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hi there my name is alec or cyrid and first off thank you for clicking on this video but before we start i want you to close your eyes and think of the three coolest things in the world oh yeah that's right you're probably thinking of flamethrowers hezbollah and well actually i can show you the last thing so go ahead and follow me hurry up dude ah yes the third thing was dragons and this here is my light fury dragon her name is echo you'll get to know her a lot better later on in this video oh echo bad girl bad girl what did i teach you no fireballs when i'm in the middle of a speech here take some fish settle down it's okay it's okay but anyway i spend 100 days in minecraft with the how to train your dragon mod installed and my adventure was absolutely epic my friends and i teamed a whole bunch of dragons we traveled to new dimensions and we even battled the custom dungeons filled with booby traps i almost signed so many times but luckily i have one of the best dragons in the world echo and she saved my butt so many times because of her i stand here before you to tell you the tale of my 100 days in minecraft how to train your dragon [Music] now this wouldn't be a journey if i didn't set any goals and so for this adventure i had three different goals my first goal was to get a dragon to level 100. if i did that i figured that would be like the almighty super powerful dragon that would pretty much be able to destroy any other dragon that there was another goal was to travel to either the dark lands or the fire nation dimension because both of these dimensions have hydra shrines and with these shrines you can actually summon a hydra boss dragon it's gonna be pretty challenging to kill this thing but if i manage to there's some pretty amazing rewards that come with it and lastly i want to tame like the biggest dragon possible the thing is i don't really know what dragon that is quite yet so i'm hoping that as i progress through these 100 days i just see like an enormously massive insanely huge dragon and i'm like yeah you know what yeah that's that's the one i'm gonna i'm gonna go uh i'm gonna go tame that guy but anyway guys before we officially do get into day number one i would just like to please ask you guys to check if you're subscribed to the channel because i don't really have that many subscribers so please if you enjoyed this video hit that subscribe button hit the like button and enjoy the rest of the video [Music] who is this all right so uh yeah as you can see our adventure got off to um a pretty strange start pretty much my comrades on this journey were josh mv yes sir sony poppin yahoo and switch what's good everybody it's your boy swim to start off our journey we were given a satchel which actually is pretty cool what a satchel does is after you open it it gives you some starting items not only does it give you some starting items but it also gives you a dragon egg so it was kind of like pokemon in the sense that we were like given a starter dragon egg to have and so here is a little clip of us getting our very first dragon egg three two one go oh right after that me and the boys decided to venture out and the guys actually got attacked by a level 97 dragon what are they doing oh my god they're all gonna die guys yo dude why would you guys attack a dragon what is wrong with you josh was crazy i swear i just saw him from afar ah guys oh and by the way i forgot to mention that the dragonfire mod is not the only mod that was in this mod pack there was actually a bunch of troll mods that i didn't even investigate i had no idea we're in here but apparently you can uh you can pick up cows and other animals so here is my reaction to watching josh pick up um a fully grown cow hey yo what in the world is going on i'm gonna go sacrifice you to the dragon make up for it okay so as josh was sacrificing that cow to dragon switch and i decided to go venturing out and look for some dragon eggs luckily we did find a dragon nest so we went straight to it unfortunately it was pretty high up in the air so we had to go collect blocks so that we could build up to the dragon egg and steal it but as we were collecting these blocks to build up to it we noticed that josh and sodi were trying to steal the egg before us and i could not let that happen no they're going to show up go go go go go out of my way this is my egg this is my egg oh there's an egg up here let's go okay and this is when things start to get a little bit heated just as i found the egg i noticed that josh was building up to try to steal it from my grasp on my account this was an act of war and so i had to act on it immediately no my egg my egg so yeah i uh i did that i killed one of my best friends over a dragon egg in a video game oh man i really gotta rethink my priorities but anyway i i think that that made josh a little bit upset because um he and sony decided to uh to leave like the server and never come back so now it was literally just me and switch on this invention which is fine you know what small wolf packs are the best wolf packs i'm just kidding by the way uh josh's internet went out for the next couple days and so switch and i decided to record without him i say grace and peace josh we love you all right so now that i had a couple of dragons under my belt i decided it was time to start building a house because these dragons were my babies and i really wanted to make sure that i was financially stable before actually raising these babies into grown adults oh and by the way i know that the cinematic isn't the greatest cinematic ever i'm not the best with the whole replay mod thing and it also glitched out a couple times so i apologize for that but i tried my best also i know i'm not the best builder so at the end of this house if you look at it you're like i'm gonna throw up i apologize i tried my best i this actually took me so long boys to go get all the materials build it and all that stuff it took forever plus you're lacing the top floor there's also an awesome like dungeon basement thing that i'll show you in a second but honestly i was pretty happy with the way this came out so right in the comments what do you think of my house on a scale from one to ten this is also not the finished product over the course of the rest of the hundred days i do still improve it quite a bit here and there just touch it up a bit make it look a little bit nicer but this is like the basic structure along with a nice dungeon in the basement the reason i made the dungeon in the basement is because that is where i want to put my dragon egg incubators now those things are very expensive a dragon egg incubator is what you need in order to well incubate your eggs and after they're incubated that is when they'll hatch so it's very essential that we get these incubators so now that my house was complete it was time to get myself an egg incubator so i ventured out and tried to find myself some lava and obsidian and i also needed to get blocks of ice so this wasn't really the easiest objective in the whole world but about five minutes into my adventure i stumbled across something epic if you guys remember echo the dragon from the beginning of this video well you're about to meet her in the 100 day adventure here's my live reaction to finding a light fury egg oh my god wait is this oh my god oh my god oh my god it's a life yuri wait no shot no shot oh my god okay i know i didn't sound too ecstatic in that reaction but that's because i had already been playing for like five six hours already at this point i was pretty exhausted but that did not stop me from adventuring and so i continued onward to try to find an ice biome but again on this adventure i found something insane i found a fire nation encampment now these places are very dangerous so i had to be careful but if you actually eliminate the people that spawn here you can acquire dungeon keys and so i took out a couple of the warriors that lived here stole some of their banners and kept on moving so after that little adventure i didn't actually end up finding any ice biome or really anything that i wanted too bad so this is when i start to build my dungeon in my basement now this footage is on times 8 speed and it goes on for a very long time i'm not going to bore you and have you watch the whole thing but just clearing out this giant room took way too long so i'm just gonna skip ahead until it's pretty much done do you guys ever build so much minecraft that you just want to cry no oh that's just me well yeah that i was at that point at this point in my life but luckily i finally finished my layer my dungeon and it was time to finally build an incubator now i had saved up enough materials not only build a tier 1 incubator but actually upgraded to tier 5 and what this did was allow me to hatch or incubate any single egg in the whole game and it also expedited the process and so now incubate an egg it only took like three minutes instead of like 10 minutes unfortunately it wasn't until this long into my adventure that i found out that in order to incubate my light fury egg and my rainbow egg i actually needed a ice incubator not a lava incubator but it's okay because this lava incubator will certainly come in handy later on in the series so anyway the next thing i did was craft a nature's compass and what this did was allow me to locate any single biome that i wanted so of course i chose to go to an ice biome and there i found a bunch of ice i grabbed the soap touch pickaxe got a bunch of the ice and headed back home and now that i finally had all the ingredients i crafted and not only a tier one ice incubator but i also got the tier v upgrade for it as well i was so excited to finally get my first ever dragon and of course i decided to hatch my rainbow egg first since it was my very first egg that i ever obtained because of how colorful i imagined that the dragon would be i ended up naming it lucky however uh after i hatched it i regret to admit that i i i just i didn't really find the striking to be all that pretty even though it was called a rainbow egg so even though it was my first ever dragon i'm not gonna lie i wasn't the biggest fan of it but that was totally okay because as you guys know i still had the light fury dragon egg and that was next up for me to hatch i was so excited for this one i don't really know why but i decided to name her echo i just thought that it fit really well for some reason but anyway here she is she's so tiny oh my god she's so tiny as cute as echo was i knew that when she grew up to be an adult that she would be a menace to society and that ladies and gentlemen is exactly what i wanted her to be now the fastest way to actually level up your dragons is to craft dragon treats and the recipe for one dragon treat is one bone and eight beef or chicken or any type of animal raw meat circling that bone and so if i wanted to get a dragon to level 100 that would mean that i would need to get over 100 bones and if i want to get multiple dragons to level 100 i would need hundreds and hundreds of bones and so what is the best way to get bones you might ask well i have the answer after scouring far and wide and for days and days i finally managed to find myself a skeleton spawner now i may not be the best minecraft player in the world but i do know how to make myself a skeleton farm and so that is exactly what i did this format turned out to be absolutely amazing not only because was it super efficient but i also had a looting 3 sword and so about every 10 minutes or so with the skeletons would stack up like crazy i would literally swipe my sword one single time and get over a stack of bones and so with just a couple of days of grinding i literally had stacks and stacks and stacks of bones and arrows actually so that was half of the assignment done for getting all of the dragon treats and the other half was to get all of the beef now luckily switch put in an absolute butt ton of work and managed to breed what seemed to be literally like thousands of cows and so we agreed that together we would create the biggest cow massacre that anyone has ever seen [Music] oh oh my god dude i just watched 30 of them die in one hit now personally i love myself a good hamburger so i'm not too opposed of the slaughtering of cows however this just seemed unethical to me but anyway for some reason one of the cows got named richard mangrove smith and so as a deed of respect switch and i named this cow headmaster cow of all the other cows and we even made it its own little shrine there's a cow named richard mangrove smith what what is going i don't know we have to keep him we have to keep him okay i will put him away which yeah was a was a two by two hole but we you know it lived there forever and ever hashtag all hail richard mangrove smith the god of all cows but anyway back to more awesome and fun dragon activities so now that we had all the ingredients we managed to craft literally hundreds of dragon treats and so it was time to finally level up my light fury dragon echo look how small she is for her to grow into oh my god she's getting unit oh my god hey yo hey chill with the with the fat shaming bro she ain't getting huge look at her she's nice she's getting she's eating way too good look at her she's getting thick let's go echo so anyway i leveled her all the way up to level 82 and decided to give her my first ever test drive yetis mcgee oh my god how many did i kill that was awesome oh oh my god let's see what this one does oh my god dude so as you can see echo is extremely extremely powerful so she's really good at killing mobs but not only that she can fly and so this is now going to be my primary source of transportation i'm going to be able to cover thousands of blocks in a matter of seconds let's go dude this is so sick echo is absolutely beautiful dude what the heck that's so sick all those hours and hours and hours of grinding i feel like has definitely been worth it this is like the coolest thing that i've ever done in minecraft bro look how happy echo is she's so cute okay so even though it was evident that echo could take out a herd of cows in like 0.2 seconds i needed to test her ability against other dragons and so i decided to get her into a fight but not just any fight i challenged a dragon that was like three times her size and also a higher level and this is how the battle went and the games have begun what's up dude ow he just flamethrowered me oh my god oh my god oh we're eating him though ow he's hurting so much [Music] okay we're flame throwering but he's like in water oh let's go echo heck yeah dude ha ha that's right i knew it echoey is an absolute animal she absolutely destroyed that beast and so now that i knew that she could hold her own in battle i decided that it was time to venture out and explore the world i didn't really know what i was looking for but i knew i was looking for something something cool and boy oh boy did i find just that oh my god are you kidding me i didn't even know you could do that i didn't even know you could find a bewildered beast egg i was ecstatic if you thought that i was happy when i found that light fury egg this doesn't even compare if you guys don't know a bewilder beast is like the size of a mountain legitimately it's huge i know it to be the god of all dragons it is almighty and all powerful some say it's even too powerful to control but i'm here to test this theory and so i went straight home hatched the egg and leveled it up to level 100. all right level 99 and level 100 in there there we go there he is there he is level 100 hades he is absolutely massive i ended up naming him hades after the god of the underworld i thought it was pretty fitting but anyway i know that you're all thinking in your head please can you ride him ride him ride him and the answer is yes i can but it's a horrible idea and i'm gonna show you why oh my oh my god oh oh oh my god i don't even know what this looks like from switch's perspective what is dude what is even going on so uh yeah that was that was not a good idea riding him actually crashed my entire game anyway now that we had some insane dragons on our side it was time for me and switch to try to take on a fire nation dungeon now these things only spawned in another dimension and in order to access them we had to use one of the keys that we got from defeating fire nation troops from earlier on in the video also a little bit of a side note as you can probably tell i have a bunch of like obsidian armor and some pretty opie stuff now i didn't mention this yet because it's not really a very core aspect of the video but i figured i'd say now obviously i did a lot of grinding but i couldn't include it all because this video can't be 30 hours long and i decided to chop all that out because it wasn't too essential but yeah my armor is pretty op but anyway it took us a little while to actually find the entrance to one of these dungeons honestly i was feeling pretty confident there was a ton of lava and booby traps throughout the entire dungeon oh my dude what which definitely spooked me out a little bit but after slaying warrior after warrior after lava golem after lava golem i had finally reached the end and was ready to claim my reward oh let's go a tier 2 fire chest what dude that's it so yeah i'm not gonna lie i was expecting a lot better than a fire nation spear as my only reward but honestly the experience was awesome so i can't really complain i'm pretty sure that you can actually get some really good rewards from these dungeons but switch and i kind of just wanted to move on and try out some other things that the mod had to offer and so the next thing that we did was travel to a custom dimension so the two custom dimensions in the mod are called the dark lands or the fire nation dimension now my initial plan was to go to the fire nation dimension because i knew that that is where hydras spawned and i went to battle one of them because i thought they're pretty epic and so i set off on a mission to go collect all the pieces of the fire nation map because that is how you get to the fire nation dimension however after i had collected two of the three pieces that is when i found an obelisk these things were super rare but they were the portal to the dark lands where did i i don't know my god what is this so yeah as you can see it was pretty dark and pretty creepy and pretty gloomy and uh pretty soon we actually found some very creepy creepy creatures but obviously switch and eye are the two bravest people on the planet so that did not prevent us from continuing our exploration and not too far after we actually found exactly what we were looking for i'm pretty sure that's like the hydra boss i got something to say to him okay i think i have to go up and right click it to actually summon it but you can stay on your dragon and like get ready and it was time i was waiting for this moment for so long because i knew that this hydra would be a challenge and here we go let the boss battle begin there it is is there another one oh my god oh my god die oh wait we can i actually kill it pretty quick yeah and it was at about this moment that i realized that me and switch are pretty op and uh this hydra was not really much of a challenge for us but it was still pretty epic you got it nice dude is that his head yeah oh and this this is fire essence and i'm pretty sure what you can do with it is you turn a night fury into like a fire fury with that thing something like that i forget exactly how it works but yeah that's pretty cool so yeah like i said i don't really know entirely how it works but i'm pretty sure with this fire essence if i ever do get a night fury dragon then i'll be able to somehow convert it into a fire fury and that just sounds absolutely insane so after we defeated the hydro switch and i decided to stay in this dimension for a little bit just to explore and we actually found some pretty cool areas we ended up finding a vampire shrine a rundown temple and even a graveyard and in each of these places had their own dragon eggs so after a couple days of searching we came out with three more eggs a vampire egg a mummy egg and a zombie egg and then we headed back home so after defeating a lot of the challenges that the mod pack had to offer switch and i decided that it would only be right to finish our adventure by beating the game of minecraft and destroying the ultimate dragon the ender dragon and so we set off to find the end portal luckily switch already had all of the necessary ingredients in the eyes of ender to track down the portal and so i pretty much just followed him to the portal room 360. oh god but i was so excited to battle the ender dragon because this would be a real test to see how strong echo really is this is gonna be an epic fight mono e mono dragon vs dragon the first objective in this battle was to take out all of the end crystals this would prevent the dragon from healing mid battle i found that the best way to do this was to actually ride on echo while shooting my bow and arrow at each of the crystals it was actually so much fun this battle was just as epic as i could have ever dreamed it would be both echo and the ender dragon were exchanging blow for blow it was intense ekko and i were trying to evade as many attacks as we could but as you can see she was still taking a ton of damage however we did manage to use a couple of maneuvers to actually do some really good damage to the ender dragon this was a very close battle but in the end echo prevailed and managed to deliver a final lethal blow [Music] oh let's go let's go dude that was so sick after that dominant performance i think it's fair to say that echo is the king or in this case queen of all dragons and of course switch and i decided to steal the most og dragon egg of them all the ender dragon egg itself and on our 100th day switching decides to make a little shrine in between our houses and decorate it with all the trinkets that we had obtained throughout our journeys we both sent out all of our dragons so that they could play with each other one last time however this would sadly be the end of a chapter and an end to an era i enjoyed every second of this journey and if you guys did as well please go ahead leave a like rating and subscribe if you want to see some more and also comment down below if you want to see a 200 days in the how to train your dragon mod anyway guys thank you all so much for watching and i'll see you in our next journey
Channel: Sirud
Views: 524,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days, 100, modded minecraft 100 days, sirud 100 days, sirud, modded minecraft, modded minecraft 100 days dragons, dragons 100 days, minecraft dragons, dragon, dragonfire, dragonfire 100 days, minecraft dragonfire 100 days, minecraft dragonfire mod, toothless, how to train your dragon mod, minecraft how to train your dragon, how to train your dragon, 100 days how to train your dragon mod
Id: p1Cgpu52uGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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