The TF2 !RTD Tier List

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RTD or roll the dice is a Team Fortress 2 Community server plugin that you've probably encountered if you've ever joined a community server before at all a lot of servers tend to run RTD and for a decent reason I mean it mixes up the mode and kind of makes Community servers as wacky as you'd expect the thing about RTD though is that not many people actually know what's going on with this plugin I have several friends who I consider to be Community server connoisseurs who had never even seen a lot of the effects that this plugin has to offer which personally I consider to be completely necessary considering how game breaking a lot of them are so I want to make a tier list over every single RTD effect that currently exists in the plugin I'll talk about what the effect does explain like what types of things you should watch out for and then place it into a tier that I personally believe reflects how good it is in the majority of situations before I jump into the tier list there are a couple things that I want to get out of the way first of all you may be wondering like if RTD is completely random anyway well what's the point of making a tier list over it that sounds a little bit silly well the entire point of the tier list is to kind of explain all of the effects and like kind of guide you to what they do and when you might want to use them the tier list is kind of an auxiliary thing that I'm adding on top of it just to kind of give the other video some Flair um but I do think it's important to kind of be able to mentally group like how good effects are because even though the effects themselves are random you can still react to when you get them and to when other people get them and knowing what each effect does and being able to kind of have that in your mind uh probably will affect like how you decide to react number two there are two main situations of which I use RTD the first one is if I'm about to die and I go for a YOLO RTD where it's like even if I get something bad I'm dead anyway so we might as well go for something life-saving or number two is when I'm rolling right before I'm about to push into somewhere and I'm hoping to get an effect that'll kind of like carry the push those are the main two situations that I'm going to kind of be judging everything on and on top of that I'm also going to be averaging out like in my experience uh how good each of the effects are on generally all of the classes I'll talk about like instances when they are good but don't worry about like how convoluted it's potentially going to be with like it being random I'll explain everything and why I'm putting stuff there so don't don't worry about that I guess is what I'm saying and the last thing that I'll note is that there are several versions of this plug-in floating around there isn't just one that everyone uses this plugin is open source so because of that you're going to see a lot of different versions of it what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be mentally estimating because I've been on a lot of different servers I understand like what settings are typically used I'm going to kind of be estimating in my experience uh what you're probably going to see and if there's a different variation that's also used sometimes then I'll talk about that too but overall I'm going to be averaging like what I tend to see and what the default settings are for the plug-in because there are default settings too so that's going to be what I'm going to be using I'll explain what each of the settings do as we go but yeah that's uh that's all the prerequisite information sorry it took so long always in the beginning there's always like a bunch of stuff to explain so bear with me here but yeah that's uh that's all the stuff for RTD so One Last Thing Before We Begin here is the actual list itself there are seven tiers uh the top and the bottom tiers I'm going to try to use as like outliers I I like to uh to put the extremes on the extremes of the tier list but other than that I think everything is pretty straightforward no difference slash neutral I will at least Note covers two different things these are the effects that either do absolutely nothing to you and you barely notice are there or that have a definitive effect that you can feel but it's hard to judge whether that thing is necessarily positive so that's going to Encompass both things otherwise I'm just going to have like two tiers with not much in them so that's uh that's the logic there so let's go uh starting from the very first effect in the idealist and work our way down to the last god mode is an effect that makes you completely Invincible for the entire duration of the effect obviously that is uh pretty good A bonus feature of God mode that can be unfortunate is that you don't take any sort of knockback at all while the effect is active that also means that you don't take any self-knock back so you can't Rocket Jump which kind of sucks but uh I think it's worth it because it does mean that you can't be pushed around then in any way at all and the only way to prevent your unimpeded March forward is to body block and hope they take forever to kill you so God mode is obviously going to go in game-winning I don't think there's any other place for this to go just because again it's like a 20 plus second Uber depending on what the server settings are the only negative thing I can say about God mode is that it doesn't boost your Firepower at all so if you happen to roll this on a Clash like spy who just doesn't have that much built-in Firepower uh it's going to be a challenge to get decent use out of this it's very easy to run into a group of enemies think oh hell yeah I'm completely invincible and that 20 seconds that you'll have the effect for will wear off a lot quicker than you think and you may not even be able to put as big of a dent in the opponent's defense as you as you'd Hope just because again you only have the the base damage of the class which sometimes just isn't very good but it's it's still like a 20 second Uber charge so yeah I mean there's not much negative things I can say about it outside of that toxic is a very interesting effect in the sense that I didn't think we would get one that varies based on the server settings this early in the list uh what it does is it creates essentially a kill or around you or anyone who enters into the Red Cloud takes either a bunch of damage instantly or some damage but like every single tick so they still die pretty quickly but uh it's not like just instant death what I've seen with toxic is I think a pretty big discrepancy in what the the default settings used to be for the plugin the newer version of the plugin makes the damage like pretty reasonable and at a relatively short but okay range like it's definitely nice to have um the old version of the plug-in also hit through walls and it made the range huge and the Damage like insane this was probably one of the best effects to get like back in the day just because you could basically sit outside of someone's spawn doors and because it again hit through walls everyone just instantaneously died as soon as they spawned there was nothing they could do about it nowadays it's a lot more tame which would be fine on its own if it wasn't for the other unfortunate uh feature of the effect which is the Red Cloud of smoke that surrounds you makes it really really hard to see in certain situations there have been plenty of times that toxic was as detriment to me where I I wasn't able to get into anyone's range the range isn't huge but uh the fact that it like Blinded Me meant that I died to something that I otherwise wouldn't have so as good as toxic is when it's used properly there are certainly times where the the weird glitchy nature of the Red Cloud can be majorly detrimental to me and I would honestly say that it's about a coin flip whether you're actually getting use out of toxic so I'm going to put it in no difference uh while it's more so neutral because again sometimes it's really good but sometimes it can hurt so just kind of an unfortunate byproduct of the weird glitchiness of the effect one thing that I will note about toxic is that if you happen to pair this with anything that makes you invincible most notably the bonkatomic punch it still does damage even if you can't attack that doesn't mean the toxic can't so uh have fun if you roll this with Scout with the bunk atomic Punch lucky sandwich immediately heals you for 1 000 health and anything that goes above what your current health is is that is overkill so you can get like usually it's like 11 or 1200 overheal as soon as you roll this lucky sandwich May at first seem like just a worse version of God mode but there are two things that I think makes this in a lot of ways one of the best effects you can roll in the game number one is that lucky sandwich is not tied to a timer your overheal does Decay at normal rates so it does go away after a while but usually it takes about like one to two minutes for uh for 1200 overhealed the Decay versus the 20 second timer that most effects are set to what that means is that lucky sandwich could potentially be good for several pushes not just one there have definitely been times where I've rolled lucky sandwich and I have gotten like massive value over like the course of several minutes just because I was able to tank more than my Max Health worth of damage over like three or four pushes and it's not even that hard to do the other thing that's really really good is that you're not counted as invulnerable meaning that you can still capture or defend the point so uh lucky sandwich is really really good for the objective although obviously uh it's not complete invincibility so it does have its drawbacks and when I say it's not complete invincibility I do mean that like you do have to manage your health to some degree even though it is like 1200 that 1200 will go away very very quickly depending on like what kind of things you're up against a fully charged Mock and a headshot well that's that's half of your health immediately gone backstabs still instantly kill you if you're playing on like tf2 times 10 or some some weird version of TF2 where things are damage boosted well that health is going to disappear very quickly but needless to say 1200 health and overheal is really really good and the fact that it immediately like resets the timer so you can get an RTD roll like as soon as you as soon as it comes back online is really cool so lucky sandwich is going right into game winning there have been plenty of times I've been able to like squeeze through a point or cheese out like a final objective or whatever just by Rolling this easily one of the best effects in the game in fact I would probably even put this above god mode simply because a lot of servers that I'm on customize the timer of God mode to be a lot lower than most other effects but I I don't know if I mentioned this but that's another feature where you can individually tune the timers of each effects and for whatever reason it just feels like God mode is always set to like 10 seconds or something really low so lucky sandwich I think on most servers will end up getting you more value than God mode but it's pretty close increase speed multiplies your current speed by three in other words it makes you pretty damn fast obviously this is something that you value a lot more on certain classes than others uh like demo night and heavy and Pyro are going to get insane use out of increased speed someone like sniper probably won't so this this really does depend on the class you're playing as to uh to how much value you get out of it but I think overall being really fast is uh is pretty good most of the time um there are plenty of like random Niche synergies you can get out of this but I think as a general rule it's like toward the lower end of pretty powerful most clashes want to be fast I mean TF2 is a movement based game for sure so uh faster speeds are good okay uh flying is a really unique effect the default version of flying and the one that I see most servers that run this have is just no clip just full on no clip you can clip through walls fly out of bounds you can do any number of things that no clip would get you normally but in a completely otherwise vanilla game I don't know why this is even in the RTD pool to begin with and it feels like most servers agree with that sentiment because they just turn it off because it's too ridiculous so flying is game breaking in a way that no other effect on this list is because it allows you to do some really really stupid things depending on the map you're on assuming you're on a map that is otherwise completely unexploitable by flying out of Bounds at the very least it allows you to fly into the enemy spawn room like go behind a wall and shoot people as they spawn with full invincibility that's like the very minimum effect of flying the the maximum effect is if you happen to roll this as engineer well you can fly out of bounds and build a teleporter under the map and then your team like Perma wins there's nothing the enemy team can do at that point flying not only breaks the game while the effect is active but permanently breaks the game for the entire rest of the rounds until the map restarts so I'm going to put flying at the very top of game winning just because again it's um stupid in ways that no other effect could even hope to achieve but I will at least note that most servers that have RTD have chosen to disable flying and I can't say I blame them because I have died to under the map centuries or in the Skybox snipers way too many times for me to light this effect it's it's really really stupid low gravity is another one that is pretty self-explanatory I think it sets your Gravity from like 800 which is the default value and source to like 200 which is what the really low gravity Community servers that you would normally play on have by default it makes you fly around uh the problem is that low gravity itself is not an inherently good thing it can be if you're playing a clash who wants extra jump height like engineer or sniper it does allow you to get to uh to other areas of the map if you're playing like your soldier and you you know how to to Market Garden low gravity properly it can be really really good but sometimes it completely screws you over like let's say you're playing Demo Man or Soldier and you're not accustomed to uh to maneuvering in Low Gravity well you're going to get picked out of the air very very quickly by someone with like the Direct Hit or they're just snipers or whatever uh it can be very difficult to like maneuver his Scout with this I would say that this is a direct downgrade if you roll this discount so because of this I'm going to put low gravity in neutral there are plenty of times that I would love it but there are plenty of times that it screws me over and I die because of it so it's uh it's the definition of a neutral effect full Uber charge this is the first effect that can only be rolled on a single class there are a few of those some effects can only be rolled with certain weapons is even but uh yeah this is obviously only rollable on medic because why do you think why do you think that would be the case what full Uber charge does is it uh sets your Uber charge meter to full for the entire duration of the effect what this basically means is that you have unlimited Uber charge for the entire duration of the effect which is usually about 20 seconds but then you also have a full meter of uber charge that you can use anytime you want after the effect ends which is really really good because if you roll this as medic and you're like almost dead uh that gives you like not only unlimited Uber for 20 seconds but it also gives you a full Uber to push with it puts you from a horrible position to an immediately good one full Uber charge isn't quite game-winning I'm going to put it at the very very top of pretty powerful because depending on the medigon you're running sometimes you don't want this uh but like full crits or full Uber for 28 seconds is really good I mean I don't know what you really expect would happen from one of tf2's most powerful mechanics becoming unlimited uh but yeah full Uber charge if you're running the correct metigun is really really good invisibility makes you completely invisible for the entire duration of the effect go figure uh but I will note that it doesn't make you invisible in the same way as something like the cloak watch or the Halloween spell would uh unlike those which have like an in-game feature that like cloaks you and kind of like has weird stuff where you either can't attack or it like immediately de-clokes you if you do attack you have full ability to attack for the entire duration of this uh what it does it's it's really weird is it like sets a flag for centuries to ignore you and then it sets your model transparency to zero which is like a strange way to handle that but I guess it worked if you roll this in the right scenario and you're smart about your cloaked movement this can be really really good this lets you like for instance get behind the entire enemy team as a pyro or a heavy if you roll this on spy you basically can just backstab people while you're cloaked and sometimes it takes people embarrassingly a long amount of time to figure out what's happening when this works it really really works but it's not necessarily guaranteed to sometimes your world doesn't just die immediately so because of that I'll still put it in pretty powerful but I'll put it like maybe Midway here I think it's better to increase speed at least but yeah it can be good you just have to be smart with it infinite cloak is one that can only be rolled with spy it gives you infinite cloak normally this is something that is only okay with the stock watch or the Cloak and Dagger it's like okay you'd probably still rather have invisibility but this will make it do with the dead ringer though this lets you mash right click and become pretty much invincible so if you get they're saying you happen to have the dead ringer equipped that is frankly an overpowered Synergy and I would probably put it in really high tiers but most of the time this is only a slight convenience to you more than anything because according to the criteria that I rolled earlier like if you're about to die and you don't have the dead ringer equipped then it's like okay well you're still gonna die if you're about to push in then it's like okay well you get slightly more cloak you you'd probably be able to make a full push with a normal cloak meter anyway so I'll put it in slightly helpful I mean I would rather have it than not but it's definitely not going to carry you criticals is full crits we're just gonna move this right up to game winning because I mean come on it's full crits why wouldn't this be really really good obviously triple damage and no fall off on any single class for like 20 seconds is insane uh the Boost to the damage that this gives you it should be pretty apparent um I don't have much to say about this one other than saying that this combo as well with literally everything in the game if you have a weapon that can attack and deal damage you will appreciate having this this can single-handedly like wipe out entire teams if you use this it's kind of like God mode where it like it only gives you half of the equation and only gives you the damage and you're still vulnerable to being like picked off but it does its job really really well so yeah going up to game winning infinite ammo is another one that has two pretty distinct versions that make it kind of what it is version one is you get a bottomless clip and version two is every time you reload it doesn't actually take any ammo from the reserves I've never seen anyone run the second one because that's boring and it's like the first one's not even that overpowered so like why would you do that but I will point that out just in case you ever encounter it for yourself on top of that though infinite ammo is an effect that just really varies based on the class and weapons that you're using certain things like the the minigun and the flamethrowers and stuff like that are like okay it's nice to just be able to wm1 but most of the time it's it's just gonna be whatever weapons that do require reloading like let's say rocket launchers grenade launchers whatever those are quite nice to have this with because that just means you can spam forever for the entire duration of the effect and weapons that require reloading very very often uh specifically the force of nature soda popper and Crusaders crossbow become ridiculous with infinite ammo they they become spam machines the Crusaders crossbow especially just becomes like a death ray there's pretty much just melts whatever you pointed at other than those very specific weapon synergies though most of the time this is like a mild convenience for you it's like uh you're you're not going to be in a position very often where having infinite ammo is going to be like extremely powerful uh sometimes you are and I don't want to Discount that but most of the time it's it is just a convenience I'll put it at the very top of slightly helpful I don't think it has enough good situations to Warrant pretty powerful but uh at least at least it does have the really fun synergies and I kind of wish it only you could only roll this if you had weapons that uh that require like constant reloading but uh whatever scary bullets is overpowered holy crap so if you remember what the old Sandman used to do where it does just completely stunned you if you got hit imagine every single attack in your entire Arsenal doing that including bleed and afterburn it's uh it's really good to say the least it basically guarantees you a win in any single 1v1 ever um all you have to do is hit someone once doesn't matter if it's one pellet of a scatter gun that does three damage doesn't matter if it's one SMG shot uh one melee hit they're they're dead immediately if you if you if you roll scary bullets also if you have any sort of weapon with like Splash damage or that fires rapidly like a minigun you can shut down entire enemy teams it allows you to stun lock people it's disgusting quite frankly so this is going into game winning because other than centuries which is the only thing that shuts down scary bullets uh this just kind of lets you win any sort of Team fight you want in fact I would say this is better than criticals because unlike criticals this just prevents people from fighting back entirely and also yes as I mentioned this works with afterburn and bleed for no particular reason uh if a pyro hits you with a flare and he rolled scary bullets you will be stunned for the next like several years of your life so have fun spawn century is an effect that is always at least really good but can sometimes depending on what the server settings are be completely game breaking the two big settings that can be configured are number one what level you spawn a mini at sometimes the server will be boring and make you spawn a mini sometimes you'll just get a full level three uh it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things I mean a century is a century but it does matter at least a little bit the one that matters a lot more is whether or not you keep the Sentry after the effect ends uh usually what will happen is that a server will have it configured to where once spawn Sentry wears off after 20 seconds the Sentry will just immediately evaporate into The Ether um if it doesn't have that though that Sentry is there until it gets destroyed which in specific scenarios can be a little bit stupid uh most notably if you're playing on a server that has medieval mode or if you're playing a game mode like class Wars where sometimes people just have no ability to fight back against a Sentry this can just shut down the entire game for no reason but uh usually I would say the average of Spawn Sentry will go in pretty powerful as I mentioned most of the time it wears off after the effect ends so not a huge deal there and uh also most of the time you're not going to get like major use and this also isn't going to like do anything to save your life if you die before you can put down the Sentry because sometimes it is like finicky the centuries only really want to place if you are on like a completely flat surface any sort of bumpiness and it glitches out and it takes forever you just have to like spam medic uh to get any kind of results but uh yeah no there have been plenty of times where I've been trying to finagle a Sentry placement I get sniped and I don't even get the effect so it is worth noting at the very least that this isn't like an infallible effect I will put this uh pretty high up though I think spawning a century is pretty dang good homing projectiles another one that for the most part depends on server settings but uh does have a pretty powerful through line for all of the effects which is all of the projectiles you fire will home in on enemies now when I say all of the projectiles I mean a select few of them off the top of my head that is anything that's affected by Max velocity so that's Rockets flares arrows and rescue Ranger bolts I don't think grenades or stickies are affected um freaking short circuit bolts are not affected I know that and the weird ones like throwable jars are not affected either everything outside of that though is uh I would say the most powerful uses of homing projectiles are if you happen to roll this on flares because you just get 90s for days if you happen to roll this on the Huntsman or the Crusaders crossbow because you can basically just delete people from angles that are quite frankly just disgusting and Direct Hit Rockets do their fair share of work as well really anything you can roll this on I mean it's going to be pretty good uh the main server setting though that really affects the placement of this is whether or not the Homing Rockets or the Homing projectiles do crits sometimes they'll do crits sometimes they'll do many crits and sometimes they'll do nothing and in my experience it's a toss-up for what you're actually getting if this only did crits all the time I'd probably say this is game winning but I've also seen plenty of times where this just does like the normal projectile damage which is very much subject to fall off so because of that I'll put it in pretty powerful right above invisibility just because again there are times where you're just not going to get any use out of this but a lot of the time I mean all it takes is just spamming out of Direction you'll you'll find something to do with this I'm sure full rifle charge is a pretty simple one it basically makes all of your sniper rifles charge completely instantaneously for as long as the effect is active that's a pretty good effect as you might expect it allows you to quick scope body shot most light classes uh quick scope headshot Heavies and soldiers and stuff so this is going in pretty powerful I think it works with the Huntsman I know there have been times where it doesn't work with the Huntsman that I've seen before but I'm pretty sure they've adjusted that on most instances of it now correct me if I'm wrong but uh obviously yeah this is this is just going in pretty powerful either way I would say this is better than homing projectiles because you have a lot more control over who you're shooting but uh spawn Sentry is still better in my opinion so here's where things take a sharp turn as you might have noticed so far every single effect that I've rated has been positive and that's just because of the away the the ID list was coded the initial batch of effects which is all of the positive ones you you've seen ranked already and all of the negative ones I'm about to rate were the first batch of them and they separated them in half they tend to vary it up as the list goes on so right now it's all batch but it won't be like that forever sorry uh but yeah all of the ones from here for a little bit will be as the game decides negative the Exploder is one of three effects that uh instantly kills you whenever you roll it you know it happens so just to prevent repetition I'm going to put all three of these effects in imminent death right now because that's what that tear is for explode kills you instantaneously and it gives you um firework makes you die after like a 0.5 second delay but it like shoots you up in the air with a little colorful Trail and then kills you and then Smite makes like thunder strike you and you evaporate kind of like when you get killed by the Thompson all three of them have the same effect you instantly die but uh I I will put all of these here because yes there are three separate effects that just instantly kill you I don't know why they decided to do that I guess just because of all the the overpowered ones there's got to be something to to make it a proper risk but uh it's kind of funny at least hey editing great blue here uh I was actually wrong when I said that all three kill effects are exactly the same exploding firework are identical minus the Cosmetic stuff they both use the built-in function of TF2 that happens when you kill bind that makes it say Bid Farewell cruel world in the kill feed Smite on the other hand just deals 1 000 damage to you instantaneously that means that if you have over a thousand Health like say you're playing TF2 times 10 uh you are actually able to survive live Smite which is a really weird thing that I found while I was testing out the effects but that does technically make Smite uh better than the other two in very limited scenarios so Smite should be above the other two sorry that I did not know about that that's just an interesting little factoid that I found snail is the inverse of increased speed where increased speed makes you move at three times your normal movement snail makes you move at one third obviously that's an issue uh not being able to dodge attacks is a problem um the nice part about snail though is that it's not like guaranteed death even though you are slow and it does kind of suck usually what'll happen is like if you're if you're playing a defensive Clash like sniper or heavier engineer or something it's not really going to matter the only times that this really matters are kind of like on the clashes where increased speed matters where it's like uh Scout demo night pyro we're all going to be just completely screwed if they roll this but uh other clashes won't I'll put it in very problematic because if you do roll this you oftentimes just kind of have to sit back I can wait it out but uh that doesn't necessarily mean you're out of combat for a lot of people so it's not imminent death Frozen not to be confused with the movie of the same name is an effect that uh instantly freezes you as you stand and makes your Frozen corpse go like flying in a direction if you have any sort of momentum obviously being completely unable to move or attack or do anything for like a specific period of time is going to cause some challenges for you I'm going to put this in imminent death because of that because like even if you don't die it's still akin to having to suffer through a respawn time so it's like whatever still the same thing the reason that I'm going to put it at the very top of imminent death is because a lot of people won't actually be able to kill you while you're Frozen if you have momentum when you get Frozen as I mentioned your ice sculpture corpse will just go flying but your hitbox actually doesn't follow it your hitbox stays wherever you rolled the actual effect so what will happen is that a lot of Clueless players will like be hunting for your hitbox and like guy they just won't know where to actually shoot and whenever you get unfrozen you can like jump scare them from behind and kill them it doesn't happen often but uh all that to say that Frozen isn't necessarily a guaranteed death because even though you aren't uh able to attack or do anything while you are Frozen um you don't have to suffer a respawn time on top of that too Time Bomb makes your head a bomb and uh basically sets you on a timer to explode and take down anyone else near you whenever the timer reaches zero the thing about time bomb is I've changed my opinion on this a lot over the years I used to think that this is uh the worst effect because it's basically just like explode but on a on a cool town right where you're going to die either way but uh it's just prolonged however my opinion then changed to where Time Bomb is actually pretty good because this is pretty much an instant kill if you're near anyone when you explode then I think they updated the plug-in to where number one this can no longer hit through walls similar to toxic and number two the range of which you can actually kill people is significantly lower so it's gone kind of back down to being basically just explode but on a timer that isn't helped by the fact that I think most people who play Community servers have kind of caught on the time bomb and they realize like oh the person like dive bombing the back lines with a giant ticking time bomb on their head is going to be Target priority number one so let's just like kill them like again this used to work like back when no one knew what RTD was but now that at least some people understand some of the effects Time Bomb has kind of just become guaranteed death either way you just kind of get to pick your poison are you going to die after the effect explodes and you end up killing like maybe one person or are you going to die trying so uh this is going in imminent death I'll at least put it I said Frozen was going at the very top but I'll put this one at the very top because at least you have the chance to do something and before you die but uh yeah it is just guaranteed death so uh sucks to be you ignition instantly sets you on fire for like the maximum afterburn duration pretty much it's like the same as if you get hit by a flare like eight seconds ignition seems like something that would be a major problem but in my experience really just does not do that much to you most of the time if you roll this on pyro literally nothing happens that's not even like you suffer an initial tick of fire damage like no it just plays the effect and then you're you're doubt of it you're done um if you're near a health pack that you're you can instantly cure it if you have any source of healing nearby this effect literally does not matter and in fact sometimes just gives you extra Uber charge if you're being healed by a medic um ignition just very rarely actually does enough things to you to be a major concern there have definitely been times where I've like rolled at low health and it's finished me off but anytime ignition is going to cause problems to you you probably would have been dead anyway I'll put it in minor annoyance again sometimes it's annoying but most of the time I just I rarely find that this causes an actual problem low Health immediately sets your health to seven which sounds like an oddly specific thing but I say that because uh it doesn't matter what your health was before you were you roll this effect it will be set to seven so you could be you could have a lucky sandwich you could be like 1200 overheel and then roll this and then get set to Seven health which would suck you could be on one HP and roll this and get healed and be set to Seven health so it's a funny interaction every time it happens but uh that is uh that is important to note because it means that a a scatter gun chip damage shot from across the map won't instantly kill you you're not at the point where literally being breathed on will make you die instantly so you do have a chance to get health if you're not in your enemies but uh it is not looking good for you if you do roll this I'm going to put this in very problematic because again there have been times where I roll low health and I'm like oh I'm right next to a large health pack so I heal it off immediately so cool there have also been times where like I'm about ready to push into combat and I have like Max overheal from the medic and then I roll low health and then like right as I'm charging in and then Soldier shoots me and then I'm dead instantly so kind of a mixed bag you have to know how to react to it but it's not the end of the world instantly if you do roll this one drugged is the first of several effects that just kind of messes with your game visually where it's like technically still possible to play around it but it does cause a lot of confusion as to what's happening um the old version of plugged wasn't too bad because it basically just offset your screen like every time it flashed the reason why that wasn't too bad is because you could actually play around that the modern version of of drug actually flicks your aim so like where you're aiming at physically changes uh every time you you get affected by the uh the drug ticks and if you've ever rolled the effect you know what I mean by a drug tick every time the screen changes colors it's uh that's what I mean but yeah drug just going in minor annoyance it's not really too hard to play around if you've ever rolled it before it takes like five seconds to figure out what's happening if that and then you're back to playing the game uh overall just an annoyance at most so I'll put it above ignition at least blind is another one that technically also just messes with your game but this one makes it so there's a black overlay across your entire screen and you can't see anything chances are if you roll blind you are either dead instantly because you have no idea what's happening or you are at the very least out of combat until blind wears off which is basically the same same thing as dying and respawning because of that I'm actually going to put blind in imminent death that was kind of one of the criterias for the tears is if you have to wait how to what's equivalent to a resupply time anyway then then it's basically the same as dying so yeah blind absolutely sucks to get there's no way to play around it you just kind of have to sit back and wait for it to wear off or just kill buying if it's faster to do it that way so uh yeah not not a very good one strip to melee disables your primary and secondary until you either a get a resupply cabinet or B die the reason why I phrase it like that is because I know the old version of the plugin just removed all of your ammo like all your reserve ammo and you could just pick up ammo and be back in the fight the modern ones have worked around that so you actually do have to deal with being stripped to melee until you can go back to spawn in some way or another most of the time this is a pretty big problem losing out on most of your weapons sucks and most classes that are choosing to run a utility mainly anyway let's face it that's what you're probably going to be running really aren't equipped to uh to being forced to only be using utility melee that being said clashes like uh I think spot even spy sucks because you get your cloak watch disabled but clashes like demo night and engineer probably aren't going to have too big of a problem uh being stripped to melee in fact I don't even think anything changes if you roll this on demo night but uh most classes this just sucks so I'll put it in very problematic most of the time your your options if you roll this are run in and try to make a suicide play or just like walk back to spawn if you're close to it anyway so uh uh yeah that it's pretty close to big and imminent death but you can at least do something with a melee weapon Beacon makes like these little weird Rings appear around your feet and it makes you make a beeping noise for the entire time the effect is active it doesn't matter I I'm telling you right now there has been zero times ever where people have actually noticed the beacon or have decided to go for me in a Team Battle because I rolled Beacon okay maybe that's not true maybe there have been a few times where Beacon has done something but not enough for me to consider this even to be a minor annoyance I'm going to put this in no difference because most of the time when you roll Beacon like 90 of the time nothing at all will change absolute worst case scenario you're either planning on ambushing someone around a corner and they they happen to notice the trails which it feels like most people don't even do that because no one reads RTD chat I get the feeling that this effect will become worse as people watch this video and know how to react to RTD more but as it is when I'm making the video no one really cares when you roll Beacon so into no difference it goes Forest hot is one that I'm honestly not a hundred percent sure on how to rank because not only have I seen like every single iteration of this ever run on specific server but sometimes it's completely broken and there are also ways to like mitigate it that sometimes work depending on the lobbies that you're in I'll explain what I mean here in a bit but I know that Force taunt is something that I'm not 100 confident on my ranking on as the name might imply it forces you to repeatedly talk for as long as the effect is active usually there's like one second that you have to move after the the previous taunt in so it's not like you're just stun locked but um yeah it does kind of suck the ways that you can mitigate Force taunt are by either a hitting a perfect Bunny Hop for the entire duration of the effect uh it's happened before I've done it before it's not impossible or if you use a taunt on your own terms that you can also move during so like let's say that I activate like the kazatsuki kick well it's not going to kick me out of the kazaki kick to do a different taunt but if I do that I am still able to like move around and the reason that I say it sometimes works depending on the lobbies that you're in or like sometimes people will just think that you're friendly if you're doing that when in reality you're you're waiting for an art TD effect to wear off so hey a good reason to constantly be checking RTD chat to see what people roll but uh yeah sometimes it does work sometimes you can kind of like big brain it and like just taunt a corner and people just don't kill you because they think you're friendly and then when the effect wears off you uh you stop taunting and you go on a massacre so I'm going to put forced hot at the very top of very problematic because I think there are so many ways to play around it it's not even necessarily very problematic but it's definitely more than a slight annoyance you have to change the way you play the game for at least the duration of the effect uh so that is like that is a problem but uh it's not the end of the world if you roll this one you just have to be sure to react to it quickly monochromia just turns off all of your game's colors so you can't really see who's on what team it's another one that just kind of like mildly changes the way your game looks and attempts to annoy you from my experience monochromia is not the end of the world I find it pretty easy to know based on context clues other than in color like who's on what team looks like chances are if the person is looking at me and shooting at me they're going to be an enemy sometimes I have been tricked by this just if an enemy is being really stupid and they don't know what's going on it's like oh wow I would never have expected that to be an enemy but uh most of the time it doesn't really matter it's just a minor inconvenience that you have to uh you have to use like 0.2 seconds more processing power for each interaction not a big deal earthquake is another effect that makes your game all screwy by making it shake around a bunch as you may be able to guess it is slightly hard to play the game under these circumstances I'm going to put earthquake in very problematic right under Force taunt it's possible to play around but not quite the most annoying part about earthquake is that based on the weird way that it's coded it's not even like guaranteed to end right when the effect ends like if you end the effect early by switching classes or dying or something it'll still persist through the next life which just sucks I I hate that it does that it didn't even used to do that so I don't know what changed but it's definitely one of the the most annoying effect because of that I I will say at least be glad that it isn't the old iteration because the old iteration also shook the screens of your teammates so if one of your teammates near you rolled earthquake you also got the effect and it was the most annoying thing in the world to put up with I'm glad they changed that at least but yeah even though this one doesn't seem like it would be that hard to play around you cannot tell what's happening when it's active funny feeling sets your field of view to 160 which uh which looks like this for reference it's a little hard to play the game kind of like earthquake uh by this part I feel like they just got really good at designing effects that completely messed with your your sense of what's actually happening so I applaud the developers because this is one of the most seemingly innocuous effects that you could have done that actually screws you up so much you have no sense of depth when you have this active it's very hard to play the game that being said it's not impossible to uh to continue to play the game it's I'll definitely put it in very problematic right above earthquake at the very least you can counteracted if you're playing engineer or sniper engineer because I mean you have a Sentry that does the aiming for you and sniper because uh when you whenever you Scope it like hard codes your fov and It overrides Whatever the other funny feeling was set to so that's uh that's that's the benefit of doing those two things but uh yeah it does make it hard to play the game as any other class and chances are just because you have no idea where to place your shots uh you will die if you try to fight anyone with this active bad sauce immediately applies milk girati and bleed to you all at the same time and uh basically makes all of them last until the effect itself actually wears off you can override the bleed by getting a health pack but you are going to be milk and Gerard for at least like the 20-ish seconds that the effect lasts so it is a problem if you ever try to fight anyone it's not the end of the world again not every single class is going to uh going to necessarily care and there's also the easy solution of well just don't get hit never take damage dumbass but uh yeah no it is a problem it does shift the fights out of your favor a lot harder so I will put this in very problematic right above snail okay so that is all of the negative effects that were added in the first batch everything that I'm talking about from here on out was technically added in a later version of the plug-in which had I made this video like five to ten years ago may have been important but I think by now all of them are updated to have all of these effects so it's not a big deal but if you ever go on a server that's uh that's completely ancient you may still be missing these so who knows spawn dispenser is the same thing as spawn Sentry but it's ponzo dispenser what I will note with spawn dispenser is that unlike the Sentry version by default you do keep the dispenser after the effect ends and not only by default but I see most servers run it so like yeah the dispenser exists until uh until it gets destroyed so because of that spun dispenser ends up being a really really powerful tool in the right instances where you can provide like team healing and ammo to uh to match-ups that otherwise wouldn't have it like if you really this in class Wars is probably the most powerful you you suddenly get healing and ammo for the entire team it's ridiculously good in scenarios like that even if you're playing something like Prop Hunt it's like yeah you spawn a dispenser that you can now run back to and and heal if you're playing Saxon hail that that's another way that you can just Camp I don't know a single scenario in which spawn dispenser especially because it never goes away is not going to be helpful so I'm going to put this in pretty powerful it's probably not going to win the entire game for you and uh in fact it may not even do much at all but even if you do have an engineer on your team already the dispenser spawns with full metal already included so that's just like a full metal pack for the engineer this is never going to do nothing is I guess is what I'm saying and at best it'll be a massive quality of life increase infinite double jump is one that you can only roll on Scout it lets you jump infinite times in midair uh while this sounds really really good in theory in practice I just never see this one get used to it full potential so I'm just gonna put this one in slightly helpful I don't have a ton to say about this one because it's pretty straightforward but I mean it's one of those effects where it just gives you infinite of something that you're only occasionally going to need if you're playing properly powerful hits makes all of your attacks do three times the normal damage now you may be wondering like hold on how is this different than Critical Hits well this is pretty much a side grade to crits in my opinion uh the biggest differences are number one you can actually still get crits on top of this to do nine times the normal damage that's pretty fun number two powerful hits on its own doesn't actually give you the damage fall off of random crits but it still gives you the damage ramp up which actually does affect the uh the damage threshold some on top of that things that can't get Critical Hits like sentries can be affected by powerful hits so it is a little bit of a buff there but for the most part it's just gonna be like an alternative version of crits so I'm going to put it right next to criticals I do think not having damage fall off makes it slightly worse but it is just three times the normal damage I mean it's like it's it's gonna be really really good just no matter what you're doing okay big head is probably the strangest effect in the entire game let me check this is the only one that I'm actually I've never been sure whether this actually does anything what it lists the the official listing of the effect is that it multiplies the scale of your head by 2.5 but I don't think that affects the hitbox at all so this basically just does nothing there might have been one server that I was on that like gave you weird janky gravity when this was active but nope it's gone and no difference if it does change anything about your game I have never personally experienced it and chances are you won't either tiny man makes you really really small in my opinion this is basically a side grade to invisibility while you can still be targeted by sentries while you're really small uh it's really hard for players to hit you because your hitbox does like get shifted with you so much so to the point where if the enemy doesn't have some kind of Splash damage or Auto targeting is basically a Sentry you're not going to get hit by much of anything at all the the benefit of tiny man and the reason that I think it's better than invisibility is that you can actually cap while the effect is active which means you can in theory single-handedly back cap just because no one actually realizes you're on the point and uh you can stay on the point for so long that no one can get you off once you're on it's happened before if you've ever played class Wars which is where most of my RTD experience comes from let's face it it's not entirely uncommon but uh even if there are no objectives to speak of I mean it's still gonna be a really easy way to win most 1v1s just because people can't find your hitbox deadly voice allows you to summon like a damaging ring around your body that uh does about the same damage as toxic does if you mash it um basically imagine toxic but you have to manually input every time you want the damage but it also doesn't like block your vision which is the the best part it doesn't really do that much the only time deadly voice does anything is if you're in a melee only scenario or if you're playing someone who's invulnerable like Scout and I think spy can also trigger this while invisible without de-cloaking so that's pretty cool but most of the time it's just doing nothing for you so I'm going to put it in slightly helpful again there's no downsides to having deadly voice but it's not you're probably not going to get much use out of it much either strong gravity makes your gravity strong I I love doing that I love when the name just explains what the entire effect is and I get to make that joke constantly it's basically the inverse of low gravity where instead of dividing your Gravity by four it multiplies it by four uh but this this does kind of suck I mean it basically makes you take fall damage from like everything um it makes it so you can't jump to anything either uh I wouldn't say it's problematic because you could theoretically just never have to deal with this by staying on the ground it's not that hard to play around most of the time uh but if you get if you get this on someone like Scout or Soldier it does suck quite a bit I'll put this at the very bottom of minor annoyance because for most classes it only will be a minor annoyance but uh it is definitely like lower depending on when you roll this I for an eye sucks balls to roll uh it's not necessarily instant death but it might as well be what what I for an eye does is it makes it so every time you deal damage to an enemy that damage gets immediately dealt to you as well if the damage is fatal to you it's not like it's going to be kind and leave you on one HP like no if you if you headshot someone as a sniper you die instantly um if your Sentry does damage the damage is reflected back to the Sentry and it destroys itself basically if you roll eye for an eye it is tactically better to just kill yourself on the spot rather than to wait out the effect for like 25 seconds because chances are it's going to take less time to uh to to run all the way back to the front lines than it will be to like wait out the effect and maybe not have to run back to the front lines it sucks I'm gonna put it right above explode again you can't do anything while the effect is active so yeah it's uh it's pretty bad weekend is basically a reverse powerful hits which I guess is not a very good explanation it's weakened in the sense that all damage you receive is multiplied by 2.5 so uh if you get hit for 100 damage you're instantly going to take 250 usually what we can means is that you kind of have to sit out of a fight most of the time if you roll weakened you're you're resignated to uh to sitting on the back lines and not engaging in in much combat because yeah if you take any sort of damage like even if you happen to to eat a cross map rocket which would normally only be like 48 damage not the end of the world it's going to kill you instantly you're going to take like several hundred damage and die so yeah most of the time if you get weakened you're sitting out however you don't necessarily die so I'll put it I'll put it in very problematic only necromash is probably my favorite negative effect to roll in the entire game because not only is it instant meaning that you don't actually have to set out the timer that forces you to wait longer before you roll again uh but it also does really funny things it summons the giant like uh Carnival of Carnage Hammer above your head and the merasmus says surprised if you have any of the following things a monitor headphones a keyboard situational awareness and a working brain you're probably not going to get hit by necromash all you have to do is if you hear it or if you see that you've rolled it tap a movement key and you're completely out of its range the reason why I think that this is in neutral and not just no difference is because it can also kill your teammates which is really funny every time it happens even though it's like technically bad it's it's really funny to watch like some random teammates just walk into it and get obliterated by a giant hammer it can also kill enemies I don't think I have the clip the biggest one of the biggest regrets of the things that I never recorded is uh one time I was playing spy in class Wars I was behind the entire enemy teams that we were on Dust Bowl 3 and they were all medic I happen to walk onto the point and roll the dice I rolled necro Smash and I killed five people who are on the point instantaneously and dropped like three Ubers chances are that's not going to happen but it can and the fact that it can makes this effect like infinitely entertaining so I'll put it no difference at the very least because if you get hit by this you have more problems than roll the dice but it does have the potential to be really funny and potentially even game changing so I'm gonna put this one all the way at the top extra ammo is pretty basic it's basically just a side grade to infinite ammo where instead of giving you unlimited clip size for the duration of the effect it gives you like five times your normal amount of Reserve ammo and makes your current clip size like five times as large pretty good I'll put it in I'll put it in slightly helpful right next to infinite ammo because this is just kind of better long-term well infinite ammo is better short term but I think overall they do about the same thing Suffocation simulates you being underwater uh not in the sense that you can like swim or anything cool but in the sense that like after some amount of time you'll start taking damage that uh that turns your screen blue and makes you choke the damage is really not that much it's really just like a week or afterburn that you can't put out but uh yeah it's not gonna do that much to you most of the time I'll put it in minor annoyance at the the very least it's like yeah you're still taking tick damage which kind of sucks but uh other than that it's like if you have any source of healing at all even just a small health pack you're you're gonna be fine fast hands doubles your attack and reload speed again another pretty straightforward one a lot of these are just kind of nice quality of life things uh double attack and reload speed is obviously good I don't think it's quite as good as like just doing extra damage per shot but it's at least good enough to be in the other pretty powerful tier there are some there are some silly combos you can get with this and I think I'll put this like right above homing projectiles that's about right outline is basically Beacon if it works it highlights you through walls everyone can see you even if you're cloaked uh it's not like you have to pay attention to the weird circles on the floor which most people don't it's like yeah there's a giant green outline around your body people are going to see you uh Beacon if it worked in my opinion goes in minor and annoyance because again while it can be very very difficult to uh to play around like if your spy or someone that's trying to flank if you're in a team fight this does not matter at all most people will not bother changing Target priority because you're now green vital is a side-grade to Lucky sandwich I say side grade hesitantly because it's nowhere near as powerful but it does do some things that lucky sandwich can't what it does is it increases your maximum health by 300 and gives you 300 more Health immediately so uh let's say you're playing Scout you have 125 Health well now your maximum health is 425 if you're playing heavy maximum health is 600 pretty easy even though you will never hit the same silly absurd Health values as you can with lucky sandwich you can still be healed for the entire duration of the effect so like if you're playing heavy and you have a pocket medic well you can be overhealed up to 900 HP but that 900 HP can be continuously regenerated whereas lucky sandwiches is just like a buff that you get once and you can do whatever you want without Health except for restore it so because of that there are times that I think vital can be better than lucky sandwich but normally it's not I'll put vital and pretty powerful because having that much extra health is just always good but it just doesn't have nearly the same amount of game impact as uh some of the the more traditional increase your health or survivability by Insane values does no gravity just sets your gravity to zero another one that's pretty straightforward it's not as bad as you might think though even though you are pretty much guaranteed to be glued to the ceiling because if you have any sort of upward momentum the only Direction you can go is up you're never coming back down uh being glued to the ceiling can be a very good thing uh for instance if you get glued to the ceiling as a sniper you can now snipe from a position that no one would expect if you get glued to the ceiling as like a soldier or really anyone I mean you can just rain down hell upon the enemy team and surprise them in ways that you really can't with other effects and if you're playing on a map like higher Tower where uh you it takes forever to get to the top no gravity is a bless sing because all it takes is like one jump and you're gonna get all the way to the top before the effect rollers off so no gravity in my opinion is a very neutral effect it is definitely situationally dependent like it's not going to do your favors and every single time you roll it but it definitely is what you make of it you can roll this and get a lot more value out of it and in fact even though it's listed as a negative and low gravity is listed as a positive I think there are more times I would rather have no gravity than low gravity team criticals is overpowered oh my God it's the same thing as criticals and the fact that you get full crits for 25 seconds but it also gives those full crits to all nearby teammates for the same duration there's there's no penalty like forgetting or forgiving out crits or forgetting crits it's basically just a simulation of what if you and all nearby teammates rolled criticals at the same time it's ridiculous it can single-handedly make you win pushes there's the only counter because the other thing too is uh it does technically show you who is providing the team crits but number one it's really hard to see it's like provided as beams that come out of the the team crit user to all of the team crit receivers which really aren't visually clear a lot of the time and number two if you have time to decipher that and you're you're in range of the the giant pack of people in team crits range for long enough you're probably just going to get evaporated you don't you don't stand much chance against five people with full crits team crits is going to the very top of game winning as it is uh I would still rather have it than flying because team criticals is good on not only you but also everyone on your team and uh yeah there's really not much counter to uh to an entire group of people running around with fulcrits fire Time Bomb is an extremely stupid effect I don't understand what they were thinking with this one similar to How Time Bomb is basically just explode on a timer that also lets you kill anyone else around you fire Time Bomb is the same thing but with ignition you know the effect that barely does anything now takes like 10 seconds to activate and occasionally will light people on fire if they're on a nearby radius but it doesn't matter if they have healing this effect does nothing because unlike ignition where it's like okay you could at least argue that you're getting set on fire you have 10 seconds to prepare to find Healing it's not even like it's going to do anything I I literally don't think I've ever gotten a kill with fire Time Bomb um I don't think I've ever died from fire Time Bomb it's just a pointless effect that won't impact your game at all fire breath is one of the first of a few projectiles which are in the category of press e to shoot a projectile out of your body that was kind of a style of effect they started to implement the later end of the plugin they got and the fire breath is one of a few fire breath though is by far one of the more powerful of the few because what it shoots is the fireball effect from the Halloween spells if you've watched my Halloween tier list you probably know how I feel about Fireball having a 100 damage rocket with no damage fall off no explosion radius fall off and also built-in afterburn is absurd the fact that you get infinite of those that you can summon whenever you want is also absurd and because of that I think I'm going to put fire breath in pretty powerful it's probably going up there because any class can use it it's not like it's something you have to try to get clever use out of it's just like yeah look at someone and press e and they're probably not going to exist for very long so fire breath is really really good you'll probably get good use out of this no matter when you roll it strong recoil is another one of those like make your game wacky and weird effects uh what this one does is it makes the flick from firing a weapon like really really high to the point where your screen is just kind of going all over the place depending on uh depending on how fast you're firing some clashes legitimately cannot play the game with strong recoil I'm talking clashes like pyro and heavy some classes it barely matters like on sniper really it just depends on it depends on what kind of weapons you're using so I'll average it out and put it in the middle of a minor annoyance I'll put it toward the bottom because yeah unlike some of the other ones here I think it does legitimately make it so you just can't play the game in certain instances but those instances are a lot more rare than uh than some of the others on the tier below cursed is probably my least favorite effect in the entire game all it does is it inverts your controls but that is evil technically yes you can play around it you won't though I promise you you're not going to adapt to Cursed within the 20 seconds that you have it for and even if you do well then you have to adapt to playing normally it's one of the most obnoxious things to roll and it makes it worse because it's like it's the mindset of the game is technically playable right now but everything that's occurring is a massive skill issue because I can't play so I'm going to be slightly biased and put cursed and very problematic I think most people would agree I'll put it right up near I'll put it under Earth Quake because again it technically doesn't affect your game in any way but the fact that your controls are inverted but I promise you that is plenty enough to completely screw you up extra throwables just gives you like 20 of whatever throwable you have equipped now what I mean by a throwable is uh anything that is counted as miscellaneous ammo I think is the official term so that is off the top of my head uh heavy food items Scout jars girati Sandman balls and rap assassin ornaments and I think that's it uh basically you just get 20 of those that you can use whenever you want uh this is easily the best when rolled with a sandwich because you can just heal your entire team or you just have unlimited sandwich supplies for yourself hey I'm not going to judge you if you're a selfish bastard but yeah literally on anything you can roll this on it's just kind of a quality of life thing you're probably not going to get much out of but it's it's nice to have regardless I'll put this in slightly helpful right above deadly voice Alright we made it to the big one I'm sure you've been waiting for this since the video started power play is nothing but completely overpowered and that's by Design I mean power play is supposed to be the effect that like you are fishing for when you use roll the dice it is the Holy Grail of all effects so what it does is it gives you every single Uber charge at the same time which means you are completely invulnerable completely immune the knockback you have full crits and and I guess you also have the the vaccinator resistances for what it's worth the counter to power play is to hide to pick a God and pray that you won't be the next Target of whoever has power play but if you're the one who rolls power play you are in for the best 20 seconds of a video game in your entire life where else can power play go but to the very top of game winning honest to God like even as good as team criticals and flying are a single person with power play can single-handedly win games you have someone with full invulnerability and crits running around in your back lines and there is not a thing you can do about them again you just kind of have to hide and and maybe like try to pick other people off that are trying to push behind them before you die it's easily the most powerful effect in the game I don't think anyone expected anything differently but uh godspeed power play thanks for thanks for making my gameplay enjoyable at least when I'm the one who rolls it explosive arrows is one of the most unique and probably coolest effects in the the entire plugin and I wish more of them were set up like this uh what it does is it makes your Huntsman arrows and your crossbow bolts have a area of effect that I think does a flat 100 damage I can't remember if it has explosive damage fall off but it basically just adds a 100 damage explosion to all of your projectiles now that 100 damage does not replace the base damage your projectile it is added to it so let's say you uh you shoot someone with a uh Crusader's crossbow Bolt from across the map and they take 75 damage well that also adds the 100 explosion damage meaning that you do 175 per shot it is ridiculously good it makes the Huntsman on the crossbow legitimate really scary things to use and yeah I'm gonna put these in pretty powerful probably up near fire breath because that's about the same incline problem makes it so you can't really go up slopes very easily and it also sets your max step size to like one or something really really low basically just you have to jump if you want to go up slope surfaces it's kind of annoying but uh if this if the map is set up correctly it's not going to be too big of a problem I'll just put this as a minor annoyance right next to strong gravity but uh outside of that is just whatever you you can very easily play around this one spring shoes makes it so you're constantly jumping and not only are you constantly jumping but you're not even bunny hopping so it's not even like it's kind of fun it's just kind of an annoying thing to deal with chances are if you roll this just kind of like a lot of the other movement inflicting ones you don't really have much ability to dodge so you're going to die more often than not when you roll these but uh again it's technically possible to play around so I'll only put it in very problematic uh right under snail I think this is more annoying than snail lag is another pretty annoying one it just kind of like teleports you backward every time you try to move forward it just simulates like high ping or I guess more specifically to suit the nerds in the audience hi Jitter because High ping is technically stable on its own uh but yeah no lag is Annoying It's not technically impossible to play around but it is more so than a lot of the other ones I'll put it above funny feeling an earthquake but I do feel like actually if I'm putting strong recoil in minor annoyance I'll put this one in minor annoyance too again it is possible to uh to play around you just kind of have to hold still and uh sometimes that actually you do luck out and it does like help you dodge shots that you otherwise wouldn't so the Silver Lining I suppose drug bullets is one of the most misunderstood effects in the entire RTD plug-in uh some people assume that it inflicts the entire like drugged effect on anyone that you hit some people assume that it does literally nothing and it's a waste of an RTD slot uh but what it does is it basically makes like the aim punch every time you hit someone extremely high and you also like make the screen turn a certain color which doesn't really do much but it does kind of help disorient whoever you're shooting so I I suppose it is nice to have but if you think about this as just increased aim punch that's a great way to look at it uh but most of the time you're not going to get insane value out of increased aim punch uh so I'll put this one in slightly helpful right above infinite double jump I think actually what am I saying I'd rather have extra throwables even than drug bullets I'll put it there long melee is a very very very weapon in class dependent wonderroll it does what you might expect it to do where it makes your melee range like way longer than it normally would be I think the default is like 10 times longer and while that isn't necessarily a great thing on a lot of classes depending on what kind of melee you're running this could be one of the best effects to get I think the specific combination of things where you'd really want long melee are gerardi Bushwacker becomes ridiculous with this Market gardening becomes extremely fun and uh spy just becomes easy mode with this other than that I can't really think of too many instances where you'd actually want this maybe the extinguisher I guess that's the other one but uh yeah lung melee is just kind of a gimmick more than anything it's a gimmick you can sometimes get use out of those so at least put it in slightly helpful but uh most of the time it's probably not going to be much I'll put this one above extra throwable actually no I'll put this one above infinite cloak and double jump because like when it when it does pair well you do get a lot of use out of it but uh it just it's not necessarily guaranteed to hat throw is another one of the summon a projectile out of your face by pressing e uh types of rolls the projectile is a hat that has the jankiest hitbox no demand though if you do roll it it does 150 damage instantaneously making it technically better than a fireball for single Target damage the issue is again the hitbox is really bad uh there's no area of effect at all so you actually have to hit your shots precisely and sometimes it just doesn't even work even if you do hit people it just kind of bounces off uh the the benefit of hat throw is that you can spam it so even if the projectiles are really really slow and you can see them coming it's like it's easy to just interrupt team fights and kill a couple people by picking them off with Hats so it's not completely useless but at the same time it's like definitely among the worst uh the worst projectiles actually no that's not even true it's probably like probably middling so there are certainly uses for it and I'd still rather have it more often than not for sure but uh it could be better that being said I'll still put it in pretty powerful I mean a spammable projectile that instant kills is gonna be really good no matter what the hitbox is like so we'll put it above uh we'll put an above increase speed at least but if you ever roll this yourself you'll very quickly see what the problems with it are and speaking of summonable projectiles that have huge problems and microscopic hitboxes matterus whistle oh my God I I hate this effect so much what it actually does is every time you summon it by pressing e it makes an alligator come out of the ground and Destroy whatever's on top of it that sounds really really good especially because it does 150 damage like the same as hat throws so yeah you can just kind of run around like jump on top of people and maybe cheese out a few kills kill the person chasing you this is never going to do anything for you the hitbox is horrible uh for whatever reason it can also damage you I don't know why they decided to make that a feature if you're standing on top of it it instant kills you or it does 150 damage I guess it's not technically an instant kill but uh it puts you in a pretty bad position um and just because of that it's like there's no benefit to having this any time that you maybe would kill someone with mataris whistle you also maybe kill yourself so it's going in neutral probably below low gravity I think it's one of the most frustrating roll the dice effects in the entire plug-in just because of one how much Mis potential there is to how difficult it is to actually use and there's just I don't know it just does not feel good at all and the worst part is that it's only my second least favorite alligator on this channel sickness is the same thing as Suffocation but uh it actually does pose an imminent threat to you because the health drain is pretty consistent and not negatable by many means at all I think the official damage per second is like somewhere between 10 and 20. I'm pretty sure it's like random so it's uh there is like a little bit of a little bit of variance there but uh you could be taking up to 20 damage per second from this and the only it's not like you can uh turn off the damage like you could by like picking up a health pack like you just kind of have to try to out heal it and hope that uh you don't die beforehand so I'll put it in very problematic probably around bad sauce because yeah it is going to kill you very quickly but uh it is possible to negate just by some healing uh but yeah not the not a very fun one to roll wasted roll is another very very funny one it is the literal definition of doing nothing whenever you roll it there's a voice line that plays that goes oh nothing happens that you just have to we have to wait another 60 seconds obviously going in no difference it's just like I don't know it's a funny one the real question though is where and no difference are we putting this which ones are literally worse that nothing in which ones are better than nothing uh vegan big head and fire Time Bomb are the ones that go below I think that's fair mercs die twice is God mode with extra steps uh basically for the duration of the effect uh you can press e to revive yourself every time you die and every time you revive yourself you get like a little bit of uber charge and uh it really doesn't matter I mean the only the only downside is that you don't get the knockback resistance this is for all intents and purposes a worse version of God mode but usually what ends up happening is that server operators will forget to turn down the timer on this so you'll get the full effect duration for Mercantile twice but like only a small portion of it like 10 seconds for God mode I can't really judge it on that because that's a very server by server basis but uh that's that's what I've seen in my experience what I will say is very cool about mercste twice is that you don't have to resurrect yourself instantly you can get some pretty cheesy plays by making people think they killed you and then choosing to revive a couple seconds later to like get a specific pick normally the only times you're getting use on that are on Clash is like spy you can do some very big brain things with spy and mercs die twice but uh other than that it's just usually a worse god mode so I'll put it uh put it at the near the bottom of game winning drunk walk is pretty similar to Cursed except that uh instead of technically being able to play around that it just kind of makes your game move in whatever Direction it really wants to uh if you try to walk forward you'll move like kind of back and forth a little bit and then also at random speeds it basically makes moving impossible it's basically the same thing as curse so I'll put it there but uh this one as I mentioned is technically impossible to play around while car first technically is what I will note about drunk walk that's very interesting is that it does happen to have the ability to increase your speed beyond what it normally could be just by walking forward so there have been several occasions where I've made an otherwise Impossible Jump because I ran forward got lucky with drunk walking like it accelerated me right at the last second and I was able to do that don't try that because chances are you won't make the jump if you're trying to do that but uh it's a neat Tech that I found with it if nothing else hell's reach is a nasty one it combines a lot of otherwise pretty damaging RTD effects all into one neat little package and uh I've never really seen people survive this one if they're not under constant healing and team protection I'll put it that way so over the course of the effect you become slowed damaged your aim gets flicked around a lot and when the effect ends you take like 50 damage and get set on fire this one's just cruel it's like basically the worst thing that you could roll that's not just dying so I'll put that one right above everything else on the imminent death tier curse projectiles is another really really funny one very creative and I wish more effects were like this uh what it does is every time you fire a projectile if it's been in the air for more than one second it'll now turn into a cursed homing projectile that targets you so let's say you're shooting someone across the map with a huntsman well if the Huntsman arrow is been in the air for more than one second what will happen is it'll turn into this little like Fireball and it'll turn back around and I don't I don't think Huntsman arrows can headshot you but you will then receive 120 damage if you're not able to find some way to block the incoming shot it's really really cool it forces you to like change the way you play the game in interesting ways rather than just like screwing with you or being annoying and because of that I really like it as a concept that being said I mean it does kind of suck it is it is problematic because it basically deletes any kind of spam outside of like a specific range but it's probably the easiest to play around in anything in this tiers so I'll put it at the very very top vampire is another just constant damage to you effect I don't know why there are so many of these uh but basically if you've not damaged someone in a specific amount of time which I think that defaults like three seconds I'd like to say and by that I mean I just looked it up because I wasn't sure um you start to rapidly take damage and it flicks your aim everywhere and it just I don't know probably will kill you if you're you're not able to do damage for a long enough amount of time this one's more annoying than anything but it's it is very similar to sickness in a lot of ways it's just like with more aim flicking and technically more ways to prevent it although chances are if you roll this you're not gonna last very long anyway so I'll put this right above sickness that swarm is batshit insane uh what it does is it surrounds your entire body with these crazy bats that deal insane damage and knock back to anyone who gets close so imagine what toxic is where it's this kill Aura that's not very big kind of blinds you and uh it is doesn't do that much damage All Things Considered ramp all the aspects up to a thousand and there you go you get bat swarm bat swarm knocks everyone back in insane distance and overall is the effect that I have lost the most games to single-handedly the because someone rolled it all you have to do is just kind of run toward an objective and uh whoever's on there is going to get deleted very very quickly and no one else will be able to command the objective because you're just constantly pushing him off this effect is a menace and modes like medieval or on class Wars where you uh you want to be in melee range especially on class Wars I think this is like the result of most upsets ever I would dare say it's just kind of insane uh but not not in a way worth like insanely good it's just insane in like every possible Dimension I'll put this in game winning simply because I've seen a lot of games won from it uh put it right at the bottom right above powerful hits I think uh but yeah if you roll back swarm you can very easily just kind of plow through entire teams and just just cap for no reason it's stupid I really wish this effect was not in the game rounding the home stretch here I promise we're about done pumpkin Trail is another projectile but this one just does nothing it summons a bunch of pumpkins in front of you that explode after a couple sec seconds the pumpkins really don't do that much damage though I think they do like maybe 80 each ish you do get like four or five pumpkins every time you summon but they don't explode on contact so if someone sees you summoning the pumpkins all they have to do is move and you're not they're not gonna hit them this one just ends up doing nothing most of the time I'm gonna put it right below deadly voice and the slightly helpful tier probably the worst effect you can get that is technically positive but yeah and you just you're not gonna do much with this one don't even bother with it and finally the last effect and the official RTD list anyway is overheal bonus overheal bonus lets you exceed your overheel cap by like five times so if you're healing a soldier and you can normally get like 100 over heal for 300 total uh I think you can get what would the math be dude it's so late at night like 600 total 700 total uh five times whatever it normally is great Blues having a bit of a brain fart here it's like four in the morning but uh it's fine it's okay you're not gonna do much with this uh but I'll put this in slightly helpful I guess right above right above infinite double jumps oh and actually there is one more effect I'll call Beyond somehow didn't make it onto the tier list template so now I have to record it while I'm sick what a call Beyond does is another one of those like shoot projectiles every time you press e effects uh this one shoots clusters of five homing cow Mangler Rockets out of your head which is like obviously pretty good because the Rockets will chase down like I'd like to say the closest enemy but in reality it's pretty random now you might think that being able to spam homing Rockets would make this effect like completely overpowered and to some degree you would be correct but there are two major things that I think hold a call Beyond back like pretty heavily number one is that because the Rockets initially shoot up they're a lot more prone to just not doing what you want sometimes they'll hit ceilings uh sometimes they'll like take wide arcs because the Homing isn't amazing and the like hit walls and stuff before they make it to the Target sometimes they'll land like right beside the Target and only do the splash damage which considering the Rockets are already suffering from a lot of fall off anyway because they tend to travel a pretty long distance means that like per rocket you're getting as little as 24 damage which can realistically happen quite a bit and number two the Homing rockets on top of just not really doing anything to buildings can still be reflected so if a pyro sees a cluster of five rockets coming and he reflects them while the Rockets still home back in onto you so potentially this could be a liability if you're playing against a good pyro and the other tracking isn't ideal but at the end of the day I mean you're spamming homing Rockets how bad could this effect really be I'm going to put it in pretty powerful I think right below fire breath because I think this is really a side grade instead of doing like a single like 100 damage projectile you're getting five projectiles that do anywhere between like 24 and 120 some damage whatever the normal rocket damage is so obviously this is pretty good but I think a lot of people overrate this one specifically so anyway that is is every single official RTD effect ranked explained hopefully well enough I try to go through them relatively quickly but uh a lot of these just don't have much to explain to begin with and hopefully this tier list gives you a better idea of number one what to do when you roll the effects just having the knowledge of what they do I think can prepare you better to take advantage of them and number two of how to react when you see someone else roll the effect in the RTD chat I personally found it interesting to go through every single effect and read what they do so hopefully you found it interesting too one last thing I want to discuss before in the tier list is uh I don't like RTD very much I've never given my full opinion on this but uh I I want to get it out there right now at least briefly that RTD I think is a stupid game mechanic as fun as it can be to like roll power play and destroy the enemy team with an OP effect it's like this is not a healthy way to balance the game and also it's not even a way to balance the game because contrary to the belief of most people this does not tip the scales in favor of the losing team I've seen this argument a lot where people are like oh RTD is a way to to let the losing team come back and if you don't like it it's just because you you want to be like a tryhard this does not let the losing team come back in fact a lot of the time RTD is just a win more mechanic because it's not like the winning team can't also roll power play and like snuff well coordinated pushes so this is just again it's pure luck it doesn't add anything to the game and I sincerely wish that servers would reconsider adding this because I don't think I have ever enjoyed it when it's been on a server unless I get the op effects in which case that's the best plugin ever and I wish it was on every server anyway if you made it to the end of the RTD tier list thank you so much for watching I want to apologize for uh taking what's probably a year to get this video out this video really has been a year in the making simply because every tithe it's felt like a curse every time I have sat down to record this video in the past I've gotten like any explicably tired like a third of the way through and I've not been able to finish or like there was one time where I didn't and I I was like all right I finished the entire thing and uh this was like a year ago and I looked at the audio and I forgot to record the audio Channel that I I meant to on a track that was actually audible so there wasn't it was like completely silent anyway all that to say I really hope you enjoyed this video this has been one of the longest undertakings out of anything I've ever made on the channel as always if you have feedback feel free to let me know uh the next tier list that I'm going to do I think will either be class Wars but like for each of the weapons because I I thought about it a little bit more and I think there's more to go into there or for randomizer which I think I can do a really really cool tier list for uh because what you roll actually is impacted by a few things that's not it's not again kind of like RTD it's not just up to luck you do have to know kind of how to react so if you have a preference let me know until then my voice is completely shot so uh thanks for watching and have a good one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Great Blue
Views: 852,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 class wars, tf2 rtd, tf2 great blue, great blue, great blue tf2
Id: nTqGMoK6c2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 30sec (5010 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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