Getting Sweaty about Globalism

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Globalism is a right-wing term for "left wing neoliberalism" Right wingers who are opposed to globalism rather prefer their own neoliberalism: Right wing neoliberalism.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Jkid 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love my slimey boi

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/cam5 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Thought should always brings a smile to my face. He can tackle the most serious topics but is there for you all the way through the discussion, so you never feel vulnerable or disillusioned. How does he manage to be both ironically self effacing and genuinely empowering both at the same time?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Wickywire 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello I'm thought slang I'm a big-time globalist that's my thing I love globalism you know me thought slime always going around talking about globalism me and my pals we sit in the bar and we discuss how much we love globalist things like for example the UN or the European Union both of which I love very much at least that's what my detractors keep saying I get called the globalist whenever I do anything even remotely cool opposing fascism globalism supporting refugees that's a globalism a general dislike of war crimes checkmate bud you just did globalism people who talk about globalism always portray it as the opposite of nationalism and nationalism suck shit so globalism starting to sound pretty sweet but I don't know what globalism is is it a religion is it a musical instrument is it a condiment can I can I have sex with globalism boy I'm living up to the name thought slime now we've entered the sweaty months well there's only one group that I trust to get my political education from and that's of course rebel rebel media this video is hosted by Lauren southern ooh when Lauren isn't traveling abroad with white supremacists trying to stop the Italian coastguard from rescuing refugees so that they'll die in the ocean she's making this helpful an educational guide to globalism that I chose because it was the first YouTube result what is a globalist if you've been following this election at all you've probably heard the words globalist and globalism thrown around a lot some of the people using it are nationalists or Patriots they see this idea as a threat to the sovereignty of their nation whichever nation that happen to be others argue that the term globalism is just a scary catch-all word invented by Trump supporters or the alt-right a word that means nothing at best and is racist code at worst okay well let's just put a pin in that for the moment for when I inevitably call this racist you know I got to do it I can't do a whole video without calling something racist in fact just in case I don't Ouija boards are racist because you can only talk to white ghosts there you go the reality is that globalism means something very specific and very dangerous if you value democracy individualism or any of the values of Western civilization yet most people can't define it oh no that's scary I'm scared but I'm glad it means something so specific because that ought to make it very easy to define there should be a very straightforward answer to the question what is globalism and it should be coming up any minute now so what is globalism and why should you be as concerned about it as the rest of us political scientists would have you believe that globalism is harmless they tell us that it means simply being a citizen of the world which sounds nice if you're the kind of person who takes what you hear in a political seminar as gospel but behind that content list phrase our sinister implications okay well not me I'm the type of person who takes a youtube video as gospel so lay it on me Lauren what's what globalism it's not being a citizen of the world got it what what is it the more wonky defenders of globalism define it as being interconnected by removing cultural and legal barriers or as the pooling of state's sovereignty into supranational organisations and if you're scratching your head at what that means then that should be your first warning sign you see with globalism the devil is in the details okay well lucky me I'm not scratching my head about it it's basically countries making larger organizations so that they can work together in ease trade but if I didn't understand it why would that make me worry I don't understand lots of stuff I don't understand quantum physics not worried about it I guess I guess what you're saying is that they're hiding some nefarious political agenda behind incomprehensible speech but I don't really think they're doing that because the definition you used isn't really confusing but I defer to your wisdom here Lauren because you obviously have more experience hiding nefarious political agendas behind indecipherable nonsense so go ahead spill the tea sis so in plain English here is what globalism actually means globalism means treating every country in the world like an unruly toddler with international bureaucrats filling the role of daycare instructor shirk got it okay what is it globalism means your vote doesn't count unless the wisemen in Brussels or on Wall Street or in the UN building decide it's allowed to count sure got it okay what is it globalism means any law your government passes is subject to invalidation by unelected Hall monitors who would rather police the boundaries of free speech than the borders of actual countries Yeah right okay but what is it though globalism means unending war in the third world an unchecked immigration from the third world all sponsored by unelected governments with as much respect for the people they govern as those in the third world alright can you tell me what it is okay but what is a fucking word mean Lauren what is the fucking mean what's the definition of fucking word Lauren okay well that's the entirety of the video dedicated to what globalism is the rest of the video discusses the alleged results of globalism and I'll get to that later by the way the video is in the description so if you think I'm taking her out of context go ahead and watch it she literally does not give a definition of globalism aside from the nefarious inaccurate or confusing ones that you'd have to be the type of person who believes everything they hear in a political seminar to believe so for our purposes let's go with the two confusing definitions being interconnected by removing cultural and legal barriers and the pooling of state sovereignty into supernatural organizations that's the type of globalism we're going to be talking about in this video the presumed ideological underpinning of globalization where free trade between countries is made easier through the removal of cultural and legal barriers now way one Roden tootin second I don't like globalization businesses and other organizations operating internationally across the world like how you can go to a Starbucks in Peru or how Apple manufactures their products in China in sweatshops with conditions so bad that they had to install suicide nets to keep workers from jumping off the roof that type of thing is not my bag baby you might think I like sweatshops because of how sweaty I am but that's just because it's hot in here and it can't turn on the AC because it'll make noise on the camera so I'm gonna look gross for the rest of the summer on video like grosser than normal the idea of having a worldwide competitive market is bad for everyone except for rich people of course or else it wouldn't be happening it means that rich countries can screw over their poor populations by outsourcing their jobs to cheaper labor markets and poor countries can just be stripped of all their natural resources and sold to the highest bidder but I mean that's just capitalism why are all these right-wingers mad about it they love that junk that's the whole thing fuck over everyone funnel all the money to the people at the top and placate the masses with cheap sneakers that's right wing economics that's what they like how come they're mad they hate globalism for two reasons one of them they're pretending but the other one is genuine it's just terrible the fake reason is that it centralizes all governmental power into one evil nefarious body right-wing fear-mongering about the globalist agenda is similar to a far older conspiracy theory about the one-world government or new world order the idea goes that some shadowy secret organizations say the Illuminati or aliens or lizard people or let's be honest with what they mean here it's Jewish people they're always talking about Jewish people are manipulating world events in order to centralize control over the entire earth under the banner of the one-world government that they will control I have heard versions of this conspiracy theory for as long as I can remember it has become so common that it's a staple of pop culture it's a cliche it's in everything from The Simpsons to the x-files to the episode where the Simpsons met x-files to James Bond to friggin Harry Potter of all things do you know do you know how many powerful secret organizations Batman flights you got the League of Assassins the court of owls the black glove the order of st. Dumas hive project Cadmus the Legion of Doom and the aptly named secret society of super villains and that's just a few of them were inundated with pop culture that takes it for granted that some shadowy secret organization controls the governments of the world and there's a reason that that story is so popular because it's kind of true I mean forget all the science fiction or fantasy elements there's no aliens on earth probably and let's get out in front of this one it definitely isn't Jews I don't understand that at all yeah you know who I think is controlling the government it's the people that get fucked over and murdered all the time that makes sense and the group that controls and manipulates world governments isn't a secret it's rich people in the corporations owned by rich people I mean you know that right on some level you know that right you could say that this is equally conspiratorial but it isn't for something to be a conspiracy it definitionally has to happen in secret but rich people in big corporations like openly control the government and manipulate world events all the time in broad daylight I mean that's what lobbying is you might notice that a lot of politicians are either businesspeople or funded by big business that's not a secret and a lot of cases they brag about it they tell you it's a good thing what is called campaign finance reform is nothing less than a frontal assault on the first the most fundamental of our freedoms the freedom to speak our minds and to participate in politics this video by the diaper goblins that Praeger you makes the staggering claim that you being able to spend money on a political candidates campaign is tantamount to the First Amendment right to free speech at no points in the video does it address the central concern people trying to pass campaign finance reform which is that if say I don't know Walmart were able to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a particular politicians campaign then that politician would be incentivized to pass legislation that benefited Walmart and not necessarily their constituency that's not even addressed instead we get such deliciously frivolous argument says after the 2012 Romney and Obama campaign spent combined two billion dollars the usual cry was heard from reformers they said there is too much money and politics forget the fact that Americans spent two billion dollars every spring just on Easter candy so what if Obama and Romney spent two combined two billion dollars on their election campaigns in 2012 that's how much Americans spend on Easter candy each year therefore that's not a big amount of money you know if you made ten times the minimum wage in in Toronto that would be about one hundred and forty dollars an hour or roughly two hundred and sixty eight thousand dollars a year you could earn two billion dollars in just twenty nine thousand years if you if you if you didn't have to pay taxes or living expenses and also never ever took a vacation or a day off the New York Times constantly says that money is not speech and therefore the spending of money can be restricted without restricting freedom of speech but suppose conservatives controlled Congress and said to the New York Times we of course would never restrict the freedom of the times to practice journalism heaven forbid we are only going to restrict the amount of money the times can spend on gathering the news and distributing its newspapers the amount of can spend on journalists paper ink printing presses delivery trucks advertisements and so on do you think the New York Times would be content with this I bet that liberal New York Times wouldn't like it if Congress passed the law saying that they couldn't spend a bunch of money distributing their newspaper but they're big hypocrites because they're trying to get camp finance reform past and that's the same thing okay because obviously the New York Times is allowed to pass legislation and will therefore use that power to benefit its wealthy donors it's completely equivalent why am I talking about this because Prager you is funded by petrochemical billionaires so here's billionaires saying yeah actually we did buy the politicians and it's a good thing we did you're welcome in a way the idea that there's a shadowy group of people pulling the strings is comforting all you'd have to do to stop that problem is exposed them and bingo bango you saved the world that's a lot easier to imagine in your mind than dismantling the socio-economic policies that let a few rich people decide to launch forever wars in the Middle East for their own profit that's a decidedly more complex problem and it's less exciting to solve because you don't get to pull a mask of somebody and expose them as as a lizard but as compelling as new world order fantasies maybe they're difficult to substantiate because they're made-up gobbledygook as they say extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and it's difficult to produce evidence for the silly guesses that conspiracy theorists make as to who's in charge they might try to manufacture that evidence but it doesn't cut the mustard Google lizard person exposed and you'll see a whole lot of people pretending that artifacts from digital video proof someone is blinking with a second set of lizard eyelids because you know lizard people have the technology to appear completely human but not they disguise their weird second set of eyelids that makes sense do you know what would be a lot easier to believe rather than some sort of global conspiracy what if there was an ideological justification for a one-world government that a lot of world leaders and politicians subscribe to what if they weren't evil masterminds but people who think they're doing the right thing and are just deluded or maybe they don't understand the sinister implications of their agendas or maybe they benefit financially from their crooked policies maybe they're willing to look the other way to get a little campaign funding which by the way we have to let them do that that's likely how you probably already see a lot of your political opponents no matter what side you're on so it's easy to make the jump from this dump is believes in Keynes in economics that's going to destroy the world economy too this person believes in establishing supernatural governments to enforce their Keynesian agenda and it's going to destroy the economy and the sovereignty of my country that's an easier sell than like alien lizard Jews pulling the strings isn't it and it's a far more credible threat and also completely abstract so you don't really have to prove it and also you can sprinkle in just enough of the real-world disastrous effects of neoliberal globalization to show scary statistics look how bad the IMF fucked over Haiti john maynard keynes is coming for you he's gonna drink your blood noticeably absent from this discussion however is the actual root cause of the pitfalls of globalization which is not some sort of globalist ideological agenda it's wait for it capitalism obviously groups like the IMF or World Bank don't exist the secure supranatural mega sovereignty over the earth or whatever they're there to make sure the capitalists get paid no matter the laws of the country that they're operating in they have no interest in governing the world except insofar as they can extract wealth from it but it's weird right because a lot of the arguments that these wieners make sound suspiciously similar to a critique of capitalism they want open borders cheap labor and anti nationalism to benefit their business and political visions and are all too willing to shaft the little people to achieve it to them freedom means never happen to say you're sorry for building your agenda and business on the backs of everyone else and here we see the utility of this narrative you can take all the problems of neoliberal capitalist globalization and pin them on a handful of conspiratorial bad actors that way you never have to concede that left unchecked the ideology that you support is bad for the people you're trying to convince to support it oh no it's not it's not a problem of capitalism it's just big businesses extracting wealth and not caring about the little guy nothing capitalists about that George Soros took your money away he's why you're poor he wants to open the borders and give your job to a foreigner big business getting getting their way and dictating the world economy my friends that's socialism and so you start to see why the particular group complaining about globalism isn't just the right in general it's specifically nationalists they're pulling the same bait-and-switch nationalists always pull hey you know how you're poor but there are plenty of millionaires and billionaires livin it up high on the hog you know whose fault that is foreigners and thus we come to the second far more genuine reason these guys don't like globalism or what they call globalism it justifies their xenophobia and racism hmm we did it everybody we got there in the end thank you all for waiting so patiently for me to accuse everyone I disagree with of racism once again everything is racist flowers are racist clouds are racist that is what I and therefore by extension everyone on the Left actually believes you might notice there's some weird talking points in the anti-globalist rhetoric if as a quaint anachronism globalists almost always sneer down their nose at tradition disdain national culture laugh at religion and generally despise the West while holding a creepy affection for the third world and that's weird right because I understand the argument that they want a weakened trade agreements so they can make more money that gives them money makes sense I understand why they'd want to weaken borders not in the moral basis that someone like me wants to get rid of borders but because it allows them to move their goods more cheaply I mean they don't care about citizens being able to move around the world more easily it's the money and products they want a week in borders for so they get more money I get that that makes sense but what is the material benefit of destroying culture tradition and religion to these spooky globalists what do they get out of it seems to me like they actually make a lot of money off of culture traditions and religion I recently learned that Americans spend two billion dollars a year on Easter candy if I were a big international corporation I'd be like sweet that's money for me that I get to eat or whatever they do with it the true value of globalist conspiracies is that you can package things like refugees or immigrants coming to your country as part of the same globalization process that is genuinely fucking you over if you see a mother and child fleeing a war-torn country it's difficult to get mad at them but what if they're doing that because they're pawns of a larger scheme what if the reason that immigrants are coming to your country is because Obama and George Soros want to create huge supranatural organizations that take away your country's freedom soon the whole world is going to be like the European Union and you're going to live next door to an Isis so you buy in and all the parts that have evidence and then they can sneak in some weird racist shit that doesn't make any sense then if you try to argue against the weird racist shit they can point back at all the stuff with evidence and say how can you deny this and to be clear I do think globalization can cause immigration and can cause people to become refugees but it's not because of George Soros is master plan to ruin national identity or whatever it's because capitalist wealth extraction de stabilises economies and people might have to move out of those countries and move to the countries that took all of their country's money away because if they stayed in their home they wouldn't have an economic future is why it's not to like destroy Christmas they're not doing it so that we have to learn to speak Spanish they're not doing it to punish the West they're doing it because it makes sense for them economically I live in a very diverse city there are people from all across the world in Toronto and they bring with them all of their national traditions and cultures and religions the sum total of the effect that has had on my life is that the food here is really good and I get to hear cool stories sometimes and occasionally there's sweet street festivals also it's a bit rich don't you think we Westerners sure don't seem to care about wiping out other people's traditional way of life religion or culture or just their lives I've never met a Syrian refugee that has ever tried to force me onto a reservation no African immigrant has ever tried to hydrofracking my drinking water it doesn't actually matter that this is all made up because it's a willful delusion because when you're told that foreigners are coming into your country to take away your traditions the question you're meant to ask isn't why but instead you're supposed to go well what are we going to do about it it's a pre-emptive justification for violence and the removal of ethnic minorities and immigrants simply by entering our country these nationalist ding-dongs claim that these people represent a threat to us that they'll hurt us somehow just by being different from us and that means that we have to defend ourselves and that means ethnic cleansing and that's kind of what nationalists do isn't it they take some legitimate economic grievance in this case the pitfalls of globalization and pin it on some scapegoat use people's genuine anxieties and difficulties as fuel for their xenophobic and racist agenda to encourage us to hate our fellow man rather than the economic system that produced these conditions to override your natural humanity and empathy for other struggling people by pretending as though they're the spearhead of a dangerous ideology that is responsible for all of your problems unless you think I'm overstating my case here this isn't something that could become a problem in the future if nationalists came to power in some major world government not just because you know they did globalists is a person that wants the globe to do well frankly not caring about our country so much and you know what we can't have that you know they have a word it sort of became old-fashioned it's called a nationalist and I say really we're not supposed to use that word you know what I am I'm a nationalist okay Anders Breivik killed 77 people in Norway because he hated multiculturalism but what the intellectuals and virtuous immune elites failed to recognize is that you cannot mandate cultural relativism multiculturalism as an ideology has failed the pittsburgh synagogue shooter killed 11 people and injured six more he was a self-identified white nationalist that believed that diversity was code for white genocide they want to use the false flag of diversity as cover to mold you into how their balance sheets and econ 101 textbooks see you the Christ Church shooter killed 51 people and injured 28 more while they were praying he also donated 3,700 euros to various chapters of the nationalist movement generation identity by the way lauren southern is a member of generation identity by the way she was on their boat when she was arrested by the Italian Coast Guard but there you go everybody killing people in a house of worship there's that respect for religion that nationalists have this is bleak I thought it would be fun to make fun of conspiracy theorists I thought we could laugh at their silly ideas but we should be aware that their ideas are also dangerous that these ideas are killing people and that nationalism is not acceptable it is violent it is hateful but I don't want to leave on a big bummer I want to keep things breezy it's me thought slime your silly sweaty pal and I'm gonna make fun I'm just gonna make fun of Lauren southern for being a gold-bug they want to get rid of the gold standard so that the purchasing power of the dollar will be worth only as much as what the best conman at the biggest central bank says it is yep no that's what it is it's George Soros he's trying to eliminate the gold standard to disrupt the global economy good luck disrupting an economy if the currency is backed by gold what would you do then huh buy a huge sum of gold so that you can personally manipulate the value of that currency oh shit I guess you could just do that if anything I think this demonstrates why these macaroni brains just ease globalism as a fig leaf for all of their weird Bugaboos yeah it's go it's globalism that's the reason they dropped the gold standard it's not like there's a limited amount of Gold on earth and after a certain point it cannot meaningfully be said to represent the sum total of all currency on the planet because it was always just an arbitrary choice these gold looks kind of pretty is I guess rare it's not like gold is used in several consumer goods like your fucking smartphone and driving up its price by making each little speck of gold a fraction of the world's total wealth would make the manufacturing of modern electronics ridiculously expensive for no benefit to anyone boy Lauren you have some good well thought-out ideas and you're also such a nice person with your attempted murders I guess we should really respect your views on the intricacies of geopolitics you definitely know what you're talking about that ought to do it I think this wedding special effects really sold it hello master yes I've completed the filming soon we will move on to Phase two I'm so excited oh are you fucking Phil still me you're old it's still me your old pal thought slime doing it I hope you liked a funny little skit of it who could have seen that coming I'm not a lizard and so you can give me money on patreon at slash slot slime and I will not use it to fund the destruction of the West you can also like and subscribe to this video it should help me out a lot I'd be debbie super rad of you you can catch me live streaming at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time every Thursday would love some advice on the sweat situation it's getting it's getting a little much really don't know what I'm gonna do about it happy summer everybody this is just my life now
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Views: 210,150
Rating: 4.9324665 out of 5
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Length: 28min 2sec (1682 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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