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[Music] I've done nothing but sit here chill with the missus wait for playground made a well [ __ ] is it all right so I figured I let's stop sitting on my ass I've got something that's gonna make me mad some that we can all sit back and laugh at you remember this chick guess who's back back again old lady's back to spew [ __ ] yes a few months back I showed you a video of this lady on her news program talking about how fortnight is corrupting children it needs to be banned this online survival game has kids and teens competing to kill each other on screen and desensitizing them to violence because it has been described as gory it's violent and gory we all laughed that it was really funny I enjoyed it but yeah basically this woman is very anti fortnight she has an agenda and I'm here to destroy these people once and for all if I can't be building giant Willie's in playground mode I am gonna defeat the anti-v do game movement in one video and you're about to witness that video buckle up buckaroo she's about to get nasty yeah saw this video cuz my mate champ Jong he did like a news breakdown on it I didn't watch the video cuz I wanted to go in fresh yeah he did the breakdown on it you should go check that one out it's free that's the codis this lady better be careful be careful oh that was a headshot oh my god it's addictive and it's wildly popular the objective 100 people fight strangers to the death live and online around lasts up to 20 minutes and you can't pause it can we just can we say can we get apps in the chat for the for the shock trap only a so G's will remember this week a nine-year-old made headlines for wetting herself in bed rather than leaving the game I don't want to keep pausing the video but what how is the kid paying herself in bed got anything to do with fortnight either cover of bed in Taos or slap a diaper on it ain't for noise problem don't be trying to be in the game because of that it's the most downloaded game in the world and it's got parents in a frenzy trying to protect their kids and control their addiction see that I've got no problem with like that that's obviously what you should be doing mate you can't let a five-year-old play any video game for 20 hours well that's just common sense that's not the game's problem here's today's psychologist sandy ray and I'll take expert Charlie Brown good morning well this is this is fortnight and they playing what's called fortnight battle royale now this is the multiplayer game I want to give a shout out to this guy I've seen him on the Today Show before I grew up with the Today Show actually this guy's a legend maybe this guy's talk some sense in now this is the multiplayer game we're up to a hundred people play together and games can go for 20 minutes or half an hour or two hours there's a bit of shooting a bit of puzzle solving a bit of building the kids can also join their mates in the game as well so instead of pick a footy at the local park if it's raining for example they can join the virtual world and be talking to their mates so what's the aim of the game well you want to be the last man standing in the end what's the aim of the game to kill all the other players in the game so how does that oh my god you can just tell she was so smug about it what's the aim of the game what's the aim of the game the other why isn't it right so how does that what's the aim of the game die now I've got shop what's the aim of the game it's the kill people isn't it being it it's bad for kids being it look I used to live Georgie Gardner that's her name the most part she's perfectly fine but on this issue we have a problem what's the aim of the game to kill all the other players in the game so how does that compare sandy to a game of footy with you mates wait how's the compare to a game of 40 like a game of NRL football oh because no one's ever gotten foil at playing football before oh and would you look at that broadcast on the same network as the Today Show but I bet they don't make segments saying kids shouldn't watch football cuz that it costs them money Oh mate you really stumped us there than yeah you really got us look this unequivocal research about the impact of these sorts of games is over 130 evidence-based pieces of research tell us that violent games like this increase aggressiveness increase angry thoughts increase aggressive behavior I'd like to see sources cuz all I have to do is go to Google does video games cause violence and I can show you thousands of results that disagree with you a high school dropout like me that dropped out of 15 years old an absolute definition of a [ __ ] can go to Google find countless sources to say you're wrong the problem is anyone with a bit of money can pay any sort of scientist to come up with research that defends their points so essentially you can make any argument you want and create research that backs it up I'm not saying that's what she did here maybe she actually has evidence I'm not saying she does I'm just saying there's plenty of evidence that says she's wrong this is what the scientific community is telling us that this is really something that we need to be very mindful of and we really need to guard our children's brains we're not saying don't do it at all but we're saying the research is very much telling us there's over 116 research reports telling us that it affects the structure and performance of the brain as well okay I'll give her some points she said she wasn't saying completely shut down all game usage Billy once again the violence part so many people say you're wrong and it's just common sense that you shouldn't let a kid to play for 20 hours that's no [ __ ] right like this is got nothing to do a fortnight all they're trying to do is scare parents but their cartoon characters their caricatures and we don't see blood sandy so so many parents are saying it's okay because we're not seeing the blood and guts that's a complete cop-out there she goes again can you say one buddy were with without sound and like you're talking down to me just cuz I am uneducated does not mean you're allowed to talk down to me alright exactly right it's cartoony it ain't no doom I'll call Judy there's no blood spraying over you there's nothing that's gonna scare a kid for life it's a freaking gingerbread man shooting an astronaut should three year olds playing it no that's common sense if you need a bloody news program until your three-year-old shouldn't be playing a game with guns you're a freaking [ __ ] you should have your kids taken away because you probably don't even know how to feed them but that ain't the game's fault it's good enough fun to do with fortnight let me tell you if a kid that's like ten years old which is around about the age that you should maybe play for now if a kid that's ten years old gets corrupted from that stuff mate breaking news he was already destined to be a serial killer there's nothing that could be done he already had a hunger in for human flesh he was already gonna be a serial killer I think what we got to have the rule of thumb is about twenty twenty minutes to thirty minutes even though most kids are pork at that but twenty to thirty minutes is the time mate that's that's one game like I'm not saying let him play for a week but like one to two hours is this some sort of cutoff like it 20 minutes it's fine but I've done ow they start eating people like piece off download it onto your iPad play it yourself you encourage parents to play it so they at least know what the content is because parents were can show me concerns about it I love them haven't even played the game before at all download it and play it first thing you guys see is what the content actually is that you would be exposing your childhoods and you can also see the parental controls that are built into the game so that swear words for example I'm gonna pop up on that message bar as well by learning a little bit about the content your kids want to consume you will be much less concerned about it because you'll know what it actually is not what you're fearing it is oh my mate Charlie just shat all over him on live television round reports Charlie you legend he said it exactly he said exactly what I'm trying to say none of this has anything to do with fortnight why is this a big outrage about for tonight this all comes down to parenting if you're a parent you got a five-year-old kid that plays fortnight and after he finishes playing fortnight he starts punching your cat he's probably got a problem maybe you should step in as a parent separating from it but to do that you've actually got to take interest in your child put effort in play the game understand what he's playing be able to relate to him and talk to him about it so you understand what he's actually doing in the game but that's too hard it's easy just to be angry yeah 4:9 okay it's a really good point I'm looking at this game now for the first time and I just want to play it oh I might I love Karl I grew up on this show I love Karl maybe you ever want to run do as you hit me up man forget Drake and ninja Karl and laser babe oh my dream viewers what's the point if this if this game is so bad if this game is so addictive and it's so it's so detrimental to it to the lives of our children then why is it available why shouldn't it be banned Kyle I feel betrayed I feel hurt I'm disgusted I want an apology for how attacked I feel right now it's cruel because there's nothing wrong with the game for who it's actually intended to play it and and the reason this game it has a share in lies the point for who is intended for this game the classification of this game is not restrictive to a particular age there is a guide to the age which is teenagers yeah but it's not restricted to it because of the content in the game so because of that you as a parent need to step up and you need to say you know what I understand what my kids are consuming here and I'm either okay or I'm not okay oh my god Charlie I love you mate I love you look I'll give this show credit they've finally got an absolute legend on the show to talk [ __ ] and fight back for us love you sorry yeah once again I've said it a few times all comes down to being a parent play the game I understand what your kids are doing if your kids are really young and you feel like they're playing too much talk to him about it get on their level have a conversation have a relationship with your child but what's that got to do with fortnight so there's a show called the weekly it's basically how daily show they sum this up beautifully full credit to them for this they had a newspaper from the 80s which showed a news report about parents being outraged about Nintendo the Nintendo was causing violence buddy Mario Mario was causing violence they were say to the Bethan in tender they've been doing this [ __ ] for years boys they said about GTA they said it about Cod and now they're saying it about fortnight Gator bugger it shouldn't be banned you just got to be a better parent they've been using this as an excuse to outrage people make people scared make people come up with excuses for their poor parenting go and get your head out your ass and get off my fortnight oh no I just felt like I had the need to share this with the world now back to waiting for playground mode still not a
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 30,183,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, fortnite banned, fortnite news, battle royale, lazarbeam, fortnite new
Id: 5lpV2DYX_hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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