The *RANDOM* ICON Skin Challenge

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what's up guys yes today we're doing the random icon series challenge now you may have noticed i put myself in laser beam on the thumbnail look we just want to be famous all right laser beam laser beam i've never heard of laser beam obviously not that famous epic please give us our own skins anyways we've got marshmallow big boy fresh ninja travis scott john wick and mr beam as our mythic pretty much we have our skins randomized and whatever skin we get we can only use that weapon rarity now in this video you're gonna witness one of my most scuffed and clutch wins in a very long time so hope you guys enjoy remember if you want to support your boy subscribe leave a like and of course use code fresh green only already we got the reflex yep i'm an icon lana and i will get our own skins again i'm just gonna say it again we deserve our own skins there should definitely be a skin you can use code fresh and laser for in the item shop where it's us everything we're wearing is an icon so we've even got marshmallows damn glider okay first round green only let's see how we do it's perfect as well peepee we own peepee come on come on come on okay i don't want a grey pump right now dude oh now that's what we want to see cheeky green tack okay boy i'll be taking that we got a green pistol as well we've got the chest up here come on green green ah or an smg oh we're actually getting everything we need we're going to win first round with green only real quick or what we don't even need the jinji's mythic items even though i think that's just going to be harder but oh okay ah my god oh god damn it really looks like we're going grotto jinji reflex than jinji it's like epics trying to epic nose if they're giving us reflex then gingy epic knows we deserve a skin haha guys now we're stuck on mythic only dude now we got to be laser beam just going to somehow be sneaky enough to yank mr brute brute's lovely uh minigun all right a bit of cosplay is all we need all right someone come kill brutus come on of course we get gingy dude like i would love i love mythics but gosh it's just this first bit are you getting a little getting a little close here brutus okay what the what the hell that goddamn guy with a pickaxe you ruined my cosplay oh here we go here we go a real player yes kill brutus what them what the hell what are you doing what the hell go get brutus why are you just hanging around going for me oh my god okay we need to run away we'll come back for brutus in a second what the hell is this dude oh my gosh what the hell you're okay it's a stream sniper no no i can't i'm doing a challenge dude what what's giving me a damn minigun gonna okay yep you're okay this is if i only had ninja's skin right now i'll get you banned i'm telling you right now i'll get you banned if i was ninja getting the hell out of here thank you harley quinn leave me alone god damn weirdo i'm stuck barely help me oh my god oh my god oh my everyone's just a stream sniper come on guy can you guys go fight leave me alone i'll take meds though oh my god um okay this round's over well i'll be yanking that goodbye can you guys stop stream sniping me holy hell i you ain't this damn chopper they're lucky i'm not the ninja skinned because i would have gotten them banned off that uh right just like that they would have been banned i got a plan though no one ever picks up deadpool's dualies because they're trash oh gosh i'm being i'm being a little silly here come on come on vault quick i have no health oh my god are you serious come on bazooka okay we're still alive i swear whoever landed he actually takes the dualies you oh my gosh look at that what'd i tell you no one ever touches deadpool's dualies look at our first weapon of the game and there's goddamn 17 people left i will not let stream snipers ruin my game i'm just gonna save for like the fifth time you're lucky i'm not ninja skin i would have reported you for stream sniping stream sniping what an idiot we're damn chillin we're gonna pull this game back don't you worry don't you guys worry at all we even still got the chopper here this is perfect okay let's go fight some gamers we gotta find whoever has the mythic items i'm gonna take him out with the deadpool dollies even though they're complete trash we'll do it come on come on what the really wait i'm not even gonna fight him because he probably won't have a mythic item i want to fight the mythic people who's up here someone with the brutus minigun you got the brutus minigun oh god damn it didn't work okay i used it okay this guy had nothing why is everyone a stream sniper please leave me alone i'm not ninja oh that's the booty that's the broody oh oh god oh wait i have no mass oh god this gun's so bad oh okay he just fell in a rubbish bin this guy just fell in a rubbish bin i think i'm the luckiest human on earth what just happened i just ran out of mats someone eliminated the broody guy this guy somehow fell into a rubbish bin you know what i'm not even gonna i'll take it i'll take my brutus minigun leave me alone i'm telling you guys i will never let a stream sniper ruin my game we somehow have the dooleys and the brutus minigun after this game nine other people left am i going to win this as laser beam this is probably the most scuff challenge we've ever played and somehow we might actually pull this through hey you like brutus i like brutus oh we've got so much maths now as well oh i love the brute brute oh i love the brute brute oh my gosh i hope all these stream snipers are watching right now frick y'all i'ma still get your band too how about that eight people left the most scuffed game for a challenge and we're gonna pull it back no problem no damn problem oh what's going on here you guys like you guys like brutus i like brutus oh more mythic weapons as well where's the grappler and i'll be taking that we are now very sacked we now probably have the best loadout in the game this is how fresh does it guys this is how we damn do it no matter what they've been saying it for years i'm telling you that they've been saying it for many many years now never down freshy boy never doubt freshly boy use code fresh now we got this as well you like fortnite oh god oh oh i apologize all right look we'll let her heal up a little bit she hit us hard what what the hell this brutus is so loud all right chill out champ oh my gosh if he hit a thick shot there he could have gotten me that's right mr beam is chilling no damn problem now where's the drum gun honestly i'm down to get another mythic weapon i wouldn't mind oh what the what what the hell was that okay this has got to be the most scuffed game of my life did i get shot out was that the chopper trying to kill me i would have been so sad if that chopper just killed me holy hell i'm pretty sure that was the chopper am i cursed or something got stream slappers trying to kill me even a chopper trying to kill me holy hell i don't know if i want to go near that damn chopper yeah we might just ditch that chopper i don't know what's going on with that thing if i didn't damn react we would have been dead we do not like to see that also i wanted to show everything here is an icon a mode as well our skin's the uh icon skin as well oh hang on guys let me join hang on oh my god oh there's three people fighting here oh my gosh cracked like that broody broody oh god one down he's got another person in this fight i see you when they are oh well check out this damn loadout this is what we want to see this is what we want to god damn see just going to say it again this is probably the most scuffed round we've ever had in a challenge and it's mythic only and we're somehow we somehow have a full loadout of mythics right now i was on no health had to yoink a chopper and go all the way over to the yacht got really lucky with getting our brutus minigun not gonna lie i'm i'm definitely gonna put that on luck and now we got a full load out of mythics right is this every mythic oh no we don't have the bow the dooley's may have been our first one but we don't want the dualies anymore we want the mao meow power power well there's still one person left i just hope trying not to be too cocky but we got quite the load out i doubt we're going to lose here wait right here up at have you given up appeal are you all right i think he's given up he knows the beam he knows the beam and the reflex deserve icon skins oh wait that didn't kill my gosh finish off with full damn mythics we got reflex got bursted got gingy somehow won i'll take it you
Channel: Fresh
Views: 14,504,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnitebr, fortnite battle royale, mrfreshasian, mr, fresh, asian, fresh fortnite, battle royale, challenge, meme, popup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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