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today we're back on Pixelmon Skyblock and each surrounding island has a powerful legendary boss Pokemon we need to defeat our goal is to make it to each Island open he blocks then defeat the legendary boss Pokemon of that island and this All Leads up to the final Island Challenge where we'll fight the God of all Pokemon Arceus so here we are on the Pixelmon Skyblock and oh as you can see there are some really strong legendary Pokemon in our final challenge Arceus is right there but I think for our first challenge here we should start with the one and only Dialga let's just do the typical Skyblock stuff make the cobblestone generator and all that but of course we can't forget about our chest we get some master balls a water bucket and a lava bucket but now we got the cobblestone generator and our wooden pickaxe I'll probably get a stone pickaxe later but now we can Farm Cobblestone to make it over to Dialga all right but there we go we have 25 cobblestones so let's just go and see if we can't bridge over to Dialga I think 25 should be like more than enough Cobblestone and yeah I think we're doing good we are so good we have made it to the first Island and look at all of these Lucky Blocks there's a rare Lucky Block each island has four uncommon blocks and we get a pinnacle which is honestly trash I also misspoke each island has four common blocks three uncommon two rare and one Epic so there's a chance to get three legendary Pokemon on each island but we gotta open these up just gotta got the Rita not too great we get a shiny Oddish oh God and remember guys we are building the team to fight Dialga so we need some good oh there's an epic block we're gonna have to build up to that okay we'll handle that later we have a Dell Fox Okay fully evolved starter Pokemon that's really good let's keep it going here we get a cryogenal interesting and we just get an upgrade we did each lucky block has a very small chance wind broken to just upgrade to a stronger Lucky Block so we're gonna get our first legendary right here let's see vote It upgraded again shiny legendary our very own shiny Dark Ride is it darker over there yeah we can take on the boss Darkrai with our own that is too perfect all right let's keep it up we have another rare block right here it's in ursi food yo that is actually so so helpful but I'm just gonna see did we catch all of the Pokemon I'm pretty sure we did so our final Lucky Block is this epic Block Please don't die please don't die thank you but can we get up there that is the real question why don't we just Bridge ourself over like this please don't fall wait if this Pokemon just falls down when we lose it I'm gonna be so sad we have I mean Mewtwo is inside of the building you can't even see him let's freaking go do oh wait there's another Lucky Block okay good thing I saw this one definitely don't want to miss out on any blocks there's a rare one there too we have two blocks oh two rare blocks to open baby what is happening today oh It upgraded to a god luck dude what is even happening right now I don't even know what's happening let's just open this rare block we get ourselves a Celebi but guys we have upgraded all the way to the god lucky block and if you don't know these give you three legendary Pokemon so let's see what we get we get a shadow garage or that's corrupted we get a Shiny Diancie but guys take a look at the Crystal Mewtwo I mean that's getting in the master ball but guys it is time to take on Dialga and something I forgot to mention is these legendaries are Level 140. so our Pokemon cap out at level 100 they are 40 levels above I think I need a sucker punch here I don't think I'm gonna live any hit Dragon breathy I just one shot Hershey food I do have a small plan for this fight though and it all relies on Celebi and I don't think I've ever said those words before but if we can land a singular Parish song oh my gosh then I think we can win I think we can actually do this Celebi you might have just carried the team but you see this though we needed some kind of Strat or we're just gonna get destroyed Mewtwo hit an auras for your baby dragon breath we don't die too but though pissed down to y'all got if you don't know how parasong Works basically if you're out on the field for three turns you just die and we words as well I'm gonna take the steel Gem and shed shell just in case but there we go guys we got one Island done time to move on and I think our next order of business should be dark rise Island over here trust me he's over there he's just hiding he's a little shy let me just build this stone pickaxe real quick just so this goes a bit faster all right but there we go 25 Cobblestone again is that going to be enough this Island's a little further away than the last one let's just see if we can make it happen we have a few more blocks as well if needed let's see here oh we are so close dude I might just be able to jump let's use some dirt there we go we have made it to the second island dark rise Island to be exact let's get into these blocks baby we get a hatina that is probably not gonna help us out against Darkrai is Skitty which definitely won't help but get a oh a crocodile wait a sec that's actually powerful I will take that final common block is a jinx which isn't too good isn't too bad let's move on to uncommon now though we get a shiny basculine maybe if it was the other forms we could evolve at the bascular legion but let's see what we get here grade to a rare Lucky Block no way this upgrades again right we get an end say that could definitely help us out against Darkrai I'm feeling it we get ourselves another upgrade from the next uncommon I'm just trying to find the other uncommon blocks they're like all upgrading where are the other blocks one right there there's one right there oh I bet there's a block up here there has to be all right let's open these up first we get an epic lucky block and it's a shiny halkia okay so we get a shiny dark ride a shiny palky I mean it's only right keep this up though three for three I think the upgrade chance is only like 15 to 20 this is insane and we get another God lucky block it doesn't get better than that Reggie gigas are you okay where is your body we have hey crystals are rude half of a Regigigas and a shiny Groudon which is insanely good but we are not even done with these Lucky Blocks yet yeah there's a rare Lucky Block right there hey yup I was right I see the Epic block but how are we gonna get all the way up there oh my gosh I guess little by little but first things first we can start just getting a bunch of sand to Tower up with please tell me 19 sand blocks is enough to get up there here we go we get a Mew from that road lucky block all right we have a Mew and a Mewtwo now but we are not stopping just yet we need to make it all the way up to that block right there yes we have made it up but can I get to that block the answer is is yes baby we made it and I mean we've already opened like four epic blocks this island but let's just see another he is killing me again no I'm in a death Loop of Groudon just killing me over and over proud on can I even catch you can you just get in the master ball there we go sweet we have caught the shiny Groudon let's go ahead and prepare this final team but here we are level 140 Darkrai oh boy I'm gonna click X's or first let's just see if this is gonna do a decent amount and okay I mean that did just about 30 of dark rise health I am very happy with that and honestly it doesn't seem like Darkrai can touch so rude at all this is actually working out great okay okay so rude just one more X scissor buddy just one more X scissor that's all we need and dark ride goes down baby we have taken down the second boss of the challenge let's see what do we get here a dark gem sure I'll take that I don't think anything else is of use but there we go guys and we can move on to the next Island and I think next we should take on the one and only Palkia and there we go baby 25 seems do the tricks we're just gonna rock out with 25. I feel like this is a shorter distance so hold up let's just Bridge from here trying to just save as much cobblestone as possible mom maybe can we make it I think we can perfect and look at Mr Palkia I'm actually really scared to take on Palkia so let's get these blocks up when we get ourselves a p dub that is not gonna help a Tyrunt interesting okay next up though we have oh It upgraded okay common block upgrading can we keep it going no way getting a legendary from a common block is insane and we get a hoopa that could actually help out against Palkia too not bad fish there's only one more common block here it is okay we have a Dragonite fully evolved pseudo legendary I mean dude I will take that I have to use a sand block here too to get back up that's fine but yo some insane common blocks from this island let's keep it up we get a shiny Aurorus that is such a good shiny next up is can we even break this block palkia's in the way it's a shiny gossip floor you can barely see it oh and here's the fun final uncommon block all right let's see what we get a shiny clang that is honestly not interesting honestly he looks like he's just part of the wall but now is the real part we gotta look around I see a rare block that can I maybe jump up and hit that I don't think so uh we might have to go back for more Stone okay let me just see if I can get all this sand all right 15 blocks of sand there should be enough at least to get this rare block yeah right here is a Latias Fast Dragon Pokemon that could definitely help out against Palkia are you gonna stay in the master ball oh I don't even know if we can catch this Latias like it's in the range of the Palkia so it keeps thinking I'm trying to catch Palkia oh okay I see a rare block over there though let's try and get up here okay okay so we're getting some hike here oh I see an epic block okay okay hold on hold on let's jump here boom bada bing okay I think we're good I do need a few blocks though to get up here let's do this boom okay this is so stressful climbing up here but we can do that we have made it to the top we are on top of the world right now oh my gosh let's see if this upgrades that would actually be so poetic let's see and it's a shiny Bull Canyon Okay fortunately I still don't think we'll have any luck head oh there we go we caught ladies okay I thought we weren't gonna be able to get it there is still one more rare block and it's right there baby let's see we get a Reggie Rock which honestly not the best legendary at all all right and you guys might call me crazy but I'm bringing crowd on and I'm leading off with it and no pulkey is a water type we just set up the sun which means water moves are gonna be very weak right now so we can try and get off some decent damage precipice Blaze that did a lot that did just about 25 I am so cool with that but what is the next game plan that I don't know I think I just gotta try Dark Void here please live Dark Void missed so not only do we get paralyzed from dragon breath but hitting that Dark Void would have been so so nice guys all right we gotta keep this up though let's just try a sucker punch from ursifu paralyzed me again and now we're paralyzed and can't move that is actually so rude bro all right let's just go for side strike here he goes for water pulse and thankfully it doesn't do a lot size strike does a decent amount but unfortunately no more of that all right we gotta send out our Palkia now here we go baby spatial Rend if there's any time to do damage now is that time and special run it knocked it out no way Palkia wins the battle for us and we get a master ball from that I mean I think that is well deserved so let's go we are three islands down only one more before we take on the god Pokemon he's right there Mr Arceus but here we go guarantine is next and yeah I think we need a lot of cobblestone we have none right now all right the magic number 25 Cobblestone actually I have 24 hold on there we go I knew something fell wrong all right here we go over to Giratina now this is probably the most complicated Bridge since it's not just like straight from the island we're gonna go up into the left here maybe I should turn right here yeah we definitely do not have enough we're honestly not even close all right but surely 10 more Cobblestone is enough I mean come on boom we have made it I almost thought we just fell for a second but here we are on the final Island before we take on the god Pokemon Arceus let's see if we get some luck we get a trip blim which actually isn't so bad all right don't sleep on driftlin we do get his feel though you can take a nap on Spiel come on we gotta finish strong here baby we get ourselves an upgrade to a shiny Goldeen so we're gonna pretend like that didn't happen there we go another upgrade save us yes yes no way this goes all the way to a God okay if we upgraded from a common block all the way to a god Lucky Block that would be the actual luckiest thing ever moving on to the uncommon blocks now we have oh and actually we could get a Haxorus if we want to not bad at all let's keep it up though we get an Abra come on man show me the upgrades our final uncommon block oh wait shiny Rosary that could actually be nice of course now we're on to the rare and epic blocks I do see a rare block there and I do see a rear block there so I can only assume the Epic block is all the way up there so let's just open this one to get a Zekrom that is actually sick and we have to mine a bunch of materials now otherwise there's like no chance of making it all the way up there and honestly I think I can save a few blocks if I just jump over to here and then Tower up from here wait I might have just big brighten this hold on there's an epic block show me the Epic block it is up there okay we still need to find a way up here we go we get a Registeel so we're only missing Regis we have all of the Regis in just one video which is kind of crazy I won't lie here we go we should have enough and we do we have made it to the Epic block and guys as you can see from the RCs Island there are only epic blocks on that island so it's gonna get pretty crazy but here we go final epic block before we take on Giratina Oh I thought it was a shiny zashi a shiny zamasenta still really good and really cool but definitely not as good as Asia but here we go guys let's find our way down and take on Giratina and for this battle I actually decided to bring crocodile because crocodile actually has the intimidate ability so we can go ahead and lower giratina's attack just in case then we can also go for a beautiful Foul Play unfortunately crocodile goes down honestly I don't trust darker eye going for Dark Void I think I'm just gonna Dark Pulse yeah that was the right play anyways because we're faster the routine is very low Health only 34 left we can Sucker Punch here oh that does so much let's go and we live meaning or Shifu can hook it up with the next Sucker Punch oh we didn't even kill it no I celebrated too early it's at .3 HP left no way I actually lose this right no way we go for earthquake here takes down garrotein I was getting scared for a second we have been all four Islands it is time to make our way to Arceus and put an end to this Skyblock challenge I'm trying to win all right in both my pickaxes have officially broken oh and wait actually might be easier to build over from this island I'm kind of liking that idea actually yeah this is so close so let's see what we can do with 18 Cobblestone blocks we are just running low on resources please tell me we can make it we have made it to the final Island where they God Pokemon Arceus resides he's just chilling here he's been holding down the fort waiting for us as you can see we have some epic lucky blocks to open up anyways though let's crack open the easiest one first and we get a shiny Verizon which is a fighting type so that could definitely help out against Arceus we should be able to give this one as well a shiny taboo one of my favorite shiny legendaries for sure also a great Pokemon as well boom we have made it to the final epic lucky block tell that it's shiny right now but there we go but now we have opened all of the lucky blocks so it's time to build the final team to take on Arceus and guys it is all led up to this moment here let's take on the god Pokemon Arceus start off with a similar strategy we got crooked dial out here I'm just gonna click Foul Play in hope that we don't die crocodile a monster hold it on from the hyper boys not going down we're gonna bring out the defensive Zama zenta hopefully we can just live one hit and fire off a closed combat which we do okay Arceus is just over half HP okay there's the extreme speed I think I'm gonna go out to Groudon and we're gonna click precipice I don't know I'm gonna click Hammer arm yeah baby Hammer arm please hold on hits okay RCS has 20 hp we've come so far and we are so close to this all right but Palkia RCS only has eight percent Health left can we take it out with this Aura Sphere and it looks like we did Arceus goes down to pokeup putting the team on its back and we have won the Sky Block Challenge thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Arpus
Views: 42,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arpus, arpus pixelmon, arpus pokemon, arpus minecraft, pokemon, minecraft, pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, gaming, minecraft pixelmon, arpus minecraft pixelmon, BOSS LEGENDARY Pixelmon SKYBLOCK CHALLENGE, BOSS LEGENDARY Pixelmon SKYBLOCK CHALLENGE in MINECRAFT, Pixelmon skyblock, skyblock pixelmon, minecraft skyblock, skyblock challenge, skyblock challenge in minecraft, pokemon skyblock, pokemon in minecraft, boss legendary pokemon, legendary pokemon, boss legendary, sky block
Id: WvVx4DS5gno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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