 days this thing is going to revolutionize zombie killing day 145 i noticed there was one single seed that hadn't fully grown into wheat yet so what okay then i know just the thing let's see grab some bones make some bone meal and there we go i noticed that as every night passed about 15 more zombie horses appeared and never despawned so i went on a massive killing rampage [Music] all right park this bad boy right in here wait a minute hold on a minute you can fit through the gap wait can he actually what this whole time i've been i put him in here this whole time like this he can just walk out i'm glad he hasn't though for my brand new zombie killing method using that massive building i just created i was gonna need something warmer so i could last the nights without freezing because currently even with this underwear mod i still freezing the nights but in order to be warm enough i needed even more magma blocks and then i could make more warm liner for my armor so i rebuilt my nether portal and traveled to the nether here we go why are there zombies in the nether does that even make sense i mean i guess it doesn't not no no it doesn't make sense why are there zombies all right this is what i came for magma quick nap and what the heck is this is this what a dream is like in minecraft what i can't get out of my bed i i can i'm just what hi okay i'm spam clicking leave bed and i just can't even leave what i ended up just restarting minecraft and that fixed it i always have a hard time getting out of my bed in real life but even in minecraft man this is getting way too realistic all right i'm glad that it's what the heck dude look at all those spiders oh wow a little bit laggy oh that one's in the ground oh die oh and here comes another one and he's dead too i'm gonna snipe that bad boy and you're dead oh there's some string up there thanks for the string dude when i see spiders all i see is string oh more string come here string thank you that morning i used every last bit of magma i had to make the warm line i think i finally have enough to stay warm in the night for the rest of the day i tied up odds and ends replacing the fires with dirt whoa hold up that's a piece of dirt right there how did that get there and goodbye oh yeah i also chopped down this tree i needed wood but i have no idea why oh right that's why i was building a brand new line of defense you guys remember a few weeks back when all the zombies kept getting stuck on the side of my castle every morning and i said how i needed to fix it me neither but now i'm going to [Music] [Music] how this trap works is the zombies see me run up to the face of the wall and can't get past it then i flip the lever and they fall into the pit and then i flip the lever again boom blocks go in the zombies head and they get suffocated to death the only problem is this trap doesn't cover the corners of the castle and there are always a few zombies left over in the corner so thanks to this guy for commenting this idea i put magma blocks on each of the corners so that the zombies would die i also put carpets over them just maybe because it'll look nicer i don't know i was almost done with the trap when i ran out of stone bricks so back to the mines it is oh also i grinded zombies all night long because why the heck not it's fun the morning of the 149th i finished off the aesthetics around my latest trap this way you can't see exposed redstone i also lit up a nearby surface cave because zombies would come out of it all day long that night i spent in the grinder once more again because i needed to rack up my zombie kills oh you don't know why well according to youtube statistics i have only killed 69 419 zombies if you want to increase that number subscribe and like now also leave a comment letting me know that you killed that one last zombie let's go oh no dude there are two of these guys oh man these guys are so fast too okay they can die pretty easily though as long as i hit them they're kind of hard to hit oh man these guys can run faster than i can look at him go the guy in the chain mail dude how are they so fast there's zombies they should have like broken legs and ankles how do they run so fast my only advantage is lag every once in a while lags dude holy cow this guy's speedy gonzales out here how is he moving so fast this guy's faster than usain bolt okay i'm cop going after grappling hook away i'm gonna die oh no what okay no what why is it not working no no no no no no let me up here let me up here okay i'm still kind of getting used to the controls with the grappling hook oh wait okay whoo i'm safe the first thing i did on day 150 was using my brand new xp levels to enchant my bow gotta love bosh mo wait didn't i use that exact same joke on the alien planet video yeah whatever no one will remember that i noticed that even with like seven liners on my armor i still froze at night so i crafted up even more liners however apparently you can only add a limited number of liners per piece of armor because i couldn't add any more so yeah i was still in need of more stones so i went back to the mine and swung my pickaxe from side two inside anyway i was about to leave when i suddenly was greeted with this all right let me up here and there's a guy oh no there's a ton of guys oh man there's a ton of zombies uh okay i think i'm gonna be okay with the golden apple but oh man they're sore to kill they just keep smacking me they just keep taking bites out of me die oh man i gotta get back in the mine okay i'm going i'm going i'm going let me let me i had no idea it was night i guess i had been mining for a little longer than i thought anyway i killed this one last idiot and slept the morning came so i flew back up my ladder using my grappling hook and look at this tons of these little nitwits running around trying to eat my brains i used an ancient zombie killing method i learned from myself about one second ago when i thought of it after killing all of them i got out and there were about a hundred spiders waiting for me up top including this one invisible spider you can just see his eyes what the heck the air just hit me oh okay i realized my enchantment room was a little asymmetrical due to me making the wall next to the newest trap a little bit thicker so i added blocks to the other side to balance it out it was at this point that i realized my greatest trap that revolutionizes all zombie traps was actually slightly unfinished so i grappled my way up top to top it off and kobe okay i've got a ton in here open up the pit yep they're all falling in the pits this is working perfectly all right now i just need to go over here and okay those two guys okay now they fell in and now close the pit and now they suffocate to death this is the best i love murdering zombies at the time i didn't realize that my armor couldn't hold any more warm liners so i went out exploring looking for more string to craft even more liner i ended up finding enough string to make more but you know i couldn't add it because yeah i was big dumb so i guess i'm stuck to freezing at night oh man okay no i'm freezing again oh i guess my the liner on my armor isn't enough 360 no scope wow okay okay these guys just keep coming i was going to kill them but then there's like 50 more just keep appearing out of nowhere day 153 i wanted to test out my revolutionary trap but in order for it to work i had to lure zombies up this building the only problem is they kept losing sight of me and they wouldn't follow hey guys you want some you want some candy come on up all right let's do this thing hello oh this one guy made it only one though the fastest of them all that's it just a singular zombie made it up the rest of them all got lost somehow it's not not a very tricky maze but okay then and because i wasn't able to use my incredibly high tech trap on these idiots yet i decided to get my revenge by burning them alive i still love minecraft i spent the next morning as a janitor cleaning up all the zombies left around i was pretty sad that my revolutionary trap wouldn't even get past the first step of bringing zombies up the building but then then i had an incredible idea one word water elevators wait that's two words using soul sand and water i could push zombies up to the top of the building hassle-free i was a genius now i just had to install the new elevator wait soul sand isn't it's not making the bubbles is it the soul sand so if you guys don't know i'm in version 1.12 of the game because some of the mods installed don't work for later versions the only downside to that is back in 1.12 soul sand didn't push entities up water like it does nowadays so i had to figure out a new approach but then i remembered something this whole time i had been thinking of the fact that we were in 1.12 as a disadvantage but actually i can exploit that back in 1.12 mobs would actually float in water instead of sinking so all i need is a bunch of water and it will automatically swim up it all right i gotta test this theory out get over here random zombie horse alright yes he floats up oh let's go it actually works alright sweet [Music] [Applause] oh by the way guys i installed a brand new shader pack right here i think this one looks a lot cooler even makes the clouds a little fuzzy on the edges oh and you're probably also wondering how this trap works so basically have you guys ever seen uh zombieland that movie well in the second zombie lands zombieland double tap okay you just watch i'll just show you okay so basically the zombies are chasing him up the building and then he runs out the building and they all just follow him he jumps off and he grabs onto that hook thing and all the zombies just flood off of the building that's what i'm gonna do because as you guys might remember i have a grappling hook now with the way this trap is set up right now it won't quite work as well as i would like because the zombies are just free to roam around so only a few will follow me off the edge instead of a massive hoard of 100 million so to fix this problem i crafted up a few sticky pistons to build a cage prison for the zombies to hold them until they've accumulated [Music] [Music] i decided i should probably build a platform for me to swing onto because i'm not really comfortable hanging there with all the zombies jumping at me you know trying to grab my feet and whatnot i think i'll be a little safer on a platform and i don't really know what happened here but for the rest of day 158 the recording just froze right here on this frame even though you can still hear what's going on so let's just skip to day 159 unfortunately on day 158 i literally just used my new revolutionary trap on a massive hoard of zombies but the recording froze luckily for us though i enjoyed it so much that well i did it again probably about 15 more times a lot of the zombies didn't enter the water elevator so i devised a brand new plan i created a water stream so that if any zombies entered the building they would be pushed into an elevator and float up to the top this had to work there was one other thing that i wanted to modify with this trap but for that i needed obsidian so that night i went out to try to find a fallen meteor day 160 actually found a meteor and collected a bunch of obsidian now let me explain what i'm modifying here every time i get a horde of zombies to run off the edge of the building a bunch more zombies gather around on the ground way down far below me and i don't really have a good way of killing them so you guys remember last episode the whole tnt thing well you guys loved that seeing limbs rain from the sky and whatnot so what i'm going to do is put a downward-facing tnt dispenser that shoots tnt down at these zombies the obsidian is merely for keeping the ground from exploding away [Music] the first thing i did on day 161 was make the wall higher for my landing platform because we didn't want a rerun of what happened last time when i used this trap and three two one is gonna be epic oh no no uh okay well i can see him falling off the building back there but um yeah that didn't go as planned i didn't love the style of the platform so i grabbed some sand to make glass maybe it'll look cooler if it's glass i don't know that night i was thirsting for fresh zombie death so i mounted my trusty zombie porsche and rounded up the idiots all right nerds who wants to come get your tickets here you can come up the building and uh and then die all right here's a group of them these guys are fast too if i didn't if this zombie horse wasn't so fast then uh i'd be dead meat die spider spiders are not allowed to come on this ride get out of here oh man i'm glad they don't attack the horse oh guys i need a big group of them i need a massive group all right that's enough for now this is for a test anyway oh man look at all those guys all right good i can swim up a little bit faster than they can and i made it okay flip the lever boom now they cannot come out ever oh man guys i'm starting to freeze yeah look at my temperature it's dropping and that snowflake oh now i'm at shaking snowflake next up hypothermia all right i'm gonna need to get warmer armor at some point because this is not working out let's go yes look at them flood off oh that was great that was only like 30 zombies though i can put a lot more in there all right let's send down a tnt oh dude that guy's head hit the glass this was incredible truly incredible but i think i can do even better and i mean better like 10 times better you guys will see what i'm talking about later anyway i noticed that a lot of the zombies still didn't make it up to the top because they got stuck on these walls and i needed to figure out a fix for that but in the meantime these zombies kept damaging my armor and i was running out of diamonds to mend it so i went out exploring from ending books i knew they couldn't be that rare because i had already gotten two in the last video yo look it's a skull it's a massive skull what kind of beast was this thing oh man i would totally live in here if it was closer to spawn i would totally live in here this place is epic i wish i found this on day one this would this would make it like a great home anyway that thing's interesting oh look another alien ship and what the heck is that it appears oh okay it's like a crashed meteor that landed on top of it on top of a uh what the heck my arrow just shot backwards whoa the boots of tears holy moly you get good stuff from these i didn't know about this wait is this like a is this a structure this is like a perfectly symmetrical stone structure with wait a minute is this something is there something i can get out of this thing it's completely symmetrical either it's like a glitch in the matrix or there's something in here well i'm digging down all the way to bedrock come on there's got to be something in here oh what what how there just happened to be diamonds right here i just dig straight down what i came back to my base empty handed on day 165 i hadn't found any mending books eh whatever i did somehow get these diamonds which is still insane to me i spent that night in the zombie shredder once again to gather experience well actually it was together string i usually get about a stack of string per night from this farm from all the spiders that come in now you're probably saying why you need more string didn't you say you can't apply liner to your armor anymore and yes you're right little one but i need string for something called grappling hook upgrades that's right i'm gonna make my grappling hook even better oh also apparently you can make these things called long fall boots which are basically just boots to make it so you can't take fall damage and seems pretty useful i made this one upgrade that allows you to throw your grappling hook twice as fast and this other one twice as far after having a little fun with this bad boy the moon came out and told me to kill some zombies hey yo what's poppin idiots look at all these spiders oh man oh yeah i got a lot this is a lot of zombies look at that look at this horde imagine this if i didn't have this zombie horse i would be instantly dead i would insta die 100 oh man they're getting too close they're hitting me oh no i'm losing health fast okay i killed all the ones that were fast swimmers i think yeah oh all their body parts are floating up oh look at all those body parts all right i closed it i started getting colder so i slept because i didn't want to suffer from hypothermia all right look at all these contestants just waiting to die oh they just keep coming up all right let's go i have some plans for this thing i'm gonna make this thing even crazier than it is now but for now let's murder these idiots i just had a voice crack okay oh no oh i missed the rack okay it's fine look at all the zombies raining from this guy you know i missed my grappling hook but it doesn't even matter okay these guys are actually really hard to kill okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i got a grappling hook away get me out of here get me out of here oh man the next day i discovered i can actually craft something called aussie liner which will apparently keep me warm even when it's nice maybe now i'll finally be able to use my world famous trap at its fullest potential in order to get the aussie liner i needed some cold liner as well as warm liner which i already have hold liner i needed ice for so i went around and using my silk touch shovel i got as much ice as i could drafted up some cold liner the game wouldn't allow me to combine my liner with my already enchanted armor so i had to make a new set of diamond armor the only problem was now i needed enchantments on it so i spent yet another night down in the zombie shredder dude how am i gonna survive this situation where's my zombie horse where's my zombie porsche oh man that's a ton of zombies oh and they're coming from in front of me too i gotta get in oh i can't get in okay okay let me let me up okay they can't get me while i'm up here i'm just gonna mold myself in after grinding xp all night long i climbed up my watchtower and started picking off zombie horse riders one by one i stepped up to my enchantment table and shynified my brand new aussie line diamond leggings the rest of the day i spent gathering wood and killing zombie horses that night i was rounding up the zombies for a good old classic killing when i noticed that a massive amount of zombies still get stuck down near the entrance i could be killing 10 times as many zombies as i currently am all i needed was a surefire way to get all those idiots up into the water stream alright this is this is the most contestants i've ever had for this ride let's do this and the swing yep and now they're just flooding over the edge oh that's epic that is epic one last oh and he fell oh and they're a bunch clump down there they're just pathfinder but let's just let's just set off the tnt you know see how they like that boom that is epic the bodies hit the glass all right there's all these guys that are still here from last night i'm just gonna oh yeah a lot of them actually don't get pushed into the water stream look at that oh okay i gotta fix that no wonder cause i was thinking there should be a lot more than than there are up there so some of them can get in or i think most of them get in but there are still there's still a huge amount that gets stuck remember on day 162 when i said this trap could be 10 times better well it's time to make it 10 times better it's time to make it 10 times better the first thing i did was add this water stream here which will push every and all wandering idiots into this other stream which will push even more idiots up this elevator which will push every and all wandering idiot into the top of the building which will push which will i'll kill them um it's putting him in a cage where i can kill them the night of the 172nd i tested it out and yes sir this thing works quite fine very very so fine that the issue is no longer that there weren't enough zombies was that there were too many zombies this massive horde of zombies was stopping other zombies from coming up the water elevator and when they did come up they would entity cram and all die okay nerds how would you like to die okay sounds like a yes oh they're coming fast oh oh that is so great look at them go look at them look at all those body parts just a ton holy cow when the morning came these idiots were still moaning and groaning so i decided i should try to be civil this time and there was only one way i could think of luring them off the edge of a tall building only to have them fall into the hard ground where their legs would be crushed beneath them hey i'm putting them out of their misery don't judge my methods [Laughter] die idiots goodbye all right well how many oh man these guys are so fast but i can kill them so easily just a few swings my sword kills a ton okay okay okay come on guys come on guys die they just keep they keep respawning or something okay there we go and last one you're dead the rest of day 173 i spent modifying the water entry method to further help the zombies come to their hidden demise day 174 i mostly spent cleaning up odds and ends i did begin work on taking down the current cage that holds the zombies because i was going to need to expand it okay so at the time of recording this i had just gotten a comment on a video with the most genius hilarious epic idea yet put the zombies through an obstacle course this was just a next level method of trolling brainless idiots you guys remember when i was making all those shorts on youtube that revealed your iq test that now everyone else is copying yeah so basically this is gonna be a massive villager iq test but instead of villagers it's zombies and instead of a test it's gonna be impossible to pass i know i know i haven't even finished the building trap yet but this was so cool i had to start it right away let's start the building montage [Music] after working on the zombie troller official name by the way for us all five days straight i decided i should take a break and relax by killing a few zombies thousands at a time but in order to kill that efficiently i needed to add efficiency to my pickaxe so that i could mine blocks faster to enlarge in the room that the zombies are trapped in what were you thinking all right the sun is setting and i can only think about one thing zombies let's shred okay here they come oh yeah look at them go what what huh that's the spider just 360 no scoped me okay now we have a ton oh yeah that is that is a ton my frame rate is just death right now what did you guys see how many zombies just went over the edge it was a literal flood i think they classify as a liquid oh man there are so many here there are so many this is insane i love this game and swing and dude holy cow it's crashing my game look at all those bodyguards look at that oh my goodness dude this is insane this trap is just madness okay back to the zombie troller [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's go hop into a creative testing world so i can show you guys how this thing works so you're walking over here and boom instantly floor opens up falling lava die so let's say you're a smart zombie and you decide not to fall on that trap well you could turn left here and when you go in here boom lava appears there that'll stop any future zombies from coming in then you come over here you go in this door and oops you're stuck forever so now you're not an idiot either you're not going to go in that door of course not so you walk over here like oh what what the heck is this over here and then you have to go through this entire maze and it's just it's very painful there's water going through the entire thing so after all that waiting in the water you get this part with these pressure plates which shoot fireballs at you catching on fire you don't want to go in there just straight a bad idea then you get to this section now this section is sort of like a place where all the sections meet up they come in here and boom they get launched into the air that'll just do a little fall damage for them and it's kind of fun to see a bunch of zombies fly up in the air you know then you get to these doors here and they start punching down the doors because they're zombies zombies just hate doors and so yeah all you have to do is get through all these doors and then they win that's how they pass okay so now the zombies zombies have gotten a little smarter since then and so now they're gonna go right and they see this village over here and they're like oh okay we'll just walk over this little iron gate and then boom eat it off into the lava instant death now for all the zombies that decide not to go for the villager they keep going straight and then these dispensers to start shooting arrows rapid fire at them and there's nothing they can do against it and yeah they'll basically die from this and then like okay we're not going that way no way since the zombies don't want to rerun what happened last time they come over here remember what the slime block did to them and walk over these magma blocks which will just bring them a little bit lower on hp and then end up here at the slime block trampoline now what'll happen to a lot of the zombies is they'll shoot up from the slime and then land on these magma blocks and this little maze have to find their way out while burning to death and yeah so that's the trap that's the whole maze and so yeah they just have to make it through this entire thing and then they're home free and they get to feast on me openly the obstacle course was finally complete after a total of 13 days working on all the redstone traps and maze i finally finished it so you know what that means time to kill some zombies with my super tall building trap that i stole from the zombieland i know you want to see the zombie troller in action but not yet guys i needed this look at all those guys down there oh what this guy knocked me off oh what a traitor okay not really a traitor that's not really how craters work but let's just swing over here nope my grappling hook decided to not work look at all these guys that got stuck on the wall there were so many oh man these guys are so fast so hard to juke them yeah should i travel no okay my sweeping edge isn't enough to kill this this sort of zombies oh man okay they're actually doing some damage oh man oh okay no it's fine oh okay i'm actually getting low i'm lowering the half health okay this is actually bad this is actually this is actually very bad oh wow oh no no no no okay no oh dude [Laughter] oh oh man all right i'm gonna do i'm just not gonna do any more dangerous stuff anymore except fall off buildings okay all right let's see how many guys are accumulating here that's quite a few i think that's probably enough oh and all right it's fine oh man these guys just keep coming there's so many oh no they can get on top of the thing no no oh no okay okay it's fine they can get on top of this this thing somehow i'm not sure how they're doing that probably has to do with this water here i'm just gonna put dirt up here i know it doesn't look great it's a temporary fix okay can't be coming up here no more that is quite a few zombies yeah that's just a large amount all right let's get rid of this dirt so the zombies can freely feast on the villager and uh yeah i think this trap is looking pretty ready just ascending up this is great all right shoot the button shoot the button yeah oh wow second try pretty proud of that and first try yep first try all right here come the zombies oh man a ton of them in the lava trap all right they went around the other way a lot of them went the other way they're going so fast someone's getting stuck in the lava oh that guy just got yeaded off the edge okay a bunch of them are coming this way oh they just got launched in the slime blocks all right they're coming up through the doors they're breaking the doors they're breaking the doors most of them they looks like they didn't get to the villager um they're kind of hanging out in the slime balls and they're breaking through the doors all right looks like they broke through the first layer now they're on the second layer of doors this is all happening oh man more bouncing on that oh this guy got stuck in the aero trap all right oh they broke their doors and opened that up and um a goodbye what they just all fell down that oh that zombie that zombie wants to get the villager oh and he's dead oh that was great guys that was so amazing oh man 55 rotten zombie flesh it's pretty good pretty good amount i like it a lot dude i just launched that bad boy that was epic guys that was just epic right there that was that was hilarious all right let's close this look at all those arrows they really got stuck in that zombie trap or the arrow trap i mean all right it is now night time and the zombies are accumulating look at them go they are filling up i want to fill up this thing i want to i want a million zombies in this zombie iq test oh yep here comes oh that is a lot yep that's quite a few let's see if i get this skeleton rats i miss all right i think these guys are ready to go through the go through the obstacle course again don't you think yeah i think they probably are they look pretty ready oh there we go and here they come a lot of them in the first zombie trap but then they go around to the edge um that guy's just bouncing on the little thing they got stuck in the second lava trap it looks like oh that guy fell they're all falling doesn't look like they're gonna make it oh that guy made it but then he ran back kind of an idiot not gonna lie oh man how did i get past the traps he's just that fast and the dispenser trap killed him that's a lot of zombies down there how am i gonna take care of these guys they just keep coming um let's just uh let's go this way let's try to see if if i can get them in the building trap oh man they're doing a lot of damage already how many zombie horse yes all right we're good and that is just a wave of zombies it's just solid zombies you can walk on top of that crowd that is a serious crowd that is a riot right there that's what that is the definition of a riot is this exact situation and it's lagging there are so many my computer is committing death that's how many that's how many zombies there are there are too many for my computer oh my goodness look at this oh wow oh wow okay i'm going in i'm going in i'm going in let me up let me update me up let me in please okay there we go we're good i want to watch these guys go up and here they come oh and there's my zombie porsche all right yeah this looks like it works pretty well except my zombie horse is kind of in the way which is too bad but um whatever guys i did something terrible but as terrible as it was it needed to be done guys i'm killing my zombie porsche i know you're all very sad to see it but i had to do it these zombies were getting stuck and they wouldn't go up it's worth it guys there are plenty of other zombie forces it don't even worry about it pretend you never saw that it's okay you guys need to see this grand finale it is gonna be incredible all right i need even more all right go up here oh look at all the zombies that is the most insane thing i've ever seen in this game that tell me that's not the most insane thing you've ever seen tell me that actually it's not the most insane thing what we're about to do is going to be the most insane thing you will ever see in this game and my grappling hook isn't working oh no oh no i can't die here i can't die here okay i'm not taking much damage okay i cannot die here okay okay oh oh come on why is my grappling hook what my grappling hook is like not working okay oh man i think it's about to break too that that was uh that was close call i couldn't imagine dying on day 199 right before this massive epic trap oh man i never closed this cage uh okay yep it's fine guys don't don't even worry about it and now the zombies are raining from the sky yep it's raining zombies from out of the sky zombies um i might die i actually there is a chance that i'm gonna die here because there are so many and my zombie force is dead because i killed it i maybe shouldn't have killed it i'm already regretting that yes okay i got it oh okay okay they all went the other path all right now they're going through the slime okay that guy just got she got yeted off he was going for the villager bait he fell for it a lot of these guys do they're not very smart and a lot of them are right there and those guys all fell on the first trap all right so uh these guys how do i take care of them you might be asking with this lever i might be answering oh oh that's hilarious look at him funnel in there this is so great wow they really all went in there these guys really are idiots thank you guys so much for watching this video sorry that it took longer to come out but i really worked as hard as i could make it the best that i could i'm working on some new videos that are a little different but just as cool
Channel: Beppo
Views: 2,456,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beppo, beppo minecraft, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft, wasteland, 200 days, 200
Id: 6_3urge8g_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 41sec (3461 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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