I Spent 4,198,984 On GODLY UPGRADES In Bouncemasters..

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ladies and gentlemen today i'll be sending this lovable little guy all the way into the well i have to hit him first get out of here stupid penguin there's my hit that i wanted the entire point is to abuse this little penguin for more gold and more profits to get more upgrades and i can also click to bounce on these little seals and just keep my streaks going which apparently i'm getting a really good combo and i think i just bounced on my dead body from before this is all for the sake of love and i did not go very far that's okay that's where the upgrade process comes in like this one called bforce which apparently makes me launch better so i'll just go into that once twice a lot of times i think now about how quick are we talking much much faster oh my gosh i uh caught up to where i got to last time that's good why is there a man in the ice what is this okay just bounce off the top of it sounds good to me does the combo affect how many coins i get because that is just a lot if so i think what i wait what what is going on why are these penguins twerking why is this guy petting me this feels like some weird fever dream oh it looks like with the gems i earn i can get new little baseball bats or whatever you know like an infinity gauntlet oh my gosh for now we'll just do a lollipop i'm thinking what i need to do is increase my max speed because now whenever i give them a good old smack we should be flying wow is that saturn right there okay i don't really know the planets all that well but it looked like saturn and i just broke through the ice and i did my head on a rock oh no i'm sorry did i just lay an egg not what i expected but i'll accept it so i think the best spot to hit this penguin is just right above my polar bear's face because that seems to quite literally give me the most bang for my buck and this is frosty the snowman oh looks like i want to hit frosty the snowman yes i do thank you you lovable children's hero character oh there's another one well it's a christmas miracle and i just got stopped by a leprechaun what's this free daily gift a free 6000 gems i'll take that thank you and then i have a free chest what am i doing it's a slot machine oh free 20 gems anything else help yep one more limited time offer what is it no not yet more bounciness now and it looks like even with a pretty poor launch i can still get about 1800 feet or kilometers for you non-american folk go my little penguin or don't go that's also an option you have to stay right there i guess i do get 2500 gold per run though which means i can just upgrade beat force essentially every time but i just dab maybe i don't want to play this game anymore all right go get them little guy oh not bad oh yeah this is a good hit i just have to send them out of the earth's atmosphere and then things start working great go me i'm so close no i almost broke my record that's fine 3200 gold i'll take it more before see my thought process is if i just beat my penguin up enough eventually he'll get to where i need him to go and it looks like my launching can put me to about 3 500 but i think i might need to increase my max speed now because this isn't covering it gosh dang it you stupid evil archer so now max speed now let's see if i can break over hmm get this guy out of here oh god i messed up again oh i still hit him mass clicking works out great huh i've almost broken my new record if i can just hit the snowman yes new high score oh and i'm almost at that new trophy wait go just keep bouncing on overweight creatures until i get what i want new league reached all i needed was more max speed and i did it i realized i've been looking at all of these hammers which just cost a ton of gems however i overlooked something pretty major thanks to microtransactions i have thor's hammer gimme and more beat force all right how good am i going to be with this one not bad not bad indeed go get them buddy you're going we're we're flying thor's hammer really is doing the trick i just got a new high score i haven't hit the ground yet there we go um well now that's got me thinking what is this a beluga whale sure those guys are like the jerks of the ocean but i accept them greatly oh i'm almost in the green zone all right go get them little guy oh that's my bad get out of here oh i think this might be one of my best launches yet fly you beautiful bird prove them all wrong and i immediately landed on a rock hit an archer and then hit a rock okay my luck is not here in that case just do more rebounding it's me after a bad breakup essentially the good news is i'm launching at about 6 hundred oh i didn't lose my speed because i hit one of these i hate these guys i wanna perform a mass execution on all of them in the game of course why am i flying like that what what does this accomplish nothing that's what it accomplished i was launching at 5500 so now if it's not 9 000 i'm going to have an issue looks like two upgrades puts me at 6 700 though actually wait this is no this is going real good all right new high score achieved and new league reached oh yeah it's all coming together thank you frosty the only question is oh no way i just hit an ice pool how fun this is a great run for me right now actually oh there's a chest give me it and another orca oh yes they just oh man the run doesn't stop okay the run stopped who put that tree there i was so close to the next league again whatever this is a good amount of gold and a treasure chest thanks oh wait what am i going to get out of it 11 000 gold some things work out in which case i'll be forced as well as rebounds all i do is just abuse this penguin day in and day out and he loves it we all profit from it and by we i mean primarily me and that's really the important one go get em buddy frosty yes my love thank you i need only frosties or only pools of ice those are the only things that continually give me speed and i hate these rocks wait speaking of speed maybe i should upgrade my max because man oh man i am soaring now i'll be looking game about 7 300 i think my max speed was actually just slightly less than my other beat force don't stop don't stop little penguin man yes keep going frosty's about to appear i can feel it in my bones frosty or the orca that's an option but frosty ideally or you stupid archer i'm gonna oh i'm gonna take your bone arrow and shove it get in there get in the hole yes perfectly slipping into an ice hole to get speed back it all works and i just broke my new high score and i got my new league oh it's all coming together all i had to do was a little pay-to-win action perfect wow that's like halfway there and that's 15 000 gold all for me all right max speed it is and i guess some power so let's see with my max speed upgrade along with my beat force if i can actually get past 7 500 because it looked like i apexed out about 4 900 and sure enough i just added an extra 500 meters onto my launch and i got a new achievement how handy is that get there get there no either way i can beat oh i got the amazing kick oh my feathers came off i thought i've been getting perfect hits this entire time but i guess i've been lying to myself because this is over ten thousand oh my gosh i now know the error of my ways and i will be collecting it immediately is this a mario mushroom right here what is this wait i'm in mario world who put that there and that is 17 000 gold yeah thank you max speed max speed and okay i figured it out now man i should have been doing this a long long time ago and the max speed increases broke my new high score it really makes me wonder how much quicker i could have been here so more max speed and more max speed what point do i go so fast i open up a wormhole and then there's a new league wow all right yeah max speed max speed and more max speed that's all i need why am i rhyming either way you heard the rhymes give me max speed and wow one perfect launch after max speed i just i almost break my high scores off my launches which is bringing me up a new question now if max speed is getting me to where i can like catch up what happens if i upgrade my b force then was that the death star wait did i just see that right hang on and yeah upgrading my beat forest just broke me through a new high score and a new league hmm seems i know what i need to do oh and i've done some achievements that's fun if i hit one more penguin i complete everything i can't really target a penguin because i don't really see where they're at on the map although i guess if i just stay low to the ground i might be able to find one just along here as long as my eyes react quick enough no such luck oh what am i saying there's going to be a penguin at 16 355 feet just means i need to head all the way over there wait stop it there was one no i missed him gosh dang it and the stupid tree where was it at like 14 000 feet i'm not getting there this freaking game although actually there should be one close-up from whenever i just tried to get myself a second ago right yes there is i'm a genius got it all right get out of this stupid run this one's bad and it's gross and i hate it give me the gold and open up the chest what am i gonna get 2600 gold wow plus claim and claim i have a hundred thousand gold and it's going all into b4s and more max speed all right have fun nope wasn't a good enough launch try this again but better nope didn't get a perfect one either right there we go after all that beat force how far can i get up that is the death star i knew it wait did i hit a new league no i'm just halfway in between it more b force more b4 i think i might actually know what my problem is i'm relying too much on b force and max speed i did however hit a new league i continue to rhyme i'm sorry there's a moose here just don't go into its butt yep sounds about good to me thank you so my penguin suffers from an issue of being a little weakling and i went to tulu leagues oh my gosh oh i'm almost done so if i do something called uh going into rebound a lot then i'm fairly certain after i get a good bounce not this stupid bad one but as i was saying now that i've got my rebound upgrades whenever i inevitably plummet back down to earth i should bounce and keep more speed i think okay but i feel like i can just keep upgrading rebound and i hit another tree again all right i don't know what was up about this one too but i got 21 000 off my launch how much gold is that again 30 000-ish yeah that works i might as well just get power to 24 gosh dang it i'm just barely shy go launch again man this one kind of sucked was still enough though to give me another upgrade i also upgraded my b force a little bit which looks like i can go into 22 000 now wow it's a shame that i didn't get any extra help from that that's fine if i just keep upgrading b force eventually i can launch all the way to the end i bet because it looks like i need to reach 25 000 i actually end up getting there and i drop at 20-ish and i oh god where did i just go i don't want to think about that anymore looks like i can reach all the way to 23 000 which means i think if i just keep getting lucky little bounces new high score achieved and i did not make it max speed max speed all right go get them little guy never mind i need a better launch come back down go get him slugger there it is look at how beautiful he is flying through the air the death star behind and i'm descending at 1300 wow am i actually about to clear it without actually touching the ground is my math wrong on that 23 000 oh i didn't hit the snow when i bounced either new high score i just had to break through four different objects and i yes new league screw you rock i think i did it all trophies completed i don't know what happened but the game crashed so now i'm back here but i will just be using my b force upgrades looks like that was enough to get me a new high score did i miss anything important i don't really understand what happened oh i'm on the global leaderboard now yeah i'm only 2.5 million oh and now i wait there's the love of my life all right i can't settle for 2.5 million which means i need to do something it's time 2.3 million gold will put b force to 50 make sure my max speed reaches 50 and then more beat force how high can i go with this actually looks like 75 is a good little stopping point max speed do you want some more upgrades then what if i just keep dumping into max speed what what happens oh looks like it stops at 99. this is the time amazing kick perfect my max speed should be absolutely psychotic now along with my b force being upgraded a lot oh yeah well i just cleared my new high score already i'll touch the ground eventually right we're getting there yeah 40 000 broken cool oh wow and i got a great little launch 45 000 after i hit a tree there we go now i'm in the top million oh it looks like they cap out at 100. that gives me an idea my accountant's gonna be mad at me well beat force rebound and max speed are all 100 give me the amazing kick please thank you how far does one penguin travel when he's max level looks like he breaks 50 000 before he hits the ground and wow this whole bounciness really wasn't kidding for how bouncy i get did i end up not top 500 000 yet i will be fixing that right now is there anything above the death star this is a great launch i think there's just nothing in my view which makes me feel like it was a really good hit i've learned there's like amazing kicks and then there's really amazing kicks yeah this one i'm getting an extra like 14 000 feet off that keep going penguin don't stop yet don't let them take away your gift of life please you're the people's champion we broke 70 000 and i just hit a rock 169 000 you know what that's a good place to stop for me until then i guess i could just keep upgrading this penguin huh
Channel: ImCade
Views: 752,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, games like learn to fly, learn to fly, learn to fly 3, I Spent 4198984 On GODLY UPGRADES, bouncemaster, upgrades, bouncemasters, bouncemaster hacks, cheat, cheating, how to, bounce master game, bounce master, bounce masters, learn to fly 2, bouncemasters world record, bouncemasters glitch, bouncemasters end, bouncemasters hack, bouncemasters gameplay, bouncemasters best bat, best bat
Id: s-z3D42hbos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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