MONSTER vs ROBOT (best event ever)

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it is currently 3 a.m. in the morning why do fortnight continue to do their events at such crap times look I think we can all agree that we are all kind of waiting for season 10 for tonight's been a bit slow lately but that all changes today bro a giant monster and a giant power ranger about to duke it out I don't think I need to hype this up there's a reason I'm awake at 3 a.m. let's go into the final showdown game mode and see what happens 3:59 a.m. the event is at 4 a.m. what follows is me almost missing FIFA 10 Minds I'm waiting text what the dear may come on get me and your set set months is waiting for server come on Johnny so buddy come on buddy screen loading screen come on its 359 yes I'm in the lobby I'm in the lobby ok we shouldn't ok she's ticked over are we are we missing the entire thing on sport Island right now Weidman oh my god what is that I'm we're missing it get us in the past distance okay we're in okay that's the damn monster yeah okay no what the hell is there that's polar peak monster yeah I kind of what I kind of wanted to root for the monster but since I hate polar peak so much don't think I can root for the monster oh yeah the robots just started moving let's go Power Rangers mecha oh he's going to the vault dude are we gonna get another unbolting can you please bring back bottle rockets yo Paula peak just got destroyed just want to mention that real quick everson chat once again look at my internet my internet is so stuff right now oh I'm on the drone dude I'm right next to this thing yeah I'm still sitting in the sky right now yeah blue rockets will they finish him off the robots firing rockets who's gonna win it I'm team robot let's go team robot dude let's go Go Power Rangers yeah this yeah can I land on the monster should I risk it yeah I'm scared to die this is the most insane what just happened did that robot win he looks pretty happy with himself yeah I woke up I woke up at 3:00 a.m. for this it's way too early for this crap did the robot win we salute you Power Rangers sure this is hectic does anyone else have a boner or is that just me I'm going up to the drone right next to him oh my god he's been belted made this is cooked it's way too early for this crowd it is way too early for this crowd the robot has fallen down on the vault no I might know you represent laser beam he is a twitch TV Sweatt you must do it for the all that is good in the world yeah he just got the Infinity stones from the vault dude you just got knocked the F at down yeah I'm gonna lay it on the robot yeah now just do us a favor and destroy Tilton what's he grabbing I can't say he's ass is in the way yeah he's asked in the way that you owe the sach the statue is a sword finish the job Power Rangers finish the job buddy legit ASMR chills right now oh my god I kind of missed him stabbing the sword through the house is going at salty he's forcing it's awesome epic games is right we salute you Power Rangers I got tears in my eyes I'll drink one from me Charmander cut boil I have to go my people need me say your body why is he where's he going he was made on earth like where could he possibly be godly yeah that was uh that was definitely insane yeah blue house got destroyed there's now a giant skull with a sword on it that was that was worth waking up super cooked at 3:00 a.m. for oh no I'm just crap raving on the on the top dude yeah that was insane that was so cool alright you want to get dude go to the center go to the vault go on to the vault what's in here where am I going oh okay it's just like another jet stream thing oh you know we're breaking this we're gonna find a way to turn this into a nuclear weapon acai might know that yeah heaps of stuffs been destroyed Luke likes being destroyed like all around ear yeah I used to be drawing here dryer yeah it's true drummer bro this house got destroyed rest in peace no that was those epic games I don't know if it's just because I'm super cooked at 4 a.m. but that was some epic games I mean the one email I had equipped was I love team monster so that's kind of awkward okay lately item shop has changed don't forget coat lady z28 I woke up at 4 a.m. for your entertainment ah they added a one-handed floss because of the road boy that was the event everyone quick video but I'm glad we could all witness this amazing event together it will not be a lot of editing in this video could not be bothered we almost missed it there is a puddle beneath me because I thought I missed it
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 22,621,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, SEASON 10, EVENT, MONSTER VS ROBOT, season 10 event, gaming
Id: niedtUSVj4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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