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this wheel is full of custom Pixelmon lucky blocks in each round they'll be able to decide what tier of Lucky Block we open for the next 15 blocks but we can only choose one Pokemon from each tier for our final team and at the end we'll have a battle with our legendary teams for a thousand dollars Mr sir it is time for your first Lucky Block spin oh cribs not bad at all those are sick let's go but for my spin come on baby give me God Lucky Blocks give me God I'll take it Crystal round one all right sir good luck good luck let's do this and just like that we have 15 Crystal Lucky Blocks let's see immediately a crystal Raikou so if you guys don't know all of these Lucky Blocks we'll have custom legendary Pokemon and there are some crazy ones like oh we just got a suiko come on be an Entei it's a spectrier but dude I will never get tired of these Crystal legendaries suicune and Spectrum getting those master balls all right 15 Crimson Lucky Blocks but there is a catch we can only use one one of these Pokemon that we get and we just got an eternity test are you serious let's go oh my God I will say a lot of these like these locks only have legendary Pokemon in them so even though we turned this is sick I might get an even better Pokemon but of course guys don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you aren't already because boom once you subscribe we get dark rise every day we get eternity so please subscribe please but no not bad at all let me catch both of these demons that is so cool man but we need to start thinking about the one Pokemon from this batch we're gonna take because right now I'm really liking dark Ryan eternitus but yo Ho-Oh could be really good Jenna said that is really strong as well it's not like the most flashy legendary ever but it is incredibly strong let's see what else we can get a manaphy no no no no no no that's a stinky one Articuno all right I wonder if we're allowed a few is Pokemon together because if that is the case we can actually fuse in the turn test with an Arceus to get like an extremely Opie Pokemon a Darkrai yo that looks so cool but come on man Crystal another Crystal hello okay show me a Lugia Percy food okay that's what's up man crystal urshifu is amazing and so far I'm thinking Crystal eternities here will be our pick these textures are amazing I love the Crimson textures so much I have no idea what Pokemon I'm going to keep it's most certainly not going to be shaming now unless I make it shaming Sky then maybe you could have an argument that it actually is pretty sick of Kyogre oh oh my gosh Crimson Dawn Kyogre tell me that is not amazing looking but let's go a crimson Dawn Kyogre that is so sick but we still got four lucky blocks left you never know there's a cure and we could get a Groudon Crystal Groudon would be crazy Crystal Rayquaza would be insane Crystal cosmog makes me want to cry we're just gonna pretend like we didn't see that all right like what just happened we got another Crystal suicune and the last Crystal Pokemon of this bat is a crystal Cub Food so we got trolled with these last seven lucky blocks let's see oh a balkia yo the tapu Coco let's go I'll take that you know what actually I think tapu Coco would be a lot better than we think it's extremely fast it hits pretty hard but I think most importantly it is a fairy type pokemon which counters Dragon very very well and yeah this might be a bad call but I'm gonna go with Crystal eternitus and unfortunately we just gotta duplicate with Darkrai and a another thunderer so we got a tornadoes earlier I forget um and another pouty on yeah a lot of duplicates to finish that off I think I am going to go ahead and keep I'm Gonna Keep the Kyogre so hopefully your round one was as good as God Lucky Block okay Shadow legendary let's go that is sick dude how am I gonna compete with legendary Shadow oh my gosh let's go corrupted lucky blocks and if you guys want to play Pixelmon 2 the IPS play.mashmc.com and you can type slash redeem arpis in the chat and get five free common lucky blocks and this is exciting because we actually have the newest kind of Lucky Block here corrupted Deoxys dude I love the white and pink color scheme It's So Perfect all right we have legendary Shadow Pokemon and Opus got corrupted Pokemon I feel like that's just one stage cooler than Shadow but that doesn't mean that my Pokemon aren't going to be incredibly strong like type no let's see what else we can get though oh wait a second she Shadows that Rob is looking pretty spunky dude he looks pretty sweet let's go ahead and catch him I would not mind adding a Zekrom to the team oh we got a normal Lottie ass here come on give me a corrupted ladies oh corrupted Entei bro oh he looks like the king of this mountain I'm not gonna lie let's catch that ASAP an Entei although you look really sick you're unfortunately not going to be remaining on the team because I would most certainly take the Zekrom over you or Shifu okay forget it oh a corrupted sashian dude oh my God that is so good come here virusian I forgot about you what do you guys think is the worst Articuno and there we go got another tapu cocoa that's so good I was thinking about keeping it last round and I know that we have a Zekrom I think I'd rather have the Coco over the Zekrom am I is that weird I I honestly don't know what is better but we've gotten four banger Pokemon so far let's keep this up dude corrupted Rayquaza is ours come here let me throw this master ball at you oh that is so cute I think we might have to bring that Pokemon we got a glass dryer and a Jirachi oh 30 years yo okay I think Xerneas is going to be in the lead here I don't know if we're allowed to use held items though but if we are allowed items I'm most certainly going to keep him a Ho-Oh two okay we're getting some really cool Pokemon speaking up here's an agrizard which is a Charizard and Agron fusion and a sweet Kudo which is an Articuno sweet confusion both extremely cool Pokemon we get a Kyogre so no grout on this round but we did get Rayquaza and Kyogre I guess there's still a chance for Groudon we get a corrupted raiku and last but not least for this round our final corrupted Pokemon ooh is a corrupted magirna but now we are down to just two of these legendary Shadow Lucky Blocks come on give me narcissus give me an Arceus turakian is like pretty solid you just get one source dance off with them and then you have Stone Edge close combat and he kind of shreds and last but not least we have Latias so my three options here are obviously zashian Rayquaza and Kyogre to be honest as much as I wanna pick Rayquaza and zashian Kyogre is just so hard to beat so we need to choose that for this round I'm honestly really torn between keeping the tapu Coco in the Xerneas but I think I'd be really silly not to keep the Xerneas so that is where we're gonna go for it for round number two moving on to the next wheel spin now come on which oh yes oh my god let's go that is so bad for me dude how do I even compete with that right now [Music] okay okay I'll take that though galaxy galaxy sick I am so happy about that Galaxy lucky blocks are easily my favorite and you're about to see why just look okay it's like the 15th raiku we've seen today but just look how cool look give me some that I haven't seen yet oh a Galaxy keldio yes come on let's go again Galaxy right reggies aren't that great but that is a wheat texture guys we literally just got the best lucky block in the entire game this is a god Lucky Block which drops three random texture legendary Pokemon and even has a chance to drop Fusion Pokemon so hopefully at the end of this round I will be able to keep like the strongest Fusion ever I got my eyes set on dragon ninja but honestly any Fusion would be amazing let's see what we can get oh a Kyogre a Zekrom a Galaxy Zack Rob action that's so cool and a hoopa okay a crystal hoopa and even though that was so sick guys some of these have even cooler Pokemon in them I am so excited for this round come on another Kyogre how many of these are we gonna get a Landorus and a Galaxy Latias Galaxy Groudon is like the coolest Pokemon ever next to Galaxy Mel metal we might have to bring that to the battle but let's keep it up bro we've been getting some good Pokemon there's a necrozma show me the Galaxy drop oh but Galaxy Terrakion that is sick and Galaxy Zygarde okay we gotta check the ability if this is the perfect one then we might have to bring Zygarde to the battle oh yeah oh sanction is another Fusion that is a zation Xerneas Fusion bro oh my gosh they haven't got a Galaxy Mewtwo this is like the only round ever that I would get in Mewtwo and not even think about keeping it I'm like actually starting to sweat I'm so nervous I really don't want to lose because not only is our dignity on the line but a thousand dollars as well oh Mel metal bell metal actually has two fusions now be confused with M boar and he can Infuse with marshadow but let's see oh there is an agrizard y'all that is so sick dude oh my gosh he's definitely incredibly strong I don't know if he's better than zacious though oh the dragon ninja yeah well that is the one Fusion that I said I really wanted to get and there we go baby let's go oh let's go we got a quack swell okay quacks well come on give me some good luck we get a Galaxy Kyurem a Galaxy Tab of Coco throw the gold on that looks amazing come here a Shiny Yveltal a baby Rayquaza I keep getting baby Pokemon from this dude oh my gosh that thing is adorable and honestly I'm kind of okay with not getting any more fusions because it's just gonna make things more difficult I just got two I just got a Zacky sword and I got a garden cry please no one fuses bro no more fusions please please no more no need another one of you tonight dude are you kidding me let's see what we can get now come on baby we get another Terrakion a another male metal and a fusion but that's not fair our final Lucky Block is actually a fion but that's just fine we got this beautiful Mel metal that's what we're picking this might be an unpopular Choice here guys but I'm gonna go with the Mew tonight as my Pokemon the Dragonite Mewtwo Fusion it's just so awesome moving on now to the next round only ancient and mystery have not been rolled and there we go baby Lucky Blocks onto my spin now come on please give me some gas no that's what we need that's money baby God Lucky Blocks oh my gosh that's not good dude let's go God Lucky Blocks this is so good for we get a baby Giratina a Genesect and a Kyle lucky dude baby carrots you know look at him oh my gosh dude I might have to bring a baby Pokemon in the battle just to say I did but Kyo lucky oh my God that's amazing and genocide guys my team is absolutely insane so far I don't know what arpus's team is looking like but surely it's nowhere near as strong as mine like that there's no way that that would be pretty impossible I should probably start catching these Pokemon but so far we have Kyogre Xerneas and the fusion Mew tonight I really hope we get some more baby Pokemon from these Let's see we get oh my gosh a shiny Genesect a cinder Shifu and an agrizard which is inside of a tree these God Lucky Blocks came at a great time too after that one round baby Kyogre oh my God it's so adorable look at the eyes dude yes I'm catching that in shiny eternitus oh wait that's Galaxy yo Galaxy you turn it is in shiny Spectra are coming so far this round has not been too amazing to me though a Landorus that I can get behind I don't have a flying or ground type Pokemon yet and Landorus is both this is gonna be a very happy round for me I can tell we get a lot of Shadow Kung Fu and a Registeel but these are like the best lucky blocks though so what can you expect we get a lap Rara a crimson glass year and a shiny Lou get my favorite shiny legendary I'll take that any day of the week and don't forget to let me know your favorite lucky block from this video in the comments below I don't really want to go anywhere else this is like the perfect spot to open these up we got a Galaxy Reshiram oh my God a bell towel and a dark ride Gardevoir Gyarados kiratina this is amazing we're getting like the best Pokemon but we finally got our Groudon unfortunately on the round where it's a little bit outshine not gonna lie come on come on Reggie ice not the best really not the best it does have really good special defense which is useful in certain situations but I don't really see myself using that honestly what else are Reggie gigish nah I'm still not using that slow start ability means he kind of stinks with the first three turns that he's sent out and it's just not worth trying to use him it's really it's really difficult but now we're on to our final five God Lucky Block this is big guys so like I said whoever wins the battle wins a thousand dollars from the loser and you'll with Rayquaza like that it's gonna be a fun battle necrozma Giratina Gyarados and Arceus I mean I'll take an Arceus any day of the week please and come on What's it gonna be we get a shiny eval tell a Fiona and a tap Lele okay I think so far I'm probably leaning towards Landorus a Palkia I think I normally would go with Palkia over Lando but we already have a dragon and water type so I think Landorus is probably going to be more useful so let's go with him but now for the final God lucky block What's it gonna be Palkia manaphy and Galaxy Moltres or is that shadow I can't even tell but either way we're catching it there we go problem is we got so many good Pokemon this round I have no idea what to choose I think I really want to use this baby giratino or baby Lugia though but I feel stupid passing on the best Fusion Pokemon I don't know dude I'm gonna do it moving on to the second so last round now what are you gonna oh Crystal let's go I will take that oh that's really good and come on give me mystery baby give me some mystery oh you know what I'll take it I like ancient blocks ancient's pretty cool and we finally got the ancient Lucky Blocks dude these are some of my favorites just look how cool let's go baby so we get a tapufini first off and an ancient Groudon for the second one this is like the coolest Pokemon ever get in my ball that's gotta be the one we bring I'll just be so surprised if we see a better Pokemon than that we get a Mew and a Zapdos okay Zapdos is really sick I'm not gonna lie and Mew ancient Mew that's see a real Pokemon all right 15 pistol Lucky Blocks oh my goodness garlic gosh this is most certainly one of my favorites is the rude so many people say that this should be my favorite legendary but now I don't like okay I don't like him he got his stinks he's a bad typing zombie magenta let's go dude that's pretty good the thing with zombies into insatian that was even though they're incredibly strong their move pools are not or at least their level up move pools they don't get the best moves by level up so I'm not sure I'll be using it but that evil till though I'm definitely considering using any valve tall that's pretty cool I don't have a dark type yet I do have flying type with Landorus I think that's perfectly fine and I think Yveltal probably fits in really well with the team so so far I'm definitely leaning that way Shaman as well could be really good but let's just keep this up bro we only got 11 more blocks and it's time for the last round and then the battle we get Jetta sex we get a dark ride and a Bull Canyon Okay three mythical Pokemon back to back to back I'm assuming if arpis does get a Kyogre he'll probably be bringing that in as well so Shaman could counter that and if he does I'll probably oh Zekrom okay that is probably a much much better Kyogre counter than Shaman would be because Shaymin is 4X weak to Ice Beam which Kyogre does get and we've only got eight more blocks to make this magic happen come on we get a Lugia oshian a and a glass shire bro that was powerful zashian and Lugia back to back four more ancient Lucky Blocks we get a glass dryer we get a zero Aura yo okay that is sick that is so sick I'm in between even oh Groudon okay now we have a decision to make we have Groudon eveltal and Zekrom what fits best honestly I I think he felt though I think he felt those dark type is gonna be really good I could definitely see ARP is bringing some psychics in and iveltal just destroys them so I think eveltal is going to be the one herself is definitely not making the team dude I don't want to lose a thousand dollars today what are our final two Pokemon we get Latios and a Xerneas that is a great way to wrap it up oh my gosh well what ancient Pokemon do we pick dude I'm really leaning towards Groudon but sashian is also insane I mean we already got Kyogre on the team xerneases also a really close pick but honestly ancient Groudon is just way too cool let's go with that I'm gonna go with the volatile here even though Groudon is so good I feel so bad leaving him on the bench let's go on to the last round and see hopefully we can get another ground on and we'll use it then moving on now corrupted the wheel spin of the video oh my God okay dude Crimson Lucky Blocks maybe I'll take it final round starts now good luck good luck bro and let's waste no time on popping One open we get a Cali Rex Yo which means if we get Spectra or glass chart we could fuse them we'll cross that bridge if we get there let's see Crimson Groudon okay we already have a crowd on though and an Entei like yo this one looks so cool man did we bring two groudons to the battle do I do it so we've got Kyogre and we've got Groudon on the team bro come on let's get a crimson Rayquaza and get the trio there's a marsh Shadow not bad at all and the Crow's mouth dude my team is so strong the thing is I know arpis is gonna have a really strong team as well so I'm not really sure how strong it is compared to Ace oh a Jirachi we don't have a Steel type yet uh we do have a psychic type with our Mewtwo Knight Latios as well the thing is I really am trying to diversify my team as much as I can look yeah flying psychic we have both of those already so this is kind of making me a little bit more picky yes there's the ground on we were looking for but we're on to our 10 Lucky Blocks before the battle nelloeta in us not too great but I will take an Hershey food and come on baby let's go back to back to back to back Latios we get a Cresselia a thunderous Jirachi Xerneas now would be a good chance to get Xerneas on the team but Cresselia is also a great choice priscelli is just so bulky that could be a great addition what else to rakion we don't have a fighting or a rock type I feel like you guys are gonna hate me for this but I totally am genuinely considering using him over the ground on like Groudon is sick he's always really really good super strong boki hits hard but we have a ground type already and we don't have a rock or fighting type which is what Terrakion is I think that toreccion bits our team much better we did just get a Rayquaza we already have a dragon and a flying type but it's also Rayquaza I I I I I don't think I can pass up a Rayquaza especially for hey to rakia no matter what my team composition looks like let's see what what we can get we get a crimson Zekrom it comes in Melton which is like two centimeters tall okay I guess I'll catch you and our final Lucky Block before the thousand dollar battle is a Victini which stands for victory and with victory in mind we're picking Cresselia none of these compare to the legendary Rayquaza so that is what I'm going to go with and now it's time to catch arpis on the battlefield it is time for the ultimate lucky block battle a thousand dollars on the wild oh baby I'm so nervous my team is so strong but I'm assuming yours is probably also incredibly strong yeah we're super strong don't worry about that let's go with this guy hello Landorus yes okay sir earthquake to levitate mod okay but no that's no problem at all that is no problem at all because we got the boy go baby come on Yveltal oh okay that didn't do much let's go boom and I get something okay and the tailwind's still up dude Tailwind is such a good move the corrupted Kyogre has hit the fight I knew it dude I knew you would have a Kyogre oh my gosh okay yours is out of the way I would assume I'm still slower I'm not what oh my gosh the origin pulse critical hit dude you did not have to do me like that and now we have Kyogre versus Groudon this is my last Pokemon I don't know if you have any more I think I only have one play here and that is I'm just gonna tell you I'm clicking outrage and I'm also clicking my mega evolution baby no I didn't I didn't plume are you kidding me burn him burn him burn him oh let's go were you still have another Pokemon no let's go that was so close don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Arpus
Views: 402,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arpus, arpus pixelmon, arpus pokemon, arpus minecraft, pokemon, minecraft, pixelmon, minecraft pokemon, gaming, minecraft pixelmon, arpus minecraft pixelmon, SPINNING A WHEEL to open LUCKY BLOCKS in Minecraft PIXELMON, open lucky blocks in minecraft pixelmon, lucky blocks in minecraft pixelmon, lucky block wheel, Spinning a wheel to open LUCKY BLOCKS, opening lucky blocks, SPINNING A WHEEL to Open LUCKY BLOCKS in MINECRAFT, pixelmon lucky blocks, minecraft lucky blocks, lucky block
Id: nt2qq-hTE5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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