TF2: How I Got 10,000 Kills in 7 Days

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this is what one kill in TF2 looks like this is what two kills in TF2 looks like and this well this is what 10 000 kills looks like hold on hold on hold on is it possible to do all that in just one week now your immediate reaction to that question should be what no I mean 10 000 kills in seven days one week it took me over one year to get that many kills on my strange original and I'm a soldier man so how on God's Earth would be possible to get it done in a week well you know what they say right if there's some [ __ ] from Australia whose full-time job it is to play TF2 and could theoretically dedicate 14 hours a day to grinding the game if they cut down on some sleeve didn't leave the house maybe skip the meal or two well then hypothetically it could be possible I mean I did promise I would make my next challenge video harder after getting 1 000 body shot kills in a row so I mean why not what's the worst that could happen but all right all right before we get too ahead of ourselves there's a lot we need to unpack about this Challenge and that all starts with what is the most efficient way of getting kills in TF2 my mind immediately went to two prime candidates namely Soldier and demo if you haven't played TF2 before these guys deal out a massive amount of Splash damage and have the ability to kill large groups of enemies all at once with their explosive weapons making them the best options if I want to grind out some kills I was leaning slightly towards Soldier because well just look at my profile picture come on I main Soldier and have more hours on him but then I actually realized something I think there's another option here but you're probably not gonna like it it'll almost certainly deny my passage into heaven but I think it's technically the fastest way of getting kills in TF2 it's not Soldier it's not demo it's pyro uh flog pyro to be more precise for those lucky enough to not know what this weapon is and what it represents let me clue you in the flagistinator is an unlockable flamethrower for pyro that drastically changes how you play the game because you have to Forfeit one of your most powerful tools as pyro and that is Air Blast this means the flagistinator can't reflect projectiles like rockets and stickies you can't extinguish your teammates who are burning to death and you can't push back ubered enemies from your team meaning you were sacrificing a lot of your utility so why would we ever want to use this thing well when God closes the door he also opens a window that happens to lead you straight to Hell the flogistinator as an oompha which increases with the more fire damage we do once it's filled all the way up we'll hear a sound the bar will go red and after we right click to taunt well I'll let the footage speak for itself foreign so yeah we get 10 seconds of guaranteed crits which can cause Mayhem like nothing else in TF2 now the fact it also happens to be pretty damn easy to use in conjunction with its power as it ended up quite a notorious reputation as a lot of people see it as this brain dead broken weapon which is just the game on easy mode and there is some truth to this view ultimately though I think it is our best bet if we do want to get 10 000 kills in seven days so unfortunately I'm gonna have to indulge in this forbidden art so with our strategy figured out I think we'll either lay down some rules about this challenge firstly how are we going to keep count of the kills I explained this in my last challenge video but in TF2 there are these things known as strange weapons which cost a little extra money to purchase but they automatically keep count of every kill you get this is super convenient for the challenge so all we need to do is get our hands on a strange legitimator which is just over a dollar on the Steam Market and well you know I'm not gonna do that just like I did for my last challenge this is going to be a special video so I think we need to splash some cash on something a little more luxurious now if you're an ad Avid Trader in TF2 you might know a thing or two about collector's items I'm gonna go too in depth but basically they're super rare and you can't really get them anymore making the supply super restricted and therefore the value super high now you may be wondering what a collector's item actually changes for all the money and that's a fantastic question because you get red text you see right there it's not yellow for Unique it's not orange for strange it's red red for collectors but hey hey don't worry guys I have a little secret I actually recently created a business in Australia for my YouTube channel so this this little 400 purchase that's a tax write-off baby I can argue that this purchase was necessary for my business to make some money and just to prove it I actually decided to name my legistinator the exact piece of legislation to prove to the Australian tax office when they come and order me that this is in fact a legitimate piece of business expenditure but okay now that my tax write-off is finalized let's take a look at what we can and cannot do for the next seven days the main rule for this challenge is that I cannot use strange farming servers which are basically places where you can kill AFK players on repeat to rack up a bunch of kills super quickly and that undermines what I'm going for entirely with this challenge so they are completely off the table my plan is to only use valve official servers or Uncle Dane servers because they offer an authentic TF to experience which is how I want to get my 10 000 kills and so on the morning of the 31st of August the challenge officially began hello everyone it's day one we're here we're starting the challenge it's 9 18 a.m but I can't start the challenge till I get my first kill I'm already seeing quite a big issue with this Challenge and we haven't even started it yet and that's no one plays TF2 at this time I can't kill these guys I can't I would never kill these guys the challenge started it's 9 18 a.m it's 9 80 a.m so as you can see at 9 18 a.m I picked up my first two kills of the entire challenge meaning I had exactly seven days from that very moment to get the next 998 even though we had literally just started the challenge I'd already realized one of my biggest issues and that was going to be finding full servers in the morning my last challenge video I was able to circumvent this issue because the 32 player 24 7 2 4 skl server was full at every time of the day for some reason but now that I was either using casual or Uncle Topia service we were going to have some problems actually finding people to kill around morning time so yeah I kind of just gonna have to hope this um This Server fills up because um I don't know there's not anyone around and I need people to kill we did start to get a few people joining it reached about 10 players which was actually enough for me to get the ball rolling and by that I mean uh sport camping I am a high level gamer I'm a high level gamer we're already 25 okay maybe this child is easy look at all that naive confidence I had in day one it's like when a five-year-old tells you they want to be an astronaut you know the weight of the world hasn't crushed their dreams and aspirations in the tiny little bits just yet we managed to pick up the first Godlike of the challenge which is a 20 kill streak if you didn't know and I was pretty surprised of how quickly things were moving I'm surprised we've gotten 40 kills in 10 minutes so maybe this challenge maybe later on maybe it won't be too bad overall you know maybe maybe a little easier than we thought look at him thinking it'll all be a breeze and I hope it goes without saying but El maxo was dead wrong here I did however discover something very important here on Dust Bowl that would prove very useful for the remainder of the challenge and that was something I coined the YouTuber buff now if you didn't know there's a lot of perks to being a YouTuber you know there's the attractive women there's the Bugattis there's the millions of dollars in Revenue I generate but most importantly there's the pocket Medics because by being a niche micro celebrity on the internet you actually receive a constant stream of heels right up your ass when you play the game and I'm not gonna lie it helped tremendously throughout this challenge I might have to um change my my YouTube above that I get which just gets pocket Medics because they want to be in videos and I have to change that buff slightly because I don't know there's a it's a lot of Medics so one thing I've realized actually is that my last sniper Challenge right I could reset at any moment I could lose all my progress so the good thing about this one is whilst it's going to take like four times as long like probably 100 hours at least at least our progress can't be reset so it's just a Brute Force race I can't I won't be like one kill off and then have it all go to waste so yeah the goal for today is to hit 1400 and see how long that takes because I need to hit 1400 kills a day and depending on how long that takes that basically determines how long this challenge will take as I mentioned here to hit the Big 10 000 in a week I needed to average just over 1400 kills per day but at this point in the challenge I didn't really know how long that would take my estimate was probably something like 100 to 120 kills per hour meaning I would have to be playing a minimum of 12 hours a day to get this done overall though our first map on Dust Bowl went insanely well we were drastically ahead of schedule I mean I was getting way more kills than I thought would be possible and so we headed over to bomb Blitz where things continued at a similar rate oh my God oh my gosh okay I just hit 100.30 minutes so we were just over half an hour in and one percent of the challenge was complete which sounds like a really good Pace but I am not kidding when I say this but I don't actually think I got 100 kills that quickly for the rest of the challenge even though it was very early days I was trying to pick up some useful tips and tricks with the Vlog uh the first of which being the animation cancel usually you have to wait out the first two seconds where you're taunting and vulnerable before you can unleash hell but under specific circumstances we can actually cancel that animation to get us vlogging sooner one such way is if something like a soldier or demo knocks you up with their explosion and that's exactly what happens here in this clip so not only do you start vlogging sooner but you also retain that invulnerability which can be absolutely busted when you're running straight at your enemies I finished my live commentary portion of the day after bomb Blitz and got grinding where we started racking up some pretty fat float plays there's two of them the whole team's here bro the spider's not gonna hit this why do they oh oh my god oh I love the flog it's actually so fun it's actually so fun let me walk forward let me walk forward let me oh [ __ ] just let it happen just let it happen it was it was born to happen okay just let it happen look I can't even lie day one went really well we saw Bing soy my silver play button arrived we picked up four God likes and well of course we had our fair share of the funny epic fails I can't keep going oh I die I don't win this at all it's too heavy I'm not going down that Cliff the easiest Air Blast of your life it's heavy as though I [ __ ] I knew it would happen I literally called it I'm so bad at this game bye did you just walk off oh this is time for a massive dub never [ __ ] mind but look overall it was a good day so to summarize we hit 1585 kills which was 160 ahead of schedule and I played for a total of 14 hours meaning we were on track and I'm sure that we would maintain this fantastic pace for the remainder of the challenge hello everyone it's day two it's just it just struck 9 A.M and we're here I only got like seven hours of sleep so I've got a bit of a headache and I feel a little bit [ __ ] but I'm thinking I might stream today's day maybe the next few days who knows I thought that despite something but not near using the flog for 12 hours a day that maybe I could stream it at forward slash El maxo underscore underscore and have my mentally ill chat spam Bell at me if I don't get a 10 kill streak on a given life I didn't end up streaming until later that day so we got some ground to cover before that things started off slow like really slow like 4 out of 24 people on a server slow which forced me to swap from Uncle Dane's servers over to oh God casual we arrived on upward and I had some reservations pretty much instantly now I'm a little scared to be on casual because random crits are going to ruin my day like Melee swings from Medics that's not going to be fun but whatever we'll give it a go because that stuff is just too empty I'm not I can't make pain with that now admittedly it wasn't too bad the Bots that were on were really awful for some reason so they didn't cause too much trouble now look I didn't have the best sleep of my life for my Elite level gaming skills were still warming up so I made a Shameless plea to my team who recognized me from YouTube you know if you guys want to be in a video one of you could pocket me and it actually worked I know I'm sorry but desperate times call for desperate measures it's all right upward went really well uh tandura was of great assistance and we were back on track a few Maps later we actually received our very first hate message where someone called me a flog roach after melting all their hopes and aspirations I'm honestly surprised it took over a day to get our first insult but there was much more to come though don't you worry we picked up another Godlike we hit some fat killstreaks and they actually realized I was making use of this really powerful strategy which I coined the Chase and bake where you'd push in without any and burn them to a crisp act like you're low on health and must flee out of desperation then torn around a corner and melt them when they push into you just over three hours into day two's in intense gaming session we've reached the next Milestone as at 12 pm we officially hit 2 000 kills AKA where 20 of the way back you know over 17 hours of playing and we're now 20 of the way there what what fun whilst playing on Frontier here though one of my friends VAR who was on the enemy team actually devised quite an interesting strategy to help me out on my grind see I was in a voice call with two of the Medics pocketing me so what VAR could do is sneak behind our team as Scout and meet us at a hidden position where he would proceed to drink his Bonk making him invincible and then allow our Medics to use the ubisaw to farm free charge off him now was this a moral yes it's basically the equivalent to teaming in Minecraft Hunger Games but having a free Uber charge every time I want to go in I mean hey that's that's pretty cool after racking up 92 kills with this slightly questionable strategy it was time for my government mandated walk to ensure I didn't go clinically insane upon my return the rest of day two actually went really smoothly investigator sleepy taught me this super powerful Tech where you can actually cancel the taunting voice line when you activate your Vlog by using any of your other voice lines which just really helps with maintaining that element of surprise because your opponents won't get that sound cue and you can therefore catch them off guard I also finally wrap my head around that glitch where you can shoot Flames through the spawn door if you get just the right angle leading to this absolutely disgusting start to around on dusbot we also got another two godlikes bringing the total up to six and we found bingsway who almost sent me into [ __ ] Cardiac Arrest with the shenanigans he was pulling on bomb Blitz oh Jesus oh my God what the [ __ ] I did stream that night but the only noteworthy things that happened were me getting trolled like when I got telefragged or when this Huntsman sniper wrecked me but when the servers I was playing on kept getting ddosed but overall day 2 was actually really good we finished off the day with 3261 kills on my flock meaning we were over 400 kills ahead of schedule I spent another 14 hours playing that day and we reached a total of six gold legs but unfortunately this spree of success was about to come to an end now before we could suffer our way through day three I actually needed to make a slight addendum see the name on my Vlog taxation Administration Act of 1953 in a referencing section 8ha it's incorrect I've been I was dm'd by someone who plays at Uncle topio Callum Jones 2008 that this was actually the incorrect law of Australian legislation so give me a second I got to get up the right legislation so we're actually our relevant piece of statutory law is the income tax assessment Act of 1997. Boom so before we can start today and I've already got a massive headache but now we have the correct legislation on my flog that allows this to be a tax write-off so thank you Calum Jones 2008 for helping me there now I'm going to play the [ __ ] game okay [ __ ] you so now that I wasn't breaking any of Australia's tax laws I was ready to play some flogg and it started off well not very good how much I just paid weapons guy have long ones I love casual I love casual I love casual I love casual I love casual I love casual I love casual oh yeah I've kind of just realized I'm early in day three right but um my two kills off one third of the way there I'm not I've done one I've got to do this two times again now I've been playing TF2 for like 20 26 hours at this point that's like how long my Sniper Challenge took I was like 30 hours right and I'm only one third of the way through I think I think today it's it's just setting in it's definitely definitely setting it one thing that was interesting about day three was that even though I was performing objectively worse compared to the other days I was getting more God likes than usual in the first three hours of the morning I got three of them but I was having a lot more low-kill lives which did mean progress was relatively slower to the previous days as the day continued to progress things started getting bad like I was genuinely angry bad I think one of the key factors driving me mad was the fact I could not swap off pyro if there was some sentry gun shutting me down over and over I couldn't do anything and had to ask my team to swap for me or a song a direct hypertens back up please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I cannot survive so I can't do it please please I was also getting pretty damn sick of Air Blast at this point because it would absolutely shut down my Uber pushes Airbus is the worst Mechanicals [ __ ] game now I can't lie around the afternoon of day three I hit my absolute lowest of lows it was a pretty dark period where after every time I died I would instantly alt tab to YouTube and start watching some video because I was not having it I was seriously Beyond tilted at this point and the challenge was really starting to take its toll on my mental I don't even update it's 3 35 PM after every death I've been old to having to watch a YouTube video I'm just waiting so I can work out in two hours that's my break and I can have a shower feel refreshed but yeah no right now this is like actually paid for just got really [ __ ] all of a sudden I feel like I'm slightly starting to lose my mind I did press forward though as I still had two hours before my workout for that day and uh yeah my my sadness and general state of confusion was palpable I stayed delirium what's [ __ ] happening like I'm actually just like my brain is melted pun not intended but now I intended I [ __ ] hate this guy could die thanks all right here's a plan we're about to Uber and we're all gonna pushing at the same time okay are you ready we need six is fine we can do it with six we ready let's go everyone let's go unlike myself but anyway night time did eventually roll around meaning it was time for the greatest streamer known to man to begin their broadcast and it went just about as well as you'd probably expect can I try for that one I'm gonna [ __ ] not kill myself I'm gonna live a long and prosperous life I'm gonna have three children I'm gonna retire at age 60 build up a lot of wealth for my family give them some intergenerational wealth provide them with a good upbringing and that's what I'm gonna do and live a long way snowy Coast it's not I spill water everywhere can we get a huge dick is for me spilling my water all over my desk oh Harvest is [ __ ] it's not a good map it's not a good map it's good and Casual when you can just [ __ ] on [ __ ] so I know you like to farm strange kills on [ __ ] play it ah trap made it a lot more bearable because at least there was someone there to laugh at me when I failed miserably but overall not the best day of flogging by any stretch of the imagination we finished the day with 4507 kills after playing for 12 hours which wasn't even halfway yet we didn't manage to pick up another four gold likes bringing the total to 10 which was surprising giving how God awful the day had been so there we had it uh we were three days down and tomorrow was going to be interesting because I learned about a little pothole that was coming up very shortly hello everyone we're back day four and I have had a sad realization not sad just a bit of a a bump in the road so to speak tomorrow is Father's day and yes you can make a bunch of fatherless flog jokes I get it you know you do flow users you didn't have a father figure in your life I get it fair enough I am a bad person but no I'm gonna lose half a day to Father's Day at least half a day if not more that's not good for this challenge as you might think I've gotta like I've got to build up a surplus and that's gonna actually make this really tough because that's like six hours I'll probably spend that's like 700 maybe even 800 kills there um I'm gonna have to catch up on yeah I'm not fully sure I'm gonna have to really grind out today I think we'll we'll give it our best shot um I'll make sure to include videos of Father's day though that'll be nice you guys can see what we got up to that'll be pretty wholesome but yeah so so I'm gonna have to actually really get the pace up what are we at oh we are or close to a million damage God bless so yeah I was gonna be losing at least something like five to six hours on Father's Day so I had to start building up a surplus of kills now I already had been playing a little extra each day up until this point because I wanted to have a safety net in case well in case something like Father's Day would happen to pop up but no today was going to be an absolute grind Fest it was around this time on day four that I was really starting to see how crucial my YouTuber buff was to the success of this challenge I don't think this challenge will be possible if I didn't have the YouTuber buff to be honest there's even a funny moment on Dust Bowl where someone pointed out don't match those [ __ ] medic as a pocket medic but no seriously I would be nowhere near as effective if it weren't for all the people who were absolutely dedicated to helping me get through this Challenge and I will talk a little bit later about the lengths to which some Gamers went to help me the morning was going really smoothly and before we knew it we hit a major Milestone flagstimated five thousand we had five okay now go to reset and start again it was good that we had this slight surplus building up but I definitely needed more for Father's Day if I wanted any hope of finishing this challenge successfully the biggest thing I realized on day four had to be the importance of movement when using the flock and specifically surfing projectiles because oh boy is it powerful for those who don't know if you time a jump well enough you can actually use the rockets and stickies your enemies are firing at you to launch yourself for this is known as surfing and it's really common on classes like medic because it's great as an escape tool but I was more and more realizing how powerful this was on pyro I wasn't using the Detonator for this challenge so at times I found it hard to catch up to my opponents but God damn the surfing projectiles helping out in this department it does take some practice to wrap your head around but it can really work in your favor so we kept on progressing and I would like to say that at this point of the challenge it developed quite the reputation on the Australian Uncle topius service now yes a lot of people recognize me as a YouTuber but basically everyone playing was signed a catch on to the fact I was only using the flock and constantly had like three Medics glued to my ass so when I created a community post on YouTube letting people know that I had a video in the works I actually received quite an interesting comment [ __ ] you my name was Ultra violent autism I remember versing them and you're in my day with this [ __ ] love your videos but God I have one day off a week and not long to play TF2 and he completely killed all fun I could have had with you and your squad shot and your pocket back the people on Uncle Topia were also constantly asking how far I had progressed and a lot of people were worried for my mental health feeling burnt out no well I feel burnt out about like 46 hours of Vlog before no but the most interesting thing to emerge was this little dedicated group of players who were absolutely committed to helping me through this Challenge and I would like to introduce you to one of them now this is for Jeff if I had to estimate I'd probably say this guy was in 60 of the games I was playing and when he was on my team he would of course play medic pocket me but this guy was so dedicated that when he ended up on the enemy team he would play Bonk Scout flank behind my team and seek me out to give me a free kill this was some crazy dedication so thank you forgive and there were a few more players like this who will meet in later date now the remainder of day four went quite well I mean we picked up a record five godlikes in one day and ended things off with 6259 kills now this was pretty good I needed to have at least 5712 kills to be on schedule but remember we were gonna lose half a day tomorrow for Father's Day I ran the numbers and we had a surplus of 547 kills which equated to roughly four to four and a half hours of flogging but we were losing at least six hours tomorrow meaning we were actually a little behind on time nothing drastic but not an ideal position to be in so with that in mind I went to bed in preparation for Father's Day well good morning everyone it is officially Father's Day and I got like six hours of sleep last night I don't even know why I went to bed late like an idiot so I'm feeling not amazing right now but I have one hour one hour before my brothers get here and we cook my dad brunch so I gotta make the most of this I gotta grind a bit out here before my family gets here so how this is actually really good for spawn camping if you didn't know it's really funny the one thing I will say at this point is that the challenge is um a little less fun it's a little a little more troll I'm not having a great time like I was on days one and two it was the essay was kind of okay but I'm on six hours sleep and I'm kind of getting a little stressed if I can do this in time so you know it's getting to the skating the troll part of the video the the troll part where I lose my mind it's delusion I think we can I think we can still get it I think we should be fine I will say the uncle Toby Australian Community don't if you're watching you've done a bloody good job at these servers because they have solidified the Australian Community a lot I was really starting to love the uncle Toby Community more and more at this point and that was starting to feel kind of bad about what I was doing but I think they understood why we did also manage to squeeze in not only another Godlike before my family arrived but a record 29 kill streak on my favorite map but anyway the clocks Rock 10 a.m meaning my family was over and it was time to spend some quality time with my father me and my brothers cooked up a storm and by that I mean I did all the easy stuff like washing vegetables and cutting bread because I'm inept but no it was lovely we were all happy I I definitely didn't want to be doing the challenge which it felt like I was gonna fail no look look it's Maggie my dog we love Mackie we we love we love flogging I love Pyro pie [ __ ] no sorry look look it's my dad he got some new wine for my brother as a gift and it it it kind of looks like the blood of my enemies oh God no sorry I I can't do this I need to go I need the float I have to flog hello everyone it's 4 37 p.m I've had almost six hours for Father's Day and if I do my math correctly I'm in a 720 kill deficit so I think I'm back I'm behind schedule on this challenge which means we're gonna have to um we're gonna have to pick up the pace so to speak I'd have a really good time with my dad I probably showed all the stuff the nice lunch we had in preparing it was it was great but um you know it isn't great challenge I've got we've got to finish it wear it six four on six we're almost two thirds of the way through and we've got tonight tomorrow and the day after I think I don't know I'm confident but we have lost a considerable amount of time but I think we'll be good I think we'll think I think we'll be good he's trying to be me so bad you know he's trying to use the Vlog like cool guy Omak so he's just not as close man let's just admit it I haven't mentioned it much up until this point but you know how a lot of people hate the Vlog well I think more people actually hate my secondary option The Scorch shot more and I started to realize why take a look at this clip where I get three kills in 20 seconds by spamming the exact same spot I personally have never hated the weapon that much but this far into the challenge And the fact I had like 300 kills on it made me realize why some people weren't the biggest fan of it the day kept progressing we got some very wholesome messages from unimpressed enemy Gamers and before I knew it we hit a very fitting Milestone oh man just hit 666 kills two-thirds yay that's huge yeah not only did this signify two-thirds of the challenge done but 666 I mean come on using the flog for this long is some satanic activity I booted up the stream for the night and we actually had special guest Uncle Dane appear whilst I was debating my chat on whether or not labeling Nazi Germany as Imperial was valid and by the way it definitely is do you guys know hey look look at this list of Empire oh look at this list Empires yeah Imperial what is wrong with chat are you stupid are you actually trying to correct me on saying Imperial Germany the country that tried to take over Europe you said l wow 20 IQ chat did Uncle hi Uncle Dane Ware currently discussing when the Nazi Germany can be considered Imperial thanks for stopping by I didn't even notice the following even Uncle Dane agreed with it so the [ __ ] you Chuck anyway we picked up another two God likes I got absolutely destroyed when I tried to time a beat drop with me popping off with the Vlog come shark hit it hit it and we witnessed a telefrag atrocity all in all we finished off the day with 7133 kills which was a couple hundred kills behind schedule but I wasn't too stressed we also had reached a total of 18 God likes and I don't wanna I don't want to jinx myself or anything but I was starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now day six started awkwardly because my dumbass recorded my second monitor instead of my main monitor where I had file explorer open instead of TF2 do you see how many rockers were fired what if I had Air Blast but I can do that but I realized after like half an hour that I recorded nothing I had a really good round I got 50 kills on Godlike but we won't be seeing that unfortunately because there's some doofus recorded the wrong [ __ ] [ __ ] mother but I will say those this is day six right and you know day three and four is kind of a slump but now that I'm kind of like feels like we're over the apex of the mountain you know we're on the we're on the slide down uh I can see the end now so I feel a little more re-energized I mean I probably won't feel as energized later in the day when I'm just vlogging but no I'm I'm pretty confident we're gonna hear this uh it's been a wild 65 full day so far just vlogging Gonna Keep around unfortunately there was this notorious cheater who has like 13 000 hours and a minigun with over 1 million kills who decided to ruin everyone's fun so I swapped over to Uncle Topia but uh it was a Monday morning and only seven people were there but then I realized something for those who watched my last challenge video you'll know that to complete the 1000 body shots I played on one particular server one that could fill up to 32 people and was full at every hour of the day because it was just that ball so at 10 am on that morning an idea sprung to mind ladies and gentlemen I would like to reintroduce to you the 32 player instant respawn ski Al two-foot server and yeah I know it's pronounced scale but ski out just sounds 20 times funnier so it sucked in but no I thought it would be nice to take a walk down memory lane and pay homage to the server which facilitated my last challenge video I tried to join it but it was actually full so I put Auto retry on and soon enough I haven't been here in a minute I thought given I'm doing um I'm doing a new challenge I thought I should come back and pay pay homage to my favorite server now look I found out pretty quickly that with the instant respawn and the increased number of players that this was gonna get me kills pretty damn fast and even after this realization I still had to resort to some pretty desperate measures yo can I use my cloud to get a medic please can I get a permanent medic please I need a medic after getting donor walled into Oblivion I did get some pocket Medics and was progressing at an ungodly rate which was feeling a little too unfair for the challenge I think I got something like 100 kills in 30 minutes which yeah it seemed too fast paired with the fact voice chat was going crazy Non-Stop and stuff like uh well this what the [ __ ] I just realized what the [ __ ] is this what is this [ __ ] what are these engines doing what I knew I had to part ways from ski out my beloved oh that server like actually gave me a headache but it was too quick it was it was undermining the challenge yeah it was too quick so I only got 100 kills on that server in like 20 minutes so we won't we won't pay attention to that back to Uncle Toby I think it's full enough to play the game now so that's good so at this point you know what the drill is I'm trying to get 10 000 kills and there's only one way of doing that we ended up on King of the Hill Cascade where The Stomping continued if you like that play I just got 10 kills in like 20 seconds and it doesn't even feel good it's barely triggering a dopamine response in my brain like my brain's fried it's mush like uh my dopamine receptors had been absolutely fried and we were spawn camping so hard that Bing soy himself swapped to one of his less common picks the engineer and set up a level 3 Sentry at his Pawn so I couldn't keep farming the enemy team oh it's being soy doing it oh my God being so sick of my [ __ ] he's the one who suffer level three to [ __ ] with me things were you Rascals trying to stop me from small camping my God now you know how I mentioned earlier that there were some super dedicated people helping me out throughout this challenge well let's meet the second member of this sacred Club meet ducky he'd been playing alongside me a lot and he was even there at the very beginning on that first map of daspar now he had been pocketing me quite a bit here and there but when we swapped over to Pierre he let me know something quite interesting wait surely you had a reason for skipping skill right this is my reason I cannot endorse that at all no way ducky no no it's okay I'll do some work later when you're streaming I'll just watch the stream okay you better you better promise to that's right ducky skipped a [ __ ] day of school to pocket medic me and holy [ __ ] is that simultaneously the dumbest and most baller player you could ever pull so God bless ducky we sold it on and hit the penultimate rank for a strange weapon Australian which actually got me thinking what does the Australian ranker mean what what it seems like a pretty arbitrary number is it seven six twenty what's that mean I have no idea why this rank is called Australian and why it occurs at 7616 kills so I'm gonna I'm gonna hand it over to you guys because I don't know if there's some law about that or if it means something because I'm too lazy thank you now I did end up streaming on day six but to be honest with you it was basically karaoke with chat's music suggestions okay let me see what these tracks are we're taking song requests chat aside dub URL oh it's literally a big panger you're right it's literally a big bang and [ __ ] France Jay of all people managed to appear in chat wait wait yeah can you spam that can you spam that one of your tailzone the most notable achievement of that night besides my beautiful singing of course was hitting hail's own with 8 500 kills meaning we were 85 done oh [ __ ] hell oh this is it one week wasted one week with sales I do play a little longer after hitting that Milestone but for the most part that was about it we had one day remaining in the challenge and just under 1500 kills to get and assuming nothing were to go wrong tomorrow I think we had a good chance of succeeding with this challenge but come on this is the El maxo Channel you just know something has to go wrong tomorrow ladies and gentlemen it is day seven this is the final day well technically not actually I think I can play till 9am 9 9 16 a.m tomorrow I think that's when we started but this is it this is the last stretch last night on stream with France Jane chat of all people we hit hail Zone 8 500 but we're not we're not we're not finishing there we we have 1500 more kills to yet and I'm not stopping do we hit it today we're gonna gonna see if there's literally any servers are there any sir zero zero zero zero okay this is where it's not fun I've got to keep casual but casual socks like that yeah there's been a wild challenge so far I feel like my brain is [ __ ] melted the score chart is at 559 kills too I want to get 10 000 clean on the flog but technically I'm at nine thousand but now eyes are at 15 639 and we've hit 73 000 plays that means I've heard ding ding ding of my hit sounds 73 000 times but no well we're almost there this is the last day I'm excited because I don't want to play Vlog pyro 14 hours a day I've kind of had enough of that if I'm going to be I've got to be honest let's go let's go look at all that enthusiasm in El maxo he he had the last 1500 to get he was determined he wanted to get on with his life but unfortunately he was going to run into some issues almost immediately retrieving server info sending thank you didn't crash this time what is happening huh so yeah it seemed Gaben wasn't really happy with me for undertaking this Challenge and was determined to not let me play the game now your intuition may say um verified the game cash [ __ ] but every time I do that I swear it [ __ ] with my config that means my Graphics look different so rather than trying to join a casual server I tried a community one instead and hey it worked duh the only problem was it was morning and every server was literally empty at first I was like all right then we'll just wait for it to fill up but after like 10 minutes I bit the bullet and verified my game cash and luckily there were no issues so I could now play casual now look at this wasn't the biggest hurdle to get over but the fact it happened it kind of felt like a bad Omen for the remainder of day seven so we joined bomb Blitz and it was pretty rubbish we got [ __ ] stomped and not much happened then we moved over to snowy Coast where again it was just pure pain I really wasn't liking this start to the day because it felt as though the worst was yet to come and I definitely wasn't a happy chappy dude I'm actually done with the Vlog I'm not gonna lie I think this Channel's done challenge is done I'm not playing TF2 for like two weeks after this my brain has melted so much I just don't want to play like this is actually painful right now that one shots oh that's so good that's so good that's so good now the final member of the super dedicated to me succeeding this challenge party was Callum Jones 2008 who you may recognize from earlier in this video as he was the guy who went through Australia's federal laws to correct me on using the wrong tax code as you can see by his medigun's name he was dedicating himself to Healing me today and he was also just around a lot for the challenge so God bless yourself but look we stayed at it we had a few more goofs nice trip dude we hit over a hundred hours in the past two weeks on Steam which I don't think I have accomplished since I was 14 and I also promised to feature someone in this video because I literally already opened it up you want to be in the video congratulations Pet Goat you made it foreign but before I knew it then by that I mean after like eight hours of grinding we had hit 9 500 kills now that sounds like a pretty arbitrary number right well wrong you see I made a promise to myself that on tonight's stream I wanted to get 500 kills because it was the perfect amount for a four hour show filled with lots of entertainment and fun and what I actually mean by that is I made the stupid decision of wanting to get drunk on stream as I finish the final leg of this challenge because funny So at around 8 PM of that day the true finale began I can't even lie it was super hype with how many people are in chat and so I began my grueling Journey for the last 500 kills things kicked off pretty well I mean because I was streaming this and had over 200 people watching and then I had an even bigger supply of stream sniping Medics meaning we came out the gate swinging now you may have noticed but another one of my preparations for the event was shaving my head I no longer had my luscious locks and chat seemed to really like this because they were harassing me and every step of the way whilst I was grinding my dog is sick right now and your streams have not helped me whatsoever you bald [ __ ] and God don't even get me started on the people chat said I look like there was Hopper from stranger things Seth Everman uh Andrew Tate and basically every bold character from the Breaking Bad Universe even the will who I thought was supposed to be this this wholesome TF2 content creator was taking shots at my bald ass too are you actually [ __ ] serious are you serious though in spite of being verbally abused by chat progress was decent however it was starting to slow down a bit because uh let's just say the alcohol being consumed was starting to catch up with me and look good one thing leads to another and before we knew it we had a white boy dancing on stream who could barely maintain his bounce do you guys know what getting sturdy is I chat you're not getting sturdiers oh my God so yeah uh progress was starting to slow down at this point in the Stream I checked at one point and saw I had just over 9 800 kills meaning I was about an hour behind schedule of where I wanted to be now despite being a little tipsy I did manage to realize that I needed to pick up the pace and got more serious now whilst things start to pick up once again I did drunkenly identify my new next enemy Med surely the mid dies he's using the facts he's using the facts he's using the facts he's using the facts what do we do my crit fire particles do three damage what am I supposed to do against that this burst of Rage Against the vaccinator culminated in well whatever This was oh the that one sec sorry the vaccine is being used but anyway despite all the setbacks And the fact I was taking way longer than I thought I would we continue to check off Milestone after Milestone and before I knew it we had arrived at CP dustball the map where this challenge began seven days ago first there were 10 kills left there then there were five and then there were two and then just one now the funny thing about this final kill was that the entire enemy team who consisted of stream snipers thought hmm uh no Webb not actually leaving spawn so you can't get your last kill this ain't spawns but alas one Brave mercenary marched out of Spawn just before midnight on the 7th of September and made history like it it could be like this it can't be like this ten thousand they tried to stay and spawn it was ten thousand I was here we actually did it we hit 10 000 kills on the flog in under seven days I was absolutely ecstatic about this because I had quite literally done nothing but play flog pyro for at least 12 hours a day for the last week so I was beyond ready to start celebrating and that's exactly what we did we brought my dog Mackie on stream I swapped to medic to heal the people who had been pocketing me there was more drinking uh quite a bit more drinking uh more white boys dancing some planking for a bit there and even some gambling which wished invent very well but look before we can end the video we gotta take a look back at all the stats and have a bit of a reflection it officially took 82 hours of in-game time to finish this challenge but what I found really interesting was how much my hours on pyro had gone up specifically I started this challenge with just over 77 hours on pyro and ended up with 122 which only equated to an increase of 45 hours which surprised me a lot not exactly sure what counts as one hour of class gameplay to the TF2 stats like if warm-up time counts or after the round ends but that means almost half of my time was spent dead or swapping Maps which is kind of crazy to think about we did of course hit 10 000 kills on the flog but what was interesting was the amount of critical kills which made up just under 45 of the total amount I got we also dealt over 2.2 million damage which is just insane to think of next was The Scorch shot which actually picked up 625 kills and also hit players 83 274 tons that means I heard the ding ding ending of my hit sound engulfing people in Flames over 83 000 times which is quite a few we also managed to get 31 kills on my power jack which is just hilarious to juxtapose against the 10 000 on my Vlog we also reached a total of 18 344 points on my googly eyes which is 3 000 above the top rank and finally we also managed to get exactly 20 Godlike kill streaks I'd also like to thank everyone who helped me with this challenge whilst I was playing on Uncle Topia I looked through all the footage and got a list of all the names of the people who pocketed me and I'm gonna put that on screen now so a massive thanks to all of you and whilst I am thanking some people I would also like to apologize to the greater Australian Uncle Topia Community for ruining everyone's experience for seven days but I hope it was worth it for this video thank you if you've managed to make it all the way to the end here this was my most mentally draining project to date but I am so happy it finally came together I would like to take this opportunity to shout out my patreon which makes stuff like this possible so if you want to support Channel that's the best way of doing it challenge videos are super fun and if you have any dumbass ideas you want me to try out next then leave them in the comments thank you again for watching and just as I said in my 1000 Body Shop video the next challenge we do will be even harder let that be known because they're saying it's impossible this challenge [ __ ] you Zenith it's possible you're just not as powerful of a gamer as me oh [ __ ] that's not good timing
Channel: elmaxo
Views: 68,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Pyro, Phlogistinator, TF2 Phlog, TF2 Challenge, elmaxo
Id: 8L4kLn_solc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 8sec (2828 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.