The Very True Story of Jordan Peterson

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β€œHe’s slated to debate Marxist philosopher, and raccoon transformed into a human by a goblin’s curse, Slavoj Zizek.”


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thoreau-ingLifeAway πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Those diagrams...holy shit lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rabbit395 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

my head hurts

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Griffin777XD πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love Slime

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HumanBehaviorByBjork πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 20 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I TAKE OBJECTION TO THIS! Edmonton is not Canada's butthole - we're the only town who didn't overwhelmingly vote UCP in the last election!

Other than that, solid video. JP is like right-wing Deepak Chopra.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fightwish_27 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
these days it feels like very few people are above controversy but few are as controversial as dr. jordan peterson the opinionated professor of psychology from the university of toronto peterson is a lightning rod for controversy making it difficult to sort out the fact in fiction from this enigmatic and beguiling thinker join us won't you as we present the very true story of dr. Jordan Peterson Peterson was born on June 12 1962 and Canada's buffle Edmonton the son of William and Beverly Peterson who evidently didn't like him very much because they gave him the middle name Barons hey nerd an inquisitive and intelligent child Peterson would go on to get a BA in psychology from the University of Alberta as well as a PhD in clinical psychology from McGill those are Canadian universities look him up he got married had a couple kids then nothing important happened in his life until 1999 when he published his first book maps of meaning the architecture of belief what's this book about according to the blurb on why would people in different places and times formulate myths and stories with similar symbols and meanings are groups of people with different religious or ideological beliefs doomed to eternal conflict are the claims of science and religion truly irreconcilable what might be done to decrease the individual propensity for group fostered cruelty maps of meaning addresses these questions with a provocative new hypothesis that explores the connection between what modern neuropsychology tells us about the brain and what rituals myths and religious stories have long narrated does that sound like nothing to you like a whole bunch of nothing that was fancied up because the book had to go on a job interview well you're wrong it's a unified theory of how meaning itself is constructed and I think we can all agree we need something like that because otherwise no one can construct any meaning from the description of the book well I'm convinced how much for this bad boy oh it's 71 dollars ok well that's kind of fair I guess it's a it's an out of print academic book I guess I couldn't expect it to be Oh that's the price for the Kindle edition well I am NOT going to spend 71 dollars to read this book so let's check out this guide from the writer of this guide says this in their introduction to maps of meaning Petersen prides himself in packing meaning into his sentences and the reader should note that he is not trying to be academically obscure he's trying to be clear and thorough in his explication and does not waste words and I got to agree let's look at a passage from maps of meaning outlined in this guide that I think demonstrates just how concise and profound and coherent dr. Peterson's writing is the mythic stories or fantasies that guide our adaption in general appear to describe or portray or embody the three permanent constituent elements of human experience the unknown or unexplored territory the known or explored territory and the process the knower which mediates between them these three elements constitute the cosmos that is the world of experience from the narrative or mythological perspective through the analysis of such figures we can come to see just what meaning means and how it reveals itself in relationship to our actions now how could you trim the fat from that passage how could you be any more clear with what you're saying obviously if you want to figure out what meaning means and how it reveals itself through our thoughts and actions you have to examine the three constituent elements of the cosmos or human experience from the mythological perspective the known unknown and knower duh but in case you're still confused dr. Peterson actually helps out with with the helpful diagram that I think makes it pretty clear what he's talking about so what you'll notice first of all you have your patriarchal world of light right which is this area it's art I think it's God the Yahweh the Spirit of God which feeds into the void with with sexual and the void is comprised of matter and deep I would have thought that matter was the opposite of the void but that feeds into God with creative Union and all of that is the pre cosmogonic egg naturally so the the patriarchal world of light feeds into Paradise the walled garden with the creation of unconscious paradise old world and that feeds into the dragon of chaos or a lady with descent and disintegration which of course feeds back into paradise with anomalous information and all of that is the matriarchal world of darkness right which is also the the void and that's part of the pre cosmic anak egg as well and here's an interesting one the this is this is the process of exploration and update as the meta goal of existence right so you've got the hero right and and he there's what should be the ideal future and what is the unbearable present now if we zoom in a little here you can see there's tradition one which is multics that's hard to read all of this goes towards another smaller recursive diagram with with two heroes in it and one chaos and chaos of course feeds into the hero with reintegration and ascent but also into the second recursive diagram with disintegration and descent and anomalous information now here's an interesting one this is the exploratory hero as son of the heavenly mother so of course you've got the dragon of chaos and that feeds into girl with hope promise novelty threat and she kind of leads off into anxiety naturally now she leads into the Virgin Mary which leads into Hercules in some kind of cauldron perhaps a witch's cauldron but he's prepared for battle because he has a club and a bow this one this this is just the kind of a pop out from a previous diagram you know you have your walled garden the paradise and that that's feeding into the dragon of chaos with descent and disintegration but receiving anomalous in for me and that of course is the voluntary descent of the Buddha so I hope I hope everything is nice and clear now and I think everybody understands that this man is not trying to be academically obscure anyway then nothing else happened in his life until 2016 when the tyrannical Canadian government tried to silence freedom of speech forever the nefarious bill c16 attempted to add gender identity to the list of groups that are protected under Canadian hate crime legislation which is bad despite plenty of backlash from the politically correct SJW community professor Peterson bravely argued that this would constitute compelled speech it was it will force him to refer to his students by their preferred pronoun whether or not he considered their request to be referred to by that pronoun quote genuine one one small thing though he that that's not true not what it did I mean sure it did add gender identity to the list of things you couldn't like harass people at work for but it didn't say anything about pronouns the word pronoun is actually not even used in the bill but you could make an argument that the vagueness of the language in the bill kind of implies that using the wrong pronoun could be considered a hate crime you know if you didn't read the bill which does quote at length the law being amended which states that there must be evidence that the offense was motivated by bias prejudice or hate based on a protected category but that's just my opinion and I'm not an expert I also couldn't find an expert who would corroborate my opinion I did however find a collection of experts called the Canadian Bar Association who said in their letter about Bill c16 c16 will not impede freedom of expression recently the debate has turned to whether the amendments will force individuals to embrace concepts or even use pronouns which they find objectionable this is a misunderstanding of human rights and hate crimes legislation there you go it wouldn't legislate which pronouns to use but it could still be compelled speech because if you think of nothing in the section compels the user of of particular words in public as long as they are not used in their most extreme manifestation with the intention of promoting the level of abhorrent D legitimization and rejection that produces feelings of hatred against identifiable groups okay fair enough it's not compelled speech either but I still think we need to protect our academic institutions from incursion by politically correct the amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act will not compel the speech of private citizens nor will it hamper the evolution of academic debates about sex and gender well the bill passed and it's been law for close to three years now so let's say let's just let's just check up and see how many people were arrested and had their lives ruined by this totalitarian overreach let me just check my notes here none no people no no one has been arrested because of bill c16 no one's been charged under it wait a minute though before you get too cocky and before you think peterson got this one wrong you should know that there is one guy who got charged fifty five thousand dollars simply for calling someone a biological male and also because he started a targeted harassment campaign against a transgender political candidate in her writing we take literally thousands of flyers that around the neighborhood telling people that she was not capable of holding political office because of her gender identity and also that she was promoting homosexuality and transvestite ISM and also he wasn't charged under c16 because it was already illegal in canada to harass people and also it wasn't charged with a hate crime so there's that that whole thing is just a bit of propaganda from christian conservative rags who for some reason when I keep citing Peterson when they lie weird right well nobody bats a thousand and and Peterson beefed this one pretty hard so confident am i that using the wrong pronouns alone is not grounds for a hate crime charge in Canada I will now use the wrong pronouns for Canadian hockey legend Maurice the Rocket Rashard they were the first player in NHL history to score 50 goals in a single game come get me the government and I'm not saying Peterson was lying uh not saying that his reading of this bill was deliberately deceptive and motivated by a pretty clear political bias but it is strange that he got it so wrong considering it's pretty easy to google it's a one-page bill he's probably pretty good at research given that he has a goddamn PhD but he wouldn't lie about it what would he have to gain from something like that anyway shortly after this Peterson became an overnight sensation his YouTube series professor against political correctness about himself a professor against political correctness started racking up millions of views his patreon started taking in $50,000 a month oh boy everybody wanted to hear from this Big Brain smarty who definitely always knows what he's talking about and talked he did Peterson has a lot of unusual some might say controversial views like for example this one the feminists it's got to be because Muslims right now are higher up on the victim hierarchy than that so even if it's way over there they're not allowed to speak out against their I think it's their unconscious wish for brutal male domination oofah doofer yeah it's probably a duck that's probably why it's just the women want to be dominated it couldn't be because you know half of Muslims are women and also you know because you should kind of support the rights of people no matter what religion they are and also you know the thing that you said about Muslims being like brutally domineering violent monsters is a little bit racist about this one it wouldn't in at the University of Toronto in the psychology department the original paper on white privilege wouldn't have received a passing grade for the hypothesis part of a undergraduate honors yeah white privilege is not real and you can take that from Peterson noted white person or how about this one here in the UK for example let's take that as an example the gender pay gap stands at just over nine percent you've got women at the BBC recently saying that the broadcaster is illegally paying them less than men to do the same job you've got only seven women running the top footsie 100 companies Trump so it seems to a lot of women that they still being dominated and excluded to quote your words back to you it does seem that way but multivariate analysis of the pay gap indicated it doesn't exist gender pay gap that's a myth take it from Peterson the guy who made $50,000 a month on patreon because he misread a bill how about this one here's a question can men and women work together in the workplace yes I how do you do it how do you know because I work with a lot of women well it's been happening for what 40 years and things are deteriorating very rapidly at the moment in terms of the relationships between men and women we don't know what the rules are like what here's a rule don't about no makeup in the workplace why would that from why should you wear makeup in the workplace isn't that sexually provocative no it's not no what is it then what's the purpose of makeup it's some people would like to just put on makeup why I don't know why why do you make your lips red because they turn red during sexual arousal that's why why do you put Rouge on your cheeks same reason I mean look how about high heels what everything what about how you what about them yes this definitely that makes sense men and women can't work together because women are always starting it up with makeup and high-heeled shoes and what I think of one group of people that is really dedicated to maintaining beauty standards and making sure that women wear clothing and makeup that sexually gratifies men it's it's feminists or how about the time that he said he felt defenseless against quote female insanity because he couldn't threaten women with violence I know how to stand up to a man who's who's unfairly trespassed against me and the reason no that is because the parameters for my resistance are quite well-defined which is we talk we argue we push and then it becomes physical right like if we move beyond the boundaries of civil discourse we know what the next step is ok that's forbidden in in discourse with women and so I don't think that men can control crazy women yes it's truly men who are in danger from out of control women hey by the way little fun fact Casey didn't know this did you know that 95% of murderers globally or men and not just in the brutal domineering Muslim countries either here in the Americas that number actually jumps to 96% just something to think about yes he has a lot of opinions and they're all very informed and well researched but for some reason that mainstream media has an out forum they keep calling him a conservative despite the fact that he has consistently identified as a classical British liberal which is different worse yet they keep trying to imply he's some sort of alright figurehead which is ridiculous he is roundly condemned the alt-right he would never associate with or defend them except for Miley innopolis and stefan molyneux and lauren southern and Tommy Robinson made sure he either shares or is unwilling to question their views on the inherit ability of intelligence and its racial makeup the IQ literature reveals that which no one would want to be the case which is that there are profound and virtually irremediable differences in people's cognitive performance and that those differences have a very a very solid biological and heritable basis no one wants to hear that they don't want to hear that it's biological they don't want to hear that it's heritable they don't want to hear it's permanent they don't want to hear that it's irremediable and that it actually has a practical consequence and no wonder they don't want your and and even worse they don't want to hear that it differs between genders and ethnicities that is to me one of the most painful things that I've ever learned in my life is is this kind of information it is one of the great heartbreaks when it comes to the dream of pure egalitarianism and that is I think even harder it's an even hotter pill for people to swallow yeah well the gender differences in IQ look relatively trivial but there are differences in ethnicity that don't look trivial the Ashkenazi Jews for example have on average a 15-point advantage over the rest of the Caucasian population which is sufficient to account for their radical over representation in positions of authority and influence and Eskenazi choose radical over representation in positions of authority and influence and sure he talks a lot about the unique virtues of Western civilization and how it's under threat from effeminate liberal academics and the barbarous foreign hordes but he's not all right he said he wasn't what more proof do you need sorry to be the one to break this to you sjw's but Peterson's popularity among the alt-right is just a really weird coincidence it's something that just happened out of nowhere through no fault of his own I don't understand why that is so difficult for you to believe clearly these smear campaigns were concocted by neo-marxists who were threatened by Peterson's ideas and had no weapon to fight him except censorship they hate that he asks inconvenient questions like how come I can't punch ladies they've made it their business to silence him but our hero is not so easily defeated he came up with a clever an innovative plan to protect freedom of speech from these influences he'd make a website they used powerful machine learning technology to protect free speech from the meddlesome mitts of Marxist malcontents his algorithm would identify postmodern or Marxist courses or professors and put them in a big list so that students wouldn't be exposed to them you know so you'd have a big list of everybody that disagreed with him so that you could avoid hearing their point of view for freedom of speech anyway his plans were foiled because they were a bad idea and also because the University of Toronto's Faculty Association put out a memo saying instructors of the potentially targeted courses believe that their autonomy as educators may be under threat the proposed website has created a climate of and intimidation you heard it here first folks they're afraid and intimidated by freedom of speech specifically the the freedom for Peterson's fans to harass them oh he wrote another book this one's a New York Times bestseller twelve rules for life an antidote to chaos chaos by the way as Petersen likes to remind us is feminine so that's weird now I'm not gonna go over most of this book because I think it's mostly just self-help garbage that doesn't really hurt but it's kind of like obvious if you think about it for even a second but some of them are a little strange like rule number five don't let your children do anything that would make you dislike them now on the surface if you weren't willing to be charitable to dr. Peterson you would interpret that to mean that he thinks you should control your children's lives and and make them do things but nothing could be further from the truth what he's actually saying is that you have to be able to appropriately discipline your children and give yourself some leeway from them and some personal space away from them so that you don't grow to resent them let me let me show you a clip that I think demonstrates his view on the subject pretty clearly I would say your best bet is to be a more selfish mother and believe me I've had more clients who were ruined by mothers who were too unselfish than I've had clients who were ruined by mothers who were too selfish there you go he's had more patients ruined by selfless mothers than by selfish ones that's a weird that's a weird word to use ruined to talk about your patients I mean it kind of implies that they're not worthwhile human beings if their lives are broken I'm sure he didn't mean that he probably was just speaking off-the-cuff wasn't really thinking through the implications of what he was central number ten be precise in your speech being a precise communicator is one of the twelve most important aspects to living a healthy and virtuous life according to Peterson apropos of nothing here's how Peterson answers the question do you believe in God so people often ask me do you believe in God which I don't I don't like that question first of all it's an attempt to to it's an attempt to box me in in a sense and the probability that they construe belief and construe God the same way I do is virtually zero so it's it's a question that doesn't work for me on multiple levels of analysis I act as if God exists now you can decide for yourself whether that means whether that I believe in him so to speak but I act as if he exists so that's a good enough answer for that then with regards to these other issues the divinity of Christ well I would say the same problems with the question formulation obtained what do you mean by divine and also what do you mean by Christ for all intents and purposes I believe that the logos is divine insofar as we if if will by divine you mean of ultimate value of ultimate transcendent value yes clear as day could not be more precise obviously the logos is divine as long as divinity is construed to mean that of transcendent value it's just something about that clip the way he talks about how words have different meanings to different people as though there's no universal standpoint from which to construe meaning meaning is just something constructed by our own individual experiences I've heard that before where did I hear that there's a name for that in 2017 Peterson retired his clinical practice to focus on his career as a public intellectual now he travels the world spreading his extremely informed ideas to his millions of adoring fans ideas like his new diet in the course of the day Peterson eats beef salt turmeric end of list I know it sounds a little extreme but it's actually inspired by his daughter who's a doctor okay well she is an accredited nutritionist - okay well she's a blogger and diet expert who charges $70 for a consultation that assesses your diet and tells you that you should eat nothing but beef because it can cure arthritis and depressed very responsible use of your public platform dr. Peterson and what a platform everybody loves dr. Peterson except for New Zealand book chain wit cools who recently pulled 12 rules from life from the shelves after the Christchurch shooting evidently they felt that Peterson contributed to a culture of Islamophobia that resulted in Islamophobic violence which i think is absurd and slanderous Peterson doesn't promote Islamophobia that's ridiculous he's merely unwilling to confront Islamophobia in his fan base when confronted with it and also thinks that Muslims are domineering brutal violent monsters you know like a non prejudiced person what could the future hold for this dynamic professor well he slated to debate Marxist philosopher and raccoon transformed into a human by a goblins curse Slovakia later this month Dziedzic has pledged to donate his share of the $300 ticket price to charity end of anecdote Peterson is certainly controversial but one thing nobody can deny is his intelligence to deny that would be to imply that he's an overeducated pompous dingdong whose facile and contradictory body of work uses obscure academic jargon to hide bog-standard Christian conservatism that would imply that some of the millions of people that hang on is every word as though there's hidden genius behind the nonsense that he peddles are actually looking for a vaguely authoritative figure who validates their bigotries and preconceived notions that would suggest that academic success and the ability to summon a lot of piffle on command doesn't necessarily make someone as superior mind it would imply that a lot of what we construe his intelligence is actually just false confidence masquerading as expertise but none of that is true so obviously he's a big brain smart boy who's very coherent good night boy what a cut-up that Peterson is will he ever learn who knows I hope you liked my video the police if you did press the like button if you didn't like it go go away go suckle go suck lemons you jabroni hey why don't you click the bell button because that'll inform you when new videos come up and also when I'm live-streaming which I do now I play video games right now I'm playing sturdy valley which is a lot of fun you can come watch that hey ok some money and what can you give me some money on slash slots line grab some money please dr. Peterson at one point got fifty thousand dollars a month on patreon and uh just want some money you
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 494,958
Rating: 4.5714655 out of 5
Id: 9A2UC1YQxy4
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Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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