I Read Your TF2 Hot Takes...

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[Music] opinions are like the Spy character from Team Fortress 2 every team has at least three of them and they're all useless and bad but that's sort of the charm you know like hot takes are fun to engage with because it gets people talking and I think it's a sign of a healthy thinking brain to have just a few hot takes here and there you know opinions that you can't help but have despite the majority of folks telling you that you're wrong and dumb so I decided to check in on the TF2 community and see what hot takes I could dig up and for that I went to the premium site for horrible terrible opinions Twitter or I guess it's called X now saying that's a better name in itself is a pretty bad opinion so I guess Elon fits the bill still there uh I got myself unbanned and I went and tweeted out this message hoping to get a few people okay well uh so I'm I'm going to sort through this mess and find some takes some hot some cold some lukewarm and just kind of you know give my own two cents on how I feel about the subjects I managed to pick out like 50 or 60 of these that seemed interesting or funny enough so go ahead and put your own reactionary online commenter hat on and uh while you're doing that or trying to figure out what that means uh feel free to listen to me talk talk about the sponsor for this video this video is sponsored by surf shark VPN it's basically an app that keeps your online identity safe by encrypting all of the information sent between your device and the internet cyber criminals big companies surf shark swaps your IP address with a fake one so you can't be tracked and you can virtually teleport to any country in the world that means with surf shark VPN you can have Early Access to newly released games by switching time zones you can access blocked movies and TV shows that are unavailable in your country and my personal favorite you gain automatic protection against dos attacks that can completely disable your ability to use the internet and you can use just one account on an unlimited amount of devices so what are you waiting for you're unprotected as we speak go to the link in the description and use my code to get an extra 3 months for free it's code uncle and if you don't like it for some reason Surf Truck also offers a 30-day money back guarantee big thanks to surf shark for sponsoring this video okay let's start off with my own hot take because I also feel like this is worth getting out of the way early on to address the question that I'm sure a few of you may be asking due to the upload date of this video where's the obligatory Scream Fortress video at uh well in my opinion here's my hot take the yearly Scream Fortress update isn't special anymore uh for the past 7 years in a row the Halloween themed update has been more or less exact exactly the same thing and for pretty much my entire career as a tf2 video maker person I feel like it's expected of me to make a video about my experience or opinions on any TF2 update including the holiday ones but as you may know uh what a quote unquote TF2 update has become since jungle INF freno back in 2017 has pretty drastically changed from being a surprise bundle of unique thematic weapons Maps cosmetics and balance changes to what is essentially just a formulaic booster pack now whether this change in how valve has decided to drip feed the TF2 player base with the occasional pile of community created content three times a year at exactly the same time every single year is considered a bad thing is pretty subjective I mean personally I don't think it's a bad thing it's hard to deny that the Scream Fortress updates are pretty consistently bringing in a large influx of players back to the game and I can't really deny that that on its own is a reason to be at least fine with a copypaste update every once in a while but as at the end of the day I just feel like the holiday updates are generally more appealing to players who don't regularly play TF2 to a lot of people October is one of the only times in the year when they boot up the game and it's become a sort of gaming tradition for them and I think that's great but when you look at it from the perspective of someone like me who plays TF2 more than any other game all year round who also prefers to make videos about the game based solely around my genuine interests it's a different feeling and I have made the same video many years in a row and I I've just run out of steam uh I don't know how many times I can say this map is neat or you know this hat is kind of cute before I begin to resent to Scream Fortress and I don't really want that to happen you may have noticed that I didn't make a Scream Fortress video last year and I don't plan on making one this year and the next year isn't looking good either because I am I'm honestly just not interested in talking about or even playing any of the new maps regardless of how clever some of thems appear to be I very very much prefer vanilla TF2 and I personally just get burned out on the Hallow Halloween Maps very quickly and translating that experience into a video that people will enjoy watching just wouldn't be fun for you or me so that's my hot take I went a little long on explaining myself there but let's move on overall I was only able to really take a look at about half of the stuff that you guys said but there was definitely a pattern that I noticed pretty quickly which shouldn't be surprising sniper and uh well basically his entire existence uh it is it's a pretty hot topic apparently uh now I feel like when it comes to the sniper discourse uh pretty much everyone has good intentions you know uh but there there's a lot of hyperbole a lot of the word overpowered being thrown around haphazardly in my opinion uh and when it comes to this topic there are so many different variations of people basically saying the same thing but with what I think are just the wrong words the closest thing to what I personally align my own opinion with was what this person says sniper is a balanced class people just don't like him because they don't like dying to him but he is super easy to counterplay if you just know your sight lines and hot zones uh hot I've never heard hot zones before it's interesting um now like I said this is close to what I personally believe I just think it's pointing out the main problem as if it's the secondary issue the problem has never really been that the sniper itself like conceptually is unbalanced uh there may be a few unlockables in his Arsenal that could be considered unbalance but that could be the case with most classes the biggest issue with sniper is this people don't like dying him and I think a lot of people brush this off as like a non-issue for some reason I think that in general it feels bad to die in a video game but in a well-designed video game you should at least be able to think about how you were killed and come up with a game plan for the next time that you were put in that situation TF2 makes this exchange very easy because for the majority of the interactions with an enemy you have some way of physical retaliation in other words most of the time you can shoot back and most of the time you have a chance at killing the person who is trying to kill you even in the case of spy you can deny their Kill by turning around every once in a while sure you're not shooting back at them in these moments but this is still a physical action that you can do to prevent your own death This is called counterplay and counterplay doesn't just mean shooting back it can also include doing defensive things like turning around jumping pressing 888880 really fast you know basically just looking at your opponent and doing stuff to make sure that they can't kill you before you kill them it's a back and forth exchange and and it tests a lot of different things tiny things about each player's skill but in the case of sniper that back and forth exchange pretty much doesn't exist when you are fighting a sniper like quote unquote fighting a sniper it means you're 100% on the defense and you have very few options to defend yourself that feels satisfying to do the main one being uh just don't be seen by the sniper and yes this strategy is relatively easy to do on most maps and it works very well but just because it's easy doesn't mean it's fun I believe that getting killed by by a sniper is unfun because it's unfun to engage with a sniper in the first place you can say that area denial is lame but at least with the sentry gun it's completely stationary and can be exploited and at least with the heavy he's very slow and can be overpowered by Focus fire at medium ranges but snipers area denial is instant which means the counterplay is oppressive and it affects every single class now everything that I've said here so far is only the main issue that I think is worth addressing with sniper there's still many other smaller problems that I won't get into in this video like unlockables the exponential increase in player skill playing a huge part here and a good portion of popular maps that still have obnoxious sightlines on them but I think when it comes to the discussion that starts with the question is sniper overpowered I just think people are starting from the wrong place because sniper isn't overpowered what sniper is is lame he's a bummer uh playing against sniper is tedious and boring and I think that people like to write that problem off as like a non thing to deal with but I think that that that's more than enough of a reason to say that the class would benefit from some changes to his Base Kit this is all I really plan on saying about sniper in a video but if you guys are genuinely interested in hearing an engineer main talk about sniper more in depth uh just let me know in the comments and I will uh think about it uh I personally don't really think it's a subject that I'm super invested in but uh yeah the sniper thing it was a pretty big portion of the responses so I wanted to give it more attention that I'll be giving the rest of these but overall a lot of people like to oversimplify the issue in both directions I mean look at what Jim Halper said just don't walk in a straight line yeah Jim would say that wouldn't he because he's canonically a sniper man Jim are you using the MP 40 or the 44 um sniper rifle snip what Jim uh moving on uh TF2 invented loot boxes and only became successful monetarily because it uses extremely predatory practices on a mostly underage player base I would agree with this although I do think that TF2 has the benefit of being the first one to engage in these predatory practices and therefore has sort of ended up being one of the better examples of loot boxes and microtransactions in the current landscape of video games so I guess I'm just coping and giving points to the best of the worst here but I also like to take issue with the claim that TF2 has a mostly underage player base like let's be real here little kids aren't playing TF2 anymore there's no way like all of the children are on fortnite and Roblox now but Team Fortress 2 csgo League of Legends and even Minecraft these days I mean these games used to have a pretty sizable number of kids playing them but kids eventually stop being kids you know like they grow up and TF2 has long since officially joined the ranks of like quake and Halo as a certified Boomer shooter lack of cool movement Tech like Wall Kicks and slides makes it feel older than it is sure maybe I I don't know I mean I personally think that the lack of an OverWatch farra button to rocket jump is what makes the game unique and Timeless in a landscape of newer games whose devs seem to think that physics-based movement techniques that require skill to optimize is a Bad Thing uh does it make TF2 feel older than it is because it doesn't have flashy mov intentionally coded into the game like any other ability on a cool down like sure but I don't think that's a negative aspect if anything I actually really appreciate it this game has too many active maps in the Casual pool at least 50% of them should be cold who okay all right this is a hot take and uh I think on paper I agree with it there are like 90 or so official maps in the Casual mode rotation I think and it's pretty well known that hardly anybody ever chooses to queue up for all of them at once I think the sheer number of them can feel overwhelming especially for anybody who likes to become super familiar with as many Maps as they can but at the same time you can choose to not play the ones that you don't want to play you essentially Co the maps yourself when you do this uh one idea I had was to establish like map Seasons like summer fall winter spring and make certain core maps seasonally exclusive and while I do think that it could be a neat way to make underplayed maps feel more special while giving players a chance to play out of their comfort zone when upward isn't in season I also know that it would make a lot more people mad than happy simply because it limits players freedom to do whatever they want to do and play however they want to play so while I do think that there are way too many maps in TF2 it probably wouldn't be a good idea to remove any of the maps either this one can be summed up with just the last line there uh the server browser is just so stupidly Antiquated totally agree with that especially considering that Community servers are a pretty popular part of the TF2 Community I find it odd that valve decided to go through all of the trouble of modernizing the game with matchmaking but then forgot to modernize the server browser which is quite literally older than the game itself oh [ __ ] it's not confirmed what the white substance in the Mad milk is but I'd rather be covered in semen than out ofd moldy milk you know I completely disagree but you do you man uh TF2 needs three more class what the [ __ ] are you talking no it doesn't uh friendlies want to be killed now I guess that would be kind of like a conspiracy theory more than anything right but I actually subscribe to this one you know yeah I I think anybody who is joining a PVP shooter with the intention of not shooting anyone must have some level of massis Tendencies there like it psychologically makes the most amount of sense to me right Team Fortress 2 will never be ported to Source 2 like csgo and will never see a proper update to the game ever again the community will be what keeps it alive so this is uh what a I guess this is like a blackpilled Doomer core type hot take uh am I using the right words to describe that I think there's probably a good chance that this is totally right and we've been living in this reality for a while now so of course it's not unreasonable to expect that we're just going to you know get more of the same indefinitely but I also know that valve is kind of unpredictable in how they operate and anyone who tries to explain why valve does the things that they do is speaking entirely out of speculation so while this prediction it is valid I also don't think it's entirely worthless to have at least some shred of Hope for a proper major update in the unknown future the generalist class versus specialist class design distinction is outdated all nine classes should be fully viable generalists I don't know who this guy is or why he thinks he has any authority to speak on this 6v6 meta but I agree with this take you know it's strange to me that this is even considered a hot take within the uh competitive scene but then again I like to play engineer which is a specialist class in the realm of high level 6v6 play however I personally believe that the under representation of certain classes in 6v6 is less of a class design problem and more of a map rotation problem the main game mode that 6v6 is played on is 5cp and I think that in that specific arena there are Specialists and generalists but if you were to regularly play 6v6 on payload and attack defend maps that distinction would begin to dissipate and you'd begin to see more variety in class composition like I totally get that 5cp is the most competitively viable game type in TF2 but if your goal is to give underplayed classes more opportunities for viability and competitive you have the ability to play Within game modes that make them more viable what you don't have is the ability to rebalance those classes and if that blackpill Doomer guy is right then uh Specialists will never stop being Specialists unless you change their environments Counter Strike is better okay you know fluffy the guns and CS fire bullets into the floor if you shoot them while moving how does that make it better [ __ ] Cookie Clicker ass game TF2 didn't need War paints now why would the King of Queens say this I mean uh uh of course T have didn't need War paints but did TF2 need any Cosmetics I mean the game is exactly the same amount of fun whether you look like this or whether you look like this so I guess I agree with you but War paints they're neat I mean they add to the customization of the player and I think that that's valuable some people severely overe exaggerate the issue of tf2's Cosmetics ruining the art style of the game yes I agree I tend to believe that the overe exaggeration of the importance of the subject can be traced back to these two videos both of these videos bring up interesting points but I also also think that they were irresponsibly constructed and viewers have taken these points and blown them up to be way bigger deals than they actually are and hey I've made my fair share of irresponsibly constructed videos in the past it's part of the growth process as a Creator right but in the end there is only so much that can be done about how people will interpret your work I think that there are two things to take away from this though and that is an absence of real discussions has definitely brought us to the point of arguing over something as boring as team recognition and as I've said before stop worshipping YouTubers the devs have been adding way too many unusual effects with every seasonal update and it's seriously harming recognizability uh this is more of a trading problem so I'm kind of indifferent but yeah I mean it's become pretty obvious that the TF2 Dev team doesn't really do a whole lot of checking to make sure that the designs that they're adding aren't already in the game uh but that's like more of an embarrassing thing than anything uh but I personally I don't I I personally just don't really care about it most unusuals are bad yeah for sure I mean it's uh definitely because of there's just so many of them right but I do have to wonder if it's possibly by Design uh you essentially make the rare designs rarer and the aesthetically pleasing designs are more sought after if every unusual design was amazing and perfect then uh none of them would be the Halloween footprint slvo paint spells were one of the greatest ways of personalizing your weapon SL cosmetics and they should be added back into the game totally agree and it's kind of a Counterpoint to my last opinion that good things should be sparce and rare but in the case of spells these things are so insanely rare nowadays that it's actually getting annoying like I would really like to see spells be distributed again but valve is actually incentivized to not bring them back however some completely new spells would be great you know especially since it would be something different than the usual copypaste Halloween stuff you'd think a community surrounding a game consisting of more than 50% Community created stuff would care to learn what creatives in said Community are actually doing but why do basic inquiry if you can just watch death of an art style once and make it your whole personality oh damn okay sassy pants I definitely hear you there uh I agree that there is lack of communication between players and workshop creators and the only Bridge ends up being YouTubers who decide to make it their own outside POV the focus and that should definitely change but it's not going to change unless creatives who wish to open that line of communication actually do so themselves so my advice for work Shoppers who are annoyed with YouTubers disparaging your work and fundamentally missing key points you should make a talk about your artistic Vision in detail and explain the choices that you made to arrive at the final product the modern YouTube landscape is perfectly suited for videos detailing the Insight of a workshop designer's artistic process when making things for a popular video game maybe these videos already exist and if they do please link them below and I will highlight them but as a casual viewer of TF2 YouTube videos I don't think I've seen a workshop Creator publish any behind the-scenes videos with the intent to form and entertain the Casual TF2 player audience UEA K crash is the only one I can think of but he's exclusively a mapper so let's hear from the rest of you heavy should have won meet versus match uh no pyro was in much more dire need of fixing which is why I believe he should have been prioritized but there is something to be said about how the majority of Pyro's most important balance changes were the addressing of bugs so if you're coming from the point of view that bug fixes don't belong in a class themed update and should instead be addressed in a non-thematic patch then I can see how you'd believe that heavy was more in need of an update that would have given him unlocks to diversify his gameplay Loop but it's important to realize that at the time that meat versus match was revealed it was sort of unofficially established that bug fixes of the pyrro variety typically did not get fixed unless it was packaged within a much larger major update quality of life updates simply did not exist anymore by 2016 and so the only way in which these bugs would have been fixed is if pyro was going to receive his own major update besides I I think heavy is fine heavy is strong and Pyro used to be considered the worst class in the game by a lot of players and we were told at the time that we weren't voting on who would get an update and who wouldn't get an update they specifically told us that we were voting on who would get an update first and that was only retcon after we had already voted so I don't think that the choice to give pyro an update over heavy was wrong in the context of what we thought we were V for at the time removing stopwatch from casual was a bad thing you know I think I would have flat out agreed with this take like 5 years ago but I I think ever since running my own TF2 servers and testing out what a casual environment with stopwatch mode looks like to the average player I kind of disagree now uh I think it would have been ideal if stopwatch had been implemented into tf2's design from the very beginning but we're way too deep into the way things are now to change it I personally prefer playing stopwatch mode simply because it's a solution tion to Pub pushes and it makes it so there's an actual true winner on payload and attack defend but it's just too confusing for players to get used to it was a good idea to remove it especially during The Hectic launch of meet your match but I I think it would have probably been a bad idea at any point a few years after the game's release it sucks but it's true meet your match was the greatest update in terms of modernizing the game by adding matchmaking so this is apparently still a hot take after all these years and I personally don't really understand why I think they may have been some selective memory in play here or maybe people just like to be nostalgic for the old days including the ugly Parts but matchmaking is an improvement over how quickplay worked you can go back and watch any old star video like this one in particular highlights it quite nicely but the TF2 experience before they added matchmaking was just as frustrating if not more so than the side effects that have come from the matchmaking system now I'm not by any stretch saying that tf2's matchmaking system is perfect or even that it's good but I think when people make the claim that that quick play was just fine and didn't need to be replaced with a better system they may need to check their face to make sure that they're not wearing these babies cuz uh both systems were and are exploitable by Bad actors it just so happens that one of them is much more user friendly the game is currently at a state where I would be fine if valve decided to never make an official update to it again it would suck and Bots are an issue but with vscript the modding potential has skyrocketed and would be enough to keep the community active for years to come totally yeah and I think that the proof is in the pudding you know we've been pretty much living with this no real updates deal for many years now and I think the game has only really gotten more popular for various other reasons I think there was definitely a time when I was reliant on new content to keep my interest in TF2 alive but I've certainly reached a point where I don't even really care about updates when they do happen like tf2 is fun and it will continue to be fun and the extra stuff is just that it's just extra if Done Right in-game competitive would have been revolutionary for TF2 bringing it to the global Esports scene if done right uh but they didn't do it right despite having the blueprint for how to make it successful right in front of them and now it's a dead game mode despite the core idea of it being brilliant and in the rare moments that I was able to get a working match in competitive mode it was some of the most fun that I've had in TF2 but we got the bad timeline I guess and so I think it's safe to say that we'll never know what could have happened if valve didn't drop the ball I personally don't like to dwell on the What could bins you know uh the competitive Community is toxic I agree you know tf2's competitive scene has some very mean bastards running a rampant within it you know and uh no matter how many rgl bands try to mitigate this it's an everlasting problem that has existed from the very beginning but I think this inadvertently makes the implication that only the competitive Community is toxic or even that the competitive Community is more toxic than any other subc community in TF2 and that I believe couldn't be more wrong there are toxic players quite literally everywhere in TF2 casual mode Man versus machine Uncle Topia skyle 2472 for I mean to say that a Gaming Community is toxic is like saying the sky is blue I've seen friendly hoovies on high tower who spit more vitriol than the average rgl invite player so don't pretend like the compassing is where tf2's toxic waste comes from gamers are toxic has nothing to do with tf2's competitive scene unless you have played competitive TF2 at a medium high level you should not be allowed to have any opinion on balance see a lot of people would probably say that this take is toxic and see there's a competitive player being toxic he says he he says I shouldn't have an opinion there he is uh you're right this guy is being absolutist and weird about it but he uh you know he has a point there that should probably be reeled back a bit uh I don't think that your opinion on balance is automatically NL and void if you haven't played competitively at a medium high level because that's just ridiculous and if I'm giving this guy the benefit of the doubt he's being hyperbolic to get a reaction obviously competitive environments like 6v6 and Highlander are hugely underrepresented in the pie chart of how people play TF2 so requiring someone to have played a very specific Niche format in order to validate their view of the game as a whole is pretty silly and I don't agree with it however I do think that if you have a lot of experience playing TF2 your opinion on balance becomes more valuable typically people who play competitive modes will have a lot of experience playing the game in general but there are plenty of folks with thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of hours who have never even been on an rgl team in their life and I would take those players opinions more seriously than someone who has spent 1,500 of their 2,000 hours playing exclusively 6v6 because while we should be listening to Skilled and experienced players I also think the context of that experience matters and if you're reasoning for nerfing the disciplinary action is because it can get a heavy to Mid then I'm going to be honest I'm not going to take that seriously as a legitimate balance change the game should have been named Boys in their toys not TF2 well then it would be called Bat which sucks the occasional flood of bots has done more to strengthen the TF2 player base than it has to dissuade them from playing what I mean maybe in in terms of like shared trauma or commiserating I guess we have a common enemy right like but I don't know I'm not going to pretend like the Bots are actually a good thing if you think about it because I'm not that deep into the cope uh the Bots have caused a lot of problems and I'm not interested in you know trying to justify their existence King of the Hill is the worst game mode because it diminishes teamwork and doesn't take into account each class's unique role no Grizzly Berry Grizzly Berry my friend How Could You King of the Hill is my favorite game mode so I just I just don't agree that it's the worst one but I also just disagree that it that it diminishes teamwork and class roles like man I have never felt like my teleporters do more for my team in such an obvious way than when I had one up and working on vidu and there have been so many clutch moments where my last second sentry gun saves the point from being recapped by the enemy when we're both in overtime I personally feel like every class has an active part in King of the Hill and it's mainly because it's so back and forth while also allowing the defensive classes to play a part in that tug-of warar due to the always stationary objective see this guy knows what see this guy this guy knows what he's talking about badw is not fun to play in casual 99% of the time the majority of casual games are spent fighting for last Point against stacked Engineers which is completely mind numbing upward is by far the superior map but others are great too wait wait wait wait wait so wait so this guy is saying that badwater is not fun because you always end up fighting engineer stacks on last but then instantly goes on to say that upward is the far superior one uh that's pretty funny Egypt is the best 2cp map I'm personally more of a mossrock and dust bow guy uh but Egypt that's pretty mid 90% of good ideas for TF2 content have yet to be done maybe 95% anyone who says there's nothing left to talk about everything's been done already aren't thinking hard enough uh I completely agree I mean I've been making videos on this channel for almost a decade and almost exclusively about only one of the nine classes in the game and I still have like a two-page long list of video ideas that grows way faster than I can make them to be honest not enough people are like stealing ideas from each other like just because somebody already did an idea doesn't mean that it's off limits for you to do it I mean I this the concept of this video it certainly isn't original and you're still watching in it because I'm putting my own perspective into it there's really not much of an excuse there you know and if you get mad that somebody stole your idea for a video and they made their own video out of their your idea then like you just don't you don't get it like you just don't get it the TF2 content trap doesn't exist people just don't know how to transfer Their audience correctly I think it does exist but only in the minds of the creators uh it's it's a fear that people have that your channel will straight up die if you Branch out into other things but it it's just a fear you know it's a trap based on someone's risk aversion and it's completely fair to be you know not willing to take a risk but yes there are ways to go about taking those risks in a responsible and effective way like for example I wouldn't just upload a video about something that isn't related to TF2 to this channel because it'd be like trying to sell Diapers at McDonald's like people go to McDonald's for burgers and maybe if you wanted to sell diapers you should open up a store next door called MC diapers and sell them there uh does that does that make sense yeah that makes perfect sense I miss when TF2 videos were focused on the fun elements of the game rather than specific challenges X being op or bad or Workshop content I mean I would say that that's just the way YouTube in general has been going lately and it's unsurprising that TF2 YouTube would follow suit people want to watch longer videos they want discourse to keep them engaged I mean it's it's pretty obvious to me why videos like this one are popular but that's not to say that videos that only feature the fun TF2 stuff don't exist there are entire channels that exclusively post Pub compilations and clip Dums and at the end of the day if you miss when TF2 videos were a certain way I encourage you to be the change that you wish to see back in 2014 there were no YouTube channels dedicated to my favorite class so I made one myself you know if you want to see it you should make it Chris are fun and genuinely add rare High moments of the yuck H nasty evil opinion this opinion sucks [ __ ] this here's a 25 minute long video why keep random crits protect casual at all costs oh come on squirrly I thought we were friends dude the hell I agree with everything else you said though okay this get this video is getting long so I'm going to attempt to blast through the rest of these as quickly as I can speed round the classic is genuinely the best sniper primary okay I guess that's that must be why everybody uses it then uh the engineer is the easiest class to learn to play for competitive gameplay with pyro in close second you know as someone who played many many seasons of Highlander exclusively on engineer I'd actually have to agree with you there it's pretty much only because Highlanders meta is so rigid and St that the engineer is expected to always have his buildings in the same exact places every single match in order to accommodate for the rest of his team uh it leaves very little room to royally screw up if you just uh understand the fundamentals essentially Highlander engineer is on autopilot and I honestly feel like I was getting worse at the game the longer I play at Highlander so short circuit is balance on payload nah no it's kind of silly how dumm it can be to Brute Force any choke with the payload cart and it should definitely be changed but it probably won't be uh the bomson and the Bison aren't bad weapons people just don't want to learn how to play what huh the lack of instant gratification is because these weapons do absolutely no damage yeah they're clunky and annoying to use but all that means is that if you have the patience to climb that learning curve all you're going to be rewarded with as an objectively worse weapon than all of the other options in this slot definitely a hot take Cooperative engineering makes engineer the easiest class in the game this is also a hot take and the reason I know this is because I made a video about it a while back that a lot of lot of people disagree with me over I still agree with this though but I do acknowledge that nerfing Cooperative engineering would make more people upset than happy so I would be shocked if it ever got addressed by the devs heavy should be allowed to take a lunchbox item and a secondary AKA of shotguns giving him four slots I think that is complete Overkill personally I like to run both sandwich and shotgun heavy on and off and it's not like in a gimmicky way either I like I actually think that both of them have situational uses that are worth choosing between from match to match and even life to life and if I were able to have both a sandwich and a shotgun that would be pretty overpowered in my opinion instead though I think that the heavy should be given a burst fire weapon unlock that operates similarly to a powerful shotgun to replace his minigun and it would probably make him more fun to play in the way that you're describing here the gerat is the most broken weapon in the game I don't think this is much of a hot take at all but maybe it's because I tend to agree with it uh maybe it's tied with the vaccinator but uh yeah gerate is pretty incredibly stupid and I think a lot of people like to ignore just because it's funny the piss rifle is more fun than stock see exactly probably is uh I tend to have more fun with the classic and the Huntsman personally but it's funny to pee on people as previously mentioned medic is the most important and Powerful class and the entire game revolves around him it shouldn't be the case I completely and totally agree with this and I've made suggestions in the past to give other classes more reliable healing capabilities to make medic less of a must pick but you know it's it's like shouting into avoid people can all agree that the medic is the most important class and that every team needs one but nobody ever wants to play medic because he gets focused down by enemies for being an important class I would really like this to change and I think the best way to go about it is to make other healing sources more effective uh but maybe that's a discussion for another day people really need to chill against pyros who use the gas pass here in MVM people need to chill an MVM period you know like you're shooting a bunch of fodder to hear hit sounds and see damage numbers it's not that serious like I will never understand anyone who takes MVM even a little bit seriously TF2 with no pyro would make the game perfect I disagree I think every class regardless of how annoying they are including sniper pyrro spy what you know whatever class you personally find to be the most annoying they all have an important role to play in the ecosystem of TF2 it's a brilliantly designed game and removing even one of them would throw off the balance to a degree that I don't think many people realize flog should deal mini crits it's too powerful combined with the Uber medic and keeps ruining dust games I hate to tell you man but Uber pyro is going to be good on dull regardless of if he has many crits full crits or or no no crits at all I mean d it's dpal it's a long series of corridors what do you expect certain weapons and class combos are really good on certain Maps like you don't really see an Uber flog ruining as many games on Sunshine do you no you see them all on dusel flog pyro is easily countered but people still get mad crazy when someone uses it see this guy understands the flator is a brain dead weapon that works works best against brain dead players so if you keep getting killed by it over and over again does that say something about the weapon or does it say something about the way that you're choosing to respond to it the scor shot isn't that bad oh my God he went there the ultimate hot take how will I ever recover from this scor shot isn't that bad yeah I mean that's fair it's annoying it shouldn't be able to stun you otherwise I personally don't hate it nearly as much as some comment sections do but it is it should be changed it should be changed I mean annoying [ __ ] should be changed right Scottish resistance is good the Scottish resistance is a direct upgrade technically true but only if you think of the stock sticky bomb launcher as a trapping tool but for most demoan players it isn't just for traps people use it to spam damage at medium ranges and it's really [ __ ] good at it so if you like doing that then there's no reason to use the Scottish resistance at all but if you're like me and you have practically never sticky spammed in your entire life then yes this is technically true Soldier has one of the lowest skill Flo in casual oh yeah I'm definitely with you on that one buddy also the majority of people who equip the gunboats should equip a banner instead since they don't Rocket Jump enough oh yeah I'm W on that one buddy Rocket jumps are for Rocket Chumps when the battalion's backup exists spy dying when he's caught is meant to happen the whole point of the classes to avoid getting caught yeah but don't let any of the modern spy Mains here you say it Espionage is dead and buried nobody goes invisible anymore why uncloak to backstab a high value Target and then cloak away when you can just dance around in front of someone's face fully visible until your knife raises for one frame most players do not understand or don't care to play Spy as an actual spy causing them to have a bad perspective of his abilities dead ringer was a mistake for all involved and yeah I mean if you caught the sarcasm in the last response then you can guess how I feel about this take spy is not as underpowered as people make him out to be I think he's the weakest class just purely due to his success being dependent on the skill level of your enemy but that certainly doesn't make him underpowered people ignore his gun people ignore his ability to see Health people ignore the value of reconnaissance so there are underused elements of his kit but even if the average spy main used them all to their full advantage he'd still be the weakest class in the game and that's fine the red tape recorder is slept on it's definitely underused in games where the enemy engineer is playing battle NG with many sentes specifically but otherwise it's a direct downgrade in my opinion if my level three Sentry gets downgraded to level one by a red tape spy I'm usually happy about it instead of getting destroyed he just saved me 130 metal having to build a new one so all right let's wrap this video up with another one of my own hot takes medic is from an effort to Effectiveness win rate standpoint kind of thing hands down the easiest class in the entire game the reason your team lost around is very likely because nobody nutted up and picked medic aka the easiest class in the game to win with now maybe you don't care about winning but seriously guys I live by this rule of TF2 no medic no win I will not stand to hear any complaining from anyone on my losing team until we get a medic if we're losing with a medic all bets are off you know complain and chat all you want but I don't want to hear any complaining until you get off scout and play medic which is the easiest class in the entire game you think pyro is easy because you don't need to aim [ __ ] the medag gun aims for you all you have to do is click on people wearing the same color as you then go find the guy at the top of the scoreboard and click on him more than usual it doesn't even matter if you die your teammates with a million overheal just got revenge on your killer instantly and that's if you didn't happen to have the superpower to make yourself Invincible at the click of a button when someone points a rocket launcher at you it's absolutely insane to me that nobody plays medic but it's even more insane that losing players who complain about the teams being unbalanced don't even try to play medic when it's almost always going to be the number one cure to losing I'm just tired of excuses you know and my hot take is that you should play medic if you actually want to win and if you don't play medic when the team very clearly needs one you should not be complaining so that's it okay I got it off my chest that's all the hot takes that I felt like commenting on although I definitely didn't look at all 2,000 or so of them so if you submitted one and I didn't respond to it tough luck uh maybe I'll make another one of these if people like them and you can have your chance but before the video ends I thought I'd let you guys know what I've been up to obviously I haven't made very many videos this year but it's for a good reason uh I've been working on another Channel that I co-created with my friends Ian and AJ it's called maximum damage and we made a show together with my friend Dax flame you may know him from classic bangers such as Superman Meme and the my name Jeff movie the hot seat with Dax flame is what it's called it's basically a talk show where Dax is the host and we bring on random guests for him to interview it's sort of like a mix between a bunch of stuff that I love such as the Eric Andre show Between Two Ferns the office Kyle Mooney's YouTube stuff if anybody remembers that it's all very much a labor of love and I genuinely think it's one of the funny shows on the internet I co-created filmed and edit every episode and we're currently putting a new episode out every Saturday only on maximum damage and we plan to do other sorts of videos on there I produce a podcast that Ian and AJ record so you may hear me on there from time to time and we're also working on other stuff right now that I'm going to be taking a more active onscreen roll in it's basically going to be like a variety channel for all the fun stuff that we want to do together so if anything of that sort interest you I highly recommend checking it out because that's what I've been working on and I think it's some good stuff that you might enjoy and if you don't like it then don't even tell me because you're just going to hurt my feelings and make me sad so okay that's it uh that's all my voice I'm I'm losing my voice this is a long video shout out again to Surf shark for the sponsorship I wouldn't be able to pursue other passions like making a completely brand new YouTube channel without them picking up the slack and I appreciate you guys understanding there I will definitely try and make more TF2 videos before the year is up though I love I still love this game and I have a constant itch to talk about it all the time so I will definitely talk to you nieces and nephews next time bye-bye [Music] he
Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 1,052,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips, first person shooter, uncle dane, professional, pro, free to play, free, steam, sale, deal, items, crafting
Id: UEMkQCswZf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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