And Sometimes Hikaru Wins

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it takes i also d4 which is kind of  no d4 is just ridiculous don't be as   don't be a [ __ ] um i guess i take  with a knight blunder93 oh my gosh okay let's go c6 let's play carl khan let's go bishop f5 of course bishop g6 i guess little queen b6 here just target the pawn  i don't know if this is actually a good move but   it looks kind of a little bit weird but i also  have queen a5 check or something kind of strange there's room for you and now i have  queen a5 and takes the pawn even   i'm just gonna go for it let's check it's  a little bit bold by me i don't really know   if this is great but again i create the classic  right triangle i mean as this saying goes greed   greed is good so i'm going to go for the  i'm going to be greedy here and grab the   juicer this might not work out but who  cares it's only just let's go knight d7 i have to be a little bit careful but i  still think e6 looks fine because i can   just move the queen back to b2 be a little bit  careful here though like rocket one i just take   take again takes takes i mean it looks  okay but again it feels a little bit scary   i don't know who sam rui is um i have no  idea because queen's just now he's being   a little bit too slow though thing is i can  take on d3 maybe maybe i go queen d5 though   i think i should go here in queen h5  probably seems reasonable at least hmm apparently david gerbinski okay but  that's a weird move because now i can go   i can go to h5 or f5 i think i'm gonna go to f5  to target bish because i don't want to allow some   funky sack on e6 here which could just blast me  to smithereens and now what i need to do is now   i need to be very careful though because knight  h4 is not but i bishop h5 too wait a second i think knight b6 is okay though let's target  the bishop here let's back maybe that queen b5   or queen d3 i should be okay here though  unless i'm missing something very obvious thing for a long time see what he does here whoa lead to mamba forever  for the 100 gifted subs thank you so much amamba   forever appreciate thanks so much man i'm gonna  go queen h5 here now i overload everything because   this is under attack this is under attack and  after knight g62 i just draw the game or not   draw the game i win the game i'm just up a juicer  still thank you so much amanda for the 100 gifted   appreciate okay of course i take and now i just  take the take the knight and i'm just up upon him   i should be very very pleased very very happy here   just take i mean look at these pawns really nice  they can create the diamond here i think i'll just   go like i mean castles looks good with bishop d6  a6 even this looks very very pleasant just asics   mambo wants his pineapple shoes yeah i mean  no kidding no kidding uh we're almost we're   what twelve hundred away we're 1200 uh  so here forced the bishops off we're 1200   uh 1224 away from pineapple shoes anytime you  go happy tuesday my brother from another mother   thank you so much amanda appreciate  it thank you for the good the subs   okay we're up a pawn here i've got a  great structure build the diamond here   maybe knight d5 is a move knight f4  should just be winning pretty cleanly okay it goes rookie one c5 is obviously  quite good here but i don't really   oh no c5 there's some bishop g6 i  got to be a little bit careful how   i play this so i'm gonna go here  to start so the rook covers c5 let's go here because now of takes i just take  it takes i just take so this looks very pleasant uh do i take i think i do this one in rook b5 and  now now again i'm going to win the pawn and the   diamond should be strong here as long as i don't  let him get an outside pawn that's the only danger   here but he can't get the diamonds if he goes  g4 i just take h3 i'm gonna go f5 to take away   the potential to create a pass pawn and now okay  now it's just a matter of technique i'll go here   again every square is covered no past pawn it just  that that's actually a good move the more i think   about it i guess i'll go a5 maybe a4 put more  pressure on his pawns go here here's so much of   matt attacks for the 18 months thank you so much  from that attacks appreciate it thank you thank   you there's rookie h8 i think i should play a3  here he can now work b3 stack and it should be gg looks pretty clean in fact looks very  clean because a4 let's do the double actually that's a good move i guess  i'll just go here to consolidate a check not actually sure what i'm doing here let's go  check oh he walked into a checkmate accidentally   i always hate when that happens i go  here and it's just checkmate and one   nothing you can do to stop it basically here i'm threatening mate in one so  he goes here i check him comes up and then i go   rookie he's chewing his classic checkmate king has  no squares so one out of one so far so good let's   see who else is playing daniel's still playing he  is winning right wait daniel's block wait rick d4   oh my god wait no ricky for this  king of stuff wait wait wait a second   if rick takes d4 dana would have lost this game  oh my gosh this 2540 missed it holy mackerel rick   takes d4 was just winning whoa danny got really  careless there very lucky he's playing 25 47. wow he should he'll find a way to win  for the time situation i presume   the guys yeah this guy is thinking way  too long yeah 20 yeah dan is going to win   the tie break but they're not tie breaker  but a g4 oh wow what a moose you have 97   oh but just yeah you're just taking go bishop  c5 and you win yeah okay bishop c5 and daniel   will win but still night of four night h5 so a  little bit tricky why is he thinking so long yeah   knight of four maybe knight f4 knight h4 and king g6 or this oh this  is still very scary for daniel geez 95   95 was he thinking knight d5  97 oh my gosh it's a draw oh   oh it's a draw knight g6 is just  he's gonna try to win here king g6   knight see seven is winning i think i see  seven ninety six knight two seven is danny   gonna win this game he's gonna win this guy  is trying this guy choked it away gotta check gotta go take yeah this guy's too slow wow daniel should not have won this game he's  going to what is with this guy's movement 91 major six a4 that guy's moves were very suspicious   i mean he suddenly goes into  thinking for like five seconds there little i'm gonna say i'm gonna be  honest i was a little bit suspicious   yeah i mean that was that felt really  kind of suspicious i have to be honest all right so let's let's see what do  we have bunch of games still going   okay pretty standard stuff all right yeah like two two seconds at a move five  seconds yeah maybe slow internet i don't know   still felt a little bit strange so i have to say okay next game should be  starting pretty soon let's see calling daniel suss no i was no i was saying  his opponent was kind of says daniel was not   us at all what are you talking about yeah he missed a few wins that's what it  seemed like yeah how do you not take the   draw there i didn't really understand it  i don't know not not sure kind of weird mama's pog indeed indeed all right so three  games left let's see what do we have here this   ah this game is going to be a tr this  should be a draw with correct play there's check and checking king  g3 check and king g3 is a draw   and king f4 i just moved the rook to like e7 isn't this just oh king f1 king e3 king ju1 no that's a mistake because now black  wins rookie one or this yeah mistake king has three oh i know so uh rook h8 yeah rookie okay a8 yeah this is winning because now you go king  ju1 yeah you king ju1 and make the queen all right do i like b3 opening for white is an  offbeat opening um it's it's an opening   g5 king of five king of six okay next game must be coming up  now now there we go round two let's go strange to not resign there yeah i don't know   the whole thing was kind of oh it's my  move let's go here yeah oh wait let's go f4 i almost i almost forgot oh my gosh i  almost forgot let's go here in bishop b2   who is this this looks like a strong  player i don't know why i did this opening hmm let's go here d392 i guess it's a strange move um i guess i'll play  go here maybe d3 i'm actually not worried about   a4 i'm just gonna go d three and like knight c  through an ipd2 is this azermerzov is this who   i think it is geez i'll just give you an example  you guys i played against this guy all the way   back in linares in spain in 2003 i believe it  was i think he was an im at the time i played   this guy in 2003 in spain when i was trying to  become an i am eons ago eons eons ago go here yeah yeah a long long time ago um actually i don't really like my position  this game i have to say i'm gonna go c4   maybe i take with the knight or the  pawn i actually really don't like my   position here i don't know what i'm doing exactly he's been waiting all this time for revenge yeah yeah i don't know why i did this it's  gonna be very hard to win this game it's like a queen here maybe queen a1 try  to line up like a right triangle potentially i mean i don't know if this is good  or not but we'll see he's 44 yeah yeah let's go here i do have queen a7 here at some  point this is a little bit tricky   again classic right triangle he takes  but i thought this allowed queen a7   because now there's a problem with this  pin and i think this is just winning it should just be gg because takes i just take  i've got queen v8 this looks lost for black   his last witch's wishes to defeat  you and get um and get his revenge yeah i played this guy in spain in 2003  my gosh my gosh so long ago it's crazy i think it was 2003 i can check out for the game crazy got one minute let's see what he does i mean this just looks really bad for black  now i can take with the bishop or the pawn   also another question i take  the pawn knight g4 knight c4 v5 d3 knight c4 b5 i mean that has to be just  good i think just bishop takes   takes knight c4 i mean it looks  very good take he takes i take on c4 because now i have like all  kinds of checks everywhere i mean everything is kind of guard okay so  he takes that way and obviously check on c8   and also just go bishop one i guess oh then he's   got b5 wait this is actually  a little tricky wait a second wait if i check on eight wait did i just blunder here somehow oh great i think i did actually just blunder   wait if i check and take on f6 takes  bishop d5 b5 wait a second f8 bishop f6 b5 queen 27 check check no no i'm still winning okay go check  and then i take yeah this should still be winning   so bishop d5 i go here and now queen b7 to  again create the pyramid of giza and i can walk the king back it's very important   that i can block with this knight  otherwise this would not be working like b5 queen b7 is the idea and then i should  just be winning i go here and i walk the king back again i also have the classic  big pyramid of jesus so i go here   and again the thing is i can run the king back  and play uh play knight d2 and i just win the game   tricky very tricky but we're gonna win i  have queen b7 this is a big problem i block   and now yeah now queen b7 will end the  game in a second okay good second win no big shaq no no manchance yeah i think oh this  should just be winning see checks and i go king f3   there are no checks and  he's just getting made it on   oh great did i just miss this actually i  did miss bishop b7 but i can take i guess yeah this is still winning but again a little bit  shaky behind i go here and i block with bishop e2 check let's go here all right got the win two up two down two more to  go till the first break let's see what the games   are going on let's see fabiano's game he's playing  against bojon fabiano is winning here thank you so   much to hikart for the win for the eight months  i think one shikar for the win appreciate it   yeah if fabian will win here it  just takes rick832 pretty easy win what else do we have dimitri on draken's game  on draken draw so he draws an early game okay what else do we have we have  jeffrey is still playing   jeffrey is losing here jeffrey's losing  chuck and queen bring the king over in d3 yeah rick d5 is just good enough   you have two nice win from uh from from  rafaela town very nice win very nice win hey what else do we have let's see we have  some other games let's see we've got um   dallas is still playing dulles i think  technically this is a draw with perfect   play by the way i think after bishop  v8 bishop c7 this is actually a draw   or wait no you've got no wait sorry no white has  how many pawns one two three four five on three   they should be winning because you should  be able to get a pass pawn king of five   e6 yeah i know king d5 king d6 and  white wins yeah king d5 and white wins what else do we have we have  sip elephant you guys said   oh dear uh our tamiya loses also geez  geez louise a lot of people losing early   crazy you need a pabst hearthstiff for the 22  months thank you so much appreciate it crazy crazy stuff a lot of big upsets so far yeah a lot of big upsets this is 11 rounds dania stands  on two out of two his game's over   all these games are over oh  yeah no it's very very good oh christopher's still playing let's see you is   winning you is winning here rookie 8  rook d5 so that'll be gg rook d5 yep okay that's good okay let's close this  i'm not gonna watch the rest of that game   france is still playing uh she wins all  right next game must be starting in a second   was it 2003 oh let me check  nakamura mirzo of mirzov linares uh no it was 2001. it wasn't 2003 it's 2001.  at least that's what it looks like right my gosh my gosh all right i got another unpleasant   pairing in round three this is not  the pairing i want let's go d5 here okay what do i want i'm gonna play g6 i  know this isn't normally what i would do   this guy's pretty good though so i'm gonna  try to do something a little bit unusual i guess i'll um i guess i'll take and go here can i talk about your one year and five-year plan  for the future i don't really have a five-year   plan i have a one-year plan which is just keep  keep crushing it at streaming and uh and chess   it's all that that's my only plan that's castle  it's actually been a long time since i played   this opening i have to say so here in knight  v6 i used to actually play this all the time   now i think about this one of my favorite  openings for a long time an online blitz go here murky 8 of course let's go here rookie eight i mean i can play rook a7 i mean all those  are playable i'm gonna go rook a7 and take   maybe like this and then stack with the rook  objectively this is very drawj by the way   but let's go now the thing is  you know what i'm going to go   bishop e6 here force it trace i have  a grip on the light squares kind of well maybe queen d5 maybe knight  c4 and go from there go here knight c4 is always a move but i think i'm gonna  go rookie seven here i could have played g5 too   maybe that was better i don't know whatever you're  gonna jaimo the best for nine once i'm gonna go   i don't really want to play  it but i'm gonna do it thanks   i can play h5 here i can also go like  97 maybe because okay now i go f5 though not overly enthused by this by the  way i don't really like what i've done   probably gonna go like f3 or something that's bishop h2 interesting choice he  gives me the option to play f4 to close   the door i think i should close the door on  the bishop here but he can also go f3 me i mean   very tough to play i can obviously trade i can  also go knight f6 here but i think h6 looks right   if any uh no i don't actually like what i've  done i really don't like what i've done here   um i can actually go e5 maybe  let's go e5 here and takes yes i trade and i wait that's  a mistake it takes what okay but i mean i get a blockade here i have  knight d5 i mean this doesn't look right at all i probably should have taken with  the rook actually i should have   played this maybe without rooks  on the board maybe hard to judge probably still a draw though  let's see what he does what's he have he's got three  pawns but i mean i have the grip   go here oh great i just blundered oh my gosh  why did i do this i can play e3 here wait or maybe i just go wait a second rookie six rookie  four so i have to go here   be very careful how i play this i  can take and take on c three and take i mean i think i have a chance to  win this is gonna be very tricky okay so it takes i take take of course and i take e5 is actually very surprising move to me  i guess i go here still very tricky to play but here checks now do i go to f7 or not is a big question  i think i do king needs to run this way i can   check and take and go knight c4 that's wrong so  i think i just bring my king up but he's king f3 it's still very tricky huh huh 95 king f3 i have to go here maybe knight  b6 knight c4 or something because i go here knights before this my only try i'm way up on the clock though so here target the bishop uh now if i take beat two  let's say rook b5 or something i still don't like   what i've done in this position somehow i made  a complete mess out of this like i never should   have been in this situation somehow i'm like  i'm not even sure i'm going to win this now i'm here oh he takes the pawn though which i think  is the starter going kind of wrong um not king f5 not shaq it's very hard to play um wait let's go now i can take and take i  mean it's only a draw but   oh wait it goes there i didn't expect that go here go here okay but now i should have chances let's go  here yeah now i'm gonna have chances to win   um do i check or not is also   wait no not work a6 wait i have to come with  some moves what am i doing just go go here why thinking so long that's great ridiculous wait i plunders there we  go geez that was close we got the win crazy game i really flubbed that badly i mean i  should have been winning somewhere around here   i mean he flopped it then i flubbed it yeah and  then he takes which is just a miracle because   knight c3 you know mf holland can we have the  engine on uh that would be cheating you guys   so no also there's no way there's no way for  me to show an eval bar while i'm playing that   would mean i have to have another window open  showing the game which is also cheating so yeah   all right so three out of three we got the  win not a good game but we got the win yeah we're on three out of three okay so fabiano also  on three out of three so pretty normal so far   my position was so strong at the beginning  yeah can you cheat yeah thank you   and you cheat that's a good  one you guys thank you for that yeah is it literally about to ask  the eval bar is illegal yeah no   kidding if you become the world chess champion  when you change your approach to chess and   streaming know you guys i'm a streamer  first i'm gonna stream that's what i do uh daniel 1 apparently is on three  out of three so everybody's winning around four coming up three out of three is good but it's not your day   it's not too late to withdraw thank  you so much appreciate it thank you oh danny snatched victory from the draws of a draw  okay fair enough yeah yeah pretty normal dude i   can't pick a good one for the 12 months i think  so i can't pick a good one for 12 months yeah   love it here where's round four  um should be starting pretty soon   knight g5 eight sisters knight f3 oh my  god just subscribed oh dear uh god it got   flagged what a shock gotta got flagged why am  i not surprised why am i not surprised at all all right where's round four i feel like we've  been waiting for a little bit what's going on   what's round four you did a drama ross  for a game for the tier one thing so much   yeah back tonight at three things  nighthawk for the 16 appreciate things   nighthawk 177 underscore just took five dollars  out of bezos's pocket job deals on three out of   three true am i planning to go on trip i'm gonna  be going to uh madrid spain for the candidates   at the beginning of june oh  let's go b3 keep it simple okay now he's gonna do this one i'm gonna go  bishop b2 play e3 uh somebody had this was   it thor finson let's go check somebody  had this recently was it hanza's game   i feel like it's hans game yesterday um so yeah  so i take i'm just gonna castle here i think it's   hanza's game right so i'm gonna go 91 and maybe  f4 it's a little bit new age but let's go up four there should be seven i can  take but i think c4 makes sense it's a very weird position sing for a long time wait was that a mouse slip that must  have been a mouse slip he meant to   wait he didn't mean to go rook g8 that was 100 a mouse slip yeah you  just you made a mouse slip i mean   it's kind of unfortunate any way you look at  this because i mean i don't really want to win   like this but at the same time it's still yeah  it's still blitz what are you supposed to do   that was a massive he meant to castle he touched  the rook and the king and it played rook g8 i mean   you never want to win like this but it happens   yeah it's a tournament no mercy indeed  strike hard strike first no mercy as they say dude he does okay plays e4 as expected i'm  gonna go here i assume i go d3 knight h3 i assume strike first strike often yeah no strike  for a strike hard no mercy cobra kai castles i mean i guess i go here  in rookie one it looks correct i always have knight d5 as well knight e4 knight f2 i mean this  looks very pleasant with knight f2 not really sure why i'm not just clearly  better here with this great outpost it's king v8 i mean i guess takes  and like i know queen d2 or c2   c2 looks right just to keep  an eye on this pawn on e4 not actually sure if i like what i did though yeah it has bishop f6 which for some reason i  just missed oh wait wait no wait i have f5 maybe   wait i just go off five wait this is just  winning so you can't he can't guard everything   anyway take what the bishop or do i take with  the knight is also a big question mark here   my instinct is that i take with a  knight i just take this must be winning he's got such weaknesses three  big three big pawns that are   very very weak here yeah it should just be  a win either fish bill for the prime thing   so much of fish or fisk bill sorry for the  prime thank you so much man appreciate it we're sending carter with some  pineapple shoes well what do we have   we still have like 1200 subs to go  it's not like it's not a gimme you guys   i like 95 as a move um but  this should just be winning i don't really want to trade on e5 but at the same  time what do i do if i don't trade i guess i'll   just go here and work a forward g4 richie for rick  f4 probably just force a trade just back i mean all right let's see queen d5 is obviously a move  here try to trade some queens maybe i just take   and take or something yes i go here or squeeze off  oh wait no rook d6 is not a move what am i doing   that was horrible let's just go back  that was absolutely horrible by me made a project a disciple for the two gifteds  okay now i can take i don't want to take i'm   just going to go like here i'm just going  to consolidate the position a little bit so   ah because now i have rook d6 yeah night after  i just go king h1 i just win right or wrong wait takes knight f3 king king h1 rookie 8 25 i think this is winning oh no did i just blunder oh he takes h i thought queen  c7 looked really scary wait   okay but now i just take yeah no it just wins let's go check and bishop e5 yeah is queen sis having a move here or is still losing uh yeah so okay i take and  i have rook f1 and i win because this still   not ideal but we got the win all right guys  first break of title tuesday we're on four   out of four so i'll be back in one second  all right let's keep going so we're still   on the break right now we're on what four out  of four nine hours going strong yeah i think   it swore molito for the gift of something and  milksy for the eight who doesn't gravity for   the tier one thing and mathis for the four  months appreciate it thank you am i muted   i'm not muted no all right let's keep going  or don't have any coffee but i do have water oh levi is on three out of four nice thank you to   rari zari for the five months thank  you so much rory's alright thanks 24 hour stream probably not but we'll see maybe all right where is the next round we  should be starting right yeah i should   be starting pretty soon i need 24 hours  from soon probably not i'm not really sure is levy in this term yeah he's on three  out of four okay so who's on four so i'm   up for chigalka nigolito grant fabiano  dallas billido pretty standard so far glare is not really bothering me no  it's not it's not bothering me at all thank you so much to kinder  cardinal for the five months   appreciate it kinder cardinal just took  five dollars out of bezos's pocket thanks e4f6d4g5 qh5 do i want to play fabiano yeah  playing fabian would be fun but again   we'll see we'll see why is my rating so low  because i dropped a ton of points this mo   between yesterday and this morning  uh lost a lot of points so it happens alright so we are on four out of four and   we play her rant so what do i  want to play against for rant hmm let's play a dutch i want to play aggressively  every game you're so good at streaming thank you   so much appreciate it um what will i do after  the stream i don't know not sure probably i'll   go look at a wall for 15 minutes something like  that this guy played levy well i mean this guy's   good i mean this is uh malcolm like he was 26 60  feet i mean i beat him in uh the grand swiss and   and um isle of man in uh in 2019 with  white pieces but he's a very good player   what a sort of seconds he's one of  those sort of seconds for levon aronian um what's going on bd7 and maybe c5 here  i said stonewall jackson not exactly um   c5 looks okay cause i can take go c4 now the thing  is if i trade on d4 it's playable i also have 94.   oh b6 is back some knight of four way i actually  have to kind of be careful here wait a second let's take and go knight c5 i guess i don't want to use too much time  here okay go knight c5 attack the   bishop knight e4 i have h6 maybe hit the bishop not in love with my position i have to say  it's kind of ugly in fact i go h60 takes i've gotta move though let's  just go here and trade i guess oh not super enthused by this let's take  he can play b4 but then i take and take   if he moves the bishop maybe i just go  bishop d7 in 96 or maybe i go a5 here this is not what i'm was  hoping for at all torque d8   uh he's got b4 which i missed too  i see three queen d1 let's go here   it's actually kind of ugly like more than  kind of this might just be very ugly for me let's look oh i can't even do that great um here go here i mean i think he made a mistake because   now maybe i can go like rook d6  and rook d8 and kind of survive   i should have played knight c7 that was a  much better move because now i guess i go yeah this is kind of not what i wanted at all   i'm just gonna make moves i i have  to kind of make some moves here i have to try to salvage  this and make a draw probably should be okay though it goes rook c1  um i'm gonna go here maybe trade a6   way down on time here it was very scary i can play knight f6 here it should  be fine i can also just trade maybe   i think i'm gonna go here except  knight g4 i can take with a pawn   okay let's just go um i can go a6 here i'm gonna go here i just i have to  move quickly can't use too much time um let's go here well i can trade i mean i'm not thrilled by  this but i should be able to draw this with   some good play with some precise play i should  be able to draw this here force him to trade i mean this still should be a draw with  correct play but it feels a little bit iffy   let's just go here king g7 i mean knight c5 96 i mean  it's a little bit on edge this knight f4 i guess i'll go i'm playing 96  and attack the queen i have knight e4 maybe   this is very tricky i think i just go here oh here  maybe knight c4 now okay now   i'm going to try to win the game  i'm going knight c4 and b5 i guess go b5 i don't know if b5 is a good  move but i i'm going to try to start   to play for the initiative now so here in 95 maybe uh let's go here attack the bishop come back okay now i really shouldn't  be able to lose this game i guess because he can't really do anything i mean neither   of us can really do much here  all the pawns are kind of glued f4 knight c6 i guess it goes a4 i think this can i take and  play f4 somewhere here let's see could take knight c6 is a draw i'm trying to see if there's  some way i can play for more but i think it's not   right i think i should just make the draw just  just play it safe make the draw and that's that   you know goose mantis for the sick think  casper is drunk for the prime because now   i have a5 also like i mean this is still a draw  of course but there are tricks here potentially yeah this will be a draw if he finds the right  move he finds the wrong move it's game on this knight c3 now that's not  what i expected actually go here i guess just d4 now i start opening it up i mean  it's starting to get very scary for white um 92 ism of queen d2 is a move knight d6 of the move 294 it's not what i want to play i'm gonna  go here i give him b5 i'll go a5 and play   anyone okay wait go here i should be winning now i'm 95 maybe now let's go here yeah okay this should be winning now for sure still tricky to play though chuck oh i hung the pawn geez oh great um i can move oh fudge i threw that so badly yeah i just threw that  i mean that was pathetic i could have drawn   that 20 different times anyway i mean this was  just ridiculous i just make the draw this is a   byproduct of just a long stream this one really  is a byproduct just a long stream i mean this one   i never should have lost or just go queen d5  make the draw easily yeah this is frustrating   i mean especially because i outplayed him  and then i just hang upon an e5 for no reason   i mean it's just frustrating this is a  hundred percent a byproduct of a long stream   normally i just go queen d5 mix drive in here  yeah i threw this horribly oh frustrating day yeah very frustrating uh let's go knight f3 i should not have lost that one yeah even  a draw was assumed in the prediction yeah   i mean if i just make the draw like i could  have done at any time there it's easy but for   some reason i played a3 instead of queen d5 oh  absolutely ridiculous seems to be a pattern well   the thing is normally i do find in the first  one second one i usually don't do well in but i mean that's just upsetting because like  the other games it's one thing like in the   first one i mean i i mean guys played well  i didn't really do much you know it wasn't   meant to be but like that previous one i just  never should have lost in a million years all right you can always take on c5 here i guess   maybe i go g3 knight d4 and bishop g2  or something let's go here let's go here   castles knight d4 of course maybe i go b42 we'll  see i look tired i mean we've been streaming   like 10 hours so it's not a joke but anyway okay  let's go knight d4 i can play a4 knight a3 here guess let's go a4 i don't even i don't  know why i did i could just win the queen oh here maybe knight d2 now okay now that i get the knight to  d2 i should be completely fine here i mean i guess i'll go i can't see one these  are so much from michael adams 29 11 30 all   month thank you so much to michael adams i  appreciate thank you for the resub man oh   balls won the uk actually i don't know i actually  don't know if that is michael adams i should to be   completely transparent i mean just says 29 11   11 29 that doesn't necessarily mean he's uh  that that is him go hear trades and knights i think i'm gonna go here maybe night  put the other knight on d4 so i can   put this knight on f4 yeah makes some  sense is it knight before wait no i've   seen one okay let's put this knight here because  now the other knight can go to f4 okay now the   question is how do i play against this pawn  this pawn is very soft here just subscribed very soft i guess i'll go maybe here in rookie d1 again  try to overload the pressure on the pawn   let's go here definitely overloading 92 next  movement it's all very good you have fear of   the turtle for the 13th they need to keep keith  for the gift of sub appreciate it thank you   um if i go 92 i can also sack i mean sac is  the move that i objectively want to play here   i go b4 yeah i think actually this works too   assuming i'm not blundering  something because queen c4 bishop f1   and if queen b6 b5 takes takes takes rook b1 i  should just be winning yeah i should be winning if we won rook c5 queen b3 no actually i also have knight d5 and it's all  just crushing i just or do i play no i think i   just take the simple route this has to be the  simple safe route to the victory that michael   adams goes by mickey yes what's it say yes i'm  from the uk but oh you're not that michael adams   oh you're not you're a different michael adams  okay never mind fair enough all right let's see   okay there's knight c4 i mean  i don't really see it though   i can play with b1 i mean even just i think i just  go back just just lock it up just be safe here looks like there's a surplus of michael adams  yeah apparently there is there there there are   many michael adams let's go here i want 96  okay so we're gonna get the wins we're gonna   bounce back with the win still in it i just  need to not lose any more games that's that's   really the bottom line you see like a couple of  good solid games here and good things will have   oh queen b6 allows knight c4 that would be  rather unfortunate go here target the bishop can play rook d3 i can also go rook c6 maybe of course the trade of the  rooks here bill's winning cell cell michael adams is at its peak  and will only uh drop uh knight b2 i guess i'll go check let's go here target pawn rook d7 should be  pretty clean classic right triangle there's   so much that wrap bacon for the 17 months now  i can take up seven but this looks pretty clean   too it just worked be seven sorry the pawn i've  got four yeah it's gonna be over in a second i mean i can even just go h3no4 here um let's take the pawn go back to b7 let's go f4 um let's just take i guess oh here attack the knight let's go check and it  should be me yep there we go all right good win   move to five out of six all right so five out  of six let's see um who's still playing whoops   not what i meant to do wait  there we go all right um if five out of six let's see fabiano is still  playing let's pull fabian on his game he is   playing against billado it looks even material  looks very slightly better for fabiano because   of the bishop and the pawns are locked on  dark squares too but bishop g3 is a really   good move by billido because now he's queen  f3 alexiano found a great move with bishop g3   yeah queen after is a nice nice move here say  what say what i don't know what you mean by what uh he blunders it ouch ouchies ouchies  ouchies ouchies okay so fabiano's on six   which is not what i want to see of course  because he could run away with the event fabiano leaking prep i doubt that i don't think so  doubtful all right let's see what other games are   going josten's still playing um board [ __ ] still  playing let's see what sport nick doing bornick is   should be winning trading rook b5 okay rookie seven king f4 probably c5 c6 here hey rookie five hits the pawn maybe  work b7 maybe king b6 i work v1 i had food i had a little bit of food does  he see the eval bar no only wheeze of the evo   oh my god oh oh my oh oh my oh my oh my i  i um i have no words for what just happened   oh my king b7 was just winning oh my oh my i i i have no words i have no i mean bournemouth's gotta  be really angry right now i think born   yeah bournemouth just miscounted  or something i don't know i'm doing incredible well i'm streaming you  guys trying to be strong this is how you build   character this is how you build up the endurance  for the candidates you stream 10 hours every day   and then then all these other people when they're  getting tired after five hours of playing chess   you're just strong you keep getting stronger and  stronger as the game goes on that's what you do   this this builds character even even if my  chest is struggling even if i'm struggling   chest-wise like it builds character i i don't  i don't know what bor bornex got to be really   angry i would be absolutely furious right now  if i was bortnick um i don't know the excuse   of chess well the only reason i said is because i  did feel like when i was playing esopenko in the   in berlin i felt like i got bet i was i was tired  too but i felt like i was sharper than asapanko um   and he's like half my age i mean he's like 17  i'm like ancient i'm like 34 or something and   i thought i thought he got more tired than i did  um so i don't know maybe i'm insanely that doesn't   play any role but i do feel like it actually  when you get used to these really long streams   it actually does build some character let's see  what are the standings let me check the standings   okay one on okay so atari is on five and a half  okay so everybody's on five so this is a really   nasty set of pairings i need a keytar for the 16.  um sergey needs to beat me right so let's play e5 is he gonna play the ovens he is questions  do i want to take or not i mean i can take   and play one of many lines but i'm just  going to play this one let's go here let's go here oh did i make a mistake already  i might have made some kind of   mistake whatever let's just go d6 who  cares you can just take i don't care   b4 is actually soft here e4 is also wait that's  a free juicer i know this is right but can't i i   mean he's gonna get some kind of funky stuff here  on the king side maybe but i don't really buy it   i'm not buying what he's selling at all i can  just go here i figure i have some knight a5 at   some point i don't know who cares not this  guy yeah not me many people care but not me 9k viewers and nine hours of streaming yeah i mean  it's not 80k like xqc but it's still something he played a delayed event yeah it's kind of like  he delayed it because he's down a pawn but it's   problem for me is that i'm not really  up it's not a great pawn to be up here   i'm good knight a5 bishop a2 and like   and the thing is do i try to save the pawn this  is the big question mark i can also go to ht4   here i mean the big question mark is do i try  to play d5 or something or do i go 95 i'm gonna   i'm gonna try to save the pawn i don't know  if it's right but i'm gonna try i'm gonna   try to save this pawn oh it goes knight  two now that's not a move that i expected wait a second that's not what i  expect because i think i can go   here and take yeah this i think this is  wrong i mean it's yeah he missed knight   g4 knight g4 is a very important move  that knight g4 i'm probably just worse but with knight g4 i mean i think i'm just  fine i'm just there so of course i castle   i can take i mean i can take uh he finds he  finds a way though maybe i missed something i take and play b5 aren't it oh wait i can  take it play bishop d7 maybe uh i need to win this game right a draw  is pretty terrible so if i need to win okay let's just go for i'm gonna go here and  take and hopefully i'm not just getting busted   somehow here but i think i'm okay because the  pawn is very weak cake's okay now i just take   now i'm just up a pawn and it's an outside  pawn which is also very important here   if it's not an outside pawn it's quite  tricky but i mean i can go bishop c6   hassle and i trade i don't really like that i  can also go like rook c8 maybe to target the pawn c4 okay now i should just be better  here if i play this if i'm smart   doesn't mean i will be smart but i  should be better somehow he works c   yes work c5 and b5 yeah car yes yes finally i  play a good move yes yes very good and now i   can go like bishop d7 or not or do i have  to go b5 right away even some bishop b7 i can also go bishop c6 and b5  i guess i just go b5 right away   go here in id4 maybe i'm not  thrilled by this so i have to say still very hard to play because he's got this  great bishop because knight f3 i guess i have   to take let's check you might have forgotten that  well of course he didn't forget but anyway i take   and i go here i mean it's should be fine  if i can get king h8 in f6 i think i win and i guess i probably just take and go like  here to consolidate everything and like queen e7   if i get king h8 f6 and i win uh of  course i miss queen b6 and now i can't win ridiculous yeah i now have to go yeah fudge me fudge me oh wait no i have a trick wait i have a trick  actually wait no can i trap his queen wait   wait a second wait a second boys and  girls i think i trapped his queen i think i trapped this queen yeah rookie seven's  winning i think let's go there they need a champ   for the ten gifters and if queen e6 which  is an inspired try just take taken block   yes i'm winning unbelievable unbelievably  lucky but hey we take we take them thank you to keegan for the  prime things such as kikan   just reception i think it is thank you so much  yeah posh champ exactly i agree total pause champ how do you spot that it's called block it's called   you play with intuition you place pieces on  the right squares and magically everything   everything happens to work he got his pawn  back right that is true he got the pawn back wow incredible back on the good mood we are  i mean i'm still in trouble in the tournament   but i mean whatever i mean as long as fabiano  doesn't win every game they need a peripheral   for the 20th he's just gonna win every  game i'm kind of not gonna have a chance   yeah just play the right moves exactly  just play the right moves no worries yeah he tries it but it just  doesn't work i just block yeah   just play good moves and good things happen indeed  we got the win okay so we moved to um six out of   seven okay so fabiano's still playing let's see  fabiano is playing tarry big game by the way   i think fabian is gonna win which is really  it's not good from the standpoint of um   of winning the tournament but it's very good  from the standpoint of finishing in the money joined later did you play fabian i know i  didn't play fabiano yet yeah king d5 and fabio   a brilliant game by fabiano by the way brilliantly  played really nice really nice squeeze here very   very good technique i mean not shocking i  mean it's fabiano but still very very nice   it should be winning i mean whites have a pawn and  it's a double stack this must be winning though   maybe e6 no that can't be right ah wait can  you four f wait h it's actually not easy wait   how do you win this this must be winning but  ah now you got a five yeah king e7 f5 and f6 yeah very nice and now you just have to  pass pawn beautiful technique by fabiano   you know moses for the 10 months is it cheating  if chat helps with an engine absolutely in fact   if you write moves you're getting banned  um so yeah and if even like one person does   like earlier someone did it then we instant  going to sub mode and we banned we period   yeah plain and simple yeah  you're not allowed to do that okay so round eight coming up i mean this  means fabian was on seven he's one point clear   so i don't know if i want to play fabian  or not here i probably do play him but my   tiebreak is pretty crummy 13.5 not  very good tie breaker so what it is stop cheating shots seriously you're  upsetting me did i miss rick takes   that southern sugars game no i don't  think it ever worked it never worked no hybrid is based on the score of your  opponents i believe if i'm not mistaken   i can see you have a huge  respect for fabiano well i mean   i i don't know i mean maybe some  people don't you have to be pretty   pretty pretty brain dead to not have respect  for fabiano and what he's done in chess yeah you have to kind of be um yeah you have  to be living under a rock thank you to matt d   for the prime yeah how many games do we have  we've got what not many left only one game   uh it's a queen of pawn end game yeah queen h5 and queen e5 was winning  still is winning for white but f6 maybe brooke takes f7 instead of queen  a6 was winning for chicago what oh yes queen b8 oh fudge me oh fudge me that's bad   okay i'm gonna play fabian what  do i want to play let's play d4   i don't want to play something too too janky  and random against fabiano in this situation everybody wants to play okay he's gonna do  this i'll go here oh let's play this one no quick draw because i'm down by a point if  i wasn't down by a point maybe but i'm down by   a point so i can't really do that uh now i can  take and play bishop d3 i mean yeah i'm gonna go   here bishop b5 is also a move but it's all pretty  standard he moves the bishop i go a3 pretty normal stuff forget if 96 it's 97 and g6 as i recall yeah fr1 tall 4y just resubbed for three months oh did i just blunder c5 i didn't  blunder but i shouldn't have allowed it very careless behind me there's castle uh knight g6 is logical this isn't  actually what i wanted at all i go here and trade i'm still  completely fine but this is like   really heading for exactly  what i was not hoping for we'll go here maybe bishop c3 or knight g3 i mean it's very  dry though if d4 i bishop c3 or i can just   take i think carlos miguel just subscribed oh wait actually  what am i doing no that doesn't even work oh yeah   oh oh yeah i can play knight g3 here d4 i just  take i get bishop c3 i should be fine oh it was 94 now i don't really want to  take i don't want to go queen d3 either   bishop c3 with queen d3 seems like  the way to play this objectively   i mean maybe bishop e1 was awesome  i don't really know but we'll see   so he takes which i think i'm actually quite  happy to see i plays rook d8 i can go to hg5   i mean i can play queen b3 i can also go queen a5  maybe but i give him queen b6 what are you doing stupid still completely fine of course  but i guess i'll go here maybe queen   c1 i mean i still have knight f5 at some  moment i'm gonna go here target the pawns d4 is an idea here of knight f5 i've knight  h5 maybe let's go here and target the bishop   now do i go b4 or not b4 actually looks  like a pretty solid idea with queen a1 let's go here to target the pawn i still have  queen c3 and queen a1 in this in the shoot   until i go knight d4 queen a1 first my instinct  just to play queen or no queen 1 allows c3 this   looks like the right move to target the  pawn still very imbalanced though i mean   still very very unclear i'm gonna go here i  guess i have knight f4 i also have e4 maybe um very very complicated position now do i go knight f4 or dragonite g3 is  a big question mark i guess i go to g3 not e4 go here i just blunder maybe wait  85 95 wait a second queen e4 wait a second five um i should have something  here is it queen d2 maybe i blundered this oh getting careless again oh my gosh why did i do that i was  actually just better i should have   won this game i just threw this hard uh  let's go here takes i take a knight f1   now i'm gonna have to make a draw of some rook c4 right he has a5 but he doesn't do it  which is interesting i guess i'll go here i'm kind of surprised that fabiano  didn't actually play a5 and force a draw um wait a second hey not 95 92 knight h5 maybe i expected that again those are so tricky to play hitting the pawn i mean he missed this i'm gonna  win now he missed 94 knight of six oh wait no not knight f6 wait i gotta  be careful let's go let's go here yeah now i just trade and i win the  game i just force everything off okay i mean if i don't win  this well that's my fault now there we go mucho excellente there we go we got the win  thank you to carlos miguel for the 14 then   you final four for seven thank you to fr1  total 4y for the three thank you so much   dem skills yeah dem skills uh but i messed this  up so severely let's let's take a look back here   yeah i just flood this what what  oh i'm supposed to go 92 wait   yeah queen d2 was just like i i  mean just ridiculously poor move   but 92 and apparently i'm still better with knight  c3 and knight knight f4 but whatever who cares   yeah those nights were good the knights were good  we got the win important win now we moved to um   oh it's the break actually this is the final  break i think right yeah this is the final break   so seven out of eight okay so we're in the hunt  we're in the hunt for uh for first place we're   gonna take a short break you guys i am gonna  go clear my head final break of the day we're   nearly 10 hours in i just need to find a little  bit more a little bit more um a little bit more   steam i got it you know i got to be that that  blue train you can keep going just keep going   just a little bit further so i'll be right back in  a second you guys all right you guys are back oh   i think it's stubborn for the eight months you  so much everybody appreciate it thank you so much yeah all right guys so we're back we're  chilling we've got what um oh how much more what's your secret um my secret is caffeine and  you guys chat just the the energy you provide   me um is what does it by the way i also have  garbage tie breaks which is useful so i better   i better win every game here because  i have uh seven out of eight but i'm   fourth place on tie break so i better  win every game oh i scored 11 out of 11   one time i don't think anyone else  has gotten 11 out of 11. um but yeah whoa thank you to anonymous for the five give the  subs thank you so much appreciate it thank you   um thank you for the five gifted appreciate it  we're getting ever closer we're over what 6 800   so we're less than 1200 subs away from pineapple  pineapple shoes you guys for those of you who are   unfamiliar with what i'm referring to of course  we do have our classic loafer and nana's um we do have our classic low for nana's um   and as you guys can see it's 433  dollars um you refresh the page 433 dollars um as you guys can see from the images   wait why is it why is it messed up now  it's not right one second subscribed yeah there we go all right um is that right i  think that's close not not perfect   there we go all right there we go so  you guys can see here some pictures of   the inanimas oh you can see it on the on  the uh leaked yeah i liked everything um   yeah you can see uh you can see the uh see the  pineapples here so it's pretty nice um at 433   dollars is what it's what it's what it's going for  so once again if we hit eight thousand subs i will   obviously be buying these um buying the low for  a nana's in black for 433 bucks that'd be a steal   at twice the price okay these shoes are made for a  car they're made in portugal so uh polito leather   upper metal handshake loafer bridge leather  outsole made in portugal so i mean i assume   it's you know it's not made in china it's not made  in america um it's not made in vietnam or any of   the usual uh manufacturing places so probably that  means there's some some some guy in portugal in   a small little shop you know doing doing it doing  it by hand um so it's probably really really nice   how much is the shipping i think shipping  is probably free i assume i don't know   i know cristiano ronaldo yeah the metal handshake   yeah all right anyway let's get back  to the chest um let's keep going   three more three more that's all we got to do  this is see this is of cr7's hometown yeah so yeah those are fresh af honestly yeah  they look pretty nice i like them   but yeah imagine all the candidates show  up in them that would be really funny one dollar for shoes 400 for shifting indeed yeah well i wear the candidates absolutely  you guys of course obviously i will   no of course i'll wear them at the candidates are  you crazy i mean if you get me to eight thousand   subs what i'm gonna be like haha i'm joking i'm  just you know i just want your money i'm not   gonna i'm not gonna buy them please i mean if i do  that nobody should ever should ever donate again yeah um all right let's keep going do you think  you'd be able to get uh to get the players in   the american cup to analyze your game with you on  stream uh i don't know what you mean by that maybe   i've never met cristiano  ronaldo or messi no i never have   all right we're in the hunt we're in the hunt  three to go fabio he car beating fabian i   mean my day yeah i mean i'm pretty tired  don't break a dress code and get dq from   me everybody's broken the dress code so feed is  gonna magically suddenly enforce a different code   then i mean i'll i'll definitely say something  they get a better toner for the gift of sub   i mean i can give you perfect examples for example  lavon has worn flashy shirts all over the place   magnus breaks the dress code every tournament  out there um now obviously they make exceptions   for him so uh that's one other example dubob was  not wearing business casual attire at the grand   prix and berlin he was wearing his very classic  balenciaga sweater so again like look if video   wants to magically be ridiculous about it i mean  they're gonna have a lot of there's gonna be a lot   of people who are unhappy about it go here in ipd2  and g3 yeah dubois was wearing his classic bluncy   i got to be honest i do like that i i  mean i have to say i do like that hoodie   go here e3 bishop g2 or not hoodie sorry sweater  or jumper i should say to be properly british whoa they need a champ for the 100 get the  subs thank you so much a champ for the 100   gifted appreciate it thank you so much let's go  e3 keeping us very light and simple maybe 92 next   move i'm pretty happy with my position i mean  i got the best pairing too considering my score   you like duboff yeah you like do bob exactly i  mean i like a style i do like the the balenciaga   sweater i'm really happy with this position by  the way this is the dream out of the opening   that's all you can ask for are the sweaters  1k plus each probably i don't know okay i'm   gonna go b4 knight b3 i guess i don't really  like what do bot or not do bob what what my   opponent is doing can't even talk now let's  go see four and take with the knight i guess i'll thank you to abandon for the prime they have  conway for the tier one thank you so much conway   i appreciate it i winning against caruana  yeah i did i beat fabiano fabulous fabiano   um i think i go here questions do i take  with a knight or not a big question actually it takes i also d4 which is kind of  no d4 is just ridiculous don't be as   don't be a [ __ ] um i guess i take with a knight   blunder93 oh my gosh all right but i'm still  in the game i still b5 oh yeah what was that i didn't see bishop before oh yeah oh yeah oh  yeah but i'm still in the game somehow because   i have an attack weirdly like i very weirdly  have some kind of attack on the queen side here   just take i scared you guys yeah yeah  clip that i need to see it again thank you i mean this is actually very tricky for black  i'm not so sure that i think this is great that's very he goes 95 i mean of course  i should play b5 here or with any takes   okay let's go rook ac1 idea b5 here   important not to lose my mind that's really the  big key just to stay focused and find good moves that's what he does i think nina love for the  tier one he goes knight b6 which i also think   is kind of insane because now there's  a there's big pressure suddenly yeah i   really don't like knight b6 i think it's a  very bad move by uh by my opponent really   really riley actually queen b5 is maybe  a really good move shoot i can play f4 i think i kind of have to go king  f2 yeah queen g5 is a great move okay so he goes queen b5 to go king f2  still very tricky thinking of frag crack   for the 10 months queen g4 is kind of  strange go here i don't like queen g4   at all actually i feel like there's real  danger now with b7 and c6 like real danger that's what he does is e5 that's a very logical one the  thing is do i sack or not i mean   my instinct is that i should just sack  i don't know if it's good or not but   okay she's trying to play ef4 the question is do  i have other moves like i have h3 as a move here knight b7 king b7 queen c2 let's see how do i do this ef4 is a problem it's a very very good move i guess  i'll go here to attack the queen i think i'm gonna go b5 next move or something   who's there that's i don't know why i did  this i shouldn't have done this here maybe i can wait i can take c6 wait a second i  take c6 and i take with the queen fg3 king e2   fv3 king e2 queen c8 are you for real mg1 king e28 unbelievable if i take b wait  but if i take b7 fe3 i think ah very annoying the rook d7 that that feels wrong  but i still have to prove it um how do i prove this though  h3 is a very cheeky move here   if i'm gonna get really cheeky with the  h3 i'm gonna try to be really sneaky got no time i bungled this getting way too cute  with this move way too cute with h3 way too cute i can actually take maybe no i can't   what am i doing oh my gosh i'm just  like throwing this hard hard hard oh i had bishop c6 also let's go for it now oh we got the dub very shaky game  thank you to crows 4k for the nine   i don't know if i had anything let me  let me go back here let me turn this on wow he played this like a boss queen c2  and i'm just slightly wow he actually   played this like a true boss bishop f4 was  winning i was wondering about bishop about   four here if it was a win or not yeah asr  was just stupid absolutely stupid move here   but whatever who cares we get this and then  yeah it's only bishop c uh bishop c6 of course   he's going okay anyway whatever let's uh let's  watch fabian's game and let's try not to lose   our mind while we're at it yeah i don't know  what's wrong i'm literally just like i'm just   losing my mind now all right somebody  just hung their queen oh excuse me uh i mean fabiano's gonna win anyway  but excuse me excuse me excuse me okay um yeah like that's a that's kind  of a pretty serious excuse me um i mean oh my gosh i mean queen c5 was i guess a try  but that was um yeah i don't know a little bit   strange a little bit strange to put it mildly  okay so we're tied for first with fabiano   um we both win of course we're both  on eight yeah two more to go two more   unfortunately my tie break is terrible  and i'm still way behind fabiano which   is not not what i'm hoping for but  it is what it is it is what it is really not what i'm hoping for fabiano didn't  take it yeah no of course yeah all right   all right we have two more to go god i just said  i'm the favorite in the candidates tournament well   nothing but love for god obviously i mean very  very unlucky god is another player who i mean   you know if god if god god is  as good as he was but maybe like   i don't know five five years later his  whole story is completely different i mean   like it's just it's just a matter of being  the right place the right time honestly so yeah so yeah no i mean of course god is amazing  obviously ten thousand subs pineapple   tattoo no no i'm not doing that it's a  little bit too much who is god at kamsky i don't bother to take the queen on purpose but  yeah no we're we're just chilling we're we're   in the hunt for red october we're on eight out of  nine i mean just need just need one more good game   um a 20k subs will you put spinning  gold rims on your civic sure you guys   uh we have we have our 15k our 15k as  well but what is our 15k um um yeah we uh   let me see i why can't i find it uh  oh wait i have to play my next game   uh let me close this all right let's focus we have  a 15k sub goal though so anyway let's keep going   all right all right black astari i have eight  points he's seven and a half i assume i stay solid   here just to guess yeah i think i say solid now  i don't think it's the right time to go for broke   this doesn't seem right 20k subs and you turn into  pineapple yeah okay alien underscore sonnenberg   donated three dollars thank you elliot sonnenberg  love you to alexianco nice okay i'm gonna play the   berlin he wants to make the draw fine like  i just i feel like i gotta be solid here   if i lose this game i just wrecked the whole  event i had no chance at anything i mean the   thing is tari is down 30 uh is it gonna make  he's gonna make the draw he's down a minute shoot   shoot shoot shoot he's gonna make the oh no he's  gonna play okay i'm gonna play um let's go here there's knight c3 i mean i know e4 is always is  always the move yeah you take and then you just   like castle and play d5 i mean super unexciting  uh or do i play a6 do i play asics first   actually wait i think this order looks  a little bit suspect from uh from tarry slightly suspect at night before don't i i go here this order is a little bit suspicious from tarry  but bishop about five or something am i crazy oh   he's gonna play rookie two and just be solid  this way this actually is another way just   i mean if i go bishop g4 what can i really  ah promise i don't really have a choice now   he's gonna go rookie one and uh oh wait no  ricky wants no gooks i take wait a second   wait a second this isn't so simple wait a second  i'm i'm losing my mind for no reason again run away run away yeah yeah yeah run away run away and run  away i know what's wrong now i'm just   like losing my mind completely let's just  go here there's h3 i mean i guess i just   take because if he takes i take if he takes  i take f3 he's gotta take with the pawn   i mean again this is headed for a draw i i  don't know what's wrong with me now now i can't   i'm just losing my mind completely problem  is like do i trade or do i go [ __ ] about   five and make the draw i mean bishop six  is very bishop three is very committal   but i think i i think i really need  to win this game i i don't think   how do i even win this i mean i trade and  go bishop g5 and it's still just a draw a6 bishop g5 trade rook c1 no i  think that's wrong i'm just gonna go i'm gonna go here there's g4 i go back  i mean i think this is what i have to do this bishop e2 which i don't like at all i  assume i go bishop six to target the pawn   um now the question is do i take i can take  first and play d4 wait i just take and play d4 i mean if he takes i taken that i have queen  f6 i mean this looks pretty solid for me know it's right but i've got  to win this game let's go here   now the questions do i take i also  bishop g6 and wait and d3 wait a second   wait a second this should be very  good for me if i'm smart about this i have queen d5 as well we need five workout  four takes and d3 looks good queen d5 this looks like a good move i mean look out for a train go d3 and i  mean that's got to be winning what he does rick h4 now the thing is do i take uh but he's  got queen h5 ah shoot i misplayed this again i let him off the hook i let him off the hook here fudge let them off the hook completely i mean i have to trade in the stupid end game fudge i mean i can't i can't lose but should have won this game should have won yeah i'll play on of course but why did i do that why did i just trade first   creating d3 i mean that was my  whole plan all all the way along i'm just there yeah there's just nothing i can do i  mean i guess i go here and make a draw super frustrating he's getting low on time though so is that  just blunders he blunders upon now it's game   on there should be game on knight d4  no i've got rook d7 yeah it's game on   game on boys we got a game we've got a game oh i guess i'll go here maybe knight c6 oh i think i'm gonna go f5 maybe is there i mean i guess i go  here i start running my king up ah he blunt uh he kind of blunders he blundered yes he blunders yes there we go  i should be winning i should be winning now oh there we go we got the win unreal victory  yeah unreal victory but fabiano wins too scheiss yeah i mean this is so poorly  played by me like right here yeah wait this one yeah i mean why did  i not play bishop g6 i knew bishop g   g6 and d3 was good and then i didn't  play it like i'm such a [ __ ] and then yeah i'm just a [ __ ] but whatever  we got the win nobody cares uh so we're tied   for first but unfortunately fabiano has uh  kind of a massive tiebreak so basically the   weird thing about this format though is that  i'm kind of free rolling in the sense that i   i can't finish worse than i think third and i have  the better tie break so it's good stuff questions   do i make a draw here and just clinch a guaranteed  second place but my instinct is now i gotta play   for victory i gotta go for broke and try to win  i got i gotta go for broke and try to win nah   nah it's not right if i lose i lose and whatever  who cares but you know what what is this saying um   ratings are temporary but but glory lasts  forever or something i don't know the saying   something it's like glory lasts forever  i i don't know it's like a scar is a   scar but glory lasts forever i don't  know you guys can tell me what it is the the quote is i literally don't  care yes that's not the saying that   i'm thinking of right now you guys  all right the scar also lasts forever that is true actually you're right a scar  does last forever that's not a very apt quote   yeah a scar is not temporary you're right yeah  that's a good point pain is temporary glorious   forever something like that i don't even know  i'm playing duba probably i did go 11 out of   11 one time think of a carbon at me for the  eight months think of so much carbon at me still a bunch of games going let's see what's  happening white wins okay what do we have it's all game okay so we should be starting pretty  soon okay i'm playing on draken um oh let's just   get back to bases let's go knight f3 i  thought i would play duba but apparently not   let's go here okay let's just  get back to basics keep it simple garth oberman just subscribed please h6 um  i think i'm just gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna   go for it i mean this is what i've been  playing all day might as well just keep it   keep it real rather than mixing it up too much let's play knight d2 maybe and play knight e5 again this is what i  did against somebody earlier this is what   i think of sugar rog so here in e4 mr chinese  just took five dollars out of bezos's pocket   thanks for adds money you know mr  chinese need a bus stop thing of garth   the man for the tier one okay so i mean  i guess i take and i go e4 or something and i have knight f3 here i don't actually  know if e4 is a very good move honestly   there's that which is also kind  of a little bit weird to me it looks wrong um i think it is wrong  actually i'm just going to go here   kick the bishop and then  kick the knight and then push   i'm just going to start massing the pawns  here this looks very wrong to me optically now f5 is a very big very big  and very serious threat here   i mean c4 is the move that i'm unsure of it might  be the only try c4 f5 c3 fgfg wait isn't that just   a mistake wait a second wait a second wasting  takes takes takes takes is bishop f7 let's take i have to take questions do  i go g5 here and i think i do   this looks right let's kick the knight  and take the pawn this looks right that looks weird take i  mean f5 is just cheat cheat   i should just be close to winning  here unless i'm completely insane it's a lot easier to win though yeah it's still very tricky  we'll go here in rook f1 i think queen i think i think queen  g4 is wrong i think i maybe not   maybe i didn't have anything maybe this is right  i don't know it was knight g7 yeah i have to be   careful how i play this looks i  could end up worse if i'm not careful   um bishop h3 maybe no it's wrong queen h4 no  queen g3 no not really i mean i have to win   this game just they're no ifs ands or buts  i guess i'll just go here in rookie 2 maybe don't feel like i'm playing this very well somehow i mean knight at five i'm probably  snacking i guess i take and go here i mean i'm up on time i'm up a pawn i mean   i don't win this so be it but this  i mean this looks really good for me   95 lurking it's just a pawn it's a clean pawn  in fact okay there's rookie eight i'll trade   questions do i go queen h i mean queen g3 is not  the move i want to play but i think i kind of have   to do it i don't like creating these double pawns  but he's got weak pawns all over the board here i mean i have 95 i think i'm  just winning unless i'm insane   maybe not knight of 595 looks good at night at 595  that looks really good i think i'm just winning   okay ah king f7 now that's what we call a good  move a good move by my opponent um maybe like a c4 king of that's a very annoying  move because it's very very good   go d4 try to play against the weaknesses  here create a perma weakness on d d5 i can   v6 okay go here i i should have traded i think  i think that was a mistake but now i can go   here to dominate the pony the pony has no squares  no i think i'm gonna win this game now now this   looks really bad for black i mean maybe you can go  96 and trade but this end game doesn't really look   very appealing in my opinion there's a5 so again i  assume i bring the king in oh i missed that shoot let's go back i missed that completely he plays a4 i'm gonna reinforce the structure  with c3 now i'm gonna go bishop g4 next move   this has to be the right play i can also take and  go b4 but that doesn't look right so i think i go   here to consolidate now the knight can't jump because this pawn is always  super weak on on g6 here   i mean i guess you can go a3 but that  looks really weird okay so he does do this the question is if i go king e3 or do i play like b4  very tricky i think i just go here is a3 okay which i think is a mistake by the way maybe not still very tricky  i try to go knight i go g4 so i have 92 knight okay i guess c4 it might be one knight e3 that should be winning   all the pawns on the dark squares he can't the  bishop can't touch anything here oh here and take this should be winning i mean  this really should be winning so here yeah this is winning i mean this is  just winning the d-pawn is too fast i could have taken c42 but now  i just run it now we just run   it run it run it run it run it up  mid run it up mid and game over d67 fabiano loses yes yeah baby yeah okay i  go here and i win fabiano lost this game ah he's gonna play them late okay there we go we got the win yes yes yes yes  we get to win 10 out of 11. we win the event   somehow miraculously don't ask me how don't ask  me how we win let me take a look at this game   quickly what did i miss here what did i miss yeah  oh right by the way you guys i was gonna say it 15   000 subs this is what we're uh this is what we're  getting just so you know uh we get to 15 000 subs   um i'm gonna wear these at twitchcon or  some event before that just so you guys know   um at 15 000 subs i will get this we're setting  a three month uh three month target though so by   july 15th july like july 15th basically and i'll  wear them at um i'll wear them at twitchcon or   you know i don't know some term in st louis or  something and so be it um at 15k subs so yeah   all right let's take a look at the game of course  because the game is what we're all here to see um what happened so let's go back here oh i actually played this really well takes g5 perfect 4k e1 is better 318 just subscribe c4 huh   oh okay ah rocket you want to actually make some  sense because what you do is you kind of you trade   and you grip the center with like a wooden shield  on e4 like if it goes d4 you get the wooden shield   yeah you get you get the wooden  shield tough to spot so i go here okay queen g there is best but okay go here okay looks like it's always just  very good for me basically oh bishop f5 and it's still a game maybe ah oh  he's [ __ ] about five and maybe it's a game yeah   bishop five and it's still actually not easy to  win apparently because my knight is so bad here   crazy but i still would have won the tournament  anyway even with the draw i think the sparrow   for the fourth thing to possess fajita for the two  thank you dempsey for the five they're jupinelle   for the prime branch got the prime big carp um  let's see what else what else exists here this is   just a draw but whatever who cares so we got the  winning title tuesday we go 10 out of 11 in the   late title tuesday we got the big big win um and  win the one thousand dollar uh first prize make a   viewer bullet arena before i go uh you guys want  a viewer arena i mean i'm pretty sauce i've been   like what 10 hours 10 hours plus i mean just just  to win this this late um uh yeah i'm pretty sauced have i ever had 11 one time push  for 3200 nah i'm good for now it's   it's a good spot to stop in terms of blitz um you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 204,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, hikaru titled tuesday win, gmhikaru titled tuesday, hikaru perfect titled tuesday
Id: XP8yrtJK4T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 40sec (6880 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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