Fear not!

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open your Bible to the Book of Daniel chapter 10 verse 9 yet heard I the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words then was I in a deep sleep on my face and my face toward the ground behold a hand touched me which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands and he said to me Oh Daniel a man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for under the mi now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me I stood trembling now Daniel had been before the Lord seeking God inquiring of the Lord for 21 days now notice the very first thing that this angel said to Daniel in verse 12 fear not now just deal with that right now deal with it right now it is all over the Bible fear not they brought J iris the message your daughter's already dead Jesus whirled around and said stop the fear believe only believe only belief only don't tolerate any fear well I'm trying he never said nothin to you about trying he said stop it and I am determined to be obedient yes sir I stopped the fear and you may be standing there with goosebumps highs eggs ever hair on your body standing at attention your knees knockin but you're saying I fear not I'm obedient to your command sir Vietnam to me as you have said amen my little granddaughter Lindsay 11 years old Christmas morning went upstairs to wake the kids up and and for Christmas she was delirious didn't didn't recognize her parents couldn't speak intelligible they rushed her to cooks medical center for children and in Fort Worth they got her over there and diagnosed her with Sinai Syrian meningitis and told my daughter that she couldn't live now my other daughter teri was standing there she said Kelly just turned and walked straight over to her she said that is she looked me straight in the eye no listen to what she said she said I refuse to fear and Kelly said day when I said that she said that fear lifted off of me she said it just melted like a snowball in the sunshine yeah and she said after that the joy of the Lord came on me well Lindsey was healed before daylight went ahead and graduated from all Roberts University he's gone amen [Music] but what is she to carried on with that fear it better choke her faith now fear not Daniel now listen for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and chasing yourself before gone your words were heard and I'm come for your words what if he did just jump run after about a day and a half he wouldn't have gotten anything read The Book of Daniel and learn who controlled Babylon not Nebuchadnezzar Daniel Daniel controlled what went on in that nation through prayer intercession the power of God and he and he didn't have the name of Jesus he had limited limited weapons our weapons are not carnal but powerful mighty through God we have the mighty power we've got the name in the blood revelation of the word and the Holy Ghost living on the inside of a dear Lord what do you need what more do you need for success nothing you're ready in heaven my god meets our needs according to his riches and glory now I wanted you to see this but verse 13 the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days but Michael one the chief Prince's came to help me and I remained there with the king of kings of Persia now God spoke to the prophet and said for him to speak to the spirit here this man is learning from this angel that there is a spirit of the devil ruling the country hang on to signal praise God now how do where do we find that in the New Testament we find it in the 6th chapter of the book of Ephesians that says well in fact let's turn over there and read that Ephesians 6 verse 11 put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high or heavenly places that is Satan's that's his chain of command starting from the smallest principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world they're not our ruler the scripture says we were darkness but now we are children of the light born of the light we wear the armor of the light and we walk in the light as he is in the light don't cut and run stay steady stay in the love of God stay in faith your biggest blessing is at hand why because God needs you bigger than you've ever been God needs you stronger than you've ever been God needs you more well than you've ever been God needs you richer than you've ever been why because of the times we live in this ain't about you and me it's about the Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ four and two people amen and in the meantime it just thrills God for you to be blessed more than you've ever been blessed you be driving the best you ever drove be wearing the best you ever wore praise God and you're just people and you're giving more than you ever get hey man I mean you just get to where you - you just a walk-in supply house all the time man and you got it to get the big funny-looking grin on your face all at cuz you know you've got to have some fun here any minute now [Applause] it's just something about I mean I'm in a Target store glue and I just got out of the car and a parking lot of the Target store walking in here come this little car screeching around the corner baby beep renico black medico black medical that's what she she knows he shall end up there without going me now here is a single mom the back seat full of kids and she's a schoolteacher and watches a broadcast all time and partner to the men's room and she had almost paid her house off she didn't like but a little having that house paid for and there was some guys decided that this was a valuable piece of property and they just going to take that little schoolteachers house away from her the first moment she got behind on a payment and man there's about to take her house we've learned and she's praying she before the law what can I do what do you want me to do and the Lord said go to the target parking lot and tell Kenneth Gloria now it's amazing to me that people have the idea that they can just go to me or go to the pastor or somebody and you know and they'll just help me and just dream this idea up she didn't dream this thing up the British Spirit of God told her specifically where to go and that we would be amen I'll show you something in a minute about grace make a note there 2nd Corinthians 8 and 9 and don't let me get a get all excited and forget to go there amen when I heard what she said the Spirit of God said call your legal department and make an appointment for her and put a stop to this and so and then he said and pay off her house well it wasn't benign thousand dollars now right now there's just far too many Christian people that can't write a $9,000 check on you got too many payments now believe God and get out of that amen and so we did that I tell you there's a thrill that comes up on the inside and not to mention the fact that our income went up it always does amen why is it my father's rich and I cry all my father I have a father it's got nice mine hallelujah I rejoice in there I wouldn't stand there thinking well now I wonder if we got nine thousand dollars in the limitation when God commands you he authorizes you and when he authorizes you he supplies command authority because when he commanded you he authorized you and he became responsible for it so you don't start you know squirming around I'm not qualified I can't hear you qualified the master told you to go do it that qualifies you you got more qualifications anybody on earth to go do that job because he told you to do it and then under his command Authority he will empower he has empowered you with the blessing to carry that amen so you just smile say well where do I go now and you get the will you pray over this first thing every morning I serve people glory to God what do you want me to do today I'm not serving me I'm serving people you want me to tell you the truth Jesus is serving me Habra don't all me read your Bible he said I came to serve I am the servant well rid of God hallelujah amen brings joy to life like nothing on her it is so wonderful now then Romans 12 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your body a living sacrifice holy yea but brother Copeland you know know what I've been doing hey if he called it holy is holy now quit arguing with him acceptable I don't see how you could accept my old ugly something under God which is your reasonable service now the scripture says your body is not yours it was bought with a price and it is the temple of the holy spirit the temple of the Holy Ghost now what happens when you obey that and say sir I present this body which is no longer mine you bought it you paid for it this is a body of Christ it is the temple of the Holy Ghost I present it to you it is yours to command it is yours to keep I keep this body under with your word now something to tax your body some kind of pain a taxi but you stop rough person no no no no no no no you keep your hands off of this body you keep your hands off of this this isn't my sacrifice God told Abraham you fight the buzzards off that sacrifice don't you let them get on there and you just tell the W keep your hands off my sacrifice this is temple of the Holy Ghost this belongs to Jesus amen it is holy and it has been accepted by God now father I thank you for the renovation of this temple yes it's been accepted as holy and I accept that buffet it's going to be shocking to you how the force of holiness and the power of righteousness will begin to just strip that flesh because you've given it to the one who bought and paid for it and you've been fighting around trying to make the thing holy all you need to do is make the decision it's been accepted as holy you turn it over to him and stuff you've been doing all of a sudden just don't do that no more a flesh tone no sir devil you don't you don't touch this body with pain you don't touch this body of a sickness and disease now you take your little viruses and you just get out of here amen you don't touch the body of Jesus this is simple of the Holy Ghost now if you be honest about it and and be real about it you begin to understand that you have a responsibility where this body is concerned and you stop feeding it all kinds of trash you know and all that kind you know better but don't take what the world says about not and exercise they don't know anything that's the reason they they exercise and they do all that and they just fat it everywhere why because you're not dealing with the root of the problem of the roots in the Spirit poverty is not a money issue poverty is a spiritual issue and it came under the curse we've been redeemed from the curse now then amen what happens verse 2 be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith whoa grace say it gray I went through the New Testament and underlined kingdom of God and underlined Grace with red amen you can increase your knowledge of grace you can in by faith grace will grow he's able to make all grace abound towards you and remember what he said this is the thing that I can do that's exceeding abundantly beyond all you can ask or think is to make all grace abound toward you now go what I tell you - I gave you a son huh yeah 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 so let's go there amen in the 8th chapter verse 7 therefore an age now hate this is concerning an offering money is involved in this that's what he was talking about therefore as you abound in everything you notice the word thing and the word in is in italics in your King James translation that means that was added there by the translator well they added it we can take it out so let's see let's see how it affects the verse if we do not own that not all the time does it affect it but most of the time it affects it in an adverse way because you and I are in a generation that has a whole lot more revelation about faith then these Warriors did that took their lives and laid them on the line to translate this blessing forever therefore as you abound in every faith and utterance so we can read it like this as you abound in every faith you abound in every utterance you abound in every knowledge and in all diligence and you abound in your love to us or you abound in your love for the ministry see that you abound in this grace also so all of these things we have because of grace do not abounding in faith that's a grace of God abounding in utterance that's the grace of God amen 1 for His grace wouldn't have anything remember he said keep Grace on your mind keep your eyes off of that guy's wife I'll get you one prettier than her don't mess with her that's that other man stuff don't mess with him let that alone now what you want to go murder somebody for vengeance is mine saith the Lord I'll take care of it for you Amen bring it to me quit fussing and getting mad at those folks bring it to me I'll handle it I will take care of it does that mean roll all you care over on me well I care for you amen first three to five six to ten now then you know the grace though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might be rich that is a grace faith abounding in faith a grace abounding in utterance a grace abounding in diligence a grace I just wish I knew how to study better that's part of great say Lord your grace is on me now I'm gonna sit down here and study this I received the blessing of the Lord to teach me this subject teach me what I need to know about this every year we set goals things to change things to accomplish things to learn dreams are exciting and desire is a great motivator but what you need is a plan Kenneth a Gloria Copeland offer you time-tested truths you can use in real-world situations to turn your dreams into a vision make that vision a reality Kenneth Copeland personally requested this CD set how to live in God's abundance be created to empower you to speak God's Word and get results Gloria Copeland book and devotional blessed beyond measure shows you how to get God's power operating in your life the devotional helps you create a stronger relationship with God plugging you into God's goodness and mercy through daily scriptures the abundant life package was created to support your quest for victory in all areas of your life get yours today and live the blessed life in 2013 start the new year in God's abundance order the abundant life package today for only $38 an enjoy a savings of over 20% Kenneth Copeland's brand-new CD series watch your words guard your heart get results plus Gloria Copeland's book and devotional journal will help you make the connection to Jesus as the very source of your abundant life go to KCMG org slash TV special or call or write to us today for an additional 10% off order your abundant life package online brother Copeland has taught us you need to know this that true prosperity is the god-given ability through faith to meet every need in abundance that's what prosperity is and when God commands you he authorizes you and with that command he supplies you with what you need to do what he's called you to do and that's why no storm no curse no catastrophe can stop you from fulfilling the plan that God has for you in this life and I tell this to my two-year-old son all the time and I'll tell it to you too you don't have to be afraid you don't have to live in fear just increase your knowledge of the authority that God has given you in this life and that's why we make these things available to you this abundant life package get this into your life get it going into your heart this is a good thing to understand as you begin this new year and it's also a good thing like I said teach your children these things let them grow up in a household where they see faith in action all the time now if you missed any of these broadcasts with brother Copeland all you have to do is go to KCM org you can watch them online absolutely free you can download them you can stream them get these things into your life do what it takes to get the word in and watch as God begins to change things around you now last week on this broadcast he talked to us about God's great grace and this week he's teaching us how to stay steady on God's plan these things are connected need to get a hold of what God is saying to you amen this is Jeremy Pearson's reminding you that God loves you and we love you and Jesus is Lord Kenneth Copeland ministries is here for you the believers voice of victory is available on DVD or CD at KCM org you can also view the webcasts online at your convenience or download them as video or audio files continue to grow in God's Word and build your faith with this week's product offer these word based teachings will help you live in victory order your copy today receive the great grace God is abounding toward you and live in the blessing
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 26,996
Rating: 4.8720541 out of 5
Keywords: kenneth copeland ministries, ken copeland, youtube, strength, 2078329726001, success, word of god, kenneth copeland, fear, bvov_daily, pressures, christian walk, process2, daily
Id: iMnvkJqTqds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2017
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