I Scared My Friend with XRAY in Minecraft

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my friend Ethan is using x-ray hacks to take over the entire server I have op Rank and this is how many diamonds I have but the player with the most diamonds becomes the owner making x-ray extremely overpowered Ethan has to be using x-ray look at the way he's moving this is extremely sus who Minds in this shape and did he literally just find diamonds yeah he went straight for him just a few more stacks and I'll be able to ban everyone who doesn't conform oh me I know we technically need a test and have evidence to prove that he's actually using x-ray right so the mini looks away okay perfect we're going to actually write out a word here in the stone Okay so we've got I and then C oh we're gonna do this really quickly we're gonna see us holy moly there are so many untapped diamonds I mean I am close to bedrock I think so that makes sense it what the is that weird someone might what the wait that's ICU yo is someone messing with me is that weird generation bro he's looking dead at it okay okay now that we have confirmed it though we actually seriously need to stop him from using x-ray because he will take over the server and make it a dictatorship and nobody will want to play now you might be wondering why don't I just make an automatic minor to get diamonds you see there's a teeny tiny problem this is a regular server and this is our server with only 25 Chumps making Diamond door extremely limited and hard to find since I only have op Rank and not owner I don't have the permissions to ban Ethan ethanol the mine rejoicing sing with me but I can definitely scare him away so we're gonna slow him down while I can work on my master plan by changing the texture pack on the server and that should do it yo with money for that wait were there this many diamonds before I mean I see other oars was that like a render glitch I don't know maybe the X-ray is bugging bro but I ain't complaining bro I won't even be able to tell which ones are real yep that's got to be fake diamonds right there this rain is never getting server ownership give me all the diamonds bro give me all of them and break the diamonds up yeah we moderated now boys unlimited power yep more fake diamonds ranked down graded admit bro just lost a ton of powers how did he actually get the real ones are you serious the ranks of player moderator admin op and server owner so the more diamonds you have the more server powers and commands you can use them before we mine these up we've got to use our powers all right slash enchant I do have access to it let's go uh at s and then what are we gonna do we're gonna do the fortune of course what's he doing wait he just Enchanted his pickaxe no bro all right let's mind this bad boy up and we're getting so many oh he's exploiting all of his powers guys I need to make sure he doesn't get to admin rank or I will be downgraded below Ethan's Rank and I won't even be able to use spectator mode to do what we're doing now okay you know what I'm gonna morph into you know distorted Alex buggy buggy Herobrine whatever it takes to get Ethan off this server permission denied only for Opie and odor I need to kill Ethan and get rid of those diamonds as he drops them then I should get my Opie powers back again I have an idea I have an idea okay we need this to look realistic here guys so deep slate diamond ore and we'll go 10 of it into lava bang oh yeah nice perfect he'll go for the diamond door and he's gonna fall in dude look how fishy my pickaxe is let's go oh and there's literally just lava there okay I mean I'll just do that it's pretty easy how do you completely up to go bro he's using x-rays so if we teleport him he won't notice immediately that he's actually in the Nether and then after he's done a bit of mining you'll start seeing all the lava quartz all that good stuff and think he's going absolutely crazy diamonds everywhere I'm going crazy I'm I've gone clear bro it's all over I'm about to win there's diamonds over there done dude we're going crazy now you may be wondering if I could just grab diamonds from creative why outside doing that here's the thing the server can actually tell the difference between diamonds God and in survival versus diamonds are stolen from pre-adament they don't count towards your total okay now we're gonna copy that location there switching to spectator teleport back to Ethan ah look at them delicious and we just got to go ahead he's distracted uh change that Commander to Fire Light bang and he's gone oh look at the detailing mojangu idea okay I'm just gonna mine the diamonds okay I'm just gonna stop dealing with this and just mind the diamonds give me all my diamonds what the you know what I think he's done look at him look at her right he's seeing all of this lovers like oh am I tripping wait a minute he knows that's impossible because there was no portal there oh wait he might actually bust me he might expose me right now I have an idea we need to distract him so I can build a portal uh replace near what like 20 blocks that should do the trick magma how did I get here what the what the out there we go all right cool Google now I just need to grab myself some obsidian what the why am I taking damage on the floor bro okay no no we gotta build ourselves up I ain't about to take damage from this floor this nether is cursed oh that's too big for another portal why am I so I'm actually throwing right now I'm throwing I'm throwing lighted Bang Yes yo I can't see what is happening here and is that another portal I mean I could hear it but I can't see it did I walk through a portal and not notice get this trash off me I can't make up or down or heads or tails whatever the heck it is okay it was it was literally just magma right now he's figured out that magma he's just walking around and crouching are you serious how does this man Dodge death every single time is someone messing with me here no no no pack back on we gotta see who's around you someone's got to be hiding you all right packs on I got x-ray who's out there I can see who's messing with me he might be able to dodge death but you know what he doesn't Dodge diamonds because this man is way too greedy so I'm gonna turn all of this Bedrock into straight up diamond blocks which means it'll kind of look like someone's like stash away their diamonds here we're look at this poor look what the it's like I'm cooking up the X-ray in the X-ray I'm cooking up steam here what the diamonds yo I think I just found someone's secret stash bro he's seen the bait and he's going down down let's go there's so much dude I'm Gonna Be Rich he's here with the D's boys all right now I just needed to dig down right just dig the D's give me all the diamonds but yo we gotta upgrade to admin let's go break down great to play I just got switching to survival mode oh no oh no get me at it get me out of here I'll get upgrades are gone soon I keep on going no what the what is the ground please tell me you fell did he fall come on come on come on come on come on yes bro I lost I lost supplies we can use all this stuff and I'm gonna use the power of my epic mining well no I'm going to cheat and use my x-ray again I only got that pack on we're gonna use that expertise at mining sniffing out the spots right here nice and inconspicuous yo now that I got my admin powers back I can offer to whatever I want to scare Ethan and bro you see he's mining straight down oh my gosh he's already cheated bro this man doesn't quit and yeah okay he's clearly going for that done or is it going for that no he's definitely going for the closer one and that gives me the perfect idea of what we can use to scare Ethan if only emeralds were useful on This Server because there are actually so many emeralds around let's keep on going beamorph and then yes we've got the commands again right now we need to line ourselves up perfectly oh this is gonna be really tricky guys okay they just slot ourselves in oh I'm a little bit to look that's so good oh no what pixel too high okay a little bit lower I think that's right we got emeralds at the water but no diamonds bro I keep on mining down keep on the motherlode I found it okay my intuition was right the diamonds were right below me you dropped out he's dropped out yo we got the diamonds let's go boys grab ourselves some diamonds diamonds what the ow ow what the what the retaliating bro he's gonna be terrified all right and disappear Spanish oh I'm just gonna make a figures go crazy it's a good thing he's gonna go crazy oh I know what to do I know what to do next wait we can change ourselves to look like the odor okay fake odor I'm gonna die I'm gonna die no no no no no no no no no no no keep moving keep moving then we're gonna pretend to be the owner and then when he's close we're gonna jump scare him all right I'm just gonna appear like over here and bang just my back my hearts are gone though I'm there's no way I'm tripping the diamond all just attacked me wait yo that's the owner that's the owner of the show yo bro bro bro bro bro all right there we go and ready I'm gonna go behind you I'm gonna make you think the diamond door is back behind you what do you mean behind you I was just about to ask you how why you turned around like that there's literally nothing here is the diamond all back no no no has he seen it too looking behind and quickly and slash be more distorted Alex and slash jump scare firelight the Domino chasing me what was that what was that what was that what was that was that destroyed Alex no no no oh no please that's not the owner that's destroyed Alex no no no oh distorted Alex no please please no she's chasing me no no no no no no no yes it's Yola please owner she's right there come here Ethan I want to test your blood oh that that's the actual order okay I can't switch into spectator really see me bro I'm running from distorted uh Alex how where please help no I'm gonna get banned I'm gonna get banned he eats it I was trying to actually get eighth in bed I'm not actually trying to cheat bro can you not see it oh no through the X-ray um I'm using x-ray she's underground she just exposed herself to the owner for cheating that's legit owner oh no I expose myself I'm I'm um for uh uh research uh uh of course yeah yeah extra no no I said it was for research how is this fair I literally use x-ray to expose that the story Alex was on the server why am I getting banned
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 4,464,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, i scared my friend with xray in minecraft, i fooled my friend with xray, using xray to test my friends in minecraft, xray prank minecraft, pranking friends minecraft, minecraft xray, minecraft xray mod, using xray in minecraft, xray hacks minecraft, scaring my friend with xray, scaring my friend in minecraft
Id: WYtpAQfweXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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