I Survive 100 DAYS in Avatar the Last Airbender! (Minecraft)

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today in minecraft i survive 100 days as the avatar i'll be attempting to master all four elements we surrounded the avatar mod with the ultimate adventure mod pack from bending to dragons to epic dungeons to take on my goal is to learn every bending ability and become just as strong as aang i have plenty of side goals along the way like visiting major cities from the avatar universe bossing say and maybe even the fire nation capital i want to tame an air bison slay a tier 5 dragon and so much more join me in this epic saga of transforming from a newbie airbender into a master avatar also if you could only become one type of bending what would it be comment down below and enjoy the most important video in the history of my channel so i spawned in my world and instantly saw some air bison but i wasn't ready to tame them i don't know any bending abilities just yet so i have to do normal minecraft tasks and that's cutting down a tree and getting some wood the first thing i needed to craft is a wooden sword i'll show you why in a second so i believe the easiest bending ability to learn is air bending so on screen you can see all the mobs that drop air bending scrolls i have to get three air bending scrolls to learn air bending and chickens i believe were the easiest so i went around slaughtering them all until i got my first scroll then i just needed two more and i've been getting pretty lucky this one tried to run away from me but i didn't let him so after i got all three scrolls i unlocked airbending and i could see all the abilities i could learn the first one i wanted to learn was air jump this ability will help me travel the world but i needed one more scroll i got pretty unlucky with the rest of the chickens so i had to start killing the baby ones sorry but it was worth it and there i go unlocking air jump and learning my first bending ability ever and obviously i had to give it a test run so we were just cruising around the map as i was training air jump i noticed this castle and then they started shooting ballistas at me so i wanted to fight them and get some payback but i don't think i was too equipped i dodged them and tried to outflank them and soon realized i was way outnumbered and if i wanted to take them on i needed to be much stronger so the first day was coming to a close and i noticed i didn't have any resources really i only learned bending so i killed a few sheep to make myself a bed after crafting myself a bed i just needed to make a door and a little hobbit hole to live in just enough to protect myself from any firebenders or evil monsters placed down my bed and slept through the first night and just like that we're on day number two so on day number two i made it my mission to get some stone tools and get a little bit more established i also wanted to work on getting air jump to level two so i can jump even further along with getting a better base because living in a hobbit hole just isn't right there we go i got all my stone tools and then it was time to make a stone sword to help with my chicken killing addiction as i began to get some resources for my base i just started thinking about all the abilities i'm able to learn and my head just started racing out of excitement so as i was traveling the world i made sure to use air jump because you not only have to learn the ability but you have to train it because it can get even stronger up to tier 4. i was exploring where i wanted to build my base and then these mummies appeared and i wanted to kill a few and see if they dropped any types of scrolls sadly i wasted my time and they didn't drop any scrolls after using air jump for so long i finally reached level two not only did i have to reach level two but i had to unlock level two so how you do that is by having two tier one airbending scrolls and combining them to make a tier two once i had tier two i was then able to put it in there and unlock it now i should be able to jump a little bit further and faster so i decided to just build where that hobbit hole was it was enough messing around and it's time to clear a spot for this house there we go that should do now night is coming pretty quickly so it's time to build really really fast phew that one we cut pretty close and i realized i had no torches and the backside was not done and zombies can get in i heard a zombie too i couldn't sleep that zombie was nearby i wondered if he was inside this cave but i couldn't find him anywhere so i picked up my bed and thought about sleeping in the corner thankfully it worked and day three was here on day number five i decided to go back to the spawn where those air bison were and try to tame them i brought an apple but i couldn't get their attention and then i heard it a dragon roar over by that mountain it was a bronze dragon i had to go investigate as it got closer i noticed the dragon was stuck maybe glitched and there was a dwarf here he was probably trying to steal the dragon's gold i air jumped up to get a closer look and he was coming right at me i was not proud of this moment i did a little oopsy became fried penguin i went back to my death point to try to get back my stuff and the stupid thing was hovering over my death point and he started coming right towards me i retreated back to the air bison but it was too late the dragon got me again and i knew my stuff was lost and that dragon became public enemy number one while dreaming of my revenge against that dragon i knew i had to get stronger and the only way to do that was getting some more chickens so i began to get some seeds so i can begin breeding a flock i went and built a chicken coop and then the only thing i needed was the chickens themselves i began luring as many chickens as i could little did they know their fate was going to be kfc and air bending scrolls their children their children's children and their children's children's children would all become airbending scrolls over the next few days i began breeding as many chickens as i could i wanted to kill my chickens but then i heard this thing in the forest i didn't know what it was but it started running right towards me so i began to fall back i had to protect my base it was mean it was ugly and oh my god it had a giant axe i think we're dealing with a troll so i got on top of my base and i tried safe spotting it i still had no air bending abilities that did damage ah i managed to slay the beast and i got his axe a gigantic troll axe can airbenders use an axe well i'm using it anyways and this thing is awesome i killed the zombie and i dropped my first ever earthbending scroll if i get three earthbending scrolls that means i can finally learn earthbending i saw a few endermen and zombies and decided let's go to bed tonight early night's rest never hurt anybody on the morning of day nine i woke up and chose violence i decided to kill all my chickens or most of them and then this chicken loving beast came out of nowhere i didn't know what she was but she had to die i managed to defeat the chicken loving beast and resumed to the great chicken purge i spared one adult chicken and five babies so they can live on to be reproduced again after slaughtering all the chickens i took a look at our hall i got seven airbending scrolls only tier one though i was ready to upgrade air jump to level three and use one of the scrolls i wanted to learn air blade as my next ability so i took two tier one scrolls and made it tier two 2. airblade being a tier 2 ability is going to be a little bit more expensive but it's my first damaging ability and it was time to test it well maybe not on the chickens i found an ugly sheep and shot from so far away i was really surprised it could reach this distance but it had a long cooldown the more i level up air blade the faster i can use it and the stronger its damage will be this airblade ability made quick work of chickens it only took two hits to take it down and i got lucky on that one another airbending scroll i got myself prepped with a tier 2 scroll just in case if i level up air blade so i was traveling a little bit practicing air blade and i found where the mummies were coming from so to clean up my base i decided to take it down i jumped around tried to mine it but i was getting overwhelmed managed to break the spawner and i made my way back to the base hoping they would despawn the zombies made it back to my base i was battling them back and forth and then out of nowhere these two airbenders these nomads came out of nowhere and hooked down the zombies for me they also had some awesome goatees look at that he knocked the zombie all the way into the next biome i wanted to see if i could trade with them and i could i could buy an acolyte glider but it would require a tier 2 universal and a tier 3 air bending scroll there was a lot of awesome things i could trade for but they seem to all require blaze rods i had none of them i was pretty nervous having these airbenders around if i accidentally hit them they would turn on me using their master abilities so i decided to uh store them for a little bit there we go i'm just storing this last one in hopes that i find some blaze rods and can trade with them later this guy's ability didn't go away and i had to murder him it was a bad idea do not attack master level airbenders they were hitting me through the ground so i just had to run i keep running in hopes that they would actually de-aggro on me so i could keep them alive after getting my butt kicked by those two airbenders i knew it was time to get some better armor so i went mining on day 11. i was in search of metal ingots so after i found my first ore i wanted to see what they could craft tons of different weapons but i needed to craft something called a metal plate metal plates required four metal ingots and then they have to be dyed afterwards each guy can craft a different element's armor the deeper i went the easier it was to find some metal ingots i also decided to get some iron whiles there i even managed to find my very first diamonds after mining i made my way back to my base to start crafting and then i heard a familiar noise it was another troll he was attacking my chickens oh god my airbending was not strong enough to take him on but i used their troll axe against them aha i defeated the beast but he broke my chest i couldn't believe he broke my chest and my seats literally went everywhere he dropped troll tusk and troll leather so you can make that into some troll armor my chickens were pretty scared so i fed them some seeds and i kept breeding them for one more big bird after my mining trip i had so many of these metal ingots i wasn't sure how many i needed because the metal plates required four ingots each so i ended up with 26 and to make this air nomad armor i had to dye them with dandelions but i decided it'd be better to wait till tomorrow no more trolls for me searching for some dandelions i found a lot of poppies and this was cool because i could actually make myself a fire nation helmet the air nomad armor doesn't have a helmet so if i combine the two i would have the ultimate armor set i couldn't find any dandelions so i tried bone mailing and no luck right off the start but then i started to get some i also found a dandelion patch behind my house so i went and collected all those and soon i would have enough to make my armor set [Music] i went and crafted five red plates so i could make that fire nation helmet last but not least i needed some slippers because aang didn't walk around in bare feet i looked pretty strange but i had over a full row of armor it was time to test it i found one of these beasts i decided to fight back and give this thing a run for its money i was using air blade the thing ran off using a potion to heal back up i'm getting stronger a few days later on day 14 and the chickens were ready so i began the purge using air blade but that was taking too long with the cool down so i decided to go with a sword old-fashioned style yes chickens die all of you i may have went overboard i had so many airbending scrolls and then i went around picking up all the kfc with all these scrolls i'll be air betting master in no time slaughtering those chickens was a lot of work so air blade was level three and now i can cut blocks i wanted to test it out and it really didn't work let's give another try wait okay maybe it can't break wood it was lying to me it can't oh it one hits that thing now the jelly stand no chance i wanted to check up on the herd of air bison near where i died the dragon wasn't around but i noticed this little dungeon and the chest did something weird uh oh it spawned in ice wizards these ice wizards they started attacking me using different spells they turned me into a slime what they began to fight amongst themselves so they gave me a good advantage i took down my first wizard and then turned my attention to the other two i was comboing with my airblade they kept turning me into the stupid slime the last wizard was the strongest out of the three he was using ice freeze and also the slime attack he was comboing but he was no match for my axe i went to loot the chest and got some more gold there he was the dragon i was gonna get vengeance on him but i wanted to see if i could get my loot back i air jumped up to where i died the dragon wasn't paying attention to me i tried to get back my loot but all of it was gone he probably added it to his dragon horde the dragon took notice of me and i had to get the heck out of there i dodged a few flame attacks and retreated right to the bison after that battle with the wizards i noticed my armor was not as durable as i thought it was i placed my skull down to scare away any enemies i still was not strong enough to take on that dragon so i wanted to learn every single airbending ability and the first one i wanted to learn was tier 3 cloudburst and i learned that a tier 3 scroll was super expensive it required two diamonds four bottles of experience two air bending scrolls and a book to craft i had the diamonds the scrolls the book but i didn't have the bottles of experience i needed to figure out how to get these fast i decided to learn air gus it's not the strongest ability but if i get it to tier 4 it can destroy projectiles that are shot at me so a water bender or fire bender shooting a projectile i can hit it right out of the air i am so close to finishing leveling up air jump level four has two paths that you can choose double jump or ground pound i need to figure out which one i want to do then for tier four air blade you can either do dragon claw which shoots five projectiles or you can do boomerang or boomerang i should say which will return back to you if you hit an enemy successfully here's the remaining abilities that i need to learn for airbending i don't know where this came from but i found a tier 6 scroll just searching through my chest maybe the chickens dropped it but i quickly put it on slipstream this will allow me to go supersonic if i get it up to max level i thought i was going to turn into a nascar driver but i only went a little bit faster i've learned some new abilities but i needed to train them to be even stronger and soon learned my next bending type also this chicken was outside what was he doing outside chicken no go home in your cage day 20 was a sad day because i realized bottles of experience are way too hard to get and i needed to talk to my airbending friends i looked online and they actually dropped high-level scrolls there's that one and uh i couldn't find the other guy but he was probably doing just fine so it was time to kill my master i began battling him but he was very very strong throwing every airbending ability i knew out he was using cloud burst he was using air gus to push me back i had to rethink my strategy so i began to make a roof and i wanted to box myself in that way he could not push me back the airbenders are very defensive so i got down on his level and started combo with a sword and air blade and then he died and dropped a tier 5 scroll this tier five scroll i was gonna use right away i felt bad about killing my master but it was a necessity he knew information he would not teach me once i got the taste of airbender blood i had to kill more i had a thirst for knowledge so i made it my mission for the day to go find some more airbenders and we'll slaughter them after a short while i found my first two victims these airbenders weren't gonna suspect a thing i air jumped over to them and began meleeing and air gusting at the same time they were definitely giving me a run for my money i was hoping to get them aggroed on each other but that did not work i was using every airbending ability i knew to try and take them down they were definitely trained well i jumped down on them and they air gusted me away to keep me back no drop from the first guy i kept pursuing the second one i needed to get a drop from him or would it be worth it i air jumped and combed with my sword and out came a tier 4 air bending scroll i knew right away i was gonna learn airburst so i wanted to test out airburst but then this bison was freaking out oh okay i guess he's fine what was wrong with him so i found my first female airbender and i showed her no mercy i made quick work of her and took her down and out came another scroll i managed to collect a good few airbending scrolls this dragon has no idea who he's messing with before night fell i wanted to kill one more and then out came a tier 7 air bending scroll i've never seen one of those before and then it took an electric to craft that's insane on the way back to my base i found this evil minotaur with crazy red eyes this minotaur might be stronger than that troll he was already difficult enough and then mob started coming out and helping him so i got the high ground and tried safe spotting him and turns out he's really smart he got up on top of the tree and he was trying to take me off the one good thing about this i'm getting a ton of earth bending scrolls my health started getting low and i was low on hunger too so i retreated back to my base and i was pinned that minotaur was watching my every move i hit him again and then he started glowing i realized he couldn't be affected by range attacks anymore this meant i had to go out and melee him finally the minotaur is down his loot was not good at all it was totally a waste of my time for some reason the zombie and skeleton were having a party in the chicken pen so i took them down and got some universal scrolls that makes it four universal scrolls and one of them is tier two this can be used on any type of bending even lightning i was mining for some more gold so i could make some golden apples for the battle against the dragon then i heard a zombie and i made my way to a mine shaft this was an awesome stop i got some more apples i got a fire resistance potion i knew exactly what i was using it for that dragon's going down one thing on my dragon checklist was to get a shield so i thought why not get a kyoshi warrior shield it required to be making the war fan so i made that and then it was time to make the shield i also wanted to make a war fan weapon it kind of looked funny when i had them both equipped i didn't know the war fan was dual wielding i just needed a few more golden apples and i think i was ready i had an apple tree right next to the base and for my mining trip i got a few more gold ingots so we should have a few of them we accomplished a lot today i earned a good night's rest [Music] a few more upgrades before we fight that dragon air gus was ready for level two and then aaron jump was ready for level four i decided on double jump instead of ground pound so it only took a tier two scroll and it was ready to go air blade was so close for dragon claw it might reach level 4 when we're fighting that dragon it was time i had my sights on the dragon day 20 was it i popped my fire resistance potion and my golden apple and i was ready to get the first shot air blade mist wide right the dragon shot a fireball at me i tried dodging it he picked me up and then he dropped me out of the air i was running to get repositioned i stood my ground gave no fear to this dragon the dragon kept trying to use his fire breath but he soon realized that if he's gonna do any damage against me it's gonna be on the ground so he picked me up he was biting me that's when i could use war fan warfam was pretty formidable i was comboing it with airblade the dragon was getting angry he was starting to get really hurt i could sense it i was going nuts spamming warfang because i had a high attack speed air blade was on cooldown for a little bit i was using double jump to dodge some of his fire breath attacks if my armor goes down i don't think i can beat him i started taking some damage so i fell back a little bit it was time to pop another golden apple but he picked me up in his mouth luckily i can eat while i'm in his mouth i began to wonder is this a huge mistake am i even doing damage past the dragon scales but he tried to fly away and i assumed he was licking his wounds he wasn't even attacking me anymore so i kept it up war fan like crazy air blade once in a while i knew this was it the dragon wasn't flying away i broke one of his wings i kept going adam it was almost a matter of time before he perished and then my vengeance against the dragon was achieved i did it my armor took a huge beating still six minutes remaining on my fire potion so i put out all the flames so i could loot this dragon without the items dropping i harvested the organs the bones and there was the fire dragon heart and i also claimed prize with the dragon's skull tier 3 dragon was slain after a mere 30 days i took down a tier 3 dragon all by myself throughout my journey i'm going to be fighting monsters even stronger but i knew after taking down this dragon i was ready for whatever came my way and kids that's how baby bison are born after taking my victory against the dragon air blade was ready to be maxed out with dragon claw five small projectiles being shot straight out in front of me this is gonna do a lot of damage but it had a long cooldown so as i got back to my base i realized i didn't need to live here anymore i lived here because of the dragon i mean there's trolls minotaurs coming constantly to attack me i didn't want to deal with that so i crafted a few backpacks and i stored everything i have ever owned i got the last of my stuff and i decided to burn the place down have a little fun at least i began burning down the base i left the cody head because i didn't need it anymore but 32 days of living here and it was gone i also killed the last remaining chicken not because i needed to but you guessed it because i wanted to and i also left all the low-level air bending scrolls because they served no use for me anymore i was getting stronger not a master yet but soon i told myself not to look but i took one last peek at my base it really went up quickly i was kind of surprised i really picked a crappy time to become a nomad and burn down my house i probably should have waited till the morning but at least i made it to the air bison maybe i can just ride one of them so i air jumped up to the bison and i wanted to go and feed him i was very careful he wasn't taking my food and then he got comfortable enough to start eating and a banshee came out of nowhere this banshee faced through blocks it did it did so i was careful trying to be careful not to airblade the bison but he accidentally did hopefully he's not mad i killed that banshee and made my way back up to the bison and began feeding him again thankfully he wasn't mad at me man this thing can eat geez this fatso can put it away after a stack of wheat he still wasn't tamed he needs to have smoke up here above his head oh and then the mob started coming out great i air jumped up to him trying to feed him some more wheat i think i saw some smoke and then i used the apple to tame him and it worked oh but then this creeper was trying to kill us so i took him down and all the other monsters the air bison actually helped me this is true friendship in the making then the air bison was saying goodbye to his wife i think he was or he was fighting he knew he never was gonna see her again this silly bison was not listening to me so i needed to craft something very expensive called a bison whistle this will allow me to call him whenever i want he was very high up and i needed to bind it with him so i tried jumping as high as i could and then shift right click i actually got it first try to i can tell him to stop following or start following he still wasn't listening the best though finally i got him to listen and i realized i may have tamed the derpiest one i put his saddle on him and it was time to ride but he put me in his mouth i don't know where i went where am i oh there i am we're gonna have to work on this so being inside the beast it was kind of hard to steer it i slowly began figuring it all out though if you look down he starts going down and then if you look up he starts flying as day 35 began to come to a close i knew we had to go somewhere special and i heard rumblings about bossing say being nearby so i headed east in hopes to find it well it's day number 45 and you're probably wondering how i got here well for the next 10 days me and fluffy we traveled far looking for this desert me and the bison went to the peaks of a snowy mountain where we found a wizard that was not too nice so he took a quick slip out of the top of his tower we saw so many crazy things just flying around the world this giant statue another black fire dragon and this weird one-eyed cyclops creature he did not like when i started killing his sheep finally though after traveling through the magical forest we found the desert this is where boss things say would be when i made it to the desert everything wasn't too nice to me that blackfire dragon chased us down once we got to the desert we didn't see boston say anywhere this structure was not generating for us at all we weren't going to give up yet but i took a little break to learn earth bending before i got to boss sing say i felt it would have been pretty embarrassing not knowing any earth bending if we made it to bossing say so i wanted to learn mind blocks first because how cool would it be not to have to use a pickaxe anymore i could just break blocks by punching them this turned out to be one of my favorite abilities i mean we were just going right through that sandstone no problem i couldn't imagine what tier 4 mining would do i broke through the sandstone and i think i found a fire dragon and i also leveled up to tier 2 mining blocks i cautiously inspected the beast making sure it wasn't breathing nope it wasn't so i looted its body and i got another dragon skull i mean i was no tough but i was starting to get the hang of this earthbending pretty quickly i was walking over towards fluffy and well he was laying down he wasn't feeling too good after that long journey so i fed him a bunch of apples and he was good as new i put him back down so he could rest this is just a temporary base don't judge it okay i just wanted to live here for a little bit so i actually should add some windows or why would i use a pickaxe when i can mine blocks okay it kind of breaks more blocks than i want but i can just replace them easy enough next in my earth bending training i was gonna learn earth control so this would allow me to pick up any block that was made of earth stone sand sandstone and then i realized i could throw it i needed to be a little careful if i threw the block at the wrong mob but these zebras i could kind of bully a little bit it doesn't do a crazy amount of damage because it's just level one but imagine getting this thing to tier four that'd be a pretty devastating ability come here zebra i heard you like blocks oh god he does not like blocks okay they were all charging me i had to use my master level abilities air blade and it mowed right through them air blade is so strong now i noticed something pretty fun i could do i could stack the blocks up i could push them away and then position them exactly where i wanted to but they could only go about five blocks away on day 50 i had some great news so i managed to max out my first two earth bending abilities earth control is now blocky boomerang and if i hit a mob i get it right back and it does a ton of damage now and then we got mine blocks to soul of the badger mole tier 4 for this is so epic because you get fortune 3 and you can mine so far away look at all the resources i managed to get all those metal ingots from fortune 3 and the way i was able to level up my ability so quickly is this spawner so i found a minecraft dungeon with a zombie spawner in it the best way to farm these up is actually using airblade i was able to mow them down but airblade was already level four so i wasn't really training the zombies dropped universal scrolls and also earthbending scrolls so maybe one day i can have lightning bending also i didn't notice there was a chest in here and it had a golden apple a saddle and also woven bison armor fluffy's gonna love that i was super excited to go see fluffy i had to give him his 10 daily apples he's a big boy so he eats a lot but i had the armor so i could put it on him woven bison armor it's not the best but it should help him in battle there was three other bison armors that were already better that legendary bison armor it looks pretty sweet but i would have to probably go find it in a dungeon or something and then they had the majestic bison saddle i assume that would give me a bigger inventory and help me in my nomad quest but i don't know how to get that stuff right now here you go there's one more apple for you he's a good boy he deserves all the apples in the world fluffy fluffy fluffy after learning a bit of earth bending i realized my time here was done so i collected all my things most of them were already in backpacks and it was time to go look for bossing say again i called over fluffy and i told him it's time to set back out on our journey i also managed to work with him so i don't get eaten whenever i try to drive him it looks much better up here now five days of traveling three deserts and 32 apples i was down to my last apple and fluffy it was not enough for him so i couldn't fly he was exhausted so he set out on foot there was a few dragons around so we needed to be pretty careful i made sure i had my whistle just in case if he wandered off and just as we were about to give up for the day and set up camp i saw it by sing say the heart and pride of the earth kingdom fluffy didn't know how big of a feat this was but we found a needle in a haystack it's time to enter into the city as i got closer to the city it just kept getting bigger and bigger and i realized the puny earth bending abilities i learned would stand no chance against whoever lived here my plan was just to walk right through once i got to the stairs i thought it'd be best if fluffy stayed behind many people might think he's a beast and try to kill him and eat them he does look pretty tasty from time to time it's a lot of fat on him but when i entered into the city i made sure to take a few blocks with me just in case if i encounter some hostiles but this city there was so many buildings towers this city could house a thousand players once i got to the palace i saw what i thought was an npc but realized it was too smart and i quickly recognized the person hey hey cannonball is it is that you bud oh okay a firebender please i didn't blow up the dragon i don't even know firebrand i don't know how that happens i don't know fire bending dude dude i just fired better suit i'm doing a 100-day survival in the server i'm not here to grief your base or anything like that oh oh you're not wait you're not that firebender that was here just a second ago well no i'm doing a 100-day challenge what are you doing on the server you oh thank god living in boston well i figured you know i kind of want to be like a tank in real life so i wanted to become an earth bender and you're only doing a hundred days i'm my my 746th day here i'm doing a thousand day channel what puny hundred days a thousand days in the avatar world earth smash did you only learn earthbending oh yeah 100 dude thousand days of earthbending how invulnerable can i become my skin will become sandstone nobody's gonna want to just learn and watch you play earthbending i mean earthbending is cool but watch this what do you mean dude there's a whole underground society that loves earth airbending ah see it's the greatest thing in the entire world don't just learn earth pending is it though like can you fly [Music] well not yet but i'm trying to and i can go super fast this is my slipstream tier 4 ability it's like i'm warping into a new dimension dude what is the point of going fast when you you can't even go down into the stone imagine digging digging is way better than flying well i mean i can't do that too but can you do it as fast as me in a water pool you're gonna get you gotta get out of there oh god you're drowning so we went and explored the palace just a little bit and i wanted to get some more information from cannibal as to who this other player on the server was cannibal you got to tell me what were you blabbering about a dragon and somebody was fire bending you i i don't know firebending so that wasn't me was is it another player i don't know if someone's trolling me or not but someone knows fire bending and if it's not you then it's it's got to be another player on the server then cody all right man well you don't have to worry about that uh he had a dragon tamed you said yeah so he thinks i killed his dragon i don't know what the heck he's talking about you just come up in my bossing say i'm the k i'm the king here by the way you're the king in boston oh yeah i mean there was no one here it's like a pre-generated thing so i was like i'm the king okay sure as long as we can be allies then i'm okay with you being the king here come see me when you hit 500 days all right all right hey uh i did notice you had uh an extra set of earth kingdom gear can i be an honorary earth kingdom soldier guys look at i do know some earth bending why don't we have a little bit of a 1v1 um are you sure you want to do that i mean you're only in like day what 40 something well i know a couple earth bending abilities and soon to be some more uh let's get let's give it a shot uh all right only using earthbending though i mean you're gonna get completely crushed no pun intended but i'm just saying let's go whoa you know that ability already what the heck that's ravine what a fast learner all right what about this one you learned wall 600 days of wall another wall what it took you 600 days to learn that another one what are you talking about i've been mastering wall look how big it is it's like i can make my own little house out of sand wait sand smash crap do you only know wall you're just placing blocks no no i so you look i can it's a big wall though like really big 800 days worth of wall training oh whoa oh you could push you i didn't know i could do that ah of course dirt attack [Music] where are you mr crap oh i made you put you in a hole no get me out of here sorry i used air bending airbending drop a rope will you i can only dig i can't boo so i kind of took pity on him he for some reason didn't know all of his abilities but i didn't leave without taking that armor though because i felt i'd want it so we now have earth kingdom armor playing with some air bending gear so i probably put this on with my airbending stuff we'll have a ton of defense i called fluffy and i told fluffy it was time to go but i just i fluffy took forever to come here there we go boss thing say was definitely a cool stop but i was beginning to get worried about this fire better cannibals on the server who else could be here after spending day 61 in boston say it was time to get the heck out of there because cannibal was kind of crazy and he didn't know many earth-bending abilities so i made my way to this earth bending village and i slowly descended because i hope to get a few scrolls for them i want to learn an ability that cannibal knew though it was that wall ability that would be pretty cool to have i asked the guard nicely if i could enter in well i had to kill that guard i don't know what possessed him to attack me and then the citizens they came out and they wanted to start a fighting match i was not about to do that so i airbended her away into oblivion she actually kind of took a while to die after that they accepted me into their village with open arms i went into their houses and i began taking a look if i needed anything we had some more wheat i think fluffy will like that and bottles of experience managed to scoop up a few earth bedding scrolls tier three and tier two i sneezed and somehow the whole village just caught on fire i didn't know what happened the fire just spread crazy and i i couldn't stop it at all even fluffy was helping me put it out after i saved the village me and fluffy whisk daddled on out of there the wall ability was tier three so i need to have a lot of tier three scrolls if i wanted to get this thing maxed out but now i can build a freaking wall how cool is this i tried out a few combos using wall and then earth control afterwards nice this little piggy went to the fire nation and this little piggy went to the earth kingdom on day number 68 i began to take a look at my work i gave up the nomad life and settle down here in this little savannah i managed to fatten up fluffy 10 apples a day keeps the krakens away that's what our mom used to always say me and fluffy are related i really like how this house came out it's got an earth kingdom vibe and it's definitely better than the first one so i took account for how many scrolls i did have seven universal scrolls that's pretty crazy and i do have a few high tiered scrolls for earth bending and also air bending i'm also excited to show you guys this take a look i have level three wall i can build the biggest walls i am wall wall is me this kind of helped me build my base wall is such a useful defensive ability if i box myself in i can regen a little bit and then air bend right out it does leave quite a mess though i haven't completely mastered air bending there's an ability called air burst that i want to max out currently it's at level 3. if i get level four i can turn the thing into a sniper beam it's gonna do a ton of damage i did need to do some final touches to my base though and i had to add the dragon skulls right to the porch it really brings it in together i got one from killing a dragon and then one i found and those skulls should probably scare some noobs away another sweet ability i need to learn is air bubble this ability is so awesome for combat so if things are attacking me with projectiles i simply use air bubble and it blocks them all this poor skeleton stood no chance now if i get this ability higher i can actually burst out the bubble doing some damage as i was training airbending that freaking tree caught on fire i had to go put it out i thought maybe that dragon made a pass but i thought it would attack me if it came that close and has been very passive i wish i knew water bending right now but at least i had air gusts which helped me put it out that stupid other tree caught on fire i couldn't figure out what was going on everything caught on fire really quickly it was a freaking forest fire out here every tree was catching on fire and it was making its way to my base so i started using air gust and it helped a little bit but i just couldn't airbend fast enough i had cooldowns and everything and then my hunger started depleting because i've been using too many abilities i had to go back to the base to get some more food i couldn't eat fluffy's apples and then i saw him a fire bender he threw fire arc at me setting my house and me on fire i fell back i tried to take the fight away from my house he was burning everything this guy was griefing everything i tried to attack him but then i noticed my base was on fire i would lose all my stuff if i didn't put it out but he was doing something over there he started attacking fluffy and he started setting him on fire he was using some sort of flamethrower attack i tried hitting him and getting his attention on me but i got caught on fire i had to retreat and then he went back for fluffy i had to put fluffy out how my hunger was depleting really quickly fluffy come on buddy it's okay i pushed fluffy away and then i started battling him as much as i could i used some earth bending i came from a top then he pushed me away i was almost dead i air jumped back up into the fight i couldn't find out where they were and then i started fluffing the corner of my eye fluffy was on fire and then he died i took out my anger on him i used all the abilities i knew trying everything i could to do to kill it i i just couldn't focus i was throwing abilities left and right wasting my energy i hopped down to him i tried raving he was using fire arc non-stop hitting me point blank and then he killed me i sat here for a while and then i saw the name cracking kid my own brother killed me i then made it my life's mission to take him down and bring justice for floppy it took me two days to get back to my death point and all my stuff was here what type of monster would grief and kill and not loot anything i went to go check up on my house it was all completely destroyed i want to go check my chest everything still in there i couldn't figure it out why would he do that and not take this the more i sat there and wondered why this happened the more confused i began who would kill someone's pet for fun i had nowhere to go so i had to sleep in my destroyed base for day number 71. cooler heads prevailed in the morning i remember there was a dungeon nearby that i could take on and it was a legendary weapon i could get if i defeated it that dungeon right there has a gorgon known as medusa if you kill her you get her head and it turns anyone to stone that'd be a fitting death to a bison killer so i went to the dungeon without too much of a plan i did bring a flint and steel just in case if i could set it on fire but i knew i could not look directly at it or i would turn to stone and die there was three levers i had to pull in order to unlock the stairs down below i took it very slow because one mistake and i instantly die i could hear the beast nearby but i couldn't see her she was a serpent a slippery beast and then i saw her i froze my heart pounding she was in the corner of my eye i tried the ringer to fire i hid behind this pillar she was too smart for that then i remembered i had air blade i could use air blade without directly looking at her but i wasn't connecting and hitting i had her in a corner i thought i could still set her on fire even though she was a very smart being it didn't work place down some more fire air bladed and she teleported and caught on fire and she died i then claimed by price a legendary weapon if i wanted to i could turn anyone or anything instantly to stone after slaying the beast i made my way back to my base and then i saw a sign losing someone you care about hurts don't it sign kraken i was so confused i couldn't understand why he thought i was the one that hurt someone he loves i walked out to my porch and i noticed something missing a dragon school i then put two and two together maybe that was his dragon i killed i killed that dragon over 40 days ago if it was his why was it just roaming around then i couldn't stay here anymore so i became a nomad again i was gonna go by foot but then i saw it in ostritors i only ever read about those things in books it's so majestic and all i need to do to tame it is right click and then our adventure could begin i wasn't sure what to call him but he was definitely a speedy boy me and this ostrich horse we traveled biomes in seconds we had to go far south to a place that's a little bit chilly to get my vengeance on kraken i knew if i wanted to take down kraken i needed to master my abilities more airbending i was the best at but my aim could be a little bit more precise i found these dungeons and started practicing on them i also needed to work on getting earthbending involved comboing it with my airbending i found a way to earthbound i can launch myself up by using a wall i know this airblade was pretty bad up close it would go right past the enemies so i combo it with air gust pushing enemies back and then using air blade right after so i may have had a little bit too much fun messing with this guy i sent him to the stratosphere and then on his way down i decided just to kill him and then i did remember i need to still train airburst so it can become a sniper ability so i made it to a swamp and well the ostrich he was being difficult he does not like water at all i came up with a big brain idea i crafted a boat and then i wanted to take the ostrich with me well i got the ostrich in and then i right clicked and well i i mounted the ostrich me and the ostrich we figured it all out but then i saw this island in the middle of the swamp i had to go investigate and then i saw an egg i checked the chest all around got some air bending scrolls and woven ostrich armor that's going to come in handy along with that water skin i wasn't sure how to pick this egg up but i just gave it a shot and punched it and i picked it up it was a water dragon egg i knew this must mean we're close to the southern water tribe so me and the ostrich we got in the boat and road for the night so me and this ostrich we spent a lot of quality time in this boat together so i had time to think of how to eat them no i'm just kidding i figured out his name it's gonna be sea triscuit i was too busy messing around to notice but i found my home an air temple i wondered if there was airbenders there i'm probably not going to tell them that i killed a few airbenders they wouldn't like that news i got out of the boat and i decided to leave see triska behind he's quite strange and very smelly so i didn't want to offend the locals so as i was traveling up the mountain the air bison spawned in they probably could smell the apples in my backpack but i could barely hold apples without thinking and crying about fluffy i made it up to the top and there was airbenders everywhere and these lemurs flying lemurs i wonder how i could tame them hey that actually looks like momo aang would be happy to see him i kind of wanted to tame them so i tried using an apple and it actually worked i tried picking him up shift right click did it so he was on my shoulder and i wondered about the one behind me that was a little different it was a gray lemur could this be a female lemur well they love apples too so i have two of them and i wanted to try to airbend with them on my shoulders it actually flipping worked i didn't think it would so i just looked around at this air temple it was so beautiful and then i noticed something happening up at the courtyard a bison was dying he was stuck in the wall i tried air betting him out it didn't really work so then i thought i would have to put him out of his misery and airblade him but one airblade attack actually popped him out of there calm down there big guy i wasn't trying to hurt you here take some apples you remind me of my friend i decided to do a little more exploring around the air temple and this place was crawling with airbenders i was looking for an aang npc and thought maybe he'd be meditating at the top so i went to go see i walked right in the front of the temple and to my surprise nobody was here no npcs at all but they did have a great view of the ocean uh then i saw it fire bending i thought it could be kraken i thought he was here to tear down the air temple but that actually looked a little different was it a different player i scouted from above and then he started making his way to the courtyard and i had to stop him once i got a little closer i realized it was just an npc so i thought i could make quick work of him but he was actually setting everything on fire no more messing around i started getting flashbacks of what happened to fluffy i jumped over the flames used earthbending and then i used airblade to knock them down the cliff boom goes the dynamite oh there's sea triscuit he's gonna have some new friends to hang out with i went around helping the airbenders extinguish all the flames it didn't get too bad but i decided it would be best if i leave everywhere i go turns to flame at day's end me and my three friends we got in the boat and sailed south in hopes of finding the southern water tribe to begin my water bending dark got him over the next six days leading up to me finding the southern water tribe i did some pretty cool stuff i found this pirate ship and i managed to take down the captain and the crew they tried taking down my lemurs but i would not let them and i actually realized my lemurs could fend for themselves they were kicking butt out there after i took them all down i was able to loot the chest and get my first water scroll during those six days i also managed to find these nasties sirens they call them they look like mermaids but they want to suck your soul the best strategy i found was actually going underwater and shooting above after killing those sirens we worked up an appetite so i wanted to go to land and get a few apples for my lemurs and myself and then i saw water horses dude these things are so awesome i wanted to go swim with them so i jumped right in i wanted to tame one so bad luckily i did have a saddle with me i also needed one more thing kelp to tame them so i couldn't decide which one i wanted to tame and then i saw this guy he was so cool he was green and blue after eating all my kelp he actually was tamed and i could put the saddle on him he was so fast this is the fastest pet i've ever had he went super sonic in the water so i had to make a hard choice it's either the seahorse or see triscuit see triscuit he didn't like the water so i thought it'd be best if he lived out on this island i was about to leave and then i realized i'm missing my stupid lemur where did he wander off to there he was he had 14 apples on him i i can't be too mad because he was collecting for me uh okay so i parked my hippogriff on land hoping he wouldn't run away but he apparently was jealous of land horses he was not quick outside the water but then he was cruising we'd be at the southern water tribe in no time so i found a sea serpent this was the last cool thing to happen to me before finding the southern water tribe so i was air bending underwater in moving water so technically that's water bending right he started doing something pretty weird though i was getting absolutely destroyed and i had to go super sonic and dip so on day 80 after my six day adventure from the air temple i found it the southern water tribe i got off my hippogriff and told them to go have some fun and we got on the docks i let my lemurs go and adventure wherever they wanted to be gave him a few apples on the way though would you look at that the southern water tribe having a standing army you'd love to see it this place was pretty chill pun intended so i made my way over the front gates and they had a few standing guards hopefully they will let me in i'm a nice guy right airbenders are cool but i did have a fire nation mask on all right i promised myself i wouldn't kill any of the water benders so the npc's were safe but i was still gonna loot their houses and i found a few more water bedding scrolls so i took that and i wanted to figure out what this water skin can do i went over to this pool of water and then i right clicked the water skin and it filled up so with this water satchel if i'm in the middle of the desert in the earth kingdom i can still water bend until it runs out though i walked right into their temple and there it was a fountain of spirit water and i knew this was going to be the place i learned water bending that would give me three bending abilities earth air and then water i told myself though i would never learn fire bending it kills then i use my first water bending scroll i learned water bending there was so many cool abilities i didn't know which one to learn first i mean you got water arc water bubble look at this one you can make a giant wave holy smokes uh this is definitely the coolest one water blast it looks like airstream like a snipe but for water i was wondering if i could use air burst and also water blast at the same time for like the ultimate headshot kill that'd be cool i decided to keep it simple and learn water arc for my first water bending ability i harnessed the water from the snow block and it was just so awesome holding the water and being able to move it it didn't go far though i assumed once i trained it up a little bit more it'd be able to go miles i was able to rap and fire it from the snow i could carry the water arc everywhere i went i found my first victim and i unloaded the water arc but it didn't kill it it took two hits which is pretty reasonable i thought i'd go up against a more formidable foe this walrus had it coming that that was a miss okay it's kind of hard to aim i tried rapid firing this thing was freaking awesome there was water all around me i was also comboing with gust and then i tried air blade look at this one i hit three enemies at once so i wanted to try something i wanted to gather multiple water arcs at the same time but it kept disappearing maybe when it's higher level water arc was pretty simple to master well then i wanted to try water bubble okay this one was pretty silly it definitely wasn't the coolest ability out there it was just like a glorified way of giving somebody a bubble bath i was messing around with water arc and then this stupid penguin it came up and walked right in the water arc it took a bit of damage and i wanted to make sure it was okay he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off he just didn't know what to do i was sorry buddy i didn't want to hurt you but you kind of walked into it yourself and then i saw the flock of penguins and i wanted to see something it actually worked oh my god just like aang i could freaking penguin sled so i wanted to challenge this penguin to a penguin sledding contest and we started cruising i guess he had a little course set up he was much faster than me so i tried air jumping just to cheat a little bit and catch up but it didn't work imagine air jumping with a penguin that'd be hilarious also i decided to take off my fire nation helmet so i wouldn't scare the uh waterbenders me and the penguin we went all throughout the water tribe they were all staring at us but hey we were having fun right and then he won so i let the other penguin go he was not happy with me he's like rude there was no way to tame the penguin and he just waddled all the way home it was enough messing around no more child games i came here for a reason and that was to get vengeance and learn all the different types of water bending to take down kraken this ability is freaking sick so it's called water skate and it allows me to float on top of the water and then i realized i could use it on snow i was able to traverse the frozen tundra in style the last water bending ability i learned was water blast this one's gonna be so awesome it shoots a beam of water taking down its target and i farmed up on a lot of these squids because they dropped water bending scrolls i leveled up water blast pretty good you charge up an attack and then you just annihilate your target look at that one hit that's intense i may or may not have went penguin slaying again i made my way back to the water tribe and it happened again it happened again flames are all around i try to keep my cool i dealt with this many times the first few times it was cracking and then it was an npc so i can deal with an npc like i did at the air temple well there was so much damage everywhere it had to have been a player griefing the fire's blaze was super hot and the fire spread like crazy i wasn't able to stop it even knowing water bending and air bending it just kept going it had to have been cracking i was looking all around for him but i couldn't see anything i thought maybe he went back to the water so i got up on a high ground and i saw flames on the dock and there he was a fire bender and i believe it was cracking the docks went up quickly i was airbending trying to take them down looking for kraken where you might be i jumped around and saw him there's his boat where i left my hippogriff i couldn't find my hippogriff at all the bows were all going to blaze the dock the whole tribe i brought this upon them i did this i brought kraken to the southern water tribe if i didn't come here he wouldn't have burned it down so i grabbed my two lemurs and water skated and chased after him we water-skated like crazy and we managed to catch up to him i had a plan though i needed to stop all the firebenders so i wasn't gonna attack him i was gonna ghost him on land watching where he goes because he must head back to his home base somewhere we traveled thousands and thousands of blocks and we made it to this red mesa biome where he went for a little detour i had to chase after him so i used water skate and i didn't want to get too close just close enough so i knew where he was going i spotted him in the bay and then i noticed that hippogriff attacked him even he knows he's a bad dude so the baby began to open up and then i saw a stone by him with houses with red roofs surrounded by fire that had to be the fire nation i couldn't be caught so i went on the back side of this mountain to get a closer look there it is the fire nation capital he was living here all along i didn't know where he went but then i saw his boat and i assumed he walked up to the palace once i knew that was the fire nation capital i relaxed a little bit i needed to take the last 10 days and train up that was his base so he was always gonna come back there and i wouldn't lose him i water skated across the bay and made this my home base i did it i mastered a new air bending ability air gus so i've used this one a ton and now it's called the wind wall it creates a massive air gust that moves very slowly blocking all projectiles so if he's throwing some fire betting abilities at me i'll just use that and block them all the last air bending ability i wanted to get to level four was air burst so now i'm able to do sniper mode he got knocked into the next biome day 94 and another ability completely maxed out we have wall ready to go if i need to hunker down for a little bit this is the ability to use day 97 and we have ravine maxed out this ability is devastating it sends the earthquake at your target knocking them up and then there's aftershocks still going minutes after using it on day 97 and 98 i used those days to get some resources i wanted to craft some golden apples for that big fight on the morning of day 99 i knew this was the day i was gonna end my hundred days and complete all my challenges i was gonna go over to the fire nation disguised looking just like them so i water skated over and got myself mentally ready for the big fight i couldn't water skate in i needed to blend in just like kraken did i took a boat and followed the same path he came in on at this point my heart was racing none of the fire benders noticed me they weren't giving away my position that guy looked right at me and i noticed that guard over there but nobody thought i was a threat he thought i was just a guard so i kept going walking right by all the npcs we had a clear path right to the palace i thought my sneak plan would have gone up in flames by now as i approached this guard my heart beating out of my chest i thought i was gonna get noticed right away guards right in the left and right allowed me to go in and there he was sitting in the palace throne the master firebender cracking it looked like he wanted to talk but i wasn't here to talk my plan was unfolding i made a wall so he couldn't get reinforcements then he tried firebending me and he set his palace on fire i knew i needed to take down his guards he was trying to make an escape out there everything started burning down that wall was holding though no no my plan it wasn't working i airbended up i didn't have any water with me so i went and grabbed some i got water arc kind of scared him a little bit he shot a flame blast at me and it didn't work it totally got extinguished just missed with that i've done a ton of damage i used air blade he set some of his civilians on fire he began throwing abilities at me so he used air gust and extinguished them but he kept a rapid fire of his moves up so then i thought let's try a little earth bending ravine to do a ton of damage i was hiding up on top of the buildings and then i jumped down with an earthquake it knocked his armor off he was running scared he got on a dragon i tried knocking him off the dragon it didn't work with no armor he knew he was in trouble i kept pursuing his dragon wasn't flying fast enough i think i maybe may have damaged one of its wings when i got to the other side i couldn't see him they must have been hiding somewhere i searched all around my plane i worked 100 days for this he couldn't fail i had to get my revenge and figure out why he attacked me and why he killed my fluffy he needed to pay with blood for that i couldn't find him anywhere i looked every which way and i saw no dragon and no kraken he abandoned the fire nation capital and i think i failed my last goal for this hundred days i spent all night looking for some secret base that he might have had nearby i couldn't find anything in my hundred days finally had come to a close if you want to see a 200 days challenge you need to hit that like button we need to hit 10 000 likes and i will get revenge on that evil fire bender and i may need to learn fire betting myself to set him aflame just like he did fluffy and then i will be a true avatar
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 1,507,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 day, 100, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, avatar the last airbender, avatar mod, aang, avatar game, avatar 100 days, 100 days minecraft, mod, airbender, earth, fire, air, elements, survive 100 days, day 1 to 100, surviving 100 days, minecraf, atlantic craft, cody, day 1, day 1 to 100 minecraft, survive 100 nights in minecraft, i spent 100 days, i play 100 days
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 18sec (3918 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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