Star Wars Outlaws is cool, but Ubisoft isn't

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uh Star Wars Star Wars Atlas Star Wars Atlas gameplay not the trailer we're not I'm not a cinematic trailer guy I as you can see I've only been able to watch up to half so we'll watch the whole thing together okay all right let's go let's go work in progress does not represent final quality it's good that Ubisoft is putting that disclaimer [Music] what if one punch girl one punch girl what a hit all right this is the this is gonna be us chat this K vest I like her she's pretty hot I'm into uh the curly hair I was like wow wow okay hit that button reminds me of Hitman games I don't this isn't gonna be a Hitman type game man it's gonna it's an open world type of deal but it it looks like yeah it does have stealth segments and you seemingly use your puppy your Your Pet Companion to help you with stealth my dogs can't do that [ __ ] they're [ __ ] stupid see Nick's down there and I don't think you can but he's he looks really dumb my dog can't do it you're not yet sold on this Sun Tzu looks too staged I mean yeah it's a Gameplay trailer it's I'm assuming this is how one of the missions play out but yeah it's Ubisoft guys no one gets too excited okay we'll figure this out but we haven't played it yet so no one gets too uh skeptical either let's have a healthy balance oh my God I'm gonna lower the volume Ubisoft disabilities no no they're publishing it a studio they own massive is publishing we'll look we'll we'll look into that more later let's watch first embedded will be broken we don't know my only skepticism is that this is Ubisoft but it is still Star Wars so I'm still obviously gonna play it the Ubisoft logo that fills me with doubt I hold so much hate with like a true Sith very clever based but who is playing this what are you shooting it let me do the Gameplay trailer next time I'll be very impressive I hope we can summon like cyberpunk and just summon your car anytime so you can move fast Dead Eye all right so it's definitely it's you're definitely playing a gunslinger type type character I hope chat I I tweeted I hope we get some cool customization options we got I'll I'll open it on Twitter later my ideas but I hope that there's so much potential for the customization to look like a really cool Bounty Hunter I'm hoping for like some respirators like pad Bane [ __ ] what planet is this guys is this Tatooine I don't think so right but I what are you worried no okay no picture Troy what dude the racism on display in every single Star Wars game Cal dropping a c word who can out here nd5 being denied entry [ __ ] trendosions man yeah chat I don't know what's happening but Twitter wants to [ __ ] the commando droid I told you she's fresh but she's we're the subtitles what kind of gameplay walkthrough where are the subtitles I can't hear without my subtitles I can't understand what's happening without my sometimes right dude all thanks shoot where's the shoot option where's the Han Solo shoot option let's just relax did she say tax no I'm paying my taxes where's dead Ramiro yeah she gonna be here where's where is dead Ramiro and mon mothma my favorite Star Wars character guy I need and or season two man I I gotta see what happens to deadra and one Mothman I gotta know [Music] we don't need to know what's happening yet we're not playing the game yet we're not really seeing much it's it's mostly walking and showing the environment no kidding I mean the environment is it's an open world Star Wars game I'll I'll explore it yeah that sounds fun that sounds interesting the actress kind of hot oh she is hot she's super hot are you kidding me I don't I don't know why people are mad at caveis she she didn't do [ __ ] she just got introduced plus she's she's pretty and and I I definitely nothing wouldn't do anything about it because I'm in a committed relationship you know but my Star Wars guy who knows what my Star Wars guy would do me personally I don't care that she's hot because I I'm in a community that was cool though we went from the ground all the way to space in one go that's gonna be for all planets yeah no one get too excited no one gets too skeptical we're trying to help you balance this is Ubisoft but it is Star Wars yeah Ubisoft but Star Wars Ubisoft she isn't real she's real to me I wanna I wanna dress her up already and drip her out I hope the customization's good I want to drip caves up we made it Kiva system is it do you go from space straight to the planet oh they don't show it they don't show it I was wondering if you go from space down to the plan you just land like like like classic Battlefront 2 right so where do we go next [Music] anywhere we want can can she go to my house uh where's the gameplay uh where we're in cinematics do you guys see that's my my favorite planet hand I gotta go back I'm sorry I gotta go back my favorite planet in Star Wars the [ __ ] how long were we in this in Rise of Skywalker how long were we in this planet this is where uh kylo Ren and Rey like had a telepath they had like a they had like a zoom meeting in in this planet if you guys remember I hope we can put her in the slave Leia outfit I hope you can get past your porn addiction brother I hope I hope that for you I don't wanna chat I'm trying to be like a badass Bounty Hunter why why am I gonna put her in skimpy clothing that's the opposite yeah yeah Ubisoft whatever Ubisoft chat remember Star Wars cool Ubisoft Star Wars Ubisoft all right this is being made all right it's Ubisoft publishing it but it's massive who's uh making it that's what I have been told informed let's see what they have under their belt okay so the division two never played no idea Avatar they're also making an avatar game I heard this was coming out and an Outlaws they've also done division one Just Dance Far Cry 3 Assassin's Creed Revelations all right of all their games I have played one and I didn't even complete it it's Assassin's Creed Revelations all right so I have no I have no frame of reference on how good the studio is but people say they're good Far Cry 3 I know was received very well never played it no idea I remember I stopped playing Revelations because I I don't know I just didn't I didn't like didn't like it that much I will see when I play the game but I'm already I'm only the only reason I'm skeptical is because of Ubisoft that's it it's because of these I I have a [ __ ] I have a blood Feud with Ubisoft that's all it is all right yeah we didn't see much uh we didn't see much gameplay did we we saw her sneaking around and then we saw the gameplay guy uh failed to hit head shots all right different fires you can send your pets to retrieve to retrieve weapons on the ground why another sand planet I heard there's rumors that tatooine's gonna be in this so if there's Tatooine plus this that's like two sand planets I'm still this is gonna be even though it was barely in the movie it's still gonna I'm still gonna have fun exploring this because it's gonna it's at least new a new place to explore in the video game medium you know what I'm saying like yeah it was I don't have a emotional attachment to this planet because we saw it for like five seconds in Rise of Skywalker but I I think I I hope I'll have fun exploring it in the game it'll at least be a fresh experience for for a video so I'm excited about that and this this it looks like you know because I'm a cyberpunk nerd what is this this is the Coruscant undercity is this narshada either way I like I like it Urban gross looking very uh it feels like this the Shady kind of Star Wars setting for a bounty hunter game right hey you can go you go from the planet to space it's like seamless so that's cool I hope it's also seamless going down to a planet Chad look it's Star Wars squadrons this crash like what was this a star destroyer the environment's cool the graphics look nice I'm gonna be the first to say it like outside there in space and space was nice this town looks nice but this is this is Ubisoft let's not forget this is Ubisoft but yeah chat this is what I'm thinking for customization we got some FANUC Shan drip Aura Singh also or they can you know show me something original but cool I just want to look like a cool Bounty Hunter someone said like someone said helmets would be cool right and I said and I agree yeah helmets would be sick but I also want respirators because I I really liked respirators from Old Republic the combat section there was a one-liner after every action yeah I I I've become numb to it it's okay it's not a make or break thing I've become numb you think cage will be in it I don't know who maybe who knows what they'll do they're gonna connect all the games it's possible hey Cal will be in it [ __ ] it put all the cameos in where's lizzo don't don't talk to me get get the [ __ ] out of here if the lizzo and Jack Black and are here I'm gonna I'm gonna have a meltdown man and I'm gonna I'm gonna say it already Chad like I have no problem I have no problem with the main character you know in true Star Wars fashion as soon as this was announced and people saw the main character yeah there was already like a lot of fighting I don't give a [ __ ] man if it's fun and if she and if she's a cool character then who gives a [ __ ] plus she's hot I can't be I can't be the only one saying that I feel like I'm I feel like I'm taking crazy pills yeah I've no I have no problem with the main character so if you're thinking about that's not my I'm not in that crowd man I'm not in that Star Wars crowd guys if you are then [ __ ] I have fun in there I guess but yeah I'm interested in the game but I am tempering my expectations because [ __ ] you be so sorry sir
Channel: three zanny
Views: 168,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: three zanny, zanny, zanny livestream, zanny livestream clips, zanny twitch, too zanny, star wars outlaws, star wars outlaws react, star wars outlaws reaction, zanny star wars, zanny star wars outlaws, star wars outlaws gameplay, star wars outlaws gameplay trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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