100 Days on FORBIDDEN ISLAND in Minecraft Hardcore

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[Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] all right and we're back so this time i'm heading to an ancient forgotten land mass known as a forbidden island it's believed that it's the only place where a secret plant grows why is this plant so important because legend says it has magical healing properties something i need to survive for my transformation but there's only one problem it only blooms once every decade and lasts for only 100 days before it withers away so you guessed it i have 100 days to make my way across the forbidden island through the ancient temple and across a dangerous high pass to a place where the sacred plant grows and like some of my other videos this map will be available for download on my patreon but here's the thing there's an ancient forgotten society known as the forbidden that will do everything in their power to eliminate any and all trespassers great [Music] all right so it's the start of the adventure and there is a mob directly above me oh my gosh seriously so i had to keep my guard up i had to be careful and aware because i had no armor and i had no weapons if i got spotted or if i aggroed one of these mobs it would be over whoa a whale i don't think they're hostile but i'm not taking my chances i felt like i was going down this river all day but i really couldn't tell because it was raining of course when i finally seen the shore i was in trouble finally land whoa oh look at all the mobs there were mobs everywhere i literally had no place to go but i couldn't just stay in this boat i just couldn't and then i finally seen a spot that was kind of clear so i docked my boat jumped out and i ran over to the nearest tree to collect some wood for shelter you know just made sense and then i noticed that there was one of those forbidden skeletons just off to the side that guy has two axes and i got a little nervous so i just decided to jump up and start building a treehouse for those that are wondering where timothy is i couldn't bring timothy with me on this adventure if anything ever happened to me timothy would be stranded on a hostile island and there would be no way for him to leave because i mean pigs they can't row so i gotta keep my buddy safe and i gotta do this on my own as i was building my treehouse i noticed that night was coming i must have been on that river longer than i thought and i had to get this treehouse done because there were spiders around and spiders they can climb so that's not good so for the rest of the night i just spent time building my treehouse and just overall trying to survive so the next day i was running into a few different problems for one i didn't have any more wood left to finish my tree house and i couldn't you know break down my tree because it was my tree house two i was starting to get hungry and i didn't want to end up starving because that's just it's not good three i needed some weapons some tools something so i needed to go underground i needed to get some stone at least so just to be safe i went above my tree house and jumped over to the next tree as i was breaking down the blocks on the next tree i noticed that the forbidden skeletons were gone which was weird but i'm not going to complain and with that i jumped down and i decided to go do a little bit of digging first because i didn't want to be on the ground level just in case they were spawning during the day after a couple minutes i got extremely lucky oh look at that look at that well extremely lucky considering my last playthroughs i didn't find coal so easy and i want to say thank you to my community for letting me know how to make charcoal i honestly didn't realize it or i just forgot about it but either way look i actually did it i did it i made charcoal i didn't need to but i did it okay on for the last problem i'm gonna starve if i don't find some food so what did i do well i did this do you give food [Music] oh oh not cool not cool well that wasn't smart i didn't realize these guys hit that hard i'm gonna have to build a shield but i can't do it today because the sun's pretty much down and uh i'm not getting caught down here with those you know forbidden fellas yeah so the next day it became very apparent that i needed food and protection so i came out of my little tree house and i looked around the area just to see if i could find any livestock at all did i find livestock no i found more forbidden skeletons tigers and gorillas gorillas so i figured my best option at this point would be to go fishing i guess like yeah so considering i had no string for a fishing pole i decided to go down digging for iron because at least i could you know build a shield oh my gosh bats get out of the way do you not want me to find iron i need iron or i'm gonna die okay oh sorry finally after a little bit i finally found some iron unfortunately i couldn't mine it all because my pickaxe broke of course well that's okay because i have wood just up above ground i might as well just go get that right wrong of course it's raining of course it's raining and why is raining a problem because things spawn in the rain and guess what i couldn't even get to my tree house because of these guys get out of my tree house and considering my health was basically gone i didn't want to risk you know trying to run around and getting in the tree house so i had an idea i went back underground and i don't know try to grow a tree for wood yeah i don't think this is gonna work but i tried but i was too impatient to wait for that to grow so what did i do i think i can do it i think i can make a break for it i just gotta go run run run run run run run oh look at that i made it but then i quickly realized that i needed string in order to build a fishing rod so i had no choice i had to go out spiders they only spawn at night there's a spider right there can i sneak there's three of them good spider come here oh no oh no yes come here come here give me your strings yes yes good good one more come on one more come here spider i need a fish run don't look back go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes this was good this was fantastic because now i can get some food the next day because now i can start fishing in the morning oh yeah on day four i figured i'd make a nice little fishing dock just you know to keep things relaxing i guess i don't know what i'm trying to say i don't know if i was doing this right for some reason i wasn't catching anything so i did the next best option i thought fishing was actually gonna be with a pole ah no no no no i'm drowning no okay i gotta ah yeah i mean it worked i i can't complain so with that i went back to my tree house and i cooked my fish and i ate it it was good so i figured since i still had daylight i might as well just keep on fishing you know there's no harm in having lots of food so that's what i did that night i expanded on my tree house i wanted to kind of have an area where i could plant seed so i could you know grow some wheat you know just in case all the fish decide to pack up and leave i gotta have a backup plan right i really wanted to go out and explore the area a little more just to kind of see what was going on and what was all around me but i had to be smart so for the next few days during the day time i gathered more fish while at night i continued to mind underground for more resources mostly iron because i was going to need armor and here's why what you want to fight come on let's go come here come on oh no no no no no i don't like you guys get get oh no oh no no no no no no no he took so much health no not doing this no no thank you see ya goodbye ow bugger ow oh my gosh how am i supposed to hit them it won't let me hit them all right looks like i'm going to get some armor instead okay i'll go mining all right seems less dangerous hopefully so at the end of day 9 i finally had a full suit of iron armor awesome the next day i worked on getting my wheat farm completed i wanted to make sure that before i went out and explored i had tons of food with me so that i could heal myself when needed fighting against these forbidden skeletons yeah not to mention the place was littered with human eating plants i just wanted to make sure i was prepared i wanted to be safe plus i wanted to have the wheat there so that when i was exploring around the area it had time to grow this work continued into the next day i really wanted to get this completed because i was itching to go out and explore so much that i almost got myself in trouble hold on let's do this i can finish this i know no no no no no what is that thing ah it's one of those mystics ah what did i do ah i forgot it has knockback it has knockback take that all right so i uh i guess i'm staying in here for the night the next day i was able to finish my wheat farm with minor interruptions i was feeling pretty good i mean the forbidden skeletons weren't as scary as i thought well if you're only fighting one i suppose so what did i do for some reason i thought it would be smart to go out and explore just a little bit but let me tell you i was pushing my luck yeah it's too dangerous to go in yep see oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh run run i just broke my shield i'm gonna die i am going to die run run run run run run run ah no no no no no neither one come on come on oh my gosh that was close day 12 i almost died on day 12. so the next day i decided to leave a little bit earlier just so i had more daylight to burn basically i wanted to still explore the area around me at least because i still needed my crops to grow but i didn't want to go too far because it was just too dangerous i just wasn't ready for that these forbidden skeletons are no joke and i've only been fighting them one-on-one basically this whole time i can't imagine fighting them with more than one in the group like it's gonna get crazy there's so many of these plants around oh gorillas hey you're like a silverback want some bread okay i get it you don't like bread ow what the yeah get him that's right good job yeah okay i get it you're the king of the jungle completely understandable so as i was moving forward i stopped and noticed that there were a lot of forbidden skeletons around me and i know that i was not equipped to fight them maybe one-on-one but not in groups like this so i figured it'd be safer just for me to head back to my tree house i needed to harvest my wheat anyway and i wanted to make sure that i had lots of supplies before i even tried heading out further day 14. it started off great you know i harvest my wheat packed tons of supplies in my inventory and overall was just in a good mood to go out and explore i was on top of the world traveling most of the day was pretty calm and uneventful not too much to worry about the only problem was i didn't realize how big this island was and i got in a little bit of trouble night was on the horizon and i had no place to go no place to hide and soon i was gonna have to build shelter well this is just great the sun's going down there's forbidden all around all right what is this what is this oh nice well this is a nice little hut right on well guess i'm staying here for the night the next day i just started to head back to the tree house this obviously was a failed exploration but i got further than i did before so there's that oh ow ow oh oh come on of course of course it starts raining and i'm in the middle of i don't know where all right i gotta be smart i'm not doing this i'm not staying out at night no way not gonna get surrounded by forbidden so i gotta build something this time i decided to play it safe build myself a little fort and bunker in for the night it was better than me running back to my tree house at night you know i'm trying to learn from my mistakes the next morning i carefully looked outside my hut and found that the coast was clear so i took off oh a chicken yes yes yes yes do i want to lead it back though it's kind of far away no don't kill my chicken don't fly oh no chicken come here come here come here come here quickly quickly i need you down here oh i don't need to be down here get over get over no get over no it's raining no no no no no why is it gonna rain just when something was going so well it had to rain it already was gonna be a struggle to get the chicken back to my base with those forbidden roaming around and not to mention the plants i'm sure those plants eat chickens i mean they eat humans yeah so i made a decision i was gonna build a new base right here with the chicken i didn't want to risk taking it back to my old base because it was just too risky it was gonna die i was okay with this decision i really wanted to you know build a nice big tree house so i started to get to work so for the next few days i spent time gathering materials for the treehouse building the treehouse and dealing with you know the occasional forbidden wasn't too bad but it was okay roll that montage [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the next morning i was gonna go over to my first tree house to gather up any supplies that i left behind but unfortunately with my luck it started raining and i really didn't want to risk going out in the rain because forbidden are everywhere so considering i needed iron and diamond anyway i figured it was a good opportunity to make a mining hole out of that little hut i made a few days back so that day i spent most of the time down mining for resources oh look at me being smart there's two benefits to this i don't bump my head the entire way up and i won't get hungry as often so what do you think smart or a waste of time let me know the next day the rain finally let off so i was able to make the hike over to my first base for some reason i thought i left more supplies but i guess not that well since i was here i figured i'd go fishing again because i was pretty low on food oh my gosh fish why you so hard to hunt i was on my way back when things got real i just gotta be careful i can't run what is that what is that oh no no no no it's one of those flying things oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i'm going to die i'm going to die i'm going to die get out of the way let's hide behind here no don't shoot poison at me take that come on you no come here come here no ah take that finally well that was fun not really on day 34 i remembered that i could build an infinite water source so that's what i did yeah also i figured it was time to start really getting my feather farm together because the flying lizard things they really had me scared i was lucky i was in my tree house at the time because who knows what could have happened i need arrows not to mention some of those forbidden guys they fly too on day 35 i started to search for more iron i needed to stay around the place anyway so that my feather farm would produce feathers and my you know crops would produce crops you know just just makes sense after a long day of mining i actually had a nice little surprise oh nice just one diamond what is with these world paint worlds and like one diamond veins it's crazy this mining continued on for the next few days i didn't realize how much iron i needed to make the hoppers for the feather farm but that's okay it would be worth it in the end i needed arrows and i needed them badly not to mention i also needed diamonds diamonds were important i needed to enchant so yeah oh oh no no no no no get out of here you guys should not be down here not cool this wasn't good i had no shield and if that was a berserker forbidden i was in trouble those guys hit really hard on day 39 i just worked on getting my feather farm completed and harvesting all my crops because look look at all these crops they got to be harvested because look look at all this bread on day 40 i figured i would start gathering flint as my feather farm was pretty much done and producing feathers not to mention i would feel really safe having arrows while i was out exploring but i couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get this semi-automated flint farm to work i was baffled i made it before why can't i make it now after bashing my head against the wall for most of the day it finally clicked i don't have quark installed quark is just basically a mod that allows me to do that so yeah well looks like i'm doing this the old-fashioned way fun so farming for flint the old way gets old really quick so i took what i had and i made some arrows but of course i ran out of wood so you know what i'll take this as a sign to go at exploring i guess all right shadow just in and out we're out and in just get some wood and get back it's all i need to do this is all i need to do of course it starts raining as soon as i come out and there's lightning and everything oh my gosh look at all the forbidden look at them ah no of course you're right here leave me alone this was such a bad idea but i need i need one i need wood and of course there's a naga right above me i can hear him all right i think i'm good i think i'm good i didn't want to risk being out in the rain and getting surrounded so i figured i would just stay up here and shoot at some forbidden from afar day 42 day 42 was the day i was really gonna head out and explore the area remember i still had to find my way to that sacred plant so i was running at a time i don't even know which way to go i just really want to go explore and i this is probably the worst idea ever but i'm doing it whoa hey tiger how you doing hiding in that grass oh look at him he's just laying down he's sleeping aren't you cute here have some bread yeah no whoa whoa oh hey hey hey hey look i will leave you bee okay just uh don't eat me please you still hostile at me oh my gosh you went invisible what listen i just wanted to feed your bread okay you didn't have to get all angry about it finally that was crazy i couldn't believe that but but it's really my fault because are tigers really that gentle no probably not unfortunately by this time it was turning in the night and i know this was stupid but i figured since i had my bow and arrows i would be all right with venturing out at night this is so stupid why am i out here right now why oh yeah get him okay no no go back ouch no no no i'm not used to taking two on at a time go away okay this is really not smart okay okay okay maybe not my brightest idea but i was determined i needed to take out the forbidden anyway to collect their bones to make the forbidden armor just not sure if going out at night is the greatest idea to do it yeah oh my gosh there's so many out here get spider uh you know what yeah this this is not a good idea oh my gosh i hear the miami i'm just gonna run yeah i'm just running yeah i hear them no no no no no no thank you i'm not taking you all all at once that's not what i intended to do oh my gosh they're still chasing me go away i don't want ow i don't want any okay i'm done i'm done i'm so done with this this was such a horrible idea i'll get the forbidden bones when i'm well and ready to get them not right now you know what just gonna dig down i don't know where to go but i'm not staying out here and that's where i stayed for the rest of the night the next day for most of the morning i kept moving farther into the jungle dealing with a few forbidden here and there but then i came across the village there was this treehouse lookout that i checked out first oh hello no don't like me okay whatever oh hello little one you like me no nobody likes me i guess oh fishing hut this is cool oh look at all the fish i'm gonna be able to eat for days well not really but still that's a lot of fish night was on the horizon and i needed to make sure i was indoors so i went to the first house that i seen all right i'm just gonna go inside for the night i don't want to be out here with these guys no no no no no you know what you guys stay out there i'm gonna stay in here how's that sound hi oh what did he open the door oh no the villager did villagers trying to get me killed leave me alone i swear these guys don't like me the next day i couldn't even get out the front door i had some forbidden blocking me after i dealt with them i was off to loot the rest of the village i was kind of surprised that there wasn't many villagers around but then again um you shouldn't be out there yep nope yeah try to warn you don't listen to me hey stop jumping on the bed your parents never explain that to you you fall off get hurt or just jump at a window sure okay maybe that makes sense i get it okay as i was looting the village i ended up noticing that there was this little ruined structure just behind the village so you know what i had to go and explore all right is anything gonna pop out at me no okay but is this all there is because it doesn't look like there's anything here huh oh wait wait a minute okay i don't know what it was but i was completely lost down here and i'm pretty sure it wasn't that big i i think i'm just bad at mazes like i get lost in caves so don't blame me okay i get it i get lost a lot but don't worry i i got out or sort of i i found this thing and i found diamond so yeah 100 worth it after i made my way out of the temple i noticed that the sun was going down and i figured you know what i might as well stay here for the night because i just don't need to get caught outside with all the forbidden running around so i just found this like mansion type of house and decided to gather wood from it for the night you know try to be at least productive yeah nothing too special on day 46 i just left this village and i started to run back to my tree house [Music] ouch i can't see them whoa i'm in trouble run run run leave me alone you i don't want to fight i don't want to fight no stop dodging me oh my gosh leave me alone okay well that's enough of that so basically i started digging down for the night i yeah just not doing that again on day 47 as i was making my way back to my tree house i noticed that there was this mountain just off to my right i figured you know what i gotta check that out i just have to i'm pretty positive that there was a volcano put on this map so maybe this was it and i'm pretty positive that the lava that's in this volcano is the only lava on the map so there's that this volcano was huge and i could go all the way down so this is a mob boss basically it's called the molten boulder and if you hit it it leaks lava all over the place so you got to be careful oh that's really far down oh that's really far down this is kind of cool though kind of spirals down hey where you going okay never mind i'll just take this guy out instead where are you where are you going okay you keep climbing then jeez [Music] he just wanted to get out okay you know what um i don't yeah i i don't think this is the time to be here maybe i should just go back these molten cubes though they're not too bad to take out they're kind of slow but i have a feeling they would be worse if they're in a group like a big group kind of thing you know so this definitely was not the time to fight him so i decided just to be safe and i turned around and i headed back from my tree house i gotta stop getting distracted here come on shadow [Music] when i got back to my tree house on day 48 i just tended to my crops tended to my chickens and i built some armor yeah that's pretty much it i know days like this aren't very exciting but they gotta be done right right the next day i started to get myself ready for that volcano i built myself a diamond pickaxe so i could get some obsidian i built a new shield i gathered wood and gravel so i could firm flint and build more arrows i wanted to be ready so i could take on that mob boss at the bottom of that volcano so the next day i was all good and ready to go once i reached that volcano i had two goals goal one take out that molten boulder boss goal two gather obsidian i needed to start thinking about an enchanting tape i just had to so after the better part of the morning i finally made it to the volcano and i started to make my way down i'm back out of my way spiders out of my way molten cubes don't take your boss out oh there's some pretty big drops here gotta be careful you're too slow you're just too slow oh i don't know why but it's so satisfying shooting these guys out of the air and of course i get all the way down here getting ready to fight and i don't have a water bucket i forgot my water bucket i can't fight this guy without my water bucket like it would just be a complete pain being on fire all the time so i made my way back up and i started moving back to my tree house great now listen i don't want to be hearing nothing in the comments saying oh shadow of course you forgot your water bucket dummy none of that okay let's try to keep it positive okay i get it i make mistakes cool all right let's move on let's go when i got back i got my bucket of water but i decided to stay here for the night and just work on my crops i'm not going back there at night there's just there's no way all right so on day 52 i headed back to the volcano you know what let's just pretend the last two days didn't happen okay let's pretend that i did have my water bucket and that i'm already at the bottom of the volcano sounds good cool let's go all right for me to get in i have to get rid of this lava oh don't push me off don't push me off all right i'm in oh oh oh oh my gosh there's a lot of mobs oh my gosh well sneak up on me like that you too spider leave me alone whoa there's lava right there oh wait what hit me hey go away there's so many spiders leave me alone all right let's do this ow oh he's leaking lava again ah here i'm gonna try to clear some of this lava out no don't shoot at me wow come on give me a break spiders like back off oh my gosh there's so many of those molten cubes now now this is what i was worried about when there's so many of them oh my gosh guys leave me alone like look at them all okay i got an idea you know what i got an idea watch this watch this take that spiders oh no no no no no get out of them okay see this is why i wanted a water bucket this is why i wanted a water bucket this fight is taking forever but you know what they shouldn't be spawning anymore because it's daytime so let's just quickly take them out and then we can go after the boss come on let's go oh my gosh get out of the way you ow ow ow why do you hit so hard i can't really get close to him gotta keep using my water bucket no don't shoot at me stop finally finally finally oh what's that it's like a sword oh that's cool now do you understand this is why i wanted a water bucket there was lava everywhere during this fight it was just out of control spiders and you know molten cubes flying everywhere just i didn't have a chance well maybe but there was definitely a higher chance for me dying so yeah and i got this sword which is really cool it's nice but for some reason the shaders that i'm using kind of make it look weird like it's like kind of invisible i don't know i don't know what i'm trying to say let's let's let's just move on oh yeah i also collected some obsidian for the um uh the the enchanting table yeah so i had the obsidian and i had the book or whatever you put on top but all i needed now was diamonds it's about time that i build an enchanting table so for the next couple days i went underground mining for diamonds now just so that you're aware the diamonds on this map have a spawn rate that is half than it normally is and not just that it seems for some reason only to spawn one ore that's it one ore one on day 56 i don't know if it was the morning or the night but either way i found a diamond finally so the next day i crafted my enchanting table and i ended up making this forbidden armor which was pretty cool if i do say so myself but the thing is in order for me to make this armor i needed forbidden bones and they don't drop that often so that night i decided to go out and try to farm for them yeah it wasn't fun but it had to be done oh oh whoa whoa whoa oh hold on now hold on i just came down these berserkers man they are tough they are tough they hit hard can you imagine if i had like three of them on me i wouldn't i wouldn't be here i'd be dead there's no way once i got all the bones that i needed i built the rest of my armor and i enchanted it and i enchanted my sword and considering my crops were you know grown i you know i went and harvest though so yeah you should do that what did i do on day 59 you may ask well i'm not really sure i i just didn't want to stay at the tree house i wanted to go and explore so i kind of just picked the direction and ran after traveling all day i came across this house which was nice because it was getting dark and uh i'm still a little nervous being outside without you know shelter to run to so that was it was good there really wasn't much in the house at all but it was just nice that i was there just in case i needed you know to have a place to go back to just in case so that next morning i moved on well sort of who are these guys are you hostile well i guess you're gonna be hostile now oh what was that hmm swiftness that means i run fast whoa look me go i'm like the flash oh ow okay okay okay i mean the helmet it was cool and all but but the forbidden armor was just better suited for the forbidden skeletons it just had a lot of defense so i had to switch it out i ended up taking out one of these glowing lantern things and it dropped something edible that gave me night vision so that was cool okay you want to do this we're going to do this [Music] stop moving no no don't shoot that at me gross oh no it's starting to rain that's not good this is not good getting poisoned take that oh oh is it dead awesome gotcha well after that was over i kept on moving through the jungle defeating forbidden along the way everything was going good until i noticed two naga naga am i saying that right let me know in the comments but anyway they're in the sky and considering i struggle with just one i wasn't about to take on two especially at night so considering i needed to make a new shield i just dug down made a small hole and waited until morning the next morning it was still pretty foggy and i didn't even have to take two steps out i was surrounded by forbidden like come on halfway through the day i felt lost wasn't sure what direction i was going but i know i was on an island so if i reached the edge all i would have to do is either move around it or go the other way after a bit i finally came across something well let me tell you i had no idea what i was walking into well this could be a place i could stay for the night oh my gosh there's so many mobs out here go away oh my gosh my shield i've made like so many shields because they keep bashing them in the berserkers are the worst whoa rude what's a sun chief i just want to stay in one of these houses what what the what was that hey get out of here what you just bash my shield and run off hey come here get over here oh i hit him oh and i hit him pretty good too ah no ah what is going on there's things shooting at me everywhere no get away from me okay i got forbidden in these guys come on really all right i was so ready for this fight well at least i thought i was oh no he regenerates he regenerates awesome ah you can't hit me in here but these guys can go away i got this i got this i got this how do you like that yeah does it hurt does it whoa whoa whoa too close way too close what is he doing why are they not hurting him now oh my gosh what is going on who's hitting me no get out of here he's gonna heal i gotta get him i gotta get him go go go go go go go get i'm stuck that's right oh whoa whoa whoa whoa dude okay come on come on ouch i'm on fire all right i gotta go back it's not safe out here nope get out get out get out go go go away go away okay okay i got this i got this i got this oh my gosh his life is back up i don't know what to do i don't know what to do take that whoa come on i should have knew that was gonna happen i'm on fire again oh they're healing him i didn't know that okay ouch ouch ouch oh where'd they go where'd you go oh you're right here okay here oh oh yeah eat them no no don't eat me eat them geez ouch i hate those guys i'm gonna get him he's going down oh he's got something behind him again no no no no no no stop healing him out oh my gosh i gotta eat i gotta eat i'm gonna die no i am so done with this guy why am i having such a problem all right leave me alone go away i just wanna i'm done i'm so done i was low on arrows and low on patience as the sun was setting i just decided to sneak out the back and come back when i was more prepared i was so over this at this point i spent the next few days making my way back to the treehouse was it fun no was it interesting absolutely not but it had to be done it was my only main base of operations so yeah maybe i'll start taking everything with me i don't know yet it's gonna be a surprise so i was really getting tired of going back and forth all the time and i i just didn't feel like i had the time to build another base either so i spent day 65 just getting ready for a longer venture i mean just making my way back the last couple days i didn't realize how far away my tree house was and i didn't want to waste any more time going back and forth so it just made sense to gather everything up so i repaired my armor and i tried to figure out what i wanted to bring with me arrows are a must and i had tons of feathers and sticks just needed the flint and i may have done a bad thing that day i figured chickens would be good to take with me uh like like the meat for food but hey hey don't worry uh i put them back okay yeah i put them back see look look all the chickens right here all right moving on after that i spent the rest of the day farming for flint because it was the last thing i needed for arrows and like i said arrows were important the next day i continue preparing by crafting my arrows harvesting my crops and packing my inventory i think i'm ready to head out i think well i hope i am the next morning i checked over my things and i headed out i traveled for most of the day in the direction i thought i came from but it obviously wasn't i end up walking into this thick jungle it probably wasn't the smartest idea as it was thick and dark but i moved through it slowly making sure not to aggro too many mobs at once i ended up finding this little shack in the thick jungle it kinda looks creepy but it was better than being out here it was a good find because i found some potions speaking of which i really need to start brewing potions they probably would help me out in these playthroughs you know yeah the next morning i was making my way through the thick jungle and i figured you know what i'm gonna start collecting some raw wood you know there's tons of trees around me and the thing is is that when i need it i'm gonna be in a place where there's no trees or they're gonna be really spread out you know i'm being smart i had to be careful going through this part of the island because there were mobs everywhere there were so many forbidden berserkers and they tear through your shield so quickly i really haven't used my shield this much in previous playthroughs like i just had to or i would be dead so i decided to change up my approach i started to sneak around the berserkers well if i could as i was crossing another bridge i heard a naga overhead so i tried to stay hidden but i wasn't hidden enough i guess oh my gosh there's two of them oh hey uh don't mind me okay oh my gosh berserkers leave me alone no tiger go away don't even think about it here do you like meat no i guess you don't okay okay okay okay leave me alone look you're not so tough now eh i got better armor now i continued through this thick jungle for the next day and came across another one of these huts unfortunately there was no chest inside so i figured i'd build at least another shield as my other one was kind of done no surprise there the next day i kept on going i figured there's got to be something good in this place i just know it because why would it be so dangerous you know well i hope there is yeah i don't know where i'm at oh is that a monkey hey monkey what are you doing come here want some chicken hey you don't like chicken what's wrong with you where you going don't run away from me all right all right i'll leave you alone okay now where am i whoa that tree is huge i was a little worried about the title across my screen the forbidden jungle golem great and this tree i had no idea if this thing had a proper way to get up like stairs or a ladder you know either way i couldn't find one so i just made my own and i'm gonna tell you right now maybe this was not a good idea oh got forbidden of course no surprise and the berserkers leave me alone oh no there's two of them nope too many okay okay okay okay things are getting real why are there so many of you leave me alone i'm i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh is that it oh no they're over there too this place probably isn't the best place to be right now probably wasn't worth coming up here okay maybe it was i found a diamond but i'm not sure what i'll use it for but but i got one and i may or may have not accidentally clicked on the bed and uh slept either way probably not a bad idea hopefully the forbidden will clear out in the morning hopefully uh nope the forbidden did not clear out in the morning oh well it was worth a try well i just kept fighting my way through them and looting the area i found some pretty good stuff a few golden apples a mending enchanting book and gunpowder okay you know what i'm gonna build another shield and i'm gonna put this mending on it this this might be a waste of it i've never done this before but i need to try because i go through so many shields it is crazy i kept on continuing through the large tree and fighting off forbidden as i went along and surprise surprise one of those berserkers broke my shield okay shield time to show your magic i also found a power 5 enchant too so you bet i put that on my bow and let me tell you this power 5 is really nice to have like just look at this ah stop dodging would ya oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i gotta be careful i gotta be careful i don't wanna fall off whoa did i take him out already i honestly thought i was gonna be in a world of hurt but i took him out pretty easy like one shot basically i noticed that there were quite a few nagas flying around and i figured you know what it might be fun just to shoot some down you know test out the new enchanted bow a bit oh my gosh shadow i'm wasting so many arrows okay maybe maybe this wasn't a good idea it's definitely not going according to plan so yeah now how come you can hit me and i can't hit him it's not fair all right i can do this oh look at that see you later wow i knew it was good but not like one shot good this is awesome all right golden apples all right oh don't throw it oh a diamond whoa whoa whoa no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa whoa okay okay okay found the golem right here oh sorry about it got in the way oh arrows they're not hurting them oh great cool awesome okay so it hits kind of hard which is not too bad oh you're stuck in the water buddy that sucks take that ow come on shadow you gotta eat out ouch no no no no no all right all right all right go down already would ya saddle come on i gotta pay attention to my health he's almost done it's almost done come on take that come on yes yes yes oh what's that okay my heart literally leaped out of my chest when i fell that was scary but hey i got this cool staff thing so yeah okay shadow let's not waste it on the bats okay maybe for something stronger jeez so i made my way out from the underground area and back to the surface i figured you know what with all this new stuff and enchants that sun chief probably doesn't stand a chance now so for the next couple days i walked endlessly around trying to find it okay okay i'm gonna be quite honest with you i had no idea where i was going so i may have looked at the png file of the island my buddy made for me i mean i really should have a map anyway right you tell me should i have used it or not i just didn't want to waste time running around in circles so yeah because i was getting into situations like this all too often like look at this i'm fighting two berserkers spiders and i had two tigers lurking in the shadows if they decided to attack me i'd be done completely done i needed help i was finally back at the village and ready to win this time so i tried to be sneaky all right i'm gonna try to sneak my way around ow dude not cool [Music] ouch ouch come on i didn't think you could hit me in here ow i'm always on fire take that no get over here stop feeling him ouch oh my gosh whoa hey hey oh come on i don't even care let's do it oh my gosh stop throwing me back wait you know what i got a staff oh nice i should have used this from the first ouch ouch ouch come on no stop healing him stop healing him oh my gosh i'm literally always on fire where's the other one come here stop healing him okay there there i'm gonna get him with the staff he's going down he's done done dunzo all over ouch come on yes finally finally okay so this mask is pretty cool i can summon minions for myself neat okay so i really wanted to try this summoning thing out but first things first i spent the rest of the day looting the village repairing my forbidden armor and then relaxing by the fire at night let's just say i was getting myself mentally prepared for the next day yeah we'll go with that plus it was a nice fire you know not gonna lie being able to summon these guys was uh pretty cool you know having them heal me while i fight these forbidden off it was it was decent but i made a grave mistake a big one really big one all right careful guys be careful no no no be careful ah you plants no way i just lose one of these guys i only got one healer now okay so now i wasn't happy that was not cool plant not cool so i decided to go around and try to gather up some more masks i doubt i'm gonna find another healer because it seemed like they only came from the sun chief but i may have gotten a little distracted i wanted to build an army so i spent some time trying to farm these fellows not sure why but they didn't seem to spawn all that much where i felt like i was competing with these plants are you ready troops we go to war charge before the plants kill them okay i guess we don't go to war okay what wait hold on hold on there's some masks here oh oh get out of the way oh my gosh i took out one of my guys sorry sorry oh my gosh get out of the way okay enough messing around i need to get moving at least now i have backup if i need it so what did i do i summoned them all of course why not this is gonna be fun all right guys let's attack attack all right let's get him good job team take him out do all that stuff you do ouch ouch okay guys help me out here good job good job keep the healing up you guys can't handle this ouch stop hitting me come here yeah good job guys good job okay i uh might have made a mistake well maybe a few all right guys watch this oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys get out of the way get out of the way oh sorry guys that was my fault and other times these guys just kind of seem to get in the way like really no no no out of the way no no no not there no no stop moving stay you know what i'll just jump and i'll miss but i had to cherish the memories because i knew they were not going to last forever nothing does ah come on get them guys take them out good job no no stop stop don't no those are plants get away from them get away from them oh no no get away from them retreat oh how many did i lose okay that that was my fault i should have been more aware of my surroundings but those plants are everywhere like everywhere so we kept pushing on but let me tell you the forbidden they seem to be more dense the farther we went in it seemed like i was fighting three at once at one point good thing i had my crew with me though i did lose a few of them but i kept on trying to gain them at the same time you know keeping it balanced got to be careful guys careful these guys are tough shoot them with your i don't know oh my gosh there's two of them stop moving watch out for the poison watch out for the poison watch out for the plants watch out for the plants i'm not losing anybody i'm not losing anybody all right one down one down one down come on guys we got this we got this stop dodging oh sorry sorry oh oh my gosh ah go away oh no it's turning dark let's turn tonight i got him i got him i got him it's okay it's all good guys guys i got them guys um hello oh my gosh they're all dead really well looks like shadows all alone great just wonderful the 85 was uh was a pretty lonely day i'm not gonna lie i just wandered through the jungle on my own but there were times where i really missed those guys but it didn't matter i had to keep moving i had to keep going you want to fight you want to fight let's go come on i'm so mad at you guys you guys took out my whole crew we're doing so good we were perfect get out of the way plant i like you guys right now ow stop eating me come on come here oh my gosh so i'm so done here you know what take this take this yeah you like that staff eat that over this as i was moving through the jungle pass that day i was so relieved to see something other than trees in the distance oh my gosh look at this stuff it's like a bridge i'm actually where i'm supposed to be i think i hope that should be yeah oh whoa hey what come on no let go of me let go of me get off me what is going on that bugger snuck up on me really wow awesome as i started moving towards the temple things were getting a little intense not gonna lie so i decided to stay put for the night you know tackle this in the morning all right it was time it was time to make my way through this temple but i gotta get over this bridge first what shouldn't be a problem i mean it's a bridge how bad can it be oh what come on again go oh my gosh crocodiles the worst oh great there's so many down there and we got spawners awesome and it's raining it's all good so good oh my gosh there's so many berserkers i don't want berserkers i am fine with tons of other things but not berserkers yeah yeah i'm just gonna bring the spawner don't mind me oh my gosh i'm running run run run run run run run run run oh no oh no oh no run run run run run run i'm gonna die come on no get get away i have to use my staff i had i have to use it i don't want to use it that much because it goes down really quick all right light this place up light this place up so i'm surrounded already this is awesome it's raining it's night perfect all right mystics take this at this point i was becoming less optimistic as it took me half the day to get this far and even less optimistic when i noticed how tall the temple really was you know this is pretty tall am i gonna have to go up with everything against me i kept pushing on i had to and it didn't seem like it was gonna get easier there is so many forbidden around but i kept pushing and fighting i needed to i needed to get through i needed that sacred plant and good thing i brought this animal with me because it was definitely needed my armor was almost broken and i was in dire need of a repair okay okay so i got to repair my armor or i'm not going to survive what was that 10 levels that was 10 levels are they all 10 levels oh really well that's just great let's just hope i don't need to repair my armor anymore because for one my anvil broke i mean i could make another but the cost repair was way too expensive and next time i won't have enough this is just great so awesome all right well this floor was relatively easy i guess i'll take it okay scratch that they all must have been up here all right so as i was getting higher in the temple i now had to keep an eye out for naga because they were flying around and i was climbing ladders and you know what happens when you fall off ladders yeah it doesn't end well get away get away awake right nope get away go away leave me yellow oh my gosh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh i almost fell i did fall but i mean yeah i almost died i almost died i can't believe that well i can sort of but this is why i always enchant my boots with feather falling because this happens more than you think well for me it does of course there's inaugura right here of course oh my gosh leave me alone of course there's a naga all right you want to fight naga let's fight oh you can't handle it wait are you dead oh wait you weren't dead you tricked me stop dodging ouch i just want to continue up thank you okay now that my nerves are settled let's continue it finally seemed like i was reaching the top and it was about time but i wasn't the only one up here the forbidden king was here too and before i could pass to get the sacred plant i had to defeat him well not really but yeah we'll go with that okay i just want to fight him all right get off my back oh oh forbidden king all right forbidden king where are you are you in here oh yeah you're right there all right let's go all right oh okay he's coming he's coming ouch what do you hit me with oh you're gonna stab dude yeah yeah hit your own guy that's cool yeah hit him again take him out for me oh ow ouch ouch oh okay okay okay all right you know what let's go staff and staff let's do it i don't care anymore i'll use it all up whoa it's thundering in here or lightning in here ah geez oh my gosh why can't i hit him oh no no oh broke oh no no no that's not good i could eat some chicken hold on hold on hold on climb on time ow stop hitting me so hard jeez all right i gotta take him then i gotta take him out you're done you're done you're just done over finished thank you thank you i beat the forbidden king i am the best so the forbidden king was dead now it looks like i need to travel across this thing this is not going to be fun on day 91 everything seemed like it was going great you know the forbidden king was dead the rain let up what could go wrong no no no we don't do that oh my gosh stop poisoning me oh i can't move i can't move i'm gonna fall there's there's just too many here there's too many here if i move i'm gonna risk falling off like and i don't want to take the poison but sometimes i just have to stop dodging thank you okay okay okay i'm good i'm good i was in real trouble here real trouble just get away from me i hear you oh no no no no it's such a small area i can fall no leave me alone okay why is there three of you three of you no no don't shoot poison on me oh my gosh i am so done i'm so done with this i'm in trouble i'm in trouble i'm gonna die i gotta move oh no no no oh like i said i was in real trouble i was not sure how to approach this at all i had naga all around me and i barely had any place to move like seriously so what did i do i ran nope nope leave me alone leave me alone shadow just keep running keep running okay just keep running ignore the naga it's okay they're just shooting poison at you not that bad just keep going run run run oh no no no ouch plants plants you shouldn't be up here okay oh all right you know what you know what okay you know what yeah i think i'm done yeah look at this perfect perfect perfect cover this up i'm done yep i'll wait till tomorrow no it's too many too risky okay now this isn't really gonna help me because i need to move forward not hiding a hole i'm just hoping the naga fly off and and go away i'm just i'm done with these guys i couldn't for the life of me hit these guys why are they so hard now i spent most of the morning just missing my shots and i was running low on arrows this seems like it's gonna be impossible to get to the sacred flower like i don't know what to do and the forbidden are spawning at night up here and you know what some of these guys they have knock back so that's a hard no for me i'll just dig a hole and wait until morning it's way too close to the end to be playing this risky no thank you i could smell it it was so close so i just kept moving along this floating platform thingy yeah i don't know what to call it we'll just call it that it was surprisingly quiet considering what i just went through the last couple days but either way i wasn't gonna complain i was i was just gonna keep on moving on day 94 i finally got to the sacred plant it was just up here by itself just chilling you know easy for the pickens so what do i do you betcha i grabbed that thing and i started to head back all that work for this little thing really okay and those that are wondering why i actually did all this is because the second experiment that the scientist was supposed to do on me was supposed to help me through the transformation but obviously i didn't do it because i don't want to be a mindless fruit for him yeah right yeah that makes sense after a few days i made it back to my boat and started to head home so i could try and figure out how to prepare the sacred plant and turn it into a potion i just hope this was gonna work and if i can't turn it into a potion i gotta find someone that can shadowmech [Music] you
Channel: ShadowMech
Views: 995,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft Forge Labs, 100 Days, 100 Days in Minecraft, hardcore mode minecraft, 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse, 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse forge labs, i survied hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days hardcore, ShadowMech, Parasites, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, Scrape and run, lukethenotable, 100 days skyrim, nightmare island
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 31sec (3631 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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