I Solved Sherlock's Secret Camera Puzzle!

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hi and welcome to another episode of Mr puzzle and today we got the next clue box the first solve of the next clue box which is part of a Kickstarter campaign and just went live so if you are interested in this puzzle and you like what you see today and also would like to support my Channel please use my link post it down in the video description to check out the kickstarter campaign of this clue box called Sherlock Holmes camera and you might notice also that this one is not called clue box this one is called glue box Pro and the reason is this one should be even more challenging than the previous ones and you can see already if you look at all the details on this puzzle I mean this looks crazy yeah this is a crazy amount of details as usual made out of laser cut wood and acrylic the packaging was still not ready therefore I received it in this condition and also it will come with a stand that looks like a stand of a camera like a tripod I think it then will be down here so the camera will stand off the stripe in this tripod you can see a picture in the campaign which is a nice addition maybe it's also in the puzzle I don't know but I don't think so and I think it might not been ready and therefore I didn't receive it and let's let's have a closer look on the puzzle yeah because you probably if you would like to buy this puzzle and not watch the solution you are interested to see some more details so let's start on the top and the top the top looks really complex a lot of discs that can be rotated partially out of acrylic partially out of wood that you can see some of the Interiors a piece of film or something inside here you can see it in in there interesting mechanism here on the front with some balls then the lens yeah also looks also quite complex from the side we see some mechanism swinging left and right looking like a clock or something in the rear some gears and the gears can be operated here with this thing by moving it or shifting it and also accessing each Gear with some symbols then on this side I have no idea what this is here like a dark Teton or something a on off switch and here on the bottom side this disc with some holes probably Warrior revealing here probably some some additional symbols so this is pretty much how it looks and to be honest I I can't wait trying this puzzle and therefore after spoiler break you're gonna see my first attempt trying to solve and open up the new clue box Pro called Sherlock Holmes camera so once a year usually in the middle of the Year there is clue box time and this time is right now so where do I have to see or where I have to start this puzzle I haven't seen any start marking in the last puzzles there have been some marks where to start the puzzle this time not there is this on and off switch over here down here we got the disc you can watch through the gaps between the lines steel balls and here's the start here is to start even the start was hidden um okay so I need to solve this Puzzle first it's showing me I think I need to place the balls to the side and then okay let me let me just try to do it um by by tilting it you know like oh yes you see this worked lever in the middle or the piece in the middle came down and now what happened what happened now I'm gonna shift this out oh yes okay so I got a tool obviously a piece of wood with a magnet inside okay so let me let me just check this out okay let's let's move let's move step by step let's follow the path okay so I can now slide this one over I think this one is not needed anymore or is it maybe needed still because there are these markings here these Roman letters or numbers numbers and also there's an I here and an arrow that I need to look inside here maybe once ah there's a mirror inside there's a mirror inside oh and I can shift this mirror let me Let Me Maybe Focus you on the tool can I maybe manipulate it ah okay see I can use this as a tool to operate the thing but there are several mechanisms here you see this I can move this one I can move this one this is how healthy by a latch you see there's a magnet here and here it will push down the magnets will repel it will push down the other magnets and the latch will lock it here and then maybe impact this somehow oh now it's open again now it's open I but I have no idea why see when I oh this is now this is now stuck at number eight okay let's let's continue so I move this one over and now I can look inside here oh when I can see myself actually my eye I can see some symbols inside this is probably very hard to show here on camera inside there you can see in the rear there's this mirror and I can rotate it depending on how I rotate it up here I can see like a diamond or something if I move it to this one I can see like a diamond and if I it's the diamond is actually oh this piece came out now oh it came out here to the side ah I can coming back to the diamond so there's a diamond back here on this surface of this one and if I turn it here on this one I can see there is another symbol it's like a like a cult you know like a pistol I have no idea how I unlock this to be honest I have no idea I think there's something like a bomb or something so that's reflected through several mirrors I think like in real camera so it goes like here here here and then here and then you can see there like a like something like a bomb I think I can find any of those symbols what does it mean does it mean I can Now operate something inside here ah yeah oh what oh my gosh this is so complicated it's so complicated yes something is moving in there but okay I think I got it maybe not the detail but at least what I have to do um there are these faces here and I need to build probably you've seen it like 10 minutes let ago but I need to build those those guys here I think let's see the symbols what do we have we have we got a syringe we got a cult a syringe a diamond a necktie um so we set it to this one we got what is this appear should this be hair no it's it's a beard okay so we got only guy one guy was a beard this one uh got no beard and now let's see I see a bag of money okay let's let's check let's counter check again if um if there's some if these two symbols are right so I set these now to the four I think the right the symbol set from my point of view should be right so I set it to money back bomb pistol and Diamond a syringe I can find nowhere but this doesn't unfortunately change nothing you know nothing I can do with it for some reason it moved now but not entirely so it's somehow stuck but what did I do different than before this is right now this makes no sense to me I don't understand why this was not unlocking to be honest uh basically I solved this already but it was just not opening up because you need to align it very very precise but this is something I think that could be optimized in the final version to make maybe a great maybe a little bit more free play to make this easier to do so now there is a push button in here you see this one there's a arrow on it I will push this now in and let's see what happens ah okay you see this um there is a little slider down there and when I hold it like this it will it will drop over here on oh oh can I know oh I can switch the camera on now oh you see this no I notice what this means it means move it fast oh oh oh my gosh so let's continue over here turn it on and now I can move the dancers I will try to show it to you not sure if you can see that I can buy or barely see it myself so we are now coming we need to probably remove these locks does it and I can lift it but I cannot remove it oh something moved down here oh how why did it move it I just when I put this in here I just saw this thing here moving oh and here we go okay so same for the other side little work around but okay oh and here are they the little guys long puzzle session today so what can I do with these guys oh and take them out I can take wow them out it's by the way it's six guys jumping here up and down the second one I think it's a very creative way here to to provide such a puzzle to be honest each with a magnet and I do not know which one is the first unfortunately okay so this guy this guy here when he's coming down on the floor he's only in contact with one hand and his head so it can be only this one no can be this one or this one okay so number three is one foot this is one foot I'm pretty sure about that this one is definitely had in one hand ah this is leg and this is the leg and hand and now what should happen now oh how did it work man this is so cool how did it unlock it ah okay you see these sliders there are some small sliders here acrylic with also magnets and when you put them in they disappear and what is that what are these these circles for anything in here is something inside but it's like flexible and I'm a bit afraid to damage it to be honest there are countless x marks in here one over there one over here so this probably need to help me to decipher whatever this is so I got the one in the this one down there none of the on the next line and then becomes interesting because then there are like three four one two three four so these four I have all of them like an equal distance and then one of them and then we got the other one the uh up here which would be this one let's see what's going on now oh I can shift it yes I can shift it oh oh wow that was a cool one oh it's still not done guys still not gone but one step ahead what else do we have here we have here maybe it has like a fingerprint sensor in it I would not I would not wonder about anything anymore on this on those glue boxes you know ah here we go okay so I just had to like pull it in and lift it okay let's now let's now see what's inside here oh man I scratched it a bit oh there are fingerprints they are really fingerprints inside see this this probably means like observe the fingerprints I don't think this is has something to do here with oh it will oh put a piece of paper here is this really about now reading the fingerprints yeah so for example this symbol you find like here in the fingerprint idea what's what's going on here I think it's like a combination lock here yeah mechanism I probably need to do like four yeah probably there are four layers and I need to bring them in the right configuration but I need to figure out these details in the fingerprints I can see nothing on the third one nothing okay let me let me check the first one the first one I think could be with this one these are the fingerprints okay and you can see there's a circle here in the center this one is also visible here on this like here then we got this one here which has pattern like a wave which is this one here I'm pretty sure about that this one here is like two two pieces interlocking like this it looks like and and um and this would be like either this one or this one probably this one and then we got this one and this one is damaged I cannot really see it unfortunately um there is a pattern down here which looks like this one and I think this one I previously set and there is probably also something here and this I cannot really see so I think could be also this one because it's like a steep pattern that goes down again so let's try this one this time I'm always going in the direction of the arrow then yeah for the neck to the next one and the last one was this one [Music] this worked so the last one was wrong before I set this one as the last one now I set this one and it worked out okay best detective oh yeah the best detective you want to see the best detective you guys are the best detectives puzzle is solved okay let's just get it back together foreign I need to get this one back in and puzzle is back in the initial condition completely solved and assembled let's come to the conclusion so definitely for me it was the most tricky clue box I solved so far took me the most amount of time I would rate this one with a level 4 out of a maximum of five even it took me some time you have a constant progress step by step and you're not stuck in too long in certain positions for me the most tricky puzzle to solve let me know in the comments what you think about this design wasn't this just another amazing design what do you think I think the glue box team is doing an excellent job here increasing the complexity and also the appearance of their puzzles with each release by another step and if you would like to get your own copy of course click the link in the video description check out the kickstarter campaign and if you like what you see get your own copy and also you can support my Channel with using my link any suggestions complaints threats or whatever but them in the comments and that's it for today until next time keep on puzzling foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 12,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr.Puzzle, Cluebox, Sherlocks Camera, Escape room, Puzzle box, Sequential discovery, Secret box, Sherlock Holmes, Difficult puzzle, Clever puzzle
Id: 8bZNBpNbNb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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