Battlefront 2 - Ranking ALL 22 HEROES & VILLAINS from WORST to BEST (FINAL RANK)

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hello everyone and welcome back to the channel for a video I have been getting a lot of requests for and to be honest it only seems natural to do a final battlefront to hero ranking has it's been nearly half a year since my last version in the time since then almost every hero and villain has either been buffed or nerfed in some way and I'd say about 60% of them have been changed enough where it seriously affected their ranks and in fact there are very few heroes that landed at the same rank they did the last time around before we get into the ranking I do need to set a few ground rules for how all of this is going to work first of all I think it needs to be said at this point but there really aren't any heroes that are downright bad dice made a lot of changes to basically every single hero between launch and the SCAF update and while early in the game's life there were several heroes that were just kind of a joke compared to the better heroes nowadays every hero at least has some situations where they really shine however with that said near the bottom of this list is where you're gonna see some of the situational heroes where they may really excel in specific places but a lot of the time there are just a better choices like the heroes that rank higher especially with the heroes that rank really close to the bottom those are the ones that are good in the right situation but even in the situations where they are good choices a lot of the other heroes would be just as good of a pick without being situational in the slightest something that really helped me rank these heroes was thinking about them in terms of how easy I find them to counter there are a lot of villains and heroes that are very easily shut down if you know how to take them on on the other hand when I get into a particularly sweaty Lobby I know which heroes to pick if I want to make myself borderline immune to anyone trying to shut me down and those are the guys that are going to come in near the top finally and you guys know this I'm sure but like I said every hero can be good in the right situation and in the right hands if you are a veteran player going in the lobbies with a ton of more casual players of course you can do well with whatever hero if you're good that should just go without saying alright guys if you do enjoy these videos and could leave a like I would definitely appreciate it as these hero rankings have been a long-standing tradition on the channel and a thumbs up for the final version of this particular ranking would be awesome also this video is sponsored by Squarespace but thanks to how I worked out that deal we can talk about that after the video but I would definitely recommend sticking around as a thousand of you will be able to check out Squarespace for completely free thanks to that same deal we worked out alright with all that being said let's jump into the ranking at number 22 and this unfortunate position goes to be v90 the thing that was so weird about this version of the ranking is that there wasn't a standout worst hero like there has been every other time I've made this video however going into this I felt like BB 9 II was going to come in near the bottom and after a lot of consideration I just could not justify putting be be 90 over any other hero he's not outrageously weak or anything he's just okay and while he is fine in a lot of situations there's really no place where he's going to be the strongest choice for the villains or even close to that in almost every situation I'd rather have Vader I'd rather have kylo I'd rather have Darth Maul I'd rather have almost any other villain even though BB 90 isn't really that bad he's just okay his damage output is very very low and every time I come up against even a high-level BB 90 he really isn't much of a threat he's very easy to shut down and I can't say I've ever even been killed as another hero by a BB 9 e he's just not a hard hero to counter he is nice for taking objectives and his done is very fun to annoy people with but for my money I'd rather be using one of the other ten villains most of the time moving up one spot we have Lando who is one of my favorite heroes to use but at the same time he has been neglected by dice in a major way you just take one look at the dark side and over the span of the game grievous Vader kylo I didn't phasma almost every single darkside villain has been buffed many times over comparing launch kylo or launch ID into the state there and now is insane as they are so much stronger than they used to be Lando on the other hand was completely neglected throughout the entire life cycle of battlefront - the only major change he underwent was a hard nerf to his chakra nade because of that Lando has really fallen behind in hero modes while I can still jump into the right lobby and dunk on some players as Lando when you flip that around and I think about recent times where I've struggled against a Lando I couldn't name a single time because he's a very easy hero to shut down he doesn't have any abilities that can damage you through your block and his disabler is pathetically easy to dodge because he has to throw it before detonating it and if you just wait for him to throw it and then jump by the time you land it'll mostly be worn off and then you can mess him up his biggest issue overall is just that his blaster is basically a water pistol passed closer it's called a night sniper yet it has the range of an SMG and it just tickles people at long ranges compare his night sniper to hans dl-44 or Leia's defender pistol and it's not even particularly close Lando is an awesome choice on certain phases of certain maps where you can really utilize his sharp shot but in most situations he's just okay and in some he's one of the weaker choices you could make moving up to number 20 we have Chewbacca who is always a pain to rank because how good Chewie is varies drastically depending on the mode we're talking about in hero modes he's pretty strong especially in hero showdown you can dominate a round if you even catch the enemy slightly off guard however in trooper game modes like galactic assault or supremacy I think Chewie would still be my pick for the weakest in those modes in the right situation you can really have fun wiping out choke points with his charge slam but even in those situations you could do the same thing with about 10 other heroes that aren't nearly situational his bow caster just has such pathetic range that the second you put you in a situation where he can't blast people in the face with his bow caster from a foot away he's out of his element and there are a lot of situations just like that the amount of times I've wiped out 3/4 of a Chewbacca's health with an infantry blaster is just kind of sad just drop some headshots into him while he desperately tries to kill you with his bow caster from medium range and it just feels kind of mean if he can't find cover because he is going to lose a lot of his health before he can kill you even though you're just a lowly infantry I do think Chewbacca was built with hero combat completely in mind I mean he used to be extremely opie in hero modes and even before his nerf he still wasn't good in trooper modes even when he was insane in hero modes as his kit is basically just built for killing heroes at close range but yeah to summarize Chewbacca is still very solid in hero modes but one of the weakest choices in trooper modes at number 19 we have phasma and I don't really have that much to say about phasma because she's good at this point especially now that she can pick up her droid and you aren't left as a sitting duck when it's on recharged she's a solid pick against players who don't know how to counter phasma she ends up being pretty dominant and she is very good at holding an objective however the reason that she does rank lower than some other heroes is because there's some stiff competition when you're playing against a phasma she is rarely an issue if you don't just play into exactly what wants you to do which is to get aggressive and try to take her on near her droid many heroes can easily separate a phasma from her droid at which point she's usually an easy kill and if you are playing against a hero that can't remove phasma from her droid really easily just ignore her that is all you have to do in hero modes if you're Rey undef' asthma is droid camping just do not play into what she wants go kill other villains and then the phasma will get frustrated and try to move at which point you kill her and it works basically every single time now if phasma and her team are working together and are all camping on her droid that can be an issue but you rarely find teens of the patients who all do that for an entire match and even if they do it's not really the end of the world with the right team build phasma is a good hero nowadays but the competition is just a bit better in my opinion next up we have ID and versio at number 18 and I really wanted to put ID and higher because she is one of my favorites to use but with how good most of the other heroes are now I just couldn't think of any other hero to place below her I find that iden is a hero that people can really struggle against in hero modes and I think a lot of that just comes down to people under estimating her if you stun someone and actually focus on only headshots during that stun you were going to leave most heroes very close to death one secondary fire at your feet and they're dead in trooper mode she's a bit more situational I think she can do fine in most places but phases where she really excels and is a top choice over some of the stronger villains like say Grievous kylo or Vader are rare and that's kind of what this list boils down to yeah this hero is good but this other hero is even better moving on at number 17 we have bb-8 I think bb-8 is underestimated by a lot of people who just kind of write off both of the droids because a lot of players weren't exactly happy that Dai spent development time on them which I do think is fair but doesn't really matter when I'm looking at hero rankings because bb-8 just on a strength level is actually quite strong to start his shot prod damage is way higher than BB 90s and when you max out his improve shock prade star card you can kill people quite quickly while also being a very small target however his primary weapon isn't really where bb-8 strength comes from as his cable spin is really where all of that strength is and it's one of these strongest abilities in the game in chokepoints as the high damage reduction the ability gives you while dealing out the amount of damage it does is insane and you're basically guaranteed a big MA to kill every single time you use it his rolling charge is also a quick one-hit kill on infantry and his scan is nice for revealing enemies in non choke points he's still a strong choice maybe not as good as some other heroes but still a solid choice a good Palpatine is a hard counter to bb-8 in hero modes but against most other villains he really can hold his own and I think he deserves a respectable position of number 17 moving up one spot to number 16 we have Rey who is still a strong hero even though she's basically the only lightsaber Herald it hasn't been buffed many times since launch of the lightsaber hero someone had to come in last and while Rey is good I can't say she's better than Vader I can't say she's better than obi-wan I certainly can't say she's better than Grievous or Luke you guys get the idea in infantry modes Rey is very good maybe coming close to top 12 territory in large-scale game modes as inside combined with her - strike is a great combo for wiping out troops in hero modes she's also good but at the same time if you are a decent player on the opposite team and you're using someone like Vader Grievous Dooku kylo or Palpatine Rey can kind of be shut down pretty easily she has no way of damaging through a block and her mind trick just isn't a threat if you know how to counter it all it does is invert your controls and lawyer sensitivity the only time it can really be bad news that if she mind tricks you while you're surrounded by a ton of enemies I just couldn't justify putting rey over any of the other lightsaber heroes she is strong but the other light superheroes are just stronger moving up to the very decent number 15 position we have Yoda I would say Yoda is better than Rey in trooper modes and slightly weaker in hero modes the thing Yoda has going for him is that he's basically untouchable to a lot of infantry he's small his block is great and he's reasonably fast combine that with the fact that some of the aiming that takes place online really seems like the players themselves are channeling their inner stormtrooper and you have a hero that can really get out of a lot of situations without taking any damage whatsoever or very little and if you're only dealing with blasters well you feel basically invincible a lot of the time however dice nerfed Yoda's - drastically a while back and it deals just 80 damage to heroes now and while that is nice to do through a block Yodas damage output is just outclassed by Luke by Grievous by Vader by Anakin even by obi-wan and Yoda doesn't have the stamina that Kenobi does in a saber fight Yoda having a smaller hitbox does not make a difference whatsoever so that advantage against blasters is out the window don't get me wrong Yoda is good but I just couldn't justify ranking him over any of the other saber heroes we have left and some of the blaster heroes that we haven't talked about yet are a bit too dominant to give the edge to Yoda either at number 14 we have a hero that's had a bit of a glow up over the past half year or so and that is Finn now Finn is certainly situational however the reason he takes this pretty high position is that when Finn shines he dominates and I mean dominates if you put Finn on any choke point in galactic assault or supremacy with the right big deal star cards he instantly becomes the best hero for that situation because with the right star card setup you can give every teammate anywhere near you super high damage reduction extra health and refresh their abilities constantly if you get to phase three of Naboo and you don't want to lose just pick Finn and say I win bye-bye to the enemy team because there is no way you can lose with a competent Finn the same goes for defending Kamino the castle on takodana basically the last phase of any galactic assault match where the light side is defending you can guarantee a huge dub with Finn and my god if you do find a lobby where your team will stick near you and hvv it will just feel like you're picking on the enemy team because every teammate of yours is going to be in god mode but like I said those teams are rare so it doesn't happen often in random HBV lobbies Finn isn't the flashiest hero for big kill streaks or anything like that and while he is somewhat situational and on big open maps where he can't be supporting his team there are much better choices his ability to turn the tide of certain matches places him all the way up at number 14 moving up to number 13 we have boss and yeah I think any longtime player knows that bosque is good he definitely slid down the ranks from way back at launch a bit because while almost every other villain and hero was buffed time and time again a boss never really was changed other than a nerf to his jump which I still wish hadn't happened but whatever it isn't a huge deal still boss was just so good at launch that him never really getting any tweaks wasn't much of an issue and because of that he is still well into our top 15 in trooper modes he can be dominant in most situations you do have to be smart too and be using the right star cards for what you're trying to accomplish and most importantly be patient but if you do check all those boxes Bosca is awesome in HBV I can say with full transparency that most boss players suck they are usually free kills but every once in a while you will come across a legitimately good boss can HPV that you do need to watch out for and while even a really good boss isn't as much of a threat as a really good Vader or Dooku you cannot be under estimating boss because he can mess you up in HPV if that boss player knows what they're doing I love boss keys hands-down one of the most satisfying heroes to use and he takes our number 13 spot moving up to number 12 we have Maul unfortunately Maul did fall down the ranks a couple of spots from our last time around and that's 100% due to the bugs that were introduced with the scarab update that unfortunately gave mala hit to his reliability his hit detection on his spin attack just isn't what it used to be you will fly right through people constantly and deal no damage and it really is a shame that dice introduced that in one of the final updates and then never fixed it that said Maul is still a very strong hero he still excels at flanking and getting in and out of a situation quickly and he's basically the epitome of a balanced hero and hvv nothing about him is LP and nothing about him is really underpowered he's just balanced and because of that he takes a very middle position at number 12 at number 11 we have Leia who has jumped up 11 spots from our last ranking lega came in dead last the last time we did this and it's no wonder dice completely neglected Leia for a very long time most other heroes got better and better while Leia stayed the same however dice heard the critique from the community on Leia being underpowered and ended up completely reworking her they took away her joke of a flash grenade and gave her thermal detonators they reworked 4e 11 into one of the most dominant close-range blasters in the entire game and they even gave her shield the ability to heal her and her teammates past the respective regeneration points yeah Leia is just great now she went from being by far the weakest blaster hero to now being in my opinion the third best it's just so fun baiting villains and HPV to come near you and then the second they get close you pull the old call an ambulance but not for me trick and pull out the 11 and Mel them Leia is such a fun hero now she definitely has some weaknesses claw rush can mess her up and she has no way to not creep us out of it but that's kind of true for every blaster hero other than Han still dice did a great job with her rework and now she comes in just shy of our top ten moving up one spot into our top 10 we have boba fett boba is not an easy hero to get the hang out for many players and I am well aware of that but once you do boba is amazing I honestly think you could take away his rockets and his concussion missile and he'd still come close to being in our top 10 because all you need for boba is his jetpack his blaster and for the hunt his concussion missile is a really nice bonus for disabling blasters and certain abilities and his Rockets are a nice way to deal some quick damage but the essence of boba is all about your aim and your ability to avoid danger with his jetpack once you have that down you are 90% of the way there boba is a top 5 hero and hvv in the right hands and when it comes to trooper modes he definitely would land outside our top 10 solely because many indoor maps make him completely obsolete and a poor choice but on outdoor maps he's still a beast not quite as strong as he is in hero modes but still good if you can aim him if you ever feel like the game is just getting stale for some reason I really recommend practicing with boba as he is a very rewarding hero to improve with moving up to number nine we have obi-wan who I decided to give a bit of a boost with this latest ranking obi-wan is and I've said this many times before one of the most survivable heroes in Battlefront - meaning it's easy to stay alive as only one his defense is among the best in the game he has great stamina and with the right star cards he has borderline impenetrable stamina and in infantry modes I just love using obi-wan it's easy to stay alive his defensive rush is a one hit on most infantry and his all-out push is really satisfying at chokepoints because you can basically just use it with no regard for your health as it gives you such high damage reduction you can activate it right in front of eight enemies who will barely scratch you as a charges up in hero modes obi-wan is again very survivable his damage output isn't the best I mean Luke Anakin han and even Leia are all heroes who can deal a ton more damage than him a lot faster but obi-wan just makes up for that in a major way with his defensive capabilities and the more I've used him lately the more I've really started to appreciate him in hero modes and I'm happy to say he now makes top ten at number eight we have Dooku and yeah this is another Chewbacca situation as Dooku's kit and abilities are made for hero combat he is a hero built for hvv and hero showdown if this were an hvv only ranking Dooku would probably be top 3 and if this were a galactic assault ranking Dooku would probably be outside our top 10 he is good in Trooper modes but an HB v he's downright dominant Dooku can melt a blaster hero faster than anyone other than Grievous and in lightsaber combat Dooku is nothing short of a beast in trooper modes it's a slightly different story as his kit just isn't built for that sort of thing he doesn't have crowd clearing abilities like kylo or Luke or grievous with that said he's still perfectly okay in trooper modes but Dooku is just so dominant in hero modes that he averages out at number eight getting closer and closer to our top 5 at number 7 we have kylo I mean kylo is just an all-around great hero in both trooper and hero modes there is rarely a situation where I feel like kylo is a bad pick he pretty much is always solid no matter the map or mode in hero combat he's great against troopers he's also great in choke points he's solid on open maps he's also solid I think you guys get the idea I don't think he's number one overall in any category but in basically every conceivable category he ranks reasonably high and he has no glaring flaws he's just an all-around strong hero and if it weren't for the very tough competition he'd be ranked even closer to the top moving up to number 6 we have han Solo who is still excellent and the only light side blaster hero that has a direct way to counter Grievous's claw rush which as you guys know can kill most blaster heroes in one use of the ability thanks to Det night charge han stands a chance taking Grievous out of the picture though han really doesn't have a standout weakness in any mode a great Han can make a fool out of almost any hero his shoulder charge is an awesome knock down his detonate charge is incredible no matter the enemy or situation and most importantly his dl-44 is the strongest hero blaster in all of battlefront 2 it has almost no damage drop off and head shots with the dl-44 hit like a truck I think a lot of players get caught off guard with how fast they died too a decent Han because if you can land some headshots you can melt people also han star card that gives him a third roll is amazing in hero modes it's so so good Han is basically the only blaster hero who is a strong choice no matter the situation and if this were a heroes vs. villains based ranking Han would rank a spot or two higher and if this were a trooper based game mode ranking he would come in a couple spots lower but either way Han is an incredible hero who is a blast to use all right boys we are officially in our top five and coming in at number 5 we have Anakin there was a time when Anakin was the uncontested number-one hero it wasn't even particularly close for a while however dice nerfed him again and again and again and again and again and on about the 4th again he was relatively balanced but then they nerfed him once more and in that same nerf which was the time they drastically reduced his passionate strike damage for no reason they also introduced several bugs to Anakin specifically his heroic might which is quite unreliable these days and they never fixed those bugs I think if Anakin was bug free he'd be at number 3 but he's not and that's why he's at number 5 Anakin even with his bugs is still a very strong hero and that's why he's in our top 5 in the first place in trooper modes you can set him up so all three of his abilities will one-hit troopers and even his regular lightsaber swings will still be a one hit so even with double the bugs Anakin would still be great in trooper modes in heroes vs. villains I mean it's tough to beat that ability chain pull knocked down swing heroic might knock down swing boom the enemy just lost over half their health and they can't do anything about it you just have to watch out for those bugs because every once in a while they will show up at the worst possible time and you'll die instantly but most of the time you'll be fine and Anakin is still worthy of a spot at the very edge of our top 5 at number 4 we have Papa palps and yeah exactly how much is there to even say about Palpatine at this point he's great and he'll always be great I definitely have heard that a lot of people find Palpatine tricky to use and I imagine that just comes down to his movement with Palpatine you always have to be jumping and dashing around if you are just running towards people with Palpatine you are going to get lit up but once you figure out how to really move with him in a way that makes you untouchable you will have what some people might call unlimited power Palpatine is yet another hero who is excellent no matter the situation and while there are a few heroes that are even better you really can't go wrong with Palpatine at number three we have our highest-ranking lightside hero Luke some of you probably don't remember but Luke was not very good when Battlefront two released his push didn't kill any infantry I think it only dealt 70 damage his reap all straight up did not work half the time his stamina and health regen were both average at best and overall Luke was just an unreliable and underwhelming choice however my boy has only gotten better and better to the point at which Luke can reasonably take on anyone these days his health and stamina regenerant which is one of the best things about him his lightsaber damage with intensified rivals even Dooku and his regular swing speed is far faster than anyone else on the light side combine that with three great and very reliable abilities and you have who I think is the strongest light side hero and I don't even think it's super close Luke is just so good and he's never a bad choice any map any mode anytime Luke is an awesome pick and he takes our number three spot okay our top two spots could go either way but coming in at number 2 we have Darth Vader what exactly can I say about Vader that hasn't been said a million times he's a tank he has three great abilities solid attacking and defending stamina and can deal damage way quicker than you'd ever expect a hero as tanky as Darth Vader to be able to his only real weakness is his stamina regen is admittedly slow but that's such a minor thing in the grand scheme of things it hardly matters and even if you do run out of stamina as Vader he has so much health that you can take a beating and still live through it even the nerf to his lightsaber throw with one of the latest updates did very little to diminish his dominance and hvv he is still a hero that can take on multiple enemies with ease and his choke lightsaber throw combo is still devastating even with the reduction to his lightsaber throw damage in trooper modes the nerf did bring Vader down slightly because the throw can not one-hit-kill troops anymore but even with that Vader is still great his throne up being a one-hit kill was basically just a nice little perk and not the main feature that made Vader so good it is a bummer not being able to throw your saber down a hall in one hit almost everyone but because Vader has so much health it's really not a problem to just go down that hallway and finish the job like I said number one and number two could easily go either way but I decided to give Vader the runner-up spot all right at the top of this list we have a hero I imagine most people knew was going to be either number two or number one this time around and that is General Grievous I think Grievous was like number six or maybe seven last time but then dice decided for whatever reason that Grievous needed an absolutely massive buff with the final update and they decided to make his claw rush capable of hitting the same enemy multiple times what this means is you can wipe out a hero from full health with one use of claw and it isn't difficult to pull off in the slightest in hero modes I basically just don't ever die as Grievous and I don't think that means I'm great with him or anything like that he's just that good people like to point out that his blocking stamina isn't very solid as a real downside to Grievous but if you are just standing still trying to deflect blaster bolts back at enemies as Grievous you are making a mistake with how Grievous should be played his blocking stamina is a non-issue a thrust surge into claw rush will kill a hero from full health or take him down to basically nothing almost every time and the hitbox on claw rush is so absurdly huge that it will cut right through blocks pretty regularly his star card flesh is weak which gives him more and more damage reduction the more damage he takes effectively gives Grievous a thousand health so he is very tanky with the right build and if someone just tries to spam swing you when your abilities are on cooldown they are not going to win if you have flushes week on and start out with a reasonable amount of health because the more they damage you the more damage reduction you'll have in Trooper modes he's just as good it really doesn't matter which map has all of his abilities have such quick cooldowns you can be wiping out choke points constantly and with set strain you can also be one hitting troopers like it's nothing I honestly think both Grievous and Vader could be worthy of the number one spot Vader is definitely easier to use I would say but Grievous man I mean he is just insane these days and Vader is almost as strong as ever but ultimately I decided to give the top spot to Grievous this time around and honestly it was seriously nice to shake it out because Vader has taken the top spot in multiple times in the past okay guys that is going to do it for today's ranking and the final villain and hero ranking for battlefront 2 and honestly I am really happy to say I can post this video and have it not be outdated in just like a month or something like that if you did enjoy this video and could leave a like I would definitely appreciate it and if you are new around here feel free to subscribe as we getting super close to a quarter million so if you want to help push us over the edge that would be great with that being said I do want to take a moment and thank the sponsor of today's video Skillshare if you don't know Skillshare is an online learning community with a focus on bringing people together to learn new and valuable skills the astounding variety of options Skillshare has on offer is just incredible if there's a creative skill you want to learn or just improve skills share probably has you covered want to learn to play the guitar there's a class for that want to try your hand at animation skills share has your back personally I've been checking out the productivity master class from instructor Thomas Frank which is completely focused on improving daily productivity which is something I'm always looking to get better at if there's a new talent 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Channel: Battlefront Knight
Views: 4,737,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars Battlefront 2, Battlefront, Battlefront II, Battlefront 2, Star Wars Battlefront, Battlefront 2 Heroes Ranked, Star Wars Battlefront 2 Update, Battlefront 2 New, Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ranked, Battlefront 2 Heroes Ranked Final, Battlefront 2 EA, Battlefront EA, Battlefront 2 All Heroes, Battlefront 2 Tier List, Battlefront 2 Heroes and Villains Ranked, Battlefront 2 Gameplay, Battlefront 2 New Heroes, Battlefront Knight, Battlefront Heroes, Star Wars Battlefront II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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