I Scared My Friend When He’s ALONE on Minecraft

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this is my mate ethan all right i'm heading out pogba's see tomorrow jordan and he thinks he's all alone but secretly i'm watching him i promise it's not as creepy as it sounds i'm just going to be pulling a couple of pranks maybe pretend like there's a crazy stalker in the house you know the usual oop ethan's heading inside all right now that i'm alone it's time for my epic debut let's go i'm gonna do my concert now ladies and gentlemen oh let's enter into that why isn't he in this room what is in this good morning ladies and saplings i present you the epic fire light we love you oh my god he's so cute wait is ethan talking to them no no a one a two a one two three four i'm an awesome boy i hate barbie toys i have no clue what is going on but since it seems like ethan believes his plants are real why not give them some voices i mean like not literally but with signs all right let's grab ourselves a sign here we know everything about you i'll speed run any day huh i'm the best when i pull we know you're everywhere that's gotta be creepy right uh since when can you talk mr sapling number 11. that's gonna be so scary um yeah i i know you don't move and i don't think you spoke either did your mom ever tell you to stop staring huh you know what let's send them on a crazy goose chase here it makes them think like they're demanding all right diamonds diamonds that's the only thing i can think of right now or else okay all right okay or else um chill chill okay i get it bring us diamonds yes sir yes ma'am saplings whatever you are i'll bring you diamonds chill i respect the drip i will go and get you the d's hey yo is it the not more skin that is literally stuck here all alone with a bunch of killer trees apparently not i still can't believe this man hasn't found any diamonds it's been like what half an hour it's gonna be getting pretty lonely if i do not get these diamonds i am done for dude let's make him start thinking he's going a little bit cuckoo by changing everything around him to exactly what he's been looking for all right i gotta stop getting distracted oh it's some god oh what the what the yeah look at him he's freaking out all right let's make a video crazy question is reality god diamonds everywhere what oh that's brilliant that's brilliant bro he's gonna be so confused right now dude there were diamonds they were literally right under here i'm not crazy oh my goodness he's probably think he's going crazy wait is he talking i think he's in third person all right this is the perfect opportunity to put down another sign is anything real anymore am i real that's all an illusion the flat earthers were right we're in a simulation bro i think you said it i think you've seen it oh my god hurry up or die no no guess i'm going to jail tonight guys he's questioned it he's questioned it you're telling me i'm not saying things this is real did my life just become a horror movie what is happening all right demon slapping i'm sorry all right i'm gonna depart i'm leaving i'm going goodbye yeah look at him his ass he's full on disappointed guys a few moments later ah we've let them chill out too much it's time to bring back the heat and luckily i know that ethan is terrified of villagers i know something about their noses being two guys and really you can't blame them so let's pay him a little bit of a visit wait why am i mining for the saplings dude i'm literally being haunted by saplings what is there he is he's freaking out did your evil mastermind sapling friends send you oh they did did they cut bro he's murdering oh my god that was cold blooded murder you know what let's give him some instant karma here guys you're gonna regret that ethan look even a child there are children uh uh okay listen wait wait let's make this actually terrifying and just spam the villager sound alright let's not be hasty here i didn't kill him he just accidentally died all right it wasn't me it was you guys it was all you die just spam it bro i've got to be driving him insane right now stop hunting me get out of here go away my master send you get back to him get back to the evil saplings what uh what what was that they're they're in my head no no get away get away please please get away made he actually found diamonds i genuinely didn't think it was gonna happen at this point yes i'll be free of the evil sapling demons finally i can take these back home my trials and tribulations have come to this oh but it doesn't have the life or death stress anymore you know what it's time to take this out of minecraft and into real life i'm gonna write a book detailing a bunch of things from him in real life oh that's gonna show them the item okay we're gonna hide back here that's gotta be really really creepy and we'll actually think somebody is watching him in real life we'll go i see you that's so scary i know where you live but we need proof how can we oh right it's a dress now i'm blurring this out guys because you guys i don't want you actually freaking about that that'd be actually scary all right there we go he's got his address we're not gonna sign it because it'll say our names you guys and done but we need a way to get it into ethan's inventory oh yo this is a servant i have perms okay where did he where did this man go right now i think i came from this way yes my torches finally i'm free yes okay we're gonna go slash in but see and then firelight boom we're inside of his imagery or we're gonna take his diamonds out you go all right there are the villages oh my lordy wait where'd the diamonds go he's gonna be freaking out right now and now we'll put in the book perfect it's right in his hand there it is guys hello diamonds in my book what where did this come from okay ready he's got to be reading it right now where are my diamonds dude i need those what even is this i see you i know where you live dude that's actually my address he's got a record that someone could actually see him right now but his room's pretty small and like he usually has his window closed which means you know somebody spy or whatever he's gonna be so freaked out this is actually terrifying begone sapling propaganda all right dude um i i actually need to go lock my doors after this bro he just checked the book of the fight you just ruined my final literature how dare you you're gonna regret that ethan you know what we're putting out this fight i'm putting down a sign right here firelight rests here this is his gravestone from 2002 or more real-life details all right at least the book's gone now but surely this is some sort of practical wait no you're capping i'm still alive look at me oh wait i'm not going to be for much longer okay wait we need to think of something else to troll him before he runs away you have an idea okay quick grab an anvil here guys so go sleep well and mr fire light oh that's gonna oh that's gonna spell his name right okay grab that and spam spam sam here we go oh my god no no i'm out what what is that wait what did they say wha what are you wait they have names on them though sleep well mr philip no what is this big god pointy mosquitoes look at him go he's gonna be freaked out look at that they literally didn't sleep well mr firelight oh bro they are abusing him they're absolutely destroying him what is this no leave me alone please he is on the run as ethan was having a uh crisis i decided to battle you save free decorate his own he's almost up guys he's about to see my masterpiece just walk outside yes even you look behind you man was something different just there um cross villages what what is this dude what is happening his world is cursed bro he's out he's running right now you know what you know i don't know why he doesn't seem to like his house let's bring him back here uh tp violator back to me haha all right we're gonna keep him in here quick grab out the bedrock i'm just gonna run away nothing can hurt me well no what quick cover it up hood hood cover up the walls the windows as well is this lag dude is this where is the bedrock what is it bedrock no no no please please let me out my window please by now he's gotta know that he is clearly not alone yeah no you're not getting out of there you know what let's say something that only somebody who's seen him in real life would know i like your wide shirt that's right he's wearing a white shirt this morning i'm pretty certain i remember wait bros literally froze frozen he's not moving what's going guys he's literally frozen did he leave his computer because he just left his game no no no no no wait who's there i ain't messing around he's still not moving i am sad that he's got gotta be like searching his room right now trying to figure out who was watching him but i mean that's not a reason to stop scaring him this switch right here controls the power to ethan's room the minute i turn it off his lights his computer everything it turns off whoops what what what happened to the lights no no no i'm out i'm done i can't do this anymore this place is first world curse everything
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 6,735,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, minecraft pe, family friendly, roleplay, funny, troll, trolling, prank, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, i scared my friend when hes alone on minecraft, alone on minecraft, i fooled my friend when hes alone, i scared my friend when hes alone, i scared my friend minecraft, scary prank minecraft, minecraft prank, minecraft troll, scary troll minecraft, scaring my friend in minecraft, minecraft 3 am, i fooled my friend
Id: Im667mjwwqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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