I Survived 100 Days as a RABBIT in Minecraft

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today i am turning into a minecraft rap why you may ask well it turns out that my friend has built a massive rabbit farm called luckyfoot farms i'm going to try to escape this farm within 100 days if i can survive the entire time and save the rabbits on this farm my mission will be a success however if i get caught trying to escape i'm gonna be sent to one of my friend's slaughterhouses and these are not normal slaughterhouses by the way in the past he has thrown giant pigs at me had me fall into pits of fire and much much worse so will i be able to escape and free all the rabbits in this farm or am i going to fail and end up as a nice bowl of stew let's find out also real fast shout out to all the people who guessed that we would be doing rabbit in this video if you have a guess on what farm is coming next let us know in the comments down below okay i'm officially a rabbit and i'm in the rabbit pin look at them all there's all these rabbits we got our little water feeders and stuff so anyway these are the rabbits that i have to learn to save so here we go i'm gonna open this door check out the pin i'm in i need to get information early on information is key as a body now i don't have much health either look how much health i have only four hearts meaning eight total hp i can die extraordinarily fast so we need to figure out a first away out of this pin [Music] i didn't even see him oh okay come here i got a new sizzler here her name's spicy oh my god is he burning the rabbits oh we gonna stay away from stay away from stay away from wait the door's open i'm gonna use this chance to actually get out of the pin because i didn't see any other oh hide in the grass heading for something okay okay he's gone he's gone oh he definitely just burned some rabbits so i'll need to get back inside there okay oh oh oh shooting oh please don't attractive please don't check we need to figure out what this place is like so apparently farmers shoot on site now which is awful let's see here we have a red area a green area a yellow area and what appears to be a blue area so i'm guessing these are like four different sections if you will a big bunny that's pretty cool uh okay and then a bunch of different stuff so this is actually huge so we have four different areas it appears they each have like two slaughterhouses i think that's another slaughterhouse yeah two slaughterhouses okay it seems like each area has two slaughterhouses in it figuring that out ah dude they have so much range this time okay let's just get back in the bunny pin first oh my god he ain't backing off okay we need to find a way in and out of this bunny pit because i just realized i think there's only one way in and one way out of this bunny pit i need to build a tunnel like underneath that gets me out of the bunny pit so i think over here is gonna be my best bet like around all these plants yeah i can do it like right here and i don't think i don't think unicorn's gonna notice how did this brick go oh okay looks like i need some tools so let's just get back in then it looks like we have to go back in the normal way so let's just go back in the door i guess oh i don't want to remove this tree now he's going to catch me so early if i break it oh i can break that tree okay let's quickly break that tree make a tunnel in and out of this area then we're also going to start our survival base because obviously i need a place of operations where i can make all this happen so okay here we go make some wood quickly make a crafting table okay there we go wooden pickaxe okay let's go back over here where we were digging i want to go right here in the middle of all this have it go down like this this should be enough to get us through this wall i think then we can dig a tunnel yeah that's exactly what i wanted actually and it should be i should be inside the place there we go perfect yeah look we're in and this can be my little in and out area i go in here i come out here perfect and i want to just double check because i don't believe there's any other ways out of here from what i i was looking around the beginning it's all walls with one door and there's only a lever on the outside of the door which is right here there's no lever so i basically yeah i had to have a way out well i might as well make my survival bunker no no no no no no i've made that mistake in the past connecting my survival bunker with my ways in and out of the place so instead we're gonna go ahead and put our survival bunker inside of the pin that's definitely the safest place for it and that's where i'm probably gonna be able to make the most progress and luckily being a bunny i could fit in these nice one tall caps so let's go ahead and let's make that survival one okay so i went ahead and i built a basic little bunker i don't have enough wood yet to build a chest so i turned them into trapdoors instead but we have our crafting table i got some stuff on me we put mine down i literally found like nothing there's a little iron down there and there was a little coal but i got some torches and that's really it that's it not much going on uh but the bunkers at least started that's that's what matters we started the bunker and i also went and put a trap door over at our other entrance over there but yeah i'd say i'd say it's pretty been a pretty productive day so far so i learned a lot about this place in the first 10 days my initial theory was correct the farm is separated into four different sections more than farmer unicorn has ever actually done before each section seems to serve a specific purpose one focuses on rabbit meat another focuses on rabbit hunting another focuses on rabbits as pets like like a pet store and they finally have a straight up rabbit meat area where they just kill rabbits for food and stew anyway if i'm gonna stop this place i'm going to have to destroy a key building in each of the areas that's the only way i can stop this place destroying just one area won't be enough this time with four areas to destroy this is gonna be near impossible to pull off i really hope i can shut this place down or i'm actually going to fail this challenge and this is the first time i felt like i might fail this early on but first a quick sponsor guys we are bringing back our sold out backpacks one last time before the end of the year we only made a few extra this time so make sure you grab one soon before they're all gone click the first link in our description to grab one while you still can okay so today now that i have a good like idea of how this place runs i have to decide which four buildings i have to destroy while i'm here i need to figure out the most important ones that are gonna disrupt this farm forever nice and simple okay so let's eat some carrots not gonna eat my rabbit friends this time luckily i have carrots to work with you know since i gotta be cannibalistic every single one oh is that unicorn right there right near my exit hole okay i got to be a little careful here so let's go back over this way to my exit hole oh it's over here it's over here it's over here let's go to my exit hole real quick uh make sure we're not gonna get caught he's right there use f5 he's not there okay cool let's book it okay let's check out you can check out let's check out this area over the corner this red area and see if we can find a building worth destroying there okay so let's go into this red building area oh i don't want to go in there that is a big number seven on it okay so in this area we have a few buildings okay so we have two slaughterhouses we have what is this this is meat production okay so this is the meat area this is definitely the meteor so i bet you that meat production is probably one of the ones i want to destroy i'd assume i want to destroy meat production because well i think it's fairly obvious if that's where he's producing the rabbit meat that's what i gotta destroy so that's gonna be the building in the red area i destroy let's keep going here unicorns on that side of the farm i just saw him again [Music] oh let's get attracted we're gonna go we're gonna go he's coming this way he's coming this way we just go okay around the back we gotta go okay we're safe back here jump up here let's go in this back area there we go go on this conveyor belt we're in okay we got a chef uh is this a cafe oh this must be a rabbit cafe is where he cooks with okay perfect well the first building i'm in in this green area happens to be i want to go check out the green area but this works too looks like there's a slaughterhouse there a slaughterhouse there and then some building with a hat on it or it is a hat so we'll have to look into that but this cafe i definitely want to destroy the cafe if this is like where they're making stuff making rabbit food and selling it then 100 this has to be destroyed like it's not even a question okay that's two buildings oh it it oh my god that farmer got me caught little rabbit i've been in the past i've had problems with escapee rabbits all right and you know what you want to get out of your shop i will absolutely i will absolutely oblige you know i don't want no problem rabbits all right so why don't you come with me and we'll get you going out of here oh no okay well at least i lasted past day 10 without getting caught but now i'm caught again come on hey oh my god he burned his own farmer again great this is the i believe the pet area okay this shouldn't be too hard it's just a pet area so it's like a pet store and stuff so we go in here and there's no it's not even worth running because he'll just burn me alive so all right mr rabbit all right i don't want no trouble with it fun fun rabbit pet store you do me a favor you go ahead and get yourself adopted and get on out of here all right that sounds good and then we never have to cross paths again oh he's selling me great get on out oh pet store child oh god they're a little rough in there try to get yourself a good one uh okay there's a pet store child trying to kill me what is this okay there's some sort of like is that an entrance and there's a hint here uh i have no clue what's going on here okay this seems to be some sort of puzzly thing so let me see if i can get back to these fences real quick oh ally there seems to be some sort of barriers let's sneak around the back here let's click this hint what's this hint a horse did a horse just come out of the ground okay so the hint is horse uh can i spell horse i'm sorry horse this has to happen this way okay now we can build out of here oh that was close that was going to trap okay actually with my cobblestone i could probably trap this pet store kid up let me lure him over here real quick i'm here pet store kid hold on one two one two one two oh i got him trapped yes you're trapped you little brat law in your face okay cool so let's go over here so horse uh i don't even see an h oh wait no it's unicorn u n i c o r n so it's u n i c [Music] how did you escape uh c o r ow oh my god kill me he's gonna kill me and oh no it didn't work how did that kid get out i have no clue how that kid got out of that absolutely none you get back here child i'm trapping you back in here there is no way out for you now okay quick we gotta be quick here apparently that was not right so let's try again u n i c o uh r n yes i'm in i'm in okay i just spilled it wrong before i must have done it before oh there's even more inside though oh there's more carrots on the walls okay no these kids are swarming fast oh these ones are faster they do a lot of damage too and i don't know which health so that was literally 25 of my health in like two punches we gotta be v careful here so this is a rabbit store it looks like he sells pet rabbits here and he's trying to get rid of us including me i gotta find a way out of here okay what is this uh rory the rabbit one hundred dollars uh rye guy the rabbit a dollar ah wait why am i only a dollar why is this one a hundred and i'm only one what is this last guy ricardo the rabbit 500 i'm one dollar is that how cheap i am well anyway okay so we gotta find a way out of here uh maybe it has to be ooh okay i'm getting surrounded by these guys what's in this back door some sort of okay it's a bathroom with an emergency exit okay i have to get down there oh my goodness oh get away from these kids dude they are brutal okay let's run past them we're gonna do this like zombies here we go go past him okay there's a rabbit in here can i talk to him no he just squeaks oh no i can trade him i trade him a carrot for uh something oh i got an idea i got an idea lead him in here shut them in talk to him uh grab and run okay we got it we got the potion what is it it is a potion of leaping okay somewhere i can leap to oh what's this can i go under this do i fit oh i fit oh get me now you little brat okay uh oh yeah this is it there's a hundred percent i can jump up on these okay drink the potion jump there jump there there's a chest with a glass bottle i had a glass bottle from drinking the potion but here we go jump this way okay let's get in here and shut the door because there was this yeah there was an empty cauldron and a full cauldron now i'm assuming if i take this and go point boink boink boink there we go oh yeah we got an emergency exit button put that there drop in here and i think we're okay i think we're good rabbit eating spider oh we're not okay rabbit eating spiders okay oh these hurt oh these hurt we gotta run oh my god oh my god no no no no i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die oh no there's the exit there's things oh they're poisoning me get out get out get it i'm out i'm out of the boat i'm out are they chasing me oh this is and there's a farmer oh we gotta go here we go get behind this building get this building got it i got it i got an idea oh my god we're on half a heart okay we're safe we're safe oh my god oh okay well we got out let's let's go back let's go back to the bunny pin for now yeah that's right i barely survived that slaughterhouse with only half a heart remaining that was insane i mean did you see those spiders anyway i survived and that's what matters i also luckily got some great information before being caught i've already identified two of the key buildings i have to destroy to shut this place down first is the rabbit cafe basically this is farmer unicorn's new attempt at a restaurant the other is unicorn's meat production building if he can't produce rabbit meat he can't sell it meaning that's just another way we damage his ability to keep running this place so from here my goals are simple i gotta identify at least two more buildings that i gotta destroy in this facility to actually shut it down if i can do that i'll know what buildings i gotta take out to win this challenge okay so here we go let's go back into our time i always lose our tunnel if i can't find it there's no way farmer unicorn can hear this right here here we go back in we go get out round no one's here okay cool so let's go over to this blue area now the blue area i just went through the slaughterhouse and i'm not gonna lie there's nothing in here really worth drawing that appears to be a gift shop so that's not really evil and these just are slaughterhouses so i actually think in this area there's nothing to destroy but with that in mind i do think that there is still four things i gotta destroy and i'm gonna show you what they are now so this yellow area definitely has something worth destroying so i'm gonna quickly jump in and hopefully these farmers don't catch me but it has two slaughterhouses and this building and if i look inside this is the hunter area this is where he sells guns like weapons i have to destroy this 100 so that's what we're gonna do i just have no idea how to get in there yet so uh that building's gotta go 100 million oh i see unicorn over there okay and then we're gonna make our way back over to the green and red areas to see if there's anything worth destroying let's go over here real quick and if we look carefully at red and green there's that building as a slaughterhouse what is this building this building's open i actually haven't even been in this one this appears to be oh okay this appears to be some sort of meat like shipping area it's where they process it okay i don't need to i don't need to destroy that because as long as i destroy that meat area they can't sell the meat so i don't need to destroy that so what else is there to destroy maybe there is maybe it's just three things and this one oh okay we gotta move that's definitely a track farmer unicorn but let's quickly check it out okay two six oh another one another one another one oh god two and six in this pink building i'm destroying that what is this i'm dodging i'm dodging the rabbit hat magic shop okay magic shop probably ow okay okay well this place is called the lucky foot farms so i bet you if i can get inside here which i don't know if i can or can't oh that hurt oh we can't wake up shut the door yeah this place definitely sells lucky rabbit feed so this is it i got to destroy the magic shop because he's cutting off rabbits legs and putting them in here for sale so this place has go a hundred percent oh god i see his name plate what do you mean there's rabbit inside the magic shell okay quick let's uh oh we can get we can hide behind these like glasses did you shoot them just hide right here come on [Music] all right come on out come on out you little rat rabbit unbelievable you think you could just walk around my my little rap park and even after i made things so unbelievable come on okay so i've been caught all right come on over here oh wait nope definitely what wrong way that's it's a farm right anyway so we're going to slaughter to the foot cutter see i knew it this place is for cutting lucky rabbit's feet i have to destroy that magic shirt okay don't you come back unless your foot okay that's farm so let's see can i just run around all this so i have to go up this platform i'm guessing there's exit at the end so let's let's try it out i guess now pick it up again go okay that was wait are those knives they actually hurt oh oh they do hurt you can't get me if i'm over here though can you little sharp knives uh what is that are they throw oh they're throwing their knives at me oh god are these like invisible people throwing knives at me oh god oh i think these are meant to be cutters okay go here here okay dodge the knives that's so scary it's a bunch of floating knives what is this is this going to push me off to the side yet it is okay no no no stamp no no no no no no no no no no no no it's google map okay go go whoa we almost fell in lava we almost just fell in lava oh that would have been that would have been it boys that would have been the end of this video thanks for watching okay here we go nice nailed it okay okay yeah we definitely have more knife throwers so if they hit me they're gonna hit me off and i believe that's gonna drop yeah drops me into love so i have to just run past this and there's the way out so we can we can win this we can win this one two three four five come on button why do i sneak at minecraft button please yes okay we're out oh we're out no lucky rabbit's foot for him okay good we've survived it oh okay let's get back to the pin for now because we definitely ah okay well uh this is just great okay so i got caught again and i won't lie i am fairly suspicious of how i keep getting caught usually i don't have this much trouble avoiding farmer unicorn in the beginning so i'm starting to think that he has someone who is constantly looking at the cameras while he patrols the farm i have to find out where his security room is so i can shut these cameras down once and for all because i'm not gonna be able to get anything done with these cameras constantly keeping an eye on me okay so there's still a few areas left around i've checked all the main areas to find out if there was any sort of security room the barn has nothing none of the main areas have something but there is some stuff back this way that i haven't gone to yet oh unicorn's over here so while unicorn appears to be at this purple building this is what i want to check out what is this it looks like there's farmers is this a shooting oh my god it's a shooting range oh my god so the hunters have a shooting range so if i go out there they just start blasting me oh my god good thing i looked at that first i would have just died okay uh oh what is this oh look at that it's secure careful i don't want to be in that window uh that is definitely a security room though okay he's gone he's finally gone bro i've just been sitting here eating carrots waiting for him to leave okay he's gone let's go inside what is this building oh i think this is unicorn's house yeah it's 100 what it is unicorn man and miss sizzle 100 so this is unicorn's house and it means he has a security room in the basement let me make sure that it's just the guard right there's no one else down there it's literally just a guard okay cool cool do i have to kill the guard is that is that really what i'm gonna have to do i think i think it's what i have to do here well god do what i gotta do so here we go see me do i really have to kill him okay we're killing him oh there he is a rabbit we killed him come here you little nuisance emergency hostile rabbit in the security office dies xd okay well he just was that a radio he must have been radio dang thing there's not a lot of places you could have gone behind right now but i'm on water you can't toast me be so easy he set the toilet on fire all right come on get on out where am i going i was going to go out and get some holes yeah but you look about a tasty right about now i'll i'll do you uh i'll give you a trade offer here mr rabbit either i can kill you right now or i could take you to one of my factories yeah i knew how this is working to a factory we got two hops for yeah all right it wasn't even a yes or no question three is oh this is meat production this could be probably one of the hardest ones yet because the meat production areas are always the biggest pain every time and every single farm he has these are the hardest all right come on up here oh i thought i had to go to the bottom of the grinder ryan grinder all right i hope you like me oh no i didn't mean to follow he's gonna hit me in any way i don't even know why i care oh oh god okay let's get the timing down oh that almost hit oh go oh we made it we made it we made it oh okay we're live we're live careful here careful here and jump jump we made it past both these oh what's this oh hey bails we got to fall on these not die okay we got a few more you're not grinding me with these arrows okay oh i see i see where to go okay go right here i need to jump onto that glass okay we did it we did it we did it okay cool where's the exit wait is this not the exit what i thought that was the exit so what's the exit then oh i think i see it hold up do i have to go this way aha yeah i found it i found it here we go here we go to this one oh wait there we go right here gonna be tough this is gonna be really tough so right here oh we made it we made it oh no there's a button though i can get back in okay here we go get back out and we're out okay and then we'll just turn off his grinder and we're free oh that was nice and i thought that was gonna be way harder we just creamed that one like creamed corn anyway let's go ahead let's make our way back to uh the bunny place because i just need to lay low for a second okay so note to self don't anger farmer unicorn or he's just gonna throw you into some of the worst possible situations luckily i survived the slaughterhouse but after killing his guard i can tell he is really not happy the only good thing is now i don't have to worry about those annoying security cameras as much okay anyway back to the game plan i now know which four buildings i have to destroy in order to take down this farm now is the hard part actually destroying the buildings in the past i've used everything from tnt to a massive sheep to take out unicorns buildings but this time i have no idea what supplies i have to work with so i did some recon over the next week and a half and finally found a lead okay so i'm looking around for like how to destroy these buildings and i'm purposely right now trying to find a way on how i can get into that building that's way over there because that building has no levers to get into it and nothing so like i really have no clue how to destroy it but because it's a gun store i'm assuming it's connected to this and i see no other reason to go out here so and i haven't gone out here so i gotta like get past this so if i go out here they probably are gonna shoot at me would be my guess oh yeah yeah exactly see what i mean so i can't go out there really without taking damage and i'm assuming because this is far oh i just saw a farmer unicorn was at his house well i'm assuming because farmer unicorn is the one who like sets up these farms he wouldn't make it to like if these guys hit me i bet you their damage output is enough to kill me in a single shot that's how he works so let's go ahead we need to find a way to like shut down that place and luckily i i read a sign last time we were here going through with the security guard and i think he's right there he's literally actually that's where the sign is that's literally where the sign is i need to get back and read that sign so let's get back in there let's actually get in the house real quick when he comes up the stairs we're gonna already be upstairs we'll watch him exit and then we're gonna sneak downstairs because i think there's a way to shut down the shooting range down there i think i can like block their view or something let them walk out the door okay no he's going out the door we're good we're good okay so let's go downstairs real quick there's no guard down here we're good okay there's two buttons what does this say emergency destroy hunting range only so this is going to destroy the hunting range so i just hit these buttons okay hit the buttons i don't know if they did anything but let's see if it shut down the hunting range oh white insane hail did i just blow up the oh my god i think i just blew it up oh my god i blew it up oh oh he sees me oh run run run it wait wait right there's bunnies out in this field he's not gonna be able to tell different between us uh just get behind the tractor he's literally gonna see all the bunnies oh god sorry i gotta call my lawyer okay well the shooting rangers shut down i thought it was gonna block their view but it blew him up that's fine anyway this is where i wanted to get because this thing is really the only thing i haven't actually checked out in too much detail here so let's go ahead and let's whoa i really hope this is leading where i think it's leading okay let's get up here let's quickly check this out there we go oh okay i thought that i thought okay i thought that was a person for a sec like a farmer and i got terrified okay he has tons of different weapons he has tons of different like chess full of stuff so this is definitely a place i have to destroy okay what's down here what is this gas what's it back here tnt oh my god i see tt back there so he has tnt here oh okay so i can use the tnt to grab that and i can use that to destroy some of the buildings and then here this building's made of gas or has gas down here i'm assuming for the air rifles and if you don't know gas is flammable so why you find a flint and steel i could just go light this place and it will explode now i have to time this all correctly like i i do like i normally do you have to destroy them all at once if i want this to work right so i'm not going to worry about it for now there's nothing i'm really going gonna be able to get out of this but i do know for certain for a hundred percent certain that there is gas in this basement i can destroy so that's how i'm gonna destroy this place it's pretty straightforward i just need to find some way that i can start a fire down there to set this place off okay so for now i'm just going to get out of here then so i can't destroy this place yet and i have no way to access that tnt but there's got to be stuff around the farm to get access to that tnt a and b i have to i'm sure there's some sort of way to set a fire like a flint and steel or a fire charge or something that i can use down in that basement to then blow up that gun store i think i may have found a way to destroy two of the buildings already at the very least so this is actually working out great uh so let's make our way back to the main rabbit farm real quick i also need to work on the survival bunker a little more to protect myself oh act like a rabbit you i caught you on my cameras i played back the footage and you snuck into my house didn't you you blew up my you blew up my business well fine fine there happens to be a kid that wants to adopt a rabbit come with me i'm assuming i'm going to a slaughterhouse wait what i thought building four was in there i already noticed this wait what oh oh i'm on one heart already all right you you hang out down there all right and uh i'll be down in a second this kid's literally just been staring at me oh god i'm gonna take you out it talks let's see mr buddy i'm gonna take you through uh of course because i only want the best rabbit i don't want the best flavor don't die i knew it it is death run great okay i'm gonna call you fossils okay [Music] oh you're too slow buddy you're too slow buddy okay how many of you passed this kid how many persons run just get out of here get here run run hide i'm not dealing with this kid i'm not dealing with this kid we're gone we're gone okay let's just let's just go and let's get back to the bunny thing okay that was actually way worse than i anticipated that to be so uh okay okay so yeah i got caught but i survived the death run and i'd say it was totally worth it in the end because i found out that underneath the hunter shop there is a gas can that is highly flammable if i set that on fire i can probably just destroy the entire building the only problem is i have no way to actually light a fire right now so i have to find a flint and steel or something like that to blow that place up now once i get the ability to make fire i can't just go in and blow it up unfortunately i have to wait till i have the ability to destroy all four buildings at once because if i don't do that farmer unicorn is likely to up his security and i won't be able to complete this challenge that's exactly what he's done in the past and it made things 10 times harder so from here i basically just have to locate a way to make a fire and not use it just yet finding it is all that matters right now okay so i've i've legitimately looked for like i don't even know how many days this point it's been a lot though looking for some way to make fire and this farm's got nothing like literally nothing i found nothing there's only one area left to check so it's gotta be there but like i'm a little nervous because if it's not there i might have either missed it or something like that but i've checked red i've checked blue and i've checked yellow meaning it has to be in the green area so we gotta go look around there so let's quickly find our little hole here there we go get out here make sure uh so let's make our way over to green we should be able to get there without much of an issue since he's murdered more farmers than i have luckily i got an upgraded axe so that'll help for fighting there's a farmer right there as i enter let's go to the right okay you didn't see me but regardless let's go to the right okay slaughterhouse okay that one sees me get back well let's just check this purple building first things it's gonna be hard well i don't think it would be there it's either gonna be in the restaurant it's gonna be here so this is actually a good place to look okay oh potions potions potions see strength strength swiftness i'll take that that'll help still check the brewing brewing stands have no potions in them can i jump up here oh i can jump up on this oh wait a minute is this can i get to that shelf this i could it yeah yeah i think i think this is oh i bet you that's it right there that crate i also forgot to grab carrots i need to grab some more carrots jump up here jump up here do i have to use these can i jump on these candles oh i hope i can oh my god i can okay i have to do i have to candle parkour that's awful that's literally awful this is terrible this is a horrible thing jump to this one okay we're good and this should be the last candle right the candle okay this time let's not fall off get to the edge back up clinton i shouldn't die from this nice okay we live okay we got flint and steel that is a way to make fire yes oh thank goodness what is this i don't know what that is but i'm sure that's gonna be useful later anyway great news i got the flint and steel so uh yeah so that went great i finally was able to make some progress without actually getting caught now that i have a way to make fire i am one step closer to completing this challenge now all i need to do is find a way to destroy the remaining three buildings that let this place operate the magic store the rabbit cafe and the meat production building if i could find ways to take out all of these buildings before day 100 i could complete this challenge so over the next week and some days i looked and looked for anything that i could use but didn't have any luck i'm gonna go look and see if i can actually access the tnt that i saw previously if you don't remember when we went to that gun store i saw that like tnt behind the door and i had no way to access it well i've been looking for basically a way to access it and uh i i'm assuming it's gotta be in here right this is unicorn's house this is where i usually find key cards and such so it's gotta be here i've been looking for like a few days now i've found nothing this is really the only place i can think of oh he's in here oh god wait i thought you just saw him out there i literally okay well i guess we're gonna go in is he in bed he's literally in bed is he reading miss sizzle a bedtime story i think he is anyway let's get up here let's see what's going on okay let's check here first just check the crates up here real quick nothing nothing nothing boom gunshot backroom key i knew it dude i knew it i called it oh okay we got it good call that it was here i'll double check he likes to keep stuff in his nightstand okay there's nothing in there nothing over here i'll take this opportunity to quickly check a bunch of p sandwiches i'm taking all his sandwiches what are they peanut butter and banana sandwiches all mine get out of here okay let's make our way back to the gun store we have a gunshot backroom key so we have to go this way luckily this this whole range is destroyed so we'll go in here we'll get to the uh gun shop get the tnt and then we'll be all set okay we're clear i actually know we're clear because he couldn't be in here without this okay let's go up here down this way caution explosives okay let's grab the two tnt that are up here let's grab the tnt that's in here what do we got we got 20 total tnt okay nice now we have the tnt which i can use to hopefully destroy either the cafe the meat production building or one of the buildings i gotta destroy so uh let's go ahead let's exit get out of here oh two farmers two farmers oh and unicorn oh god okay hide right here hide right here where'd you go little bunny can i see him can i see him i don't see his name or anything oh okay no he's here oh i thought i thought i ditched him too all right come on i'm taking you all over well since you're right here actually uh me and the boys have been putting together a little rat race of sorts uh you know for entertainment purposes so why don't you head on in oh that's so cool all right you hang out in there right and you uh you and your little buddy there oh i tried to trap him in here with us i tried to trap him in here with us very polite to uh to just go ahead and do that now i'll be watching right here make sure you don't make no escapes from the front here are you a friend okay good we got a friend bunny okay perfect good i love when the bunnies are sentient sentient mobs are the best okay so i'm guessing one of these buttons does something let me just try hitting them actually this one's the difference let's try hitting the stone one oh you hit the button go yeah it worked i see you tying the rabbit brains are working okay here we go now you go pretty hard yes yes oh you did it yes oh you're a legend okay where do we go i'll see you in the next section you little rabbit uh oh i see a button i see a button so if i go up here now i'm gonna hit this button for you and i think it should do something okay it's a parkour you have to jump twice and then jump to your left and get on the ledge ready three two one go oh yes yes yes yes yes nailed it now i'm gonna hit this i don't know what this does so just be ready hold on let me test this okay when those open you're gonna jump onto them stay hug the log and then just try to just keep jumping hugging the log and you should get on top of it ready three two one go keep jumping keep jumping nice nice okay now from there i think they're i think you can go around to the back side of the trapdoors yep go to the next one well that didn't work for you okay come on and yes okay now just get around the back yes okay one more nice now get on those slabs yes okay okay okay hold on i okay oh i can't get over this can't oh no i can't get over this i can okay i made it i think when you hit that button these things are appearing so i basically have to make it across these parkour lamps that every time i hit this button are spawning so let's wait for everything to despawn for a sec so from here i should be able to jump from this okay so i go from here to there oh my goodness that is so difficult jump there okay we made it to this one jump here okay now is where i think the emerald comes into play oh i would fall there i would fall there oh my god this is so frustrating there's got to be something we're missing like is it okay let me go check the hay area i'm missing something i'm missing something no no oh healing oh my god jump and speed hey you're not supposed to touch that uh mine now i don't care if i'm not supposed to touch it mine now baby oh geez oh no okay hold on hold on we got a jump potion leap leap leap oh we did it i did okay yes you're at the emerald area now perfect so what's gonna happen is i'm gonna hit this gold button so it looks like it spawns in a bridge for you so give it a sec give it a sec i want you to hit that emerald button at the exact same time i hit this gold button and we both have to jump all the way to this end platform make sense okay three two one go okay i jump here i jump here i jump here i get up on his thing jump up here oh and i'm good i made it did he make it no he fell no oh no he didn't make it guess you just ain't cut out for it don't you dare don't you dare kill him guess you're gonna become a nice tasty house why does he always kill my friends you smell that sizzle mmm smells like dinner okay anyway you be on your way buddy oh i got out of this okay well we survived well he's coming back i'm gonna take this chance to get the heck out of here okay so i have some good and bad news obviously good news is i just survived another slaughterhouse that's that's just great but the bad news is that the tnt that i just obtained is only useful for the rabbit cafe it turns out that both the magic store and the meat production building are basically both blast proof meaning unicorn definitely seems to value them extremely highly so the only way i know to destroy buildings reinforced in that way is to either break them by hand which i'm not going to do or find some way to destroy them from the inside out similar to the gas tank inside of the hunter store if i can find a way to destroy them both from the inside i will have a way to defeat farmer unicorn once and for all okie dokie so let's uh let's keep looking around because uh we still need to find a way to destroy the other buildings and i'm re i really got to start looking into them so one of the buildings i know is definitely still long the meat production building is still locked and there's got to be a way to unlock it just like everything else so either unicorn's house is going to contain a key card there like it always does or it's possible that inside of the other building over there that i haven't really gone through too much there could be something in there i honestly have i looked in a few of the crates and they all seemed empty so i want to get a closer inspection on this okay there's definitely some sort of conveyor belt that comes up here so i'm guessing this is where meat comes from oh there was meat okay i just didn't catch it all that steak did that actually do anything oh don't fall down that don't fall down that maybe that's a lever to the door oh my god it is oh my god it's open so there was a way in that's how you get in oh okay that works that's not what i thought would happen oh all right go go go go go go go i thought okay okay okay okay that's what i thought all right now listen here little rabbit all right you like carrots of course you like carrots because you're a little rabbit you like carrots right you like little carrots though i actually like peanut butter and banana sandwiches all right come on come on little buddy you want carrot come follow me i'll play along so i don't die follow me little buddy uh i got a special place i want to bring you all right all right head on over here now conventionally this is usually a carrot juice all right oh it's a carrot juicer but recently we outfitted to see if it could kill rabbits excuse me that's do me a favor and see if it kills rabbits for me i tried to hit him i tried to hit him darn it okay here we go ready good luck let's toss is there anything down here oh we don't want to fall let's go up the conveyor belts pretty straight forward i think don't fall you won't die straight forward okay send this down here down here and then okay here's where i'm a little nervous because i can't take much fall damage and i can't tell if that's enough to kill me so let me see for a second i don't think it's enough to kill me let's just go down okay it is not enough to kill me what is this well that can't do anything to me well that's easy i mean i guess it's for these it was for carrots so oh now that fall i don't know if i can live oh okay i guess i can guess i can oh i gotta land in that water i see okay closed open yes we made it to the water yes yes yes yes yes okay we almost died that was easy okay that's all i had to deal with is that it is this the exit oh this is the truck oh that was it oh that was easy oh okay well enjoy my sandwich i guess so after almost dying i officially have access to the meat production building however every time i try to get close unicorn man seems to always be in there i haven't been able to get in yet in over a week it's kind of ridiculous and so ridiculous in fact i think something tricky's going on i actually have a funny feeling that unicorn has someone new watching his cameras because every time i try to go anywhere he's like always there i have not been able to make a major move in in forever and with two buildings left that i need to find ways to destroy i was really running out of time so i made my way back to farmer unicorn's house to see if i was right and there was another guard running the cameras we need to check if uh there's a security guard inside so let's go oh i knew it i was right i knew it i literally i literally called it i knew there was another security guard here and unicorn's right above me so maybe i just break in through the window this time and get in that would be a fast way to do it honestly the only problem is with him up there he's gonna hear me kill him he's gonna hear that okay so what we can do maybe is just have a quick way out like out this window that's what we can do yeah we'll have a quick way out the window so let me get a block we have some cobblestone on me okay oh okay there we go and there we go ready and let's attack he's going to see me okay he's dead he's dead we got him no more security for you down god is he coming down yeah we're going we're going we're going we're going we're going to grab it oh he tried to burn though he tried to burn the hole go go go go get out here get out of here come back up we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go okay we killed the guard oh thank god no more security cameras we need to get back we need to get back inside the uh pin okay get through area blue get through the blue area come on where's oh he's right behind me he's right by me go go go go go go go okay we'll lose him here we'll lose him or we'll lose him here yeah we'll definitely lose him here here we go dip into the hole we're back in the we're back in the farm we're back in the morning he can't get him he can't get me oh we definitely lost him we definitely lost them okay he's coming around he could be coming in he could be coming in rabbit tied rabbits hide he's coming in uh in case just so i don't get burned i'm gonna go back here so i can make sure you know what it doesn't really matter it's all about sending a message oh my god oh he's burning them all just a little bit more for good measure don't miss my stuff rabbits oh that was close like really really close but i proved my theory was right farmer unicorn had someone new on those cameras which is why i couldn't do anything during that time now that the cameras were down again i had to use this time to act extraordinarily quickly so i could get into the meat production building and find some way to shut it down because i still had no clue what to do okay got some potions there just to help me anyway we're gonna make our way to the meat production building so that way uh these potions are there basically to keep us safe in case something goes wrong but i need to find a way to destroy it and so i need to get inside and see what's in there because i still haven't really gotten a good chance to look around in there so we're gonna make our way back out into the main farm area and let's head back to the meat production building which is all the way over here in the red area let's see what we can find okay what's down here okay some sort of conveyor oh i bet you this leads to that other building underground what's all he's up there careful careful get out of this building oh he sees me oh hey hey what are you doing now in case of in case fbi shows up what are you doing down here emergency self-destruct that's his emergency self-destruct you ain't supposed to be in here if i hit that button this building's gonna blow up back off before i burn through chris i'm gonna go outside because he'll definitely be able to kill me right there i gotta get that button that button will literally blow up that whole building okay well we went through six so i'm guessing we're just going to seven it's right here this one i i actually haven't looked inside so i actually have no idea what to expect on this one this is one of my butchering facilities right here all right there's a lot of old rusty pipes in here so don't mind uh if you gain tetanus in there go on going in there okay don't you come back you here okay so what is okay there's butchers okay okay if i fall i'm gonna get killed by butchers pretty straightforward okay where am i going i'm assuming this way here okay we're here where am i going from here i think i'm going that way to this thing yep to this thing the arrow points this way okay be very careful jump up here oh yeah then i'm jumping up here and i'm going down this way luckily there's these arrows okay here we go down to the slime block and land it nice okay that worked i should be able to make this jump to this one yes i can thank god for leaping potions okay go here to here to here oh i almost messed that one up where am i going it looks like i'm going up here to this one oh is my jump gun oh my jump's gone that's why i was like why is my jump feel less because it is less where am i going this way am i getting on that oh my god wait i was already up there with the jump potion was that we're supposed to oh my god i'm an idiot i think i was if i jumped up here i could have skipped a whole part of this course okay here we go ready and jump made it nice nailed it nailed it okay jump over here to this one don't drop my tnt on accident i need this come on make it there make it there jump back on this okay oh i almost fell nice we got it we got it where am i going to this block what is this oh my god am i not done i'm not done i thought i was done i'm not done eat a sandwich relax and eat a sandwich you got this there we go do that that'll work your trick works there we go there we go oh no one heart one one okay where am i going am i going up there am i using the slimes maybe i think i'm using the slimes actually let me try this yes okay that's where i was supposed to go i thought so i think i could have just walked that just to be safe but i didn't want to risk it because i wasn't sure if i could make it i think i could but you know what it's fine i got up here okay there we go going this way where am i going oh i see please okay yes come on yes okay come on second time's the charm we can do this one jump oh yes jump yes jump yes okay i can make this jump right here ready boom we made it we made it am i out am i out am i out gonna land in the water that fall will kill me i think oh i almost messed that up still somehow okay we're out we're out we're out oh i gotta park around this little thing oh we're gone we survived building seven complete okay we got through that slaughterhouse thank god oh that was a pain that was a real pain after surviving a million butchers trying to murder me i knew i had to work quickly there was only one more building that i needed to find a way to destroy his lucky rabbit foot magic store place hat thing yeah that building now there is a locked room in the back that i have not been able to gain access to i'm guessing there has to be something back there i just have no clue how to unlock that darn door so i kept looking and sure enough inside of the gift shop i could see storage crates in the back that i have not accessed yet but this has to be the room but this room was locked too luckily there were instructions on where i could find the key card back inside farmer unicorn's house okay so i just need to get into unicorn's house and find where it's located it said it's in his personal quarters so it's gotta be in here i went through here already i already went through the kitchen but i'll double check because i guess he could have like had it on him or something at the time okay i can't access the counters nothing's in the fridge let's check upstairs but oh no no there's something in here now this was not here before gift shop key okay that's exactly what i needed so now we go back to the gift shop we can actually access i think that's just the gift shop from the back here so if we go use this gift shop key on that door i think i can get to the back okay all you gotta do go here a security camera cool don't want it uh magic shop facebook i knew it it is here oh i knew it i knew it was here wait didn't they didn't they just throw this down anyway we got the key that's the important piece we have the magic shop basement put this way ready and pool open it oh he's in the magazine he's in the metro ah how am i supposed to get to that trap door see where he is okay okay hold up whoa on the back go around the back around the back around the back is somebody just open this he is not leaving okay this time quick yes actually you are a fool anyway all right great let's go where are we going not two not six done both in fact i think there's eight is there nine or ten in this one i don't think there's a nine or ten in this i think it's only eight i got a place where i send real bad bunnies okay so i'm just going in this door i suggest if you don't want to get cooked alive you step on that pressure plate oh god what where am i what what just happened what's this button do oh i see i have to hit that button because it's going to send the signal here and i need this block to get me up but wait did that just oh it releases butchers if i hit those button it also releases butchers okay oh i made it i made it i made it i have to be quick i see how that works now i get it he just got let out he got let out but i already made it to the end so ready so we're just ready and jump and okay we made it we made it see but there's a butcher there he let a butcher out okay so far so good luckily i'm pretty good at parkour here we go one two three gotta time it here it comes there we go we made it nice yeah you can't get me now can you big and ugly yeah get whacked get whacked that's right oh no no i was being greedy i forgot if i i have to time the ending too i was being so arrogant ah whoop yes yes yes we did it oh we did it okay okay okay there we go we're free we're free we're out the door let's go back to the bunny pin because now uh we're so close so yeah we got caught again but we survived and we now have access to the back of the magic place now i don't have any idea on how to destroy it yet but at this point it's already day 99 meaning i don't have any more time to really figure out how to destroy it i was just gonna have to hope that something was gonna work it's time for the final heist and for the first time i'm not sure if it's gonna work it's do or die time either i destroy all four buildings here or i'm gonna fail and failing's a real possibility here so here we go okay it's day 99 time for the final heist let me show you how this is going to work first things first we are grabbing as many potions as we can because i could die here i really could first things first we're going to drink this potion of swiftness this is going to be swiftness for eight minutes which is honestly plenty so we got that on our system now oh is that unicorn okay unicorn's burning the rabbit so i'm gonna take this chance to get out the front gate while he burns the rabbits and i'm gonna use this dude the first thing i'm gonna do is blow up this cafe so in fact let's slow him down a little bit let's lock him in come on this he's locked in he's locked in there's our chance okay while he's locked in let's blow this place to smithereens where's the kitchen where's the kitchen it's in the back here okay here we go here's the kitchen ready uh one two three as long as i can destroy the kitchen this place is doomed there we go let's set this off let's run let's run let's run let's run okay i destroyed the kitchen in the cafe quick quick get up the side get up the side get upside he's getting oh he's working his way out okay in the green building in the green building let him go check that out okay we're gonna go to the green building or uh the magic hat building uh we have to get this basement if we can't destroy this here our entire operation is over please please let this work please it's gas oh we can destroy gas we can destroy gas okay all we have to do is light it now i have to be very careful here because gas blows up pretty much instantly so we need a way out there's the grass we're out and this is right outside the green gate yes it is okay perfect we can get out of here we got to set this off oh it worked it worked go go go go get out get okay this look at it it's destroyed it's destroyed look at that oh my oh he's coming he's coming he's going to die what happened one at a time baby stop one at a time baby okay let's go to the to the to the self-destruct button now we hit the self-destruct button from here this is all we got to do in case fbi shows up emergency self-destruct here we go yup i knew it go go go run run run run this is gonna go kaboom that almost killed me that almost killed me where's the health where's the health where's the health there it is my facilities what's happening here okay here we go oh he sees me okay we need to just activate the gas in the bottom of the gun store we are faster than him we got a speed potion on let's go baby let's go we need to get through to the gun store and luckily he can't enter either or well unless he has a lever he might have a lever actually that you know i'm gonna block off the door just to be safe okay we're in we're in when we're in okay let's block up this door just to be safe we're gonna block it off pretty tight one two three four one two three four hey lock everything lock everything okay we need to have a way in and out of here he's trying to burn through he's trying to break through okay oh this thinks because we if we don't have a way out we're troubling so we need it well he's blocked out we're gonna fill the way out we have to we have to do this okay there's our way out we have our way out it's right next to the building but it should be i should be quick enough here we go okay we should do once again break the sign put a block down and get ready to run here we go run book it oh it's gone baby it's destroyed baby out the yellow door out the yellow door he can't even stop me we're gone because that's all four of his buildings that are destroyed meaning this farm is no longer operational meaning i have a oh i'm being shot it oh god i'll be the guy who officially won this challenge once i get out of these front gates because it is oh god there's still guards in the way i didn't even think about this okay oh come on if i get all these gates i actually win okay here we go ready point and we're gone we have successfully beaten this challenge meaning we have survived not only 100 days as a rabbit technically 99 but whatever 100 days as a rabbit we have also stopped another one of farmer unicorn stupid farms this time a rabbit farm so anyway if you guys like this video i think we have earned your subscription especially if you watch the end if you watch to the end let me know in the comments that you watched the end by commenting the word uh carrots are cool that's what you're gonna say carrots are cool if you watch the end and also slap that sub button anyway thanks for watching and we'll see you all next time
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,650,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, ryguyrocky 100 day, ryguyrocky 100 days, unicorn mann, minecraft roleplays, roleplays, roleplay, 100 day farm, 100 day rabbit, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, minecraft 100 days, farmer unicorn, custom 100 days, 100 day challenge
Id: rd5bQhUw_BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 24sec (3384 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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