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oh I'm gonna need some thick skin for this one that's right it's time for another dance EDM community discord community challenge thing and you guys love the last one thank you and if you enjoy in needs then leave a like be nice leave a like and also subscribe if you're feeling EE is nice but anyway today's challenge is very very simple here is the server and here is the Oh a voice crack here is the announcements there was a simple roast dantdm that's right but the roaster ingredients as you can see the roast meat challenge section has over two hundred and ninety five new messages I have not read this since I created it so I have no idea what's in here but I think yeah there's definitely way more than 295 oh my goodness there's way more than this as well that's just one page that's just in from 1026 p.m. to 10:30 three guys literally five minutes six seven seven minutes and the first one Danis fats sure if Dan was an apple he would be rotten from the Lord of apples so I guess that stands over watching paint dry in down TDM I choose paint drying and drew what Dan is secretly a blueberry dan looks better in a dress than in his own skin I mean there is evidence for that so Oh Kyle you were that one Amy thinks Dan Tate tastes nice the TDM stands for the doofus person okay the coin trader mr. Billy as you're more commonly known let's analyze that for a second shall we t DM the doofus person person yeah you'll never be as pretty as Shrek I think again there's evidence that suggests otherwise you spend more time on your computer than you do with your wife these are supposed to be roasts no truth bombs we're a damn TDM where'd you get that hair at a Katy Perry garage sale again you look like a blueberry what is this blueberry thing you your hair looks like a wig it's so ugly that nobody wants to snatch it your hair is only blue of how sad short life is danny is so pale it's about time he gets burned I don't go outside much town has to dye his hair to take attention away from his face these are some buns man what is this I did say pictures were allowed if you make them yourself and this this is what ugly picture my goodness it's a shame you can't photoshop your person my grandma does better at parkour than you it's true I wouldn't even doubt that to be honest not really a roast with me as a panda okay we're getting down to the bottom now but I'm pretty sure yep more of them are spawned in how far does this go down all dude oh my goodness this is only 10:40 p.m. and we've hit the potatoes guys aside ten minutes after I posted there's so many it's still going it's still going it's still going I'm gonna have to keep bouncing around all these and seeing if why I land on because this is this is so my wait wait wait wait wait is that the guy from who's your dragon it does look oddly similar and I did have hair like that one point yeah I'm gonna have to scroll around and see what I could find because there's so much thank you for your suggestions I guess I mean I'd look pretty cool there you eat bugs off the rug that's just gross and EDM is so ugly when he makes a video against demonetized for showing ugly not watchable content let me just tell you this one here this ain't roasting me there's so much of a child you can't even grow a beard I'm trying my best this is the best I've got okay I don't know what would happened if I just let it grow I don't think that ever gets like a PewDiePie beard but this is probably the best I've got you only dye your hair to cover up your shame pretty much me pretty much me oh my goodness oh my goodness I said none of them should involve dying or harm but this kind of made me laugh when I saw these boats I was so happy I thought dad I thought dad CD having a finally died oh my goodness rip life is great dad you should get one I'm trying I haven't found one for sale yet dan you've roasted me too hard fan I don't feel so good us bye-bye it's just you go we don't care that I snapped on your whatever bran why did you make your disco just for members of your channel I did it for the money okay phase oh my goodness here took some time hello everyone so this is an edit of the welcome welcome to team TDM our leader is Dan team which stands for Dan the dumbest member his hair is the color of his soul always blue so sad I cry he has tattoos of a game he doesn't even play that was the introduction to dance EDM I hope you would like to be in team TDM now oh yeah by the way ago a new glitch theme going on on my channel that's why I get those views nobody actually watches my videos oh and I make you pay for my discourse so you don't have to spend on useless oh that was a good one Daniel pale nice vampire costume but it's not Halloween how many subscribers you should have you're so ugly that when you were born the doctor said ah what a treasure and your mum said yeah it's bury it Oh guys it's been what hours 17 minutes since he saw the announcement guys we can't stop I literally gave you guys like 12 hours to fill this with rose and you're doing well so far almost too well it's worrying me 2017 I'm trash 2018 I'm awesome trash new year slightly different me guess what I'm gonna evolve into in 2019 ha oh no look someone posted something then deleted it look doc check the rules you can't talk about death I think you took a little bit too far no death ban it says fine I chill he deleted it what did you say last youtuber it's me blue pale idiot who's the idiot now you've got 1% battery at 1 a.m. and you're posting roasts I'm excited for dancing learn the truth tomorrow the truth is starting me right now YouTube trash dance EDM quick right what is YouTube proof youtube poop is another name for the youtuber Dan TDM I knew that one was come in your videos are the best not get him first um second home third home pages Justin and James $19 a month to be his friend oh wait wait correction 20 that's a lot more than that damn does not though the way to fame after these rostov's I want dad to be as burnt as pinky this isn't even a roast is it I don't know this is arching art school damn TD I'm the million dollar jelly bean eating gamer they literally just did it they literally just looked at probably the most recent video that I uploaded how much could you earn by eating jelly beans and playing video games all that I do popular thing they do but it's not all that I do roasted by the BBC Dan's head it was like an Ikea bag kami doing pretty well of these hair roots actually IKEA bag yeah you're not wrong when you steal Dan's milk how do I make this bigger okay that's way too big but that works dad's never touched my milk he took the editing of his face off yeah that's right off on editing is a beautiful thing trashy gaming videos with dantdm don't waste your time on my trash content 14 point 1 billion dislikes you bring so much people joy Dan when you leave the room yeah I live here and I'm smelly this is actually kind of cute so weird talk to more TDM because his terrible life would get sparely true the face when you go Rosie by the worst roaster what the yeah what is going on here it's like I grow an extra piece of face when I close my eyes weird look I made a Dan earlier someone said I was as pale as a marshmallow I'd kill to look this cute breaking news the biggest failure Dan's mom states I totally agree dan apena found Billy was at the park and found a rare caterpillar known as a Dan a pillar send your fanarts of downer pillars please I'm caught using tick-tock the island states Yugi wasn't giving me enough money something stinks here yeah why would someone take a picture like this this is so random he is too small to write any of the rides at Disney man I'm pretty sure you've met me before as well so you probably know how sure I am who did it better so this is funny people always say hello like a smurf but what's the difference here huh I don't have blue skin and Smurfs thought out you have blue hair they wear hats blue eyebrows but I'm pretty sure they don't have blue hair prove me wrong people gave me suggestions to make this but honestly I see no difference between you and this Dan is low man fat Dan in a bald cap pretty terrifying and there's a minion and Photoshop my profile picture on tans face dan made this discord so you can have friends for once how God made Dan some cuteness some little bit of creativity some little bit of cringy oh wait gotta add some height big ooh fabulous fine you know Dan's parents know it's a good blue though I appreciate that me as a cat yes see see see Smurf nah he's got white hair come on guys coming up your game at least Dan's massive forehead distracts me from a giant wrinkled prune sack he calls a face ah if I had a dollar for every cringing video you ever uploaded I would have enough money to get you a forehead reduction surgery now I don't own many mirrors but I know it's not that big it's a lot of brain to fit in there though could do it that Danny's getting proper roasted that's me fresh out the oven hmm a poem by Pizza Danny's a blueberry why is he addicted to blue if they added blueberries to Fortnight he'd get so much ad revenue the fact he has his ears pierced makes him look weird the only good thing about him is he doesn't have Santa's beard Darrin police of everything hits it with a band but every time he does it he gets another fan in every thumbnail you use a funny face to try and hide the fact that you're simply a disgrace you tried the voice a boy but all you could do was make a youtube channel even worse than you mic drop good job pizza and Sapphire to your punks way if I have I reached the end I've reached the end people are still posting as I recorded this video I'm not sure what's going on here though that's weird oh I'm so glad that's over there are some good ones in there that I think my yeah I think my toes are on fire and that's it for the second community challenge also known as the roasts and TDM challenge thank you for taking part in punks I'm now going to have to take a nice cold bath to UM take care of these burns that are all over my body I hope you enjoyed this guy's if you did do you please leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe if you are brand spanking new also thank you to everyone the posted roasts you guys are incredibly mean but I yeah if you want to join the discord and then I'll leave some information in the description below these who joins become a member and then link your YouTube account with your discord account and then give it an hour or so and you'll be admitted there's like double the amount of members and there's people in the discord there's a lot of you that haven't done it yet anyway hope you have a good day mind can't really get any worse can it doesn't see you next time [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 7,587,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, roast, roast dantdm, dantdm roast
Id: tIskxpfS_68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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