I Spent 100 Days in Don't Starve Together (Movie)

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I spent a hundred days and Don't Starve Together can I survive all alone in this world and defeat the final boss I'm playing on the default World settings welcome to Don't Starve Together we're here with Wolfgang and we're simply going to start right off by exploring and such okay well let's just get some grass and sticks and start exploring [Music] okay so I'm going to explore the map look for a suitable base location hopefully so the pig King the swamp and the desert for tumbleweeds is the goal but I also want to rush the ruins to get very powerful tools and such so let's do that okay so Wolfgang dumbbell here he starts off with but I don't really like it the golden one is the best one this would take too long to build up his mighty whiff okay let me make a pickaxe need some gold [Music] okay so I'm going to make a hammer here we need to chop down some pig houses okay let me get a golden dumbbell soon need to get some cut stone all right got a lot of pig skin now we need to look for all the different biomes oh I have a cobblestone Road here maybe Chester is nearby a pig fight here okay so Clockworks here nice three gears so as you can see here I have 69 might so you get that from chopping wood and pickaxing so that is quite useful okay I took the Wormhole here big house is what we like to see like I need to make an ax here get some wood like I need a science machine so I can get a backpack and everything okay so piggyback could be really useful needs silk okay now it has fallen upon us oh no okay let's explore some more I um not too far away okay so maybe this could be a pig biome the pig King could be here I'm going to make a golden dumbbell for Wolfgang and yeah this must be the pig King right here yep we got the gloomers statues so we're here okay pink King that was quick need to find the swamp in the desert to a bunch of carrots don't have to worry about food wow a wormhole right here nice okay it takes us back okay that was not very far okay I think I'm going to explore maybe around here maybe go down yourself okay I have spiders here need silt okay I need to get all Mighty for this so let's get the dumbbell and start lifting there we go Wolfgang okay now we will deal two times damage to these foes [Music] okay take out the duns okay I only need two more silk okay I've uh living log here I could use in the future living logs okay final spider done okay let me just make this to get the piggyback I can eat an Alchemy engine no problem I need more gold now okay couldn't find more gold so I think I will explore maybe around here oh another Wormhole and a walrus cam okay oh this is the swamp no way I found this swamp it was right here okay well this might be a suitable base location you just want to find a desert and I'm set oh what is this uh stage could be useful oh I found a stage hunt so Chester could be near I think I found another swamp oh I found Chester let's go okay Chester uh take all of this [Music] okay it is currently day number four so I've explored all of this got the swamp the pig King but not the desert or Oasis okay so I found the Oasis right here so I mean well I'm just going to base place by base down here I mean this is a wonderful biome and I can be here in the summer and let's have to make a cave base oh I found uh what is this tonight hmm okay here is the Oasis so I will first do a ruins rush and then I can yeah I just set a face here okay I also have um A Clockwork or a bunch of Clockworks here okay I've explored most of this Oasis so I mean this is a a great base location now I just need to find a proper cave oh my I think I just found a dragonfly desert as well there's no way oh my this is one of the best maps ever look at the swamp Pig King Oasis dragonfly desert a lot of tumbleweeds [Music] got a bunch of blueprints for our sanity there's so many tumble weeds alright yes getting my mind up you know just in case okay let's get this give this to the pig King bunch of gold okay so I'm gonna need to kill some pigs because I need the meat for hambat so do this [Music] no there are a bunch of them no maybe I should just kill the cats [Music] get me some meat okay found a proper cave here let's get this okay pigs you're dying oh [Music] only pig skin I need meat okay one more meat okay let's head into the caves and start doing this okay so we're here in the caves the first thing I want to get is a lantern get some football helmets handbats then we will start exploring wait where did Chester go oh it's he's way up here okay Chester needle of this Alchemy engine is up [Music] and now I can make a piggyback okay gets me some football helmets hambots need a few more dumbbells maybe okay then I need some blue mushrooms I need a golden shovel all of this also need a lantern okay I think I'm ready I have everything ready the well ham bad football helmets everything we need okay we'll take quite some time to explore but we should find the ruins soon enough all right so far no luck I just exploring okay I think I'm on the right pace got some green mush trees this will be very important okay I think I found a toadstool biome but not the ruins look at that maybe I'll take that on one day okay I'm on the right track here on the mini map I can see the uh the common biome to ruins but I do need blue mushrooms for healing so I cannot do this just yet uh yeah I'm gonna have to look some more for blue mushrooms okay this is definitely the uh the ruins right here either here or here I might have to go up to the surface again to look for some blue mushrooms unfortunately but there are some blue mushrooms right here [Music] okay I think I will have enough mushrooms here A bunch of blue mushrooms on the ground here okay once I have 20 right now I have 12 blue mushrooms then we should be good to go bunch of rabbitmen following me okay I have enough 20 blue mushrooms time to actually do this all right we are uh what are these snail snarls okay I think I found the ruins we have the uh the Cave legend here so we have done it before I head in I'm just going to exercise [Music] all right strengthened up we're ready to go oh now we're in the nightmare stages here A bunch of monkeys enraged not many nightmare creatures already yeah uh that is Hell behind us okay I think this is the ruins okay me up we are close I got time to deal with this [Music] okay nothing too difficult They're All Dead okay here we go on the ruins here we're ready to do this okay so already oh that's a bunch of Shadow creatures we'll have to wait until they close off okay fully booked over there and let me just deal with this okay looks nice and safe oh we have a damaged Rook here to hammer this for us oh no Bishop [Music] Jesus what the hell is going on [Music] Jesus okay let's get out of here all right let's see what we have for newt [Music] geez there's still a lot of them [Music] all right they're all dead in this section and get all of this loot full site for end game armor and such I came with these purple gems here I can actually make this gem Bell which is way better than the regular thing okay on to the next section here bunch of nightmare creatures um quite easy to kite down but don't get overwhelmed [Music] oh are damaged Knight in this so it's three hits then kite as you can see okay Bishops here you'll stop the tank this [Music] all right and then I believe it's eight hits and then they're just dead and some Mining and hammering my mightiness is not going down okay this section is almost mined out still have a few stuff I know the nightmare stages are activating it once again foreign [Music] as well oh no nightmare stage that is not good oh that's a lot of them I'm not sure if I can handle three of them oh no this is not good Jesus uh five six nightmare creatures I have to run oh no this was not a good idea as long as I don't trap myself in and don't make any movement mistakes I should be fine uh looks like I have another ruins okay me up another Bruins drop-off location I'm not sure if I should fight this way too many I'll just have to go in uh circles okay nightmare stage is going down up I think I will try to fight this oh no not Mighty anymore so never mind [Music] um thank you oh damage Rook you are great okay I can take care of the rest here okay there we go oh you actually gained minus from fighting wait what that's really nice all right full on mightiness okay let's get back up here this is not the ancient Guardian which I really need to find so now I just need to find the ancient guardian and kill it what is this oh my that's the ancient Guardian right here there are three of these Rooks okay how do I get to this okay it's right around the corner of the ancient Guardian okay so we're now in The Labyrinth got all the chests and we should be good [Music] okay so this is salty ground with coverage so far quite a lot though okay uh the ancient Guardian could be anywhere I'm still looking okay where the hell is this thing right here or what okay ancient Guardian right here [Music] okay let's do this [Music] Jesus I don't think I have enough speed [Music] [Music] this nightmare Beast [Music] s okay we should be fine okay he is getting Decked Out oh no jumping Jesus that jump attack [Music] okay I need to craft some more armor [Music] okay I'm also running out of fields in my blue caps have become stale so they don't really give me oh no okay let's do this told me [Music] oh my goodness it's dead no way it is actually dead we did it I don't oh my goodness look at all of those items okay well I will eat the horn for now I know it's a waste but oh well I have to drop something now maybe my stone okay so I think we will go and craft some stuff and then we're done down here uh it's almost winter and and try yeah eight days left okay so I think I'll have to make my way all the way over here there's a proper one of these Crafters that I can use so let's go uh but I also uh Earth is tremble beneath Wolfgang's feet there is something coming you hear those sounds [Music] okay I have to get there before the nightmare stage starts so will I make it I'm not sure okay the nightmare stage has started okay so as you can see here bunch of Shadow creatures there do not want to get overwhelmed so I can just wait [Music] they are straining myself up for battle I'm going to make one more ham but minus like halfway done oh my they're so lost over here [Music] oh this is not good [Music] okay my full side suits saved us okay let's do this [Music] oh we're fine we're dealing a 117 damage okay it's time to craft okay so here I think I will firstly craft some crowns and I should probably get a construction umular megaluminescent could be good [Music] I mean you'll see it up all the meat so we can carry as much as possible okay we are decked out I mean uh getting this good oh no now I have to focus on building up the base so let's head back oh some blue mushrooms need that I know my Lantern is about to run out okay I need to quickly get some light bulbs then I can re-equip my backpack thank goodness I had my Magnum lessons otherwise it would have been long dead up backpack is back now this is a free spider farm right here okay we are officially back it has been quite some time but it's time to build a base we're almost at winter okay so I'm going to go to the Oasis here and set up base okay let me drop everything here okay something to trade in all the frazzled wires for unlimited gold and I'm going to collect everything from the cave [Music] got everything I need it's time to head back to base okay maybe I just do a star caller probably charcoal for uh what is it my crock pot so I'm gonna tough to burn down some forests that's what we humans do anyways us Homo sapiens so now I'm going to gather resources and everything we need for winter um [Music] foreign [Music] s okay so it's officially day 18 got myself a present and I need to make the fridge and everything so let's do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm going to get some tumble weeds for sticks okay successfully I have a small base down but I need a bird cage and everything so then I'm going to bring home all of these saplings and graph Tufts to base [Music] okay I think I have all the reads I need so let me get back to base and get the rest up for winter okay so tomorrow is winter then I want to kill some tusks so we have one right over here okay so we're back at home I want to make some thermal stones to keep me warm let's do that for right away okay here we go thermal Stone [Music] make me some meatballs Swedish meatballs I also want to make a gym that Wolfgang can make so here we go not too expensive all right officially winter okay let's do this once we get to boss statues then this will take much faster but this will maybe take a minute or so and I think I can make one of these gem Bells so all I need is full sight and a purple gem here we go gem Bell much better okay so now we have a lot to do uh we're just going to kill my task first for a walking cane and maybe the Shanti Hut also got some ice here for meatballs I will put that in Chester since I have thermal stones in my inventory I also need to get four rabbits for this this press started tiger thing [Music] okay there we go four bunnies let me just lift a bit before I go into battle here he is goodbye [Music] no drops cool free meat back at home I'm going to make this prestaty Tater thing I need more wood make me some more meatballs [Music] oh no I need silk for a top part okay all right spiders you're dying [Music] um the snow is falling upon the lands I also need some pig houses for resources yeah we just one shot these Fighters okay I think we have enough silk I'll just get one more spider hive there we go 17 silk look at our inventory so we'll go back now I also want to kill dragonfly uh deer clubs and what is it claws this winter so we have a lot to do I can get the top part and we need one of these I can I need a shadow manipulator so I have enough for that [Music] and get back all of our resources so with that we have Shadow items dark swords and everything now we need a few more Croc pots so let's construct some [Music] okay four is enough Oh no I got hounds coming in [Music] eat my meatballs [Music] looks like they're all dead okay now we need pierogies so the first thing I need is Reeds okay get me some pipe pyrus and now I did a bird cage I also need a bird trap to get my bird but this shouldn't be too complicated pop this thing down and just put a seat there baits the bird you know what maybe I should just run around with my Magnum lessons on we got a bird so now I will feed it and I'm gonna make a bit of pierogies here we go so that is the recipe okay let me equip this I have a lot of nightmare fuel I won't really need a lantern though okay let me get out of here we are decked off look how fast I move though I mean this is insane oh I found B clean right here okay he has respawned [Music] my goodness I got the Thomas Hunter and um oh this is great yeah we can make a walking cane right now which is actually insane now I don't have to worry about this anymore let me get home make a walking cane and I think I will try to fight dragonfly or claws so let's do that and with my Tomo chanter I won't have to worry about sanity as well so I mean I am decked out okay here we are home [Music] how to make a walking cane you will need twigs and gold I actually don't have any Twigs let me just go to the dragonfly desert to look for uh some Twigs some tumble weeds [Music] got a walking cane okay what I'll do now is explore a bit I want to find I want to find the deers I also need more mandrakes because someone's pan flutes to fight dragonfly so let's do that and I'll also need more food okay look how fast we move there should be no problem exploring oh no looks like I found a meter field oh I found another Wormhole I think I found a mosaic biome right here tall Birds need that oh cap you're dying now tall bird okay I found uh the loot stash here for Claus so now I just need to find the deers I'm going to make some tall Scotch eggs look at that 60 Health all right let's think I'm ready to fight dragonfly this should not be a problem okay well let's do this okay dragonfly is here let's not wait any longer let me simply work out a bit [Music] uh yeah not much else to do I have a road right here I can actually one two three four five six [Music] thank you [Music] yeah not a problem as you can see I'm faster than her though look at this [Music] [Music] okay so before you last okay so if we kill it like that then she won't get enraged with her last larvae so that's why I'm doing that let's simply continue now with dragonfly oh [Music] I mean yeah we're just wreaking her Oh no unfocused you're not going anywhere okay got a pan flute [Music] [Music] yeah we're just handling her I mean 8 000 HP not a problem [Music] yeah I need to kill the larvae as fast as possible otherwise uh there are too many get too distracted [Music] and now the final stage I need some ash though very good resource let's just get that [Music] thank you okay and it's third wow I mean now we have everything we need and a special blueprint for the scaled furnace which gives infinite heat and infinite light so pretty good all right Chester where are you my man well that was quite the fight I cannot pick any of this stuff up okay well we can just leave it here it won't go anywhere okay from now on I will just use my piggyback don't want to waste my nightmare fuel on my Magnum millisons I can now need a scaled furnace need charcoal okay here we go where do I place this thing down maybe right here look at that heat I need to make one more uh thermal Stone I cannot want to take care of clouds so I need to find a deer uh it can be in this brooch forest or the this one right here so let me look for the deers okay so far no luck in the pig King's biome and I think I also want to make a bow kit so I can easily go from here to here oh can you make your Think Tank and while potter's wheel and I also need to make one of these a boat kits and with a potter's wheel I want to make a statue I didn't pick up the schematic did I alright I'm back at dragonfly and I'm just going to get all my items okay let me do this I'm going to make some dragonfly statues and now replacing that I can also deconstruct these potato sack all right let me see how fast I can gym up my goodness start Force took no time at all okay let me look for the deers oh no I hear deer cloths okay well done I will have to deal with this make a cab Farm I wonder where he will spawn probably right next to me oh dear Club all right it's time to do this Chester oh tree guard what the hell foreign yeah I think the the tree guard will win this oh took some damage but it is dead and I will take care of this [Music] and even oh I hear doggies oh there we go the carry oh okay Chester helped me need to still look for the deer for uh what is at the clouds so let's do this oh my goodness I I already found the deers nice yup give me all those horns and I now have to deal with hounds [Music] okay I will simply place the deer antler next to the uh the sack then I will prepare and fight Klaus oh it's a full moon tonight I need to get the glomer oh wait can't I like load up um I think I can load up Chester with nightmare Fuel and all all of his slots and then he will have like three more inventory slots or something Academy prepare the ingredients for the fight [Music] okay full moon I need to go home okay let me see if this works here with Chester OH one on each slot just like this ah something's happening okay and what do we have here okay also so far it's more inventory nice and winter is over in five days that was quick but dragonfly now Klaus and there's also this Terraria crossover boss which I need to do okay here is gloomer welcome and also need more wood the reason I wanted more wood right there is so I can make a wood pouch for boat patch right here if I can easily cross over okay so place that thing down okay I am ready now let's go okay now I am ready past this spell I don't need to become Mighty and drop off Chester here he comes [Music] [Music] yeah so he has these two deers which shoot fire and ice on the ground so the first stage is just dodging don't get too close to the deers or they attack you too okay he's summoning his puppets so I have this pan flute so one hit kites for these krampuses there we go and now let's get back to the fight okay stud here and now his second stage where he lunges at you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] okay well that was close now we don't have to deal with him anymore and now we're going to open up our wonderful presence what does Santa have for me all right let's get back to base I'm going to unbundle these presents back at home oh well it's only three days left of winter which is uh well that was quick but spring will be nice and wet all right let's open these presents off oh I got so much stuff royal jelly that is wonderful okay nothing much some life-giving amulets I'm going to make some jelly beans which is healing over time okay before winter is over I want to get a bunch of ice though so I can use that as filler [Music] what uh okay I just randomly died to Penguins I mean what is that why did they attack me foreign my goodness I'm almost dead again okay I'm tired of these Penguins doing what they please I'm going to kill them all you're all dead to my might nobody kills me like that like I'm with them dad I can continue mining for God's sake so in Spring I want to maybe kill B Queen and for that I will need more pan flutes and such uh we'll need beekeeper helmet so I need silk so that's the on the agenda I think I should make more Croc pots as well [Music] okay all the crock pots are down let me get some ice battles have to kill some wolf goats [Music] oh I got a volt torn uh I forgot my thermal Stone need to go all the way back home okay and since spring is coming in I will need uh this hat for spring so it's the eye Barella need 15 stick so many tumble weeds somewhere tough to spend some time getting sticks I think all the snow is melting well that's the end of winter and start of Spring tomorrow I also need some bones so you're all dying oh yeah I've also found another Touchstone here it could be useful okay now I can make my eyebrow off here we go so I need to use this when it's raining okay it is officially spring well I'll need to wear my Tomo chanter need to get insane so I can refuel this Mega Lumina sensor so let's take out some spiders [Music] okay it's getting quite wet since it's raining so I have to equip my eyebrow so many spiders and they're all dead all right I'm just going to explore now I have enough silk spiderweb for The Beekeeper hat so need to find and get some more pan flutes oh my I found a man Drake over here I'm should be fine foreign [Music] a lot of the map now I think I only want to go over here and then I should be done I think there are more mandrakes in this Forest though need to look for them oh I found another Mandrake just a size six [Music] oh there's another one okay I have enough for a lot of pan flutes oh wait there's okay I will have four right [Music] okay let's do B Queen now okay we're back at home all right I'm going to make some pan flutes which roll I have a bunch of them beekeeper helmets as well [Music] like I think I have enough now maybe make some dark swords just in case I'm gonna make a few of them and I need to get more nightmare fuel make a bunch of healing [Music] I I think this is enough okay I think we're ready let's hit the gym before we attack yeah that is so fast with the gym oh I think moose goose and all of them are up yep okay I mean what are we waiting for let's do this I'm going to make a few handbots but I will start off with my dark swords all right I forgot to light up the bed area all right be Queen here we go all right let's do this [Music] bunch of them [Music] just tank it all [Music] remember [Music] okay I think this is the second stage foreign [Music] flutes we should be good [Music] okay this is a good face because we can just run like this a queen bee so many hits [Music] yeah this is better than the first stage because then this is just three hits [Music] yep they cannot do anything these bees foreign [Music] ER [Music] sleep my child [Music] all right she should be dead let me just eat up before I die [Music] okay this fight is dead never mind I almost died there we go she is dead okay okay well uh okay I'm on fire nice with the B dead we can now make more royal jelly and we got the bundling wrap that can prevent spoilage right we will simply head back yeah with wolf Kang two times damage I mean nothing can stop us well back at home I will just unload the inventory like I also need to get some gold I need to make a lightning rod almost forgot [Music] there we go okay let me unload the inventory so with the bundling wrap I want to store a few items like uh what is it this monster meat and everything I can now all I need to do is uh wrap all of this so now it will never spoil okay I also forgot Chester uh let me get him I'm also going to make a lot of royal jelly ah here he is Chester I also need to get some more nightmare Fuel and light bulbs fellow spider okay finally home okay and I guess I'll just do moose Goose maybe and a bunch of other stuff I think I've explored most of the map so that's good okay I think I'm going to kill moose Goose now which is the boss that appears in spring so let's go let's hit the gym before we go okay let's do this [Music] all right Lucy you're dying [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] s are the hardest part yeah I have to go to the stunt once like this [Music] thank you [Music] all right they are all dead that's an easy way of killing them okay so with all this meat and the feathers especially you can make a lot of things with these feathers I don't remember but let's see what we can craft it is a new moon so to kill the final boss I will need to get uh a full moon and all this statues flying around the map here so we will find them but I also need to explore the rest of the map I can maybe kill some goats yeah I'm volts yes we need these for the tornado generators okay here we have a suspicious marble here it's some night so I need to find the best shop uh and some other ones and since it's spring I want to plant all the bushes and Tufts and soft things I have so I need to do that I can make honey ham here a pretty good food and it takes a long time to spoil so honey ham okay so all the Tufts here oh now I hear hounds once again all right hounds are coming let's get Mighty [Music] uh help me here what are you standing around for [Music] yeah thank you they're all dead [Music] all right free meat for me I also want to make a berry farm right here so let's just place it down okay and there we go the start of our Berry Farm now we will fertilize it with rot and also fertilize it with rotten eggs and I'm going to plant some of this okay so I've planted everything food is coming up everything is coming up now I just need to go out more explore explore the world as I said the plan is to explore need to find more of these pieces marble pieces we should be good yeah here is my corpse from those penguins that will be a symbol I'm just going to gather some of these saplings and such another thing I would like to make here is drawing rocks I will need a lot of grass and rope but I have a lot of meat that I can simply try to make it nice to make it taste good and it lasts for long as well okay I think I have enough Tufts here and everything I think I'll try to bring home at least 20 of each each time I make a trip like this so that's the goal my handbag is also getting stale so I think I have some new ones right here there we go new hambot during the night a few spiders are following me I am going to explore this huge part right here not sure what else maybe down here should be an old map oh we have petrified trees here I need to farm my nightmare fuel so thank God I'm insane got me kill all these spiders oh I got some butter from a butterfly I mean that's a really good health item I'm also going to go around eating some green caps so I can go insane and farm Shadow creatures oh I got this chest I think this is from the Terraria crossover okay what do we have here A bunch of stuff I know shadow creature okay so a bunch of wood and marble okay so how do I spawn this terrarium okay so I've explored most of this part of the map and I cannot find it oh wait okay so here we have it the uh what you want to call it the shadow creature bosses now I need to find the statues I did find a knight okay I think I only found a knight so far can't find other pieces so let's explore okay let's see here I can't have touched it uh you feel an evil presence watching you ah what is this eye of Terror okay let's kill it [Music] okay Ferrari up here we go oh no so many what is going on here oh no this is not good what is going on okay I got my football helmet I know it's day I think he despawned oh well I guess I'll have to try uh this night okay I think I'm going to go back home I am decked out um yeah I will explore the rest of this go home get my mega luminescence because I have fuel for it again oh got some tall Birds here oh it's going to die oh my I almost died so many spiders everywhere oh that spider got lit by lightning okay so as you can see here I've explored I'm not sure where I should go I mean I've explored all of this this sort of swamp here and the dragonfly deserts I'm assuming maybe there's something here [Music] where the hell is this wormhole oh frogs oh it's nice I can do this terrarium thing again right okay let's get Mighty for this okay yes the same amount of HPS last night okay he's charging [Music] and he should be dead there we go okay let's see what we're dealing with what is this an Imus it has 80 armor apparently I can repair this mask by feeding it okay back at home time to drop all my resources oh look at all those fairy bushes already grown okay let me place down all of these grass top okay there we go let me fertilize the grass I need Grass more than berries for food and of course get the free sticks so I wanted to make the what is it the drawing racks here so let's do that I'm going to cook all of this down to meatballs because all of this will expire soon and then I will put that in bundling wrap so we have uh healing whenever we need let's see here Bonnie stew oh that's not too bad okay bunch of cooking going on and I'm going to get some bundling wrap and get all this food in here I think I'll store all the Pierogi and such I can keep the rest in my inventory now for drying rocks uh I can only afford to now need more charcoal but I'll just set up this for these two stale meets okay now I want to explore some more so let's get the mega luminous and sandudas okay so let's go to the swamp here try to find some more stuff now okay I'm exploring the search currently and a lot of tumble weeds yeah let's just say that oh my goodness I found it I found the bishop okay the only thing I have now is the uh is it the roko uh yeah let's just go for that it is currently a half moon okay I'm going to try to feed this mask so what happens now 100 HP okay I've explored most of the swamp but I don't think the Rook is here though I think I will have to look for the dark spots on the map I mean maybe it could be here here only a few spots I also found a lot of burnt trees from earlier I'm just going to collect a lot of beefalos right here I do not want to mess with oh my goodness I'm actually blind that this thing was the rook's horn okay well I mean it's good to have the whole map explored so now I'm going to carry all the pieces here and then once there's a new moon I'm going to take on these Free Shadow pieces which will give me an item to the final boss I believe oh we moved so much faster with Mighty Wolf Gang like I'm just going to go on First and drop everything off then we will move all the pieces we also a freak cooking station here with the well this is the scaled furnace I need to make more meatballs oh look at all that grass and twigs let me get a lot of that yeah it's very worthwhile to get these up you know free grass okay spring is silver in seven days already and then summer the worst season for me okay so the piece furthest away is the bush up here so we're just going to get Mighty and carry this thing hmm where actually quite fast wow oh okay it's the evening of day 15 and we're almost there I will have to make another boat here we go got a boat kit just place this down right here [Music] okay got the bishop now all I need is the night I mean they're very close imagine if they were all the way over here during the nights it will be quite hard to carry this thing okay maybe I can try this [Music] there we go perfect strategy you know just I will also need to make some sewing kits for my umbrella here this is awful 18 minutes left okay at least got the Knight here finally only one piece left and it's the closest one The Rook here we go The Rook okay now what we will do is simply start mining [Music] okay and with all of this we can start placing the sculptures okay now I need to wait for a new moon not a full moon which is unfortunate but oh well well with that done all we can do now is wait it's time for other goals oh look at that my uh what is this meat jerky beef jerky so this heals for 20 quite good I also need to repair this umbrella with a sewing kits let me make that oh it's a full moon and as well go kill some werewolves okay make the ceiling kit here up here they are [Music] like I need to make a new ham but I only got to kill three oh I can I'm going to work a bit on the base um yeah oh no a frog rain okay well I have a plan here let's go to Moose goose and see the uh the the frogs annihilate the Moose all right here we go Yep this will be fun my goodness [Music] and she is dead and now the kids are angry and look at all that loot so I cannot even carry all of that foreign frog legs let's make some froggy bun which 20 healing I think I'm going to wrap this all up in this bundling wrap I know this is not good frog rain okay also have hounds coming in so yeah I'm just going to be slightly outside of bay so they don't mess things up [Music] okay the doggy is so dead okay let's do some more Base building I want a fling-o-matic because Summer is in two days apparently I can make ice cream here let's see here so this lasts for a long time a lot of Sanity wow the game has something so colorful okay flingal matter coming in so in the Oasis nothing can overheat here and catch on fire but the plants here needs some ice in the summer otherwise they don't grow so okay got full of dirt oh come let me fix up the base I'm going to get these floorings here they look good yeah they Rook uh here I can keep alive because he can chop down trees for me yeah this carpet is going to look very good so for summer this umbrella is the best insulator I believe so we don't have to change clothing I've also need some thermal Stones uh what is it the cool thermal Stones so I'll have to put them in the freezer [Music] okay I'm doing the Oasis tomorrow in summer this will fill up with water and everything will look good I promise you and we can start fishing here okay here we go I need one of these endothermic fire pits I will need Nitro I don't have that I think [Music] there we go on endothermic fire pit so this will keep us cool I will have to have that on the whole summer and it is officially summer and I would love to turn on my flingomatics I think you can refuel this with rot or wood I don't know but yeah soon this fall become a Desert Storm I should really make more chests this space is a complete mess and during our new moon I can put my star collar stuff here to make one of the opposite so a lot of light but it cools down the area let me make more just let me just make meatballs of all of these frogs there's also a new boss that spawns the ant lion so she will spawn in the Oasis here which I have to go and kill I'm going to store all my resources that are important in the chests here like wood Stone maybe down feathers yeah I just want to make the base look very pretty so I'm going to work on it this summer oh no Tufts don't give a lot of fuel anymore damn my goodness it is so bright in summer ah the desert storms have begun okay look at that we have a bunch of succulents and the lake is active okay so I need to get a blueprint to get goggles so I can see uh clearly in the Oasis here so it's got these fishing rods and start fishing okay so we get a lot of fishies but I do not need them okay so we got our first crumpled package oh my God okay we got the desert goggles already got it okay that was quick [Music] well done let's see where this uh where she is this boss and these cactuses now have this flower called cactus flower this can be used to make some very good food cannot seem to find the ant lion maybe I have to wait I'm also going to collect my grass and soft things while I can so Wolfgang can also wield a marble suit which grants a lot of armor without movement penalty so I'll fight the ant lion using that okay I found ant lion here she uh so I will get the armor and everything we need and then we will fight it okay I got two marble suits I need to wear my desert goggles so need to use stuff never mind I do have on movement speed reduction Jesus okay this thing is dying wow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well done let's learn all of These Blueprints okay I've successfully organized the base what do you think I think it looks great I can need to make some more drying racks now though Sony charcoal okay got six drawing rocks now I'll put some meat on those I can let's explore this summer here I want to see all the other biomes are doing and there's some new moon in five days so after that then I can fight the ancient fuel Weaver I'll have to go to the caves and get some fossils so I'm just going to explore go to the caves do that and we should be good okay nothing too different okay I think I'll get more resources like wood and chopped down pig houses need it in the future oh I got a tree guard oh and as you can see here uh things are going to start overheating and things burn really fast in summer oh another tree guard there we go all three dark swords okay so the new Moon is tonight I think or the 65th I will need to prepare okay so what do I need good armor maybe the star color stuff even though it's summer and I will need a lot of dark swords let's do this all right it is time to do this we will mine all of this okay so simplified nothing too complicated [Music] okay we got the Knight I want The Rook to be last [Music] okay the uh the bishop is almost dead okay Bishop is dead now time for tier three Rook [Music] okay so this guy is very very big but with this much speed we are set foreign let's get back to base okay now let's go to the caves maybe uh prepare for this boss fight the uh what is it the ancient fuel Weaver we will have to find the tentacle that leads to the portal though okay let's drop all of our dark swords okay so I'm cooking down food that is about to spoil I'm going to go get some fossils now maybe prepare for the the ancient fuel Weaver okay down into the caves we go all right fossils might be uh right around here maybe all of this okay I will have tools to destroy all of these tentacles let's see if this one has the uh what I need oh [Music] okay got that one down no way there is no shot I actually found it and it's right by my base oh my goodness well all I have to do now is prepared and as I said fossils then um I mean I will prepare and maybe fight this boss okay I found something extremely uh what the hell is this nightmare were Pig well then I guess this is a new boss fight I can do I will go back to him okay here we have a lot of stalagmite which I need [Music] there we go the first fossil [Applause] spiders [Music] [Music] I think the spider doesn't have a higher chance of granting me fossil fragments so I'm going to get that okay what do we have here yeah look at all those fossils I should just go for those okay I think I will just get 12 I don't know how many I need okay I got 12 now let's get out of here okay I think I'll prepare for this ancient fuel Weaver fight now okay for the ancient fuel Weaver I will need a lot of things so I will need a nightmare amulet here shouldn't be too difficult I'll also need a weather pane right here okay make two of those Maybe okay I will need this I will need the B queen crown Mega luminescence a lot of things and I've also need a lot of Sanity items like Cactus maybe ice cream we will see okay now let me get a bunch of cactus need to cook up a lot of food well I think I'll get a full stack of cactus so forwarding maybe okay I got 39 I think that will be enough and I also have all this beef jerky melanios make flowers salads okay let me do this get some berries on all my saplings uh I haven't refilled my um my single medics [Music] okay I will put all these items I think I have enough food okay food is ready uh am I ready okay I think I'm ready I'll need a lot of fondling wrap to carry everything so I think you need bee works oh cap I am officially ready I forgot I need to make a lazy Explorer and I also need okay I will need to bring orange gems and that's about it [Music] got a bunch of monkeys preventing me from uh going okay lazy Explorer all right let's get out of here well now we need to go here to get this key that I need okay here I am and we need this the ancient key now I need to go all the way back to that pillar what the hell is going on here okay we are back here let's do this now we'll need the uh where is uh I will need this nightmare amulet to get past the gates there okay let's do this [Music] okay let's go in here okay very spooky scary place [Music] from past everything Jesus [Music] what the hell is going on [Music] today you saw us what is going on [Music] Jesus oh there it is finally the ancient Gateway I can't well let's set this up then okay we are ready [Music] I can't I think we are ready it's ah that is not the correct one foreign there we go let's exercise and do this okay hopefully no complications [Music] it is time [Music] yes thank you all I can do this [Music] no no I'm stunned [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah come on he is getting low [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go that's how we do it our Wolf Gang okay well done and the ruins have been reset we have done it well done that was quite interesting now we got this thing and we also get bone armor we go back to the surface [Music] of nights okay get back through here uh of course there's some wet tentacle [Music] I caught the other side oh my actual colors yeah this bone armor I think prevents or negates one attack every four or so seconds I believe I'm not sure but very useful well it is actually Autumn right now as of today so quite peaceful times are coming oh no it's a full moon okay that was interesting it's time to drop all the loot okay so the barrager will spawn in Autumn here maybe not for a while but I think I want to uh well mix bad maybe find a lunar Island so I mean let's do that so what I will need here is uh seafaring oh yeah all these boat kits okay I'll need an anchor kit Lightning conductor steering wheel all of this okay I need more wood okay I'm here we have a bunch of trees got this guy okay yeah three trees [Music] those are a lot of them [Music] foreign [Music] need more grass I will have to spend some time collecting this so let me just refueled up now uh that is all healing up oh my goodness okay [Music] damn they hurt like I'm not the only one with this ah three guards correct don't have a handbag okay got one of them oh there we go oh my goodness okay there was something very fishy that's a lot of tree guards hmm what happens if B Queen Anna I don't want to try this [Music] come on be Queen help me oh no I don't think it works all right this is a waste of time okay looks like she'd be spawned but a bunch of tree guards now okay let's just go home I also have Toadstool I need to kill so I think I'll do that soon there we go bunch of trees for him to destroy soon okay I believe I have everything now okay let's start constructing our ship [Music] okay so I have this thing here I constructed an ultra pilot and this thing oh yeah so if I want to return home it will automatically do that lightning conductor on there okay well this is looking really good our boat well done I think we're ready to head out let's just get some food and other stuff and then we will head out I think Chester can stay with us Maybe not maybe it also get some meatballs so do this there we go another turkey oh my goodness I hear Berger okay well let's get Mighty I want to have him get a lot of wood for me though so let's not kill him off here he uh spare your uh won't he attack me all right here he comes oh no we got some eye plants here from Spring Greece lots of trees [Music] you're going to flatten this whole thing [Music] uh we have wood for days well let me collect some wood he will die soon bird room ah looks like Berger took care of them well more wood for us [Music] all right this guy is dying today [Music] thank you there we go he is dead okay let's get back and work on the boat and hopefully explore the Seas okay we officially have like how much is this 120 Wood hmm the three guards start forming these bees okay let me cook some food and everything okay so I need some meatballs I will need a lot of food when I go out there we go think I have enough food what do you think I mean this is a lot and now we're just going to start sailing maybe north of this map here I will need some boat patches in case of Damages so um Stingers I don't think I have a single Stinger but as you know those three guards mold the bees [Music] I'm just going to make a lot of both pouches here you never know let's simply get out of here oh come let's see here okay we are officially out yeah now it's just two weights I guess until we discover something so far nothing special just waiting oh no cookie cutters okay I need to get Mighty here okay let's simply do this I'm going to use my row here I mean uh I'm like or using anything else would be bad cookie cutters I also want to get a salt box [Music] okay salt okay so I need 10 salt for a salt box so [Music] okay I got 10 now let's just get out of here so far nothing we've sailed this distance so far oh no I think I'm at the end of the map all right steer the other way I think I found the lunar Island here it is yup here we are it's uh time to engage I also need to wait for night because I forgot to bring fuel for my Lantern hmm Moon glass I need that for special tools and special trees hmm okay looks like I cannot replant them oh my who is this rub lady okay build home I guess I need to do this Quest here what is that item well done I guess we need to fix this place up right so this is not the lunar Island I can make a celt bumper kit interesting okay well looks like I didn't find the lunar Island so uh where do I look okay so I think I'm going to look over here might be something and the world edges right here so I don't think there's a lunar Island here oh my goodness what the hell is that there is a shark out here I believe the of course is Wolfgang we're just going to kill it okay you are dying now okay let's see this [Music] damn does a lot of damage to this rock jaw Oh Come at me you rock there we go lots of raw fish okay let's go back this is The Edge so I'm just going to sail oh no uh too many rocks here why isn't my boat patch working oh I need to do this what is this message in a bottle what is this okay treasure map from Minecraft Let's Go what the hell is this thing [Music] what my goodness what is going on okay cannot do anything with this thing how do I kill it I can't I don't know what's going on anyways doesn't matter we have the treasure right over here oh no I need like a fishing rod or something I do not have that on the edge of the map is here still no lunar Islands oh no got our own sharks oh my goodness I'm almost dead Jesus this thing is tough come on oh I can't I think it's going now what the hell is that a Norwell I don't think I'll be able to find a lunar Island snow I have no healing so unfortunately I need to go back we will try to kill misery Toadstool oh what is this oh I think I'm dead yeah oh my goodness this is so hard oh my it's actually dead we're almost home then we can rest the lunar Islands doesn't seem to be close all right we are home oh Jesus okay bone armor will save us all bone armors I just had to get out of my mightiness yeah our bone armor I saved us we're at 4H oh my God I cannot believe this well we will revive ourselves I think that's our second death here and don't starve I will also make a salt box here which preserves raw ingredients better than an ice box I believe okay salt box right there now we can put a bunch of stuff in here I also need more berries so let me get this oh why isn't this gloomer attracted to the berries oh maybe because of Chester I also need more grass oh grass geckos let me make some pierogi to heal myself up okay pierogies and coming okay maybe I should prepare for Toadstool I know where he is so I mean why not okay so for misery Toadstool I will need a lot of uh stuff okay I will need a lot of dark swords which I can get okay so I'll need weather pains maybe more full side crowns okay weather pains means Vault codes which are they reside nearby oh here they are I can just toss my gem Bell right at them okay [Music] I can make a new hambot everything I need to keep a few of them alive maybe too so they don't go extinct okay got one bolt gold horn I can unfortunately only got one volt goat form but should be enough okay I'm going to quickly go into the caves to get light bulbs and exam in the arena okay so here is Toadstool this will be the fight Arena I guess look I'm not oh look how much spider blue there is down here okay let's make more pierogi I think I'm going to go kill some more hounds so I can get more Monster meat more eggs more pierogi okay so I got six monster meets from that and 10 cactuses should be enough healing right okay got seven pierogi but I might need more ah more berries which I really need okay I found this thing what happens if I have chocolate uh okay what the hell is this [Music] okay well I got a bunch of this stuff what happens if I give it to this oh well we will leave this serum I also found this suspicious folder here what is this okay Celestial orb ah this will allow me to change my character interesting let me kill some gold [Music] free food oh the ice is starting to regrow okay I think I have enough food look at my inventory it's time to cook and we make some tall Scotch eggs 60 healing okay also crafted um going to craft this pour it all paraphernalia thing I will put this on the portal and then you need to upgrade it to be able to up change your character I mean okay I will need a lot of moonstone how do I get that there's some Moonstone right here is it enough the three guards for providing me with honey koala font uh okay that is not a qualified well then we have to deal with her you're coming with me [Music] yeah there's nothing I can do here let's just lure her away and I'm bringing me some jelly beans well I think we're ready in terms of food now though okay time to uh to go maybe we need to make a freezer I also need a bird box because I need to get the special bird oh I need more silk I need more bird traps uh tomorrow is winter okay so I just found out that soft from birds can only be uh let's have a small chance to spawn near friendly scarecrows in this one and I need a pumpkin and I haven't even gotten into farming and it's winter tomorrow ah it is officially winter and I'm on the way to the Boss Arena I don't know why uh okay I hear some very bad creatures okay let's start building [Music] okay I think I'm ready okay 50 000 HP [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what exactly does this tree stew I'll reduce this damage he takes okay damn I cannot chop them fast enough okay we're dealing damage now [Music] well at least we have the pan food to stun him okay more damage incoming [Music] just these one well I will have to do this again then [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign I don't think I can do all the trees I will get some of them but you know it's too many Jesus this guy what the hell is going on with my screen what are these colors um fully insane [Music] I can't wait to lure him out here okay three hits [Music] foreign [Music] creatures oh not good no armor okay get him all the way out here now he's trying to summon his trees [Music] [Music] okay I got over here okay stage three what the hell is that attack oh no this is about need to make more helmets you know what I don't mind dealing 20 damage [Music] he attacks so fast okay I want I have another plan I have a torch just light these trees on fire need another helmet oh this is working [Music] okay here we go that trees are gone fire everywhere okay this is working dark hauler stuff [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come on only ten thousand HP you are dying toaster right now right here [Music] tomorrow [Music] yes you see right hey stuck he is actually stuck [Music] yeah only 5000 HP no not that fire I accidentally ignited everything doesn't matter [Music] okay come over here [Music] [Music] okay [Music] come on he's almost dead my goodness we've done it Jesus that was most possibly the most insane fight I've ever had Jesus told stool I mean I don't think I could do misery toad still right now did my stuff burn down oh it somehow survived okay well the arena is gone once again we somehow defeated that okay collect everything oh this was more of a nightmare fuel Farm to be honest okay well we have completed this area look how much of a mess it is didn't need all this food I guess well let's just go back to the surface we are done I also want to get a new uh what is this walking cane I hate the lazy Explorer because I really cannot accidentally teleport myself and got a mush light here I can make get some light in the base okay let's drop everything off and then we will head on I'm going to uh wrap this up the bundling wrap in this food for the next boss fights it's got a lot of Health we need to use the sewing kits here okay let's see here some mush light I need bucket oh poop here we go mush like what if I make one [Music] that is pretty good quite bright I also want one maybe around here ah look at the lit up base okay I also need to kill Krampus maybe I can do that uh look at night now it is much better to stay in the night in the base right now I'm going to dry these frog legs I think okay let's go kill uh what is that Mac Tusk and then we shall find the other Krampus sack okay I don't think the uh the Krampus suck is in the biome here I will have to pick up a horn I remember there we go there's one and now what I'm going to do is just TP over here here we go oh there we go got the Walters finally making another walking cane there yay 98 still looking for the Krampus sack I must have missed it I looked in every single biome okay I just looked it up but it's one two three days after winter has begun oh it should have spawned actually I found the uh the deers again look at tiny little wolf going here okay I've looked everywhere but I cannot find this nude stash so I think I will just go home okay let me spend my time lifting oh cap we just collected some grass ah you're smuggling off with glomer and maybe work on more storage anyways it has been a hundred days here in Don't Starve together and play yeah I'm not sure how many bosses we uh killed not of how many total are in the game but that's all right we have quite the base winter is thriving so that's all right if you want to continue on the save file they consider becoming a patreoner member anyways thanks to my patrons members and if you're bored and watch this video next
Channel: veequeue
Views: 297,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 56sec (6056 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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