this rich $30 million base looked raided.. but then we found this! | minecraft factions

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hey guys it's me James welcome back to another minecraft factions episode okay my voice got really feminine all of a sudden it's almost like my lovely wife Demi came and did the intro for me I mean you can make your own decisions on that in the comments below also if you hear this comment Demi is a man okay she heard that one alright guys welcome back to another factions episode guys today we are gonna be raiding the faction if I effed map we are gonna be raiding the faction reject who fraidy these guys a few more times actually we've ready to guys a load of times but you guys see right now they're worth thirty million dollars and twenty two ml and spawn of value and there's only three of them in the fraction I'm not sure what's going on there but we're here today I'm at you muted right now so I can't introduce anybody but you should know twin along with creepers edge because you don't get views otherwise I'm joking please don't ban me if you guys do enjoy this episode make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe if you guys are new we are doing insanely well on the channel right now so thank you guys for all the continued support I'm probably going to cut here until I don't know I'm stacking sand or whatever I made to do in this cannon guys I will see you in a sec you twin is currently stacking you can throw you can throw out means we know how did I know that was gonna come make your bets boys what you thinking is there something in there or not that's a good sign go to the walls and I'll finally I should have enough homes enough claims enough tea we have three shots left so that's enough right [Music] good that's a dog that's a double zombies probably close are we putting it in the tree base we couldn't see go down into the bottom bases like we would have definitely cannon dere 100% definitely there was hoes in like most of them are like the two of them didn't have a that's the one right we've got oh my god guys we've got loads of it unless I take all these masks it's not too bad you want to take you know these mollusks learn stuff there's loads of stuff because if they log on before intros or even more cows squids take it take it or take it home tree it would have been a decoy it wouldn't work if one they had more claims initiative and to the upper volts you could you you could check what's in them about happened to radio that's why we couldn't see and we've got loads and loads of books over here make sure you check everything unless summer-rae they did a terrible job at all more skeleton supporters I got there's got me more fullness right oh this valiant five in here valium five torrent for another torrent for yeah I have it you need valium five twin some sheeps cow which is good so we need to keep track of how much like have we read the full for you I am Not sure it looks raided each essence like how it's all blown up it looks read about these guys actually did what we used to do we find raids because there is a rib ace next to space that isn't playing but they just claim the base and living it memory we just get lazy oh yeah we used to do that agent that's when you see it rate of like everyday we used to have into the good ones but there's no point taking like the aimbot one or epic we might as well it you just take those 25 because we got a double of those Spooner's and that's like 1650 this base was raided it's definitely I'm soaring in a tree I don't know probably safe F who rejects this if he's alive nobody online just rate everything is it like another double prop for anyone if you know is I've taken oh this has Vlasic blade for I'll take this top five I've taken the P point from the two chests here okay so I'm finding weekly AMA is I don't know if it's worth taking even the p3 I mean we can take it right it should be alright so take the p3 don't take the p1 nope nope you want to take the p3 there's still like a load of good in shock there's annihilate five in here Valle attic braid blade five shockwave to Vlasic blade 64% work 36% fail annihilate five 50% work 21% charts fail there's crippling swinging as well affliction five infliction vitalize three I think we've taken up already like quite a lot just trying to sort through this p3 boots turn four yeah I need oh I found two yeah they're in the base in the tree area I put them in useful books okay so you can least I think I have some as well if you need to borrow some hundred-percent started off quite well it's just it's just the ending that's gone pretty downhill twin suspicions I thought it was raided so thank twin pretty much thank you to in for feeding us this Christmas oh the ones over there yeah I checked it it looks raided that's what I'm saying it looks rated at first glance you'd think just stored it all in those chairs it's just p3 it's just p3 in these three at the top but it's kind of like hard to get oh yes yeah every every box like mind into everything's like mind so I'm saying it - five that's max isn't it I suspect fine I'm breaking through I didn't take it I literally was on a break before book in there that's where four freaking times you're some people I built God set about like a divine peace well then they can operate it to divine peace technically is it gone I have no one took it you might have a good can't win one who I found I found I found it this one oh right this one this was in one one in one in one in I'm right wanted he just went back he's looking around you you've just vanished cheap mushroom I got some chicken in it they got a little Raiders Alexa book on you you have it yep yep breaking for ya my divine peace has I'm breaking for in it so well this raid is rated just double check the books I guess if you really want to I think we got most Nova chest here we're getting about eight we gonna say goodbye to Kenneth who blow it up - oh my own oh wait guys I'm not moving because it's actually full oh well that explains a little bit then I started storing it in the chess above I did that it's all full I already did that's that's really impressive I like where do you store this room so it's like three of us nope I'm at the cannon juni teepee you can't have one oh there you go oh wait what am i doing I forgot I have fly twin and guess who doesn't see LA is win all right I'm just getting rid of all the water when have you got any blocks to help because I'm using dispensers well because I want to save my good TNT twin I worked hard for this I I think it should almost be gone I'm coming back yeah we're just getting rid of the cannon like it's gonna go boom boom boom let me he's a whale make sure we block up all the wars definitely think we're good no I started mining it for TNT because I didn't have any on me alright I got like a stack of T and P from it I wanna make sure this one every bit goes just placing my TNT everywhere just to make sure I claimed it so you can put fly on say goodbye not a bad job to be fair just just place a little bit Jesus Christ win did you see it's down to the fall [Laughter] it's not here I don't know I don't even know yes it took him like 15 minutes pretty : you're pretty cold that's what I did with him the other day I was going to you because I did yesterday helping not gonna help him yeah was there one last thing would you guys help me in doing this I thank you guys so much for watching today's video I hope you guys did enjoy I was gonna add the PvP stuff but my mic start playing up like halfway through so I didn't really think it was that good I thought was a quite a funny note to end it hope you guys are enjoying daily uploads everything is back on track now we're starting to gain everything back and I'm very very happy to see it thank you guys so much I say every time but we're I think an hour a week daily now and we're doing very very well I'm so hyped I'm so motivated it's all thanks to you guys it's it thanks to you right there in the corner thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 12,595
Rating: 4.9472294 out of 5
Keywords: this rich $30 million base looked raided.. but then we found this! | minecraft factions, minecraft, factionsraven, factions raven, factions, creepersedge, twin plays, saicopvp, minecraft action, minecraft raiding, minecraft factions, mine craft, minecraft tnt, raiding a rich base, raiding in factions, factions ep 1
Id: IePROwlj48o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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