Exploiting My Gears to Earn 98,690,542

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so we're going to see if I can become a millionaire by just spinning this one simple little gear I lied I can buy more than one gear right now these things only turn whenever I actually put my hand in there which you should probably never put your hand in a gear but just trust me however if I just keep buying this torque up upgrade they very slowly get to moving of course we can ramp that up to be pretty crazy eventually right what is this increase money by 69% give me it I can't think of a better upgrade to have and I think I'm just going to keep adding on Gears until I can eventually connect to whatever this mysterious box is be there in no time and more torque every time I keep getting money I unlock more things I just got a min game gear it's 500 gears but I need three of them and I mean I'll just buy one right there it cost 1,000 for the next one oh man I got to get to clicking okay I've added a decent amount of Gears here I can almost touch that random structure thing I've also started to increase my turns per money second thing a full turns done like every 5 seconds or something and then I get seven bucks so crank this torque up even more if I just keep adding torque work well I eventually like get black hole level speed Spinners and like what if I click money for turn give me like 50 more cents dude this is adding up how about simple gears 10% more money off simple gears and I see that I get my next gear at 1500 think I'm just going to keep clicking until I get it the big gear all right we'll just smack that right there and so I think if I put this switch gear right here turning it on gives me a little stuff but if I click it it'll disconnect it shrinks up like it's afraid of something and that I can relate to but now I can put myself a little gear here why did that not oh there we go okay what is this tldr I need to keep getting more torque until I can turn this big old thing and my gear is stuck all right we'll Lube that up so every torque I buy gives me a 2.25 and I need four I'm going to need about $7,000 more real quick or I can just buy another minigame wheel I just kind of started mindlessly clicking and I unlocked a cash gear I'll just put this here so I can actually sell these little gears I put my cash gear here throwing another another big gear I can squeeze in another big gear and now I I thought that would add more torque to this machine but it it didn't I'm just a stupid dummy there's also another machine down there in the left side how far can I zoom out oh my oh there's so many oh no there's so many systems I'll worry about that later for now I've got my third minigame gear bought and so I think whenever that fills up to be purple I'll be able to play some weird little game and then get even more money now let's just make this reward even better getting this one more money per turn upgrade starting to get me 10 per second and I guess my gears turn every 3 seconds now thanks to my torque now I just need four more torque upgrades before I can see what this thing does it's going to be like what $10,000 I'll just keep clicking here for a minute a few moments later oh I I clicked a thing and now I'm doing a mini game I have to remember the order of the red dots oh I'm just playing Simon says okay that's easy enough 1 2 3 mini game's over you've missed zero times oh cool oh and now they're all going to spin up again I see well more torque and now I can turn this on and oh my gears have slowed way down I was able to connect to this but I don't know what it's doing for me I think the answer is it's doing its best don't worry buddy I still love you oh I see the mini games give me 3 minutes of spinning around so if I upgrade my minigame gear that's just going to increase that huge payout I get sweet well let's just buy another cash gear and I've got enough money I can keep buying a bunch more simple gears my question is if I add another minigame gear on is that going to let me play a longer better mini game I'm also changing where my gears go cuz there's these two different looking shadowy machines that I also want to link up to all the simple gears I have now might actually be worth it to increase this turn yeah now I'm getting $100 every rotation sweet oh hey I reconnected back to this thing and I see there's like a little dial guy in there that's turning does something happen if it does a full like rotation well it just did oh it just gave me $1,000 it's uh getting to the point where buying gears is starting to get real real expensive oh hey my mini game's done oh no one of my gears is jammed stop get lubed up okay so as long as I do Simon Says correctly with the four gears that are linked up now I can get $9,000 that's pretty nice maybe I should just make like a big old gear minigame Square thing down here what is this BFG a they are not kidding this gear is huge I could smack it down right there I'm kind of able to spit out some gears that work like that guess I could throw some more cash gears down too for maybe some quick bucks throw another big gear in I'm getting so close well lucky for me I'm really good at mini games so that's a free 14,000 however for 20,000 a very very pricey amount but still I can buy this lubing gear that just kind of rolls around my network of everything basically every gear he touches he'll Lube up so this can kind of run on its own I also just realized this money per turn upgrade it's still pretty cheap and it's like an extra seven bucks a turn or well second that is dude I'll be able to make $1,000 a turn like in in no time I'm probably like five big gears away from being able to get this mysterious machine but I've just been adding more and more minigame gears to get more and more money that is cuz that's a free 27,000 right there let's cheat and add just a couple simple gears in put in the switch gear like right there and then I assume the switch gear combined with the big gear like that gain torque by making gears spin slower wait so if I slow this gear down by putting one on it did I start gaining more torque I think so I'm also seeing a lot more colorful buttons I can press okay and I think it said that every turn on this big gear is one Ascension Point look at how far down that thing is so I know if you put the small one on top of the big one it increases torque but putting a big one on top of a small one increases spin rate so now this cash gear is spinning at twice the speed oh so I can just start like putting cash gears on my normal basic ones and it's literally a free money Farm where did this thing just come from this literally just appeared out of nowhere that's fine I I think I need to redesign my whole gear system anyways luckily there's a full refund system in this game so I'm just going to make a big old minigame wheel for one start bridging out with my simple gears like so I can just drop these guys down so I'll just connect to this and it needs a load of 10 oh my gosh that's going to have to wait for now though I do have cash gears that I can throw down wait I just made a crazy Discovery I've got a four time spinning cash gear right here so if I put a double spinning cash gear like so then I connect a normal simple gear to it that's then going to be like four times spinning uh and so this is time 8 you see how this is going don't you and I mean considering I get 10 bucks every time these complete a rotation uh it's kind of adding up really quickly oh look and I can make them give me more money by just clicking this button how neat is that this is for sure the best way to break the game right now I've cracked the case wide open how fast is this gear spinning oh my gosh look at that ratio I can just start buying these torque upgrades like nobody's business which funnily enough starts spinning these gears even faster again so now if I play this mini game yeah something's something's going to happen that I was hoping for luckily I'm still a pro at all this and so I just made $7.5 million for playing one silly little mini game which I actually just need 10 million for this manufacturer which creates Mama gears what okay what do I do just like put this anywhere sure extremely creepy machine go right there what do I need a load of five for this thing oh it's working just fine gosh these things just keep getting stuck you know what fine I'm just going to keep buying a bunch of these little lubing gear guys their entire purpose merely to make sure my gears don't clog anymore is it clog I don't know what the right term would be oh and I I kind of see the completion of this mama gear coming along it's like this part has color in it and this part's just like a stencil I'm wondering if I can make the system even more busted real quick hang on I don't think this carried any torque over whatsoever and instead I think I just wasted my time all right who needs torque when you have unlimited speed can also upgrade my lubricant gears and the oil itself guys are like much faster now also if I just start getting money per turn like is that going to take me to even stupider dollar amounts how about simple gears oh that seems to be jettisoning me up I just went up like another 20K yeah I'm making 500,000 every turn the mama gear is almost done I think I've also saved up a stupid amount of money if I had enough load I could definitely be turning this big old wheel at the bottom I just uh don't so we can just delete that for now and instead I'll play a fun little Mini game apparently looking for Purple colors and I messed up twice but I still got 19 million I didn't know the Mini game would changed depending on how many I had but I did get $70 million after all that and I also completed one of my mama gears this thing is huge what if I hook this guy up to the machine oh I still under a decent amount of load Can I stack a BFG in it yes Can I stack big gears in it no I do think I have an idea though hang on I'm making gears turn a lot slower but I just figured out their torque what that word means I don't know I think it was made up a long time ago but now I think if I put one simple gear in there that's obviously very very slow but then if I link up a BFG like this it's got a horrid Horrid speed but so much torque but basically by spamming Max torque I can connect to this machine so now this timer's counting down slowly but still counting and I think I can barely get this to connect yes that turned this on dude I'm under so much less load I mean I've really just cracked a secret I think so if I just keep spamming big gear BFG big gear BFG how much torque have I ended up with 4,000 which is still actually not enough to beat this load that I need that's fine I'll just keep cranking that up so it works so I've got another Simon Says mini game completed that just made me $59 million I pretty much did all of that so I could come over here and connect up to whatever this machine thing is it's uh hard to see if it's working or not oh wait this gear is stuck I don't know how I bought so many of these Lube guys that's just got to be a bug okay well I was saving up for the big 250 million gear thing down here but my game just kind of froze well not froze but all my gears stopped but nothing's shaking and I did just reset the game but I'm still not able to find wherever the issue is I think my game is just broken forever because I got too close to creating infinite power really what are you to do whenever you're an evil Idle gearing genius but who knows maybe it'll get patched and I can go break the world another time until then thanks for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 246,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, idling gears
Id: _1shhWgQq3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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