Looking Back on .io Games

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there are only three times when a teacher can say something good congrats you passed school will be canceled tomorrow because a meteors hitting Earth and when you finish your work you can have free time for me at least free time in Middle School meant that we got to play shitty flash games for about 20 minutes but in high school a new type of game started to take over IO games they all follow the same theme of having simple Graphics simple controls and being multiplayer but it's been a very long time since I've played one of these So today we're going to be playing the IO games that I remember the most ranking them and we're going to start with probably the most iconic one okay first up is agario this is probably one of the better known IO games and I think it's the one that popularized the genre the lore of this game is that you're a cell sitting in a Petri dish and your objective is to eat other cells and become bigger now this looks really simple but there is some strategy to this game if you press space you split in half but you also launch yourself forward so it's a great way to kill people oh like that guy just did to me man all the memories of 2016 are just flooding back in hey we got our first kill bro get way let's be friends stop chasing me bro what the there is a flaw to this game and it's that when you die you lose everything which spoiler alert isn't the case with all of these games I also think this is probably the hardest game to climb the leaderboards in just because you can't really cheese it how did the okay that guy's hacking how did he get big immediately so many Bots bro what does this game become this Crux guy can kill me if he wanted to he's number four on the leaderboards please bro spare me okay that's funny I died cuz I was distracted but it's an Eminem yeah I suck at this one this is probably a skill issue I'm going to give aario a tier it's basic and simple but it is the OG now being honest out of all the games we're playing today agario is probably the one I'm the worst at partly because it's a hard game but also partly because instead of playing agario I was busy playing another game next up we have slither.io and I have some bad news I tried typing in slither.io and it didn't work but luckily I found a one toone clone of the game called gulper.io so we're going to treat this like it slither.io point of this game is that you're a snake and you have to become bigger and the extra strategy here is when you press down your mouse you go faster now in a guardio you can kind of get by by just eating the pellets that spawn and camping but in this game you really have to go for kills or else you won't be big at all or you can also just wait until someone kills a snake I died I accidentally clicked the other tab yeah as I was saying this game is way more Cutthroat way more aggressive than agario and I remember I used to be really good at this game that was a long time ago this guy just killed himself and now we have to take call is food oh my God y we're already on the leader boards we're number nine yo so much food here oh my God we ate all that and we're only number eight where's the guy in first place I want to kill him oh he's on the mini map all right that's our Target oh look at that dude all for us the Strat here is to Circle it and now all this food is ours oh my God yo we're fifth on the leaderboards get we're doing pretty good bro that guy could have killed me he was just a little better at the game he could have killed K me see look everyone's aggressive everyone's trying to kill me okay number one this is number one this is number one here's guest this this is the guy in third place I'm ready he wants to fight I'm ready dude I'm big look at that no we're in a trap how do we win that no we killed each other no slither.io or I guess gulper is going to go in s tier the game play is very one-dimensional just like aario but I feel like the options you have when fighting other players are much more exciting now agario and slyther iio are pretty similar so the next IO game is something entirely different next up is scribble.io this game is very different from the rest in fact I won't even explain how it works you'll figure it out okay choose a word we'll go with T-Rex now we have to draw a T-Rex the goal is for the other people to Guess that I'm drawing a T-Rex faster than the other people so let's try to draw a T-Rex this is so dog someone got T-Rex okay they got it huge now it's our turn to guess what someone is going to draw sidewalk imagine what is this this is the most dog drawing I've ever seen Dia Ram oh diagonal you can spell out the word what the hell we're joining a new Lobby okay Journal not a notebook writing no what is this what scratch okay I guess I got it what the hell he did not spell scratch right bro okay handle wait no Fountain let's go although it kind of looks like a uh something else it's my turn to draw okay um ooh [Music] revolver that's a goated drawing bro sub to Royal peir Royal peir imagine if he knows me I'm going to I'm going to say do you know him no way he doesn't oh man I almost got happy this guy is really good at drawing someone just disliked the drawing and left the room okay bro that's a um light fish what is what is it called that is a good drawing who would dislike that I only know this creature from Nemo what is it anglerfish oh that's right bro scribble.io is uh unfortunately going in C tier now don't get me wrong it's still fun and I'd still probably play this in class but everything has to go perfectly for this game to work well you got to hope that people in the lobby can actually draw you got to hope that people just don't leave randomly and you also got to hope that people don't just write out what they're trying to draw which ruins the point of the game maybe we'll have better luck with the next IO game okay this is paper.io kind of similar to Slither but your main goal is just to capture territory basically if I go like this everything new I touched now becomes mine but if you go too far and someone hits you like like that then you die there's two ways to play this game you either play like this and you just inch ever so slowly or you say it and just go and try to kill someone or just extend I can just go like this and boom all that's mine like we're in second place but there's only three people in the Lobby let's go get off my lawn we just got an achievement take over 10% of the map oh I killed myself now unlike the other IO games I believe this one is actually possible to win like there's an ending like you can cover the entire map and just win but there's no other element to the game there's no other game mode it's pretty straightforward but it's still fun for paper.io I'm going to put it in B tier it's kind of a fun game but that's all I really have to say it's easy to understand and I do like that you can actually win in this game but in all honesty if I had a chance to play this in class I'd rather play agario or Slither which by the way are still alone near the top of the tier list next we have fortnite.io also known as Zs Royale I'm not even kidding by the way if you type in fortnite.io this will come up I don't know how that's legal it may not even be legal but here we are jumping into a solo game we're put on the uh not the battle bus it's the uh the cow blimp thing and we can deploy and we can go to a location on the map and this is kind of like a top down 2D fortnite open this chest we get our guns um don't land next to me bro I I I died how I used to play this all the time in school and I've only gotten a victory Royale once this game is really hard it's probably because I suck at keyboard and mouse I never play keyboard and mouse for any game but because there's a squad game mode mode me and my friends in school would always play this instead of actually doing our work we got a med kit what's in this house we need some loot bro Shields come on I need a gun bro give me a gun hey legendary flamethrower I'll take that let's take a shield heal up got one more gift here RPG and an SMG okay this golden flamethrower seems kind of strong so legendary AR okay golden chest hold up ah nothing crazy we will take those Shields though I will say this is probably the most smooth game so far oh my God I killed him with the flamethrower huge wait there's four people left yo what if we win there's someone in that bush no but there's someone right there oh my God I sniped him three left y we can camp in this bush I don't think people can see us just in case I'll hold this Shield I think we're safe here wait is that a ray gun healing weapon H we're going to pass let's Camp let's just Camp here we're safe I do this all the time in fortnite so I should be able to do it in here just heal I don't know if we did any damage on that guy oh my God big Shield holy we needed that we needed that we can stay inside here kind of Camp let's Camp what the was that what was that he yeah okay he shot like a trident we play second okay great game zoms Royale or fortnite.io is going right into s tier not only is the game play really deep for an online browser game but the reason this gets automatic s tier and I mentioned this in the gamep playay is that you can play in Duos and squads with your friends not to mention I'm pretty sure they update the game every so often so the next IO game is not only going to have a hard time competing but it's the only one I didn't play as a kid okay this is kunker.io um as you can see it's pretty different from the others it's a um I have a gun um this one seems more like Call of Duty CSG go and um oh my God it is so loud let me turn this down someone behind me okay I actually think I'm cracked because uh I'm pretty good at first person shooters oh I died this is actually my first time playing kunker.io I wish I knew it existed I would have played this all the time as a kid man can I get more guns oh I have a pistol I'm going to try to get a streak with a pistol just to prove how goated I am oh oh well we won wait we can get a sniper oh let's go wait this is shipment this is shipment this is a Call of Duty map What type of game does a knife not one-hot you I don't know why did I die I just got to collat I just got a collateral okay bro I'm so goated at this oh off man what the I swear there's like a movement Tech that people are doing like they wave dashing I think I'm in first place my guess W on we got to win we got to win we got to win [Music] bro I keep getting third partied we're still in first place we have 20 kills you oh my God we just got to keep grinding what crossbow to Camp my ass off here we go let's go I won kunker.io honestly blew me away way the game play was extremely smooth and it kind of makes me sad I didn't know about this game growing up I'm going to put it an S tier but I do want to admit something I've played a ton of Call of Duty growing up and I haven't played Call of Duty in years so my Nostalgia for firstperson Shooters may be at play here we still have one more IO game and I've saved it for last because well it's the one I've put the most hours into next we have DFO and honestly this is one of the best ones the great thing about DFO is that there are lots of different game modes I personally play four teams I never play free-for-all it sucks but right now let's go into sandbox to explain how this works so look at this so right now we're level one to level up we have to hit these little shapes to get XP the yellow squares give the least the red triangles give a little more and the blue pentagons give the most but just hit level 15 and if you look in the upper left corner now we can upgrade our tank this is where things get crazy if you press y you can look at all the possible upgrades and how far they go so for this run I want to try the Octo tank so I'm going to get twin I should have also mentioned that every time you level up you get to upgrade some of your your stats and this allows for even more depth in gameplay in an actual match I would probably upgrade movement speed and Max health first but because this is sandbox it doesn't really matter okay we just hit Level 30 so now we can upgrade our tank again I'm going to pick quad and when you hit Level 45 you can upgrade for the last time pretty cool right this took 30 minutes but you may be wondering this whole time I haven't even touched this body damage upgrade so what does it do but let me join a real game and show you so yeah body damage look at this basically turns you into a ramming machine and personally this is my favorite way to play the game it's just so fun oh I just died but look at that here's another perk of this game it says if you die and want to play again I will spawn at level eight so you get to keep some progress let me tell you guys my build is insane guy's almost dead bro I'll go back to spawn my goal for this game is to get on the leaderboards which I think I definitely can do we got Max movement speed that's huge oh that guy looks kind of scary the bad thing about the body damage SL Ram build is that whenever you ram into shapes you shave a little of your own HP off which is not good so you end up having to spend a lot of your time just healing okay we just hit Level 30 and if you look in the upper left corner we have now unlocked another upgrade but you might be wondering why haven't you upgraded bullet damage at all or bullet speed at all and let me show you because of this thing the triangle now one of the great mechanics about DF is recoil let me turn on auto fire this is what happens when I turn on auto fire I am not pressing forward the bullets from the two guns on my back are pushing me forward and with my Max movement speed and Max body damage I am now a ramming machine so let's go find someone to kill this also does get stronger in the level 45 uh that is the level 45 version let's run away oh my God I just want to kill one dude this guy this guy looks good oh my god get and yeah this class is a ton of fun if you get on deepio I recommend this one I've tried doing a sniper class that one's pretty fun too but I find that this class is just a turn your brain off type of fun we're going to upgrade bullet penetration which basically lets your bullets go through other people's bullets and it's pretty good for this class cuz it prevents you from being walled out this guy is the ultimate rammer I've done this class before and it's insane damn there's a lot of Blues I killed someone on accident I take that I didn't even mean to kill him my goal right now is to get on the leaderboards I think or kill someone on the leaderboards okay we are now level 45 and now we're a booster this is the fastest tank in the game I believe and since we hit our goal I'm just going to charge blue team and try to kill someone I got him yo I think we have a decent chance to get on the leaderboards I killed him oh my God we have 40K where's a if we kill a we're on the leader boards oh my God we're on the leaderboards subscribe I mean it click the button DF has so many ways to play the game that I physically can't show them all I also didn't even get to touch on the other game modes so I think it's pretty fair to say that deepio deserves s tier and hey the video showing right now is what the algorithm thinks think you want to watch next so why not see if it's right thanks for watching
Channel: RoyalPear
Views: 490,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royalpear, royalpear twitch, tropius, shorts, pear shorts, tropius shorts, tiktok, royalpear shorts, royalpear tier list, tier list shorts, tier list, shorts wars, shorts ARG, royalmelon, royalpearl, fortnite, pokemon, pokemon card
Id: 2leJS0Az1c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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