Defeating EVERY Boss as WX-78 (Speedrun)

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hello wx friend i've developed some new circuits for you feed what what speed speed speed um [Music] okay okay speed smiley face all right i'll make the speediest circuits you've ever seen [Music] okay i managed to cook up some speed circuits don't eat them you're meant to plug them in speed what do you mean i just gave them to you and you ate them go make them yourself hello friends i am banjo can i interest you in a product a product as long as wolfgang can what are you trying to sell what do you mean a product speed a yeah a mobile game called hero wars everybody quiet ah now you have to listen to me i am banjo the business figure and i am here to tell you about hero wars also stick around until the end of the ad to be one of 10 winners of a don't starve together skin chest hero wars is an online action rpg big pb where your choice of heroes isn't limited to the typical cast of creatures hero wars are cyborgs aliens vampires you name it now this is a little off script but before accepting the sponsor i of course played the game for let's see here three hours well there you go over three hours in one sitting my playtime consisted of fighting through the campaign which has over 130 missions while unlocking and upgrading heroes and finding my strongest team if you click the link in my description you'll get 30 000 coins 600 emeralds and 5 awesome heroes now i started playing the game without this bonus that i'm offering you so i can say that the bonus you get from clicking the link in my description is pretty huge i'm still relatively low level and haven't unlocked some of the other game modes like the arena the airship the outland the tower and the grand arena so thank you for hero wars for sponsoring this video and now how to win the giveaway is just leave a comment and like the video that's all leave a normal comment you don't have to include anything in particular i'll randomly select 10 winners to either win a dst game copy or a dst skin chest of your choice thanks robot overlord destroys the world how does the robot overload planet destroying the world well viewers wx has a lot of circuits he can plug into himself to buff himself but we're gonna ignore all of them except one [Music] speed oh bishop now locate that knight in the brook head immediately oh so much pain golf up the bio data i need it for the extra circuits well i found rook head as well on day one and i found the nighthead i found all three heads before the end of day one what the hell huh look at this forest is no more oh my monster me oh [Music] hey there little buddy oh hey our first round of speed has been acquired sir we got him the set piece has been found [Music] [Music] inter prisons for all eternity now choke this monster meat ah i can't believe you've done this [Music] probably best i stop and actually explain some stuff all right fighting dragonfly you've all done it before it's easy peasy i made 18 pierogi from all spiders i killed and got monster meat and of course we stole the pamphlet from glomer but glomer is gonna have to wait for day 31 because as you can see i'm busy fighting dragonfly on day 11 which is the first full moon they thought he was the second full moon so it's fine we'll get him then now that we have all of the gems we need we're going to peacefully wander over to the ruins with the speed circuits we made earlier scan ourselves a nice rook and look at that we have triple speed yes oh i have no gears triple speed yeah now 50 speed burst might not seem that significant but that's 50 movement speed at all times because not only are you kiting bosses so you're using less resources we are also moving from point a to b fifty percent faster throughout the entire challenge wx might be the new record holder for the boss run let's see [Music] we have here oh we have a lazy explorer damn well we cleared this branch nothing else here monkey jakey you don't have living logs what are you doing i know i couldn't find any so i have to come back later on when i have living logs oh nearly forgot the light bulbs from my beefalo though how dare you attack my beefalo [Music] wait what the what the hell is this i didn't even see this why this spawned right next to the set piece like what the i swear this world is not seated i regenerated this world on stream ah the goats gonna escape me and my speed i have terror time huh this is a little bit of a mistake because as you can see it's nearly winter i like to fight the twins in winter and the twins in the eye of terror share a respawn timer meaning if i kill the iaf terror now i won't be able to fight the twins in winter whatever i'm stupid i didn't think yeah we got him in one night full the speed let's get warm for winter boys would you look at that it's winter let's go kill a mack tusk even though we will eventually need a second tusk for free weaver so may as well go get it now hey we got two look at that gonna wear this walking cane in case i accidentally missed the lazy explorer again come out kill this now i may have all the speed in the world but i do not have a lot of damage so taking out the level one knight and the level two bishop might be a bit of a hassle but we'll get through [Music] level two now because of my speed the bishop truly be able to hit me once maybe twice before i can start dodging and the rook i can dodge no matter what [Music] oh goodness the level three look what are we gonna do well um you see we have so much speed there's no way i'm gonna get hit by him so this fight is now just a meme at least my clockwork knight friend is here to help me bishop help bishop assist i still have no living logs if only a trigger oh nice i've fallen [Applause] a low clause now the clause fight as wx again it's just a meme you have so much speed that you just can't get here unless because you're moving so fast you coat the attack and run back into the attack because you don't realize you're moving so fast otherwise easy peasy [Music] can i encroach this with all these peoples huh your place is giving me a krampus sack one oh two oh three four oh i guess this mystical orb will have to suffice oh my goodness the meteor destroyed my saddle what the hell okay sailing before dear clubs what so usually i don't go into the caves or onto the ocean before they hop spawns because in my experience it messes with this timer but it shouldn't mess with the timer so we're gonna go onto the sea just briefly to go do some exploring oh driftwood i found a malibu spawner this early holy moly in my recent runs i haven't been using declutts to get wood but um i will actually need the wood and i have no living logs so i hope that some tree gardens spawn but they didn't no the beefalo oh goodness how are we gonna recover i will save the last surviving baby while i loot your family's corpses little baby you must reproduce your entire clan now that i've got some living logs let's go and make a lazy explorer and a couple of star cooler staffs and a deconstruction staff i forgot the living logs and drop the living logs right here so i wouldn't forget but i still forgot smiley face oh now as we said earlier i'm gonna have to fight the twins later and the terrarium just respawned so day 35 but let's go now i won't be able to kill the twins in one single night like wolfgang and wanda can and if i fight the twins tonight like i am and then forget to spawn them in on the next day the terrarium's respawn timer will restart meaning we'll have to wait another 15 days so i have to keep fighting these guys until they die because if i miss one night it resets all right half killed one of the twins that's pretty bad actually i wanted to kill at least one of the twins oh well oh i'm insane it's raining there's shadow creatures there's minions i'm abandoning these twins here i'll fight them tomorrow listen twins i really need to fight beefing because the rain just stopped that means he's wet so you guys just stay over here okay oh oh now the strategy for this boss out with wx if i went ahead and put down some cobblestone along with all of my extra speed i could probably kite the queen and not use as much food if any but otherwise we're going to be abusing pamphlets because why wouldn't we we had all the extra magics we didn't use the pamphlets for anything so it's the same method although i can kite a little bit easier [Music] [Music] yes that's one way to describe distract all the grumble bees no they killed the moose goose uh twins you spawned a little early i'm still fighting bee queen can you just stay over there thanks man yeah finally we immediately switch into fighting the twins we switch so fast in fact the game doesn't recognize that we're fighting a different boss so keep playing the b queen music anyway luckily for us the blue twin where in fact both of the twins are meaning we can use the morning star which does electric damage which does more damage than the dark sword when you're fighting something that's wet this phase two luckily for us it's no problem since we're so fast we can just dodge this twin this twin is insanely fast when he dashes when he does his dash attack good thing we're insanely fast as well so i don't even need a path to kite him consistently [Music] darn it he's nearly gone well we'll get him next time no babies that is my food [Music] okay i obviously want obviously wanted to attack the twin and not a frog like are you serious yes frog army from the heavens defeat the twins let's go give pearl an umbrella which you can only do when it's raining luckily it's raining currently wait it stopped raining oh hey you stop carrying on the water get on the mainland where we could fight fighting on no other but pearls island all right there's the stupid twins oh they actually killed chester ain't that nice [Music] ah now water and wx does not mix it's very bad and albatross will take a while to kill and i didn't bring anything to repair my boat and marble trolls every time he attacks he makes you a little bit wet so let's hope nothing goes wrong smile in the oh i'm being pushed away um i'm just gonna battle my way back that one second go straight get back in albatross [Music] yahoo [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby yummy that's a whole lot of babies [Music] after slaughtering the goose population it's time to go into the caves and get ourselves some fossils ready for the moonstone event on day 51. [Music] first tentacle pillar hey well that's the first time that's happened ever our second lazy explorer will need that agent few weaver and now it's a full moon stop fighting the walls no no no no no that was a close one all right stick to the normal cell because that nearly failed weaver time i'm sure this will be no problem i've got so much speed i can just play everything um so uh it started raining i wasn't wearing my arm we're just gonna do a cheeky little command here you saw nothing yes all right first attempt the only difference with using wx as opposed to other characters is the extra speed means you can sometimes get one more attack in before kiting wolfgang still kills fewer faster because he does double damage but it also means every time major fuel overheals to 400 health it's pretty detrimental because doing 400 damage takes a lot longer on someone like wx rather than like wolfgang who does double damage yeah first try whoa yeah first try oh hodge get outside of the hutch what are you hutch what are you doing inside of the tentacle get out of there oh goodness he's been swallowed by the tentacle oh there it never mind he made it out good job i need nightmare fuel for like total stuff i don't have any i'm also kind of low on living locks let's hunt down some gnomes [Music] target quiet and now i need cactus flowers for pearl which only grow during summer but now it's summer and some butterflies and hello blueprint please [Music] bad ore don't set fire to my boat [Music] give me the pearl i will take this as payment darn doing [Music] everyone get over here how long do they follow you for no two oh baby beefalo kill the two bird goodbye two [Music] bed oh [Music] [Music] well hello there crab king all right so the crap king fight so it's summer and i don't have a moon called staff so i need to stay warm enough so that crab king doesn't cause me to freeze but i need to stay cool enough so that summer doesn't overheat me so i'm wearing the beefalo hat to stop the crab king from freezing me and i have an endothermic fire on the other side of the boat and ceo the fight should be smooth sailing right squid go away if you mess up this fight i'll cry [Music] no no i'm stupid the mouth just bills died started smoldering so i use my luxury fan to put it out but then it's out by fire the weather i'm just gonna have to tank the overheating damage throughout the rest of this fight yeah the scooter squad are helping okay i have to kill them now because the weather pains are gonna hit them like what more could have gone wrong and the only other thing that could have made it go wrong was if a narwhal spawned anna shark spawned when is this flammable since when is a piece of bone flammable what [Music] time to plug these suckers in everybody quiet down can someone explain to me why the moon storm is right on top of my base can someone explain that to me like right now the precious potato goggles [Music] haha you thought we were going to fight slightly champion no no no we'll leave that to last because it's very epic so i've put on all the ingredients except the orb i did hit there sure i'm a little scared i have jelly beans and honey ham on me so he might iron me really fast i guess not please bear give me a tree guys i need the living loads of dark swords oh two tree cats then after this we'll have enough living logs so i don't have to use a morning star hey i forgot my stock cooler staff [Music] what the hell anyway time for toadstool everyone's favorite punching bag this is why i've been killing vote goats the entire time because this is what we need the weather panes for because i don't have a damage multiplier that means this fight takes twice as long as if i was killing it with wolfgang so wolfgang does double damage therefore i need about twice the weather pains because toadstool spawns these trees that give him damage reduction based on how many trees are spawned and that tree spawning ability has a timer as in it goes off every x seconds no matter how much damage you've dealt to him or how much damage he's dealt to you the longer the fight lasts the more trees you have to knock down last phase it's stomping time listen toaster i've got nothing more to say about you in this commentary so i'm gonna have to skip to the end of the fight where you die we got a noise and yes i am using gears as sanity food kinda cursed [Music] oh oh the final boss is upon us you probably think ah you've got speed so you can dodge everything well you're kind of right but also not really phase one having lots of speed is great you can dodge everything phase two not really we'll discuss that when we get to it and phase three again we'll discuss that when we'll get to it here's the b float yes get them be flow oh my beefalo [Music] [Music] oh my gosh he's going so fast i only got slightly stuck so i forgot to mention phase two spinning attack scales with your speed that means if you're going super fast he will match your speed and also go super fast he also has a minimum speed of about 1.2 of the player's speed but yeah so having extra speed bonus in the second phase is not really much of an advantage [Music] so [Music] so the reason why speed isn't too amazing on phase 3 is because the way to dodge the lasers is you have to make a small precise movement and you can't really make a small precise movement when you're moving really fast because you know your small precise movement becomes a big unprecise movement here's some examples [Music] anyway enjoy the magnificent music that is celestial champion phase 3 and watch me struggle to kill it [Music] [Applause] just before they we did it reworked wx run using triple speed honestly wx is probably the new king oh chester what have you done ghost johnny just respawned dang it i'm sorry glommer you served me well thank you for the coup the only correct way to end this is where we started with nothing [Music] we did it everybody the base is no more well i hope you enjoyed that hot mess of a video a heck of that that took a long time to edit but anyway now first i will say this is my first attempt with wx i got some pretty good rng but i also messed up multiple times and i could do things more efficiently it still took me before day 80. that's faster than wonder at least how fast i did it with wanda i think wx could probably beat wolfgang probably with a little bit more practice but we'll see maybe another video anyway ranking time in my all character video i rate wx 78 a 7 for survivability utility and combat now has that changed it depends how you look at it because his max hp has been reduced quite a lot it's now 125 and you can't boost it unless you use any of the circuits so i'm gonna drop the survivability to six now for his utility since he has so many different perks now he can provide light for the team he can just move really fast so i'm gonna bump his utility to 7.5 he still isn't very good at like chopping wood or getting rocks he just moves fast which is all pretty good after his combat rating i'm gonna bump it to an eight just because he can move fast which we already knew his other circuits like his electric circuits can do recoil damage which can actually be pretty viable for some boss fights so there you go 8 out of 10 for combat anyway hope you enjoyed thanks again to hero wars for sponsoring the video check out the link in the description if you're interested and make sure to comment which character you want to see next to an old boss thread i'll be watching and i'll announce the winners of the 10 person giveaway in the next video thanks for watching goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Jakeyosaurus
Views: 494,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jakeyosaurus, Jakeysaurus, completionist, update, PG, Family friendly, dst, don't starve together, don't starve, bosses, ruins rush, boss rush, bee queen, shadow pieces, rook, dragonfly, enraged dragonfly, panflute, klaus, deerclops, moosegoose, malbatross, crab king, celestial champion, lunar island, ancient guardian, ancient fuelweaver, toadstool, guide, how to, speed run, boss rush speedrun, faster, terraria, eye of terror, eye of cuthulu, twin terrors, wx78, wx-78, rework, robot, speed, circuit
Id: cur3mPmE4wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 58sec (1618 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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