Impossible to open without Gravity! - The Gravity Box

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hi and welcome to another episode of Mr puzzle today with the gravity box a puzzle box that need to be opened up made designed and crafted by Alex Owens according to the description it's a very complex puzzle actually 22 pieces that can be disassembled more than 18 moves to make it to the inner compartment so sounds tricky also two tools so making it basically a sequential Discovery puzzle sounds interesting definitely no idea about the difficulty yet in addition he also provided me this puzzle here um I think it has not even a name it's also a puzzle box where you need to open up a secret compartment I guess pretty interesting and cool looking um I will definitely give this a try in another episode soon and I would also like to show you before we start another Gadget well I'm not sure if it's a gadget it's more like a handcrafted sculpture let me let me just zoom in a bit that you can see in detail more in detail what this is about this it's basically a glass marble handcrafted by Scott Heinrich pernica and to craft these Interiors here of this puzzle these shiny Interiors which look amazing actually if you it's not visible on the video but you it seems you're looking inside of a endless tunnel here of these glittering spirals very very cool nice looking and he's creating these patterns on these spirals by adding like gold silver crystallized Metals metal oxides and so on and then with those he creates during the production process these incredibly looking pattern absolutely stunning haven't seen anything like this before I I actually understand a bit about manufacturing of glass but more like float glass and um glass you use for the car industry but not something like this amazing amazing little desk toy but now now let's continue focusing on the gravity box and try to open it up after spoiler break okay so let's start right ahead one thing I noticed already during introduction is that when I turn it upside down this logo will drop out and fall back so maybe this is kind of a starting point where I need to start with because anything else and by the way this is not the most appealing puzzle from my point of view it's just a cube but this logo makes it so more interesting and I expect based on how it sounds like there's a lot of things going inside definitely and oh oh oh and this this just moved when I shake it okay now it's blocked again ah okay this is locked by the logo huh so when I pull the logo out yes when I pull the logo out I can move this one this looks like a Japanese puzzle box yes where I can slide the sides step by step okay here we go oh just moved back oh nice not too bad really like a Japanese puzzle box and now does it go further or oh this drops in it back in again not sure if I still need this so some cutouts here some notches and stuff this is also loose or here now I can move this one on the bottom wait a second wait a second move this back I don't want to move it in an uncoordinated way now so let me just turn this around let's move this side and now this one okay don't tell me I need to move you this thing down here to do like a maze or something okay now it's back again what okay again clock clock not all all our move to the maximum position I think the key is in on the one down here but can't move it anymore how did I do this here on the bottom it was like sliding and sliding in the same way as those here but hmm oh now now it moved but why why now let's move now to the other side here you see this this came out now oh this released some space here for this one to go huh no no no no no no no wait no oh no okay now it's it's moved again here here this one came down now of Sliders I just uh stumbling my way here through this puzzle let's say difficult okay let me just put it on the side you cannot see it right now but I'm gonna try somehow to operate the upper lid well this one is now down this was just a plain lid but these structures here they have like severe serious cutouts in these sides where some pins or something can run now I can slide it okay it's on the orientation of the cube what you can slide next okay so there is like an element inside which controls the movement of the parts and releases them or not you see this is now one step in you see here it's now inside here on the upper lid oh here this becomes loose yes oh well I will never get the thing together again I mean oh okay this is the this was the top tile and this was the left side okay I will place it like here on my desk that I can later understand where at least where the tiles have been located whoa and the logo came off and now I put this one let's put it here I'm deeply impressed how complex this puzzle is I have no idea had no idea this Cube Lux looks completely I think everyone tends to underestimate the look of this Cube from outside but look at this I mean this is like oh what is this maybe next step is he about oh yes you see this this is like also locking mechanism it's interfering here with the lid and when this drops down it should be able to further move it still cannot take this one out but something changed maybe maybe I can use this one like as like a tool somewhere else there's something inside here maybe I need to unlock it but how I mean I think I'm moving backwards but I'm not sure I have no idea if this was up or down I think it was I might need to put it up or it's just to release the this two or whatever this is here behind to take this out or rotate this I think I need to rotate something here looks like a keyhole and it's round so I probably need to rotate this to take off maybe this side or make the next move with this side but so far no chance to do it I have no tool it's like a switch or something you see this in this Gap here see the thing this is like inside here this is like moving very strange oh here it is came out how should I get this ever back together also no tool to operate this Keyhole here it's definitely a piece of plastic that is printed in this way no broken Marks here anywhere here we go bam and now any further steps Possible Oh yes yes which side is this I have no idea which side this is um should be the left side okay this was the top side he wrote something about it it took in about two years to experimenting and designing this puzzle and I can't understand I I totally believe this this is like wow it's really crazy every time something moves you I completely have to find the next move from zero it's not just that you can just continue yeah it's like wow it's so crazy what's also fascinating is this complete thing is held together only by those dovetails yeah no screws nothing no bolts no metal Parts just pure plastic 3D printed stuff yeah maybe here ah oh you see this this can be moved maybe with this tool yes ah got it okay so I move this down what happened now okay to move this one over here I need to out and move this up and then I slide it off should be able to slide oh there's another slider down here you see this ah where did this come from uh guys have no idea where this came out but it came out somewhere down here maybe also out of this hole maybe slightly let me slide it down again over here I have the feeling a another part will come off very come off very soon yeah yes I will never get this puzzle back together oh look at this oh and now all the parts come off now all the parts seems to come off no yes no okay step by step so look at this this was probably the gravity mechanism inside here which drove me crazy and when you move it back and forth it probably moves in different directions wow and uh forget I have no idea and I still need a tool or something to release here this lock nearly falls apart but still I cannot do it the thing here this is like a pin which goes inside here through like a maze and need to be guided out up here up there but cannot slide it in the right position because it's somewhat blocked here in the rear oh another tool okay let's let's look for a tool for an area where I can use this tool okay so if you can see this inside here there this little latch it's moving slightly up and down so I think if I can find the right point I might be able to get it unlocked but how did he get this in I mean this is like under the parts are held the parts are held together by undercut and somehow you need to get those in I think sure this is possible oh maybe with this tool yes ah no but I think that's it I'm not sure if this is the intention how to do it but this will definitely work I think I can go inside here pull this over here it's moving in the right direction oh and and I think I'm using a kind of a workaround to be honest if I get the parts I will use them yes I got it I got it yes oh I still have no idea what this is you see this was the latching mechanism and this went in here right right in here and wow this is so complex this was in here yes it wasn't there so means here and then sliding in and out and at a certain point it was sliding in this little cutout down there means this was the way to block this at a certain point angle you see now it's blocked and when I turn it around you can rotate it again how to continue now I mean like still not revealed the secret compartment oh oh I just noticed something here's my key guys this is my key ah which doesn't work oh yes oh you see this it's impossible oh this is so clever oh they can it's impossible to remove this one yeah when this one is on you can only remove it when you push this down and then you can easily take it out this would have done taken me forever you see here's the locking mechanism and what I did and I still don't know if this is right we will loan later um hopefully when when Alex tells us I just took this one went in between here and pulled this one over so I'm very interested to learn if this was the right approach maybe I can only execute this locking mechanism here in a certain position of this slider now this you see this there's a like a latch down here in here there and when I turn it around it will drop in down there and this is probably the one that yes remains or enables this one from sliding or not sliding oh yes okay so this latch up here is blocked by this thing down here and this thing down here is and I need to move it out to make more space Oh yes I think that's it all the way then drop it down now it can drop down even further oh I can even take this out here we go and it's in it drops not as far as before but maybe let's see if I use this tool last bit is missing whoa how long do that 145 already oh yes oh I could rotate it now I have no idea why it wasn't possible before seems it must this must be all the way in and now what did happen oh I can disassemble this thing now but how does it help me oh maybe I can then oh entirely rotate this what does it mean what has happened now let's see oh no wait there's not another one inside there's not another puzzle box inside what is this ah this is the Locking this is the latch okay okay so now okay this one is kind of obvious hopefully hopefully yes oh oh let me stop us we're going inside oh what a legendary puzzle I like that finish the puzzle wow I mean what should I say about this puzzle guys so let's come to a conclusion guys um I will not put this together now uh maybe later let's see if I'm able to do it but I mean this was from from engineering point of view it's a masterpiece yeah I really believe you when you tell me you you worked from time to time on this and it took you two years to finish I absolutely believe you this is so much fine-tuned it works so perfectly and 100 3D printed I think this is one of the main points here which makes it even trickier but with any other manufacturing method it would not be possible to realize something like this I think not from cost point of view however Alex I think this this puzzle is incredible it's an incredible design probably hundreds of hours of work went into it and it was absolutely worth it I hope you will sell this puzzle and make it accessible to also more people if you haven't already let me know um if I solved this this detail here in the right way this I would be interested to understand if I solve this in the right way by going in here and pulling this over or if there's another smart other way how to do it was definitely tricky I would rate it with a 4 out of a maximum of five on my personal difficult durating scale in the beginning you could fiddle your way somehow through but in the end there were some really tough challenges that you need to understand first to solve them Alex thank you for sending this over I hope everyone who watched this video will give you some feedback in the comments so to all of you who watched it if you were amazed of this puzzle and this design as much as I was just comment below what you think about this puzzle what do you think about this episode and that's it for today with another great puzzle until next time keep on puzzling
Channel: Mr.Puzzle
Views: 35,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Puzzle box, Mr.Puzzle, Puzzle Solving, Gravity Box, Alex Owens, Katamari Cube, Trick Box, 3D Printing, Printables, Puzzle, Difficult Puzzle, Level 10
Id: VfH7raNOu8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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