One Hour Of Dustbowl

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[Music] yo the Bots are gone to celebrate let's play Dust bow and dust bow only I'm sure you've heard by now the Bots they're gone valve band a lot of them a lot a lot of them a lot of Bot hosters as well which is nice I mean uh it was only a matter of time it really was like uh valve would be I don't know it sucks that it took so long but I mean Val would would be completely dumb to not do anything looks like I got in on the losing team let's try and change that let's try our absolute darnest to try and change that how about that we have we have five pyros going sorry I was a little jump I got jump scared got jump scared by the pyros please put me on the other side begins in seconds my efficiency has gone down but uh hey I have a fellow engineer helping me to make up for it so that's nice Mission begins in 10 seconds you know what [ __ ] it we oh never mind I was going to try and put it at that window but they're 100% going to uh they are going to Uber I'm was going to put it in the window the classic window spot and maybe maybe I will you know it depends on what happens here and honestly I think I move it now cuz we got the flog pyro going in to cover and uh their only pushers died so let's just set up do we have a medic we do but he's dead so get past my classic dosp window spot Sentry man this is like nostalgic this right here for me I don't know about any for for you guys uh but this is like something that I used to do for hours and hours just that just putting it in that window when I first started playing this game back in what 20 [ __ ] 12 13 I know I'm not the oldest TF2 player this game came out a long time ago there are people who have been playing longer than me but [Music] man look at all that juicy metal on the ground there Wrangler out come on in come on team come on to the other side here all right Wrangler out Soldier unaware of why he's taking damage got to love that here I'm going to leave oh the dust B the dust bow [ __ ] ceiling uh that's a that's the one thing I wish that they would update this map to just make the ceiling higher man cuz when you play a soldier or any rocket jumping class for that matter that really does come into play like pretty often bonking your head maybe they they maybe they won't find my uh secret teleporter though who took this going to build this here for now okay I'm leaving never mind they didn't find my thing so I might be a little irresponsible here if you don't mind sorry yes sir and leave the uh Point alone for a little bit after I killed our Intruder and I'm leaving hello get jump scared what's that a dispenser what's that an engineer you just saying doing it right oh my God my entire team is dead okay you know I haven't I haven't seen a good random crit in a while okay oh he he uh blocked my placement unfortunately I was going to I I was going to block him where's my uh teleporter is being watched no I can still do a little bit of a sneak I think no come on team in order to effectively ninjineer you have to have a team that is going to hold down the fort while you play around unfortunately maybe we'll get a an opportunity to do that on Blue though but it's been interesting I I I saw a post on Reddit um the uh or I can't remember I think somebody post my Discord I don't remember but it was a post where somebody said uh something along the lines of like after playing Uncle Topia for years now you go back to casual and it it's like oh God like I feel like I'm sweating now but I think what it means is it's it is very odd seeing players in this game who are brand brand new like and spanking new it's a lot more rare on community servers so if you've been playing Community servers not just on copia but in uh Community servers in general I feel like uh you might have missed the uh the odd weird players there stickies on the point you guys watch out this guy's just going to hold down the button it's a war of attrition my patience versus your ammo count oh never mind wait how did I get one shot after picking that up we weren't able to push out cuz uh I rolled unlucky on teammates new dust bow commence but yeah now I guess the question on everybody's mind is um how long can this last CU you know bot band waves have happened in the past and um they last for a week or so before they find some other way to get around it so uh we'll see I mean like all signs point to them uh being consistent about it so far so I mean it's hard to say where it's going to go it's like do we [ __ ] you know plant a victory flag in the ground and say TF2 is back or do we I don't know I don't think we do because it's hard to tell what's going to happen from here on out Val could very easily just stop doing what they're doing tomorrow and things would just go back to the way they were in a month but for now though I mean it's looking good it's looking better than it has looked in a very very long time like I want to say like almost 5 years now but now people are asking like uh did so what do we did save TF2 or fix TF2 work uh I mean I don't know it's it's up in the air whether what we did or what any what the community's um impact had on their decision to do it but it is interesting timing I personally if you're going to ask me I think that it did do its job I think that we made enough noise to where they were like okay let's expedite whatever we may have had half completed in the background as far as plans go maybe they had a few meetings back in like 2022 or something uh but nothing came to fruition and finally now they're just like okay well we should probably go through a lot of those plans um that's my assumption so good job anybody who uh have voiced their opinion who left a negative steam review I personally wouldn't change mine back um until I can 100% say that the bot crisis is over who who took these P okay sorry Scout I know you were missing four Health probably oh look stab's on my team again this happens uh quite often when I'm recording weird but I'm back to playing pyro I know I said I mean heavy now but everybody's been playing heavy lately I wonder why no but I I pyro obviously I still mean pyro a little bit especially with the dragons Fury being so good especially on this map Close Quarters maps are awesome get back here die tell me something you secret medic delicious medic pick holy crap yeah I knew it I knew it do we go back do we go deep for The Med we do and we get out I I don't know how but we get out dude I smell that from a mile away see you oh see me see me see you to me what the hell oh my God it's Uncle DNE I'm going to go say hi to Uncle DNE when I respond he's got a [ __ ] golden frying I wish I had a golden frying pan what the hell you love the bullets bread the hell hey Uncle danne what do you think about um what do you think about Bots being gone what's your opinion yeah me too I agree he's anti he's an no he's Uncle oh man this thing is so double kill no man I guess he was overhealed we got we got freaking two YouTubers in this uh Lobby though Uncle Dane and and stabby stabby that's so freaking cool oh send another one oh I got a Air Blast missed it I I don't really need the Air Blast got a sentry gun it's not I don't know why I'm trying to air blast with this stupid gun sucks ass at air blasting ah I'm like holding down the trigger oh my God the destruction I feel like I'm playing soldier when I play with this weapon where are you thanks for the health what the heck is this don't build this here oh [ __ ] they're uh ubered run away okay nice combo move let's watch stabby play this game sometimes man especially with all the new flers that's another thing the new flers in this game are so unpredictable man I it's been a long time I've been playing I mean I've been playing casual a lot but I will I will say a lot of people who have been playing during the bot crisis are the true blue TF2 fans in other words like veterans because if you are like a super casual player of this game there's really no reason for you to play it when the bot crisis is a thing right so I feel like even in casual there have been for the last four years like a huge influx of people who are just very very good at this game because they're like me they're addicted they're [ __ ] like hopelessly addicted and um no bot crisis no like having to recue like 40 times a night is going to stop me from playing a half a round of a a good match of uh Team Fortress 2 it's my main game God they got a lot of Ubers on Blue I might have been more helpful there if I didn't taunt for no reason sorry sorry there enie they could have probably air blasted or something my bad my bad we're stabby all right do something cool that was awesome hey stop it well we've got Uncle Dane on engineer we've got [ __ ] Dane Uncle Dane the pyroman um there's no way that the blue team is going to be able to push in five minutes can't believe it's 5 minutes geology tell me your thoughts on Uncle Dane yeah Uncle Dane's pretty cool but stabby stabby is probably better you guys ever listen to chumba wamba they sort of like a political band you have to have a very high IQ to listen to chumba [Music] wamba [Music] oh never I haven't seen a pencil jump on Demo Man in a in a while get back down there what's going on in here I don't like that oh I really don't like that well they've taken the point and now we have to defend this point for8 minutes I think we can do it actually you know what I'm just going to play engineer show this Uncle Dane character how it's done that engineer a spy that engineer a spy we shall play uh mini Sentry NG to assist the level three uh Uncle Dane that we have and I'm dead to the Spy I can't believe I got killed by the spy from TF2 the hell his his golden pan isn't golden anymore it's just regular colored that's a ripoff that that's that is really annoying that that bug happens cuz imagine you spend $6,000 on a [ __ ] golden pan and then it like occasionally breaks and doesn't show up us golden I mean the only benefit I guess is that you get to use a pan on engineer which you can't normally do but they should I mean come on you get to use a knife a pry machete why can't you use a pan thanks Uncle Dane hey what's up spy is this the Spy that is the spy from [Music] TF2 man they got they got Ubers out the W actually I think that was just a vog that was just that wasn't a an official true blue Uber all right let's um fight a scout dot I didn't have enough D sab's going off I appreciate getting carried by uh other talented players in pubs especially when I'm playing on defense eny this guy looked overhealed good thing I got to quit the we watch a spy Master at work come on go come through damn it [ __ ] you Barrel don't run out there don't run out there just sniper they got to add a sniper call out they have spy call out where's the sniper call out huh some would say that sniper is actually more important to call out than the Spy sometimes hey the Spy H try and save everything no this gu's resting on his Laurels more like his yanny do that dude kick him for kick him for Idol get him out of here I'm sick of this Joker oh that's who yeah get the [ __ ] out hey don't kick Uncle Dane what the hell he's a National Treasure go get them make them leave I I like tomatoes man that's a that's a I think I know this guy's joking but uh I I I will say that that reminds me that uh lately there has been I feel an increase in people's like uh tendency to want to kick people about the red pot I think people just want to [ __ ] like I like the orange potatoes those are they just want to kick people and now that the Bots you can't kick any Bots anymore they're just like ah what am I going to do now I got to kick the AFK player I got to kick people who are playing uh in a way that I don't like come on man chill out it's TF2 it's casual TF2 for that matter who cares if there's a guy [ __ ] Rancher relaxing in spawn he's probably making a sandwich who gives a [ __ ] besides his Sentry is probably guarding the point right no that's somebody else's sent all right he is useless kick him damn stab's on a [ __ ] kale streak 20 20 kill streak and I'm just sitting back here scratching my butt have a pistol cuz I'm cringe a medic and I have a crit where is he he's right there well that was a spy what the heck and we're Victorious and I blast and I miss where the heck is my medic thank you thank you Mr I stand still sometimes so that they can Arrow me they never Arrow me I I don't this what's the point when I play medic I love it I love it when people stand still so that I can Arrow them oh my God I love it if you're not in danger which I was you should definitely stand still but every medic ey always come across like they don't have the I don't know if they the arrow like unlocked the arrow I don't know if they have the Crusaders crossbow unlocked oh this guy's AFK kick him that's cool rag do all right here comes the pub push be be aware our medic is dead he's flipped over and dead on the ground B prepared Lon [Music] King sniper leave me alone I am no threat to you I am no threat I no threat What in in that chaos Uncle Dan laughed with a jerk oh my God why did he do that we tried to kick him we're back to this again probably not for the last time and it definitely isn't the first time we've been here before we know what to do we don't need Uncle DNE we can handle it ourselves all right where is everybody they're all dying I'm going to move this I'm going to put it here he didn't even see it and they're all being murdered they're all being dead they're all going to [ __ ] di to my sentry gun my big cool sentry gun I don't use the controller oh missed and I didn't have any ammo anyway I will we will rebuild this is your fault I'm playing with controller now no stolen I'm actively doing it he accidentally stole it no harm no foul but I will be especially mad I will be especially bust red if I don't get it the back again controll oh [ __ ] they're all down there now that's really scary um sorry for saying scary I'm so [Laughter] sorry [Music] chines what the heck China's here I love okay let's uh move up me hell they're too distracted with the Uber to notice there was a Sentry there the whole time oh no I'm going to die to fire I was too busy I don't even know what happened I I think I got like flare punched or something the flare did a lot of damage oh yeah oh taking a nice sip of some Sprite all right let's go forward that Scout can't do [ __ ] to my Sentry there's no way he's going to defeat it he's going to hide where is he did he run away I think he ran away oh I found the push to talk that's on my controller this guy's playing on controller what is he [ __ ] solar light yeah come out here say hello to my dust bow sentry gun done oh [ __ ] oh wow that actually I I was actually just expecting it to go down don't get distracted oh uh uh uh they have they they found an angle on it ah it's okay I've got this oh yeah okay and I died to the Spy actually that wasn't the official spy that was someone else oh I delete my entrance just in case where is it did they see it don't notice it don't know don't see my secret don't see it don't find my secret don't discover my secret one time um I went to go me and my friends went to go use my friend's roommates controller or laptop we we were just using it to like look something up he wasn't there but he had a folder on his desktop named my secret and of course we were like what what is that in the mission we opened it and it was pictures of his [ __ ] I'm not even kidding he he had dickpics on his his uh computer named in a folder called my secret man you got to put that in a folder called taxes or something oh [ __ ] oh and they found my secret tele how do they find it really really double over really double over on D B last really wait did we actually just clutch save it no of course there's there's an infinite amount of blue players I think ah delete the that wait so I was just kidding I was doing like a nerd voice this guy says a freaking double over man life imitates art we go level threes here though we uh we play responsibly we go level threes I mean we only have 3 minutes we should just try and win we deserve it help help me help you know what I'm I'm already obsessed with it help that's that's what you get damn well at least it didn't head shot me let me through let me through I got important work to do oh come on man I was going to build a dispenser for you and everything hey excuse me oh snap okay um I think we just save these crits for when they stand on the point right oh that's a spy medic that's a confirmed spy Med that's a confirmed spy dead more like I should write lines for the TF2 classes that would fit right in spy mid more like a spy dead also I posted about this on Twitter if you face the dispenser in a way where the light the big bright light shines towards where people are going to see it like when you walk up the stairs you see a big bright light out of the corner of your eye you're like dispenser I think TF2 players are like moths to the flame where if you were to orient it like this then people would not see it what the what the I I okay I'm just going to never mind apparently there was a million people who decided to walk in there anyway my point is if he Orient it like a people w't won't see it cuz there's no big bright shiny light and if you Orient it like B then people are going to see it because uh they like big bright lights is being oh no really another fog Uber really well there was no possible way we could have ever accounted for the pub push but that was honestly a pretty even game a dust ball so I'm not I'm not really too upset about it we did what we could I did what I could actually looks like they're not going to vote for dust so we're out of here what do you think we want to play other Maps nasty disgusting despicable horrific unclean PUK inducing nasty sickening icky yucky make my tummy hurt give me tummy ache gooey gooey gooey yuck yuck y ew ew e ew a completely clean fresh game of dust bow OMG I cannot wait to play OMG means oh my God by the way if you're not internet Savvy like me o I have that taunt um do I I have this one who did that who the [ __ ] did that was it you 3 2 1 Mission begins in 60 seconds now normally in this situation looking for player is bad news because usually that means that a bot is probably going to join and the more looking for players that you see there the more likely that it's going to be too many Bots for this server server to handle um so it's nice to look at that and say you know that's actually uh actually good it is looking for player it's looking for a real person a real human with a living breathing soul with a wife and kids with uh dreams aspirations with a job with a family um who has joy in their life um uh that was that was funny timing but honestly the most annoying part about being Auto balanced in that situation is I didn't have time to set up so now I'm just here oh what's up medic medic smartly ran away scare you a little bit there edgy yeah I'm glad you ran away thought you were a spy yeah no everyone got shreked up there and it was either I say and die and joined them or I run away like a [ __ ] I feel the rad away like a [ __ ] hey [ __ ] live that's what I say has all right let's um you're all right doc let's sit around and wait for for people to come in half uh half server dusel is odd oh sniper please ducking did nothing getting stuck on my sentry gun run into my sentry gun sniper um I think we've got this though we've got this at least until more players join right if that [ __ ] comes in here uh what what will happen I'm going to Uber you okay let's go that one didn't need it Joker Joker look out you should have ran right not left zag right not Zig left I got revenge for you good man all right let's try and play real not real well let's play like actual defensive like leveled Sentry en here no you stay away you stay away go away Pyro that demon have you guys seen Meet the Pyro yes I've watched all of uh Dr lab [ __ ] what actually got me back into playing the game again he's I don't know what he's talking about Dr what Dr wav what' he say I'm going to have to look that up he's probably talking about like a fan animation I forget that like so much of tf2's culture comes from fan animations oh that Scout took his opportunity like a boss but I like the counter Uber or maybe it was just Uber at the same time that I died essentially anyway that one's always free okay that one that one's always free okay that one it's easy that that stage is always easy to cap that's the easy one everybody always knows that that one's always free we take yeah that one's that one's always free yeah so they know that it wasn't it wasn't even that impressive that they actually that they actually like used coordinated attacks on me to uh to take advantage of my uh yeah yeah shut up shut up blue team you're not that cool I'm cool and um I'm awesome and I'm handsome and you're ugly oh I I have 10 seconds left okay usually they Uber right out so I'm going to put it back here so that they don't see it right away cuz they're going to Uber out they're going to like Focus people but they're not going to focus my Sentry until it's been too late until their Uber is like basically already done that's my plan and I'm sticking with it okay now that we've ubered into them we take advantage of the distraction move the Sentry into the awesome spot awesome sauce um and we move this out of the way because I am going to definitely get stuck on it okay we're definitely set up now this is honestly a devastating hold in my opinion and it's immediately been taken down by a direct hit we will rebuild we will rebuilding moving this rangler out oh oh hey cut it out how did I live how did I live how did I live I will be asking that question for the rest of my life not that I'm too upset about it of course you're all right uhoh they've got a PP sniper and they have a soldier who who made it his mission to destroy all dust bu sentries get out of here medic nice please can I get a buff please can I get a buff oh how did it live oh I know cuz I pressed two on my key board that's how okay I'm moving this now that they know it's kind of there moving it okay I'm going to stay on Frontier i i i Frontier Justice I think in this situation is good because I think my sentry gun is going to go down to that direct hit a little bit more often than usual that's my analysis that's my uncle n analysis I'm going to put this here cuz might as well building is a building is a building um and I'm the only I'm the only Sentry on the point so I can't really move forward so we've got 11 minutes to chill um and it's going to be really chill it's going to be like really calm like obviously that nothing stressful is going to happen that Scout um gave me an actual heart itation I'm actually going to seek medical attention and they've even got the charge shot out there oh man I'm moving this up here oh no they've taken their opportunity oh I my Sentry is living with like one bar of Health quite often this match I uh I think it's pretty awesome clutch it's coming in clutch ow but this is also honestly very nostalgic for me because this point in particular I have spent a lot of time in very intense uh battels I shouldn't get too greedy with that that's a senty that is being tanked by another fellow engineer okay you can you can honestly take that oh never um actually wait why is this one getting sapped I don't necessarily care that much about that Sentry because I have 17 Revenge crits oh poke your head out [Music] again we're playing Duck Hunt PE peeking up all right I got 10 Revenge where's the medic I just want to buff I don't need I need you to Arrow me thank you I have 10 Revenge crits thank you all right we go out hunting sorry I'm just in hardcore heal mode it's all good guess that's where they are okay that guy [ __ ] boned oh why that was so scary I didn't expect there to be so many people there I completely freaked out and did the Freak Out flick that's what I'm going to name that whenever you freak out and flick your mouse even though you had your Crosshair like aligned correctly you still flip out all right we've got this fully upgraded me if they come running in I have eager for counter we should use it aggressively I think I mean I have Revenge crits here to use if you want to use it on me never mind I died immediately yeah that's why I'm posted in this corner that man wants me like a [ __ ] he knows I'm in this corner too right right no that is the smart option for sure trust me I thought about it I want to go on the aggressive but yeah n okay he's thought about it okay risky right now too risky no I like a tactical thinker I'm on the same [ __ ] page with this guy if anybody wants a medic for their premium team Joker from the movie Joker is the medic for you oh that spy decloak Scar the [ __ ] out of me I'm going to put this here [ __ ] it I know that I it's irresponsible to not put a Sentry on last but [ __ ] forget it we've got our we've got a human Sentry here being tanked by Joker all right that's that gives me I think the open opportunity to post up in a more forward facing position if you want to get out of this without crossing the sideline you can hop on this you know about that oh yeah I know about it but my jumping's not all that great with that yet I'm still practicing on [ __ ] like that hey W there's no better time than now to practice yeah I'm just going to Uber around the corner is he still there though I don't know no he's not he's not he's not I'm supped to where there Roney is right Tunnel right tunnel is the sniper I hope they get that [ __ ] it's been causing problems all day with that piss rifle and everybody's fed up everybody's fed up dog is even going to fog on him get him dog with the flog oh my God I love this oh I love to see that d man look out a spy how does he get away right I've been gasped now I know what it feels like to be an MVM bot I kind of want to wait and I I mean we've been talking about it all day I don't know what I expected the pp sniper uh I kind of want to wait until Joker has Uber and then I'm going to destroy my Sentry and then we can go in with I think I got nine crits all right Joker this may be throwing but do you want to Uber me I have got crits here nine let go we threw we threw didn't you duck in that medic is not going to heal me again for that one it's all right I secretly did kind of want to play the next stage so you know what I fully admit it was a little bit on purpose I was getting a little bored and I've got a video to record you know got to make something exciting happen just say [ __ ] heavy and run it immediately oh I hope they do that cuz then I can put this up toward lose Point leave him alone just come back oh I got to go get my uh dispenser I don't want to be over here the heck I wish it just gave you like the obvious one like obviously I don't want to be further away all right what does it look like up here there a brass Beast heavy they don't see me we take advantage Dil man sees me it was worth worth a shot now maybe uh other Engineers don't really like playing like this understandable because um you know it's a lot of work to them to sit here and hold click on a building and then have that progress deleted so quickly but it's I promise it's worth it it's worth it the Wrangler is engineer's best weapon all right what's it looking like out there looking bad looking risky but I hear a flog going going crazy so maybe it's the time to put my best foot [Music] forward you medic that's what you get that's what you get trying to direct hit my Sentry I wish Sentry rhymed but it doesn't trying to direct hit my [ __ ] spy stabed me and I am a sad sad sad I am sad it's beginning to look a lot like dust full centuries everywhere That's a classic however I am the only person building a sentry gun on this server build this thing take tra now I have to save my dispenser luckily he was on the funny sapper so it didn't actually kill it three I'm moving this ooh go dog I guess he wanted the Uber all right I'm going back cuz they stole my pack oh you're good that's why you don't stand on them silly you keep doing you I was in your hit box oh is he trying to Camp it it's a mistake I see people using a lot when they Camp teleports they sound a little bit too close to him it's a little like bigger than the radius I have noticed so it is an easy mistake to make oh I don't even have to [ __ ] Wrangler for this this guy's got the the cow Mangler he's not going to do any damage to it whoa crazy moving this up I didn't even check that was just a full-on risk to do that but I don't care guys go they're stuck it's awesome get the Spy get the Spy I'm too busy to unap that other thing right now I'm sorry okay now I can all right we're back up and running I think that I think that heavy was shooting his shotgun at my dispenser cuz he wanted to go he was out of like primary ammo or something no they disabled my gun I can't believe it he's from down below spy spy Spy disposed of no you will not do this give me this give me that shoot him in the head with a baseball bat oh they're [ __ ] almost wiped nice cool [ __ ] nice combo oh no fire you rescue Ranger what the hell that's little pipe got stuck in the corn corner I'm remembering the names of the Direct Hit soldiers so I can like feel safe all right that's the other one the other one just died cool go or whatever this guy's casuals playing as as a sentry gun double Sentry hey you know what they say don't build sentries next to each othering just say medic I'll try and watch out for you I love that joker is completely dedicated to his role as medic he's letting everyone know on his team what he is here for you to do thanks Joker you're a good medic thank you dog do you have clog again yet I love that he takes the compliment very quickly and then moves on to his he briefly briefly accepts the compliment then moves on you'll get you never get past my defenses all the crits and we move it oh incoming incoming fire I think what I fell in love with dust bow for especially early on as a new player is that this truly feels like a battlefield like there are some maps where you feel like kind of like there's not a whole lot happening you feel a little alone but when it comes to this map it is absolute chaos it's like [ __ ] Team Fortress D D-Day all the time and I love it Mission begins in 60 seconds and it's not over war never changes war is not over we still have to push and push we will pushing dust bu is also quite nostal I mean this entire map I think that's the most important reason I think why I even like this map to begin with is that is it is nostalgic to me but pushing like having like a teleporter up and having everybody kind of like filter through it for like 20 minutes straight while we just kind of endlessly shoot spam and sitting there kind of watching everybody reeving in my my work as a helpful eny is um it's great I don't have Uber but go I'm putting this here I'm making my way back up here again taking out their important buildings such as the dispenser their longevity has been disrupted I don't know how I got that kill get this teleporter that heavy has no idea what happened don't kill me with it no hey of all the things to get revenge with you got it with a flex oh we're ubering in we're ubering in we're killing we're killing that's my contribution is making the call to make people walk forward nice two two Ubers wow wow two wow really two Ubers really two Ubers H wow I love dust bow has joined the game oh man he's going to be so excited to see what map he's on or maybe he's like me he's just only queuing up for dustow today I'm kind of scared if I love dustow he knows every inch of this map I bet he knows every nook and cranny he knows every spot he knows every glitch he knows every exploit hey other medic you Uber stum going out the door I'll hold on the mine off they get the one Uber coming out the door so they counter Uber it then I'll counter Uber their counter Uber these guys are at like a table like a a battlefield table looking down at it with a map of dust bow planning out their attack it's awesome I I hope people don't think that I think it's it's that I'm making fun of them I I think it's actually very fun to see that oh good on that dog they didn't seem to notice my sentry gun and this en is's going to be really upset wait can it even see him I think it barely cannot see him I don't know who it killed did it kill the NG can it see like what's going on here okay I I think we're in like we're AC entally in a good position this guy's shooting rockets that do zero damage to me oh this is what I was bumping into I'll upgrade it put this here to guard the point they're going to be really upset when they find out that there's a sentry gun looking at that hey stop what all right their sniper is currently dead so I'm going to walk out here free no Crispy Cream is Rage quitting we were having so much fun together remember when I Tel fraged you remember when I random crit wrenched you in the head this is evil this is evil what are they doing they oh they're spawn camping without me fun without me man we're just going to roll it we're rolling it that was [ __ ] mean as [ __ ] we made so many of them Rage Quit I'm [ __ ] smiling ear to ear over this guy like I'm glad I'm so glad that people are coming back and playing this no me and dog just literally to be their whole in their spawn joker I'm curious have you like come back cuz the Bots are gone or do you play this game regularly I played it for a little while while the BS were around but I'm mainly back because the Bots are going yes that's sweet nice spy in our midst man unfortunate to oh man they're [ __ ] wiped Bruh Bruh they're wiped bruh um do I even I mean might as well just in case oh I hear a sentry gun I hear one I'm just going to fully set up completely new on this new one all right now this this is what I'm talking about this particular point pushing uh is very nostalgic for me I love like s don't try and what do you I think he was trying to hide it's like why does he need the big ammo pack um pushing this point as engineer I have so many memories of of playing this uh on like Sky 24/7 d bow sitting here on this point in particular uh you know maintaining learning the ins and outs of the battlefield basically exposing myself to the the most chaotic part of TF2 in my opinion this particular point is just hellish and I I feel like I'm all the better for it I've made a video on this map before and kind of explained my theory that if you play maps that are a little bit more punishing very early on then you you get a little bit more I don't know you have like a bit of an exposure therapy to it okay oh we have this room taking over that's a good sign oh what's this guy doing I got off hey I think we uh take it nice good dog is been taking steroid yeah we had a [ __ ] flog pyro I mean that's that's how you win DuSable honestly flog pyro but uh yeah that I guess that'll be the video this is a long video this is like you know I hope that you enjoyed watching it all the way through the end you definitely didn't turn it off halfway through thank you big UPS to the subs thanks by the way I got a 800,000 subscriber mile Stone recently appreciate that I forgot to mention that last video appreciate it bye-bye [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Uncle Dane
Views: 502,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: team fortress 2, tf2, engineer, gameplay, guide, tutorial, tips, first person shooter, uncle dane, professional, pro, free to play, free, steam, sale, deal, items, crafting
Id: IN3RXWk_jYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2024
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