I Survived 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft On Mount Everest and Here's What Happened

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welcome to torture mountain aka mount everest in minecraft at a one to one scale that means it's a real size but that's not all here you can only survive with lava because if you don't have it you'll end up freezing every two seconds and no it gets even more exciting than that here we have creature things yeah yeah here we have things ones ones that have two heads and some that make friendly noises like this oh yeah oh yeah and i almost forgot right when you're excited you made it to the peak there's a giant dragon there just just waiting for you there to end your happiness you'll spend every night here crying having nightmares but hey i mean hey you can you tell people you survived 100 days on everest in hardcore mode on minecraft yeah uh please subscribe hey what's up guys you know you know i'm just going to tell you you are going to want to make sure that you're subscribed because i am turning this into a series you're definitely going to want to see i'm going to travel around the entire earth using this mod called terra one to one that generates the earth at real size into minecraft and throughout the series i'm going to travel to the most exotic lands in the world and survive 100 days there so if you are new please subscribe i would really appreciate it but other than that time to watch me struggle and face things the likes of which nobody has ever seen okay so it's day one and we are at the base camp of everest yep gotta start somewhere only 50 000 blocks to go yeah i'm screwed so i got myself oriented with this place and looked at what the hikers here had to offer absolute trash these dude these dudes had absolute trash look at these dudes but other than that this day basically consisted of me like freezing every five seconds and then i noticed this oh no you've got to be kidding me i need i need a water and i'm on everest uh yeah i guess i forgot you need water to survive and uh yeah water is a very scarce thing to find especially when you're on everest because i can't just eat the snow for some reason well i went to exploring outside the base camp and came across this lifelong friend i will never forget it was that a deer hey yo dear wanna climb everest with me i'm pretending that's a yes i named this deer zambity day two i then ventured off on my journey to find water water i need water yeah i feel like spongebob one episode after running around in circles i finally found water and this day was going great or so i thought i'm out of here no zayn liberty look he's yeah my reindeer friend was taken out by this thing yep turned right into an ice brick i couldn't go back and save him because it was nighttime i managed to make it back to the base fine though but now whenever i hear this noise i know to be terrified the next day i told myself you know what today is going to be good today is going to be better and i wish i wish that were true yeah i looked at my window and saw this this thing was stalking me from inside my house it even hit me from inside my house just look at these hikers these dudes aren't fazed one bit by buff bugs bunny over here absolute mad men it fell asleep and finally i had my freedom i came across another reindeer friend got hypothermia gathered water but when i came back to the base yeah i can't get any piece here it was on fire no you i have to i put this out there's not good it looks looks like i'm gonna have a dirt roof for now after putting it out i needed to make my water source easier to get so i mined made a bucket and went to sleep wow day four hopefully today is better than yesterday first thing i did is get some water and brought it back to the base yay achievements now i don't get hypothermia every time i get water i then spent the rest of the night mining yeah mining was difficult apparently you can get hypothermia underground as well so i gotta trust the lava bucket and just brought it down here day five i woke up and heard this yeah great thing to wake up to i spent the majority of the day gathering food and preparing for the expedition but then i did what any normal person would do and tried calling ubereats to see if they would deliver to everest on minecraft hey do you guys deliver to everest uh no day six they're creepy skeleton things all around me every time i wake up it's like black friday and that's when i realized this the hikers i was with were gone hey looks like they just started to climb without me yeah yeah i think we know what happened to them i got more food froze a couple thousand times but forgot to get water day seven i was beginning to feel like i was working at nine to five my days consisted of the same thing over and over except day eight found some obsidian just chilling there and then day nine some crazy stuff happened yep i died to an invisible wolf my pc didn't load the dang wolf and it got me you know since since this was out of my control i came to the final decision now this no not this does not count enough so don't go roast me like i'm not some like streamer that has optimus prime they're playing on down there so i reloaded the world and continued on my journey to everest it's day 10 and i'm convinced this game hates me what the heck is this thing i'm on everest there's a human sized spider trying to eat me alive after researching farther there were a bunch of mobs i had in here that didn't belong that's why there's a wolf that was invisible and that's why this happened on day 14. yeah yeah we'll get to that finally the spider is dead i went and explored up the mountain but the cold weather attacked me the next day i was exploring and found some reindeer i felt more like i was on the north pole here than everest but i then crafted this pouch thing so i can store stuff while i'm on the run that i can upgrade later to a backpack so we get the real camping experience here day 12 i fought off an angry kid with a pet spider by now my inventory was full so i got rid of some stuff in the fire water no turtles were harmed during this i crafted the swift's knife thing that apparently is used for a lot of things but i couldn't figure out how to use it but then this idea just struck me i'm pretty strong now so maybe i can take on the angry gentleman but i thought nah nah i die that's not a good idea but i said screw it and we're doing it we're taking on the angry giant thing so i came up with a plan bear traps yep that's it just bear traps so i crafted the bear traps and spotted buff bugs bunny this could go very bad or this could be really good for zambity well turns out this thing is a little smarter than i thought it just walked around it and now i had to sit there listening to this for five minutes eventually the angry men fell asleep and i mined the rest of the night day 13 i was running for my life just from these things again though i really needed the resources so i just spent the rest of the day mining day 14 yeah the curse today that i mentioned previously yeah you know how i said he got rid of those psycho mob things well uh turns out that some didn't go and this happened gee there's so much of these things i got a good idea actually give me the kneecaps no no no no oh you've got to be kidding me i thought it'd be smart to remove the bottom block and just take them out from there but no no this was definitely a mistake when i was making this i was making 100 days of everest okay not run and hide 100 days from from chucky in his in his minions so no i do not want to see you guys roasting me for this so i reloaded my world with everything i had and let's just pretend this day never happened in redo this day day 14 i woke up felt things were finally falling into place i retrieved my trap gathered some water breathed in the nice fresh air and decided it is time to get the heck off of this base but problem i needed something to protect me from freezing to death and a bit more iron so i mind mine mine a bit more the next day my base is surrounded but at least chucking as minions are gone this day will finally be the last day here on the base and i really needed some wool armor to protect me from freezing but the string that i got from the spiders was not enough all this time all this time i didn't even know the carpet below me was made of wool so i crafted the wool armor and now i'm good and since there's really no wood on everest i destroyed the last of the base i felt bad doing this but i needed to in order to make it to the peak day 16 i felt like i just graduated your boy is free and you know what that means it's time to explore the real world hopefully don't end up at mcdonald's yeah please subscribe so it doesn't happen but yeah the real world that crazy place we're going there but for me to the top of mount everest so i did not waste any time i began moving right away and discovered this what the heck is that thing it's a sinkhole or something hey everyone hey dear did you do this did you do this here a sinkhole or like an avalanche whatever you want to call it those are here too apparently well i continued my journey watched the sunsets and built the shelter at the last minute the next day i woke up to this yeah exactly what you want to wake up to in the morning and buff bugs bunny was not happy with me i continued on my expedition and came across some birds just look at these birds here these things are definitely broken these birds are malfunctioning here i ran into a bunch of these dudes and a chicken okay why is there a chicken on everest it was nighttime the sun was sitting i was getting attacked by the zombie stalker thing so i quickly built a shelter and just went to sleep day 18. uh finally finally some peace psych we all know that does not happen around here yo that enemy has not come for me right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no yo i could have just died yeah this psycho enderman just pulled up on me and just started attacking for no reason i continued my journey up the mountain for the next 12 hours in minecraft time watched the sunset and fell asleep the next day i messed up i once i drank water but it overflowed and i accidentally placed a block over it now i have no water and i'm very thirsty so i had to go on to another voyage to find water and finally after searching throughout the whole day i finally found water yes water finally geez it took forever day 20 these death particles were falling from the sky and gave me hypothermia yeah the snow it started snowing i got more water so i have a backup just in case i do something stupid again mind iron and then i created a shelter day 21 i need a plan the peak of everest is still a ways away and i need a resting point your boy is tired instead of making one straight shot for the top of everest it'd be better if i just created a base right in the middle so i marked the coordinates in the middle of everest and went on and then started my journey and came across a bear not just anywhere though another invisible one just like the wolf yo bear you better back off i scared the bear and it went away day 22 consisted of the usual hike until your thirst you have hypothermia place lava keep moving forward but actually i came across this really cool place i found this spot that was filled with water and lava all around me and decided the door explore it yo check this out this is definitely the coolest thing i've seen yet hey look a little bird over there it's like a little um animal sanctuary on everest so the next day i went to explore this little oasis this thing was filled with penguins goats bears and i decided to build them their own cave after a day's worth of work the cave is starting to come together and i named it this i explored a little farther and found that dude from ice age yep a mammoth but obviously obviously it couldn't be peaceful as i was looking at the mammoth i landed on a giant bear yo what that scared me day 24 a leopard was just waiting to eat me outside my base and i made my way back to the penguin lair i wasn't satisfied with how it looked so i decided to go all out i mined it further and used cobblestone stairs on the entrance to make it look cooler then this little penguin decided to join me seems like this cave is a success the penguin likes it when i woke up the next day i made some more stairs upgraded the entrance even more and i decided to add a little pool to the cave but i needed more water so i traveled across all the lands looking for the top of the water streams but of course i forgot one thing i used all the water i had back down in the base and left none for myself and since i had no water that means i cannot sleep so i pulled an all-nighter until day 26 this water looked like it went on forever and i was running out of food but finally i made it to the top yes water jeez that was not worth it at all and so after traveling over lava over water and around a mountain i made it back to the penguin lair with their dang pool that almost killed me day 27 wolf's attack there was a wolf in the penguin sanctuary so i got rid of it i moved the little penguin into this little pool area that took forever to make absolutely forever hey look a swimming penguin i almost died for this thing you better enjoy this hey good talk looks like the penguin likes it well since my work was done i am no longer needed i think i just did a side mission yep yep there it is there is the achievement right there so i said my farewells and left on my mission to everest just a man on a journey trying to find meaning i came across this giant area of water that was absolutely filled with bears but none of them hurt me so i made it across what the heck was that nope i am not going over there nope not going over there at all time for a four day time skip the next four days consisted of me absolutely powering through this harsh snow environment facing the effects of hypothermia and not having mcdonald's before eventually making it to the midpoints of everest oh my finally the midpoint geez it took forever i built my base and went to sleep day 31 spotted these things i do not know what they are or why they were here but these things look pretty creepy look at these things i continued building the base but when night came i mined it out the next day i added some additional things like a infinite water source right out of that water a chest in my cool picasso stair design day 33 i was attacked by angry casper this thing attacked me outside of my base just listen to the noise it makes but other than that things were actually coming together i created a small heating area to heat up from the cold so i don't freeze every two seconds the next day i built this carving thing that places marks into stone like this and it allows you to climb but i just let it look cool so i placed it everywhere i crafted a rope because why not and just place it in the middle it was night and curious me went outside and this happened attacked again by another one of those gang yeti looking things day 35 my game crashed and i came back to see this tall skinny dude in my house it was getting lonely here so i decided i needed a friend i mined out an extra room in my base and made some little upgrades and the next day i crafted some fences made an entrance for the room took out some angry creatures reflected some dirt and replaced the stone floor with dirt day 37 my loneliness is cured i went out and found a friend well finally i will always remember using bibbidi my friend was too big for the base just built different like that so i had to destroy part of it but eventually long story short we made it day 38 i feel like this room looked more like a prison he was in so he did some little upgrades and iced out the deer's room dang look at it looking clean here this is looking clean i realized i haven't given the deer a name yet though so i this is what i named it this is going to be the domain of shamoski jaboski shamoski jaboski it is yep a true legend day 39 farm i needed another option for food so i decided to create an underground batman cave farm place some dirt got some bread seeds and planted them days 40 and 41 i spent extending the batman cave farm and getting resources and i finally realized i was turned into a country man from all this farming i was doing now day 42 do you remember what happened back at day 12 yeah buff bugs bunny done dodged the bear trap so i came up with the biggest brain move what if i try again but with multiple bear traps this is not good this is bad this is bad just just walk into the trap already we failed so i looked up an elon musk quote and saw this failure is an option here if things are not failing you are not innovating so i kept moving on day 43 today is the day today is the day we take down this beast i went out and gathered some snowballs and spotted it okay this is the moment of truth [Music] if i i'm an icebreaker not again not this but when i turned around we got him my friend zambiti has been avenged day 44 i came up with another massive brain move a fishing room since there's no sugar cane on everest i can't craft an enchantment table but i can get enchants from fishing actually so i mined out another square area and got some water and filled it up and boom fishing room done day 45 yeah uh look at this this thing looks like a stone brick i spent this day fixing up the outside of the fort by adding my famous picasso stair designs to it and i did some dumb stuff with the wood just ignore that i even did that please and i then spent the rest of the night fishing i ended up getting an enchanted bow in a name tag actually so on day 46 i took that name tag crafted at anvil and you know what i did i gave my reindeer a name jamoski jaboski is now official if this video blows up somehow and gets over a hundred thousand likes i'll really shomoski jaboski merch for you guys i also took the enchanted bow and i got it fixed up now i have a bow with more power than thanos day 47 i extended my farm and tested out the bow on bugs bunny's brother yeah that was a big mistake big mistake turns out this yeti got a steel nose job or something because this bow did absolutely nothing yeah i got out of there and continued my peaceful fishing life after that pretending i'm not stranded on the biggest mountain in the world with a giant yeti monster right outside my little base day 48 i worked on having more of an entrance into the base because it was still lacking that really but later that day i realized something i'm gonna be facing a giant dragon and many other crazy things the farther up this mountain i go oh shoot no i gotta fight a dragon yeah that's that is not good so for sure i'm gonna need a diamond sword where i really don't stand a chance on everest diamonds are hard to come by normally to find diamonds you have to dig down to y11 but no here on everest you have to dig way way farther is finding diamonds even possible here on everest this is forever day 49 i finished my entrance to the base and added my famous design of course harvested the crops then fed chamoski jabowski and halfway there day 50. i've come quite the way since day one i'm good at a pretty good pace for the peak but today i actually discovered something huge the hook launcher with this i'll be able to launch out a hook that attaches to stone so if i fall off of everest i'll remain safe so yeah i'm basically just a knockoff version of spider-man now but the problem is i need a lot of resources for this so i started piece by piece and crafted the first part the next day i was being haunted by casper again and then made a room that i never even used once day 52 i came up with a brilliant idea what if i have a pet mammoth in my base i went out and found myself manny the mammoth [Applause] and i used my block again to push it into the base this took a long time to do but eventually i got it and mined out an area for the mammoth the next day i walked outside and saw fidget spinner yeah look at that thing looks completely harmless right just a couple of squares so curious me took out my bow and of course shot at it and nothing happened okay remember this moment when day 56 comes the rest of the day i extended the mammoth's room so it didn't just look like an animal prison the next day i spent maintaining and stacking up on all the basics like extending the farm fish all that all that stuff day 55 the bow i forgot i had another enchanted bow from fishing so i added another enchanted bow so now i have power 4 and mending i then decided to start a cow farm or tried at least but when i went outside this happened no jeez i just wanted i waited for them to go away and then went back out but the cows wouldn't follow me all the way i guess on everest they're just smarter like that the next day i tried getting a cow again but it didn't work and it was getting late so i took a deer back yeah remember that thing i told you to remember on day 53 yeah well it's back this can't what has happened this cannot be happening what is this my screen is glitched what i can't even do anything yeah somehow this thing literally destroyed my game so i healed up got in my base and turned the shader off which somehow fixed it i guess when i went outside on day 57 my base was absolutely destroyed the fidget spinner transformer whatever thing must have done it so i fixed it back up and then once on a three day time skip i spent the next three days mining and fishing and here are the results six diamonds and an enchanted book with efficiency four and ban of anthropod's five so i crafted a pickaxe and an enchanted sword day 61 i'd strap the and came across this yo more penguins what are you guys doing over here yeah i found some penguins i plan on leaving soon and i need a wall around this place to keep the mobs out so the next day i crafted some walls and placed them around the base but i realized something there's always something i plan on going to the top of everest and this is my armor yeah i'm screwed so i converted the fur i had to wool but that was not enough oh well looks like i'm gonna freeze later that day i almost died to a bear hoping it dropped fur but it didn't the next day i repaired the armor i had and crafted a hood at least i'm protected a little bit and then i crafted the next piece to the hook launcher so pretty soon we're gonna be flying around like spider-man nah i wish so the last thing i need to complete the hook launcher is blue dye and the only way i'm able to get that is from lapis lazuli because the little blue flowers are not on everest so i spent the next two days swinging a pickaxe at squares day 66 it is time to craft the hook launcher i put all the pieces together and bada bam bada boom we're we're basically spider-man now and since i got the hook launcher it's time time to finally leave the midpoint and make our way towards the peak the next day i made my mark on google maps and began on my way to the top of everest you hear that yeah the higher up i go the colder it gets and on top of that i don't even have wool armor i woke up the next day until this two-headed shrek just staring at me so i ran for my life up the mountain got some longhorn and didn't get too far before getting too cold again so i placed lava and then heard this the heck was that a wild snake appeared this thing was ferocious it just hides under the snow and it got oh this thing poison dude that is not good yeah i got out of there met some friendly looking creatures yeah they definitely look like they wanted to eat me the next day it was peaceful as always i woke up to some bears chasing me down and then looked over to see one of these dudes staring at me yeah not not creepy at all but today was actually cool i learned how to be spider-man basically here's me playing around with the hook launcher what the heck is going on with that pig right there 300 steps later i went fishing for birds i didn't think it would actually work yo it actually worked what the heck yeah this is what happens when you climb everest at 3am day 70 to 74 i absolutely powered through the rough storms and mobs that everest poured at me kept on moving forward and ran into this guy [Music] yeah not good but i survived day 75 i made my final stop at the base camp for this is the final resting point before you make the rush to the peak of everest but for me there's a dragon up there so to prepare myself i cooked the food i had and made diamond armor the next day this angry minion and his pet chicken had something against me so i did this i bet they'll stop bothering you now day 77 time for the rush to the peak okay why the no way why the heck is this a dude on everest yo what are you doing on everest man the heck is this i'm here getting hypothermia and this guy has his shirt off the next day was the day of the avalanche this hulk launcher just saved me i cannot believe this just happened yeah that was crazy of all places that i could have landed it was right in the middle of a hole and i managed to survive day 79 like every snowy survival movie i encountered a pack of hungry wolves but i was a determined man on a mission and nothing will stop me before i get to the top not today wolves check out this little bird i found somehow there's a bird that made its way all the way up here this little bird made its way all the way up to everest day 80 i came across a circus bear look at these moves this thing's a professional right here but i noticed something oh my is that a dragon we are here i've almost made it to the peak yeah little did i know this was almost the most difficult part of this whole climb i got prepared and went up the mountain only to be shot back down again no this dang yeti these days and to make it worse since i'm near the top i freeze way faster i mined out a small base and then crafted exactly what i needed bear traps i set them in front of the base and then tempted the dragon okay let's hope this works come on dragon what are you doing come over here okay this may have been a bad idea this is not good this dragon's outside my base yeah the traps failed and the next day i set the traps up and i failed yet again but i remembered what my past self told me third time's a charm so i'm for sure to get it this time and you know what i actually did i got it okay let's hope this works yo i actually did it i we got the dragon i got the dragon i got the scales from the dragon and crafted some dragon armor my mission is completed time to go to the peak or so i thought yes finally the peak of everest bruh are you kidding me that was only the baby yeah i took out the baby dragon and thought it was the actual one big mistake oh no it's after me this is not good not good yeah i managed to survive barely and you know what i did ran away and then quit the video psych i made the most overpowered item the bear trap obviously i ran up to the dragon and got it mad so it followed me right into the trap you know i should be celebrating but i felt kind of bad actually look at this pixel dragon here just wanted to live a peaceful life here on top of everest just chilling and i came here and ruined it but then this happened i'm sorry dragon you will not be forgotten yo what is that is that what i think it is it drops an egg what are we on day 84 you know what the next 16 days i'm gonna raise this dragon and build a castle on everest finally i did it i made it to the peak of everest 84 days of craziness and 84 days of freezing i finally made it to the peak of real sized everest in minecraft here it's now time to establish my massive base on top of everest i built a small cobblestone area and woke up to see this flying lion scorpion hybrid looking thing i don't even know outside my base so i hit it with a wanton mayweather it went back to my hideout to transfer my items to the new base the next day i gathered some ice spikes to put around my base for protection and you know what i gotta say having a base on top of everest was the worst decision i could have done i have no wool and literally freeze every time i go outside yeah not not a good combination there so the only way i can survive is by having a lot of food and even that was getting scarce the next day i added some of my picasso stair designs and fought off angry casper i wanted to create an area on top the roof for the dragon to hatch and that's what i got to work on i had a defense and a way to get up there the ice dragon will only hatch an ice so i place it in some water to freeze after one day the dragon hatched this dragon is tiny i was not expecting that at all what the what should i name i'm gonna name it the dragon warrior and i learned you can put it on your shoulder here too the next day after taming the dragon i realized i'm gonna need a lot more food since i'm not alone so i mined out an area below to use for a farm or a fishing area and i was running out of food in order to find some i had to go all the way down the mountain and freezing on top of this didn't work out too good for me the next day i decided to extend the base i crafted those tall things you see on the sides of castles and that's what i did for the next two days the base was coming together but i was falling apart like literally look how close they came to dying from the cold please don't do this to me game please don't oh my wow i am so lucky after forever i finally started work on the farm and i finally started making that red on day 95 i spotted this yeah remember that fidget spinner thing that destroyed my game well it did it again no not that thing ah no i'm done for yeah i couldn't see but managed to get away from it apparently this thing turns into a full decepticon super saiyan looking thing look it's even glowing i thought i was safe from it here but before i knew it it was outside my door my dragon is panicking so i had an idea what if i just placed lava on it will this work hey finally jeez oh no this is not good actually it's climbing up for lava this is terrible i took it out and all it dropped was stone literally all that just for some stone the next day i went outside and my base was destroyed so the fidget spinner takes away blocks apparently i fixed it up and spent the rest of the night putting a lime and water and got a name tag for the next two days i added extra touches to the base and made some lookout areas things were looking good and actually come together i spent the next day gathering food and mining because i needed to craft the anvil to name the dragon i crafted it and made the dragon warrior name official and you know what else is official i survived 100 days on mount everest in minecraft it is finally day 100 oh i have done it oh my goodness this took forever i am going to sleep please like the video this was life-sized and very difficult to navigate around because of google maps i came across some crazy things throughout this whole journey froze about a thousand times slayed a dragon tamed a dragon and built a castle on top of everest and finally in the end i can say we made it i really hope you enjoyed this and if you did please subscribe to the channel and drop a like i would appreciate it so much please please do that comment down below where in the world you want me to survive 100 days next have an amazing day god bless
Channel: AmazedOne
Views: 2,027,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, amazed one, 100 days minecraft, 100 days hardcore minecraft, I survived 100 days hardcore minecraft on mount everest, 100 days hardcore, I spent 100 days minecraft, i survived 100 days minecraft modded, 100 days modded minecraft, modded minecraft, Luke TheNotable, Luke TheNotable 100 days hardcore minecraft, 100 days minecraft arctic, 100 days, minecraft survival island, 100 days minecraft deserted island, minecraft hardcore, 100 days one block minecraft, one block
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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