HBO's Watchmen and Copaganda
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Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 169,336
Rating: 4.7618294 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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Honestly, I mutch preferred BadEmpanada’s take on how as long as we ignore the author's external commentary, the show can be easily read as a condemnation of a milquetoast liberal regime.
Yes, in our world white supremacist cops shoot black civilians, but I don't think that it's inherently offensive to imagine an alternative world, where a few diveregences have been made by a white liberal Presiden's long reign, but ultimately the deeper problems remain the same.
The second scene of the show didn't feel like it was saying that racism is only individual today. It demonstrated that much has changed since 1921, and much is different from our world (that's traumas it was very directly intending to evoke in the audience), but ultimately the whole thing still plays out to black people getting shot. That IS a systemic problem.
That ON IT'S OWN it's not enough to regulate guns more, ore to hand out reparations, if the deeper problem is not treated, a doofus in the white house passing well-meaning liberal laws, is not going to reverse the soul of the nation.
There's stuff to criticize in the show, definitely, but if you can watch the series from beginning to end and come away ready to call it "a world where racism has been moved to the fringes of society" then you missed a *whole* lot. I stopped watching the video there, honestly.
This! I liked the show, but was perplexed by the positive reactions from leftists. It was centrist bs right from the start and you'd have to squint real hard to make it resemble anything close to a critique. Thank you for posting.