this game cost me $2.

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oh it's nighttime that's right you know what that means weirdness is about to happen and the way I've decided what witness we're gonna either react to a play today is I found a game on the steam searched it in the English section because that's where all the weird games lie I found a game that cost us one pound and thirty nine pence I don't know how much that is in dollars probably about two dollars and I thought to myself what could possibly go wrong with a game that cost you a mere two dollars huh we're just about to find out with a game called the jacooz is that how you say that that's these guys apparently it's something about drawing school images and then they coming to life I'm not too sure but um did he stop he stopped in the man stabbing this is not off to a good start are you kidding me how does the other guy react yeah that's how I thought I'm gonna forgive that for now and give this game a chance let's let's hit start ha ha ha what was that audio quality please tell me who is attacking them cyber ninjas themselves or magic Lamas grouchy choose there's Greece cyber ninja what are you doing the vegam magazine why is he reading a vegan magazine because he likes vegetables or because he is vegan we can also replay this and do this again he likes photos they're like vegetables why are you what is he holding this is actually kinda cool of a time travel machine or your mom after Idul a because in the UK we spent it mom mom mom mom but we get it so for my two dollars has been well spent and this is a time travel machine this who happens it's a time travel muscle what is wrong with you nothing is happening hahahaha little did he know it wasn't time so that French between a duck what's the difference between a duck that doesn't mean anything or nothing um I felt like dogs are peaceful creatures that shouldn't be bothered so I'm gonna put nothing exactly there is no difference both have the same blog sighs especially the right one on funnel well you're going what are you doing so confuse the quality versus price for this game is actually showing what is he doing is he getting water or getting fuel getting water I can kind of see what could happen getting fuel I can definitely see what's gonna happen so it's gonna be getting fuel that's water [Music] why did a dog eat the previous two people yeah super jacooz is justice or just a friend from high school this is a very volatile situation I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do he is justice but would it be better to do the friend from high school thing since they could form a rapport and just chill I think I'm gonna go with that this game seems very deep so that could be the answer yeah - Cruz - Wow I'm doing great told you I thought I could come by and say hi oh yeah no problem sit and let her know what what's that on your head Wow you have something on your head no idea it was probably sucking your brain they probably wants to be fed what is it is that how our alien we get to decide this ultimate fate it's gonna eat him either way I could feel it coming um I love our little bush as well that was great hats or alien let's go alien we have an alien problem how I missed that oh boy don't forget to play all the endings okay so we should have some other options for this right magic llamas those are clouds what okay okay we're gonna try the other answers I like the cloud well that was cool see I told you the magic llamas exist here's a big I don't trouble your a visa yes I think it's stupid what's the difference between a duck it's this idiot again no you don't matter so what have I done I don't either bye okay so I think what do we do Lost Time fuel let's do water that's cool why oh that but that's why you need up so that's to go better I am justice I are justice Wow you own the Sutter $3 for parking your forgot to pay oh yes other to take you to the cops that today one parking ticket at a time what what's that on your head wow you have something on your head I love how he's like oh hey what's that's on your head it's a hat this time that code makes sense I told you is gonna eat him that was a phenomenal experience I would I would like my two dollars back please enjoy it me spending $2 on Steam I will definitely be more careful with my purchase next time if you were to put this silly little video that I'd appreciate it if you gave it like that we greatly appreciate it subscribe if you are brand new to join team TDM today and I'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music] hostess I swing wagon candles campus of fulcrum a band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 8,305,729
Rating: 4.7978816 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming
Id: a90qWdqTSjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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