Destiny and the Liberal Mind Prison

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You know it's gonna be a good video when they use that picture of him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 131 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/itsdahveed πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I could watch it, but why spoil the experience of watching Destiny react to it on stream?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

These comments are a legit goldmine for memes

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/meatboi5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"He went into this argument with the intention of winning, rather than coming away with a richer understanding of his opponents worldview which he already decided was not worth considering"

People say this bs all the time, sure sometimes he is aggressive, but he just asked NonCompete man simple questions and he already struggled , then he suddenly 2v1 Destiny although this was really more to his detriment lol, he asked NC a bunch of questions because you can never just assume that the other guy knows/even has the same understanding of the difference between labels

plus NonCompete has very obviously deicded that he was in the right before the debate began and did a whole video about how Destiny is like a pair of temporary replacement wheels

the debate tactics argument is tired and he was civil and accomodating against most leftists like Ben Burgis, Peter Coffin, NonCompete and even overly so with Brooks, who really displayed the behaviour ThoughtSlime is giving Destiny shit for

basically the guy that got mad at Vaush for supposedly cis-splaining at him gets mad at Destiny for not thinking his positions through, even though he goes through the trouble of grounding them in philosophy and gives leftists a lot of leeway to explain themselfes

Destiny is very socially progressive and well above average in intelligence and research, but some leftists like TS still give him shit for not reading enough shit up, how impotent in arguing do you have to be that your argument is not accessible in a debate against Destiny

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DarthHorrendous πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My god, it's perfect.

"You don't understand the Left, so you can't argue against us" βœ“

Insinuating Destiny is contrarian for profit βœ“

Accusing him of using "logic trap"s and trying to "pwn him with gotcha questions" βœ“

Accusing him of "just wanting to win" and not learn about his opponent's position (just ignore when Destiny asked several questions with that specific intent) βœ“

All under 3 minutes. Guys, it's internet leftism incarnate here. The only other thing that needs to happen is for this guy to get into a debate with Destiny, completely fall apart, and then circle jerk about it on Twitter with his friends.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 146 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RoboticWater πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Racism can't exist under anarcho communism

How about this scenario when racism can exist

Full of logic traps, he just wants to WIN

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 46 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sess573 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

In the description:

I'm not going to debate him. There are more fulfilling ways to waste an afternoon.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/estranged_quark πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

While I usually like this guys content. I wont deny that this video is frustrating to me for a variety of reasons.

The downplaying of reformists as ineffective or not good enough

Pretty much saying that destiny was debating to win and already thought he was in the right when it can easily be thrown back to NC or whoever destiny is debating

Complaining about smugness in a generally overly smug video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ManlyPlant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 24 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Whenever I watch this guy's videos, I always get the feeling that he's about to cry because of how his eyes glisten and how red the area around his eyes are.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/throwaway_epicgaymer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
Stephen Kenneth bunnell ii holy shit that's a human name also known by his nom de plume destiny is an American video game streamer whose opinions we apparently have to take seriously now if you're a big destiny fan that's cool just chill out for a minute I'm not gonna pick on him too bad I just happen to think he's not very politically literate and sometimes he runs his mouth and gets himself into trouble now I totes get it I'm some nobody and I get to throw out an eye opinions all over the internet and there's nothing anybody can do about it go ahead dislike the video fools it only makes the algorithm consider me more engaging even now my power grows any clown can log on to YouTube and say whatever and some people will listen and that is okay people are gonna listen to me a sweaty weirdo talk about politics then it must have been pretty exciting when an already famous person in a pretty toxic field no less decided to publicly d-pants alright weirdos I mean the first time I heard about destiny was when he was styling on jontron and added him as a white nationalist which is a weird political alignment for a Persian dude but regardless destiny clowned on him and that was fun and it was good and it was everybody liked it when he did that and we were all tickled pink and pleased as punch grow the size of the economy and it brings talent in from other areas to continue to benefit the entire country it benefits the global elites that's the only people at benefit doesn't you make like millions of dollars making YouTube videos you don't count as a global elite okay what do you weigh your thought are you like the working man now so what are you gonna do when you got a Content style of working you're gonna keep it going baby destiny started clowning on a greater variety of ding-dongs mostly far-right youtubers like Lauren southern Karl Benjamin and count Thank You 'la then something entirely unpredictable happened destiny pivoted to debating left O's and now he's debating all sorts of calm you know it's like Peter coughing this Serbs into Michael Brooks and he's very convinced the left are just a bunch of bozos even though he doesn't understand the basics of what we believe in a debate about anarchism with America Jonestown destiny had to have it explained to him that Marxism Leninism and anarchism are not the same thing any idea of explained to him by an anarchist at a Marxist Leninist and they explained it a few times each and by the end I'm not so sure he actually grasped the distinction or that there was a distinction he spent the whole debate trying to trap American and some sort of weak logic trap by selectively listening to his arguments and trying to own him with gotcha questions and it kept blowing up in his face because he didn't understand the basic principles of what he was arguing against he went into the discussion with the intention of winning rather than coming away with a richer understanding of his opponents worldview which he'd already decided was not worth considering in a way that is kind of what makes destiny a good debater he's able to stay resolute in his beliefs then speak from a place of authority that is convincing to an audience it's also what makes him a lazy thinker who by his own admission is bored by the theoretical someone who doesn't really research the positions of his opponents because he knows that all he has to do to defeat them is argue more forcefully than they do he trusts that he can pick apart their position using only the context clues they drop in conversation it's tempting to call this arrogant and on a nuts-and-bolts level I suppose it sort of is but I don't think it's because destiny is dumb or a bad dude though to be clear sometimes this habit leads him to behave like a bad dude and I remember that no wait I want to talk to you about this when I remember that when you told me that though there's no evidence of Communists of stable communist country in the world and you know why because a capitalism capitalist country the word fuck all us up I mean even if that was true that's not my fault that your economic system is too weak to resist outside pressure if anything I'm sorry like if your countries roll over because they can't defend themselves that sounds like a good argument for my system are you saying rolled over wouldn't I just I think it's because his mind has been imprisoned his imagination has been suppressed by the most insidious and the ubiquitous brainwashing program the world has ever seen it's called liberalism wait what the frig thoughts fun what are you talking about oh I bet some of you are probably confused right now particularly those that are new around these parts you may have thought based on your understanding of the left/right political spectrum that has a leftist I am therefore a liberal you might consider values like lgbtq+ rights feminism anti racism all things that I care deeply about to be liberal values you might be worried at this moment I'm about to say some real conservative shit because you've been taught that liberal and conservative are the boundaries of serious political discourse and allow me to set your mind at ease find calm my friend I'm not a conservative I'm not about to attack liberalism from the right I want to attack it from the left in fact I actually think it's pretty incoherent for conservatives to attack liberalism because I consider conservatives to be liberals albeit much too dear liberals with generally shittier haircuts liberalism is a centrist political ideology that supports individual freedoms in theory representative democracy and theory equality under the law in theory and free markets ie capitalism in practice on the surface that sounds like a bunch of good things with one bad thing thrown in for flavor and I very much stress here on the surface because I have my qualms about representative democracy even in its most idealized form but there is a contradiction at the heart of liberalism individual freedoms equality under the law and capitalism cannot coexist capitalism by its very nature creates inequality and undermines individual liberty you cannot have equality under the law when some people can afford to mount expensive lawsuits keep defense lawyers on retainer or Lobby policymakers to tailor the law to suit their interests Congrats both you and Chevron have the same legal right to hydro frack without worrying about whether or not you're going to poison the local drinking water and while that may be equality under the law in the strictest sense it's not meaningful equality because it's designed only benefit a select few people the idea is that laws apply equally but that doesn't guarantee that they represent people equally likewise you cannot have individual freedoms when your ability to survive is contingent on whether or not you obey your boss whether or not you can pay your landlord you can pay for your groceries your power bill whether you can pay for your medication the very nature of capitalism and commodity production are fundamentally at odds with your ability to live freely the methods that liberals suggest to fix this contradiction have failed time and again and always will because they're not actually interested in solving the problem which is capitalism because that is fundamental to their worldview they believe that these systemic and justices are natural and unsolvable so the best we can hope for is a free market with strong regulatory practices put in place by a vigilant state to keep the market in check and that certainly seems reasonable when you compare it to the other solution that mainstream politics offers which is I don't know fuck it let's just do whatever we want and it might kill everybody but we'll make some money and let's not get it twisted sometimes regulations do a real good job sometimes they have a very positive influence like for example we don't use leaded gasoline anymore thanks regulations of course leaded gasoline was only sold in the first place because it was profitable to do so so in the absence of the profit motive that's a problem that wouldn't have needed solving in the first place but still regulations did it they fixed it and I mean sure the whole process got tied up in the courts for decades because the only science on the effect of lead exposure in humans that these regulatory bodies considered as evidence was conducted by people who literally worked for lead companies but you got to give the system a little credit here okay it came to the right conclusion and it only took 50 years of delays while thousands of metric tons of neuro toxic chemicals were pumped into the atmosphere for no reason poisoning the entire earth what were they supposed to do people had only known that lead was toxic for a couple of thousand years the regulatory bodies were on the cutting edge of modern ancient Roman science and they've kept us safe ever since which is why climate change is not poised to destroy the human race within say ten years and just look how seriously our leaders are taking it like for example there is this recent crisis where the Amazon rainforests in Brazil were just burning down because the bolsa narrow administration is full of lunatics and our leaders stepped up to the plate and boldly ignored it or didn't even notice we're saved we're honestly probably all gonna die I don't even know why I'm making this video liberalism sells itself as a means to keep capital in check with democracy and regulatory agencies we can leverage the power of the state to prevent rich O's from running rampant over everyone else if you work within the system you can affect change without the need for violence without any of those messy revolutions that could backfire that could make things even worse for you problem is the rich O's have just as much ability to leverage that power against our interests which is to say they actually have a lot more power to do that because they can pay thousands of people to do it for them they can fund entire political campaigns they can bribe officials they can bit-by-bit erode legal protections against cronyism and corruption and let everyone else exhaust their political capital trying to win them back not to mention they're also signing your fucking paycheck so how hard are you really gonna fight them exactly we can't progress forward under capitalism because there's always a dedicated cabal of rich ghouls trying to pull us backwards and within capitalism there always will be because our interests conflict with theirs that's why large corporations and billionaires managed to take over all relevant political parties and carefully teller their agendas not to interfere with the interests of the rich and powerful all of the mechanisms that we would use to protect ourselves from the whims of the rich become recuperated and controlled by the rich that is a feature of liberalism not a bug the purpose of liberalism the reason an ideology theoretically underpinned on the idea of placing limits on the influence of the rich and powerful useful to the rich and powerful is that it functions as a mental filter a way to place a limit on the possibilities one is able to imagine to combat injustice by presenting a comforting illusion of control you can vote for a candidate that represents your interests I mean sure there might not be one that represents your interests but you can choose whichever politician you like to vote for among the small pool of ones that matter you're in control hey are you concerned about the environment you can buy the laundry detergent with the green cap on it and it's got a picture of a mountain on it so it's good for the environment you're in control here are you worried about all the genocides your country is committing well don't worry you can write a strongly worded letter to your local representative and a few months later you'll receive a form letter saying that they take this issue very seriously and also they spelled your name wrong you're in complete control now what you don't want to do what nobody wants you to do is act outside of the system that's brash that's dangerous there's no way to control that that's not serious political thought real quick I probably would agree like with most like any any slow reform that works I'm always in favor of so if you think flattening hierarchies makes people's lives better or lets them keep more money or whatever if you start subtly doing this in some factories and it ends up like empirically working then I'm 100% in favor of it and I would hope that musket would be as well to liberals are horny for the idea of gradual reform you can't make too big a change who knows what will happen although the changes you make have to be incremental and easily reversible and oops wouldn't you know it they got reversed by the next group of Ding Dongs in power now you've got to win them all back again round and round you go and where you end up everybody thinks it's pretty obvious if you think about it for even fuck it's a stopgap that prevents the public from resisting when the government or capitol act against their best interest it quells discontent by funneling all political will into the directions that the system controls and convincing everyone that any other expression of political unrest is illegitimate any civil disobedience which is successful is revised in the history books until it appears as though it worked within the system thereby demonstrating the system's flexibility and fairness the civil rights movement for example faced severe state repression were accused of being terrorists and inciting riots but then a couple of decades later when everyone can look back with the benefit of hindsight and realize actually the civil rights movement ruled all the textbooks say that everything they did that was successful was thanks to passive resistance so if you want to fight injustice you two should be passive if the system can work for them and you're just gonna have to take my word for it that it did it definitely did it work for them or great then it'll work for you too you just have to trust it okay and then you'll be fine just don't rock the boat too much any civil unrest which acts outside the system and is unsuccessful becomes demonstrative of how only working within the established boundaries can be productive Occupy Wall Street failed because these hippy dippy kids fail to get the right zoning permits and that's just not how you get things done in the real world you want to resist the government that's fine it's your right go ahead just make sure you fill out the right paperwork and get the government's permission before you start resisting them bit by bit limits are placed on the liberal imagination until they can no longer conceive of any sort of political action outside the boundaries of liberalism it isn't simply that they disagree with other ideologies though of course they do it's that they're completely unable to even picture a society that isn't liberal succeeding or being desirable to anyone therefore the transgressions of any liberal government are just things that happened that they're just individual failures they're not related to liberalism in any way but the transgressions of any non liberal government are proof that only liberal governments can work in the 21st century take for example this baloney of a tweet where destiny talks about how using the hammer and sickle flag means condoning the hallowed omere any support for that system means tacitly being ok with starvation and genocide ok well what about this flag or this flag what about this flag displaying these flags signify tacit support for slavery genocide colonialism or manufactured famines if the hammer and sickle are equivalent to a swastika why aren't these dog and just side note I think all of these flags are bad but let's be real here let's cut the bullshit none of them are as bad as a swastika and before I get accused of colonialist apologia let me explain what I mean by that while all of these countries have committed and are committing hideous atrocities most people fly these flags because it's like the place that they live or were born they don't really think about it that much when you fly a swastika flag you're announcing your intention to start murdering minorities all of these flags have been flown while minorities have been murdered of course but only one of them is used exclusively to signal support for the murder of minorities pretend otherwise is to make excuses for the most dangerous right wing goons on the planet the tape or organizing and rallying support for their murderous ideologies right now liberals will always make the distinction between liberal nations who may have done bad things and non liberal countries which are just essentially bad because they did bad things to them the crimes of liberal governments up to an including ongoing genocide are incidental to liberalism but the crimes of other governments are essential to that style of governance the upshot of this is that you can't really use any bad outcomes of liberal policy to argue with them because they refuse to see the connection between the outcomes of liberalism and liberalism itself look at all that those hungry people in Venezuela a definitely socialist country well it just goes to show is socialism doesn't work these people though hungry yep that's why we need capitalism like we have here in my country oh hey there's a homeless guy in my neighborhood begging for change that he can buy food don't know what happened there I assume a goblin must have stolen his wallet hello and welcome to the eyeball zone where I promote small left of who need eyeballs on their work you know what everybody loves spooky video games on August 30th 6 p.m. BST which I think stands for a British Standard Time I don't know probably should look that up before I started recording this twitch streamer Brett Midway Gazoo will be playing Resident Evil with their husband to raise money for Amnesty International it's you the link is in the description to their twitch channel you can go check that out you don't have to wait till August 30 if you can go right now you know what life's too short go check it out hey do you need eyeballs on some explicitly leftist project Wow just send a dang old email to thought slime editor at and I'll see if I can hook you up but maybe I can't because I get a lot of these emails oh well I'm trying now we return to our regularly scheduled programming there's a very frustrating exchange between non-compete and destiny or destiny asks how an anarchist factory would deal with the majority white workforce using its majority to force racist legislation on the entire group American points out a number of ways that could be resolved theoretically but ultimately concedes that no method of labor organizing can solve racism and destinies think this is a will slam dunk argument checkmate enter Kitty's racism is still possible in a factory even if you're anarchist check mate I mean homeboy is not wrong to say that anarchist labor organizing alone won't solve racism I mean he's wrong to suggest that we think that for the record we don't well we were what he misses is he never turns that analysis inwards towards the society that he is defending imagining a big factory making googas 70% of the workers are white 30% are black in this hypothetical factory that I've made up in this made-up anarchist society each worker has a commiserate amount of ownership and say over the way that the factory is run and what is done with the googas it produces if the white workers decided to stiff the black workers they'd have majority control and they could do that pretty good example of a situation where collective ownership can run into problems good job so far now let's take a look at the same example in a liberal capitalist model the decisions are no longer made by consent they're made by one dude the boss and since white workers outnumber black workers almost two to one he's likely to be white even if we don't factor in institutionalized racism now a way person gets to make decisions unilaterally the black workers have gone from 30% control over their workplace to zero percent which is not exactly liberating aha ding-dong in a liberal society I can ask government for help you know if the laws are on your side and also the laws are enforced and also you're not afraid of losing your job or being retaliated against then also your employee hasn't found a loophole like just pretending that all of his bullshit is based on performance rather than race and also if all those conditions are met there's really nothing stopping your employer from just screwing over all of their employees rather than improving conditions for black employees if you live in a liberal democracy you might notice that there's still systemic racism the regulations that were meant to address this problem didn't fix it now they've helped and were meant to treat that as sufficient giving direct control of the workplace to the worker I would argue would also on its own fail to solve this problem but it would also likewise help a great deal but that somehow is woefully insufficient so yeah this is a problem that could come up in an anarchist society you know if anarchists decided the only thing that we wanted to do was organize factories and then decide the revolution done no need to solve other problems everybody that everything's gonna be fine good job comrades let's all go get Popeyes couldn't think of a funny thing they'd be getting I don't know it's Popeyes funny I don't know if that joke was funny but even if it's a problem that could come up in an anarchist society it's also a problem that has happened and is happening in Liberal societies right now that's incidental for liberalism but essential for the system he's critiquing because he can imagine it the system uses critiquing by the way doesn't exist so we can say it has all sorts of problems it's full of vampires what if people's legs fall off now in fairness to him we don't have data for what a hypothetical anarchist world would look like we have some small data samples for anarchist countries which seem to do pretty dang good all things considered but we'll never know until we try at some point every economic system every political system every fucking idea was untried liberalism was a new idea at one point and they fought bloody revolutions to install of that it's pretty convenient that after the fact it became too dangerous to try new ideas without some arbitrary amount of data don't you think no we just have to stick with our current model because at least we have the data to know that it doesn't work and will destroy earth and that's how the liberal minds prison works it's a difficult problem to solve because we're fighting against the complicit education system and mass media anyone can make a single compelling argument against the liberal but can you make 12 years of compelling arguments between the key developmental ages of 5 and 17 can you reinforce those compelling arguments with a complete hegemony over all mainstream political discourse no you can't don't say that you can because you can't do it and look I get it even making a good argument can be difficult because it's easy to get frustrated with liberal smugness and just want to yell at them just fucking stop thinking this way I don't really know how to solve that problem entirely but I'd like to offer one suggestion when arguing with a liberal or anyone else for that matter never justify your position without demanding that they also justify theirs the purpose of this is simple to demonstrate to liberals that their positions are not just the default they're not just the natural way things are they're a choice they're an ideological position just like anyone elses that must be justified getting these wieners to consider that they even have a position is half of the battle getting them to recognize their assumptions about the world require justification and can't just be taken as it given you can take them out of a liberal mind prison by forcing them to make their case now they might remain liberal afterwards in fact they probably will but it means they have to prove themselves to you just as much as you have to prove yourselves to them passionately pleading our case and letting them sit back and poke holes lets them continue to imagine themselves as the judges of reason it lets them play pretend like they know what is and is not realistic it makes them the authority in the conversation you must win over and don't give them that make them justify themselves to you and here's here's here's the thought slim original you can have for free if they start complaining about the death toll of socialism whatever a ridiculous number they believe that to be go ahead and ask them how they feel about the fact that capitalism is leading us towards climate collapse and will literally kill all people in the world unless it stopped that it's not a real easy thing to justify there's not with well the okay sure it's gonna kill all of us but I got an iPhone just see Avengers endgame it's pretty cool fans finally got to see spider-man and Rocket Raccoon together on the screen good top that socialists what are you doing what kind movies you gonna make are they even gonna have brood in them you socialist movies even gonna have Groot didn't think so it's me thought slime I'm back again I'd like to give a shout out to Alex from lost in the folds who made this ridiculously adorable little thought slime guy will pay for fold up toy hey does my voice sound different it's because I recorded this part at a separate time don't forget to check out her video in the description that goes over her design process it also gets into what it's like as a designer to do political work and the considerations involved with that and it's just a really well-done video essay I highly recommend you check it out and would even if it wasn't tangentially about me scrolling above you you'll see a bunch of drawings and names those are people that donated to me on patreon if you donate to me at the new $15 tier you can get a downloadable copy of the thought slime paper fold up toy I put one together recently and I can tell you it was a lot of fun I'm actually going to put one together on stream sometime soon I also have a cofee link for one-time donations if patreon isn't your thing don't feel compelled to give to either but if you can that would be nice for me it would also be nice for me if you click like on the video and subscribe to me here on but as previously stated you can hit this like if you feel so inclined you will make a powerful enemy of this day but nothing you do has the power to stop me I cannot be destroyed I cannot be killed if you jungle YouTube stupid little bell icon thing then you can be notified when I'm live-streaming which is at least once a week every Thursday at 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and those are the things that I have to say at the end of every video you've probably heard them a lot by now you've probably already turned off the video by now now I can say all of my secrets and no one will hear them
Channel: Thought Slime
Views: 414,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MmhLCy6YmUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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